#I was going to just do the link but what if the article link expires?
friendshiptothemax · 2 years
 Hi all! You may have heard there might be a writer’s strike soon. The reason for this is that every three years, the Writer’s Guild (which represents basically every television and movie writer) negotiates with the studios and networks (collectively called the AMPTP) to hash out an agreement of what guidelines the AMPTP have to follow if they want to hire a Writer’s Guild writer. If they can’t make an agreement by the time the contract from three years ago expires, which is on May 1, then no one will be able to employ a Writer’s Guild writer until a new contract is reached. That’s what a strike is. I don’t know if one will happen or not. Everyone, including the writers, deeply hope we’re able to make an agreement before May 1 and everyone will keep working. That being said, our last contract expired right at the start of the pandemic and everyone involved just kind of said “hey everything is weird right now so let’s not fight” so essentially we’ve got six years’ worth of grievances to talk about -- that is why this one seems especially contentious.
So that’s the background. The WGA and the AMPTP started negotiations this week. This is expected to continue throughout April -- no one expects to know either way until the end of April. Something very important I want everyone on Tumblr to know -- while negotiations are happening, the WGA has committed to a complete media blackout. No member of WGA leadership or the negotiating committee will be speaking about how things are going to the media. This means that if you see an article talking about the WGA’s position, whoever gave them that information is not talking for us -- and, since this is a two-sided negotiation we’re talking about, are probably talking directly against us. Use critical thinking on any negotiation-related articles you read -- does what they’re saying make sense? Who benefits from saying this?
Why am I saying this now? Well, yesterday, Variety published an article claiming that the Writer’s Guild is advocating for the use of AI. The article was full of twisted facts and confused falsehoods. The article took the WGA’s position that you can’t replace credited writers with AI and touted it as “the WGA is okay with AI as long as writers are credited!” That is an extremely bad-faith twisting of our position.The WGA had to issue a clarification of our position on twitter and now I’ve seen articles taking bits of THAT out of context -- specifically a Gizmodo article that implies that the Guild wants to take advantage of AI because it can’t be copyrighted, but their proof of that is a snippet from a section saying the reason we’re CONCERNED about AI writing is that it can’t be copyrighted.
And just, like....think about this for a second. Why on Earth would the Writer’s Guild WANT to replace writers with AI? Literally the organization whose entire purpose is to protect writing as a job? There’s no organization on Earth who would be opposed to it more. Every meeting I’ve been in has been unequivocally clear. WE ARE AGAINST AI. The second tweet in the thread I linked above says it outright: “AI can’t be used as source material, to create MBA-covered writing or rewrite MBA-covered work...” 
It just seems to me like it would suck if we do head into a strike in May, and everyone is pissed off at us because they believe we are striking for something that is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what we want. 
The WGA is in a media blackout. Be very skeptical of anything you read claiming to represent our position unless it comes from an official WGA source, like the one I linked above.
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mixelation · 1 year
is this true you seem to know things https://www.tumblr.com/luminarai/725654142779097088/red-blood-cell-capacity-of-modern-menstrual
i mean.... yes, both the paper itself and a sci-comm article are linked....? the paper doesn't appear to be on scihub and i'm not at work to try and access the article itself, but i did read the summary and a couple of press releases
i'm not familiar with the literature to confirm if it's the first study that used human blood, but multiple press releases say it's industry standard to use saline (salt water) to test absorbency. i suspect that is because it's hard to get your hands on blood if you're a sanitary pad company (not that they couldn't do it or develop an equivalent-- just that storing blood without it clotting and the red tape and training to get it and use it are a lot more complicated that using saline). a few notes i think the tumblr screen caps are missing:
First, the point of the study seems to be testing newer period products like menstrual cups to help doctors take patient history, rather than proving a point about blood vs saline. Usually what tips a doctor off that a patient's period is too heavy is that the patient will say they're using some excessive amount of pads/tampons. Given lots of people use other things now, and pad/tampon companies are adding gel and shit to improve absorbency, doctors need to know what would count as "excessive." The conclusion on the summary is:
This study found considerable variability in red blood cell volume capacity of menstrual products. This emphasises the importance of asking individuals about the type of menstrual products they use and how they use them. Further understanding of capacity of newer menstrual products can help clinicians better quantify menstrual blood loss, identify individuals who may benefit from additional evaluation, and monitor treatment.
Secondly, the study used expired packed RBCs (red blood cells), which is NOT the same consistency as period blood, or even regular blood. Packed RBCs have had most of the blood plasma (the liquid part of blood) removed, so the cell are more concentrated. I think they also add stuff to prevent clotting, but the blood was old so who knows what was going on in it. Period blood has all sorts of other stuff in it besides just blood, and people with excessive bleeding may also have clots. That being said, in the theguardian article, the researcher they interviewed noted that packed RBCs are closer than saline.
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oftlunarialmoon · 8 months
What is Age Regression? Is It Healthy? (UPDATED AS OF 2/25/19) - Age Regression Series
Originally posted to www.onlyfunthings.org on May 14, 2018
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Ciao lovelies! Today’s post is a follow up to THIS post about how there is no expiration date on fun! Today’s post is going to be about how expressing your “childish” side and indulging “childish” wants or hobbies can be super healthy to your mental state! In other words, we’re going to be talking about the unconventional “age regression” coping mechanism. (TRIGGER WARNING- Mentions of sexual abuse, self harm, eating disorders.)
(Please note that in this post we are not discussing the hypnosis level of this coping skill! We are simply talking about tapping into your inner child for the sake of stress relief and coping with traumas. Also DISCLAIMER- I am not a medical professional or a licensed therapist. I am simply recommending this from personal experience, not from a place of expertise.)
Even though this practice is increasing in its popularity, many have misconceptions about what this is or what it’s good for. The most simple and truthful definition is this “Age regression is when somebody reverts to a child-like state of mind, often as a coping mechanism for things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.” And this meaning is what we are talking about today.
Unfortunately for the sake of this post, there aren’t a lot of reputable sources for age regression, many of these sources get it wrong, and most places that even mention it mistakenly assume it is a sexual thing, when it is absolutely not. And that is why I wanted to write this article, to create a article that regressors can link back to and use to explain this to others, to end stigmas against regression and to stop the spread of misinformation.
“Age Play and Age Regression are the same”- This is incorrect. Age Play is when someone pretends to be a younger age for a sexual reason. Age Regression is when someone feels like or goes into a younger head space for therapy/coping/stress relief reasons. The two are distinctly different but unfortunately get grouped together by ignorance. 
“Age Regression requires you to have a ‘Caregiver’”- This is also incorrect! You don’t need someone to be taking care of you in order to regress, because regression is based off you, your mental state and your coping mechanisms/therapeutic methods.
“You must have had a bad childhood in order to age regress”- Actually, you can have had a perfectly normal childhood and still regress! For one, sometimes the traumas people are coping with happened later in life, so they’re regressing to cope with it now, other times for two, people regress for stress relief not necessarily to relive childhood! 
“You can only age regress if you’re mentally ill/Age regression is a mental illness”- Neither of these are true, as you can regress even if you’re neurotypical. Age regression is not a type of mental illness but is instead a coping strategy/therapy method/stress reliever.
Now, I will share with you some people’s personal experiences with age regression to help them. Every story shared was shared willingly with us and we have kept certain people anonymous. The only thing changed in these stories is grammar/spelling. Everything else is left untouched.
