#I was gonna post this earlier when I first finished it a couple of days ago but I didn’t know if you were gonna be okay with that 🥹🥹
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ghonorrhead · 1 month ago
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ART FOR @coco-chip ‘S NEW FIC, “SLIP OF THE LEASH” RAHHHHH 😻😻😻😻😻 it’s the cutest thing ever I owe it my life…
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shurisasthmaticgf · 10 months ago
the curls are curling: lando norris x black social media influencer fem! reader
summary: the secret behind why his curls have been consistently looking perfect is revealed.
authors note: i am still very new to formula one so please don't jump me if there is some slight inaccuracies. i did my best to look things up if i wasn't sure about them. this fic isn't based off of any grand prix in particular either. also, this is a work of fiction meaning it's not REAL so please remember that as well! constructive feedback is heavily encouraged and very appreciated 🫶🏽
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heat pooled through the open windows of the house as you ran around to try and get yourself ready for the long day ahead. you woke up an hour ago to give yourself two hours to get ready because today was a race weekend. usually, you only needed about an hour to get you and your boyfriend out the door but today you'd gotten up earlier to film a vlog.
the whole social media influencer thing was still fairly new for you, only having started to consistently vlog and post a few months ago. before you'd started dating lando you were posting here and there about your day to day as a university student and intern for a large company in the city. every so often one of your videos got a couple hundred thousand views but you didn't really mind that your other content only got a few likes...that was just how tiktok's algorithm worked.
once you graduated from university and your internship ended you didn't have much to vlog about until you decided to film a race weekend and post it. what you didn't expect was the video to get millions of views and likes overnight. a massive influx of fans followed but you didn't really pay too much mind to the number, this was just something you liked to do and people also liked to watch. with time you ended up opening a youtube channel where you posted longer vlogs and other videos, and tiktok became a place where you posted 1-3 minute clips of your longer videos. one thing you never really did was center your entire vlog around your boyfriend. sure, lando was the entire reason you ended up at races but you were also your own person...that and lando was oddly camera shy when it came to your vlogs so he often wanted you to edit him out if he happened to end up in the frame.
which is how you ended up in your bedroom with your tripod pointed the camera directly at you. you smiled widely, hoping that it masked the fact that you were nearly half asleep, "good morning everyone! it's race day and i'm gonna be taking you along with me. everyone's been asking for a longer race day vlog so i'm here to give you all what you want. first lets get into the fit- these pajamas were sent to me from Brooks Avenue, if you like them you can use the code Y/N for a little discount on your purchase!" you backed up to show off your pink and green pajamas that would have definitely cost an arm an a leg if they hadn't come in a PR package. the matching pink and green satin bonnet on your head slowly slipped down your forehead leaving you to push it back up with an annoyed huff. you explained to the camera once more, "okay and first i'm gonna brush my teeth then do my skincare routine...he's in the shower right now so the lens might get fogged up, sorry in advance." you knocked on the bathroom door to let your boyfriend know you were coming in before pulling your skincare products out of your travel bag. quickly you brushed your teeth with until you felt like you'd gotten rid of every trace of morning breath.
just as you finished your skincare routine, the shower turned off and you slipped out of the bathroom. while lando finished in the bathroom you sat back down at the vanity and situated the camera back in front of you. slowly you slipped the bonnet from your head and untied the silk scarf under it, letting the large twists in your hair fall against your shoulders. to the camera you explained, "it's gonna be really hot today so i'm just gonna pull the twists back with a ribbon and call it a day i think." you pulled a jar of edge control and a brush from your bag and began styling your baby hairs, effortlessly into swirls and swoops. a laugh fell past your lips as you admitted, "honestly the only reason i still do this is so my forehead looks slightly less...megamind-esque in pictures." when you finished you tied another scarf messily around your hairline and began gathering your twists into a ponytail to secure it with a holder and ribbon.
the bathroom door opened and lando walked back into your room, fully dressed but his button down left wide open exposing his bare torso. in his hands he held a blow dryer and two bottles, one leave in conditioner and a gel you'd bought for him a few weeks ago. you finished tying the bow around your ponytail then took the two bottles from him and plugged the blow dryer into the wall. a hand gently pulled on your hand and you looked up to see sleepy smile grace his lips, "good morning, beautiful." you drew closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting him pull you in by the waist. his head nuzzled into your shoulder as your hand found the back of his head, stroking his hair softly with your fingers you murmured, "hi baby." you could feel the shy smile he wore against your shoulder until you pulled away from him. you pulled a robe from the back of the door and told him, "put this on." he knew most of the reason was so he didn't stain his shirt with hair products but another part of it had to be the fact that his shirt was wide open.
lando sat in front of the camera and you laughed at how awkward he looked compared to normal. you prompted, "baby, say hi to everyone. they ask for you all the time." he stiffly waved a hand in front of the camera and you sighed, "i don't know why you act so funny around my camera but everyone else it's fine." he mumbled a soft, "because it's you..." but only the mic on the camera caught it. he sat on the bench in front of you and slightly leaned back into your body before letting his eyes flutter shut.
meanwhile you showed the leave in conditioner to the camera, "this is the kinky curly knot today leave in-" despite his eyes being shut lando let out a small laugh and you asked, "what?" he mumbled cheekily, "kinky." you let out a exasperated sigh, "oh god you're like a child...anyways i was saying, i put a little of this in his hair but not too much just a tiny amount to add moisture." squeezing the leave in conditioner into your palm then applying it to his hair you hummed along to a sza song that ran through your head. the gentle work of your fingers running along his scalp nearly lulled lando back to sleep. you worked through his hair with a practiced ease, adding product and coaxing the curls atop his head to take perfect shape. not wanting to disturb his peace, you silently showed the matching brand's curling custard and then applied that lightly to his hair. once you'd finished you turned on the blow dryer, accidentally jump scaring your boyfriend under you. a soft melodic laugh fell past your lips and one hand fell to his shoulder before you leant down and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, "my bad babe." the camera didn't miss the way he leaned into your touch, pushing his cheek closer to you with his shoulders dropping further in relaxation.
not even half an hour later you were done and the light brown curls on his head were perfectly defined. you wiped your hands on the hand towel you'd slung over your shoulder earlier and laughed when you realized your boyfriend literally fell asleep. you gently cupped under his chin and pressed another kiss to his cheek. just above a whisper you mumbled, "all done, bubs. " he opened his eyes and smiled while you mused, “my pretty boy.” his cheeks flushed slightly, “thank you” and you brushed a few curls into place before looking at his reflection, "of course." he stood up and pulled you out of the frame to gave you a quick kiss before going downstairs where you'd meet him when you finished getting dressed.
the white and navy blue floral sundress you wore was both nice and simple enough to wear for today. simple gold jewelry and a pair of white sandals finished off your look and you grabbed the camera to show your reflection in the full length mirror on the wall, "all dressed so i'm gonna go meet lando downstairs and i'll see you all a little bit later!" you stopped recording and went downstairs to find your boyfriend sitting and ready to go, his cheeks burning pink when he laid eyes on you. a subtle fluttering erupted in your stomach at the familiar gaze, the one that made you feel like the only girl in the world.
you scrolled through your social media accounts, something you never really did if you didn't have to. the first thing that came to your attention was the flood of pictures and comments that were about your boyfriend's hair. for the past few races you'd been doing his hair and more and more fans were noticing it looked better than normal. honestly, you found it amusing that people were bringing it up and so much at that, so you decided to add to the conversation just a bit:
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fans reactions to recent vlog upload:
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valiasims · 1 month ago
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Hey everyone!
Sorry for not updating you earlier but after I published the last set I started working a revamp for my tumblr to look more professional and to feature all my downloads in one place. I thought since I work in the field I could put together something. Well, don't look yet because it isn't updated yet, I still have a lot to work on it. But step by step it will be done hopefully, and you can easily download everything because on Patreon it's so annoying to scroll to oblivion.
Since I worked on the web design last weekend I only started doing the new set a couple of days ago and I've been doing modeling, UV etc. up until now. These are the first items I could finally see in game and as a visual person I need to see something to motivate me that what I'm working on for days not gonna turn out trash. :D
As I said earlier this set is gonna be something I think will go well with the new expansion pack. Ever since I made Baker's Kitchen last year I wanted to do a proper bakery collection but I was really excited that time to start creating and wanted to try ot different things so I never got to do it. I couldn't let it go though so I thought this would be perfect for the start of the spring. Also someone suggested a similar idea on tumblr and I was like, yeah this could be interesting.
I don't want to repeat myself so this set will look different and more focused on sweets and cakes and the community lot aspect of it. Also I think I learned a lot since those earlier sets too.
This may will be separated into two sets because I want to focus on the guest area (tables, chairs etc. ) and the baker area (baking clutter, trays etc.) as well. My inspiration came from the japandi style and its elegance but I want to bring in nature and flowers.
These kitchen islands are not finished because I have to do the top still but I wanted to show you something because I like the communication and being here with you. I tried to design these to be a full kitchen and be usable on residential lots as well. I'll add cabinets too and of course the counters. I hope you'll like this because I'm really excited to finally step away a little from the cabin theme. Although this seems modern at first glance I want to add charm and personality with clutter and as I mentioned flowers!
Sorry for the long post this happens when we meet rarely. :D So much happens in a week, we reached 14 000 followers! We're halfway to 15 000. Thank you so so much! I appreciate every one of you!
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recklesssturniolo · 1 year ago
Look At Me - M.S
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Per request I posted earlier, soft dom!Matt, reader and him are dating, readers first time, very vanilla
A/N: lowkey not sure how I feel about this one, feel like it’s shit but I hope you guys like it (,:
NSFW below, leave if you’re a minor 
Matt and I had been dating for almost a year now. Regardless of me being a virgin, he never pressured me into sex and just told me he’s ready whenever I am - as he himself wasn’t a virgin. We’d done some sexual stuff, but it was really just oral and nothing more than that. However, as he walked in from a meeting, I couldn’t help but stare as he looked so good. 
“Seems someone has a staring problem eh?” He smirks.
“Oh be quiet” I mumble, blushing slightly due to him catching me. 
Sitting down beside me, he places a kiss to my temple. Asking me how my day was, and me asking how his was. Just light conversation. As he leans back on the couch, he lets out a sigh.
“Long day?” I ask, noticing how tired he seemed. 
“Yeah, meeting also stressed me out a bit so that didn’t help” He replies. 
“I know a way I could relieve some of your stress” I smirk. 
“Oh yeah?” He smirks back. 
I nod before pulling his lips to mine. Moving so I was straddling him. Continuing to make out, I feel him grow hard, a groan leaving his lips as I began grinding on him. 
“If you don’t stop grinding like that I’m gonna finish in my pants” He mumbles through the kiss. 
Usually at this, I’d start sucking him off. But my mind couldn’t move past how good his dick felt against my pussy. 
“What if you just fuck me?” I asked. 
“I - wait what” He replies.
“I said, what if you just fuck me?” I repeat. 
“Are you being serious? You’re ready?” He questions, raising his eyebrows.
I nod in response before grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom. I lay him on the bed and begin unbuttoning his pants before he stops me. 
“No no, this about you now. I want to make you feel good” He says, now adjusting himself so he was on top of me. 
“That isn’t fair to you though” I say,
“Trust me, getting to fuck you makes it more than fair” He says, tugging at the bottom of my shirt and looking at me for confirmation that he could take it off. 
Removing my shirt he notices I wasn’t wearing a bra, smirking before saying, “Lucky me, one less thing to take off of you”. Before taking one of my nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, while simultaneously playing with my other with his free hand. I moan in response to the feeling as he swithces to my other nipple, only creating more moans to leave my mouth. 
“Can I taste you baby?” He asked. 
I nod in response, but that wasn’t good enough for him. 
“Come on now, use your words” He tells me. 
“Yes fuck please Matt” I whine, wanting to feel his tongue all over my pussy. 
