#I was in a state of post breakup mania
neon-danger · 5 months
I always forget about the random t-swift chapter in coffee and Christmas
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anintrovertsdiary · 2 years
This week, I made a friend.
Don’t get me wrong, I never had anything against Reagan. He’s always been a gentleman and he’s always been a good friend to Ryan. Even when it felt like he was going through moments of mania, I felt safe around his company. Honestly even when he tore off his underwear one day in front of everyone, I didn’t think anything less of him. There was always this aura around the company of the four of them, Ryan, Reagan, James and Howard, where I knew they would always protect me, emotionally and physically.
In college, Reagan dated Rebekah who was a year younger than us. She drove this Kia soul and I think we all cringe inside when we see them 1. Because they’re Kia souls 2. Because she voluntarily picked one out for her parents to buy her (rich Southern California kid that can afford out of state tuition and goes up to pnw for college). That tells you enough about someone. She was also a part of a sorority which you’d think meant she had a lot of friends that were probably all interchangeable white blondes and brunettes. But for some reason, she was the unspoken fifth roommate of the house on Vinyard Ave. The house also had a driveway that could fit 3 cars but one after the other so she would park her car in the driveway blocking in the other two cars and then go about her day, the idea never crossing her head that 1. She didn’t even technically live there 2. James and Howard couldn’t use their cars while she was parked there.
Anyways, I thought they were for sure end game when they both tested for the same food allergies/sensitivities. Broccoli slaw was a favorite date night dinner for them. Also note that she never had a job in college and her lifestyle of ‘alt’ urban outfitters clothes and vegan eggs that cost triple of actual eggs was funded my her parents or her trust fund. Same difference. But yet if Rebekah was at the grocery store, she’d buy Reagan the banana he requested and then proceeded to Venmo request him 19¢.
I honestly didn’t care much for Rebekah. She was just kind of there. Sure it was nice having another girl around sometimes, but her presence made no difference in my life if I’m being honest. She never wanted to drink or do any other illegal/legal activities. I remember buying Reagan and Rebekah a joint once (legal in pnw) and I’m sure she would add that to her list of worst gifts she’d ever received. Even her parents would do a gummy every once in a while. C’mon.
Anyways, post college, they continue dating. Rebekah moves back to Southern California, Reagan moves to LA. I can’t remember the exact events but leading up to the breakup, Reagan was driving for some reason, an earth polluting amount. Taylor swift levels of carbon emissions. There was an urgency for him to do it in person so he drove from his parents house in our college town all the way to Southern California and then back or something along those lines. A concerning amount for someone post break up to be on the road by themselves.
Reagan was my friend but it wasn’t until the last few days of 2022 where I could say I was his friend because I wanted to be and not as a default of Ryan’s extensions. In college, Reagan and I would watch the intramural water polo games that Ryan and Rebekah both played in. The team name probably had the word cum or cream or load in it which gives you a picture of the maturity level of these men.
Right after graduation, I moved east and he moved down to Southern California to work in the film industry, 3 years later we’re finally in Portland at the same time. I had never had real conversations with Reagan until we were smoking on the balcony of my apartment having the most casual conversation about our trauma. It was the kind of conversation that might make some people cry if they heard it but we both knew that we both just two people catching up on our latest trauma and what has changed in 3 years. Not that we couldn’t cry in front of each other. I know we can.
At the end when there was nothing left to smoke, Reagan had said something along the lines of “I’m looking into your eyes and it’s like if there was a pool of water beneath us and you jumped, my eyes would just follow yours and I would subconsciously jump too”. The moon was out.
We dropped Reagan off at the airport, I’ll say I was Reagan-ed out. Nothing was left unsaid. Raw emotions were shared between two people that never would’ve thought they’d enjoy each others company.
Here’s what I learned about Reagan:
- Reagan loves Ryan. I know Ryan smiles ear to ear when he’s reunited with him. You know that laugh Ryan does when he actually thinks something is funny. It’s like high pitched and annoying but you never get tired of hearing it.
- I like talking to Reagan about pop culture because Ryan’s never caught up and the only people I can talk to about pop culture are my friends Peter who is gay and Eliza. So it is interesting hearing the perspective of a straight wasian man.
- Reagan is a hard worker. But I already knew that.
- Reagan has a big heart and is deserving. He deserves to be loved and he deserves to be understood.
- There are a lot of versions of Reagan. I’ve witnessed his highs and low. I’m excited to see his success and I’m proud to call him my friend.
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Episode 95: Gem Hunt
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“I don’t want you fighting this thing alone.”
