#I will never get off the Cheshire hate train
lacrimosathedark · 7 months
People acting like Roy can't be friends with Jason because of something he did, like kidnapping Mia, is ridiculous to me.
This is the same man who fell in love with an assassin. And has taken his daughter to visit said assassin in prison. Even after she nuked a whole ass country. And has tried to kill Dinah and Dick at the very least, who are two of the most important people in Roy's life.
Jason is an innocent angel in comparison to Jade Nguyen. And Jason is neither innocent nor angelic.
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deadsnothere · 1 year
Gunslinger Girl!
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Synopsis - After getting a call from Garp, Alias made her way to the Baratie for a nice bite to eat and a long needed reunion.
Part 2
Request - no, not taking them sorry.
Word count - 2.8k
Speak Ali! - Both parts together make 5,340 words, this Fic has literally taken up my brain.
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Monkey D. Luffy.
Garp was a cheeky bastard.
I, Alias Foreman, Swore to be on Monkey D. Luffy's pirate crew when we both turned sixteen and fled to the sea together. I had a dream of becoming one of the most versatile people known to man. I want to learn as much as I can, to cook, to clean, to navigate boats and ships, anything you can teach me I will try my hardest to understand and learn. Now I'm not saying that I want to be the best at everything, there will always be people better. But I want to at least understand the basics of as much as possible. But for all of my life I've been known as a Gunslinger.
I'm ‘The Cheshire Cat’. Cool name with a stupid job. I hate being a Warlord of the Sea, it's the stupidest job on this side of the east blue, and they wouldn't even give me a proper crew. Just a few bumbling idiots who don't know what being a pirate really means.
Luffy always understood what being a pirate meant. I remember watching Garp train him day in and day out. Parts of me understand why Garp was so hard on him, I mean people say he takes after Gold Roger. Imagine your grandson taking after someone you helped execute. I don't think I'd be fond of it either. I’ve never thought Garp nor Luffy were wrong for what they want but, I think one knows what he's doing and the other doesn't.
It's always quite bothersome when halfway through my delicious dinner, I get interrupted by a soggy mean fishman running in here and trying to take my table for dinner. If he had waited a few minutes I would've gladly given it up, I just wanted to finish my meal. But the inpatient idiot just had to have it now.
“I'm afraid there are no more tables.” Arlong and two of his crew members were walking down the stairs of the Baratie. They’re bodies are still wet and leaving water as they walk, which is just plain disrespectful. “I see a bunch of tables.” I couldn't help but roll my eyes, to think I would have a peaceful dinner, just hopeful dreaming. People started to whisper and get up from their tables but I stayed in my seat, intending to finish the nice meal served to me. Plus it's not as if they got far, Arlong was yelling at them as soon as he got to the middle of the staircase. “Sit down!” he yelled in his degrading, chalkboard scratching voice. I continued to cut my steak in pieces to eat, they over cooked it a bit but a fine job was done anyways. Seasoned almost perfectly. A little too much oregano, but I'm just too picky with my food. Arlong went around as if he owned the place. “No one leaves.”
He looked at me with malice in his smile. “Except you.” His webbed hand went to grab the collar of my shirt but I stopped it with my own, barely even looking back. “I only have a bite or two left, I'll give it up when I'm done.” I took another drink from my wine and let go of his hand, continuing on with my meal. I could tell it pissed him off from the way he growled close to my ear. A stupid amount of spit landing on my dinner plate and shoulder. I shivered in disgust and stood up from my table. “You know what- take it.” I grabbed my plate and wine and stood up, leaving the small round table for the fishmen to sit at. I felt bad not eating the steak so I got a to-go box from the reservations desk and put it in there to give to someone later. Deciding that maybe i'll get a nice drink from the bar instead.
I was a wine kind of gal so I got a nice glass of Merlot, it was tasty. Had lots of flavor, some of which I enjoyed and some I didn't. I was enjoying the peace. I always knew it wouldn't last long but god was i sad when it was over. “Which one of you is Arlong?” Oh shit. I knew his voice anywhere, the voice I was sent for by his grandfather, the voice of a new age. I got a refill on my wine, and bought the whole bottle while I was at it, due to the lingering feeling that this wasn't going to look pretty.
When I got back into the restaurant I decided to just rest a little under the staircase, hidden by the shadows hopefully. Seeing Luffy again made me nervous. Something about it..something about how he’d be even a little bit different. When I assessed the situation in front of me it confused me a bit. I could hear that Arlong was yelling from the bar but he's an idiot so I tuned it out and tried to enjoy the bit of ‘quiet’ I had. Arlong has an older gentleman by his shirt collar, while Luffy was halfway down the main staircase. He had two men behind him, one named Usopp the other Sanji. I heard about them both, one from a customer here and the other, from a bartender. “So this is the pirate I've heard so much about.” Arlong was starting to circle around some of the tables, pacing I guess. “You know, I was expecting someone… bigger.”
Sounds like my cue. I came out of the shady area setting the wine glass and bottle on the table and grabbing a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from a pocket in my shorts, picking the lucky one and placing it in my mouth delicately. “Tell me about it..I've had someone in my ear all day. ‘Find that dumbass.’ I have a headache at this point.” I laughed and leant on the chair. Luffy looks away from Arlong for a millisecond, to look at me but I don't think it registered in his brain. He couldn't have forgotten me. Luffy spoke, in his normal, nonchalant, Luffy way. “So was I.” I was puffing from my cigarette as I laughed. The snicker making smoke pour out of my nose. That got Luffy's attention. His head snapped to look at me, his eyes didn’t leave me, it looked like he was inspecting every part of my body. Probably looking for the one sign it was me. The small skull shaped scar just above my left knee. I wore shorts today just so he would see it.
His eyes were as wide as the plates they were using to serve that delicious soup I had for an appetizer. “ALIAS?!-” internally I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Externally, all I could do was smile. Luffy had a bright smile on his cheeks and I couldn't help but smile back. It was a smile I yearned for, for so long. I knew with even a bit of it, I was going to be addicted again.
I could see how excited luffy was that I was here (which made me VERY happy), but Arlong being himself did not like that attention wasn't on him for those few seconds so he cleared his throat obnoxiously. “Do you know who I am, boy?” Luffy's attention went to him but came right back when I spoke up. “Arlong the Saw.” There was a moment of silence, I taped the ash away from my cigarette into an empty glass off the table of people in front of me, and took another drag from it. “And just who are you-” - “I’m The Cheshire Cat.” I undid two of the buttons on my button up shirt with one hand, letting my collar fall back to show off the cat like scratches that laid on my collar bone (If those cats were lions that scratched almost all the way down my torso and arm). I did a stupid little bow. A few people reacted but I enjoyed the way Luffy looked so wowed. Arlongs eyes widened but they just went right back to a dumb smug smile. “You, Arlong, go for 20 million berrys.” I took another drag, exhaling calmly. “Which is impressive for the east blue but..Not so much other places.” He laughed from his chest, his friends going along with it. “What does the sell out have to say about it?” I sighed softly.
A part of me wished I was a sell out, instead of a kidnapped child forced to do the government's dirty work. The other part knew I would never do that, knew I would never betray my own crew like that. “Oh nothing honestly, I don't care about you.” I looked over to Luffy who still had a smile on his face. When we made eye contact he started to beam. I've only visited him once since I became a warlord, it makes me happy to see him so full of joy just from a moment of eye contact with me. “I'm here for him.” Luffy's hands started to shake, it was something small he always did around me. Blurted it out one day, said when I was excited sometimes I gave him a look, a glint in my eye that made him so happy his entire body shook. It was the sweetest thing he’d ever said to me. Arlong growled once again, leaving spit in someone's food. Those poor people.
He was circling the tables to get to me, circling around me slowly as if I was fish bait he was waiting to snap on. “Well I was here first.” I thought about correcting him, telling him that I was in fact here first. But Luffy interrupted the thought anyway. “How’d you find me anyway?” Luffy sounded completely confident in himself, Arlong just let out another horrid chuckle and made his way back to where he originally stood. “Old friend helped me track you down.” At first Luffy looked over to me, but I was drinking a sip of wine, just listening to what was happening in front of me. Arlong clicked his tongue and one of the other fish men grabbed the clown pirate's head out of a bag. “Heya, Straw hat. Did you miss me?” Luffy looked extremely confused, Sanji looked exhausted and Usopp looked terrified. “Burpy?” The name he called him almost made me spit out my wine from laughter (Which made Luffy happy, I could tell because he glanced at me. Even just for a second.) “What are you doing here?”
The fact that there was only a clown head confused and disturbed me, but I looked past it. “Believe me, it wasn't my first choice either.” He looked a bit nervous as he spoke. “But these fine fishy folk persuaded me to point them in the right direction, which ain't easy when you don't have any hands!” The joke made me raise my eyebrows and laugh a bit, it was funny i'll give him that. But Luffy still looked confused. “How’d you even know where to find me?” Suddenly the clown had the most serious expression I've ever seen him in. “I told you, I've got eyes and ears everywhere.” I noticed an ear start to climb out of the red band of Luffys hat. It was quite strange. The ear went back to the clown and popped right back in place, laughing. Luffy took the hat off his head inspecting it, while the two men behind him shared a look. “Stereo!” Luffy looked shocked. “You were listening all along? You heard everything?” The clown was quite happy. “Everything! and that old quick. 'Cause you shi-diots have no idea what you're doing.” The mashup word made me giggle a bit, it sounded so stupid, but it was kinda funny. (But luffy frowned a bit when he saw I laughed so i stopped as quick as i started).
The clown's head jumped towards the fishman with the huge lips. “Hey lips? How about a scratch behind the old ear, huh?” That made me roll my eyes, he was stupid enough to ask his captors that? The fishmen put him back in the bag. Buggy complaining about how sandy and wet it was.
“Listen here. I want my map.” It was so stupid. Watching them fight over the map to the entrance to the grand line, I understand why Luffy wanted it, but Arlong has a giant crew of thieves who could easily take it from another marine base. “Along with half of whatever you plunder as tribute.” Tribute? for getting a map, does he want tribute for his own existence now? “And if you bow down to me, I might even let you serve in my kingdom.” Stupid men. All of them were the same. Well not all, but most were extremely similar. “I don't bow down to any man.” Luffy stood tall, his head held up high as usual. That's my boy. “I'm no man.” Luffy continued. “Or fish.” That made Arlong growl and made me laugh. “And you’re no king.” There was a certain feeling in the air, the aggression that at any moment, one or the other would attack. Everyone was on high alert, my wine made that hard. It was just so delicate. Hard to enjoy in this environment but perfect in others.
“I will be, when I get my grand line map.” Luffy just smiled, which was a little bit attractive. “Then” He placed his hat back on his head. “You’re gonna have to fight me for it.” I take the attractive comment back, he's stupid. “Then let the fighting begin.” A bullet bounced off the fishmans skin. My hands almost drew closer to my own guns but instead I decided to pour another glass of wine. The old man that cooked my food was standing with a gun in his hand, the trigger pulled in his fingers clutches.
The thing about fishmen (I had learned the hard way) is that regular bullets don't affect them. I have very special bullets, made from some weird unmeltable ice, something about them coming from a town inside the grand line called drum town, from the deepest parts of frozen lakes. They're so sharp they even pierce fishman skin but don't go as deep as I would like.
Arlong turned to the old man, one of his crew members kicking him away and down before punching him into a pillar. Sanji called out his name and ran over, jumping on the table and kicking the fishman in the face. Which just pissed him off more. He got a few good kicks to the face and arms, even the legs but Luffy distracted him. “Really good fighter.” By the time he went to do a quite nice spinning kick to the face again, he caught his foot in his arm. I reached for both guns in my holsters, Checking that they had the correct bullets and shot multiple rounds from Alice, all of them making a trail up his arm and letting Sanji get away. The fishman looked back at me, anger and confusion in his eyes. “These bullets are made of ice, so sharp they even pierce fishman skin. I got them specially made.” There was a delicate smile on my lips, blowing the smoke out of my mouth and away from my guns. Normally i wouldn't touch these but i had a feeling about bringing them today, i'm glad i did. they may be expensive but Luffy was worth it anyways.
Everything was happening so quickly, Luffy's gum gum pistol, Arlong grabbing and pulling him closer. “Uh-” I could tell there was panic in his voice, but I couldn't tell if helping would really be helping at all. He was thrown at a pillar, landing on the floor with a thud. “Get up!” Arlong yelled, if i was him i would've stayed on the floor in spite, but he got up regardless. He kept stretching his arms three punches, one to each shoulder and one to the face. “Not bad for a human.”
I lifted my pistol to shoot Arlong but luffy put his hand up, his middle and ring finger were intertwined and the other three fingers touched. That was our sign when we were kids to stay out of it. It was our secret signal, not even Ace or Sabo or Dadan knew what it meant. I lowered my pistol, spinning it and putting it back in its holster. I grabbed the wine bottle taking a nice big gulp. Glad i’d gotten the entire bottle because this in fact, was not going to be pretty.
Part 2!!
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karisomk · 2 years
Attoye Fic- Amanzi okudanisa ((one shot))
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[[ Training prompt with mutual pining with Attuma x Okoye.]] [[ I just wanted a excuse to see Attuma and Okoye hold hands. ]] Aneka smiled once seeing Okoye get her bag with her swimwear in it, though remained silent. 
Okoye lifted a brow but frowned, already slightly irritated about the snarky or prying comment she just knew that was coming from Aneka. 
"I've noticed you've been going swimming lately since that Shark Man has been coming around you more" Aneka mused while gathering her workout clothing from her locker. 
"I've always enjoyed swimming besides, it is a good method to relax your muscles after working out" Okoye countered with a side glance. 
" Right and he does not join you at all?" Aneka questioned though there was a hint of humor in her voice. 
Okoye shot a look and scoffed at Aneka who only laughed in response. 
"I refuse to allow that big blue hippo to come near me" she sneered.  Okoye did not deny that Attuma joined her but she did make him stay arm's length away from her. At least that's how it started. 
Aneka's cheshire like smile did not believe this for one bit. Okoye hated this to an extent, even if pride flickered threw her on how well her fellow Dora could read others. A conflicting sensation only surfaced when Attuma was involved. 
Okoye huffed, snatching up her bag, and stalked away from the young Dora. 
As Bast is her witness, she will never utter to Aneka how she was right. How she specifically picked up more swimming to see how long she could hold her breath. To see if she could carry weights underwater. 
She convinced herself this was training to know how to fight him there in the waters.
To admire. Her mind faintly whispered to her in a knowing tone. 
No, Bast. Absolutely not. 
Okoye all but slammed her bag on the bench in the dressing room on arrival to the pool area, her cheeks burning while she tried steadying her heart. All the ocean and areas in Talokan. And Attuma insisted he come here once finding she visited the freshwater pools.
She tried distracting herself by calculating just how much weight she should put in her vest today. Though her mind betrayed her, visions of  Attuma without his breathing mask and the true hue of bronze skin came to mind. Inky black locks flowed behind him effortlessly, the way his gills trembled while he swam around.
His mask no longer obscured the fact of just how much he smiled at her whenever she was near him. 
She was tempted to just leave the pool room locker room and just go to her home to swim in the river. Out of spite toward Aneka and Attuma at that moment. 
But even as she peeled herself off the blue vibranium armor suit,  Okoye knew that she will not do it. After a cold shower, she slipped on the blue tint mono tie swimwear. The blue matched the midnight angel suit in color on the top, as the bottom faded into black in a gradient pattern. The tension in her shoulders was released once she realized she was alone today. 
Okoye carried her weighted vest, ankle weights, and ball weights with her to the pool area. Setting them on a nearby bench to easily switch out. The ball weights were dropped into the deep side of the pool first to help her mimic rock running. Sitting on the edge of the pool on the deep side, she lowered her legs into the water with shaky sighs. No matter how much she did this, the first dip into cold waters was never welcomed. 
Her gaze flickered once hearing a door open, Attuma with a brown satchel over his shoulders came in. Okoye's dark brows slowly knitted together at the sight of him.  The fact that Attuma chose to constantly use this area and not the ocean would never cease to bother Okoye. 
"Warrior." He nodded in her direction, taking a moment to place his bag down, and began to remove his armor. His gaze never leaves hers in the process. 
"Attuma." she started to say, her own gaze following Attuma's hands for a moment. 
The way his hands slowed, taking off his pelts and boned armor to carefully lay on the bench. She could have sworn he was teasing her and it didn’t help that her gaze went to those muscular thighs and manhood that seemed to be so outlined even while he wore dark shorts. Okoye began to lower herself into the water, turning away from him the moment the heat sensation returned to her face. Slipping below the surface, Okoye closed her eyes briefly while lowering her self further into the deeper part of the pool. It was Shuri's idea to make the pool freshwater out of respect of the Talokanil anyway. But it had its benefits to the Dora. Burned less on the eyes and smelled better. 
Okoye opened her eyes slowly, her vision was blurry though she did see a large shadow swimming towards her. Once her vision adjusted, she watched Attuma swim effortlessly around her. Bronze skin, long flowing hair that made him look alluring. Making eye contact again, he flashed her a grin and pointed to the weighted ball she dropped into the pool eariler. Okoye didn't return his smile but did swim to the ball and began her slow run on the pool floor to the swallow part. 
Attuma used his legs mostly while swimming, propelling his body around akin to a fish. His regalia, his armor made him look so differently compared to the man before her now. The scowl he held in place was usually replaced with something Okoye could not put her finger on. Admiration perhaps?  
Okoye closed her eyes once more, if she didn't keep her concentration Attuma would slow her down. Cradling the weighted ball in her arms, she took another slow step and then another. 
Feeling a large hand on her shoulder made her snap on her eyes. She bared her teeth at Attuma who gave a look of disapproval and shook his head.  Slapping his hand away, she dropped the ball and began swimming to the surface which Attuma followed. 
"Okoye-" his voice raspy as he took in shallow breaths. Trying to breathe without his mask made his voice sound raspier than normal.
"Why are you bothering me?" She snapped between her own gasps of breaths. "Do you not have anything else better to do?" She growled while roughly rubbing the water from her eyes.
"I am not bothering you but simply relaxing here, but it seems you just happen to like to train here." Attuma huffed while rubbing water on his gills but this was a lie.  Even now, even as Attuma strained himself to stay above water he was a smart-ass back.
Okoye scoffed, turning to swim away from the other and storm out of the pool area. But Attuma grasped her arm.
"You will not build your endurance this way. Swimming pools can not replicate the resistance you feel in a river or an ocean.  More so running on the floor of the ocean like you are trying to do so now. " He explained quietly. 
"Let me teach you." Attuma said after a moment, ignoring Okoye's light glare. 
"I don't need your help." Okoye lightly pulled away from Attuma. Convincing herself to not be curious on how Attuma was somehow warm right now.
"Fine. You will continue to lose grip on these weird stone floors further hindering your progress. " Attuma said quietly before dunking himself underwater.  Okoye followed him with her gaze, not moving when he surfaced closer to her. His brawny shoulder brushing against her toned shoulder.
"You'll hurt your feet this way and the muscles of your legs." Attuma looked at her with hopefully eyes and smiled when he heard her sigh.
"Fine." Okoye said suddenly hoping this would cease Attuma’s pestering. 
"You will not regret this warrior, I assure you. And you'll enjoy it more than this fake place you surface dwellers call pools. "
"If you do not like this place then why do you come here?" Okoye questioned while turning away from him slightly.
"To see my warrior try her best to train like my people" He hummed. Attuma floated out of her reach before dunking himself once more.  Slicking his hair back he surfaced once again, "West of here there is a small beach and we can depart from there in the morning. "
Okoye was never one to be late, always remaining punctual even with something as this with Attuma. She used her midnight angel suit to find the beach and took the brief alone time she had to ease out of it and cloak it with her kimoyo beads. Donning an all black bikini set with golden thread that outlined, she began stretching and practicing breathing techniques to help her retain as much air as she could later on.
Working through the tension in her thighs and back, Okoye’s movements slowed at the sensation of being watched. Looking into the clear waters, she glared at the head that was partially above water watching her.
“Keep that up and I’ll pelt you with rocks!” Okoye bellowed at Attuma.
The head instantly sunk below the surface, after a few moments Attuma slowly rose from the waters walking onto shore. This morning he did not have his hammerhead regalia and most of his armor was in his arms. Tilting his head at Okoye he gave a light chuckle, “I did not want to disturb you because you seemed to be enjoying yourself in the warmth of the sun” he said bluntly while allowing his gaze to go over her figure.
“My eyes are up here!”
“Mm,yes. I know , I see them.” he teased.
Okoye’s gaze went to the ground looking for the biggest rock she could find to throw at Attuma.
“Come, while the sun is rising and the waters are still calm, now would be a good time to start your practice here.” he said, placing his armor down only to move closer to the water. Begrudgingly Okoye followed suit, her arms still crossed over chest until the cold waters touched her ankles.
“Ah, Bast. It’s cold!” she exclaimed. Attuma offered his hand to her take, but did not lower it when she looked at his hand and then back out to the waters.
“Do not fear it.”
“I do not fear anything.” Okoye quickly countered.
Attuma turned to her, fully taking a step towards while he studied her face,“Have trust in me to watch you and be with you every step of the way today. I will not let anything come to harm you.“
Slowly Okoye took his hand,  the touch of his hand was warm compared to hers. She resisted the urge to press into his side while walking into the cold waters, which began to push against them the deeper they went. The way Attuma held her hand gently, only grasping her hand firmly when they dove under each wave to miss the current that could push them back to shore. Attuma explained that they would continue to wade out further into the shallow waters but stop close to the ledge that led out into the deep sea. There Okoye would find an accumulation of rocks, after picking one she would want to carry she would then make her trek back to shore underwater. Pushing against the current from below and the light pulls from the waves above her.
The only time Attuma released her hand was once both of them were near the seafloor and she picked her rock. He held the large oval shaped rock, and watched her swim to the surface once more for a breather only to dive back down to reach him. Attuma stayed close, watching intently as Okoye trekked forward against the current. Sand swirling around her feet with each step, her brows knitted while her gaze remained forward.
The light of the rising sun warmed the waters and made the surface shimmer, each passing wave casting light on them both. Attuma allowed himself to imagine just how Okoye would look if she was talokanil. How lovely her gills would look right now and just how fast she would be with her spear in the water. He had always thought the way she danced with her spear on land was beautiful, but to witness Okoye adapt to water made his heart soar more for her.
Once Okoye dropped the stone and began to ascend to the surface, Attuma was right behind her helping her reach the surface quickly.
“You did well for your first try, you almost made it half way to shore,” he said with a small grin.
