#I will make up my sadness by doodling my favorite ocs making em and you will be forced to see em (yes YOU *POINTS*)
benetnvsch · 1 year
I am a Grown Up College Student I will Not (❌NOT❌) cry cuz I didn't get to make friendship bracelets today-
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peppermint-moss · 2 months
3, 4, 14 and 15!
3. your favorite piece(s)?
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The recent Candle Light piece and Citrus piece tbh!! For comics the Homemade Seeds one and Citrus Clementine comic were v rewarding to plan and finish C: and for some reason this jayfeather piece where I tried a completely diff style because my brush wasn't working (i fixed it later) so i ended up doing it completely with a polygonal lasso tool LOL its good it just baffles me cause it's so diff from my usual style lmao and those moss pieces that are just so cute sweet n simple!! (birthday, pink autumn, new years doodle) in terms of videos; hollyleaf sin triangle is still soo good i cant believe i peaked so early LMAO; jayfeather fine, great also slaps; tho tbh most all my amvs are my sweet lil babeys just cause so much time gets spent on making them :')
4. piece you wish got more love? That Candle Light piece ... I get it cause oc content just doesn't get as much interest but i think it looks p cool 👉👈
14. whats your favorite thing about drawing? that i have the power to make things in my brain (not visible) into being (it is visible!! so cool). that and drawing characters being so so sad hehehe
15. least favorite thing about drawing? BACKGROUNDS. I WISHHH I WAS BETTER AT THEM/THEY CAME EASIER TO ME CAUSE WHEN PEOPLE DRAW THEM GOOD THEY LOOK SOOOOO GOOD... ONE DAY I WILL BE BETTER AT EM I also hate it when you have an idea, start sketching it out, and then start recoiling away from it because it doesn't look like how it did in your head orz (and the terrible secret of it being that getting it into the world with 20% accuracy is better than 0% of it being out there at all... and also that u get better at things by doing them even if beyond ur skill level.. aughhh)
(ask game questions here)
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corishadowfang · 5 years
11 Questions Tag Game
Tagged again--this time by @fatal-blow!  Thank you!
Rules: Answer the 11 questions, create 11 of your own, and tag some people.
1. What songs have inspired your WIP?
I ACTUALLY HAVE A PLAYLIST NOW!!  I’ll have an actual playlist post coming up, but some of the major ones are: Dead Hearts, Coma Baby, and King.
2. What trope(s) are you dying to use, but just haven’t found a place for it?  (Alternatively, what’s your favourite trope)
I like the idea of playing with ‘You Can’t Fight Fate’?  I think it’d be fun to explore the themes of fate/destiny and free will, I just...don’t know when I’ll be able to do that.
(My favorite trope is found family.)
3. If your OCs were animals, what would they be?
Aiden--a salamander.  Water creatures that are sometimes associated with fire in mythology.  (Because of the fact that his and Kiru’s dragon form is more water-based.)
Kiru--cat.  Many of his mannerisms are very cat-like, so...definitely a cat.
Gertrude--moth.  Like, something traditionally not paid as much attention to or thought as bad, but is actually kind of cool?  (Or maybe a corvid--something very smart.)
Jackie--I originally thought about doing a German Shephard (because, you know...police), but that was kind of obvious, so: rhino.  Stubborn and driven to reach her goals.
4. Greatest writing accomplishment?
This is a hard one, actually!  I think it’d probably by the paper I wrote as an independent study for college, though.  I put a lot of work into it, and it felt great to actually hold the completed paper in my hands and be able to present it.
5. Favourite settings to describe?
I really love describing sunsets and how they look on things, to be honest?  It’s just something I really like in real life, so I love being able to add it into fiction.
6. Fight scenes: do you love ‘em or hate ‘em?  Why?
So when I was younger, I really enjoyed writing fight scenes.  And then I wrote Guardian Twin.  And there was a fight scene pretty much every chapter.  And I got burnt out and pretty much never recovered.
Sometimes fight scenes can still be fun, but...most of the time I’m not anxious to write them anymore.
7. What always shows up in your WIPs without fail?
FOUND FAMILY.  Whether I’m planning to include it or not, it usually appears.
8. What are your greatest strengths in your writing?
Worldbuilding and character-building are probably the areas I’m best at?  They tend to be the things that come easiest for me and I’m usually able to give a lot of depth to them.
9. Five facts about your favourite OC that you’ve never mentioned before?
So my favorite OC is still Pyromon, and, uh...what are some things I’ve never mentioned before?  Hmmm...
