#I was fighting the colouring demons with this one. Phew!
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ashtonsunshine · 9 months ago
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The moonlight on your skin; I feel your tidal pleasures
My poster for Straight To Your Heart by Ashton Irwin
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astrylx · 14 days ago
Supernatural Liveblog - S.5 Ep.08 - Changing Channels
TRICKSTER EPISODE SPOTTED! I love the Trickster, I love him so much, he might be one of, if not my favorite character. This episode is going to be fun. I also may or may not be attracted to him, but I'm also gay with bad taste so...
The change in colours from this episode compared to the rest of the series is so jarring.
This dumb little theme song, I love it.
Hulk? Okay then.
Please ally with the Trickster I would love that. (it's not going to happen)
They're in Dean's 'Dr. Sexy' now, aren't they?
Oh Dean's a hardcore watcher now, is he?
For all the Trickster has put them through, they really don't believe the things he does much, do they?
is it bad if I say I want the Trickster so bad...
Not Dean dying AGAIN. A theme with these episodes.
Okay not dead, but nearly.
Cas can't interfere here, the trickster is stronger than Cas.
what the fuck was that question oh my-
DEAN SAID YES- this hurts.
I jokingly said the Gabriel was the trickster in a text to a friend AS A JOKE but now I don't think it's a joke I think it may be. This for sure isn't a demon, and it's nothing like the pagan gods we've seen. I think I may have been right.
Never mind I guess? I'm confused now.
More terrible effects and CGI... Also they killed an innocent guy.
Trickster better not be dead, I love him too much for that.
Wait Sam is the car? PF-
I’m starting to feel so bad for him. He left Heaven to escape his family fighting.
Him describing the roles, holy shit.
Is that way Azazel picked Sam? He knew this? Or?
Richard Speight Jr has the most gorgeous eyes I can’t look away.
They’re just leaving him? Lol-
They let him free after everything.
That glare he gave Castiel, damn.
Is what Dean said to Sam just not going to be acknowledged? They never get to know? Because I know they don’t know Japanese, or what happened, but Dean literally blamed Sam for their parents being dead. That’s heavy.
ANYWAY! Gabriel, I love you, you’re beautiful.
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jenniferdong23 · 5 years ago
Some of my thoughts and interpretations on folklore 💖: 
1. the 1: I think this is a beautfiul opening track and it talks about reminiscing about a lost love, sort of like the one that got away. My fave lines: "But we were something don't you think so." (WHEN SHE SAYS THIS I'M IN LOVE). I also really love, "We never painted by the numbers baby, but we were making it count." Knowing how much Taylor loves counting (eg. in So It Goes, "1,2,3" and not to mention all her countdowns), I’m not surprised ahaha. 
2. cardigan: I'm guessing this is a part of the love triangle. This is probably told from Betty's POV ("chase two girls, lose the one"). Cardigan just gives me Great Gatsby vibes and I love it. This is the kind of song that you just want to listen to on a long drive and one of my fave lines: "When you are young, they assume you know nothing," which isn't true because age doesn't necessarily define maturity. ALSO, when Taylor sings, “I knew you’d haunt all of my what-ifs” LIKE HOW DOES ONE COME UP WITH THIS. GENIUS. 
3. the last great american dynasty: This song is eerily similar to 'The Lucky One' but this time, Taylor talks about the previous owner of her Rhode Island house, "Rebekah." The last great american dynasty is also the perfect lead to ‘mad woman’. My favourite line, "Flew in all her Bitch Pack friends from the city," and Taylor is talking about Rebekah here but I can't help but think about how Taylor could be talking about some of her ex-friends (but now we know who all our real friends are!!) 
4. exile: PHEW. This is probably one of my favourites since it gives me 'The Last Time' vibes and y'all know how much I love that song. Bon Iver and Taylor's voices just blend soooooo well together here eeeeeek. Exile sort of talks about the peak of a break-up ("so step right out"). My fave line is prob: "I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending," and it just resonates within me so much. 