Okoye took in small gasps and did not protest about Attuma holding onto her to keep her afloat. “I want to do one more” she finally said once catching her breath.
Attuma’s eyes burned with such pride while he nodded, “One more and we will rest afterwards.”
After Okoye caught her breath, the two dived back down to the start of the ledge to fetch another rock but this time Attuma grabbed one for himself to make the trekk with her to shore. (( Inspired by @mickimomo lore about Talokanil training and this photo of a surfer rocking running underwater.))
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curlybookwriter0294 · 9 months
Pushing Each Other’s Buttons
Summary: They are new at this. They are new to this whole dating thing but everything’s going well. However, during a workout session on training day after a small chat with Kori, Raven wonders if she could push each others buttons to progress things even further between them. Will it work?
AN: as always I don’t own anything from the TT universe or the DC universe! Just the plot of the story and you might hate me later lol. Happy reading! :)
It all started at the gym.
It was a typical training day at the Titans Tower, and each member of the team was at their own stations doing their own workout at the gym. Raven Roth looked around as she was doing her sit ups with Kori being her spotter as per usual.
She took in the smells of sweat and each presence of her team doing their best to make their bodies stronger and fuller for the next time they are out fighting villains. Thankfully, the alarms have not gone off so far as of yet which gives them plenty of time to do other things to pass the time until it does.
“Come on friend Raven, we are almost done! We are down to thirty sit ups now.” The alien was saying, drawing the indigo titan back into focus of her task at hand which was to complete at least forty sit ups requested by the titans leader Dick Grayson. “Just a few more then we switch!”
“Right.” The empath muttered, counting in her head the last few numbers that she had to do before getting off the mat so the Tamaranean could do her set. “Ready?” She asked her firmly, placing her hands on each of Kori’s shoes to keep her steady. Kori nodded her head and placed her hands behind her back, waiting for Raven to say the word. “Start.”
“So,” Kori said, catching her breath before going back down to her sit up, eyeing her quiet friend who was counting her sets. “You never did tell me how it’s going friend Raven.”
“Don’t know what you mean,”Raven said, hoping that Kori would drop it and just focus on her sit ups.
“Oh come now,” Kori said, chuckling at how Raven was avoiding her green eyed stare when she came up from her sit up. “You know what I mean.”
Raven knows exactly what she means because she’s been trying her best not to look over near the corner where the green shifter was doing his own set of workouts with Cyborg helping. She tried her best to ignore the fact that he was working out shirtless while he was grunting as he picked up a dumbbell easily with one hand. “It’s in progress. You know this already.” Raven whispered, turning her eyes over back towards Kori.
“29,” Kori counted and giggled at her. “I know that silly. Didn’t you two went on a date recently? What happened there? I’m dying to know!”
Raven shushed at her, briefly looking around to make sure that their conversations wasn’t behind overheard from the others. “It was nice.” She said quietly with a sigh. “Perfect even.”
“And? What else? There’s gotta be more than that!” Kori said excitedly, catching her breath once she was done with her sit ups and the two hero’s got up to do some stretches.
“We kissed.” Raven said finally, causing the alien woman to giggle with happiness. “It’s just a kiss.” She explained to her.
“Oh it’s not just a kiss friend Raven. Has it gone further than that?” Kori asked kindly, rolling her shoulders back when she did another stretch with her arms. She raised an brow at her when Raven made a face at her. “Would you want it to?”
“It’s only been three dates Kori. Isn’t that too soon?” Raven questioned her Tamaranean friend who shook her head at her, making her orange curls bounce around her shoulders. Raven sighed when she thought about a question to ask her. “How long did it take for you and boy wonder to—“ she stuttered at the question and she was thankful that Kori picked up on her question right away.
“After the third date.” Kori answered with a Cheshire grin, making Raven shiver. “But you and friend Garfield are different take all the time you need!” Kori reassured her when she noticed Raven’s face. Kori hummed. “If you wished to progress things further you just need to buttons of push each other.” She advised.
Raven blinked at Kori’s choice of words. “You mean push each others buttons?” She suggested.
Kori nodded as she walked over towards the bench to drink her bottle of water that was sitting there. “My thoughts exactly friend Raven. Also it looks like he’s already doing it.”
“What do you mean by that?” Raven asked, glancing over at the changeling that moved over to do push ups with Cyborg next to him. “He looks somewhat normal to me.” She said with a smirk.
“Friend Garfield has never taken off his shirt while working out. Have you not noticed?” Kori asked with a smile.
Raven snuck a glance over towards Garfield Logan and noticed that Kori was right, he had never taken off his shirt for his workouts until today. She noticed how tight and full his muscles and biceps were probably from working out and from getting stronger now that he’s older. He’s taller now and not lanky anymore. She would be a fool not to admit that it was nice to see him without a shirt, but was he doing it to put on a show for her?
“See what I mean friend Raven?” Kori asked, making Raven tear her eyes away from the green shifter and focus on Kori’s green ones instead. “He’s doing the buttons of the push. Now it’s your turn.”
“How will I pull that off then?” Raven whispered, walking over towards Kori as they took a breather from their workout. “I’m not exactly—“ she trailed off as she looked up and down Kori’s revealing workout attire. “You.”
The orange-haired alien smiled and before Raven could do anything to stop her, she pulled off Raven’s workout shirt, exposing her sports bra that she hiding underneath. “There we go!”
“Kori are you serious right now?!” Raven hissed at her, quickly trying to grab back her shirt from Kori but she was taller than her so she kept it at arms length. “Give it back!”
Garfield’s pointy ears twitched at the sound of Raven’s voice in the far corner of the gym, breaking his concentration of his sit ups. Luckily he was at his one hundredth goal and paused at his stance to look over at her. “What the—“ he trailed off when he saw Raven in a black and purple sports bra and Kori holding her shirt at arms length. “Holy—“
“Hey grass stain! Focus man!”
Garfield begrudgingly looked away from a rare sight and turned to focus on Cyborg instead. “Sorry my dude! I was just—“
“Focus on me and not your girlfriend dude!” Cyborg called out, making Garfield blush at the term that he was not used to.
“Right focus.” Garfield muttered to himself, stealing a glance once more at the sibyl that was working out with Kori who was still trying to get her shirt back, all the while trying to conceal herself with an arm.
“Give it back Kori. Please.” Raven pleaded in a whisper, trying for another attempt to get her shirt back. “I need my—“ a flash of green caught her attention and she paused from trying to get her shirt back.
Violet eyes meet green eyes that lasted longer than necessary and before Raven could change her mind, she uncovered her chest, sighing when she gave up trying to get her shirt back from the tall Tamaranean. She could literally see the gulp that Garfield had made when he had took in her appearance. Sure, Raven had exposed her body before but only her legs, but her upper body was a different story in which she’s slowly working on.
“See,” Kori whispered in her ear, walking beside Raven with a hand on her shoulder. “Told you.”
“Alright guys!” Dick said, making Raven to look away from the shocked shifter. “That’s enough for today. Good job everyone!”
“Do the buttons of the push friend Raven. It’ll work. Trust me,” Kori said to her before flying over towards the leader, kissing him lightly on the lips before walking out of the gym with him hand in hand.
“Push each others buttons huh?” Raven muttered to herself, wondering if it was worth a try.
The night was clear and warm in Jump City, the Titans are doing their own thing. Dick and Kori are in Gotham City for a night out, Cyborg is currently out on a date with Jinx in Central City, which leaves Garfield and Raven alone in the Titans Tower or more precisely alone on the roof.
Garfield had a big blanket for them as well as take out from a new vegan restaurant that he wanted to try. They were laid out on the blanket, sitting in complete comfortable silence as the two look out into the sky. Raven secretly wished that she could see the brightness of the stars instead of lights of buildings, but she doesn’t mind the thoughtfulness of their date.
“Next time,” Garfield started to say, breaking into Raven’s thoughts and she turned on her side to look at him as he stared out into the sky.” I want to take you somewhere where we can actually see the stars. The moon is huge and neat but I miss seeing stars.”
Raven gnawed her lower lip as she moved over to get closer to the changeling. “That’ll be nice Gar.”
Garfield chuckled at her and turned over to his side, using his arm to support himself. “Let’s make it a date then yea?” He asked, moving even closer to where they were nose to nose.
Raven could feel her face heat up at the closeness of their bodies and she had to remind herself to stay in control of her emotions. “Y-yes.”
“Neat.” The shifter whispered before closing the gap between them and leaned in for a gentle kiss on Raven’s lips.
It was slow, innocent something that Raven was getting used to. When they first started kissing, it was just a peck outside her door after their first date, same with the second date. This time, their kiss lingered a bit longer and it made Raven want to try something different with their kiss.
She opened her mouth to allow Garfield more access into the kiss and she heard him hum in question when she did that. She nibbled his lower lip which caused him to moan into her mouth.
“Rae—“ Garfield said once they part, catching their breath. He used a hand to brush back a couple of dark strands of her hair out of her face. “What brought this on?” He asked, furrowing his brows.
“You weren’t wearing a shirt at the gym today,” Raven confessed to him softly, noticing the way his face soften with her answer.
“Oh!” Garfield said once realization had kicked in and he chuckled. “Well I could say the same about you Rae-Rae.” He told her, wiggling his brows.
Raven flicked his forehead with a finger, rolling her eyes at him. “That wasn’t intentional.”
“I know my shirt thing was but you on the other hand.” He trailed off, studying her and laughed when Raven gave him a death stare. “It was Kori’s doing I know.”
“You should umm—“ Raven trailed off, using a finger to trace down Garfield’s front clothed torso slowly. “Not wear a shirt at the gym?” She said even though the way it sounded like a question.
“Will never wear a shirt at the gym again.” Garfield told her, leaning in closer to her. “Is this alright?” He asked with hesitation, bringing Raven even closer to him in a way that made their bodies touching.
Raven’s breath became heavier when Garfield lifted her chin closer to him. “Yes.” She whispered, closing her eyes when she felt Garfield’s lips back on hers again.
She opened her mouth when she felt the shifter’s tongue on her bottom lip, asking her access. She gasped when she she felt his tongue on hers, making their kiss deeper than it was before and it made Raven’s whole body feel warmer.
Raven heard Garfield making an oof sound in her mouth when he got on top of her, making sure that he wasn’t crushing her by prompting himself up with his arms. She used her arms to wrap around his neck to bring him even closer to her, making both of them moan.
Raven used her legs to wrapped around his waist, which caused her to feel something that was pressing against her. “Shit,” Garfield muttered against her neck, breaking the kiss. “I’m sorry let me just—“
“It’s fine Gar.” Raven reassured him, reaching up to play with one of his ears. “Aren’t we just pushing each others buttons a little?”
Garfield blinked at her and laughed before leaning back down against her neck, kissing against her earlobe gently. “Yea definitely pushing each other’s buttons alright.” He muttered, cursing himself. “But still— we don’t have to continue if you feel uncomfortable o-or anything.” He tells her, stuttering with his sentence.
“I want us to push each other’s buttons.” Raven told him truthfully, using a hand to run her fingers through his green spiky green hair. “And it seems like I’m already pushing yours.” She whispered to him quietly.
“My buttons are definitely being pushed right now.” Garfield hissed out, biting his lower lip. “I-I—“ he started, clearing his throat as he looked down at her violet eyes.
The two of them groan when a loud alarm stopped what Garfield was about to say, causing both of them to detangle themselves from each other to grab their communicators from their pockets.
“Right now??” Garfield complained. “Buzz kill!”
Raven sat up on the blanket, opening her communicator and watching the news alert that popped up, using a hand to push back her violet hair out of her face. “It’s Gizmo attacking downtown Jump City. The others are still away.” She told him. “I can portal us there.” She said firmly, standing up, reaching out a hand towards him to grab.
“Right. Let’s do this!” Garfield yelled, grabbing her hand and it held it tightly. “To be continued?” He asked, lifting a brow at the empath.
Raven squeezed his hand. “I want to see how much I can push your buttons.” She responded with a small smile. “To be continued.”
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dynjas · 1 year
Here's the list of writing prompts I’m gonna use. If u want to read something next pls let me know. The full lists can be found in my reblogs if you're interested. These here are sorted out to my liking :)
(these are 15 Word pages, omg)
“first comes love, then comes marriage~”- teasing dialogue over a crush
prompt list by @novelbear
"seriously? [name]? that's who you've been crying about for weeks?"
"i invited them over." "shut up, you did not."
"don't look but they're right behind you- I SAID DON'T LOOK??"
"aww someone's finally got their first crush~"
"is he cute? i bet he's cute let me see-"
"well now you have no choice but to text them, oops!"
"your ears got so red, it was hilarious."
"none of what you said made any sense, i can't believe they have you this flustered."
"should i try to ask around? i think you might actually have a chance- what do you mean no??"
"what- i was NOT smiling like that i have no clue what you're talking about."
"please, you were smiling like the cheshire cat when he came over. be serious."
"if him coming over actually gets you to do the dishes then i might have to get his number myself, damn..."
"i better be the first one you invite to your wedding!"
"so...are you finally going on that date or....?"
roommates to lovers dialogue (but they’re scared to confess)
prompt list by @novelbear
“how do i look? do you think i overdressed for a [event]?” “no, you look perfect.”
“i’m so glad we moved in together.”
“no, you can stay. i don’t mind.”
“please don’t leave yet.”
[talking to a friend]“we live together! do you know how much i’ll mess things up if they don’t feel the same?”
“you looked pretty lonely in there, how about a sleepover in my room tonight?”
“you’ve been talking about this for months so i figured that maybe if i got it for you, you’d shut up.”  “i love you.”
“i hate changing these stupid batteries, i can never reach the smoke alarm.” “get down, then, i’ll do it.”
“did you get me flowers?”  “it was for decoration.”  “..in my room?”
“i need to tell you something. and i need you to not hate me when i do.”
“happy new year.”  “should we kiss?”  “what?” “what?”
"i wanna be closer to you"
@urfriendlywriter |
hugs that feels like clench in your heart because you don't know when u might see them again
"don't let go yet" "i won't, sweetheart"
running into their arms after a long time ♡ and fitting right in
hoping it's them whenever the bell rings
just looking into each other's eyes while cuddling
always touching each other because they miss the feel of your skin against theirs
holding hands until their fingertips reach out of grasp
yearning kisses when they press their palm against your cheek, slightly lifting you up. never getting enough and parting lips always wanting more
feeling heart wrench when you see their face while they leave
when they're excited to show you something they're proud of through face time.
when they break into tears as soon as they see you. and the hug after
them having your picture as their wallpaper
"i--i have a day off tomorrow, do you want go somewhere?" "i just want to be in your arms, no matter where."
"atleast we share the same moon. it's so pretty that it reminds me of you"
(flirty) training/ sparring/ injury prompts
character A giving B instructions on how to bandage their wounds
^ *wince* ”would it kill you to be gentle?” “if you didn’t want it to hurt, you PROBABLY SHOULDN’T HAVE GOTTEN STABBED IN THE FIRST PLACE”
classic; A getting behind B to help them hold their weapon properly, guiding their arm, which just ends up in both of them getting flustered
“someone likes being pinned down”
“…” “i’m fine i swear” “..are you serious rn” “it’s just a dislocated shoulder! i’ll be as good as new”
medic x hero/villain/something that requires fighting yk and they’re always worried ab their partner because the careless mf is always getting hurt
(works best for enemies to lovers) after a particularly intense session, A helps B patch up their wounds which requires B taking off their shirt, and A is definitely not staring wdym
^ also B noticing the staring and being the cocky asshole that they are, feels the need to comment on it “like what you see?”
as a threat, “i’m going to mess you up so bad you’re not going to be able to walk for a week” while the response is; “is that a promise?”
falling in love prompts
➼ "Please don’t touch me. I can’t fall any deeper."
➼ "This is all your fault. If only you weren’t so fucking beautiful and smart and funny and perfect, I might not have fallen for you.
➼ "I might be going a little crazy thinking about B." *C raises an eyebrow*. "Fine. Maybe a lot more than a little"
➼ "I want you to be my first and my last."
➼ "Are you in love with them?" "If I’m not already, I’m damn close to being."
➼ "We’re friends, right?" "I didn’t know friends kiss each other."
➼ "But…how could you love me?" "How could I not?"
➼ "I think I hate you a little for making me adore you so much."
flirty prompts
"love, can't you see how wrecked i am for you?"
"be gentle with me, love, will you? I'm a soft lad :) "
"you have no idea how much i want you"
"i lay down every night hoping i could hold you in my arms."
holding gazes while their lips remain partly open!!! like they're outta breath
leaning towards you with a suggestive smirk
"mind saying that again?"
"tell me you want me" "i need you, [name], I need you so much it drives me insane--" they get kissed so hard they stumble back
"look at me like that again and you'll be ending up in my bed with no energy to walk the next day, sweetheart
fluffy prompts for characters pining on each other :)
@urfriendlywriter )
"don't smile at me like that !"
grinning stupidly whenever they compliment you
their gaze often goes to your lips.
holding hands to comfort you
crouching to your eye level while they cup your chin, wiping your tears, "tell me what i can do for you." "stay."
"do you want to dance?" they lean against the doorframe, a pause before walking towards you with a fond smile, "if you insist."
"make me."
^ "wanna bet? i will." [IM *DEEP BREATH* *DIES*]
"if you had the guts, [name], you would have kissed me." "you think something is stopping me from doing that right now? :)"
"is that so? *subtly smirking*"
"what's your ideal type?" "you."
constantly touching. always finding reasons to touch each other.
"can you both just kiss and make up-" "*both of them* [NAME]-"
finding someone flirting with your crush, but all they have is eyes for you, and on you
"can i kiss you?" "took you so long to ask."
almost kissing. but somebody walks in. "HOLY FUCK, ABOUT TIME THIS HAPPENS! I'M SO SORRY, PLEASE CONTINUE-" they grab your jaw and kiss you infront of them.
feeling hot all over the place after the kiss
"let me-- *adjusts your hair while cupping your face*--and we're good to go. shall we?
the hug after the confession. the warmth it gives!!
roommates to lovers prompts
— “can i sleep in your room tonight? is that weird to ask?”
— “you need some real food. come sit, i made dinner.”
“i love you, i swear i do, but if you buy one more cushion for the sofa i’m moving out.”
— “please, stop brushing me off and just let me take care of you.”
— “so, uh… how’d your date go?”
— “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner. i was just so scared of ruining our friendship, you know it means the world to me. you do.”
— “thank you for looking after me last night.”
— “there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you, nothing at all.”
“look, i- i have to tell you something.”
physical gestures
smiling during a kiss
pulling you by your waist
leaning over you while looking at your lips
cuddling and nuzzling your face into their chest
getting pinned against a wall
tipping your chin to make you look into their eyes
sitting between their legs as they dry your hair
placing kisses on your lovers shoulder and nape as they are bent down, trying to focus on their work though they're very hot and bothered
lifting you up during a hug and swirling you around
they roll on top of you, cradling your head between their hands as they kiss your nose
^ placing a kiss on your forehead as they mumble how pretty you are
going under the sheets to lie on top of them as they giggle and pull you up and close
hugging them tight without saying any words when they're having a hard time
holding your face in their palm as they smile widely before kissing you
"if only you knew" - some cute and shy crush scenarios
prompt list by @novelbear
awkwardly laughing to try not to malfunction when they're given a compliment
smiling real hard when texting them
^ then realizing what they're doing and smiling even more because they just love this feeling
knowing the little things about them
praying that they don't notice their heart racing as they give them a hug
when they get a little too close and it's over
gazing at them from afar because they're just so...
"i think about you a lot." "aw, really?" [panicking] "no." "oh."
when they compliment something that they've been insecure about and it just breaks them
"you get flustered really easily...cute." "haha...thanks...i think. was that a compliment? why are you laughing."
unconsciously showing displays of affection (ex. playing with their hair, rubbing their hand with their thumb) because it comes natural when with them
^ but when they get called out for it, they scramble to find an excuse (and maybe give an unnecessary apology)
realizing that their crush likes them back and it's been clear as day.
compliment prompts
— “you’re so cute when you’re half asleep.”
— “god, you look amazing.”
— “no one makes me feel the way you do.”
— “you don’t have to do anything. just being here, with me, that’s enough.”
— “there’s not a single thing i don’t love about you.”
— “i’d rather sit in silence with you than do anything with someone else.”
— “you’re just so lovable.”
— “i’ve always loved your [insert feature/trait], i think it’s one of the best things about you.”
— “i love you so much. i always feel like i don’t tell you that enough.”
— “i’d be nowhere without you. you’ve gotten me through so much.”
— “your smile always cheers me up.”
— “i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to thank you enough for all you’ve done for me.”
“you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“say you won’t let go”- some touch starved scenarios
prompt list by @novelbear
heart pounding whenever the other does so much as to hold onto their wrist while guiding them through a crowd
one just casually sitting down on the other's lap and they start internally freaking the hell out
hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve, testing the waters
^^ the other notices so they pull them into a hug, smiling as they just watch them melt
"wait, don't go, please.."
"is this okay?" "it's more than okay."
already barely holding it together as they're getting their hand held but then they feel that reassuring squeeze and they just can't
wearing the others' clothes so that it can at least feel like they're hugging them, even for just a moment
feeling so lonely that they have to call their lover/friend, just to get a sense and reminder that they're still there
^ trying and failing to hold back their tears as they do so
"can i have one more hug?" "aw, babe you don't have to ask, c'mere..."
when the other holds onto their waist briefly as they're passing by and it just send chills down their spine
breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much
their breath hitching whenever the other gets a little closer
holding onto a stuffed animal/pillow, imagining that it's their lover in their embrace instead
one leaning their head onto the other's shoulder suddenly and they just freeze
“what did you just call me?”- some responses to pet names being used
prompt list by @novelbear
"can you call me that again?"
"did i make you uncomfortable?" "no! no, it just caught me off guard. i like it a lot actually..."
"no, you didn't just call me 'love' you said 'my love'. that makes a huge difference."
"hey, sweetheart can you grab that for me?" "you're talking to me?" "who else would i be talking to?"
"can you repeat that? i don't think i heard you..."
"why do you keep making that face when i call you that?" "because i love it, that's why!"
"that's a new one."
"you only call me that when we're alone.." "would you like me to say it louder~"
"you keep calling me tiny." "because you're pocket sized. a tiny little thing."
"hey, honey, what's that- what?" "you called me honey..."
"is that like a friendly nickname or?" [sarcastic] "yes, i go around calling all my friends 'my dearest'." "oh, really?" "no!"
"i'm still trying to get used to that, sorry.." "don't worry about it, it's cute."
"i love it when you call me that."
"i could get used to this..."