“I regress because I was sexually abused as a child and teen. When I regress, it’s like I get a new childhood where nothing bad happens to me. It’s nice to be able to play with toys and color and relax and have the flashbacks and painful memories stop for once. I have told my therapist about my regression and she said it sounds like a very healthy coping mechanism. I used to cut to cope with my PTSD from the abuse, but now I can just regress and be happy.” – Anonymous
“I started regressing at the end of high school without knowing what I was doing because I just thought I was childish. I noticed that when I was regressed I could finally get myself to eat which I had difficulty with because of my anorexia. The hardest part of it all for me is knowing I can’t explain myself to the ones I care about because they might judge me or not understand it.”- Anonymous
"When I was very young I went through a lot of mental and physical trauma, and this continued into my young adult life. I ended up developing a bunch of different disorders causing me to have intense mood swings, flashbacks, night terrors, and panic attacks. I'm in a constant state of extreme anxiety without a cause. But when I age regress I am able to express my emotions and deal with past traumas. It gave me a much needed outlet in what I saw as a world of darkness. It helped pull me out of my depression, and helps me cope in a positive way. I've been regressing for about 3 years, and I have never improved as much as I have in these past years. My regressed state is the only time I'm not constantly anxious and paranoid. My mood swings happen less often and I'm more positive in general. Age regression has changed my life for the better, and become a part of who I am as a person." - (Please note that our source for this quote has left Tumblr and we have no other accounts to source them to- 1/13/19 update)
What do you think of Age Regression as a coping mechanism? Would you ever try it? Have you? Let us know what you think in the comments!
One last note! Please do be cautious when using this coping skill. I have been informed that it is possible for this coping skill to cause dissociation. Please exercise caution and only do what you feel is comfortable and healthy for you.
If you are an age regressor, we have some more articles for you! Such as:
 - Age Regression Journaling
 -Age Regression Self Care
We also have a YouTube Channel with lots of agere Goodness, like this video:
Remember to Stay Awesome and Love Yourself!
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f1 · 1 year
F1 drivers speak up for Catalunya track amid rumours of Madrid bid for Spanish GP | 2023 Spanish Grand Prix
Formula 1 drivers including Lewis Hamilton are keen to see the Circuit de Catalunya remain on the F1 calendar, following rumours the Spanish Grand Prix will move to Madrid in the future. Reports suggested a new street circuit in the Spanish capital could take over the race after the Catalunya circuit’s contract expires in 2026. The Spanish Grand Prix has appeared on the F1 calendar every season since 1986 and moved to its current venue in 1991. Several drivers expressed their desire for the track near Barcelona to remain the race’s home. Lewis Hamilton, who raced around the little-loved Valencia street circuit which held a second Spanish round between 2008 and 2012, said he was not particularly excited by the prospect of moving the Spanish round to another street circuit. Catalunya has held F1 races since 1991 “As long as it’s not like Valencia was, which wasn’t the most enjoyable track to drive…” he said in response to a question from RaceFans. “But I don’t think I would want to lose Barcelona. I love the city. “I do think it’s very important to keep the some of the classic circuits. At least the ones that provide great racing. Budapest is spectacular, Silverstone’s grand prix is spectacular, this track – there’s a lot of really great original circuits that we should keep. Maybe some that don’t provide the greatest of racing, maybe switch those out. “I just think about the heritage of the sport and we’ve got to make sure we hold onto those which are the pillars of what the sport is, in my opinion.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free AlphaTauri driver Nyck de Vries, who drove in a grand prix weekend for the first time last year in Barcelona in a Friday practice run with Williams, said he “genuinely loves” the venue. “I think every driver knows this track very well – it’s been used a lot throughout many different series and also in the simulator. So I enjoy coming here.” However Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz Jnr – one of two Spanish drivers in the field alongside Aston Martin driver Fernando Alonso – said he is more concerned about making sure the Spanish Grand Prix remains on the calendar amid ever-growing competition from existing and emerging venues across the world. “I just can say that I will do my maximum just to ensure that there’s still a Spanish Grand Prix, independently of where,” Sainz said. “I think Barcelona now is doing a great job and I’ve been enjoying coming to Barcelona many, many years. Obviously I still need to go a bit more into the detail of what’s going on in Madrid and what they’re planning to do there. “But I will just support the Spanish Grand Prix – independently of where it is – and I will just offer my help for whatever they need – doesn’t matter if it’s track design or whatever – and support it.” Bringing the F1 news from the source RaceFans strives to bring its readers news directly from the key players in Formula 1. We are able to do this thanks in part to the generous backing of our RaceFans Supporters. By contributing £1 per month or £12 per year (or the equivalent in other currencies) you can help cover the costs involved in producing original journalism: Travelling, writing, creating, hosting, contacting and developing. We have been proudly supported by our readers for over 10 years. If you enjoy our independent coverage, please consider becoming a RaceFans Supporter today. As a bonus, all our Supporters can also browse the site ad-free. Sign up or find out more via the links below: Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2023 Spanish Grand Prix Browse all 2023 Spanish Grand Prix articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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How do I tell a customer about a failed payment?
Communicating a failed payment to a customer can be a sensitive task, as it involves addressing an issue that could lead to discomfort or embarrassment. However, when done professionally, empathetically, and with a focus on problem-solving, it can enhance customer trust and prevent negative outcomes. In this article, we will explore strategies, techniques, and best practices for informing customers about failed payments.
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1. Tone and Empathy: Setting the Right Foundation
The tone of your message is crucial. A failed payment can stem from various reasons—insufficient funds, an expired card, or even a mistake in entering payment details. It’s important to approach the customer with understanding and empathy.
Best Practices for Tone and Empathy:
Use positive language: Avoid blaming or using words that imply fault. Instead of saying "Your payment failed," say "We noticed an issue with your recent payment attempt."
Acknowledge potential external factors: Consider that the customer might not be aware of the failure or may have had an unrelated issue, such as a card expiring. Acknowledge that sometimes payment issues happen unexpectedly and that you are there to help resolve it smoothly.
Be polite and respectful: Acknowledge the customer’s value to your business. Saying something like, “We appreciate your continued support and want to ensure you don’t experience any service interruptions” can reinforce a positive relationship.
2. The Message: Clear, Direct, and Informative
While tone and empathy are essential, clarity and directness are just as important. Customers need to understand the problem and know what steps they should take to resolve it.
Best Practices for Crafting the Message:
Be straightforward: Don’t obscure the core message. State that the payment did not go through, and offer reasons why this might have happened, such as incorrect billing information or a card being declined.
Use a friendly subject line: If you're sending an email, use a non-alarming yet clear subject line. For instance, "Action Required: Issue with Your Recent Payment" or "We're Having Trouble Processing Your Payment" balances urgency with a helpful tone.
Include key information: Provide details such as the date of the failed payment, the amount, and which service or product the payment was for. Avoid being vague, as it can lead to confusion and additional questions.
3. Offer Solutions and Next Steps
The most important part of the message is providing a clear path for the customer to resolve the issue. Instead of leaving the customer unsure of what to do next, guide them step-by-step through the process.
Best Practices for Offering Solutions:
Give specific instructions: Outline what the customer needs to do to resolve the issue. This could be updating payment details, trying a different payment method, or contacting their bank.
Provide links and resources: Make it as easy as possible for the customer to act. Include direct links to the payment update page, FAQs, and customer support contacts.
Offer alternative methods: If the customer’s payment method failed, suggest alternatives. For example, “You may wish to try a different credit card, use PayPal, or pay via bank transfer.”
Set a clear timeline: Be transparent about any deadlines. For example, if the payment is due within a certain period to avoid service disruption, state the specific date and time by which payment should be completed.