5. my tears ricochet: TRACK 5!! Taylor's track 5 songs always makes me cry and even though I could be ugly sobbing, it's still so calming??? I think it's talking about a love story here but something makes me think that there's much more. My fave line is prob: "You wear the same jewels that I gave you as you bury me" and "I didn't have it in myself to go with grace" could talk about her struggles with BML and retaining her songs back. Also, "And you can aim for my heart, go for blood, but you would still miss me in your bones" WOW WOW WOW. When it goes, “You can hear my silent lullabies,” the lullabies could be Taylor’s old songs because she isn’t able to sing them anymore :((((( 
6. mirrorball: I personally really love how upbeat and sparkly this is. It sounds like something you would play while biking in the sunset by the pier. My fave line, "You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinning in my highest heels, love, shining just for you." Middle/high school dance vibes anyone?? It's the perfect lullaby and it's so nice and dreamy!!!
7. seven: WOW. I think this may be sparked by some of Taylor's personal experiences. My fave line: "Before I learned civility, I used to scream ferociously," and I can't help but feel like Taylor is talking about how she found the love she's always dreamt of (THANK YOU JOE). 
8. august: OMG. THIS SONG MAKES MY HEART CLENCH. THIS WILL ALWAYS BE A FAVE. I'm pretty sure this is told in the POV of the woman James cheated on Betty with that one summer. But it's beautiful on its own without the whole love triangle yenno? I think one reason why I'm so stuck on this love triangle is because it also focuses on "the other woman". She (the other woman) knew that (James) was "never hers to lose." There isn't a clear villain here and that's life, it's not always black and white. "Remember when I pulled up and said, 'Get in the car'," alludes to ‘betty’. I've never personally liked love triangles but Taylor has reinvented them & it's refreshing in these songs. My other fave line is, "August sipped away like a bottle of wine cause you were never mine." *cue the sobbing* 
9. this is me trying: I LOVE THIS SONG TOO. So relatable (my struggles with school ahaha). It also gives me 'Back To December' vibes and similarly to the 'Back To December' video, this is me trying's lyric video also has the big white screen as in the football field in Back To December. My fave line is: "And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound," AND UM THE MOMENT I KNEW VIBES ANYONE???
10. illicit affairs: PHEW OK. THERE'S A LOT HERE. The whole story is really an illicit affair. At first, I thought this was also a part of the love triangle but Taylor said there were 3 songs that alludes to a love triangle so I scratched that thought out. I love the guitar here and the magical feeling it emits. One of my fave lines, "a dwindling mercurial high," THAT HIGH NOTE AT “HIGH”. TAYLOR ENDED ME. Near the end of the song, "You showed me colours you know I can't see with anyone else," really screams "you left an indentation on me" and permanent marks. Taylor really dived into this song and I'm here for it. THIS SONG IS JUST A LYRICAL MASTERPEICE.
11. invisible string: *JOE JOE JOE JOE* This is basically about Joe right?? All the lines here are amazing but the LYRIC VIDEO. It's a video of clouds but it describes how Taylor feels being with Joe: heavenly and sort of like on cloud 9. My fave line is prob: "String that pulled me out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar" AND WE KNOW THAT DELICATE HAS, "dive bar on the east side where you at." IT WAS MEANT TO BE TAYLOR AND JOE ALWYN ALL ALONG. PERIODT.  
12. mad woman: This is the sequel to ‘The Man’. Taylor snapped here and she really just cast a spell on me. All her life, Taylor has been criticized for every little thing that any other person not in the spotlight wouldn't be criticized about. This track perfectly describes it. My fave line: "Women like hunting witches too, doing your dirtiest work for you." This line turns the narrative around and just, YOU GO TAYLOR. Not to mention when she curses here, LOVE IT.
