#I will welcome him to the fellow bisexuals club
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morewonders · 7 months ago
I may not PERSONALLY jive with the bi Eddie headcanon (to me that man is gay, it’s the secret sauce that makes the character make sense) but the vitriol I’ve seen for it from both sides is ridiculous? It’s either B*ddie fans insisting that he HAS to be gay and has never really cared for a woman in his life, or BT fans pushing hard at the “Eddie Diaz confirmed straight because he *checks notes* misses his wife” agenda and neither of those extremes work for me. Especially the last one, because, as we have learned from our good friend Evan Buckley, you can be with women/be attracted to women your entire life and still be queer! And to take it further back to Michael Grant, you can deeply love your wife and still be gay.
Once again nuance is lost on the majority of the fandom, idk why I’m surprised.
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ciggylungz · 5 years ago
Summer Bummer
y/n x harry pairing
summary- y/n and Harry are part of a cast of a reality show called ‘summer bummer’ that’s a uk version of the jersey shore and things are chaotic
(hoping if it’s received well it can become a series, tbh I’ve been rewatching jersey shore and I stan snooki and pauly’s friendship)
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  The first thing that Y/n was hit with when she walked into the large mansion was booze, a giant whiff of it as she entered the doors trying not to react too much since the cameras were already following her around and she didn’t want to risk any horrid screenshots on twitter when the episode aired.
“woah, swear I could get wasted just smelling this place…” she giggled to herself as she made her way to the kitchen where she heard people who she assumed were her new roommates chatting.
“Oi! Hey love! Welcome.” The first person to welcome her was a tall tanned guy with a pretty strong posh-ish accent, big muscles and obvious over grooming, he seemed a bit full of himself just by how he looked. Y/n internally laughed as the guy hugged her calling him a ‘wanker’ in her brain.
“Hi! I’m Y/n, what’s your name?”
“Tommy, here I’ll take your bags. Take a load off sweetheart, everyone’s cool don’t look so nervous.”
Y/n was in physical pain from how badly she wanted to roll her eyes at this kids cocky and terribly flirty aggression, he wasn’t her type at-fucking-all. He looked like a guy who would cat call her when she’s out buying groceries, a hard pass on that one.
But- she managed to hold back and focus her energy on the other people all mingling in the kitchen. She counted 7, seemed like 4 girls- herself included- and 3 guys which means there was one person left to show up since she was told by producers ahead of time there were 8 cast members in total.
She introduced herself to her fellow cast mates who she learned were named Mandy, Kaitlyn, Selena, Ryan, Casey and of course the dreaded Tommy who was now looming over her again, topping off her basically full cup of vodka and red bull without asking her, and giving her a wink that made her want to vomit from cringing so hard.
Finally, the door opened again revealing the final person, who had all eyes on him as he closed the door behind him and set his luggage down, giving everyone a smile and making his way over.
Y/n let herself slyly size the man up. He looked to be about 22, long hair with a nice body to it with some curls, green eyes, dimples- he was cute. Plus he was at least a foot taller than her which was always a plus, she has always had a thing for tall guys.
The man greeted everyone, introducing himself as ‘Harry’ and Y/n smiled as he ducked down to hug her and politely kiss her on the cheek as he greeted her, asking for her name making polite conversation with everyone while they tried their best to ignore the-what seemed to be- millions of cameras surrounding them. The crew had left the house for the time being but the house was covered in cameras in pretty much every corner, on every wall- even outside.
It was a bit unnerving to the girl, she wasn’t used to being on camera and she was a bit worried about if she looked alright. She was one of the youngest in the house, freshly 19- a year over legal drinking age in England and when she saw the ad for casting of a summer reality show, she thought ‘fuck it, im young and hot and I wanna get wasted. If someone wants to pay me to do it, all the better!’ and she took the risk, auditioning and thankfully getting her spot on the new show.
 It was around 8 in the evening when everyone sat down for their first dinner together, opting to make a simple meal of pasta and some nice finger foods as well since they were going out to a club tonight and the last thing she wanted was to get sloppy drunk her first night and puke all over herself in front of her new roommates. She wanted to at least have a chance to make a good impression.
They all seemed to get along great, besides Tommy who was still creeping on Y/n trying to flirt and being a total tool even when she was just trying to enjoy her dinner, making conversation with everyone. She of course gave him nothing in return making it pretty obvious she wasn’t interested and seeing as this kid was such a cocky little bastard he seemed to get butthurt over her cold shoulder. He was used to getting any girl he wanted back home, since ‘apparently there they have no taste or standards’ is what she thought to herself as she finished off her food and helped the rest of the group wash up the dishes leaving the pouting man child to sulk at the table while everyone else ignored him.
 “alright guys, I think we should all chill for a while then start getting ready to go to Headliners and we should leave at like 12 since clubs usually busiest from 1-5am and I’m not trying to have a lame night. Sound like a plan?” Selena cupped her hands around her mouth as she spoke to everyone making sure they all could hear her, getting approval from everyone before smiling and making her way to her room.
 Y/n was sitting on her bedroom floor using the full-length mirror to do her hair and makeup as she sat in her robe, her dress and heels already picked out and laid on her twin sized bed. All the girls were chatting among themselves as they groomed themselves and glammed themselves up. They were fucking hot and they knew it, making sure to highlight their beauty with the clothes that would probably burst into flames if they were worn in a church and heels as high as they could handle.
The girls went into a frenzy rushing around when they heard Ryan yell up the stairs that they were leaving in 30 minutes, all of them scrambling to get the skin tight dresses onto their bodies making sure they sprayed themselves with some deodorant and perfume since they fully planned to fool around tonight and BO from dancing your ass off in a club isn’t exactly an aphrodisiac.
All of the guys heads turned towards the stairs as the girls rushed down them, their heels loud on the wooden steps making it sound like a heard of elephants was rushing through the house but they didn’t care.
“Christ…look fucking good girls.” Casey smiled at them as he looked each one from head to toe, licking over his lips a bit as he took them in. They looked like sin personified and what’s better than that?
“Right?” Selena laughed and turned towards Y/n and Kait “Kait looks fucking hot and Y/n looks so fucking good I’m questioning if I’m bisexual now” Selena was their hype woman, even on the first day of meeting she was ready with a mouthful of compliment word vomit to spew into their ears.
Everyone laughed at her comment, Y/n smiling and smacking her roomates ass as she walked towards the door , “Sel, if I don’t find a cute guy tonight you can bring me home instead” Y/n giggled a bit as she watched all the guys eyes blow up wide at the comment, getting a few ‘can I watch’ comments from some of them which just got them an eye roll and groan from the girls.
Everyone piled into the cabs that were waiting for them, all excited and already a little buzzed from the pre-gaming they did before and during dinner anxious to get to the club, all of them just wanting to dance and enjoy their first night of summer. And of course, get absolutely trashed,
And so the team of young adults did just that. They made a b-line to the bar as soon as they got let in all taking a round of shots together before moving to the dance floor sipping the cups of liquor they held in their hands as they grinded and danced on whoever was near them.
Y/n was pretty wasted as she stumbled towards her group of roommates again, making a grossed out noise when she saw Kaitlyn kissing Tommy, hearing a laugh from next to her as she turned to see Harry. “poor girl, I guess being drunk does make people seem more attractive.” He commented while eyeing the younger girl getting a slight disgusted shiver from her as she thought about the guy. “he’s such a tool, I almost wanna stop her. He’s a total wanker, wouldn’t leave me alone and then pouted like a child when I wouldn’t flirt back at him. He’s got no chance, doesn’t matter how many of these I’ve had. I promise you that one.” She held her now empty cup in the air as she said it, giggling like crazy at her own words getting a lazy drunk smile from the man who joined her in the laughter.
He went to the bar with her to get both of them another refill on their drinks of choice, Y/n’s being a screwdriver and his being a rum and coke. They were both pretty wasted, but they were having fun and that’s what it was all about, plus she was almost chest to chest with the hottest guy she’s seen in a long time, in the middle of the club as they both are crammed into a corner trying to talk to each other a bit.
“Where you from love?” Harry asked her as he took another swig of his drink, looking down at the girl that he swears he’s torn between scooping her up like a baby and cuddling like a teddy bear and fucking her hard against the wall till she’s begging him to stop. She’s adorable, yet she’s just so goddamn sexy.
“Up in North London, how about you?”
“originally Holmes Chapel but live in Central London now.” He gave a smile to the girl and she returned it
“ahh London, maybe if I decide I like ya’ enough we can meet up after summer since we’re not too far from each other.” She offered with a playful poke to his stomach getting a smirk in return as he leaned down a bit to be a little closer to the girls face
“maybe we can, cmon wanna dance with me?” he held his hand out to the girl who took it, following him into the sea of people all grinding against each other to the blaring music, and Y/n wasted no time in doing the same.
Her back was to his chest as she danced on him, her heels putting her at perfect level for her ass to grind right on his crotch. They were like horny kids dirty dancing on each other, Y/n was having the fun she came here for and well, Harry was too.
When Y/n spun around in his arms she was pushed chest to chest with him by another couple who were dancing, nudging into her a bit seeing as the floor was packed with people. Harry of course took the opportunity to smoothly wrap his arm around her waist leaning down to look into her dilated pupils giving her a smirk that she gave right back to him before he leaned down to talk in her ear
“you got no idea how badly I wanna fuck your brains out right now darlin’, but I’m a gentlemen. Can’t do anything like that with a drunk girl, at least till I talk to the sober version about it first.” Harry talked in a deep voice right into her ear getting a shutter from her as her body tingled at the tone. When he pulled back he was met with a adorable pout on her pretty lips letting out a chuckle himself at her rather dramatic expression.
“that’s not fairrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you’re so hot! And you wanna fuck me but now you’re being a tease!” she gave him her best puppy dog eyes but he just shook his head with a smile tugging on his lips, he was firm on his rule. He never wanted to hurt a girl, well unless they liked it but right now Y/n was in no state to truly decide that. Her body was swaying from how wasted she was, and he could tell by the slow speech she wouldn’t pass a basic sobriety test let alone be able to fully consent to having sex with him.
“Not tonight, maybe next time sweetheart.”
“Can we at least kiss? Snuggle?” she tugged on the collar of his shirt a little giving him her best pouty face and he couldn’t help but smile down at her giving her a nod.
“I’ll go for snuggles and kisses, but that’s all for tonight little girl.” He pointed his finger in her face jokingly scolding her getting a gentle bite on the tip of that finger before she pulled him down to kiss her.
It was 25 past 4 in the morning when the group of housemates stumbled their way out of the club, all completely wasted and some even having a plus one this cab ride, and Harry didn’t mind one bit as Y/n held onto him like a little lost puppy keeping a hold on his shirt sleeve the entire way home stealing kisses from him every so often.
“I’m taking the extra room tonight guys, me and my girl need some privacy.” Casey managed to slur out as the random girl-who was equally as wasted as him- tugged him towards the extra bedroom with the only full sized bed in it. Everyone besides Harry was completely fine hooking up with randoms while completely wasted, but he didn’t wanna do that to Y/n and he knew it would be wrong of him when she’s a bit drunker than he is. She was a smiley mess as she held onto the wall for support looking back at Harry who kept his hand on her lower back to keep her from falling.
“Both my roommates are getting dick right now and yours is in the guest room, and what am I getting? No penis, not even a little bit! How rude mister Harry!” she put her hands on her hips and he laughed
“ ‘m sorry, can’t offer my services up when you couldn’t even remember how to spell your own name back in the taxi love. I promised snuggles and kisses as a compromise though, did I not?” he tilted his head a bit and looked down at her raising an eyebrow as he reminded her, which didn’t help her libido since first he called her ‘little girl’ and now he’s being all stern, the guy was killing her here!
“yea yea, both my roommates are in there though, who do you share a room with?”
“just Casey, so it’ll just be us in there its only a two bed one, Ryan and Tommy share the other one.”
“Yuck, I feel bad for whatever girl Tommy is about to bang. I can tell by his attitude he has a small dick and he finishes first. I bet he even has cooties!”
She was a babbling mess as he walked her down the hall to his room, sitting her on his twin bed that’s against the farthest wall right under the window.
“He probably does have cooties, here put these on I’m gonna go take a leak and change myself.”
The older man handed Y/n one of his shirts and a pair of his boxer before grabbing his own change of clothes, helping her tug her heels off before he left her to change while he relieved himself and got ready for bed himself.
When he came back she was putting her hair into a messy bun, mumbling to herself about how bad the knots are gonna be tomorrow.
“bed time, ironically the suns about to come up but lets pretend it’s still night time.” His voice was deep and slow from his sleepiness and the booze as he spoke, getting her to scoot over so she’s on the inside of the bed, back against the pillow he had leaning against the wall so she’s more comfortable and he slid in next to her laying on his side to give her the last few kisses of the night, nibbling on her bottom lip a bit before pulling away laying on his back letting her tuck herself into his side.
‘yea’- he thinks- ‘this summers gonna be fun’
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svftheartcd · 4 years ago
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* maris racal, cis woman + she/her  | you know marisol flores, right? they’re twenty-one, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, their whole life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to let’s get married by bleachers like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole windows filled with plants, rolled up sleeves of an oversized sweater, and believing in love at first sight thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is march 10th, so they’re a pisces, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( kennedy, 21, cst, she/her ) 
hello hello i’m kennedy and i’m super excited to be here!!! i apologize if this intro is a little messy, i’ve never been good at them. i have a pinterest board for her here !!
 *ryan bergara vc* with that being said... let’s get into it
for as long as she could remember, marisol’s parents were never happy. it was clear to everyone around that the two no longer loved each other ( if they ever did ). classic case of staying together for the kid. not that they were really around often enough for it to make much of a difference. her mother would leave for weeks at a time, only vaguely saying that she had work when pressed on it. her father at least tried to be there for her whenever he could but those times were rare. he worked as an architect in the next city over and worked long hours (and suspiciously seemed to stay even later whenever her mother was home).
marisol was often left in the care of the elderly woman who lived next door. a nice woman named irene with an incredible garden in her backyard. or at least, it was incredible to little marisol. these times at her neighbor’s home introduced marisol to her love of plants and just nature in general. she would spend hours helping irene with her garden, learning everything about the plants within it in the process. for her tenth birthday, she was gifted a book on how to identify wild plants and a blank journal. irene would take marisol out every weekend to identify (and sometimes collect) wild plants in the area and would help her record her ‘findings’ in said journal. soon enough, it was filled with drawings of plants (that slowly got better and better over time) and marisol’s observations about them. these formative experiences would be what eventually leads her to study botany.
marisol was very desperate for her mother’s approval growing up. she had herself convinced for a long time that the reason her mother was never home was because of her. that she just wasn’t good enough for her to bother being home. so she worked harder in school and strived to get the best grades. she got involved in various clubs and programs offered at her school, including theatre. but no matter what she did or how hard she worked, nothing seemed to work. 
marisol’s parents would finally divorce when she was sixteen. her mother would stay with a friend during the divorce proceedings. she would take marisol out to eat or to a museum every few weeks but that was about all marisol saw of her during that time. then. as soon as the divorce was finalized, she just left. marisol would still see her over the years although usually on holidays or special occasions. despite all of this, she still holds her mother in high regard and remains just as desperate for her approval as she was when she was a child. every time she comes into town, marisol is spending every minute she can with her.
marisol’s relationship with her father improved after her mother’s departure. seeing the effect everything had on his daughter, he began working less and spending more time at home. he encouraged her to continue her extracurriculars and made sure he was there for every school event. and while she doesn’t live with him anymore, she still talks to him regularly and goes to his house every sunday to have dinner.
very positive! always tries to see the best in people even if everything tells her that she shouldn’t, she strongly believes that everyone has some good in them. has probably gotten her into trouble a few times tbh
hopeless romantic. definitely believes in love at first sight but like obviously not for everyone (gestures at her parents). she just believes that it does happen for some people and think it’s just beautiful when it does. loves love!  has honestly gotten a lot of her expectations for love and relationships from movies and tv shows so they’re a little skewed.
can be a little shy when you first meet her but it honestly doesn’t take a lot to get her talking. and if you get her talking about something she’s passionate about? good luck getting her to stop. she just has a lot of thoughts and feelings.
people pleaser. she just wants people to like her. often puts other people’s needs and feelings before her own. honestly has a really hard time when someone doesn’t like her and will go out of her way to try to make them like her. 
she’s sensitive, it is honestly really easy to make her cry. whether they’re happy tears, sad tears, angry tears, etc. has definitely cried over the stupidest things too like a commercial for dog food or a silly meme.
fun facts
is currently going to the local community college... would have gone to the state college but she’s not super comfortable with driving long distances yet and she’d like to improve her gpa a bit first
her favorite movie is the princess bride <3 she used to watch it like once a week in high school yes she had a problem
is unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your outlook idk) a musical theatre kid.... hadestown is her favorite. she listens to it when she’s feeling sad.... also when she’s feeling happy. honestly she just listens to it a lot.
she’s recently gotten into flower pressing and is just having a blast with it! has briefly considered opening an etsy store for it but isn’t sure yet. 
favorite video game of all time is stardew valley. which isn’t saying much because she doesn’t play a lot of video games but still. she absolutely adores everything about it, seems to encompass most of her interests which she thinks is just great
has a lot of plants scattered around her place and yes, they all have names. is looking into getting a venus fly trap bc she thinks they’re neat...
works as a barista at kahlo’s!
bisexual <3
wanted connections
roommate(s) - roommates are always cool! must be okay with her plants... she has a lot of them honestly
best friend!!! everyone needs a best friend... i like the idea of them just being like the Exact opposite of her but honestly down for anything...
friends - just give her some friends... she is a very sweet girl ok she treats her friends very nicely.
crushes?? mayhaps?? - mutual... unrequited... whatever i just like crush plots they’re cute
exes maybe? reasons for not working out can be anything... angst always welcome but i do like a good ‘used to date but are just now good friends’ idk
other people who go to the community college ofc... uhhh coworkers... regulars at kahlo’s.... fellow plant lovers.... honestly open for anything and everything!!!
