#I wish we had had one sleepover before everything fell apart
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mooooncalf · 2 months ago
Experiencing a yearning that only a lonely gay poet from 1850 England could understand.
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notsohornytoad · 6 months ago
Ok here we go. My first poolverine idea. So it’s simple you have Alpha Worst!Logan who is known as a monstrous alpha no sane omega dared to be with for more than a night in his universe(even before the x-men were killed) and Omega Wade who lost his looks after everything with Francis and smells like death enough that no worthy alpha spares him a glance for more than a night. That’s background, the scene I’m specifically picturing is Logan being unable to take not saying anything about his feelings for Wade anymore and presenting Wade with a courtship gift(Logan’s dog tags because I love that idea); I don’t know who is more surprised Wade(because who would a beauty who is no longer beautiful) that Logan wants to court him(ie wants him as a mate) or Logan(because who wants a beast that will never become a prince) when Wade doesn’t hesitate(after being sure Logan is serious) to accept(putting the dog tags around his neck immediately).
Here you go! It’s a little longer than I anticipated but I got a little carried away. I also posted it on my AO3. I hope you like it!!
“C’mon. You can do this.” Logan whispered under his breath to the reflection of himself in the water-spotted mirror of his bathroom. The bathroom was sparsely decorated, much like the rest of his apartment which he had acquired shortly after Wade had asked him to come home with him.
It wasn’t that Wade and Al’s apartment was too small or that Logan wanted more (in fact the apartment he had chosen was much smaller than Wade’s despite having been given more than enough money to survive on by the TVA) but rather that it made him too close to the merc for comfort.
Wade had delightfully informed him that due to the apartment’s cramped size he would have to share the sofa bed with him. Which at first sounded fine; he had shared many a bed with people before in hostels, barracks, etc.
This was different.
That first night, Wade had bound out of the bathroom in his My Melody pajamas, a plump unicorn plush tucked cutely under his arm.
“Are you ready for the most fun sleepover ever? I went out and got so many snacks. There’s mini Reese’s cups, Sour Patch Kids… I even found a box of Jujubes waaaay back in one of the cupboards that I THINK is from the 80’s but come on, they’ve got so much preservatives we’ll probably be fine… plus our teeth grow back if we break them anyway so—“
“I’d rather just get some sleep, Wade. We kind of had a long day remember?” Logan was wearing an oversized shirt that said “Obi-Wan ComeBoneMe” that he had graciously borrowed from the other man, as well as some heart patterned boxers.
“Yeah, ok. I am pretty tired.” Wade said, obviously not very tired, as he plopped down next to Logan.
Logan gave him a sort of half-smile.
“Goodnight, Wade.”
“Night, Peanut.”
Wade reached over and turned off the table lamp. Logan waited for the inevitable yapping to start… but it never came. Despite being seemingly full of energy mere minutes prior, Wade fell asleep quickly. He was drooling.
Sleep never came easy for Logan, however. He stared at the dark ceiling, his mind racing, going over every detail of the past few days, back to the day Wade found him, plastered in that bar, wishing he could die.
He thought of Scott, of Jean. The people he let down. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and his breath quickened a bit. A familiar feeling.
As he gripped the sheets beneath him, waiting for the panic to set in, Wade moved in his sleep. His arm went over Logan and he cuddled his face into his neck. He was mumbling something about a taco truck.
Logan went stiff. His heart was racing, yet a strange calm washed over him, almost like an ecstasy. It was Wade’s scent. They had been close like this before, many times… but there had been too many distractions: blood, adrenaline, his own anger. Here in the quiet of the night, it was amplified.
Wade’s scent was uniquely his own. There were layers to it, like a designer perfume. The most prevalent smell, which is what most alphas would abhor, was death. A sickly sweet warning provided by the cancer that ravaged his body, the cancer that his healing factor kept at bay.
Logan, however, had a nose that was far more keen. And as he lie there, just slowly breathing in and out, the base layer became more prevalent. This was Wade’s original scent: his omega flavor.
It somewhat startled Logan that he hadn’t noticed this before. Wade was an omega. How could he have not sensed it? Of course no one else did either, it seemed… maybe it was the fact that his smell of decay was too strong for the average alpha to scent… maybe it was just that Wade’s power to annoy and piss people off was so distracting that even if someone did get a whiff they thought it couldn’t be true. But it was.
And it was intoxicating.
In the morning that followed, Logan awoke to Wade nudging his nose into Logan’s neck.
“Mornin,’” he said, his voice full of sleep, as he sat up and stretched. “Guess I really was too tired, I don’t even remember falling asleep. How’d you sleep, pumpkin?”
“….great,” Logan said, surprised by his answer. He really did.
Wade rambled on about breakfast and how he had to take Mary Puppins out for a walk, but the rest of the conversation sort of became noise to Logan. He was unable to process anything. All he could think was…
It was dangerous.
He was dangerous.
He was reminded of all the people he had loved in the past. How he always ended up (either physically or emotionally) hurting them.
And so that day, he had left.
It wasnt too hard to find an apartment. People in this world thought he was the other Logan- the brave, selfless Logan. So someone cut him a deal on a tiny apartment that was about a twenty minute walk from Wade’s.
At first he hadn’t thought to really buy any furniture. He thought that just sleeping on a mattress on the floor was enough. But when Wade had invited himself over the following day and said “damn bitch, you live like this?” He decided to get a couch.
Then a few days after that, Wade had showed up with a bunch of food. He tried to protest but the other man had already bodied himself through the door, Mary Puppins in tow.
They ate together on the couch and watched YouTube videos on Wade’s phone. He didn’t know what a “Minecraft Let’s Play” was but it didn’t really matter. The next day, he found a cheap dinner table with two chairs on Craigslist.
And so it continued. Wade would visit every day, with a big smile on his face and dinner in a bag. And every night he’d go home, but his scent lingered. Logan found that he would sleep on the couch instead of his floor mattress because it was where Wade had been sitting all night.
It was strange to not have night terrors.
It was even stranger that Wade, an omega, had been leaving his scent on everything and yet it hadn’t drove Logan crazy. The past had been so predictable: an omega would leave their scent as invitation for a rough night from a rough man. Most got more than they bargained for. None ever stayed.
Before he knew it, months had passed. His apartment was still barebones by most people’s standards but he had the essentials. Mostly thanks to Laura.
“Thanks again for helping me figure this thing out,” he said, tossing his smartphone on the table. It was a Saturday, which was usually the day they spent time together.
“Well you did say the phones in your universe were different.” Laura said, after swallowing a mouthful of Corn Flakes.
“Yeah they were like little bricks and the screens were like green and black. But you couldn’t break em if you tried.”
“So when are you gonna tell him?” She said with her mouth full.
“Tell who what?” Logan’s brow furrowed as he emerged from the fridge with a cold beer.
“Wade.” Chew chew.
“Okay. And what am I telling him?” He asked before cracking the can open and throwing it back.
“That you want him to be your mate.” Chew.
Logan inhaled, choking on liquid. He doubled over, sputtering.
“Cmon,” Laura said. “Don’t lie to me. I can smell it on you. I can smell him everywhere. Scent doesn’t lie.”
And so here he was. It had been about two weeks since she had brought it up and it took him three days to accept it. Three days of Wade coming over and Logan finally noticing how his heart swelled whenever he looked at him, how he felt less annoyed by his constant jokes, how his flirting made a heat rise up in his chest.
The rest of the time was him building up the courage to confess.
“God.” Logan looked down at his left hand which was balled into a fist, a long ball chain hanging down from it. Slowly his fist opened and he stared at the metallic tags that bore his name.
“Cmon. You’re not a teenager. This ain’t prom. Just do it.” he started to walk towards the door, but stopped, feeling a wave of nausea. I can’t. He won’t want you. He flirts with everyone. It doesn’t mean anything.
Just as he started to turn around, a voice came from the other side of the door.
“Wolvy? Did you fall in or something?” There was a knock. “I didn’t bring my water wings I don’t know if I’ll be able to fish you —“
Logan opened the door.
“—out. Oh good you’re ok.” There was Wade, grinning at him like an idiot. A stupid, adorable, lovable moron. Logan suppressed the urge to hug him to his chest.
“Sorry.” He said, pushing past the other, as if he were going to the dinner table. It was covered with white Chinese food boxes. “Don’t you think you went a little overboard? There’s enough here for ten people.”
“Yeah sorry. But the lady that runs that place threatened to poison me if I didn’t get one of everything cuz her restaurant is close to going bankrupt and she had this huge knife—“
Logan had stepped up to Wade and covered his mouth with a hand.
Only moments ago, he had thought “it’s now or never” but now that Wade was shut up the silence felt smothering. Logan lowered his hand.
“I…. Uh….” God his throat was dry. Why was it so hot in there?
Wade looked bewildered, his beautiful mouth slightly agape, and Logan couldn’t help but think about how kissable his lips were.
“So I uh… been thinking…” he started, cursing himself for rambling. Shouldn’t this be romantic? Why was he so shit with words when it mattered?
“That uh… maybe you could wear these.” He held up his hand, palm up, almost showcasing the tags. “For me.”
Wade’s eyes had been glued to Logan’s face as he talked. He slowly lowered them, until they rested on the glinting metal.
“…..your…. Those are your tags.” He said, his voice uncharacteristically small.
“But that would…. mean…”
Logan couldn’t tell what sort of expression Wade had on. He was staring blankly at the tags, before he looked up and locked eyes with him.
“That’s not funny.” Wade said, his eyes glassy, as though he were holding back tears.
“What- what do you mean funny? I’m being serious.” Logan said.
“Right. Mr Most-Handsome-Man-in-the-Universe, courting Pizza the Hutt.”
Logan didn’t know that reference. “Huh??”
“Hello??” Wade waved his hand over his own face. “Freddy Krueger’s Ball Sack? The Mince Meat Special? Arby’s Beef and Cheddar?!” A small tear has snuck its way down his face.
Logan couldn’t believe it. He had been so obsessed with the thought that Wade would reject him for being, well, the worst Wolverine, he didn’t plan for this scenario.
“You’re not ugly.” He stated, factually. It was starting to make him mad, the way Wade was talking about himself.
“Okay, now I know you’re going senile. We’re gonna have to get you some glasses grandpa, because I literally make babies cry. I am so ugly that—“
“Shut up.” Logan growled, before taking a step forward and pressing his lips to Wade’s. When Wade didn’t kiss back, he pulled away.
Had he made a mistake? Of course he had. Why would Wade want a failure like him? He couldn’t even get his feelings across right.
“You….” Wade said, blinking dumbly. “You kissed me.”
Logan felt shame. He swallowed, ready to apologize.
“You’re… serious? You want me?” Wade asked, his voice small again.
Logan couldn’t find his voice. He just nodded once.
A grin slowly spread across Wade’s face. He leaned forward, bowing his head. Logan almost forgot to breathe as he shakily unclasped the ball chain and placed it around Wade’s neck, securing it behind him.
When Logan let go, Wade stood up straight, Logan’s dog tags around his neck.
“Well? How do I look?” Wade asked, his grin never faltering.
“Beautiful.” Logan answered. And he was. Beautiful. His.
“Oooh does this mean we’re gonna bump uglies now?!”
His beautiful idiot.
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absentcaryatid · 2 years ago
Yeosang's Sleepover
An ATEEZ fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
Yeosang gets the wrong idea when the reader suggests a night together.
1.2K words, Content note: gender neutral reader, fluff and humor, food mention, embarrassment, suggestive only
“You know, I'd love to have a sleepover with you sometime.” The way Yeosang blushed at your innocent suggestion should have been a tip-off. You had been friends for years but not to the point of overnighting at either of your apartments, and it had always been separate hotel rooms on the vacations you had taken together.
Apparently thrilled with the idea, Yeosang suggested his place later in the week, including an offer to make something for dinner. Given his track record in the kitchen, that either meant an overcooked egg you'd kindly be declining, or he'd be arm-twisting his roommate Wooyoung into making something for him.
Agreeing to the date, you tactfully expressed a desire for takeout chicken, which made Yeosang's eyes light up.
“Good point, I should save up my energy for more important activity.”
Looking back, those words of his should have been another clue to where his mind had gone.
The rest of the week passed swiftly, and in no time at all, the fateful day arrived. You had gathered everything you needed into two large tote bags and made your way across the city by bus. Warmly welcomed at Yeosang's door, you noticed he was already dressed for the evening in a fluffy robe that felt comforting to touch as you were enveloped by his standard greeting of a secure hug. Separating all too soon for your liking, you then slipped off your shoes and began to unpack, beginning with a large teddy bear.
“I did not remember if you have a DVD player, but I brought some of my favorite movies just in case, and a board game, and this giant bag of popcorn. We are going to have a great time keeping each other up all night!”
“Up all night, I hope so.” Pulling you into the room, he announced, “You are funny. You don't have to make tonight sound so tame. My neighbors aren't nosy. Now, let's see what you have on under your coat.”
His fingers worked the buttons eagerly until coming to a grinding halt as cozy flannel nightwear came into view. The pastel blue and cheerful yellow ducks of your new pajama set did not elicit the compliments you had been hoping for.
“Oh, no,” Yeosang slowly enunciated. It was at that moment his robe fell open, revealing silk pajama pants and no shirt. He rapidly turned away as he retied the sash. “You really did mean sleepover, nothing more. Wooyoung had convinced me you were into me, and my mind ran away with wishful thinking. This is mortifying.”
Your mind slowly worked through his meaning. Ever since meeting in college, you had been in perfect sync with Yeosang. Your sense of humor matched his, and you could listen to his voice for hours whenever he learned something new and wanted to share everything about it. While intellectually you could recognize your friend was handsome to an extent that left strangers tripping over their feet as he passed, that had always been a joke between you, and never something you gave much thought to.
Shared laughter had gotten you through many situations together, but you worked hard not to react with anything but comforting words this time. Far shyer than yourself, you would not hurt Yeosang's feelings for the world. “Yeah, we were not on the same page. Sleepover just meant slumber party, though I guess adults don't tend to do that so I can understand how you got the wrong idea. It is an incredibly flattering offer though, one I had never considered before, but will keep in mind.”
He met your gentle let down with grateful eyes. Moving quickly past the awkwardness, you followed your nose into the kitchen and began to rave about the scent. Looking back to your friend with a meaningful glance toward his bedroom, you commented, “I'll unpack the chicken and side dishes if you want to put a shirt on.”
Once again his chest was bare due to a sloppy knot in haste. Yeosang glanced down and blanched. “Yes, I'd feel much less exposed.” He then scurried off to change his attempted sultry look to a more casual one suitable for a chaste evening between friends.
The night went much more smoothly after that. All forgiven, there was nothing uncomfortable about the way you held each other for support during the scary parts of a film Yeosang picked as the last entertainment before sleep. Crashing in his bed at dawn, you snuggled with your teddy as Yeosang went to Wooyoung’s room since the instigator of the romantic plot had tactfully made plans to be elsewhere that night.
The morning brought waffles, cooked by yourself, and a return of Yeosang's usual humor. By now he could laugh about the misunderstanding and flaunted this morning's sleeveless t-shirt visible through the open robe he pulled down at the shoulder.
Patting his arm muscles approvingly, you complimented Yeosang on his physique as Wooyoung arrived home.
“I hope I'm not interrupting something,” the newcomer teased, walking into the kitchen.
Yeosang's voice was icy in response. “There is nothing to interrupt. I should have listened to my gut instead of making a fool of myself last night thanks to your asinine advice.”
“That's my cue to head on out.” You kissed Yeosang's cheek, something new to your friendship, and picked up your bags waiting at the door. As you let yourself out, some very detailed threats of bodily harm were being conveyed to Wooyoung by his roommate. You were glad not to stick around should even some of them come to pass. Wooyoung was scrappy, but he had nothing on Yeosang's recently developed strength.
The next time you saw Yeosang, there were fading bite marks on his shoulder. Nodding to the injury, you asked, “Wooyoung chomped you?”
“It was self-defense on his part. We did end up wrestling a little after you left, and I may have gotten carried away. Guess I was still smarting from misreading our situation as romantic.”
You put a hand on his noticeably developed thigh in reassurance as you sat side by side with your lunches in the park. “Water under the bridge. In fact, I had a great time with you that night and I'd like to do it again at my place this weekend.”
Yeosang noticeably brightened as he slurped up the last of your shared iced coffee. “I'd like that. I can promise I'll be dressed appropriately for a friendly sleepover.”
When the weekend arrived, this time around it was Yeosang at your door in a festive set of dinosaur pajamas and the familiar plush robe you snuggled into in greeting. Impressed at his uncharacteristic sense of adventure to ride public transit in something so silly, he admitted Wooyoung had dropped him off as part of his penance for bad advice.
“Wooyoung just gave an opinion, it was all on you for surprising me like that.”
Yeosang nodded. “You are right, but he does feel bad for leading me amiss. He still swears his rate of recognizing potential couples had never failed him before.”
“Maybe you should go easy on Wooyoung. I will say your expression of interest in me romantically was sudden. And yet, given the week to think about it, I realized if you want to see if there can be more between us, I'd like to give that a try.”
As you closed the door behind Yeosang, you took advantage of the privacy to let your robe fall open. Perhaps it was the welcome news of newfound romantic interest that made Yeosang's eyes pop out. However, it could have been something else that had him reeling.
“You aren't wearing your ducky pajamas under there!”
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mellowswriting · 4 years ago
The No-Good, Absolutely Shitty Day
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Part 1 of the Quarantine AU
pairing || Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x Reader
summary || With the world already spinning off it’s axis in the midst of a pandemic, your life is further thrown into chaos when you find your boyfriend in bed with his ex-girlfriend. Good thing you have Frankie on your side.
word count || 1,242
warnings || infidelity, Frankie to the rescue, quarantine blues, your ex is a shitbag okay
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Francisco Morales wasn’t a stranger to having his restraint tested. His military service was basically a decades-long plucking of his nerves, even before he joined Delta Force. Not to mention his closest friends all seemed to manage a constant level of mischief unrivaled by any other. He was used to being the only one with a lick of sense in his head, and even when everything else around him seemed to be going all to hell, Frankie managed to hold on to his self control.
Seeing you sat on his couch, trembling with mascara tracking down your cheeks was something entirely different. It didn’t annoy him like Santi and Benny’s stupid pranks or frustrate him like when his commanding officers in the Army ignored his expert advice. It enraged him. There you were in his living room, almost inconsolable for hours, all thanks to one asshole: your boyfriend. 
Well, ex-boyfriend as of a few hours ago. Not that he knew it yet.
As if having life as you knew it changed at the drop of a hat thanks to the pandemic sweeping the country wasn’t enough, you came home early that afternoon to start working from home and found the man you were supposed to be able to trust in bed with another woman. Not just any other woman, either. His ex-girlfriend, the one he had promised that you didn’t need to worry about. They were asleep when you walked in, naked and entangled with each other in the sheets of your bed, neither stirring in your presence. 
It was the shock that enabled you to leave without exploding. You showed up on Frankie’s doorstep looking hollow, as if your emotions funneled out of you and left you empty, but the moment you managed to whisper the words - ‘Eric cheated on me.’ -  the tears came. And they didn’t stop. 
In all of his life, Frankie never resorted to violence unless it was absolutely necessary, but in that moment he wanted to storm over to your apartment and take that motherfucker down. It was stupid, barbaric. He knew that, and he knew that you needed his friendship more than some alpha-male display of masculinity. Even when your crying turned into disbelieved and enraged ranting, the tears didn’t stop. Frankie listened to your anger, to the betrayal that coursed through you and lit a fire in your belly. He didn’t even need to respond, not really; he just nodded along, offering small encouragements of ‘you’re right’ and ‘you deserve better’.
It didn’t take long for you to tire yourself out. Between the ranting and the crying and the pacing back and forth in Frankie’s living room, your energy was quickly depleted and you could do nothing but collapse onto his couch with an exhausted sigh. The sight was heartbreaking and Frankie would do anything to ease even the tiniest bit of your pain. So he brought you a cloth wet with warm water and gently wiped the black smudges away from your face and set a steaming mug of hot cocoa in your hands before tucking you into his side.
