#I won't partake in any cake
ponysongbracket · 9 months
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Honestly, I think that if Kotoko doesn't have any kind of tragic backstory or deep-ridden trauma and did have a relatively normal upbringing like she says she does, it will probably heighten my enjoyment of her character and her narrative even more. I've said it before and I'll say it again, my favorite thing about Kotoko's narrative and role in the story and why she is my favorite prisoner is the fact that she is the perfect encapsulation of what I think Milgram is trying to teach. It is unfair to put her, or any of these prisoners into boxes of good and bad because both are cruel oversimplifications that only serve to dehumanize them regardless of if the audience's intentions are good or bad. By dehumanizing them and partaking in the fucked up justice system that is Milgram, you are emotionally distancing yourself from them. When you emotionally distance yourself from these people, you become more ignorant to the possibility that you could do the very thing that they're doing. That Haruka, Yuno, Fuuta, Muu, Shidou, Mahiru, Kazui, Amane, Mikoto, and especially Kotoko could all be you and you won't know it before it is too late. That is why even within this system that pushes black-and-white nuance-less thinking, the narrative itself encourages you to look beyond the surface depiction of these prisoners that we are presented with. Because in the words of one Will Wood - "If you were in my shoes, you'd see I wear the same size as you" But what does any of that have to do with Kotoko and her backstory? Well, @/archivalofsins / Gunsli made a very good post that explains exactly what I'm going to talk about in more depth, but I'll give it a rundown nonetheless. It would be very easy for someone to look at a person who has gone through tragedy or trauma who has done bad things, and say in response: "See, I can't become like that because she is abnormal. I could never do that, that would never happen to me.". Now I would hope that you don't need me to tell you that this way of thinking is a white lie cake rich with ableist frosting, but that is a discussion dug into by Gunsli's post. And I do believe, if Kotoko is revealed to have a tragic traumatic backstory, this will happen to her. Because it happened to Amane. And that is why Kotoko having a 'normal life' would be so important to me and, in my opinion, heighten her already amazing narrative and writing. Her role in the story is to be a audience parallel, she is an embodiment of the system and mindset Milgram as a story criticizes and her actions are a direct consequence of our involvement in it. Milgram is already not subtle about this fact, but Kotoko's ordinary upbringing is the thing that fully hammers the nail in the wood. Anyone can become like Kotoko Yuzuriha, trauma or not. Her beliefs, her bigotry, her fascism, her violence, and her fantasy to be the chivalrous hero who protects the weak are not things that are alien or only things that form within an "abnormal" brain. In fact, they are very normal things that a lot of normal people across the globe perpetuate wholeheartedly whether they realize it or not. Kotoko isn't some one-of-a-kind individual She is literally just a girl
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homestuckreplay · 5 months
After our adventures in John's bedroom and living room these past days, we now get a glimpse into his father's study. Unsurprisingly this room is also filled with harlequins, but this time the more businesslike monochrome harlequins, almost veering into mime territory. There's also a copy of 'The Serious Jester' on the desk. From this we could guess that this is where John's dad does the serious part of clowning - filing his taxes or whatever - if it weren't for the next line.
There is also a CAN OF PEANUTS on the desk. Ha ha, oh DAD. You won't be falling for THAT one again any time soon. A severe peanut allergy is a terrible affliction to cope with.
AGAIN?? Is this suggesting that John's dad, through carelessness at best, has been leaving peanuts around the house to potentially poison his son with? Can we infer that his ceaseless cake baking is a sort of Russian roulette, where most cakes are perfectly safe but there's a small chance any one could have peanuts blended in? Is the divide between John and his father that John does whimsical, ridiculous pranks while his father does 'serious' pranks that endanger people's lives? When are we going to meet this evil clown?!
A father without a pipe is like a strapping roughneck without a toothpick. That is to say, HE IS A RATHER PISS-POOR EXCUSE FOR A ROUGHNECK IF YOU ASK ME.
This is the THIRD time an opinion like this has been voiced by the narration - first the tire swing, then the fire, and now the father, all trappings of the suburban lifestyle in which John seems to live. The narrator explicitly calls themself 'me' here too, suggesting a distinct entity instead of a disembodied narration. Are we reading this from the point of view of an entity who is keeping John homestuck, forcing him to partake in all the trappings of home life? And does this have anything to do with Sburb - as someone pointed out on Discord last night, it's only one letter away from Suburb?
I think that captchaloguing a captchalogue card should cause John to open a portal to the astral plane like with bags of holding in D&D.
But the most exciting part of this update is John playing the piano on page 77 - complete with a song playing inside the animation! The song is Showtime by Kevin Regamey and Malcolm Brown, and it's a very pleasant listen. John is a skilled piano player!! Which means that sooner than expected, I'm getting an answer to my question of 'what is John good at'. I can't believe there hasn't been a single mention of music in this comic until now, and suddenly John busts out this simple but lightweight, airy, carefree melody that he's clearly practiced loads before. What other secrets is this kid hiding from us?
The caption on this animation is even more intriguing - '(Pages including sound will be preceded by [S] in the command.)' Is music going to become a regular part of the comic? Is John playing music going to become relevant to the plot, so we'll get to hear more of his songs, or will music be worked into the story in other ways? This is treading new ground, moving Homestuck further away from a 'traditional' comic, which only makes me more curious about where it'll go next.
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red-dead-sakharine · 8 months
Sundered by the Styx
underdog!Raphael, RaphaelPOV, Raphael x m!OC, conflicted!cambion, hurt/comfort, warlock!OC, tiefling!OC, whump, pining, relationship with obstacles Spawned from anon 🔴 prompt. I hope anon forgives me for naming Tav. The prompt was so close to my own character, I decided to indulge myself.
Part 1 | Part 2 (soon)
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"Nice decor." An interesting response. Not phased by being whisked away to some unknown place. And either brazen or of good taste. Which one of the two, Raphael had yet to figure out.
"The House of Hope, where the tired come to rest, and the famished come to feed - lavishly. Go on. Partake. Enjoy your supper. After all, it might just be your last."
The tiefling who seemed to be the leader of the group of mortals raised a brow, then turned and browsed the table. Eventually he picked up a particularly good looking piece of cake and began eating. A sweet-tooth. Raphael was intrigued by the reaction. "Not easily rattled, I see. Good. Makes the next part that much more straightforward." And with that, he dropped the human guise and showed off his true from. Spreading his wings and preening before his audience. The mortals looked shocked. "Fuck. A cambion." the other tiefling, Karlach, cursed. "What's better than a devil you don't know? A devil you do." Raphael cited his practiced line with a satisfied grin. The leader of the group kept chewing on his cake, only halting for a short moment when Raphael revealed himself, then returned to munching. Raphael had to admit, the equanimity of this one intrigued him. Provided it wasn't utter stupidity that made the mortal simply dull and callous. He would find out sooner or later. He continued his introductory speech, enjoying the mortals' reactions to it. Ah, he loved the underlying panic in their expressions.
When he was done with his speech, he waited for their reaction. The group looked to their leader, who swallowed the last bite of cake and cleaned his hands with one of the napkins from the table. Manners, Raphael observed approvingly. "Great introduction," the tiefling said honestly, "I liked the 'devil you don't know' part. Very clever." Raphael raised a brow, trying not to look too taken aback by the reaction. "Alas, I'm afraid I won't be making any deals anytime soon." He put the napkin back neatly on the table and offered a slight bow, "Varvain 's the name, by the way." The name rang familiar to Raphael, but he couldn't quite place it. Some of the tadpoled mortals had been harder to identify than others. Karlach and Wyll had been easy to figure out, due to Raphael's decent rapport with Zariel.