He smiles before sliding off my pants, and removing my panties. Looking up at me for only a moment before saying, “Such a pretty pussy” 
Not wanting to wait anymore I thrust my hips up. A known signal to him that I was needy. He lowers his head and licks a stripe up my pussy, my back arching immediately at the sensation and my hand moving to the back of his head. He continues flicking his tongue, circling it around my clit, sucking on various parts before pulling away. 
“Why did you stop? I was close” I whimper out at the sudden loss of his tongue on me. 
“ I love when you come in my mouth but I want you coming around my dick” He replies, “Do you still want me to fuck you?”
“Yes Matt” I assure him.
He himself now removes his pants and boxers, I’ve seen his dick before but the realizaton that it was somehow supposed to fit inside of me hit me.
“You’re expecting that to actually fit inside of me?” I ask.
“Don’t worry pretty girl, I know you’ll be able to take it” He smiles.
I was nervous, still unsure if his dick would actually fit, and if there would be any pain.
“Relax, if it hurts too much we will stop okay?” He assures me before kissing me.
Pulling away, he rubs his dick up and down my pussy a couple times, using my jucies tolube himself. He slowly begin to push himself inside of me, I let out a whimper due to the slight pain. Him stopping immediately.
“No Matt keep going” I say, already knowing he was going to ask if I wanted him to stop.
“Okay but please just tell me if it’s too much” He replies.
He continues pushing himself further into me, almost fully in, I squeeze my eyes shut. The pain turning into pleasure, not having expected this to feel this good.
“Look at me baby, I want to see you as you take my dick” He says, me opening my eyes in response.
Once he was fully inside of me, we both let out a moan.
“Fuck you’re so tight” He groans. Starting to move himself in and out.
“Feels so good Matt” I whimper.
“Look so pretty taking all of my dick, could come just at the sight of you” He says.
He picks up his pace, not breaking eye contact with me as he did. His hand moving to rub circles on my clit.
“I - Matt” I moan out.
“Yeah baby? Tell me what you want” He replies.
“Go faster” I whimper, wanting to feel him even deeper inside of me.
He smirk and lets out a low groan, now going faster before saying, “You’re doing such a good job for me”
I notice a knot forming in my stomach, and my pussy starting to clench, Matt obviously noticing too as he tells me, “Let it go baby, let me feel you come around my dick”
That was all it took for me to climax, my legs shaking but wrapping around Matt’s waist. His pace not slowing as my high continued.
“Keep looking at me, let me see you and how good I’m making you feel” He tells me.
“Fuck - Matt oh my god” I moan out, followed by multiple more moans as my high came to an end.
“That feel good pretty girl?” He asks, his pace now slowing a bit.
“Yes, so good” I reply, my legs continuing to shake and my pussy still throbbing from the experience.
“Are you gonna let me come in you?” He questions as I feel his dick twitch inside of me.
“Yes I - please come in me” I stutter out, still trying to collect myself.
After a few minutes pass, regardless of how sensitive I was, the need to have him come inside me was stronger. I feel his liquid enter me. Watching him as his jaw dropped and he groaned out in pleasure, his grip tightening on my waist.
“Fucking hell, you have no idea how good that felt, how good your pussy is” He mumbles, pulling out of me.
I whimper as he places a light kiss to my pussy, before coming up and placing a kiss to my forehead.
“Such a good girl for me. Did I make you feel good?” He asks.
“Yes so good Matt, I don’t know how I’m supposed to go even a day without you fucking me now” I laugh.
“Who says you’ll have to?” He smirks back, getting up to clean up, asking if I needed anything and then laying down next to me pulling me close.
TAGLIST: @sturnphilia @thatonekid536 @cupidsword @loveesiren @daddyslilchickenfingers @christinarowie332 @ilovemattsturn @mattenthusiast @its-jennarose @lxvlysworld @lovingsturniolo @iwantmattsobad @secret-sturniolo @mattsd0ll @jjmaybankswifes-blog
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enhaheeseung · 10 months ago
At your service l. Heeseung
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Pairing: live in maid heeseung x rich fem reader
Warnings: age gap, crying, angst, heartbreak, I think I’ll post like three more chaps before the end I hope you all enjoy
• Masterlist
• WC: 2,127k
Finally, it was your birthday today, and heeseung had almost everything prepared.
The gifts he had gotten you still needed to be wrapped. He bought a book with writing prompts in it since you were still struggling with the continuation of your book.
He also got you something really really special and really really expensive so expensive that he’d be even more late paying off his student loans but for you it was worth it without a doubt.
He made a strawberry cake from scratch, remembering that you loved anything that included strawberries.
He smiled to himself while he worked on the final touches of your surprise in the kitchen.
It’s crazy cause just a couple months ago he didn’t know how to cook and he barely had a penny to his name and now he’s baking you cakes from start to finish and buying you luxurious jewelry.
He decided to forego the candles on the cake since you were always so conscious about your age for reasons he did not understand.
He didn’t mind the age gap, truthfully; he kind of actually liked it at first. Yeah, he was just interested in having sex with an older woman, and that’s very douchey, he’ll admit that, but now there's so much more to you than sex.
Don’t get him wrong, sex with you is amazing, perfect, absolutely marvelous, but now that he’s grown to learn more about you, everything with you is amazing, perfect, and marvelous, even the little things.
Chatting with you is fun, cuddling with you is fun, going out with you is fun, and watching you concentrate and write your book is fun. Things he never even liked doing before are now some of his favorite things to do. He loves reading books to you, and he used to hate reading. He’s usually an outdoor person, but he loves staying indoors with you. Cooking was the last thing on his list of things to do, and now he wakes up early in the morning to happily prepare breakfast for you just so he can see your eyes light up with joy.
He’s so in love that he’s doing things he would have never even dreamed of just to make you happy and give you what you deserve.
He put his whole heart into decorating the cake and the kitchen where he’d be throwing your little party later on. “You think mommy’s gonna love the surprise?” He bent down, patting Bruno on his little head.
Heeseung had dressed him up for the occasion, a blue bow tie around his neck identical to the one he was wearing.
Meanwhile, Bruno was busy trying to lick the frosting off the tip of the frosting bag. “Bad puppy,” Heeseung sighed and stood up so he could put the finishing touches on everything and make it perfect for you.
About 30 minutes later he was done everything was set up nicely and he snapped a few pictures before he gave you your gifts.
“Hee can I come down now?” You asked anxiously half nervous half excited you’d be stuck in your bed all day since morning.
Your mind drifts back to earlier when you both woke up in the morning and the soft loving touches he left on your body.
You cupped your flushed cheeks you could still feel his hands on your skin you could still remember the way felt inside you and you could still hear the sweet nothings he whispered in your ear.
That was the perfect way to start your birthday morning, and it was even more perfect when he brought you breakfast in bed.
Hints why you’ve been in bed all day he treated you like a princess and wouldn’t let you lift a single finger today.
He smiles looking in the direction of your voice. “Wait one more minute darling!” he picked up Bruno and set him on the kitchen counter making sure their bow ties were neat. “Okay you can come down!” He called to you his phone in hand so he could record your reaction and it didn’t disappoint.
You took one last step down the stairs and walked to the kitchen, turning the corner to see your whole entire dining space completely decorated with all your favorite colors there were balloons a banner that said happy birthday and then there were your two boys looking at you. “Surprise!” Heeseung said with a bright smile on his face.
“Oh my gosh,” you cupped your hands over your mouth in awe of what he had prepared just for you.
“Happy birthday, baby. I hope you love it,” he said shyly, and you ran over to him with your arms spread.
“Thank you I do love it hee so much” you kissed his cheek and looked at Bruno. “My boys are so handsome” you patted his head. “But I love you more” you said wrapping your hands around his neck kissing him properly this time.
“Hmm” he grins gripping your waist. “I’m glad baby now are you ready for the presents?” He asked rubbing your lower back softly as he ended the recording and set his phone on the counter top.
You nodded, smiling excitedly with anticipation.
“Wait here love I’m gonna go grab them from upstairs” he jogged upstairs he was so excited for you to see what he got you.
“Daddy the best, isn’t h-?” Your words were cut through when a ding on heeseung’s phone went off.
The phone lit up for a few seconds with a message and dimmed a few moments later.
Heeseung was rummaging through his drawer in search of your presents he opened the box with the piece of jewelry and when the light hit it just right it was mesmerizing.
He wanted to buy a promise ring for you, but he also didn’t want to rush into things so quickly and risk making you uncomfortable or feel pressured into anything, so he opted for something that you could still wear every day, just without the heavy commitment.
It was a custom piece a half heart made out of white gold and tiny little diamond’s with his initial on it the other half identical except it was made out of onyx and it completed the heart when put together.
He though it was a perfect idea cause now that way you both could always have a piece of each other close to your hearts.
The notifications on heeseung’s phone were nonstop, so you decided to look at them. He kept his phone unlocked, so you doubted he’d care. Plus, with as many texts coming in, it sounded urgent. You called for him upstairs, but he just responded with. “I’ll be down soon, baby,” as he was wrapping the last of your presents.
You shrugged and took a peak just to make sure everything was fine, and you wished you hadn’t.
“Bro, you’re never going to believe this.”
“Answer me!”
“Or can you not because you’re fucking your boss again?”
“When are you going to stop stringing that poor girl along just make the money and leave like you said she probably thinks you love her.”
Your hand instantly cupped your mouth and your heart was racing as you read the texts over and over again.
Your body moved in its own and you charged upstairs to confront him. “Y/n? What are you doing up here you’re gonna ruin the surprise” he chuckles turning his back so you can’t see anything just yet.
“You mean this surprise?” You hold up his phone, walking over to him, and shoving it in his face so he can read the messages and his face drops. “What the fuck is this heeseung?!” You shout on the verge of tears.
“Baby…” he looked over at you, his eyes filled with fear.
“Don’t fucking baby me. Just what is this heeseung?” He flinched from your yelling, his expression softening as he tried to think of what he should say.
“T-that’s not true, y/n. I do love you; I jus-”
“Then why is your friend talking to you about this?” Your voice gave out while you searched his eyes, hoping to find some type of answers.
“I-I,” he sighs, stumbling over his words before he decides to just tell you the truth. “In the beginning, it was true, and I know I’m wrong for that baby. I’m so-“
“Don’t” you stopped him right there that’s all you needed to hear. “And don’t call me that anymore.”
“Y/n, please just let me expl-“
“There’s no explanation, heeseung, just go,” you told him weekly and tossed the phone on his bed in disappointment. You really thought he was different turns out he’s just like the rest, but with him, it hurt just a little more than all the others.
“Y/n…” he tried to reach for you before you left.
“I said go!” His mouth was parted open for a moment and it closed as you were walking away he reached for you again but you shook his hand off and this time you turned around smacking him right across his face the loud slap echoing in the silent room.
He gasped at the sting of the slap, his eyes getting teary.
Bruno was upstairs now, barking loudly at heeseung as you both stared at each other with hurt in both of your teary eyes.
He cupped his cheek, his heart breaking in his chest as he tried to register what was even happening. This couldn’t be true. This all had to be some type of cruel, sick joke.
In the morning, you both made love and now you’re fighting.
For the first time in a long time, he was finally happy, and now this happens.
“Just get your shit and go” You left the room, Bruno walking on your trail as you went into your bedroom to try and make sense of what just happened.
Heeseung stood there speechless, swallowing the lump in his throat as hot tears trickled down his cheek.
He sat on the bed holding your necklace in his hand, clutching it tightly.
“They’re all the same, aren’t they, buddy? But you would never do that to me, huh?” You grabbed his small body, sitting him on your chest, and you didn’t even cry. You’ve been hurt too many times for that. You just stared lifelessly at the ceiling, and you knew only time would make this pain and disappointment go away.
Heeseung had slowly packed all of his things his limbs feeling heavy with every move and within an hour the room looked like how it did when he first got there.