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ahtohvllan · 3 years ago
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[ jeanine mason, cis female, thirty ] Let’s give a warm welcome to one of Sparkwood’s finest, REINA AYALA !! Before coming here, she once lived on the pages of SNOW WHITE. Though now they currently spend most of their time as an HEIRESS. If you ask the townsfolk about what they are like, you will hear that they are ALLURING but also VENGEFUL. If they had a theme song it would be INFERNO - BELLA POARCH & SUB URBAN.
full name: reina ayala
nicknames: rei
age: thirty
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
REINA WASN’T ALWAYS the heartless woman that she presents herself as today. she was raised in sparkwood in a close yet rather poor family. she was one of four children and never felt as if she had the opportunity to shine, even within her own household. jealousy was an emotion she became well-acquainted with from an early age, that negative feeling festering inside of her as she saw many children her age obtaining things she wished she could. that resentment only grew over the years, especially when she was teased by fellow classmates when it came to her drab clothes or lack of flashy things. she used this rejection from her peers to motivate herself to show up everyone who mocked her.
when she turned eighteen, she decided to take life into her own hands and make something out of herself. everyone needs a starting point on the road to success and reina’s just so happened to be the pleasure island club. she had a pretty face and was a somewhat talented dancer, both of these qualities allowed her to make a quick buck to help her work her way up and toward the life she always envisioned for herself. she amassed quite a few admirers during her time spent at the club, but one stood out in particular. he became one of her V.I.P. guests at the club and always made her promises along the lines of: i promise one of these days i’m going to whisk you away from this all. little did she know, this man had both an ailing wife and daughter waiting for him at home.
when the man’s wife finally passed away, that’s when she found out the truth about his double life. she felt somewhat betrayed, but the allure that came with the security this man could offer her made up for everything else. she ended up becoming engaged to him not long after the passing of his wife. feeling as if she was a bit too young to be a stepmother to his grieving daughter, she distanced herself from the girl. not to mention, she wasn’t entirely fond of how much attention she got from her father. things seemed to be playing out exactly how she wanted them, that was up until their marriage. once they were married, the special treatment she received from her husband stopped.
he treated her like a mere object, ordering her around and even verbally abusing her when he didn’t get his way. not wanting to leave her new life behind due to the wealth she inherited by marriage, she plotted to murder her husband by poisoning him. it was easier than she thought it was going to be. while she was left alone with her stepdaughter, she finally felt as if she had gotten everything she wanted. she inherited all of her husband’s money, half of it tucked away from his daughter. that was a problem that she didn’t really care about, as long as she was free to do as she pleased.
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ftchloes · 5 years ago
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           well  ...  🤡  .  leave  me  to  be  very  ill - prepared  and  very  late  to  post  my  intro  ,  but  here  it  is  !  this  is  my  very  on  love  chloe  moon  ,  and  i’m  super  excited  to  be  here  to  plot  with  everyone  !  oop  ,  haven’t  introduced  myself  ,  but  i’m  kris  !  please  feel  free  to  call  me  momager  (  i’m  kidding  lmao  )  ,  i  prefer  either  she  /  her  or  they  /  them  pronouns  ,  and  i  hail  from  the  east  coast  !  i’m  not  gonna  lie  to  ya’ll  ,  i  tend  to  write  way  too  much  for  my  own  good  ,  but  i  want  to  answer  questions  ya’ll  might  have  without  having  to  ask  !  that  being  said  ,  here’s  everything  to  know  about  chloe  !
            *  𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐠𝐨𝐬  here  and  do  i  have  the  tea  for  you  .  𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐨𝐞  is  back  in  bridgehampton  for  the  summer  ,  living  off  the  𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧  family  $𝟒𝟖𝐛  net  worth  .  must  be  nice  to  come  back  home  to  the  hamptons  ,  i  wonder  what  her  fellow  class  of  2017  grads  think  of  her  return  .  you  know  ,  she  was  known  around  town  as  the  𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧  𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫  ��𝐚𝐛𝐲  and  for  bhs  senior  superlatives  she  was  crowned  as  𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭  𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐲  𝐭𝐨  𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞  𝐚  𝐦𝐚𝐧  𝐜𝐫𝐲  .  i  wonder  if  that  still  holds  true  today  ,  a  lot  can  change  when  you  go  off  to  𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐥   𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲  and  study  𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥  𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠  .  either  way  ,  i  bet  she  is  still  very  𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐝  ,  𝐝𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬  ,  𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭  and  𝐭𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 - 𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝  .  hopefully  this  time  next  year  the  plans  to  𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡  𝐚  𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲  𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝  𝐢𝐧  𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬  𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫  𝐡𝐞𝐫  𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲'𝐬  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞  come  true  .  in  the  meantime  ,  i  look  forward  to  seeing  her  blast  𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐢  -  𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲  𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬 at  every  hamptons  function  .  it’s  going  to  be  a  wild  summer  home  ,  welcome  back  .
trigger  warning(s)  :  bullying  .
𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞  :  chloe  moon  .
𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬  :  chlo  ,  coco  ,  loey  .
𝐚𝐠𝐞  +  𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞  𝐨𝐟  𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡  :  21  +   november  10th  ,  1999  .
𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥  𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧  :  scorpio  ,  sagittarius  moon  and  scorpio  sun  .
𝐦𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐬  𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞  :  istp  ;  a  virtuoso  .
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥  𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭  :  neutral  evil  .  
𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦  𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞  :  the  challenger  .
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫  +  𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬  :  cis  female  +  she  /  her  .
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞  𝐨𝐟  𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡  :  sydney  ,  new  south  wales  ,  australia  .
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞  𝐨𝐟  𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞  :  bridgehampton  ,  new  york  .
𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥  𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  :  bisexual  .
𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜  𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  :  biromantic  .  
𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  :  social  media  influencer  ,  heiress  ,  and  student  .
𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  :  korean - australian  .
𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲  :  australian  .  
𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬  𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧  :  english  ,  korean  ,  japanese  ,  and  mandarin  .
i.  prosopography  .
            chloe’s  life  story  begins  with  the  accidental  meeting  of  her  parents  ,  moon  dae - hyun  and  kim  eun - ha  .  during  that  time  ,  the  two  were  living  in  seoul  ,  south  korea  and  their  names  were  known  throughout  the  social  scene  of  seoul  .  eun -ha  is  the  son  of  one  of  the  wealthiest  men  in  south  korea  ,  kim  han - bin  .  kim  han - bin  is  the  son  of  the  man  who  started  moon  industries  ,  a  real  estate  and  construction  conglomerate  that  was  founded  in  the  1940s  .  the  company  was  founded  in  seoul  ,  and  originally  started  out  by  purchasing  and  renovating  the  beautiful  homes  and  condominiums  within  the  city  .  after  about  thirty  years  in  the  business  ,  han - bin’s  father  was  one  of  the  first  in  south  korea  to  reach  the  status  of  billionaire  .  
            eun - ha  grew  up  in  a  life  of  privilege  ,  whereas  dae - hyun  grew  up  in  a  world  where  he  had  to  work  for  everything  he  wanted  .  that  didn’t  stop  him  from  pursuing  a  degree  at  seoul  national  university  .  where  he  obtained  a  degree  in  architecture  .  so  ,  when  they  bumped  into  one  another  on  the  prestigious  school’s  campus  ,  it  was  love  at  first  sight  .  they  were  so  in  love  ,  in  fact  ,  that  the  couple  married  a  year  of  knowing  each  other  .  dae - hyun  accepted  a  job  designing  buildings  and  homes  under  kim  han - bin  ,  and  the  two  welcomed  their  first  daughters  into  the  world  .  natalie  and  nicole  were  welcomed  into  the  world  ,  and  the  family  lived  comfortably  in  their  not - so  modest  condo  in  seoul  .  
            within  three  years  ,  the  young  family  was  relocating  to  sydney  ,  australia  as  the  family  business  continued  to  expand  .  little  did  the  couple  know  ,  they  were  pregnant  with  their  next  daughter  .  six  months  after  moving  to  sydney  ,  and  completely  unexpected  as  she  wasn’t  due  for  another  three  days  ,  their  baby  girl  chloe  decided  that  she  was  ready  to  come  into  the  world  in  the  bath  tub  .  they  called  for  an  ambulance  ,  but  chloe  wasn’t  one  to  wait  ,  so  she  was  soon  being  born  into  her  father’s  shaking  hands  only  five  minutes  after  her  mother’s  water  broke  .  chloe  was  a  beautiful  bundle  of  joy  and  was  a  fun  baby  to  be  around  .
            chloe  spent  her  formative  years  in  australia  ,  attending  one  of  the  best  schools  in  sydney  .  during  those  years  ,  chloe  picked  up  on  various  talents  ,  most  notably  playing  the  cello  and  developing  her  skills  in  ballet  .  after  about  six  years  in  sydney  ,  the  family  decided  that  they  were  going  to  leave  the  down  under  and  head  to  the  states  ,  where  the  family  was  most  interested  in  expanding  the  company  .  originally  ,  they  settled  in  atlanta  ,  georgia  and  after  two  years  (  along  with  the  birth  of  chloe’s  younger  sister  kai  )  ,  but  they  moved  to  bridgehampton  at  the  start  of  chloe’s  seventh  grade  year  .
            she  easily  made  friends  due  to  her  extroverted  nature  ,  but  she  also  faced  unexpected  bullying  .  upon  moving  to  the  hamptons  ,  her  parents  were  already  known  because  of  their  purchasing  of  many  of  the  homes  on  the  island  .   the  family  home  was  one  of  the  largest  and  most  expensive  on  the  island  ,  alongside  an  equestrian  facility  .  the  family  was  already  different  from  those  around  them  ,  and  thus  when  chloe  started  school  ,  she  was  treated  poorly  .  while  everyone  around  them  had  money  ,  it  was  no  secret  that  the  moon  family  lived  a  life  of  luxury  .  chloe  was  dropped  off  by  chauffeured  cars  and  only  wore  the  best  of  the  best  ,  and  it  didn’t  help  that  she  was  whip  smart  .
            chloe  was  a  target  of  bullying  because  everyone  assumed  she  thought  she  was  better  than  them  because  of  her  family’s  wealth  and  her  grades  ,  but  every  time  she  tried  to  defend  herself  ,  she  was  only  mocked  because  of  her  australian  accent  .  her  spellings  was  different  alongside  her  wording  and  phrases  ,  and  chloe  didn’t  know  how  to  handle  the  constant  ridicule  .  eventually  ,  while  still  in  middle  school  ,  she  kept  to  herself  and  kept  up  her  good  grades  as  it  was  expected  by  her  parents  .  she  constantly  studied  hard  and  began  fighting  back  against  the  teachers  who  marked  down  her  assignments  because  she  was  allegedly  spelling  wrong  to  get  the  grades  she  deserved  .  chloe  endured  the  bullying  until  the  focus  was  set  on  someone  else  ,  and  over  the  summer  before  the  start  of  high  school  ,  chloe  returned  to  school  almost  as  a  brand  new  person  .
            high  school  aged  chloe  was  no  longer  afraid  to  defend  herself  in  fear  that  she  was  going  to  be  mocked  because  of  her  accent  .  she  pursued  her  passions  ,  joining  various  clubs  and  organizations  that  interested  her  :  tsa  ,  national  honor  society  ,  student  government  (  as  president  )  ,  and  orchestra  ,  where  she  played  first  chair  cello  for  all  four  years  .  the  shy  and  sweet  chloe  that  people  knew  before  was  no  longer  ,  as  she  took  refused  to  roll  over  since  that  was  not  how  her  parents  raised  her  to  be  .  upon  her  graduation  from  high  school  ,  chloe  graduated  as  first  in  their  class  ,  and  after  being  accepted  into  the  schools  she  applied  to  (  cornell  university  ,  the  university  of  pennsylvania  ,  and  brown  university  )  ,  chloe  announced  that  she  was  going  to  cornell  for  mechanical  engineering  .
ii.  temperament  .
due  to  the  bullying  she  faced  as  a  pre - teen  ,  chloe  has  become  someone  who  doesn’t  hold  her  tongue  anymore  .  she’s  very  blunt  and  is  openly  against  those  who  really  are  being  bitchy  for  no  given  reason  .  she’s  not  mean  outright  ,  but  definitely  responds  to  that  kind  of  energy  whenever  it’s  dished  out  .
through  the  years  ,  she  began  to  notice  how  much  her  family  was  really  worth  ,  and  that  developed  a  true  superiority  complex  .  while  she  doesn’t  verbally  brag  all  the  time  ,  it’s  not  unheard  of  for  her  to  drop  subtle  jabs  here  or  there  while  mentioning  what  she  has  or  laughing  at  what  someone  else  may  lack  .  she  does  not  like  those  who  are  overly  nice  ,  and  a  better  way  to  put  it  is  that  chloe’s  the  mean  friend  .
she’s  not  stone  cold  ,  though  because  she  doesn’t  pretend  as  though  she  doesn’t  have  emotions  or  is  incapable  of  sympathy  /  compassion  .  she’s  nice  to  those  who  don’t  start  mess  ,  but  if  you’re  that  type  then  chances  are  she’ll  return  that  same  energy  .  she  likes  a  challenge  and  she  naturally  tends  to  create  chaos  for  the  sake  of  doing  it  (  insert  cheryl  blossom’s  iconic  ,  ‘  i’m  in  the  mood  for  chaos  ,  ’  quote  here  .  )
iii.  headcanons  .
being  a  part  of  cornell’s  engineering  program  comes  with  a  lot  of  being  annoyed  every  day  .  it’s  filled  with  a  lot  of  m*n  who  looked  down  on  her  because  she’s  a  woman  (  gross  )  and  even  made  the  jokes  wondering  if  she  was  in  the  right  class  .  it  mostly  stems  from  the  fact  that  chloe  went  to  class  in  looks  and  not  looking  like  she  rolled  out  of  bed  every  day  .  she  never  snapped  back  at  them  ,  but  she  remains  as  the  number  one  student  and  those  same  m*n  fight  for  her  to  be  on  their  teams  .
although  majoring  in  mechanical  engineering  because  her  family  works  in  construction  and  real  estate  ,  she  focuses  in  sports  engineering  because  she  wants  to  develop  sports  for  the  better  .  she  wants  to  create  state  of  the  art  sports  facilities  ,  design  sports  equipment  ,  develop  performance  and  safety  standards  ,  as  well  as  coaching  and  training  tools  .  
chloe  will  100%  stir  the  pot  so  don’t  tell  her  your  deepest  secrets  or  she’ll  find  a  way  to  make  it  known  .  whether  that’s  via  being  shady  or  toting  the  news  to  her  friends  ,  she’ll  spill  your  tea  and  own  the  fact  that  she  did  .
while  she  loves  her  designer  clothes  and  accessories  ,  chloe  is  most  comfortable  when  her  contacts  are  replaced  with  her  glasses  and  she’s  wearing  loungewear  .  i  envision  her  as  having  jennie’s  iconic  long  hair  ,  so  she’s  definitely  developed  a  habit  of  constantly  brushing  her  hair  out  of  her  face  or  pulling  it  up  into  a  bun  only  to  continue  messing  with  it  .
she  doesn’t  drive  her  own  car  because  she  finds  it  to  be  dumb  !  just  kidding  ,  she  doesn’t  really  like  driving  but  she  was  never  given  her  own  car  because  she  simply  didn’t  want  one  .  that  being  said  ,  though  ,  she  can  usually  be  seen  riding  around  in  her  dad’s  bentley  bentayga  .