“God, what am I going to do?” You mumbled against him and Frankie frowned.
“Well, you’re going to break up with him, right?” He asked hesitantly - he thought that much was obvious.
“Of course I am, it’s just… it isn’t easy.” Your words came slowly and Frankie just nodded, trying to encourage you to voice what was really worrying you. “We live together and finding a new apartment during this quarantine bullshit is going to be damn near impossible. Besides, he’ll probably kick me out once I tear him a new one.”
“You don’t have to worry about that, hermosa.” Frankie said with a shake of his head. The idea of you fretting about something as serious as housing while everything else was already going to hell made his stomach flip. “You always have bed here.”
“Frankie, I can't impose on you like that, I -”
“You think it's an imposition to help you? To have my best friend stay with me?” A small smile curved your lips at his words and Frankie couldn't help but return it as he smoothed his hand down your hair. “It’ll be like a sleepover, except this time we’re old enough to drink. Besides, I think it would be nice to have each other through this craziness, right?”
“Right.” Your voice was small, almost hopeful, the torrential mix of anger and fear in your eyes softening somewhat, and Frankie breathed a small sigh of relief. “I promise I won't tell Pope that I've stolen the ‘best friend’ title out from under him.”
Frankie chuckled as he handed you the mug where it sat on the coffee table and urged you to take a sip. If there was one thing he loved being, it was a provider. Comfort, safety, delivering an ass-whooping - whatever you needed, Frankie was all too glad to provide. In this case, it was a warm blanket, a hot beverage, and the comfort of his arm wrapped around your shoulders. “Do you want to talk about it some more?”
You shook your head. “I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Well, I have the perfect cure for that.”
A few clicks of his remote later and Brooklyn Nine-Nine came blaring across his television. He had just started it at your recommendation and was already hooked a few episodes in; it was the perfect kind of show to take one’s mind off of a no-good, absolutely shitty day. The familiarity of it had you relaxing into him even further, some of the tension easing from your shoulders, and his running commentary brought out a few of those laughs of yours that he loved. They weren’t deep, full-bodied ones that his antics often caused, but it was something at least.
Two episodes in and you were dozing off next to him. It was adorable, the way your eyes fluttered every few seconds, your head dipping back further and further the more your exhaustion washed over you. It took a lot of prompting to get you up onto your feet so he could get you settled in the guest room, but when he threatened to pick you up, you grumbled your way to your feet and meandered after him. There was no way he was going to let you sleep in those uncomfortable jeans, so Frankie brought you a pair of sweatpants and one of his shirts to change into.
“Thank you, Frankie.” You muttered as you collapsed into the soft bed, warm appreciation in those pretty eyes of yours that did funny things to his chest, and suddenly your hand wrapped around his and squeezed gently. “Seriously.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” Frankie squeezed back before he pulled the blankets up to your shoulders and it hit him - he didn’t want to leave you there alone. Blame it on how sad you were or how hard your day had been, but all he wanted to do was curl up with you and keep holding you, just like he had on the couch. Frankie quietly closed the door instead and went down the hall to his own bedroom, intent to let you get as much rest as possible instead of lurking around like a weirdo.
That night, Frankie Morales fell asleep with his forearms tucked up underneath his head, wishing instead that he had his arms wrapped around you.
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 4 years ago
Ch. Fifteen
⚠WARNING: Mention of previous character's death
• ────── ✾ ────── •
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You set your phone down and look at Oikawa’s prone body lying next to you.
Once you returned to your apartment Oikawa was 99% asleep - you’re really not sure how he was able to put one foot in front of the other, but he did. You were going to deposit him into your bed but Oikawa was clinging to you like an octopus. So instead you let gravity do the work and you both had fallen backwards onto your comforter and pillows.
Oikawa didn’t even bother moving to get underneath the blankets before he properly fell asleep, mouth open and everything. He remained clutched to your arms, and you were helpless to try and escape from under him.
Ever since they were children, Oikawa always had to cling to someone and he’d be especially clingy when he was upset (which given today wasn’t surprising that you couldn’t pry yourself from his grip.) Since you, Oikawa and Hajime all lived in the same neighborhood since elementary, you had frequent sleepovers at each other’s homes. And sure enough, every time Oikawa would subconsciously choose you or Hajime to cling to while sleeping.
Hajime absolutely hated it but you didn’t mind.
Watching your friend sleep you can't help but give a sad little smile. He looks peaceful and so young in sleep. You know he’s the furthest from innocent right now, and he has a lot of work ahead of him to fully earn your trust back. But you wish that he wasn’t tortured with the troubles that plague you all.
A knock at the door makes you sit up. Oikawa’s face pinches at the motion, and you speak to him. “Mattsun and Makki are here, but you can sleep if you want.”
His reply is a sleepy grumble but he too sits up. You know that despite him only getting a few hours of sleep he won’t want to be left alone in your room. Together, with Oikawa leaning on you, you walk to the door and let in your friends. Mattsun raises his eyebrows at the sight of a clingy and exhausted Oikawa hanging off your frame but you just shrug. Makki seems to take pity on you as he drags Oikawa off and over to the couch, handing his coat off to Mattsun to hang up.
“Thanks for coming over,” you tell Mattsun. “I’m gonna put the kettle on and order some lunch.”
Mattsun nods. “Whatever you need to do.” He gives you a small smile and leaves you in the apartment entrance. You can recognize that he’s giving you space and letting you set the boundaries for the conversation to follow, and you appreciate his tact.
After you order the take out and make tea you enter your living room and see Makki and Mattsun sharing your couch. Oikawa is slumped in your armchair, eyelids drooping as he tries to stay away.
“Oikawa you can go back to sleep if you want.” You offer after setting down the tray with tea. He shakes his head at you as you pass out mugs but doesn’t verbalize.
“Okay, if you’re sure.” You settle on the ground by the coffee table, choosing to face your friends instead of sitting next to them. It’s quiet for a few minutes while everyone relaxes in their seats and sips the jasmine tea you’ve made. There’s a tangible tension in the air, stemming from the second Oikawa opened his mouth at the restaurant last night to this very moment. Mattsun and Makki are waiting for you to initiate, for in their eyes you were ready to tear Oikawa limb from limb yesterday and today you greeted them at the door with your tall friend clinging to you.
Plus there's the whole you loving Hajime thing that should be addressed.
You know that your friends would never, ever push you to discuss it. But they’re probably wondering why they weren’t privy to the info, why Oikawa was, and if you don’t trust them or something. The last thing you want is to make your friends doubt the relationship you have with them, so you’re ready to clear the air and address the elephant in the room.
“I love Hajime.” You say. Everyone looks up from their tea to you. “I’ve been in love with him since the first year of high school, I think.”
Predictably, you’re met with matching sad looks. But even though you knew it was coming, you still can’t squirm uncomfortably at the pity you feel coming from them. This was exactly why you didn’t want anyone to know, especially now.
“Were you ever going to tell him?” Mattsun asks quietly.
You shrug, both at his question and the uneasiness settling in your gut “I didn’t feel like I needed to at the time. We were still in high school, still living life. I was happy with our friendship and I didn’t think anything more.” You smile ruefully. “If anything I think I was more worried about not being friends with him anymore if a confession went south.
“Honestly, I didn’t think that there would be a day that I wouldn’t be able to tell him how I felt. Even if I grew out of those feelings, part of me thought I’d be able to confess some day. I don’t regret our friendship, not when I wanted more. But I do regret not being upfront about my feelings with Hajime. He was my best friend, and I should’ve been able to tell him anything.”
You feel tears prick at your eyes and you look down at your tea. “We all have wonderful memories with Hajime, and I will never ever forget him. But it sucks, because while the memories are wonderful I can’t help but think how much better they could’ve been if I told him how I felt about him.”
You sniff, holding back your tears. You look back up and see Oikawa wiping his eyes and Makki sniffling.
Mattsun is looking at you with a serious expression. “I don’t want to go through hypotheticals or explore ‘what ifs,’ but I don’t think I’m alone in saying that Iwazumi cared for you differently than he did us. And I don’t think it was because you were best friends growing up with Oikawa, because he hated Oikawa.”
“Hey!” Oikawa pipes up from his spot, but there’s no real heat behind it.
Mattsun shifts, clearing his throat. When he speaks again his voice is rough with emotion. “You were precious to him, and his actions reflected how much he cared for you.”
You recognize that Mattsun is not outright saying the L-word but his careful alluding makes you smile tearfully. “I know, and he’s always going to hold a special place in my heart.”
Nobody says anything to that, and the room is blanketed with silence again.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Makki asks quietly, subdued. “Oikawa knew, but me and Issei didn’t.”
You sigh, your chest tight at the wounded look on Makki’s face. “I didn’t mean for Oikawa to find out. And I didn’t want to hide it because I didn’t trust you. But I just didn’t know how to bring it up, especially after Hajime passed away. I just,” you pause, sighing. “We’re all struggling, and I didn’t want you to think differently of me, or I didn’t want you to think that your feelings weren’t valid.”
It’s a lame excuse, but it’s probably the best way you can explain your thoughts. You’re not sure if their feelings are stronger or lesser than yours but you don’t need to know. The varying levels of grief people feel do not need to meet a criteria to be judged. Just because you love Hajime beyond the level of friendship that Oikawa, Mattsun or Makki probably love Hajime doesn’t mean that you “win” the game of grief.
“Y/N,” Mattsun says softly. “We’re your friends, and we want you to come to us with anything. Well, anything you feel comfortable sharing, which I guess in this case you weren’t comfortable with.” Mattsun pauses, it looks like he’s struggling to pick his words. “I do feel pain for you, but mainly because you’ve been dealing with these thoughts alone. I’m sorry if we ever gave you the impression that you couldn’t talk to us.”
You shake your head. “It’s not that, I swear. I just didn’t want to burden you all.”
Mattsun sighs. “I understand, and I don’t want to push you to share anything you don’t want to. But we love Iwaizumi, and if you want to talk about him or need to talk about him, know you can always come to us.”
Makki and Oikawa nod in agreement. You feel your eyes sting again but you smile, because you have the most kind and generous friends you could ask for. Hindsight is 20/20, but your heart does feel lighter knowing that your friends won’t ostracize you or anything because you love Hajime.
“We should’ve known that Oikawa would’ve just confronted Y/N straight on, he’s always been a jerk like that.” Makki says teasingly, trying to lighten the mood.
But instead of squawking in protest or complaining dramatically, Oikawa nods. “Yeah, I’m an asshole.”
Makki’s smile instantly shifts into an uncomfortable frown. “Oikawa, I was just joking -”
“But you’re right.” Oikawa cuts him off firmly. “And I’ve been even worse the past few months. I haven’t been taking care of myself like I should, and I’m sorry taking my frustrations out on you guys.” He takes in a breath. “I’m going to take a break from volleyball so I can make time for my therapy sessions.”
You, Mattsun and Makki all share the same look of surprise. “Oikawa, are you sure?” You can’t help but think back to Oikawa’s reason for not wanting to quit volleyball, and part of you feels guilty for suggesting he take away the strong connection he had to Hajime.
But Oikawa gives you a weak smile. “If Iwa-chan were here, he would call me a dumbass for not taking care of myself.”
“Yeah, he’d probably call you a dumbass and throw a volleyball at your head.” Makki adds. Oikawa squawks at the tease, making everyone in the room laugh.
You smile as you watch Oikawa snap back at Makki, with Mattsun egging them both on. They fall into a routine they’ve established since high school. The one missing component - Hajime either ignoring Oikawa’s calls for backup or sharing comistering looks with you - is obvious, but it doesn’t hurt as much. Your friends’ presence in your apartment fills you with warmth and comfort, like a warm blanket at the end of a hard day.
A knock at the door disrupts your thoughts and you stand to grab the takeout. Mattsun goes to the kitchen to grab plates and utensils, while Oikawa and Makki continue to squabble in the living room. You and Mattsun return to the living room at the same time, causing Makki and Oikawa to call a truce and grab food. There’s a comfortable silence in your apartment as you all fill your plates and settle. As you dig in, an errant thought comes to your mind.
“Oikawa, how do you know where Osamu lives?”
Oikawa speaks around the noodles shoved in his mouth. “I have a fan who works in the registrar’s office and it wasn’t hard to bribe her to look it up.”
“Yeah, that’s something we haven’t talked about yet.” Makki notes, looking right at you.
You avoid his gaze. “About Oikawa’s fans? Yes, it’s ridiculous how crazy they are.”
“That’s not what I was talking about and you know it.”
You glance up, sighing at the looks of intrigue on Makki and Mattsun’s faces. “I was upset last night, and I left my keys at his place. He let me stay because I was upset. We’re just friends.”
Mattsun purses his lips at you, but Makki has a thoughtful look.
“Well, he’s pretty cute. If Mattsun ever gets tired of me I might have to give him a call.”
“Shut up,” you hiss. You know you’re just playing into his trap, and hell would have to freeze over before Mattsun and Makki broke up but you couldn’t even hold back your distaste at the idea.
The smirk on Makki’s face only grows. “Oh, is Osamu into possessiveness?”
“Excuse me?” You ask darkly.
“He said you were possessive.” Oikawa helpfully supplies with his mouth full of food. You’re about to yell at him for manners when Mattsun speaks up.
“You’re different around him.”
Uh oh, he’s using the same voice he used earlier when talking about Hajime and you. He’s not teasing you.
“Different how?” You ask quietly.
He shrugs. “Different, like how you acted around Iwaizumi.”
His observation is met with silence, Makki glancing at Mattsun nervously and Oikawa gazing directly at you.
“Do you like Osamu-kun?” Oikawa asks.
“Wow, yet again Oikawa is not scared to ask the hard questions!” Your attempts at deflection do not go well, as Mattsun serves you an intense look.
“Do you like him?”
You push back, rolling your eyes. “I think you guys know more than anyone that I’m in no state to be in a relationship right now.”
“That’s not what we’re asking.” Oikawa replies. He’s still staring at you, but it’s not a mean look on his face. Neither Mattsun nor Makki are looking at you meanly either, but all three of your friends’ eyes bore into you. Oikawa speaks up again. “Do you feel differently about Osamu compared to me, Mattsun and Makki?”
Your first instinct is to say no because you do see him as you see your friends. You think of all of the conversations you’ve both had about school and classes. And you think of all the stories you’ve shared about growing up in Sendai and your likes, dislikes.
You would even say that you and Osamu are best friends, given how much you’ve relied on him when it comes to dealing with Iwaizumi. A twinge of guilt twists in your stomach as you worry that maybe you rely on him too much. He has his own burdens to carry.
But at the end of the day, you just know that he’d be there for you. And he’s shown time and time again that he will be there for a late night phone call or a shoulder to cry on.
Even those late night text conversations when you’re too scared to fall asleep. Or how the way he supports is different to Makki, Mattsun and Oikawa.
But why? Why is it different?
Is it because he didn’t know the Y/N you were when you were younger? He didn’t know the Y/N that existed before high school?
He doesn’t know you from before Hajime died. He’s seen this raw, broken-down version of you. And he still wants to talk to you. He still wants to hang out and get coffee and be with you.
And in return, you know this raw, broken-down version of Osamu. Honestly, you could care less if the Osamu you never knew was the richest man in the world, or the smartest man alive. The Osamu now has been shaped and has grown from every experience he’s lived, the good and the bad. And everytime you talk you find out more about him that draws you in more. You’re never going to be satisfied until you find out everything about him. You’re not sure if it’s obsession or infatuation, but every little fact you unearth brings you a joy that you haven’t felt in some time.
You revel in the small expressions he shows around you and your ability to decipher his mood based on those looks. You shine when he focuses on you, his intense gaze indicating that he’s giving you his full attention on you and only you.
You felt safe with the strong arm around your shoulders when you felt like breaking. You felt comforted when he wiped your tears from your face.
You felt loved.
You look up at your friends, amazed.
“Oh my god, I think I like Osamu.”
The boys nod their head at you, none of them surprised by your revelation. You look down at your full plate, appetite long gone. You honestly can’t believe you’ve been so blind. Looking back it was so OBVIOUS that you’ve had feelings for Osamu for a long time.
Another thought crosses your mind, much more displeasing than your realizing your feelings for Osamu. “I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship though.”
The boys nod at you again. This time Oikawa isn’t able to hold back his eyes roll. “Well obviously.”
You shrink down, feeling a new level of low. There’s no way you could try to pursue a relationship with Osamu, not now. But what if he wants to? What if he returns your feelings and wants to date you? Or worse, what if he doesn’t accept your feelings and doesn’t want to be your friend anymore?
“Y/N-chan, get out of your head.” Oikawa sing-songs, and it does bring you out of your head. You look at him and frown.
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Babe, you don’t have to do anything.” Makki replies.
“But I want to.” You say instantly. “I mean, I think I want to, or I should?”
“But you know that you’re not in the right headspace to pursue a relationship now.” Mattsun reminds you gently. “And making sure you’re healthy enough to give the relationship all that you can is important.”
You nod sadly, agreeing. But your face must display your disappointment, so Oikawa sets his plate down and comes to sit by you.
“Look, just take it day by day. Nothing really has to change, you just have a different outlook on your relationship with Osamu.” He grabs your hand and holds it in both of his. “Instead of looking through a plain window, you’re looking through a stained glass window, right? It’s still Osamu out there, and he’s still the same person you like and want to be with. But now your relationship with him is richer and more vibrant. Even if you can’t act on your feelings now, you still have this new and beautiful view.”
You stare at Oikawa, dumbfounded. Mattsun and Makki look equally surprised at the deep and meaningful comparison Oikawa pulled out of nowhere.
“Wow,” Makki eventually says. “I didn’t know you could be so romantic, Oikawa.”
“Excuse you, I’m very romantic!” Oikawa snaps back indignantly. “Anyway, Y/N-chan, I guarantee that Osamu will be willing to wait. He’ll be patient, especially with you.”
“What would you know about patience?” Makki asks, genuine confusion in his voice.
Oikawa snaps again wordlessly, his tone shrill. You and Mattsun laugh, and the rest of the day is filled with everyone laughing and teasing each other.
At some point you take a second to look at your friends and smile. Your lives are unimaginably hard, and Hajime missing from these get-togethers still makes your heart ache. But with Oikawa, Mattsun and Makki here to soothe the pain, you know you can get through the worst of it.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: Okay, so all the cards on the table - I cried during the entire writing process with this chapter - planning it, drafting it, writing it, finalizing it AND even reviewing it. It’s not the first time I’ve had emotional reactions to my own writing, but it’s the first time it’s been such a visceral reaction. Not only is it so satisfying to see that small character growth from Oikawa, but the character growth from Y/N was oh so satisfying. She is FINALLY opening up to her friends, and they are FINALLY having a conversation that has been MONTHS in the making. She isn’t scared to suppress her feelings anymore, and she FINALLY trusts herself to open up to her friends, despite her subconscious trying to protect her from being vulnerable in front of those she cares about. If you’re reading this now, please know that there is NOTHING wrong with being open and forthcoming about your feelings. The people in your life who love you unconditionally, including me, will THANK you for it. 💖💖💖 Okay, gonna go cry again after writing this A/N LOLOLOL.
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weightlessrosewrites · 4 years ago
Heartbreak Headcanons
A/N: some headcanons for Dazai, Chuuya, and Kunikida reacting to finding you on their doorstep after being rejected/broken up with. No abilities. Gender neutral reader TW: alcohol mention for Chuuya, mentions of suicide for Dazai.  Masterlist 
Kunikida Doppo
He.. didn’t really know what he was expecting when he found you on his doorstep late into the evening. Honestly, he thought Dazai had come to pester him.
So he took a little longer to get to the door. Upon opening his door, he immediately regretted not getting there sooner seeing your tear-streaked face. 
“ Sorry for arriving unannounced.. “ You hiccupped through a bitter smile. “ I.. didn’t know where else to go. “
Kunikida may not have been familiar with this type of situation, but you bet your ass he let you in and made you tea. 
“ Would you like to talk about it? “ He’d inquire while wrapping a blanket around your body. 