He couldn’t believe he was actually leaving. It just didn’t feel real.
But the heavy suitcase in his left hand was enough of a sign that this was indeed real.
He knew you probably didn’t want to talk or even see his face right now, but he can’t give up on you like this.
He had to at least try.
“Y/n?” He knocks on your door softly, and you don’t respond. Resting his forehead against the wooden door, he tries to twist the knob, and he’s not surprised that it’s locked. “Please, baby, open up. I love you I love you so much. Everything you saw is true, but then I got to know you, and I just couldn’t help but fall for you. In the beginning, I was just young and dumb. I wasn’t taking life seriously, but when I met you, you were just so open and mature. You told me about your past, and I felt for you. I could see how hurt you were, and I knew you couldn’t trust people, so I wanted to take that all away. I wanted to show you what trust and love could really be like. I grew into a man you could love and be loved by, and you’re just so perfect I can’t lose you now, darling.” he waits a solid five minutes, and it’s nothing but silence other than his cries by the tenth minute with no answer he gets up off the floor grabbing his luggage and wiping his tears. “I love you, y/n,” he says one last time before walking down the staircase.
He looks back at your mansion a sad smile on his face when he saw your birthday decorations still up how could such a special day end up like this.
He leaves his spare key on the lampstand and walks out, locking the door behind him.
He walked the path downstairs a frown on his face when he saw the sunflowers that you both planted together starting to bud.
He wouldn’t be around to see them bloom or your guy's relationship.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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notscarsafe · 1 year ago
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Okay, so in honor of all the Hermits stirring things up on Twitter today, let's REALISTICALLY consider Season Ten. What do we know, what are our clues, actually???
(Speculating and overanalyzing are really fun so I'm just going to embrace my tendency to Listify Everything and spill my thoughts on Season Ten under the cut!)
First Evidence: The Words of the Hermits.
Nine Days ago Scar said in his Jellie tribute video that Season Ten was “Just around the corner”. Five days ago on the 18th, right after the Hermit meeting that probably finalized their start of the season plans, Cub posted his cryptic tweet whose incorrect capitalizations spelled out “SEASON TEN SOON”. I can't imagine either of those hermits using that phrasing if the season start was more than a month away.
What's more, Gem posted yesterday the 23 that “If hermitcraft s10 doesn’t start soon I’m gonna explode!!!” I can't imagine Gem being that impatient unless there was only a couple of weeks or maybe just one week left before filming.
Second Point to Consider: Hermit Conscientiousness.
The Hermits sre generally really kind to each other and have known when the Hermitcraft Vault Hunters challenge was going to end (Jan 31st, midnight) for months. Per Iskall, the videos of the Herald Vault will drop February 1rst and I can't imagine they'd want video competition between that content and the new season.
Clue Three: The Streaming Activities of the Hermits.
The sheer amount of time Joe has spent playing Vault Hunters lead me to believe they can't have started filming for Season 10 yet. Seriously, when Joe finally has a day without a bonus Vault Hunters stream I'm gonna get mighty suspicious. Joe has streamed more than three hours of Vault Hunters every single day for a week. There was Wednesday when he did his art stream, but I wouldn't expect that to have been a launch day because:
Fact Four: Editing turn around times are so grindy.
The traffic series always has a several day turn around for editing time (IE film Monday post Friday) and several Hermits still struggle to get them out on those days. Even if the hermits were going to ignore the Vault Hunters conflict and start filming season ten this week, tomorrow even, they'd just barely have enough time to squeeze those videos out before the Herald Vault videos. As I'm editing this post Impulse just said he's trying to finish his office reorg this week and have a tour out next week. That does not sound like 'filming this week and editing the new season opener' behavior.
If it goes as Iskall indicated on stream, the Vault Hunter hermits will film the Herald Vault and post as soon as possible on February 1st, meaning the earliest they could kick off season ten would be Friday the 2nd. Even if they film on then I can't imagine them dropping new season videos/having them edited any earlier than Monday the 5th. Furthermore:
Clue Five: A lot of Hermits are very protective of their weekends.
Pearl for example almost didn't join the Decked Out visitor day because it was a weekend. It may be that Monday the 5th would be the more likely earliest useable day for filming after Vault Hunters ended. With editing turn around, we'd guess the start date to be Friday at least.
In Conclusion:
My totally bullshit overanalyzed but still blind guess is that the Hermits will film season ten starting February 5th and will drop videos sometime between February 7th and 9th.
That being said, Cub's cypher today that may have just been trolling said season ten would be “sooner than we'd think” so they may surprise me yet.
Keep an eye out for days where no hermits stream or days where Joe does a brief “1 hour chill stream” to see when the Hermits might be suspiciously behind the scenes. I won't be mad if I'm wrong, overthinking is fun. Either way I hope you join me in hypong up the new season and the new Hermits joining the Hermit Fam. I can't wait!
(Note: this post originally reported the herald vault videos as dropping the 2nd which was an estimate from a stream, but Iskalls video today reported they'd drop the first and this post has been edited to reflect that ❤️)
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years ago
about ur last post, if Im first i just want sub! intersex! nat and dom! reader. just reader tying nat up and then giving her messy head and then after that riding her (if u dont write intersex characters it can be with a cum filled strap too) 🙏🏻
smut below the cut: Sub!Natasha, Dom!reader ( with powers), brat!Natasha, cum filled straps.
Let me know if you want a part 2
For a trained spy and Avenger, you didn't think that your girlfriend would be caught doing something silly as trying on your straps while you were gone as she was always on alert when you were out of the house.
For a trained spy and Avenger, you didn't think that your girlfriend would be caught doing something silly as trying on your straps while you were gone as she was always on alert when you were out of the house.
The day had started with Natasha deciding to brat out, something she rarely does as she always wants to be the best for her Mommy. It was out of character for you too and you gave her the appropriate punishment before leaving for the day to deal with some paperwork for Tony.
" I want you to be a good girl for Mommy Natty," you tell her, grabbing her chin with her hand so she makes eye contact.
" Yeah yeah I get it," she says and rolls her eyes at you.
" I'm going to go finish some paperwork from my last mission and I better have my sweet little princess back or else I won't be nice to you, Natty baby," you say and kiss her on the cheek before going to work.
As the door closes to your shared apartment, Natasha makes a run to your bedroom, feeling excited that she's been left alone to do what she wants.
" What she wants" is looking into your stash of toys to try on the new cum filled strap that you had explicitly ordered for Natasha to use on a special occasion.
" Mommy is going to love this," Natasha tells herself, being extra careful not to damage the box so that she can put it back right before you show up. She had seen you put on straps many times to know what to do, smiling at herself as she does it.
Meanwhile, you were in pure hell finishing these reports for Tony, Wanda keeping you company as she waits for Tony to get done with some little glitches on her Zynthazoid companion.
" How's Natasha doing Anyways? I haven't seen her in a week and I need her to tell me her food recipe I'm making", Wanda says and you cover your hands in your face trying not to remember her attitude from earlier in the morning.
" Being a brat at home," you tell her.
" Yet here you are at work while she's free to be a brat alone at your apartment y/n?" Wanda asks.
" I should be back in about 2 more hours though," you pause," not like she'd risk pissing me off more".
" You need to use that new spell I showed you about," your team members tell you," since I know it'd be a hit for you".
" Why do I feel like you've used this speel before Wanda....." you tell her suspiciously.
" All I'm saying is that it happened before Vision happened and the girl felt amazing".
Using your magic, you finish the reports with the snap of your finger and get the spell from your friend. Natasha was going to have a night to look for.
an hour  and a half later
Natasha had looked through all your strap collection but her attention could not get past the new one with the cum reservoir, mind going to nasty thoughts. Failing to hear the door to the apartment open to hear you come in.
“ oh princess I’m home!!!!” You call out, frowning when you aren’t greeted by an obedient Natasha waiting for her mommy like always.
You call your girlfriend again and after a couple of minutes look around the apartment until you make it to your shared bedroom.
“ What are you doing with mommy’s new strap princess?”
 Natasha quickly turns around to see you leaning on the door frame, anger written all over your face that she’s discovered your new toy. 
“ I’m using your toy mommy,” She proudly proclaims” just like you”. 
“ Even after being a brat you still decide to look at what mommy was gonna keep a surprise? Oh, you dumb slut,” and all Natasha do is stay silent as you get closer to her, unsure of what to say that can get her on your good side. Yet one part of her wants to push your buttons.
“ get on the bed you dirty slut,” you order.
“ I wasn’t even touching myself Mommy I was being good-“
“ is my sweet little princess talking back? “
With no time to spare, your girlfriend gets on the bed, feeling a bit afraid of the punishment that you’ll be giving her. She sits patiently on the bed with her back on the bed frame when she feels your magic tie her hands behind her back as you giggle at the sudden movement. Once her hands are comfortably tied, the strap that Natasha had abandoned earlier is back attached to her body comfortably and she wonders whether this is a punishment for her or pleasure. 
“Mommy why is the strap on me-” 
“ Shut your mouth Natty, let me do my spell, and then I might tell you” she hears you explain, mesmerized as always when you practice or even do magic in front of her. The movement of your hands calms her down a bit while she wonders what you might have planned for her tonight. 
“ Can you be a good girl for me princess?” you ask the woman above you, slowly pumping the fake cock when Natasha starts to whine a bit at the feeling. You start to giggle the more speed you pump the strap as all your girlfriend can do is whine and whimper in defeat that she’s tied to the bed with your body holding down her legs. 
“ Princess,” you say as you grab her chin,” Mommy used a special spell on you so that you feel me”. Natasha might have superhuman strength compared to you, and easily throw your body off but she loves when you praise her for being a good princess. Natasha has already done so much to piss you off today, not a good idea to add onto your punishment. 
“ You are going to be a good girl and sit here while Mommy is going to use you, I think that should be fine right honey? Especially after the stressful day that you caused me to have I think that I deserve that huh ?” 
“ Can you do that for me, sweet Princess?” 
“ Yes mommy I can” she responds back as you slowly begin to pump the cock. 
Natasha doesn’t know what’s coming tonight.
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bivwifeybunny · 1 year ago
I here by request Foolish fluff that can allude to smut!
Maybe reader has a headache and Foolish ends stream early to comfort her and she starts feeling better and then things lead into the bedroom..
(Also may I have permission to write the smut part? Like you put out the fluff and then I give the part 2 that’s smut 👀)
My Special Girl
Pairing(s): Foolish x reader
Warning(s): Cursing, alluded smut (actual smut in the part 2 hehehe 🤭), mostly just fluff tho
A/N: RAHHH I'm finally posting a fic after.... uhhh idk but a LONG time. haha... yeah sorry about that. but HEY it's a foolish fic and that's something new. shrimpy here convinced me to start writing for him (it wasn't hard since i cant say no to shrimpy lmao) but yeah, this is a little collab I did with her. so as said in the ask, she wrote part 2 with the actual smut. I loved writing this and working with her honestly. she helped with a couple questions I had and was really patient with me (i took 11 days to finish this lol rip) so would def do again. also my first collab? im so excited for y'all to read this. anyways this is getting long, enjoy and the link for part two is at the end.
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You already felt it coming on. The tension building behind your eyes and the strain forming at your temples. But you’d be cruel to deny him when he looked at you with that cute pout. So you walked off, popped an ibuprofen and came back, sitting next to him as you watched him play some Minecraft.
However, the ibuprofen was definitely not enough. Thanks to his bright ass lights, the less than cozy screaming and yelling, and the eye strain from staring at the monitors, your headache began to worsen.
“I thought Minecraft was supposed to be a relaxing game.” You groaned, eyes squinted as you struggled to keep up with the pvp he was doing.
“Maybe it could be, if Richarlyson wasn’t being such a little bITCH!” Foolish screamed, resulting in another wince from you. His fingers darted around, clicking away as he chased after the little pixelated egg.