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aquariuscurly94 · 5 years ago
A Conversation with a Known Stranger
Summary: There’s this dance club that Naruto love to go to after work on Fridays. Why? Because Fridays are (men night) meaning there’s nothing but gorgeous men in the club. Naruto was shocked to see a known stranger there at the bar. It was Sasuke Uchiha. His long time crush. Wait, what?
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot
“Care for a dance?”
Naruto turned around to see a guy standing in front of him. They were about the same height. The guy had long brown hair, the end of it tied with a ponytail with purple like eyes. He had his hand out with a small smile on his face.
Naruto chuckled. “Uh, no thank you. Thanks for asking.”
The guy shrugged his shoulders and dance his back towards a group of other men on the dance floor. Naruto cocked his head to the side as he tried to make out what song was currently playing at the club and smirked. It was a Lady Gaga song. Of course.
Naruto wasn’t in the dancing mood as of yet because he had just gotten off from his shift at the hospital he worked at with his best friend Sakura Haruno who was the lead nurse. He knew that he couldn’t break his tradition of going to his favorite club that he has been going since he came out publicly at the age of twenty-one. Sakura wanted to come with him but had a date night with her girlfriend Ino and couldn’t make it.
He tried to slip by the group of sweaty, shirtless men that was dancing around him as he made his way to the bar area. Don’t get him wrong, he loves sweaty and shirtless men around him, however, he needs a couple of drinks in his system before dancing along with them.
He sighed in relief when he finally spotted the bar at the far end coroner of the club. He could see his favorite bar tender Kakashi Hatake, pouring a drink into a glass for someone.
As he had gotten closer to the bar, he could easily see that the customer had shoulder length raven hair and wore a three piece black suit. His mouth dropped opened when the customer turned his head slightly to look at the dance floor. It was his long time crush, Sasuke Uchiha.
Sasuke turned back around to look at Kakashi. Kakashi doesn’t show his face due to personal reasons, so he hides his face using a cloth from his nose to his chin to conceal it. Naruto and Kakashi locked eyes for a few seconds and quickly looked away. When Naruto first started to come here, he would confide to him about his crush he had on Sasuke since he was in elementary school and that’s how he knew that he liked the same gender rather than the opposite. He could’ve swore that Sasuke left Japan to work at the family business overseas. So why was he here? At the gay club? For gay people?
Naruto took a deep breath, trying to hide his nerves as he made it to the bar to sit next to him. He tried to act smooth and cool as he slip into the bar stool and accidentally almost trip on the metal that was on the bottom of the stool. Both Kakashi and Sasuke looked him. Naruto laughed. “Don’t mind me. I meant to do that. Really.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes at him as he picked up his glass of his drink. Naruto waved his friend Kakashi over with his hand. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at him as he placed a hand onto his hip. “The usual?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Naruto smirked at him and nodded at him. “You should know my drink by now.” He said with a laugh.
Kakashi shrugged his shoulders when he placed a glass in front of Naruto. He grabbed a can of Coke and rum that was underneath the bar. Naruto watched him as he poured the coke in first and then the rum and then mixed it together nicely with a stirring stick. “Enjoy.” He told Naruto with a wink as he moved down the bar to take care of other people, leaving him and Sasuke completely alone.
Naruto gripped his glass hard as he took a sip of his drink. “Bastard.” He muttered. Kakashi knew what he was doing, leaving them alone.
“Tt. Wouldn’t peg you to be a rum and coke type.”
Naruto turned to see Sasuke staring at him. Was he actually talking to him right now? Was he dreaming? He bit his lower lip. “How so?” He asked him, taking another sip of drink as he tried not to freak out.
Sasuke hummed as he took a drink of how own drink. Once finished, he flipped over the cup face down on the napkin that he had. “I just know.”
Naruto looked back over at his brown drink. It’s true, rum and coke wouldn’t be first drink he would choose but he would only drink it if it’s at the club because Kakashi makes it just right. He scoffed at him. “Kakashi makes the best rum and coke. Which is why I always drink it here.”
Sasuke didn’t respond to him. Instead, he turned his stool around to face the dancers on the dance floor as a Post Malone sang came on from the speakers. Naruto eyed him sideways, still wondering why he was here. He wants to talk to him, but he’s scared shitless. He would always watch Sasuke from afar. Naruto would remember times when he would leaned against his locker as his best friend Kiba Inuzuka chatted about some girl he wanted to talk to, but Naruto would always block him out each time he would see Sasuke walking down the hallways of the high school they went together. He would have girls swarming around him as he walked straight ahead, ignoring advances each girl tried to give him. Naruto could’ve swore Sasuke glanced at him as he walked passed him, his eyes narrowing at him before looking away and disappeared around the corner for his advanced math class. Yes, Naruto had memorized his class schedule.
Would Sasuke remember him? Naruto wasn’t popular like Sasuke, though he was still noticeable due to famous pranks he would place around the school before summer break. He wants to know if Sasuke remembers him. However, again, he’s scared shitless. He gulped down the last bit of his drink, trying to find the courage to talk to him once more. He opened his mouth about to speak when his voice stopped him.
“Naruto Uzumaki.”
He blinked a few times and shook his head. Did, did Sasuke just said his name? Naruto bit his lower lip when Sasuke turned to look at him. “You’re Naruto Uzumaki are you not?”
Naruto nodded fast in his response. He knows his name! He actually knows his name! But how? That’s what Naruto wants to know. He cleared his throat as he place a hand into his jean pocket. “Y-you remember me?”
Sasuke rolled his eyes, waving at Kakashi over to bring him another drink. Naruto and Kakashi eyed at each other briefly before the silver haired bartender walked his way back over towards a group older guys at the bar.
“Who could forget about the one who had released the cicada bugs into the hallways of the school junior year.”
Naruto laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. Junior year, Naruto had a brilliant idea about gathering up the cicada bugs that had recently came out of hibernation and released them throughout the school. It was his best prank yet to start his summer break. Though Principal Tsunande wasn’t quite as happy with him. She made him sit through detention all summer every Saturday. “Yeaaaa, that was me! Best prank ever I’ll say.” He said with another laugh.
Sasuke chuckled quietly. He had to admit it was quite a scene when he had walked down the halls seeing dead bugs everywhere. Girls would scream at the sight of them, freaking out and wanting to know who had committed this prank. Turns out, it was some blonde kid named Naruto Uzumaki, notoriously known as some idiot who pulls pranks at the end of each year before summer break. He didn’t know that the guy in front of him even existed until his friend Suigetsu talked about him. Interesting.
“What brings you here Sasuke? You, you do know what kind of club this is don’t you?”
Sasuke turned his stool around so he could face the blonde in front of him and scoffed. “I’m not an idiot, dope. I know what kind of club this is.”
Naruto cocked his head to the side at his answer. That didn’t answer his question. He wants to push further but knew it’s not his place, but he was just curious after all. “I thought you moved overseas.”
Sasuke shrugged his shoulders. “I did. Moved back a couple of days ago.” He sighed as he balled up his fists. “For good.”
Naruto raised an eyebrow. “Can I ask why?”
Naruto hummed to the latest BTS song that was now playing overhead. Damnit, now he’s pissed at him. Crap. “S-sorry for prying.” He muttered, turning around to look at the dancers on the dance floor.
Sasuke grunted when he ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean it to come out like that. It’s just,” he rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. “Family issues. That’s why I’m back.”
Naruto glanced back at him and nod his head with understanding and smirked at him. “Welcome back.”
Sasuke smirked back him. “I guess.”
Naruto thought for a few seconds after the BTS song had ended and now the DJ started to play a Coldplay song. He pointed towards the dance floor. “Do you, um,” he stuttered, getting nervous. Again. “Wanna dance?”
Sasuke shook his head. “I don’t dance. Sorry.”
Naruto sighed in disappointment. Well, at least he tried. Naruto bit his lower lip as he tapped his shoe against the chair with the beat of the Coldplay song that was still playing. They didn’t talk for a while after that. They sat in a comfortable silence staring at the half naked guys on the dance floor to the beat of the song, yelling and having a blast.
“I didn’t know that you were gay.”
Naruto glanced at him when Sasuke said that. Sasuke wasn’t looking at him, his eyes were still glued to the guys on the dance floor. “I came out at twenty-one.”
Sasuke huffed at his answer. “Congrats.” He told him, raising his glass towards him.
Naruto gave him a small smile. “Thanks. I-I didn’t know that you were gay too.” To be honest, he always hoped that Sasuke was gay. He always dreamed that Sasuke liked guys too. However, his dream was shuttered in high school when he started dating a red head named Amaya Sora, a fellow senior in his year. Could he really be gay after all?
“Tt, I’m bisexual.”
Naruto’s ears perked up with interest. Well, at least he still like guys. “That’s really neat! Are you out to everyone too then?”
Naruto gulped when he saw Sasuke frowned at his question. Crap, did he make him mad again? “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I understand! It’s highly personal and you don’t have to come out right away! It happens all the time. It—“
“That’s why I’m back. My family,” he growled lowly, biting the inside of his cheek. “Is not very accepting. Which is why I am back. My brother is taking over the company overseas to replace me.” He balled his fists up in anger, not even wincing when his fingernails digged into his palm.
Naruto eyed at his fist, mentally punching himself in the face. He reached up slowly to place a hand over Sasuke’s closed fist. Sasuke’s head snapped over at him at the touch. “Fuck them. You are very brave to come out. Not a lot of people have that courage. You can finally be your true self Sasuke. Without hiding anymore.”
Sasuke took a deep breath as he released his fist and looked down at Naruto’s hand on top of his. He smirked when he saw that they practically matched. “Thank you, Naruto. For saying that.”
Naruto smiled him, trying not to freaking out that his hand was still on Sasuke’s.
Sasuke sighed when he pulled his hand out from under Naruto and stood up from the bar stool. He reached into his pocket to place a couple of bills on the counter to pay for his drink. “I should be heading back. It’s late.”
Naruto nodded when he looked up at the clock that was over at the bar. The clock read 3AM. Have they really been talking since he got here at 9:30? Wow, time sure did move fast. “R-right, me too.” He said, yawning as he stood up from the stool and place the same amount of bills on the counter for his drink. “Had a long ass shift today at Konoha Hospital.”
Sasuke chuckled. “Interesting. What do you do? Sakura Haruno also works there correct?”
“Yes she does! She’s a lead nurse now and I’m a nurse. Who would’ve thought I would survive nursing school.”
Sasuke pursed his lips. “That’s interesting. Listen,” he said with a sigh. “Thank you, for tonight. Again.”
Naruto blushed. “Y-you’re welcome, Sasuke anytime!”
Sasuke walked passed him and placed a hand onto his shoulder. “Maybe next Friday I’ll see you here?”
Naruto’s insides were doing jumping jacks. “I’m always here on Fridays.”
Sasuke smirked as he gave his shoulder a squeeze. “Good. See you then.” He waved at him as he walked away, leaving Naruto speechless.
“Holy fuck. Did that just happened?” Naruto asked himself once Sasuke disappeared outside. Naruto pinched himself and yelped at the pain. “It did!”
A/N: so I always liked this pairing so I thought I should give it a shot at it lol. I know they didn’t kiss or anything like that but I just thought it was a nice idea lol. Tell me what you guys think!
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marinaaniseed · 6 years ago
Dark ‘n’ Stormy Pt. 1
Christ on a bike, this took me forever to type up from the handwritten scribbles I created on honeymoon.
A/N: Here are a bunch of caveats and notes:
- I haven’t watched all of the MCU films. Hell, I haven’t seen all of the Thor films.
- I’ve never read the comics.
- Based on the above two points, I may well miss things that are obvious & canon. My bad.
- I haven’t written outside of work for yonks, so this is going to be rusty.
- I haven’t written fanfic for around 15 years, and I’ve certainly never published any. It took a lot of getting out of my own head to get to this point.
- I have no idea how I should label this according to fic conventions.
- I wrote a lot of this while drinking, so let’s assume my tenses are all over the place and I’ve typo’d everything.
- In my head, Thor is hairier and squishier than in Endgame.
- Endgame spoilers (I assume).
- This is almost 7,000 words long and almost nothing sexy happens. Stick with it, I’ll write that bit next.
- If you’re under 18 and have somehow found this, I’m obliged to tell you not to read this. That being said, I know what I got up to as a teenager, so on your head so be it.
- I know that some people don’t like Thor being insecure about his squishiness, I can understand that. This Thor, my version of Thor, is because that is how my squishy husband was when we first got together. It took time for him to become more confident in his body and accept that I’m attracted to him because of his body, not in spite of it.
- Written from a female POV because hey, write what you know. In the same vein, there will be hints of bisexuality and discussions of mental health.
You were bored with walking down the desolate road. Sure, the emptiness was part of what made Norway beautiful, but as someone trying to hitch a lift, you could do with a bit more traffic. If you didn’t find accommodation soon, it would be a rough night.
You’d left Oslo that morning. Picked a direction and started walking, hitching a ride as you could. The last guy had dropped you at the clubhouse of his motorcycle club. Nobody knew of any jobs for you, so you carried on walking with your thumb out, hoping to attract a lift. The job was less important at this point, you needed somewhere to sleep - preferably not under your bivvy.
After a further half an hour, you heard a vehicle slowing down behind you. As you turned, you saw it was a lorry from the Ægir Microbrewery. That was good. You walked round to the driver’s window and found an attractive woman sticking her head out to look down at you. Beer and a hot woman. She must be driving somewhere fun.
“Where are you heading?” she asked.
“I don’t mind. Where are you going?”
“New Asgard.”
“Works for me.”
You clamber into the cab, the woman taking your backpack and putting it behind your seat.
“Thanks. I’m y/n,” you said as the lorry began to move again.
“Are you an Asgardian?”
“I’m a Valkyrie.”
“Oh ok. Wow,” you paused, trying to take in this information. “If you don’t mind me asking, why the lorry? Don’t you have magic and stuff that you could use?”
“The Norwegians prefer it if we use your technology. Winged horses and aeroplanes are a bad combo. The beer is because we can’t brew enough for our king.”
Aha. Thor. Of course, you have heard of him and how he had established New Asgard in Norway. It had been an international relations minefield but Norway had ceded the land in exchange for some ‘help’.
“You’re not Norwegian,” the Valkyrie said after a while. “I can tell by the way you talk. What brought you out here, searching for a lift?”
“Ah,” you smiled. The eternal question. “I’ve been travelling around, doing odd jobs since the snap. Trying to see the world in case it just disappears one day I spent the last month working in a bar in Oslo. I left because the landlord tried it on with me. I doubt New Asgard will have any jobs for a mere mortal like me, so I’ll stay the night and try again in the morning. What currency do you use in New Asgard?”
