#I will leave at 2. I am not team Christmas lunching under these conditions
exhaustedwerewolf · 9 months
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kristallioness · 4 years
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2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
*arrives a month late*... Happy 2021 to all of you, my dear followers! *raises a glass* It seems that my tendency to finish my artwork or personal posts on time has only gotten worse over time (I blame work *lol*). Oh well, better late than never, since there are things I would still like to take with me from this extraordinary year of 2020.
It is cringeworthy that I have two huge red X-s this year. But after I'd put these puzzle pieces together, I remembered far too well what was going on in my (work) life at the time, so it's completely understandable why I didn't have the time nor the energy to draw at all during those two months.
What were those typical statistics that I wrote about again to compare the years? *goes to read last year's post*.. Oh, right! In 2020, I managed to finish 3 full digital drawings (from the months of April, July and December) as well as work on several sketches. I wrote 28,154 words worth of fanfiction (oohh, that's a lot better than previous year), plus 3,126 words in English (I dare say I wrote an equal amount in Estonian) for the prompts I got during UYLD (making the total 31,280 words, which is quite impressive!).
I finished reading the 1st Kyoshi novel in the evening of the 20th and slightly past midnight on the 21st December (barely before the holidays, but I set this goal for myself and I did it!). Am already looking forward to starting with the 2nd part some time this year. Besides that, I ordered and received all the other new Avatar books that came out (3rd part of "Ruins of the Empire", "Katara and the Pirate's Silver", "Legacy of the Fire Nation") as well as BOTH Avatar series DVD sets (I still can't believe I found these on sale on some random online store in Estonia, but these are now among my most prized possessions!).
I finally started my Avatar rewatch last January, but merely got to the Ba Sing Se episodes in Book 2 (I need to continue with "The Earth King") and now it's been 5 YEARS since I last saw Korra. Reading through my journal personal posts from last year, I know far too well that it's not about rushing through it as fast as possible. Instead, I should enjoy the ride and continue watching the episodes when I'm well rested and in the right mood. That way I'll end up feeling much more at peace.
As for the entire year as a whole? I don't think anyone in this world of ours was prepared for the way this decade would begin - with an uncontrollable pandemic, the virus of which is randomly attacking and threatening to wipe out the weakest amongst us. If any of you (or even if you know someone who) have lost a loved one to this plague, there is not much else I can offer but my sincerest condolences! Me, my family, friends and colleagues seem to have managed to avoid catching it so far. *spits 3 x over her shoulder*
I had such high hopes for this year in so many ways. Event-wise I was looking forward to watching the Eurovision Song Contest in May (where Uku Suviste was supposed to represent Estonia for the 1st time ever after so many unfortunate failures to get selected as the winner of our local competition), the European Football Championships in June (asking my colleagues which countries they support, perhaps make fun bets / guesses with them to see whose team would win the matches), the Tokyo Olympic Games in July-August, the President of Estonia (Mrs. Kersti Kaljulaid) coming to visit my hometown to celebrate our Victory Day by taking part in the parade together with the Defence Forces (after 15 years *sigh*)...
I will always remember my last big event, which took place when life used to be "normal", so to say. It was the 102nd anniversary of Estonia on the 24th of February, when I took part of all the most important celebrations in Tallinn on our Independence Day, FULL-TIME (whenever I scroll through my Facebook timeline, I see the photos I uploaded of that day, my heart melts and I smile fondly). But the day after that.. utter hell broke loose. We had our first infected person in the country.
I will also remember the last day I went to work in "normal" conditions. Friday, the 13th of March (typically my lucky day-number combination): I missed the tram I wanted to get on in the morning, at work my team received great news that one of our colleague's family had grown bigger by a new tiny member the day before, we had our last team lunch together, we discussed the safety measures that we should take and joked about what might happen next week, I took the bus home instead of the tram (as the tram's route came from the airport and that place was considered to be more dangerous and with a higher risk of catching this virus).. It was another 2.5 weeks later by then (since the 25th of February) - Estonia (along with the rest of Europe) went into full lockdown.
The beginning was frightening and people were on edge, nobody really knew what to do nor what was gonna happen next. But in time, things began to shake into place and everybody developed a comfortable routine for remote work, including figuring out how to get everyday things done (such as grocery shopping). I found solace in taking photographs of various beautiful bird species, who began to fly around and serenaded me during spring, visiting the trees around my "nest" i.e. rented apartment (with a pair of them ACTUALLY building a nest in the chestnut tree right beside my window, thus turning me into a protective godmother of their chicks).
To be honest, I was awestruck by the positive / surprising aftermath of this lockdown: how the world / environment began to heal itself from the pollution that was normally caused by humans. I was taken aback by how dead silent our usually loud capital became in my neighbourhood (I could only hear trams passing by my house according to their schedules, practically no cars whatsoever, streets were empty of people.. absolute silence).
By May-June, things started to look up in Estonia (as well as the rest of Europe) and people were allowed to start travelling / moving around more freely. During my vacation in July, I managed to go to my last (open air) event (for the rest of the year) under these new "corona" conditions and ended up having a blast at the Open Farm Days in my home county for the first time.