13. epiphany: I think this is about Taylor's grandfather but it could apply to any veteran. It talks about a soldier during their last moments. My heart is breaking. Taylor's vocals here *chef's kisses* It could be about seeing a loved one in their last moments and I'm ugly crying but Taylor, thank you for this song.
14. betty: BETTY OH BETTY. James, how could you. It's the last song in the love triangle and it's in James' POV. Automatically, I get 'Stay Stay Stay' vibes. I LOVE THE HARMONICAS. It's like a fun and upbeat song but also sad??? Betty goes to show how great of a storyteller Taylor always is. The story flows perfectly and UGH MY HEART, I'M HOOKED. And she drops the f- word here too hehe. Also, "Like a figment of my worst intentions," WHEW. It's a nice song to sway too and this is one of my faves!!!
15. peace: OK THERE'S SO MUCH TO UNPACK HERE TOO. SO MANY CLUES. It talks about Taylor and how she's scared her demons will catch up to Joe. "But you got a friend in me," relates to INTHAF. When she said, "Give you a child," I SCREAMED. NOT TO MENTION, "clowns in the WEST" BAHAHAHA I'M CACKLING. It may not always be peaceful in Taylor's life but I'm glad she has someone like Joe (the true MVP honestly). 
16. hoax: LAST SONG NOOOO. I love how, "Don't want no other shade of blue but you," has so many interpretations and at first I thought it was about Joe ("deep blue but you painted me golden"), but I'm starting to think it's more about Taylor fighting back for her songs. "From when they pulled me apart," just kind of confirms about Taylor's fight for ownership of her music. It could be alluding to how the *scooters* are hoaxes and how they did her dirty. It's the perfect last track and the whole folklore album is beautiful. 
Overall, @taylorswift, I think you did an AN AMAZING JOB AS ALWAYS. Thank you for sharing your stories for us and I’ll be passing on these stories to all my friends hehe. I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND TO SATURN TAYLOR!!!!! 💕⭐🌟 @taylornation 
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roninki · 6 years ago
5 Things: Kotomi Nikuya
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Nikuya Kotomi
Oni no Aka
Right Hand of the Demon
Chest bindings
Loose shirts
Long coats
Thigh high boots
Crossed arms
Straight back
Crooked grin
Furrowed brow
Raised chin
The clash of steel on steel
The quiet rasp of a burning pipe
The drawing of a blade
The din of a packed bar
The stroke of a paintbrush on canvas
Katana and wakizashi pairing
Sake gourd
Soul Crystal
A long, Far Eastern pipe
Eight rings of different style
Levox - Samurai Code
I Hate Models - She Said Fuck People I Have Drugs
God Is An Astronaut - When Everything Dies
Dark Souls II OST - Sir Alonne
PHEW. THIS WAS A HARD ONE TO DO. Those 5 songs were reeeeally tricky to pick, mainly because I always struggle with trying to pin down fitting songs for my characters.  Thanks for the tag as usual @fiendofearth. Tagging @mai-takeda @lizard-and-miqos @theash-hatrukoth @roemom @mother-muscles and anyone else that’s vaguely interested in these!
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therealseanwstewart · 8 years ago
Insane Pitches Part 2: The Pitchening
A brooding sex slave living in Hell gets taken into a rather colourful harem after the death of her previous owner. The harem consists of other girls, like Gomer, a fierce, sadistic redhead who whips and tortures others, and is the only demon who is granted a penis, and therefore becomes a hermaphrodite, Bathsheba, an insane zealot Christian in a proper white dress, has large eyes and blonde hair and has a generally doll-like appearance, Drusilla, a woman who is constantly on fire, and Mary, a ninja who always aims straight for the heart. Rahab herself wants to become the strongest sex slave, and fights the other girls to the death with her new sacred demonic weapon, a giant, talking two-pronged fork, which she can use to totally gut her enemies, or scale walls. Rahab cries a stream of black mascara and drips blood everywhere she goes. But don’t worry. She can’t truly die. She’s in Hell, remember?