The Valkyrie doesn’t respond immediately but you can tell she’s thinking.
“I have a job for you,” she said eventually. “Our king isn’t quite who he used to be, these last few years have been especially hard on him. I’m largely in charge of rebuilding. Until things change, one way or another. There’s a little hut by the docks you can stay in and in exchange you can clean his house and cook for him. Sound fair?”
“Sounds very fair but...why me?”
“Thor doesn’t like what he’s become, doesn’t want his people to see him this way. He only sees me because I bring him beer. But he might be more tolerant of a Midgardian. He’s always had a soft spot for your people.”
The rest of the journey takes just under an hour and you pass the sign welcoming you to New Asgard as the sun is setting.
Brunnhilde stops at the hut.
“This is it. Don’t worry about a key. Nobody locks their doors here.”
You climb down slowly with your rucksack and push open the wooden door. It’s sparse but it’s better than the alternative. You shrug off your bag and leave it next to the bed before returning to the lorry.
You’re driven up the hill to the furthest cabin. It’s a little bigger than the others but gives no hint that the occupant is royalty.
“Let me get the beer in before I introduce you,” Brunnhilde advises.
You watch her as she ferries full cases to the house and empties to the lorry. You begin to nap when she taps on the window to get your attention. You’ve never met royalty, let alone a god before. How are you supposed to act? Do you curtsey?
“I’ve brought you a visitor,” says Brunnhilde as she crosses the threshold before you.
“Are they here about the cable?” comes the reply.
“No. This is y/n. She’s going to look after your house. Cook, clean, that kind of thing,” she gestures as you step to stand next to her.
Thor is not how you imagined. He’s better. He’s soft, round, hairy. He needs a wash, you can smell him here, but he looks comfortable. Comforting.
He finally pauses his game and lets out a startled yelp when he sees you, grabbing a cushion to hide his torso before scurrying into the next room. When he returns, his face is flushed, trying to hide under his hoodie.
“Apologies,  y/n. I wasn’t expecting such beautiful company. Valkyrie, no, I don’t need help. I don’t want help. I want to be left alone.”
“Thor, she has nowhere else to go. I’ve let her stay in the hut by the docks. Let her work for a week and if you’re still sure, I’ll take her back when I next get supplies. Or, perhaps I will find my own use for her,” she winks, groping your arse slightly.
You blush a little, then a lot at the thought of having sex with a Valkyrie. Thor mumbles his assent and you hear his stomach grumble from beneath his hoodie.
“Perhaps I could start by making dinner...my...lord?”
“Thor. I’m not worthy of that title, so just call me Thor.”
Valkyrie rolls her eyes but answers for him. “Yes, dinner would be good. Please cook for all three of us, I’d like to sample some Midgardian cooking.”
No pressure, you thought to yourself as you stepped through detritus to get to the kitchen. This was not going to be easy.
The floor looked good in comparison to the state of the kitchen surfaces.
“Umm…” you said, pausing to survey the devastation. Broken glass, mouldy mugs, and who knows what else. You heard Valkyrie stand behind you.
“This is worse than last time, Thor,” she said softly. “I will order some of that pizza you love and myself and y/n will go to Tønsberg to pick up some supplies so that she stands half a chance tomorrow.”
You smiled sheepishly at the blushing god as you made your way carefully out of the cabin.
The next morning, you woke up early. You wanted to make a solid start on Thor’s home before he woke up in the hope that he’d see your worth and prolong your stay in New Asgard.
In the cold light of day, the cabin looked even worse than it had the night before. Valkyrie had put the food away but the cleaning supplies were in bags by the door.
It was overwhelming to look at, no wonder Thor hadn’t touched it. You knew a fellow depressive when you saw one. Cleaning your own stuff was always a chore. Cleaning other people’s was much easier - you didn’t have the shame or guilt.
You could hear Thor’s thunderous snores coming from the bedroom. That would be the last job. The most intimate room.
To stop yourself from becoming overwhelmed, you opened a cleaning app to work through the tasks. One thing at a time. You couldn’t let it get to you. This man, god, whatever. He needed help. f
Thor eventually appeared around noon, shuffling over to the fridge to grab a beer before slumping onto the settee with his games controller. It was always sad to see a person like this, you thought, as you took your tablet with a sip of water. But you knew what it was like to be that person, too.
“Good afternoon,” you smiled, placing a cup of coffee next to Thor. He mumbled his thanks, eyes not leaving the screen as you retreated to the kitchen to make him some brunch.
He seemed to approve of the stack of pancakes you’d made, drenched in syrup and topped with streaky bacon.
“ y/n, that was delicious. May I have another plate, please?” he mumbled to his chest. It was curious how he mumbled when he spoke to you. He was certainly not quiet when he spoke to his gaming friends online.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Of course, you may have more, you only have to ask.”
You assumed as king he would be used to asking for things but this king seemed shy. No, not shy. That wasn’t quite right. Anxious. A feeling you knew all too well. He was on edge, you could understand why. You’d seen the news, you knew enough of the past few years to empathise with him.
After you handed him the second plate of pancakes, the rest of the day was spent pottering around - cleaning, tidying, and handing Thor beer when you could see him getting low. Glasses of water and cups of coffee kept them company, but he preferred the beer. You’d occasionally find him shuffling into the kitchen, looking for snacks, gently reminding him to call for you when he needed something.
You washed up after dinner - 7oz Fillet steak with triple-cooked chips, homemade onion rings and a thyme-roasted tomato - and bid him goodnight. The cabin was by no means clean but it was a start.
“Thank you y/n. This is much better. I’m sorry I couldn’t, I’m sorry I let it get so bad.”
“It’s ok Thor, I understand.” You desperately wanted to hug him but that didn’t seem appropriate. “Is there anything you’d like me to do differently tomorrow?”
“I like Pop-Tarts for breakfast.”
Over the course of the week, you developed an easy routine. You came to know when Thor needed to be fed and watered before he knew it himself. He was eating a little better now you were cooking for him, although you had to up your portion sizes. You’d been surprised, wandering around the supermarket with the Valkyrie just how much food she’d piled in. Surely it would go out of date before you used half of it? Apparently not.
The cabin was much tidier now and it was easier to manage. You could just clean after the god rather than trying to fight with the whole house. You had time to observe him, to try to understand the powerful yet damaged man.
You’d grown to like Korg and Miek, too. They’d been a shock when you first met them, causing you to drop Thor’s coffee on the floor. Thor had laughed at the blaspheming, cursing litany you’d let out before you switched to apologies. For a split second, he’d wondered if you had such a filthy mouth in bed, before quashing that thought. You wouldn’t want him, certainly not like this.
“y/n, these are my friends, Korg and Miek,” he said once you regain your composure. “Korg, Miek - this is my friend,  y/n. She is from Midgard.”
You exchanged embarrassed pleasantries, pleased that Thor had introduced you as a friend.
After returning with enough coffee for everyone (you hadn’t thought to ask if Thor’s alien friends drank coffee) you set about mopping up the mess you made. Thor could feel himself staring at your arse as you knelt down with towels, so ripe and round and peachy. Oh Norns, what he would do to feel it in his hand.
While you could wrap your head around Korg and Miek, explaining from your hut via Skype to your family and friends was another matter. You were vaguely in contact but it was unsettling. For five years you had thought they were dead. You had grieved for them, let go. Having them back was too odd. Skype was as much as you could cope with. You kept your location vague-ish, for fear they would turn up and force you to face everything. There were loose assurances, lies (to yourself or to them?) that you were fine. That you would be home soon.
Home. What even was that anymore? The one person you wanted back couldn’t be brought home. They weren’t dusted, but they’d died as a result of the snap nonetheless. At least Alex had a body you could hold a funeral for. A body, ironically, turned to dust at the cremation.
C’mon brain, not now. You began listening to a meditation on Headspace, hoping to find some sleep.
It had been a week and you were sad at the prospect of leaving. Although, there was still the possibility that the Valkyrie would take you in.
You heard her before you saw her.
“Is this even the same place?” you heard her exclaim. You stuck your head around from the kitchen where you were making a fresh cafetière of coffee.
“Would you like some?” you asked, waving a cup.
“No, thank you. I’m off to get supplies and wondered if I was taking you with me?” She looked at Thor but he was engrossed in his game. “Thor!”
He jumped, turning towards her. “What?”
“Are you keeping y/n or not? It’s been a week.”
“Oh,” he blushed. “I’d like that very much. If she’d like to stay?”
You nodded your head as you set the coffee down next to him.
“Excellent,” he roared, standing beer in hand and pulling you into a sweaty bear hug. He’d remained covered up in front of you since that first day, but you could feel his softness and warmth. You were both rosy-cheeked when you parted.
“Forgive me,  y/n. I forgot myself,” he said looking down.
“That’s ok, I should be getting back to work,” you said, hurrying into the bedroom to gather his laundry
“Fine, but I may still want you for some work of my own,” the Valkyrie said with a wink as she turned and left the cabin.
That afternoon, having washed up after lunch, you realised there was nothing that needed doing. It was too early to begin preparing dinner, so you wandered over to Thor with a beer.
“I’ve done everything that’s immediately obvious, is there anything I can help you with?”
Thor studied you with his odd-coloured eyes. “Korg and Miek aren’t here, so perhaps you’d like to grab a beer and play with me?”
You failed to suppress a giggle at that last part and Thor looked mortified.
“It’s ok, I understood what you meant,” rubbing his arm in reassurance before turning to grab a drink of your own.
With your back against the cushion, your feet don’t touch the floor, so you kick off your shoes and sit cross-legged.
“I hope this is ok?” you asked, as Thor handed you a controller.
“Certainly,  y/n.”
You sit staring into those eyes, amber and aquamarine, a beguiling combination.
“What? What is it?”
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare,” you could feel your cheeks burning as you took a large swig of your beer. “It’s just I’ve never met someone with heterochromia before.”
Thor tipped his head to the side, confusion written over his soft, hairy face. One you’d quite like to sit on if you thought about it.
“Heterochromia...your eyes are two different colours?”
“Oh, that,” he said, running a finger over his scar. “That’s a more recent addition. My sister stabbed me in the eye.”
You’re frozen. Eyes wide and beer halfway to your mouth. What can you say to that?
“A kind rabbit gave me this one,” he says, pointing to the amber one. “Before that, I wore an eyepatch, just like my father,”
You can tell by the way he says this, that his father is gone, in a pre-snap kind of way.
“So, it’s like a glass eye? Like a fake?” you asked, confused as to how a rabbit could give him a false eye. Maybe it was an alien space rabbit?
“No, no. I can see through it.”
You’re puzzled but decide against further questions. A lot of weird shit has happened over the past five years, ignorance is often easier.
“Will you show me how to play this game?”
“Certainly,” he says, taking your hands in his to explain the controls. Despite their size, they are gentle, pressing your digits into the control pad as he explains the mechanisms.
After a couple of hours and a couple of beers, you’re starting to get the hang of Fortnite, although you’re nowhere near as good as Thor.
“y/n, may I ask you a question?” he asked as you return from a bathroom break.
“Sure, what is it?” you say, returning to your cross-legged position.
“What is that tablet you take every day? Are you ill?”
“Aha, you’re more observant than I realised. That’s citalopram. An antidepressant. It helps me to feel less sad,” you say, explaining until you see a spark of recognition.
“I’m sorry,  y/n, was it the snap?” he asks, terrified that he is responsible for your sadness because he didn’t go for the head.
“Yes and no,” you shrugged. “I took tablets before, the snap made it worse.” You can see he doesn’t quite understand, so you take another large gulp of beer. “You know how without the beer, you feel an emptiness, an abyss? That nothing will make you happy again? Feel anything again? Or you do feel things but they’re the wrong things? Inappropriate. Like, you cry uncontrollably at something happy but you feel nothing at a friend’s funeral? Or it’s just sadness, anger, frustration. Hating yourself, hiding away, avoiding mirrors so that you can’t see the awfulness that’s you? Well, this is like the beer for me. All the bad stuff is still there but it takes the edge off enough for me to function. Proper therapy would help but there are not enough counsellors in the world to undo the damage caused by the snap, let alone the damage done before it.”
Thor is lost for words. He can’t understand how the Norns could let someone so beautiful feel so much pain. He wants to hold you, to kiss and caress away as much of your sadness as he can. But he doesn’t want to scare you or make you feel duty-bound to respond. He lays a calloused hand gently over yours, tilting your chin up with the other to meet his gaze. He can see that you’ve lost a lot but doesn’t dare to pry. It’s not his place and he doesn’t want to open those wounds.
“y/n, you are so strong and beautiful. You could’ve been a Valkyrie, I don’t know how you do it. You’re far stronger than I am.”
“Ah Thor, I appreciate the flattery, even if it’s the beer talking. I’m not stronger than you, the pain just weighs on us differently.”
“It’s not the beer, I mean it. You understood completely as though you could see inside of me. Tell me, do you think those tablets could help me?”
“I’m not sure how an Asgardian would react to our medicine,” you say with a frown. “Surely there are healers you could talk to?” The look on Thor’s face suggests that they are only really concerned with the physical rather than the mental. “There is something that might help.” His eyes brighten and there’s a hint of a smile at this. “We have a concept called self-care, it might make things seem a little better.”
“How does it work, y/n?”
“It’s about being loving and caring to yourself. Nurturing and nourishing all of yourself and accepting that you are worthy of love and care. Imagine the things you would do if someone you loved was distressed, except that person is you.”
Thor doesn’t look at all sure about this. Sure, he’s still worthy of wielding Mjölnir but that’s about it.
“Let me help, if you’re willing to try?”
Thor nodded slowly, hair falling in front of his face.
“Ok good, wait here.”
You go to the bathroom and began to fill the enormous tub, before rummaging through the cupboards and drawers. A bathroom this big and belonging to a king must’ve had some toiletries, you reasoned. Eventually, you found them, caked in dust. In the beginning, he must’ve still cared, or someone cared enough to bring them to him. Oakwood absolute and golden apple-scented -  a pleasant mix. You weren’t sure how much to use, so the result was a thick, foamy layer, like the head on a cappuccino or a bath in an old Hollywood movie.
“Hey Thor, come in here,” you shouted.
“It’s...a bath,” he said once he’d padded into the room.
“Yes. I find a bath with some pleasant bubbles and things helps me to relax and I always feel better after washing my hair. I thought it might help you too? You can drink your beer in the bath if you like.”
Thor stands there fiddling with his sleeves, shifting his weight from side to side.
“I’ll just go and leave you to it then,” you offered.
“No,no...I’m just not sure about this.”
“Ok, suit yourself. I’m not letting this go to waste,” you said, turning and removing your top. It was partly the beer and partly you wanted to see how he’d react. What way did he mean it when he called you beautiful?
You leave your clothes in a neat pile and climb in, hearing Thor pacing and mumbling in the background.
“Uh, naked...very naked,” he muttered, turning his back and casting his eyes to the ceiling. Of course, he’d seen naked women before, but this was different, you were different. And most importantly, he was different. He didn’t have his chiselled body anymore, didn’t know how to seduce people with this one. After a few minutes of silence, he turns to make sure you haven’t drowned. Only your head is visible above the bubbles, resting against the side of the tub, eyes shut, seemingly dead to the world. He moves towards you cautiously and when you don’t stir, he decides it might be safe. He undresses with his back to you, just to be sure, and climbs in gingerly.
You had no idea a man of his size could be so stealthy. The rising water level was the only clue that you had company. He’s facing away from you, but it’s a start.
“Thank you for joining me,” you said, running your hands across his broad, scarred shoulders. “May I wash your hair for you, please?”
He’s torn. On the one hand, he wants you to touch him and he used to love how soft his hair felt. On the other, he’s deeply ashamed of the matted mess he’s let it become. He only relents because you’ve asked politely, so he leans back until his hair is under the water.
You’re ready with a golden hairbrush when he sits up. Detangling the blonde mane is slow going, you’re constantly muttering apologies to Thor as you accidentally tug on the tightly entwined strands. He doesn’t seem to notice, and in the grand scheme of things, this probably isn’t that painful to him, you reason, but you still feel bad that you might be hurting him.