And then came the barking.
The back and forth, screaming, barking, with the added touch of his way too bright lights and the blue light from the monitors made you groan again. You leaned your head down, your hand covering your eyes, trying to find some relief. He was so excited to show you his progress on the titan, and you promised you’d at least stay long enough to see it, but you weren’t sure how much longer you could take this.
Luckily though, most of the screaming and barking stopped when Richas made a strategic retreat and teleported away. So you were able to look back at the monitor when he called your name.
“Okay, finally. Alright, alright, look.” Foolish grinned as he warped over to his titan build and began to glide over to it. “Now, I’m obviously not completely done but I’m so close, and I only really have- No, no, nO, NO!” He whined as a creeper dropped down next to him and exploded, ruining a part of the hand.
And unfortunately for you, that note struck the wrong cord and the pounding in your head grew past your limit. “Foolish, I’m gonna go lay down, okay?” You whispered, not only because of the throbbing in your head but also so his chat wouldn’t hear. You hurried off screen, heading back into his bedroom and crawling into bed after ensuring all the lights were off. You tossed the blankets over your head and buried your face into the cool pillow, hoping it’d ease the pain.
Meanwhile, as soon as you left, the doozers were all spamming things like “what happened to ___?”, “i dont think they were feeling well”, “they had their head down earlier”, “are they okay?” and so on.
Foolish, however, didn’t even glance at chat as he hurried off of Minecraft. “I think I’m gonna call it a day, guys. Sorry this was a shorter stream than usual.” He apologized for his 3 hour stream before quickly ending.
As soon as he was sure he ended, he rushed over to his room. He frowned at the dark room and the faint outline of your body curled up under the blankets. “Baby?” He called out quietly, climbing onto the bed next to you. He leaned over, propped up on his elbow and gently drew back the blankets. “What’s wrong?”
“Head hurts.” You muttered, eyes still shut tightly, jaw clenched.
“Aw, I’m sorry, honey.” He whispered softly, turning you to face him before rubbing his thumbs over your eyebrows, a silent instruction to relax from your tense position. “Should’ve told me. I wouldn’t have asked you to come on stream if I’d known you weren’t feeling good. Did you take anything to help it?”
“Just ibuprofen but’s not working.” You answered, leaning into his touch with a soft sigh, making him smile.
“Well, here. Why don't we try a bit of this?” Foolish mumbled, pulling you on top of him. “Where does it hurt?” He asked, to which you muttered, “My temples ‘nd behind my eyes,” snuggling into his warmth. He nodded, moving his hands to your head and beginning to massage your temples gently, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You sighed in relief, relaxing your stiff position even more as he rubbed away all the tension, humming in a soothing, soft tone. You stayed like that for a while, letting Foolish work his magic while you cuddled him close.
After a little while he kissed your head again and moved his hands away, hugging you instead. “Feel any better?”
“Good.” He smiled softly. “And I hope you know I’m going to absolutely clowned on by chat tomorrow and it’s all your fault.” He teased with a playful smirk.
“I say it’s worth it. They already get to spend way too much time with you as is. It’s about time I stole you away from them for a little while.” You laughed, lifting your head to look up at him before smirking. “But if you really want me to make it up to you, I have an idea in mind I’m sure you’d like.”
“Oh ho ho ho.” Foolish giggled excitedly, meeting you halfway when you leaned up to kiss him. “Don’t mind if I do…” He smirked into the kiss, flipping you over. “But since my baby was hurting, why don’t you let me take care of you?”
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Part 2 :D by @mentallyillcrustacean
Taglist: @jordyncandy @foxilia @lacunaanonymoused @remiwastaken
Foolish taglist: none yet :)
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honey-crypt · 9 months ago
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a/n: i love this! i'm gonna do sfw for now cuz i'm low on the nsfw juice but i will try to write a nsfw part in the future so this can act as its own part or a standalone :D also sorry for prematurely posting your request, i got butter fingers
★ elliott & the farmer - the first of many ★
★ elliott had prepped for this day at least a month in advance, he prides himself on his planning skills (except when it comes to his novel but that's beside the point)
★ he wakes the farmer up with breakfast in bed, it's a buffet of eggs, bacon, toast, and so on with his homemade coffee on the side, and completes it with a bombardment of smooches
★ the farmer is a bit groggy and out of it when this happens but eventually reciprocates the kisses with a sleepy smile
★ elliott informs them about the agenda for day, a variety of fun activities for the both of them to do together, such as a private dinner at the saloon and get their painting done by leah
★ the farmer asks elliott about the farm responsibilities and he ensures them that he has it covered
★ cue the farmer peering out the window and seeing penny, jas, vincent, jodi, kent, sam, marnie, and shane working on the farm
★ elliott explains that he convinced penny to do it as an educational experience and she invited the kids' families to help out as a part educational, part family bonding day
★ the farmer, relieved, gestures for elliott to join them back in bed and the two share the breakfast that he prepared
★ after breakfast, elliott takes the farmer down to the beach and to the docks, where the pair enjoy one another's company while their bare feet and legs dangle off the dock's end
★ willy stops by and hands elliott the items he requested earlier in the week, some hemp yarn and a drill
★ noticing the farmer's confusion, he explains that he thought it would be a cute idea to collect seashells on the beach and make one another bracelets, similar to how they worn their mermaid pennant necklaces as a sign of their matrimony
★ the farmer didn't think they could fall even deeper in love with elliott, but time after time, they've been proven wrong and this was just one of the many moments
★ the married couple head off to the beach and begin combing the sands for seashells
★ the farmer and elliott each pick the other person 3 seashells and fasten the shells through the hemp yarn before presenting their counterpart with the finished bracelet
★ elliott's bracelet had a scotch bonnet, a dog head triton, and a partridge tun while the farmer's had a true tulip, an angular trition, and an apple murex
★ they took turns tying the bracelet around their partner’s wrist and exchanged a kiss once they both had their bracelets on
★ next on the agenda was by cindersap woods, where elliott and the farmer found leah with painting supplies in hand and standing by an ornate bench
★ elliott and the farmer listen to leah’s directions, the couple holding one another’s hand while they sat down on the bench as their pose
★ it took all of the farmer’s mental energy not to try and move a muscle, the slightest twitch earning them a side eye from leah
★ it felts like hours went by before the farmer and elliott were allowed to move and get off the bench, their butts sore from sitting for so long
★ leah shows the pair the painting and both of them are in awe at how beautiful it is, the farmer didn’t realize how much of a talented painter leah truly is and compliments her on such an incredible piece of art
★ elliott also shares his praises about the painting and thanks leah for doing this for them
★ leah informs the pair that the painting will be ready for transport by tomorrow or so, it needed time to dry off
★ with the painting session all finished and bidding goodbye to leah, elliott takes the farmer off to the saloon for their dinner reservation
★ gus greets them with smiles and directs them into the private dining space, taking their dinner orders
★ once they’re situated at the dining table and waiting on their food, elliott sets a neatly wrapped gift in front of the farmer
★ the farmer chuckles and does the same, setting down an emerald color box in front of elliott
★ the farmer tells elliott to open his anniversary present first since he had already done so much for their anniversary
★ elliott understands their logic and unwraps his gift, revealing it to be a new set of duck feather pens and squid ink, completed with a small note
★ elliott reads the note from the farmer and in TEARS, as the note sings his praises and how much the farmer adores and loves him
★ the farmer wipes away his tears and gives him angel kisses, thanking him for giving them such a wonderful anniversary celebration
★ elliott laughs through his tears and by then, gus returns with their meals (elliott - crab cakes, the farmer - spaghetti and meatballs)
★ as the dinner goes on, the farmer unwraps their gift from elliott and finds that they were given a new set of boots and a journal
★ the farmer peers into the journal and sees that it’s a collective of poems and entries from elliott that span from the night of their wedding to now
★ the farmer can’t help but sob at elliott’s love for them, how dedicated and caring he is
★ the two of them quickly finish dinner and take some of gus’s famous pink cake home for dessert
★ back at the farmhouse, the farmer embraces elliott and cries happily about how much of an amazing anniversary celebration this day was
★ elliott peppers their face with kisses and tells them that their anniversary isn’t over just yet, as they lead them towards the small pond on the farm
★ lights flash and the farmer sees that someone had decorated the area with fairy lights and flowers, soft classical music playing in the background
★ elliott extends a hand to the farmer and asks them to dance, to which the farmer gives an astounding ‘yes’
★ as the music plays, the married couple waltzes the night away, almost identical to their first dance as spouses
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noxxuniverse · 2 months ago
heyy! it’s 🌻anon! sorry i haven’t been on here in awhile, but i have two success stories!
so ive been busy with finals and shit but i decided to affirm that im gonna get 95% or higher on all of them, and we have like seven finals that we’ve had to take throughout the week. ive gotten the results for two. on my literature final i got full marks!! my teacher pulled me aside and told me since my close friend also got full marks, but that was reassuring. i also got a 98% on one religion final out of two (i go to a private school). we just finished them today but bro im excited to see my grades for them 😭😭
(( next one is a huge ass ramble to ill make a TL;DR at the end so you don’t have to read all of it if you don’t want to lmao ))
the second thing i manifested was my desired best friend! this was the one i was really excited for so it was kind of hard to keep my mind off it. so backstory i used to be friends with this guy when i was like reallyyy little im talking early elementary school days. obviously i mean usually you don’t stick with your friends from kindergarten but over the past year ive kind of had more of a liking to him since he’s one of the few people i actually went to elementary, middle, and now high school with. problem is he’s talked with my friend group before but every time he comes it’s like there’s an argument between two of my friends 😭😭
so he rotated at the beginning of the year between my friend group and his og one and i would get really happy once he talked with my friend group for a couple days but then he’d go back to his old one for two weeks. i eventually just developed the mindset that he just doesn’t want to be in our friend group and will only stay for a couple days, so huge mistake #1. this continued for like 2 months until he just completely stopped talking to us until the beginning of this week.
i found out about the manifestation community and i wanted to try to manifest him just to ‘test it out’ and literally the first few times i tried doubts just took over. i was relying on the “3D” but i stopped over consuming (hence why i haven’t been on this for two weeks) and read a few posts that kind of made it click. i tried again last Wednesday and kept affirming and shutting down doubts even on one day when it just felt impossible. on Tuesday, he started talking to us again and we went after school to study for finals together, but he’s still talking with his old group a lot. Wednesday, he talked with us again even though like on Tuesday he’s talking with his old group of friends (they’re really toxic btw, ive heard things from somebody in my friend group that used to be friends with the people he’s close friends with in the outer world rn). Yesterday, talked again and called after school. ik like i described earlier usually before he’d just talk to us for a few days then run off but it feels different now after finding the loa community, like it’s actually working and im so excited ❤️❤️
over the past week ive started manifesting my desired best friend after multiple attempts and the outer world is starting to conform! i want a little more, but i can tell that it’s starting to reflect and im really excited for what’s to come
thanks for listening to my rambling and you’ve helped me a lot through your blog, actually!! hope you have a good rest of your day and ill try and be more active lmaoo
I'm glad to have been able to help you as well!!
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bittersweet-n-smilin · 6 days ago
You said you'd make a post with all of those relationship questions so here is me asking for ALL. If you want.
OH BOY HERE WE GO I really hope this doesn't post before I finish it because I'm gonna be working on it during small homework breaks lol. Kedvio Sweep.
A/N: A couple mentions of alcohol and one of the prompts is a little suggestive. Be Ye Warned. Also ty tumblr for not posting this before I was ready.
How did they first meet?
Clematis damn near runs him over while he's making deliveries on main street. She quickly scuttles off, so they aren't officially introduced until the next fireside meeting.
What was their first impression of each other?
Clematis: "What is his angle? Why did he give me a housewarming gift? Is he trying to get something out of me? I have my eye on you. No one is ever that nice to a stranger."