But this one - this Varvain - he had trouble to place. He could sense the warlock pact, but he didn't know who or what he was pacted with. Another fiend would explain the unflappable attitude upon seeing a devil. It would also be highly inconvenient for Raphael.
"By all means, take your time," he told the mortals, "Shop around..." He launched into another dramatic speech, enjoying himself greatly, as he put on the theatrics. Upon finishing, he sent the mortals back to where he had plucked them from.
Raphael rubbed his chin in contemplation for a moment, before snapping his fingers to summon Korrilla. "Watch those mortals, and eavesdrop on their leader. I need to know who is lending him their powers." The dwarf nodded, "Will do, boss." He dismissed her with a wave of his hand; sending her back to the mortal realm.
The leader of the group lingered on his mind. "ell mannered, not easily rattled, and admittedly not unpleasant to look at. Raphael's eyes fell to the napkin left neatly on the table, and narrowed his eyes in contemplation. The tiefling didn't look highborn, but he certainly knew decorum. An intriguing puzzle. A puzzle, Raphael set out to solve.
He mobilized some of his resources within Baator to discreetly keep an ear out for any mentions of a Varvain. It didn't take long until one of the cambions sworn to him returned with news. "I might have found this Varvain's patron, master." she said, as she approached Raphael, who was browsing books in the archives. "Well, don't let me wait." He responded drily, turning his attention to the other fiend. "I figured someone in the Fetters in Dis might know him. And they did. He actually has a bit of a reputation there." the cambion reported, "Apparently he's the favorite pet of a pit fiend called Frith."
Raphael's expression turned into an annoyed frown, "Frith..." He felt the need to punch something. Or someone. He knew the name. One of Dispater's lap dogs. "Anything else?" he asked, trying his damnedest to stay composed. The cambion shook her head, "No, master. That's all I could find out without my questioning becoming obvious." Raphael nodded, "Good work," and dismissed her with a wave of his hand. He mulled the information over in his head for a while. This might be an obstacle for his plans, depending on the details of the contract between Frith and Varvain that gave the mortal his power.
When he finally turned to leave the archive, he saw the Archivist giving him a look Raphael didn't appreciate. Upon seeing the devil glaring at him, the archivist swiftly busied himself with a ledger.
The cambion's nostrils flared in annoyance, but breaking spines would have to wait. He had a problem to solve.
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Raphael made his way to Dis. He didn't particularly like the place; mostly because every time he came here, the streets had changed, making navigation difficult. It ground against his sense of order. At least coming here was easy enough. Due to the fetters being accessible to mortals, Raphael could just slip in without any trouble.
The fetters' market was a curious sight. Mortals and devils, both peddling their wares to each other. Many a deal struck, many a soul claimed. Though he did not like the city, Raphael had to admire the industrious efficiency of the procurement of souls in this place.
He focused back on his task - it wasn't hard to find Frith's haunt, the "bath house", as he called it. Truly it was more of a brothel, but appearances mattered in some way, when trying to trap mortals. It was a gaudy place he's been to before. There was a pool in the middle of it, so technically calling it a 'bath' was valid, even if most of the mortals who found themselves lured here, ended up enjoying either the music, or other physical pleasures outside the water. In a way, the place reminded him of Sharess' Caress, but with very different clientele. In the far back, on a dais lording over the place stood, what could only be described as a throne, with a large bed not far behind it. Raphael wrinkled his nose but was glad, that Frith wasn't heaving any entertainment right now. The pit fiend sat on his "throne", wearing his more palatable disguise of a handsome devil - tiefling, even - with short horns, slicked back hair, and a gaudy beard that reminded Raphael of both, his father and Dispater.
As he walked along the outside of the pool, Raphael took stock of the other beings present. Most were mortals, either guests who will probably never be able to leave again, or Frith's enslaved mortals who offered the entertainment. Some played music, some made food, some lulled the guests into letting their guard down by massaging them, and some... well. But there were also devils here. A succubus or two, Raphael noticed. Made sense, given the purpose of this place. But also some other devils who were here to be entertained. Probably allies of Frith's enjoying some sort of treat, Raphael assumed.
He was pulled from his thoughts, as he closed in on Frith's "throne". "You, cambion, you're not one of mine. I hope you have a good reason to be here." Frith's smooth but powerful voice boomed at him. Cambion. Raphael ground his teeth. Not only did the pit fiend not recognize him, he was also degraded to just a cambion. "I would have a word with you," he replied, doing his best to not let his frustration show. "I don't waste my time with half-breeds not sworn to me. So unless you're here to pledge your undying allegiance - shoo." Frith waved his hand dismissively.
Raphael clenched his fists in anger. Half-breed? Half-breed!? He took a deep breath, "I am Raphael. You might have--" "Oh, one of Mephistopheles' brood. I've heard of you." Frith interrupted him with a chuckle, "Bit of a rebel from what I hear. Not in your father's best graces, hm?" Raphael wanted nothing more, than to wipe that smirk off the fiend's face. But he knew he was no match for him - yet. This would all change, once he had the Crown of Karsus. Only a matter of time...
He took a frustrated breath, "Yes. My father and I don't exactly see eye to eye. But I'm not here to speak about him." Frith kept smirking condescendingly at the cambion before him, "Well, I am intrigued what would bring you here, half-breed, So I'll humor you." he beckoned Raphael to come closer, which he did. "Why do you visit me in my humble abode?" Raphael's jaw clenched, "I think I have stumbled upon one of your wayward warlocks." he tried to sound casual, "And I got curious what kind of relationship you have with them. I've seen different kinds of patronages during my days. I'm always interested to..." he gestured vaguely, "...learn, from others and their experiences."
Frith's superior smirk slowly vanished, "And which warlock would that be, pray tell? Do you have a name?" Raphael did his best to sound conversational, "He did introduce himself as Varvain." The moment he said the name, he saw something shift in Frith's expression. Though he couldn't quite tell what it was. "Varvain - my pet. He's having an unplanned vacation in the mortal realm." Frith replied and narrowed his eyes, "How did you run into him?" Raphael shrugged, "Oh, I was looking for souls, you know. Lots of death going on at the Sword Coast these days." He smirked a little. Frith regarded the cambion for a bit, "Well, you won't have Varvain's soul. It is mine." he put a lot of emphasis on that last word, adding a threatening undertone that was hard to miss. Raphael gave a little sideways nod, "Far be it from me to get between you and your pet. But pray tell, might I have a look at his contract, by any chance?" This was far from smooth, but there was no way around asking about the contract sooner or later, "Merely to serve as inspiration for my own, you understand. There's a little tiefling girl I'm interested in... mentoring."