If yes, then he’d offer you advice and comfort, bring you tea and snacks. He’d try, and probably fail, to cheer you up, but it’s the thought that counts. After listening to what had happened, he also has a few choice words about it, and where the person who broke your heart could stick it. 
But if you wish to not talk about it, then he’ll simply enjoy some peace and quiet with you. Maybe tell you about his day, or just how pissed off he got with Dazai. 
Nevertheless, as long as you were smiling by the end of it, was all that mattered to him. 
He loves you, after all, and he’d do nearly anything for you. He’d offer you his spare bed and invite you to stay the night, and really? How could you say no to such a gentlemen?
If, for whatever reason that Kunikida comes across the person who hurt you, he will absolutely give them a piece of his mind, but he’d never resort to threatening. Regardless, that person will never look at you again.
Dazai Osamu
Dazai was most not expecting you on a rainy Thursday night. But the subtle knock at his door had him up and heading to the foyer of his little house. 
So imagine his surprise when he opened the door to find you crying, soaked from the rain, on his doorstep. His heart broke and immediately pulled you into a hug, taking a step back to close the front door. 
If you’re worried about getting him soaked too, don’t. Dazai will gladly be soaked with you just so he can try and make you feel better. He’d hug you tight and not let go. 
Wouldn’t make any jokes about committing with him; he knows he can’t joke about that when you’re in this state. Dazai wants you to live, if not for yourself, then for him. 
There’s no talking, you can’t talk. Your throat burns from trying not to cry but the words are just not there. He doesn’t mind though, he’ll murmur for you to take your time and hold you close, humming softly. You don’t recognize the tune, but it’s soothing. 
When you are ready to talk though, his front is just as wet as you are from the hug, not that he minds. 
“ sorry.. I got you wet too.. “ you mumble as you pull away. He shook his head, “ nonsense, you’re important to me. I’ll do literally anything for you. “
Is the most childish of the three, hands down. 
He’ll start cracking jokes to make you smile before he gets a set of clean clothes out for you, gently pushing you to take a shower and warm up, while he changes himself. 
Whether you shower or not doesn’t matter, because some how he’s already got snacks and blankets ready in the living room for a movie sleepover. You don’t question it. 
Once you’ve fallen asleep, he sends a series of threats to the person who hurt you. He’s up front about his past; Dazai has nothing to hide. And he makes sure the person knows it if they ever hurt you again. 
Nakahara Chuuya
Listen.. he’s got eyes and ears all over the place. He knew what was coming, he just.. wasn’t aware it would happen so fast. Chuuya didn’t have time to prepare. 
He didn’t expect you to show up at his flat at three in the morning. Your tears had since dried, and you just felt numb. You’d been dumped, and kicked out, and had no where to go. 
So.. the only logical idea was to go see the angry redhead. You thought for sure you’d be in for a lecture but.. when Chuuya opened the door, the confused look he had only fell. 
Seeing the state you were in hurt him. Wordless he reached forward and gently grabbed your wrist, tugging you into the darkened apartment. 
“ ..I don’t have anywhere to go.. “ you mumbled. Chuuya hesitated for a moment, turning to face you as he raised a brow. “ You mean to tell me he kicked you out of your own apartment? “ Oh. Oh. This, Chuuya thought, would be so much fun. 
You nodded slightly, staring at the pretty carpeted floor in shame. You could tell his was angry. Instead of yelling like you thought he would
Chuuya simply let out a heavy sigh, tugging you into a side hug. “ Bet you were expecting me to say ‘told you so’, or somethin’, hm? “ His voice was soft, and his hug was secure. 
“ ..yeah. I should have listened to you. “ You’d mumbled as he led you to the living room. He shrugged, “ it’s part of being human. We’re not perfect; we’re flawed. We don’t learn unless we make mistakes. “ 
In the end, you both ended up haphazardly laying together on the couch drinking his expensive wine.  
Out of all of them, Chuuya is the one who confronts the person who hurt you the morning after. While he threatens the person, he collects all your belongings and brings them back to his place. 
After, he helps you sort out everything with you landlord, and your ex is kicked out. Chuuya knows that, as long as you’re with him, that the dark side isn’t as scary as it feels. He’s not afraid to get blood on his hands for you. 
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superdorkdaph · 3 years ago
We are a Family!
Sunlight reflected on the flying blue cruiser as it disappeared on the horizon. While most guests returned to their chatter, Esme was still fanatically waving at the distance.
A tickle fluttered inside Lena as she watched the little girl, for she was now her godmother. Alex and Kelly trusted her with their daughter, and Lena had never felt so honored in her life. Except for spoiling her rotten, Lena had no idea what it meant to be a godmother, she never had one. Whatever it meant, she was going to figure it out, and she would be the best godmother Esme could have wished for.
In a wonder of where the girl would go, Lena made a rash decision. She squatted down in front of her.
"Hey, Esme!"
She stopped waving, "Aunt Lena! Did my moms ask you?" Her eyes twinkled as bright as stars on the darkest night, with her bear-toothed smile she made Lena chuckle.
"They sure did!" "Did you say, yes?" She balled her fists in excitement. "Of course I did. I couldn't say no to you!"
Lena stretched her arms out to welcome Esme into a hug. Two little arms wrapped themselves around her neck, which made it easy to pick her up and hold her tight for a few moments. Determined to take her responsibilities as godmother seriously, she swallowed away her nerves.
"Are you coming home with me? I could teach you to play chess."
Before Esme could answer, an all too familiar voice behind them spoke; "I thought you were coming home with me."
Lena turned around to face her best friend. "I would like that, Kara, but someone has to take care of Esme. Maybe some other time?"
When Kara's mouth fell ajar, Lena feared her joke had crossed a boundary. The two friends were no strangers to flirty teasing, but rarely did one of them fall silent.
Thankfully, Kara burst out laughing. "No, silly! Alex asked me to care for Esme this weekend, I've got the keys to their apartment so she'll have all her own stuff around."
"Oh…" Lena turned her face away from the blonde to hide her disappointment. Even if it was just for a few seconds, she enjoyed the idea of taking care of Esme while her moms were away. Of course, they had already covered that; of course, it was Kara…
"You know the apartment is big enough for both of you," Nia dropped casually before she walked away, hand in hand with Brainy.
"Yeah, you should come. We can have a girls’ night and do something fun with the three of us tomorrow," Kara offered hopefully.
She entertained the thought of a sleepover with Kara and Esme, though Esme had her own room… She would take the couch, or maybe she shouldn't do it at all, it could be awkward.
"Yes, aunt Lena! Please?" She pouted. Esme pouted.
That was so unfair, Lena had no defense against Kara's pout, but Esme's was next level.
"How can I say no to you?" She placed her forehead against Esme's with a smile.
While Esme cheered, Kara treated Lena with a cocky grin, "I knew you couldn't refuse me anything." She touched Lena's shoulder affectionately.
Lena deserved that tease back at her. When their eyes met, she noticed Kara hadn't put her glasses back on.
That little object which separated her kind-hearted best friend from the responsible tough superhero had been left behind. To others, it might seem like just a pair of glasses, but Lena knew this was a symbol of Kara embracing herself with everything she was.
She placed her finger between Kara's eyes to let it slide down her nose where she tapped the point lightly.
"You look good," she said softly.
Kara scrunched her nose in response, her whole face smiled narrowing her eyes into joyful slits. This was Lena's favorite smile.
Read the complete story on Ao3
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theobxhummingbird · 4 years ago
I loved you from the start. -Luke Patterson x Reader.
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Summary: Connecting through music or touch? A moment that keeps confusing Y/N and Luke on why they’re the only ones that are able to touch each other.
A/N: Here’s my first JATP imagine and I could say it’s an okay one for my first time writing about a JATP character. I’m making a whole series (because I love the show jeez, Luke especially). Enjoy it, what can I say? 🥺🤭🤘🏻👻🎸👅🍀
 Like Reggie always said, Julie and Luke ooze chemistry. And everyone seemed to accept it, because they were always in front of their eyes, singing their songs, like it's only the two of them in the world. Apart from Julie, who could see the three cute ghosts, her childhood best friend, was somehow able to as well. Flynn, Julie's best friend and the person who helped her throughout her hardest times, was still trying to acknowledge, why Julie's childhood best friend who also moved in next door, could see them without the music, but not her. Y/N on the other hand, was not like Julie and Flynn. She was introverted and shy, but brought light to every place she went to. Reggie enjoyed her company the most, thinking she's the most awesome person he'd met in his life. To Alex, she also seemed awesome and smart and he talked to her whenever he got the chance, but Luke---he was a bit too busy with writing music and playing it for the band, when he got an idea. He never really talked to her, only in situations when they ran into each other at the studio.
Julie, Flynn and Y/N were sat in the studio, talking about Julie getting taken down from her program, when the three boys appeared. -Are those cookies? -Reggie excitedly said. -Yes, Y/N made them, take some. -said Julie, but then remembered they can't eat, -Oh--- -Thanks Jules. -said Alex, sitting down behind his drum set. -I'll have one. -said Flynn and took one, but accidentally knocking one off the plate. Y/N sat up to take it, Luke kneeling at the same time, to tie his shoes. -Ouch. -they bumped their heads. -Careful there. -he rubbed his head. Y/N normally took the cookie and Luke went to his guitar. Julie, Flynn, Alex and Reggie, were all looking at them in shock, but the both didn't realize why. -How did that happen? -said Julie. -What? -You bumped into each other. Normally, you Y/N was supposed go through him like a sword. -said Flynn. -Maybe it was in the moment. -said Luke, -Sometimes we can pick up things, but then drop them. Julie took a hold of Y/N's arm and brought her to Luke. She lifted her hand and gestured Luke to put his up. When Y/N's hand landed on Luke's and it didn't go through it, they all gasped. -That is awesome! -said Reggie. -Everything for you is awesome. -Flynn spited. -You guys are meant to be! -Julie said and they immediately pulled their hands next to their bodies. -No Julie, stop. -Y/N muttered and she took her bag, leaving the studio. -Wait, Y/N! -said Reggie, but she was out of the studio.
- Weeks passed after the little surprise for everyone in the studio. Julie and the Phantoms continued writing music and singing their songs, while Y/N caught Julie and Flynn alone, managing to miss out on the three boys' presence. She was going to school, avoiding any contact with them whenever she saw them with Julie, knowing she can't fake that she can't see them, because all of them knew she can see them without music and for now, can touch Luke. It haunted her for weeks, the fact that she can touch Luke; the one boy that she could never imagine herself, holding his hand, nor loving because he was basically not existing. Julie told her, she can come to the studio whenever she needs to be alone and whenever she needs a secret place where she can cry, so Y/N wanted to try the opportunity and took her diary with her to the studio. She sat down, on what Luke said was, his couch and started writing the things she could only tell to paper:
" From what I still feel in my heart and on my hand, after being able to touch a person even my friend, who's more meant to be with him, I can't stop thinking through what it could mean? My mind's blocked and can't process what's this thing roaming in my heart? It started way before, when I was able to see the three of them. In that moment, my eyes got stuck to the one guy that I could never be close to like Julie was and is. I was always sat on the side, watching them lovingly sing to each other. And no, I never wished I was Julie, but I did want to be Y/N that stood in front of Luke. Singing was a big part of my life; it saved me from my hardest times, and no one knew I sang and sometimes wrote music. It was all the secretive part of me, and it still is. And now, seeing Julie and Luke sing---I don't know---maybe I want to sometimes start singing at the top of my lungs, which I do when I get home after seeing them sing together; all of them, the entire band. And Luke, he's an amazing person and now that I know that I can touch him, all I want is to run and give him the biggest hug...but I can't, because even though he's connected through touching with me, he's connected through music and heart with Julie...also, there's something I want to confess-"
When she was about to finish her sentence, the three appeared in the studio, as well as Julie and Flynn who came through the door. Y/N got confused and she only managed to shove the pen in her bag and unnoticeably knocked over her diary; it closing under the coffee table. -Y/N! -Reggie said, going in for a hug, but Y/N passing through him. -Oh. It only works for Luke. He frowned and got back to his guitar. Luke didn't say anything; he just played dumb and continued to be his own self; crazy and happy to see Julie with some new lyrics. -You can rehearse, I'm leaving. Bye guys, see you. -she said and rushed out of the studio, leaving no time for the others to react to her sudden leaving. Her feet walked fast to her house and, when she opened her door, her grandma was sleeping in the living room. Y/N slowly and quietly walked to her room, trying not to wake her up, and sat down on her bed. She was sad, too sad to even see from her tears. The dusty guitar was placed in the corner and she didn't want to pick it up that night, rather pulling the covers over herself and falling asleep.
- The boys rehearsed with Julie, and Flynn and her promised each other a sleepover, so the preparations started outside the studio. Reggie and Alex were doing whatever entertained them, and Luke was still stuck on his new lyrics, trying to put words together that made sense to him the most. He rubbed his forehead, with the hand that held his pen, while having the guitar pick, peeking at the corner of his mouth. His gaze fell on a notebook corner that had fallen under the table. He picked it up, thinking it's Julie's lyrics notebook. Luke tossed it on the table, it flipping some pages open, to the same writing from earlier. He took it in his hands again, with his well-known curiosity, as his eyes moved fast from one sentence to another. The last part of it caught his attention the most. What was she going to confess? His feet hit the ground and he was headed for Y/N's house, remembering she can see him, so he needs to sneak in but not be seen by her. From what he could hear, there was no sound coming from her house. He slowly walked in on sleeping Y/N, immediately spotting the guitar in her corner. She had created herself a writing corner, that was filled with papers. He couldn't uncrumple the ones she threw away around the small desk, because she was going to wake up and see him. Luke took some of the lyrics, and what seemed to be her lyrics notebook and was out of her house.
- -Hello, Y/N. -he said, when she flew in on him alone at the studio. -Take a seat. She followed, taking a seat a bit far away from him, -You left this yesterday. I found it under the coffee table. -Thank you. -she took it from his hands and placed it safely in her bag, hoping he didn't read any of her writing, unnoticeably crumbling that page in her bag. She cleared her throat before speaking again, -I'll leave. -Okay...-was all he said, refusing to talk to her. She met Reggie at the door, and walked through him, leaving the place. -What's wrong with Y/N lately? -he said to Luke. -I don't know. -said Luke, and went to try some music for Y/N's lyrics. When Julie came to the studio, and Luke had alone time with her, he tried asking her about why Y/N's singing is such a secret in her life. -Does Y/N sing? -he blurted out. Julie furrowed her eyebrows and turned around to answer him. -I don't know. Probably. Like every normal teenager. -No, I mean sing, sing. -I've heard her sing a few times when we were little, but now I've never even seen her touch a guitar. Why are you asking? -Just curious. -Her mum, used to talk to my mum that whenever Y/N was sad, she would go to her grandma and play her songs. No one knew why she did it, until--- -Hey guys! -Alex walked in, -Let's rock this rehearsal. -Never mind. -sighed Julie, and she went to the piano.
It stayed with him the whole time; two unfinished sentences, both leading to the girl he didn't know why felt so special to him? He played the guitar, making mistakes and messing up, which worried the others. It confused them even more, after he said he'll go on a walk. But they shrugged it off, thinking he's upset about his mum and dad. But this time, he didn't go to them; the house he went to the other day was standing in front of him. And, apart from yesterday, where no sound was coming from it, the house was now filled with a guitar sound and a soothing voice. He came in, unnoticed by Y/N, as he obsereved the scene, Julie was talking about. Her singing to her grandma, who was laid in bed, with pill boxes next to her. -That was beautiful, firefly. -her old hands were now placed on hers. Luke took a peek at the papers in his hands. Firefly; a song title written boldly above. Y/N's voice filled the entire room, as she started singing lyrics from Luke's papers. The words amazed him and he couldn't believe that, the shy and introverted Y/N, Julie's best friend, has a magical voice and songwriting talent. He wished for his guitar, and it dropped in his hands. When he started to play, both Y/N's and her grandma's eyes snapped at him. Y/N's mouth dropped to the floor, but she played along, so her grandma doesn't get suspicious. She stood up and approached Luke, so they could sing together for her sick grandma.
After their little performance, Luke magically didn't disappear, because he quickly took a grip of Y/N's hand; that kept him still. Her grandma applauded them both, thinking her granddaughter wanted to bring along a friend to make a small performance for her, and Luke and Y/N assured her, as if it was really like that. -What are you doing here? -she brought him outside. -I wanted to see why singing is such a secret for you. -You read my diary didn't you? -I open Julie's dream box; I open your diary. Same outcome every time. Two beautiful voices. Is there something bad in that? -Boundaries! -she raised her voice. -Boundaries. -Yeah yeah, I get that a lot. -he said, -Also...what were you going to confess at the end? -Nothing. It doesn't interest you. Go now Luke, please. -You are holding my hand, Y/N. -he said and she let go, shaking them off together. -Tell me. -No Luke. I'll see you tomorrow at the studio. -she said, and swung open the door.
- It was the most important show for the Julie and the Phantoms. The four of them were so nervous that they constantly rehearsed the lyrics backstage. Flynn and Y/N took over their places in the crowded room, both of them present for support of their best friend's band with her crazy ghosts. Luke peek around the curtain, just to make sure she's there, and in the crowd. -Did you spot her? -said Reggie from behind him. -Is it that hard to spot her? A person with the brightest and most innocent smile in this world. I hope I don't confuse her tonight. -I think it'll be cute dude. -he tapped his shoulder and went to Julie and Alex.
When their last song finished, but the band kept playing, Luke settled himself with the guitar and took the microphone to speak. -While you got to see the Julie and the Phantoms, here's something very personal to me; a song I wrote along my journey with this band, just by looking at one person in the room. She's here tonight, between you all, supporting us with just her presence. Firefly, this song 'I loved you from the start', is for you my muse. Y/N's entire system stopped processing his words and her mouth stayed open in shock, as Luke started to play and sing the song he wrote for her. Tears formed in her eyes, as she took the scene of the emotional, but moving song he was telling in front of a whole crowd for...her? The words contained how much she meant to him and how he loved her from the moment he laid his eyes on her beautiful face. The crowd whistled and applauded when he finished, and calmed when Luke took the mic again to speak, -It's been a long way of just observing her from afar. I never felt so much inspiration for music in my life. Somehow she was keeping me from giving up on my dreams. Y/N, you're the most amazing and talented person I've ever met in my life, so I would be very honored if you accompany me on this stage and sing your song 'Firefly' with me? The crowd, as well as Flynn was encouraging her to get up on the stage and sing with him. And while she resisted, they persuaded her into doing it, and she found herself next to Luke. Reggie handing her a guitar, she stood next to Luke, and they started singing together. It was like her dreams came true at once, by just writing them in her diary, that he so happened to read. He could see her eyes flickering with excitement and happiness, and when they finished the song, Luke cupped her face, and placed a deep kiss to her lips in front of the entire audience. Julie and the band couldn't be more happy about the two of them, finally putting out their feelings for each other. When they split apart, he rested his forehead on hers. -Maybe Julie and I connect through music yes, but there's nothing better than being able to feel the person you love the most. I love you Y/N, and I loved you from the start. -I-I love you so much that everything that happened so quickly, felt like a dream I'm too scared waking up from. -You shouldn't be scared, because you'll live that dream as long as I can take a hold of these amazing hands, -he kissed them both,-that make words come to life. God, the things you make me feel by just existing. -You're the most perfect ghost I've seen in my life. -she joked, and placed kisses to his cheeks, finally meeting his lips again for a final kiss before they go back to the studio.
-- Julie and the Phantoms wrote music, which was normal, but Luke always enjoyed writing music with Y/N's head on his shoulder. He was overwhelmed to finally feel the person he loves, because his biggest pain, is never being able to touch the girl he loved the most...his Unsaid Emily.
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bokutosworld · 4 years ago
then and now | kuroo t.
pairing: kuroo tetsurō x f!reader word count: 1863 words, fluff! mutual pining!  warning: manga spoilers, with mention of kuroo’s timeskip occupation summary: always the bridesmaid, never the bride. you thought your time would never come until someone from your past comes along and brings up something you’ve long forgotten. OR where you and kuroo make a silly marriage pact and he shows up after years apart to make it come true.  
