#I was scared for the Dragonian Queen too
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i-miss-music-247 · 9 months ago
If you're wondering how I'm doing with Ōkami, my heart hurts. 🔮
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sky-writes-daydreams · 6 years ago
How They Met: Episode  Skylar
A/N: Well... This is it. In case you’re new to this, Episode Skylar is the Alternate ending I planned. This one is supposed to be a lot happier than the original ending. This is the last part of How They Met. Thank you all for hanging around for this trip. It’s been a blast. :) 
@valkyrieofardyn @shigekihizashi @lola-mcevil13 @blackpaladinarchive @the-altissian-authors @the-wallflower-artist
I sat quietly in the back of the truck and just listened to the others. I knew Cor was going to be mad at me but I had to go. If there was even a chance to change their fate, I had to take it. Maybe it was selfish. Maybe it was a stupid move done by a desperate person. I didn’t care. I was willing to risk it all to even see if there was a chance I could keep him.
We got into the city and I kept my eyes out as we moved among the shadows. I knew a few hotspots and kept them away from them. We got into the abandoned tunnels easily and fought a few smaller ones down there before entering their safe spot. A lot of glaives were down here. They seemed to be in decent spirits, joking around and laughing with each other. It was nice to see honestly. One of the other ones pulled me into the fray and introduced me to a few and even let me join them on a mission outside in the city. I didn’t argue. I wanted to see how far I was from the citadel.
I was there for three hours before I was busted. We walked back in from a job and there was a new air. Then I heard.
“Marshall’s here!” I felt my heart drop then. He was waiting with that disapproving Dad look on his face. Gods I hate that look. I tired to walk past with my hood up but he got my arm and pulled me over.
“Nice try.” I growled a bit then and got free.
“Don’t even…. You’re not in charge of me.”
“Says who?”
“Me!” He sighed then.
“Skylar… there’s nothing you can do. You’re only hurting yourself damn it.”
“Then let me…. But I’ll be damned if I’m sitting still. I refuse to wait around for the worst when I know I can still help!”  Cor sighed then and covered his face with a hand.
“Have you always been this stubborn?”
“Yeah. Just ask anyone. Cid even knows.”
“Fine… you can stay but you do not go anywhere near that citadel! That is not your fight!” I growled then and he glared at me.
“That is an order. You gonna dress like a glaive I’ll treat you like one.”
“Fine. I don’t care. Throw your worst at me. I might be rusty but I can fight.” He nodded then and let me walk off. I didn’t care as long as he didn’t try to send me back to lestallum.
I was sent out a lot with different groups to help deal with troublemakers and such. It was hard work but I had missed it. Time flew that way. I hardly realized it was getting late till most of them had gone back to lestallum to rest up or other depots. I walked into the mission room and Cor was there sitting in a chair by the table just relaxing. I sat across from him and he smiled.
“Stopping for now?”
“Might as well unless there’s something you need.” He chuckled then.
“If you’re still awake, watching the outer gate near the street would be great. Got a few last patrols out.” I nodded then and smiled.
“Thanks.” He shrugged then.
“I’ve been there…Wanted my men near Regis for the signing…. He said the people came first…. Wouldn’t let me argue.” I nodded then and sighed.
“He didn’t let me either… but I’m stubborn. I won’t give up…. Not yet at least.”
“Let me know when. I’ll buy.” I laughed then as he smiled gently. I smiled back shaking my head as I went to my new post. From here, I could see the stars and the huge sky above.
“I hope you hear me Ardyn…. I’m not running away…. I won’t let you do this alone…. I made a promise after all.” I smiled then feeling for my Ring.
“I’ll stand by you… Forevermore.”
I stayed out there for a while. I wasn’t cold or anything so it wasn’t an issue. Any demons came close and I dealt with them. The few remaining glaives came back and a few offered to replace me but I was fine. It was quiet out there and I could just exist and think. Finally Libertus came out. He had been asleep for a while after our last job. He chuckled seeing me out here.
“Still not tired huntress?” I smiled then and shook my head.
“Too edgy. Plus once you’re used to sleeping with someone close…. It’s hard to go back to being alone.”
“I hear that.” He sat down near me and slid over an ebony. I laughed seeing it and got it.
“Where the hell?”
“Machine about five blocks away. It was smashed and we looked. Fully stocked.” I laughed then and smiled.
“Don’t let iggy find out. He’ll drink you out of them in a week.” He smiled then as I got a drink. I loved them so much but it had been a while.
“So you really know them huh?”
“The king and his brothers.” I nodded then. I pulled my legs up then leaning on the wall.