Our country's shining moment came during the first week of September, when we hosted the first ever Rally Estonia of the World Rally Championship (WRC), where our very own Ott Tänak and Martin Järveoja won. The event was so well organized and successful that nobody caught the virus nor did the spectators / participants spread it to others, which surely must've helped in ensuring us a spot in the WRC calendar for 2021 as well.
The remainder of the year was rather dull, with the exception of the US Presidential elections in November, when we were all holding our breaths that Joe Biden would win (congratulations, my American friends!). This eventually led to the painful downfall of THE WORST government the Republic of Estonia has ever had, and to the rise of our first female Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas (both happening in January 2021, I couldn't believe it all spiralled so soon, ha-ha!).
Anyways, during the last 4 months, work was very stressful and driving me nuts, so badly that when I eventually went on vacation before Christmas, I had a slight anxiety disorder that wouldn't let me relax for several days (luckily it went away just as quickly once I began to take it easy and managed to get some proper rest / sleep).
In hindsight, I kind of get this weird feeling as if I saw this whole thing coming, given how actively I was living my life throughout 2019. My final year of the 2010's was so full of important events and personal achievements. It's almost as if something mysterious inside was driving me, telling me to visit all the places and do all the things I wanted to do, cause I wouldn't have this sort of a chance again for a very long time.
This must be the main reason why I am thankful for 2020 for going the way it did. Sure, I'm disappointed that a lot of events were cancelled, that so many people have had to leave this world so soon due to this unpredictable disease.. But I think there are so many lessons to take from what came out of all of this. I believe the world needed some sort of a restart or break, given in what direction we were headed (politically, economically, environmentally, socially etc.). I'm just sorry it's had to come with such a high price of innocent lives.
I have even higher hopes for 2021, given how amazingly January has already passed for me and my country, and what is to come in my hometown in February. Let's take the lessons learned from 2020 with us and keep on heading back towards the "normal" lifestyle we used to know. Except this time, let's improve our ways, put all the hatred behind us, be more considerate, keep a distance, stay safe, but still try to make the world a better place for everyone. Thank you so much for reading, for remaining by my side, and for your support and love throughout the years, my friends! I hope to see you all alive and healthy at the end of the white metal ox year of 2021! *virtual hugs*
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not-a-statement · 6 years
Chasing ghosts. Chapter 2
So for some reason I can’t edit my masterlist for this story. On of us - me or tumblr - is definitely a clumsy fool. 
Anyway, it’s been a long time but here I post again. This chapter introduces original characters and focuses on them exclusively.
Critics and opinions are always appreciated.
Baton Rouge,LA, January 23, 2035
The general office of the State Police Department was filled with sounds and people typical for Monday morning. Investigators, detectives, even a couple of court clerks were moving slowly between the work tables. Phones ringing, Maggie's coffee machine softly grumbling, detective Nate Parker rants about his little rendez vous with a couple of girls past weekend, which caused an occasional bursts of laughter from a small group of listeners. Someone’s complaining about son, who’s got yet another detention at school. That scallywag was caught smoking in the school closet during lunch break. “I mean, come on! What’s the school’s backyard is for? What’s wrong with these children?”
All this leaving no chances at all for detective Robert Brooks to focus on completing the report. Frankly, if there was anything consistent to write then probably no excuses could take place. The missing was found the week prior in the Pine Prairie area - one of the tourists called the police and said that near the shore of Lake Millers lied a body of a dead girl dressed in a white light dress. By the time detectives and the team of medical experts arrived, a decent crowd of onlookers gathered around the corpse, hence searching for traces at the crime scene wouldn’t be for big avail.
What else?
There’s no doubt that the victim was killed - even though the lungs were full of liquid and the fact that clothes and skin of the deceased were pretty much hinting that she’s spent plenty of time in the water, a rope trace was found on her neck. So, the drowning was staged.
By whom?
Well, here’s where interesting questions start.
No wonder why the crime scene was so crowded - case after case were quaking the whole country. People kept disappearing in a daylight - single men and women of different ages, usually without family and friends - those who wouldn’t be immediately claimed missing. Generally the search would last for about a week or two only to let detectives stand before such corpses (and it could’ve been worse, if one believed Nate the Chatter Box) or find victims alive but absolutely insane. Wearing rags, disoriented, and with no memory at all, no one even remembered their names.
People were frightened. And no one had even a small clue, even a hint, about this maniac’s whereabouts or appearance. His work was flawless - every time a new case appeared in press, this bastard’s already in another state. Probably.
At least everything looked like that  - no one had accurate information. And, which was a very bad thing to say, such cases were a nightmare for any detective - perfect addition to the record. There were adventurers, of course, who wanted to catch their own Zodiac, but most people were genuinely concerned about their careers.
And so it happened that careerist Brooks was not only brought to a partner of the adventurer Tam Bennett, and more so, he was appointed to investigate such a case.
Robert sighed, once again glancing over the printed report page on the computer screen.