AeroDynamic AirHead
AirHead is a cheerful and optimistic balloon-headed kid who lives among his hot air balloon brethren. Born with an unusual fascination with the sky he wants to soar to new heights, but his grandpa always tells him that he cannot leave this world, as balloon heads should stay grounded. AirHead is always told by others that he’s full of it, but that does not stop his head from inflating...Until eventually...His head may grow too huge, and it may take his body (a sandbag) with him into outer space...
World of Fuck
You are a tiny boy. One day, a maid from space kidnaps you and takes you into her space station, convincing you to fuck her when you awaken and she then tells you that she’s your slave, and you’re her Master, and that the neighboring planet is full of other beautiful, but powerful women, fairies, goddesses and the like all want a piece of your delicious dick. ...But first, they must be defeated in battle. The boy can “merge” with the girls at his disposal and can defeat the other ladies this way in order to have sex with each of them and get them to join him as his slaves. Become their Master! Fuck ALL of the cute girls out there!! ...Go on!
The secret eighth sea of the world, not shown on any world map is the PepperJack Ocean, right where the Bermuda Triangle is. Defending this secret ocean is none other than the mighty shape-shifting spirit known as Spektro. Spektro is a ghost who can scare away outsiders like greedy pirates by turning into just about anything and playing nasty pranks upon his foes. ...But the stubborn Capt. PlankBeard and his crew will have NONE of it. His ship is heavily armored and is full of the meanest pirates around! ...But nonetheless, Spektro defends his treasure successfully each time, with the help of his lovely napkin-on-a-stick wife, Petunia, of course.
Dead Ringer
A sad, walking sentient saxophone with a broken reed sings under the moonlit night. Can it get other broken instruments to join in its suffering Blues song?
Samson K. Looney
One day, a rather curious girl wanders her cartoon animation academy looking for paintbrushes to borrow. ...But then she stumbles upon something peculiar...It is a rather conspicuous tiny locked box with a voice emanating from it. She eventually decides to unlock it, and out pops a zany, funny cartoon character, a little monochrome dog from the early 20th Century! This guy enjoys surreal pranks like dropping anvils on people’s heads and tearing limbs out of his sockets to juggle them. He introduces himself as Samson K. Looney, and befriends her. She takes the guy in as a friend living with her family, but hides him in the basement, away from her mom and dad. ...But when she wakes up, she finds that everything is in chaos, due to her unleashing the chaotic cartoon upon her world. Everyone is dead, blown up with dynamite or messily squished under giant anvils. The girl is sickened and guilty of letting Samson out and thinking he can be re-integrated into the modern society. But as it turns out, due to the era that he was made in, Samson K. Looney is in fact a really racist character who has a resentment towards everyone who is “colored” and he also tries to murder modern cartoons for their color and the fact that cartoons nowadays take themselves way too seriously. Can the girl stop Samson? No, not really, but she can try to stay on his good side! You can’t piss off a 1940s cartoon and live to tell of it, and so she has no choice but to assist Samson K. Looney in his destruction of the world, and his dreams of re-shaping it into the lighthearted black-and-white cartoon world that he remembers his own world being through cartoon-physics war and genocide, sucking the color out of everything in the process with a giant Death Star-sized turkey baster floating over the earth in outer space that he built.
Day of the Sun
A wandering boy from a faraway village is sent on a sacred mission to restore peace and harmony between the Sun and Moon. But that won’t be so easy...See, this boy is granted extraordinary powers by the village elder to play games of puzzle block-stacking against every entity of nature he comes across. In this manner, he must do battle against the trees, the ocean, the mountain, the mighty wind dragon, and of course, eventually the Sun and Moon themselves. Beating the Sun and Moon in this magical ritual will cause a great eclipse upon the planet, and the people will all attain phantasmagorical ascension to the Sun and Moon’s level if this is done correctly. Can the boy do it? Will he become victorious in this ritual and gain transcendence from the Sun and Moon? Let’s all find out together.
