#I was just practicing to see how to take the photos of the stor
vicciouxs · 1 year
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knox's messy corner.
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To Go See You
Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Word Count: 8.6k
Genre: Fluff
Summary: All he wanted to do was go to the convenience store with you, but that simple desire ends up costing more than he thought.
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You and Minho are walking out of the convenient store with Minho holding a grocery bag filled with snacks. He’s nibbling on a sausage while you’re eating an ice cream.
“I can’t believe you’re eating ice cream in the middle of the night.”
“And I can’t believe you’re eating a sausage.”
You check the grocery bag, making sure that you bought enough for the members back in the dance studio. You look at the time on your phone, and it’s midnight. A second later, you check again, and ten seconds later, you check the time again. Minho can sense how tense you are.
“What’s going on?”
“I dunno…This is my first time doing this…you know…sneaking out. Like, I know I’m not supposed to let you guys eat so much unhealthy food…What if we get caught??”
He nudges you on the shoulder. “Oh god, what are you so scared about? It’s just once.”
“That’s what you said last time, and the time before. This isn’t a healthy habit!”
“Geez, stop being a goody-two shoes, Manager. You gotta live life to the fullest.”
“Sneaking out to buy candy and snacks isn’t living to the fullest…”
“Whatever, mood killer.”
“Nothing.” He playfully replies.
You punch him on the arm, laughing along with him.
During the midst of practice, the members were craving for something—anything—to eat. Unable to bear hearing the cries of hunger from the members, you volunteered to sneak in some food from the cafeteria. Minho, who usually maintains his diet pretty well, also raised his hand up to go with you and even persuaded you to get junk food from his favorite convenience store. While you did retaliate at first, you ended up going along with it and immediately regretted it.
You sigh. “We should’ve gone to the cafeteria instead.”
“I think we’ve been out for too long. What if the CEO sees us sneaking in with these bags?”
“He’s currently overseas, so don’t worry about it! Besides, all they have is salad tonight and I don’t feel like eating it.”
“But what about—”
“You worry way too much!”
Minho wraps an arm around you, pulling you in for a hug. You nearly stumbled but was able to catch yourself. When you look up, your face is nearly centimeters away from him. You heart stops beating, and when Minho smiles, your heart skips a beat. You move away, pressing the ice cream on your cheek so that it can cool down.
“I-I just want to be safe.”
His smile fades away and becomes serious. There are moments when Minho enjoys playing around with you, and he knows that you get shy easily. You always tell him to stop, but your warning goes in one ear and out the other.
“Oh, come on, are you really that upset that we didn’t go to the cafeteria?”
You shake your head. “I’m not upset, I’m just scared,” you chuckle nervously. “But it’s still nice to spend some quality time with you.”
He doesn’t respond immediately. “Mm-hmm, it’s hard to talk to you without having the other guys interrupting. We should hang out more like this another day.”
“We should! I haven’t seen your cats in such a long time.”
“I said that we should hang out with each other, not you with my cats.”
“But I spend less time with them compared to you. I’m just kidding. But back to the point, I really like hanging out with all of you guys, but I’d like to spend time with each and every one of you.”
“Hey, hey, hey, just me, okay?”
You laugh. “You sound like an obsessive boyfriend, but wouldn’t you consider this be considered as our first date?”
He stares at you blankly, pausing before replying. “No. This isn’t a date. But since you brought that up, yea, let’s do it.”
“Do what?”
“Go on a date. Just us two, alone, nobody else. You and me. (L/N) (Y/N) and Lee Minho.”
“What?!” You immediately cover your mouth to avoid grabbing attention. “What…??” You whisper.
“We’re not doing it because we’re romantically interested in each other right? It’s just for fun, but we’re really going as ‘friends’.”
You don’t know how you two got from talking about snacks to going on a date. You almost laughed to lighten the mood, but seeing how serious his face is, you have a feeling that he isn’t joking. You weren’t thinking as the next hangout to be considered as a date, but since you’ve never gone on a date before, so you thought, why not?
He extends his pinky finger. “Alright, promise me?”
You find this a little cute. Minho, a fully grown adult, wanting to do a pinky promise with you. You grin from ear-to-ear, curling your small pinky with his. “Promise!”
But…amidst the fun, unbeknownst to you and Minho, there’s a strange man wearing a face mask and cap, hiding his identity and crouching behind a bush, taking pictures of you and him together.
It’s been a day since you snuck out with Minho, and now you’re in the building just coming out from a meeting. It was a briefing to schedule a day to go a radio show that they usually go on for every comeback. Usually, the members are a part of the meeting, but they’re so busy with dance practice that you decided to cover it for them. They’ve gone on the show so much that the producers from the radio are familiar with them.
You look through the schedule on your tablet, seeing how busy they’re going to be next week. You sigh, not excited to see them overworked. They already lack sleep and a member is always receiving a new injury every day, but with the inclusion of going on shows and having cameras on them constantly is just another add-on to their stress. Then again, this is a part of their job, and the best you can do is try to make it as easy as possible for them.
“Miss (Y/N).” Calling from behind you is the head of the casting department’s secretary, Miss Choi.
You give her a polite smile, bowing slightly. “Good afternoon!”
“Choi Eunha would like to see you in her office.”
“Right now? I was just about to head to the boys’ practice room.”
“Yes, this is urgent, and she needs you immediately.”
You don’t like the sound of that. You rarely see your boss, and when you do, it’s usually because you get into quarrels with her. It was like that as well when you appointed yourself as Stray Kids’ manager even after she deemed you as too unprepared to handle a boy group.
You sigh, but you also crack a smile. “Okay.”
In Eunha’s office, the walls are covered in dark green wallpaper, shelves filled with music scores, trophies, and how-to books on building successful businesses. Hanging on the walls are photos of when your boss was younger, shaking hands with the J.Y.P. along with other important figures. Her desk has a folder organizer, which is basically a convenient metal divider that holds paper. On the opposite end is her desktop computer.
Sitting on the other side of the mahogany desk is you, your shoulders crunched up as you look around the room that you’ve seen many times before. There’s a stern look on her face, meaning that what she’s about to tell you isn’t going to be in your favor. She types, tapping each key individually with her long, witch nails painted red.
Once she’s done that, she rotates her computer around to show what’s on her screen. “Read this for me. Aloud.”
Displayed in front of you is an online article. There’s the title in bold fonts. “Lee Know of Stray Kids Spotted with an Unidentified Woman at a Convenient Stor—WHAT?!”
You cover your mouth with both your hands in utter shock. Underneath the title is a picture of you and Minho, and his arm is around your neck. You can clearly see a side view of Minho’s face, but thankfully your face has been obscured, only revealing your back. Even then, you were wearing your hoodie over your head, so it isn’t even possible to see you entirely.
But still, it doesn’t solve the issue that you and Minho have been caught together. Judging by this picture alone, you can already sense the enormous amout of backlash from both the entertainment world and the consumers. This speaks high volume that this looks like you and Minho were on a date.
“You should be kissing God’s ass right now that the netizen couldn’t get a picture of your face, but who knows when they’ll dig up your identity. Care to explain why you and Lee Minho were out so late at night?” Without even having to ask her, she’s clearly trying to reserve her anger.
“Uhm…okay…it’s not what it looks like, Ma’am…Minho and I wanted to get some fresh air.”
“And why did you guys decide to go out when you guys could’ve just hung outside the building?”
“Well…uh…you see…the boys were getting hungry. They were starving! So I couldn’t let them practice in that state, so I offered to go buy food for them and Minho tagged along with me.”
But you’re unable to convince her, so she opens her mouth to begin her lecture, but you think of anything to interrupt her. “Look, Ma’am! It’s not what you think!! You know how journalists are!! Ah ha ha…they make things seem more dramatic than usual just to get the clicks. Minho and I weren’t going on a date. They were craving for some snacks, so we went out. That’s all! There’s nothing going on between me and Minho. Absolutely nothing.”
Eunha raises an eyebrow, crossing her eyes as she leans back in her chair. The lack of response makes you anxious, internally begging for her to just say something, anything.
“I know it wasn’t your intention to be caught, and I’m gonna go on the limb and believe that you and Lee Minho aren’t dating. However. You still violated the rules. You should be well aware that, as their manager, you must keep your relationship with them professional.”
“Yes, I know, but—”
“And! During their dieting phase, they must not eat any junk food. I trusted you with that responsibility, but you failed to maintain it.”
“I’m very sorry!” You bow. “This won’t happen again! Please, do whatever you want with me, but don’t punish the boys.”
“Hm…very well. Then I have something in mind for you.”
“What?!” Everybody shouts in unison.
In the dance practice room, the nine boys surround you in a semi-circle. Your head is sow and your shoulders are slumped with shame. Everyone is devastated with the news, but Minho is the one who’s been impacted the most.
“What are we going to do?!” Hyunjin pulls his hair.
“That’s it. We might as well say our goodbyes to each other. We’re not gonna last a week,” Changbin says, like he’s reciting a line from a soap opera. “We’re gonna die.”
“Changbin, it’s not the end of the world. You guys will be fine,” You elbow him playfully, although it was a bit forced. “As much as I don’t want to separate from you guys either, there’s not much we can do.”
Eunha has decided that you will not be with them during their comeback. In order to avoid more gossip, she thought it would be safest if you did work at home, scheduling and making phone calls, and wait until the rumors have died down until you can work with them again. Not only that, but you also can’t text or call them, and if you had something to say, you would have to contact their temporary manager. You can’t even be in the building if they’re in the building as well. You’re practically quarantined from them.
“Isn’t this a bit too much…?” Felix asks with a saddened tone.
“It is…but honestly, this is better than being fired, am I right?” You said that as a joke, but nobody laughs.