Arvio: "Holy Shit New Friend! Everyone is saying she makes them nervous, but I think she's just shy. I saw her feeding the strays earlier. She can't be that bad!"
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Absolutely not at first. Clematis was initially distrustful of the town and everyone in it, fearful of being held in a contract so far away from home (even though it was the only job she could get), and the Sandrockers definitely felt that. She kept to herself, rarely spoke, acted cold, and usually spent what little cash she made at the saloon. Arvio was the only one who jumped to make friends with her and stuck with it the whole time. Amirah didn't want her brother riling up someone who could potentially be malicious, but he tried anyway.
After Ked had opened up a bit more and made more friends, people simply believed Arvio's crush on her wouldn't go anywhere and didn't want his poor, dramatic heart crushed because that would potentially cause chaos. Something would go horribly wrong and he'd just be rejected. They were wrong.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Arvio 100% started crushing first. He had a "wow cute girl wow" moment when he saw her for the first time while Jasmine was tugging her along on a town tour, and it just kinda kept building on itself. He didn't realize how bad he had it for her until the picnic where she said she'd be rooting for his store's success. She looked way too pretty in the sunlight.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
No, but Ked had no clue she was even crushing on him until he confessed his feelings. Oblivious Level 100. Call it unconscious resistance if you will.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Arvio would believe it and swoon so hard. He's a romantic and a believer in fate like that.
Clematis would laugh because she thinks she's immune to romance and "besides stuff like that doesn't happen to me."
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
I feel like it would have taken them longer to reach personal growth if they didn't. They'd both be fine and lead good lives, but there's a lot of things they couldn't have done without the other. It would have been a lot of the same-old same-old.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Arvio did. I love his reverse confession. It was such a suprise on my first playthrough.
In typical Arvio fashion, he hatched a plan to create the perfect romantic confession. He invited Clematis to a masquerade party under the pretense of it being his sister's "birthday-plus," which is supposedly a tradition back in his home country. This is not questioned, and even Amirah plays along with it. Upon arriving at his house on the day of the party, she finds it decorated with flowers and heart-shaped balloons. Arvio then admits that he made up the whole "birthday-plus" thing, instead planning a private moment for just the two of them (something she had mentioned finding romantic and sweet when she helped him and Burgess set up an anniversary suprise for Rian and Dan-bi). The two then dance before Arvio pours his heart out and confesses his feelings. Ked then realizes "Oh I have a crush. Oh I think I like him!" and agrees to be his girlfriend. Kinda. She just sorta bluescreens for a minute before saying "I have a crush on you" and then says "okay" when asked if that was a yes. She tried.
I recommend just watching it I have it right here. It's so sweet and cute and I love it.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
The day after Ked accepted his confession, Arvio dragged her out on a date. She'd never done anything like this before, so she was bluescreening the whole time. She nearly combusted when he held her hand. They kept it pretty simple for a first date, just going out to eat and talking by the oasis afterwards. It was a bit overwhelming for Ked, and she almost can't take it at points, but it made her happy in the end.
What was their first kiss like?
Arvio wanted to kiss her after she accepted his feelings, but it was clear she had never done anything like this before so he just kissed her forehead as to not overwhelm her (she was already short-circuiting he didn't wanna break his new girlfriend). While they were working their way up to the first kiss, Ked would timidly ask for cheek kisses by getting his attention then tapping her face. I just wanted to mention that.
It was actually Ked that initiated the first kiss. She came over to his house after the shop was closed and told him "I would like to kiss you. I am finally ready for a kiss. Can we please kiss? Can you show me how?" He was super giddy but tried to play it calm and cool. Arvio took a bit more of a lead, but it was gentle and sweet. She then proceeded to ask for several more, much to his delight.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
Clematis' first everything, and Arvio's first serious relationship.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Arvio is canonically 5'8" and Clematis is 5'1" so that is a difference of 7 inches. Arvio is 20 and Ked is 21 at the start of the game so a bit over a year's difference.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Ked adores Arvio's family, especially Amirah. They're just so nice to her! They adore her as well. In turn, Arvio gets along pretty well with her folks.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Arvio, that beautiful beautiful extrovert. She always has his back though, and vice-versa when the need arises.
Who gets jealous easier?
Generally depends on the day, but I'd say Arvio. Mostly because he also tends to get jealous of Ked's work lol. Some days when the store is closed (like on Sunday during the church service), he'll just walk on over to her workshop and sit on her fence and watch her get commissions done.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Clematis treats this like an Olympic sport, mostly when she's been drinking or wants attention in a very "funny" way (she thinks he's cute when he's flustered). She mostly saves it for when they're in private when she's sober.
Who said “I love you” first?
Arvio 100%. He does not hesitate. He feels so deeply and strongly for her. Clematis, on the other hand, has to work up to it. For a while Arvio was met with "reciprocal feelings!" and "I very much like you too!" when he said "I love you." He thought it was cute how flustered she got trying to say it. When she finally did, he was over the moon about it. Everyone in town knew within a day, he wouldn't stop gushing about it.
What are their primary love languages?
They're both big on words of affirmation and acts of service. Arvio also likes physical touch and Ked likes quality time. Yes I know I was only supposed to choose one shhhhh.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Arvio. Arvio does. He thinks they're good too. And they work so he will keep using them.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
A lot. A ton. Always. They are velcro. They make-out in the corner of the saloon sometimes. Owen has to clap his hands at them to get 'em to stop like they're cats eating dryer sheets or something.
Who initiates kisses?
They both do, it just depends who's feeling needier at the moment. If you see them together, chances are they are going to kiss within the next 5 seconds.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
They like to switch it up. Any cuddles is good cuddles. They both like holding and being held.
What are their favorite things to do together?
They could genuinely talk for days on end and never get bored. They're also both big fans of the game center and have dates there often.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
That's a tough choice. Arvio is genuine and earnest and does everything he can to help, while Clematis is more experienced and knowledgeable in how to guide people out of distressing mental states. Genuinely can't make a choice here.
Who’s more protective?
Clematis. She's ready to go to war for this man. She would start fights in the street with anyone who insults him if she could. The only thing holding her back is the fact Arvio would be upset if she hurt someone and broke the law for his sake. It was cool the other times she did it for other reasons though. Get Fucked, Bronco.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Both. Both is good. For a while, Ked prefers verbal affection while she acclimates to physical affection, but once she does she's all over him all the time.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
There's a song a traveling musician plays in act 3 that is TOTALLY their song but I kinda don't wanna find it rn cuz I'm tired also spoilers I guess.
Also Line Without a Hook vibes fr
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Arvio will pull out every pet name in the book for her as well as write down a couple more. He is also one of the few people on earth who can call her Clemmy. Also if you haven't guessed Ked is another nickname for her. She likes to call him Vio and a ton of other pet names, but her favorites are Lover, Beloved, and Sweetie.
Who remembers the little things?
Arvio does. He has the ADHD power of his mind being a steel trap for only certain things and one of those things is Clematis. He's also good at reminding her of things since she often forgets stuff.
If they get married, who proposes?
Clematis proposes, and I even wrote an entire fic on it!
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
The wedding was beautiful and traditional in Church of the Light custom. Everyone in town came, even her shitty boss and arch enemy. She still has no idea how they got in or who told them about the wedding. They had a small reception with only a couple close friends and Arvio's sister afterwards. It was truly magical and happy. It would be a shame if there was a certain plot beat that would temporarily disrupt this happiness and make shit hit the fan via domino effect all because some ginger fuck wanted to catch a goat.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
I'm still kinda toying around with fankids, but so far I have a girl (Sabrina) and a boy (Arthur) who's a lot less fleshed out than his sister atm. I may add another at some point but I'm entirely unsure. You can only have 2 kids in game and Arthur isn't even born on my main save yet lmao.
Fun Fact: Arthur is named after Arvio's father because he felt like the type to do that.
Do they have any pets?
Clematis adopts the stray cats from around town and they are her babies. It's even better because I headcanon Arvio used to take care of one of them before Ked moved in.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Another where it's hard to say. Probably Clematis. They both try to be stern, but not overbearing and smothering.
Who worries the most?
Clematis probably, although they both have a tendency to get into their own heads. It's a dark day for the city if they're both caught in an anxiety loop. Schemes will be had.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Arvio puts them outside. He's her hero for real.
How do they celebrate holidays?
All of the holidays in Sandrock are pretty communal, so they mainly stick close by each other during the town's celebration. He loves watching her participate in the Chase of Memories, because it reminds him of how happy he was to see her start to open up to the town in her first year. She still has the same laugh as then when she's running around with everyone. She even convinces him to join in one year.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Arvio sleeps in a little later than she does, so he's mainly the one doing this. On her days off, though, she pulls the same stunt on him. They're just sleepy and like warm cuddles.
Who’s the better cook?
Arvio certainly isn't a bad cook, but never let him improvise. He literally used toothpaste as a substitute for bean paste one time. And saw nothing wrong with it. I get he grew up with not a lot to eat, but Arvio Please we have money for real ingredients don't do this it can't be healthy.
Who likes to dance?
Arvio loves to dance. It's a canon fact, especially apparent in his confession event. He is the only person Clematis wants to dance with. With him, she's not scared of messing up and looking like a fool. She just feels like a princess being swept off her feet by Prince Charming instead. Sometimes he'll just gently pull her into a waltz when all is quiet in their home, and it will feel as magical as the first time.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 1 year ago
Title: The Dark Night
Pairing: Jim Gordon/Reader
Rating: PG
Summary: You and Jim work from home on a case that's been plaguing him for years, have a spirited debate on what constitues a Christmas movie, and snuggle up on the couch with some takeout.
Notes: Part of this imagine was inspired by the gifs in this tweet. Also, this is a continuation of The Dark Morning. Lastly, I know I said that the smutty one would be posted the next day (which would be tomorrow) but that's probably not gonna happen. I'm going to try to get it posted by next week, but just know I have not forgotten about it.
Warnings: none
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You should’ve known that playing hooky with Jim Gordon didn’t mean you weren’t going to be doing any work the entire day. Initially you thought his excuse of wanting some time away from the precinct to work on the ongoing case against Carmine Falcone was merely an excuse to keep the Captain off your respective backs. But he wouldn’t be Jim Gordon if he neglected to do his job even for one day. It was one of the things you loved most about him, especially when it was getting more and more difficult to know who to trust in Gotham City.
   The rain hadn’t let up all day, not that you minded in the slightest. You hated the rain when you had to be outside, but loved it when you could stay in. Extra points if you could spend at least some of the time snuggling with your boyfriend, watching Netflix, which he had promised you would do.
   “Just as soon as I make some headway on this,” he said, his head already in his hands as he slouched over his case notes on Carmine Falcone. “I know he’s got a lot of people on his payroll, many of them high up. What I don’t know, and what I’m hoping you can help me with is who. I’ve got my suspicions, but —”
   “Your gut hasn’t been wrong yet,” you replied, wiping down the kitchen counter after you finished cleaning up your mess from your late brunch earlier in the afternoon. You draped the towel over the edge of the sink and made your way over to him.  “So who’s on your radar?” 
   He sighed as you sat in the seat beside him. “So far, a couple councilmen, a union official… Judge Faden —”
   “Faden?” Your stomach clenched at the thought. “He’s always talking about how much he hates corruption in Gotham.”
   “Well, that just makes him a hypocrite.”
   “Why do you think he’s on the take?”
   “I didn’t at first,” Jim answered, leaning back in his seat. “But then some of his decisions didn’t make any sense. He’s been fixing some of the trials. I think if I can find the pattern in the ones where he was lenient with the defendant, I just might be able to connect him directly to Falcone. And if I can do that…”
   He left the sentence hanging, a twinkle in his eye that he always got any time he felt like he was onto something. Jim loved nothing more than being a cop, his passion always shone through in his work. His enthusiasm and refusal to give up on the idea that things could be better in Gotham was part of him you loved even more than his work ethic.