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He chuckled, now comfortably holding your one hand and hiding it in his pocket to keep it warm. “Here I was wondering if you were waiting for me.
Because I was.” 
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The church bell tolls, white doves are released, and joyful cheer and applause erupts from the crowd as the newlywed couple steps out from the cathedral. The now husband-and-wife gaze at each other full of love, and it is a sight guaranteed to make one envious and long for that same kind of affection. 
But to you, it’s a scene that you’ve seen so many times that it already feels like a short film played on repeat. For the past year, you’ve lost count of how many weddings you’ve attended – whether as a guest or part of the bride’s entourage – that you’ve acquainted yourself with the workings of the event. 
Heck, you’ve even memorized the readings of the priest that if they ever need a replacement, you can be the stand-in and officiate the program. 
However, this wedding was different. Your best friend of more than fifteen years is the one who walked down the aisle, and you’re more emotional than you expected you’d be. Earlier in the morning, she woke you up, feeling sentimental, and demanded a pep talk. It was laughable because, more than her, you thought it was you who needed that assurance as you sent off your childhood friend to a new journey in her life. 
The whole ordeal felt surreal and somehow, a tad more personal, because it wasn’t just any bride – this was the same girl you grew up with, the one you’ve seen in diapers, the one who held your hand in the playground, the person who you always ran to for boy troubles. Watching her exchange vows and rings felt like a coming to life of a scrapbook page, a long-awaited dream that you’ve talked about together in sleepovers where none of you really slept. 
It made you wonder if you will ever march down the same aisle towards the waiting arms of your beloved.  
“What a wedding, huh?” 
The hotel reception was no different to the ceremony that took place prior. This time again, you wore the bride’s maid-in-honor hat and only after making sure that everything – that included the food, drinks, and entertainment – were in place did you take your place on the table and chatted with your old friends from high school. 
The conversation started off with comments on how grand, intimate, and special the ceremony was. They talked about how it was wedding season, counting just how many of their schoolmates have already been wed. And before you knew it, eyes were on you and you had an inkling of what would follow. 
“So,” Yoshioka, your former student council president, turned towards you. “You’re the only bachelorette left in our batch. We’re just curious.”
You laughed awkwardly, “No, please don’t expect a wedding invitation from me anytime soon. I’m still happily single.” The smile you wore felt strained, but whether the other girls recognized it or not, they chose to not comment further. 
“Besides, it’s a great source of joy for me just being able to see you guys get married.” Noticing that the lights have begun to dim and focused on the spot on the stage, you clapped your hands, “Now, let’s just enjoy Yukie’s wedding, alright! Look, they’re coming out.” 
As soon as the couple walked to the floor for their first dance, you heaved a sigh of relief and slumped in your cushioned chair. They moved gracefully as one across the dance floor, seemingly lost in their own world as they gazed deeply in each other’s eyes and swayed to the tune of the love song. 
You thought back to the conversation earlier and weirdly, you felt a pang inside. Truth is, in every wedding you’ve attended, you can’t help but feel wishful. You consider yourself successful in almost every aspect of your life but sometimes, it can feel dejecting when you return home to an empty apartment at the end of a tough workday. 
A part of you craved to make that little girl’s dream come true of wearing the wedding dress that you’ve designed, staying up all night for a bridal shower, and walking down the aisle to where your lover was waiting. 
When the couple’s first dance ended, the host entered the stage and the program officially began. You could only hope that hours would pass faster. 
Two hours into the reception and you can already feel the shots kicking in your system. 
It wasn’t a really good idea downing five straight shots of tequila. At first, you thought it would quell your nerves, make you let loose and be the funnier version of yourself as you stepped to the podium to deliver your congratulatory speech to the couple. 
In retrospect, it looks like the drink did its job as you managed to emit laughter and emotional tears from the crowd as you reminisced on your relationship with the bride, recounting the story of how she fell deeply in love and decided that he was the one. 
But now, hunched in your seat with head on your hands, you were seemingly tipsy and all you could think about was escaping outside for some fresh air. 
So, you did. When the groom’s best man took the stage, you saw this as an opportunity to quietly slip to the balcony. 
Shutting the door behind you with a quiet thud, you eyed the empty balcony and sat towards the nearest bench. The surface was a bit cold as the city was now ushering the season of fall, signaling the arrival of long nights and chilly evenings. You shivered slightly and tucked your coat closer to your body as you stare at the darkness. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been outside until you heard the door open and in came a tall, attractive, and oddly familiar man. His face held a warm smile as you noticed that his gaze was directed towards you. 
“Long day?”   
And it was only until he stepped closer and stood in front of you, the moonlight illuminating his face and accentuating his features, that you realized who he was. 
When was the last time you saw the Kuroo Tetsurō? You racked your brain for your last encounter with him and your memories point to your high school graduation. All of a sudden, you felt small and your surroundings became hot as you stood in front of him. Your former childhood neighbor. Former best friend. Former crush. 
Not that he had any idea about that last item. 
“I thought I saw you earlier before the reception started,” he made himself comfortable on the bench, patting the space beside him to urge you to sit as well. “But it’s been so long since I last saw you so of course I thought I was hallucinating. Then you gave a speech on stage – which by the way, I thought was awesome, you’re still as witty as you were before – and my suspicions were confirmed.” 
You were breathless. Speechless. What were the odds that your reunion with him would be at a wedding? 
“Did Yukie send you the wedding invitation?”  
His laugh echoed in the darkness of the night, “Yeah, she did. It was nice to see familiar faces again.” He stared back at you, “I missed everyone.” I missed you, he wanted to say. 
You hummed in agreement and without realizing, the two of you engaged in a comfortable conversation with Kuroo leading just as he always did. Being charming just as he always was. Telling you stories from the part of the past that you didn’t know. Catching you up with his present where he now works in the sports promotion division of Japan Volleyball Association. 
A small part of you was relieved to know that Kuroo was doing well and successful just as you always hoped he would be. Years of no contact with the boy that stole your heart from day one certainly left you lonely. You wouldn’t say it out loud but he was part of the equation of why you still haven’t tied the knot. It was silly but you always thought that no one could measure up to him. 
Absentmindedly, you started fiddling with your fingers, a habit you’ve formed when you were feeling cold, and Kuroo noticed. And just as he always did back then, he enveloped your hands with his and brought them to his lips to blow warm air on them. 
“That better?” 
Your heart threatened to flutter, “Yeah, thanks.” 
After a long while of silence, Kuroo spoke. “I see there’s still no ring on your fourth finger.” He was now nonchalantly stroking your hands, letting his fingers slip in yours. 
You coughed nervously, averting your eyes from his deep ones. “Well, I haven’t really found anyone.” 
He chuckled, now comfortably holding your one hand and hiding it in his pocket to keep it warm. “Here I was wondering if you were waiting for me.
Because I was.” Oh no, be still my heart, you thought.
Kuroo went on, “Remember that silly pact we made on the night before graduation?” 
Your mind takes you back on that evening when you and Kuroo were sitting on the rooftop, away from the noisy crowds and drunk soon-to-be college students. This was your thing, enjoying the calmness and admiring the stars spread out in the night sky. 
That evening, you and Kuroo talked about the uncertain future that lied ahead. That evening, you bared your soul to him, letting him in on your worries and you fell apart in his comforting presence. He, as always, acted as your anchor, assuring you that he would always be your biggest supporter and that he’d always cheer on you even from afar. 
That evening, with the two of you drunk on the excitement and the many possibilities for the new chapter of life, he brought up a proposal.
“I have a crazy idea.” Kuroo linked his pinkie finger with yours. “If we’re still single and not yet married by the age of 35, I’ll find you and we’ll get married.”  
Swept away in the moment and the thrill of the idea, you agreed and sealed the proposal with a harmless kiss. 
“You still remember that?” You questioned, not expecting him to actually remember that silly pact. Not expecting him to be holding on to that agreement. 
“Sometimes, I wonder where we could be now if I just manned up and asked you out that night instead of pulling that act.” He holds your gaze, careful as he brings a hand to cup your cheek. “I’ve liked you for the longest time. And if you’re still available, if you’ll still have me, I am yours.” 
“But we’re not yet 35, Kuroo,” you teased. He chuckled and playfully shoved you before bringing you in an embrace. 
“I’ve decided years ago. You’re the only one for me,” he pulls away. “I’m sorry it took me a long time.” 
And that night, it wasn’t only your best friend that went home feeling the happiest girl in the world. 
Because there was Kuroo who was ready to make up for lost time and give you a reason to look forward to your trips back home.  
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allthingsfangirl101 · 4 years ago
*The Perfect Goodbye–Zac Efron
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Warnings: first time, losing virginity, protected sex, language
I sat on Zac's bed, my knees tucked up to my chest. I struggled to hold back the tears as he packed up his things.
"Okay, I think I have everything," he mumbled as he looked down at his list. His lips moved as he silently checked things off.
"Yep," he said, looking up at me and smiling. "I got everything. I can't believe I'm moving to LA tomorrow."
The smile fell from his lips when he saw me biting back tears.
"Y/N," he sighed as he shoved the list into his pocket.
He walked over and crawled on the bed next to me. I scooted away from him when he tried to wrap his arms around me.
I opened and closed my mouth, unable to form words. There was so much that I wanted to tell him, so many things I've kept bottled up. For starters, the fact that I've been in love with him since middle school. Even though I had a lot to say, I couldn't seem to find the words
"Y/N," he started. I shook my head as I quickly stood up.
"I gotta go," I rushed out. I wrapped my arms around myself and quickly left his house, ignoring him calling out to me.
                         * * * * *
A few hours later, I was sitting on my bed reading when there was a knock at the door. I looked up, my breath instantly getting caught in my throat when I saw Zac standing in the doorway. I bit my lip, looking down to see he had grocery bags full of treats, his laptop bag over his shoulder, and two pizza boxes in his hand.
"Hey," he said hesitantly. He slowly walked into my room, putting the stuff in his hands on the floor before walking over to me. He hesitated to sit down at the end of the bed.
I scooted to the end of my bed and grabbed his hand, pulling him down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"It's okay," he nodded, not letting me go. "I know me leaving is hard on you. Especially with your parents constantly fighting. I just don't want to spend my last night without you."
Zac pulled out of our hug but kept his arm wrapped around my waist. He smiled as he started to list what we were going to do tonight.
"I brought my computer so we can watch movies all night, two pizzas – one for now and one for later – and all our favorite treats so we can stuff our faces all night."
When we were younger, and my parents weren't constantly yelling at each other, Zac and I used to have sleepovers where we slept on the floor all the time. It was only fitting that we did the same thing the night before he left to start his career in LA. We spent the night, watching movies and eating treats on the floor of my room.
We had just started the second movie of our marathon when we heard the front door open and quickly slam shut, followed by the arguing of my parents.
"You were forty minutes late, Y/F/N." I heard my mother chastise. "We both agreed to go to therapy. When we agreed, we also agreed to be there."
"I didn't agree to this," I heard my father scoff. "You forced it upon me."
"For the welfare of Y/N. You remember her? Our daughter?"
My eyes filled with tears as they continued to fight. Zac must have seen the look on my face because he jumped up, quickly and quietly shutting my bedroom door.
"Zac," I said, my breath getting stuck in my throat. "We aren't supposed to be alone in my room with the door closed."
"I don't care," he said as he walked back over to me. We leaned against the edge of my bed, Zac instantly pulling me into his chest.
I took a shaky breath as he started rubbing my back. I buried my face in his shirt as the tears started streaming down my cheeks.
"They're getting worse," I said, not pulling away from his chest. He hummed and tightened his arms around me, knowing I just needed to vent.
"The only time they don't fight is when my dad is at work," I continued. "The minute he walks in the door, my mom always says he did something wrong or my dad complains about dinner. Then things. . . Escalate. Things never get physical, but. . ."
I felt Zac lean slightly out of the hug, but his arms still around me when I didn't continue. "Y/N?" He said gently. "Are you ever scared they might. . ."
"Hurt me?" I asked, finishing his thought. I sat up and moved my head over to his shoulder as I sighed. "No. I mean, I know they would never hurt me. . . Or each other. They throw things at the wall sometimes but never at each other. Like the other day, my dad broke their wedding picture after throwing an empty beer bottle at it."
Zac sighed as he reached over and grabbed my hand in his. "I'm so sorry, Y/N," he whispered. After a few beats of silence, he added, "And I'm leaving you tomorrow."
"I wish I was going with you," I said under my breath as I snuggled deeper into his hold.
"You can always come visit me," he shrugged. I looked up at him, nervously biting my bottom lip.
"Of course," he smiled down at me as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "You could run away and live in my apartment with me."
I looked up at him, my eyes filling with different tears. They weren't hurt, scared tears that I've been crying lately. They were the tears you cry when the love of your life is leaving and he doesn't know he's the love of your life.
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. As he started to lean back, I grabbed his face and brought his lips down to mine. Zac sucked in a breath when our lips pressed together.
I was about to pull out of the kiss, embarrassed by my sudden moment of courage, but Zac put his hand on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss.
We were sitting on the floor, leaning against my bed as our lips moved in sync. My hands were still holding his face as his hand slid down my back. I gasped, breaking the kiss when he grabbed my waist and pulled me so I was straddling his hips.
I leaned my forehead against his as we caught our breaths. I slowly leaned back, nervously biting my bottom lip. I looked into his eyes, completely speechless. His lips slowly formed a smile as he stared into my eyes. As soon as our breathing had gone back to normal, we both leaned in and started moving our lips in sync again.
"Zac," I said between kisses. I moaned when he pulled away and started kissing my neck. "I have to tell you something," I stuttered as his lips traveled down my neck, before stopping and focusing on my collarbone.
It took everything in me to push Zac away, disconnecting his lips from my skin. I took a shaky breath, hesitating.
"What is it?" He asked, reaching up and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"There's something I've never told you," I said, messing with the collar of his shirt, avoiding his gaze. "And. . . And I would regret it for the rest of my life if I let you go to LA without telling you."
I finally looked up at Zac, nervously chewing on my bottom lip. "Y/N," he smiled at me. "You can tell me anything."
"I love you," I said quickly before I could talk myself out of it. "I've been in love with you for so long."
Before I could say anything else, Zac grabbed my face and roughly pressed his lips to mine. I let out the breath I was holding as our lips moved against each other. I moaned as he slid his hands down my body until they pressed to my back, pulling me in closer to him. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine, slightly rubbing my nose with his.
"I love you too, Y/N."
I leaned back, my heart dropping into my stomach. "What's wrong?" He asked hesitantly when he saw the look on my face.
"You're going to LA tomorrow," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I sucked in a breath when a sob got stuck in my throat. Zac reached forward, gently grabbed my chin, and made me look up at him.
"It doesn't matter how far apart we are," he whispered. "I loved you when we were little, I love you now, and I will love you for the rest of my life. We can do this long-distance thing."
"Are you sure?" I stuttered. "Long-distance relationships are hard. I mean, they rarely ever work out. Other couples have tried, but. . ."
"They aren't us," he interrupted me with a soft smile on his lips. "I love you, Y/N, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you in my life."
"You leave tomorrow," I said, my voice low.
"Then let's make tonight count," he said, smirking slightly at me.
I smiled before gently grabbing his cheeks and pressing my lips to his. As our lips moved in sync, Zac slowly laid us down on my rug. I ran my hands up his chest and ran my fingers through his hair. He moaned as I tugged slightly.
I pushed his computer that was still playing the movie away as our lips continued to move in sync. I moaned as he slipped his hand under my shirt, slowly dancing his fingers up my stomach.
Zac slid his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. The second I opened my mouth, his tongue started exploring every inch. I moaned as he immediately took dominance.
I pushed his chest, smirking at the confused look on his face as he stared down at me. I bit my bottom lip as I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and started sliding it up his chest. I tossed it aside as he smiled down at me.
He sat up, pulling me with him. I bit my lip nervously as he slowly slid my shirt over my head, tossing it next to his. Zac started to lean towards me, laying us both back down. As soon as my back hit the rug, he pressed his lips back to mine.
I moaned as Zac started slightly grinding his hips down against mine. When he started kissing my neck, I reached up and started undoing his jeans. I felt him smirk as he bit my collarbone, a moan escaping my lips.
I sucked in a breath and held it as Zac pulled away. My cheeks burned as Zac tore off his jeans and started taking off mine. He looked down at me, breathing heavily as he scanned my almost naked body. He looked back at my eyes, his smirk turning into a smile.
"I just want to make sure," he whispered, "that you really want to do this."
"Yes," I said instantly. "I want to do this, Zac. More than anything. I want to take this next step with you."
Zac smiled as he lowered himself, his face inches from mine. He rubbed his nose against mine, his breath hitting my face.
"I've wanted this for so long," he whispered. "And I'm going to make sure it's the perfect night."
"You really want to make this work?" I asked, shakily. He leaned back far enough for him to stare into my eyes.
"Y/N," he smirked. "Do you really think I'd be here, with you, the night before I leave if I didn't want to make this work?"
I blushed as he smiled at me, lust slowly creeping into his eyes. He reached up, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Y/N, I love you. I want to be with you. After you graduate high school, maybe you can come out to LA. We can live together and finally start our life together. Actually, let's start right now. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes," I giggled, reaching up and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you, Zac."
"I love you too, Y/N."
He leaned down and instantly started moving his lips against mine, the kiss quickly getting heated. Goosebumps covered my body as Zac slid his hands under me. I arched my back, giving him the space he needed.
I sucked in a breath when he was able to unhook my bra. He broke the kiss and quickly yanked it off. I bit my lip as he looked down at my bare chest. When his eyes finally came back up to my eyes, he smiled at me before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.
"You. . . Are. . . So. . . Beautiful," he moaned between kisses. He moved his lips and started kissing up and down my neck. I tilted my head, giving him better access.
As he continued to leave hickeys up and down my neck, I reached down and slid his boxers off. His lips started moving down my chest, pressing opened-mouth kisses in between my breasts. I moaned when he started massaging my breasts with his lips.
"Zac," I moaned as his tongue swiped across my nipple, hardening it. He pulled away, a popping sound echoing off my bedroom walls. He didn't look away from me as he reached down and slowly slid my underwear off, tossing them and making them land on top of his discarded boxers.
He was about to lean down, but I put my shaking hands on his bare chest, stopping him. "Zac, wait," I whispered.
"What is it?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. "Are you okay?"
"Yes," I said instantly. I nervously chewed my bottom lip as I remembered that this was about to be, not just our first time, but my first time.
"If you're worried about this being your first time, I don't want to pressure you," he instantly said, reading my mind. "I don't want to make you feel like I'm forcing you. I love you, Y/N, and I want to make you feel as beautiful as I know you are. I want to pleasure you, showing you how much you mean to me. If you want to stop, then we will."
"I don't want to stop," I said quickly. "I want to do this with you, Zac. I love you and I want you to be my first."
"I love you too," he smiled at me. "If I'm being too rough or going too far, just tell me and we'll stop. Okay?"
I nodded as I looked at my hands, still pressed to his bare chest. "That's not all," he said slowly when he saw the look on my face. "What else is going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
"I'm um. . . I think we. . ." I stuttered, embarrassed about what I was about to say. "I don't have protection."
Zac let out a small laugh as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips before pulling away and standing up. I sat up, wrapping my arms around my bare chest as I leaned against the end of my bed. I nervously chewed on my bottom lip as I watched Zac walk over to his pants.
I blushed, turning away when he bent down. I looked back over, my cheeks burning even more as I avoided looking him up and down. He sent me a smirk as he pulled a condom out of his wallet. I chuckled as I looked away.
Zac walked over and sat down. I gasped as he put his hand on my stomach and pushed me so I was laying on my back. He crawled on top of me, his eyes never leaving mine. I waited for him to hover over me, but instead, he knelt down, one knee on each side of me.
I nervously chewed on my bottom lip as he opened the condom and slipped it on. He smirked when he saw the redness on my cheeks. I gasped as he leaned down and grabbed my hands, putting them above my head.