“Not as well as I used to…. But yeah…. I ran into them over at the hammerhead garage. Regalia broke down and I had hit a demon with my jeep. So I walked over there and we met…. Helped them out at times. Traded info…. We got close. They were the first ones to know when it happened.” He nodded and smiled.
“When you fell for Ardyn?” I nodded then smiling.
“He…. He’s not what you’ve seen…. There is a good man in there. I can see him and…” I laughed a bit then looking up.
“I miss him….. He pulled away these past months knowing this was coming… He knew it would happen… but I didn’t care. I’d deal.” He nodded then and smiled.
“You really loved him huh?” I nodded then.
“Yeah…. Yeah I do. I know I probably shouldn’t admit that to you…. He’s the enemy…. But I really do love him... The happiest I’ve ever been was with him…. I don’t regret a single day…” Libertus chuckled then.
“It’s fine. Don’t hold the sins of the empire to the person… even if he was the chancellor he didn’t give the orders for the attacks…. He’s only got to explain for the past ten years.” I couldn’t help but laugh then, a real laugh. Libertus smiled and gently got my knee.
“That’s what I wanted to hear. Finally getting you relaxed around us.”
“Oh shut it.” He chuckled then and I slowly got up stretching.
“I’m taking a walk around. Wanna come?”
“Nah. You go on. Just try to get some sleep soon ok?” I nodded and helped him up easily. He headed back in while I did one last sweep before joining them. I curled up on a small cot in a corner with my coat on and just closed my eyes. A little sleep never hurt anyone after all.
For a while It was just sleep. I didn’t feel anything or anyone. Then I felt a hand in my hair. I opened my eyes and it was him. I sat up quickly and was shocked. We were on a grassy hill surrounded by the most wonderful wildflowers. Ardyn smiled then and gently brushed back my hair.
“Sleep well?”
“... Is this a dream?” He shrugged then and I looked over at him. Those eyes. They were so perfectly hazel. No darkness was in them. Only love and laughter. He looked so young right now. I felt the tears come back before I hugged him tightly. He laughed then and hugged me back.
“Did my queen have a bad dream?” I nodded then not letting go.
“You left me… Ardyn you left me and I was so scared I’d never see you again! You broke your promise to me…”
“I would never skylar… I’m always going to be here for you…. I’m not leaving you.” I felt him hug me back and I just smiled. I missed those hugs so damn much. I was safe in those arms. Only I felt him move. I looked up and screamed. Scourge was pouring out of his face with a demonic smile on his face. The land around us had turned to black and demons were coming out of every flower. A light came from above then and Bahamut came out of the sky with his sword drawn. Even now, I tossed myself in front of ardyn screaming for him.
I jerked awake right as the sword hit my back. Cor jumped back and I quickly looked around.
“No….. Oh gods no.”
“I…. No…” I looked down and my cot was wet. I felt my face and I had been crying.
“You were dreaming… I woke up and heard you muttering something…. But then you cringed and started crying before almost slamming into the wall yelping…. What happened?” I looked to Cor then and he was honestly worried.
“I…. I was with him…. And things were fine! He was fine! But then…. Darkness… Everywhere. And Bahamut….” I felt my stomach then almost expecting there to be a wound. There was nothing there.
“He was going to kill him…. So I jumped in the way…. I…. I can’t just let him die… Not like that!” Cor nodded then and got my shoulder. I was shaking like mad right now and I felt sick.
“I get it… Come on… Maybe there’s someone who can help.” He helped me up then and I followed him into the main room. All I saw was the broad shoulders before I knew.
“Gladio!” He turned then and smiled.
“Hey princess.” I ran then and he was a bit shocked but still got me. I hugged him tightly then taking a deep breathe. I couldn’t help it.
“What happened?”
“Nightmare… Just… Freaked me out.”
“Gotcha… There’s probably a reason…” I backed up then and he moved. Noct was there. Older with greying hair and scruff on his once baby face. He was in the royal raiments. I took a step back then and He smiled.
“Hey.” I waved as I stumbled back and he stopped. I couldn’t believe it.
“You…. you got out.”
“Yeah… It… It was rough…”
“You….” I gave up then dropping my head as the tears fell. He had been right. Now it was here.
“Don’t do it…. Please…” I heard gladio gasp but Noctis sighed.
“Please… There has to be another way!!! Why the hell do you two have to die!? Hasn’t enough blood been shed for Bahamut!?” I looked up then and He looked so sad.
“I’m sorry….” I just looked away then trying to stop crying.
“Not as sorry as I’m going to make that Dragonian…” I heard Ignis chuckle then and Noct smiled.
“Why do I seriously believe you would make good on that?” I shrugged then and he smiled gently and got my shoulder.