Frith was quiet for a moment, as he looked Raphael up and down. Then he stood up, smiling casually - but something wasn't right, Raphael could tell. "You want to look at Varvain's contract?" He echoed the request, as he stepped down from the dais and approached Raphael. The cambion felt like he should be retreating, but he stood his ground. An error. Frith's hand shot up, grabbing Raphael by the throat and pulling him close to his face, "Varvain is mine, and whatever you think to want or get from him, you best swiftly forget about it, you half-mortal filth." Frith growled. Raphael grabbed the pit fiend's arm, tried to wrest himself free, but to no avail. "I am no mortal!" he croaked angrily, defiantly, but only got a laugh in response. "Well, you're certainly no devil either." Frith hissed and tightened his grip. The cambion tried to respond but all that came out of his strangled throat was a strained gurgle. "Mephistopheles would probably thank me for getting rid of you, but you are his problem, mortal spawn. Get out of my domain. Now." He threw Raphael to the ground like a ragdoll, "And if you dare to even so much as sniff on Varvain's soul, I will throw you into the pit of flame myself!"
Raphael could see the pit fiend's eyes burn with rage, and he had no doubt he was one spark away from dropping his disguise. Coughing, Raphael staggered to his feet. He glared angrily at the other devil, but he knew if it came to open violence, he would draw the short end of the stick. The entire bath house had become silent. The music had stopped and nobody dared to speak or move. Raphael glared at Frith, but he knew when to make a tactical retreat. He turned and stomped out of the building, stewing in his anger and frustration. He swore to himself, once he had the Crown of Karsus, he would return and tear Frith limb from limb. But for now he would have to bide his time.
He returned to the House of Hope to nurse his bruised ego.
(To be continued...)
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timidxtempted · 9 months
It's never just a carrot.
I was standing in my kitchen this morning looking out at the garden. The only bed that I can really see from that vantage point is the carrot bed. That's not a complaint, the carrot bed is actually my favourite one.
I like carrots. Always have.
They're delicious pretty much any way you eat them. Lots of good things for the body. Easy to hide in food for people who (for whatever reason) don't like veggies. Honestly, one of the first things I remember wanting to grow when I thought of trying to grow anything.
It turns out that growing carrots is a lot more complex than I thought it was going to be just from reading about it. Like most things, lived experience often veers off the course of what the research tells you.
Is your soil fertile? Is it balanced? What are the boundaries of the space you are growing? What are your favoured varieties? Will they grow well together? Do you have enough light? Do you have enough shade? Are you ready to dedicate yourself to watering, and to fertilizing and pest control?
Are you ready to do the work?
Make no mistake, it is work. The carrots in a garden don't just appear for your use with zero - or low - effort. Lots of work before you get to partake. It's hard work that needs to be consistently done. If that effort isn't maintained, the crop won't be very fruitful and you might not have them when you need them; alternately, your carrot won't be viable - it might just wither in the ground.
But you! You did the work.
You learned as you went, made adjustments... hardest of all - you learned that you didn't have to tend the garden all by yourself.
Good for you!
So now that you have a gorgeous fucking crop of carrots, everything is wonderful and you can stop working so hard! Right? Everything is planted and look at all the lovely green growing up out of the ground... and "oh I have carrots here, I'm covered for all happy carrots, everything is great and I can kick my feet up because look at all the carrots!"
Mmmm.... Carrots. We are all set.
Hold up, hoes.
Lo and behold, one day you need a carrot while you're trying out a new recipe. You go and pull one out and it's the most wonderful, beautiful carrot and it's perfect and bright and full of nutrients and oh-so-good-for-us-ness... you talk about how excellent the conditions are for your carrot, and how healthy your garden is and eat together in happy-joyful-floaty, well earned satisfaction.
Enjoy your healthy garden!
Next time you are cooking up a storm, you suddenly need another carrot and you run to the garden to pull one and... it's ugly and twisted and there's dirt caked in a crack down the side of it and why does it look hairy? But that's the carrot you have and you use it because... you. need. a carrot.
This time, you discuss the garden conditions and the soil amendments. You make the choice to add and change and adjust and grow with your carrots... You let the fucking difficult carrot teach you how to cultivate a better garden. You share your meal, and it is made no less nurturing or nutritious by the ugly carrot; in fact, it is made even more delicious and fulfilling by the work you have put in to enhance your garden... by the choice to secure your future full of delectable, lovely carrots.
Each time you pull a carrot - be it perfect or ugly as hell, each time you talk about pulling a carrot, each time you tend to your carrots... you can make the choice to improve your garden as a whole. You can make the decision to apply what you have carrot-learned to how you handle other issues you might someday come up against with your lettuce, or your beans.
Hey, something just occurred to me...
Kinda the same with safewords, isn't it?
Who'd have thought that carrots and safewords would have so much in common?
Are you ready to do the work?
To prepare your soil? Plant your seeds? Tend your garden?
When you are ready... Use every single veggie or herb you pull... Every flower you pluck... to make your whole garden healthier, more nurturing...
Having to harvest your carrots is not a bad thing. Done with respect, with care, with mutually supportive intention, it serves to improve your garden.
Making it stronger. Resistant to pests.
Growing ever healthier and more resilient.
Get fucking filthy.
Garden safe(word)ly on.
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askstevella · 7 months
—This Day Aria / 💍💒👰‍♀️🤵
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The man huffed and puffed punching a wall after wall so hard some completely collapsed, grunting loudly then gasped seeing the bitch who fucked up his best friend wedding. His so called bride! He tackled her onto the ground, causing both of to go tumbling and hitting a wall.
“Bucky stop!”
His fist was curled hovering over her as his chest began to tighten sending daggers her way. His face looked straight at her brown eyes, scared face, bruised body and knotted hair. He thought it was a trick and yelled, “Why should I?”
She gulps tiredly, “Because I know you..your mother was named Winifred but everyone called her Winnie, you’re a night owl and your favorite music is 40s Jazz, the classic kind.”
“True again. Anyone could know that, Steve must’ve told you about that.”
“You have a secret crush on Sam. You won’t admit it but you care about him dearly, you only ever told me that information.”
That caused the man who shake his head and uncurl his fist sighing as he repeatedly apologized for what he done. Stella smiled softly and tiredly rubbed her face explaining what happened, how she ended up here in the first place.
The bride to be grinned staring at the mirror in her long blushing white gown, tied up curls already pulled back into a high positioned bun and makeup done just right. She turned around and hummed walking around the room and then turned over her shoulder.
“This day is going to be perfect. The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small.” She said in a singing voice smirking as she walked around grabbing the face of the mannequin.
“Everybody will gather 'round. Say I look lovely in my gown.” She continued and yelled, “What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!”
The two were racing looking for a way out, Bucky helping Stella stand up in support despite them being surrounded by rock and dust from the caves. He gave her a soft smile, repeatedly apologizing and wondering how he is gonna explain to his best friend he tackled his bride to the ground.
He shrugged muttering, “Ah he’ll be fine.”
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“This day was going to be perfect. The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small.” She hummed looking at him with tears in her eyes, “
But instead of having cake. With all my friends to celebrate.”

He sighed keeping the soft smile as he’s hearing her sing the words, “My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all..”
“I could care less about the dress. I won't partake in any cake! Vows, well I'll be lying when I say.” She sing smirking with pride, pushing the female mannequin out her way, staring straight up at the one of the groom, “That through any kind of weather. I'll want us to be together.”

Her smirk only grew as she cupped the face of the mannequin that was shaped like a groom as she continued, “The truth is I don't care for him at all! No, I do not love the groom. In my heart there is no room! But I still want him to be all mine!”
Bucky and Stella raced for their lives, using their strength and endurance to make a big impact into the walls of the cave.”
“We must escape before it's too late. Find a way to save the day! Hope, I'll be lying if I say..” Stella sings running and climbing up the rocks, following Bucky in between the narrow halls.