Eventually, you get to a point where you can run the brush through the length of his hair without it snagging. You empty a sizable amount of apple shampoo into your palms, massaging it slowly into his scalp, working in small, light circles, before moving down to the main body of his hair.
“Mmm,” he sighed as you brush against his neck.
“Ok, lie back, let me wash this out.”
He obeys and you continue to massage, making sure all of the shampoo is gone. You then repeat the process with his beard before moving onto the conditioner. You work this through, slowly, ensuring that everything is nourished, paying particular attention to the ends before brushing it through, just to be sure. You had no idea if this was how you were supposed to look after a beard but you figured you couldn’t make it any worse, so you worked the conditioner through his facial hair too.
“I’m going to leave this in for a bit, so no need to lie back unless you want to.”
You remembered how Thor had enjoyed your head massage, so you decided to take a punt. You moved your hands to his shoulders and started to knead the knots, His shoulders seemed to be hewn from stone but you persisted, eventually making headway.
“Oh, y/n, you are very good with your hands,” Thor purred as he relaxed more.
You raised an eyebrow but kept your smutty comment to yourself. You didn’t want to scare him off now that he was becoming more welcoming to your touch.
As you continued to work out his knots, Thor slowly sank back into you. You moved up to his neck and ears, rubbing and lightly tugging on his lobes.
He loved the way you were touching him. It had been so long since anyone had touched him with such care. He could feel himself melting back into your breasts, you were a lovely pillow indeed.
As he relaxed further into your chest, you decided to be a little bolder. Your hands slipped forward onto his chest, running your fingers through the hair and pressing lightly into the soft flesh until you reach his nipples. At first, you opt for a feather-light brush that causes Thor to gasp, before flicking and squeezing them, steadily increasing the intensity before switching to twisting them.
Thor leans even further into you, obscene, incoherent moans coming from between his plump parted lips. He can feel himself getting hard, something he’s not felt for a long time, bar the inconvenience of morning wood. His hand moves down, partly to stimulate and partly to clean. If this is going to happen, the least he can do is ensure he’s hygienic for you.
And then it happens.
A hand slides down to caress his rounded, hairy stomach. The panic is immediate. He jerks away, remembering how he looks, how he feels. That keg of lard strapped to his front. Water cascades over the floor as he fumbles to get away, grabbing clothes and towels, cursing as he goes.
It’s all such a shock, you forget to check out his arse as he scurries away.
Well, fuck, you think.
You wait until you can hear the familiar sounds of Fortnite coming from the front room.
Your clothes were sodden from Thor’s sudden exit. You hang them to dry on the rack above the tub, dry yourself and mop the floor before returning to face the god swaddled in his soft towel, feeling a lot more precarious about your future in New Asgard than you had a couple of hours ago.
“I’m sorry, Thor. I shouldn’t have done that, I went too far,” you say, standing in the doorway.
“It is I who should be apologising to you,” he said, pausing his game to turn to you. He was glad you’d reappeared but now that you were here, he didn’t know what to say. He wanted you to keep touching him like you were but he was scared he wasn’t good enough for you. How could he be?
“It’s ok, I understand that you don’t want to be touched like that.”
You were wrong but he couldn’t tell you. His heart was breaking as he looked at you, so sad, soft and ashamed, the giant towel swamping your frame.
“What happened to your clothes,  y/n?”
“They’re, um, drying,” you said, blushing. Your earlier bravado was gone and you were left trying to hide, to get away from the beautiful god in front of you.
“Oh gods, I’m sorry,” he replied, his blush matching yours. “Please help yourself to my clothes, I don’t want you to catch a cold.”
You shuffled awkwardly to his room, glad to escape his gaze for a few minutes. You found a clean grey hoodie and threw it on, wearing it like a dress. When you returned, Thor had started a fire and placed your clothes in front of it to dry.
He couldn't believe how delicate you looked in his hoodie, like a tiny ceramic doll he was scared to touch.
“That looks warmer,” he said as you walked past him to return the towel to the bathroom, his gaze lingering on your bare legs, imagining them wrapped around his neck as his licked you with love.
“I didn’t finish your hair,” you said, waving the brush as you came back. Thor grabbed a beanbag and flopped down in front of the settee his the controller and his beer.
“Thank you,” you smiled, relieved that some of the tension had dissipated and he was allowing you to touch him again. The conditioner was still in his hair but you figured it wouldn’t make much difference after all the crud that had been in it before. You brushed gently, working your way through the knots, pleased to see you weren’t pulling as much as earlier. Thor was content to game and drink, so you braid his hair, tying the ends into a knot. It had been a while since you’d played with someone’s hair. As you admire your handiwork, you realised Thor wasn’t engrossed in his game as you thought.
“I think you should do the same to my beard,” he said, tipping his head back to look at you.
You smiled, pleased to have a reason to continue touching him. You cupped a hand beneath his head, gently tipping it forward so he could continue his game while you braid his beard.
When you were done, he slowly padded to the bathroom. Leaning over, you could see him examining your work in the mirror. It had been so long since he’d looked, really looked at himself in the mirror. He looked away as he began to feel his cheeks burning with shame beneath their downy fuzz.
“I’m sorry it’s not very good,” you called, anxious of his reaction.
“No, no. It’s lovely. I wore my beard like this during...during my last battle,” he says, tugging at the thick braid to distract himself from the memory.
“I should probably start dinner,” you said, rising from the settee to start chopping veg.
“No, y/n. You’ve done so much today, let me order pizza. My treat.”
You watch him play with his 3310, scrolling and punching until he finds the number he wants. You’ve not seen an ancient Nokia like that for years.
“Dominos. Hey, it’s Thor again. You know, the god of thunder? Listen, buddy - could you do me the usual but with one extra, please? Any flavour, I don’t mind. Thanks.”
You’ve no idea what he’s ordered since he never asked what you fancied. Although if he’d phrased it like that, you would’ve replied that he was what you fancied.
“Why do you have such an old phone, Thor?” you asked as he handed you another drink, his other hand gently pressing the small of your back to guide you back to the settee.
“I kept breaking the new ones. I’m too rough when I touch them.”
I bet you are, you though. You’d seen him furiously mash the buttons on his controller and wondered how it would feel if he mashed your button. You shrank further into the hoodie to hide your blush.
“Oh, y/n are you cold? Here, let me,” he said, taking the fluffy throw from the armchair and tucking you underneath it.
“Perhaps you could offer some more heat?” you ventured, emboldened by the new beer and gently patting the space next to you. He acquiesced, letting his still muscular arm drop behind your head, allowing you to lean into him a little.
“You know, we have another concept that may make you feel better,” as much to his chest as to him.
“What is that?”
“Skin hunger. Science shows that people who experience the touch of another less often are less happy. Perhaps we could recreate the hug from this morning?”
“I did enjoy that,” Thor concedes, wrapping his arms around you, pinning your arms to your sides. You were right, he was hungry for this. Hungrier still to see you without any clothes on. He regretted not looking at you earlier but he’d liked what he’d felt under the bath bubbles. He looks down to see you meeting his gaze, melting before him. He inches closer to your lips.
Bang, bang, bang.
You jump away from him as the delivery driver pounds the door. Thor heaves himself up, cursing that this is the one time they’ve ever arrived so quickly.
You’re startled when Thor turns around with six boxes in his arms.
“Fucking hell, Thor! Why did you order so much?”
“The Norwegians have a party deal, five pizzas for a set price. I got an extra one for you.”
You don’t have the heart to tell him that sharing one pizza with him would have sufficed. You look at the boxes and see that Thor is waiting for you to choose: Pepperoni Passion, Deluxe, Veggie Supreme, Hot & Spicy, Extravaganzza, and Mighty Meaty. Heh, Mighty Meaty. That’s Thor alright, mighty and meaty. You pick your favourite and take a slice, small dainty bites compared to Thor almost inhaling the one he’s already demolishing.
“Mind if I turn the telly on?” you ask, wanting a distraction from Thor so you don’t watch in awe at his apparently insatiable appetite. You liked seeing him enjoying his food, a little jealous that he didn’t eat the food you made him this way. You don’t want him to think you’re judging him, you’ve already upset him once today.
“Mmm,” he says through a mouthful, handing you the remote. The cross-country skiing is on. That’ll do, you thought.
“You’d be good at that,” you said nudging Thor. “Yes, you would! You’ve got big, strong legs to power you along.”
“Big,” he sighs. “I’m just big.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Everyone has bits of themselves they don’t like, Thor.”
“Even you?” he asked, disbelieving.
“Yes, of course,” you laugh. “The trick is to focus on the bits you do like.”
He can’t figure out why someone as beautiful as you would dislike any of your body. It looked pretty perfect from what he’d seen so far.
“And which bits do you like?”
“My favourite is my hands. I like how strong my nails grow, the shape of them. I like how useful my hands are, what I can do with them. I enjoy touching things with them, discovering pleasant textures. I think touch is my favourite of my senses.”
“I like your hands too. I like what you did with them earlier,” he says with what he hopes is a flirty smile. It’s been so long, is that even how you do it?
“Well, I only got your top half earlier, would you like a foot rub?”
“That sounds very pleasant but you haven't finished your dinner,” he says, frowning at the box you chose where over half the pizza remains.
“It’s lovely Thor, thank you. I guess I just don’t like food as much as you do. But I’ll have one more slice, for you.”
This pleases him and he returns to chewing his way through the meaty, cheesy feast.
Once you've collected what you need from the bathroom, you sit down on the rug in front of him.
“You know what they say about men with big feet,” you accidentally muse aloud as you remove his feet from his Crocs and guide them to a bowl of warm, sudsy water.
“What do they say?” a worried voice asked from above you.
“Oh! That they have...big socks.”
“Ah yes, of course,” he laughs, missing the innuendo but the obvious answer tickles him still, causing his soft stomach to wobble.
“I’m going to leave your feet to soak, give me your hand.”
He cautiously extends the one not holding a slice and you wipe away the grease and sauce with a flannel soaked in the bowl, before moving to trim his nails. You file them down and work the dirt out from underneath them.
“Other hands, please,” you say when you’re done.
“So, use your other hand.”
“But you just cleaned it.”
“Yes, but when you’re done you can wash your hands. Honestly, Thor, you’re drunk. Not stupid,” you say with a smile as he transfers the slice to his other hand.
With both hands done, you move to his feet and dry them on the bottom of the hoodie you borrowed. His toenails get the same treatment as his fingernails before you move onto his feet. You apply a little of the oakwood perfumed oil you found and take one foot in hand. The soak has softened his skin a bit but you make a mental note to get some pumice next time you visit Tønsberg. Using your thumbs you stroke firmly, from his toes up to his ankle. You repeat this until you feel the tension begin to leave his foot. Next, you cup his heel, sliding your index finger between his toes, before moving onto the sole of his foot. You focus on the pressure points of his arches, kneading him like a cat making its bed. He’s making noises similar to the ones he made in the bath when you stroked his nipples. Another erogenous zone to remember for the future. You spend longer than you usually would on this part, relishing his sighs and moans, before moving to the other foot. By the time you’re done, he’s a blissed-out mess, unable to focus on the telly or move to grab his beer. You go to the kitchen to wash the oil from your hands and decide to fix him an indulgent drink.
You find the largest mug and make him a hot chocolate, adding a generous slug of mead because it’s been a good day, before topping it with whipped cream, marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles.
He’s managed to sit up a bit, so you hand it straight to him. He takes a sip, gasping as the mead hits him.
“I would never have thought to add mead. This drink - I like it!”
“I’m glad,” you say. “Thank you for a fun day, Thor.”
“No, thank you, y/n. The pleasure was all mine. Thank you for your patience and understanding, it’s appreciated.”
“Well, I hope I helped,” you say, moving to touch your clothes. “These are dry enough. I’ll just get changed and head home.”
You’ve barely shut Thor’s bedroom door when you hear an almighty crash of thunder directly overhead before the deafening deluge of rain hits the roof. You can’t walk home in this, you didn’t bring an umbrella.
Thor knocks on the door and sticks his head in,
“Given the weather, perhaps you’d like to stay here, y/n?” he suggests, one hand on the doorframe, the other gesturing to his modest bedroom.
You nod and leave your pile of clothes on top of his drawers, content to sleep in his hoodie You shuffle under the covers and roll into the dip in the middle where Thor usually sleeps. You push yourself to the side away from the window and wait for him. He switches off the light and climbs in on the other side without getting undressed. You go to touch him tentatively but he’s crashed out as soon as his head hits the pillow. Between his snores and the storm, it’s going to be a long night, you realised.
One thing you hadn’t bargained on was the nightmares. After the initial calm, Thor is restless, whimpering in his sleep. You want to help but you don’t know how to. You give up clinging to the edge of the mattress and let yourself roll into the dip in the middle. You hug him as best you can, rubbing his back in reassurance. He quiets slowly until he’s soundly asleep again. This happens throughout the night and each time you hold him until it passes.
You’re vaguely aware of dawn breaking, the cockerels crowing around New Asgard. You’re half asleep. The big spoon. A hand stroking something soft and warm. A stomach. Thor’s stomach. This is pleasant, he is as comfortable as he looks, you think, before drifting off again. It’s only when your sleepy hand brushes against Thor’s burgeoning morning wood that he startles awake with a shout, exiting the bed as swiftly as he’d left the bath the day before.
You lie there confused until you realise where you were rubbing.
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porthavenhq · 5 years ago
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Welcome to Porthaven, Sammie! We can’t wait to meet Sylvester Rennard!
Please look over the acceptance checklist and submit your blog within the next 24 hours. If there is a problem or a prior obligation and you need more time than provided, just message the main and we will gladly extend!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  OUT OF CHARACTER  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Name: Sammie Pronouns: She/Her Age: 27 Timezone: CST Activity Level: 8. I am mainly active either early in the morning or evening/night! Right now, I am not working because of everything going on, so I should be able to be on more throughout the day. Triggers: None! Anything Else: Hi guys! I am just recovering from being sick on and off for four months (they just figured out what was wrong two days ago), so I may be a bit slow for a week, but I promise I am going to try and be on as much as possible!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  CHARACTER INFORMATION  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Name: Sylvester “Slightly” Rennard Age: April 13, 2001 Gender: Cis Male FC: Jacob Elordi
Character Biography
Up until the moment Sylvester “Slightly” Rennard met his fellow Lost Boys, he had always been quiet and reserved. However, the day his friendship with the Lost Boys formed in the group home was the day “Slightly” was born, and in that an inner strength, he didn’t know he had. Once he discovered that strength, he knew he would do anything to keep it going for both himself and his friends. Even though the pact they made never to grow up seemed impossible to the world around them, especially with time not appearing to be on their side, he knew if anyone could pull it off, it would be the Lost Boys. If you asked him, he would happily say he is the leader (even though one was never officially appointed) and, as such, has given himself the task of figuring out how to keep the group together. Of course, such a job has its effects on him. He can sometimes rebel more than the others if he feels the group is being threatened to be pulled apart or if someone messes with one of them. It’s no secret that he is very protective of all of them.
Even before the faithful day that changed his and the Lost Boys’ lives, the day they discovered they could shapeshift, Sylvester had ways of sneaking out after hours to enjoy the nightlife around Porthaven. It was during one of his adventures that he stumbled upon a street musician playing the clarinet; the sound both soothed and intoxicated him; thus, his love for the music. It blossomed into a sort of comfort zone for him, a place he enjoyed to lose himself in as often as possible.  As he got older and gained more control over his shifting abilities, he began to sneak his way into parties, clubs, and any place that held both music and people who lost themselves in it as much as he did. Not to mention, he had a very carefree spirit and a clever tongue to match. Much like his inner fox, he can wiggle his way out of most situations, but he can also just as quickly find himself in one.
Sylvester’s worst fear is losing any of the Lost Boys. Whether it be because they want to branch away, or because someone wants to come along and give them a home, he has an extreme fear of any of them breaking apart. They are the closest thing to a family, a feeling of home, safety, he has ever had and it terrifies him that he can feel so hopeless without them. He knows eventually he has to let go of them, but he doesn’t see himself doing that any time soon. He’ll do whatever it takes to keep them together, including on the outside.