“So…no texting? No calling?” Hyunjin asks.
“We can’t even say hi to you?” Seungmin also asks.
You shake your head. “You guys have to pretend that I don’t exist. But don’t worry! It’ll just be temporary. Once the public forgets about it, then I’ll be back in no time. I’ll sure the temp manager will take care of you guys well.”
“But…it’s not gonna the same without you.” Jisung sulks
“Who’s gonna carry my stuff? Our stage clothes? My gaming consoles??” Jeongin tries his best not to panic.
You lower your eyebrows. “Your new manager will do all that for you. And I’m your manager, not your bellboy.”
“I know…but what if the new manager glares at me if I ask him to carry my stuff? At least you understand.”
“Guys, we shouldn’t be whining about it. It’s technically our fault too,” Chan chimes in. “We’re the ones who kept begging for food, and we were well aware of the rules too. The decision has already been made, so what we can do now is continue training and prove that we can do this ourselves!”
“Remember when Chan had to be our manager for a time because we couldn’t afford one?” Woojin adds. “Having (Y/N) babysit us made us forget that we’ve did it before, and we can do it again.”
“Well…don’t prove too well that you guys are independent. Otherwise, I’m not gonna have a job.” You jester.
“Yea…yea, you’re right. We got this!” Jisung cheers, fist pumping the air.
“But…I’m still gonna miss you.” Felix says, but instinctively in English.
“I’ll miss you guys too, but it won’t be for long.”
You love each and every member, especially for how positive their mindset is. Even though they go through their own individual struggles, they do their best to overcome them and help each other. They started from scratch before, so not having you isn’t going to be a problem.
…Or at least that’s what you hope so. You turn to Minho, who hasn’t said a single world since you broke the news.  “Minho? Are you okay?”
Almost like that was a trigger, he marches out of the practice room. He’s clearly upset by this, but even more than the members. You run after him, following his heavy footsteps.
Minho is standing by the elevator, tapping his foot as he waits for the doors to slide open. His arms are crossed, and although his expression is like his usual blank look, there’s fury behind his eyes, like he’s about to start a fire.
You catch up to him before the doors open, leaning over and putting your hands on your knees to keep you up. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to talk to your boss.”
“It’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
“You’re the only one who’s being punished when I played a part in it too.”
The elevator dings and the doors open. Before he enters, you grab him by the sleeve. “Wait! You’re not serious about talking to her, are you?”
His silence is his way of saying ‘yes, I’m serious.’
“Please think about it carefully. I’m sure it’s because you guys are releasing a new album soon and punishing you guys will just intervene with your schedule. She probably wants you guys to focus on practicing.”
“Then why didn’t she say anything to us? Why is it just you? Did she not say anything about us at all?”
You let go of his sleeve, scratching your chin. “…She didn’t say anything…But! I guarantee that it’s because you guys are working and being disciplined is not going make things any better. If anything, if you want to be cynical, then it could also be because she didn’t want to get in trouble herself! You guys are well-loved, so if she was caught yelling at you guys, it’ll just bite her back.”
He stares blankly at you, but his mind is somewhere else. This goes on for a few more seconds before he nods his head as if he just agreed to the conversation he had in his mind.
“Ah…I get it now.”
“Get what?”
“Your boss is technically punishing us.”
“Wait, what?”
“Yea, by taking you away.”
“Ugh, that bitch, because of her we can’t go on our date.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the phone there, Minho. I’m on temporary leave, not fired. But if you keep calling her names, I’m seriously going to lose my job.”
“What? Don’t deny the truth.”
You can’t believe he called her that with such anguish. It almost makes you laugh, turning this situation more light-hearted. Plus, his priorities are definitely not in the same playing field as the rest of the members.
“And you’re upset about the date? I thought we were just kidding about that.”
Again, he stares at you with his wide, blank eyes, then he shakes his head. “No. I was being serious. Why would I joke around about that?”
Your smile fades, then your cheeks become red. You don’t know how he can remain calm by saying such bold claims. “Minho…stop saying stuff like that or else we’ll get into more trouble.”
He sighs. “I was so excited about this date too, and I don’t want to wait any longer than I should.”
You’re flattered that he wants to go on this date with you, but you actually weren’t intending for him to mean it. However, you can’t bear to break his heart any more than you should, so regardless if he’s joking or not, it’s best to cheer him up.
“Alright, think about it this way: once the rumors died down and I come back, then we’ll plan out this…’date’.”
Light returns in his eyes, and he smiles from ear-to-eat. He gasps subtly, unable to contain that thrill in him, already thinking of places to take you.
“Okay, okay, but wait at least. Give or take a few weeks, then we’ll see each other again, alright? For now, take care, and please take care of the other members too.”
“…Alright.” Minho spreads his arms wide, wanting a hug. As much as you want to hug him, you don’t dare repeat the same mistake. For all you know, there’s probably an employee watching you two.
Wait until everybody forgot, you convince yourself.
You hate that you’re doing this, but you walk around Minho, pressing on the elevator ‘up’ arrow. The door rings open, and you enter. “I-I’ll see you soon, Minho! Good luck on the comeback!”
You keep waving until the door closes, and the last thing you see is his unpredictable, hollow gaze. You don’t know what he’s thinking, but for all you know, you probably upset him for ignoring his hug. You bang your head on the wall, sighing heavily.
“They’ll be alright…right…?”
Hello, this is JYP,
Firstly, we sincerely apologize to STAYs who have been left with confusion these past few days. With the bottom of their hearts, Stray Kids love and appreciate each and every STAY and would like to clear the dating rumor between Lee Know and the woman in the photo. It is confirmed that the idol and the woman are not dating.
The woman has officially been identified as a JYP employee and would like to remain anonymous. She has violated one of the rules and endangered the idol by sneaking him out late at night, so she has been put on temporary leave. Once again, we would like to apologize for a late response. Please look forward to Stray Kids’ comeback as they worked endlessly for you STAYs.
…Even though you know that this isn’t intended to offend you and to just divert the fans’ attention away, but it still felt like a direct attack toward you. Already from Naver, you’re getting immense backlash. Many of the fans are criticizing you for exposing Minho to danger, then there are others who are outright calling you insulting names.
However, you don’t blame them. The notice itself is vague, and it painted you as somewhat of a villain. It isn’t like you can reveal yourself and beg them to understand your side of the story; it’ll just make the situation worst by revealing your face.
You lean back on your living room couch, tossing your phone to the side. In your one-bedroom apartment, the curtains are blocking every possible opening. You’re afraid that an obsessed fan or netizen is going to take a picture of you through your balcony sliding door or from a window.
It’s been a full week since you last had contact with the guys, and it’s getting lonely. You’ve dedicated most of your time with them that you never really had the chance to make friends. Since you’ve been separated from the boys, you never realized how much of a pitiful life you’re living. You don’t even have a pet to keep you company.
But on the bright side, the release of their new music video went smoothly. They’ve been receiving praise for it, which is a definite plus in the right direction. Fans should be focusing on this, not some half-assed apology that some faceless employee wrote. They became fans for the members, not for the drama.
“I wonder how they’re doing…”
You shouldn’t worry too much. They’re all grown men who live together, and they haven’t burned down their dorm yet, so that’s a good sign that they’re doing fine. Despite that, you still miss hanging out with them.
You sit up straight with a new determination in your eyes. Even if you’re not physically there for them, it’s still your duty as their manager to take care of them. For all you know, they’re probably starving themselves. Luckily, their current manager sent you their location in case there’s an emergency. You search up the name of their favorite fried chicken place, download their app, then placed an order.
Once that’s over with, there’s an option to add extra customer notes. You do have something in mind, but you feel bad for whoever is going to have to do it. You decide to go along with it and pay more in tips. When you’re done, you send a text message to the temp manager to give him a heads up.
The nine boys return from the backstage and back to their private space. They take off their coats, using handheld fans to cool their faces down. The staff members are putting cooling packs on their faces. They rest silently, none of them saying a word as their temp manager is nonchalantly playing on his phone. The boys stare at him, somewhat waiting for him to say words of encouragement. However, he simply continues playing games, tapping aggressively on his screen.
Even though they assured you that they’ll be fine on their own, but they didn’t specifically say that they’ll be alright in the long run. With each passing day, their spirit falters more and more. Although they’re always encouraging each other, it doesn’t feel the same when you’re not there to give them a pep talk.
“I’m so bored.” Hyunjin says to end the silence.
“It’s too quiet…” Seungmin adds.
“My mental energy is deteriorating…I need something refreshing.” Jisung continues.
“Something…sweet…and nice…and bubbly,” Changbin lists. “…And has pretty eyes…contagious smile…and positive attitude…and very good at managing us.”
“Shh! Don’t say stuff like that.” Chan elbows Changbin, flicking his chin to point at their temp manager.
“Ow! What?? I’m just being honest!! It’s not like he’s gonna hear us. He’s blasting the hell outta his video game!”
And he’s right. The manager has his earphones plugged in, so into his game.
“Still. Be careful with what you say.”
“…I miss (Y/N).” Felix bluntly states.
Chan tries to think of something, but he can’t help but agree with him as well. Everyone here misses you. One of your traits that they took for granted is your gentle nature. No matter how dark things get, you always turn it around into a positive light. Even though criticism is always welcomed, it doesn’t hurt to hear your praise every so often.
But out of the nine members, there’s one who’s taking it the hardest. Minho is sitting on the floor over a blanket, watching a video on his phone. Jisung lays down next to him and looks over to see what he’s watching.
“Hey, hey, whadda you watchin’?”
In the video, Minho is the one holding the phone, and he’s recording a video of his cats playing in his parents’ home. His voice can be heard cooing at his three pets as they claw at their new toy. Within seconds, Jisung is already bored and was about to leave before he hears a second voice in the video.