"darling?" "what? you don't like it?"
kiss prompts <3
first kisses: a little unsure, a little nervous. lips lingering over each other but not touching. overthinking, almost pulling away, but then looking into their eyes and just going for it. it’s soft, gentle.
“i need you now” kisses: them fisting your shirt into their palms, your hands under their shirt, cold fingertips against their skin, and panting, moving down from their lips to their neck, soft moans that turn louder, shirts being pulled off haphazardly
“come back to bed” kisses: tugging on their hand when they get up, pulling them in, them slowly waking toward you and lean in, a soft peck on their jaw while you whisper the words
“are you sure about this?” kisses: pulling away from the kiss, their hair is in a mess and cheeks are red, lips slightly parted and longing eyes, waiting for what’s going to happen next, god they look so pretty
“ just fuck me already” kisses: hands in their hair, tugging slightly, heated and breathless, grabbing their clothing to pull them closer, but it’s still not close enough, ending up on the bed, hovering on top of them and kissing their jaw, going down to their neck and their whimpers are so cute
“can we do this forever?” kisses: getting pulled by your collar/tie, slightly surprised, but smirking too, “i love you” “i know” rolling eyes, “i love you too” and putting your arms around their waist, leaning in again
friends to lovers prompts
— hugging and absentmindedly kissing their neck, resulting in mortification for one of them
— one being shorter and it being a source of great enjoyment for the other
— hang-outs that start to feel more and more like dates
— sleeping in the same bed, as they’d often do, but one morning waking up cuddling
— nickname turning into petnames
— one having to sit in the other’s lap when space is tight and them both blushing like crazy over it
— being overprotective of them in front of prospective partners
— one giving the other their jacket / covering them with it when they fall asleep
— sharing clothes in a totally friendly way
— valuing their opinions/approval above everyone else’s
— memorising their favourite things and treating them when they have a bad day
defending them against everyone, even when they’re not there to witness it
Saying " I love you" without saying "I love you"
Forehead kisses, and smiling through the kiss
Resting their forehead on the other’s after a kiss
Tucking strands of loose hair behind their ears, with a thumb caressing their cheek
Interlacing their fingers with the other’s when they least expect it
Sleepy back hugs when the other person is busy whipping up breakfast in the kitchen, catching them by surprise
Just doing their own things in the same space; being so comfortable around the other even in their pyjamas
Holding both their hands while holding their gaze gently, just before leaning in for a kiss
Getting them something from the store when they only mentioned it in passing
Squeezing their hand reassuringly and holding their hand throughout an intense social situation (eg. a large school reunion which the more introverted person is dreading)
Kissing away their tears
^ and letting the other cry on their shoulder even when their t-shirt gets soaked from their tears
Meeting them where they are, mentally and emotionally; never forcing them to do anything they aren’t comfortable with
Wholeheartedly supporting their dreams, and putting that into action by making concrete plans for it to happen
Dropping the other person an encouraging text before an important interview/event
Surprising the other with flowers just because; no occasion and no reason needed
Picking the other person up from work when it’s getting late, and walking them right to their doorstep after
Good morning and goodnight texts
Writing little notes on post-its and leaving them in random pages of their textbook, so that they will get a little endorphin boost when studying
OTP Prompts: Sleeping Arrangements
A sleeping on the floor while B takes the bed because they've got nowhere else to sleep.
Both of them sleeping on the floor because the other won't accept the bed and they don't wanna take it either.
One of them hears the other crying in their sleep, so they get up to go comfort them. As soon as they sit down at the edge of the other's bed, however, they're being pulled into a pair of arms. It's only then that the crying lessens, and they just can't bring themself to get up again.
They're both scared of thunderstorms, but neither of them want to admit it. They tell themselves they're doing it for the other person as they climb into A's bed together.
They get into a fight, but still have to share a bed at the end of the night because there's nowhere comfortable for the other to sleep.
“i wanna hold your hand”- excuses for your characters to hold hands
prompt list by @novelbear
"your hands are cold...let me warm them up for you."
taking advantage of the fact that they're walking through a crowded place and holding their hand so that they "don't get lost"
maybe they get slightly jealous while out, so they grab onto their partner's hand to establish their relationship
"something's on your finger. give me your hand, let me see.."
pinky promising over everything so that it's easier to naturally intertwine their fingers with the others'
"okay, but if i'm right then you have to hold my hand!" "that's not much of a punishment but alright babes, whatever you say."
"can you hold this for me?" "there's nothing in your hand." "exactly."
going in as if they're just innocently fiddling with the other's fingers, then trapping them about thirty seconds later
making the effort to find where their partner is and dragging them by the hand rather than just calling them over to where they wanted them in the first place.
"you need me to hold your hand so you can read the instructions?" "it helps me concentrate!"
grabbing onto the other's hand out of nervousness
slowly intertwining fingers while the other is driving
"can you hold my hand?" "of course, my love."
DIALOGUE PROMPTS (for writing)
? "I would do anything for you. you know that."  
? "okay, okay - i'll get my coat. you're lucky im such a good person."
? "you can"t be serious. it was. you all along?"
touch-starved prompts
— “can… can i have a hug? please?”
— “oh, sweetheart- come here.”
— “how long has it been since someone hugged you?”
— “just hold me.”
— “is this okay?”
— “we don’t have to talk, if you don’t want to. we can just sit here together until you feel up to anything else.”
— “can i hug you? you look like you could do with it.”
— “are you blushing?! that’s adorable.”
— “it’s okay, baby, just let it all out. i’ve got you, i promise.”
— “you fell asleep in my arms. it was kind of adorable.”
— “please, never apologise for wanting to be loved.”
— “you don’t need to earn my affection, not now and not ever.”
— “i’m never more at peace than i am in your arms.”
“i never knew i could feel this loved.”
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reigningqueenofwords · 5 months
Teenage Bonnie and Clyde
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Pairing: Tate Langdon x Violet Harmon Word count: 2,822 Warnings: School shooting, violence, death
Read on AO3
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Lying on the roof, their fingers were laced together loosely, both staring into the night sky. Tate looked over to his right, watching Violet for a moment. As if she felt eyes on her, she looked at him and gave him a small smile. “Hey, Violet?” He asked softly.
“You think it’s possible for people like us to be happy?” His left hand was resting on his stomach, looking more relaxed than she knew he was.
Letting go of his hand, she rolled to her side, and propped herself up on her elbow. “I know we can.” There was no uncertainty in her voice. That was one thing she’d never question.
“How?” Tate’s eyes locked on hers, almost like he was searching for an unspoken answer.
She smirked. “Because we have each other.” Her fingers ran through his hair, and then her fingertips traced down over his jaw.
Finally, he smiled. The one that only she really saw. Tate turned his head, kissing her fingers lightly. “We still on for tomorrow?” He asked, rolling to his side to lean on his elbow like her. His eyes searched her face for any doubt. If she wasn’t in, he wasn’t, either. As much planning as they did, as many times as they went over those said plans, and as bad as he wanted this…the whole thing was worthless without her.
“Have I ever let you down?”
He pretended to think, tapping his chin. “You did miss my 7th birthday party.” Tate laughed as she shoved him lightly on his shoulder.
Violet stuck her tongue out at him. “Okay, that wasn’t my fault! I had the chicken pox!” She reminded him. “And fuck, man, that was ten years ago!” Rolling back to her back, she laughed when he put his hands by her shoulders, looking down at her. “You’re such a loser.” She teased.
Tate feigned shock. “What does that make you?” He countered. “You’ve been my best friend since before you wore a training bra, and my girlfriend for almost as long.”
It was her turn to pretend to think. “Lucky.” She cupped his cheek and pulled him down into a kiss. He smiled into it, moving so that he was leaning his weight on his right arm, his left hand moving to grip her hip.
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Violet was anxious, but kept it down. She drove them to school that morning, and pretended like she was parking as usual. Leaning over, he pulled her into a deep kiss, resting his forehead on hers. He smirked at her as his eyes locked on hers. “I don’t hate you.” He teased.
“I don’t hate you more.” Violet chuckled. “I’ll be there.” She reassured him. Biting her lip, she watched her boyfriend slip out of the car. His blonde locks a stark contrast to his black knee length trench coat that covered the black jeans that fit him just right, all finished off with his black boots.
Second period was already well under way, leaving the halls mostly empty. There’d be stragglers, but no one to fret about. Violet chewed on her lip, not moving the car until he was passed those doors. She was going to park around the back, in a part of the lot that wasn’t used anymore. He’d slip out, get in, and the two of you were gone. For good.
As soon as those door closed behind him, Violet pulled out of the parking space, and away from the front of their high school. Her radio was on low as she made her way to the exact spot they had agreed to meet, and put the car in park. While they had run over as many possible scenarios together, trying to figure out an average time for everything to play out, there was no way to know.
Leaving her car running, she leaned over to her glove compartment and pulled out the small gun he’d given her a few weeks prior.
“I have something for you.” He grinned like the Cheshire cat, sitting on the side of her bed in just his boxers.
She laughed. “You mean besides your body?”
He smirked. “Best present of all, babe.” Tate winked, making her bite her lip. Pulling out a smaller sized box, he handed it to her. “Open it.” He gestured to the present.
Quickly, she pulled off the simple red ribbon and pulled the top off. Inside, nestled on black tissue paper, was a silver gun. Right underneath the barrel were a handful of bullets, placed just so. Her eyes went up to him. “A gun?” She asked, a small smile on her face.
“Like I’d go through this without knowing you can defend yourself.” His expression changed, a dark looking taking over at the thought of anyone hurting her. “Promise me something, Violet.” She simply nodded, a serious look on her face, as well. “Anyone so much as gives you a bad feeling, or gets in our way- blow their fucking brains out.”
Violet put the box on the nightstand. “I promise.” She knelt next to him and kissed his shoulder, her hand going over his shoulder blades.
Setting that right next to her right leg, slightly tucked under, she lit herself a cigarette. She let her head fall back, her eyes closing as she blew the smoke from her mouth. Hearing a tapping on her window, she opened her eyes and raised an eyebrow at the security guard. With a smile, she rolled down her window. “Can I help you….Robert?” She asked, reading his nametag.
“You can’t park here, and this is a no smoking zone.” He pointed out, discourteously. She couldn’t help but notice how bad his teeth were. Did they not pay him enough to care about oral hygiene?
“Is that so?” Violet asked, feigning to care. “Can I ask you something?” She tilted her head to the side.
He sighed, clearly bored. “What?” Robert snapped.
Her right hand slid just over the handle of her gun as she smiled sweetly. “Is it a no killing zone, as well?” She asked, using her most genteel voice.
Robert’s eyebrows furrowed together. “What? You need to get your ass inside to class. Now.” He ordered, figuring she was just being a smart ass.
“I don’t do well taking orders from assholes.” She shrugged before pointing her gun at him and pulling the trigger. Looking at the ground where he fell, she made a face. “I was hoping that would enhance your face.” She mused, putting her gun back down before rolling up her window.
Tate moved through the halls with ease, no indication that he had nefarious intentions. No one stopped him, why would they? He was just another student, wandering the halls. Seeing the first classroom off to his left, he made his way towards it.
As he opened the door, the teacher turned. “Tate?” He asked, confused.
Instead of an answer, all he received were four bullets to the chest, causing a panic in the others. He didn’t bother to aim, just shooting in places that they seemed to be scattering towards. As he left that room, he didn’t see a single person not bleeding.
One classroom after another he went. Sure, he skipped a few, not caring, but that didn’t mean he didn’t plan to do his worst. His boots echoed, the sounds mixing in with the screams of his classmates, doors being slammed, shots fired, and a slew of other random noises.
His feet were leading him straight to the library. That right there held a promise of a few victims. As he caught sight of the doors, Tate saw someone run in, likely to warn the others, to try to save themselves. Little did they know it was futile.
He chuckled lightly to himself as he realized that at times, the shots sounded like a tire blowing out inside the school halls. Tate figured that’d be something that they wouldn’t think in their last moments.
Reaching the side entrance to the library, he slowly began turning the handle, heightening the suspense. Just as he was about to swing the door open, the handle wouldn’t turn anymore. That right there told him someone was holding the door shut, which was a problem that was easily solved.
Tate stepped back a couple feet, aimed, and fired. The screams from the girls inside told him he was right. Pushing the door with the back of the hand that gripped his pistol, he stepped through. There was an ease to how he moved. Not a care in the world, as if this was just another day.
Just to spice things up a bit, he wet his lips, and started to whistle. Pausing, he swore he heard breathing, so he shoved some books. Once again, he was right when he heard a high pitched scream. Turning the corner, he looked down at the girl crouching there. “Do you believe in God?” He asked, his voice low.
She nodded. “Yes.” She sobbed.
Holding up his gun, his finger pulled the trigger, not even flinching. Without missing a beat, he resumed his pacing around the library. His pistol now tucked away, shotgun in hand. Between two of the couches, was his next target. If he’d really had any, that was. “Please, no!” He tried to back away as Tate pointed the shotgun at him. The next thing that was heard through the library was the shot that killed him.
Tate strolled around the desk that the librarian would sit at, keeping order. No order now, was there? Seeing the boy with the glasses, trying to call for help, he clenched his jaw, and blew half of his face off.
His back was turned when another voice was heard, right after Tate cocked the shotgun, a shell hitting the ground. “Hey.” His voice shook with fear. “That’s enough, get out of here.” He tried to look strong, and tough, but he didn’t for long. His body was flung back from the close range shot.
A muffled cry caught his attention, from right behind the now dead jock. Cocking his gun once more, he walked towards the direction it came from. “Oh, God.” She said, failing to be all that quiet. Her sobbing grew louder as his feet neared, her hand over her mouth. “Oh, God.” Fell from her lips, over and over. God wasn’t with her then.
His fingers gripped the table that was bolted to the floor, ripping it up with ease. Lack of attention over the years made them weak. The table fell on end, behind the terrified cheerleader, a scream escaping her. Her hands went up on instinct, and she dared to look at her shooter. “Why?!” She screamed, tears streaming down her face. There was no emotion on his, the only thing she saw was a bit of blood splatter.
The last one living in the room coward before him, begging. “Please.” With no indication that he’d heard, he shot her in the head. 
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Violet would glance at the door every now and then, wanting to be prepared. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Tate emerged. She watched as he strolled over to the car, his face slowly relaxing as he got closer. He slipped his coat off, using it the cover the guns in the back. “Drive.” Was all he said once he was in the car.
Pulling out of the parking lot, they both remained silent. There was no telling how long until their faces would be plastered all over the television. She may not have been in the school during the actual shooting, but everyone knew. Find Violet, and you’d find Tate.
Once they were on the highway, they both relaxed. “We’re free.” She told him with a small smile. They each had a bag packed in the trunk, both having been placed there the week before.
Tate turned on the radio, licking his lips. “This way we know when they start looking for us.” He told her. “Then we lay low for a bit.” His voice was smooth, and calming.
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‘Authorities are advising caution. Tate Langdon and Violet Harmon should be considered armed and dangerous. They warn against engaging with them, and urge you to call your local police department.
After the shooting at…’
“Well.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair. “Pull off this exit, babe.” Tate pointed to the exit coming up in just half a mile.
They had driven around for twenty minutes before passing the old abandoned house, calling out to them. It looked like a damn good place to hide for now. Who would look there?
Violet parked a couple streets over, not wanting to park right in front. Tate grabbed the guns, wrapping them in his coat, and Violet took the bags. They did their best to look like they were simply walking along, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves.
Tate let them around the side of the house that was more blocked off and busted in a window for them. Using his coat to shield his hand, he broke off the remaining shards of glass, listening to them shatter against the floor.
Using his hands, he hoisted Violet in first, passed her the bags, then the guns, and pulled himself up. As soon as he was through the window, she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him close. Her other arm went around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. They kissed roughly for a moment before their grinning caused them to pull apart. “Let’s find us a room, babe.” He smirked, his voice low.
Each of them grabbed something, and moved away from the now broken window. Both anxious to hide deeper in the house, and be in each other’s arms. Tate let her lead the way, following close behind. She brought them into the first room they came to, putting their things off to the side. “Good enough.” She breathed, watching him kick the door shut.
The guns were placed with their other bags, and then forgotten. He pulled her shirt over her head before his hands felt her bare skin, holding her close against him.
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Violet woke up with her back against Tate’s chest, his breath on her neck. Smiling softly to herself, she gently slipped out of their makeshift bed and stretched. “Now that’s a sight.” Tate chuckled, still half asleep. “Come back to bed.” He yawned, rolling to his back.
She smiled at him. “Can I at least use the bathroom?” She teased.
“Fine. I guess.” He pouted playfully.
Shaking her head, she grabbed his shirt and a pair of her underwear and slipped them on. Her bare feet were quiet as she moved to the bathroom, the air still slightly stale from the house being shut up so long.
Violet froze when she walked into the bedroom. Red and blue lights were lighting up the room. “Tate!” She rushed to his side, shaking him. “Tate, wake up!” She hissed.
Finally, he slowly opened his eyes, letting them fall shut again. They snapped right back open. “Fuck.” He reached over, grabbing his boxers and pulling them on. Standing up, she looked towards the door, hearing their boots.
Just as Tate was by her side, his fingers laced with hers, the door burst in. Red dots were trained on both of their chests, a SWAT team in full gear. “I don’t hate you.” He said softly.
A loving smile formed on her lips. “I don’t hate you more.” She replied, closing her eyes.
Tate moved as if he was going to grab a weapon from under what he’d used as a pillow. He wasn’t even halfway there when bullets flew through the air, shaking both their bodies before the fell to the ground. Their hands were still touching each other, though they’d stopped breathing.
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Sitting on the roof of their new home, Violet had her knees up to her chest. “Hey, Tate?” She asked gently.
“Yeah?” His eyes were trained on the horizon.
Her eyes turned to look at her blonde boyfriend. “Do you think it’s possible for us to be happy forever?”
Tate smirked, looking over at her. “Always.” He reached over, taking her hand. “We’ll never be apart.”
Hearing that, she smiled. “There’s no one else I’d want to be stuck with here, than you.”
He laughed, not caring that the other resident ghosts of the house were around there somewhere. Violet and Tate kept to themselves mostly, but there were a few of the others they didn’t mind too much.
The sounds of a truck stopping made them get up and move up far enough to see a moving truck. With a smirk, Tate licked his lips. “Ready to have some fun?” He asked, both of them watching the new owners of the murder house walk up the front sidewalk.
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nuclevi · 3 years
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rival sorcerer!gojo who never misses a chance to prove he’s stronger than you and you’ll always come second to him. who’s glare sharpens and jaw tightens when you tease him about being a pathetic noncommittal whore and an egoistic bastard. gojo, who always flips and slams your body ruthlessly on the ground while sparring with the excuse of “preparing you for the worst in case he’s not there to save your ass” as he says. who also spends his precious time collecting special medicinal herbs for your quick recovery without your knowledge, but says “just don’t want them slowing me down” when irieri questions him about it.
rival sorcerer!gojo who is always breathing down your neck to pull and jab at your weaknesses with his cheshire like grin, creeping you out. who loves pointing out your flaws to watch you get heated. “aw, you’re tired and want a break?? this is why you always come second.” “can you be good at something, at least?” “why would you go out in the open in front of the enemy like that, lovely, knowing you’d fail, since that’s all you’re capable of.” who sometimes trains shirtless with sweat dripping down his crafted body and sweats hanging low on his hips, very well aware that you’ll be watching shamelessly from your spot in the doorway. gojo who smirks and drops a low “like whatchu see?” just to rile you up further and watch you scurry away with red cheeks.
rival sorcerer!gojo who can’t help the little tinge of worry that blooms in him when he notices you overworking and tiring yourself with the training. who finds you sobbing to yourself one night on the rooftop and his heart breaks a little on hearing you mutter “when will i be first?” “how much harder should i work?” “i just want to be enough.” gojo who can’t explain it, but hated every bit of seeing you doubt yourself. who doesn’t ever let anyone else condemn you or your abilities, because his eyes have seen the heights of your strength, his body has taken the blows you sent his way, even tho he’s the strongest of all. who never lets the higher ups and executives badmouth your work, always defending your honor in your absence and “how capable you are, not only as a sorcerer but as a person,” his words.
rival sorcerer!gojo who sees you sharing an umbrella with nanami on a rainy day and tastes a bitter feeling in his mouth because you and him were never so naturally good at bonding, so why are you here sliding in nanami’s car while he opens the door for you, as if you’ve been BFFs? who’s pride takes a small punch when you chat and laugh with nanami, out of all people, as if grumpy blonde salarymen are any better than mean blue eyed sorcerers. who scoffs and turns away when ieiri tells him he’s jealous, but his stiff posture and longing stares in your way give it away. gojo, who’s eyes and mind always dart towards you during dangerous missions, as if ensuring your safety is his second nature.
rival sorcerer!gojo who finally comes to the realization that he’s far gone and what he feels for you isn’t just some stupid puppy love that grew out of desire between two heated rivals. who tries to be softer and nicer towards you, subtly showing off his skills to impress you and prove he’s better than nanami. who uses the excuse of guiding your hand and straightening your posture during combat training, just to be close to you. who wants to take you out on dates openly instead of suffering silently like this, take care of you after grievous missions, share long kisses and make out sessions with you, tease you and hear you laugh. but there’s only so much he can do, knowing the lovestruck glances and secret lingering touches nanami throws towards you, because he had wanted to do this for the longest time and now gojo would just have to sit and watch nanami have exactly what he wanted to have with you.
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venenatd · 3 years
just friends; eren jaegar x reader
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summary: you and eren are best pals and have both recently be dumped. so, a plan to get over your exes is needed! what’s better than going out on the town trying to find quick fucks >:) also eren is a smug bastard but kinda has a heart of gold??
content: smut / nsfw 18+. minors dni. (choking, unprotected sex, creampie drinking, drunk sex, possessiveness ig? dirty talk, both of them want to be dominant tbh. slight size kink, oral both m and f receiving. female bodied reader) 
i am new to this pls let me know if i should add anything!!
word count: 5.8k words of unedited content 
a/n: uh so i never thought i’d be back on my tumblr bullshit at 23 but hey after years without the app i’m back. i needed to get out the h-word and this is what happened. enjoy and i’m sorry if it’s terrible lmao
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“You look different” 
Frowning at the man waiting ever so patiently for you on the sofa, you look a little defeated. “Is that meant to be a compliment, Eren?”. He sighed, raising his eyebrows at you. To be fair, maybe you did. Wearing a figure hugging black dress, that definitely just hid your ass cheeks, hair styled and sprayed in place, dark lipstick and makeup on your face. Usually Eren would have seen you in sweats, always running a little late for class, snack in hand. 