So in a lot of ways, he helped me cope with a very difficult time in my life?  I didn’t have a lot of people I could talk to about what was going on for...various reasons...so I used him as a way to work through things.
I honestly ended up developing a lot of his personality just because I’d doodle him on my stuff and then have ‘fake conversations’ with him.  Fun fact: this is a really effective way to develop characters, apparently.
His personality was actually quite a bit different when I first made him!  He was much more childlike and didn’t know much about the world or anything.  He still has some of that childishness and immaturity, just not quite as much.
I used to make up a lot of ‘digimon adventure’ stories when I was a kid, but he was always more the focus.  I just found him a lot more interesting to explore and develop.
I used to have a ‘thing’ about digivolutions.  Like, I didn’t like the fact that once digimon reached higher forms they didn’t use the lower forms that often, so I usually refused to design anything past Champion level.  This caused problems because I wanted to give him more digivolutions...so I gave him an Armor and Golden Armor level as a compromise.
10. Opinion on romantic subplots in fiction?
It really depends on how it’s handled!  If it’s handled naturally, then I’m usually fine with it.  If it feels forced or it overshadows the plot?  Not so much.
11. If your main character was a pokemon, what would their type be?
...I love this question and kind of just want to do it for all four main characters of On my Heart, so:
My questions:
What other piece of media would you want your WIP to crossover with?
Urban fantasy or high fantasy?
Have you ever had a story you just couldn’t make work?
What is the story you’re proudest of?
Where do you prefer to write?
If you like fanfiction--what are some of the best ones you’ve read?
What is a cliché that you absolutely love?
What was a story you loved as a kid and why was it important to you?
What made you want to be a writer?
Do you prefer happy endings, sad endings, or something in between?
If there is one thing you could tell past you, what would it be?
I’ll tag @roselinproductions, @sleepy-and-anxious, @cawolters, @caswellwrites, @lady-redshield-writes, @somuchtowrite, and @queenie-dragon, if you guys want to do this!
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hannahindie · 7 years
Characters: Dean Winchester, Neal (OC), Alice (OC), Reader, Sam Winchester (brief) Word Count: 3,896 Warnings: Language, insinuated sexy times, patented Dean Winchester snark, smoking A/N: My dear, precious, beautiful @pinknerdpanda requested a Christmas fic using the song “Fairytale of New York” by Dustin Kensrue. You can listen to it HERE. I know it’s after Christmas and that it took me forever, but I hope you all enjoy it. I hope that the title makes sense once you start reading...if not...well...I mean, I don’t know. hahah
Beta’d by @pinknerdpanda (because I can’t not show her things early, even when they’re for her) : “Lystjblhisjfh we yxmvpyskgxiskh itoskhc”
and @masksandtruths, because I had her workin’ overtime yesterday. -wink- Thanks, babe. “THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS! someone said it! For such an intelligent human, Dean has a lot of trouble with this simple fact.”
As usual, tags are at the bottom. If you’d like to be added, please let me know. :)
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I groaned, my head aching as I turned on the hard surface I was laying on and squinted at the old man across from me who was singing obnoxiously loud.
Hi di-diddly-idle-um, diddly-doodle-idle-um, diddly-doo-ri-diddlum-deh Hi di-diddly-idle-um, diddly-doodle-idle-um, diddly-doo-ri-diddlum-deh
He gave me a nearly toothless grin and I groaned again as I squeezed my eyes shut.
“What the hell are you singing, and why?”
“It's Christmas time, m’boy. Will pro’ly be m’last one, and it's m’ favorite tune. Thought I'd serenade ya good and proper.”
“That...that isn’t a Christmas song.” I rolled back over and tried to ignore him, my head pounding. I don't know what the fuck I did or where I was last night, but being in the drunk tank of some podunk town was not exactly where I wanted to be - especially on Christmas. Sammy was gonna kill me.
“Oh, but fer ya, ‘tis. Ya don’t recognize where ya are, do ya?”
“I’m in some town in BFE, when I should be...well, anywhere else. I'm guessing I tied one on a little harder than I planned. And now here I am, trying to ignore some old man trying and failing to sing an Irish ballad and wondering where my brother is so he can get me the fuck outta here. Does that sound about right?”
“Well, son, ya ain't wrong. But that ain't what I was talkin’ about.” He slid over closer to me and I rolled back over to look at him.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Why don't ya sit up and take a good look, see where ya are, and then mebbe I’ll tell ya.”
I groaned and sat up, if for no other reason than to shut him up, and I leaned my head in my hands. Jesus, what did I do? “Okay, I'm up. What am I looking at?”