“Skylar… It’s not like I want this either… but sacrifices have to be made… The cards were always against us…” I nodded then and just hugged him tightly. He flinched but quickly relaxed into it and hugged me back.
“Give them hell Noct….” He nodded then.
“You too Hon…. Cor’s gonna need your help after this.. So will Iggy. Help them as much as you can… Keep fighting.” I laughed then.
“Like I could ever stop.” He chuckled then pulling away before wiping off a tear.
“I know… Hang out here for a while ok? Stay safe… That was the whole reason he sent you to hammerhead anyway… So you’d be safe.” I nodded then and tried to smile.
“You got it sir.” He chuckled then.
“Not you too.” Prompto laughed then and Gladio smiled.
“You do look a lot like your dad right now.”
“Oh gods don’t get started…” I smiled then as they started razzing him for his looks before they were distracted. I slipped out then and got back outside. Clouds had covered up the stars and a cold wind had picked up. I pulled my jacket closer then and sighed looking down at the ring on my finger. I had thought about taking it off so many times now and yet I never could make myself do it. We were over. He sent me away. The promise was broken.
I stayed outside listening to the reports from the glavies coming in and out. Noctis was having them make strategic strikes on bases here in the city to open up a way to the citadel. It was going well so far from what I could tell. A few Noticed me out here but didn’t say much. I was keeping the demons back to keep myself distracted. I was waiting for more to show up when Cor walked out.
“Orders.” I looked over and he smiled.
“We need a strong guard at one of the bases. It’s right next to the main way. If we can keep an eye in the sky, We can keep control.” I nodded then and smiled.
“I’m good at that.”
“We know. Noct is the one that suggested it .” I shook my head then sighing.
“Idiot.” Cor shrugged then.
“You’ll live. Come on.” I followed him back down and quickly grabbed my satchel from my spot and got a thicker jacket on before following him out.
It was a well lit Nif base. A fire was in the middle thanks to what looked like a robot exploding. It kept the whole area well lit and Glavies were dealing with Straggler demons as we came running up. I helped out as much as I could before we were able to close the gates and let some of the magic users get some distance on them.  It didn’t take long before we were safe and they got a happier air going as they went to explore resources and such. I headed up to the tower on my own and found that someone had already left a chair up here for whoever was taking this spot. I could see cor talking with a few below about what they had found so far. Shards from the meteor were in crates behind them and after a while, someone came and grabbed them. I figured they would be taken to lestallum as soon as they could. I smiled watching and just keeping my eyes out.
I could see her. A single figure blending into the shadows on top of the tower. Only the occasional glint of metal from her shifting her sword would point her out to anyone trained to see it. Most of them had no clue she was even there. Only even as I came in and out of places guiding them on the best moves to make and what to do with the dead mts, I stopped seeing her. Looked like it was the best idea after all. She had finally fallen asleep again. I headed up after a while to check and she was leaned back with her feet on the rails completely out of it. I just chuckled and rubbed her head a bit.
“And you call Noct the Idiot…. You can’t even stay awake and yet you’re still trying to fight.” She barely even moved only to snuggle into the coats more. I backed off then and shook my head. It would be fine for now. We had time.
Everything was shaking. My feet dropped waking me up quickly and I sat up and looked. Fireballs were everywhere and the ground was shaking. I just jumped over the edge and quickly dropped rolling before taking off running towards it. A horrible demonic roar echoed suddenly and I had to cover my ears. It was so loud and honestly scared me. I heard it stop and I just kept going. I saw a lot of demons heading the same way though so finally I had to stop. There were too many. I fell back then and quickly saw some of the other glaives come running. They saw what I did and we had to fall back. There were too many. I was following them until I saw a sword I recognized going the other way. I stopped mid step and pivoted and looked. Cor was high tailing it.
“Cor!!!” He didn’t even look back. I sighed then and quickly got the second coat off and tossed it to someone passing by before following after the marshall. It took a few but soon I was caught up with him.
“What’s going on!?”
“Ardyn’s making a move!!! He’s got the old wall up around the palace!! Noct and them are stuck and demons are heading there fast!” I nodded then and soon got his arm and pulled.
“Follow me!” He nodded and I got him into a side alley and we kept running. Surprisingly for his old age, he was able to keep up and stay steady. I got us ahead of the horde and into open space. Then I could see it.
“Whoa!!!” Cor nodded then shocked. A three headed flaming mutt was trying to chew on Noctis and them. Noct kicked him back but I saw the attack charging up.
