#I was like okay Diluc you should be work-mode be a good boy please. Luc vc: No I gotta make him smile first
inardescere · 5 months
I hate that I have to be here and not there with you. [ for the pretty redhead ]
"You're all excused."
With that, the room becomes a little louder as everyone makes their way out of the hall, some toward the library and some to their respective offices. The knights joining the expedition gathered around Varka to ask questions, while Diluc stood back, waiting for his turn. While he does, he sees Kaeya come closer, and he smiles at him, giving a tiny wave.
Until he says that.
Surprise is an understatement. He had been too busy these days to assume Kaeya would be upset about being left behind, but he supposes... If the other were sent on a trip alone, Diluc would also feel lonely. He was supposed to be Kaeya's partner and vice versa. Due to this, Varka once advised him that he should try giving the other some space to grow without Diluc by his side. He understands where he was coming from, but to split them now after all these years was ridiculous. Besides, just doing their job already had them work separately on various occasions. But had they ever separated for a whole month before...?
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Diluc takes a secret glance behind him where Varka stands, still talking to the knights coming on the expedition.
Then, he leans towards him, shoulders touching when he cups a hand over his mouth so no one can read his lips. "Why don't you just sneak into the cargo like you did years ago to Sumeru?" His expression is neutral, calm without a single sign of anything amiss. "How long do you think it'll take before they find out? Could be good training for spotting infiltrators, don't you think? You could throw little pieces of gravel at the back of their heads too."
While the captain would normally never joke around at work, he thinks a little leeway when Kaeya seems so down is fine. Besides, the idea of testing his subordinates was quite tempting, actually.
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