“Just look.”
I sighed and looked up, the light searing into my hungover eye sockets like lasers. The room was oddly familiar, and I ground the heel of my hand into my eyes. “This...where am I?”
The old man chuckled and I glared at him. He cleared his throat as he stood and walked over to the wall of steel bars that had us trapped. “Ain't so much as where, lad, but when.” He motioned for me to join him and I stood up with a groan, then stumbled to the bars and looked out. Suddenly, it hit me where I was.
“How...this...but I wasn't even here, Sam and I are somewhere in Mississippi,” I mumbled more to myself than the crazy old man who was grinning at me like he'd won the lottery. Judging by my surroundings, I wasn't in Mississippi...I was in New York, although the drunk tank still made sense. But if that was the case… “This happened...hell...twenty years ago. Unless you're an angel, I know I didn't time travel. What the hell is this?”
“Did ya have a favorite Christmas movie, m’boy?”
I glared, “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Well, did ya?” He cocked an eyebrow at me and I had the overwhelming urge to punch him in the face.
“Well, I know this isn’t Die Hard...aw, shit, you’ve got to be kidding me. Scrooged? Seriously? Nah, this is...I got hit really hard in the head, didn’t I? That’s what this is, because it can’t be because I’m some selfish bastard that never does anything for anybody.” I turned to look at the old man, “Because that’s bullshit. I might hate myself, but even I can recognize that I have given up everything for this godforsaken hell hole of a planet.”
“It ain’t always about bein’ selfish, laddie. Sometimes it’s just about showin’ ya what you already know.”
I rolled my eyes, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He nodded his head towards the bars and I looked out to see the last person I expected to be there. “Y/N?”
She stopped short of the bars and crossed her arms, “You know, it doesn’t look great for an FBI agent to be tossed into the drunk tank, much less on Christmas Eve. What were you thinking, Winchester?”
“Y/N, I-” I stopped short when I heard someone respond...when I heard myself respond, rather snarkily.
“Aww, c’mon, sweetheart. I was just celebrating, alone I might add, because someone didn’t want to come with me. We finished the job in record time, we did it well, and we don’t have anything lined up for the next few days.” I turned around to see myself stand up from the bed, then walk over and lean haphazardly against the bars. “Bust me outta here and let’s go have some fun, huh?”
I rolled my eyes, “I don’t act like that, that’s not remotely accurate.”
“‘Tis a memory, lad. Sorry to say it, but m’thinks tha’ twenty years ago, you pro’lly did act like that. Just keep watchin’.”
Y/N motioned to the guard, who came over and unlocked the cell door. Younger me strolled out, gave the guard a wink, then followed Y/N down the hall and out of the jail. I followed close behind, the old man trailing after me. “You’re lucky I was with you. You realize John would have just left you in there.”
“Yea, yea, I know. But you’re not my old man, and for once it’s just us. No Dad, no Sammy...just us.” He stopped Y/N as I looked on, my heart aching at how beautiful she was in the bright light of the moon. “We’re in New York, why don’t we make the best of it, huh?”
“And do what, Dean? It’s freezing cold, you hate museums and musicals-”
“Hey, I don’t hate ‘em! I’m just very particular about them.” He grabbed Y/N’s hands and rubbed them between his, “What about I take you to Broadway, we’ll go to one of those musicals you’re always going on about? Maybe we can go to Rockefeller Center, go ice skating.”
She laughed and I smiled; God, I missed that laugh. I missed the sound of it, and how her nose crinkled and her eyes squeezed shut. I missed the way she’d laugh so hard she would snort, which would throw her into another round of laughter that caused tears and hiccups as she tried to calm down. I missed her.
“Okay, fine. But you’re paying since I had to bail you out.” He laughed and held his arm out to her.
“Fair enough.” They walked away together in the darkness and I sighed.
“What’s the point in this, old man? Just to remind me of what? That I lost my best friend? That everything that happened from here on out was a catastrophic failure? Because I knew that already. I’ve known it for awhile.”
He gave me a sad smile and shook his head, “Let’s go. We’ve got a coupla more stops to make, don’t wanna lose track o’ time.” He reached out to me and I took a step back.
“I don’t think so. I’m done with this. I’ll wake up, and I’ll be in the floor of some abandoned house, and I’ll have to hear from Sammy how I got my ass handed to me. I’m over it, man.” I turned to walk away and suddenly a hand gripped my upper arm tightly.
“We ain’t done until I say it’s done, m’boy,” the old man practically growled,”Ya need to understand it’s not always about ya, or what ya want. Now, c’mon.” That’s about the time everything went black.