“No….” Cor moved before I could. I headed forward but ended up tripping over rubble as he launched a fireball at Noctis. I looked up just in time to see Cor take the blow for our king. It didn’t stop him. He wailed on that dog to the point he was launched into the air and I saw him stab down into the central head. The scream was ungodly as fuck but I had to deal. I launched potions to the boys as quick as I could before Cor landed off to the side. He couldn’t stand. Only it was enough to get their fighting spirit back. I ran to Cor then as they finished it off. He was damaged badly but still breathing. His sword was still in his hand and a smile was on his face.
“That…. It’s been a while.”
“Just shut up.” Cor nodded then and took the hi potion I pressed into his hand. He crushed it while I was searching for something stronger. I heard the boys coming over and Cor slowly got up. I looked up then and Noctis was smiling.
“You two really saved us…” I shrugged but Cor smiled a bit. He was still hurting and I could see why. He had a huge burn on his back.
“One chance so I didn’t outlive another king…. Thanks to her though, It wasn’t meant to be.”
“Good… I need to leave strong men in my place after all.”  The others nodded then and I smiled.
“Plus… It’s not like we can let the uncle of the king die.” Cor stopped then and Noct chuckled.
“Damn straight.” I got up then and Noct smiled.
“Still overstocked?”
“Always.” He nodded then until we heard it. THe thundering footsteps of a thousand demons bearing down on us. I got Cor’s hand then and Noctis nodded.
“Go.” I nodded then and pulled the Marshall behind me as we ran. We couldn’t get caught up in that. Only I saw her before the boys did. I smiled gently and waved, As lady Luna appeared next to Gentiana smiling. Seems even now in death she was able to help her king.
We got out of sight right as the thunder started and I saw groups of demons died as Lighting hit them as Ramuh descended. Cor had to lean on a wall and soon took the elixir I handed over as we watched. All of them were coming to his aid. It was honestly Terrifying to see but I saw why. It took the power of the six to drop the king’s wall.  I saw it shattering and turning to dust under their might. Cor chuckled then.
“Never seen something like that huh?” I nodded then. He smiled then. He was healed now and feeling a bit better it looked. They faded out afterwards and soon Luna was gone as well. I just sighed watching before stretching and turning.
“Don’t you want to stay?”
“This is their fight…. There’s nothing more we can do except keep a guard on the gates… but going off what Ramuh just did… I think moving those left to Lestallum is of bigger importance. Get them there to wait.”
“What about you?”
“I’m staying. What else would I do?” I looked over and he smiled.
“Not sure… Mind if I?” I shrugged then.
“Just don’t stop me.”
“Fair enough.” I smirked then and we headed back using the backways listening to the roar of flames and gods.
Once further away, you could barely tell there was a war going on at the Citadel. The ground didn’t shake anymore and you couldn’t smell the smoke from the fires. It honestly worried me. Would we even know when the end came? I didn’t focus on that once we got back. Everyone was here and scared. Cor stepped forward and sighed.
“Forces are to fall back to lestallum… Noctis is alright…. The wall has fallen and he is able to enter the Citadel… All that is left to do is wait.” I saw a few nod and start packing up. The others looked worried and Cor smiled.
“I’ll see you all once the dawn has come back.” THat caused a whole new air to enter the room and more even got up to help. I smiled and soon we were both helping them back up and head back to Lestallum. Hopefully we could head back with good news later because Cor and I, We were staying no matter what happened.
We saw the last truck leave. Libertus had stayed back and offered to take me with them but I had to refuse. I didn’t want to leave. I had to stay and see this through. He understood and gave me something before he left. It was a dagger made from Lucian metal. It was the mark of a glavie to have daggers made one from their homeland and the other here. Mine was one and the same. I accepted it gratefully and kept it on my belt. Cor just smiled and we headed back into the tunnels. He was healed from his injuries but now that it was just us, his age showed. He couldn’t keep up as well as he could before. Taking a blow like that would have drained anyone.
“Hey…. It’s not like we aren’t going to know… We’re here in the city right?”
“Yes… Why?”
“I’m worried about you is all… you look ready to pass out for a while. Maybe a little rest won’t kill anyone you know?” He chuckled then.
“And leave you to fend for yourself?”
“I’m more than Capable.” He shrugged then and pointed ahead. There was an old building there still standing/
“You got binoculars?”
“You can see the citadel from there…. We get in, I’ll rest. You can keep an eye on the palace.”
“Works for me!” He chuckled then and shook his head.
“The benefits of youth I guess. Endless energy.” I laughed then. He didn’t have a clue.
We got into the building safe and sound and found a small camp someone had been using for the same reason. Cor got settled and was quickly out. I tried to hold out a while longer but in the end, sleep got the best of me. I was fighting my exhaustion so I could make sure others were safe first. It was just how I was.