“Different isn’t bad,” he offered, checking the watch that lay on his wrist, “are we ever going to get to the bar? Your plan will fall through if you’re not careful.”
Ah, the plan. Both you and Eren were newly single. In your final year at university, having managed to keep each relationship going until almost the end. Ironic. Weren’t most meant to fail in the first year? But alas, your partners had decided it was the end within a couple of weeks each other, and as you and Eren had been close since you met on orientation day, you each took to the other for comfort. You had done the crying first, going to him the minute your call with the ex had ended. Leaving wet splotches on his shirt, he had calmed you, only for you to do the same to him later. Now the crying was done, it was time to move on, and what better advice to follow than getting under someone to get over another?
“I just need to look hot enough for a guy to fuck me.”
“What a romantic you are.”
“Shut up Er-”
Eren shifted from the couch, interrupting your usual sass, “and what about me, y/n? Do I look beautiful?”. He threw in a wink with his comment, his aura of cockiness always radiating. You rolled your eyes, before studying his figure. His dark hair half pulled back into a bun, the rest draping his neck and onto a deep emerald green silk shirt, with the top few buttons loose, tucked into dark pants. A ring on each hand, fingers with chipping black nail polish, and to top it off, a thin chain on his neck. You hated to admit it and add to his smug demeanour but... the man did look good. 
“Gorgeous as always Eren,” you said sarcastically, even if it was truthful, “I’m sure there will be a queue of women who are wanting to jump on you.”
“Not if they aren’t all taken already,” he taps at his watch. Whilst the two of you had already been drinking as he waited for you to get ready, it was definitely on the later side.
“Order the uber, and we can go.”
Walking over to him and adding shoes to your outfit, you present yourself before him, a cute little smile playing on your lips. He’s staring down at his phone, quickly going through the motions for the ride. Finally, he looks up to catch your eyes. His jade pupils flick down slightly, and he hopes you miss that they land at the cleavage you’re sporting in your current get up. He flicks your nose, earning a scowl from you and a smile from him.
“You look perfect”
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The club is far fuller than you both expected, dance floor and tables taken up and crowded round. Luckily, you had managed to secure you and Eren a pair of seats at the bar, and you were currently on your third..? Fourth drink of the evening. Green eyes watch your lips carefully, as you finish the vodka and lemonade. 
“So, anyone take your fancy?” he prompts, looking around at the mess of people.
Humming, you scan the area. There’s some people you recognise from class, but plenty more you don’t know. Fucking friends seems like a bad move, even in your tipsy state, so you look to the strangers faces. They don’t look like him. Ugh. 
There’s a few options though, and as you point them out to Eren they come with brief descriptors: dark hair and stubble, wide set blonde. He tuts at the options, sarcastically letting out a “sure sure, I see the appeal”. 
“And how about you, anyone you like the look of?” you ask with a sigh.
Christ, Eren thinks to himself. It’s been long enough that he hasn’t had to look for someone else. Sure there were attractive people in the world, but with her around, he hadn’t needed to give anyone else a second look. His palm moves to the back of his neck, stretching out behind him with a huff. “Let’s look on the dance floor?” he offers, clearly not as eager as you were tonight. Moving his hand back down, he holds it out for you, pulling towards the throng of people.
He looks effervescently cool like this. Shirt open, hair starting to fall from his bun. Eren is looking around at the people surrounding the two of you. The two of you had been working in circles, allowing each other an eyeful as the club goers move around the space. As a group of guys push their way from the dance floor to the bar, you get shoved towards Eren. Heels were never quite your forte, and you stumble against him, hands on either side of his chest. Grinning down at you with that smug little smile that annoyed you so much, Eren brought large hands to your waist, pushing you away a little. But his hands stay there as he continues to sway to the music, making no effort to break the contact. And so you bring your arms up to his neck, allowing his movements to carry you on time to the song. For the first time in the past couple of weeks, you feel light. Your chest isn’t constricted by some foreign weight. It’s just you and your best friend, buzzed and free.
Colours change above you, as you look up to Eren, him down to you. A playful grin takes his lips as he pulls you a little closer, you so easily accepting the narrowing distance. Your black silk meets his deep green, chest pushing into his. You carefully analyse his features, seeing if he attempts to check you out like earlier. 
Was it the alcohol making your cheeks so warm? Lit up by a purple hue, you watch his eyes return to exploring the crowd, his hand still holding on to you. His smirk falters, his eyebrows creasing together. You’re not moving in circles anymore, Eren pausing in his movements as he thinks about what to do next. He shouldn’t lie to you, but seeing your ex at the bar would really harsh the night. Under his fingers, he can feel your body tense, suddenly unsure at how close the contact between you was. 
But Eren doesn’t want you to know, he doesn’t want you to be distracted by your ex tonight. He doesn’t want to see your hurt little face anymore. The way your eyes would be red and puffy the next day. The way he would feel your shoulders heaving under his arms. You don’t deserve that. Hell, you didn’t deserve the huge amount of shit your ex had put you through over the years he’d known you. Eren would sit back and listen to you rant, support you where he could. But fuck that guy. And he wasn’t sure what sparked in his chest, but Eren’s jade orbs are trained straight back on you. His eyebrows calm, tension releasing from them. As you can turn to scope out whatever had changed his body language so suddenly, he catches your jaw. 
Beginning to slowly move again, his eyes have narrowed, taking in the way the dress hugs you, the shine on your skin from the hot dance floor. Eren couldn’t quite figure out what was intoxicating him right now. Definitely a lot of alcohol, but also a sudden… possessiveness. He didn’t want you in pain anymore. Eren wanted you in pleasure. His breath is suddenly on your neck, making your hair raise. 
“I’ve only seen one person I’m interested in tonight.” 
“Oh?” you squeak, before clearing your throat a little. The new deep notes in his voice catch you off guard. It almost sounds like he’s… No. He’s your best friend. The little looks you’d been giving each other all night were just two people looking out for one another, two people seeing each other happy for the first time in a while. Your voice is calmer as you ask light-heartedly, “and who would that be?” 
His lips are so close to your ear. 
“Eren-” your hands move from behind his neck, resting on his shoulders. You need to see your best friend's face, you need to know if he’s joking right now. If he’s mocking you. When you draw back, you see his face. Smug, as always. Fuck you’ve always wanted to knock that cockiness down a peg. Cheshire smile showing his teeth and his eyes looking down at you. Half lidded eyes, pupils blown. He’s not joking. Fuck.
“Can I kiss you?” 
Your breath is caught in your throat. All too aware suddenly of each of his finger pads pressing into your skin, the contact feeling like fire with the added alcohol. But, you find yourself nodding, the yes just escaping your lips before he’s pressed into them.
Large hands travel to your hip, and up your back, pressing you into him. You can feel his body, tense in exhilaration against you, hands back around his neck. One travels up to the nape of his back, tangling into his hair and pulling him deeper into you. The music is all consuming, you can feel the bass in your body, you can feel Eren against you, you can feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins. 
Eren’s hand on your back travels up, echoing your placement on him, to hold the back of your neck. He doesn’t want you to go, you feel too good. The heat between your bodies could suffocate him. His thumb puts pressure under your jaw, he isn’t even sure you can feel it. But he can, measuring your pulse racing underneath the pad. He’s smiling into this kiss, this all consuming kiss.
His tongue swipes at your bottom lip, and you’re all too eager to allow him into your mouth. Tasting the whisky from your home, tasting the coke from the club. His teeth take your lip nipping slightly, before sucking the plump of it into his mouth. You both come up for air, eyes meeting in acknowledgment of the situation.
“Wanna get out of here?”
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The drive home had only served to heap tension between you. As clearly that it was that you wanted each other, you would have to wait a while longer. Your thighs pressed together, slowly inhaling and exhaling. Going through your mind was whether this was a good idea, staring out at the city passing by you. Eren was your friend. You were dating another man two weeks ago. The same man that had previously asked you if he needed to be worried about Eren. You’d laughed it off, because it was Eren. You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt him grip your leg, a little too harshly at first, before settling, leaving a gentle pattern of circles and lines on your inner thigh. It was Eren.
Just one hallway. You had to make it one hallway to get into your apartment. One hallway left to come to your senses. And just like he read your mind, Eren is once again touching you, just his hand on yours pulling you backwards. You twist just in time, his hands instantly cupping your cheeks as he kisses you, deeply and intensely. Pushing you back into the wall, you pray a neighbour doesn’t walk out now. His knee is pressing gently between your legs, and you allow it. Your fingers sink into Eren’s arms, lightly covered by the fabric yet you can still feel the muscle underneath, relaxing and tensing as he pulls you closer. 
His lips are making their way to your jaw, lifting your chin upwards, tentatively licking the bone before moving downwards still, sucking and nipping and licking your neck. A whimper breaks through. You really need to get inside. Gripping his hair, you sharply pull backwards.
“Not going to play nice, huh?” 
When did he speak like this? The playful and shit-eating grin your friend Eren always wore was replaced by something darker, his words laced with intent. 
“Don’t challenge me.” 
You were off, finally at your door, making quick work with the lock, moving in first before he followed. The door shut as you pushed Eren against it, usual doe eyes being taken over with a deep lust. Your hands are instantly at his belt, as his hands find your face once again. This time he’s grabbing your hair, making you look up at him as he glares down at you. You’re constantly challenging one another in conversation, and it’s translating to the bedroom far too easily. 
Lips are on one another again, as you leave the belt and start towards his shirt. You bite down on his bottom lip, earning a hiss from him, and you feel his hand being brought around your throat. He doesn’t add too much pressure, checking if this turn is indeed okay with you. When you push against the weight, he takes the gleam in your eye as a yes, and uses the force to push you against the next wall, finally moving off the front door. 
It’s a constant battle to get to the bedroom, both of you taking control for short bursts. Eren pulling the thin straps of your dress down, you untucking his shirt. His muscular torso is on full display, and you had never viewed it in this light before. 
Finally he pushes you onto the bed, situating himself between your legs. Your kisses are sloppy and infused with alcohol. Hands are desperate with one another, both of you needing to be closer. Are you scared if the contact ends your thoughts will return to sanity? 
Eren’s hot and heavy over you, his hands seem everywhere at once. Smoothing up your thigh, digging in slightly to the flesh when you grind against one another. His hands rest at your hips for a moment, and he’s looking down at you, still fucking smiling. All at once, he’s flipped you over his prominent hard on pressing into your ass. He’s whispering in your ear, leaving wet kisses along your neck, to your shoulder blades. Fingers take the zip at the back of your dress, slowly and carefully pulling it down, leaving licks and pecks as he goes. It’s torturous. 
You attempt to speed things up by rutting your ass against his crotch, and you think you hear a quiet moan, before his hand is brought down to the fabric, smacking your cheek. You gasp, turning your head to look at him. Eren is too occupied in taking in all of your body, his green eyes are darkened with authority and lust. His nimble fingers play with the short hem of your dress, thumb dipping beneath, before he pushes the silk up. 
You both let out soft fuck’s, as his hands grab at the plump of your ass. It’s like he’s testing the softness, the way your flesh responds to his touch so easily. He slaps at you again, earning a sharp moan from you. Eren’s leaning down, his mouth once again trailing across the apex of your behind, leaving trails of saliva as he goes. Before you can even register the new sensations you can feel a soft pressure against your clothed cunt, just enough to let you know the presence of his hand, but not enough for you to get off on. You’re mewling, once again trying to get closer to him. This time he allows it, eagerly pressing his ring and middle finger to your clit, allowing you to grind upon them. 
Seeing you underneath him like this… it’s new and strange and so fucking hot. He’s watching you desperately try and fill the need building in your core, and he can only feel his cock twitch in his pants as he sees you coming undone. If you wanted more, he could definitely give it to you. Bringing his large hands away, to the flimsy fabric that was covering you, he pulls it down, exposing you to him. His heart and dick fucking jump. His hands return to your ass, watching the jiggle as you move and whimper. Spreading you, he brings his face down, breath tingling on your most sensitive areas.
Your breath catches in your throat as his tongue, gentle at first, licks between your folds. He’s tasting you, he’s moaning into your pussy, as you write beneath him. Eren’s hands are squeezing your ass cheeks, holding you still as you try to grind against his face. 
“Patience, y/n”, he says, with a slap on your behind again. 
“Fuck you,” you hiss. 
“You will be in a minute, baby girl, don’t worry.”
You go to make a retort but he’s instantly back, licking up your slit and a deep moan escapes you. Jesus you can feel the smile on his lips as he’s back on your pussy. Eren is so proud of the sounds he can draw from you. He wonders if your ex could make you come undone so easily. 
You taste sweet and saccharine on him, and he doesn’t hold back the groan as he further works his way into you. Hardened tongue moving it’s way from your entrance down to your clit. He swipes at it, before moving away again. Kissing your thighs, kissing the skin between your holes. Every now and then he’ll move back to your clit, allowing you a moment of pleasure before he’s teasing again. “Fuck, please”. Your whines are being smothered by the sheets, and Eren wants nothing more than to hear them, loud and clear.
Eren’s ringed fingers make their way to your hair, his face lifting from between your legs. He pulls you back round, and holy shit you can see how wet you are on his face. There’s a sheen to his lips and chin, and instinctively you reach up to his neck, pulling him back on top of you. Your tongue meets his, tasting your tartness on his mouth. A hand makes it way back down in between your thighs, playing and parting your folds. Your hand in turn reaches up his neck, pulling sharply at his hair once again. “Eren. More- please” you get out in between staggered breaths. 
“Aw, since you asked so nicely” his eyes watch your expression closely as his thumb rests on your clit, his finger swiftly moving inside you. Your eyebrows raise and knot, eyes wide and lips parted. But he keeps it still as your legs shaked around his arm. “Eren, move” you demand this time. 
“Oh, that’s not so nice. I liked it when you were polite.” He starts to retract his finger, thumb gently swabbing your clit so you’ll know what you miss.
“Please, please, please, Eren, please” you speak before he even gets the first knuckle out. All the teasing was creating a tightness in your lower stomach. 
“Much better.”
You whine as he continues to pull his finger from you, until he pushes it back in, curling his solitary finger up. Your fingernails are pressing deep into the muscle of his bicep, feeling how it moves as he finger fucks you. He’s hitting that perfect spot inside you again and again, and his thumb is swiping eagerly on your clit. 
Eren can feel you fluttering around his finger, desperate for more, desperate to release on him. He adds another finger, your wetness allowing him entrance easily. He wants to fuck you so bad, his cock so hard it felt like it was about to burst. 
He pushes your hands off him, leaving crescent moon indents deep in his skin, he works his way back down. He brings the black silk with him this time, fully being able to take in your body as you’re left naked before him. Holy shit you’re beautiful. He doesn’t want to stare too long and make you shy. But he still kisses his way down, before he’s back at your pussy. 
This time he allows you more movement, letting your fingers work their way back into his hair, letting you roll your hips against his tongue and stubble. 
With his spare hand he pulls out his cock, slowly pulling at it, before he realises he can’t do that for too long without cumming before the main event. Instead he reaches up, rolling your perked nipples in between his fingers. There are so many sensations on your body, and Eren can feel your cunt beginning to tighten around his fingers. You hold your breath before letting out little moans, building towards reaching your height.
“You want to cum on my fingers?
Your back is arching, whispering “yes, yes, yes, please” as your walls are tightening around him. He quickens the pace, making sure to hit that spot inside you over and over. Thighs around his face, he can feel your slick pooling in his mouth, and coating his chin once again. 
Your gummy walls are so tight around his thick fingers, he needs you to finish, watch you fully unravel below him. Sucking and licking at your clit, he’s pushing you towards the edge. 
“Eren-” his name is strangled coming out of you, and then your moaning, undulating your cunt against his mouth, riding out your orgasm. 
His jade eyes look up at you, watching as you pull your head up to look at him, before another wave of pleasure hits you and you have to arch your neck and look back up. He waits for you to come down, letting you fuck his face and fingers. Grinding against his stubble and tongue as you let out pitiful and beautiful moans. You’re so fucking wet, the sounds coming from between the two of you should be forbidden, as you release onto him. 
Finally he withdraws, using his forearm to wipe his face. He lies next to you, allowing you a moment as he draws little circles on your stomach. Eren has never quite looked at you in this light. Sure, you were pretty, and the two of you were obviously close. But now you’d walked a line that couldn’t be undone. You weren’t over your ex, and as okay as Eren was with what had happened between you, he didn’t want you to run. He’s overcome with thoughts, looking down to your chest and the heavy breaths you were taking. All he could pray was that you weren’t pretending he was someone else. 
But as Eren is getting caught up in his own mind, you’re twisting, hand reaching to his crotch, cock having been recaptured by his boxers. Palming him, you feel how big he really is for the first time. Fingers trace the edge of his pants and underwear, and he lifts his hips, allowing you to pull them down. Shit. His dick slapped back to his stomach, precum leaking from the top of his pink head. He was bigger than you’d imagined, because of course you’d imagined it a couple of times.
Your hand looks so small around his cock, but you slowly tease him, his deep green orbs following your movements. Bringing your head down to him, you kitten lick the precum from the top of his dick. He hisses gently, and you look up at him with these big doe eyes, so fucking eager to please.
You push your lips around him, hollowing your cheeks and flattening your tongue as you begin working along his shaft. He moans just at the sight of you, your eyes peeking up through dark lashes. His hand goes through your hair, eagerly pushing you deeper around him. 
He lets out a hoarse, “is this okay?” before you put your own hand on his pushing it for the both of you. You don’t even want to come up for air, you just want him close to you, inside you. 
You were learning far more about each other than you had expected, as Eren takes back over. He pushes himself further into you, muttering a good girl that has you whining. The vibrations around his cock make his hips buck, and now you’re gagging as his length hits the back of your throat. He holds you there instead of letting you off, and your nails are sharp against his thighs.
His head lolls back as he starts to move his hips under you, moving you in turn with your hair. He picks up the pace quickly, allowing saliva to drool from you and straight to his cock. 
Your eyes prick, big fat tears forming at the corners. But you’re enjoying this way too much, the moans and gasps he gives make you moan, pressing your thighs together for some kind of friction. 
He takes your jaw in his grasp, allowing you a moment to catch your breath. Your tongue sits out your mouth, him smacking the head of his dick on it. He notices your tears then, the mascara that’s running a little. He swipes at the corner of your eyes, leaning down to press a kiss into your forehead. 
Bringing you up to him, your dripping folds sliding across his length. His lips are on your cheeks, across your jaw, licking up your neck before reclaiming your plush lips once again. You continue grinding against one another, tongues slipping in and out of each other's mouths. Eventually Eren brings his hands to your hips, lifting you up as you hold his shaft up.
Your foreheads are pressed together as he slowly pushes inside you. The stretch is burning and all-consuming, eyes pricking up again as you feel him hit your furthest wall. Eren breathes out heavily, “So fucking tight”
You roll your hips, allowing some friction from him on your clit. It helps your muscles relax a little, and balancing your hands on his shoulders you push yourself up and down, using his length for your own pleasure. Eren’s eyes don’t leave your form, watching your breasts bounce and how your eyes flutter close as he fills you entirely.
“You really did want to be fucked, huh? Look at you” he teases you, watching as you go to talk back before he thrusts his hips up. It leaves the words caught in your throat.
His pace maintains, holding you in place as he fucks up into you, feeling your cunt clench around him. There are long moments where you hold your breath, holding his cock tight within you. Then you’ll release and moan, before holding it in again. Well, Eren is all too happy to help you with that. 
One hand grabbing the flesh of your hip, the other wrapping around your throat, he pushes into you at a punishing rate. Your eyes go wide at the sudden restriction of your throat, feeling the cold metal of his ring against your pulse. 
“Who knew this about you? That you were such a slut?”
As much as he knows you want to deny it, you want to smack the smugness from his voice, he can feel your pussy tighten around him. He sees your eyes roll back a little. 
“You’re getting tighter.” 
The hand on your hip moves down, attempting to hold you in place whilst letting his thumb press over your clit. The sounds of him slapping against your wetness is obscene, and he’s only distracted from it as you whimper out pathetic yes’s and please’s. 
“You wanna cum?” he’s grunting, trying to keep the pace going until you can reach your peak.
You nod against his wide hand, still tight around your neck. “Oh you can do better than that. I already know how bad you want it, slut.”
“Please Eren, please make me cum. I want to cum, please, please, please” you can barely make out the words, your head going light and body tightening.
“Cum for me.” 
You release, and as he can feel the fluttering of your walls around him, he lets go of your throat. The sudden oxygen as you cum leaves you overwhelmed. Burying yourself in his shoulder, he fucks you through it. Cock slapping up into your cunt over and over, somehow being sucked deeper in as you coat his length with more of your own slick. He can feel your nails breaking the flesh of his back as you’re holding on for dear life, moaning his name and even a fucking thank you into his ear.
As you begin to slow, legs shake as you stay straddled over him. He flips you, Eren now firmly on top, slowly moving in and out of you. The stimulation is intense, your cunt sparking at any sensation. 
Caged between his forearms, his hair is a mess thanks to you. You push tendrils back past his ears as he leans down to kiss you once again. This kiss is different. It feels… less desperate. It feels deep and meaningful, caring even.
Your eyes meet in acknowledgment, both of you too worried to speak about the shift in tone. 
He reaches down instead, pulling your leg up and splitting you on his cock. A tongue swipes at your nipple, biting and playing with each as he gradually picks up pace again. You’re still so fucking wet it’s easy for him to thrust into you at a dizzying pace. You can feel all of him against your gummy walls. Each time he passes that special spot inside you, you moan and gasp, and it’s the best sound he’s ever heard.
His thrusts were becoming more primal, holding your thighs close around his hips. Letting your sweaty bodies collide again and again, his balls slapping against you. The grunts and moans coming from his lips were so infuriatingly erotic. Eren just wanted one more from you, and then he’d let himself finish. If this was to be a drunken mistake, so be it, but he would at least make it memorable. 
Those jade eyes were on you once again, the power and dominance radiating from the immeasurable. He can see you barely being able to hold on, completely fucked out beneath him. You’re moaning and whining, hands moving over the swell of your breasts and playing with your nipples as if it’s going to keep you grounded. 
He sits up, eyes flicking down to where you were conjoined. It took so much restraint not to cum inside you right then and there. Your glistening sex was so tight around him, the wet slapping noises echo again and again. You’re pulling and sucking him in, cream pooling around his length. 
“Give me one more, y/n. I want to feel you cum on my cock.”  
You try to look up at him through heavy lids. Your friend Eren saying this is so taboo. The words he’s said tonight so far from normal for the both of you. You flutter around him, somehow your pussy still wants to be fucked, still wants to push you off the edge one more time. You can feel the coil inside your stomach tightening. 