She glanced at him, “I don't fear that I may lose him. To one who wants to use him.” She grabbed his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her secure position as they jumped and landed on steady ground as she hummed, “Not care for, love and cherish him each day!”

Bucky smirked finding an old abandoned cart down the mines into the river that will allow them to probably. The two of them pushed as Stella smiled at her friend and promptly sang, “For I oh so love the groom. All my thoughts he does consume.” 

He returned the smiled helping her into the cart, launching himself inside as the pair rolled down the tracks into the river. As they did, Bucky swiftly turned around and sang, “Oh, Steve! We’ll be there very soon!”
The wedding marches were held high and mighty. The crowd gathered around dressed in plenty of glamour outfits, bridesmaids were wearing their best all designed by Liane and Amelia. The Avengers, The Young Avengers, Fantastic 4, X-Men and many others surrounded the place in glorious colors.
Steve was standing there smiling having recently seen nursing a headache with Nat and Sam beside him. A few faces looked indifferent while others were more than pleased with the outcome of the event.
The doors opened as the bride sung proudly, “Finally, the moment has arrived! For me to be one lucky bride!”
She dressed trailing behind her in glory, her headdress perfectly matched and the whole thing was all set in motion. With help from Leo and Cassie, she stood above the steps looking at the groom who’s eyes were more blue than before, with a hint of green in the middle being mind controlled to look like a mild headache. His blonde hair was swept back and his tux was fitted to match the theme of the wedding.
They were almost there as Stella looked at the broken clock with tears filling her eyes. She gasped as she sing, “Oh, the wedding we won't make! He'll end up marrying a fake!”

Bucky sing the continued line rubbing her shoulder and huff, “Steve will be...”


“Mine, all mine.” Sang the bride, her eyes flashed a deep green for a second before returning back to normal brown.
Soo tell me what do you think? 💒 hehe I was listening to the song and decided why not.
Did you guess who the other Stella is? 💍😏
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @sherloquestea and etc
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dniosamu · 5 months
This day is going to be perfect, the kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small, Everypony will gather 'round, Say I look lovely in my gown, what they don't know is that I have fooled them all.
This day was going to be perfect the kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small, But instead of having cake, with all my friends to celebrate my wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all.
I could care less about the dress, I won't partake in any cake. Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say "That through any kind of weather I'll want us to be together" The truth is I don't care for him at all, no, I do not love the groom, In my heart there is no room, But I still want him to be all mine!
We must escape before it's too late Find a way to save the day, Hope I'll be lying if I say "I don't fear that I may lose him to the one who wants to use him not care for love and cherish him each day", For I oh-so love the groom All my thoughts he does consume, oh, Shining Armour, I'll be there very soon
Finally the moment has arrived For oh me to be one lucky bride
Oh, the wedding we won't make He'll end up marrying a fake—Shining Armour will be
All mine.
Elise always blasts this song out loud...
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l3m0ngal5 · 5 months
It's Benny and champagne's wedding day.But some demon kidnap champagne and is pretending to be him
Demon champagne: This day is going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
Every single snoo will
Say I look lovely in my suit
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all
Real champagne: This day was going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
But instead of having cake
With all my friends to celebrate
My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all
Demon champagne: I could care less about the dress
I won't partake in any cake
Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say
"That through any kind of weather
I'll want us to be together"
The truth is I don't care for him at all
No, I do not love the groom
For my heart, is Dead inside
But I still want him to be all mine
Real champagne: We must escape before it's too late
Find a way to save the day
Hope I'll be lying if I say
"I don't fear that I may lose him
To the one who wants to use him
Not care for love and cherish him each day"
For I oh-so love the groom
All my thoughts he does consume
Oh, Benny
I'll be there very soon
Demon champagne: The moment moment has arrived
For me to be one lucky bride
Read Champagne: Oh, the wedding we won't make
He'll end up marrying a fake
My benny will be
Demon champagne: Mine
All mine
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I could care less about the dress I won't partake in any cake Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say "That through any kind of weather I'll want us to be together" The truth is I don't care for him at all
No, I do not love the groom In my heart there is no room But I still want him to be all mine!!
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caelcstis · 11 months
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emoji headcanons. // @r3dblccd all the food and drinks questions + 😨 FEARFUL, 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL &💌 LOVE LETTER (for Raph)
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🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
raph likes a more heartier breakfast to keep his energy going, especially if he has to be forced into his human form during the day - it still eats at his magic no matter how little it is. he likes a nice soft omelet with maybe some ground, seasoned sausage or bacon next to it. a biscuit or a scone will be nice to him as well, heavy carbs to keep him full. he'll also have tea with to wash it down. of course going through the process of making all that food can be a little tedious, so more often than not he'll be found with a biscuit and some jam or honey to spread or dip into before he's getting to his duties.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
birthdays are kinda obsolete?? at least to an angel as old as he is - but i celebrate his birthday on September 9th, he's a virgo. because they're obsolete to him, he doesn't really celebrate it - nor do the others really. maybe he'll get a small gift from one or two angels - or homemade crafts from his fledglings, but he doesn't really go out of his way to make it a big deal. he'd rather people not bring it up only because he isn't entirely comfortable with attention on him like that. he doesn't like being taken care of despite he needs it.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
gods, he's another foodie of mine. raphael has a more decadent palette. still probably not going to gravitate towards fattier things but he will try them and eat them if they're there. i feel like if anything's gonna get him, it's a good cobbler. the berries or fruits mixed in with that batter is just so fulfilling to him. it's also just?? warming to him if that makes sense. it's comforting, it warms him inside out and if it's a damn good cobbler, you will know. when he's happy with food - which doesn't take a lot on his end, his cheeks will flush a little and he won't even talk while he eats because he's just enjoying it.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
now in recent more modern times, i can't say raph hasn't tried takeout, street food, fast food, all that and has enjoyed it - but he will always cook first. he has cottages, he has gardens. he has the resources to make things fresh even now. and damn is he good at cooking. there's very little at his age that gives him a hard time in the kitchen. doesn't matter if it's cooking or baking.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
he's grown up on tea and water p much, so he is a little fond of warmer drinks. he loves a nice herbal tea, but as hot cocoa came around he found himself enjoying that too. he can have it with some cayenne in it, or maybe some peppermint instead depending on his mood - but he's gotta have whipped cream on top of it witch extra chocolate shaved on top.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
he does eat them - again, never really been picky with any of it - but out of rule of thumb, he can habitually stray away from apples. he'll touch them and make them for your muse if they like them, but he doesn't really partake in eating them, more from heaven's influence. if he had a favorite fruit, it'd probably be pineapple or cherries. the tartness of a cherry and the variety of them are nice to both snack and bake with. pineapple because he is a fan of citrus, and it's refreshing to him. as for veggies, he likes leafy veggies?? like spinach, lettuce, it's a very nice base for him to use in cooking often and sometimes when the man just wants a quick an easy salad: clean it, throw it together with other shit.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