Only this time I didn’t dream. Not till the end. I didn’t know how long I had been asleep when It seemed like I woke up alone. I was on the train again, the one we took the Gralea. I was completely alone but I could feel how cold it was. We had to be at Ghorovas Rift. I finally found an open door and I stepped out. It wasn’t snowing for once. The storm around Shiva was calm. I could see her in even better details now and she was honestly Gorgeous. I started slowly walking over when I heard snow crunch behind me. My sword summoned almost like Ardyn’s did and I stopped. That was odd. I refocused and stopped. It was a taller woman. She was walking in the snow in Sandals and a kimono with long sleeves. Her hair was straight black and gently moving in what little wind there was. This was totally strange. Her eyes opened then and I instantly relaxed. She just had this look to her. She wasn’t here to hurt me. I let my sword go away then and she smiled as the snow swirled around her. I didn’t understand and just looked around confused until It hit me. The cold wind wasn’t coming from the rift anymore. I turned towards it and stopped.
“Shiva….” The goddess was right there in front of me. I stepped back then and she just smiled.
“The king of kings has completed his task. The accursed has sought out peace. Awaken and seek them out.”
“Wait….” She just smiled then and suddenly I was back in my head and I woke up gasping. Cor was still asleep next to me and I looked out. Nothing was going on at the palace. I wasn’t going to ignore a goddess. I quickly shook cor awake and he looked over.
“We’ve got to go. Now.” Right as the thunder rolled and Rain started to drop over Insomnia.
It was over. I felt the final blow and fell onto the ground. I could feel the rain hitting me but not for long. I faded away into the beyond. I didn’t feel. I didn’t hurt. The voices of darkness were still there but quieter. I felt almost human. It didn’t take long floating there in the ethereal before I saw it all. All of my memories. I watched silently as my past went rushing past before it came to those months with her. Those smiles brighter than the sun. Her eyes shining as she told me stories she learned traveling. The loving times I held her in my arms. I still wore the ring even in death it seemed. I looked down and just smiled. She would have a brighter future without me. I never should have pulled her into my dark world to begin with. That was my only regret. She deserved so much better than me.
Noctis finally showed up. He was just as lost as I was but we both knew how this had to end. I bowed to him as the rightful heir but when I looked again he wasn’t alone and something set it off. I felt the darkness fighting to take over and the change happened. I couldn’t fight it. Not until she touched me. The darkness screamed inside of my soul but I could feel the healing touch of Lunafreya even as the dark made my body jerk away. That move was the same one that got her killed. Only it wasn’t in control right now. Noctis was and it learned that as the weapons of the kings of yore returned to their owners and came at me. My own brother, the mystic was last. I felt his blow and just smiled. This was always going to be my fate.
Only… I didn’t disappear. Part of me was still here. I opened my eyes and Gazed up to an endless night sky. Stars were everywhere. It was dead silent until I heard the steps. I turned and came face to face with someone I hadn’t seen in eons. Somnus. The face so much like that of my nephew, The wavy dark hair. Those perfect Blue eyes.
“Brother.” He gave a gentle smile then as he stopped just out of arm’s reach.
“Somnus….” It felt so odd to speak in this area. It was so quiet. He took a half step forward.
“Ardyn…. It has been too long… I… I acted foolishly then. I should have stood by your side and helped you.... Instead of turning my back on you.” He knelt then and his Glaive came into my hand. I jumped but I understood. His fate was mine to decide. The real revenge could happen. Those who betrayed me could pay. I gripped it tightly until I remembered her. That worried look when I spoke of my past. The fear of my anger getting the best of me. If I gave in like this, Would it really fix anything? THat was what she had always asked me when I couldn’t handle it on my own. I threw the glavie to the side then and Somnus looked up as it clattered.
“Times have changed Brother…. I was hurt over your action deeply… But… There’s been someone who has helped to heal the wound. So I’m going to take a page from her book…” I offered him my hand and pulled him to his feet.
“I forgive you Somnus…. You did what you thought was best as king… It was an unfair choice for anyone to make.” He nodded then and for the last time, I felt my brother’s embrace as the weight of my anger left me. Revenge never fixed a thing. Only Forgiveness could open new paths.
This time, It truly did. I felt him disappear into the beyond and I fell once more. Only this time the landing was slower. I kept my feet and landed on a armored hand.  Noctis was next to me. He seemed confused as well. Then we saw him. Bahamut rose before us as we slowly realized we were in his hands.
“A king of old… a king of new. Both were chosen and yet have suffered separate fates. Words have reached the gods in favor of our chosen kings.” We stopped then until the Voice started.