Phew! That’s all for today, folks! Holy shit, I need a drink.
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gokinjeespot · 6 years ago
off the rack #1246
Monday, January 21, 2019
 Hoo-wee, it's cold outside. I noticed that the snow plow went by overnight to clear the road so I donned my winter gear to go out and move both our vehicles so that the snow removal service we hired can do all of our driveway. The Kia Soul just made it through the snow berm (phew), otherwise I would have had to get out and push. I am grateful for my winter pants with the double lining, my big Sorel boots with the liners rated to -40 C, and dad's old down-filled parka. It was -22 C (-36 C/-32 F with windchill) while I was outside. The tips of my fingers were tingly when I came back into the house, but after my hot cup of coffee I'm able to type up this intro.
 Black Widow #1 - Jen & Sylvia Soska (writers) Flaviano (art) Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I don't remember Natalia dying in Secret Empire but I'm glad she's back in her own comic book again. Her last solo series was pretty good focusing on her being a spy. This one starts off promising enough with Nat looking for some serious action to satiate her homicidal tendencies. She should be able to find a worthy cause for killing in Madripoor. Her first victims are child sex slaves so there's no question they will deserve what they've got coming.
 Man Without Fear #3 - Jed MacKay (writer) Iban Coello (art) Andres Mossa (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I'm glad I stuck with this weekly look at Matt's recovery because this issue drills down to the core of the hero. This is a very good lead up to Daredevil #1 coming out in February.
 Marvel Comics Presents #1 - When this title first hit the racks in 1988 I snapped it up because I was a Marvelite through and through. Still am to a certain degree. This $4.99 US anthology promises to keep a true blue Marvelite happy with Wolverine featured front and center. "Wolverine: The Vigil" part 1 by Charles Soule (writer), Paulo Siqueira (pencils) Oren Junior (inks) Frank D'Armata (colours) and VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) takes us back to World War II and Logan fighting Nazis. This one involves a Gypsy girl and a demon. Note to the Marvel Bullpen: Canadian soldier's helmets didn't have a maple leaf decal on them.
 The second story features Namor by Greg Pak (writer) Tomm Coker (art) Michael Garland (colours) and VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) and shows what the effect that the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had on the Submariner.
 The third story stars Captain America and it's by Ann Nocenti (writer) Greg Land (pencils) Jay Leisten (inks) Frank D'Armata (colours) and VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Cap meets a young fan while traveling the back roads of America and it's all about him inspiring the kid.
 Each little story was good overall but unless you're a Marvelite with deep pockets you really don't have to read this.
 Catwoman #7 - Joelle Jones (writer) Elena Casagrande & Fernando Blanco (art) John Kalisz (colours) Josh Reed (letters). A new 2-part story starts here. The Penguin gets Selina's attention in "Something Smells Fishy". I'm curious to see what he wants.
 Ironheart #2 - Eve L. Ewing (writer) Geoffo (layouts) Luciano Vecchio (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). So far, so good. I really like the art in this. It would have been more interesting if the artificial intelligence in her armour was male instead of female. I think they missed the potential for gender clashes while Riri is in action.
 Invaders #1 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Carlos Magno with Butch Guice (art) Alex Guimaraes (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This one is for us old fogeys. You have to go way back in the archives to World War II when Captain America, the original Human Torch and Prince Namor fought together as the Invaders against the Third Reich. That history is used to explain why the now King Namor is waging war again with the surface world. An old photo taken just after the end of World War II sparks a mystery that makes me want to read the next issue as Captain America tries to help is old comrade in arms. I was wondering what was happening with the Namor storyline since the Avengers book is concentrating more on the War of the Realms.
 Conan #2 - Jason Aaron (writer) Mahmud Asrar (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Picts and snakes. Lots of Picts and snakes. Oh, and wine and women too. Conan was hard to kill long before Wolverine came along.