“Soongie, come here!” Your legs entire from the right side of the screen, getting on your knees and crouching over to get his cat’s attention.
You spread your arms out for her to run in, and Soongie stares at you suspiciously before slowly approaching you. She rests in your lap, and you hug her.
“You’re getting bigger. Minho better be raising you right.”
“Of course, I’m her owner, after all.”
You laugh. “That’s the problem.”
Jisung is able to quickly see the date that the video was recorded, and it was before their debut. Judging by the hairstyle you have in the video, it was taken right before the filming of Hellavator.
Minho pauses the video, staring at a freeze-frame of you smiling at the camera. Jisung gives him a concerned look, raising an eyebrow at his sanity. He then zooms in to your face, gazing at it a few seconds longer.
Unable to handle it any longer, Jisung hits him on the arm. “Hyung, what are you, a creep?”
He stares at him with his emotionless eyes. “No.”
After responding to that rhetorical question, Minho stakes a screenshot of your face—ten times. He presses the home button on his phone, exposing his home wallpaper to be a close-up of your face.
“What in the…”
Despite the rule of erasing any connections that leads back to you, Minho isn’t making it subtle in the slightest. Minho stands up and walks to the counter where it’s filled with snacks and drinks. He picks up a can of soda, flicking it open and the carbonation fizzling into the air.
Jisung follows him, his jaw still hanging open. “Hyung…are you okay?”
“Mm, I am,” he takes a sip then picks up a piece of fruit and shows it to him. “Han, did you know that this is (Y/N)’s favorite fruit?”
“Hyung, can you at least not mention her name?? For all we know, there could be people listening.”
Minho gazes at the soda. “Doesn’t this drink look like her too?”
Jisung slumps his shoulders. “…I think you need help.”
“Why? I’m fine.”
But that response doesn’t do much to convince Jisung. “We all miss her too, but you can’t just keep waving your phone around in public. It’s just going to incriminate her more.”
“You know, I didn’t even get to hug her before she left.”
“Are you even listening to me?!” He sighs. “Sometimes I wonder if your brain is complicated or you’re just single-minded.”
Minho gazes at the soda like it’s his long lost soulmate, rotating it around to see its every beauty.
“Did you guys order chicken?” A staff member enters the private sector.
The members look at each other, giving each other puzzled looks. The temp manager flicks his eyes at the deliverer then sets his phone down. “Here.”
He gets up and takes the boxes of chicken. The boys can already smell the greasy, fried smell of the oil oozing from the containers. The manager sets it down on the counter, displaying the content one by one.
They circle around the food, Woojin opening it first and the brightest smile appears on his face. “Chicken!!”
“Whoa! Did you buy this, Manager??”
The temp manager shakes his head.
“Look, there’s a note.” Seungmin takes out a piece of folded paper.
He unfolds it, and while the handwriting is unfamiliar, the letter is recognizable.
Good job on the performance tonight, guys! Don’t stress yourselves out too much and use every chance to take a break. Make sure to eat a lot and please, please treat the manager kindly.
Even though it’s anonymous, it’s obvious who sent the fried chicken here. Even though it’s you, you made a special request for the chicken place to write a note.
“Managerrrrrrrrrrr…” Hyunjin drags the last syllable of your name, almost shedding a tear.
“Ah…I read that in her voice.” Jisung sniffs exaggeratedly.
The boys pass out the wooden chopsticks, each of them taking a piece and eating it. Each and every member savors the snack, appreciating your gift. Even when you’re not there, you’re still caring for them.
“Minho, are you gonna eat?” Chan turns to him.
But instead of answering, he glares at the box of chicken. Once again, no one knows what he’s thinking.
He takes his phone out from his pocket, scrolling through his contacts. Chan leans over to peek at his screen, and to his horror, he’s trying to call you.
“Minho?! What are you doing?!”
“Calling her.”
“Because I want to.”
“You can’t!”
He reaches out to swipe the phone out of his hand. But Minho moves back, pulling his phone away from Chan’s grasp. Minho nearly falls down as he avoids Chan’s hand. In the midst of their fight, his thumb accidentally presses on the ‘call’ button.
“Hang it up right now!”
“No.” He runs away from Chan.
They run in circles while the younger members plus Woojin are staring at their fiasco. Their temp manager doesn’t even bat an eye, piling his plastic plate with as many fried chickens that it can bear to hold.
“Are you trying to get her in trouble??”
“It’s just for a second.”
But this comes to a quick end when the ringing ends, which meant that you deliberately declined his call. Minho freezes on the spot, causing Chan to run into him. They both fall to the ground, his cheek hitting his phone.
“What the hell, Minho?!”
“She…turned down my call.”
“She turned it down…” He repeats but in a more sullen tone.
Chan gets up, helping Minho up as well. After getting a good look at his heart-broken face, he’s no longer angry at him and instead, pities him.
“She…didn’t want to answer my call. She doesn’t want to talk to me,” he continues his muttering.
“Hey, hey, chill,” Chan pats him on the back. “She’s most likely following the rules and doesn’t want us to get into trouble again. I’m sure it isn’t because of what you think.”
Despite the comfort, his words go in from one ear and out the other.
“What did I do, what did I do, what did I do…??” You ramble to yourself.
You didn’t mean to decline his call. You panicked, wanting to pick it up, but in the back of your head, you could hear your boss’s haunting voice threatening to fire you. In a split second, you tapped that red, glowing decline button.
While you thought that it was going to make you relieved, you’re now overwhelmed with guilt. You know full well that before you left, Minho made it clear that he was upset with your boss’s decision. Although you aren’t entirely sure why he would call you, it might’ve been important, so it only makes you feel all the more guilty.
“They…they have their manager…they should be okay,” you try convincing yourself. “It’s only for a little longer.”
A few more days go by, and still no updates regarding you. No one has any idea what you’re doing, and they’ve been doing nothing but going to one performance after another. Every so often, they would go on a variety show, but then they would go back to performing again.
In the middle of their hectic schedule, they have a chance to take a break, but the boys settled with staying in their practice room to see if they can improve on their choreography. As their promotion is hitting home-stretch, their exhaustion is creeping up on them. It’s times like these when they become the most sensitive—the littlest thing triggering them into a tantrum or breakdown into tears.
And while the boys’ energy is being tested, Minho is the one who’s struggling the most. Every time they have an ounce of a break, he would dart straight to his phone, praying that he’ll see a call or text from you. But to his disappointment, it’s the opposite.
Minho rarely expresses distraught, so when it comes to times like this, they don’t know what to say or do to make him feel any better. The only remedy they could think of is bringing you back, but they don’t want to risk the factor of getting you fired or starting rumors.
“Okay, take ten.” Chan dismisses them.
Just as predicted, Minho glides across the room and to the counter where his phone resides. He turns it on only to slump his shoulders when there’s no notifications from you.
Jeongin and Seungmin watch from afar as they pity him. They’ve never seen him so depressed before. It’s so bad to the extent that they feel bad whenever they’re feeling cheery while he’s suffering.
“It’s like watching a monkey in a cage reaching for a banana that’s too far. So sad.” Seungmin states.
“Do you think we should ask our temp manager if he can put her on the phone? It’s hard watching Hyung in this state.”
“And risk her getting in trouble? You never know what stalkers are up to these days, hacking into our information.”
“Right…” Jeongin trails off. “But…why is Hyung like this? We want her back too, especially since our current…‘manager’…isn’t the best.”
Jeongin and Seungmin look at the corner, where their temp manager is sitting on a chair, completely out cold and snoring. On his stomach are crumbs of snacks that he didn’t bother sharing with the rest of the boys. His phone is on his stomach too, his game still on.
“Do you really think…Hyung and (Y/N) are…dating?” Jeongin brings up. “I mean, it has to be really serious for (Y/N) to leave us.”
“Hey, hey, don’t be crazy,” Jisung stands in between them, wrapping his arms around the two youngest members. “(Y/N) would never go for anyone like Minho-hyung, I think. Sure, he’s got the looks, but (Y/N) is wayyy out of his league. She should go for someone else…like me!” He points his thumb to himself with a bright smile.
However, neither of the two boys laughs. Jisung’s grin disappears, playfully punching Jeongin and Seungmin.
“No one will ever go for you, Hyung!” Jeongin teases.
“What?? Do you want to have a talk after this??”
This sudden scream nearly gives Jisung a heart attack. Without thinking, he jumps onto Jeongin, holding onto him so tightly that he can’t breathe.
“Wh-wh-wh-what was that?!”
The source of the shout came from none other than Minho. And just like that, he returns to playing with his phone. At an absolute loss from this out-of-sorts behavior, the boys stare at Minho, waiting for him to explain his outburst. Even the temp manager woke up from his nap and was startled by him.
“Min…ho…?” Chan calls his name questioningly.
He looks up with innocent eyes. “‘Sup.”
“Do…you need to have a talk?”
“No. I’m perfectly fine,” he laughs like an insane person.
“…Let’s have a chat.”
On the third floor patio of the building, Chan and Minho are leaning over the ledge, drinking cold water bottles. The sun is setting over the horizon decorated with Seoul’s city skyscrapers. The sky is baby blue but fades into a burning orange as it reaches the land. Among the two men, the sounds of city noise wrap around them, the honking and car motors growling coming from cars.
But none of that matters, at least to Minho. He could care less about the city’s serenity. If he could switch the city to see you under the sunset, then he would’ve done it in an instant. And that’s the issue that Chan has with him.
“I think it’s better to cut to the chase, but you need to snap out of it.”
“Snap out of what?”
Chan sighs. “Get your head out of the clouds and get back to work! I swear, you need to stop acting like child begging for his mother. You’re a grown adult.”