“Oh Dragonian… Keeper of fate and guiding light of our Star…. I ask as your oracle… and as one who loves him…. Is there no sparing Noctis? Is there nothing I can do to keep him from his fate…? Is there no other way to purge our star except by his death? Please…. Mother’s gone and brother….. Noctis is the only reason I have to keep fighting. THe hope of seeing him again one day allows me to continue your work so please…. Help me find another way.” Noctis couldn’t help it. I saw the agony on his face.
“Luna…” I heard whispered as tears fell down his face. I smiled gently until I heard her.
““Noct….. Please….. Tell me you’re there hon….. I did what you said…. I jumped…. But now the grounds coming out from under me and I’m scared…. I don’t know what to do…. He lied…. He rushed the darkness knowing damn well what that means for us….! It’s like he doesn’t even care how much I care about him Noct…. I get it!!! Immortality sucks!!! But you’d think he’d find a reason to stay! A reason to keep fighting!!! We did! You kept going for luna…. And I did for him….. So why can’t he do the same for me!?  Am I not good enough!? Or is it that Damn Dragonian!? I hope you can fucking hear me Bahamut!!! You stupid dragon!!! You won’t get them that easily damn it!! Not Noctis and especially not Ardyn!! I don’t care who you are!!! They’re all I have!! They’re all I’ve got…. So please…. Don’t….. Stop it…. There has to be another way… There has to be another way.”
I couldn’t breathe. I could hear how much sorrow she had been hiding then. She had been terrified of this happening. She didn’t understand. There was no other way. We had to die to that the light could return. So hers could keep burning. I had done it all to give her a stronger future than she would have ever had with me otherwise. She wasn’t made to live in shadows. Neither of these girls were. Going off Noctis, He felt the same. We couldn’t stand the idea that our girls had been hiding that agony from us. Bahamut nodded once then.
“Pleas have been made for your lives….. Pleas that will not go unanswered. The darkness blight has been banished… Go. and live as men. Rule justly… For the stars light will always guide your lines.” I stared at the dragonian in shock until suddenly his hand came out from under us and we plummeted down into something hard and very very solid.
Cor didn’t argue. We took off running and he let me lead even as we got soaked by the sudden rain. We got there right as three iron Giants showed up and I pulled my sword. Ignis, Gladio and Prompto were outside and ready to fight but I wasn’t going to let them alone. I got right into the thick of it with them and even as I got thrown around taking blows to keep them on their feet, it was worth it. They were vanquished. Ignis came running over then and helped me up. I was limping but I would survive. I looked to him then.
“Where are they?”
“I…. I do not know…. We went inside and after fighting three kings of yore… We found ardyn on the throne….He hit us with his magic and we went out… Only woke up long enough to get out here and find Noctis… He went inside after…” I stared at him and quickly got free then before I saw it. Close by lying alone in the rain… Was Ardyn’s scarf.
“No….” I ran over then and picked it up. It was ripped and soaked but I knew it was his.
“No….” I held it tightly before spinning and trying to run. Cor caught me as soon as he could but I still fought hanging onto the scarf. He was trying to stop me from going into the Citadel. I just fought against him until Gladio traded and got me. He honestly bear hugged me as I lost it. I couldn’t tell if it was rain or Tears hitting my head as I gave up fighting. My hands dropped instead of hitting him as a sob escaped. It was over. We had lost them for good.
We stayed there on the steps of Citadel. The rain stopped slowly and we were all soaked. I still held onto his scarf and just stared at it. I couldn’t even speak. The words wouldn’t come. The others were in the same shape so an eerie silence laid over us. At least till Prompto saw something. He shook my leg and I looked up. He pointed out and I looked. There was someone coming. I got up then and Gladio looked.
“Sky?” I shook my head and slowly walked down and across the courtyard. Cor got my arm halfway then. I could see it better now because light was coming from behind them. Wait.. Light!? It was the dawn. Someone was coming towards us with the dawn. As they got closer, I went into pure shock.
“No…..” It looked like Ardyn. He was wet from the rain and missing his coat and scarf but it looked like Ardyn. I jerked trying to get free but Cor wouldn’t.
“Skylar… It’s a trap. Don’t….” I shook my head then.
“No…. It…. It’s not!” I laughed then. I knew that stride. He looked up then and smiled.
“Marshall, I recommend letting her go. She might accidently hurt you.” I heard the others gasp then and I took my chance. I got free dropping my sword and ran.
“Skylar!!!” Cor yelled but I knew better. It wasn’t a joke. This wasn’t a demon. It was him. Ardyn hurried up then and I could swear he was crying. Once I was in those arms though, I knew it for sure. I wrapped my arms around him tightly sobbing as he held me close.