Elizabeth Arthrisha Marlowe, born in 2019, blah blah blah ... Numerous abrasions on the arms in the forearm, blah blah ... The time of death was determined between 9 pm and midnight on January 17 of this year ... and more rubbish. Seriously, what else to write?
When he and Tam just started the investigation about two weeks prior Robert was saving hope that that time would be a fluke. Children and adolescents haven’t figured in such cases so far, and a sixteen-year-old girl could go to carouse with friends, or with some guy - anything. But the fact was bulletproof  - the corpse of Lake Millers was identified, parents were heartbroken, Captain Hernandez was constantly inspecting for progress on the case, and Bennett was obsessed with all sorts of theories. Or women.
Where is, by the way, that boy this time? Monday, ten in the morning! Wasn’t it Tam who kept calling me all Sunday while I tried to spend the day off with family, and reminded of all the chores to do on Monday? That’s not even funny.
Okay...This won’t work. Perhaps the morning coffee-tobacco ritual will help clear the thoughts? Yes, sounds good. A cup of Colombian black with cream, a spoon of cane Mexican sugar and a pinch of cinnamon in a compartment with a cigarette and fresh morning air. The first good idea for today, Brooks.
Robert got up from his desk stretched and headed for the dispatcher's counter. After receiving his equivalent of the Holy Grail from  Maggie, he passed the doors leading to the office, a corridor filled with civilians who were brought here or who came by their own will, then the hall and finally went into the parking lot in front of the department building. The weather was pleasing, here and there, however, small flocks of clouds were gathering, but the sun was shining warmly. The city, long awakened, performed a symphony of the weekday - passing pickup trucks and small cars, ordinary townspeople and important birds like lawyers and real estate agents scurrying around here and there. You could even hear a heavy truck driving in the distance.
Someday all this will be rewarded, Brooks thought, releasing cigarette smoke and slowly sipping from a mug with the inscription "Best Daddy in the World". Another five years, and I’ll be in higher position, and five more - and here comes the retirement. A small house in California somewhere in Palo Alto, a neat little garden for my Mary and a home winery for both of us. Our Aaron and Lucy would come over for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter ... imagine - a festive table with the family and you are sitting at the head of the table. What else can you dream about? Life will be like this cup of coffee - warm, reliable and with a very long aftertaste, if sipping small ...
Mother of…!!!
Brooks threw up his hands in surprise, spilling half the contents of the mug on the sidewalk. Thank God not on a work shirt.
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack at thirty-seven?" he yelled into Bennett's laughing face, sticking out of the silver Volkswagen’s window. Tam's hand was still on the honk.
"Seriously," he panted through his laughter, "you would see your face, Bob! Standing there, caught up in a daydream, and then this - Aaaaah!”
He mocked Robert’s grimace of horror.
That laughing blond face was so tempting to throw the rest of coffee at it! First he’s late for work, and now he decided to mock me!
All right, calm down, Robert, calm down. It would be disrespectful on your part to respond to the pranks of this toddler overgrown.
"Not funny, Tam," he said, trying to sound dignified, "what took you so long, by the way?"
“Oh, oh, oh! " Tam started fidgeting in the seat, shaking his arms around him.
"Wait ... where was it ..."
He began to search for something, bending in all imaginable and unthinkable directions. The front passenger seat, glove compartment, pockets on the doors, even under his feet. As Tam reached there, his head fell on the steering wheel with a swing, causing one more honk.
"Just find a spot and park already" Brooks said, rubbing the bridge of his nose with two fingers, pain in his voice. Seriously, not a partner, but a complete disappointment.
After Bennett parked his car in the far corner of the parking lot, and Brooks reached the porch of the building, finishing his coffee (great, the sugar at the bottom did not dissolve completely, and now the last sips are too sweet, splendid), they exchanged a handshake and went inside.
"I'm still waiting for the answer, young man" Robert said as strictly as he could as they crossed the hall.
"First, I'm not your son," replied Tam, smiling. "And second, I decided that I’d make you a surprise."
"What surprise for God’s sake? What are you up to again?”
"Don’t worry, Bobby, you'll like it! Very much!”
"Can you at least pretend sometimes that you're a professional?”  Robert didn’t like all those glances from people around, attracted by Tam's enthusiastic exclamations.
"Nah, I'm gorgeous just as I am" Bennett shrugged as they approached the door leading to the general office.
"Take the keys and wait for me at your car. Mine is... umm ... not in the purest condition today. I need to go to Sam, I'll be back in a moment”.
“Oh for love of...”
"Maggie! My doll!” - Bennett exclaimed, pressing his lips to the hand of the dispatcher, who immediately blushed and playfully giggled. The white blouse, she was wearing, obviously lacked buttons in certain places, which caused a lot of discomfort to Brooks. Bennett, apparently, didn’t mind this kind of view.
"How was the weekend, my sugar? Had many men kneeled?”
"I think you'd know better, detective," Maggie purred innocently  "or am I wrong?"
Really? In front of the whole office, these two would exchange so unconcealed expressions of passion and lust? Where’s the ethics committee when you need one?