Here is an example email template:
Subject: Action Required: Payment Issue for [Service/Product]
Dear [Customer's First Name],
We hope you're doing well. We wanted to let you know that there was an issue with processing your payment for [service/product] on [date]. This could be due to an expired card, insufficient funds, or a mistake in the entered payment details.
To ensure your [service/product] remains uninterrupted, we kindly ask you to update your payment information by [insert deadline]. You can do so by clicking the link below:
[Payment Update Link]
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at [support email/phone number].
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we appreciate your continued support.
Warm regards, [Your Company Name] Customer Support Team
This template is clear, polite, and focused on solving the issue rather than focusing on the failure itself.
4. Preventing Escalation: Follow-Up and Timing
After sending the initial notification of the failed payment, it’s important to follow up appropriately to ensure that the issue is resolved. Timing is crucial in this process, especially when there’s a risk of service interruptions.
Best Practices for Follow-Up and Timing:
Send a reminder: If the customer hasn’t resolved the payment issue within a specified period (e.g., 24-48 hours), send a polite follow-up reminder. This shows your concern while maintaining professionalism.
Use different channels: If email doesn’t elicit a response, consider following up via SMS, push notifications, or even a phone call, depending on your relationship with the customer and the criticality of the payment.
Set a final notification: If the payment isn’t resolved within a certain timeframe, inform the customer about the consequences, such as suspension of services. Be polite but firm, and reiterate how they can rectify the issue to avoid disruptions.
Final Reminder Example:
Subject: Final Reminder: Payment Issue for [Service/Product]
Dear [Customer's First Name],
We noticed that your payment for [service/product] is still pending. To prevent any disruptions to your account, we kindly ask you to resolve the issue by [insert final deadline].
If you need assistance, our support team is here to help. Please visit [payment link] or contact us at [support email/phone number].
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to continuing to serve you.
Warm regards, [Your Company Name] Customer Support Team
5. Provide Exceptional Support: Be Available to Help
Payment failures can sometimes be confusing or frustrating for customers, especially if they believe their payment method should have worked. Offering easy access to customer support can mitigate any negative feelings and help resolve the issue more quickly.
Best Practices for Providing Support:
Be accessible: Ensure your customer support channels are easy to find. Include links to live chat, phone numbers, or email addresses in your communications.
Offer troubleshooting tips: Sometimes, payments fail due to simple issues like outdated payment information. Offering proactive suggestions in your initial communication can help the customer troubleshoot the problem on their own.
Train your support team: Ensure that your customer support team is trained to handle payment issues with sensitivity and empathy. A well-handled payment issue can turn into a positive customer experience.
6. Conclusion: Handling Payment Failures with Grace
Addressing a failed payment requires a blend of empathy, clarity, and helpfulness. By communicating in a manner that is respectful and solution-oriented, you can help your customers rectify the issue with minimal stress. Remember to provide clear instructions, offer support, and follow up politely. Handling these situations well can strengthen the customer relationship, showing that your business is committed to customer satisfaction even in potentially uncomfortable scenarios.
Validate Payment Mails – ​​​Wix
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weekendviking · 2 months
Researching stuff.
Adding links here to methods for finding out things, because on the modern internet, actually finding out accurate information is now uniformly obfuscated by the relentless enshitification of search functions, proliferation of search engine optimised content mills, nation state level intentional misinformation and propaganda programs, and of course, these days, all the crap sources above are endlessly enriched by the output of generic Large Language Model plagiarism statistical bullshit engines, both image and text (And video and Bot and so forth).
Finding academic and peer reviewed Journal Articles - they haven't quite fucked google scholar yet, so it's better than the enshittified google or bing or <insert enshittified search bar embed here> whatever.
So I generally hit up Google Scholar for whatever subject, author name, paper title or similar that I've gleaned from whatever article or mention or wikpedia page sparked my interest. Often that gets me what I want, as there's often a link to a pdf of what I need within those search results. Yay.
If that doesn't work, then I start escalating, usually via the methodology here described at Logic of Science's blog:
They wrote it down so I don't have to. Excellent. Although some of the links in there have degraded. So the main ones I'll put here:
And then there's the pirate nuclear option, Sci Hub. Because it makes the big publishers and corporates really angry, don't use sci hub from a work or academic 'net access environment. Also it necessarily moves around a lot, so I generally search up where is sci hub now, to avoid going to a link that's expired or may now be a honeypot/trap:
Also, look out for content mill generated fake journals. I usually check here:
The other thing that's getting harder is finding out whether an image is misattributed or just plain fake. So right click and save the image, and then go to images dot google dot com, which is nowhere near as good as it used to be, but still not entirely enshittified, and click on the wee camera icon to the right and upload the image, and look through the results. What you find is _All_ the places that have posted that image, page after page of them. Scroll through - click on the ones that seem to be the oldest, check who's posting them. What you often find with viral outrage images is that they are _not_ what you think, especially if the image is a bit old, a bit bitrotted, or there's something else wrong - the clothing isn't right for the country/culture/time being outraged about, or something like that. Sometimes you find out that it's true, but most of the time you find out that it's wrong, that someone has just done a quick search for an image that roughly matches the outrage or the politics they want to push, added some outragey comments, and shared it, and enjoyed their flamey fire. I've been doing this for decades, ever since I started using a browser capable of image searching, mainly because I was outraged at people posting fake geology memes. But it works just as well on finding anything else.
And of course, if it's to a website, see if the wayback machine still has it cached:
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inkintheinternet · 7 months
Science and Society in the New World
By Arjuwan Lakkdawala
Ink in the Internet
I'm tirelessly fascinated by science and the world we live in. I have been observing the changes happening. As I have noted in my previous article a New World has sprung around us, with swiftly progressing science and a changing society due to the influence of social media for better or worse (depends on your perspective.)
We have the positive aspect of this new evolving world and the negative one. I will focus first on the negatives in this article since they are concerning.
For example obesity has increased with 1 in 8 people in the world living with obesity in 2022 according to the World Health Organization 2024 study, with confirming reports about world wide increase in the International Journal of Obesity - 2024.
And cancer is striking young adults, mostly women and people in their 30s that has "doctors alarmed and baffled." - Wall Street Journal.
Studies found the increase to be of 14 types of cancer. "Many of which affect the digestive system." - CNN Health.
There could be a link between these two rising phenomena and a particular change in society that came about forcefully in 2020 ‐ that is the Covid19 lockdown, because of which not only did many people not get enough exercise, but had moved to eating conveniently from takeaways. A habit that maybe didn't go away after the lockdown.
In our present day, food delivery apps offer any food we could think of in less than an hour, delivered straight to our doorstep. This includes many sugary foods and drinks. If I was to make a magical comparison, think of our mobile phones like magic wands...wave it and the food you want magically appears within an hour, you don't have to cook or make a trip just wish for your meal.
How many young adults do you think would thoughtfully order their food based on health criteria rather than whatever looks the most delicious on the app advertisement. In addition to the ease with which any food is available, the fact that there is so much variety means you never get bored and so are likely to eat a large amount in every meal.
Food you haven't cooked means you don't know the ingredients, especially most takeaway foods unlike packaged foods don't have label of ingredients.
The question of ingredients is most concerning in any food.
The average person is rarely familiar with the side effects or potentially harmful ingredients, some people don't have any awareness at all about preservatives, food colouring, artificial flavours, or additives. At best they check the expiration date of canned goods.