I mentioned in my Monster Reunion post that it’s been ages since we’ve had an episode about fighting a Corrupted Gem. The latest examples are Rising Tides, Crashing Skies as a cameo and Reformed as an episode focus, but neither involves an actual mission: the former takes place on the beach, and the latter in the Temple. If we want to look back at a true Season 1-style Gem Hunt, we have to actually go to Season 1: the last episode that featured the Crystal Gems going out into the world with the express purpose of fighting a Corrupted Gem is Island Adventure, sixty-five episodes ago, and that was only the first act of the story.
There are plenty of reasons for this. After Monster Buddies and Ocean Gem the idea of beating up Gem variants that can be friendly and used to be just like the Crystal Gems seemed a lot less fun. After Mirror Gem, the show became more serialized and the need for monster-of-the-week episodes dwindled. After Peridot’s arrival, we got new sentient opponents to worry about until Keeping It Together, where Cluster Gems began standing in for Corrupted Gems. But regardless, the result of this gap is that Gem Hunt gets to feel like a wonderful mixture of old and new: it almost tricks you into thinking this is a throwback to early self-contained missions, until serialized drama barrels in and rips the monster of the week apart.
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Gem Hunt wasn’t written with the knowledge that Season 3 would air almost in its entirety within the span of a month, or that this event would be called the Summer of Steven, but relocating to the Great North plays excellently off of these circumstances. With so many episodes coming one after the other, it’s good to have an obvious break from the less arc-driven stories of late, and the snowy environment immediately contrasted with the season of the show and the season of the year. Even before Jasper comes in out of nowhere to reveal the start of an arc, this story feels like a new beginning.
I had to rewatch a few times for this review to get back into the headspace of not knowing the twist, because I forgot how unexpected Jasper was. Maybe some people guessed it, but Steven and Connie only discuss corruption (which Jasper is not yet associated with) and her name isn’t even mentioned before she arrives; contrast with The Message, which gives us a whole song about Lapis Lazuli to set the stage for our “twist,” and Message Received, featuring Peridot gushing about Yellow Diamond in the first act. There isn’t even any fanfare to Jasper’s arrival: she lunges into frame, back turned to the camera, in the middle of our last fight scene. Watching Gem Hunt with the knowledge that she’s coming makes her appearance a little underwhelming, because she just sorta shows up. I frankly don’t remember how shocked I was that she was the humanoid Steven and Connie were tracking, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this scene’s execution was responsible for my lack of concrete “oh wow!” memories.  
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That said, Jasper’s arrival does fit with the episode’s unusual structure: even back when missions were the norm, we never had an episode that exclusively consisted of a single outing. There have always been introductions framing our quest (like Cheeseburger Backpack or An Indirect Kiss), or episodes beginning in media res that cut back to Beach City (like Steven’s Lion and Arcade Mania). The closest we’ve had to a full episode mission is Serious Steven, but that includes flashbacks to Funland. Gem Hunt is all set from the start, and the result is an adventure that gets a lot of detail but an episode that speeds right on by. It’s crazy to think that Gem Hunt and, say, Steven and the Stevens are the same length, going by how much stuff happens in each episode: one has a time travel plot and a clone plot and a band plot and several songs, and the other is one long trek through the snow.
While this structure leaves plenty of time for the ending to not feel abrupt, it’s still clearly the start of something big, and in retrospect this feels like an especially complete place-setting episode. But in the moment, it’s a mystery episode! The promo art featuring our leads wearing their Hanna-Barbera Best isn’t the only reference to Scooby-Doo we get: Connie suggests that the gang split up early on, and both kids reference monster suits and property disputes while sipping pine needle tea. We begin by tracking a monster, learn something weird is going on, and investigate. We even get a red herring! It’s basic, but it does wonders for the pacing to always have a concrete goal in mind.
This is what separates Gem Hunt from, say, Open Book. We’re not meandering despite the longer-than-usual scenes and a plot that’s largely about two buds hanging out. We know throughout that we’re going somewhere, which makes me enjoy the former more than the latter even though the latter has a better twist in Connterfeit and a more emotionally compelling climax when Connterfeit forces Steven to come clean about embarrassing emotions. It doesn’t matter how good your destination is if I get sorta bored along the way, and for all of Gem Hunt’s simplicity, I never find it boring.
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Granted, a major advantage Gem Hunt has over Open Book is that this Connie is real throughout, which allows her to be an utter delight. Applying the Maheswaran Code of Safety to tracking down and fighting a monster with a giant sword, she takes a character trait that might turn her into an annoying worrywart and instead spends the episode dorking out about survival. Of course she’s basing her actions on a book, this is a girl who went from reading fantasy literature to living a literal fantasy. She’s more role-playing an adventurer than being one, as evidenced by her zealous overpreparation. This nerd’s over here thinking about scurvy an hour into a hike.