He is bisexual. He’s never had the chance to kiss another guy, or get close to them in any intimate way, but he’s often thought about what it would be like. The guy just hasn’t been given a chance, but he also hasn’t made an effort to go out of his way to explore that part of himself. He figures if the person who is meant to help him explore that part comes along, then everything else will fall into place.
The only people who know the truth about his knowledge of his parents are the Lost Boys. Everybody else he meets, he fabricates whatever story comes to mind that day. He’s gone as far as to say his parents are secret agents who are on an extended mission in the rain forest, and if he is questioned, he always has a way to back up his lies.
Once you gain him as a friend, you’ve gained someone who will fight tooth and nail for you. He doesn’t consider himself a good boyfriend but also not the worst; he just panics the moment things begin to get too serious. Currently, commitment is a foreign word and feeling to the guy. One day he hopes to find someone who can help him understand what it means to have that in his life with another person.
Not just yet!
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official-michael-afton · 6 years ago
Welcome to my blog! If you’re new here or need some catching up, here’s some of my important info!
Who’s Who!
Michael Afton
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23, Demiboy, he/him, homoflexible, polyamorous
Michael is the son of William Afton, twin brothers with Red, and has two younger siblings: Elizabeth and Crying Child. He is the older brother in FNaF 4, Eggs Benedict in Sister Location, and the guard in FFPS. Thanks to Officialverse shenanigans, he was brought back to “life” and now lives in the Officialverse with his family and loved ones.
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23, Trans Man, he/him, biromantic, asexual
Fraternal twins with Michael, Scott goes by the nickname “Red” to avoid confusion. He actually came from an AU, and angsts over the fact that he “wasn’t meant to exist”. He’s very overprotective of his brother and really enjoys playing Pokemon. Also has glitch powers, but hardly ever uses them. Red is a Phone Guy, but not to be confused with PG!!!
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Age Unknown, Genderfluid, he/him they/them or she/her, pansexual
Originally the robot that inhabited Michael, Ennard was recently struck with anon magic that turned her human, and he seems to be permanately this way. Their personally tends to be all over the place due to being made of four different robots, but “mischevious” always seems to describe him well. She’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Michael.
Sasha Catter “Beans” Afton-Cawthon
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Michael’s cat! Also lives with Scott, hence the same last name. She was adopted from a shelter.
The Night Shift
My interpretations of the night guards from Michael’s timeline, they’re open for questions but aren’t featured often on this blog.
It would be way too many images to go through, so go through their tag if you’d like artwork!
Phone Guy(PG): 30, Transmale, he/him, homosexual
Jeremy Fitzgerald: 25, Male, he/him, bisexual
Mike Schmidt: 21, Male, he/him, homosexual
Fritz Smith, 35, Male, he/him, pansexual
Li DeLacey, 31, Transfemale, she/her, heterosexual
Brandon Fischer(PD), 28, Nonbinary, they/them, aromantic asexual
Mahsa Smith(Cassette Girl), 34, Female, she/her, pansexual
Jonas(OC), 30, Male, he/him, polysexual
Terrence(OC), 30, Male, he/him, bisexual
Kiki(OC), 29, Female, she/her, lesbian
Scatter A. Patter
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20, Transmale/Genderfluid, he/him, homoflexible asexual
The mod of the blog and as such, sometimes appears to mess around with Michael. Doesn’t interfere much, but occasionally goofs off with Michael and Ennard.
Important people in Mike’s life!
William Afton/Springtrap/Scraptrap: Michael’s father and antagonist of the series. There are numerous Williams in the Officialverse, and Michael doesn’t seem to favor any particular one.
Mrs. Afton: Michael’s mother. Jennifer in Michael’s timeline, though he loves any interpretation of Mrs. Afton
Red: Michael’s twin brother, explained above.
Crying Child: Michael’s younger brother. Anthony in Michael’s timeline, though he loves any interpretation of Crying Child and always tries to make up for his mistakes.
Elizabeth/Baby: Michael’s younger sister. He’s forgiven Baby for the events of SL and FFPS and still loves her as a sister.
Henry: Basically adopted Michael since William is a terrible father. There are multiple Henries in the Officialverse and Michael doesn’t seem to favor any particular one.
Jack Kennedy has been adopted as a brother to Mike and Red, and they treat each other like family.
Dave Miller is Jack’s husband, making him Michael’s brother-in-law.
Henry Miller is a stinky piece of shit who adopted Dave Miller and tried to adopt Mike and Red too but he’s just- he’s a stinky!!!
Significant Others
Michael is polyamorous, so he can have multiple partners at once!
Sammy Lawrence: Michael has been dating Sammy for a few months now, and are unafraid to admit their love for each other. Mike wants to propose, but he’s still struggling to even get a ring.
Scott/Animdude: Both Michael and Scott have admitted to loving each other, live together, and certainly act very romantic around each other, though I’m pretty sure they STILL never made it official despite totally being boyfriends.
Phone Guy: Michael and PG have a thing for each other, and have gone on dates before, though this is merely the PG from Michael’s timeline, and does not have an Officialverse counterpart, so their relationship is pretty non-existant on this blog.
Oh, Michael is also extremely gay for Percy.
Ennard: Explained above, Michael and his Ennard are in a Queerplatonic relationship. For other Ennards in the Officialverse, Michael treats them as if they were a sibling.
Charlie Emily: Charlie and Michael grew up together, and have remained best friends this whole time. True wlw mlm solidarity.
Shawn Flynn: … Okay no they’re not friends. Actually Shawn is Michael’s enemy after Ink Stains(see below), and they hate each other… though, Michael is extremely empathetic to Shawn’s suffering.
These events are either ongoing or have happened in the past and left a lasting impact on Michael
Ink Stains: An event run by Drew Studios in which Shawn Flynn is the antagonist, using ink to corrupt everyone into a hivemind-like state. Michael along with a few others have banded together to reverse the effects and return everyone to normal.
Wandering is a Terrible sin: The aftermath of ink stains, in which Sammy and Michael attempt to find Joey while Shawn plots again.
The Joy of Creation: An au ran with Animdude, following the events of The Joy of Creation: Story Mode. Never finished!(If you just want art and general content!)
Mike and Scott go to Hell: Scott gets killed, goes to lakeside hell, Michael goes after him, feels ensue.
Human!Ennard: Ennard gets turned human for an m!a… turns out that ended up becoming permanent.
Family au: An au where Michael gets a twin brother, a fellow Phone Guy named Scott. … Then I gave Scott the nickname “Red” and now he’s a permanent member of the blog. WHOOPS.
Various Tags!
Art Tag: My art!(also related- my animatic, my edits, my moodboards, my audio, my stimboard)
Mike plays….: When I play various games like DSaF 2, DSaF 3, and FNaF World Redacted!
Fanart: When people draw things for me! My personal favorite tag!
Squad up!: When I draw other characters/officials- typically in a squad!
Batim stuff: Tag for Bendy and the Ink Machine content!
Sness Blunderall: Sans Undertale-themed shitposts
Big Fav: Tag for personal favorite posts
Ship/Relationship tags: Sammy/Lawrafton, Scott/Smike, PG/MichaelPhone
Animation Weekend: I like cartoons. Featuring Drew Studios Saturday and Disney Sunday
Henry Fan Club: Started off as a fun little rp thing, ended up becoming a discord server.
Aesthetic/Musings: For Aesthetical blog fun!
Stimmy Stuff: I’m just really ADHD so I keep all of my stimboards here!!!
Kin-etic energy: Harmless fun for fnaf fictionkin!
Other Blogs!
Main Blog
Art Blog
Sammy Lawrence T-Poses
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wxrmtxxl · 5 years ago
Imperio Task || Task 1
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Character Introductions
AGE → 19 
DOB → 19th September 1960
SEX → Make
SEXUALITY → Bisexual (tending towards men)
AFFILIATION → The Order of the Phoenix
SHIPS → Peter/Chemistry
ANTI-SHIPS → Peter/Forced & Peter/No Chemistry
HEIGHT → 5′ 7″ 
EYE COLOUR → Light Green
HAIR COLOUR → Dirty Blond
HAIR STYLE → Slightly too long & messy (rarely styled)
SCARS / DISTINGUISHING FEATURES → Surprisingly few. Peter’s got a small scar running up the top of his leg and a large one along his left forearm (a souvenir from when a cat nabbed him in rat form)
CLOTHING STYLE → Peter dresses in very boring clothes, plain robes or greys, beige and blacks. Outside of Wizard-wear he dresses in jeans, boots and jumpers that are always a size or two too big, the ends of the sleeves are always coming undone since he pulls on the threads out of nerves 
HOUSE → Gryffindor
EXTRACURRICULARS → Peter was pretty good member of the Gobstones club. 
WAND → Chesnut & Dragonheart String, Nine-and-a-quarter inches. Brittle.
PATRONUS → A Rat, like his animagus form. The rat is not necessarily seen in a positive light and reasons for this could be the creatures habit to live in dark and grimy places but they are also seen by some to be creatures of high intelligence, luck and, most of all, adaptability. 
BOGGART → His own dead body. No matter how awful the world is at least he’s alive.. Dying is worse.. It could only be worse. Often when he see’s his own corpse staring sightlessly back at him his shaky breaths come quick and his hands begin to tremble before he falls apart, overtaken by his fear. On the rare occasions Peter can best a boggart he manages to force it to change into a large puppet on strings and began to dance about. Despite finding the image funny, Peter is often still too shaken to laugh.  
AMORTENTIA → A Burning Fire. Peter associates this smell with his childhood. The small cottage his parents owned was almost always cold so in Winter the fire burned throughout the night. He often had nightmares that his parents refused to comfort him through so he’d pull his blanket down to the small parlour and sit in front of the fire; it’s warmth and light putting him more at ease. Fresh Animal Bedding. It’s a habit he keeps to himself, but more and more lately Peter has taken to sleeping in his animagus form; he keeps a rat cage under his bed and he feels safer sleeping in that burrowed under fresh bedding, hidden from the world. He hasn’t even told his fellow marauders this for fear they may laugh at him for it.      
MIRROR OF ERISED → Peter would see, Himself. At first he’d wonder what he was looking at, that it was just a mirror, but then he’d notice the differences... He would be standing tall, a half-smirk on his face, arms crossed, chin up. What Peter see’s is himself but full of confidence, completely comfortable in his own skin and happy deep down. Knowing it’s something he’ll probably never have for himself, he can’t keep looking at it for long, it only upsets him and makes him hunch into himself more, so different from the confidence person looking out at him.  
HOMETOWN → Rhondda Valley (A coal mining town in Wales)
PARENTS → Iolo Pettigrew (Father) Mary Pettigrew (Mother)
SIBLINGS: → No Siblings
PETS → No Pets
FAMILY DYNAMIC → Peter was a very early and unplanned pregnancy for his mother and father. Though his parents love each other, there was always an amount of resentment towards Peter for being born. The family didn’t communicate well, or at all and after his mother had a heart attack at twenty four their family structure fell apart even further. These days Peter never talks to them and knows he isn’t missed... He’d rather not inflict his presence upon them when it’s not wanted. 
LIKES → His friends. Sweets & Chocolate. Feeling Safe. Burying Himself in Blankets or Bedding. 
DISLIKES → Conflict. Violence. Tests, and (to some degree) Himself.
FEARS → Too many things to list individually. Peter always finds the fear in almost anything, his brain shoots to it and he ends up giving up before he can even try unless others can talk him up again. Most of all though, he fears an untimely death in this war.  
STRENGTHS → Peter is a very good listener, he can hear people’s troubles and offer surprisingly good advice, he’s handy with other people’s problems but fails badly when it comes to his own. He’s also very adaptable and when push comes to shove can think on the fly to get himself and others around him out of trouble (he’s always shocked at these events though). 
WEAKNESSES → Peter is a complete coward, he can’t cope on his own and relies so heavily on his friends, constantly convinced he’s one more misstep away from having them turn and cast him away for good. This cowardice also feeds into selfishness, Peter’s desperation to stay alive can lead him to make selfish decisions in the heat of the moment since he feels he has no choice at all... To him, death is never an option. 
I’ve written a long bio for Peter here if anyone is interested. 
Peter has a bad habit of stuttering when he becomes very overwhelmed, it makes it difficult for him to cast spells effectively or conduct himself in a profession manner. To this end he prefers to keep silent and find a quiet place to come back to himself when things get too much... This is happening more and more lately. 
Despite his predisposition to nerves something can rarely happen when Peter reaches a point of completely overcome. He reaches an almost ‘zen’ state of mind and becomes able to plan effectively and concisely then act on those plans. Often he doesn’t remember exactly what he’s done when the moment’s past and is more shocked than anyone else by these actions.  
I’m happy to get ahold of any and all connections! I want to play with Peter and his eventual role in what happens to James & Lily (cries) so Order Member, Death Eater & Neutral connections are welcome! :D 
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granvarones · 6 years ago
Pride is Bitter Pill But I Have My Familia
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Pride season typically lands on a busy time of year for me. The good schoolboy that I am, May and June marks finals season so it gets hectic cramming for exams or sending in essays. But 2014, marked the year of my 21st birthday and the year we can pretend that I consumed my “first” alcoholic beverage. Just when I thought I had an idea of how my birthday celebration would go, I was thrown for a loop when a friend of mine announced months earlier during a weekly club meeting that she booked a hotel room for me on the weekend of Long Beach Pride. When I tell you I was both caught off guard and never felt more loved. Of course, that weekend was sure to be epic! I shared the festivities with as many friends in that room set-up as possible.
The weekend began with the celebration of my 21st birthday. We stayed in and created a rasquatche birthday party to remember. Amongst the group of friends, many of whom shared the birthdate but there was consensus that I be transformed as the quinceañera for the night. Different friends stepped forward and fulfilled the role of madrinas for the music, the backup phone, the handle of alcohol, the evening gown, the headdress, and as many small details we could think of. That night, in lieu of a ball gown, I wrapped my body in the bed sheets as my homegirls crowned my head with a headband to signify the queen I was becoming. I performed the vals with the best group of friends anyone could ask for. That night, I welcomed the new age marker with a quince I never had and so much Pride, literally.
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As a group, we got ourselves ready the following day for the Pride festivities. We unfortunately slept in and weren’t able to make it to the parade but after the beautiful night they provided me, I wasn't bummed about missing the parade. We did however join the events that followed.
I felt on top of the world and unapologetic with my homo self and the chosen family that came along with me. And the universe just delivered another gift when I spotted my biological brother who had just recently came out as bisexual. I was in shock and tried to do the math on the chances of my brother making an appearance from the California Central Coast to a Pride Event in Long Beach. Our eyes lit up and for the rest of the day and night, you’d spot the two tall brothers in their red bandanas celebrating amongst our friend group.
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I’ve never seen so much rainbow in one place and we really breathed it in all like fresh oxygen. We swiped as much free stuff as possible, my brother taking off his shorts cause he felt overdressed, photobombing strangers photos, and dancing our hearts out to Belanova when they came on the main stage. Estuvo padre!
While now, I experience Pride with a bitter taste on my mouth for political reasons. As a young queer that Pride Event left a sentimental place in my heart. While the larger gay community isn’t always advocating for the best, that year I felt so much love and I remain forever grateful.
J. Aces Lira (He/Him/His) Chicago, IL
Aces Lira is a Gran Varones Fellow. His is a MSW/MA graduate student in Women Studies and Gender Studies at Loyola University Chicago. As a Research Assistant, he is based in the US Regional Network within the International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience (INQYR) and is getting a foot in the door on all things research-related. Outside of the books, Aces orchestrates portraits along with art through different mediums and also lives for National Park excursions.
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spageddiekaspbrak · 7 years ago
The Perks of Being A New Kid
Summary; Ben Hanscom was lucky enough to find himself welcomed into the losers’ club before his first day of school is even over. The one problem is Bill Denbrough, star baseball player and certified fuckboy. And The Bowers’ Gang. And gym class. Maybe there's more than one problem. 