   “Okay, so what do you got?” 
   “Alright, so take a look at this,” Jim said with a slight smile. He started going through every verdict Judge Faden had ever handed down, showing you the connection each of them had to one or another of Carmine Falcone’s businesses. It was quite a web, but one that with the right DA had real potential to move the needle. “The only problem is tieing Faden directly to Falcone. He’s smart, he keeps at least one or two degrees of separation. I know there’s a link somewhere, I’m just not seeing it.”
   You looked over each of the names he had investigated, noticing that they all were in different fields; some worked for the government in some capacity, others in the medical field, some were defense attorneys, and others still, were the pharmaceutical industry. There wasn’t much of a pattern, except it reinforced the theory that Falcone ran Gotham all but in name.
   “Favors?” you suggested. “Anything in Faden’s background that suggests he could use someone in his corner with high up connections like Falcone?”
   “Not that I could find,” Jim answered. “If anything, he’s the one doing the favors.”
   “What about Faden’s finances?” you asked. “I know you said on paper, he’s clean, but what about his family? He has a daughter, maybe there’s something under her name.”
   “No, I checked. There’s nothing. Not under his daughter’s name or his wife.”
   “What about his wife’s maiden name?”
   His eyes cut to yours. “I didn’t think of that.” He pulled out his phone and began scrolling through his contacts. 
   “It might be a dead end, but it’s worth a shot,” you replied with a shrug.
   “Let’s just hope McNichols can work his magic without anyone wondering what he’s doing,” he answered.
   “Worse case scenario, I can always reach out to my old partner in Starling City,” you offered. 
   “Are you kiddin? Falcone gets wind that someone from outside of Gotham is looking into him or any of his connections, he’ll silence them before we ever get close.”
   “Yeah, that’s a good point.”
   “McNichols — Gordon — Listen, I need you to look into something…”
   You stood and went into the kitchen to look in the fridge for something to make for dinner, but quickly realized there was nothing to be found. A look in the freezer didn’t help. There was a brisket in there, but there was no way it would defrost in time, and even if it did, the last thing you would be asking Jim to do would be to brave the freezing temperatures, not to mention the rain. With that in mind, you opened up the drawer where you kept the takeout menus since you weren’t about to suggest a grocery run either. 
   Dropping the menus on the counter for use later, you went into the living room and pushed the coffee table out of the way so that you had some space to work out. If you weren’t going to go to the gym or for a jog, you were going to at least get some crunches and planks in. As you laid on the floor, you could see Jim from the corner of your eye peering over the couch at you, his phone still pressed to his ear. 
   He strolled over to stand behind the couch, his hands settling on the back so that he could lean forward. “Are you really doing sit ups? I thought it was supposed to be a lazy day.”
   “You call going over case files lazy?” you asked with a smirk, your voice slightly breathless with exertion.
   “Hm, touchè.” He walked around the couch, coming to kneel at your feet. He placed his hands on the tops of your feet. “We’ll have to wait a while for McNichols, so, what’s next? After your crunches of course.”
   “If you work up a sweat with me, we can take a bath,” you suggested, doing two more crunches and stretching out your legs on either side of his knees.
   “We worked up a sweat this morning, I thought,” he replied. 
   You smiled up at him. “That was cardio, but you oughta get some strength training in, don’t you think?”
   He hummed, his mustache moving under his half smile as he moved so that his hands were on either side of your chest, holding his body above yours. He did a pushup, brushing your nose with his, which made you laugh. When he did another push up, you wrapped your legs around his trunk, arms going around his neck and shoulders.
   “You’re adding weight now?”
   “Oh come on, Sarge, show me those muscles,” you teased, not at all surprised when he pushed himself back up, bringing you along for the ride. What really impressed you was how relatively smooth he was in bringing you down. “Wow, consider me impressed.”
   “That’s good, cause I think that was the only one I had in me,” he replied, earning another laugh. He leaned in to whisper in your ear, “How about that bath?”
   You nodded, pulling your arms away to let him stand, and letting him help you up . “I vote for pizza or Chinese by the way.”
   “Let’s do Chinese, we haven’t had it in a while,” he said, following you into the bathroom. “And I think Die Hard. That's a good Christmas movie, isn’t it?”
   “It’s not Christmas yet, and Die Hard is not a Christmas movie,” you answered, going to turn the water on.
   “Excuse me?”
   “Just because it takes place on Christmas Eve doesn't automatically make it a Christmas movie,” you said pointedly.
   He pulled his shirt off, tossing it into the hamper on the other side of the bathroom. “It’s much more than the fact that it takes place on Christmas Eve, Y/N.”
   “Is it?” 
   “How is it that we’ve been together for a year and never had this conversation?” he asked.
   “Because last year, the month of December was a literal nightmare on crank. We hardly had time to scratch our asses, let alone watch a movie. Criminals must be tired this year. Besides, last December, we had just started dating. You let me pick the movie we watched on Christmas Eve, probably because you really wanted to get laid.”
   “No judgments, just saying,” you said, getting into the tub and scooting all the way forward to give him room to climb in behind you.
   He got into the tub while you put up your hair. “Anyway, it’s more than just the fact that it takes place on Christmas Eve. For one thing, the whole reason John McClane is in LA to begin with is because he’s trying to reconcile with his wife precisely because it’s Christmas. It being Christmas is also the reason for the robbery taking place that day. There’s even Christmas music throughout the entire thing.”
   “It’s an action movie,” you replied, leaning back against his chest.
   “So what? Every Christmas movie has to be all lovey-dovey, warm and fuzzy, cheesy —”
   “What do you have against warm and fuzzy?” you asked, suddenly offended on behalf of every Christmas romcom you’d ever seen.
   “Nothing, but you apparently have something against Christmas action movies.”
   “How many Christmas action movies are there again?” you asked with a smirk, looking up at him.
   “There’s more than you think.”
   “Name one besides Die Hard and Die Hard 2,” you challenged, gently dragging your nails over his thighs.
   “Home Alone,” he answered immediately.
   “What?! Home Alone is not an action movie,” you answered in a laugh.
   “It most certainly is. Just ‘cause the kid’s a juvenile doesn’t mean he gets a pass. It may be softer action because he’s a kid, but it’s action nonetheless.”
   You rolled your eyes. “Okay fine, Home Alone is an action movie. Name another.”
   “The Long Kiss Goodnight,” he said.
   “Okay, I give you that one but —”
   “Reindeer Games.”
   “Fine, but that —”
   “Invasion USA.”
   You could feel rather than see his smile against the shell of your ear as he casually picked up the soap and began to create a lather between his hands. Nudging you forward, he washed your arms and your back.
   “Are you ready to concede?” he asked, rinsing you off.
   You rolled your eyes, but the smile on your lips kept the bite out of it. “That Christmas action movies exist? Sure.”
   “And that Die Hard is one of those movies,” he said expectantly.
   Letting your head gently fall back onto his shoulder with a sigh. He chuckled against your neck, while you tried to keep your smile from getting any bigger.
   “Come on, sweetheart, you didn’t even give any reasonable argument as to why it can’t be considered a Christmas movie,” he said.
   “Because Christmas movies are about holiday cheer, and family, and togetherness.”
   “And John Mclane crashed his wife’s office Christmas party, where there was holiday cheer all around, in an effort to bring his family back together. So you see, it even fits your broad expectations of what constitutes a Christmas movie.” He kissed the spot below your earlobe. “Right?”
   “You’re really gonna make me say it?”
   “Absolutely,” he whispered.
   “Fine, Die Hard,” you rolled your eyes again and sighed, “is a Christmas movie,” you mumbled under your breath.
   “Say again?”
   You turned your head to look up at him with a grin on your face, biting your lip and repeating, “Die Hard is a Christmas movie.”
   “Yes,” he replied with a grin of his own.
   Taking up the soap, you turned around with a chuckle and straddled his hips, washing his chest and arms. “You know I’ve actually only seen it once, and I don’t even think I finished it,” you admitted.
   “You gotta be kidding me,” he said, sitting up so you could reach his back.
   “I honestly don’t remember, it was so long ago. I think I might’ve fallen asleep? It was in college, I’m pretty sure I’d been cramming for finals the night before.”
   He feigned a gasp while you rinsed him off, making you laugh. “Well, if you’re open to it, I would very much like to watch it with you.”
   Pretending to think about it for a moment, you began to rinse him off as you answered, “Tell you what, I’ll watch Die Hard with you if you watch The Nutcracker with me.”
   He let out a groan, his eyes closing.
   “Oh come on, I think you’d like it if you gave it a chance,” you said. 
   Groaning softly, he nodded. “Alright, you’ve got yourself a deal.”
   You carefully turned again to sit back against him and stayed in the tub to soak a bit longer before getting out and drying off. After dressing, you went to get Die Hard from the DVD rack while he ordered your food. The two of you sat on the sofa, with you between his legs and pulled the throw that was kept on the back of the couch over yourselves.
   “This has been a really great day,” he said while you clicked through the menu, queuing up the movie. 
   The rain outside had slowed down, but was still steadily falling, soaking the city of Gotham.
   “It has, hasn’t it?” you said. “I just hope it’s not raining again tomorrow, because we can’t ditch work again, which means that if it rains, I will cry.”
   He chuckled and tightened his arms around you. “Well, if it does, I’ll do everything I can to keep you from getting wet.”
   “It’s not so much me, but the bottoms of my pants. I hate that,” you answered. “Okay, ready?”
   “Oh, I’m always ready for Die Hard, baby.”
   You laughed and hit play, snuggling back against him and settling in to watch John Mclane sneak around an office building on Christmas Eve.
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fersauce47 · 15 days ago
I'm stuck inside my house again =/
If you'd have told me a month ago that I'd still be inside my home ranting on Tumblr, I would have told you to leave me alone. I may be a mess, sorry for being gone. But I'm back now and I made you some posts! =D What a beautiful day to be inside ranting on my PC.
First off, the world is changing. There's a lot going on, from the (not so) recent election to all the TikTok drama I won't mention by name, to the global warming, and to the lack of new music from my favorite artists like Bo Burnham.
The world is so fucked up. It needs direction from someone like me... a white man who has little problems. There's only one thing I can do, (While getting attention) and it's tell jokes. So if you start to panic, don't. Come to my page to see my jokes!
I got this idea while I was on the phone with my mom earlier. We were on the phone, she was talking about nonsense the season 6 finale of The Blacklist, while simultaneously covering the camera with her thumb and holding the phone 6 inches from her face.
When I was a sophomore, I took AP World. My teacher would always dumb down and white wash history, telling us that everything was great and the world works by every creature giving what they can and taking what they need. But no, the real world is a lot more messy. It's full of genocide/exploitation of minorities, and protects the interests of the top 1%. Sorry for being dark.
Why do you see the same things on every millennial white woman's Instagram? Golden retrievers, cheesy poems in the sand, bible verses, latte foam art, etc. Can we switch it up a bit?
What's the deal with these internships? Sorting papers, running around, sitting in a meeting room acting like you aren't there, and getting coffee for everyone? I should just go back to living with my parents.
It'd suck if Bezos joined Muskrat's group of friends. We need at least ONE billionaire who isn't THAT fucked up.
Have you ever done what they call sexting? Me and my gf did last night bc I'm out of town. They say it's just like regular sex, but no, it wasn't. Emoticons cant give me a bj. =[
I'm just trying to be funny. I've been stuck in my room for a while now, and I'm starting to wonder if being funny while trapped in the same room is even possible...
Some of my jokes might be problematic. But at least they aren't bad as my old YouTube channel, that'd be a yikes.
Guys... I'm officially unc status. I turn 20 in a couple weeks, and I CANNOT deal with allat. I used to wake up with a smile and ride my bike through people's yards, but now I'm gonna be the old man yelling at all the kids for doing exactly that.
Are these jokes okay? Are you tired of them? Too many? Too little? Nevermind, I'd prefer not to know.