His bluntness makes Minho return to reality. Even though Minho hardly said a word about what’s bothering him, it’s very obvious what the source of it is.
“Do you want to see (Y/N)?”
Mentioning your name catches his attention, darting his eyes to him. With how fast he moved, Chan jolts.
“Is she here??”
“What?? No! Maybe? Probably? I dunno. Look, I’m not bringing her up because she’s here, but there’s something that’s obviously bothering you more than you missing her, isn’t there?”
Minho doesn’t answer, so Chan isn’t sure if he hit the nail or not.
“Wuagh!!!” he shouts without warning, startling Chan. “Who gave that lady the right to boss her around like that?!”
Presumably by ‘lady’, Minho is referring to your boss, Eunha.
“Her boss treats her like shit because she just hates her!! This is why she’s forcing (Y/N) not to talk to us! This is a punishment for her, but why does it feel like I’m suffering the most?!” He slams his head against the rails, groaning like he’s in pain.
“…Did you guys end on a bad note before the separation?”
“…I was the one who told her that it’d be okay to go, it’s obviously my fault, but she took the blame. She did, not me. Then she ignores my call. She’s mad at me for getting her in trouble for what I did.”
“…Ohhh…I get it. Then why don’t you just clarify it with her?”
He nods. “I mean, yea. It’s all mental barriers. When you think about it, there aren’t actually any limits. Just go talk to her, who’s stopping you?”
“…You’re right.”
“Yea, if you feel guilty, then stand your ground and let her know straight up.”
“Thanks, Hyung. I needed the encouragement. Instead of wailing like a baby, I should do something. This is my life, so I’m not going to let what others tell me what to do!” He chugs the water bottle until it’s empty. “Maybe she didn’t intentionally decline my call! I’ll confront her and ask her straight-up!”
With this newfound confidence, Minho crushes the plastic bottle and throws it in the recycling bin. He wipes his lips, marching back inside.
“W-wait…where are you going?”
“I’m gonna go talk to (Y/N).”
“Oh, ok—WHAT?!”
Before he knows it, Minho has already ran off.
“That’s not what I was talking about! I was saying that you should talk to (Y/N)’s boss, not (Y/N) herself!!!” Chan chases after him.
Since you’ve been working at home, you feel like you’ll go insane if you’re holed up any longer. Earlier in the day, you went out for a quick walk around the park, spending most of the time sitting on the bench and enjoying the fresh air. It felt weird relaxing since you’re always working. You even forgot how it was like to take a break, so it was nice to take some time for yourself.
You wonder how the boys are doing, hopefully not overworking themselves as usual. You would text the current manager and ask him about them, but he would always reply with a ‘they’re fine’. The vagueness of it doesn’t soothe your distress. However, there’s not much you can do about it, so you have to trust his words.
You sigh. Perhaps you’ve become a workaholic—so much so that that’s all you ever think about. You even feel a little anxious if you’re relaxing a bit too much. Not only that, but ignoring Minho’s call also took a small toll on you. You pray that he knew that it was a misunderstanding. If he doesn’t, then when you get back to work, you’ll explain everything to him.
“I wonder how he’s doing.”
Then out of the blue, you hear fast-paced footsteps coming from behind. Curious, you turn around, and for a second, you thought that your eyes were playing tricks on you. Running toward you is none other than Minho himself.
He brakes, stopping inches away from you. You raise your arms up to protect yourself in case he runs into you, but luckily he didn’t. Without warning, he puts both of his hands on your shoulders, staring at you with his wide eyes as if making sure that it’s really you.
Feeling insecure, you avert your eyes. “Wh-wh-what are you doing here?”
Then he twirls his head around, checking his surroundings like he’s being chased. “No time to explain. Come with me.”
Without warning, he carries you over his shoulder. “O-oh my god…!!! Minho!!! Put me down!!” You kick your feet and flail your arms, but when he nearly drops you, you hold onto him. “W-wait, don’t drop me though!!”
“Sorry. Let’s go.” He runs off, still hanging over his shoulder.
In a more desolated section of the neighborhood, Minho finally puts you down. He leans on the wall of a building, finding difficulty catching his breath. He slides down against the wall, hitting the back of his head on it.
You get down on your knees, scooting closer to him. “What are you doing here? You’re sweating enough to make a lake.”
“My legs…so sore.”
“You’re in your exercise clothes too. Did you just get out of practice today??”
His face turns red, heating up like a robot’s exhausted engine. You brush his bangs away so you can place the back of your hand on his forehead. His sweat rubs off on your knuckles, and while his face is red, his temperature is normal.
“Thank god you’re okay. Do you need water?”
But rather than responding to you, he takes ahold of your hand. You flinch, but you don’t jerk your hand away, unsure of what he’s going to do next. He closes his eyes, moving your hand to his cheek. Your heart skips a beat, but you’re so taken aback that you’re frozen. You can feel his sweat being wiped with your hand, making you conscious that you’re making his face dirty but he doesn’t seem to mind.
“Why did you decline my call?” He asks bluntly.
His question throws you off, muddled with what you want to say. You two haven’t seen each other in weeks, and this is the first thing he says to you? Then again, this would’ve been the first that came to mind too when you reunite with him.
“I-I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t thinking and accidentally rejected.”
“…So you don’t hate me?”
“What? Why would I hate you?” You laugh. “Where is this coming from?”
“Oh, good,” he keeps rubbing your hand against his cheek. “I just wanted to ask you that.”
“…That’s it?”
You stare at him blankly, then burst into laughter. “You’re so weird. You come here out of breath and sweaty just for you to ask me that?”
Even though you’re the one who’s giddy, he doesn’t have an ounce of laughter. He isn’t letting go of your hand.
“It’s not funny.”
His dead tone makes your laugh disappear. For a second, your heart dropped at the fear that you angered him for fooling around.
“I thought you were angry at me for not taking responsibility and didn’t want to talk to me anymore.”
“Responsibility…? For what? …Oh.”
Not once did you think that he was to blame. Of course, he was the one who gave you the idea to go to the convenience store, but you weren’t expecting this to haunt Minho. It’s almost adorable about how guilty he feels.
“I would never hate you or any of the members,” You crouch next to him, leaning on the wall with him. “If I did, then I would’ve quit a long time ago. I’m sorry for not picking up your call, but you can’t be calling me when we have to keep our friendship hidden until the coast is clear.”
Again, his disappointed look doesn’t go away. You contemplate about what to say next, but nothing comes to mind. With his unreadable expressions, it’s like tiptoeing through a field of mines.
“Why can’t I be happy without worrying about what others think of me?”
His fingers intertwine with yours.
“Why am I criticized for wanting to be with you?”
Suddenly, he kisses the back of your hand. Your eyes widen, in utter shock with what he’s done, but your mind is in shambles with how to interpret the kiss. While you’re still processing the flirtatious move, Minho takes this opportunity to make a move on you. He leans over, and you lean back. He keeps drawing closer and closer until you nearly fall down.
“W-what are you doing?”
“It felt like years since I last saw you. It was seriously hell…”
“Minho, language…”
“It felt like forever, but it was only weeks. I thought re-watching videos and keeping two hundred pictures of you would make it better, but no. It did nothing.”
“…Excuse me…?” You thought you heard him wrong, but two hundred?
“It made me wonder why I thought like that. And I think I know why…”
He lets go of your hand, wrapping his arm around you, pressing his face against your collarbone. With his weight on your shoulders, you fall on your bottom. His hot breath lays on your skin, making your skin tickle a bit.
“Hey…are you feeling well?”
“No. Not at all. Not even a little. I’m suffering so much that I could die.”
“Isn’t that a bit of an exaggeration…”
“No it’s not. How dare you belittle my feelings like that?” He sulks.
The two of you are on the ground, ignoring the germs of the sidewalk and focusing on each other. His cheeks have become red, completely infatuated with you. All he sees in his eyes is you, and all he wants is you.
You snicker.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re acting like a clingy child. It’s kind of adorable.”
Although ‘adorable’ was meant as a compliment, he took it as an insult. It made him think that you don’t see him as a man but as a baby brother. He’s not masculine, but an immature boy.
A little annoyed, he decides to prove to you the opposite. Out of the blue, he pins you against the wall. He corners you with his hands, his broad body hovering over you so that you can’t escape. Your smile is gone and your heart nearly stops beating.
He cups your chin, raising it up and forcing you to look at him in the eyes.
“Wh-what are you doing?!”
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
You push him away gently, but he refuses to move. “P-p-people might be watching…”
“Then let them look. Let the entire world be exposed to us.”
He leans over, closing his eyes and puckering his lips. Although you’re a nervous wreck, a part of you feels an odd excitement for this—like you’re doing something scandalous, but it’s thrilling at the same time. Because the media rejects you as Minho’s friend and demands that you’re nothing more than a manager, it kind of hurts you too knowing that you don’t have the freedom to choose. Due to the rejection, you had no choice but to be separated from him and the rest of the boys.
You squeeze your eyes shut, being able to feel Minho’s body heat. He’s so close to your face that you can feel his breathing—you can even smell his natural scent. You’re so nervous that you can’t hear anything else other than your racing heart that runs faster than a speeding car.
Suddenly, Minho is pulled away from you. You open your eyes and is shocked to see Chan lifting Minho up by the shirt.
“(Y/N), are you okay?? Did he hurt you??”
You’re too surprised to say anything, so you shake your head.
“Minho, if you actually hurt her then I’ll report you—”
“I’m okay, really!”
“Don’t lie to protect his butt.”
“No, no, no, it’s fine. It’s not what it seems.”
“It’s exactly what you think,” Minho interrupts. “I did what you suggested I should do, Hyung. I confronted my problem.”
You turn your head to Chan, raising an eyebrow. “What?!”