And thank goodness Steven is all aboard, because if this episode would suck if it was about Connie being a know-it-all and competing with Steven. Steven invites her enthusiasm without any ridiculous character beats like being worried about his place in the team (more on that coming soon from a more realistic place courtesy of Amethyst) or arrogantly shutting down her ideas. These are two friends on a fun journey, so Connie’s bravado and Steven’s go-with-the-flow attitude are just what we need.
The climax neatly cuts both ways on Connie’s attitude. She loses her composure for a bit and is hard on herself afterwards, but she still gets to show off her training without going overboard. Pearl might not have to do much, but Connie does the right thing in calling for help as soon as she’s able to do so. 
I’m hesitant to theorize that this connection is intentional, but I think Connie’s first mission ending in her calling for help (and getting rewarded for it) is a cool lens to examine her anger with Steven in the Breakup Arc after he leaves her behind on Earth for the second time in one season. Gem Hunt might breeze on by for us, but as Connie’s first mission it’s bound far more impactful for her than it is for Steven and Pearl, and the lesson she learned from it is to let people help you. Steven taking the fall for everyone is the exact opposite of what she does here.
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Comedy flows freely among all three of our leads—my favorite gag is Pearl reminding the kids that humans need food, she really is the world’s most maternal alien—but the third act entrance cleverly mines that humor for drama. Pearl’s nervous chatting over the walkie talkie comes back to bite the kids when she won’t stop yelling out of their speaker and alerting the Corrupted Gem to their presence, and we can hear that her jokey smugness from “Who’s your favorite Gem?” has crumbled from anxiety with time. Steven’s photography begins as a joke, and breaks the tension when he snaps a shot of Jasper mid-intimidation, but that picture returns us to a state of dread to end the episode. Efficiency might not seem as crucial in an episode with so much time to breathe, but you’ll never see me complaining about a story skillfully repurposing its material. 
Still, I wouldn’t quite call this a comedy-centric episode, and not just because it’s primarily a mystery. Connie gets more focus than Steven, but he has plenty of time to remind us that he’s still thinking about Nephrite and all the other Corrupted Gems he could be helping by talking to Connie about it. What could have served as a rote reminder of Corrupted Gems turns into a plot point, as his desperation for signs of hope causes them to assume the humanoid tracks are from a Corrupted Gem trying to heal. But its larger importance, as usual, is its development of our characters. 
Steven isn’t as gung-ho about fighting monsters as he was at the beginning of the show, and sees this mission as a way of helping someone who’s hurt rather than ridding the world of a threat. And Connie isn’t as emotionally distant as she was at the beginning of the show, sensing how bothered Steven is by corruption and asking if he’s okay. After the enjoyable but blunt Greg the Babysitter, it’s wonderful to see how much these kids have grown and bonded without the episode shouting “HEY CHECK IT OUT THESE KIDS HAVE GROWN AND BONDED” at us.
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Gem Hunt works well as a transitional episode, borrowing elements from Monster Reunion and Alone at Sea and allowing Steven and Connie’s growing competency to form the basis of Amethyst’s angst in Crack the Whip. But it does what I believe Super Watermelon Island and Gem Drill failed to do: it tells its own story first, and allows its role as a pivot point to come second. It means that things aren’t as overtly different afterwards as they were when Malachite defused and the Cluster was dealt with, but if that makes for a better episode, I’ll take it.
Future Vision!
It’s nifty that I wrote this episode the same week that Escapism aired, because it allowed me to immediately identify the Protes bar Connie brought to space. She’s still prepared, folks!
If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have inconsistencies…
Both this episode and I are aware that references to “Connie’s first mission” are talking about her role as a swordswoman, but it’s still a little strange that nobody brings up her tagging along with the Crystal Gems (and Greg) and Ocean Gem. 
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
This is a borderline episode for sure, because I enjoy it, but in the end it still feels a little too light to rank higher than a like. Which may sound odd considering my top two episodes, but I mean light in terms of that structure rather than the episode’s weight in regards to the greater plot: this may be a terrific episode about Steven and Connie hanging out and adventuring, but it lacks that oomph factor to make me truly love it. Fortunately it’s not a consolation prize to “only” be an episode I like. 
Top Fifteen
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
The Return
The Answer
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
When It Rains
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
No Thanks!