For example the food colouring Titanium dioxide (E171 on labels) was banned in France in 2020 followed by the European Union in 2022. It is a mineral that naturally occurs and has many crystallised forms. It is used as a white pigment in foods and other non-edible products. Studies have linked it to genotoxicity and cytotoxicity.
Genotoxicity is where it can cause DNA damage which can cause cancer, and cytotoxicity means a substance that is harmful to cells. The intensive analysis of Titanium dioxide particularly came into focus when science progressed enough to study nanoparticles. Titanium dioxide produces nanoparticles that can enter the bloodstream.
To get a clear picture nanoparticles are 1 to 100 nanometers, a human hair is 80,000 nanometers in width.
Titanium dioxide though banned in Europe and Saudi Arabia, is still used in food products in America and Canada (2023 June report).
I did not find 2024 report regarding this issue.
The reason why different countries have different health regulations is that researchers have varying criteria of what makes a product toxic for human consumption, when it comes to substances that won't immediately kill you like straight out poisons.
How many consumers would have awareness about possible ingredients like these in their takeaway meal or dessert. The answer is probably a very small percentage, especially among adolescents and young adults.
Titanium dioxide could be in your white chocolate mocha coffee or velvet cake white chocolate icing, if it is not banned in your country.
When it comes to food the subject is very large, which is impossible to be summarised in one article. But I came upon some interesting facts and history about chocolate. I found it interesting as I get to explore the Mesoamerican civilization of the Aztecs (present day Mexico) and study if we can learn somethings from it.
Cocoa beans were said to be first used as food by the Olmecs, a tribe in the region of Mesoamerica, then by other pre-Columbian civilizations basically in the same region. The tribes include the Aztecs, Mayans, Inca (Peru) etc.
The Olmecs didn’t have written records but pots found in archealogical sites have traces of cocoa substance.
The Aztecs called cocoa Xocolatl and it was considered more valuable than gold, and even used as currency, throughout these civilizations chocolate was consumed as a bitter drink, and maybe spiced with chilli, which was a common crop in the region.
No one knows the exact origin of these tribes but possible they were nomadic hunter-gatherers who started to build settlements.
It ended very badly for the Aztecs when the Spanish conquistador Hernàn Cortès arrived in Mesoamerica and had trained about 400 soldiers and marched into Tenochtitlan, the capital city of the Aztec empire.
The leader Montezuma unaware of the intentions of the Spaniard greeted him and his men as honored guests (talk about a Trojan Horse) but was captured and many Aztecs slaughtered by the invaders. European diseases like small pox had also reached the Aztecs and due to no immunity they died in heaps. The report I read does not state whether small pox was intentionally used as a biological weapon. But over a course of some years the Aztecs had been conquered by the Spaniards. Though the Aztecs outnumbered the invaders, their weapons and perhaps their knowledge was much infurior, giving the invaders an edge over them.
Soon after the Inca (modern day Peru) were also conquered, and it was roads that they had made that helped facilitate the attack on them.
All of these pre-Columbian civilizations had human sacrifice rituals and chocolate drinks could have been part of the ceremony.
Dark chocolate has proven to prevent the start and progress of cancer. Flavanoids in cocoa beans have cancer fighting properties. It is not a substitute for professional medical treatment, but can be part of a healthy diet. Dark chocolate is defined as 60 to 70 percent cocoa.
Copyright ©️ Arjuwan Lakkdawala 2024
Arjuwan Lakkdawala is an author and independent science researcher.
X/Instagram: Spellrainia
Oncology Nursing News, chocolate: to eat or not to eat? Karen Harris
History, Aztecs, history . com editors
History of chocolate, history . com editors
National post, approved for use in Canada, advocates are urging us to ban this common food additive, Sam riches
National Geogrphic, who were the msya? Decoding the ancient civilization's secrets, Erin blakemore
Britannica, titanium dioxide, chemical compound, debasmita patra, fact-checked by the editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Cnn health, Cancer diagnosis rates are gong up in younger adults, study finds, driven largely by rises in women and people in their 30s, Brenda goodman
Wall Street Journal, Cancer is striking more young people, and doctors are alarmed and baffled, brianna abbott
International Journal of Obesity, obesogens: a unifying theory for the global rise in obesity, jerryold j. Heindel, Robert h. lustig, Barbara e. Corkey
Regask, titanium dioxide banned as a food additive in Ksa, Yemen, and Qatar
U.s. right to know, titanium dioxide, banned in Europe, is one of the most common food additive in u.s., mikaela conley
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thectegamer · 2 years
Blooket is a fun way for kids to learn things like spelling, math, and science while just playing games. Blooket was created by Tom and Ben Stewart who wanted to create a creative way for kids to learn important information while playing. So far, the platform has been used in 110 countries and has seen more than 8 million players so far! Blooket also provides live matches for players who want to enjoy their game with other people. To sign up, you need a code for the game. The Blooket code will be provided during the live match or you will be able to use codes that have been shared by others. In this article, we will be showing you how to join a Blooket game and what Blooket codes to use in 2022. How to Join a Blooket Game Joining a Blooket game is very straightforward and I will be going over how to do that. Go to your internet browser Go to blooket.com Click on the 'Join a Game' button or go to this link A page will open for you Copy and insert your Blooket game ID You will be required to log in using a Google account You also have the option to create a new account with Blooket and join games Make sure you follow the rules in the game and have fun Here's a tip for you - Blooket may expire in time, so make sure you sign up and start playing before it does. There are plenty of advantages to this, including the ability to learn from the games. Blooket Codes (November 2022) Blooket codes are only good for a limited amount of time. So make sure to use them as quickly as possible or they'll go to waste. You also have the ability to host your own sessions. Here you can find a full list of all the active Blooket codes for November: 325202 5124264 389738 843129 8936019 860159 9028310 768456 283536 899054 985227 355555 466877 584165 It's in your best interest to act quickly before the codes expire! We'll keep updating this list with new educational/unique codes. Keep an eye on it! If someone ever tells you about any Blooket hacks, don’t believe their promises! The game is completely lacking in any gaming-related hacks as yet. Tips and Recommendations Blooket is a fun educational gaming platform primarily intended for students and teachers. The company recommends children aged 13 and up before playing, due to the potential risks on the internet. To use Blooket, you only need a simple internet-connected device. Certain Blooket sessions can be above your child’s age level, so it’s always a good idea to double-check first before letting them join. Can you do anything when a Blooker session ends? Unfortunately, you can't do much about this. But if you're the host of the session, then quitting to join back makes it work. I've had a lot of success with this when joining sessions in Blooket. It is quite rare for a session to finish before the host has left. If your sessions have ended, it may be a good idea to get in contact with your teacher so he can recreate the session. Your teacher may need to provide you with a new code. In general, it makes sense to join a session the moment it starts, and this is because many of the Blooker codes may not work due to the nature of the expiry dates. You can also ask your teacher to give you more Blooket codes to use. He/she will most likely have a list of the recommended ones to use.
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mfmains · 2 years
Should i use soda player
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Webtor.io is a streaming torrent player that allows you to watch torrents online. It integrates blazing fast SOCKS5 proxy in order to protect your privacy. By using it, you can stream BitTorrent video instantly. Soda Player is a powerful torrent player. Related article: Here Are Top 5 Google Chrome Video Downloaders. It can be used to download torrents, stream torrents, share websites and grab online media. Torch Browserīased on Chromium, Torch Browser is a multifunctional web browser. Rox player supports all modern formats and compatible with protocols like BitTorrent, IPTV and HTTP. It’s a multimedia player that can stream torrents without downloading the whole file.