When I woke up, I was sitting on a bench directly on Broadway, and although I got a couple of weird looks, people walked around my legs like nothing was wrong. I guess I wasn’t the first person to jut my legs out into the middle of the sidewalk. “What the hell…”
“Ya say that an awful lot, don’t ya?” I looked up to see the man from before and groaned.
“Well, that tends to be the reaction of someone who keeps getting zapped through time.” I sat up and stretched, “What’s your name anyway?”
“My rightful title is the Ghost of Christmas Past, but ya can call me Neal.”
I raised an eyebrow, “Neal? Really?”
He shrugged, “Ya can call me by m’full name, but that is a bit much, ain’t it? Neal is fine.”
I stood up and shoved my hands in my pockets, “Okay Neal, why are we here?”
He gestured toward the building in front of me and I looked up to see a sign advertising Annie Get Your Gun. The doors flew open and a crowd of people poured out, young me and Y/N trailing after the group, laughing and smiling. Y/N jabbed young me in the ribs with her elbow.
“Admit it, you loved it.”
He shrugged, “It was okay. Annie Oakley is pretty cool, so I admit...for a musical...it was pretty good. But don’t expect me to admit that to anyone else, I’ll deny it.” He grabbed Y/n by the waist and she smiled.
“What do you think you’re doing, Dean Winchester?”
He grinned and winked, “Something I should have done a long time ago.” He bent down and kissed her, and I couldn’t help but smile at the memory. I watched as the crowd swarmed around them, how oblivious they were to the swirling bodies that bumped against them as they exited the theater. He pulled back and she looked up at him, her eyes wide. I remember when she used to look at me like that; it was like I was the only person that existed.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked, her voice low.
He smiled as he brushed hair from her face, and it took everything I had not to reach out and try to do the same myself, “You’re beautiful, do you realize that? The prettiest girl in all of New York.”
She blushed, “Oh shut up. Quit trying to impress me, even though it might be working.” He grinned and grabbed her hand.
“Let’s go.” The two took off down the sidewalk and Neal and I followed. They stopped at the corner, and from down the street, the smooth voice of Frank Sinatra carried all the way to where they were standing. He leaned down and kissed her again, and this time, she kissed back. I closed my eyes as I remembered the spark, how my hands had sunk into her hair, how she had clung to me as if she was afraid to let go. By the time I opened my eyes, they were gone, drawn into the crowd as they made their way to the next destination.
“Aren’t we going to follow them? I mean...us?”
Neal shrugged, “Do ya remember what happens next?”
I nodded, “I took her to Rockefeller Center to ice skate. It was crowded as hell, not exactly as romantic as I had pictured it, but she loved every second of it. I busted my ass more than once, but she was flawless. Kind of reminded me of when she hunted, graceful but still dangerous...like she knew something everyone else didn’t. She...we...were happy.” I sighed and turned to face Neal again, “Why are we doing this? What is the point in all this?”
Neal smiled and gave a small shrug, “Now if I told ya that, laddie, it would defeat the purpose. Go on, now. It’s time to move on.”
“What do you mean? Isn’t there a schedule to this, like the next one comes at midnight tomorrow to collect me and show me the error of my ways? I mean, that’s what-”
Before I could finish my sentence, Neal was gone and I wasn’t in New York anymore. I was standing outside an abandoned house, alone.
I looked around, the setting familiar but not, and threw my hands up. “Seriously, Neal? No warning, no recoup time, just straight into the next one?”
“We don't really have time for that, it's not like we’re filming a movie.”
I jumped at the sudden voice and turned to face the source. A short woman with messy blonde hair was standing behind me, her hands jammed in her pockets and a look of semi-annoyance on her face. “Oh, great, so I guess you're the fairy that smacks me around. Just what I needed.”
She shrugged, “I don't have to smack you around, unless you're into that kind of thing. Not a fairy either. Name’s Alice, but you can call me Al.”
“Well, it’s not nice to meet you, Al.” I turn and look back at the house, “What is this place?”
“I don't know, this is your life, dude. I just show you want you need to see.” Before I can say anything else, I hear a snap and Al and I are standing in the dilapidated living room. Sammy is leaned against a doorway, his arms crossed as he watched Y/N flip through a giant book.
“Wait...this is...this is house we’re holed up in in Mississippi. What's Y/N doing there? It was just me and Sam on this job…” Al shrugged again and I rolled my eyes, “Is that all you do, just shrug?”
“Yea, mostly.”