Eyes rolling back, you can barely keep it together anymore. He’s pounding into you at a startling rate, fingers flicking over your clit again and again and again. 
“P - please, it’s s-so good.” 
Your breaths between words were quick, “you’re so big-”
“Yeah you like that? You like being so full of my cock? Such a pretty face you make when you’re all fucked out.” 
Holy shit.
Eren could tell how much words affected you, your back arching and legs pulling him somehow closer into you.
“Come on, baby. I wanna hear those moans.” he’s grunting, getting so fucking close to losing himself in your cunt. He knows what he wants to hear most though, “say my name. Tell me who’s treating you how you should be”
With that, you’re losing yourself around him again. Writing on the bed, gripping sheets in tightly balled fists. White light taking over your sight as you clench around Eren. This orgasm was the most intense, taking your body by surprise in its overstimulated state. You weren’t even making a noise, just holding on to the high for as long as possible. 
And then you shattered, whining and moaning, whispering his name over and over again. 
As you moved underneath him, Eren kept his punishing pace up until he watched you expel the last of your energy. Name forming on your lips over and over again he falters, releasing inside you. You can feel the stickiness inside you, the sensation of being filled up. Eren watches for a moment as he sees the white pearls forming around your stretched out pussy.
His chest is back on yours as he kisses your neck, shoulders, whatever skin he can. Thrusting back into you a couple of times, he finally pulls out. You feel his cum dripping out of you, but you’re too spent to do anything about it.
Eren lies next to you, both of your bodies attempting to regulate from that. 
“You okay?” 
He’s checking in, making sure he didn’t go too far with someone he genuinely cares for. 
You nod, turning to meet his stare. Giving him a drowsy smile, you’re not sure what comes next. But for now, you’re happy. Curling into his side, he puts an arm round you and lets you rest for a while. As he notices your breathing become deeper, he nestles into you, muttering something about clean up. 
Moving away from you, you can make out some noises of a tap, drawers opening and closing. In your sleepy state you feel him gently wiping at you, two glasses of water being put on the bedside table. Finally he makes his way back to you, and Eren notes how cute you look. Hot and completely fucked out, yes. But also gentle and at peace, allowing the heaviness of sleep taking over.
He rests behind you, wanting to be back in your warmth. He pulls you in closer, wrapping an arm around your waist. The fragrance of you takes over his nostrils, and he’s all too eager to move closer to your hair, pressing one last kiss at the nape of your neck. Whatever tomorrow brings, he hopes it’s not the last time he gets to be this close to you.
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I Hear A Symphony - Shouto Todoroki x Reader
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi
Event Masterlist - MHA Masterlist - Main Masterlist
Requested by: @vdoesthings​ 
(Hii! Can I request a Shoto Todoroki fic with "I can hear a symphony" by Cody Fry? Also love your writing so muchh)
A/N: Thank you so much for your request as part of the Sing To Me event! I had a TON of fun writing this one as I kinda delved into something I hadn’t written a ton about before *cough* support course *cough* and I’m pretty happy with it! I hope you enjoy, and again, thank you for participating in the event!
Word Count: 1.6K
Shouto’s life was so simple, everything planned to a ‘t’. He would be forced to wake up at ungodly times by the person he hated most in the world and immediately put to work. An hour on the treadmill, an hour lifting, and an hour training his quirk. Then, he would be given a breakfast that was chock full of proteins and supplements - he was told it was good for him, but there was never any flavor to it. Then he would be off to school at UA. He guessed that his time spent there did add some variance in his life, but it was not enough to rock the boat he was currently sailing. He would have chats with Midoriya from time to time, but that was basically it. What he wanted in his life was something more than what it was. He couldn’t lead this tasteless life forever, because if he did, he was sure he might just go crazy. 
“Alright class, listen up. Today we are playing host to the support class. It is part of their curriculum to not only help patch up your hero costumes and support items, but to make suggestions and experiment on their own. Each of you has been given a student to partner up with - if I hear of one of you trying to switch your partner with someone else, I’m not afraid to assign an extra packet of homework,” a single groan from the class was heard, “to all of you.” The entire class contributed to the cacophony after that comment. “And please, do not give them much trouble. They are students, just like you, learning the ropes. Okay then, now that we’re done with that, please welcome the students of Class H-1.” The door of the classroom slid open to reveal 20 students, all dressed in the U.A. uniform with boxes and duffel bags hanging off their shoulders and arms. At the front of the group was Mei Hatsume.
“Alright! Time to get to work! Who’s this… uh Iida? Who’s Iida?” She shouts, causing Class 1A’s president to stand with a start.
“I am Tenya Iida! The guy who you used as a walking advertisement in the Sports Festival!” Mei looked to the side with a cheshire grin.
“Never heard of ya!” Then, a sweet voice graced the room.
“Mei, you’re holding up the rest of the group - mind if we come in the room too?”
“Oh! Sorry, Y/N/N, didn’t mean to hold you guys back!” Then, the floodgates opened and the students of class H-1 descended upon the room. Shouto looked around to see everyone pairing up, so he decided to just wait at his desk - it was probably easier that way anyway.
“Todoroki?” The same sweet voice he had heard before, the one that asked Mei to move out of the way earlier, called his name. Turning around, Shouto saw you. A heavy looking duffle bag was thrown over your right shoulder while a tape measure and several fabric swatches were draped over your left. In your hands were two boxes - one that looked like a tool box and the other that looked like a briefcase. Immediately, Shouto’s hands were grabbing onto the duffle bag as it began to slip from your shoulders. “Oh! Thank you, the stuff in there is pretty heavy though, so be careful,” your warning came a bit too late as the bag slid into his hands and then ended up on the floor, pulling his arms along with it. Shouto’s eyes widened a bit, wondering how on earth you could’ve carried it slung around your shoulder when it weighed that much.
“My apologies,” he said, somewhat sheepishly. He looked up to your face, expecting an expression of distraught, but instead there was a wide smile.
“No worries at all - I’ve done that way too many times. I’m just glad that the stuff in there is strong enough to not scratch easily!” You say cheerily, letting the duffle bag stay where it was and placing your boxes on Shouto’s desk. You let the fabric and the tape measure settle on top and then reach out your hand to Shouto’s. “I’m Y/N L/N, your new support item consultant and designer.” You say proudly. The red-and-white haired boy accepts your handshake and nods.
“My hero costume isn’t really that interesting and doesn’t call for many support items, so it might be a bit boring. I’m sorry for that.” Shouto admits, a little embarrassed to see you pulling out his hero costume. It was true, though. When the forms were sent out asking what kind of hero costume he wanted, all he put were the necessities. Something where the fabric was flexible enough to do hero work in and one that was comfortable. He left the colors, style, and little accoutrements up to the designers.
“I wouldn’t say it’s boring at all,” you say, scanning over Shouto’s costume. His eyes watch yours as they dutifully take in every detail - you looked like a professional at work. “I think it has incredible potential though. You’ve got all of the necessary stuff here - a good base, flexible but not easily breakable fabric, and sturdy looking combat boots. It just needs to be personalized.” Shouto cocks his head at your last word.
“Personalized?” He repeats, earning a nod from you.
“Yeah! Like, let’s see… what’s your favorite color?” Your question made him pause and think. 
“I,” he begins, his eyes now just on the hero costume in your hands, “I don’t think I have one.” He can see the little frown sprout on your face which makes him immediately want to retract his previous sentence. For some reason, he just didn’t like seeing that frown on your face - it didn’t look like it belonged there.
“That’s okay, let’s just start off with something else then. I was watching a lot of footage of you competing at the festival and just training, and I noticed that whenever you use your fire side, that sleeve burns off.” This earns a nod from Shouto. “Well,” you say as you take the fabric that was the same color of the blue of his hero costume, “I’ve been experimenting a lot with different kinds of synthetic fabrics and developed this.” You hold it out in front of Shouto for him to touch. “This fabric has the same feel and flexibility as the one you’re currently using, but I modified it so that it can withstand the temperatures both your left and right side produce.” Shouto looked at the fabric warily and then back to you. This caused you to giggle a bit at his reaction. “Go ahead, try it out.” You say as Shouto’s left hand reached up to it. A small but concentrated flame burned at the fabric, but it left no scorch marks at all.
“That’s quite impressive,” he says, stunned at the fabric’s durability.
“Thanks!” You beam, meeting Shouto’s eyes. “It took me forever to get the formula right, but now that I’ve got it it’s become my new speciality!” You put the fabric back and then begin talking to him about the other points of his costume. The two of you talked about his boots and the possibility of adding ice picks to the bottom, the implementation of a thermal regulator, and even a device that lets Shouto know the exact temperature of his own body and what he was outputting. The conversation, really, was just you telling him about everything, but he quite liked it that way. Seeing you so excited, so marveled at your own creations and life just brought him joy. If he was just dull background music, you were a symphony. You were violins and cellos, french horns and flutes. You were brimming with an energy that Shouto has forever longed to have and experience. The more the conversation between the two of you continued, the more he felt himself leaving the out-of-tune bass he had once occupied and becoming drawn into your loveliness. And, as Aizawa called out to the class that there would only be five more minutes to this meeting, he realized he never wanted to leave it. 
“Well, I guess I should pack up and take off,” you say, your voice a little sad. “It’s been really fun to finally meet you and talk to you about your costume! Hopefully we’ll have another class like this to catch up soon!” You chime, slinging that heavy duffle bag over your shoulder with ease and gathering the fabrics and boxes into your arms. Shouto stood there with nothing coming from his mouth until you had almost walked out the classroom door.
“Ah, wait!” He said, drawing the attention of everyone, including you. “What if we could, maybe, talk about it more this weekend?” He asks you, earning gasps from a few of his classmates. Was Shouto Todoroki actually asking someone out?! The smile that is spread across your cheeks makes him forget all about the audience the two of you had attracted.
“Definitely! The card I left you?” You asked, causing Shouto to dig into his pocket to find it. “It has my number on it, in the hopes that you would ask me.” The red-and-white haired boy shook his head and smiled. “Maybe then you could tell me your favorite color? I have a feeling it’s white, but I like to be surprised. So let me know then, ‘kay?” With a nod and a wave from Shouto, you shoot him one last grin before you follow your classmates out of the door. He didn’t tune in any of the questions from his classmates he was being berated with, instead thinking about his favorite color. White, he decided, was quite a good color. If it’s what you suggested, he thought, then it’s perfect for him. That beautiful little melody that you wove through in around his heart had captured him completely. And he loved you for it.
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fandom-monium · 3 years
fuck shit i loved unrivaled but can we please get jealous reader? like maybe everyones on a mission and spencer has to flirt with someone?? the target??? thank you keep doing what you do!! <3
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Established Relationship Rivalry
Summary: In which you really don't like Spencer talking to other girls... or assassins. "Shut your mouth, before I do it for you."
WC: 1.8k
TW: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, Jealous!Reader, companion piece to Unrivaled but not a sequel, pining (?), fluff and angst(?), established relationships RIVALRY, more reader-centric sorry, ft. Entropy Cat Adams that bitch (derogatory), a darker side of Mysterious!Reader comes to light
You sit at the bar a few seats down from JJ, watching Spencer at the corner of your eye as he puts on a show of settling into the velvet booth. 
The restaurant is fancy, the kind you take your significant other, or in this case, invite your ‘high end’ date to gain their trust, lure them in. Your vision swims at its dark red scheme and slightly dim lights, but it’s not too much that you don’t notice how good Spencer looks in his new suit, something he’s recently taken up. The blazer’s dark against his light skin, his purple tie is in a lopsided knot, and he even combed his hair a little. 
You sigh. If only you weren’t on the job, you’d stare as much as you’d want. It seems you’re not the only one who’s noticed either, surrounding patrons stealing glances at Spencer despite most of them with company.
You decide suits might be your favorite on him. It’s definitely up there.
But as the wine glass threatens to crack between your fingers, you weigh the possibility that maybe⏤just maybe⏤you should reel in your emotions, because you might actually get yourself kicked off the operation.
Now, you’re not jealous. Seriously.
This isn’t jealousy. Spencer and you aren’t even like that. Like, yeah you care about each other (more than what would be considered platonic), but you’re not together together, and there’s certainly not this weird, unspoken agreement that neither of you are to be ‘involved’ with others. Because that would imply you have feelings. More specifically, non-platonic feelings for someone you’re just not ready to admit to.
Then Catherine Adams enters the arena.
Her strides are short, almost dainty, and if you were a less experienced profiler you’d think that she was a normal woman, shy and awkward as any first date would be.
But you know each footstep is calculated, controlled. A perfected facade built on years of practice.
Other than respecting her abilities, you don’t know how to feel about her. From what little you guys could gather from her file, she is little… psycho.
So no, you’re not jealous. 
You’re not jealous when she exchanges shy smiles with Spencer. 
You’re not jealous when she invades his personal bubble. Or when she gropes him for his gun.
No, this isn’t jealousy that burns in your stomach. Oh no no no.
This is fury, your eyes stinging with barely contained rage. And as you imagine the eight different ways you could amputate Adam’s hands with a butterknife (there’s plenty within arms length, you could reach it), it takes Hotch’s stern voice for you to lower it to a simmer.
“(Your Name), calm down,” he crackles into your earpiece.
Hoping to dissuade from yourself, you cover a sickly sweet smile behind your glass, your canines glinting in the light. “Hotch, please, I’m the epitome of calm and collected.”
“We can literally see your teeth grinding on cams, and if we can see it, Cat Adam’s will too⏤”
You huff.
“Now calm down. You look more like a disgruntled divorcee than a satisfied customer.”
Okay, harsh. You almost reply indignantly before you catch JJ’s gaze, her blue eyes warm with enough understanding that it makes your shoulders relax. As much as you appreciate her, you’re supposed to be strangers in this restaurant. She can’t even mouth to you without giving you both away, blowing your covers⏤
“...tell Blondie McBlonderson over there at the bar to disappear.”
⏤cover. Welp. There goes that plan.
Immediately you lower your gaze to the rim of your glass, keeping the bitch in your peripheral as JJ clenches her jaw and slides off her stool, trudging off to the kitchen. It’s a chess match; Cat picks each of you off as if you’re pawns, sacrificial pieces, bait, until the restaurant is clear and Morgan, Lewis, and you remain. Gun raised, you try not to sneer as Lewis cuffs the Bomber’s hands behind her back, leading her and the civilians outside. 
“Guess we’re right back where we started. You and me with a gun,” Adams huffs, her tone betraying nothing. Your anger spikes as she grips Reid like a human shield. “Although, I didn’t think I’d get the chance to see you.” She stares across the room at Morgan…and you.
She’s looking directly at you.
You frown. “Do I know you?”
Adams snorts, adjusting Reid in front of her, “No, I guess not. Last time we met was years ago, and you were a whole other person at the time. I barely even recognized you.” Her eyes trail over your figure, and your skin crawls as her lips stretch into a cruel smile. A threat. “But you never forget your first, right?”
Oh. Oh.
Oh no.
In the blink of an eye, you pull the hammer of your firearm, its click echoing through the empty restaurant louder than it should have. Your lips pull back in a snarl, “Shut your mouth, before I do it for you.” 
Her response: a cheshire grin in return.
Huh. You hadn’t used that tone in what feels like forever, your voice laced with the promise of silence and death. It doesn’t feel as foreign as you hoped, and the realization wrenches your gut as you pretend not to notice Reid and Morgan’s scrutinizing gaze, eyes full of questions. Questions you really don’t want to answer. Not now.
Preferably not ever.
So you redirect everyone’s attention back to the situation at hand. It takes little prompting, considering Adams is holding a gun to Reid’s face, and it’s not long when Morgan convinces her to surrender. Like a shadow, you trail behind Morgan as Reid hauls her to the prison transport, your eyes burning a hole in the back of her head.
As Reid steps away, as he quietly settles next to you, before Morgan shuts the truck’s double doors Adams catches your eye. Her eyes glisten as her body shudders from hiccups. But she grins at you, wide enough to make your stomach squirm.
You flip her the bird in return.  
For the rest of the night you act natural, keeping your head down. You don’t leave right away, because nothing screams ‘something’s wrong’ than ditching everyone, so you passively agree to check on Garcia despite your grim mood. But at the sight of her, inebriated as she aggressively tells everyone how she loves them⏤loves you⏤you can’t help the tiny smile that spreads across your face (mostly because she’s pinching your cheeks). 
Even if she doesn’t mean to, Garcia manages to brighten your day, and you love her more for that.
After bidding your farewells (swallowing when Morgan shoots you a look that says, ‘this isn’t over’), you walk side by side with Reid, trudging through the tense atmosphere until you realize with a tight chest: he escorted you to your car. For a moment, you both stand at the driver’s side door, a beat of silence passing as you shakily pull out your keys. 
His hands, stuffed in his pockets, clench and unclench as his jaw sets. He’s yet to look you in the eye but you know, and for once you pray⏤to the universe, to whatever deities are out there, to Karma⏤that he’ll let this go, drop the subject. Hopefully never bring it up.
But this is Spencer we’re talking about. He’s your… friend. He’s confused and concerned and he wants to help some way, somehow.
So as you unlock your car, as his lips part, you don’t give him the chance, shoving away your dread. 
“You wanna get dinner?” It comes rushed, fear trickling into your voice. You hope he doesn’t notice. (He does.)
Spencer blinks at you, his mouth agape. “What?”
“It’s just,” You lick your lips, tugging thick air into your lungs as your body screams to run. Your eyes dart from his, looking at the ground, your car, the scuffs on your shoes, and you hate yourself, knowing Spencer notices all of it. “It’s a shame we didn’t get the chance to eat at that expensive restaurant, ya know? It was paid for too.”
Please, don’t ask. Please, don’t ask. 
“...That’s true.” His tone is scarily neutral. 
Looking up, you’re taken aback as he turns away to round the hood of your car to the passenger side door. “What do you think of thai for tonight?” 
You stammer a response, something along the lines of ‘uh⏤yeah, sounds good’ as you clamber into the car after him, fumbling to insert your key into the ignition. Your nerves only worsen by the second as you drive off into the dark, the only sounds coming from the rev of the engine and your heart thundering in your ears. Up ahead the traffic light changes, slowing you to a stop. You glance at Spencer, his purple tie red from the light, his side profile softly outlined in its harsh glow. He remains deathly quiet.
The silent treatment, huh. If he thinks reverse psychology is going to work on you...
He’d be absolutely right. His silence is deafening.
You turn to him, “Spencer⏤”
“You don’t have to.” Your breath catches in your throat, his lips parting and closing as he stumbles for the right words, “I mean, not right now. I-I know this isn’t the best time, but at some point we’re going to have to talk about it. So whenever you’re ready, I⏤” He clears his throat, twisting in his seat and meeting your eyes. His eyes gleam, earnest even in the dark. 
“We’ll be here for you.”
You can’t help gawking at him. Because Spencer’s eyes are inquisitive and kind⏤always have been⏤but right now they’re trained on you, and your face burns as your heart swells. You’re suffocating.
Because you want to tell him⏤all of them.
But fear clutches your heart.
White-knuckled grip on the steering wheel, you face the road again, blinking through unshed tears. “Thank you.”
Spencer nods, relaxing back into his seat. You’re relieved your answer’s enough for now.
The light turns green and you speed off. The grim night turns a little brighter as you fall back into routine with Spencer, the tension slowly lifting, your stomach, once filled with lead, now stuffed with thai food.
You’ll deal with Cat Adams later. She’s behind bars, so you doubt it’ll be anytime soon. You laugh as Spencer curses, soiling another pair of chopsticks when they hit the floor. Yes, you’ll deal with her when you’re ready.
That is, until you’re stopped by another red light.
AN: no cap i hesitated posting this because i realized after finishing its less of a Spencer Reid x Reader and more a reader-centric. i wanted to establish that reader has a whole backstory sorryyyy i hope yall like it anyway :)))
if you didnt notice, unless stated otherwise almost all my oneshots and FtH are tied together by Mysterious!Reader. yall dont have to but if you read them it helps understand reader better??
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amjustagirl · 4 years
Hogwarts AU (Haikyuu!!)
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feat. Kuroo Tetsuro
As requested by @forgetou (hope you love it bb!)
Previously: Miya Atsumu. Miya Osamu. Kita Shinsuke
Masterlist link here
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: Any other characters you’d like to see? Send me an ask! 
(happy to do any characters other than Kenma / Hinata / Tendo - I don’t trust myself to do them justice!)
‘So I hear you’re going to fill in for Hinata next match?’ 
Your head whips around. A growl builds up in your throat. 
You’d recognise that sleaze ball voice anywhere - Kuroo Tetsuro, Slytherin prefect, top student in potions and more importantly, the scumbag keeper that formulated a strategy (alongside Oikawa, that brat - but that’s besides the point) to completely break down the Gryffindor chaser trio of Hinata, Lev and Yamamoto when Iwaizumi was out for an injury the last Quidditch match. 
If you weren’t playing against them, you’d admit that the Slytherin strategy was perfect. Suna and Daishou caged Hinata in with non-stop bludger head shots, and the Miya twins flew literal circles around Lev - still a beginner, so you’ll cut him some slack, so much that the two idiots collided when Kuroo feinted forward and they thought they finally had a chance to score. 
So now you have to step into Hinata’s position for the match next weekend.
You like Quidditch well enough, but you don’t have an overwhelming passion for it the way Hinata or Oikawa or Atsumu or heck, even Yaku does - monsters, the lot of them. You play it for fun, you enjoy being a reserve member, and you’d never expected that you’d have to play in an actual match with Iwaizumi, Lev, Hinata and Yamamoto all playing chaser already. 
You’re scared - and you hate feeling this way, especially a Gryffindor like you, so you snarl and hiss and kick your feet when Yaku drags you away from Kuroo, the demon keeper scolding you not to ‘cause a scene in the Great Hall - seriously, what are you five?’, though Lev and Yamamoto cheers you on. 
‘Come on, let’s make a bet on our match next weekend’, Kuroo calls after you, and you flail hard in Yaku’s arms enough that Yaku loses not just his balance, but his grip on you. 
‘Sure’, you shout defiantly, not caring that the pair of you have attracted an audience. You can see the entire Slytherin team five steps away, matching Cheshire grins on all of their faces. Your blood boils and you’re ready to accept the terms of whatever stupid bet this rooster head proposes. 
Kuroo’s grin widens. ‘I bet you can’t even get five goals past me.’ 
‘I bet you I can’, you retort, even as your heart sinks. Kuroo isn’t quite as good as Yaku, but he’s devious and brilliant at feints and you’re not even a starter on the Gryffindor team. But you’ve dug yourself into a hole, and you’re determined to commit to your position, damnit, so you keep your voice steady as you ask for his terms. 