honestly start the debate but he likes cheesecake the most lmao. raph amongst his sweet tooth has a very big palette for that sour along with some heat in his food. so cheesecake gets him a little weak tbh, put some compote or macerated fruit on there and he's down. but if you want a real cake and not a torte or a pie, however it's labeled as - a nice slice of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting will make him happy too. the warm spices and the sourness of the cream cheese just leaves him in heaven.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
idk about childhood but raphael was still pretty young at the time when he lost ipos and orobas, and he was planning on giving the boys new cloaks as they were learning under his care and going through forests to forage for herbs and take care of humans - he wanted them warm and protected against the elements. he was never really capable of giving them to the boys, so he still has them: one white and threaded with gold, the other a deeper grey threaded with silver. they were also lined with thick wool for the colder seasons as they were approaching, something he took extra care into sewing together for them to not ruin the patterns he embroidered in them. they still hang in one of his wardrobes in his chambers in the throne - no one knows they're there, and he won't ever tell anyone. he doesn't want a certain angel finding them and would wreck havoc and his own sanity if he ever found them.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
idk if raph really goes into either?? he won't fight or get ready to fight if he's scared, but he won't run either. his instinct is going to protect if he's around someone, or if by himself, he'll either cover or brace himself. but he tries to assess his situations and always tries to deescalate. he did even when lucifer fell and was scared watching michael and him fight, he tried to calm them both and to stop it - and wound up being blasted by both of them and two of his wings were broken, one sprained, in the process. it's just that pacifist in him. he'd rather let something bad happen to him than to cause more of an issues for others later. he just takes it.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
his raw anger. raphael has only ever been so angry in his life that it costed him: and that was ipos and orobas who were wrongly accused of sin in their young age. he had become so angry that he fought hand to hand with gabriel before he could touch orobas after orobas had pushed ipos out of heaven's gates before punishment could be dealt on his side. even being older, he was made weaker physically and was quickly held down by gabriel's angels. still angry, raphael fought against all their holds on him and dislocated his shoulder - but he never cared, he wanted to protect that boy. in the end he couldn't and had to watch his wings be ripped from his back, had to hear him scream and cry, something he never heard that boy do in all his life. the events caused him to fight with michael, they fell out for a while - raphael calling michael spineless, a coward, and he refused to follow an angel like that anymore. anything to break michael, and it did - but michael never revealed it to him, and in the end it broke raphael more. he stayed away from other angels as he healed and even a while after because he was angry, his trust was broken between two of his trusted brothers, his two angels in his care - he didn't know were alive or dead being so young. he never wanted to become so wrapped up in his anger and his wrath again, so his smile quickly became a mask for everything: his anger, his pain, his sorrow, his boredom. only he ever sees his emotions when he's alone.
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
raph does love those kinds of things because it's just those physical acts of affection for him that make him weak. words of affirmation on top of it? he's melting. they will also leave some in return, his are often more playful and lighthearted though. say if he's to be gone for a while, his partner can expect to find little stickies in places he knows they use a lot around the house; just asking if they're thinking of him bc he knows he's thinking of them, or maybe little puns to make them smile (or cringe beforehand), or wishing them a good day/good night and sweet dreams - and he'll meet them there if they do.
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
Fake shambolic wedding to a happy ending?( this day Aira)
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Before i start let me Tell you who the siblings are there is Tori and Taichi the oldest then you have yaku and shona twins the youngest this was originally Ennohina But I am changing up to go with a storyline I just thought you’re up So everything in the story is basically the same except the ships changed and there’s more added to it aka there is a twist also before I forget to mention all the siblings had the last name Kawanishi
Quick sidenote:shona like Cadance has the power to spread love and light
In the volleygays gc
Fake shona:🎶This day is going to be perfect The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small🎶
Tori:sis what are you saying
Fake shona:🎶Everybody will gather 'round Say I look lovely in my gown🎶
Everyone bowed to her and said how pretty she looked
Kenma: bestie are you getting married and why wasn’t i told
Fake shona:🎶What they don't know is that I have fooled them all🎶
Everyone: WHAT?!
Tori:sis what do you mean?
They see the real sho locked in a basement
The real shona:🎶This day was going to be perfect The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small🎶
Kuroo:Wait there are two chibi chan’s
Hajime:so who’s the real sho
The real shona:🎶But instead of having cake With all my friends to celebrate My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all🎶
Tori:wedding who is marrying my sister with out my approval
Taichi:sis simmer down let’s see what else is said
Fake shona:🎶 I could care less about the dress I won't partake in any cake Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say🎶
The real shona:🎶"That through any kind of weather I'll want us to be together🎶
Fake shona:🎶The truth is I don't care for him at all" No, I do not love the groom In my heart there is no room But I still want him to be all mine🎶
Kita: i think we know who the real sho is question is whose the fake
The real shona:🎶We must escape before it's too late Find a way to save the day Hope, I'll be lying if I say "I don't fear that I may lose him To the one who wants to use him Not care for love and cherish him each day"🎶
Tori:just want to know who this he is so I can talk
Iwaizumi:don’t say that while holding a knife
The real shona:🎶 For I oh so love the groom All my thoughts he does consume Oh Atsumu Miya I'll be there very soon🎶
Everyone: Atsumu?!
Ennoshita:Have you guys seen sho-NVM wait whats going on
Ennoshita:Huh why is there shona’s
Kenma:We want to know as well
Everyone agrees Kawa also put down the knife and said
Tori:I’m glad its you she is marrying my bestie at least it’s not one of her simps i am Not against this as you were sis
Fake shona:🎶Finally the moment has arrived For me to be one lucky bride🎶
The real shona:🎶Oh, the wedding we won't make He'll end up marrying a fake Atsumu will be..🎶
The screen when black and another video started
Fake Atsumu🎶this day is going to be perfect the kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small🎶
Suna:Something feels off
Fake Atsumu:🎶all those armor loving bores say i look great in my uniform🎶
Kita:Yeah this is not our Atsumu
Atsumu:🎶 This day was going to be perfect The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small But instead of having cake With all my friends to celebrate My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all🎶
Samu:Omg brother There you are
Fake Atsumu:🎶I care not a thing about the ring i won’t partake in any cake vows? Well i be lying when i say that in any kind of weather i want us to be together the truth is I don’t care for her at all🎶
Yaku:That is my twin you pig
Fake Atsumu:🎶no i do not love the bride for my heart is dead inside but i still want her to mine🎶
Atsumu:🎶We must escape before it's too late Find a way to save the day Hope, I'll be lying if I say "I don't fear that I may lose her To the one who wants to use her Not care for love and cherish her each day🎶
Kenma:Aww tsumu you love my bestie that much
Atsumu:🎶Oh i also love the bride oh in my heart she does Reside oh Kawanishi Shona I’ll soon be by your siiiiide!!!!🎶
The simps: aww we didn’t stand a chance
Fake Atsumu:🎵Finally the moment has arrived for me to take a very lucky bride🎵
Atsumu:🎵 Oh, the wedding we won't make She'll end up marrying a fake kawanishi Shona🎵
Atsumu:🗣will be Mine All mine
The real sho and atsumu broke out of their Confinement at the same time to see the fake them ready to take their vows
Yaku:We knew it so who are the fakes
Then the fake sho turned out to be Yachi
Everyone: YACHI!!!!
