#I went to Ali Baba today and it was delicious!
rubyvroom · 16 days
I also got to meet up with @imathers and drink some great ciders and talk for ages and ruin any kind of cool impression I have been giving of myself online. So that was worth the trip!
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thewatertowernews · 7 years
local meathead discovers falafel
by Liam Creaser 
CENTRAL CAMPUS DINING HALL–Reports that a renowned carnivore and brother at Sigma Alpha Delta just found out what falafel is at UVM’s newest dining hall have shaken campus. Brad Peyton, 19, had no clue about the vegetarian favorite or its deliciousness before today, and is telling everyone about it. We asked Brad for his side of the story.    “So I just finished lifting, and had to get some ‘tein in me before class on Monday,” Peyton said. “They had no chicken, they ran out of pork, and the burrito bar was way too crowded for me to make it in time. I needed something, so I went to the section where they had that thing called falafel. I’d never heard of it before then, so I just assumed it was some kind of weird meat. Maybe lamb? I wasn’t sure because I usually stick to what I call the American trinity: beef, pork, and fried chicken. Anyways, I sat down to eat this stuff and after taking the first bite I knew it wasn’t meat, it was something somehow even better. It was delicious, dude.”    This came as a shock to many who are acquainted with Brad because of his outspoken animosity towards vegans and vegetarians. According to sources, Brad is known to loudly make fun of kids he sees eating from the vegetarian section at the Grundle and anyone who makes any sort of reference to vegetarianism both in class and around town on the weekends. His friends, who proudly declare themselves “meatatarians,” were stunned by his discovery.    An older brother in Peyton’s frat, Chad Dixon, stated that he knew what falafel was, but refused to tell Peyton because he thought it would corrupt Peyton’s way of life. “He can’t know they have us beat on this one”, Dixon said.    Peyton sang its praises, saying “It’s just like, your perfect blend of sweet, savory, crunchy...I can’t even phrase it, really,” he said in between mouthfuls. “Also, do you know what this stuff is made out of? I can’t really figure it out. I guess I’m just surprised, because this whole time I thought vegetarians and vegans only ate broccoli and toe food,” he stated.    “If only they served this stuff in high school,” he lamented as he looked off into the distance, his eyes beginning to water. “I mean as much as I hate to say it, I’d prefer this stuff over meat any day of the week; it really just works for any situation. Like I eat it after I go to the gym, but I also got some at Ali Baba’s last weekend at like 2 am to balance out those fourteen beers. A lot of my bros made fun of me, but jokes on them because I got a number from some indie chick!”    Brad now spends most of his time on Central Campus now after he figured out they have falafel on most days. He’s also been venturing to other venues with falafel in an effort to compare the dishes-- in addition to Ali Baba’s, he’s been seen in the vegetarian corner of the Grundle.    Still, Peyton is not completely out of the chickpea closet; you can catch him looking around suspiciously, before fast walking over to check whether they have falafel. If they don’t, he’ll make a snide remark about how vegetarianism is gross, even if there is nobody there.    However, if the Grundle is serving falafel, Brad will scream “FALAFEL, BRO!” to the nearest person before awkwardly getting in line behind a group of scared vegetarian freshman. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan and see Brad Peyton around, don’t be afraid to welcome him into your falafel-loving community. As for Brad, bless your heart; just wait until you try hummus. 
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