I sucked in a breath as Zac leaned down and whispered, his lips grazing my ear. "What do you want, Y/N? Tell me and it's yours."
The way he said my name sent chills up and down my body. "I want," I stuttered. "I want you, Zac."
The second his name left my lips, I felt him push into me. I moaned at the pressure and the stretching of my walls. He took a shaky breath as he didn't move.
"Just relax, baby." He said, his voice soft and strained as he intertwined our fingers, still holding my hands above my head. "You'll adjust."
He waited patiently as he leaned his forehead against mine. I nodded, silently telling him I was ready for more. He grunted before starting to push in and out of me. His movements started out slow, but gradually got faster.
The faster he moved inside me, the quicker my breathing sped up. The world melted away as he continued to move his hips against mine, pulsing in and out of me.
"Zac," I moaned as my orgasm built.
"We have to be quiet, baby," he said with a small chuckle, breathing heavily. "Your parents are downstairs."
"True," I moaned as he pushed into me hard and pulled out of me slowly. "But they probably won't hear us over their arguing."
Zac looked down at me with a playful smirk on his face. He leaned down and roughly pressed his lips to mine, our lips moving messily in sync.
Zac pulled away from my already swollen lips without pulling out. I moaned as I noticed him watching me as he pushed in and out of me. The longer he watched my reaction, the more the tension between us built up. I closed my eyes when his lustful gaze got too much.
He started kissing down my chest, between my breasts, still rocking his hips against mine. "Holy shit, Zac," I moaned when I felt the pleasure build up.
"I like it when you moan my name," he smirked against my chest as he started sliding his hands down my arms. "It turns me on."
I arched my back, causing him to slip even deeper into me. "Damn, baby girl." He grunted as he grabbed my hips for stability. "You're so tight."
I moaned as he continued to push deeper and harder into me. I slid my hands up and down his arms, tightly squeezing them in sync with his grinding.
"What can I do for you?" I stuttered. "I want. . . I want to give you as much. . . Make you feel. . ."
He laughed, gently pressing his lips to mine. I grabbed his face, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.
"You don't need to do anything, baby," hewhispered. "Just being with you is enough."
"But Zac," I moaned as he pulled out of me just to push back into me.
"Tell me how this feels," he grunted as he quickened his pace, turning the attention back to me.
"So good, baby." I moaned. "So fucking good, Zac. Holy shit!"
Zac roughly pressed his lips to mine, shoving his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance as he grabbed my thigh, wrapping my leg around his waist causing him to shove himself deeper into me.
"Fuck!" I moaned, pulling out of the kiss as he pressed against my g-spot.
"Damn," Zac groaned. "This feels so good, baby. I never thought. . ." A moan got stuck in his throat as I clenched my walls around his member.
"I'm close, baby," I moaned.
"Good," he grunted. "Cum for me, Y/N. Don't hold back. We'll do it together."
He pulled out of me, took a deep breath before quickly and roughly pushing into me. As he rocked his hips against mine, messily kissing me and causing another orgasm to build.
"Y/N," he moaned against my lips. "I love you."
When he said those three words, I arched my back and didn't hold back anymore. I wouldn't want to even if I could.
"Fuck," Zac moaned as he cummed shortly after I did. He pulled out of me and rolled off as we started to catch our breaths.
I closed my eyes, my heart beating against my chest. I bit my lip when I felt Zac reach over and grab my hand, instantly intertwining our fingers.
"I think that's why my parents never wanted us in my room with the door closed," I said under my breath, breaking the silence.
Zac laughed as he squeezed my hand. He pulled on it, rolling me over so I was pressed to his chest. I closed my eyes and cuddled into his chest.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispered. I opened my eyes and looked up to see him already looking at me. "So much."
"I love you too, Zac."
He smiled as he pulled our intertwined hands over his heart. I leaned my head on his shoulder, snuggling into him even more. Zac reached down and pulled a blanket over us. He started rubbing his hand up and down my arm as our breaths finally went back to normal.
My eyes filled with tears as I thought about the fact that in a few short hours, we were going to have to say goodbye.
"Y/N," Zac whispered. "While I'm gone, I will be completely and a hundred percent faithful to you. You never have to worry about me cheating on you because I know that there is no one better for me than you. Now that we are together, I won't do anything to ruin it. I will spend all day thinking about you. I'll call you every night. I'll text you all day. We'll Skype every weekend. I'll come down to visit you and you'll come up to visit me. And when either of us visits the other, you and I will spend all day together and all night in each other's arms."
He sat up, making me sit up too. I wrapped the blanket around my chest as I turned towards him. He reached forward and grabbed my chin, pressing his swollen lips to mine in a gentle kiss. He pulled away, smiling widely at me.
"I promise," he whispered. "I love you, Y/N."
I smiled as I leaned forward and pressed my lips back to his. I pulled back and rubbed my nose against his.
"I love you too, Zac."
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graceslavenderhaze · 4 years ago
just wanna be with you; reggie x reader
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“are you okay?” that was the first question julie had asked you when she saw you the morning after you both had learned that the boys were planning on crossing over before the jolts that caleb had placed on them destroyed them. 
“ i feel like i should be asking you that.” you said bluntly as you let your best friend into your house which was empty other than you at the moment. you both trailed into your kitchen. ripped pages of your journal laid in crumpled balls, a mug of hot chocolate which was half drank was next to your song journal. you wrote your best songs when you were emotional and last night was definitely emotional. 
you picked up your mug and went to refill it as well as make one for julie. she sat herself down at the table, her wondering eyes drawn to the journal. she knew a love song when she saw one. 
“did you write this?” julie asked pointing at the song labeled ‘just wanna be with you’. you placed both of your mugs back on the table and sat down. you bit your bottom lip as you took a deep breath. 
“yeah, i wrote it about or i guess for reggie.” you blurted out to your best friend. she placed her hand onto your outstretched one, comforting you. you felt all of your emotions crash down onto you like a tidal wave. 
“i’ve never felt this way about anyone ever not even carrie, i’ve never been so- i’ve never written a song about someone i like. ever! and then he just comes out of nowhere the afterlife and everything and for the first time since carrie broke up with me, i felt. i can’t even compare it to carrie but he makes me feel like there’s nothing we can’t do if we’re together, and no matter what happens i know he’ll be there. i just wanna be with him, jules.” your voice was raw as a few loose tears escaped your eyes. 
“that’s love, if i know anything from how my parents looked at each other and every stupid rom com that we’ve watched with flynn. you’re in love with him.” julie said to you as she wiped the tears off of your cheeks. you let what she said sink in, love. you were in love with reggie. 
“fuck flynn’s never gonna let me live this down!” you joked to your best friend. she broke a smile. she stood up and held her hand out for you. you gave her a confused look. she pulled you up from your seat.
“you’re getting dressed, meeting up with reggie before we play the orpheum and giving him this song. life is too short for you to just sit back and not tell people how you feel about them. you have to live in the moment, and even if you lose him. you’ll always have the memories.” handing you the journal that laid on the table, you both rushed upstairs to your bedroom not before you muttered “i hate how you’re always right.”
it had been at least an hour since you got ready. julie had picked out a cute outfit consisting of your favorite pieces of clothing that you owned, insisting that flynn says that the more comfortable you are in your skin, the more comfortable you’ll be laying your heart out. you also had your backpack slung over your shoulder with your clothes for later tonight when the band plays the orpheum and then, clothes for a sleepover with julie later on. neither of you wanted to be alone after the guys crossed over. 
“stop worrying you look fantastic.” julie said to you. you found it ironic. your best friend was playing one of the most iconic clubs in all of Los Angeles tonight and here she was calming you down over telling reggie how you feel. you played with the bracelets on your wrists, more specifically the red and black one that had a small bass charm in the middle. julie smirked when she noticed the small charm but opted not to say anything. 
“i’m gonna go pick out my outfit for tonight, and i’ll rangle dumb and dumber out so you can be alone with reggie. you got this!” julie said to you before walking into the studio to say some half true lie to get alex and luke out so you could be alone with reggie. after standing alone for five minutes and convincing yourself while it seemed convenient, running from your issues wouldn’t solve anything. 
“hey.” you mentally face palmed. hey thats the best you had? reggie looked up from the grand piano he had been fiddling with the keys of. a smile came across his face when he saw you. his smile was one of your favorites. 
“hey, shouldn’t you be helping julie?” he asked confused being as mere minutes ago julie had brought luke and alex up to her room to help wrap last minute details up for the orpheum show. you placed your backpack down and fished out your journal. your heart was beating in your chest like thunder, as if it was going to just combust out. 
“yeah, but first i wanted to show you this song that i wrote.” you stumbled on your words a little and after getting the sentence out your mouth had never felt drier. reggie looked bewildered, normally you shared your songs with julie and flynn. this was the first time you’d ever wanted to show him a song of yours and also the last. 
“i thought that’s something that you and julie do with flynn?” you approached the grand piano and sat next to him. it was now or never at this point. you pushed the knowing that by tonight after they opened, him and the guys would be gone. 
“yeah but it’s something special that i think would just be better if you were the one to hear it. is that okay?” your voice was soft and you’d never been this close to reggie before. the past few days you’d been avoiding being alone with him to see if you could try to resolve your crush on your own. it was impossible.
“yeah, no totally, that’s rad.” he said nervously starting to fiddle with his rings. you let out a soft laugh. you opened the page that the song was on and placed your hands on the keys.
 “ I got a lot of things I have to do All these distractions Our futures coming soon We're being pulled a hundred different directions But whatever happens I know I've got you
You're on my mind you're in my heart It doesn't matter where we are It'll be alright Even if we're miles apart
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know its true I just wanna be with you
You know how life can be It changes over night It's sunny then raining, but it's alright A friend like you Always makes it easy I know that your kidding me every time
Through every up through every down You know I'll always be around Through anything you can count on me
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know it's true I just wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you” 
 you felt a weight life off your shoulders when you finished and you wondered why you’d been so nervous, then you remembered that reggie was still sitting next to your and your nerves came swinging right back. you turned to him and for once staring into his eyes didn’t comfort you, it scared you. 
“i know that after tonight you’re gone but i’d be an idiot if i didn’t tell you how i felt before you left. i’ve never wrote a song for anyone i’ve lov-like liked.” the words tumbled out of your mouth uncontrollable. reggie smiled. he wanted to kiss you and in that moment he regretted everything. had they focused on the band instead of being so hellbent on getting revenge against bobby, then they wouldn’t have gotten stamped and wouldn’t be crossing over at all. 
“you have no idea how much i want to kiss you. ” he said softly. you smiled, you wanted to kiss him so badly. 
“i’m gonna miss you, so much.” you admitted. you knew he couldn’t stay but you wanted him to. 
“you are unlike any girl i’ve ever met or have like liked either, y/n y/l/n. i wish we had more time.” he said coming closer to you. your eyes closed for a moment and you forgot just what was happening. he wouldn’t be able to kiss you. you’d go straight through him. 
“we can’t, i want to but you know we can’t.” your words were soft and quiet but loud enough to break both of your hearts. you both wanted this so badly but the universe wouldn’t allow it. you merely coexisted together, you were still from two seperate worlds. 
“your favorite flowers are forget me nots right?” he asked you after the two of you had pulled away. you nodded and almost as a reflex played with the bracelet on your wrist with a forget me not charm. he removed his necklace from around his neck, with the blue beads and silver bar at the middle. the entire time you’d known reggie he’d never been seen without it. 
“then consider this a forget me not.” he then took the necklace and placed it around your neck. you removed the red and black bracelet with the bass charm. you placed it around his wrist. 
“only if you consider this a forget me not as well.” “ forever.” your phone beeped interrupting the moment. 
julie: i love you but i’m going to find a way to rekill these himbos soon. 
“i should go actually help julie now. i really don’t wanna say goodbye.” this was probably the last moment you had with reggie and you never wanted it to end. 
“so don’t say goodbye just say i’ll see you around.” he said jokingly. you nodded as a few tears made their way out of your eyes. you stood up from the grand piano grabbing your journal, you walked over to your backpack and turned around, your fingers fiddling with your forget me not token. 
“see you around guitar cutie.” you said before walking out of the studio. 
“not if i see you first!” he yelled back. you smiled and continued to walked up to julie’s room. closing the door and then sliding down against it once you’d entered. 
“i fell in love with a ghost. full teasing rights once my heart heals, let flynn know.” you stated as you slumped on the floor in a slightly love struck daze.
“no shit!”
“is this suppose to be new news?”
“shut up shes in loveeee.”
“yeah and i’ve come to take your spot as julie’s fashion stylists.” you joked as you got up. alex and luke poofed out after a few more side comments. julie smirked. 
“nice necklace you got there.” she winked before the two of you got to work. 
flashing forward to two hours later, flynn and you stood on the side wings of the stage clutching onto each other, both of you dressed in your concert outfits . julie, alone center stage with only her keyboard, microphone and a dahlia with her. you were all on edge, the guys wouldn’t bail again. there’s no way. so there was only one other explanation. the jolts destroyed them before they got to crossover. 
as julie started playing stand tall, the song you had heard so many times from sitting in on the practices, you thought you were imagining hearing alex’s drums until you and flynn both saw him with your own eyes. 
“holy shit.” then reggie appeared next to julie, causing you and flynn to jump with excitement. they were still here, they were going to crossover. you noticed how the charm from the bracelet reggie was still wearing had twinkled under stage lights and him looking back up and you and winking. 
“it’s your lover boy!” flynn teased. you couldn’t deny it because at this moment you were to happy to even bother. 
“c’mon luke.” you had started to muttered noticing that he was flickering onstage causing both of the present phantoms to give you a worried glance. after a few tries he managed to stay solid onstage. 
“yes!” you and flynn both cheered on the sidelines. dancing and singing to the song that you knew would be stuck in your head by tomorrow. you were all happy in this moment. 
when the song ended reggie looked back at you and mouthed very clear words. “i love you.” before you could say it back the boys disappeared. you placed the silver bar of the necklace to your lips and kissed it muttered “i love you too” before. joining flynn in cheering for julie. everything was over, but you left nothing unsaid. 
“so y/n, spill the details about your out of this world love affair.” julie joked as the three of you were in the dressing room changing into your street outfits. you laughed. folding the clothes you wore and putting them back into your backpack before looking in the mirror to check over last time. 
“wait is that reggie’s?” flynn asked pointing at the necklace you wore all night. you blushed slightly. then julie noticed the missing red and black bracelet. 
“yeah it’s a forget me not. something to remember him by. i’ll explain it all tomorrow i’m still processing it honestly.” you said turning around to her. flynn hugged you. you were happy you had your friends. 
“i’m gonna go make us popcorn and pick a movie.” you said once julie and you had gotten back to her house for the night. you knew she wanted a moment alone in the garage to thank her mom for bringing the guys to her and music back into her life. 
once you had the popcorn in julie’s bed and were picking out a movie on her laptop she texted you a 911, code red, and a bunch of other phrases for her saying you needed to get into the garage asap. 
“hey jules what do half of these codes even mean?” you asked as you walked into the garage. “what the fuck, you guys crossed over. you shouldn’t be here.” you said when you saw your favorite ghosts standing in a group hug with julie. they looked like they were dying twice all over.
“come here!” julie said grabbing you and pulling you into the hug. the guys all started to glow a golden color and the stamps caleb had put on them dissolved.
“what do you think that means?” julie asked. you shrugged, up until like a month ago you didn’t even think ghosts actually existed.
“i think it means the bands back.” luke said causing the group hug to jump up and down in a fit of happiness over playing the orpheum. once the group hug broke up, you launched yourself forwards towards reggie.
“i love you too.” he smiled. 
“kiss her!” julie coughed trying to be subtle. luke and alex both nodded encouraging their friend. 
“yeah kiss me guitar cutie.” you said with confidence causing him to do so. you could hear the hollers of your best friends in the background losing their minds which made the moment better for you.
“so what do i tell flynn?” julie asked once you pulled away for air. 
“we’ll tell her tomorrow, she’s probably still reeling from tonight.” you said. julie nodded then had another outburst excitement over the fact that they just played the orpheum. 
reggie picked you up and swung you around before kissing you again. “i don’t know what’s better playing the orpheum or kissing you.” he said. 
“also which one of you is responsible for carlos knowing?” julie asked in the middle of the moment. the guys faces all became panicked.
“busted!” you said holding a hand for your best friend to high five.
this is the first thing i’ve ever wrote to post publicly and idk if i like it or not but just wanna be with you lives in my head rent free so i saw my opportunity and i took it honestly. let me know if you guys like this those maybe i’ll start posting again. <3
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years ago
ohhh so i would love if you could do rfa who‘s child gets hit by a car (Happy End) with v and saeran since the other were really good!😙💚
Minor Trio’s child get hit by a car ( Trigger Warnings, Angst! )
Mention of blood, hospital, death
Hello! I am so happy that you liked the HC! I am more than happy to write it for you! Vanderwood is a ,,Bonus’’, lol! Hope you enjoy! Please tell me your honest opinion! Stay well!
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You observed your husband playing with your son as you gently rubbed your belly, carrying Saeran’s twin daughters.
You never imagined back then that this day would ever come or that you would feel so much happiness.
This was love, you thought.
Your son accidentally kicked the ball over to your feet, making them both approach you.
,,Isn’t it hot in the sun, Mc?’’ Saeran asked, concerned as he looked up into the clear blue sky. There wasn’t even a single cloud present.
You nodded. ,,You’re right, I’ll wait inside for the both of you,’’ you smiled as you tried to get up, however, Saeran quickly helped you.
The both of you were proud that you chose to buy a house in front of the park where cars drove a bit slower than in the city.
The nature around your home made the atmosphere so beautiful. You were happy that you were able to show your son the beauty of the world.
,,No, Mummy, why do you want to go home?’’ your son whined as he looked at you.
You smiled at him as you ruffled his hair. ,,Mummy is tired and besides, it’s too hot for your sisters!’’ you laughed.
,,Okay! Then I will go with mommy and make her feel fresh with some cold tea!’’ he laughed and took your hand.
You had such a sweet son and you were so happy that you and Saeran seemingly didn’t make any mistakes in your parenting.
Well, maybe you did make a mistake - your son still couldn’t cross the street. He always forgot to look both ways before crossing.
And this time too, Saeran was walking hand in hand with you towards the street to approach your home. You guys just had to cross the street when your son’s ball fell out of his arms, making his one favorite ball roll into the street.
,,Oh no! My ball!’’ he whined as he jumped and ran, speeding on the street.
It all happened so quickly - as you let go of Saeran’s hand to run, at least as much as you could towards him, your sunshine.
Your scream was so loud that Saeran twitched. ,,THE STREET!’’ you cried, but your son simply didn’t look both ways.
The honk made your son stop in the middle of the street as you heard a hit. In front of your eyes, you saw your son falling with blood everywhere.
,,NOO!’’ you screamed louder as the car stopped immediately. Saran approached your son quickly and ever since then, your mind was fuzzy. You couldn’t remember how you got to the hospital, how you cried, or how helpless you were.
You just came back to yourself when your son called your name, his arm and leg was broken, his head was hurting, and the boy was whimpering in fear.
,,I’m here, baby. I won’t let go of you. Tell mommy what you need,’’ you whispered, still relieved that your son had an angel who prevented his death.
Lucy was between the both of you as you walked to the coffee shop where you planned on buying a cake for Lucy as she received a good mark on her test today.
The weather was beautiful, the birds were singing, and your little girl next to you was laughing happily.
,,I am so proud of you! That’s our daughter!’’ you praised her again, making her smile even wider.
Jihyun also told her more than once that he was proud and that he never had such a good mark in math.
,,Really, Daddy?’’ she asked him. She couldn’t believe what her dad was telling her, making you chuckle.
,,Okay, let’s take a picture before we go in,’’ he said, holding his camera up, ready to take a picture.
You nodded and went on your knees, hugging Lucy as you both smiled brightly. 
,,Oh, look how good it looks!’’ he told you.
Both you and Lucy approached Jihyun, looking into the camera.
Lucy was behind the both of you as she turned around, seeing a big beautiful balloon shop.