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To stream torrents, all you need to is install the needed addon. With it, you can easily find TV series and movies to watch and browse videos from many sources like Netflix, iTunes, HBO, YouTube and so on. Stermio is an all in one video streaming application. It’s a versatile media player that integrates BitTorrent functionality and supports all codecs, but this torrent player only available for Windows. ACE Player HDĪCE Player HD can be used as a torrent client and stream torrent files. Additionally, this app will automatically download subtitles. It supports the following protocols: BitTorrent P2P, DHT, Advanced DHT Bootstrap, Magnet links and HTTP & UDP trackers. With it, you can play the torrent file while it’s downloading. BitX Torrent Video PlayerīitX Torrent Video Player is a free application that can be installed on Android. Also, it supports the WebTorrent protocol for connecting to WebRTC peers. With its simple interface, you can stream video and audio easily and quickly. WebTorrent Desktop is a streaming torrent player. Related article: 4 Hacks You Need to Know about VLC Media Player. It not only can stream torrent movies without downloading, but also can play videos in any format.
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Moreover, it can compatible with all operating systems including Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu, Android and iOS. VLC Media Player is one of the most popular video players. Now, let’s take a look at the top 10 torrent video player.
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Note: It is illegal to download a pirated movie by using torrent.
#Should i use soda player full
If you want to stream a movie from a torrent without downloading the video, here are top 10 torrent movies players.īesides, if you’d like to download it on your computer, here recommend the excellent torrent video player – MiniTool MovieMaker released by MiniTool. Due to its small file size, BitTorrent is widely used for transferring large files, such as movies, TV shows, etc. On This Page :īitTorrent has more than 170 million active users. Don’t worry, this post offers you 10 best torrent players.
#Should i use soda player how to
Check the expiration date to start or try this fun test to see if your baking powder is still active: Mix 1/2 teaspoon baking powder with 1/2 cup hot water the mixture should bubble right away.You may have many movie torrents or other torrents, but have no idea about how to play them. So, what else do you need to know about baking powder? Remember that it usually lasts for about 12 months if stored in a cool, dry place, but, like any ingredient, it can go bad sooner. And, if you're out of baking soda, check out this list of baking soda substitutes. However, many of the baking powder substitutes ahead will use baking soda along with another ingredient, like buttermilk or lemon juice, to create the same rising effect. So, you can't just swap one for the other. While it might seem like baking soda is a good substitute, the truth is that there's a big difference between baking powder versus baking soda. When it comes in contact with a liquid, it releases carbon dioxide bubbles, which causes cakes made from scratch, muffins, and other baked goods to rise. Luckily, there's no need to panic or stop what you're making because these baking powder substitutes are here to save the day.įirst, let's take a look at how it works: Baking powder is a leavening agent that's made from baking soda mixed with an acid. Ree Drummond knows a thing or two about that (her grocery store is 30 minutes away). But if you find yourself out of baking powder, things can get a little tricky-especially if you're not able to pop out to the supermarket. It's essential to make fluffy pancakes or any baking project you try to master. Baking powder is one of those staple pantry ingredients that everyone should keep on hand.
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trustpictures · 2 years
Domainer elite software pirated
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Third Step : After completing the transaction, forward your ID receipt to email at:  or.
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It’s important to know that other marketplaces charge up to $20 PER listing and thats with you doing the hard work to manually find your domain, value it and then take the risk that it will sell.ĪND for you to get the exposure you need so other people see your domain, they will probably ask you to upgrade which can cost upwards of $350.Īt Domainer Elite there are no costs everytime you list a domain. Let’s watch some Domainer Elite Pro Proofs Done-for-You Domain Listing Template that Sells the Domain FOR YOU!.Access to the Brokers (that have been previously only been exclusive to me).Want MORE Money? Setup a Cash Site in Addition to Domain to Make 12X the Money!.
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greysken · 2 years
Cardpresso error message
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The message should be written in plain language so that the target users can easily understand both the problem and the solution. You need to describe what happened, why it happened, and what the user can do about it. When it comes to writing error messages, clarity is your top priority. The recommendations are based on guidelines created by Microsoft and Apple design guidelines.
In this article, I want to share the top six recommendations on how to write and design user-friendly error messages. Good error message UX design, on the other hand, can increase the speed of use and users’ subjective satisfaction. Poorly written error messages are one of the things that annoy users. Users often evaluate the quality of the product by the quality of error messages. When people interact with products, eventually, something is bound to go wrong.Įrror messages may seem trivial, but they are a critical component of user experience. But no matter how good our design is, errors are unavoidable. Expected Results: If you have followed the above procedure correctly, you will now be able to print normally, and without receiving the error message indicating an expired license.We all know that the best error message is the one that never shows up.
It is important to not rename the printer driver from their default values – eMedia Card Designer depends on proper naming to ensure the program will operate in Standard Edition mode without requiring a license key. Click on “File”, then click on “Print Setup”. When you see the screen below, click on the “Disable demonstration mode” button. Ensure that you are in Design mode, then click on the “DEMO” icon on the tool-bar. (Note – this is only effective if using an Evolis Pebble or Evolis Dualys printer.) Getting out of Demo Mode: 1. Getting out of demo mode, and back to the free Standard level is a quick process, accomplished in just a few steps.
What is NOT clear is that you can continue using the program for free in Standard Edition mode. From that point, the program operates only in “Demo” mode. After 30-days, a message appears indicating the need to enter a valid license key. At installation, Card Designer is first set up as a 30-day working trial of the Professional Edition.
It did not require a license key for use. When the Pebble4 and Dualys3 printers were still in production, included a copy of eMedia Card Designer – Standard Edition. If you are still using an or card-printer with eMedia Card Designer software, you may need to follow this procedure for getting out of demo mode. In the United States.pc performer license key.
More than an application User-friendly Software Emedia card designer. Powerful yet ergonomic it answers professional demands while still being a very user-friendly printing solution for loyalty cards, access control or any other applications.
adds advanced features like DESFire, Web Print Server and Net License up to 16 PCs.ĮMedia is the perfect tool for graphic, magnetic and electronic personalization of plastic cards.
MSRP $2450 when upgrading from XXS Lite.
adds ODBC connection, RFID contactless direct encoding and smartcard plugin, multi-layout card designs, conditional printing, operation logs and much more!.
MSRP $1050 when upgrading from XXS Lite.
Adds local MS access connection, photo on database, FaceCrop tool for face recognition and 2D barcodes.
MSRP $450 when upgrading from XXS Lite.
Adds QR and.TXT database connection, database view and link image to DB field.
MSRP $250 when upgrading from XXS Lite.
CardPresso Versions and Upgrades Cheat Sheet Versions & Upgrades Very simple to use, constantly bug checked and updated and much more feature rich than eMedia. Advantages include a USB dongle that can be easily moved from one computer to another instead of having to migrate a license key by email. More Information Cardpresso was purchased by Evolis in the middle of 2014.Ĭardpresso was created by the developers of Card 5 which was one of the most successful ID Card software programs available before being purchased by Zebra Card. Upgrades include options like 2D barcode capabilities, auto face recognition, connection to many types of databases and more. CardPresso, like many ID card software programs has a base version and a number of upgrades depending on the need of the user or application. CardPresso is a simple to use, versatile ID card software that can be used with any card printer on the market to design and print ID cards. CardPresso ID Card Software CardPresso Overview CardPresso ID card software was introduced in 2014 as an alternative to eMedia card designer and is bundled currently with the Evolis Zenius and Evolis Primacy card printers.
