#I was lazy Q_Q
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nyatem · 10 months ago
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My favorite little homunculus
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teem-boo · 1 year ago
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i missed my pookie sm <3
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diverse-hearts-ocs · 2 months ago
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//Okays better go and try and get some sleep before the third day of bathroom hell begins. Managed to fill my queue with enough posts here at least. Hopefully I can get back into the flow of things when I'm not so sleepy ~
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choco-anter · 9 months ago
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Hi! These are my new art for my fanfic "I found beauty in pain". If you're interested to read, here:
Only the 1st chapter is "fixed" (I really hope so q_q), you'll notice a diference with the next ones in my eng level. You're warned.
Now, Idk how but I got inspired to also make my own cover. Not enough to draw it cleaner buuuuuut... Yeah, I got lazy with the rendering.
Hope you like it!
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abandonedsdjfhcvndfbv · 1 year ago
Tagged by @memoire1994 @valentinesweetheartspecial and @yisanged Thankyou Syd Vince and Nico!!!!!!!!!! :D My friends
Last song i heard: Nostopath in the Fallow ost by Ada Rook. The entire ost is so goooooodddddddd I really wanna buy the game:<
fav colour: geen for sure green is myyy color
Last watched series: Twin Peaks most likley!
Spicy/sweet/savoury: savory for sure i love salty stuff but spicy is great too. Sweets..I dont like as much... But i'm eating so many of them recently bcz im lazy to make other stuff X( maybe thats why i have a headache
Relationship status: Single And probably unavaliable. I am taken by my own insanity
Last thing i googled: The play i went to just now! I wanted to see the duration and read the synopsis...
Last thing i read: The Mist by Stephen King.. It's pretty fun so far i got halfway through yesterday
Current obsession: dunno if i have one. The Binding Of Isaac? Yea tats the thing i look most forward to recently
Something im looking forward to: *Clap* The Binding Of Isaac! Of course. Im also looking forward to studying and having no more missing assignments. Im over the deadlines mostly and i think that alot of them wont accept late submissions but Q_Q im so facked
Tagging!!!...... @newlane @mousewear @tf2yuri @uedono @threedigits @memoryofmarionette @inhibitorchip Hi:3. and of course if anyone that sees this wants to do it as well! Luv you all
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lovingacura · 2 years ago
Lazy Day
Today will be a lot shorter tomorrow (and artless as well Q_Q)
In terms of day progress not much was made, I considered a schedule I'll undertake for art after quite a bit of scrolling through the for you section of the tumblr feed. Although I haven't taken action yet it's instilled a decent amount of hope in me to the point where I am optimistic about my future.
On the irl side of things, I've been preparing for work and getting things together for my future in university.
Until then, I am heading to bed. A short but sweet night.
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just-messing-around · 2 years ago
Some people: Drop outs are either stupid, lazy or both (or) graduating is the least a person can do. I don't see a reason for this adult finally getting their shít together to be a cause for celebration.
Me who had to drop out because I had no idea what was going on with my health, needed to focus on wtf was going on to see how to help my body and my mother and grandmother both agreed with my decision because I kept missing so much school from sick days that I kept having to repeat years because of the absences, so I was just going to be stuck in one place while struggling with my health: Okay, mean and extremely narrow minded...please stay out of my life Q_Q
people who look down on dropouts are weird
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candyvoncaramell · 5 years ago
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them q_q
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cosmicroadkill · 5 years ago
The Enlightened and the Church of the Scarlet Prophet
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The Enlightened’s original title and name has long since been lost to time but she was once a subjuggulator like any other. Upon hearing about a mysterious troll stirring unrest in the lowbloods she took it upon herself to investigate and, given the chance, deal with the nuisance.  She managed to intercept word of a lowblood gathering and hid in the shadows in hope of spying the instigator and was admittedly unimpressed when she realized the troll she was looking for was a rather lackluster young troll with nubby horns known only as the Signless. As he started to speak, however, she could not help but be drawn to his words; his promises of unity and his visions of a planet where highbloods and lowbloods could stand hand-in-hand.  At first, she was appalled with herself as such notions were beyond treasonous and yet she found herself following his progress, never truly joining the crowds that surrounded him but always there until she had an epiphany; the Mirthful Massias promised her people a paradise planet for the faithful and was there no greater paradise than a world where all trolls could frolic in life’s miracles no matter their hue? As such there was only one conclusion: the Signless was the TRUE prophet of the Mirthful Massias and the Grand Highblood was a pretender, a devil leading them astray. 