‘If I win, you’ll have to go on a date with me the next weekend’. He waggles his eyebrows at you suggestively, eyes crinkling at its corners in amusement as you mouth an outraged ‘what the hell?’ and Yaku starts shouting bloody murder himself. 
You gather yourself and resist Yaku’s attempts at pulling you away. ‘And if I win, what do I get?’ 
Kuroo laughs airily. ‘I highly doubt that, but name your price, sweetheart’. 
You think of the most embarrassing thing you could possibly inflict on this smug bastard, your eyes landing on the ridiculous mop of hair on his head and it’s your turn to grin, sharp and full of edges. 
‘Fine. If I win, you’ll shave your head’. 
Kuroo sticks his hand out to you and you take it. You feel like you’ve just made a deal with the devil himself. 
Iwaizumi nags you to bits when Yaku tells him of the entire debacle, the Gryffindor keeper throwing himself dramatically across the locker room bench, complaining that he’s done being a damn babysitter to this lot of idiots without any sense of self preservation. 
‘You’re gonna need a whole lot of training in that case’, Iwaizumi tells you grimly, and you sigh, because you know it’s not going to do any good. 
And you’re right, because even though you’ve spent the entire week training and running drills in snow and sleet and rain, it’s not enough. You barely get three goals against Kuroo in the match, let alone five - and to be fair, one of them was when you literally threw Lev against him when the referee wasn’t looking, so you resign yourself to his mocking looks when the whistle blows, marking the end of the match where Oikawa outsmarts Kageyama to grab the snitch out of the air first. You feel a kinship with the captured snitch, the pathetic fluttering of its wings so much like your futile attempts to win the damn bet. 
Kuroo smirks at you knowingly when you refuse to take his hand at the end of the game. ‘I guess I’ll be seeing you next weekend?’ he asks, eyes glinting as you huff and fold your arms across your chest. 
‘Fine, I guess’, you answer with a distinct lack of grace. You don’t notice when his smirk turns into a genuine smile. 
The Gryffindor boys crowd around you, groaning in disappointment when you tell them no they’re not allowed to follow you around Hogsmeade, even if you’re on a date with Kuroo Tetsuro - and no, Lev, a disguise is not going to work, your height and ridiculous hair makes you far too conspicuous for that! 
‘I’ll beat him up if he does anything’, Iwaizumi threatens, and you roll your eyes at his overprotective streak. 
‘I’ll be fine’, you reply, shrugging off Yaku’s attempts at giving you ridiculous magic artifacts intended to ward off wandering hands. Kuroo Tetsuro may be insufferable and smug and a general pain in the butt, but he’s not an absolute piece of shit - plus, you’re handy with your wands in duels so you’re certain you can handle anything he throws at you. 
You don’t even bother putting on a lick of makeup when you prepare to meet him. He magicks an enchanted paper plane to land on your desk during potions to tell you that he’ll pick you up from Gryffindor tower at three o’clock sharp, and he’s leaning against the pillar with feline grace as you tumble out of the portrait hole, your teammates shooting him deadly glares as he sweeps you off with his palm warm against the small of your back. 
‘Want to grab a drink first?’ he asks, with a surprising amount of concern when your nose turns pink in the cold. 
You nod hesitantly, expecting him to drag you into the pink and white monstrosity that is Madam Puddifoots to complete your humiliation, but he doesn’t - holding the door open to the Three Broomsticks, ushering you into the corner booth, ordering a pint of butterbeer for you. 
‘My team’s not here, don’t worry’, he says, laughing when you glance around the pub, eyes narrowed for any signs of that odious Oikawa or the bothersome Miya twins - or worse, snarky Suna and devious Daishou, but Kuroo isn’t lying, none of them are around to witness the indignity of your date with one Kuroo Tetsuro. 
‘Do you drag unwilling girls into pubs often?’ you snark, tapping your fingers on the table irritably. 
‘Nah, only you’, he answers easily, smirk widening with mirth when you wrinkle your nose at him. ‘Come on, lighten up a bit - we might as well get to know each other since we’re going to be spending the whole afternoon together.’
‘Fine’, you say sourly, brightening only when the bartender brings your drinks. ‘Why don’t you tell me about yourself’. 
 And so even though you’ve been classmates with Kuroo for years, you learn for the first time that he’s not intending to be a professional Quidditch player when he graduates next year, even though you admit he’s a talented keeper in his own right. 
‘Really? You’re giving up Quidditch?’
‘Yeah - I have it all thought out I’m going to study potions further and figure out how to revolutionise the potions industry - d’you know the muggles have a pharmaceuticals industry that’s like our potions industry, only hugely profitable?’ 
It’s so typical of a Slytherin that you can’t help but snort. 
But then he disarms you with funny stories of himself growing up. You learn that his parents separated when he was only five, and as a result, he stayed mostly with his grandparents growing up. You learn that he was lonely and shy and awkward - really? you? you choke on your butterbeer incredulously  - at least until he moved next door to Kenma from Ravenclaw. 
‘I introduced him to Quidditch, and he’s a natural at coming up with strategies’, he says proudly, proceeding to chatter fondly of quiet, unsociable Kenma, who you can tell is his little brother in all but name and blood.
You tell him about growing up with three older brothers - all Gryffindors, just like you. He listens to your stories about breaking your arm when you stole your eldest brother’s broom, chuckles at your recounting of the pranks you pull on your teammates to remind them that you may be a girl, but you can take of yourself just fine - because Iwaizumi and Yaku tend to take their protective side a tad too far sometimes.  
It’s so pleasant that you forget that your date is the result of a bet, and you don’t even think twice about raising a napkin to gently wipe the froth from butterbeer off the corner of Kuroo’s mouth - it comes with the territory of being teammates with messy eaters like Hinata and Kageyama - until he freezes in shock. 
‘I’m sorry!’ you blurt out, mortified. But instead of teasing you for your forwardness, Kuroo turns bright red and gapes at you. He must think you’re an idiot. ‘Um - d’you want to check out Honeydukes before they close?’ you ask, in a desperate attempt to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation.
That jolts Kuroo out of his daze. Thankfully, any awkwardness vanishes when he slides out of his seat to steal the bill from you. You complain because he refuses point blank to split the bill with you, and he even playfully keeps his hands above his head to avoid your attempts at pressing coins into his hands until you reach the candy store. 
You watch in amusement as he loads his basket with chocolates and sweets for his team. He gets dark chocolate for Miya Osamu, and white chocolate for his twin Atsumu - at this point, I’m convinced they’re just determined to like the opposite of what the other prefers just to be contrary, he laughingly tells you. He gets creamy nougats for Oikawa - I should stop by the bread store to get him mlik bread, but his fangirls spoil him enough so I shan’t, he says. Ice mice for Suna to prank the twins with, tooth flossing stringmints for Daishou - he needs to clean his fangs, he jokes, and a whole bunch of chocolate frogs to be used as bribes for Kenma to go to bed on time. 
It’s lovely and warm in the store. You have a good time tossing fizzing frisbees behind the storekeeper’s back at Kuroo, dodging as he tries to drop jellybeans down your shirt. At the checkout counter, you protest again when he slyly tells the cashier that he’ll pay for your purchases on top of his, and he doesn’t even let you carry your own chocolates as you’re walking back to the castle. 
‘I’m perfectly capable of carrying a bag of chocolates by myself’, you huff, annoyed that yet another boy is treating you as though you’re made of glass. 
‘I believe you’ Kuroo replies emphatically, pressing his hand to his chest with  dramatic flair. ‘But I’m also a kind and considerate soul, because someone forgot to bring her gloves, and I’m going to need to save your hands if you actually want a shot at trying to get more goals past me next time’. 
You scowl. ‘Fine’, but you relent grudgingly. You didn’t even know he noticed that your hands are numb and cold. You’ve just never enjoyed the cold, and to make matters worse, it’s snowing. A chilly wind picks up, and you sneeze thrice in quick succession. 
‘Can’t wait to get back indoors, or can’t wait for the date to be over?’, he comments as you pick up your pace, trudging through the cold wet snow. You open your mouth to retort, but your jaw drops when he tugs you to a stop, tucking his cloak securely over your shoulders. His body heat and the faint scent of cinnamon and butterbeer still lingers in the fabric and you can’t help but wrap his cloak tighter around yourself.  
‘There’, he says, satisfied. ‘Better?’  
You nod, not trusting yourself to respond. 
He walks you all the way back to Gryffindor tower and when you try to return his cloak, to your surprise, he refuses to take it back. 
‘Keep it for our next date’, he tells you cheekily, laughing when your eyes widen and you choke on your breath. 
‘I don’t recall hearing you ask for a second date’, you reply archly when your body finally stops its attempts at expelling your lungs from your chest. 
‘Well, I am now’, he replies. 
You look at him. Though the smirk he wears on his lips is unwavering, you can see a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. And though you’d never think you’d ever say it, but the afternoon was a pleasure, and Kuroo was a lovely date. 
You - you like him, this adorable dork of a boy who’s both charming and confident yet awkward and uncertain at the same time. He’s caring and funny and ambitious and there are so many facets of him that you’ve only discovered today - and if you’re being honest with yourself, you’re curious enough to want to delve deeper into the enigma that is one Kuroo Tetsuro. 
‘Fine’, you mumble, the tips of your ears turning pink. This time it’s definitely not from the cold. 
‘Yeah?’ he asks, quietly, uncertainly. 
‘Yeah’, you reply softly, casting your gaze down to the floor, suddenly shy. You don’t notice him take a step forward, startling as he gently tilts your chin up to face him. Your first instinct is to snap at him for coming so close, but he’s too quick for you to even react, leaning down and pressing his lips to your forehead, tenderly tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear. 
‘Next week then’, he says, with a wide smile before sweeping off, leaving you standing in the middle of the corridor, mouth open in shock. 
The portrait door swings open. 
‘Did he curse you? DO WE NEED TO DEFEND YOUR HONOUR?’ 
You bury your burning face in your hands. Your teammates are not going to take this well. 
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In the Middle
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One of your boyfriends tries to rile up the other.
You get caught in the middle in more ways than one.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Erasermic x Reader
Rating: Explicit, minors BE GONE
Trigger Warnings: None really
AO3: Here |  Want to support me? I have a Kofi
There were pros and cons to having two boyfriends.
You fought a never ending battle pulling hair from the shower drain. You had double the texts to reply to; double the calls to return. No matter how comfortable you were when you fell asleep, you always woke up with a crick in your neck and someone’s elbow in your face.
Hizashi craved attention more than oxygen and sulked if he felt even slightly neglected. He spent just as much time chasing kisses as he did styling his hair. He sang in the shower, the bathtub, the rain and was only too eager to drag one or both of you in for a duet. You learned the hard way not to stand next to him in front of the bathroom mirror, for he would bump his hips against yours until you sang along to the radio with him and you’d ended up with eyeliner halfway across your face more than once.
He would spend the day pouting if no one gave him a good morning kiss and drew smiley faces in ketchup if left to plate up at dinner. He was a handful and a terrible influence; the polar opposite of your other boyfriend in every possible way.
Shouta was neither loud nor demanding. He could go days without talking, much less singing, and was happiest dozing off on the couch with his head in someone’s lap. His affections were subtle and easy to miss, while the emotions behind them were anything but. He met you halfway when you reached out to touch him and smiled in his sleep if you kissed him on the forehead. He would complain if you wriggled into his arms while he was working, but rearrange his position to accommodate you nonetheless.
Hizashi needed attention, while Shouta rarely sought it and nine times out of ten you and Hizashi were the ones who did all of the seducing.
Today was no exception to that particular rule.
Summer had hit Musutafu seemingly overnight. It was too hot to sleep or even snuggle on the couch. All you seemed to do lately was curl up on the floor in front of the electric fan in as many clothes as you could bear, while Hizashi stood on the balcony in a tank and shorts, stretching like a cat and mopping the sweat from his brow. It was too hot for leather and too humid for hairspray- sacrifices he had had to make, but was far from happy about.
Shouta remained relatively unchanged. He still went out at night to patrol the streets and continued to plan classes on his laptop on the couch, changing into thinner clothes, but remaining otherwise unaffected.
He was on his laptop, in fact, on this day in particular, drafting out a plan for 1-A’s future training exercises. In the meantime, Hizashi had opened up the box of popsicles you’d been keeping in the freezer and the pair of you took turns in front of the electric fan.
It was only a matter of time before the quiet, heat and lack of attention got to Hizashi and he had rested his head on your lap, golden hair splayed across your thighs. At first it was enough to snake one of his hands under your shirt and cup your breast, but before long that too lost its appeal. He shot side glances at Shouta every so often, sighing and running his tongue over the popsicle.
And so it was you found yourself caught in a battle of wills.
Hizashi waited for Shouta to look over before touching his tongue to the ice. If his gaze lasted longer than a couple of seconds, Hizashi would curl his tongue. Shouta made a point to catch his eye and not react.
Both sides were too stubborn to cave and, as usual, it fell to you to break the tension.
You took the popsicle from Hizashi and leaned back, running your own tongue over the ice. It was on the verge of melting and syrup dripped onto your shirt, causing you to gasp most theatrically and pull the shirt away from your body as if it wasn’t in the least bit planned. At first Hizashi had pouted when you stole his popsicle, but now he was grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“It’s rude to take things without asking, (Name),” he said, sitting up. “The least you can do is share.”
You held out the popsicle and he sucked at the end, leaning back to allow you to do the same. You made sure to moan far louder than was necessary, as if it was something far less innocent than a popsicle.
“Ahhh, it’s getting all over my mouth,” you said, wiping the syrup from your lips and chin. “What am I going to do?”
“I can help with that,” said Hizashi, seconds before grazing his lips over yours, checking to see if Shouta was watching before deepening the kiss.
His lips were cold and he tasted of mangoes, the same flavour as the popsicle you’d been sharing. It was sweet, but the realisation that Shouta had stopped typing was far sweeter.
Shouta didn’t seek attention out, that much was true, but he sure as shit hated being left out of the action.
It was only a matter of time before you ended up on your hands and knees in the bedroom. You dug your nails into the bedcovers as Hizashi gripped your hips and took you from behind, all while Shouta bunched your hair in his hands, kneeling in front of you and thrusting into your mouth.
You barreled forward every time Hizashi slammed his hips into yours, moaning from the sensation of his dick hitting the one spot that made your toes curl.
The sounds Shouta was making were obscene. The vibrations of your moans against his dick combined with the way each thrust sent it deeper down your throat left him trembling. He could do little more than hold onto your hair and even then his hands were shaking.
Hizashi was absurdly quiet, all things considered, though you couldn’t turn your head to see why. You got your answer when he made a wet sound behind you and let out a moan, something icy landing on the small of your back.
“Hizashi...are you...are you still eating the popsicle?”
More syrup landed on your back.
You heard the smack of his lips as he put it back in his mouth only moments before he took up such an ungodly pace that you took Shouta’s cock into your hand and jerked him off, grabbing onto the bed covers so tightly that your knuckles went white. The tension inside of you was too much to bear. You felt like you were going to explode.
You squeezed your eyes shut and squealed as you came undone, mind falling blank and legs shaking. It was like an electric shock burning through your core, leaving you unable to do anything but absorb each pulse.
Hizashi slowed down to enjoy the feel of you cumming on his dick, but the reprieve lasted only a few short moments. He guided you down onto the bed and over onto your back, shifting positions with Shouta, who lifted your knees over his shoulders.
He didn't have remotely the same stamina as Hizashi. You doubted any human did. He was, however, girthier and only too happy to torment you with it. He took you slow and deep, dragging sighs from your lips at the overstimulation. You were still having aftershocks from cumming the first time and saw stars each time his hips hit yours.
You turned your head to lick the tip of Hizashi’s dick, matching the pressure and speed of Shouta’s thrusts. Hizashi sucked in a deep breath, leaning over to grab Shouta by the hair and moan into his mouth.
The first time you had ever had sex with Hizashi, he shattered every window in your apartment building. You had laughed it off as an earthquake, though got the feeling no one believed you.
You had learned the hard way that he was loud when he came and the easiest way to prevent it was to stifle the sound before it could leave his lips, be it with a gag, by sitting on his face, preoccupying him with a blowjob or, as was the case now, with kissing.
You lay on your back and watched them nip at each other’s lips, waves of pleasure rushing through you. You were glad Shouta was holding onto your legs, for it felt as if the bones had left your body.
Hizashi was the next to come, whimpering into Shouta’s kisses as his dick twitched. He sat up and gave himself a final couple of tugs before spilling over your chest. Shouta followed suit, sitting up onto his knees and coming across your stomach.
Double the boyfriends, you considered fleetingly, double the mess.
You stayed in bed for at least an hour after that, catching your breath and basking in the afterglow. It was still unbearably hot and no one was particularly enthusiastic about putting on clothes, even though the heat from one other’s bodies swiftly overpowered any relief from the electric fan.
“Why is it that whenever you two have shenanigans I end up in the middle?”
You could hear the fatigue in your own voice; the perfect compliment to how heavy your eyelids felt.
“I thought you liked being in the middle,” said Hizashi, only to squeak as you poked him in the ribs.
“I suppose I should take a bath,” you groaned, peeling Shouta’s arms from your waist and untangling your legs from Hizashi’s.
Your legs were more than a little floppy, but you disguised it by dropping to your knees to pick up your discarded clothes.
“(Name),” said Shouta, “wait.”
You turned to him, heart fluttering. Ordinarily he tolerated hugs at best, but on the rare occasions you managed to keep him awake after sex he was the biggest cuddler you’d ever met.
Maybe he wanted you to go back to bed.
Maybe he wanted to join you in the bath.
“You’re blocking the fan.”
You turned to the fan behind you, heart sinking.
“And they say romance is dead,” you muttered, stepping out of the room.
Hizashi and Shouta closed their eyes, enjoying the feel of the cool air against their exposed skin. The peaceful moment was soon over, though, for seconds later you slipped your arm back through the doorway and flicked the off switch.
“Switch it back on, switch it back on!”
“Make me,” you said, sticking out your tongue and closing the door behind you.
“Oooooh,” Hizashi huffed, climbing out of bed. “When I catch you…”
He ran out of the bedroom and chased you through the apartment, paying little heed to the fact that you were both as naked as the day you were born.
Shouta turned over onto his side and fluffed his pillow.
He could sleep through just about anything; a fire alarm...hot weather...
...and, apparently, the sound of his two idiot lovers spraying one another with water.
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iwaisa · 4 years
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bnha boys crushing on someone with a cat quirk
pairings: bakugou, sero, midoriya, todoroki, and kaminari x gender neutral reader
warnings: swearing (thanks bakugou 😌👍👍)
a/n: i’d like to think that if i were in the bnha world, my character would have a quirk like the cheshire cat, so i brought it to life (๑>◡<๑) this is also supposed to be situations based off mannerisms of cats !
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part 1 | part 2
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► now shuffling...
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head pats
when you first moved to U.A., the first thing everyone noticed were your ears and tail
everyone thought it was so cute, but they should’ve been more careful
behind that cute, adorable facade was a dangerous quirk that rivaled that of the class’ resident hot-head
speaking of hot-head, bakugou hated it
especially how your tail kept swaying back and forth while you sat in front of him during class
“oi shitty cat! move your fucking tail!”
you didn't move your tail.
you kept taunting him with it and teasing him which resulted in aizawa having to ask you to move to the back of the class
sure, bakugou laughed in your face, but he would never admit out loud that he would miss those days where he could see your smile and hear your laughter echo throughout the classroom
it had been a few months since you moved seats and bakugou still couldn’t come to terms with the fact that he just simply liked you.
he kept falling deeper and deeper, attempting to crawl out of the hole until one day he just decided that he was okay with it
he was okay with the fact that he liked you
that one day was on a weekend
bakugou had just woken up and was heading to the kitchen to make some tamagoyaki until he stopped dead in his tracks from the sound of your voice
more specifically, your laughter
he felt his heart rate begin to pick up, and the nitroglycerin sweat seemed to pour from his palm, resulting in loud crackling and popping
he stepped out from around the corner to see mina, kaminari, kirishima, and sero petting you
and you… liked it??
he watched with his brows furrowed and his mouth hanging open as you seemed to push your head into their hands
your eyes were closed and you looked so at peace that he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy
why were you letting all of them touch you like that?
it pissed him off
he marched up to you and pushed kaminari and mina aside
“what the hell are you guys doing?”
mina kept squealing while explaining that since you were a cat, you really liked when people pet your head and ears
“that’s fucking weird.”