Yams:Aww guess i am next
Yams:I have a fucking name assholes
Atsumu:Why yamaguchi
Yams:why not
Shona:why yachi just why do You wanted to ruin our wedding day
Yachi gives her reason she is about to learn how selfish she was and how she is going to be alone
Yachi:ain’t it obvious you had everything and everyone at your beckon call I had nothing BECAUSE YOU STOLE IT FROM ME UGH PEOPLE JUST HAVE TO MENTION YOU AND THESE FOOLS GET HEART EYES ITS SICKENING
Shona:by why attack my husband to be
Kenma:You messed up
Tori:What you let jealousy and you pride take over how many friends do you think you lost today yachi
Tori:Ayo anyone here still friends with this fake
Everyone: ……
Yachi:G-G-Guys please
They all slowly started to walk away
Tori:This is what your actions have done oh and take yamaguchi with you
Kuroo:Jealousy not a good look on you come on kitten let go to chibi chan’s actual wedding
Everyone else followed kuroo and kenma leaving yachi standing at the Alter looking dumbfounded
The mayor: you know what I now pronounce the real shona and Atsumu husband and Wife
Shona:Well in that case we skip the formalities and go straight to the good bit
Atsumu:Read my mind honey
They shared a long and passionate kiss
Yachi:Guess i was being jealous now i have completely lost everything
Me: Your actions have consquences Yachi you let jealousy greed and pride control you you forgot who you will be hurting and how much damage you will be doing not to mention how many lives you maybe ruining in one day
Leave you to think on that
End of this part
a little bit of a disclaimer here this is going to be sad in a way and there’s gonna be a Time jump from the first story to this one with a flashback to the first story near the end so I hope it doesn’t confuse you in anyway with that out the way let’s go
Remeber i said there was a time jump meet The Miya triplets they know nothing of their parents and their Auntie Tori refuses to mention them Osamu has been MIA when he found out his sister in Law and twin brother is Dead he suddenly returned today the kids want to learn about their parents uncle Osamu and Auntie Tori aren’t sharing so they were going to find someone will to tell them inspired by
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It starts with the kids going to akaashi’s and bokuto’s house plus they wanted to see their cousin the cousins come busting though the door to the triplets
Bokuto: Now that is one way to make an Entrance kids or maybe an exit what are you three aiming for
Keira:Ignoring that hey you three What do I owe the pleasure of my favourite nephews and niece
Miya Zachary:Well auntie i was wondering if you could tell us about our parents
Miya Natsuki:Please auntie i ran in to uncle Osamu yesterday we just want to know
Keira: Well i don’t see why not my little sunflower its just a story right A long time ago your dad wasn’t the only man in your mother life you mother was a person known for spreading love and light where ever she went someone could be having a fall out with their other half shona would find away to kiss and make up but like i said it wasn't just your dad in your mothers life she had a whole harem but your dad was the one that won her heart
It was a normal dad and All the simps were arguing you know the normal fight they were fighting on whose turn it was with sho all the simps were riveals to the core the onlys that got close was a Atsumu
Young Atsumu:Psst i’m not suppose to talk to you
Shona giggled and then replied
Shona:oh well I’m not suppose to talk to you either
Young Atsumu:Hey my mom says if you hold a buttercup under your chin it will make you chin glow but it doesn’t work on me see
Young shona:Hehe does it work on me?
Young Atsumu:It sure does Sunbeam
Young shona:Hehe Sunbeam i like that name
End of flashback
Miya Zachary: Wait a god damn minute atsumu and sunbeam those are our parents names
Keira:Of course sunbeam was just a nickname her given name was Kawanishi Shona
Miya triplets:What?!
Miya Katsuki:You know what never mind that what about this feud
Keira:Oh yes the family feud but for this story you need kenma him your dad and mom were all thick As thieves
Miya Natsuki:Thank you Auntie Keira
Keira:No problem dear
They ran to kenmas house which was a street over
The miya triplets:Uncle ken ken uncle ken ken
Kenma:Whoa whats up with you 3
Miya Natsuki:We are Learning about our parents trying to find out what auntie Tori keeps avoiding the questions we ask
Kenma:Oh sweetie you can ask me see how much I can tell you
Miya Katsuki:What do you know about this feud that was going on Uncle Ken
Kenma:Oh young Katsuki Where did you hear about this
Miya Katsuki:Auntie Tori
Kenma:Well if that’s one of the things you are desperate to know about then I have no reason to see why I can’t tell you
The kids sat down and listen
Kenma:After your parents got married and let me tell you that wedding was almost a shambles because two of our so-called friends decided to be fake
Miya Zachary:Huh?
Kenma:Let me explain one of our friends Faked being your mother another one of my friends faked being your father almost ruined your parents special day
Miya Natsuki:Why though?
Kenma:Jealousy young Natsu anyway the feud started with your uncles Your dads twin and your moms twin Somehow your parents just got caught in the middle
Miya Natsuki:Do you mean uncle Osamu I saw him yesterday he’s returned he gave me free onigri
Kenma:No one officially knows what the Feud was about or how it started Originally we just thought it was a mini disagreement one that will get resolved quickly because we know your uncle Osamu and Uncle Yaku had fights over the least little thing it would be over everything goes back to normal. Look kids our old high school days they had fights like that just petty fights that never last but this one they kept going and going and going and I found new reasons to fight which greatly upset your mother
Miya Zachary:Sorry for all we know that could’ve been the reason for this feud and it was a misunderstanding instead
Kenma:Maybe anything else you wanna know because I can’t tell you anymore on this subject
Miya Natsuki:Uncle Ken Ken can you tell us about mommy in general
Kenma:Now that I can do Natsu Your mother was the sunshine in every one’s life I think I can speak for myself as well as everyone we all fell for her just atsumu won her heart do you know she was the one that actually persuaded me to pursue gaming and to start my own business
The miya triplets:Wha-really mommy so cool
Kenma:That she was kids but if you want one more story about her you need one more person
Miya Katsuki:Who?
Suddenly Taichi walks in
Kawanishi:That would be me
The miya triplets:Uncle Taichi!!!
Kawanishi:The favourite uncle is here so story about my baby sister
The miya triplets:Yeah yeah
Kawanishi:Okay so Like you were told your mother was the sunshine in everyone’s life she was the best little sister I could ask for actually she was Like you Natsu your personality matches hers
Miya Zachary:I can see it sunflower your are mom's mini version
Kawanishi:that she is Zac But as much as I loved her no one loved her more than your dad he would’ve literally taken a bullet for her and on several occasions he almost did. I don’t know much about what happened during their wedding day which I only found out there was fake versions of them that was it you can guess how I reacted
Miya Natsuki:Uncle Taichi
Kawanishi: Yes Sugar
Miya Natsuki:Are you mad at us for pursuing this you know finding out about our parents
Kawanishi:Huh?! Mad why, why would I be mad they’re your parents you have every right to know Tori should’ve told you but I’m guessing it’s still hard for her to talk about at the moment
Miya Katsuki:Is auntie Tori struggling that much
Kawanishi:Yes its not easy having a sister die in your arms kiddo
The miya triplets:We’re sorry Uncle Taichi
Kawanishi:No no you wanted to know
Miya Katsuki:Can we Gather everyone up we have something to show them
While the kids went to gather everyone akaashi spoke to kenma
Keira:Thank you kenma but the feud the There was one thing I remember it was a long-standing feud between the cats foxes and crows and then cats backed out as they saw no point in it and it was just the foxes and crows
Kenma:Oh yeah
The miya triplets:Hehe We’re back we bought uncle samu
Osamu:Kids why am I here
The miya triplets:we want to show you something it's for all of you
Kawanishi:What is it?