 Fantastic Four #6 - Dan Slott (writer) Aaron Kuder (art) Marte Gracia & Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Herald of Doom part 1. What better way to have the team back together (again) than having them go off to save the world from Galactus (again). There's a good reason why the big planet eater shows up over Latveria and it's not just to have Doctor Doom clashing with Marvel's first family. When they reveal the new Doctor Doom lackey I got stonged by some song with the character's name in it. I have a feeling that Reed and Victor are going to argue about how Galactus can be beat, but I hope it doesn’t drag the story on too long.
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gokinjeespot · 8 years ago
off the rack #1153
Monday, February 27, 2017
 That was a fun opening number for the Oscars telecast last night but I went to bed right after that. I haven't watched an awards show live in years. I can catch up with any interesting bits as folks share them later. Being an old coot is a lot simpler these days.
 February is on its way out and March is coming in like a lion with another cold snap for us here in Ottawa. Did that movie win anything? It hit me that I have three and a half more months to wait before I can go fishing again. Poopypants.
 Elektra #1 - Matt Owens (writer) Juann Cabal (art) Antonio Fabela & Marcio Menyz (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This one is called "Always Bet On Red" even though her new costume is mostly black. I love the new costume and the art is very nice. I see some similarities to Jamie McKelvie's and Kevin Maguire's styles and they are done well. The story is a little weak and those in the know will spot the villain right away. I'll read more as long as Juann draws it.
 Kamandi Challenge #2 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Neal Adams (art) Hi-Fi (colours) Clem Robins (letters). This one made me feel like I was back in the seventies again. The distinctive art will do that to you. If you remember last issue's cliffhanger you'll be surprised at how Peter solves the problem. The mention of New Gods gave a hint to how Kamandi was going to get out of this issue's tight spot and it's another cliffhanger on the last page. I don't know if I'm going to read the rest of this 12-issue Challenge because the situations are kind of silly. I am curious to see what other creative talents are lined up to do the rest though. I just have to wait and see as each issue hits the racks.
 The Old Guard #1 - Greg Rucka (writer) Leandro Fernandez (art) Daniela Miwa (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). I have been enjoying Greg's work on Wonder Woman and he's got another wonderful woman in this new book named Andy. She leads a team of mercenaries but these battle tested warriors have a very handy advantage. There are hints to this advantage in the first few pages but it's still cool when you finally see what it is during their mission. This one gets added to my "must read" list.
 Uncanny Avengers #20 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Pepe Larraz (art) Dono Sanchez Almara with Protobunker (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Mostly a Deadpool comic as he tries to fight the Red Skull who has control over his teammates. I think the Skull's ego will be his undoing.
 Wonder Woman #17 - Greg Rucka (writer) Liam Sharp (art) Laura Martin (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). You don't want to miss part 2 of "The Truth" as transitions are happening with some major players. That weapon featured on the cover of The Old Guard #1 is called a labrys, a Greek battle axe.
 Starstruck: Old Proldiers Never Die #1 - Elaine Lee (writer) Michael Kaluta (art) Lee Moyer (colours) Todd Klein (letters). Weird futuristic comic books never die either. This creation first hit the racks in 1982 and me being a huge Kaluta fan I bought and read them. I couldn't really keep up with Elaine's stories but I didn't care because Mike's art was so pretty. 35 years later and this story still baffles me. I won't be reading the rest of this because it's too spacey, like far out man spacey. I got to admit though that the art is still beautiful.
 Scarlet Witch #15 - James Robinson (writer) Vanesa Del Rey (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This is a book that would benefit from a more consistent look. There have been different artists on this title since it hit the racks and some have been more appealing than others. James's writing is some of his best work and Vanesa tells his story very well visually but I don't think a lot of fans would pick this up just from flipping through this issue checking out the art. It's too bad because this character has gone through some cool changes since this title started.