“Sam, stop it. It's not going to work.” I look at Y/N, who had spoken without looking up.
“What are you talking about? I legitimately needed help, and since Dean is MIA, I thought maybe you could be useful.” Sam was lying, I could see it on his face. If I knew Y/N well enough, she also knew.
“Bullshit. He made his choice, quit trying to Parent Trap us. Where is he anyway? Out with his latest Christmas Eve conquest?”
She said it with a laugh, but I could see the look on her face, and it broke my heart. “Y/N, I swear, I’m not with anyone! I don’t...I don’t know what’s happening, but...it’s not that.”
“She can’t hear you, you know.”
“I know she can’t fucking hear me, Al! Dammit, what is this supposed to teach me, huh? That I shouldn’t have broken up with her? That I should have drug her into a life of pain and uncertainty, and having to watch me die over and over because this life sure as hell won’t let me go. Is that it? Because I won’t do that. I can’t do that. Not to her.”
“Looks like she’s still doing it, even without you.”
I glared at her, “It’s not been that long. She’ll get out eventually. She wasn’t born into this life, and she doesn’t have to stay in it. I should kick Sam’s ass for even calling her.” I watched as Y/N slammed the book shut and grabbed her jacket.
“Come on, Sasquatch. I think I know what you’re dealing with, although I have a suspicion you already knew. Let’s get it over with so I can get out of here before Dean gets back.” Sam frowned but followed after her and I looked back at Al.
“Now what? Do we follow them?”
She shook her head, “Nah, we’re movin’ on. Like I said, we don’t have much time. We gotta jump ahead a little bit. You said something about Y/N moving on, yea?”
“Yea, but what does that-” I was interrupted by once again being zapped somewhere else, and I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like what we were about to see.
I was standing in the middle of a parking lot,  facing the front of a run down hotel, the sign flickering off and on in the darkness. It was raining, although it didn’t seem like I was actually getting wet. Al had flipped her hood up anyway and had lit a cigarette. I narrowed my eyes at her, “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” She shrugged and it took everything I had not to punch her. “Shrug one more time, Al. One more time,” I growled, my hands clenched at my sides.
She took a drag from her cigarette and gave me a tight lipped smile, “Sorry.” She nodded towards the building, “Don’t you want to see why we’re here?”
“Not really, but I guess you’re going to make me, right? So let’s get this shit over with.” I motioned in front of me, “After you, since you know where I’m supposed to be going.” Al walked past me and stopped at Room Thirteen.
“Your turn, Romeo.” I rolled my eyes and moved to open the door, but instead fell through it. The room was dark, but there was enough light coming from outside that I saw two body shaped lumps under the sheets. I watched as the one closest to the door slowly sat up and stretched. Y/N.  
“So you brought me here to show me she’s sleeping with someone else?”
“Quit bitching and keep watching.”
Y/N slipped from bed quietly and began gathering her clothes, but not before I got an eyeful of scars that hadn’t been there before. After she dressed, she sat down and pulled on her boots, carefully lacing them up, then grabbed her jacket and phone from the table. She walked towards the door, paused, went back to the night stand and dug through the wallet that was lying there and pocketed the cash she found. She gave one last look at the form still in bed, then carefully opened the door and shut it quietly behind her. Al and I walked through it, and watched as she hopped into her car and took off, throwing gravel out behind her as she sped off.
“She’s still hunting. And who was that bozo?”
“Who knows? Another hunter, some sorry jackass from the bar who was too drunk to notice all her scars? Does it really matter?”
“Of course it matters! She deserves….God, she deserves so much more than this.” I paused before I asked my next question; I wasn’t sure i wanted the answer. “Where...where am I?”
Al took another puff from her cigarette, then flicked it across the pavement, “I could show you, but there’s not much point. Let’s just say you end up where you started, only this time you don’t leave the cell.”
“What about Sam?” Sam would never leave me in there, not on my own.
“I don’t know. I’m only showing you what I was shown. Maybe Sam begrudgingly agrees to get your drunken ass out, or maybe he leaves you there because he’s tired of your bullshit. Knowing him, though, and your weird codependency, he’ll get you out. That’s not really the point here, Dean. Although I’m not surprised that’s where your brain went.”
I looked in the direction that Y/N had driven, “No, I know that wasn’t the point. She keeps hunting, and she doesn’t settle down. Her life doesn’t change just because I left her. That’s the point, right? That it doesn’t matter what any of us do, we’re all destined to do this anyway.”
“You know, someone could have just told me that instead of going on this cliche little journey through time.”