The Miya triplets:Just a little something our parents left behind
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The miya triplets:As a reminder if your fox cat or Crow we accept you
Tori:This is about right my sister
Samu:This is amazing
Kenma:Thanks sho we love you
Kawanishi:Typical sis
The miya triplets:Hehe we did it mom and dad we got the family together
The spirits of Atsumu and Shona:Thats our babies
The end
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ponysongbracket · 9 months
This Day Aria Line Tournament
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
“I thought you died! I’m so glad you made it back.”
Alice in Borderland RP Prompts
Another night, another game. It seemed like an endless repetitive cycle that went on and on forever, a cycle of despair, chaos and horror that came back to haunt the residents of the Borderlands indefinitely. By now, Kukki had grown used to it: get the notice of the team you're paired with for the night, find them, go together to the game venue and do your best not to die, then rinse and repeat every couple of days or so. It was a general routine that made her numb in a way, since there wasn't anything left that could move her anymore, not even the horrific tasks she was being forced to partake in into these mad games.
This night's game happened to be a particularly gruesome game of Hearts, a display of manipulation and deceit at its finest. "Murder mystery", the title read, a game in which they were placed in two separate parties and given a predetermined set of clues and roles in a 'play' like setting, with the purpose of finding the culprit of a so called fictive murder in a given time with only one possible outcome out of two: either the murderer and its accomplices got away with it and the detectives' team got eliminated or the innocent party pieced together the clues and saw through the lies of the criminal and took down the evil party of wrongdoers. In the end they were all innocent people forced to lie to one another and try to deceive each other in order to buy time for their team or get closer to clearing the game, so no matter how you put it, it was yet another unfair and cruel game.
Somehow, Kukki came victorious yet once again and was able to return back to The Beach, but at what cost? Day by day, what she saw in these games made her lose her faith in humanity even further and become more dead inside. Was it even worth it?
As she headed down towards her room, the silver haired was greeted by the familiar voice of her cheerful and optimistic friend, Lilly. "I thought you died! I am soo glad you made it back!" The brown haired woman exclaimed, giving Kukki a thight hug. "Heard you got stuck in a Hearts game..." Lilly continued and gave her a sad, worried look.
"I'm a hearts specialist, Lilly. These games are like piece of cake for me, I won't let them or any other suite get me any time soon, so no need to worry." Kukki feigned a slight smile and patted her friend on the back. "You sure? I know that's your best suite and all, but Hearts are still pretty harsh and gruesome... If you want to talk about it..." But she couldn't finish because Kukki intrerrupted her.
"Well, I'm here alive and in one piece, so you can stop worrying now. See? Everything is fine. No need to dwell too much on these stuff." She reassured her. "Anyways, now that I am back, how about we don't think too much about the events of the night and go watch a movie or something? I feel the need of a refreshment after tonight." Kukki changed the subject, in an attempt to lighten the mood, to which Lilly nodded eagerly and went ahead towards the indoor cinema of the resort.
Kukki then followed her close by, listening to her little rambling on what they could watch, glad that Lilly was in a good mood, but at the same time, she was still lost in thought and as she walked, she automatically reached into the small pocket of her jeans, where a small piece of paper, reminder of the game, still rested.
Making sure she didn't draw Lilly's attention, the young woman carefully unwrapped the piece of paper and stared at the word written on it in bold letters. 'MURDERER' the paper read and Kukki heaved a deep sigh. 'Indeed gruesome and harsh... But as a hearts specialist, playing pretend and deceiving those around you is just another part of the job.' For now, this was just a role and nothing more, a twisted task of play pretend in order to play around your fingers those around you, but what if one day, this will stop being just a part of the games and she'll have to actually manipulate and backstab those around her for good, even those she loved? Would she be able to do it?
She looked at Lilly, who was skipping cheerfully ahead of her and a new smile graced her features. She crumpled the paper and threw it to a trash can. No, she wasn't going to let those games twist her and turn her into something she was not. She was going to continue doing what she had to do within the games, but she would never hurt or betray her friends. 'I will protect them and their smiles no matter what.'
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dragondemoness · 1 year
This Day Aria - Songfic🐰
Dragon's Note: I have to watch this show again, it's been way too long-
Description: Forced to work with his worst enemy and two teenage girls, Bunny must save the love of his life from being permanently lost to despair.
Song: This Day Aria - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (A Canterlot Wedding Part 2)
Setting: Danganronpa Universe - Despair/Revenge Arc
Series: Ultimate Cuteness
After trying and failing to convince Haruki to abandon his despair, the building began to cave in as the now deceased Haiji's Big Bang Monokuma appeared outside.
Monaca took Haruki's hand and guided him to the elevator. Bunny tried to go after them, but Komaru and Mizuki were forced to pull him outside to avoid getting trapped.
The last thing he saw before he left was Haruki waving at him from the elevator, smiling at him like a psychopath as the elevator went down.
Haruki waited in his room as the Warriors of Hope set up the ceremony. As he put his outfit together, he took a look in the mirror and grinned.
This day is going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
Everypony will gather 'round, say I look lovely in my gown
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all...
Finally, the day had arrived. It was time for Haruki to take Junko Enoshima's throne and claim his spot as her successor. A new Ultimate Despair would rise, and the children would finally be freed from the demons.
He opened his closet door to reveal his collection; adults he had turned into plush toys using his power. They cried and begged for mercy, but Haruki only laughed and taunted them.
It was even better that four new friends would be joining them soon.
This day was going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
But instead of having cake, with all my friends to celebrate
My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all...
Things were supposed to be different. Bunny was supposed to find Haruki in his lab, confess his feelings, and the two of them would have their happily ever after. He had it all planned out, too.
But instead, Junko waltzed in and pulled Haruki down to despair. She took away the one thing, the one person, who made him feel alive, and now, he was sure he lost him for good.
Bunny wasn't even paying attention as his teammates were talking about the Big Bang Monokuma, and the monster Junko had turned Haruki into. He fell down to his knees in a despair of his own, and his vision flooded with tears as the others rushed to his side.
There was nothing he could do. Haruki wouldn't listen to him, even if he did manage to find him again. He was too late to save him the first time, and now, he was going to pay the price.
I could care less about the dress
I won't partake in any cake
Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say
"That through any kind of weather, I want us to be together"
The truth is, I don't care for him at all
Meanwhile, in the afterlife, Junko was watching everything with a wide grin. Things were going exactly as she wanted. Not only was she going to have a successor, the only ones who were still fighting were on the brink of despair as well.
Junko watched Haruki get ready for the ceremony with a smile, proud of what she created. She managed to get the sunshine boy of Hope's Peak Academy to fall to despair, and all it took was a sad little video about his grandmother. Pathetic.
Not only that, but he rejected the ones who truly wanted to help him, only because of Junko. He was holding onto the naive belief that she still loved him, when she never cared about him from the start.
No, I do not love the groom
In my heart, there is no room
But I still want him to be all mine!
Alongside causing him to descend into despair, she tricked him into believing they were in love; not just to secure his trust, but to make the one who did love him fall to despair.
In reality, her heart had no room for love. And thanks to her, his heart didn't, either. He was just her little white rabbit, a puppet for her to use.
But at the same time, watching him trying his absolute best for her made her excited. Even in that state, he was still so adorable.
She may not have loved him, but she was going to hold onto him, even from the afterlife. She refused to let her perfect puppet be taken away from her.