“c’mon bakubro! you gotta feel their ears man, they’re so soft!” kirishima exclaimed while going back to rub your ears
you giggled and leaned your head into his hand, making bakugou’s blood boil
“hell no! i want nothing to do with this!”
they kept teasing him until sero said something along the lines of “he just doesn’t want to pet them because it won't feel good to them. you gotta be nice and gentle, and bakugou probably wouldn’t be able to do that”
bakugou stopped in place and slowly turned around to glare at sero, “what the fuck did you say, plain face?? i can be fucking gentle!”
he stomps up to you and raises his hand
you flinch and close your eyes thinking he’s going to hit you until you feel his fingers just barely grazing the tips of your ears
you open your eyes to see bakugou using both of his hands to gently rub them
he didn’t even notice you were staring at him since he was watching as his hands played with your ears, a tint of red making its way onto his face
he watched in awe as you pushed your head into his hands, making his face even hotter - if that was possible
after a few minutes of bakugou not saying anything - and the rest of the squad staying quiet from shock that he was actually being soft - you poked his cheek with your finger
“surprisingly, you’re the softest out of all of them”
“sh-shut up shitty cat! i told you i can be gentle!”
you grinned as you watched him stomp away to the kitchen
when you turned around, the whole bakusquad was giving you these giant shit-eating grins
you just shook your head and brushed past them, making your way back to your room
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stretching / poofing tail / kneading soft things
this boy literally felt his heart explode as soon as you walked into the classroom
you were literally so??? adorable????
however, after he saw you in action, he was lowkey terrified of you
your quirk was so unique and insanely powerful that he started to doubt himself and his abilities
during a training session you watched sero spar against iida, and noticed as his signature grin seemed to fade after he lost
he slowly trailed behind the rest of the class on the way back to the classroom, but you noticed instantly
you slowed down so that you were walking right next to him
“hey, i know i just moved a few weeks ago, but i think your quirk is really cool. a-and what present mic said was wrong, your elbows aren’t freaky at all.”
oh my, i think you killed him. you didn’t think his quirk was creepy? you didn’t hate the shape of his elbows? you didn’t mind his biggest insecurity???? why couldn’t he control his heart?
he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of you so he just ran into the classroom, leaving you behind
you stood outside the class for a few minutes, a little heartbroken
you couldn’t deny that you began developing feelings for the kind, supportive, adorable boy
sero felt awful for ignoring you the rest of the day
you sat right next to him in class which didn't make the situation any better
his heart rate never slowed down, and the red never left his cheekbones
you on the other hand, were confused and all you wanted to do was talk to him
as the last bell rang, you ran to the dorms so you could hide away in your room, but mina had another idea
she suggested a class sleepover in the common room, and you had agreed, not thinking that you would be nervous because of a certain tape-dispensing up-and-coming hero
upon entering the common room with a fluffy blanket that evening, sero’s eyes instantly found yours
fortunately, he looked away quickly
unfortunately, there was only one spot left
which was right next to sero :D
you slowly sank into the couch, accidentally brushing your knee against his
his heart rate picked up again, but he tried his hardest to focus on the horror movie playing on the screen
you started getting anxious about halfway through the first movie when sero shifted in his seat, letting his knee rest on top of yours
you began kneading at your blanket and you stretched, poofing the fur on your tail out
you didn’t even notice a part of onyx eyes watching your every movement
you turned to peek at sero, but instantly snapped your head to face the screen when you made eye contact
sero was having an internal crisis
you were so adorable and for what????
you stood up, your tail still poofed out and asked if anyone wanted more popcorn
everyone nodded, their eyes not leaving the screen
you smiled and made your way to the kitchen
“hey..” you jumped and turned around upon hearing sero’s soft voice
“i’m really sorry about ignoring you, i just didn't know how to respond. no one has ever told me that my quirk is cool and i kinda freaked out. i-i think you’re really cool.” he blurted out the last bit leaving you dumbfounded
“i think you’re cool too, sero!” you smiled at him
you turned around, waiting for the popcorn to finish when you felt a slight tap on your shoulder
you turned around and watched as sero tripped over his words
“i-i think you’re really cute too… like for example when you puff your tail out when you stretch, or when you knead at things, and just all of your mannerisms. i really like you, l/n.”
you beamed at him as you returned his feelings, making his heart implode
you jumped as the popcorn machine dinged, and felt your face heat up as sero just laughed at you
no one even noticed when you walked back into the room with your hands intertwined
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wrapping your tail around his leg
it was only your first day at U.A. and a certain green-haired boy already wanted to know everything about you
said green-haired boy, named izuku midoriya, knew better than to assume anything about you
he had seen many people with surprising quirks, so he assumed yours was extremely powerful if you were accepted into U.A. near the middle of the year
he didn’t know anything about you other than you were extremely adorable
he found it intimidating
he also didn’t know what to expect when aizawa told the class they would be paired up to spar with one of their classmates
you were chosen to spar against ojiro, who was difficult to go against considering his quick attacks and strong tail
but you were strong too, countering ojiro’s attacks with your own
midoriya was even more amazed than he thought he would be
he began taking notes and started to watch your every move
how could someone go from being so innocent and kind to a terrifying fighter?
a few months later and midoriya’s notebook had at least 4 pages full of notes about you
not only were they notes about your quirk, but midoriya had began writing short poems about you
no matter what, he just couldn’t stop thinking about you and how amazing you looked during and out of training
you had walked down to the kitchen on a sunday morning in hopes of making yourself some food
you stopped when you saw midoriya cutting up some fruit to put into a smoothie
you greeted him as you walked to the fridge, and midoriya has never been so startled in his whole life
“h-h-hi l/n!”
you giggled and began making your breakfast, going to stand next to midoriya
you two were just quietly enjoying each other’s presence
until your tail had another idea
midoriya felt something soft caress the back of his calves, and stopped what he was doing, almost cutting himself with the knife
he felt your tail wrap and unwrap itself around his leg, and he turned to look at you
you, however, were very blissfully unaware of the predicament you were putting midoriya in
“u-uh, l/n?”
“y-your tail…” he pointed to where your tail was wrapped around his leg
“oh shoot sorry! i guess i just do that so many times without thinking i didn’t even realize it would make people uncomfortable. i apologize!”
you unwrapped your tail from his leg
“t-that’s cute…” he muttered under his breath
you snapped your head to stare at him, and your breath hitched when you made eye contact with him
he frantically apologized for blurting it out while covering his face with his arms, his face a very bright red
you laughed as you watched him stumble over his words as you called him cute
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winking / slow blinking
sitting next to class 1-a’s resident pretty boy was a difficult task
it was only your first day and you found yourself unable to take your eyes off the mysterious boy
however, todoroki believed the reason for your blatant staring was due to the scar sitting on his face
he turned to you during one of aizawa’s lectures and stared back, neither of you wanting to break eye contact
the bell rang, and before you could leave, todoroki had blurted out a question directed to you
“are you uncomfortable with my scar?”
you looked at him with a confused gaze
uncomfortable??? around such a beautiful man??? hell no. more like intimidated
“n-no! not at all! i just like your hair,” you refrained from telling him that the real reason was because you thought he was extremely beautiful
“oh. thank you.”
a few weeks passed since that encounter, and you had only grown closer to the half-and-half boy
you learned the real reason behind the scar, and assured him that you won’t think any different of him
he even felt a blush coat his cheeks when you called him amazing and strong
you, midoriya, uraraka, iida, and todoroki were studying in the common area, yet you weren’t focused on the textbook in front of you
you leaned your face on your cheek as you let your eyes wander over todoroki’s seemingly perfect features
todoroki looked up from his book just in time to see you wink at him
he was a bit taken aback, but shook it off as you getting some dust in your eye
he continued keeping eye contact with you and watched as you slowly blinked your eyes at him
todoroki brushed off the heat on his face and went back to writing in his notebook
he looked up again just in time to see you wink at him again
in all fairness, you didn’t even realize you were staring at him, you were a cat and it was a habit
“l/n, i appreciate the gesture, but why do you keep flirting with me?”
oh todoroki. you’re so beautiful yet so dumb.
you were a little confused since he just accused you of something you didn’t even do
“you keep winking at me and slowly closing your eyes. is that your way of flirting?”
by now, the other three were watching you two with interest
“oh! no, that’s just a habit i have since i’m a cat. when i slowly blink at you it means that i trust you. and winking means that i really like you!”
you slapped your hand over your mouth
“o-oh. you like me?”
“i-i mean as a friend of course! i trust you and i don’t feel intimidated by you, that’s all!”
todoroki failed to hide the disappointment in his voice when he hummed back
while the five of you packed your books into your backpack, todoroki waited for you to finish before he began to talk to you
“l/n,” he began
you turned to him with wide eyes, scared that he would tell you that he didn’t like you like that
“yeah, todoroki?”
the other three scurried away, leaving you and todoroki alone
“i know you meant that you just liked me as a friend, but is it weird for me to hope that you possibly meant a different way?”
you were completely blindsided by his question
“uhh, actually.. about that…”
after you explained what you truly meant and how you think he’s super interesting and cute, he smiled and returned your feelings
he walked you to your dorm and left after giving you a quick (very cold) peck on the lips
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swaying hips
of course i had to do this for this mf
as soon as you walked into the classroom he began flirting with you
you sat behind him, and whenever aizawa wasn’t looking, he would slip notes with pick-up lines on them to you
when you returned the note with another pick-up line, he just about short-circuited
unlike everyone else in the class, kaminari assumed that because you were adorable, your quirk was a soft type of quirk
boy was he so wrong
he watched with his jaw on the ground as you sprinted around, not holding back from fighting with kirishima
mineta made some dumb comment about you being sexy with those ears and that tail and that was the first time kaminari told mineta to stfu
as someone who is notorious for hitting on people, his flirting began to slow down once he realized that the reason he wanted to be around you all the time, having the sudden urge to hold you, wanting to call you his, was because he liked you
and he didn’t know what to do at all
he most DEFINITELY didn’t know what to do one particular hot summer day
the bakusquad was hanging out in the common room trying to cool yourselves down
you got up off the floor and walked past kaminari to go to the kitchen for some popsicles
you began to sway your hips as you walked, leaving a very flustered kaminari
“gross, dunce face. if you like that so damn much go chase after them. i’d like to see you try to ask them out.”
“that’s not very manly, bakubro. kaminari, if you really like them, why don’t you just tell them? i’m sure they’d understand,” kirishima gave him a thumbs up as kaminari quite literally sprinted after you
“are you aware of how much you sway your hips when you walk?”
kaminari whispered into your ear as he placed his hands on your hips
“i knew you would notice” you winked at him
his face exploded red in color and he watched you in confusion as you laughed loudly in his face
“i’m kidding. i sway my hips when i walk because i’m a cat. i’m not flirting with you dummy,” you stuck your tongue out at him
“darn, you got me”
“hey l/n?”
you turned to face him, and you yelped in surprise as he smashed his lips onto yours
very good kaminari consent is a very good thing 😀👍👍
he pulled away to study your face, only to see your wide eyes and your mouth hanging open
“uh… i’m really sorry i just-”
he was cut off when you locked lips with his again
your tail wrapped around his body, causing him to shock you
he pulled away, grinning, “sorry. you surprised me there-”
you both sheepishly apologized, watching bakugou storm away, yelling that you two were practically eating each others’ faces
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
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(( Might make this into a series not sure yet))
Summary: Who would’ve thought that the BAU’s very own YN was an unsub as well as Luke’s partner?
Note: Purple is lyrics/ Not gender-specific/ Italics is a flashback / Blue is YN as well as lyric change.
The feelings I caught.
Luke couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it. YN LN, the person he grew to love was sitting in front of him covered in the blood of their victim.
He thought back to the day where he met them when he was confused about his feelings every damn time they were around, and the day where he realized he fell for them. Hard.
“Damn it....” Luke groaned as he slammed the phone down at his desk. “Normally I’d look away since it’s usually not my business but you slamming the phone caused me to spill my water....so...spill” they joked as they cleaned up.
“Sorry... it’s really not a big deal. I don’t know why I acted out like that....” Luke remembers as he apologized that day by helping them clean up the mess.
“Clearly it is for you to slam the phone... so I”m going to ask you again Alvez.... what’s wrong,” YN asked with an intimidating look.
Luke should’ve taken that look as a hint something was wrong about them. It was like a light switch went off inside YN's head.
Luke remembers how he felt uneasy after receiving that look. He mentally slapped himself for not doing anything but he didn’t he was already infatuated with them.
“There isn’t a kennel available for Roxy this week and everyone I know is out of town...I can’t take her and I hate leaving her alone” Luke sighs as he admits what’s been eating him.
Luke’s eyebrows furrowed when he heard YN muffle a laugh. It soon turned into an eerie laugh as they kept apologizing.
“I’m sorry I should feel offended right now” YN wiped a fake tear from their face. Luke’s face scrunched up “I’m sorry what?”
“You said everyone you know is out of town right? I’m not out of town. I’m right here” YN answered back in a bored tone. “I’ll take care of her, plain and simple” they shrugged.
“Wait....you’d really do that?” Luke raised his eyebrows. “Of course, I adore animals. It wouldn’t be a problem” YN confessed.
Luke knew it was dumb but in a moment of stress with Roxy. He fell in love with YN and their oh-so-kindness.
The time that I lost
“Five years....we’ve known each other for five years and been together for those two years...” Luke’s voice shook with anger as he stared down at YN.
YN stayed quiet with a Cheshire cat grin as they laid their head in the palm of their hand.
Luke’s nostrils flared as he began to grow angry at their silence. “Well?” he slammed his hands on the table.
“Five years we’ve known each other and been together for those two years. It took you this long to finally realize...I thought I was dating BAU agent” YN mocked as they looked over to the two-way mirror to admire their work.
“Hey” Luke snapped his fingers “I wasted five years on you” he snarled
“No...you wasted five years not saving those people.”
Yeah I feel ashamed
Luke was taken aback by their comment. He didn’t know what to do. He just felt like screaming until his face felt hot.
He always thought YN was a little odd but took it as their quirk. He squeezes his eyes shut at the thoughts of all the victims he could’ve saved if he just snapped out of his puppy dog love for them.
“You really didn’t find it weird that I would come home late? Or how my nails were always trimmed to the brim? Or when-“ YN was cut off by Luke storming away.
“Hey hey....” Penelope tried comforting him as he entered the other side.
“I...We could’ve saved them....” He rasps out to the team.
Embarrassed with rage,
“Luke I know it’s not easy but don’t blame yourself....” Emily sighs.
“No....no no It’s my fault. It’s my fault those people died because I was too in love with them to see it. I was too oblivious to YN. God damn, I’m a freaking BAU agent. I should’ve known” Luke kicked a chair at the last part.
“They tricked me.....they humiliated me. I never thought YN would do something like this” Luke lets out a shaky breath.
“They tricked us all, We never thought they would do this either. You’re not the only one who feels this way” Rossi speaks up not taking his eyes away from YN.
Rossi grimaced as he saw YN making faces at the mirror “I know you’re out there” they sang.
“You know, talking behind someone’s back is a coward move” YN teased knowing how to push Luke’s buttons.
The other night your mom passed away.
The team just got a call about the whereabouts of the serial killer they were hunting down. It didn't take Luke another minute to realize it was YN"s mother's house.
He informed the team as he rushed out of the building and went straight to the cars as the rest followed.
As soon as they arrived at the house, everyone jumped out, Luke being the fastest he ran to the door and didn't take a moment to knock.
Kicking the door down, the BAU team was met with horror. Yn's mother was laying on the kitchen floor with stab wounds. The knife was still jammed in.
The team felt sick to their stomachs, not knowing how to tell YN when they get back from "training" in Boston.
And it was weird that you just went about your day and didn't even shed a tear.
When YN arrived to the building the next morning, they felt eyes on them. All eyes were on them giving them sympathetic looks.
YN hated that, they hated the looks they were receiving. They wanted to shout from the roof tops what they have done. They wanted fear out of them, not sympathy.
YN always wondered what it felt like...to feel bad about something. To feel sad for someone or to cry for someone. They never understood that part of emotions.
Lost in their thoughts they didn’t hear Luke’s voice calling out to them. “YN” Luke spoke louder as he placed a hand on their shoulder.
“Hm? Sorry I’m not in the right mind space right now” They sighed. Luke felt guilty knowing he was about to make their day worse.
“Let’s talk in private..” He motions over to the empty conference room. YN followed along with a deep sigh.
“YN....last night we got a clue about the unsub....” Luke spoke up. YN tried covering their small grin, thinking they figured it out it was them all along.
“YN....the unsub was at your mothers house....YN.....I’m sorry but your mom died...” Luke rasps out in a shaky tone. He loved their mother, she always welcomed him with open arms.
“Oh....okay” YN nodded feeling uncomfortable at the sight of Luke’s tears.
Luke’s eyebrows furrowed “Okay? YN are you okay? Your mother is dead” he wipes his face.
“I heard you the first time, life happens. We gotta move on. Cmon let’s go see what Penelope has for us”
Luke remembers that day clearly, he still hates himself for this day for not noticing that big red flag.
I feel bad, you don't feel bad. Sad, you don't feel sad.
With that memory refreshed in his brain, Luke went marching right back in and towards YN.
“Oh goodie you’re back. I missed you” YN smiled as they eyed them up and down.
“You didn’t bring a tranquilizer didn’t you?” they teased as they saw Luke turn red.
“I’m done with this whole situation, I’m done with you YN....yes...I feel sorry for the victims families. I feel sorry for myself for ever falling in love you. Most of all. I feel sorry you don’t feel bad.” He huffed.
“I feel sorry that you look at how you left your victims to the point of being unrecognizable and you don’t feel bad about it.” he slams the photos down.
Luke leans over the table closer to you “Damn....I feel sad you’re not going crazy after killing your mother” He shook his head as he leaned back.
YN couldn’t help it, looking at their artwork and seeing Luke’s face. They bursted out into tears.
Luke grew more furious “What.” he yelled
“All this time...I just wanted to feel something....seeing you in anger....made me realize. I finally feel something” they giggled.
“Bet you didn’t know I was a sociopath”
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harrylilies · 4 years
The Royal Series | Pt. IV
The Royal Series Masterlist
"Your Highness," One helper tipped his head at you before, discreetly, glancing at Harry who was in awe by the surroundings.
"I'm taking Noir on a walk, can you please get her ready for me, Albert?” You asked with a smile.
"Of course, your Highness. I'll get her ready this instant." "And Albert,” you tilted your head, “Don't tell Granny about this unless she asks." You said, watching as he glanced at yours and Harry's intertwined fingers for a split second.
"Of course, your Highness." By nodding at him, he was off to get the white horse ready.
"Are you sure this is okay?" Harry asked, looking down at you.
You looked up at him and a smile instantly was drawn on your face, "I'm not."
He chuckled, shaking his head at you. "Your grandmother hates me, doesn't she? The Queen hates me?"
You sighed, stepping closer and facing him, letting his hand fall from yours as you place your hands on his chest. "She doesn't know you to hate you. She just had," you paused, mind rushing to the plans your grandmother had for you that were the reason behind the tension in the relationship between the both of you, growing uneasy to tell Harry just yet about the Prince she was persistent for you to marry. It was too early to let it slip like that. "She had some plans and dreams for me. But she'll come along when it's the right time." 
"You know I don't want to be the reason to start issues with your family, right? I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that I'm not the person your family wanted you to be associated with."
He was gentle. The emerald green colour that you loved so much was beautifully – almost – painted in his eyes that pooled with care and genuineness.
But despite that, the smile on your lips faltered a little. "Are you having second thoughts?"
Instantly, Harry replied. "No," he shook his head, "Told you I'm not scared, didn't I?"
You hummed, waiting impatiently as he leaned down, pressing lips on to yours in a soft kiss that had your insides fluttering.
"Your Hi-Oh," you pulled away, looking at Albert who blushed, diverting his eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry, your highness."
Yours and Harry's cheeks were tinted red as you stepped beside him instead, a small bashful smile on your faces. "It's okay, Albert."
"Noir is ready, your highness."
You grinned excitedly, holding Harry's hand and dragging him behind you inside the stable, giving a "Thank you!" over your shoulder. "Noir is the gentlest horse ever, you'll love her!"
"I haven't ridden a horse since I was so young." Harry chuckled, letting you drag him behind.
"Don't worry, she's friendly when I'm around."
You led him towards a place where you kept the costumes and other safety equipment. "Here," you handed him a brown helmet. "I'm sure there are boots your size."
After helping Harry with the equipment and wearing your own, the both of you walked out of the other end of the stable where you found one of grooms standing beside Noir.
"Good morning, Ken."
"Good morning, your Highness." He smiled, tipping his head.
"This is Harry." You smiled, watching as they greeted each other with a polite nod and a “hello.” Turning to look at Harry, he almost melted at the smile of excitement adorned on your face, "Do you need help getting on?"
Despite looking at the white horse you had talked to him for hours on end, taking it not only its beauty, but size, Harry shook his head.
Watching you gracefully get on the beautiful white horse's back, his hands seemed to grow clammy as you held the reins.
Almost as if he remembered his mother, Anne, taking him and his sister, Gemma, horse riding when they were younger, Harry was thankful that he remembered how to simply get on a horse, though not as graceful as the Princess before him.
He got on Noir's back who fidgeted in her place, only calming when you stroked her hair in assurance, "Easy now."
Harry was seated behind you, his chest to your back which was enough to have you feeling flustered and blushing but nevertheless, you slowly began riding your horse down the greenery. "And this, is Noir."
Harry smiled to himself, his hand stroking the white horse softly. "She's beautiful. Has she been yours for long?"
"Ever since I was 4. She was only a filly of one year when Grandpapa got her for me. This babe is 17 years old." You proudly stated, patting her head.
Amused, Harry let out a small whistle. "She's old."
Gasping feigned shock, you moved one hand to gently swat Harry’s knee, “Where are your manners?” Harry laughed, wrapping one arm around your waist.
“My apologies, dearest Noir.” He said dramatically, making sure his accent sounded thicker.
“Grandpapa has one that’s 23 years old." You giggled, glancing behind your shoulder at him.
"So, the entire family is into horses? I mean, I have seen it in the news of some of your family horse-riding but are they really into it?" Harry asked.
You nodded, "Pretty much. Will, Har, and I were trained when we were only 3. Although we don't ride horses now except for friendly polo matches but Noir here, is someone I frequently take a walk with. Has a special place in my heart." You smiled before giving him a shake of your head, "Enough about me, what's something you used to do back home in Cheshire? It's quiet there, isn't it?"
"It is. Quite peaceful. I actually used to work in a bakery." He sounded so happy about it, almost as if he was reminiscing. Deciding against telling him that you've been a fan for long and knew about the fact, you let him continue. "Barbara, who still works there, would always just pinch my bum. She's the sweetest old, child-at-heart, woman you can ever meet."
You laughed, "You know quite the cheeky people, huh? Even in your shows, your fans can be quite cheeky."
Harry laughed, "Facts,” he nodded as he wrapped his arms around your waist, “Think I can be, too.”
“Oh, I know alright.”
"I think-I think this one goes here," you attempted to put the piece of puzzle in your hand in one of the empty spaces as you sat cross legged on Harry's floor, the puzzle on the table in front of you, with Harry sitting right opposite, attempting to complete the picture with you. "Or not."
"I think we should've seen the picture, love." He chuckled, looking at the image you had created that was yet to be comprehendible.
"Where's the fun in that?" You shrugged, "There! We're done with the sky."
"I think it's a tree house, I'm not sure." Harry tilted his head, looking at what you both had finished so far. "Me, too," you nodded, "Like, that's the lad-" You were interrupted by Harry's doorbell, making you look up and towards it.
"I ordered Chinese while you were in the loo, hope that's okay." Harry smiled, standing up.
You tried to hide your shock – and excitement – by nodding, watching as he took his wallet and walked towards the door.
The sound of Harry's socks-clad feet against the floor made you straighten up and clear your throat, attempting to act natural, smiling slightly and looking at him.
"There we go," Harry smiled, putting the bag beside the puzzle you had been trying to complete for the past 40 minutes. He took out two boxes, unaware of your confused but curious face, your eyes traveling between the square boxes. "Chopsticks or fork?"
You didn't even know what was inside but since you knew how to use chopsticks, you answered the former which Harry handed you. He took his box closer to him, opening it, as if he was a natural and so used to it. You, on the other hand, remained wary and in place, eyes only set on the box that was supposedly yours.
As he was about to put the noodles in his mouth, Harry's eyes landed on you, closing his mouth and setting his chopsticks in the box when he noticed your confused face and your untouched box. "Do you not like Chinese, love?"
You hummed, your head snapping towards him. "Wh-what?"