Al pulled a cell phone from her pocket and ran her thumb down the screen ,”Yea, but would you have listened? I’m pretty sure time and experience have taught you otherwise.” She looked back up, “Sorry to cut this short, but I’ve got another appointment. So you understand, right? You get why we did this? Get your shit together, Winchester. Neal and I have better things to do than to keep trying to fix your fuck ups, alright? Go get the girl, already.” She snapped her fingers, and everything went black one more time.
I woke up in the Impala, sprawled out in the front seat. I sat up with a gasp and looked around, and realized that I was sitting outside out of a hotel rather than the house Sam and I had been in. “What the hell…” I mumbled, unsure of how I made it to the hotel, never mind with the car. I patted myself down, and not finding any injuries, I slowly climbed out and shut the door. I looked up and realized where I was.
Room Thirteen.
It was definitely a different hotel, but the number was the same. Although it occurred to me that it might be a bad idea to just assume, I walked up to the door anyway and raised my hand to knock. The door swung open and the person on the other side gasped.
“Hey, Y/N,” I nearly whispered, afraid if I was any louder, she’d run. She looked up at me with wide eyes and I wondered if her heart was beating as fast as mine.
“Hi,” she answered just as quietly.
“I...I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry...I just...I wanted to protect you. But you’re just going to end up still hunting while I’m locked up in some drunk tank, and I don’t want you to rob the dudes you sleep with, it’s just not what I wanted for you at all-”
“Excuse me? Who am I robbing? Who said I’m sleeping with anybody-”
“Just listen, okay? Me pushing you away is not going to protect you. It doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to leave this life and go back to what you had before. The moment you found out about all this stuff, there wasn’t any chance of leaving it. I just...I didn’t want to be the reason you felt trapped, okay? I don’t want to be the reason your dreams are gone.”
Y/N smiled at me, a genuine smile...one I haven’t seen in a long time. She put a hand against my cheek and tilted her head, “You’re a dumbass, Dean Winchester. You’re the reason I’m still here to even have dreams. You didn’t take my old life away, you gave me a new one.” She kissed me, and it was like the world stopped. I closed my eyes and let her warmth sink in, deep into my bones. She pulled back and she laughed as I frowned at the separation. I opened my eyes to see her staring at me, “Wherever you are...that’s where my dreams are, okay?”
“You don’t know how great it is to hear that, kid.” I paused, and she raised an eyebrow.
“How’d you know I was out here, anyway? You opened the door before I even knocked.”
She shook her head, “No idea. I thought I heard your car and when I looked nothing was there. A couple of minutes later, something made me open the door and check again...and there you were. It was the strangest thing.” She stepped back through the doorway, “Would you like to come inside?”
I nodded and gave her a grin, “Absolutely.” I stopped as I stepped over the threshold and looked over my shoulder. In the distance Neal and Al were standing next to each other, Neal swaying drunkenly and Al smoking. Neal waved, then elbowed Al, who gave a half-hearted nod, and I nodded back. They slowly disappeared into the darkness and I smiled. Merry Christmas, indeed.
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Dean Only: @lavieenlex @akshi8278 @valkyrieslament @highonpastries
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emfisketch · 8 years
Tagged by @Zizzani
Name: Emma
Nickname: Em (only with my stream fam though no irl nicknames)
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5′8
Time right now: 10:29 AM
Last Thing Googled: How to Make Cupcakes in the Microwave (it didn’t work out)
Favorite Music Artist: Probably Coldplay but meh idk
Last Movie Watched: The Light Between Oceans
Last TV Show Watched: ..... uhhh maybe Sherlock? It’s been a couple weeks idk
What are You Wearing?: leggings, a long sleeved tshirt and my biggest coat. ‘tis fucking cold today
When did you create your blog?: This one is almost 1.5 years old but my main blog is 5+ years so :)
What kind of stuff do you post?: I mainly reblog fanart and sometimes my own art stuff. Occasionally I rant as well
Do you have any other blogs?: just @efisky but I’m thinking of making a sideblog just for my art. I’ve got a couple names picked out
Gender: Female
Favorite Animal(s): elephants, flamingos, hedgehogs, and CORGIS (along with dogs in general)
Cat or Dog Person: Cats just aren’t Emma animals, so DOGS
Favorite Color: Has been and always will be purple
Average Hours of Sleep: 5-7
Lucky Number: uhhhh none?