We must escape before it's too late
Find a way to save the day
Hope I'll be lying when I say
"I don't fear that I may lose him
To the one who wants to use him
Not care for, love and cherish him each day"
Meanwhile, the Big Bang Monokuma appeared, and Toko and Komaru became distracted with fighting it. Bunny was still in despair, and of all people, Mizuki was the one who needed to get him back on his feet.
Neither Toko or Komaru could get through to him, but here he was, taking encouragement from the one he despised so much. Honestly, it was embarrassing. But as much as he hated to admit it, she was right.
Bunny wiped away the tears and stood back up. He may have been too late the first time, but it wouldn't happen again. This time, he was going to save the love of his life and heal the pain that caused him to break. He refused to lose his precious sunshine to some bitch who only wanted to use him.
Mizuki lifted up the collapsed doorframe with her strength, and the two of them went back inside. As they approached the elevator, she asked if he was sure he wanted to continue. She was met with silence, and she turned to look at the boy, who was just staring at the ground.
For I oh-so love the groom
All my thoughts he does consume
Oh, Shining Armor
I'll be there very soon
What a foolish question. The truth was, he didn't have anyone else. And he didn't want anyone else, either. All he wanted was Haruki, the first person who taught him the most wonderful feeling in the world.
Yes, he truly loved the boy, with all of his heart and soul. Not a moment went by where he didn't think about his eyes, his attire, his adorable smile. Remembering the moments they shared brought him as much joy as they did when he experienced them.
He gave Mizuki his answer with confidence. All he cared about was stopping the ceremony and getting the love of his life back to normal. With that, they entered the elevator and went down to where the ceremony was taking place.
Wait for me, Haruki...
Finally, the moment has arrived
For me to be one lucky bride...
Haruki entered the room where the ceremony was set up, and all the Warriors of Hope turned to him with smiles on their faces. The plush monsters he created were there as well, and his loyal companion, Mr. Bunny, was at his side as he walked in.
Monaca waited for him at the front, where she would "officially" make him the second Ultimate Despair.
And suddenly, the locked door was kicked open.
Oh, the wedding we won't make
He'll end up marrying a fake
Shining Armor will be...
Mine. All mine.
Haruki turned to them in anger, and once again refused to listen to reason as he sent his fluffy companion into battle with the Warriors of Hope cheering him on.
The hatred in Haruki's eyes frightened Bunny, and Mizuki had to remind him that he didn't mean what he was saying. It was difficult, but all that mattered was defeating the final boss.
This one was faster than the others, but the two of them together managed to defeat him. Haruki stared at his fallen playmate in shock, and he began to throw a childish outburst as he fell to the ground in despair. Mizuki, knowing Haruki had nothing to say to her, urged Bunny to go to him, and he wasted no time.
He did his best to soothe Haruki, and finally confessed his feelings. Haruki looked up at him in surprise, and he noticed a speck of joy in his hollow eyes. For a moment, he appeared normal as he whispered to Bunny that he felt the same.
Bunny gave him a loving smile as he leaned in and kissed him, releasing all the love and joy he felt for him. Haruki closed his eyes and pulled him closer, and once they pulled apart, they rested their foreheads together and stared at each other with love. Until...
"Toki! They were having a moment!"
...Toko ruined their moment by shocking Haruki with her stun gun and knocking him unconscious. Bunny's joy faded into annoyance, and he suddenly felt the urge to hit a woman. Again.
Regardless, he lifted Haruki into his arms and carried him bridal style as the group exited the building.
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lilacartsmadsion · 1 year
`I could care less about the dress
I won't partake in any cake
Vows, well I'll be lying when I say
"That through any kind of weather
I'll want us to be together"
The truth is I don't care for him at all
No I do not love the groom
In my heart there is no room
But I still want him to be all mine`
1 note · View note
evachickenfried · 1 year
The Best Delicious Skillet Pork Chops
Delicious garlic margarine Pork Chop Recipe with brilliant burned edges is prepared in only 15 minutes! Partake in this insane delectable and delicate pork chop recipe with all your number one side dish recipes for a quick and delightful simple supper the entire family will cherish.
Simple Pork Chop Recipes
I love taking care of my family pork chops for such countless reasons. They are practical, high in protein, and are consistently a hit any time I make them. Pork chop supper thoughts are amazing while engaging.
Purchase Bone-on Pork Chops
I urge you to search for bone-on pork chops. They take somewhat longer to cook than boneless chops, yet I would say, they are one more approach to guaranteeing delicate cooked pork chops. What's more, by "a smaller longer to cook," I'm truly just discussing a couple of moments. It won't have a colossal effect on your feast prep!
Pork chop recipes
The interest for this recipe has been overpowering! Since distributing my Simple Honey Garlic Chicken recipe quite a while back, how much messages coming in requesting pork chops rendition has been insane! Insane Great since this recipe is one of the most incredible pork recipes we've at any point had. Flavorful, delicious and delicate chops that liquefy in-your mouth.
All finished in a skillet or stove resistant container then polished off under the oven (or barbecue) for two or three minutes to get those fresh edges. That last step is definitely worth the effort! Simply check the variety out! You won't lament serving these Honey Garlic Pork Chops to your loved ones!
What Sort of Skillet to Utilize
Since we cook the pork chops on the burner and afterward the broiler, and we really want to get the dish super-hot, a cast-iron skillet is great. This will guarantee the chops get well sautéed with a fresh covering and great flavor. An ovenproof hardened steel dish is the second most ideal choice. Totally don't utilize nonstick.
In the event that you're simply cooking for a couple of, this recipe is not difficult to downsize. Serve these pork chops with hand crafted fruit purée, garlicky pureed potatoes, and green beans.
Allrecipes People group Tips and Recognition
"How would you transform plain old pork chops into something uniquely great on a Sunday evening? You make THIS!! MY Goodness MY! I needed more honey so I added a spurt of maple syrup and a couple of runs of Chipotle hot sauce and around 5 garlic cloves! This sauce is Incredibly Great," raves Patty Cakes.
"I ran over this recipe 3 weeks prior and have previously made it two times. It is totally flavorful. I heated it at 350 for 45 min and turned them over two times and covered the two sides with the coating each time. I served this with cooked potatoes and carrots and cheddar broccoli and cauliflower," says Great Karma.
"So great! We have 7 youngsters so finding great dinners that they additionally appreciate is quite difficult. This one was a hit with the entire family. Put something aside for a few future meals," as indicated by Jordyn Day.
4 bone-in pork chops, 1 inch thick
Genuine salt, to taste
Newly ground dark pepper, to taste
2 teaspoons high-heat oil, like canola, corn, safflower, or grape seed oil
Instructions to cook pork chops
Boneless OR Bone-In chops can be utilized
Season chops not long prior to cooking to guarantee they stay delicate and succulent while cooking.
Preheat your weighty based container or skillet and get it quite hot prior to adding your chops.
Burn for 4-5 minutes each side until fresh and brilliant.
The juices in the chops discharge into the sauce while cooking, making much more flavor and amount of sauce to present with your pork.
Pork chop marinade — no marinating required!
Dissolve margarine in similar dish as the porks were burned in to move those flavors along into the sauce, then add your other fixings.
Cook until the sauce decreases down and thickens somewhat (around 3-4 minutes). Try not to cook for a really long time or the honey will decrease down totally, leaving you with a dry skillet. (Assuming that occurs, simply make one more clump of sauce just to present with later.) Treat pork liberally with the sauce, then sear/barbecue for 1-2 minutes, or until edges are marginally scorched.
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