“N-not like that! He’s twisting my words.”
Minho grins like he just had a load of weight off his shoulders. You feel like you were being played, but the emotions that he was conveying before Chan’s intervention was definitely not a joke, especially with what he was about to do just seconds earlier.
“Great…” Chan sighs. “Right when the rumors were just fading, who knows what’ll happen now.”
You don’t know either. You turn to him, and he looks a little gloomy when Chan brought up the issue about rumors again. You don’t even know if anybody spotted you and him. But when you think about it, you remember what Minho said.
“Rumors don’t really matter. If people don’t like him for doing what he wants, then they’re more than welcome to ignore it.” You look over at Minho.
For once, he actually has a change of expression, looking rather surprised. You smile, making his cheeks turn red. Chan looks at you, then at Minho, then back at you, confused.
“Then, can I kiss yo—”
“Doing things to people with their consent, of course,” you bluntly state. “But I can promise you that I’ll never quit being your manager, even if my boss fires me. You can guarantee that. Then maybe…” your cheeks slowly turn red. “…We’ll finally go on the date that we promised. I-if that makes you happy…”
You’ve never seen him so genuinely happy. That beaming smile on his eye—so wide that his eyes become crescents. His endearing giggle seeping through his teeth, making your chest become fuzzy inside. Perhaps, it wasn’t so bad that the netizens caught you two together, and now, you don’t mind if they caught you two again.
“I don’t know what happened…but okay…if you say so.” Chan lets go of Minho.
Now off the grasp of Chan, he dashes toward you, hugging you so tight that you can’t breathe. He rubs his cheek against yours, unable to stop his giggling.
“That means that we can date.”
“Date?!!” You blurt.
“Okay, that’s going overboard.”
Chan carries Minho, pulling him away from you.
“Let me go! Manager said that I can do whatever I want.”
“(Y/N), sorry for disrupting your day, but it was nice seeing you. We’re really excited to work with you again.” Chan hurriedly runs off while carrying Minho away.
And just like that, Minho and Chan disappeared as fast as they appeared. You’re absolutely confused with what just happened, but despite the confusion, you’re still flustered with what Minho did. You keep thinking about how he kissed your hand and then nearly kissed you.
You cup both your cheeks, crouching down and hiding your face. Minho is definitely unpredictable, but that’s a quirk that you find charming. You can’t wait to go back to work and see him again.
A/N: Thank you for reading this! This felt really rushed, so I hope this made any sense. :\ Anyways, thanks for spending some time to read this and have a good day! :)
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: Surprised Vanity Drawer Organizer
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InterDesign Expandable Cosmetics Drawer Organizer Tray for Vanity Cabinet Ideal for Makeup, Cosmetics or. Total price: $40.50 . The two compartments have a pretty embossed design that adds to the richness of this little plastic tray. . Any Kitchen Drawer. Attractive Bamboo Wood Flatware, Cutlery and Utensil Tray is Also a Great Drawer Organizer Around the Home. . Under Sink 2 Tier Expandable Adjustable Kitchen Cabinet Shelf Storage Organizer 3.6 out of 5 stars 9. Makeup Drawer LABELS, Alex 9 Drawer Labels, Alex 5 Drawer Decals, Makeup Drawer Organizer Labels, White Makeup Drawer System Stickers Vintage Silverware Tray Wood Drawer Insert Wooden Divider Vintage Kitchen Chef Display. Get free shipping on all purchases over $75 & free in-store pickup on Bath Drawer Organizers, Bathroom Storage & Organization, and more at The Container . Clear Acrylic Large Stackable Trays. $7.99 $17.99. 4.9 out of 5 Acrylic Trays. Ideal for any kitchen drawer, this tray measures at 1.5 H x 18.3 W x 11.42 D, while its heavy duty plastic design and neutral white finish make it a This Cosmetic Drawer Organizer is an attractive way to store your vanity necessities. These drawer dividers are crafted of beautiful natural bamboo and easily adjust in length to accommodate your most exacting organizational This removable makeup tray fits inside the vanity drawers of the Kohler Tailored vanity collection. Products 1 24 of 146 . drawers? Get a drawer organizer, silverware drawer organizer, kitchen drawer dividers, a utensil organizer and more at BedBathandBeyond.com buy now. . madesmart Expandable Cutlery Tray in Grey. $19.99. 2018/11/11 Best Drawer Dividers: InterDesign Linus Acrylic Adjustable Divider at Amazon . Best for Bathroom: InterDesign Expandable Cosmetics Drawer Organizer Tray . Pretty much every household has a drawer thats jam-packed with random tidbits scissors, pens, spare reading glasses, paper clips and lots. Buy products related to bathroom drawer organizer products and see what customers say about bathroom drawer organizer products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases.
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Products 1 40 of 6571 Shop for Drawers & Cabinet Organizers in Kitchen Storage & Organization. Buy products such as Grayline Panacea 9-1/4 x 10-7/8 x 8-1/2 White Corner Organizer at Walmart and save. Mainstays 7 Piece Drawer Organizer Bins White. Price. In-store . Madesmart OPP Two Tray Drawer Organizer, White. Price. $3.86 . InterDesign Clarity Cosmetic Organizer for Vanity Cabinet to Hold Makeup, Beauty Products, 2 Drawer. Price. Products 1 40 of 1081 Buy products such as Mainstays Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Organizer Purple at Walmart and save. . Image InterDesign Clarity Cosmetic Organizer for Vanity Cabinet to Hold Makeup, Beauty Products, 2 Drawer. Walmart Makeup Storage Ideas for IKEA Alex Drawers These kitchen bins from Walmart work perfectly for the Alex from Ikea! I have these and they are amazing in my IKEA Alex drawers! Makeup Storage HacksMakeup Vanity. 2017/11/17 . drawer Google Search. ikea alex drawer Google Search Makeup Storage Organization, Craft Room Storage, Alex Drawer . Walmart Makeup Storage Ideas for IKEA Alex Drawers Makeup Vanity Storage, Makeup Desk, Makeup to your vanity. The LUX BOX Stix Stand is a rotating lippy heaven! 2018/03/03 DIY IKEA Alex Makeup Storage Drawer Dividers Diy Beauty Vanity, Beauty Makeup,. More information New room Walmart Makeup Storage Ideas for IKEA Alex Drawers Makeup Vanity Storage, Makeup Desk, Makeup. Rubbermaid, RUB94600ROS, Optimizer 4-Way Organizer with Drawers, 1 Each, Clear Walmart.com. Ofice depot at huge discount . Stacked Three-Drawer Acrylic Storage Chests from. More information . This would be awesome if i had a vanity to keep my makeup on! Lol What a great I idea make up heaven. Kay. . #alexaorganizers. from Instagram Walmart Makeup Storage Ideas for IKEA Alex Drawers Makeup Vanity Storage, Makeup Desk, Makeup . addition to your vanity. The LUX BOX Stix Stand is a rotating lippy heaven! Use this organizer to. Explore Jeremy&Tiffanys board Tiffs IKEA vanity ideas on Pinterest. See more ideas about Makeup Storage, Organizers and Alex drawer organization.
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Buy Drawer Organizer Makeup Bathroom Storage Acrylic 5 Compartment Cosmetic Tray Holder for Vanity Dresser countertop for pallets Brushes Lipstick Perfume Markers Art Supplies Toiletry . An organized home is a beautiful home. CHIC DESIGN: Clean, elegant lines and curves make this a beautiful addition to your dresser top. DEEP DRAWERS: Our makeup organizer is built with deep drawers that slide out easily to keep your items tidy. LOTS OF STORAGE: Roomy. 2016/09/07 Beautiful Drawers Well, with the help of staff, one measurement & the Linus Deep Drawer Organizers, I was able to turn my junk drawer into the . we bought 2 of these drawer organizers for our bathroom medicine cabinet. OK, OK, I dont have a degree in Bathroom Organization, but I do feel pretty confident about my organizational instincts, . For me, anything I want to keep on my counter has to fit in the 3-drawer makeup holder or metal basket next to the sink. 2018/10/24 A Beautiful Mess. Simple Cart. IKEAs Raskog cart might just be one of their most versatile products ever. In the bathroom, use the cart to store towels, nail polish, makeup, and more and take advantage of the fact that its. 2018/03/08 Our favorite makeup organizers for every budget and collection size (we wont judge!) . A change from the classic acrylic style, this bamboo organizer will instantly elevate your bathrooms look. . this vanity organizer from Anthropologie isnt exactly practical for makeup hoarders, but it is beautiful to display. 2017/11/21 These drawer organizers put those ubiquitous plastic ones to shame. 3 of 23. image. Etsy/Secret . Tell us this cabinet isnt giving you chills. About 70 . storage system. This years House Beautiful Kitchen of the Year features the prettiest pantry weve ever seen. . These three extra-deep drawers even offer enough space to separate by cycle colors, darks, and whites! Were. If you already have a cutlery organizer, try using this design to tuck away makeup, arts and crafts supplies, and more. Overall: 2 H x Plus, these dividers are versatile as can be with a stretching design that spans from 17.75 in depth to 22.13. This set . These drawer dividers are crafted of beautiful natural bamboo and easily adjust in length to accommodate your most. Makeup, hair dryer, toilet paper, soap theyre all necessary in the bathroom, but all those little things are the worst to corral in order to keep the space c. . 8 Easy Beautiful Ways To Organize Your Bathroom. Bathroom CabinetsBathroom.