The Enlightened proceeded to bring other subjuggulators with her to the Signless’ speeches under the guise of reconnaissance and observed their reactions. Should they react positively to his words, she would tell them of her revelation and offer to free them from the Grand Highblood’s grip. Should they react negatively, however, she would kill them after leaving to keep the Grand Highblood from getting any information on the Signless.  In doing so she gained a sizable following though it would not gain a name until the Signless’ execution. Upon beholding his bright red blood the Enlightened and her people were awed instead of disgusted which only furthered their rage at his murder; one who’s blood was so bright red that it burned like fire must truly have been a miracle sent by the Messiahs and yet these blind fools killed him in the name of a False Prophet and his Puppeteer, the Empress. It was here that they became the Church of the Scarlet Prophet. Despite their rage and despair, the Enlightened forced her people into hiding in hopes of preserving and nurturing their faith. She did her best to keep the Desciple out of highblood hands as she spread the Signless’, now the Sufferer, sacred word until the olive’s broken heart finally culled her after which the Enlightened secured her journal.
While the Church mostly kept to themselves that did not stop them from recruiting others, an action that eventually leads the Summoner to them. While the Enlightened found herself wary of the newcomer, his promise of revolution appealed both to her want for revenge in the Sufferer’s name as well as her highblood thirst for violence, which until this point had only been somewhat curbed by fighting her former brothers and sisters. As old as she was, however, the Enlightened knew that victory was not certain and so left the youngest to go back into hiding and keep the faith while the eldest, herself included, marched to war. Her caution worked in her favor as her and every other member who went with her were executed. 
The Church of the Scarlet Prophet is far more scattered in modern Alternia but still exists, with many of its adherents having the Sufferer’s Sym69l hidden somewhere on their person but otherwise are indistinguishable from other Mirthful Minstrels. Many of them search for the Desciple’s Scriptures and other lost religious artifacts.
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miss-ari · 2 years ago
noooo saladas are not the same i will not be misled again they are so fucking gross don't even get me started on that bullshit where the crackers come in a sheet of four and you have to snap them apart god why can't your country make a saltine. arnotts is so good at literally everything else Q_Q
ah maybe- i think i'm just used to seeing the cases of canada dry ginger ale and it's tragically absent around here. but also i only ever have ginger ale on planes so it's not really a great loss and the more i think about it, i think the ginger beer was actually tastier :x
now i haven't seen the ranch dressing i'm used to at coles or woolies so it might be another one of those things that is Just Slightly Off. i guess a close comparison just off the cuff would be chips vs fries? like, yeah they're basically the same in concept, it's still a cooked/sliced potato but then you discover that the frozen ones don't come pre-salted here and it's like huh? what?? that's so weird!
personally i don't like cheetos or cheez whiz so i haven't gone hunting for equivalents. with the twisties, i swear someone at my previous job had me try a version that was exactly like a cheeto and they were kind of wounded that it didn't blow my mind. ah bless.
nooooo doritos are not the same as your basic corn chips i'm going to cry blood
i haven't found them at the chemist either and it's been really odd. they should just look something like this
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but in a similar vein, it's hard to find over counter medication in a bottle. even my prescription meds are in little plastic and foil trays now- but conveniently they have the days of the week on them so i will forgive the time it sliced my finger open :I and also uninsured they are $7-9 instead of nearly $200 so yayyyy
i could probably just go get a lemon and make proper lemonade instead of using a powder mix but i'm a lazy american so i won't u_u the calypso brand is very tasty though i'll give you that- not sure how hefty the import fees are though, or if they make it here to save costs?
nah nah nah nah nah that's what all the grocery store employees were trying to sell me on. those cherries taste different for starters, but i specifically need maraschino cherries with stems so i can make my christmas mice (but probably with almond ears instead of peanuts bc my partner doesn't like peanut anything the rotten bastard)
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but ofc hershey kisses cost an arm and a leg too, not to mention that hershey chocolate is Downright Vomitous. so i'm still working on either finding a chocolate mold to make my own kisses or perhaps some kind of piping method i can use
trail mix should have nuts (peanuts are essential but it usually has almonds and then cashews and macadamia if it's a bit nicer), raisins, and knockoff m&ms; marshmallows are an option but not my preference
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A Non-Comprehensive List of "Foods That Don't Really Exist In Australia Compared to America" In My Experience Thus Far
(Some of these you can find at specialty US food/import stores if you're lucky though!)
Saltine crackers
Graham crackers
Yellow/orange mac and cheese. It is white-ish here, comes in a smaller quantity but costs more, and does not taste the same. I tried making it like I would back home and my partner said "This slaps!" but I thought it was kinda dreadful :x
Twizzlers. Okay a lot of American candies are going to be missing but this is the one that hurts me most. Like, oh no they don't have Mike & Ikes- who the fuck cares.
Funky ice cream flavours in tubs. Australia does ice cream treats really well, you are pretty much guaranteed delicious results if it is individually wrapped. But anything outside of basic vanilla (which tastes VERY different from any American vanilla ice cream I've ever had in my life), chocolate, and neapolitan in a tub is gonna be goddamn scarce. I have managed to track down mint chocolate chip and cookies & cream but they were gross. Anything more complex- think moose tracks, chocolate cherry chip, brownie, rocky road, cookie dough, etc- you are shit out of luck my friend because if they do exist here they come in specialty brand pints exclusively and they are at least $12 a pop, kys
Jif peanut butter
Breakfast or "country" sausages. I actually had no idea that was exclusively an American thing until I moved here. No one knows what I'm talking about and I just gesture helplessly when they ask for details because I don't know what's in those either! I've never had to think about it before! But I better find out 'cause it's time to start making them myself. Send help.