Word Count; 2019
AN; I fucking love fuckboy bill and I fucking love denscom. And steddie and British Richie. Don't even get me started on Ben having a southern accent. Anyways hope y'all like it, I worked pretty damn hard on it 
“Aw fuck! Jesus Christ, fucking hell.” Ben recognized the British accent from earlier. It was Richie Tozier, a tall and lanky boy who had moved to Derry from Manchester, England three years ago and knew how it felt to be a new kid with an unusual accent. Ben had been touring the school with Stanley Uris, the student guide the office had assigned to him, when Richie has appeared out of nowhere and started a friendly sort of fight, the sort of fight Ben figured best friends often had with each other. Richie seemed nice enough, despite his punk clothing and how loud and trashmouthed he was. He had, after all, picked Ben fourth with a kind grin on his face, after Stan, a tall black boy named Mike, a redheaded girl named Bev.
A shrill whistle sounded and the dodgeball game stopped, everyone frozen except for Richie and his friends. A small boy sprung up from his seat on the bleachers and nearly sprinted over to Richie who was laying on the ground, a hand clutched to his bleeding nose. “This is why we aren't supposed to play dodgeball, Coach Ganley! People get hurt every single time! No wonder my mom makes me sit out! If I had gotten hurt, she'd be getting your ass fired.” The boy’s face was red through his freckles as he dug through his fanny pack, pulling out a cotton pad and shoving it up against Richie’s nose.
“Language, Kaspbrak!” Coach Ganley scolded before stepping in between the two teams, looking at the one opposite to Richie’s. “Who threw it?” Most eyes went to a tall, handsome, and toned boy who had his arms crossed. His shirt was snug around his biceps and he had a snapback set backwards on his head.
Before the gym teacher could get out a word, the boy from earlier spoke up. “Who do you think, Coach? William ‘gets away with everything because he's a star baseball player” Denbrough. Who else would it be?”
The kid now known to Ben as William smirked, sending a wink in the angry kid’s direction. “I get away with thuh-things for a very different reason, s-swe-e-sweetheart, I think you kn-know why. F-From those, uh, about four months we were suh-sleeping together?”
“Shut up, Denbrough! Back off my boyfriend!” Stan piped up, drawing himself to his full height and glowering at the other boy. The kids from earlier, Mike and Bev, stepped over, grabbing Stan’s shoulders. Ben was slightly offended Stan hadn’t mentioned he was dating someone, but figured Stan had assume from his southern accent that he was against gay people, most people did. He wasn’t though, for the record.
Ben felt like he had whiplash from looking from William, to Richie and the angry kid, Stan and his captors, and Coach Ganley who had a unhappy but amused smile on his face.
Before anyone else could say a word, the bell rang. Eddie pulled Richie up and dragged him towards the locker room. Stan and Mike followed suit, Mike gesturing for Ben to follow them. Bev split off, not before whispering something in a low voice to Mike and waving at Ben sweetly. His face reddened and he followed after Mike like a lost puppy.
The five boys grabbed their things and holed themselves up in the bathroom, Mike pushing the large door shut behind them and locking it. Richie hopped up onto one of the sinks, pulling the red stained cotton away from his already swollen nose. Eddie was already attacking him with wet paper towels, dabbing at the dried blood and the fresh blood that was joining it.
Stan was the first to start talking. “Mike, Eddie, you guys know how I told you I was gonna be the new kid’s student guide,” he didn’t wait for an answer before continuing. “This is Ben Hanscom, he moved here from Tennessee. Ben, you’ve met Richie, but this is Mike Hanlon and Eddie Kaspbrak.” There was a moment of cautious silence. “Eddie is my boyfriend.”
Ben smiled shyly, reaching to shake the hand Mike had extended to him. “It’s nice to meet y’all. Sorry it had to be on such bad terms.”
“Not your god damn fault Bill Denbrough is the worst fucking person on the planet.” Eddie sponged at Richie’s nose a little too hard and Richie hissed, snatching the paper towel away and tending to his nose himself.
Stan grabbed Eddie’s elbow gently, pulling Eddie towards himself and looking down at Eddie with a soft smile. Eddie’s face and body immediately relaxed as the two gave each other heart eyes. Ben had to resist gushing and cooing over how cute the two were. “I gotta ask, is it William or Bill?”
“Bill. Everyone calls him Bill, but his full name is William.” There was a moment of silence. “He and Eddie have….history. He’s kinda the worst. Total asshole.” Mike finally released Ben’s hand and gave him a half smile, plus a shrug.
“Stay away from him Benjamin, stay far far away.” Eddie warned, the left side of his face pressed against Stan’s chest as Stan rocked them from side to side gently.
“Yes sir.” Ben gave a little salute to Eddie and Richie snorted.
“I like you Benny, welcome to the losers’ club.” Richie got down from the sink, his nose finally done bleeding even though it was still large and a little purple.
“The losers’ club. It’s what we call ourselves. Me, Bev, Eds, Mikey, and Stanny.” Richie pulled off his gym shirt and shorts. Ben snapped his eyes shut, face brightening at seeing Richie in his boxers, even if it was for a second. “And now you. So welcome.”
“Thanks,” Ben squeaked, feeling like his face was on fire. He could hear everyone else changing, but he stayed still and kept his eyes shut. At his old school, they hadn't been forced to change for gym. Ben wasn't one to complain, but these gym uniforms were uncomfortable and small and were an unflattering red against his yellow hair.
After a few minutes of silence, just the soft rustling of clothing and zippers being unzipped and zipped again, a hand tapped his shoulder. “You're good, Ben.” It was Mike’s voice. Ben liked Mike and sure hoped Mike wouldn't worry that he was a bigot or anything bad. He open his eyes, face still hot as he blinked away the blurriness.
“Thank you,” he mumbled, fixing his eyes on the tiles. He tapped his foot four times, pausing only to tap it four more times, then continuing the pattern.
“Do you want us to…,” Eddie’s voice trailed off. Ben nodded and kept his eyes downcast as the other four boys trickled one by one out of the bathroom. Mike squeezed Ben’s shoulder on the way out, pulling the door shut as he ended the parade leaving the bathroom. Immediately a weight fell off his chest, he didn't want to change in front of his new friends, nor anyone else.
Three lengthy and boring periods later, Ben was sitting around a lunch table with the rest of the “losers’ club” as Richie had called it earlier. He really liked these kids and was glad to already have found his niche in Derry. He was sandwiched between Bev and Eddie, Stan on the other side of Eddie, Richie next to Stan, Mike next to Richie, and back to Bev again. Not that Ben would admit it, but this was the biggest group of friends he had ever been in. Well, he hadn’t really had more than two friends before.
It seemed like Mike and Bev were dating, or at least talking, to Ben. Mike had an arm slung over the back of Bev’s chair, eating chips with his free hand as he smiled down at whatever she was doing on her phone. Ben could see Stan and Eddie’s knees pressed together on his other side and he blushed a little, feeling strange and boxed in. Richie flashed Ben a giant smile, stuffing a handful of Mike’s chips in his mouth.
“Don’t worry, I’m forever alone too, my darling Benny Boy. We’ll find your sweetcheeked self a pretty girly,” Richie spewed little bits of wet chips as he spoke, still chewing in between words. Everyone gave him a disgusted look as he leaned across the circular table, pinching Ben on his cheek.
“It’s uh..,” Ben coughed shyly after Richie let go of his face, “I don’t...you know…I kinda don’t swing that way?”
“Welcome to the club,” mumbled each and everyone of the losers. Ben did a double take and opened his mouth to speak before Richie cut him off.
“I put the bi back in little bitch, Mikey and Mrs. Marsh are fellow bisexuals, and the spaghetti man-“
“It’s Eddie, god damn it!”
“Stan and Eddie are gay obviously.” Richie and Eddie sent venomous looks to each other. Richie broke first, crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue and Eddie giggled at that.
Ben tried not to notice the protective gesture of Stan putting his hand on Eddie’s knee and squeezing it. Stan’s hand barely lasted a second before Eddie was batting it away, still smiling casually although his body had tensed up.
All of a sudden, a tall boy with a blonde mullet was behind Eddie. He licked his hand and slapped it down on Eddie’s neck with an evil smirk playing on his lips. Eddie jumped to his feet, hands held up in the air like jazz hands as they trembled. His eyes were scrunched shut as Stan hurried to unzip his fanny pack and grab out some hand sanitizer.
As Stan rubbed the sanitizer into the back of Eddie’s neck, the kid scanned Ben up and down. “Fat, Pac Man shirt, baby face, fairy hair, hmph, you’ll fit right in here at the twink table.”
Richie was on his feet, reaching out as if he was going to throttle the kid. “I’m gonna fucking kill you, Henry Bowers. You absolute fucking twat!” Mike grabbed Richie by the back of his waistband and pulled the british boy back into his seat.
Henry gave all of the losers a shiteating grin before strolling away. Eddie and Stan moved too, presumably to the bathroom. Ben knew not to ask about it and stared at the salad his mom had absently shoved into his hands that morning.
“So! Has anyone invited Ben to Star Wars night tonight?” Bev asked, straightening up in her seat. Mike’s arm was no longer resting on the chair and her phone was face down on the table. It was clear she was trying to lighten the mood and ask as a distraction.
“No not yet, Mrs. Marsh, but now we have to!” Richie clucked his tongue, obviously joking when he shook his head and gave Bev a dismayed look. Richie scooted over into the chair that Eddie had previously occupied, slinging his arm around Ben’s shoulders and pressing a wet and joking kiss to Ben’s cheek. As gross as it was, Ben felt good about the kiss on the cheek. It made him feel warm inside. Not because he liked Richie, but because he hadn’t even been at this new school for an entire week yet and he had already been accepted into a new group. Not only accepted but he had been invited to a group hang out. “It’s at 7, the big red house on the corner of Turner and Pine. Lemme think of a landmark….if you go to Jerry’s Hard Liquor, it’s three blocks down then a left, all the way down and to the right. Stanny and his mommy just moved in with his stepdad.”
“We basically eat a pizza dinner with other snacks and soda, Star Wars music playing in the background. And then we usually do some trivia or a themed board game. Then a marathon, but only the first three movies. They’re the only good ones obviously.” Mike’s arm was back to its normal spot on Bev’s chair.
“It’s so much fun. You’ll love it, Ben.”
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@groovy-wyatt @kanewsies @themysteriousworldofvia @wyatt-ohheleft @missingstanleyuris
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elbowgreaserp · 7 years ago
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One thing I love about us is our unparalleled lack of self control, well. That and our love for garbage shows, but hey. I love you, and am grossly excited and stoked to see how long these two last, you know, cause reasons. DEREK HALE and SCOTT MCCALL, ACCEPTED!
ACTIVITY LEVEL: 6+ what up.
TRIGGER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Yeah, man. ITS WHY I’M HERE. (lmfao, Paro ffs, ily.)
ACTIVITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I got u, fam. AND HALLELUH I FIXED MY POSSESSED KEYBOARD (well finally disabled it for good bless)
NOTES: I came here to have a good time and I feel attacked rn.
NAME, AGE, SEXUALITY: Derek Hale, 23, bisexual.
FANDOM: Teen Wolf ;/
HOMETOWN: Beacon Hills, CA.
CLUBS, ORGANIZATIONS, OTHER: boxing club, baseball, alpha sigma phi, outdoor club, american society of mechnical engineers, anthropology club, fish camp, arrow in arrow, ping pong club, basketball team, shooting sports club, street society, the climbing team.
alpha sigma phi: Alpha Sigma Phi is social fraternity on campus here to Better the Man, enrich brotherhood, and promote character and leadership through charitable and school events.
outdoor club: The mission of the UCCS Outdoor club will be to engage students in the outdoor industry and activities available in Colorado and beyond. Our vision is to provide students with access and education necessary to engage in the abundance of Outdoor activities that Colorado is known for.
american society of mechanical engineers: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers fosters interest in mechanical engineering through competitions, tours and activities.
anthropology club:  UCCS Anthropology Club is an organization for those who are interested in the study of humankind, past and present. We encourage members and our fellow peers to learn about, be tolerant of, and embrace different cultures, languages, and diversity around them. The goal is for our club to get involved and be active within UCCS, alongside Anthropology professionals and students regionally, as well as the community, learn and develop within the field of Anthropology, and become more well-rounded citizens.
fish camp:  Colorado is known for one of the best fly fishing in the US. Our mission is to educate student of the culture of fly fishing. We would like to share the importance of conservation, and patience through fly fishing. Fly fishing does not only involve fishing. It involves hiking, watching the water, learning about the water system in the area, etc.
arrow-in-arrow:  It is our mission to build a sustainable competitive Archery club program at UCCS to allow the students that practice the sport of Archery to continue their growth and compete at the collegiate level. It is our vision to have a club that has both active student athletes and coaches to guide the athletes in their development. The purpose of this organization is to provide opportunities for campus students and community members to be informed and participate in the sport of archery.
ping pong club:  The purpose of Ping Pong Club is to foster good sportsmanship, interest in and expansion of the sport of table tennis, increase the knowledge and skills of the members, and awareness of the spirit and its benefits to the community. Our vision is to enable players to bring forward their skills in the sport and be able to play against other players with similar skill levels and interest levels. Our goals are to compete regionally with other schools in the area and perhaps go to the state level competitions.
shooting sports club:  To teach and inform students about basic firearm safety and handling, and to teach the fundamentals of scholastic competitive shooting. To dispel common misunderstandings and fear of firearms. To gather like minded shooting enthusiasts and represent UCCS in local and state shooting competitions.
street society:  Street Society is a club for fellow automotive enthusiasts at UCCS, motorcycles included. Our mission is to bring together enthusiasts to have fun and improve the automotive community. Our vision is to have meets with the students at UCCS with a passion for cars and motorcycles. Our goals are to improve the automotive community, create a connection in the school’s automotive community, relieve student stress through their passion for cars, and provide assistance for automotive repairs for anyone who asks.
the climbing team:  We are a group of students (some faculty/employees/friends) of UCCS that love to climb. A large focus of our club is to teach new and semi-experienced climbers how to be safe while climbing.
FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: selfless, protective, smart, patient, determined.
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: Aggressive, broody, stubborn, cynic, arrogant.
BIGGEST FEARS & PHOBIAS: Losing his younger sister.
SCARIEST EXPERIENCE: Scariest or most heartbreaking ?? But getting pulled out of school to find out most of your family was killed in a freak fire, pretty much tops everything. So does finding out your older sister was murdered. Sorry, Derek.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ANY CHANGES TO YOUR CHARACTER THAT SHOULD BE NOTED?: He’s not a werewolf, can u beliebe? Still a sourwolf tho :/
WHY IS YOUR CHARACTER PARTICIPATING IN THE PROJECT?: Scott made him, but also he actually isn’t afraid of manual labor (what? is this a jab at sebastian smythe? derek get dicked) and genuinely likes the outdoors.
NAME, AGE, SEXUALITY: Scott McCall, 21, pansexual.
FANDOM: Teen Wolf ;/
HOMETOWN: Beacon Hills, CA.
CLUBS, ORGANIZATIONS, OTHER: super smash bros club, impact, spectrum, active minds, paintball club, mountain lion ultimate frisbee club, acts of kindness, outdoor club, student alliance for gender equality,  el circulo de espanol, film club of uccs, uccs pre-health society, catalysts video game club
el circulo de espanol: “El Círculo de Español” has various linguistic, cultural, and community oriented objectives: A. To advocate the usage of the Spanish language. B. To promote a better understanding of the wealth and diversity of the Hispanic culture. C. To participate in community events and activities which promote the Hispanic culture. D. To foster leadership development through the coordination of the aforementioned educational and awareness projects.
paintball club: Paintball Club is the most adrenaline-pumping, exciting club that UCCS has to offer. In conjunction with SGA, members will be able to play paintball for free, with small exemptions. We will play in many areas across town, and will play any game-types and any major paintball variations.
film club of uccs: The Film Club is sponsored by the Visual and Performing Arts Department (VAPA) as an activity that coincides with the undergraduate Film student’s studies but welcomes participation from all students who are interested in film, from all major degree programs.
uccs pre-health society: The UCCS Pre-Health Society is a collective group of students dedicated to pursuing careers in health care. Students interested in becoming doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, physical therapists, physician assistants, etc. can find a wealth of knowledge, as well as community and camaraderie among other students.
mountain lion ultimate frisbee: To build a fun and competitive team comprised of a group of individuals that compete at the highest level achievable through determination, practice, and teamwork.
acts of kindness: Acts of Kindness (AOK) The mission of AOK is to help people throughout our wonderful university and town have a better life through selfless acts of kindness! We want to make a lasting effect on people through kindness and encourage them to do the same.
catalysts video game club:  Mission Statement: To provide a friendly game environment where people can meet, play, socialize, and ultimately have fun. We play a variety of video game genres, ranging from Fighters to RPGs to Co-op Adventures, and are open to much more.
student alliance for gender equality: The goal of the Student Alliance for Gender Equity is to provide a safe place for all UCCS students to talk about gender topics as well as discuss women’s rights and gender equity.
FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: humble, natural leader, chivalrous, cheerful, agile.
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: gullible, immature, stubborn, emotionally impulsive, worries easily.
BIGGEST FEARS & PHOBIAS: Losing his mom and friends, failure.
SCARIEST EXPERIENCE: Stumbling on a dead body once, never again. (lol sure, k, sorry about your luck scotty, boi)
DO THEY BELIEVE IN THE GHOSTS/PARANORMAL?: They’re open-minded enough to think maybe, but not without some hardcore proof. (famous last words)
ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF?: Has asthma, but it’s improved since he was younger.
ANY CHANGES TO YOUR CHARACTER THAT SHOULD BE NOTED?: MY SON IS HUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. So no true alpha and the boy got that asthma, but it’s not going to hinder him too too much. ;/ (lol you’re an optimist, paro)
WHY IS YOUR CHARACTER PARTICIPATING IN THE PROJECT?: He genuinely thinks it’ll be fun! It’ll be tough, but what better way to spend the summer than with his friends and helping build something cool?
                      it’s been too long,  too many unanswered calls and texts.  he almost feels bad,  he actually might if he didn’t believe in what he’s doing.  protecting scott.  it’s been his main objective since leaving beacon hills,  that and making sure his sister doesn’t get tangled up in one of monroe’s many webs. but thankfully she’s running with a new pack and isn’t alone.  he’s not too sure about the priest,  but the alpha is willing to do anything to make sure his pack survives. derek lets his hand find scott’s shoulder,  squeezing gently before he lets it fall back to his side.  an unspoken good to see you too.  he casts the alpha a glance at the tone,  it’s probably too dark to see,  but he knows scott will sense it so he doesn’t let it linger.    “  i can leave.  ”    he WON’T.    “  but i thought you could use some help.  ”    
they’re sitting in beacon hills’ only diner in what’s come to be their spot. graduation is fast approaching and it’d almost be a relief, but there’s something holding scott back from celebrating. it’s been two days and he still hasn’t opened up the envelope from uc davis. he doesn’t know if he got in or not and part of him wants to keep it that way. he hadn’t even shown anyone yet, but malia had seen it on his bedside table the night before. she hadn’t said a word, understanding that’s what he needed. merely blinked her eyes before moving in close and they slept peacefully together, touching in the most innocent of ways.
now they were at breakfast together. scott dragged her out of bed in the morning, envelope tucked into his back pocket until he dug it up to put on the table after they ordered. he’s staring at it, heart racing and breathing unsteadily. his own fingers tap anxiously on the surface next to it. the alpha doesn’t stop until her touch is on him and he stills instantly. it’s not out of shock though, they’re long past that stage.
he relaxes because of it. the anxiousness is simmering below, but it’s more manageable. it’s gone completely by the time malia takes his hand. then when she squeezes, scott feels at ease in a way that’s become all too familiar when she’s touching him. besides with her, it’s not something he felt in a long while. he doesn’t want to let go, it’s the last thing he wants, but now he knows he’s ready to read his fate.
his free hand moves to wrap over hers and he squeezes back before pulling them both away. a sigh leaves his lips, regret at the loss of touch, but it’s also to steady himself for what’s to come. picking up the envelope is easy, opening it is even easier. scott starts to read, breath caught in his throat until another sigh leaves his lips. then he’s grinning and leaning into malia, turning his head and it’s almost a nuzzle when he moves it against her shoulder.
what it most definitely is, is a thank you and an i did it, i made it.
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hissterical-nyaan · 3 years ago
I left maths officially some 2 years ago I can't wait to welcome you in my "I hate maths" club hehe good luck with your coursework!!!
And I knew you would kill it in the tournament, you're the best player in my eyes even though I have zero idea what you do (which reminds me, tell me what you do in rugby! Teach me rugby please) and coaching kids now? Can you be any more amazing. They're gonna love you so much you'll be the coolest person ever
I thought you were already peak bisexual because of the fact every fellow bisexual just automatically falls in love with you ;) please I hope you don't kill someone with your style now
I'm just alive lmao, I have my law entrance exams coming up in some 15 days. Horribly anxious about that ah but I hope I get through
Also THESE TAGS PLEASE YOU'RE SO SWEET you even remembered his name. Bheem is indeed a puppy of a man and he won't let you die for him, instead please live for him 💕
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He's from an indian telugu movie called RRR!! It's set in 1920s British India about two revolutionaries. Its on Netflix if you ever wanna see it, best movie I have seen in a long ass time. Both the leads have intense gay energy
Hiii love, how are you doing? Is your rugby practice going good? Are you still killing people with your hotness :p
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BESTIE HIIIIIIIII!! I'm currently stuggling under some coursework, but once i get through this one class i wont have any more required math courses ever again😌 Other than that im pretty good, rugby season ended last week, which is sad but i killed it at the tournament we went to. Admittedly i look like a banana with the number of bruises I got and also i think something got damaged on my chest but ima wait a few days to see if it eases up before getting it checked out. on the brightside, i got put in charge of the little kids summer touch rugby camp, and am getting paid decently for it, which makes it all the better lol. But honestly playing rugby with small children is so much fun they dont know what they're doing but by God they're doing something. Pretty sure my hotness is up there, and im doing a wardrobe restock this summer whilst trying my hand at upcycling and creating my own clothing, so soon my fashion will be peak bisexual. anyways how are you?
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edgeworthsstupidbangs · 7 years ago
Breaking the Silence Ch 2
Chapter: 2/?
Ship: Jarchie (Jughead Jones/Archie Andrews)
I have also posted this on AO3 under the same name but I can’t post the link or this won’t show in the tags!
Chapter: 1/1
Ship: Jarchie (Jughead Jones/Archie Andrews)
I have also posted this on AO3 under the same name but I can’t post the link or this won’t show in the tags!
Archie and Jughead really weren't sure what they were at this point when they walked to the doors of the lounge where the LGBT Club meetings were being held. Jughead held to the flyer, having read it what seemed like a thousand times, before looking over at Archie.
"Do you think this is a smart idea?" Jughead asked and signed with one hand, his hearing aids being visible for the first time at school since he got them when he was a kid. "What if no one in there is out? How are we going to get advice from people still in the closet like us?"
"We won't know if there is anyone in the closet if we don't go see the club." Archie said and signed honestly with a shrug.
"I guess you're right..." Jughead said with a sigh, trying not to crumble the flyer in his hand.
Betty had her hands on her face and was slouched over while the two came in. When she looked up at the sound of footsteps the tears streaming from her face were apparent. Her expression of anger quickly came as tried to snarl and say without signing “Get the fuck out of my sight, Jones.”
“You two have caused enough trouble! Also, neither of you are gay so you can double leave,” Kevin stated in a matter of fact way. “But I’m-“ Jughead said and signed before Kevin interrupted.
“You’re ace. Congrats, but you aren’t welcome here.” Kevin said patting Betty’s hand that he was holding slightly.
“I’m bisexual. “ Archie said and signed. Jughead tapped his arm to show him the sign for it.
“Again, congrats, but Jughead isn’t wel-“ Kevin started before Veronica finally cut him off with speaking and signing.
“Let them speak. I get it, you’re besties and hate Jughead, but they are LGBT Would you turn away me if you were mad at me and if I was gay?” Veronica asked and signed, having delayed stops to try and fingerspell words.
“Okay, but you’re not ace, which isn’t what the “A” stands for and you didn’t insult the vice president of the club.” Kevin said, looking over at Jughead as if he was covered in his own bodily fluids.
“I thought you were the head of the club?” Archie asked and signed, making Jughead laugh.
“Archie, that’s the wrong club. It’s not a sandwich,” Jughead said and signed.
Kevin rolled his eyes before saying “Anyways, Archie, I welcome you here with…open arms,” clearly looking at Archie’s arms while saying it.
“I’m not staying without Jughead and will go to Weatherbee if need be.” Archie said and signed. “Even if you don’t like him, how can you have inclusion when you police who can join?”
Jughead let out a sigh before speaking without signing “I’m not just ace…I’m gay,” he said, his voice feeling like sandpaper in his mouth. He felt his stomach drop like he had just hit the first drop of a rollercoaster.
Betty shook her head and sniffled. “Jughead, stop. I get it. You don’t find me-“ she started.
“This isn’t about you. Everything else has always been about you! Me living with my dad again? Nope, Polly’s pregnant and I need to be there to be a Hardy Boy to your Nancy Drew to find Jason’s killer and plan a baby shower and have dinner with your family. The one time I have a minute to myself and figure out what the fuck is making me so unhappy and uncomfortable, it’s still about how I don’t find you attractive enough to shove my genitals into yours! It’s not about you! I’m fucking gay and asexual and it has nothing to do about Princess Betty Cooper. All I came here to do is get advice on how my pal, Archie, and I should come out, but no poor Betty’s upset so I’m not allowed to talk to fellow peers. I’ll go, but know this, Betty, that if I am still not welcome, I’ll go to Kevin’s dad for a discrimination case for not only this but you encouraging others to not sign to someone who is hard of hearing and your mother so the media can know Elizabeth Cooper is a fucking ableist and homophobe.” Jughead said, practically screaming near the end. During the rant, Archie gently grabbed his arm so he wouldn’t lurch or want to hit her.
“I am neither of those things and-“ Betty said, standing up as if to intimidate him.
“Save Dark Betty for your diary. We’ll walk ourselves out.” Archie said and signed before the two of them started to head out. Veronica got up before gently tapping Jughead’s arm. Jughead turned to see Veronica offering up her arm. Jughead linked his arm into hers as the three of them walked out of the room.
The three of them ended up at Archie’s room, that being one of the few places that they could talk quietly about them coming out. Jughead and Veronica were both on Archie’s bed while Archie had brought up a chair to sit on much to the protests of the other two.
“So are you going to tell your mom and Jellybean over the phone or in person?” Veronica asked and signed.
Jughead made a confused face and scrunched his nose while he signed and mouthed. “Do you think it would be shitty to do over the phone?”
“She’s in Toledo. How are you going to tell them in person? Jumping out of a cake?” Archie asked and signed, making Jughead laugh.
“I could arrange that. Seriously,” Veronica said and signed, digging into her purse for her phone and wallet.
“That can be a later option,” Jughead signed half seriously.
“I think a phone call would be appropriate now, but you could tell them in person eventually. Your dad is going to be kind of in person. “Archie said and signed with a shrug. Jughead’s expression turned to one of worry. His mom and Jelly would understand, but his dad...from what he picked up with Joaquin that being gay was fine if it can be used for exploitation and weakness.
“How are you going to tell your dad, Arch?” Veronica asked and signed, finger spelling his nickname.
“Veronica…” Jughead said before showing him Archie’s sign name.
“Thank you!“ Ronnie said and signed with a grin.
“I think Jughead and I are going to tell him tonight over dinner. I think he’ll be the most understanding.” Archie said and signed. “Do you think Ronnie could join?” he signed towards Jughead without saying it.
“Yeah why not?” Jughead signed and nodded, his face being one of a nonchalant way.
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” Archie asked Veronica without signing since Jughead knew what he was asking.
“It’d be my pleasure.” Veronica said and signed before patting Jughead’s shoulder in support.
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lavishintrospec13 · 6 years ago
Aaron Carter Places The Rumor To Rest
Mya and Dmitry Chaplin eased into the energetic jitterbug with a lengthy introduction. Playing the component of a maid and a janitor, respectively, it took the few awhile to get into the schedule. Once they did, there were tons of clips, a handful of claps and a lot of head bops to go around. The singer, who began off the period as a star performer, felt a little little bit safe, even during Dmitry's lifts. "I Want Sweet" by Aaron Carter. Although it was initially recorded by aaron carter come get it The Strangegloves in 1965, most children are more acquainted with the 2000 home edition.
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, who did his best to gather votes by way of a Fb support group web page throughout Season eight, failed to exploit the immediacy of Twitter.
Aaron Carter Now
"The Addams Family" theme song written by Vic Mizzy. Although The Addams Family members only aired from 1964-1966, its concept tune remains massively recognizable.
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Dancing with the Stars Fall 2009's third 7 days of competitive dancing, considered "the sexiest night of the period" by co-host Tom Bergeron, opened with a fast review of last 7 days's action, and continued on with the typical introduction of the DWTS season 9 stars. We quickly discovered that the 13 remaining celebs and their pro partners would be performing 1 of two dances: The Samba or the Rumba. We THEN discovered that previous Home Vast majority Chief Tom Delay's pre-stress fracture had progressed into a complete tension fracture; so would he compete? Tom and co-host Samantha Harris still left it a large DWTS season 9 week 3 unidentified for now. How annoying. It's not as if I'd flip off the Television if Tom Delay and Cheryl Burke finished their tenure on the show. For Dancing with the Stars Season 9, things will be carried out a little various in mid-period, according to host Tom Bergeron. Three double eliminations will be held back-to-back again at that time, while dances like the Charleston, the Lambada, the Two Step and the Bolero are labored into the rotation.
Sooner Or Later Aaron Carter
Tomorrow night's outcomes display will eliminate one more couple prior to Dancing with the Stars enters the playoffs. The featured visitor performer will be Susan Boyle and Michael Buble. Jerry Rice, Kenny Mayne and Stacy Kiebler will seem in the seasonal Dance Center vignette to include some humor to the night. It's clear that throughout Period 9 of Dancing with the Stars, which begins on Sept. 21, the use of Twitter and Facebook by the display's dancers has currently enhanced the way its twenty million followers get their info. see this is alive and well. Twitter was complete of messages on Thursday stating that the singer had passed absent. Carter took to his official Twitter account this morning to report that rumors of his loss of life are false.
Aaron Carter Love
Samantha Harris then launched a segment that includes members of "the Losers Club": The stars who were initial during their respective seasons to depart Dancing with the Stars. Kenny Mayne was his usual strange self, and was joined by fellow Losers Club associates Jeffrey Ross and Penn Gillette, who seemed keen to welcome the newest member of the group. Mard Dacascos and Lacey Schwimmer, Chuck Liddell and Anna Trebunskaya, and Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson were saved from joining that unique small DWTS sect. Case in point, singer Mya and design Joana Krupa. These girls are undeniably great dancers and probably the leaders of the competition. But who cares? Numerous viewers don't know enough about them to get invested and root for them.
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Aaron Carter Bisexual
He's probably 1 of the much more promising celebrities on this season of "Dancing With the Stars," but he still has a methods to go before he's heading to reach ballroom royalty. His overall performance was enjoyable, energetic, but a little sloppy and stiff. He nonetheless scored a greater-than anticipated 22, which puts him in a good location early on. He also obtained a 10 from the group waltz, making him the leading performer for the night. Hightower informed him for the foxtrot "don't think snowboarder, believe prince." Dressed in a dark suit he has a boyish smile throughout the dance to "It's My Life" by No Doubt, but he's not certain what to do with his fingers and he sickles his ft. Tomorrow evening's results display will eliminate one more couple before Dancing with the Stars enters the playoffs. The featured visitor performer will be Susan Boyle and Michael Buble. Jerry Rice, Kenny Mayne and Stacy Kiebler will appear in the seasonal Dance Center vignette to include some humor to the evening.
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