How are you guys feeling today? I'm still in my house, I feel like shit.
You know, I don't think I'm alright. I'm approaching an ATL. (that's an "all time low" not Atlanta)
While you're here, welcome to Tumblr! If nothing interests you here, you'd be the first! Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest! Be happy, be horny, be crying at rage bait, there's a million different ways to engage. Hope you enjoy!
Although Tumblr is fun, a lot of things on here give me that funny feeling. Like all the people who preach about Tumblr being a "dead site" and how they wish there were more people here, and then turning around and saying they like the community. Pick a side!
Did you really make it this far? Damn, didn't know I'd have so many eyes on me.
I'm pretty much done here, I'm out of jokes. But do I really have to finish? Does returning usually feel like this? So this is how it ends... If I can chase this high for any longer, I'll promise to never go outside again.
Here's a fun idea: How about I go scrolling and watch YOU rant next time? I wanna hear you tell a joke to an empty text box.
Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I gonna end up right back where I started? Fuck this, I'm over it. I'm not leaving my house, I'll rot here. I'm panicking... is there anyone's page I can go to for a joke?
This post will end any day now... I swear...
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seannesruins · 7 months ago
28-29.08.24 | BGC
Things we planned the night we met up
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Planned to watch Love Child because we were not able to catch its screening in this year's Cinemalaya run. Because I still have work to do on that day, she agreed to watch in a cinema near my place. Last full show is at 2020H in Market! Market! The movie was nice although I'd rate it a fair 2.5/5 because some of the dialogues were really cringey, add to it the ending that felt short. But as a sister of a child with CP, the story felt close to my heart. Will probably make a review on another post if sinipag ako haha.
Planned to have early dinner. Earlier that day, she asked if I want to have dinner first before the screening so I agreed but told her that I have limited time lang since my work will end at 5pm and will need an hour to get ready. We met at Central Square around 1840H and had dinner in Va Bene. I haven't been here in a while and I am pleased that the pasta remains top notch. I had Pomodoro while she had Mushroom Truffle, then we shared an arugula salad which I really liked but she was not a fan of because mapait daw lol.
Things we did not plan the night we met up
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Unplanned twinning. She laughed when she saw me because we were both wearing gray long sleeved shirts and black jeans. It was a wise decision not to wear my white converse (because I know we were going to walk a lot so I wore my Nike running shoes.) otherwise, we were gonna match as well. lol.
Unplanned coffee after movie. The movie ended around 2200H and we walked a couple blocks from Market! Market! to Pocofino in 5th ave. We had Iced Pocofino Latte as it is a best seller daw. Pretty disappointed though because it was a little too sweet for our preference. Around 2am, there was less crowd so we were able to take a few photos and they came out really cute. We left after because the cafe gets busier by the hour.
Unplanned walk around BGC. We went to Mcdonald's in BGC Stopover but sat by the benches in front because we were still full from dinner and already had coffee. There was a drunk girl being ushered by her friend to a grab car and she jokingly asked if I had ever been that drunk before. Told her I was the friend that ushers people into their rides lol.
Unplanned walk in the park. The crowd is starting to fill in so we walked towards Burgos Circle because it's one of the places I know that doesn't have much people at the wee hours of the morning. There were already a few people having their morning jog as it was already past 4am. Sat there with her until the skies turned from dark to light.
Unplanned breakfast. At around 0700H we decided to walk around a bit more because we haven't finished our conversation. Luckily, the Pancake House on 31st is already open so we had breakfast.
Unplanned PDA. Idk when it started or who initiated but for the past 5x that we met up, she has always been mindful with proximity because I have stated my aversion with physical contact. However, at Pocofino our fingers were touching and when we left the cafe, our hands were clasped together. Even leaned in and hugged at Pancake House. Idk what's happening. Help.
Unplanned confession hour. As someone who overthinks and overanalyzes things, I brought up the topic of our "friendship." You see, we met online in March 2023, back when I was grieving for a recently ended relationship and while that interaction was brief, it brought comfort. A few months later, in June, she messaged me again to see how I was doing and we have been in contact since. She was there on my drunk nights, on my unemployed nights, and even when I decided to date again and got into another relationship (that one ended a month and a half ago.) We finally met in person last June, then celebrated our birthdays together. (As I was dumped a week before my birthday.) and has been talking everyday since then.
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I know it's too early, too soon, and just had to open the conversation about it. She said that she had always wanted me in her life but she isn't sure if we should take our relationship to another level because it might ruin our "friendship". She did make a lot of points but I'd say it's not much of a clarity so I told her that we might need to set some boundaries. She agreed then asked if I want to watch Mula sa Buwan this Sunday, September 1st. Hahahaha. Idk. All I know is I enjoy spending time with her but I am aware that I need more time on my own, especially since I have only been single for a month. Not closing any doors, but also not pursuing anything in the meantime. I just hope she stay in my life for a long time.
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chiimeramanticore · 8 months ago
Part of the Band - Chapter 12 - Tell Me The Truth
Chapter summary: Dook spends a day at home.
halfway through writing this chapter I realized CDs weren't invented until like 1981 and weren't brought to America until like 1983 but I've been "fuck it we ball no post-upload edits" about this fic since day one so I didn't change it to a cassette. just assume this fic takes place in a universe where everything is the same except the CD was invented 5 years earlier lmao in actual news: we're finally entering an arc of the fic I've been waiting for for literally months. I've been sitting on this exact chapter for months. and after all that time I am still afraid the end of this chapter is gonna seem like I'm jumping the shark w this fic lmao. bear with me! I know what I'm doing! you just gotta trust me 👍 all that said I hope you enjoy the chapter as always! thanks for reading :]
Chapter word count: 2,173
<- Chapter 11 - Chapter 13 ->
Read it on AO3!
It's Sunday.
When Dook wakes up, Beach Bear is already gone. This isn't out of the ordinary by now– Dook knows Beach Bear spends his Sundays at the beach. It's sort of his thing. He could be gone anywhere between a few hours and and all day, honestly. Depends how the waves are, he figures.
Dook has come to take these days for himself. Write some music, clean up the place a bit... He owes Beach Bear at least that much for letting him live here for so long.
After standing in the kitchen idly eating an untoasted bagel, Dook decides that that's good enough to get to work. He turns his attention to the counter, sifting through the pile of notes, receipts, and other stuff they've left there over the week. He tosses what he knows they won't need, and organizes the rest.
As he lifts up a notepad to put it back in its drawer, Dook reveals a CD, still in its case. Scribbled onto the front in Sharpie: "Ballroom Dancing." This is the CD he saw in Beach Bear's car a while ago. He didn't know it ended up here. Beach Bear seemed embarrassed of it at the time, but... Dook eyes the radio next to him.
...But he doesn't have to know, right?
Dook pops the CD out of its case and into the radio's CD player.
The CD whirrs to life, and out comes the sound of Beach Bear. He plucks at his guitar a few times, warming up at first, before beginning to strum a song. He hums along in accompaniment for a while, and then begins to sing the lyrics. Dook recognizes this song– it's by Paul McCartney. But hearing it in Beach Bear's voice is a whole new experience... Though, he is admittedly aware of his infatuation with his voice.
Awareness doesn't stop him from being completely entranced by the recording, though. It's just Beach Bear and his guitar– a far cry from a finished cover– but the smallness of it almost feels more personal. More intimate. Like he's performing just for him.
But eventually, the song ends, and Dook is reminded how he stands in Beach Bear's house without him. Silence falls over the kitchen once more. Left with only his thoughts, Dook can only imagine one thing.
"Beach Bear can sing," he says aloud to himself. How come he was so nervous about this? He's fantastic!
He puts the CD on again, returning to cleaning as he listens. He should bring this up to him when he comes home. He should encourage him to sing in the band! That would solve their singer problem for sure.
Dook's cleaning eventually brings him to Beach Bear's bedroom. He hasn't been in here in some time... not since he slept here. Even then, it was only for a couple hours, and he wasn't conscious for most of it.
He hasn't accustomed to this room fully, even after all this time. Something just feels too intimate about it. Sacred, almost. Maybe he shouldn't clean in here.
Still, Dook finds himself stepping into the room, his feet meeting the plush carpeting.
The silence of the room hangs over him, the air still. The very act of being in here is a disturbance. The posters on the walls watch him. Dook walks over to the desk and runs the tips of his fingers gingerly over the top of a notebook left out there. His hand then comes to rest carefully on the top of the chair parked by the desk.
Old photographs are pasted just above the desk. Some feature Beach Bear himself, where others look like they were taken by him. He spots Queenie in a couple of them. There's a wolf, a dog, a gorilla... Is this the rest of the Wolf Pack?
Beach Bear himself in these images looks different, too. Tougher. Maybe even meaner. Dook remembers the day him and Queenie fought... the way he held her against the wall like that. The way they were both able to hurt each other. Did they learn that back when these photos were taken? How long has he been capable of that?
What would it take for him to do it again?
Dook pulls back from the desk, shaking the thought from his mind. It's not something worth worrying about. Besides, he shouldn't stay in here much longer.
It's been several hours, and the sun has begun to set. Dook has occupied himself with writing a full arrangement of "Ballroom Dancing." They've got a full band, and with Beach Bear singing, it would be something perfect to work on at band practice! He's almost giddy for Beach Bear to come home so he can show him the work he's done.
Almost on cue, Dook hears the door unlock and open. He stands excitedly, ready to meet him at the front of the room.
"Beach Bear!" Dook says enthusiastically. "I'm–"
"We need to talk," Beach Bear says.
Dook's smile fades, a pit beginning to open in his stomach. "Uhm– Sure, about what?" He asks, trying to retain some of the pleasant tone in his voice.
"I was at the beach today," Beach Bear says, "and you'll never guess who I ran into."
"...Uh," Dook's mind begins to race. Should he play dumb? How much does Beach Bear know? He probably knows everything, right? If he doesn't, maybe he can convince him he's done less wrong? No, that's a bad idea. Maybe this isn't even about what he did. He doesn't know it is. He doesn't know anything.
"...Fatz?" Dook offers finally.
"No," Beach Bear says, unamused. "I saw Mini. And we got to talking. She told me some real interesting stuff." His voice drips with barely concealed annoyance.
"O- oh," Dook says meekly, offering no other information.
"Where is that outfit you picked up yesterday, anyway?" Beach Bear asks.
"Uh–" Dook grabs the bag he left at the side of the couch, bringing it over to Beach Bear. He reaches inside, pulling it out just enough for him to show that it's real. "It's here, see? I got it yesterday."
"Okay, where'd you get that from?" Beach Bear continues, relentless. "Because according to her, you didn't spend the money I gave you for a costume, on a costume. What happened to it?"
"I..." Dook stutters a few times. "I have the costume. Are you gonna trust her saying that?"
"Mini's a real jerk sometimes, but she's not a liar, Dook," Beach Bear says. "And right now? I trust her a lot more than I trust you."
Dook feels a knot form in his throat. "I...!" Lying is only going to make this worse. "...I got the costume from Billy Bob and Looney Bird. We made it together."
"Where's my money, Dook?" He asks, relentless.
"I... I don't have it," he admits.
"What did you do with my money, Dook?!" Beach Bear takes a step toward him, towering over him. Dook steps back instinctively. His heart races.
"I- I–" He stammers. "I don't have it. I didn't... I was gonna spend it on the costume. I wanted to spend it on the costume, but I–" He stutters a few more times, unsure how to soften the blow. May as well just come out with it. "W- when you met me that night, and I wasn't doin' so hot, I– I was kinda... reliant, y'know? And I– I don't know what I was thinking that night, I dunno why I went back there. I dunno what's wrong with me. I love spendin' time with you, I've liked all the time we spent together, I just– It– It felt familiar. It was what I used to." The words spill out of him, hasty and messy.
"You... you spent it on booze," Beach Bear says. His voice is low, but his stature doesn't relax even a bit. Then, "You spent all that money on alcohol!?"