Favorite Characters: There are so many book characters I admire that i cannot list them all, but Cinder from the Lunar Chronicals is definitely up there. Also my OCs and my friends’ OCs bc i love them all v much
How many blankets do you sleep with?: One regular sheet and my comforter
Current Number of Followers: This blog has 55 :D
Why did I pick my URL?: I think it’s pretty self explanatory but basically Emma doodles things. Plus Emdraws was taken and it made me v sad. GIMME THE URL PLEASEEEEEEE
Dream Trip: Exploring the British isles with my closest friends sounds like an absolute blast!
i’m tagging @ltrumbley @reverie-averse-illusion and @shabbob Im sorry if you’ve already done it and I just forgot! 
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andyhollows · 8 years
these are actually hella fucking cute y'all
I liked this questionnaire thing a while back ago and decided to finally answers these 100 questions. I’m making a different post than reblogging it with the answers so you’ll be able to see which answers are mine. Link  for if you wish to read/take it yourself. :)
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
I tend to have more milk than cereal even though I fill up my bowls to the top with cereal. XD 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
I live in Florida so the coldest it gets is usually around 50-60 during the days and 20-30 at night, if we’re lucky. But, yes, I do, very much so. 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I don’t read books, but back when I was in middle/high school, I used to just fold the edge of the book and using a pencil, put a dash where i last left off, or being an artist, I would create my own little bookmarks using a normal piece of paper. 4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
I don’t drink coffee/tea, I probably drink cappuccino and that’s only from WaWa’s when it’s cold enough and I usually put cream and like 2-4 packets of sugar in it.  5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
Only when I haven’t brushed or recently ate something like lasagna or some sort of pasta. 6: do you keep plants?
No 7: do you name your plants?
If i don’t even own a plant, why would i name it? 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
I usually just draw/sketch with a pencil 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
Yeah, I tend to just lip sing to whatever music I’m listening to. 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
Yes lol I tend to toss and turn but I almost always end up on my back. 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?
I don’t really have any inner jokes i can think of at the top of my head. 12: what's your favorite planet?
Pluto, i don’t know why. 13: what's something that made you smile today?
I saw another post in my “likes” and I looked at the original post it came from and it came from Game Grumps and that made me laugh so hard. 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
Nice, for sure. It would probably just be all the walls would be white or some sort of light color and our furniture would be pretty modern and solid colors. We tend to have the same taste so it wouldn’t clash together. 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
“All of space is completely silent...” 16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
Either Chicken Al’ Fredo or Spaghetti. 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
Blue or Red would be pretty cool and i think i could pull it off 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
I don’t have any with friends, but with my family: i was like 14 years old and roleplaying with my current boyfriend, Jonathan, my brother and Ashley and my character was suppose to get pregnant but i didn't know how a pregnancy test was taken so i said i put it in my mouth and it came out positive and i came out of the restroom saying I'm pregnant and EVERYONE laughed! 12 years later, they haven’t let me live it down. 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I don’t have a journal but i have a ton of sketch books and they usually contain chibis or my OCs, myself, my best friend or my game characters and unfinished doodles. 20: what's your favorite eye color?
Green 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
I don’t have a favorite bag, i’m not really the type to hold onto something like that, but my favorite bag right now is either my Domo backpack or my nightmare before christmas one. 22: are you a morning person?
No 23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
Sleep, watch TV/youtube videos and play video games 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Yes, my best friend, you know who you are :P 25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?
I’ve never broken into anything, unless you count just walking into unfinished houses in my neighborhood. 26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
My flats are the shoes I’ve had forever but I don’t wear them anymore, instead i now mostly wear my sandals, only cause im lazy to put on socks and sneakers. 27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?
watermelon! 28: sunrise or sunset?
sunset, i feel sunrise will just start blinding me if i keep starring at it XD 29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
When they’re totally dorking out over some comic book or some movie lol 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Yes 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
Socks are alright. I usually stick to wearing solid color socks. I don’t sleep with socks cause when i do, because i toss and turn my socks slip off and it’s annoying. I own some white socks but i prefer colored ones. 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
3AM... with friends? Uhhh... since most of my friends are online, i don’t really do much, cept talk about whatever unless we’re drunk 33: what's your fave pastry?