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Buy Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 7 Drawers, White: Dressers Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on . DEVAISE 7 Drawers Chest Storage Dresser Cabinet with Removable Wheels (White with Handle). #1 Best Seller. Buy Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 5 Drawers, White: Storage Cabinets Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . #1 Best Seller in Wall-Mounted Vanity Mirrors $249.99 BTEXPERT 5029w BTExpert. Buy Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 5 Drawers, Black: Storage Cabinets Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . HOMCOM 69 Modern Symmetrical Corner L-Shaped Smoked Glass Top Computer Desk 3.7 out of. Cortland Partners Buy Winsome Halifax 7-Drawer Composite Wood Cabinet, White (10792) at Staples low price, or read our customer reviews to learn . Chest of Drawers White Rolling Storage Cart Organizer Office Cabinet Portable . 20 Best Makeup Vanities & Cases for Stylish Bedroom #BedroomDecoratingIdeas. Oct 21, 2018- Dupe for the IKEA ALEX drawer unit: the Winsome Halifax Cabinet from Amazon. . DIY Makeup Organizing Ideas Glass Top Makeup Vanity Projects for Makeup Drawer Box Storage Jars and Wall Displays Cheap Dollar. Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 7 Drawers, White: Amazon.in: Home & Kitchen. . STORi Break-Resistant Plastic Drawer Organizers 6 x 3 x 2 l Set of 6. 4,141.00 The Good: The construction is solid. The drawers have a solid. Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 5 Drawers, Black: Amazon.in: Home & Kitchen. . madesmart Original Junk Drawer Organizer Granite Value Collection 23-Compartments Multi-Purpose Storage Heavy 1,975.00 . Once it was done it looked good and I was happy because it worked for what I need, but I would have rather spent a little more and get something with better. The Halifax 7-Drawer Cabinet by Winsome Trading makes it a breeze to tidy up and get organized in any room of your home or office. It boasts ample drawer space and has optional locking casters to make it mobile. Its smart style enhances. Winsome Wood Halifax Cabinet For Closet/Office, 5 Drawers, White: Amazon.ca: Home & Kitchen. . 5 drawer. 7 drawer. 60 days replacement parts from winsome . IRIS 4-Drawer Rolling Storage Cart with Organizer Top, White 4.3 out of 5.
Viele bersetzte Beispielstze mit drawer Deutsch-Englisch Wrterbuch und Suchmaschine fr Millionen von . drawer, the company Ebinger-Schna Ceramics is on the right path to continue the great tradition of the best ceramists in the. Viele bersetzte Beispielstze mit tool drawer Deutsch-Englisch Wrterbuch und Suchmaschine fr Millionen von . file cabinet or the ideal drawer cupboard, but rather a workshop cupboard, a tool cupboard, a hazardous goods [.]. Viele bersetzte Beispielstze mit desk drawer Deutsch-Englisch Wrterbuch und Suchmaschine fr Millionen von Deutsch-bersetzungen. bersetzung fr drawer im kostenlosen Englisch-Deutsch Wrterbuch von LANGENSCHEIDT mit Beispielen, Synonymen und Aussprache. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr drawer im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). bersetzung im Kontext von office drawer in Englisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: Look, his office drawer, hes . a 550-sheet drawer for an easy to manage system with a large 800-sheet total paper capacity that is ideal for busy offices. bersetzungen fr Warming drawer im Englisch Deutsch-Wrterbuch von PONS Online:Wrmeschublade. bersetzungen fr kitchen drawer container im Englisch Deutsch-Wrterbuch von PONS Online:container, plastic container, unbreakable container, drawer, chest of drawers, to be out of the top drawer. Connoisseur gift box with two drawers, each containing an exceptional collection: 36 Grands Crus chocolate ganaches and 25 Saveurs du Monde chocolate squares made using our finest cocoa beans. Makes an ideal gift. In this box:. Full Extension for 50 Kg. ATTRACTION drawer is equipped with a telescopic runner that allows the full extension of the drawer, reaching the complete accessibility. It is ideal to create big drawers as the loading capacity is up to 50 Kgr. There is.
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Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/-O_69jJqyHQ/surprised-vanity-drawer-organizer
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: Surprised Vanity Drawer Organizer
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Buy InterDesign Expandable Cosmetics Drawer Organizer Tray for Vanity Cabinet Ideal for Makeup, Cosmetics or Beauty Accessories, Clear: Makeup Organizers Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Buy mDesign Bathroom Vanity Interlocking Drawer Organizers for Soap, Cosmetics, Beauty Products 3 Piece Set, Clear: Bathroom Accessory Sets Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Buy InterDesign Clarity Expandable Cosmetic Drawer Organizer for Vanity Cabinet to Hold Makeup, Beauty Products White: Makeup Organizers Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. 2018/08/25 marvelous drawer organizer ikea photo 2 of organizer drawer good looking 2 vanity drawer organizer ikea alex drawer organizer uk. Here you are at this blog. Lots of people have used internet for finding data, suggestions,. 2018/04/26 BREAK-RESISTANT ORGANIZER. This vanity organizer is . Simple yet extremely practical, the Kryllic Clear Acrylic Vanity Organizer will make a wonderful addition anywhere. Drawer Organizer Makeup Bathroom Storage Acrylic Brush /& Cosmetic Palette Holder for Vanity Dresser. Banner-Home-. DIY Makeup Drawer Organizers/Dividers. Youll have the hottest drawers on the block, custom made by YOU . This impression (Alex Drawer Makeup organizer Marvelous Diy Foamboard Drawer Dividers for Ikea Alex Drawers) above . drawer weight,alex drawer won t close,alex five drawer desk,alex nine drawer uk,alex vanity drawer organizers,ikea. Acrylic Drawer organizer Ikea Marvelous Acrylic Makeup organizer Alex 56 From sonnycosmetics On Etsy . drawer dividers for makeup elegant acrylic makeup acrylic palette makeup drawer organizer for ikea alex sets diy makeup vanity desk. Bought these organisers for my IKEA Malm dressing table, absolutely brilliant for storage. The interlocking . InterDesign Linus Organiser Tray, Extra Large Plastic Drawer Insert, Works Well as Accessories Organiser, Clear The fit perfectly in my kitchen drawers and wonderful for being able to things organised. Id buy.
Stuff the drawers in your bathroom full of those small plastic organizers to create order ie of your most chaotic spots. Suddenly makeup doesnt have to fight for space with your toothpaste. See more from The Summery Umbrella. Organization. Create your own DIY vanity with these tips * To view further for this article, visit the image link. Ikea Makeup DrawersDiy . Pn: @Heyyoitsmayo
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Makeup Drawer Organization, Bathroom Organization, Makeup Storage In. More information. . reclaim your space! Here are 13 amazing and cool makeup organizers that can proudly display your makeup collection. . OMG Diy Jewelry Organizer Drawer, Hidden Jewelry Storage, Bathroom Drawer Organization. More information. When organizing your bathroom drawers, place dividers in them so you can maximize the small spaces and fit more into them. You can buy plastic dividers at. 2014/09/09 14 DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas That Are So Much Prettier Than Those Stacks Of Plastic Boxes. SHOE ORGANIZER. Hanging Shoe Organizer, $10, Amazon. PLANT POTS + DECORATIVE ROCKS. BOOKCASE + CLEAR STORAGE CONTAINERS. OLD CANDLES. OLD DINNERWARE. MAGNETIC MAKEUP BOARD. TOWEL RODS + BASKETS/PAILS. FOAM BOX. 2018/09/05 DIY Makeup Organizing Ideas Painted Patterned Mason Jar Projects for Makeup Drawer, Box. Oh yeah, mason jar oraganizing . for Makeup Drawer, Box. Well we cant blame you if you want to go unique! You go girl! 2018/10/24 Organize your bathroom with these genius ideas. . 20 Smart Bathroom Organizing Ideas You Need to Try Drawer dividers simplify your morning makeup search because you can keep your everyday products right in the.
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Keep your bathroom clutter-free with our innovative bathroom storage organizers. Theyll organize the insides of your bathroom storage in a flash. . Save to list. DRAGAN 4-piece bathroom set, bamboo . BILLINGEN drawer insert, white. Stay organized with IKEAs wide selection of drawer dividers to fit your kitchen! Open sesame! The great thing about the SEKTION kitchen system is that its your storage your way. In a SEKTION kitchen, you can put drawers anywhere. Up high, down low. You can even hide drawers behind doors or other drawers. Keep your bathroom clutter free with our innovative bathroom storage units and organizers. Choose from cabinets and shelves in lots of styles. IKEA ALEX, Drawer unit, white, , Drawer stops prevent the drawers from being pulled out too far.Can be placed anywhere in the room because the back is finished. Shop for under bed storage at IKEA. Find bed storage drawers, boxes and storage benches in different styles and colors. Get your paperwork in order with one of our home office drawer units at great value prices. Lockable and secure, theyre . SUMMERADrawer insert with 6 compartments, anthracite SUMMERA Drop file, patterned. SUMMERA. Drop file. $9.99. Amazon.com : 3-PACK of Organizer Trays for Desk, Utensils, Tools, Crafts, Vanity 15.7 X 11.7 X 2.0 White : Office Desk . STORi Clear Plastic Vanity and Desk Drawer Organizers 6 Piece Set $14.99 Material Type, Recycled PET I have an IKEA Alex 9 drawer pretty much the perfect storage solution for makeup.