     5. Horror Club      4. Fusion Cuisine      3. House Guest      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy' NBA Chili' SUPERTEAM! LEBRON Chili' JAMES-KAWHI Chili' LEONARD-PAUL Chili' GEORGE Trending News! Blac Chyna, 30, splits with 18-year-old boyfriend #Walmart'Spicy'Tunes #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Spi
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Blac Chyna and Boyfriend YBN Almighty Jay Split The unusual way Gina Rodriguez is using Emmy money Pete Davidson arrives at the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles on Sept. 17, 2017. / Ariana Grande attends The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute Benefit celebrating the opening of Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination in New York City on May 7, 2018.Details on Ariana and Pete's $16M apartment YBN-Almighty-jay-blac-chyna © John Sciulli/Getty Images; Johnny Nunez/WireImage YBN-Almighty-jay-blac-chyna Blac Chyna and her younger man, YBN Almighty Jay, have called it quits — at least according to the rapper. “@BlacChyna and I Are No Longer Together,” the 18-year-old wrote on his Instagram Story on Tuesday, June 19, tagging the 30-year-old reality TV personality. The duo, who confirmed their relationship in March, reportedly met on Christian Mingle. They were first spotted together in February at Pinz Bowling Alley in Los Angeles. Reports surfaced in April that Chyna, who shares 5-year-old son King Cairo with ex-boyfriend Tyga and daughter Dream, 19 months, with ex-fiancé Rob Kardashian, was pregnant with Jay’s child. However, sources told TMZ on June 12 that Chyna is not pregnant, just “bloated.” Jay opened up about the possibility of having a family with Chyna on “No Jumper” in March, telling the podcast hosts that he “don’t wear condoms.” “I would not want to [sleep with a woman] I did not want to get pregnant,” the “No Hook” rapper said, according to Page Six. “If Chyna got pregnant, I would keep that s–t like ‘ohh daddy love you,’ I love that ass.’” Chyna, has yet to publicly comment on the breakup, but shared a video of herself laying on a purple couch on Instagram shortly after Jay shared the news. The Lash Bar owner did, however, speak out regarding her other past relationships on Sunday, June 17. The former Rob & Chyna star accused Kardashian and Tyga of not paying child support writing on her Instagram Story on Father’s Day, “wow Tyga and Rob … no child support BOSS B-TCH ALL 201 …” Related slideshow: Celeb splits of 2018 Full screen 1/43 SLIDES © Gregg DeGuire/WireImage JILLIAN MICHAELS AND HEIDI RHOADES The fitness guru announced her split from her fiancée of nearly nine years on June 15. “Hey tribe, you’ve been with me through it all so I’m sharing some news with you…Heidi and I have been split for a while now,” Michaels wrote in an Instagram post. “We’ve found we’re better friends and parents living apart than staying together. Life and people change but our love for one another and commitment to raising our two kids as an inseparable team remains. Thanks for always loving and supporting us, the feeling is mutual!” A source told Us Weekly exclusively: “It just wasn’t working. They tried to make it work for a long time, but they decided it was too late. They have been coparenting their kids and they are their main priority right now.” The pair share 8-year-old Lukensia, whom they adopted from Haiti, and 6-year-old Phoenix. https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/blac-chyna-and-boyfriend-ybn-almighty-jay-split/ar-AAySwn5?li=BBnb4R7
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from Jamaal Al-Din's blog 227's™ YouTube Chili' NBA Mix! http://hoops227.typepad.com/blog/2018/06/227s-facebook-fries-aka-youtube-chili-nba-nikespicy-nba-chili-superteam-lebron-chili-james-kawhi-chili-leon-1.html via http://hoops227.typepad.com/blog/
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avaliveradio · 5 years
Rock Mania Rises Again Playlist hosted by Jacqueline Jax
Todays show is all about Rock and Roll. Get ready Rock fans to discover some new favorites.
Listen to the show : 2 pm et : https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio
Artist: Beautiful Things New Release: Hey Hey Hey (Electric Mix) Genre: Alternative Rock Sounds like: Garbage, Placebo, Curve Located in: Los Angeles, CA
Our band creates ethereal pop-rock with deeply personal lyrics. I wrote this song about my experiences with the music industry, looking back to a time when I was much younger and more trusting. I let people guide me and represent me who didn’t have my best interests at heart – only their own. I learned so much from these experiences about human nature which ultimately strengthened me and made me a smarter, wiser person. 
