#I went in the Tumblr tag and somehow nobody has brought up the copaganda. how?
banannabethchase · 1 year
I was all in for the end of this book, the twists feeling a bit chaotic but entertaining and reasonable, until the conclusion was a cop shooting an unarmed teenager holding a broken walkie-talkie. The text says she was "acting on instinct." The author is British, sure, but fuck almighty they have the news in the UK. They know what's been happening in the US. This narrative choice is irredeemable, no matter how many times the author had the officer say, "What have I done?" after the fact. You don't get to co-opt real struggles of Black Americans to make a big bombastic pop for the end of your novel. And you sure as hell don't try to make the cop sympathetic after the fact.
I am incredibly disappointed.
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