(Good) Mexican food, just as a whole -_-;
Root beer. For some reason they have Ginger Beer but not Ginger Ale and I swear there is a difference but it probably doesn't matter
Ranch dressing?? I'm a good midwestern girl what is this fresh hell
Cheez-its, cheetos, cheez whiz, goldfish crackers- most salty cheese snacks. Your average grocery chain like Woolies or Coles isn't gonna have these and it's a little weird.
Fruit snacks. Presumably because they don't have enough fruit for Australia to legally call them that. I have found some at Costco but that's about it. Side note, the Kirkland chocolate chips bag says "Great for baking and snacking" so they've manually put a plain white sticker with black text over it that says "Great for baking and cooking" :')
Egg rolls. Actually most Chinese American food which. Okay that makes sense now that I think about it but orange chicken my beloved... crab rangoon... egg rolls... They do have "spring rolls" but they are kinda shit! Korean food is everywhere though and it is goddamn delicious. Oh and you can get mochi ice cream 10 for $10 at Coles. There's limited flavours obviously but they have strawberry and mango and that is all that matters tbqh (black sesame is a 0/10, truly awful)
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Fritos/corn chips. Tortilla chips exist but are more expensive than you'd expect, and the "Hispanic" section of the grocery store is like. A shelf. Bitches don't even have crema smh
Cool whip
Not a food but Tums or even really generic antacid tablets- I cannot find them anywhere
If we're including not-foods all of a sudden: cardstock.
Candy corn
Lemonade. Australians will insist they have lemonade but it is fucking carbonated!! I'm like no no it's not supposed to be fizzy, it's not like a Sprite. "So it's just lemon and sugar water...?" Yes!!! God!!
Specifically this type of noodle:
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Almond bark
Maraschino cherries
Trail mix
And your reactions will vary wildly between "Eh. That's fair." and "Oh dear god, please tell me the US import store takes requests."
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justatiredbitchtbh-blog · 7 years ago
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noquirk-a · 7 years ago
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vicea · 4 years ago
helloooo i was wondering if u had the clip of when dream said he didn’t wanna do an org on train’s podcast :o i’ve been seeing it talked abt a bit and no clips anywhere sadly </3
dream >>>>>>>>>>>>>> i truly appreciate him for keeping the smp true to it's fundamentals :] for it to be a server for his friends to play on <3
transcript below (dream was being talked over a lot so i didn't really understand what he was saying q_q)
poke: the SMP you guys have is pretty much an org if you think about it
dream: ehhh i'd say... ehh
poke: it's not-- in a way right?
dream: in a way, it's definitely like a team i'd say in a way
poke: yeah for sure
dream: it's very like lax though
slasher: i mean dream have you ever thought about turning the smp into an actual org?
dream: no
train: earlier you [sapnap] were saying you want to join an org, you and dream can just make one. you guys realize that right? like y'all can make one and.. whatever bag you're getting now for whatever you're doin, with an org you can get like 5, 10, 15, 20 times that. or are you guys just too lazy?
moe: train what'd you say?
train: i said they can make an org and everything that they think they're getting from an org they can do themselves and they get more financially and...
moe: i don't think it's that simple to do an org you need fulltime employees
train: couldn't sapnap and dream find these guys easily? I'm confused
moe: it depends are they going to invest money?
myth: they don't need a fucking gaming org. what i would do with them if i was like in charge is i would just build a brand around the group.
moe: yeah they've built it
sapnap: we already have...
dream: that's what I'm saying. what's the benefit to having an org over just having a team? the only thing would be like me taking a cut from people which i don't want to do.
sapnap: LETSGOO (i have no idea if this was about his val game or dream xd)
moe: no the benefit would be getting it big enough to sell for like tens of billions of dollars to like amazon
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life-is-no-sugarlicking · 8 years ago
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Reyes  Vidal week - Day 7
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teiperono--arteru · 5 years ago
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Made some more skele arts haha. Been doing lots of sketches of undertale and their aus. Just been to lazy to post them hehehe.
I really like horrortale tbh! I like how i made ht papyrus, even tho i felt bad when drawing him.. Q_Q either way tested out some shading methods and pencils on him and ufsans :^) think they came out ok! Tho sans head isnt really in center but eh..
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simpuke · 4 years ago
I'm sorry for inactivity lately, I think I'm kind of burnt out on the sims at the moment Q_Q I still have a lot of screenies to queue but I'm so lazy. Maybe today I'll queue them. And maybe answer wcifs as well.
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