Any sort of cake! 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
I don’t have any stuffed animals i’ve had since i was a kid, most of them were given on my birthday or as a congratulations. The one i’ve had the longest is this cute little ghost i named Spooky and i got her on my birthday and i still have it. 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I do like stationary stuff and pens, i always want all the pens, pencils, markers, highlighters, stickynotes, everything even if i don’t have a use for em. 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
I don’t know... probably some disney song LOL 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
i don’t LIKE keeping my room a mess, im just fucking lazy 38: tell us about your pet peeves!
when they happen, i’ll let you know, i can’t think of any at the top of my head. 39: what color do you wear the most?
black 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
i don’t wear jewelry, cept earrings and the ones i own are gifts from Christmas so don’t really have a story. 41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?
i don’t read books :D i only read manga XD but if that counts, Horimiya 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
Again, i don’t drink coffee so i don’t know of any coffee shops. 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
My family....? like a decade ago lol we were mostly trying to look at the meteor shower 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
uhhh.... umm... >.> geez.. that’s tough, had to have been before becoming a teenager! 45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
yes, they have yet to let me down. 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
i don’t know any puns, i’m not a punny person! and no im not trying to be funny 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
i don’t know XD im picky but i’m not like totally disguested with a type of food... maybe oysters? 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
my biggest fear as a kid was pretty much the “monster under my bed” thing, i never liked leaving my foot hanging off the side of my bed, i always ran and jumped onto my bed after turning off the lights, etc. to this day, no that fear is gone, now it’s bugs XD 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i never bought a CD/record in my life, i usually just had a friend or my mom burn me one  50: what's an odd thing you collect?
i don’t really collect anything specific, i do tend to want anything that’s related to black butler or the nightmare before christmas or doctor who 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
“Why I Cry” by NSP only because they got me into it XD 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
i don’t like memes 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
out of all of them, i’ve only watched beetlejuice, i’ve heard OF the rocky horror picture show, never heard of heathers or pulp fiction and beetlejuice was just weird.
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
my nephew XD 55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?
I don’t know/can’t remember 56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
i don’t know, not often i pay attention to people 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
every time i listen to bohemiam rhapsody i remember the flash video my brother created XD 58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
i think my friend Ricky is the wine mom, mostly cause he’s the only one i know that drinks wine and gets drunk when drinks too much and the vodka aunt has to be my friend Elliot because almost every time i talk to him, he’s drunk  59: what's your favorite myth?
i don’t know, idk a lot of myths 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
i don’t really like poetry so i don’t have a favorite 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?
i try to think out my gifts carefully, but the stupidest gifts i’ve received was this last christmas, when i got 5 slippers from my family because of something i said xD 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
i don’t drink juice at all >.> and i probably should 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
with my music, i tend to organize them by artist, any new song i get from an artist i already have in my library has to be within that same bunch 64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
dark blue/black, it’s night 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with?
YES, MY BEST FRIEND!!! 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
a bunch of black roses? >.> 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
amazing!!! 68: what's winter like where you live?
non-existent 69: what are your favorite board games?
Anything that’s fun and makes my family do weird things 70: have you ever used a ouija board?
Nope but i am curious about using one 71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
sweet and citrusy i suppose? i dont drink tea 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
absolutely! 73: what are some of your worst habits?
i bite my nails.. a lot 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
do i have enough space to describe such a dork in my life? 75: tell us about your pets!
i have 1 dog! her name is diamond, she’s an adorable mutt! 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
probably sleeping.. pffft! 77: pink or yellow lemonade?
doesn’t matter they both taste great 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
minion, like from despicable me minions? XD cause if so, im in the sorta fanclub 79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
they drew me XP 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
mine are sand colorish and no i didn’t choose it, we painted over the white/pink color that was there before, some of my other walls are different shades of blue. 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
i guess like a horizontal oval shaped open window with small black curtain looking out to an ocean of chocolate syrup 82: are/were you good in school?
yeah, i was 83: what's some of your favorite album art?
no idea, i dont really look at album covers 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
i’m too afraid of needles and have a low tolerance for pain, so no tattoos for me, if i did get one, i’d get one of probably my zodiac sign which is Scorpio 85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
i don’t read comics, i read manga and my favorite ones are Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji and Horimiya 86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
what are concept albums??? 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
any disney/marvel movies 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
none that i can think of at the top of my head 89: are you close to your parents?
not really, there are things i’ll tell them, but not everything 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
i dont really have a favorite city 91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
this year? i plan on traveling down to go see my best friend! that’s my main goal 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
no cheese on my pasta! 93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?
ponytail, i can’t really keep my hair down cause of the humidity here 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
my best friend XD 95: what are your plans for this weekend?
video gaaaaaaaaaaames! 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
i usually procrastinate 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
uhh... zodiac? idk what myer briggs is and im not that big of a harry potter fan 98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
hahahahaahahah xD me! HIKING! LOL!! 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
No.. 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I’d go 5 years into the past to reassure my younger self that i don’t have to have my life all together and absolutely know what i want to do with my life
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