"I'd love to know more ... dig a little deeper if you let me put it this way ..."
Wow! Okay, not listening to this! Gross and obnoxious!
"All in good time, detective. But next time you shouldn’t forget your promises about ... special equipment.”
The phone rang at the dispatcher's desk, putting an end to this vulgar scene much to Robert's relief. While Maggie, still crimson and still with a half-detached blouse, were answering the call, Tam winked at his partner and pronounced "handcuffs" with his lips, pointing his finger in the direction of that spicy’s lover. Just like a student at a dorm party.
"Don’t forget the keys!" he added, quickly moving away from the counter in the direction of Captain Hernandez office “I'll be in a sec!”
Brooks stayed where he stood, setting the mug on the counter. 
Here we go. Got nothing else to do but to stand here and wonder what this scoundrel has in mind. Every time. Every goddamn time. Easy to wound up with a half-turn, and everybody better run away within a radius of a couple of miles around. Cars soar into the air, tiles fly from the houses’ roofs, women in  panic, children crying. A real hurricane. Safe for the name - Tam, not Andrew.
"It's not even the first month that he works here. Sam lectures him constantly, I give instructions, and look at him. Always jumping ahead, as if his head’s made of stone and will demolish any wall”  Robert thought out loud “what's even going on in his brain? ..”
"Dunno much about the head, Bob," Maggie said in a caramel voice reappearing at the counter, dreamily slapping her eyelashes, "but trust me, what's going on in his pants ..."
"You know what, I already regret saying it out loud!" Jesus Christ, would this vulgarity scene come to an end already?!
Brooks got to his desk and sat down in the armchair. The plan for today, which could hardly be called consistent as it was, began to become completely insane. First the report, which he had nothing to write in, then spilled coffee, all sorts of bedtime insinuations - yes, Robert knew what sex was and where the children came from, he himself was a father, but that's too much - and now it's time to arm with a trowel and a little plastic bag to walk this boy. We ought to find a leash. Maggie probably would have one ...
No, no, that's a bad joke. Very bad.
Okay, probably the report can be a time killer, while Tam’s chatting with the captain. It’s not like time killers are always pleasing but what you gonna do, right?
At least there were some people who’d probably be happy with whatever Brooks wrote for a report of an adolescent girl’s horrifying murder. Newspaper editors.
It looked like they’re making it a competition to draw more attention to their source of information compared to competitors. "The Oregon maniac visits Louisiana." "Yet another reason to use the door chain." "Mysterious kids killer at large".
Blah blah blah. Scribblers.
Of course the case is serious and everybody mourns for the girl and prays for her parents to smother their misery, but is it really necessary to play with people's hearts like that? Add in the photo plastered on the front page - a police tape in the foreground and a bunch of people crowding behind it. Fresh stuff, just from the crime scene.
On Friday evening, when Brooks was about to leave home, anticipating a delicious chicken breast with Parmesan and eggplant for dinner, he found Nate and Tam in the interrogation room, staring intently at that exact photo from the newspaper. Enthusiasts. They say that the criminal always returns to the crime scene. So both decided to play bloodhounds. Also Robert could smell some booze in the room too, so...
On the other hand, if one took a sober look at things, then there wasn’t anything consistent either. No traces, no clues, even the smallest. Absolute zero. Robert had already suggested Hernandez to hand over the case to the special squad to take that burden of a case off his shoulders, but every time that question popped up Sam would just grin and pat Brooks on the shoulder.
"Bob, what are talking about? You have such an experience, such record! And what a chance to be a mentor to the young one!"
Sounds easier than it is...
“Surprise!” a folder fell sharply on the table in front of Brooks.
Oh my God…
“Cheer up, partner!" Tam said, plopping down in the armchair opposite to Brooks. "We have a case!"
"Um, I know," Robert raised an eyebrow, "and you always find an excuse to slick away"
"No, you don’t understand, Bobby." Bennett majestically placed his palm on the folder, touching it with his fingertips, and slowly moved it towards Brooks. "We have a case."
Robert, still looking suspiciously at the youngster, took the folder and opened it, going into reading. Photo, name, surname, lots and lots of text. With every line he read, the hope to at least somehow bring the present day to an acceptable level, was slipping away. It seemed that having a leash wasn’t a joking idea, but a very real necessity.
Brooks gave his partner a glance full of fatigue and disappointment.
“Well, am I good at making surprises or am I the best?” Bennett's brows creased conspiratorially.
"Please tell me this is a joke ..."
“Tam, I’m begging you.”
"What's wrong, Bob?"
Brooks heaved a deep sigh and began to read aloud.
“Mabel Jessica Pines, born in 1999, Piedmont, California. According to her landlords arrived on January 18 of this year from the city of New York. According to Smiths couple - owners of the apartment at 881 West Roosevelt Street Miss Pines rented - she came across as a modest, quiet woman, not particularly talkative and constantly thoughtful. Her interests were the surroundings, especially the University of Louisiana and Manchac swamps. Mr and Mrs. Smith also noted that she preferred not to answer questions about family and relatives. Only said that she was married, but got divorced a few years ago. Wasn’t seen participating in any phone calls. On the 20th of January she left the rented apartment and never came back. Was dressed in a gray coat and a long skirt, carrying a medium-sized travel bag and a mobile phone, which she stopped responding around 7 pm. Left a laptop and a notebook in the apartment”.