"I knew I shouldn't've when I did it!" Dook cries.
"That doesn't make it any better!" Beach Bear shouts.
"I know! I'm sorry!"
"And to find this out from Queenie, I–" He retreats a bit, if only to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe this! What were you thinking?!"
"I don't know!" Dook's voice breaks a little. "I don't know what I was thinking!"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I– I didn't want you to be upset with me...!"
"I am upset with you!" Beach Bear snaps. "I'm more upset that you thought you could just get away with it! What, that you could just sweep it under the rug? That I wouldn't notice? That it'd just be a funny story later down the line?"
"Do you know what I could've done with that money, Dook?"
"Do you know what I have had to do since then just to keep the damn house?! I had to go crawling back to my parents again!" He falters for a moment, as if he wasn't planning to tell him that. "I..."
"You–? You didn't have to do that!"
"Yes, I did!" Beach Bear says, just as angry once again. "I had to call them and– and all but beg for the money to keep the house ours! I had to– I had to tell them I was over the being a guy thing! I had to tell them I was wrong and delusional and everything else they wished I was...! Because of you!" Beach Bear pokes him forcefully in the chest. The tip of his claw is sharp.
"Beach Bear–"
"Because I trusted you!" He pokes him again, getting even closer now.
"B- Beach–"
"I liked you, even! I thought you were my friend!" He's practically on top of him now. "And what do you you do but spit in my face?!"
Beach Bear pushes Dook, who stumbles and falls to the floor. He isn't hurt, but he's terrified.
"Is... Is this what you were keeping from me?" Dook asks. "You said you weren't being truthful with me."
"Do not try to turn this around on me," Beach Bear says.
"I'm not tryin' to, I–"
Beach Bear sighs sharply. "I cannot believe this. I cannot believe this!" He turns, beginning to pace the distance between Dook and the front door. "Who do you think you are?"
Dook begins to stand again. "B... Beach Bear, I–"
"I can't," Beach Bear says. "I can't be here." He turns for the door once more.
"Beach Bear–?"
Beach Bear opens the front door, leaving the house. Dook scrambles to his feet, chasing after him.
"Beach Bear, wait!" He calls. Beach Bear is already getting into his car. "Wait, please! Don't leave! I'll– I'll leave instead! I'll go! Don't leave, please!"
Beach Bear pulls out of the driveway.
"Beach Bear! Beach Bear! No! Please!" Dook attempts to chase after the car, but it's too fast.
"Beach Bear!" He tries once more. But he's left alone in the street now. "B..." The words die in his throat.
He feels empty. He feels destroyed. This is all his fault.
Dook stares blankly at the papers he left on the coffee table. What he once was so excited over feels embarrassing now. It's been a few hours since Beach Bear left, to where, he has no clue.
He's considered what he should do when he comes back. Apologize profusely was the first idea, obviously. Maybe he could prepare some sort of grand gesture, like making him his favorite meal... but he's got no idea when he'll be back, and it would be a shame to let the food get cold. Maybe he should just leave. But if Beach Bear returned to find Dook gone, that might cause distress all over again. But to do nothing feels like he doesn't care...
The phone rings. Dook springs up to answer it. It's probably Beach Bear, calling to make up with him, right? Maybe chew him out some more, but at least he'll have the chance to apologize again.
Dook picks up the phone. "Hello?"
"What the hell did you do to him?" Queenie snaps.
"Wh– Huh?"
"What did you do?" She repeats.
"I–" He stutters a few times, recounting his memory. "When he got home, we argued. Obviously. Then he left. I haven't– I haven't seen him in a few hours."
"Well, what did you say to him?!" She presses.
"I didn't say anything! I apologized!"
"Well, you must have done something," she insists, "because he's in the hospital!"
Dook freezes. "He's... what?"
"He's in the hospital," Queenie repeats. "I don't know what happened yet, I just got a call now. We're leaving now."
Dook isn't sure what to say. He's in the hospital? What happened? What did he do? This is all his fault.
"Meet us there," Queenie says, and then she hangs up.
Dook holds the phone to his ear a moment longer, still stunned. Then, finally, he puts it back on the receiver. Guess he's going to the hospital.
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telomeke · 1 year ago
Current Tag Game
Tagged by @colourme-feral in this post – thanks dearie! 💖
Current time: 9:59am (when I started this! it's now much later but I'm not gonna re-write...).
Current activity: Had a work deadline last night so tidying up the aftermath (deleting unwanted files, etc.).
Currently thinking about: How the project submission for work went. Annoyed that I skipped gym this morning just in case there were last minute changes to the project submission and we'd have to re-submit today; but now that's not needed I'm missing legs day. Also thinking about munching on something extra because breakfast was too light (hardboiled eggs, grapes and blueberries – all originally meant as a post-swim snack, re-purposed to become breakfast since gym was canceled). Maybe fry up an omelet and sausages, or grill some salmon? 😋 Or shall I just munch on some creamy Whittaker's milk chocolate since lunch will be soon and anything heavier might spoil it? 🤔  
Current favorite song: I don't know if they qualify as favorites, but songs will enter my brainspace and then swirl around in there for a while, refusing to leave. So I'm constantly listening to them (on YouTube, not Spotify; don't have a smartphone) and/or singing along in an effort to exorcise the earworm. At the moment the playlist in my head is:
I Don't Think That I Like Her Anymore (Charlie Puth)  Charlie constantly amazes me with his superhuman ability to churn out catchy melodic turns and unusual aural takes on percussion sounds for his backing rhythms (e.g., the light switch in Light Switch). This song continues with his quirky stylings, and I'm loving the pounding bass coming in to frame the heavyweight sock-it-ta-ya message of the song's chorus after the light plaintive vocals of the introductory and intervening verses. The second (melodic) line of the chorus ("Cause they're all the same") is so simple and yet so perfectly fitting after the bold hook of the first line – I find myself asking each time I hear it how could anything else ever fit better? And then it builds and builds to a big finish, at the end of each chorus and also at the end of the song – that key change from B Major to C# Major is quite a genius step, retro yet so fresh. (But still... C sharp? 👀 OK if your electronic thingamajig can auto-transpose but hell on a trad keyboard.) I know this song is from a year ago but I'm not simply wallowing in nostalgia (oh all right, so yes I am a bit) – there is nonetheless a BL connection that first got me hooked on this. The cast of my current fave I Feel You Linger in the Air did their own take on the TikTok Kpop dance challenge of this song (linked here, with other TikToks here) and they're just so cute dancing along. Nonkul attempts a little elbow jab in homage to the original choreo, while Bright gives up after a couple of bars and just goes on doing alternating wrist twirls like those you sometimes see in Southeast Asian dance… 🤣 Alee and Tian seem like they're having fun, as does Attila, but who knew Khun Robert could actually look this good, all goofy and charming when he smiles doing a silly little jig?
All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey)  Ever since Ms. Mariah broke her icy containment after Halloween (see this video here 😂) I've been singing along, getting in the mood for carols, fruitcake and Christmas decorations because it reminds me of time spent with (departed) family. Happy because those are happy times worth recalling, but also bittersweet because those loved ones are no longer around.
One of Your Girls (Troye Sivan)  While I tend to feel a pinch of resentment whenever Aussies of European origin seem to get opportunities in the West more easily than non-white people do, I have to remind myself it's the system and not the talent that is at fault. So credit where credit is due and I'm a fan of what Troye has done with this and his earlier releases (like his video with PP Krit 😃😍). One of Your Girls is just so beautiful and languid as it teases with its message, and consistently Troye is breathtakingly beautiful and languid in the video, teasing us with an offering of the forbidden. I'm feeling things I never thought I would. 😮 The choreography is pretty daring too. (Especially that crotch flare – where did they tuck the dangly bits? I'm wincing as I watch.) Also shout-out to all the different representation with the models. 😍
Then I'm Gonna Give You Up (Rick Astley)  This is Rick Astley spoofing Rick Astley (more explanation linked here) and just so funny. Especially since the original song is already iconic on Tumblr.
Fast Car (Luke Combs)  Another nostalgia trip, this is an absolutely stellar rendition of the already phenomenal original by Tracy Chapman. Almost like Marc Cohn's Walking in Memphis with its sense of urgency and of bottled emotions about to explode, maybe just a shade less of Marc's full-throated growl in Luke's voice, but earthshaking nonetheless. In these 21st century times (and in my corner of the world where BL and queer rep cross my dash all the time) I love that Luke (a married man with a wife and two kids, looking for all we know like the straightest of the hets) didn't change Tracy's line "So I work in the market as a checkout girl", paying homage to the original and smashing at the gender-obsessives everywhere in a quietly powerful way.
Currently reading: My language study textbooks; not much time for anything else though I do miss having a good work of fiction to keep me company whenever the slate of Thai drama dips in quality.
Currently watching: I Feel You Linger in the Air – a really impressive work, solidly-grounded in its universe with overhanging familial, social and political intrigue that threatens to overshadow (but never really does) the chemistry between Khun Yai and Jom.
Tumblr media
I've fallen in hard love with this and just hope that Tee Bundit will display the wisdom associated with his name (for those as linguistically-obsessed as I am, Bundit is the homologue for pundit in English, pandit in Hindi and pendita in Malay) and wrap up the finale with more finesse than he has done on his other shows. (Something tells me though that the sense of foreboding you get while watching IFYLITA is partly due to the dread that Tee is going to rush and stumble through the last bits, leaving viewers less than satisfied with the ending like he did with Lovely Writer, Hidden Agenda and Step by Step.) However this goes, I'm a new fan of Nonkul and Bright's acting, and can't wait to see more of them.
As to what else I'm watching – I'm still trying to finish Only Friends, if only to be able to say that I've finally watched a Jojo show all the way to the end. It's not for me, though it has some moments that shine (like Neo's performance, and all the shirtless scenes) but I struggle to find anything that satisfies on a more cerebral level. I'm not opposed to sensuality and messy drama being foregrounded over more intellectual underpinnings (all hail KinnPorsche) but for me it doesn't go earthy and raw enough to make up for whatever else it doesn't do.
Current favorite character: Pat and Pran from Bad Buddy will always be on this list, but because I'm currently enjoying IFYLITA I'm sure I've been visited by Por Jom, Khun Yai, Khun Ueangphueng, Ba Prik, Ming and Khun James in my dreams lately (and also a certain racing piglet 🤣).
Current WIP: All in my head, but I have a final wrap-up post on Bad Buddy locations percolating, as well as one on the graphics in the show (that give us hints of Pat and Pran's interior worlds).
Tagging names I've seen more than once cross my dash and/or notes:
@neuroticbookworm @airenyah @alexis-mika @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @wen-kexing-apologist @twig-tea @pandasmagorica @respectthepetty @dribs-and-drabbles @waitmyturtles @dimplesandfierceeyes @writerwithoutsound @bengiyo @grapejuicegay @lamonnaie @lurkingshan @callipigio @italianpersonwithashippersheart @recentadultburnout @kattahj @theheightofdishonor @fiddlepickdouglas @dc-alves @brazilian-whalien52 @slayerkitty @silvercrystal1 @dudeyuri @ranchthoughts @suni-san @chawarin-panich @lurkingteapot @solitaryandwandering
and anyone else who'd like to play. 😍 Apologies if you've already been tagged; point me to your post if so! And apologies if I've forgotten to mention anyone; if I follow or if you follow me please know you are loved and do play along if you wish! 💖
Also a special tag carved out for the lovely @visualtaehyun as a part-apology; you've tagged me before on a couple of other games and I wrote out about half of my replies – but then work deadlines became urgent and got in the way. Ruefully I had to abandon those posts (especially since they're now weeks out of date). So this is my way of saying thanks for tagging me on those tag games, sorry for not replying, and I hope you'll play along with this one because I love getting to know like-minded people on Tumblr! 💖
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