 Spider-Woman #16 - Dennis Hopeless (writer) Veronica Fish (art) Andy Fish (inking assistant) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This is one of those super hero versus super villains fight where it looks like the bad guys are going to win. You wonder how the good guys will survive and you keep waiting for it to happen and you can go phew. Spoiler alert: no one dies.
 Detective Comics #951 - James Tynion IV (writer) Christian Duce (art) Alex Sinclair (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). Part 1 of "League of Shadows" finds Batman framed for murder. I like this story's villain who we haven't seen for a while. There was a "what the?" moment when Batman gets shot fleeing the crime scene. I thought his costume could prevent bullets from penetrating. I guess they all don't.
 Champions #1.MU - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Ro Stein & Ted Brandt (art) Frank D'Armata (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I have been picking and choosing which Monsters Unleashed tie-in books to read and I picked this one because I really like this new young team. Most of this issue is the team fighting a team of bad guys hired by Roxxon Oil to stop an environmental protest. The monsters only crash land near the end and the two teams team up to save the day. My favourite thing about the Champions is that they're young but have that sense of responsibility that makes them heroes. I would recommend reading this Monsters Unleashed tie-in.
 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #15 - Robert Venditti (writer) Ethan Van Sciver (art) Jason Wright (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). Very few artists wow me almost every time I open up one of their comic books and Ethan Van Sciver is one of them. The detail he puts into every panel is astounding. I tend not to read team books but the solo adventures are keeping me interested. I am looking forward to seeing Guy Gardner duke it out with one of the bad Yellow Lanterns next issue.
 Hulk #3 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Nico Leon (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The tease continues with just one brief glimpse of She-Hulk. I like seeing this slow process of Jen's recovery and the building suspense of the mystery killer. The anticipation of her Hulking out and finding out what the connection is between the killer and one of Jen's clients keeps me reading.
 Action Comics #974 - Dan Jurgens (writer) Patch Zircher & Stephen Segovia (pencils) Patch Zircher & Art Thibert (inks) Ulises Arreola (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Whoa, way to make the mystery Clark Kent creepy there Dan. We're talking crazy stalker guy. This story crosses over with the Superman book so we only have to wait a week to find out what happens next. I like that.
 Spider-Gwen #17 - Jason Latour (writer) Robbi Rodriguez (art) Rico Renzi (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I had to read this for part 4 of "Sitting in a Tree" but I've got to admit that I like the way Jason handles these kids. Add a guest appearance by one of the Champions and it's a winner for me.
 Inhumans vs. X-Men #5 - Charles Soule & Jeff Lemire (writers) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). One more issue to go. I just want to see how Charles and Jeff resolve this conflict. My guess is that Forge and Moon Girl will figure out a way to trap all of the Terrigen cloud and somehow keep it from killing all the mutants. That way nobody dies.
 Amazing Spider-Man #24 - Dan Slott & Christos Gage (writers) Giuseppe Camuncoli (pencils) Cam Smith (inks) Jason Keith (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This is a "Clone Conspiracy" tie-in. Please make it stop. The world has been saved so I hope they scale things back a little because I am getting jaded about these big events.
 Infamous Iron Man #5 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). If this doesn't convince you that Victor Von Doom has gone good then nothing will. This reunion of mother and son was very interesting especially when you get to the last panel. I don't know how Brian keeps coming up with these "what the?" moments but I'm glad he does. It's just no fun waiting for the next issue when that happens.
 Spider-Man/Deadpool #14 - Joe Kelly (writer) Ed McGuinness (pencils) Mark Morales (inks) Jason Keith (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Nightcrawler guest stars as Spider-Man has a crisis of conscience. He can't figure out how to beat the mash-up killer Itsy Bitsy except for going all Punisher on her. I don't know if I'll read issues #15 and #16 because they are going to be crossovers with Deadpool. Something to do with Wade's demon wife Shiklah. I'll try to remember to pick up #17 off the racks when the Itsy Bitsy story resumes.
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