I wanted this song to be empowering, hence the lyric “I won’t be a victim, no never again.” I’ve since chosen the people I surround myself within all areas of my life very carefully and have learned to trust my intuition. It’s made all the difference. Our new Dream World (Revisited) EP is made up of re-imagined songs from the first Beautiful Things album released 10 years ago, called just Dream World. We are working on a new single and will be making a video to promote it.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/0G9QeybSCD1SYCIpr6vrA6 https://twitter.com/officialthings https://www.facebook.com/beautifulthingsmusic https://www.instagram.com/beautifulthingsmusic
Artist: Dream Eternal Bliss
New Release: Circling
Genre: alternative rock
Sounds like: Berlin, The Cardigans, Garbage, Duran Duran
Located in: Franklin Lakes, NJ
This song is a moody ballad about your life being stuck in a holding pattern. Challenges we face tend to provide great songwriting material when you want to craft truly personal and heartfelt lyrics. If you’ve ever felt like time is passing you by and you’re sort of immobilized by your situation, powerless to take control and make a change, whether it’s a relationship or work or something else, that’s exactly where “Circling" came from. I find that the happiest times in my life are the most challenging times in which to write personal lyrics.
This song encapsulates a variety of musical influences. It starts with a synth-meets-U2 vibe over some electronic percussion that evolves into something dark and somber, and then in the second half, big drums and heavy guitar kick in. Right now we are shooting a video for this song!
LINKS: https://www.reverbnation.com/dreameternalbliss/song/30421617-circling https://open.spotify.com/track/1cqQihDUv9ZInj9Qpeh9jh https://www.facebook.com/dreameternalbliss https://www.instagram.com/dreameternalbliss
Artist: Ugly Melon
New Release:  Rainbow in the Dark
Genre: Hard rock / Metal /Rock /
Sounds like: Black Sabbath / Disturbed / Shinedown
Located in: Toronto Ontario Canada
Ugly Melon comes from an era of classic hard rock from the 70s Black Sabbath to today modern edge of Disturbed. 'Rainbow in the dark' is a song written by Ronnie James Dio back in 1983 from the Holy Diver album, the Original song was an up yet simple song.  We put our Ugly Melon twist to it and made the song a more Modern ballad anthem.  The feeling of being alone and rejected but you are really a rainbow in the dark. When doing such an epic song like this that was a huge hit for Dio, you've got to make sure you don't butcher the song.  Our new album 'Just a Man' is a piece of work we are proud of and love hearing it every time.  
Ugly Melon will be releasing a video soon probably on Halloween song called 'If You're Wrong'. A song about questioning and challenging religious beliefs and to be open-minded to others beliefs. 
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/uglymelon/song/30535606-rainbow-in-the-dark https://open.spotify.com/track/6jkS0MMp6jl45iyjO3xNE5?si=6aXL5FW2QrWHm_ofcGZ7Iw https://twitter.com/Ugly_Melon https://www.facebook.com/uglymelon Instagram @Ugly_Melon
Artist: Jet Set Future
New Release: VICE
Genre: Alternative, Indie-Rock, Post-hardcore
Sounds like: : Best Coast, Pvris, No Doubt, Bloxx, Wavves, Foo Fighters, Paramore
Located in: Plymouth, Massachusetts United States of America
This song is a nice Blending of Beautiful vocal melodies with a Lead bass, loud drums, and powerful catchy guitars. This song, in particular, has a post-hardcore, chill feel. It's about waiting for the right person to come along, and all of the struggles, and heartache that comes before it. This release is important to our music direction because it shows you a foreshadowing of what's to come on our Full Length. But without giving you too many details. We can be poppy and peppy. We can be dark, we can have a feeling like you're relaxing on a beach, we can also add a sense of classical. As of now we're finishing up and putting our final tweaks onto our first Full-Length album. Next, we will be working on a music video for our next single.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/jetsetfuture/song/31128331-vice https://open.spotify.com/track/2kja9ILXtyiaXRbsojRIog?si=xFs7SXFdSrepvLc5N8qu4g http://www.twitter.com/jetsetfuture4 https://www.facebook.com/JetSetFuture https://www.instagram.com/JetSetFutureBand
Artist: Population U
New Release: Now you see
Genre: Alt Rock, Indie Rock, alternative, emo
Sounds like:  Offspring, Green Day, rise against
Located in: Anaheim, Ca USA
'Now you see' is not just a song about a breakup or losing someone you love, it's a song about realizing your self-value after it's over. The song showcases our songwriting and it is one of our favorite songs to perform. We are releasing this single with a Music Video to showcase our Stage Show With our PopU Dancers. We are focusing on a Stage show for the New Year. With a year in preparation behind us to create an alternative rock stage show that incorporates actual Dancers with the music, it's time to get the ball rolling.  Right now we just finished a video for our single "Now you see" and will be releasing it on our YouTube channel. We have a few more videos to shoot and we have 2 shows with our dancers. By the beginning of next year, the band will start recording more singles. 