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Buy InterDesign Expandable Cosmetics Drawer Organizer Tray for Vanity Cabinet Ideal for Makeup, Cosmetics or . Drawer Organizer Makeup Bathroom Storage Acrylic 5 Compartment Cosmetic Tray Holder for Vanity Dresser countertop. Buy products related to drawer inserts and see what customers say about drawer inserts on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . Great.it fits perfectly in my makeup drawer and has organized my stuff well! Get free shipping on all purchases over $75 & free in-store pickup on Bath Drawer Organizers, Bathroom Storage & Organization, and more at The Container Store. Results 1 11 of 11 Find the largest offer in Vanity Drawer Organizer at Richelieu.com, the one stop shop for woodworking industry. . Cosmetics Drawer Insert. Product number 217530 . Bathroom and Laundry Room Storage Accessories. Drawer Accessories Cosmetic Organizer for Bathroom/Vanity. . Cut-To-Size Insert Wood Utensil Organizer for Drawers Click here for more information. Special Features; Specifications; Related Products; Product Reviews. COS-18W-52. If you already have a cutlery organizer, try using this design to tuck away makeup, arts and crafts supplies, and more. Overall: 2 H x 11.25 W x 16 D . Opens in a new tab3 for $30. Save. Quickview . Keep spices conveniently stored in a drawer by the stove with Rev-A-Shelfs wood spice drawer insert. With a tiered. Shop for bathroom drawer organizers online at Target. Free shipping & returns and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Find Cosmetic Drawer Organizers at Organize-It, including acrylic makeup organizers and storage trays ideal for bathroom vanity drawers. Organize your toiletries, extra toothpaste, bath linens, hair care products and more bathroom drawer organizers from Storables.
See more. Drawer Organizer Do It, Gurl Small Bedroom Organization, Makeup Drawer Organization, Diy. Small Bedroom . from s3.amazonaws.com DIY Vanity Mirror Ideas to Make Your Room More Beautiful Tags: DIY Vanity Mirror with. Create your own DIY vanity with these tips * To view further for this article, visit the image link. . Best Acrylic Makeup Organizer For BEAUTIFUL Cosmetic Storage 2 Piece Quality Display For Make Up & Jewelry This Clear Organiser Case. DIY Makeup Organization v 2.0 Makeup Storage, Makeup Organization, Makeup Drawer, Organization Station. More information . IHeart Organizing: UHeart Organizing: Makeup a Beautiful Organization System! Gaby Almendarez. DIY Drawer Organizers Click Pic for 18 DIY Makeup Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms Easy Organization Ideas for the Home. Bathroom Makeup . Kyotos Sagano Bamboo Forest is one of the worlds most beautiful groves. Cereal Box. Jul 29, 2018- How to make drawer dividers out of foam board Organization Cut to size, stick in drawers to divide contents. . DIY Makeup Drawer Organizers. Looking to make DIY Beautiful and Inspiring Makeup Storage Ideas on Pinterest. 2018/10/08 drawer organizers for makeup vanity drawer organizer makeup drawer organizer ideas medium size of scenic kitchen drawer organizer ideas makeup makeup drawer organizer ikea malm alex drawer makeup stor. 2017/11/10 In the definitive ranking of bathroom storage solutions, a set of deep drawers tops the list, followed closely by a . Take a cue from the women behind A Beautiful Mess and use it to organize towels, toiletries, and extra supplies. . 2 white DIY floating shelves storing a wicker tray, glass container of q-tips. 2018/09/14 This DIY custom kitchen drawer organizer was so easy to make and cost less than $10 for the entire project. Its beautiful and it makes the drawer a thousand times more functional since everything is organized and easy to reach! . Kitchen and bathroom drawers at our house will never be the same :).
Buy Acrylic Vanity Makeup Cosmetic Organizer -16 slot 4 box drawer storage organizers for make up brushes lipstick . or your now-teenage child, a practical 4-drawer organizer can be nothing but the perfect present idea; modern, handy, and. Acrylic Cosmetic jewelry Makeup Organizer 4 drawers plastic vanity countertop display case storage make up. +. Makeup Organizer Jewelry Cosmetic Storage Large Acrylic 6 Drawer Compartments Perfect to store your Accessories. +. Buy STORi Clear Plastic Vanity and Desk Drawer Organizers 6 Piece Set: Drawer Organizers Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY . of sizes is JUST RIGHT for beauty products and office supplies; Clear design also makes them PERFECT for vanity drawers; Available in 8 different SIZES STORi logo with idea lightbulb. Organize your makeup with Makeup Storage Solutions for $99 and less at The Container Store (as low as $3.99) enjoy free . With a complete palette of makeup storage ideas to choose from, youre sure to find makeup holders & makeup organizers that . Our makeup cases and nail polish organizers are available in a variety of designs and materials, including best-selling clean and. 2017/09/04 Her huge acrylic Glamboxes hold the makeup and tools of the likes of Jen Atkin, Mario Dedivanovic, Hrush, the E! . With Karasiks very simple tips in mind, weve compiled the best see-through makeup organizers out there at every . Magnapods ($9.99/package of 3): This brilliant concept allows you to stick things like eyeliner and lipsticks onto the inside of your medicine cabinet. 2017/09/04 We rounded up 11 of the best makeup organizers on Amazon, so you can make the most of your space and your Prime membership. . Add some cabinet space to your bathroom or vanity with this acrylic four-drawer set. Products 1 40 of 1081 Buy products such as Mainstays Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Organizer Purple at Walmart and save. . Acrylic Bathroom Office Accessories Holder Clear 3 compartment vanity cosmetic storage organizer for. . on Pinterest. See more ideas about Make up storage, Makeup stand and Makeup organization. . The PERFECT Makeup Organizers for IKEAs Alex Drawers Vanity Table Organization, Alex Drawer Organization, . This Fashion is Mine: Acrylic Makeup Storage Cosmetic Organization, Acrylic Makeup Storage, Makeup.
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InterDesign Expandable Cosmetics Drawer Organizer Tray for Vanity Cabinet Ideal for Makeup, Cosmetics or. Total price: $40.50 . The two compartments have a pretty embossed design that adds to the richness of this little plastic tray. . Any Kitchen Drawer. Attractive Bamboo Wood Flatware, Cutlery and Utensil Tray is Also a Great Drawer Organizer Around the Home. . Under Sink 2 Tier Expandable Adjustable Kitchen Cabinet Shelf Storage Organizer 3.6 out of 5 stars 9. Makeup Drawer LABELS, Alex 9 Drawer Labels, Alex 5 Drawer Decals, Makeup Drawer Organizer Labels, White Makeup Drawer System Stickers Vintage Silverware Tray Wood Drawer Insert Wooden Divider Vintage Kitchen Chef Display. Get free shipping on all purchases over $75 & free in-store pickup on Bath Drawer Organizers, Bathroom Storage & Organization, and more at The Container . Clear Acrylic Large Stackable Trays. $7.99 $17.99. 4.9 out of 5 Acrylic Trays. Ideal for any kitchen drawer, this tray measures at 1.5 H x 18.3 W x 11.42 D, while its heavy duty plastic design and neutral white finish make it a This Cosmetic Drawer Organizer is an attractive way to store your vanity necessities. These drawer dividers are crafted of beautiful natural bamboo and easily adjust in length to accommodate your most exacting organizational This removable makeup tray fits inside the vanity drawers of the Kohler Tailored vanity collection. Products 1 24 of 146 . drawers? Get a drawer organizer, silverware drawer organizer, kitchen drawer dividers, a utensil organizer and more at BedBathandBeyond.com buy now. . madesmart Expandable Cutlery Tray in Grey. $19.99. 2018/11/11 Best Drawer Dividers: InterDesign Linus Acrylic Adjustable Divider at Amazon . Best for Bathroom: InterDesign Expandable Cosmetics Drawer Organizer Tray . Pretty much every household has a drawer thats jam-packed with random tidbits scissors, pens, spare reading glasses, paper clips and lots. Buy products related to bathroom drawer organizer products and see what customers say about bathroom drawer organizer products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases.
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Products 1 40 of 6571 Shop for Drawers & Cabinet Organizers in Kitchen Storage & Organization. Buy products such as Grayline Panacea 9-1/4 x 10-7/8 x 8-1/2 White Corner Organizer at Walmart and save. Mainstays 7 Piece Drawer Organizer Bins White. Price. In-store . Madesmart OPP Two Tray Drawer Organizer, White. Price. $3.86 . InterDesign Clarity Cosmetic Organizer for Vanity Cabinet to Hold Makeup, Beauty Products, 2 Drawer. Price. Products 1 40 of 1081 Buy products such as Mainstays Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Organizer Purple at Walmart and save. . Image InterDesign Clarity Cosmetic Organizer for Vanity Cabinet to Hold Makeup, Beauty Products, 2 Drawer. Walmart Makeup Storage Ideas for IKEA Alex Drawers These kitchen bins from Walmart work perfectly for the Alex from Ikea! I have these and they are amazing in my IKEA Alex drawers! Makeup Storage HacksMakeup Vanity. 2017/11/17 . drawer Google Search. ikea alex drawer Google Search Makeup Storage Organization, Craft Room Storage, Alex Drawer . Walmart Makeup Storage Ideas for IKEA Alex Drawers Makeup Vanity Storage, Makeup Desk, Makeup to your vanity. The LUX BOX Stix Stand is a rotating lippy heaven! 2018/03/03 DIY IKEA Alex Makeup Storage Drawer Dividers Diy Beauty Vanity, Beauty Makeup,. More information New room Walmart Makeup Storage Ideas for IKEA Alex Drawers Makeup Vanity Storage, Makeup Desk, Makeup. Rubbermaid, RUB94600ROS, Optimizer 4-Way Organizer with Drawers, 1 Each, Clear Walmart.com. Ofice depot at huge discount . Stacked Three-Drawer Acrylic Storage Chests from. More information . This would be awesome if i had a vanity to keep my makeup on! Lol What a great I idea make up heaven. Kay. . #alexaorganizers. from Instagram Walmart Makeup Storage Ideas for IKEA Alex Drawers Makeup Vanity Storage, Makeup Desk, Makeup . addition to your vanity. The LUX BOX Stix Stand is a rotating lippy heaven! Use this organizer to. Explore Jeremy&Tiffanys board Tiffs IKEA vanity ideas on Pinterest. See more ideas about Makeup Storage, Organizers and Alex drawer organization.