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guildtrust · 2 years
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Why is qualitative data analysis important?Īnalyzing qualitative data allows you to extract insights that can lead to better business decisions. In this article, we explain the importance of qualitative data analysis and introduce some useful tools for improving data analysis, with a comprehensive description of each one. If you work in marketing or business intelligence, you may be interested in learning about the resources you can use to improve the processes for analyzing qualitative data. Instead, it comes from interactions with individuals via methods such as observations, interviews and questionnaires, providing an in-depth look into what consumers think about a particular topic.
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If you combine the software with good coding manual (my favourite is Saldana The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers, 2nd edition) it gives you quite powerful insight into your data.Qualitative data is information that objective metrics, such as numbers, can't sufficiently capture. We have been using it excensively for a research that covers over 160 interviews (collected in two time sets) and after coding we looked for patterns between codes, between interviews, institutions of the interviewees, etc. Also you can import/export certain variables of your population from SPSS/Excel and filter coded segments with those variables to search for patterns. It means that after coding your interviews it allows you to turn them into "numbers" and apply statistical analysis (but still keeping the link to quotations). Maxqda has a well developed mixed-methods function. it is quite expensive (although if you are PhD student - you have a huge discount) but it is a good investment if you are into QUAL and mixed-methods analysis. We experimented with different softwares (Nvivio, Atlas, Maxqda) and based on this I would strongly recommend Maxqda software. It all depends on (1) how deep you want to go into your data and (2) do you want to apply mixed methods analysis. Nvivo is straightforward - you upload texts, and there they stay. I am sure it may be better now, but I don't know. In those days, and I don't know if it is still the same, Atlas stored texts separately from the analysis (a bit like endnote libraries, where you have to have the associated files to make an endnote library work) so you couldn't move computers or share analysis with a colleague without great difficulty or finding your 'file pathways' were broken (ie the computer couldn't find the original interview). I was introduced to NVivo when I moved to King's College London and immediately took to it - it's much more intuitive and uses a windows-style approach, making it straightforward for those who are used to windows. I used Atlas first, because that was what University of Kent provided, (I worked there 2000-2008) and found it really quite hard to use. I sent the following to a colleague with a similar query - but post it here too, in case it is useful.
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alternatively, if you dont have any quantitative data to code alongside, you can just use Atlas Ti. so make sure that you do a through coding and export as a word document which is still available after the Nvivo expires. its quite expensive so make sure you do a through coding before exporting because once the trail version expires, you cannot open the file again. you can check to see if the discount still applies for you. it was discounted for students a few weeks ago. 28 interviews can be coded in less than a month and then export immediately as the trail version expires after 30 days.
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you could download the trail version of Nvivo version 10 and use it. with 28 interviews, i think you should go for nvivo. at present, Nvivo ranks really high cos of its flexibility and allowance and is a great tool for really handling data. i have used both Nvivo and Atlas ti severally over the last 5 years and i find that although both have some issues, they are both great. not only does it allow you to analyse qualitative data but also allows you to import some quantitative data and analyse alongside the qualitative data.
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] A refugee who had an affair with a Brit dad-of-two stated that she is heading again to Ukraine after being dumped.Sofiia Karkadym, 22, is packing her luggage and returning to her war-torn house nation after he rejected her final bid pleas to get again collectively, The Sun experiences.In a cellphone name final evening, Tony Garnett advised the Ukrainian refugee there was “absolutely no chance” they'd ever be a pair once more, experiences Mail Online.Tony, 29, was so smitten with Sofiia he walked out on the mum of his two kids, Lorna Garnett, for her.He and Lorna had welcomed the Ukrainian into their household house simply ten days earlier.But months after the pair ran off collectively Tony dumped Sofia too, leaving her “heartbroken”.It got here after a row between them allegedly noticed her “ram a knife into the wall in the kitchen several times while she was drunk”.Sofiia has been arrested twice and was warned by cops to not contact Tony.But he agreed to name her final evening solely to shut the ebook for good on their whirlwind relationship.Loved up refugee Sofiia stated she wouldn't hand over on Tony regardless of his rejection of her.She advised Mail Online: “It is a very difficult time for me as I love him very much. I can’t let go so easily and I am lost here without any friends or family.“I have told him that I will never drink again and that we could live happily together if he just gives me one more chance.“But he is refusing and I don’t know what to do next.“I may have to go back to Ukraine because I can’t live like this much longer. My family want me back”Tony, from Bradford, stated: “I’m not heartless. I do feel sorry for her. But relationships do come to an end and this one is over.“I talked to her last night and told her that there was absolutely no chance of us getting back together.“Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. She’ll be much better off in Ukraine or if she gets a new relationship, good luck to her.”As the four-month affair got here to an finish, Tony advised a heartbroken Sofiia that her mom was additionally demanding she return again to Ukraine.Her mom Katerina advised Tony: “In love, everyone has their own destiny. At first we were not happy, but she said she loved you and that this was a serious relationship.“But it is over. We would like her to come home.”Sofiia had beforehand revealed she had fled the Ukraine struggle having been in a violent relationship, the place her jaw was damaged by an ex.But her visa which allowed her emergency refugee standing for six months, expires in a number of weeks.Just days in the past, it was understood Sofiia has now advised officers she desires to return to her house nation and household.This article initially appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission [ad_2] Source link
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venuscomb · 3 years
Why We Love Dinosaurs  Boria Sax, Nautilus
The Surprising History (and Future) of Dinosaurs  Chantel Tattoli, Paris Review
How Do We Know What Dinosaurs Looked Like?   Sara Chodosh, Popular Science 
What It’s Like to Dig for Dinosaur Bones   Steve Macone, The Atlantic  
How We Elected T. Rex to Be Our Tyrant Lizard King   Riley Black, Smithsonian Magazine
How to Weigh a Dinosaur   Elizabeth Yuko, Lifehacker           
WATCH: How to Build a Dinosaur   Kimberly Mas, Vox      
How to Outrun a Dinosaur   Cody Cassidy, Wired            
This Is What Dinosaur Meat Tasted Like   Hilary Pollack, Vice    
The Day the Dinosaurs Died  Douglas Preston, The New Yorker                      
What If the Asteroid Never Killed the Dinosaurs? Daniel Kolitz, Gizmodo
How Dinosaurs Shrank and Became Birds Emily Singer, Quanta Magazine
On America’s Wild West of Dinosaur Fossil Hunting Lukas Rieppel, Literary Hub        
To Date a Dinosaur Laura Poppick, Knowable Magazine    
‘The Nation’s T. rex’: How a Montana Family’s Hike Led to an Incredible Discovery Steve Hendrix, The Washington Post      
Why Does the U.S. Army Own So Many Fossils? Sabrina Imbler, Atlas Obscura            
How Jurassic Park Changed the Way Movies Looked at Dinosaurs Keith Phipps, Vulture       
The Real Science of Bringing Back the Dinosaurs Matt Blitz, Popular Mechanics          
The Best Places to Visit for Dinosaur Lovers of Any Age Julie Vick, Afar                    
The Best Books on Dinosaurs Recommended by Paul Barrett, Five Books                                                                                                                   
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shisei11 · 2 years
Clip Studio Paint 2.0 Announcement and What It Means
I see people worry that CSP is over now and that they will force subscriptions on everyone. This is not really the case. But lets back up a bit, what's actually happening?
CSP just released an announcement about version 2.0, and it's plans for the future. The current plan is to stop including free feature updates to the current CSP version (1.x) in 2023.