He smiled, seemingly absorbing what his mind was telling him, "I asked, do you not like Chinese?"
You looked bashful; cheeks turning to a tint pink as you put a locket of hair behind your ear. "Well..."
"Y/N?" Harry's tone changed, leaning his head closer, "Have you-Have you never had Chinese?"
At this, it seemed like your entire face was pink. You let out a small groan, covering your face with your hands. "This is so embarrassing."
Harry chuckled in surprise before crawling towards you, "No, no," he took a hold of your wrists, prying them from your face. "Come on, look at me, please."
You let out a soft giggle, looking up at him. "Fine. I've never had-never had whatever that is. They don't allow things like that. Just McDonald’s if it’s a good day."
"So you've never had Chinese takeaway?"
"I just said that, stop making me repeat it." You groaned, looking down.
Harry laughed, wrapping his arm around your and bringing you closer to his chest, hugging you. "Awwwe, Y/N,"
"You're so annoying." You laughed, swatting his chest.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I promise I think it's cute." He assured you, leaning back a little to have you look at him. "It's okay, means you get to try something for the first time with me. So what do you say? Want to give Chinese takeaway a chance?"
You nodded eagerly, looking back at the box and bringing it closer to you, "What's inside?" You looked at him right before opening it.
"Hush, let me get surprised!" You grinned, opening the box, "Ooo, noodles." Harry chuckled, leaning on his palms and staring at you in amusement. "Is that- Oh, is that chicken?"
"You had sweet and sour chicken on our third date so I figured you'd like it." Harry answered casually, oblivious to the butterflies in your stomach at the fact that he remembered that tiny detail.
"Alright," you smiled, taking a hold of your chopsticks. "Let's do this." You took a hold of some noodles, glancing at Harry before you eat. "I'm so nervous."
Harry grinned, sitting straight and rubbing his hand on your back. "Come on, love. Give it a try." You nodded, putting the noodles in your mouth and slowly chewing so you could get every taste just right. "Well?"
Your eyebrows were raised as you chewed before swallowing, "Oh my God," You quickly dug in for another, making sure to try the chicken.
Harry grinned, wrapping both arms around your waist, "Like it?"
"Love it! What restaurant is that?”
You adjusted your brother's, Har's, polo collar as you sat in the car alongside him. "Guess what I had today."
"Guess what I had today." You repeated impatiently, tugging on your simple and plain navy-blue blouse.
"Chinese takeaway." You grinned, nodding as he laughed.
"And how was it?" He raised an eyebrow.
"It tasted heavenly! Have you tried it?"
He nodded, "The good ol' rebellion days."
You frowned, "Hey! Why didn't you bring me some?"
He laughed, raising his hands up defensively, "I'm sorry. I'm a fool. Didn’t want them having my neck for staining sweet little Princess Y/N by getting her fast-food that doesn’t go with her diet."
"That you are actually." You smiled, nodding.
"Wait," Your brother furrowed his eyebrows, leaning back the window, "How did you try it?"
"Uh," Your mouth hung open and your hand reached to scratch your temple. "You know, I was out and about this morning."
He hummed slowly, crossing his arms across his chest. "So instead of being saucy and cheeky with your boyfriend, you try Chinese takeaway?"
"One, he's not-not really my boyfriend and two, you want me to get saucy and cheeky with someone?"
"God, no, Y/N," He cringed, his face twisting in disgust. "Let's just, change topics."
You snickered, looking out the window to see your father's home, Clarence House. "We're here." You announce quietly.
Walking inside, you meet up with your oldest brother who instantly greets you with a kiss on the cheek. "Where's Pa?" You ask.
"There you are!" William was interrupted by your father's excited and cheerful voice, making the three of you look towards him and Camilla walking towards you.
You grin, letting your father embrace you. "You look lovely, darling."
"Thank you, Pa." You rub his back for a second before pulling away, watching as he moved to greet Will. Camilla instantly opened her arms at you, making you smile as you let her pull you into a hug, feeling her kiss your cheek.
"Shall we get to dinner? Made your favourite, darling," Your father said, holding out his arm for you to link, "Shepherd's pie."
"This is why I love you." You joked, leaning your head on his shoulder for a second as you giggled.
"Only cares about food." William joked as you all walked towards the dining room. "You're my least favourite sibling." You joked, not looking at him.
"This is no way to talk to your older brother, Tiny." William teased you as the rest laughed at your banter.
"The only brother I have is my dearest Har here. I don't know you."
"For the love of God, you two!" Prince Charles laughed, putting his hand on top of yours.
As you took your seats on the table and began eating, it was natural for the family to joke over the smallest thing in the day – that, until one name was mentioned.
"Charles, when's Fred coming tomorrow?" Camilla asked, oblivious to what she started.
Your hand stopped midway, all heads turning to look at you except for Camilla who looked at your father. You let down your fork, looking up to look at Camilla. "If I may ask, who's Fred?"
"You know, Prince Fred." She said before taking a bite of her food.
You looked at your father who sighed and laced his fingers together on the table, avoiding eye contact. "I wasn't aware of your friendship with Prince Fred, Pa."
The tension in the air was thick and enough to have your brothers quietly let down their utensils and look at your father, waiting for an explanation.
"Darling, your grandmother especially requested this dinner with the young man."
"My grandmother requested a lot of things, Pa," You chuckled half-heartedly, "Like marrying him."
"Y/N, I-"
"You told me I can control my own life," you started, shaking your head in disbelief. "What was that then, huh? Were you getting my hopes up for nothing?"
"Of course not, Y/N! Listen, Y/N, it's-" he sighed, closing his eyes momentarily before looking at you, "It's complicated."
"Complicated?" You asked in disbelief, furrowing your eyebrows, "It's my life!" You laughed bitterly in shock.
"You have to understand that it's not easy to change your grandmother's mind and Fred's family is entirely depending on the marriage. We gave them a word years ago, Y/N." He spoke softly, something that contrasted what you felt, “This is politics, darling, and politics is messy.”
You slumped in your seat in disbelief, looking down at your lap for a second.
"I think we should all calm down a little." Your brother, Har suggested gently, glancing between your father to you.
You looked up after taking a breath, tilting your head to look at your father. With a calm and collected voice, you spoke, "I'm not marrying anyone I'm not in love with and no one is changing my goddamn mind." With that, you stood up, your chair screeching as you pushed it back, eyes set on your father, “It’s your word against mine.” And with that, you stormed out of the room, Har instantly standing and jogging after you.
William sighed, rubbing his face with his hands before looking at his father who rested his hand on his temple in distress. "This is unfair to her, and you know it.”
“Your grandmother believes this will strengthen the ties between our family Fred’s! It was agreed on ever since your sister was a child.”
“Well she’s not anymore, is she?” William replied, tossing his napkin on the table before standing up and walking away.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
And one more bit from the “Kings of the Sky” AU albeit several installments in, because I just......don’t know when or why I stumbled into an obsession with the dynamics between Dick and Jason and Cass as the eldest three Wayne siblings, but its there, its real, and its happening. I’ve stopped fighting it. I just....enjoy writing those three being dumb siblings who are dumb like so, so much.
Anyway, in this AU series, Jason doesn’t go to Ethiopia and die, but rather eventually joins Dick at Titans Tower more regularly and is Flamebird. Both are closer with Bruce here than in canon because Dick helped Bruce and Jason get through the Garzonas stuff and Jason helped kick Bruce in the direction of Dick and adoption papers right after the Brother Blood storyline. Then Cass is actually the third to join the family, by way of Babs, and she’s Batgirl and then Black Bat, but there’s a period of time when its just Dick, Jason and Cass as the Wayne kids. 
(PS - this is the same series as where Jason ends up with his own age group of Titans, and accidentally falls into a love quadrangle of doom that is absolutely NOT a polycule dammit, with Tom Bronson (Tomcat), Ray Terrill (The Ray) and Todd Rice (Obsidian). Which amuses his brother and sister to no end).
Tim and Duke are both next, but sorta at the same time? Like Tim’s story takes a sharp turn when Robin II never dies and obviously is Flamebird now like Robin I is Nightwing, and Tim winds up in foster care after his parents die differently than in canon. Duke is also in foster care at this time, though a different placement, and while no Robin has died here, its been awhile since there’s been one in Gotham, and to kids who grew up with the idea of there always being a Robin, that feels weird and wrong ultimately. 
So Tim and Duke both hit on the idea of being Robin like, at around the same time and totally disconnected from one another, and that leads to them both joining the Batfam around the same time, and co-sharing Robin until Damian arrives much later and they both move on to new identities. But there’s no real confusion between Robins because Duke is the daytime Robin with more yellow coloring in his costume and Tim is the nighttime Robin with more red, and people say Red or Yellow if they ever need to differentiate which Robin they’re talking about. Anyway.
So [Tim and Duke] run into trouble eventually and then when running from trouble they run into each other and they’re like….huh. Awkward. And then they decide well, might as well both run from trouble in the same direction, I guess. So they do.
“Did you have a plan for dealing with these guys?” Tim yelled at Duke. The other boy looked back over his shoulder briefly and gave what would probably have been a half-shrug if he didn’t awkwardly try to barrel-roll over a car two seconds later.
“Umm, sorta?”
“How sorta are we talking about? Maybe the two of us together could fill in the gaps in the plan and come up with one full plan?”
“Uh yeah, no, its not that kinda sorta. I meant sorta in the sense that I thought I had a plan but it didn’t work and that’s why these guys are after me. Sooooo…”
“Not helpful, basically.”
“Yeah. Pretty much. And hey, I don’t hear you offering up a plan! Did you even have one at all?”
“Uh….I mean I kinda didn’t think I was going to need one because I figured some kid running around in a mask making a nuisance of himself was the sorta thing that was bound to attract Batman. And so I was just pretty much running around until that happened, and then I’d make a case for how I obviously need training and Gotham needs Robin and if its not me its likely to be someone else trying eventually anyway so why not be me?”
Duke paused just long enough to squint at him. “That’s a terrible plan.”
Tim rolled his eyes. The effort didn’t pair well with his huffing and over-all exertions from running for his life and all that, but necessity demanded. “Yeah I know, that’s why I never said it was a plan! It was mostly….more…idea-ish.”
“I’m just saying, I thought I was doing this wrong, but at least I had a plan! I mean yeah, it might have ended up with me accidentally busting in on what I thought was a bunch of Riddler’s henchmen setting up some kind of clue thing, only it was actually a bunch of Intergang type guys with alien space guns or some shit all dressed up as Riddler henchmen for some reason? I dunno what they were trying to do honestly, but so yeah I might have ended up running away on foot from like twenty of them and some kind of hovercycle -”
“I’m going to cut you off there and say wherever this is going its probably not the superior vantage point I think you think you have.”
Meanwhile, Batman was not going to be coming because he’s off on a JLA mission. However, in his absence Dick and Jason are in town filling in, and they finished taking out the bad guys several blocks back and caught up to whomever was running from them, figured out the situation and are currently sitting on the edge of a rooftop watching them realize they’re totally lost and trying to figure out where to go from here. Mostly because Dick and Jason are incredibly amused listening to their back and forth and also just…this whole situation.
Dick justifies not piping up to let them know they’re safe now by saying this is good intel gathering so we can offer Bruce our assessment as to whether they’re gonna try and keep doing this whether we train them or not, and also how they handle this whole being lost situation. Not knowing they don’t have to run anymore isn’t going to hurt them and really, this is a good field exercise almost.
Jason justifies not piping up by saying this is fucking hilarious and I will hurt you if you end this any sooner than we have to, I deserve this, I had a rough week.
Which is right around the time that Cass pipes up from where she’s been lurking unnoticed behind them this whole time: “Oh no. Was it Tom? Or Ray? Or was it Todd?”
And she does it right in Jason’s ear so he kinda aborted-shrieks and almost falls off the roof except Cass is ready for that and grabs his arm to steady him.
“I hate when you do that!” Jason growls in an attempt to cover up how badly she got him and also because he hates when she does it which is why she does it a lot. Again, they don’t hate each other at all, but they do seem to act like it a lot, and neither of them is entirely sure why. They kinda just started doing it and have each been trying to get the other back ever since and ended up locked in an unending spiral of gotcha-gotchaback, except, y’know, Batfam style.
Dick occasionally picks sides just to muddy the waters. And then he randomly switches sides without warning, so neither of them ever wants to risk getting too peeved at him even when he’s helping the other, because that might push him fully over to the other side and leave them permanently outnumbered, so they’re kinda stuck, which is exactly as he likes it, lol.
“Why are you Satan,” Jason hisses dramatically as he gets up and stomps over to the other side of the roof to sulk, lest she almost knock him off again. Its not the almost falling part that bothers him, its that she’s the one that snatches him to safety each time. She’s like a freaking cat toying with a - yeah not going there, just blaming Selina. Knew them hanging out was going to be bad news for me somehow, he gripes.
Cass just shrugs and smoothly sits down cross-legged right where she is, grinning Cheshire-cat style at him from there. “Childhood trauma,” is her answer.
“Great, and now you’re stealing my comeback on top of it?! Is nothing sacred to you?”
She offers another shrug. He would like to return those for store credit please. Maybe get something useful instead. “Haven’t decided yet. Babs is still helping me explore my options. We’re going alphabetically and we’re only on  the E-religions.”
“God, you’re the worst. I can’t believe you ruined sisters for me.”
“You already used that same line last week when you came out of your room still half-asleep and she was just sitting directly across from your door waiting and staring unblinking and you yelped and dropped your laptop on your toe, and then cursed so loud that B came running around the hall thinking we were being invaded,” Dick reported idly, still perched in the same position he’d been in all along and watching the boys below them. “Just in case you thought no one noticed when you recycle.”
“I noticed too,” Cass added solemnly.
“I have no siblings,” Jason intoned. He threw up his hands dramatically and then loudly jumped down to the street below with a little help from the fire escape. It drew both Duke and Tim’s attention and they startled before realizing it was Flamebird. And that he’d landed on the street and was stalking past them while barely acknowledging them. And that that was Nightwing standing on the roof now with his hands on his hips yelling after him.
“Oh, reeeeeeal subtle. You’re not having fun anymore so you gotta make sure nobody else does either. Wow, the Brat-like behavior, just jumped out of the shadows with that one!”
And that was Flamebird not even turning around and just yelling back. “I HAVE NO SIBLINGS!”
And also they were both pretty sure that was Batgirl crouched on the roof next to Nightwing now, and she was…..sticking her tongue out at Flamebird’s back? No, Batgirl very much definitely was sticking out her tongue, that wasn’t in doubt, it was more just….very unexpected to see.
What was happening right now?
Eventually Tim and Duke have inevitably worn down [Bruce’s] resistance to training them by insisting they’re gonna keep doing this and if its not them its gonna be someone sooner or later anyway. Because, as they put it, you guys may not know this but Gotham’s gotten used to Robins by now and it freaks people out not to see one and Robin’s as important as Batman really and there needs to be a Robin and its not just us that will think that, like look at the fact that already two of us had the exact same idea, huh? And also, we’re gonna keep doing it anyway, sooooo….there’s that.
And then Cass vouches that they’re both 100% serious about that.
And then Dick vouches that as a former determined daredevil kid that was absolutely going to keep doing the same thing no matter whether you’d helped me or not, B, I also am of the assessment that these two mean it all the way.
And not to be left out and just to have something to contribute but also grumpy because his brother and sister are picking on him and he’s eighteen going on ten, Jason throws in: “And my assessment is that they both definitely seem dumb enough to keep doing this without help anyway and they definitely need help or they definitely will die, I’d give it a month, month and a half tops.”
And then Bruce dryly thanks his children for their contributions, their keen insights in this matter have been absolutely invaluable, he has no idea how he would make a decision here without it.
“Oooh, a rare sighting of Bat-snark in the wild. Someone call Nat-Geo quick, maybe he’ll do it again,” Dick says.
Bruce sighs. Duke and Tim look like they’re trying to decide if they’re allowed to be amused or if that’s also part of some weird Bat-test that they’re probably taking without even knowing it.
So Tim and Duke move in, start training together, and then also get sent to school together and it takes a month or so of settling in before they decide whether or not they actually are happy about this. There’s a period of deciding they’re supposed to be bitter rivals who snipe at each other back and forth across the dining table at every available opportunity, but that changes the first night Dick and Jason come back from the Tower since Tim and Duke have moved in and where Cass is also home instead of at the Clocktower with Babs.
Since all three of the older Batkids, upon seeing Tim and Duke squabble at dinner, decide to obnoxiously coo about how adorable it is watching the kids play. Which pretty instantly cements Duke and Tim as realizing their best chance of surviving the sudden acquisition of three older superhero ninja foster siblings who all can be as obnoxious as they are dangerous but also as much as they are - Duke and Tim are convinced - all quite insane.
A belief further cemented the next morning, with all three of them having spent the night at the Manor as well. Treating Duke and Tim to their first Saturday morning episode of the Cass and Jason show.
In this episode, Jason emerged from his bedroom in his pajamas still but warily peeking his head out first to look both ways down the hall before deciding it was clear…..and then makes it just almost to the end of the hallway leading to the stairs, when Cass drops down from where she’d been waiting perched above the other side of the door, in such a way as to suddenly fill the doorway just in front of him, hanging upside down suspending herself just with her feet wedged above the doorway, all while keeping her hands crossed her chest, a dead-eyed expression on her face, and with her tongue hanging out like she’s some kind of vampire hanging upside down in mid-slumber.
Jason shrieked and stumbled back a foot before catching himself and shoving two fingers in a cross shape in her direction.
“Demon! DEMON! Goddammit, I abjure thee, that’s supposed to fucking do something about having a demon sister, now what the fuck does it take to banish you!?”
“Can’t be banished,” Cass informed him, still upside down. “Can be bought though.”
Jason halted. “What?”
“I’m really surprised you never figured it out,” Dick said from his room further down the hallway. He was leaning against the doorjamb, arms casually crossed.
“Why did you think she never goes after me?”
Jason swiveled back and forth between his siblings suspiciously, trying to scry both their inscrutable (and in Cass’ case, still upside down) faces for signs they were telling the truth. “You’re telling me that Little Miss Monstrous has been a pain in my ass from day one and the reason she’s never so much as eked a single boo in your direction is you’ve been bribing her all this time?”
Dick shrugged. “Its all about getting in on the ground floor.”
Jason squinted, still unconvinced. “Nuh-uh. No way. You’re just fucking with me. Like if this is for real, what have you been buying her off with?”
Dick smiled beatifically. “Cuddles and hugs.”
“NO! NO! Bullshit! I am NOT falling for this crap again, you are not gonna get me this way this time. I call BS, fuck you, nuh uh, you’re lying out your ass and your ass-face both.”
“Wait, what is this ‘this’ that I did before? What ever are you talking about?”
“You know damn well what I’m talking about.”
“Is this about the Care Bear you had when you were fifteen?”
“Shut upppppppppppppppp, I didn’t have a Care Bear then, you’re such a - “
“Oh, I dunno, I’m preeeeetty sure there’s some holiday photos from that year that would say otherwise, pretty definitively in the form of you and your Care Bear….”
“That I only had because you literally just gave it to me as a present solely so that you could claim that I had a Care Bear when I was fifteen, you douchebag!”
“Just because I gave you the Care Bear didn’t mean you had to keep the Care Bear and hold the Care Bear and love the Care Bear, Jay. You chose to do all that.”
“I only kept the damn thing because you’re an asshole who lied about it being a family heirloom so I felt like I had to or I’d be a total jerk. Is nothing sacred to you?”
“I didn’t lie! It is a treasured family heirloom! Its the first Care Bear I gave to my little brother to teach him the important and valuable lesson that Care Bears - say it with me now - “
“Finish that sentence and they will never find your body.”
“CARE!” Cass shrieked from behind him before jumping on Jason’s back and bearing him down to the floor in an undignified tangle as she splayed atop him like a starfish and he stared up at the ceiling in a kind of strangled frozen fury, like there was so much emotion he wanted to process he’d overheated and now was stuck like that until he cooled down.
That was when Dick leaned over him and solemnly added one final thought, as though it was a crucial addition of the gravest importance:: “A lot.”
Jason’s eye twitched.
Dick’s eyes went wide in response. “Uh oh. He went to the Danger Zone. Run Cass. We’ve unleashed the dogs of war!”
Cass was off and on her feet in a second, taking off down the hall like a rocket. “Not the dogs of war!” She yelled.
Dick was only seconds behind her when behind him, Jason rose like an eruption, growling wordlessly and sparks practically flashing from his suddenly flinty eyes. He charged after them like an enraged bull.
“Kenny Loggins wouldn’t want this!” Dick yelled over his shoulder as he rounded the doorway and vanished. Jason rounded it in hot pursuit.
“Poison Ivy won’t even be able to make compost from what’s left of you when I’m through!”
The yelling and running vanished into the distance. Duke and Tim finally looked at each other blankly.
“What?” Tim asked. Duke shrugged helplessly.
A door opened at the end of the hallway. Bruce stuck his head out. “Is it safe?”
Tim just stared at him.
“What?” Duke asked.
LOL mostly I just want to get to the tail end of the series, when Dick and Jason go undercover as supervillains in the Society of well, Supervillains....Dick as War Shrike and Jason as Gray Jay. (A kind of bird usually known for or referenced as being thieving and unpredictable and unexpectedly dangerous despite its size. Jason never went into the Lazarus Pit here and so isn’t as huge as he is in canon, he’s on the smaller side due to his early life’s malnutrition. Living with Bruce helped him catch up enough that he’s not TINY tiny, but he’s still smaller enough that this particular mantle fits him a little better than it would his massive canon depiction).
Cass also partakes in the undercover storyline, just showing up uninvited in a persona she’s crafted for the mission and calls Black Swan. And War Shrike and Gray Jay are both so startled and obviously a little freaked by her unexpected arrival, that combined with her being ticked at her brothers for leaving her behind, RUDE, and them sufficiently cowed and guilted by her wrath, that it all adds up to the other villains as being clear evidence that she is the boss and they are her advance minions. 
Which mollifies and satisfies Cass immensely, and leaves Jason grumpy that their mission was hijacked and also his sister is The Worst, and leaves Dick temporarily disgruntled because This Whole Thing Was His Idea DAMMIT but then five seconds later finding it hilarious because Dick is a chaos connoisseur and he has an appreciation for whimsy and the unexpected.
“I can’t believe you not only gate-crashed our extremely sensitive and delicate undercover operation, but you completely hijacked it as well! This is so typical,” Jason grouched.
Cass simply swept ahead of him and strode down the hallway with lethal grace. “Silence minion.”
Jason spluttered behind her and she grinned to herself. He really made it too easy sometimes.
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