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Buy Drawer Organizer Makeup Bathroom Storage Acrylic 5 Compartment Cosmetic Tray Holder for Vanity Dresser countertop for pallets Brushes Lipstick Perfume Markers Art Supplies Toiletry . An organized home is a beautiful home. CHIC DESIGN: Clean, elegant lines and curves make this a beautiful addition to your dresser top. DEEP DRAWERS: Our makeup organizer is built with deep drawers that slide out easily to keep your items tidy. LOTS OF STORAGE: Roomy. 2016/09/07 Beautiful Drawers Well, with the help of staff, one measurement & the Linus Deep Drawer Organizers, I was able to turn my junk drawer into the . we bought 2 of these drawer organizers for our bathroom medicine cabinet. OK, OK, I dont have a degree in Bathroom Organization, but I do feel pretty confident about my organizational instincts, . For me, anything I want to keep on my counter has to fit in the 3-drawer makeup holder or metal basket next to the sink. 2018/10/24 A Beautiful Mess. Simple Cart. IKEAs Raskog cart might just be one of their most versatile products ever. In the bathroom, use the cart to store towels, nail polish, makeup, and more and take advantage of the fact that its. 2018/03/08 Our favorite makeup organizers for every budget and collection size (we wont judge!) . A change from the classic acrylic style, this bamboo organizer will instantly elevate your bathrooms look. . this vanity organizer from Anthropologie isnt exactly practical for makeup hoarders, but it is beautiful to display. 2017/11/21 These drawer organizers put those ubiquitous plastic ones to shame. 3 of 23. image. Etsy/Secret . Tell us this cabinet isnt giving you chills. About 70 . storage system. This years House Beautiful Kitchen of the Year features the prettiest pantry weve ever seen. . These three extra-deep drawers even offer enough space to separate by cycle colors, darks, and whites! Were. If you already have a cutlery organizer, try using this design to tuck away makeup, arts and crafts supplies, and more. Overall: 2 H x Plus, these dividers are versatile as can be with a stretching design that spans from 17.75 in depth to 22.13. This set . These drawer dividers are crafted of beautiful natural bamboo and easily adjust in length to accommodate your most. Makeup, hair dryer, toilet paper, soap theyre all necessary in the bathroom, but all those little things are the worst to corral in order to keep the space c. . 8 Easy Beautiful Ways To Organize Your Bathroom. Bathroom CabinetsBathroom.
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Buy Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 7 Drawers, White: Dressers Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on . DEVAISE 7 Drawers Chest Storage Dresser Cabinet with Removable Wheels (White with Handle). #1 Best Seller. Buy Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 5 Drawers, White: Storage Cabinets Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . #1 Best Seller in Wall-Mounted Vanity Mirrors $249.99 BTEXPERT 5029w BTExpert. Buy Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 5 Drawers, Black: Storage Cabinets Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . HOMCOM 69 Modern Symmetrical Corner L-Shaped Smoked Glass Top Computer Desk 3.7 out of. Cortland Partners Buy Winsome Halifax 7-Drawer Composite Wood Cabinet, White (10792) at Staples low price, or read our customer reviews to learn . Chest of Drawers White Rolling Storage Cart Organizer Office Cabinet Portable . 20 Best Makeup Vanities & Cases for Stylish Bedroom #BedroomDecoratingIdeas. Oct 21, 2018- Dupe for the IKEA ALEX drawer unit: the Winsome Halifax Cabinet from Amazon. . DIY Makeup Organizing Ideas Glass Top Makeup Vanity Projects for Makeup Drawer Box Storage Jars and Wall Displays Cheap Dollar. Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 7 Drawers, White: Amazon.in: Home & Kitchen. . STORi Break-Resistant Plastic Drawer Organizers 6 x 3 x 2 l Set of 6. 4,141.00 The Good: The construction is solid. The drawers have a solid. Winsome Halifax Cabinet for Closet/Office, 5 Drawers, Black: Amazon.in: Home & Kitchen. . madesmart Original Junk Drawer Organizer Granite Value Collection 23-Compartments Multi-Purpose Storage Heavy 1,975.00 . Once it was done it looked good and I was happy because it worked for what I need, but I would have rather spent a little more and get something with better. The Halifax 7-Drawer Cabinet by Winsome Trading makes it a breeze to tidy up and get organized in any room of your home or office. It boasts ample drawer space and has optional locking casters to make it mobile. Its smart style enhances. Winsome Wood Halifax Cabinet For Closet/Office, 5 Drawers, White: Amazon.ca: Home & Kitchen. . 5 drawer. 7 drawer. 60 days replacement parts from winsome . IRIS 4-Drawer Rolling Storage Cart with Organizer Top, White 4.3 out of 5.
Viele bersetzte Beispielstze mit drawer Deutsch-Englisch Wrterbuch und Suchmaschine fr Millionen von . drawer, the company Ebinger-Schna Ceramics is on the right path to continue the great tradition of the best ceramists in the. Viele bersetzte Beispielstze mit tool drawer Deutsch-Englisch Wrterbuch und Suchmaschine fr Millionen von . file cabinet or the ideal drawer cupboard, but rather a workshop cupboard, a tool cupboard, a hazardous goods [.]. Viele bersetzte Beispielstze mit desk drawer Deutsch-Englisch Wrterbuch und Suchmaschine fr Millionen von Deutsch-bersetzungen. bersetzung fr drawer im kostenlosen Englisch-Deutsch Wrterbuch von LANGENSCHEIDT mit Beispielen, Synonymen und Aussprache. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr drawer im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). bersetzung im Kontext von office drawer in Englisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: Look, his office drawer, hes . a 550-sheet drawer for an easy to manage system with a large 800-sheet total paper capacity that is ideal for busy offices. bersetzungen fr Warming drawer im Englisch Deutsch-Wrterbuch von PONS Online:Wrmeschublade. bersetzungen fr kitchen drawer container im Englisch Deutsch-Wrterbuch von PONS Online:container, plastic container, unbreakable container, drawer, chest of drawers, to be out of the top drawer. Connoisseur gift box with two drawers, each containing an exceptional collection: 36 Grands Crus chocolate ganaches and 25 Saveurs du Monde chocolate squares made using our finest cocoa beans. Makes an ideal gift. In this box:. Full Extension for 50 Kg. ATTRACTION drawer is equipped with a telescopic runner that allows the full extension of the drawer, reaching the complete accessibility. It is ideal to create big drawers as the loading capacity is up to 50 Kgr. There is.
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Adtwixt - News source https://adtwixt.com/blogs/news/surprised-vanity-drawer-organizer
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speciousesgr · 7 years
Should You Care? People Edition – Part 1 (2017)
I’ve had the privilege in the last while of being around some incredibly talented and wonderful people who I don’t get enough love. So, I’m going to do something to change that. If you’d like to get on this list, feel free to tweet at me what you’re doing or drop me a comment down below.
Needless to say, none of these is sponsored or in any way paid for. These are just some people and causes that I believe are worthy of your notice.
With that out of the way, let’s get to it!
Final Horizon – Terror Beyond the Stars
  My friend and mentor Alan O’Dea have created a Patreon for his new game Final Horizon – Terror Beyond the Stars. Think of it as a cross between FTL + Darkest Dungeon had a twisted nightmare spawn child. Alan is someone who gives a lot of himself and a lot of his time to the Dublin community both regarding his presence with startups and his gaming and designs influence. You can be guaranteed that something that comes from his brain will be well worth investing in.
The Bears Black Heart
Developed by Abban Dunne (one of my fellow members of ITC) in Unity with art by Bob created in Affinity Designer. This 2016 Wizard Jam game is slowly taking the indie world by storm, gaining the attention of big Youtubers like Markiplier. Needless to say, this story of a bear who is just trying to survive the winter is a roguelike that all ages can enjoy.
Tech Books
30 Things Every New Software Tester Should Learn: A Guide To Getting a Kick Start in Software Testing
Heather Reid is one of Ministry for Testings finest, her book is an excellent beginners guide to software testing.  Software testers are always learning but they cannot always quantify it. It’s their combination of skills from learning abouta product to dealing with its stakeholders that makes this guide relevant and practical. At £1.99 on the Kindle Store, it’s a must have for those who are looking to getting into software testing.
Kindle Store
  Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!
Juan Carlos Bagnell has been in the photography game for a long time. His expertise now ranges to giving Real Camera Reviews on Smartphones on PocketNow. So this is the guy you turn to when you want to make the most out of the camera of your smartphone. While it can be considered by some to be an essential guide, it goes through all the core elements of how to take good photos. So should definitely be looked out for to get you going, and at $3.93 on the Kindle store, its a no brainier!
Kindle Store
Koko Bot
Koko was started as a PhD Students dissertation in MIT Media Lab it is a support network for people using a Twitter DM to the bot. Where they detail out their particular situation and then have to give their most positive thought and negative thought about a situation. This is a discrete way of getting support anonymously through a community of people who offer support through the same system. So, you are never going to get a response by a bot but a member of the community. For full disclosure, I’m a member of the Koko Pro team. What being a member of the Pro team means is there is always a few of us to answer a message every day or two, and it helps the community run smoother. So, for those who are looking for a little bit of support, you can find it here.
Koko Bot Twitter
The Happiness Planner
I have used the hardback editions of The Happiness Planner for years now. For me, it is an excellent way to keep focused on the positives in life.  The Happiness Planner® is a calendar & to-do list app designed to help you cultivate happiness by embracing the power of positive thinking, mindfulness, gratitude, and personal development. Now that there is a digital edition of it I’d encourage you to have a look at it and see if a subscription would be worth the investment for you.
Happiness Planner IOS
from Should You Care? People Edition – Part 1 (2017)
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