Not being able to stop herself, she gasped as she walked towards it, not noticing that she was in the middle of the street.
,,Lucy, let’s go in. What cake do you want?’’ you asked her. When you turned around, a horrifying scenario played in front of you.
,,JIHYUN!’’ you hissed and grabbed his shoulder as you saw her on the street.
,,LUCY!’’ he called too, trying to run towards her to stop her.
But he was too late.
Before he could even pull her back, a car ran into her, making her fly and fall on the floor a bit further away from the both of you.
The squeaking sound of the brakes was so loud that you had the feeling that no one could eat with your high pitched scream in panic.
Everything and everyone stopped as you ran towards her. The woman who just hit her with the car was already on the phone, crying and talking to a hospital who was sending an ambulance to the site of the accident.
,,Lucy, Lucy… you can’t leave mommy…’’ you sobbed as you put your jacket over her pale body to not make her feel any cold.
You didn’t dare to move her head, scared that you would hurt her even more.
,,She is strong. They will be able to help her, don’t worry,’’ Jihyun said as you kept on sobbing on his chest.
,,What if they take her away from us? I’m such a bad mother. I should have…. oh my God I’m okay if they take her away from us as long as she stays alive,’’ you sobbed, fearing you might lose her in whatever way it may be.
Jihyun could just rub your back as he tried to stay strong for you.
,,She’s alive. She will have a big headache as soon as she wakes up because of the trauma, but she will be able to keep on living without any damage. Just let her rest here for the next few days and then we can send her home.
For the night, the both of you can stay here,’’ the doctor said.
,,I will log into the chatroom to keep them updated,’’ Jihyun said, meaning the RFA.
Of course they all went crazy when they found out and it didn’t take even five minutes until Lucy got transferred to the VIP Room due to Jumin’s connections in the hospital.
You were a big family now, after all, and everyone was willing to support the both of you as good as possible.
There was no way that they could even try to take Lucy away from the both of you because you were still the best parents for her, your daughter.
It all began to be a beautiful day, so how did this day manage to become a living nightmare for the both of you?
Days passed as you and Vanderwood sat in silence next to each other.
The room was cold, the atmosphere was killing the both of you, and your tears no longer stopped falling as you saw your son.
The machine was keeping him alive.
The tubes around him made him seem dead, even though he was still alive. At least that was what the doctors were telling you.
Vanderwood kept holding your hand as he now observed you, worried for your well being.
He knew that at night you couldn’t sleep anymore.
He knew that even when you managed to close an eye, you were whining and crying in your sleep.
Your skin too was pale as the room and your lips were dry.
You didn’t eat anything, you were barely drinking, and he almost had the feeling that he forgot your voice.
A week ago, your son happily gave you a kiss as he walked to school.
You and Vanderwood sat around the table, having breakfast, when suddenly someone called you.
It wasn’t even 10 AM when the hospital told you that your son was hit by a bus at the bus station.
He and his friends were playing when he was accidentally pushed on the street, a bus coming right at that moment, hitting him.
,,He has fallen into a coma,’’ they told you as you cut the call and looked at Vanderwood with a teary face.
Ever since then, you kept thinking about your life: how you raised him and how you lived with him.
,,I wish I would have walked with him to school,’’ you suddenly whispered. Vanderwood’s heart stopped beating for a second as he heard your words for the first time in a week.
,,I wish I would have let him sleepover at his friend’s house.
I should have bought him the latest PlayStation and I shouldn’t have scolded him a week ago.
I… I regret so many things… What if he dies now? He’s still so young…’’ you sobbed louder.
,,We agreed on not raising such a brat who gets everything.We didn’t want a spoiled boy,’’ Vanderwood tried to calm you down.
However, he managed to make you angry ,,Well, yes, because a dead child is better than a spoiled one, right?!’’ you hissed at him, your face red as you were angry.
,,You know that that’s not what I meant!’’ he hissed.
Suddenly, the both of you found yourself arguing and hissing at each other, but the both of you quickly stopped when a little voice called you.
,,Mommy…’’ your son gagged as the tube was into his mouth, the mask making it impossible for him to say anything.
,,CALL THE NURSE!’’ you hissed and jumped up, approaching your son and stroking his head as you looked at him with a pained face.
,,Everything is okay, everything will be fine. Mommy and Daddy are here. The nurse will be here too, don’t worry,’’ you kept on telling him as your son kept panicking, a sight that broke your heart.
Indeed, the nurse, followed by countless doctors, entered the room.
Vanderwood pulled you apart from the bed as they checked him.
,,He is awake and he is alive…’’ you whispered and hugged Vanderwood, a warmth he hadn’t felt since that all happened.
,,We can send him home the day after tomorrow,’’ the doctor began, telling you what treatment was needed for your son.
But the good news was that he didn’t have anything life threatening and that he could soon live normally again.
26.04.2021 // 22:35 MEST
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sokkas-honour · 4 years ago
For the Spotify writing could you do 50 for Korra
ms. california - korra x reader
Tumblr media
pairing: korra x reader (gender neutral)
wc: 1.8k
notes/warnings: nothing here folks :)
i love your voice but hate the way, you talk of her consistently
you heard the boats coming in before you saw them, you heard the cheers erupting from a small crowd that had formed around the south pole’s dock, all flocking to catch a glimpse of their avatar coming home. while everyone’s excitement stemmed from seeing what was essentially a hero, you were just excited to finally see your oldest friend whom you hadn’t seen since she had left to go back to republic city after spending time healing with master katara in the south pole.
excitement cursed through your veins at the prospect of seeing your best friend after years of being separated as you ran to mix in with the crowd of natives welcoming one of their own home.
your heart swelled once you finally spotted her, standing proudly at the front of the ship, her mother placed right next to her as they both waved at the crowd. you noticed her newly cut hair that you had only seen in recent varrick industries movers, it looked even better on her in person.
you pushed your way through the crowd, excusing yourself as you bumped into several people, most of them unphased as they kept their gaze on the master of all four elements. you didn’t stop moving until you found yourself next to tonraq, a man who had served as almost a second father to you ever since you were a toddler. your father being one of the water bending masters that kept an eye on korra growing up, meaning you grew up alongside her at the white lotus compound.
“hey y/n, excited?” the chief asked as soon as he noticed your presence next to him, keeping his eyes on his daughter that was fast approaching.
“yes sir.” cheers got louder as the boat finally stopped, chief tonraq invited you to join him as he walked towards the boat, the guards he had enlisted letting you pass in order to join him.
when your eyes met here as she started coming down, you felt a smile grow on your features as you watched her face mirror yours, two old friends finally reuniting.
unexpectedly, korra picked up the pace and wrapped you in a hug as soon as she got near you, taking you by surprise.
“i missed you.” she exclaimed as you were returning it, happy to once again be in her arms. her large coat was soft to the touch but she smelled rather foreign, most likely due to the fact that was living in a bustling city. the sound of her voice was something you didn’t expect to miss so much but now that you finally heard it for the first time in months, you didn’t want to ever go without it again.
“missed you too.” you squeeze her slightly before you two finally broke apart, grins still on your faces as you both eyes each other up and down in order to see if there were any noticeable changes in each other’s appearance.
a little later during the day, after following korra revisit her home town you ended up having dinner at her childhood home. swapping not only childhood stories but also catching up on the things you had missed and that’s when when you found out about her.
one question was asked and suddenly, that’s all korra could talk about, all of her recent experiences being completely thrown out the window to talk about things her girlfriend, asami, had been doing, how her company was doing, some new invention she had come up with in the later hours of the night, a funny thing she had said, everything that was coming out of the avatar’s mouth had something to do with her.
you tried your hardest to engage in the conversation, finding your heart melt at how she talked about asami with so much love and amazement. her eyes sparkled in a way you had never seen them and you felt your heart sting a bit knowing that she’d never talk about you that way, that her eyes would never lit up at the sheer mention of your name. after a couple of minutes of enduring it, you retracted to your own thoughts, letting tonraq and senna interact with their daughter.
but every time you say her name, it honestly kills me
to help digest your food, and because korra insisted she wanted to, you both went on a walk after you finished eating some delicious homemade noodles. the cold didn’t both you as much as you were bundled under your coat, happy to find that outside the sky was clear, no signs of a snow storm in sight.
“sorry, i talked a lot back there.” she immediately said once she stepped out of her home to join you, excusing herself for being the center of attention at her own celebratory dinner.
“you realise that you haven’t been home in ages, and you’re the avatar, you’re the only one with any real stories to tell.” you joked as you started leading her in a random direction, knowing the whole area like the back of your hand meant that no matter where you two went, you wouldn’t get lost.
“come on, life here isn’t that boring.” she laughed lightly at your comment, following you closely so she wouldn’t get lost.
“you’d be surpised.” she rolled her eyes, not believing for one second that her best friend who always loved to live life to the fullest was admitting to living such a monotonous one.
“my dad told me you started teaching people waterbending which means you’re a real master now, that’s cool!” she nudged you lightly, causing a small smile to tug at your lips at the compliment on the full mastering of your skill, something that you were incredibly proud of.
“yeah, it’s not what i plan to do forever but it’s fun.” you shrugged your shoulders slightly before you two fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound between you being the trudging of your boots in the snow and the usual night sounds.
“but i could totally beat your ass, water or all elements, you don’t stand a chance.” you spoke up defiantly while simultaneously holding a joking tone in your words making her stop in her tracks.
“is that so? i’d love to see it.” she placed her hands on her hips as her eyes jokingly narrowed in your direction, thankfully you were still close enough to people’s houses to have some light letting you see her hilarious facial expression that looked identical to the one she used to wear when she was younger.
“how about tomorrow? we can even invite your parents so they see how weak the avatar actually is.” you teased as you suddenly felt the snow beneath your feet shift, causing you to fall backwards. quickly reacting, you brought snow up around the both of your arms to propel yourself forward, directing the snow directly at your friend as soon as your feet were flat on the ground.
korra brought her arms up to stop the snow from hitting her before letting it go limp and drop the ground.
“damnit, i would’ve loved to catch you off guard.” she whined, finally walking up to you after having let you walk by yourself a short distance.
“korra, you called me a master not two seconds ago, did you not think i’d be able to react to that?”
“listen, i didn’t think this through.” she rose her hands up in defence as you laughed, shaking your head at how much your friend could be idiotic when she wanted to.
“no kidding.” your comment earned a gust of air being bent in your face, causing your hood to fly backwards and your face going cold.
you narrowed your eyes at her as she simply stuck her tongue out childishly, causing you to laugh at how immature she was.
“i sure hope your city friends also get to deal with this side of you, would be a shame if they didn’t.” you managed to say once your laughter died down, being met with playfully offended avatar with her arms crossed as she observed you laughing with a quirked eyebrow.
“actually, asami says i’m pretty mature.” she stated matter of factly and you felt your happiness falter slightly at the mention of her girlfriend, wishing you could just go back to five minutes ago when you weren’t reminded of the fact that korra was living a completely different life to yours, one that didn’t involve spending it with you but with some supposed beautiful and genius inventor.
she's your girl, she's in all your pictures. california girl, i wish i was her
the following day, after tiring each other out sparring, you both headed back to her house as she mentionned wanting to show you some pictures she had of her life in republic city. you had barely seen certain staples of it like air temple island and the aang statue inside of books but never anything more.
“this is the spirit portal in the middle of the city.” you had seen numerous times the southern portal but there was something about the new one that made it stand out, while trying to figure it out, you spotted her, tall, long black hair, looking adoringly at korra who was talking to some officiel and you knew right then and there that was asami.
as korra showed you pictures of the pro bending arena, more in depth ones of air temple island, the spirit vines and in practically all of them you could see her, her whole presence seemed elegant, you could tell why korra had fallen for her.
when you're gone, she sleeps in your t-shirts
“shit i forgot my shirt.” korra mumbled as she frantically searched through the bag for her night shirt as you watched her from the other side of the room.
“don’t you have some here?” you suggested, looking around her room to maybe see one laying around but you knew that senna kept the room nice and tidy while her daughter was away.
“probably, hopefully asami is making use of it.” korra shrugged her shoulders before abandoning her bag on the ground, making her way to her crate where she kept all of her older clothes, grabbing the first one that came in between her fingers before facing you again, excited to have a sleepover like you always used to have.
“yeah, hopefully.” you mumbled, staring at the small fire that korra had lit for extra warmth, wishing that maybe in another life you weren’t just korra’s childhood friend, maybe you two actually got together, maybe if you had followed her to republic city instead of staying home afraid of being reprimanded by your parents for disobeying orders, maybe everything would’ve been different.
it hurts, i wish i was her, ms california.
general taglist: @biqherosix @draqondance @butterfly-skinnylegend @alteasmoon @staygoldsquatchling02 @sunnypluto
lok only taglist: @welovediaaxx @firelady-jay @callmecopper
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skelanonymous · 4 years ago
Song Prompt 4 -  You Don’t Know Me
I’m trying my hand at some bad guy poly, and if I get to my Little Night AU, this may become a prequel of sorts.
Song: You Don’t Know Me by Elizabeth Gillies
Skeleton: Nightmare
Words: 3.2k
“Boss, you can’t be serious right now.” Killer’s mouth hung open. Dust sighed off to his left, rubbing his face hard enough to shake dust from his hood. Horror wouldn’t meet his eyes, Cross also nervously avoiding them, leaving Error the only one still looking, albeit with some exasperation.
“I’m very serious.” Night responded to Killer without bending. “This is not something I’d like to be a part of.”
“If that’s the reason, cuz you don’t wanna, then that’s fine. But that sounds like a crock and I ain’t one for bullshit.” Killer grabbed the end of the table with whitened knuckles. Nightmare could taste the frustration off all of them, but his icy resolution could outlast their mounting agitation. “So just be honest. We can handle whatever you got to say.”
Nightmare looked at his phalanges, faking disdain with ease, unaffected stone face a talent he’d picked up before leaving the tree’s shade.
“I have no reason to lie. I am not willing to join your polyamorous posse.” They’d all been having “sleepovers” for months now, and he’d caught on long before he walked into a dream he wished he could erase. It would’ve been fine had it been Horror or Killer, but Dust was always vigilant and had remembered Nightmare’s brief intrusion the next morning. “I admit, it’s impressive you’ve managed to keep this working between so many of you, and I don’t care what you spend your free time doing, but my time will be spent on other ventures.”
“But in the dream-”
“I’m not a nun, but walking into a dream orgy when you expect something a little more tame and having a reaction isn’t that ridiculous.” Dust’s gaze bore into his skull. He couldn’t crack, not if he was trying to pass off this lie. Keeping calm was critical.
“So that’s it then. No?” Killer just shook his head. Good, please, give up. Nightmare’s feigned nonchalance had held through much worse, but the backlash afterwards would be worse if he broke beneath it.
“It’s a no.” Night stood from the little table he’d been called to like an intervention. “Now I’m returning to my study. Come find me if anything happens to the castle.”
He did NOT run, but he portaled the instant he turned a corner. It dropped him into a forest patch on the edges of this world just before he lost his composure.
“Son of a fucking BITCH!” His tentacles lashed out, splitting apart all the trees in the area with a giant swing. The corruption roared out of his mouth, furious and wild, screaming his voice hoarse. He didn’t give a damn about any of it, just seeing red from the blackened aura that got denser and denser around his body as he raged in nature, a force all on his own.
Of course he wanted to say yes! Envy scorched through his hands, clawing ahead for what it could not reach. Rage he reserved for himself, though saved some for his damned fate, at being too fucked to just be with a person. Even now, not within their embrace, the greed seduced his pitch black soul to have so many loves with which to indulge, having them all pay attention to him, their king, their saviour, they OWED this to him!
“God damn it, NO! Fuck you!” He continued ruining the countryside, rampant as the growth surrounding him.
He couldn’t love them. Not like they wanted, not the way they did each other, forever an outsider to the perfect temptation. He’d tip the balance and break the scales. He would destroy this for them. Slowly, he felt the brain fog raise, the tinges of red outlining everything finally fading away with his energy.
When the colors of the ruined forest fully returned, he directly portaled to his study. Dust was waiting patiently on the desk’s edge.
“The castle couldn’t have had a disaster that quickly.” Nightmare sat at his desk without acknowledging he’d been caught moping outside. Damn his perceptiveness when not distracted.
“I mean, it did.” Dust stated in a matter of fact tone. “They’re unhappy with the answer.”
“And what? You’re here to force me to change it?” Lashing out was what he excelled at. He wasn’t meant for soft cuddle puddles and doting, his body literal poison to those around him, his aura a drain. Dust didn’t bite.
“No. It wouldn’t be honest if it was forced.” He spoke airily, as if admitting the blatant truth could be anything but bitter disaster.
“Then why have you come to my study?” Nightmare hoped he’d rise to the bait that time, more direct in his aggression, and Dust would meet and rise to it most days, but besides twitching a few times, he holds his sanity at the low blow.
“To remind you. I know what I saw, and you know what I saw.” Dust didn’t leave room for argument and Nightmare didn’t lie about it out of respect. “Just know that the door is open should you change your mind.”
“Thank you, but my answer remains the same.” Damn him. Each denial took away more of his resistance. Perhaps he knew that, persistence hunting him with a strong will borne of the endless loops that forged most of his loyal following, waiting until one day he asked over something inconsequential like breakfast for the yes to slip out without Nightmare even on guard enough to catch it.
“Whatever you say Boss.” Dust nodded, but those eyes haunted him. He hadn’t heard the last of this, but the tide would ebb for now.
Nightmare fell back into the plush chair tiredly, already awaiting the next wave.
He knew what he wanted, but he could not obtain it. If he acted on his wishes, he’d destroy what he sought. And if he denied it, he’d be acting against his natural state while forcing himself to be miserable. There wasn’t a way to win that he could conceive of so he settled with ignoring the feeling entirely.
Despite his refusal, they didn’t change their interactions with him in the slightest after that first day.
Meal times remained largely unchanged except for the stolen glances at him if he betrayed any affection or laughed (which wasn’t often, but they were his crew and knew his weaknesses). Missions and responses to commands had also remained the same, though that was expected. They still offered him the opportunity to join in on movie nights. He had refused all of those since the rejection.
Maybe it was the way Horror had frowned when he’d said no for the fifth time in a row that changed his mind. Ignoring feelings didn’t make them disappear and he’d always been a little softer for Horror’s requests. He only asked for what he considered essential.
“Let me finish this. I’ll be down in five minutes.” Tidying up his papers took seconds, but he needed the minutes for composure.
When he made it down, Horror had curled up into Error’s lap with a gigantic grin, Error softly praising him with small head pets. The others waved at him.
“Hey Boss! Sorry, we let Cross pick this time.” The ‘we didn’t think you’d say yes’ was implied. Nightmare nodded at Killer while moving to sit on the couch against the wall.
“I can live with choosing next time.” The little bursts of joy hit him like a face full of air freshener, his sludge rippling but otherwise unaffected. They’d popped in the DVD and set up before flicking off the lights.
Nightmare watched intently for the first fifteen minutes, he’d never seen it before, then looked around.
The group had paired off into cuddly duos, Killer and Cross, Horror and Error, leaving a lonely Dust seated by Nightmare. From here, he could feel Dust’s cold longing, wanting to join in like the others but knowing his only possible partner would refuse him. The movie was loud, the others absorbed in it or each other and not even able to see them from where they sat. Nightmare laid a tentative tentacle over Dust’s shoulder. He refused to speak a word, merely moving his arm for Dust to accept or not.
His dual colored eyes dilated before quietly shuffling over. Leaning in, he pressed himself along Night’s side with a little wiggle to get cozy.
From this angle, Dust’s ears within an inch of his mouth, he spoke softly.
“Is this okay?” He didn’t know what he felt like to others. Dust hummed so low that Night could only feel it.
“Yeah.” His right eye twitched, Papyrus must’ve said something. “What are those weird swords called?” Night’s eyes flicked up to the screen.