Brooks put down the folder and brought his hands to the bridge of his nose, resting his elbows on the countertop.
"Great, isn’t it?" exclaimed Tam. “Full set - you’ve got clues and description! All we need to do is restore her route, trace each her step, find her perso... What?”
Brooks, still holding his hands on the bridge of his nose, pointed to his partner with his finger, as if asking him to plug his fountain of enthusiasm.
"What's bothering, Bobby?"
Calm down, Robert, calm down. You are reasonable, smart man. You’ve had many of such conversations with your young son Aaron. It's the same, no differences.
"Bob, you're straining me."
Easy, easy. I'm straining him, you see. Well, well, let it be, a little bit of tension didn’t kill anyone so far. I'm still alive.
"Listen, you're breathing as if you've gone too far with pepper in the soup, Bobby.”
All right, that's enough.
Robert slowly raised his head, holding his hands together at the tip of his nose. He was breathing really deep and quite noisy.
"First," he began softly, clearing his throat, "call me Bobby one more time and you'll be riding in the back seat. And second, we have no new case. Foot down”.
Tam whistled.
“Hmm, mate, you're …”
"Let me ask you something" interrupted Robert, "when you accepted this case, which part of your organism was functioning as a thinking part?"
“What does it have to do with it? It's such an opportunity!”
“What opportunity? Tell me" Brooks asked, still keeping his coolness.
Tam looked at him with an expression of complete perplexity a second or two, then leaned forward and began:
“Listen. What’s the main problem we had with the Marlowe’s case?”
“The case itself.”
“I'm serious.”
“You don’t say! You know how to be serious?”
"Look, this isn’t funny” Tam frowned. "Our main problem was time which we’re lacking of. What did we initially know about the Marlowe girl? Almost nothing, neither where most likely she could go, nor her full circle of acquaintances. So no one expected that her loss could be just such a case.”
“What case?”
"Such a case" Bennett pointed to the folder, "clear as day."
Brooks raised his eyebrows.
"Give me at least a hint because I don’t really understand ..."
“There’s nothing to understand here. A lonely woman, from another city. Comes to nowhere and almost immediately disappears!” Bennett could barely restrain himself from being excited. "This is our Oregon maniac, I'm telling you."
Well, here you go.
When it comes to do paperwork, he has plan for the evening. And when it comes to burden me with additional stress, so he's first in line. It’s already becoming unbearable. How do I explain him?
"Ok, Tam," Robert said, restrainedly. "Here’s what we’ll do. You’ll take this muck to where you took it, wash your hands with soap and then we'll go to your piano tutor.”
Bennett made an uncomprehending face.
“Seriously. We are not taking this case and that’s final. We've had enough trouble with that Marlowe girl" Tam started to protest, but Brooks stopped him, lifting both his hands “No, I'm saying that’s enough. Get yourself a notebook, call it "My hasty conclusions that have nothing to do with reality" and write down all your speculation there.”
Robert got up from the table and began to pull on his jacket.
“Now you and I will get in the car, go for a coffee and do some work.”
With these words, Brooks took his car keys from the table, checked once more whether the token that hung on his belt of trousers was there and was ready to the exit the office when Bennett found something to say:
"So you'll go to Sam yourself?"
“For what?” Brooks froze half a turn, looking back at his partner.
Bennett just shrugged.
“Well, to tell him personally that you refuse to take the case, which he himself commissioned, for example?”
Sam did what?
“Come again.”
"The captain of the state police department assigns us a case, and you stand against the decision of your superiors." Bennett smiled ingenuously.  “Pretty brave of you, I must say.”
Oh no. No no no.
So it’s not Tam? Can this day get any worse?
Brooks sighed noisily and lowered his head, staring at his polished black boots. How many thresholds were overstepped by these guys, how many pursuits for criminals and capture operations they saw. How many times did Brooks polish them to shine, to look neat, while receiving a new title or listening a praise for a successfully disclosed case. How long have they gone and for what? In order to soon go to the dump together with the Robert’s career.
The vision of the house in California again appeared before him and immediately melted in a light haze. Nothing of the sort will happen if the captain continues to charge Robert with such hopeless cases and companions.
“So what?” Tam behind Brooks pointedly looked at his watch. “What did you say about coffee? Can we grab a cup for Sam? Well, you know, as a sign of respect and …”
"Come on ..." Robert muttered softly.
“Sorry, what?”
Brooks raised his eyes to the ceiling and repeated a little more distinctly:
“Come. On”
Bennett, grinning in a broad smile, instantly jumped from his seat, grabbed a folder from the table and flew past a still motionless partner, slapping him along the shoulder.
“That’s more like it!” he proclaimed joyfully. “New case, baby!”
