#I was so nervous to post this FHRHFH
unknownarmageddon · 1 year
You guys remember that Death’s Doorstep album I made. And also remember how I said I may write lyrics for some of those songs
Yeah so I did something
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Fuck You, Dad - by my boys Death’s Doorstep (and me too ig)
Full lyrics, baby!! I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing 🧍‍♂️
[Spoken, distant]
Hey, get up there and say something
I don’t know about this..
C’mon, this is your song, man!
[Louder/closer, Cross’s voice; spoken]
This goes out to the bastard that is my father
Fuck you
[Three people laughing in the distance]
[Music starts; interlude for 20-ish seconds]
[Killer’s voice; sung]
You look at me, I know you never see me
Look right through me, but you never see me
Yet you’re breathin’ down my neck
[Brief guitar interlude]
[One second pause, music stops]
[Spoken, deadpan; Dust’s voice] Give me a break
[Music resumes, more aggressively]
[Killer’s voice; sung]
Did you ever love me?
I doubt you did
You hated my friends, you hated my hobbies
You only saw what you wanted to see
Which was anything but me
And the only time you did, all it was was mistakes 
[distant, spoken; deadpan] “Mistakes”? Yeah, sure 
[Brief interlude, serves as transition to chorus] 
Your palm, across my face like a bee sting and your glare a dagger to my hubris
Just one little mistake and you’d lose it
Always breathin’ down my fucking neck
What do you care, if you’d hate everything I did next? 
What an unfixable wreck
Sorry, I wasn’t perfect
I guess
[Cross’s voice, loudly; spoken] Well, you can kiss my ass ‘cause I’m not sorry
Unsupportive, unsupportive, unsupportive fucker
All I needed was support, especially then
But you couldn’t even give me that, no, you wouldn’t even begin
I was just a ghost to you, is that it?
Did you ever love me?
I doubt you did, you didn’t even treat me like your son
And that’s what I was supposed to be
But I turned out to be just some tool,
Is that what I was? What a useless tool, huh? 
Bet you thought I was just another young fool
[Louder] I’m fucking done
[Aggresive guitar riff]
Your palm, across my face like a bee sting and your glare a dagger to my hubris
Just one little mistake and you’d lose it
Always breathin’ down my fucking neck
What do you care, anyway, if you’d hate everything I did next? 
What an unfixable wreck
And look at me now
With people you’d hate, a guitar you’d hate
And I’m doin’ better than you
Bet you’re fumin’ now, aren’t you?
[Dust’s voice, spoken] God, I’d love to see the look on your face
[Killer’s voice]
Fuck you, dad
[Brief guitar/drums interlude] 
[Cross’s voice]
Fuck you, dad
[Music fades, and eventually stops. As everything goes quiet there’s the faint sound of people cheering and laughing in the background]
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