LINKS:  https://twitter.com/populationu https://open.spotify.com/artist/02vPDEV6Eqm4tbozbKDNHL https://soundcloud.com/population-u https://www.reverbnation.com/populationu https://www.instagram.com/populationumusic https://www.facebook.com/populationu
Artist: Black Rose Reception
New Release: Up jumped the devil
Genre: Hard rock Sounds like: Judas Priest, Iron Maiden
Located in: Indiana
The music we are creating is old and new school music mix. The message in this song is you can overcome the demons of depression, suicide, and stress that we all deal with. There are great and professional people out there who can help so never feel embarrassed to ask fo help. Right now we are going in studio recording more new tracks.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/album/0HEOkTc5fXQyYCr1jwFSeF https://twitter.com/blackroserecept https://www.facebook.com/BlackRoseReceptionMusic https://www.instagram.com/blackrosereceptio https://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/BlackRoseReception
Artist: NewClue
New Release: Hail to the King (Henry VIII)
Genre: Nostalgic Metal Reborn
Sounds like: : AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, XYZ, Dio, Queenrych, Nostalgic Metal bands.
Located in: New London CT, USA
Nostalgic Metal Reborn with a NewClue. This is a biography of the life of King Henry VIII with some GREAT guitar leads!
The music we are creating is NOSTALGIC METAL REBORN. As formed in the very late '80s as NoClue and after about 7 years, went our separate ways. We Reformed into NewClue in 2014, which has won many awards and put us into rotation on many radio stations worldwide.
With many of the yester-year's 80's and 90's rock bands on tour today and all of the tribute bands going over like Blockbusters, it's the perfect time to catch a NewClue.
Right now with all the mania alive towards classic rock bands and the Tribute bands on the circuit, we are creating a Godsmack tribute band. Of course, NewClue will always be the opening act!
LINKS:  REVERBNATION: www.reverberation.com/newclue SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/user/22kksixsltmqrozubnt3xytoa/playlist/01MSrnctE7bm1Qs7VhHgHt?si=MY3PWLymQuepRp90nTHJCA TWITTER: www.twitter.com/NewClue2 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/NewClueBand INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/neil.whittington Our favorite: Number One Music: www.numberonemusic.com/newclue
Artist: David Bucci
New Release: Dangerous
Genre: Indie Alternative Rock
Sounds like: Bon Jovi, Chris Stapleton, Bryan Adams, Ritchie Kotzen, Goo Goo Dolls, Keith Urban
Located in: Channel Islands, Ca
When asked to describe his new release in a few words, David Bucci said, "Dirty boots, blue-collar, indie alternative rock music. Dangerous, off the new album, Country Club." 'Dangerous' has a heavy acoustic guitar and drum-driven influence with electric guitar layers and soling over it along with my lead vocals and backup harmonies by Robert Cross. The message behind ‘Dangerous’ is a sort of realistic caution about life, that we can be derailed very easily and things can spiral quickly. We need to take care of ourselves and don’t put ourselves in bad positions and places.
Right now we are preparing for the album's release, planning a new music video. Tour, not yet, local clubs and bars at the moment, but who knows, arenas and stadiums may be right around the corner.
LINKS:  Website http://www.david-bucci.com Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/0SFT53gEfnxneyzaEvgEGK Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidbucci_official Facebook https://m.facebook.com/thedavidbucciofficial Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/DgbBucci
Artist: The Yellow Jacks
New Release: Georgia Peach
Genre: Rock, Blues Rock , Psychedelic Rock, Country Rock
Sounds like: : Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Cream, The Beatles, The Black Keys, Wolfmother and The Artic Monkeys
Located in: Long Island, New York United States
This is a song about a couple of guys from New York going to Georgia. Four piece energetic, soulful original rock band inspired by classic rock bands such as Led Zeppelin, Cream and The Rolling Stones. We are also inspired by modern rock bands like The Black Keys, Artic Monkeys and Wolfmother. We just released our debut album entitled From The Ashes and want to keep growing our discography by releasing new music and playing live shows. Music is our passion and we want to touch people's hearts with our songs and performances.