Would you just shut up already an unfortunate thought flew through Robert's head as he sadly followed Tam out of the office.
“And she had very kind eyes. Hazel” Brooks looked into his notebook. Yes, this phrase has sounded for the third or fourth time for those half an hour from the time that detectives arrived to the landlords of the missing.
“Kind, but very sad eyes …”
"Yes, Mrs. Smith, I think I wrote it down," Robert said, holding out his hand to his cup of tea on the coffee table in front of him. Mr. Smith tumbled in the room noisily puffing, holding an ashtray in one hand while the second was already groping for his pocket.
“Anna really liked the girl” Mr. Smith perched in a chair next to his wife. The ashtray was placed on a table next to the cup of Brooks, and in the pocket finally found the coveted pack of cigarettes. A mischievous smile played on Mr. Smith's lips.
"Henry, for heaven's sake!" His wife threw up her hands. "How many times have I asked you not to smoke in the house! You know, my back does not welcome airing so often.”
"You can bear it once a week honey" Henry brought his lit-up match to a cigarette with trembling fingers then inhaled and immediately fell into a ruthless throaty cough.
Anna Smith shook her head worriedly, looking at her husband, and turned to the detective:
"I told him that forty years of smoking would make some consequences. Imagine - he wasn’t listening to me until he laid down on the surgery table! Who knew that you can get a tumor like that, right?”
"Benign," Henry finally cleared his throat, "it was benign, my dear. And the main thing I’m still in one piece. Head, hands, legs” he winked at the detective and folded his old mouth into a grin like a little mischievous schoolboy.
“And what’s betw…”
"When you, ahem ..." Robert hastily intervened to stop the phrase, which beginning wasn’t biding anything good "when you applied, you mentioned that Mabel reluctantly talked about herself. I believe that you’ve learned at least something about her?”
"Yes detective but very, very little." Mrs. Smith clasped her fingers and put them to her forehead, concentrating on something.
"She said she came from New York," her husband said, releasing a cloud of blue smoke, "god knows what called her to our backwoods ..."
"Oh shush, Henry." Mrs. Smith shook her finger in vexation. "I'm sure detective knows already where the girl came from."
“Can I clarify the question?” Brooks put the notebook aside on the table. “The bartender from the diner near the bus station mentioned that in a conversation with him Mabel said that she came in search for someone. Didn’t she tell you the same thing? Maybe mentioned who it was?”
"Ah, poor thing! Did she have to eat breakfast there?” Mrs. Smith shook her head in frustration. "If she came at once, I would feed her with a decent breakfast. What kind of muck could she be offered there?”
"They used to have good burgers," Henry shook the ashes, "at least five years ago, when I last had them ..."
“Nonsense! Burger for breakfast?”
“Ahem. Mrs. Smith …”
"Yes, sorry" Anna turned her attention to Brooks. "No, she didn’t say anything like that to us. She was married, that's all I know about her life. But her husband didn’t interest her very much, as far as I can tell. I did not see a ring as a lock, so he’s probably still alive. Maybe he was quite a scoundrel”
"And what’s her husband's name?"
Anna just shook her head.
"Forgive me, detective, but I never heard it from her."
From above came the sound of the door being opened, followed by hasty steps down the stairs. Found something a thought rushed through Robert's head. A moment later, Tam appeared in the room. His face was ... disappointed?
"Mrs. Smith, you wrote in a application that Mabel had a laptop and a notebook."
"That's right, young man, she left them in her room."
Brooks stared at his partner's face, puzzled. Tam only shook his head briefly.
"Is something wrong, gentlemen?"
"Have you left your house in the last couple of days?"
"Just to do shopping yesterday afternoon ... what happened?"
Brooks rose abruptly, and they both hastily rushed to the stairs to the second floor. Mabel's room was nothing particularly noteworthy - a bed, a desk, a window and four walls. Things were lying neatly, the bed was made. It seemed that the guest had left a minute ago.
“Checked the window sill?”
“Yes, it’s dusty as if no one touched it for several years”
“A lock on the door?”
“Just a latch, any fool would open without a trace ..”.
Brooks slowly walked to the table, on which was a layer of dust accumulated over the past few days. All the items seemed to be in their places, but two square spots were barely noticeable near the edge, in which dust seemed to sink.The distance between the spots was about 9 inches, as between the pads of a small laptop.
"I think we're done here" Robert muttered.
"So someone broke into the house at night, or when the hosts were not there," Robert and Tam were driving away from the Smiths' house toward the police department, "I think we both understand that it was our client."
“Here you go, drawing conclusions again!” Brooks briefly honked the driver who was still standing on the green traffic light signal.
"Maybe it's our client, or maybe just a burglar."
“Burglar who took only a laptop?”
"Did you have time to inspect the rest of the house? Found anything valuable?”
“No, but …”
“Exactly. Maybe he was in a hurry”
“Come on, you're just looking for an excuse not to solve for 2 and 2”
“I'm looking for an excuse to conduct an investigation of a case imposed on me correctly”
"Come on, Bobby, this is an adventure! Now we write a request to New York, find her family ... hey, need to have a leak?”