“I’m sorry… I am so so sorry…. Oh gods Skylar….” I just shook my head then trying to get him to shut up. He laughed then before letting me go and kneeling. He was crying so much right now.
“I am so sorry…. I… I broke our promise… I left and… I’m sorry…. Please…. I heard what you asked of Bahamut!! I never meant to put such agony on you!” I smiled then gently touching his face before I grabbed his ear lobe and twisted. He yelped and lost his balance before I got him up by his shirt.
“You EVER think of pulling a stunt like that again Ardyn and I’ll break more than a promise, Do you understand me you jerk?! You pulled away from me months ago!! Do you even know how much I missed you!?” I let him go then pushing him back. He fell back and just looked at me before I tackled him into a hug. He chuckled then and held me back tightly.
“Missed you too hon.” I smiled then hugging him before kissing him happily. He kissed me back before getting us back up. I just stayed at his side then hanging on for life. We headed forward and I grabbed my sword. None of them were going for weapons. I didn’t want to fight them over this but if it came to that, I would. I heard someone behind us after a minute and I just moved. Ardyn couldn’t stop me and I came face to face with Noctis. Luna was back with their coats on and a look of pure shock. My sword was level with Noctis’s chest. He had reacted out of fear of me and his glavie was at my neck.
“Lay one finger on him and we’re down a king again….”
“Skylar…. Stop.” He made the glavie disappear and I felt Ardyn get my shoulder.
“Sky…. It’s ok.” I looked over then and had to stop. Something was off. I lowered my sword then and Ardyn smiled.
“Was wondering when you would notice.” I gently got his jaw then and looked him over but it was in his eyes. Once a darker Amber, They were now… pure.
“Oh my six….” He nodded then and smiled.
“It’s over… So stop threatening our king love. Noctis had his chance. It’s done.” Noctis nodded then. I smiled gently then before hugging ardyn with one arm.
“Do you blame me?”
“Not at all. It’s about time he had someone to knock sense into him.”
“Oh like you can talk Noct.” Luna laughed then and came closer. She was wearing both of their jackets. Her white dress was soaked from the rain. I smiled at her gently then.
“Glad to have you back my lady.”
“Glad to be back.” She Gave Noctis a smile then as she stood next to him. The others had slowly come forward and I let them come to their king. Ardyn kept an arm around me while I held on with one arm. I wasn’t letting him go for anything. We didn’t have to say anything. It was all there in how we hung onto each other for dear life.
The joy was there in the new daylight. Everyone here was at a loss for words. I had luna back and It was over. The Crystal was gone now along with the ring. Neither were needed now that our star had been purged. We sat on the steps of the citadel while Cor got in touch with the glaives and arranged transport back for us. He was by the gates talking with them. He hadn’t said anything about us being back yet. We wanted to surprise them. Yet the biggest surprise was next to us. I kept seeing Prompto look over and gladio did as well. Ardyn was close by but he was whispering mostly to Skylar. She wasn’t really talking but we did hear giggles at times. She was lying over on his shoulder with her hands on his arm. He finally noticed and smiled.
“What?” Prompto chuckled then.
“She always like this with you?” Gladio nodded then.
“She never seemed like the cuddly type.” Luna giggled then and Skylar smiled.
“Neither does luna. But Trust me… All Girls cuddle.” Luna nodded then.
“Making sure he’s not a dream?”
“Pretty much.” She nodded then and got my hand then.
“I completely understand.” I chuckled then and Ardyn smiled.
“Looks like we’re on leashes, Dear Noctis.”
“I think so as well… But it’s worth it.” The Girls smiled then and it was over. As long as we had them, I think we were going to be ok.
Our ride came and they got a huge surprise. Cor didn’t tell the Glaives Noctis was back. It only got better once we got to lestallum. Within the next week,  a huge party was staged in lestallum. The king and Oracle were back. They had survived after all. The joy in the air was amazing and so much different from the dread that used to be there.  Once it got out that Ardyn was free from his possession as well, he was easily accepted. It didn’t help when Noct called him uncle once on accident. That really helped. Rebuilds got started shortly after and we all did our parts. It was a lot of fun honestly. Got even better when we were sent out more often than others to take out what demons remained in dark places. It was just me and him out on the road helping the people when we could and taking out what few demons remained. Life was amazing. The nightmares we both had slowly faded away and by the time for Noctis and Luna to be married came, we were back to the most normal we had ever been. They had the wedding here in Lucis at the Citadel steps. It was the biggest party to be held there in a long time. The original dress had survived the attack from leviathan and Luna dazzled everyone in it. Everyone was invited and everyone that could showed up. It was such a happy occasion and marked the end of their journey. The peace of the nations was everywhere and what resistance there was quickly fell under cor’s and Gladio’s strategies. We had even been able to help make up for everything in Accordo and now had an open trade agreement. First Secretary was still in charge which meant we needed an ambassador to help keep the lines open. I was chosen for that. I didn’t understand why until she got up in my face and I didn’t back down or get scared. I just told her the truth. She even said once that she liked my attitude and it was refreshing to see someone wasn’t scared of her. That was probably why she let us have our wedding there in altissia.