LINKS: Spotify:  https://open.spotify.com/album/0BNflbZX7Nj00NaylB5PXk?si=XLcv8mzfSUSqRN_bTvNoHw The Yellow Jacks (@TheYellowJacks): https://twitter.com/TheYellowJacks https://www.facebook.com/theyellowjacksLI https://www.instagram.com/the_yellow_jacks
Artist: Shehzad Bhanji - Instrumental Guitarist
New Release: Matched Hearts
Genre: Instrumental Rock, Melodic Rock, Soft Rock, Pop Rock
Sounds like:  Lady Antebellum (for the new song Matched Hearts) and Joe Satriani Joe Satriani (For the majority of the tracks)
Located in:  Doha Qatar
‘Matched Hearts’ is an anthem that describes deep and intimate love as two people’s hearts being in sync with each other. The song is about celebrating the different moments that come with love unedited and completely raw: from moments of desperation to moments of pure bliss.  I'm an instrumental rock guitarist whose powerful melodies have touched millions of hearts. Matched Hearts is the first release from my 3rd Album DREAMS. I’m releasing a music video of Matched Hearts, which will provide the launchpad for the release of my 3rd solo instrumental album.
LINKS:  Presave the Album: http://bit.ly/shehzadbhanji New Music Video: http://bit.ly/matchedhearts Website: www.shehzadbhanji.com Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/shehzad-bhanji/matchedhearts/s-dVnAP Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shehzadbhanji Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shehzad.bhanji Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShehzadBhanji
Artist: Graham Greene
New Release: Night of the Djinn
Genre: Symphonic Metal - Instrumental
Sounds like: Nightwish, Kamelot, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Joe Satriani,
Located in: Perth, Western Australia
A symphonic blend of Eastern, Classical and Metal to conjure images of the mystical Orient. Orchestration meets heavy guitars to tell the Djinn's tale. This song flowed from beginning to end in the writing and recording process, and I found myself caught up in the story as I went. Sometimes you write the song, and sometimes the song writes you. New videos are in the planning to promote the new album, "A Ripple in Time", which is now online in all the best places.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/0KvqWl95ymm8mUhsCtzlmp?si=bcPCG25LReO4aPhRyiaEUA https://www.facebook.com/GrahamGreeneGuitarist https://twitter.com/Graham_Greene https://www.instagram.com/grahamgreeneguitarist
Artist: Dave Molter
New Release: Tell Me That You Love Me
Genre: Rock
Sounds like: Beatles, Byrds, Searchers
Located in: Pittsburgh, PA USA
An accomplished veteran of the East Coast and Midwest music scene, Dave Molter counts the Beatles as his primary Influence. His latest single "Tell Me That You Love Me" is a tribute to the Fab Four and the British Invasion era, when getting the attention of someone you loved was the moving force for young people. It has Beatlesque harmonies and tone as well as the 12-string jangle of the Beatles, Byrds, Holliea, and Searchers. It's a happy song! "Tell Me That You Love Me is one of five songs on my debut EP, "Foolish Heart." Right now I'm excited to continue working on a full CD, which we hope will be available in early 2020.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/davemolter/song/31091471-04-tell-me-that-you-love-me Twitter: @molter_dave www.facebook.com/davemoltermusic Instagram: @davemolter
Artist: Vovkulaka
New Release: my Devil
Genre: Metal/Dubstep
Located in: Odessa, Ukraine
Music creator from Odessa composing music that investigates the unusual.
Have you ever been in a relationship where you find yourself doing things that normally, you never do? The situation almost possesses you to struggle but still, you can't manage to break away. The desire is the conundrum. Like Demons with thoughts... A living Hell. You stop and think this is my Devil.
The music we are creating is Dark... Angry... Evil... Metal
Right now we are preparing to release our CD. LINKS:  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3928niLRX3PB1EbxuRvhpu?si=OSLSKd0JRA-g8eghCufsrQ Twitter: Twitter.com/VovkulakaMusic Facebook: Facebook.com/VovkulakaFanPage Instagram: Instagram.com/VovkulakaMusic
Artist: Collins & Streiss
New Release: Freedom's Captive
Genre: Rock, Commercial Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock
Located in: Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
"Freedom's Captive" is about our growing addiction to our devices, whether it's cell phones, computers, tablets, social media and so on, and this obsession and need for acquiring followers and likes in today's web of virtual existence. It's a compounding obsession in a lot of cases where we have all this freedom and ability to exist and do what we want virtually now, but at the same time are becoming captives to it! This song involves a few other players and has more of an overall band feel to it. The song is upbeat, edgy and energetic and full of catchy melodies and hooks which is common in our music. It's derivative of our rock roots which has a broad range of artists and rich heritage.