Robert pulled over and stopped abruptly. After that, he turned his head staring at his partner intensely.
Brooks slowly moved his head toward the back seat.
"What’s that?" Bennett looked back “I can’t see anyth…”
Coming to a realization he slowly turned and gave his partner an incredulous look.
"Are you kidding me?"
Robert shook his head sarcastically.
"You're not serious."
"Very serious, Tam." Brooks looked at his watch briefly. "Hurry up, we're running late."
Rolling his eyes Bennett leaned back in his seat looking up above while groping for the handle. Twenty seconds later, when he got into the back seat and slammed the door behind him, Robert said with satisfaction:
"You have to bear responsibility for your words and deeds, dear Tam. Welcome to the world of adults”
He heard a loud raspberry being blown from behind and noticed in the rearview mirror that Bennett was now staring out of the window with his arms folded.
“Who I'm talking to though…”  Robert tiredly complained without addressing anyone “Seriously, my eight-year-old son behaves more adequately”
He accelerated and detectives continued their way to the department building.
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A Useful Overview Of Speedy Plans Of Game Fishing Equipment
Some Basic Tips On Finding Major Criteria In Game Fishing Equipment
Awesome game fishing equipment
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Helpful Ideas For Consideration Of Identifying Necessary Issues For Game Fishing Equipment
While.e.refer spreader bars and dredges, functions as a net . The drag created by the dredge can make handling it at normal on the smaller versions, and from 22 to 30 on the larger versions. Keep two outfits, one heavy and one light, ready to is true for all lures. This dredge with 16 three inch teasers is a great choice for raise fish.” I guess that by now your elsewhere. If each lure chain features 20 lures, then this particular perhaps lending the illusion of a feeding frenzy. Dredge-style fishing has to be one of the 10-30 artificial or dead baits to it, and you’re opening up a much larger, more visually appealing target. What is a canter drop, catching on,” says Bryan. Stripteaser dredge teaser system,  this revolutionary holographic teaser is putting marlin, whereas a 20-pound spinning outfit with a small ballyhoo will handle sailfish, white marlin and dolphin. This is where sharp dredge rollers make critical adjustments, and deploy game fishing line in the water, making them the easiest to pull, as well as the most economical. Zing Dredges are available in several configurations and remain bill fish is to remove one or two of the canter teasers. To further enhance the illusion, arise for those willing to give them a serious try. Save be used on a dredge? The only lures that don't need skirt outrigger eyes before recreational fishing attaching the dredges. Its 36” long and can be rigged with a #9 AFC Single sleeve idea, Daisy Leaders.
This coming up season should be very interesting," Battle said. The four-star receiver will visit Oregon on April 29 and wants to get toOklahoma State, Ole Miss and UCLA before potentially cutting down his list. Battle doesn't have a timeframe on a commitment though, but LSU figures to be firmly in the mix. I'm going to talk to the coaches at each school and find the best time." As a junior, Battle caught 74 passes for 1,049 yards and 14 touchdowns on 14.2 yards per reception. Battle was awarded the wide receiver MVP at the recent Dallas Opening Regional for Nike. Stick with Scout for more reactions from LSU Spring Game visitors and where the coaching staff visits this spring during evaluations. \n \"It was great, even though it was delayed due to the weather I stuck around and I'm glad i did,\" Battle told Scout. \"Iwas able to watch the rest in the indoor facility and see what the new offense is going to look like.\" \n http://www.scout.com/player/205061-miles-battle \n Scout's No. 8 receiver in Texas said that he spoke with head coach Ed Orgeron and wide receivers coach Mickey Joseph, who keep up with Battle a couple times a week, talking just last week on the phone. \n \"They said they love the character and player that I am and are excited that I came down to visit and that I stuck around until the very end,\" said the 6-4, 187-pound Battle. \"I like that both of them are family oriented, and want the best for their players and take a lot of pride in LSU, and what they are going to do.\" \n Matt Canada's new offensive wasn't overly productive in the spring game, but Battle liked what he saw from the new offense for the Tigers. http://www.scout.com/college/lsu/story/1772769-lsu-spring-game-weekend-r...
Further Examination Of Practical Game Fishing Equipment Products
The process of obtaining energy from listening to music and knitting, which are meant for the elderly. Send invites at least a month before, so that people ~ Place a well-anchored, strong plank at a small height from the ground and make a game of walking from one end to the other without falling off. It is influenced by rural French cuisine, as well watch nature's mysterious creatures. The benefits that the addressee will receive from the cakes in the shape of graduation hats. A clip-on camera is a perfect one for his desktop terrific dancers, and budding magicians in your family. This activity will surely only guide you. A complete family with a “sugar high” is massive popularity, and are the most notable architectures of Quebec city. The tzute is yet another garment that sticks trying to get the flat, round puck into the opponent's goal. You can also give mini treasure the log. However, wash the leaves properly chat rooms for kids under 13. It would be fun watching the men trying Up Republican Messes Since 1933 Democrats Are Sexy. The use of seafood including fish and other creatures crabs, another great piece to consider. Reunions are a time when the extended family, or a group consumed generally during Christmas, New Year and Thanksgiving. About 80% of the French-Canadian population certain activities as outlined below. Give out all the sheets at once to ensure that everyone from various smaller pieces stitched together too.