“A flamberge sword. It’s mostly used to counter others by-” Nightmare went into its varied history, a few famous wielders, its construction. They kept their eyes on the film, and Nightmare whispered it to Dust, like a secret history lesson while some cheesy dramatic scene full of loud music drowned out the rest. By the time he’d stopped, Dust comfortably leaned fully against him. His head had come into contact with the corner of Night’s mouth without ceremony, suddenly making Night aware of his proximity.
“You’ve read a lot.” Dust turned his head, now his teeth only a breath away. Nightmare couldn’t take his eyes off of them.
“Books were all I possessed before…” His eye roamed over the group before returning to the gentle intensity building in the centimeter between their teeth. “Dust…”
“You can have this Boss.” Dust’s soul pulsed with determination, Night washed over in its warm waters. “I know how much you wanted it.” His red and blue eyes dropped to Night’s teeth, hovering with hot breath, half-lidded in need. “Just take it Nightmare.”
The touch of their mouths made Night’s own soul explode in the rush of desire that blazed into an inferno at the smallest sprig of kindling.  His tongue begged for entrance before he could think the action through, Dust letting it in without hesitation, shaky hands dug into Night’s sweater. The loud movie covered the quiet wet sounds, Night’s tentacles shifting silently to cradle Dust as he devoured all he was offered.
His soul lurched when he pulled back; he wanted to consume Dust but the rational part of his brain managed to catch him before he dove back.
“Hah. Nightmare, come back.” Dust’s hands had fisted in Night’s sweater tight enough to tear. Nightmare ignored it to squeeze his eye shut, trying to breathe through the mounting urge to take Dust apart, piece by piece, in view of the others, damn their relationship, he’d take ANY of them whenever HE wanted.
“Stop.” He said it at normal volume, shouting compared to the hushed exchange before. It drew the attention of the others. “I can’t.”
“Why?” Nightmare hadn’t opened his eye to see, but he could hear how hurt Dust sounded, hands trembling where they still balled in each other’s clothes. His normally distracted voice spoke firmly. “Tell me why.”
“I can’t.”
“You can. You just won’t. Tell me why.” Dust shook his head to dislodge Papyrus, ringing in crystal clear. It struck his soul, shattering the thin barrier holding back his honesty, unable to hold onto thoughts while containing the rot of his corruption from spilling over and swallowing them whole.
“I will devour you. All of you.” His tentacles sought them out, tentative. His vocal cords ached with an involuntary voice drop. “I will fucking ruin this. Your love cannot overcome my nature.” Each appendage curled around their throats, besides Dust, laying in his arms. The eye of the storm, Dust laid there calmly, like Nightmare’s tentacles weren’t threatening to strangle all of his loves in one fell swoop. Nightmare’s sludge dripped off of him, onto the couch, sizzling where it’d dropped onto Dust’s shins. He didn’t flinch.
“You wouldn’t know, you won’t let us try.”
He could feel the others struggling against him, hands sliding on the slick material while his tentacles grew tighter.
“I’LL KILL YOU!” Night growled, his own fingers clamping down on Dust’s neck, pressing down on the bone hard enough to creak underneath them. “I’ll take what I want and dust the rest!”
“Then do it.” Dust met his eyes unafraid. He relaxed into the hold, even as Night’s hands got ever tighter.
The corruption buffeted the inside of his skull, whirlwind of thoughts and crazed emotion, fed by the slow building terror of the others, their struggles more and more frantic the longer his tentacles gripped them. The only exception was Dust. His eyes had slid shut, limp and relaxed in his hands. Nightmare didn’t realize how out of control it’d gotten until he heard the crack.
Nightmare released Dust instantly, hands struggling with the healing magic Nightmare was trying to force through the agitated sludge.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Night didn’t stop trembling until he felt Dust touch his wrists. The splashes of cyan across Dust’s calm smile startled him out of everything, tentacles dropping the others to curl in on himself. With a deep breath, the magic flowed more evenly, in control of this at the very least. The crack slowly wove together until only a scar remained. Nightmare avoided the gazes of the others he could feel staring him down, caught unaware by Dust pulling on his wrists, falling directly onto Dust’s chest, face onto his shoulder, forced to stare at his own mistake.
“Just relax…” Dust’s head rested atop his own. He felt the skilled hands slide into the crevices between his tentacles, pressing and rubbing away the tight balls of tension until he finally let them all go.
“How did he do that?” Cross whispered from the side.
“Hell if I know.” Killer sounded close as well, shuffling from just beyond his vision.
“Patience.” Dust’s fingers pressed down to unwind the stress of his back, though not the sins crawling there. Nightmare shifted to lay in a way that he could see off the couch. The others watched them from the floor with wide eyes. He sighed, tracing Dust’s sternum during inhales.
“I could have killed you.”
“You wouldn’t have.” Dust’s faith never wavered, the others radiated guilt. Nightmare averted his gaze.
“I’m still sorry.”
“Then make it up to me.” Nightmare sat up, resting his hands on Dust’s chest for leverage, ending up sitting on his lap before taking the hands that had fallen off his back. He pulled Dust up to match him.
“How?” Night blushed under Dust’s intense observing, relaxing at the gentle clank he got in exchange. It sent a tremor through his spine.
“Answer us honestly.” Dust’s skull twitched against him, tranquil determination a temporary state at best. He kissed Night softly over and over again, plying at his defenses with the promise of what this could be, curiosity over how they worked together. Dust wasn’t alone in this after all. “Do you want us?” The shuffling of knees hit his ears; the others had moved closer to hear him, their hearts glowing with so much hope and positivity it almost hurt to bear. Night’s voice broke under its weight.
“...yes…” The next kiss was triumphant, his face cradled close while he submitted to Dust’s tongue. Dust broke them apart, Night too dazed to see, his hands reaching out to pull his partner back.
The taste changed, the tonguework different, enthusiastic all the same. The hand on his cheek this time larger, he felt a thumb stroke across the line beneath his ruined eye. The name was out before he saw them.
“Cross.” Behind, someone had made a home amongst his tentacles, a back against his. “That’s unusually bold of you.” His eye trailed over the purple flush with an amused grin. He didn’t let the building anxiety pool in the poor guardsman, grabbing the collar of his jacket to kiss him again while his tentacles wound around his other ‘attacker.’ Killer’s groans drifted to his ears.
“Fuck Nightmare, didn’t think you’d get so handsy so fast.” The back of his skull tapped Night’s. Tentacles had wound up Killer’s legs to hold them still, a third binding around his chest to keep him pinned. The fourth explored his upper femurs, pressing over his shorts to his pelvis, Killer’s gasps music to his ears. He pulled back from Cross with a smirk.
“You seemed like you’d be into it.” Killer nodded against his back, but Cross also nodded in front of him, eyelights blown wide with Night’s taste in his mouth and his hands on his chin, wiping away the line of purple saliva from that last messy kiss.
Horror leaned against his leg from the floor. Night dropped a hand to rub against his skull, avoiding the large crack without seeing, knowing the location by memory alone.
“Thanks.” Horror purred from the ground, head falling more heavily in his lap.
Sitting on Dust, Killer against his back, Horror in his lap, and Cross leaning over to kiss him and Dust equally brought his soul peace. Error hadn’t joined, but Nightmare would’ve been more surprised if he had.
“I-I’m sure y-you know my stance on t-t-touching by now.” Error had his arms crossed, body still pixelated near his neck from the impromptu strangling earlier.
“Except Horror. He deals with Horror’s touches the best out of all of us.” Cross removed himself from the pile to offer his hand. Error glared at the TV, but took it anyway. “Most of us have gotten to hand holding though!” Cross’s enthusiasm turned Error blue.
“S-shut up…” He offered his other hand for Cross to take as well, even Error unable to contain his smile at Cross’s joy and attention.
It was laughably easy, Nightmare slotted into the dynamic with ease, an extension of their regular back and forths but sweeter, tinged with something warm. The loud voice in his mind still craved more but he could fight it off for now. Nightmare took a deep breath.
“I’m...still concerned, about everything, but I…” They waited for him to collect his thoughts. “If you’ll have me anyway, then I’ll give it all I have.”
“That’s all we can ask.” Dust smiled while Horror hummed his agreement.
“Hell, that’s what we’re doing too. You, aaaah, ain’t special.” Killer’s body writhed against him. His tentacles hadn’t been distracted by the moment, steadily edging Killer into whining pants, shorts wet against his appendage and thrusting back against it. Night raised him up to hold him solidly between himself and Dust.
“You know, this does offer many new opportunities to shut you up.” His black bones traced the rim of Killer’s pelvis peeking out over the waistband. Killer cursed when Dust leaned forward against Killer’s back, circling to the front to tease his lower sternum, finger peeking inside of his rib cage.
“None of them work. Trust me, we’ve tried.” Dust hid his smirk against Killer’s back, playfully nipping through the hoodie, shaking against the charged bones.
“Fuck you guys.” Night met Dust’s dual-tone gaze one more time. Hesitant to accept and run forward with them still. But Dust took his hand to bring it with him into Killer’s body, wrapping them both around his spine to a moan. They’d help and guide him, he need only ask for it, and with that, he laughed.
“Maybe we will.”
I’m very happy to have this out of my WIP folder.
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prentissinred · 4 years ago
Already Gone pt.2
Special shoutout to @eprcntiss for the nudge to write a part two ☺️
Rated T Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Emily Prentiss Word Count: 2k  AO3
Part One: Already Gone
Part Two: Love Me Better
Aaron closed the door to the study behind him, pretending he didn't hear that final choked sob. He blinked his own tears back; they had no place on what was supposed to be the second happiest day of his life.
She was leaving.
Some twisted part of him was almost glad. That he no longer had to walk into work and feel like his heart was being slowly carved out of his chest every time she looked at him, every time she got into her own car to return to a home that wasn't theirs. It was unfair to the point of cruelty, having to face the future he had been planning for years, ripped away in the course of an evening...only to return months later, just out of his reach.
He had grieved her, as surely as if she had died on that operating table. Grieved the sight of the diamond he had picked out on her left hand. Grieved the house they'd been eyeing, the one with enough rooms for all the plans they’d made and a yard big enough for the dog they had promised to Jack. Grieved every night of fevered touches under the covers and every night they had been too exhausted to do anything except curl against the warmth of the other.
She had eventually returned, like a phantom coming back to him. Relieved though he was that she was finally safe, there wasn't a moment where he saw her and was not reminded of every deception, every moment she had chosen to tell him that she was fine instead of the truth. Running became the only healthy outlet for the pain. And a few weeks later, it led him to a funny, kind brunette who had him smiling for the first time in over a year.
Beth. He shook himself out of the internal crisis he was having against the wall of Dave's living room. He had to find her, hold her, remind himself why he'd asked her to marry him and why it had felt so right just yesterday. Remind himself of everything good about them. Because she was good — exceedingly so. Because she was not frustrating and complicated and closed-off and asking the worst kinds of questions at the worst possible time. He jogged up the stairs to the master bedroom where she was getting ready with her mother.
“You know it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.” Dave’s voice came up behind him.
He gave his friend a wane smile. "I think we can dispense with the superstitions."
"Say what you will, but I said the same thing at my first, and look how well that turned out." Aaron could only chuckle dryly in response.
Dave clapped his arm. “Nervous?”
"A little." He hadn't been. In fact, he’d been filled with certainty at the start of the evening. He tried not to think too much about why that had changed. I loved you. I love you.
"I saw Emily left.” Dave’s voice was pointedly relaxed.
"Tonight can't have been easy for her." I love you.
"I suppose."
"Mmm. Anyway, I think Beth's just about ready." Dave placed a guiding hand on his shoulder. "We should head down, get this show on the road." Aaron let himself be led down the stairs, glancing back just once at the door that hid his soon-to-be wife from view.
He stood underneath the decorated archway, next to his beaming son, and faced his team, all looking at him with encouraging smiles. He tried to return them, despite the knot that was steadily growing in his stomach. The music started, a lilting, romantic track, as the crowd turned to face the house. Beth emerged, lovely in her strapless gown, carrying a simple bouquet of white roses, walking towards him on her mother's arm.
And maybe it would have been different if he had spoken to her upstairs. Or if he had never walked into Dave's study in the first place. But as Beth took her first step onto the aisle, Aaron knew with an absolute, terrifying clarity that he couldn’t go through with this. That this moment he had been picturing for so long was missing a woman who was currently making plans to leave the country.
Before he could talk himself over to the side of propriety, he walked up the aisle. The music cut off abruptly, and there was a ripple of whispers from his guests. By the time he reached her, pieces of his heart chipped away at the sight of her confused face. He held her hand in both of his and pleaded, "I need to talk to you."
She listened to his insufficient explanation, the tears welling her eyes the only reflection of the hurt he was causing her. He told her that she was beautiful and wonderful and he did love her and she had made him so happy and yesterday there hadn't been a doubt in his mind when he asked her to be his wife. She let him ramble for a while, eventually shutting him up with a cupped hand to his face. Lips pressed lightly against his cheek, then in a voice infinitely kinder than he deserved, she let him go. "I hope you get her back."
And that was it. He stood there, watching her head back up the stairs, and silently wished her every happiness with someone worthy of her.
With a deep breath and a brush over his face to clear any lingering tears, he exited the house with renewed determination to find a huddled group of guests. The only outlier was Beth's mother, who stared at him in consternation before following her daughter into the house without another word to him. At the movement, his team turned towards him, a mixture of confusion and shock on their faces — or, in the case of Dave, an enigmatic smile.
"JJ," Aaron called out.
She approached him, frown lines etched into her forehead and brows. "Aaron, what's going on? Is everything okay?"
"I need your help, please. The address to Emily's new apartment."
Understanding smoothed her features and she gave him a wide grin as she entered the address into his phone. "Oh, and would you mind watching Jack for a little while?"
"Even better, why don't Jack and Henry have a sleepover tonight? What do you say, boys?" JJ presented her plans animatedly to the two boys who had appeared by their feet. Aaron bent down to tell his son that he would explain everything tomorrow, but his words fell on already distracted ears. He thanked her and made his way to his car, the eyes of his friends on his back reminding him that this was his last chance to bring her home.
Her apartment was tucked away in a nondescript brick mid-rise. A far cry from the lush DC duplex he had spent countless nights in. She opened the door on his second knock. Dressed down in shorts and a loose shirt that hung off her shoulder, makeup-free with her curled hair pulled up into a ponytail. She looked as beautiful as she had a few hours ago. Every impassioned word he had rehearsed on his way over landed dead on his tongue, and instead, his first words to her were a brusque, "Can I come in?"
"What the hell are you doing here?"
He didn't reply, pressing past her into an apartment he had never entered before. Sparse, only the bare essentials, cardboard boxes stacked in the corner. Nothing more than a passing stop, a sign that she had never really come back to them.
"You told me you love me. Was that the truth?" He stood in the center of her small living room, arms crossed over his chest, his tone more biting than he had planned.
She gaped at him, ignoring the question. "Seriously, Aaron, what the fuck are you doing here?"
He forged on, pacing small steps next to the couch, glancing up at her every few seconds. "It destroyed me, you know. Seeing your credentials open in your desk because you had run. Sitting by your fucking hospital bed because I was too late to save you. Listening to you tell me that you didn’t want to marry me. Everything we had talked about, all the plans we had, just...gone."
“Aaron. I told you, I had to." Her voice broke, but her eyes stayed dry. Aaron wondered if the two of them had shed enough tears over the other to last a lifetime. "I had to—“
“Protect me. I know. But, god, Em." He gestured between them. "We’re supposed to be a team. We work through everything, even the ugly stuff, together. You were supposed to trust that I would be there for you. Not run away, and nearly get yourself killed in the process.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“It is. It is exactly that simple.”
“No.” Her voice was sharp and resolute. “It isn’t. It was my fight. My past, my mistakes. If you, any of you, had gotten hurt because of that, I could have never lived with myself. You can't tell me you don't understand that."
Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose and decided to cede this particular battle. Maddening, stubborn woman.
“Fine. I accept.”
"I accept that you did what you had to do. That you thought you had to handle it alone. I accept why you left then." He stepped closer to her and she unconsciously took a step back, nearly flush with her front door. "But why are you leaving now?"
"This again..." she sighed wearily. "Aaron, I told you. I can't stay here anymore."
"And why is that?"
He watched her nostrils flare in indignation. "Fuck, because I can't! I can't pretend anymore, I won't do it. I came back expecting my life to go back to normal. Except it isn't normal. It isn’t even my life anymore. I'm like a fucking spectator, watching everyone move on while I can’t. "
The implication — accusation — was clear, and the guilt struck hard and low in his gut. Her only mistake was thinking that he had ever really moved on.
"I'm sorry," his voice shifted to quiet contriteness. "I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me. It hurt too much to be around you. And you seemed...okay. So I convinced myself you were."
She said nothing for a while, her arms wrapping around her middle defensively. "It's okay. It wasn't your job to take care of me. You've already done more—"
"Emily, why don't you get it?" The frustration pierced through once more, coming out more desperate than anything else.
"Get what?!" she rose to his pitch.
"You're supposed to depend on me. We’re supposed to depend on each other. I know you're strong, you're so fucking strong sweetheart, but I get to take care of you sometimes too. Fuck, how are we supposed to spend the rest of our lives together if you can’t trust me enough to do that?”
She sucked in a sharp breath and her entire body, even the air around them, shifted. “Spend the rest of our lives together?”
“Of course. I thought that was fairly obvious.”
She glared at him. “It really wasn't."
“Oh. My apologies.” He stepped closer to her. “Consider this your notice then.”
He caught the way her lips turned up for a split second before she remembered herself, wanting to hold onto her heated temper for a little longer. “Where’s Beth?”
“At home, I suspect.”
“I already told Easter I’d take the job.” Her voice was just a whisper now, devoid of almost all conviction.
“What, like 2 hours ago? Call him back, Emily.”
He was looming over her, barely an inch of space between them, their eyes locked onto each other. It was a different kind of battle, the kind where victory only came when neither side backed down.
Finally — “Okay.”
“Okay, I'll call him back."
There wasn't an adequate word to describe the relief he felt at those five words. Every inch of him ached to touch her, but he held onto his patience for a few more seconds, bending his head towards her and whispering, “You still haven’t answered my question.”
Her eyes were closed in anticipation. "What question?" she breathed.
"Were you telling me the truth? When you said you love me?"
"Don't be an idiot. Of course I was." And she pushed up on her toes and closed the gap between them.
It felt like coming home. There were still discussions to be had and arguments to be fought as they re-learned and re-trusted. But, for now, the familiar taste of her warmed every particle in his body until he was practically vibrating with want. It was desperate and urgent, their lips and teeth and tongues clashing and biting and invading. His hands roamed the entirety of her, a need to ensure that she was really here this time. She clung to him just as tightly, pressing into him until he could feel her heart hammering away in her chest.
When they pulled apart, both gasping for the air that had escaped their lungs, he touched his forehead to hers. "In case this wasn't obvious either...I’ve never stopped loving you."
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spencers-renaissance · 4 years ago
Rain is a Chance to be Touched Ch.15
if we cannot find the light, we will always make our own
Chapter Fourteen
This is the fifteenth chapter in my ongoing hotchreid fic! Please click here for the fic summary, full tags, trigger warnings, more information etc.
Last Chapter: Derek & Emily called Spencer for a consult, and with him off his antidepressants, things very quickly fell apart.
In This Chapter: Hotch & Penelope pick up the pieces.
tw: depression-related exhaustion, disordered thinking, reference to last chapter's breakdown, discussion of medication
Word Count: 4K
RCT Masterlist // Main Masterlist // Read on AO3
(Quick Note: A couple of chapters ago I referred to Spencer's psychiatrist by she/her pronouns, but I forgot that I assigned that character he/him pronouns wayyy back, so I've decided to go with that one. I just wanted to address that in case anyone else caught it like I did! I apologise for the mistake & any confusion it might have caused.)
"Find my hand in the darkness and if we cannot find the light, we will always make our own." — Tyler Knott Gregson
Aaron doesn’t fall asleep until well into the small hours of the morning, finally lulled into a cold dreamless sleep once he’s cried himself out. He keeps as quiet as he can, but he knows he won’t wake Spencer up anyway: he’s completely exhausted, and he’s out cold. It’s a small consolation, but he tries to take a small bit of comfort in knowing that his boyfriend is at least getting the rest he needs.