LINKS:  Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/collinsandstreiss Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2zOmvGgES8y4jvKtzVGOa3 Twitter: https://twitter.com/collins_streiss Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Collins-and-Streiss-762369407204284 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collins_and_streiss FOLLOW OUR PLAYLIST
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Chelsy Davy: 8 Things to Know About Prince Harry's On- and Off-Again Ex-Girlfriend  
Long before Prince Harry got engaged to American actress Meghan Markle, there was Zimbabwean jeweler Chelsy Davy. She met Harry in 2004, but the couple’s on-and-off seven-year relationship officially ended in 2011.
Davy, though, told the Sunday Times in 2016 the two would “always be good friends,” and it seems Harry and his 32-year-old ex are still on good terms: She is rumored to have received an invite to the forthcoming regal ceremony. (Before their breakup, Davy and Harry attended Prince William and Kate Middleton’s 2011 wedding together.)  Come May 19, we’ll see if Davy will indeed be on hand to toast to Harry’s happily ever after.
In the meantime, here’s the scoop on Davy, from her safari upbringing to the intense media mania that severed her romantic ties with the prince:
1. That time monkeys stole Davy’s crayons
Growing up on a farm in Zimbabwe, Davy told the Times she hung around an orphaned pet hyena, and once a “very dangerous” boomslang snake the length of a man landed on her head. Of course, you’d expect nothing less from a young girl whose millionaire safari operator of a father, Charles Davy, raised her on 1,300 square miles of African savannah, with giraffes, lions and more wildlife around her. “At my preschool there were monkeys everywhere,” she recalled, “stealing your crayons.”
2. Davy’s move to England, where she met Harry
A far cry from Zimbabwe, Davy briefly attended Cheltenham College, a girls’ public boarding school in the southwest English town, before switching to Stowe School, a selective independent boarding school in Buckinghamshire, all the while feeling maladjusted -- like “Crocodile Dundee, with all my snakes,” she told the Times.
“I'd never worn makeup and suddenly everyone was in makeup,” she added. “People were like: ‘Who is this weirdo from Zimbabwe?’ But I made some fabulous friends.” Among them: Prince Harry, with whom she first hit it off in early 2004.  
3. Davy’s lack of model ambitions
Contrary to popular belief, the blonde beauty didn't have her mind set on a modeling career. In the same Times interview, Davy debunked that rumor, stating, “That’s a terrible fiction.” In fact, she told Country and Town House that from a very young age, she was inspired by the film A Few Good Men to pursue a career in law.
4. Instead, Davy became a lawyer
Though she says the media focused on her party-girl antics with Prince Harry more than her day-to-day life as an academic, Davy proved she was more than meets the eye when she got her law degree at the University of Leeds. (She earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Cape Town.) Following school, Davy joined Allen & Overy, an elite London-based law firm.
“They can be forgiven for not knowing I was working really hard, I didn’t shout about it,” she told the Times, referring to the paps. “If you go out once, they take a picture, but they don’t take a picture of you going to work every morning -- it’s of you falling out of a nightclub at 4 a.m.”
5. Law, however, was no match for jewelry-making  
In 2014, she abandoned a career in law to pursue self-directed endeavors. After obtaining a gemology diploma from the Gemological Institute of America, Davy launched a luxury African jewelry line called Aya, which honors her deep connection to her native soil, "from emeralds in Zambia to rubies in Mozambique and tanzanites in Tanzania," as the jeweler's official site reads.
Aya in Austin 🤠 Thank you @bygeorgeaustin for having us! #AyainAustin #ayaafrica #finejewellery #finejewelry 💎
A post shared by chelsydavy (@chelsydavy) on Mar 23, 2018 at 12:21pm PDT
6. Davy was held at gunpoint in 2006
In a terrifying turn of events at a South African bar in Cape Town, where Davy and a friend were celebrating having finished their dissertations, a gunman lunged at their table. “He put a gun to my head," she recalled to the Times. “They frogmarched us into the kitchen, made us all lie down, patted us down for valuables, said: ‘The first person to look up we’re going to shoot.’ I was holding my friend’s hand, we were both shaking.”
7. Being in the spotlight was, well, a royal pain
Davy described being chased by the paps during her romance with Prince Harry as “crazy and scary and uncomfortable.”
“I found it very difficult when it was bad,” she confessed to the Times. “I couldn’t cope. I was young, I was trying to be a normal kid and it was horrible.” Seeking to escape the spotlight, the media-shy entrepreneur decided to end things with Harry. “Now it's calm, now it’s fine.”
Responding to the newspaper's inquiry if it's possible for a person with an everyday career to be romantic with a royal, Davy said, “I don’t know, but I think that some people are definitely better at it than others.”
8. Now, Davy enjoys roaming Africa
Beautiful Zambia 💚🇿🇲❤️ #thedream #safari #Zambezi #Zambia ]]>🦓
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