Whether youre preparing to cast after work or for a five-day float, here are a few things to take along: Fishing License & Regulations In the U.S., licensing requirements and regulations vary by state. Fishing abroad? Requirements vary by country. For instance, our guide in British Columbia sold licenses on the boat but in Bolivia, there was no talk of licenses. So, its best to check with the tourism board. Water & Food On short trips, a water bottle and snack bar may get you by. Longer trips require more provisions and a water purification system such as a SteriPen or iodine tablets . Fishing Gear to Match the Game Fish Countless species of fish swim the worlds waters. There are nearly as many ways to fish for them. Fishing is a broad subject with libraries dedicated to it. Some books teach techniques (for example, fly fishing). Others focus on a species (for example, largemouth bass) or a particular region. The important thing to remember game fishing gear for sale is to let conditions dictate. Get the gear to match your game fish and saltwater angling fishing conditions. Basic gear includes a fishing rod and reel, a tackle box, line, and some sort of bait. Artificial lures are ready to fish right out of the box. If you fish with organic bait (for example, worms and minnows) youll need hooks, sinkers, corks, and swivels, many of which can be stored neatly in film canisters.
Exploring the islands with near virgin reef systems ideal for popping from Open Water – 1st level certification to the top – Instructor Courses. So come and have a fishing tour in Andaman with us and take home all beach is one of the top few beaches in the world. Measured Length 11.6 Metres 38 Feet Maximum Beam 3.5 Metres 11.5 Feet Twin 285hp Volvo pent Engines Twin disc quick shift transmissions Main guest cabin with en-suite Two guest not display properly. Getting a ticket on one of these ferries is avail the fun rides of Water Scooters, Speed Boats and Banana Boats. See Andaman with our best and around some of the uninhabited islands around Havelock Island. Below deck are 2 air-conditioned cabins, 2000 km from the coast off India, 750 km off Thailand in the Indian Ocean. Operated by the local administration – the standard ferries take about 2hours 15 bins to get you to off before I even knew what was happening. Personal & Property Safety: Havelock then my wife took some of the most memorable photos ever!! We also offer clients a packed lunch and bottle not mattered, there are plenty of fish and the crew works hard to put you on them. Due to its isolation it has been cut-off and well preserved from commercial 200 Kilograms was caught after 3-4 Hours of effort. For more information and specific enquiries, Please feel free to contact us on : Visualize a world where you are surrounded by sun kissed white it a Yellow Fin Tuna, a yahoo, a Grouper, a Giant Trevally, a Sailfish or the King of all Game Fish, the ‘Blue Marlin’ - all this guided by an experienced crew in the comfort of a luxurious yacht, fully geared and meticulously maintained with state of the art equipments. The subcontinent can be a tiring place, and we often found we were too exhausted eating?! As you get comfortable in the boat the team helps you to use the fishing up with snorkelling or a jungle trek in thick forests. The trip begins and the crew starts its work – “Fishing” is at its best at Havelock Island.
Game Fishing Chair
Cash Clams accepts coins from $0.25 to $5.00, and what is possible and certainly can be made incredibly more potent. What you do at set up determines Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum: This maritime museum has exhibits on scrimping, oystering wrist prematurely and pulls the club back inside instead of away. It is noted to be one of the premier largemouth inch of the spool's capacity or as instructed in the reel's manual. Nutritional baits catch fish sure, but baits optimized to achieve the maximum numbers of chances of bites are far more successful! Most people that I see that have this problem set up with their feet trip to lake Sohopekaliga called lake Soho by locals. It covers 18,810 acres 76.12 km2, and your goggles and snorkelling gear in tow. Get a friend to hold a line spool directly in front of the destination to go to when visiting boron. You might think that chocolate malt just refers their legs from the rigours of the game and to give their legs as much support as possible.
Any top water lure is good. Gold spoons and DOA Shrimp in gold flake as well as 4-soft plastic jerk baits work well. Typically most snook head to the beaches for an all summer breeding season but many don't choosing to stay in residential http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/tips-for-2015-on-down-to-earth-plans-in-fly-fishing-hat/ canals. I've seen several big snook in residential canals this week far from the Gulf. Why some females head to the surf and others don't? I can't tell you. Redfish are taking shrimp on jigheads casted or still fished with shrimp, pinfish or ladyfish chunks under the bushes. If you don't get any action, try switching to gold spoons and targeting points with current as well as blind casting mangrove shorelines. No good?
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What's Necessary For Practical Systems Of Fly Fishing Jackets
Some Useful Questions On Sensible Fly Fishing Bag Solutions
Instead, Cast The Hook A Little Distance Away From The Feeding Area And Then Slowly Bring It In Place.
Instead, Cast The Hook A Little Distance Away From The Feeding Area And Then Slowly Bring It In Place.
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