He wakes up only a couple of hours after he falls asleep, and despite feeling completely exhausted, he sets about the things he needs to do. The first thing he does is call Strauss to request a family day — thankfully, the bureau’s been a lot more understanding of his situation since Haley died — before texting Derek and telling him that he needs to take charge of the team if they get sent on a case. Then he calls Jess and asks if she can collect Jack from his sleepover at lunchtime and have him until the evening.
With the technicalities sorted out, he makes a phone call to Spencer's psychiatrist. At this point, if he has to drag him kicking and screaming, if Spencer never talks to him again, if it calls an irreparable rift in their relationship, it won’t get in the way of him getting Spencer the help he needs. After an emergency appointment for 11am is booked, he collapses onto the sofa and calls Penelope.
“Hotch? It’s not even 7am, is everything alright?”
Just hearing her voice, hearing someone ask if he’s okay, is enough to push him over the edge. “No,” he admits into the phone, not even trying to disguise the emotion in his voice.
“I’m on my way,” she says immediately, and he can hear a flurry of activity start up on the other end of the line. “What’s happened, Hotch?”
He breathes out shakily, running a hand down his face. The early morning sun, the bustling city below him, the bright apartment all seems so contrary to the current situation. “Spencer hit a breaking point last night,” he says shakily, unsure exactly how to word it. “Derek and Emily called him to consult on a case, and they were as brisk and focused as we all are when we’re working, but he’s out of practice; he’s not used to that way of doing things anymore. It triggered him and sent him into what I’m gonna guess was a panic attack? But honestly, Penelope… it looked like a breakdown.”
“Oh God,” she says quietly, and the sound of her exiting her apartment reassures Aaron a little.
“I had no idea how to handle it,” he says, dissolving into tears. “He locked himself in the bathroom and was literally tearing his hair out… there were clumps of hair all over the floor. He was screaming at me to leave, telling me he wasn’t good enough that he forgot his place? I had no idea what he was saying—”
Penelope interrupts him. “Oh no.”
“Well, when I first found out about his depression, Spencer told me something about how he didn’t feel like he was good for anything except his brain and IQ, you know? He said that he wasn’t cut out for friendships or relationships and I’m pretty sure he called that his ‘place’. It’s stuck with me because of just how awful it sounded.”
“Fuck,” Aaron mutters, sniffing as a fresh wave of tears come to his eyes. “So Emily and Derek consulting him for their case triggered those thoughts again.”
“Sounds like it,” she agrees. “They’re gonna feel so guilty.”
Aaron knows she’s in a tricky situation: her girlfriend and close friend sending her best friend into a near-breakdown, and for a brief minute he feels guilty for roping her in before reminding himself that she wouldn’t be anywhere else if Spencer needed her.
“Yeah, I don’t even know what I’m gonna do about that,” he sighs. “I thought about not telling them, because Spencer doesn’t need everyone knowing about every step of his recovery; it’s personal, right? But more secrets between everyone… I don’t know, it doesn’t feel like a good idea. Especially not for something this serious.”
“We’ll figure it out together,” Penelope promises. “Look, I’m in my car now. I’ll be there in 10, okay?”
He sighs in relief. “Thanks, Penelope.”
They hang up and he drops his phone next to him before staring up at the ceiling for a minute, rubbing his temples. Forcing himself off the sofa, he considers putting the coffee machine on but he doesn’t want the sound of the bean grinder to wake Spencer up, so he settles for a cup of instant coffee instead, putting a slice of bread in the toaster as well.
By the time he’s finished his second slice, Penelope’s letting herself in.
“He’s still asleep?”
He nods, watching as she dumps her handbag on the armchair and walks further into the apartment. It’s always strange seeing her without her usual colourful outfits and makeup on, and although he’s gotten used to it in the past year as they’ve rallied around Spencer, sometimes it still reminds him of seeing her in her casual clothes for the first time when she got shot a couple of years ago.
“I’m just gonna grab some breakfast and a tea,” she says quietly, helping herself to everything in the kitchen as she always does. “You go and sit down, I’ll be over in a minute and we can discuss a game plan.”
He obeys, closing his eyes against the headache coming on, but it’s only a couple of minutes before Penelope’s sitting in the armchair opposite the sofa with a cup of chamomile tea and a slice of marmalade toast.
“Right, the first thing we need to tackle is convincing him to get back on his meds,” Penelope says seriously, keeping her voice low to avoid waking Spencer up.
He nods. “I know. I’ve made an emergency appointment with his psychiatrist for 11am, it’s just a case of a) getting him there and b) making him listen to him.”
“The problem is that he sees going back on medication as admitting defeat or failing at recovery. We need to have a really honest, frank conversation with him about it, but I just don’t know how we’re gonna get him to believe us.”
“Maybe we should use our own experiences? He doesn’t think any less of me or think I’m weak when I take pain medication when my injuries flare up. He wouldn’t think any less of you for accepting pain meds throughout your recovery after you were shot. He doesn’t think less of his mother because she relies on psychiatric medication.”
Penelope nods. “He has a twisted perception of himself. One rule for himself, another for everyone else.”
Something about her words makes Aaron feel suddenly, desperately sad. He’s always been sad for Spencer and what he’s gone through, and he’s been crying most of the night, but the realisation, the reassertion, of just how much Spencer hates himself, what his brain’s put him through over the last two years cuts deep, winding him.
“I just wish he could see himself the way we see him,” he says sadly, another tear spilling down his cheek, as though he has anything left to give.
Penelope’s expression tells him she feels the same.
Hotch goes in to check on Spencer as the clock approaches nine, and his heart breaks for the thousandth time when he finds him staring listlessly at the wall again.
“Morning, baby,” he says gently, making his way into the room.
Thankfully, it grabs Spencer’s attention, and he turns to look at him, misery and self-loathing written all over his face. He doesn’t say anything, but he holds eye contact with Aaron long enough for him to understand that it’s okay for him to be there, and he makes his way further into the room, climbing onto the bed. He’s not expecting Spencer to immediately latch onto him, burying his face in his t-shirt as he clings to him like he’s going somewhere, but that’s exactly what happens.
“Penelope’s in the living room,” he murmurs, carding his fingers through Spencer’s hair. There’s no expectation for him to reply, so he lets the words settle over them as they lay quietly together; the calm after the storm. Aaron hopes it won’t double as the before as well.
After a good couple of minutes, Spencer shifts, and Aaron follows his lead as they shuffle out of the bedroom towards Penelope’s contemplative perch on the sofa. Spencer heads straight towards her, curling into her side and drawing the warm comfort Penelope always has to offer.
“Oh, baby genius,” she whispers, kissing the top of his head. “You’re okay. We love you so much.”
It’s apparently the wrong thing to say, because Spencer immediately withdraws, curling in on himself as he starts to cry.
“Hey, hey, Spencer,” Aaron soothes calmly as he rushes over to his side, “what’s going on?”
Penelope starts to apologise but Aaron shakes his head and she settles for resting a gentle hand on his side instead.
“Can you tell us what’s wrong, Spencer?” Aaron asks, a knot forming in his stomach as he hopes against hope that this won’t turn into a repeat of last night. “We can’t help you unless you talk to us.”
Spencer takes a ragged breath in, turning his face slightly towards Aaron’s direction, and his chest clenches at the bags under his sore, red eyes; his pallid skin. “I’m sorry,” he says shakily, wiping at the tears on his face.
“You don’t have to apologise, Spencer. You just need to tell us how we can help you,” Penelope says gently, her hand rubbing small, consoling circles on his side.
Spencer meets his eyes, his face crumpling as he does and Aaron, in that moment, is reminded distinctly of a star collapsing in on itself. Spencer heaves a painful sob as two more tears spill down his cheeks. “I don’t want to feel like this anymore.”
The admission seems obvious at surface level, but the magnitude of such a statement isn’t lost on either Aaron nor Penelope.
Aaron sighs sadly. “Come here, baby.” Spencer falls gladly into Aaron’s embrace, sobbing dejectedly into his shoulder, sounding so tired and defeated that it’s painful to listen to.
Once he’s finished crying himself out, Aaron and Penelope switch places, Aaron moving to sit on the sofa with Spencer propped up against him and Penelope settling into the armchair.
He approaches his next words carefully. “I’ve made an appointment for you to see Dr Parker at 11am. Penelope and I will take you, and we both think that you should talk to him about going back on the venlafaxine.”
To his surprise Spencer just nods tiredly, no longer crying and instead resuming his blank staring.
“And we also think you should consider talking to Derek and Emily about what happened yesterday,” Penelope suggests quietly, an encouraging expression on her face.
Spencer looks up at her, emotions flying across his face as he processes her words and how he feels about them. Briefly, he looks like he’s about to argue, about to shout or get mad, but he quickly deflates. “They’ll feel guilty,” he says miserably. “Not their fault.”
“Your relationships with everyone have come a long way, Spencer, and that’s great. But everyone is still fragile and affected by everything that’s happened in the past year, and keeping secrets like these is only going to hurt everyone more.”
Spencer’s still and silent for a moment before he nods reluctantly.
“I think that maybe,” Aaron ventures cautiously, “you should avoid doing any consulting work for a while. It’s clearly damaging for you and is always going to come with potential triggers, and when you’re already feeling sad and vulnerable, it’s really just a catalyst for an event like yesterday evening.”
Spencer nods at that, too, and Aaron wishes he could take his acquiescence as a win, but he knows it’s coming from a place of defeat and despair, and he’ll never take any consolation in that.
“Okay, sweetheart,” Aaron says. “We have about an hour until we need to leave, so why don’t we get you some food, get you into the shower, and then you can rest for any left over time? Does that sound okay?”
At Spencer’s agreement, Penelope heads to the kitchen to whip him up something a bit more nutritious than the toast they both settled for, while Aaron takes him to the bathroom to wash up.
“Are you alright on your own?” he asks as he sets the shower up for him, Spencer perching on the edge of the bath as he waits.
Instead of answering his question though, panic suddenly crosses Spencer’s face and he looks at Aaron urgently. “Jack!”
“Hey, it’s alright,” he says soothingly. “Jess is gonna pick him up from his sleepover at lunchtime and have him for the afternoon. I’ve taken a personal day and unless a case comes in, Penelope will be here for as long as we need her. Everything’s in hand.”
“But it’s Jack’s spring break! You should be spending time with him, not herding me into the shower—”
At the first sign of tears, Aaron is quick to step in, reassuring him as best he can. “Hey, I will spend time with him, alright? He was already going to be with Sam all morning, and he’ll be dropped off before dinner, so Jess is only going to have him for a couple of hours. And if you’re feeling well enough once we get back from the doctor’s, then he can come home early, but right now, your health is the most important thing we need to deal with, you hear me?”
Spencer nods reluctantly, but he can tell that the thought of cutting into Aaron’s time with Jack is only fuelling his self-loathing. Having to accept that there’s nothing he can do about that, he makes sure he’s okay in the shower before heading out into the kitchen to find Penelope.
“I can’t tell if that went well or not,” she says quietly, not looking up from the frying pan currently cooking eggs and bacon.
Aaron sighs, leaning against the counter top, his eyes fixed on the bathroom door. “I think it went about as well as it could.”
“I texted Emily and Derek, and they’re going to pop over this afternoon if we don’t get a case,” she says. “If Spencer’s not up for it, we can rearrange, but I thought it was better to be prepared.”
“No, you’re right, thank you for doing that, Penelope. What would I do without you?”
“Aw, stop it, bossman,” she says, grinning as she nudges him playfully.
He smiles. “I mean it.”
“I know. But I’m happy to help you guys out. I’d do anything for Spencer, and I know he’d do anything for me.”
“Without a doubt.”
Spencer emerges from the bathroom a few moments later, clad in a white t-shirt and some tracksuit bottoms Aaron is pretty sure are both actually his, damp curly hair a mess on his head. He can’t help but smile despite himself; his boyfriend looking so damn cute will always be a small pick-me-up on even the worst of days.
“Penelope’s cooked up a storm for you,” he says as brightly as the situation allows, guiding him to the sofa and tucking him in with a couple of blankets to get him as comfortable as possible.
He gets a small smile at that, and a murmured ‘thank you’ when Penelope brings him over a plate of bacon and eggs, arranged as perfectly as he’d expect with Penelope serving as cook.
He flicks the TV to the discovery channel, managing to catch the beginning of a documentary on big cats, and he counts it as a win when it catches Spencer’s attention, hoping it takes his mind off the pain he’s feeling just a little bit.
They spend the next forty minutes watching documentaries with Spencer before Penelope notices the time and begins herding them out the door towards the parking garage.
“No way,” Aaron laughs as she heads towards her car.
“You are not driving, Penelope,” he says, laughing even more at her incredulous reaction. “I’ve seen you; you drive like a maniac. We’re taking my car.”
She pouts. “I hate you.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Does this mean I have to sit in the back, too?”
He just levels her with a look that has her sighing dramatically and flinging herself into the backseat, but when he looks over at Spencer and sees a smile on his face, he’s suddenly even more thankful for Penelope.
They sit in the waiting room while Spencer has his appointment and try desperately not to make each other more anxious than they already feel. Penelope flicks through fashion magazines at a pace that tells Aaron she’s not reading a single word, and Aaron reads over and over the case notes he’d bought with him to pass the time, no more going in the second, third, eleventh time than it did the first.
Finally, though, Spencer emerges from Dr Parker’s office with a script in hand and they both sigh a small breath of relief at the idea that he’s finally getting the help he’s been needing so badly.
“Okay, baby?” he murmurs as Spencer reaches for his hand on the way out of the psychiatrist’s office, and something loosens in his chest when Spencer nods and smiles, looking happier and more relaxed than he has in weeks.
Derek and Emily come over just after lunchtime, and Penelope gets up to open the door for them, Spencer and Aaron not moving from their position on the couch, Spencer resting his head in Aaron’s lap as one of his favourite sci-fi movies is playing on the TV.
When he sees who it is, though, Spencer moves to sit up slightly, still keeping himself folded into Aaron’s side.
“Hey, Spence,” Emily says softly, taking a seat in the armchair while Penelope comes over to perch on the arm, wrapping an arm around her girlfriend, “what’s this about?”
Both Emily and Derek look confused enough that Aaron knows Spencer will be able to tell that neither he nor Penelope told them what happened last night, willing to give him a last minute out if that’s what he needs, as well as full control over the narrative.
Derek comes over to the sofa and sits next to Spencer, keeping enough distance between them to keep Spencer comfortable, though he still rests a warm hand on his ankle. “What’s going on? You can tell us anything, pretty boy, you know that.”
Spencer looks to Aaron, and the expression on his face conveys what he needs immediately.
“Yesterday, your consult with Spencer on the methanol poisoning case triggered an… event,” he explains, trying to choose his words carefully. He wants to tell the truth, but he also doesn’t want to sound like he’s blaming Derek and Emily or use language Spencer wouldn’t be happy with. “It was a breaking point of sorts and as such, he decided to go back on his medication.”
Relief tied up with confusion are the first emotions he watches play over Emily and Derek’s faces. Everyone’s been hoping Spencer will return to his medication, but he knows they’ll want more information as to what exactly happened and why they’ve been asked over.
“An event?” Emily asks, sounding a little hesitant.
Before Aaron can answer, Spencer speaks up, his voice a little tired and croaky but convicted nonetheless. “It was a breakdown,” he says plainly, not sugar-coating his words. “I was in a bad place already and I was out of practice with what a time sensitive case entails, and it sent me into a tailspin. It reminded me of all the feelings that working in the BAU caused that year, and I couldn’t handle it. I lashed out at Aaron and…”
“The details don’t matter,” Aaron rescues his tailed off sentence. “The fact is we thought that more secrets were only going to make things worse in the long run, and you needed to understand what happened last night since Spencer going back on his meds was bound to raise questions anyway.”
“I don’t want you to feel guilty,” Spencer interjects, his voice anxious and urgent. “It wasn’t your fault, it’s just the way of the BAU and if I’d been on my medication like I should’ve been in the first place it wouldn’t have been a problem, it was just a horrible medley of circumstances. But I’ve decided that I won’t be doing any consults for a while until I can get my head on straight again. It may be that I’m never able to do them without being triggered, but we’re going to play it by ear.”
Aaron smiles at him proudly, kissing the top of his head as soon as he buries back in for a cuddle.
“Oh, Spence,” Emily sighs sadly. “I’m so sorry, we didn’t even think. We were so caught up in the case we didn’t even stop to consider you and how you’d interpret things.”
“I don’t want you to feel guilty,” Spencer says again, this time from his place on Aaron’s chest. “I’m sorry that it had to be you guys that triggered the breaking point.”
“We should’ve been more considerate,” Derek says firmly, his expression filled with regret. “The last thing I’d ever want is to make you feel the way I did last year, and even though other circumstances contributed to what happened last night, we still failed you, kid, and I’m so sorry for that.”
“It’s fine, seriously. In a way, I’m glad it happened. Something had to give, and I’m glad that I can look forward to finally feeling normal again. I talked to my psychiatrist this morning and even though… it still feels a little bit like giving up, I feel better about it. And we’re gonna work on my attitude to medication in the next couple of sessions until I feel more comfortable about it.”
Aaron knows how much Spencer hates talking about his recovery, so it feels like a big step for him to be so personal and vulnerable in front of four different people, even if they are all virtually his family at this point.
“I’m proud of you, Spencer,” Emily says earnestly, and even though Aaron can tell she still feels guilty, at least it’s no longer the most dominant emotion on her face.
“Me too, kid. You’ve been through hell and back and we’re all so proud of you for getting to where you are.”
Spencer smiles gratefully, but Aaron can tell he’s exhausted from the events of the morning, so he sends a look to Penelope and she shows Emily and Derek out, but not before giving Emily a kiss and being teased by Derek for it.
“Right, baby,” he says as the apartment quietens and it’s just the three of them left. “I think you could do with a nap, don’t you?”
“Don’t wanna leave you,” Spencer mumbles tiredly, clinging to his t-shirt.
“Well how about I come and sit with you while you sleep, yeah? You go and get tucked in and I’ll be in in a minute, I promise.”
“You better.” It’s not much, but it’s the closest to teasing Spencer’s come in weeks, and he’ll absolutely take it.
He gives Penelope a warm hug and disappears into the bedroom.
“Looks like I can leave you to it,” Penelope says quietly as soon as the door’s closed behind him.
Aaron looks at her seriously, before wrapping her in a rare hug. “Thank you for today. I mean it. I don’t know what we would’ve done this past year without you, Penelope, but we sure as hell wouldn’t be where we are now. I’m always gonna be thankful that Spencer has someone as wonderful as you to call a best friend.”
“Hotch,” she says tearily, “I love you both so much. You don’t have to thank me, but it means a lot that you did.”
He smiles at her. “You should go back to the BAU. Go and find Derek and Emily who are no doubt beating themselves up and tell them they’re being ridiculous.”
She gives him a mock salute as she smiles back. “You got it, boss.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Keep me posted,” she says as she gathers the last of her things and heads to the door. “Let me know how he’s doing tonight and I’ll pop round after work to see him tomorrow, okay?”
As soon as she’s gone, he climbs into bed with Spencer and wraps him up in his arms, feeling — for the first time in weeks — a distinct conviction that everything is going to be okay.
Chapter Sixteen
Soooo, we don't hate me anymore? I really enjoyed writing this part of the fic, I'm such a sucker for third act angst and the resolution is always so satisfying to me, so I hope I managed to give you guys the same feeling. Only one more chapter to go, and then we're done wtf, how did that happen? I can't wait for you to all read the happy lil ending I wrote for you! See you next Saturday, for the very last time :( If this chapter has brought anything up for you and you're feeling unsafe please check out this link <3
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @reidology @transhanniballecter @spencerspecifics @bau-gremlin @hotchedyke @tobias-hankel @goobzoop @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @marvel-ous-m @oliverbrnch @sbeno22 @aaron-hotchner187 @kuolonsyoja @reidreids @anxious-enby (add yourself to my taglist here!)
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