We weren’t going to have a huge thing. I didn’t want to be in the spotlight like that and Ardyn was willing to respect that. Only Noctis and Clastura weren’t. After everything we had been through and the fact that Ardyn was still part of the royal line, They covered everything. The dress was from the same people that made my original one and fit me like a glove. I was so scared when the day came. I almost couldn’t breathe as I walked down into the Garden. We wanted to be married under the Roses in the Garden and they were more than willing to let it happen. He was waiting at the other end and suddenly… I wasn’t that scared. He was watching with this stunned look on his face and I just smiled trying to stop myself from running down there to him. Luna was my maid of honor as I had been for her and she was there smiling. I smiled back and soon I was there. He got my hand tightly and I just held it back. We didn’t exchange rings. There was no need. We had the ones we wanted. The Rest went by in a what felt like a blink and I barely remember saying I do. Then the veil was off and he was kissing me. I kissed him back happily as everyone cheered.
We spent most of our time there in the city. I loved altissia and all of it’s sights. He didn’t argue not even when I accidently pushed him into the ocean goofing off. He only pulled me in with him and we went for a late swim apparently. Upon Coming home in our own boat about a month later, a gift from cindy and cid, Noctis was there with keys. He handed them to me and smiled.
“Our wedding gift to you…. We’ve been working on the place for a while… Feel free to add to it…” I gave him a look then.
“The Cape.” I stopped then and he smiled.
“You don’t do well inside city walls… And Ardyn doesn’t either. You two know this and so did we. So… We fixed up the house. It’s more home than base now.” I nodded then and smiled.
“Thanks Noct.” He nodded then and smiled.
“Dock’s still under the Lighthouse. There’s room for both boats. Take care of Dad’s ok?”
“Duh. midnight joyrides!”
“Hey!” I laughed then before giving his cheek a kiss.
“Relax. It’ll be safe with us.” He nodded then and smiled.
“We’ll swing by and visit later ok?”
“Same to you.” He chuckled then.
“If you’re not too busy.” I gasped then and he smiled. It was well known that by now, they were expecting a heir. I just shook my head and got into the captain’s seat. Noctis waved and Ardyn waved back confused. I didn’t explain until we were docking under the lighthouse.
Three months passed easily there. We’ve done a little work around here like painting and changing fixtures around. The kitchen is huge and completely filled with anything we could need. Ignis had left us his normal copies of his cookbooks as a gift. He had braille ones now so he could still use them if they were needed. We had cleaned up the Garden and had a steady business of carrots going to the market in lestallum. Then the lighthouse. We had it rebuilt and extended the deck around the front. I was heading up with two cups of hot cocoa just humming to myself. We loved watching the sunset from up here over Eos. The elevator stopped at the top and I easily walked around. We had a little patio set up here. Ardyn was in his chair reading over one of my letter from Altissia. He looked up when he heard me and I smiled putting down the cup before stealing my letter back.
“Hey. My business.”
“Sorry Love. I was curious… She’s a rather demanding person isn’t she? Wanting us back next week already?”
“Yeah I know. I’ve called and told her no way. When she asked why, I told her about Ignis opening up the restaurant and she understood. Said she might come here instead.” He chuckled then and I curled up in my chair happily. He didn’t dress so formally these days unless we had business. Just some nice black pants with his boots and a loose shirt. I was in jeans with one of his other shirts on and looked out. I sighed gently and he looked over.
“You ok?” I nodded then and smiled.
“Perfect… Absolutely perfect… Just… Thinking back…” He nodded then leaning back getting a drink.
“Been through a lot huh?”
“More coming too.” He nodded then and smiled.
“Going to stay with me? Not scared?” I laughed a bit then.
“Not scared anymore, you know that. I’ll always stand by you Ardyn.”
“Forever and more.” He smiled then and reached out for my hand. I got his happily as I moved closer. We could get through anything as long as we were together. Even if we did add to our little family. I wasn’t going to tell him I was already thinking of us needing a nursery in the near future.
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