I am not linking the article in this post, but that's only so it can show up in the tag searches. It should be available on their website or on their Twitter!
This got long so it's under a read more.
Will CSP 2.0 replace my current CSP?
If you already have a 1.x CSP (current CSP) license, you will keep it. It will not be voided, and you will not be forced to update to 2.0. If you're not interested in the new features of 2.0+, literally NOTHING changes. You can still use 1.x CSP, you will be able to access the cloud storage and asset store, customer service is still gonna be available.
You just can't use the new stuff in 2.0 going forward. That's it. They will not require a subscription to the current CSP version and will not lock you out of any stuff you have right now.
They will also still release bug fixes for 1.x until 3.0 drops (which is likely YEARS in the future).
Well, what if I WANT CSP 2.0?
If you want the new CSP, you will have several options. Buying the 2.0 Perpetual License, buying the Update Pass, and paying for the Subscription.
If you buy the 2.0 Perpetual License, you will be able to use all base features released for that version, but you will NOT be able to use the new features released in 2.1, 2.2 etc.
If you'd want to use those new features in 2.1+, you will need either:
A, An Update Pass
B, A Subscription
A- If you plan to buy the 2.0 License but also want the new features, you need the Update Pass. It will last a year and will cost less than the monthly subscription. It can be activated at any time. When it expires, you will NOT be able to use the new features anymore (stuff in 2.1 etc.), but can still use 2.0 features if you have the Perpetual License.
You can also just buy the Update Pass for your 1.x CSP (without needed to buy another license for base 2.0 CSP)! In which case when that would expire, you'd go back to the features available in the 1.x version.
B- If you're paying the monthly sub, you will get all new updates and features as they release. You do not need an Update Pass or a base Perpetual License. If you are already using a subscription for CSP right now, literally nothing changes for you!
How long will they support 1.x CSP though?
The article says they are planning to fully support it until 3.0 launches. That means releasing new bug fixes, and offering customer support to everyone who owns a 1.x CSP license.
Even after 3.0 drops in the far future, you will still be able to use 1.x fully. They will just stop supporting it officially, but if you already have a license and your PC can run it, you can still use it like before!
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I often seen critiques of make up from an existential/philosophical perspective, but I rarely see criticism of cosmetics from a stand point of the very physical bodily harm it does. I think this is because the number of dangerous ingredients is so massive, and overlapping its an absolutely daunting task. So I've compiled the information I've found and bear with me its a lot. (This is from an American perspective. Sorry, thats what I know. However I would love it if people from other countries had things to add.)
First I want to get the "simple" stuff out of the way. I think almost everyone has heard about bacteria and fungi in makeup and that makeup causes acne from clogging pores. Makeup has a pretty strict shelf life, yet consumers are entirely supposed to self-police as Ive never seen a single expiration date on any cosmetic packaging. (I guess consumers are meant to pull this knowledge out of the ether or something. I only found out about it in a tumblr PSA. I did read that expirys are on products in Europe.) Beauty blenders are the worst offender because theyre almost always moist. When I was taught makeup I was told to wet my sponge so it would soak up less product. If you apply makeup daily your sponge is likely constantly damp. USA Today had an article which said that 96% of sponges had fungi and over 60% had E. Coli in them. But I think what people talk about less is the complication of problems from using other products in conjunction with dirty beauty blenders. USA Today warns its especially dangerous to use beauty blenders if you have damage to your skin like acne, cuts, or dry skin. However the most popular beauty products for washing your face contain walnut pieces for literally scrubbing your skin and creating microabrasions. If youre a frequent makeup user you probably know about the cyclical nature of applying foundation, breaking out, and then applying more foundation to cover the breakout. You may even be using scrubbing cleansers more frequently to combat the acne creating more tears. This can lead to "blood poisoning" and, though neither USA today or Forbes mentions this, blood poisoning (not a medical term btw. Its sepsis.) according to numerous medical sites has the potential to be extremely lethal. The symptoms are so similar to a regular flu its nearly impossible to self-diagnose.
The very first thing I was told when a friend handed me a jar of finishing powder- popular with many beauty gurus for the "baking" technique and considered a must have- was a joke about "clown lung." This was a reference to the main ingredient talc. Talc causes lung problems including cancer and respiratory illness. If anyone remembers the large Johnson and Johnson lawsuit from 2019 it was because theyd been putting talc into baby powder. Talc is dangerous because it's impossible to mine and seperate from ASBESTOS. Some high-end finishing powders will try to sell you on safe talc-free formulas but all the products I looked into contained mica instead which causes pneumoconiosis, colloquially known as "black lung disease." Like fucking coal miners get. Its not just present in finishing powder either. In my research it turned out that talc/asbestos are also present in many eyeshadows and other powder products. [Googleable, evidenced in J&J lawsuit]
Another industry to examine is nail salons. Toluene, Formaldehyde, Dibutyl Phthalate, and Methacrylate compounds are all dangerous ingredients and present in various salon products. These ingredients cause a range of problems from dizziness, drowsiness, birth defects, slow fetal growth, future intellectual disabilities in the fetus, eye skin and throat irritation, coughing, allergic reactions, asthma-like attacks, short-term memory loss, nausea, dermatitis, cancer, and misscarriage. Some nail products advertise that they are 3-free meaning that toluene, formaldehyde, and DP should be absent but often the labels are found to be completely inaccurate. It should be noted that the risk is mainly to salon workers and not patrons but ask yourself if it is right to place other people at serious risk for your aesthetic. OSHA does make an attempt to mitigate these risks however not once in my years of makeup queen did I see a salon following these directives which include constant air monitoring, half mask respirators with chemical cartridges, gloves, long sleeves, and safety glasses. (And Im not even going to touch issues of human trafficking/slave labour out of nail salons one case of which occured 5 days ago two hours away from me) It should also be noted that formaldehyde can also be found in hair relaxers and hair dyes. [Found articles in Scientific American and NYT]
I also found on the FDAs website that many cosmetics include heavy metals like arsenic, mercury, and lead. (Usually accompainied by a picture of lipstick so I assume that is the product most likely to contain it, however campaign for safe cosmetics lists foundation as containing heavy metals, and The Guardian has an article about skin lighteners from Asia and Africa containing mercury.) The website stated that the amount of these heavy metals in cosmetics is "safe" if used as intended. (and I'm going to come back to the concept of "intended use" later because thats a can of worms too) However, when searching for info on heavy metal safety I found this quote in regards to metals in food:
"Certain metals, such as arsenic, lead and mercury, have no established health benefit, and have been shown to lead to illness, impairment, and in high doses, death. Understanding the risk that harmful metals pose in our food supply is complicated by the fact that no single food source accounts for most people’s exposure to metals in foods. People’s exposure comes from many different foods containing these metals. Combining all of the foods we eat, even low levels of harmful metals from individual food sources, can sometimes add up to a level of concern"
So like, which is it? Is it a "safe amount" or is no amount of metal safe? I understand that in the case of certain foods like fish some amount of mercury poisoning is always expected but fish is also something you feed yourself and nourish your body with while cosmetics are completely unecessary to your survival. The mercury problem in fish is also mitigated by health warnings when mercury levels are particularly high but cosmetics have no such warning. Another warning on the site indicated that children should ingest NO amount of lead AT ALL because it is particularly harmful for kids yet theres no effort to stop children from using lead-containing cosmetics. I worked next to a Five Below where I was shocked to find they sold Jeffree Star and Anastasia eyeshadow dupes for five dollars which amounts to fucking pocket change for a lot of kids and kids do buy that stuff. I also think its ironic the FDA would have anything to say regarding cosmetics because in the very same article about heavy metals in cosmetics the FDA says that they DO NOT REGULATE cosmetics beyond the color additives.
Mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, and brow tint often contain carbon black. This is a color additive that is an incomplete combustion of carbon-based products. It can cause lung disease, cancer, and organ system toxicity, and eye, nose, throat irritation. The effects are mainly studied in rats and those at biggest risk are industrial workers but why do other workers have to endure lung problems for something so unecessary? [Easily googleable, NIH, CDC, WHO Europe]
This next bit I only want to mention briefly because I didnt find any particularly reputable sources about it, but its a claim that cropped up repeatedly and I think its an interesting one. Parabens, estrogen, phthalates (again), and pesticides in cosmetics are apparently linked to endocrine disorders and hormone dysregulation. Im not entirely sure what is meant by this accusation. Endocrine disorders include female diseases like PCOS and possibly endometriosis. None of these diseases is very well studied and the female endocrine system itself is not well studied either. Im not saying "cosmetics cause PCOS" because we dont know if PCOS or these other endocrine/hormonal disorders are genetic or environmental or both (it appears that PCOS is largely genetic and Endometriosis is likely autoimmune related) AND we dont appear to know for sure that cosmetic ingredients cause endocrine disorder. But I include anyway for a number of reasons:
If you happen to struggle with hormonal problems you may want to know cosmetics is a potential environment factor.
These conditions are incredibly painful. It will be a battle getting your doctor to even acknowledge that pain for diagnosis. PCOS is linked to diabetes, and heart disease. [Thanks @mother-of-pearl ] There is no cure and the treatments are often throwing hormonal birth control at it and hoping for the best.
I dont anticipate the link between cosmetics and endocrine disorders being studied any time soon or any endocrine disorders studied at all because the medical/scientific field is sexist. I dont want women to suffer in the mean time.
Now again, take this with a grain of salt because I couldnt find scientific or news sources for it. Dont fucking come for me. Im not gonna respond to you. [Most reputable source was a paper from the library of medicine at the national institutes of health but it was behind a paywall and I dont have 39 dollars to be right on tumblrdotcom]
Avoiding these ingredients is not as simple as scanning the label for them. As many beautubers and the community are no doubt aware considering multiple scandals over veganism. Products advertised as vegan or cruelty free but contain non-vegan carmine or are sold in China which legally requires the products to be animal tested. Cosmetic companies will hide ingredients claiming they are "trade secrets" or they will be placed under "fragrance." Many ingredients will be known by six or seven different names and asking consumers to be aware of seven different names for multiple ingredients requires consumers to be aware of innumerable different, often complicated ingredient names. I shouldnt have to point out that's a ridiculous burden to place on women. The EU banned 1,300 hazardous ingredients that the US did not. Cosmetic companies rely on women being unwilling/unable to bring in a list of 1,300 ingredients- with multiple names- every time they pop in to the drug store, sephora, or wherever. Buying "natural" products will not help you either. Theres no established criteria for natural/organic in costmetics, the FDA doesnt test these products, and "natural"=/= safe anyway. Plenty of plants and minerals are poisonous. One good example is traditional kohl products which advertise their natural status but also naturally contain lead and reiterating that natural powders contain mica. US courts are rarely on the side of consumers either. I found an interesting lawsuit against St. Ives for their apricot scrub taken to court for their "dermatologist tested" label despite it causing breakouts and cuts to the skin. The courts ruled that this label was fine because it only indicated that the product was TESTED not APPROVED by dermatologists. However I think any rational consumer would look at this label and assume the tests concluded it was safe for use or else why put the label on there?
[Googlable XMONDO drama, googlable laws wrt china and eu, already stated about FDA, FDA website about Kohl. Googled St. Ives lawsuit.]
I want to return to the idea of "intended use." This is sort of a fucky concept a lot of companies have ways of getting around. My "last straw" with makeup had to do with a run-in I had with Anastasia over their "Riviera" eyeshadow palette. In this pallette they had two colors that were the real feature of the palette, an electric neon purple and a radioactive pink I mean every photo, every promotion has these two colors swirled together around the eye. Because again, its an eyeshadow palette. When I buy the eyeshadow palette of course there's a little insert warning in the package that says these two shades are not intended on the eye area. In an eyeshadow palette. Contacting their customer service they told me that these two shades were meant to be used as a blush. neon purple blush. Not only that, but their website and instagram featured NO models wearing the shades as blush while EVERY model one or more of the shades as eyeshadow. When asked about this discrepancy ABH stopped responding. What I find egregious about this is the amount of people who dont know, and then more staggeringly; dont care. The sephora clerks didnt know, the in store abh representative didnt know, their customers didnt know, and when I told them they would respond with "oh, [brand] did the same thing with their [shade]." Sure enough, when I demanded that store clerks open the packaging to look for warnings nearly every product had an "eyeshadow" that was not intended for use on the eyes. Relegating dark, red-toned teal to "contour" and neon grean to "highlighter" US-based cosmetic junkies will say that these pigments have been approved for use by the EU however I found absolutely NO evidence of that. I googled it a thousand ways but all I ever found were blog posts, reddit comments, and one quote from an apparently nonEuropean layman in an Insider article. I even changed my location to France on ABH's website and the Norvina palette still contains the same warnings (not to harp on ABH in particular. I just know which shades in particular are the problem there). The Insider article noted that brands who were selling pressed pigments declined to comment. If the pressed pigments were EU friendly, I would think companies would be clamouring to say so. It also still makes their market as eyeshadow colors illegal in the US. (If any Europeans would like to chime in I'd love that.) Another problem I find with cosmetics companies and their reps is the claim that the worst thing that could happen is eye irritation for those with sensitive eyes and staining. How could they possibly know? The FDA doesnt test, or approve these cosmetics in the eye area, so ostensibly no one should be using it that way.
The next one is a bit of a "duh" but I'm going to talk about it anyway. Counterfeit cosmetics are a booming market full of untold dangers. Untold primarily because these products could contain literally anything. Ive read about glue, arsenic, lead, feces, staph, and horse urine to name a few. The labels and ingredient list on these products are fake. Legitimate brands often unintentionally play into the counterfeit market. They create artificial scarcity by making less of the product than is actually needed for consumer demand to create an even higher demand. If consumers miss out often their only chance at getting the product is to turn to counterfeits. I found examples of women who had their lips superglued, lips "turned to goo" and burned to blistering, throat closures, women with stys, contact dermatitis, eye infections. I think we as a society turn a blind eye to this problem because we think "hey, if youre buying counterfeits for a discount and you get hurt you deserve it." We imagine idiots buying products for 4 dollars from ebay or perusing Canal street for FEИTY beauty. But these counterfeits can be really convincing. I myself received a gift of a huda palette that I only recognized something was weird about it because I'd swatched it at sephora about five times earlier that month. The person who bought it for me actually paid MORE than the usual cost for the palette because it was advertised as a newer, better edition. The websites can be disturbingly similar. For instance Kylie Jenner's legitimate website is KylieCosmetics.com but you can find fakes at kyliecosmeticsshop.co.uk. These fakes can buy ad space and be one of the first sites that populate when you google the products instead of typing the legitimate site into the address bar. Counterfeits can also be bought and sold through third parties on websites like ebay, wish, and amazon. (My gift actually came from Amazon.)
[Netflix doc "Broken" ep "Makeup Mayhem" Corroborated by personal experience and google]
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