#I was excited for it but now I just feel like I'm in hell
meazalykov · 15 hours
lena oberdorf x actress!reader
summary: while filming in london, you have a special guest visit you at work
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you're standing on set, mentally exhausted but pushing through as you try to channel the villain you're playing. 
the heavy makeup, the dark clothes, everything about the character feels so different from who you are. it's been a long day, and while you're focused on your next scene, your thoughts keep drifting to lena, knowing she's in london too, playing against arsenal with wolfsburg in the champions league semi-final. 
you wish you could be there, but acting doesn’t exactly allow for last-minute trips across town.
"hey, can you turn around for a sec?" your costar says casually, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"uh, sure?" you respond, a little confused as you turn.
the sight that greets you makes your heart skip. lena's standing there, a playful smirk on her face, with sveindis right beside her. 
you blink, trying to register that they’re actually here, in the flesh, on your film set.
"what the hell?!" you exclaim, rushing over to them. "what are you doing here?"
lena chuckles, taking in your costume. "i had to see this for myself. my girlfriend, the horror villain. you look... terrifying, baby."
you laugh, rolling your eyes. "yeah, yeah, i know i look like i just crawled out of the underworld and the SFX makeup doesn’t make this any better. but it's just a character, promise. i'm still me under all this." 
"thank goodness," lena jokes, stepping closer and pulling you into a tight hug. "though, it kinda suits you."
"oh, shut up," you nudge her playfully, feeling a warmth settle in your chest at how easily she makes everything feel lighter. "i missed you."
"i missed you too," she murmurs, kissing your temple. 
you turn to sveindis, grinning. 
"and you! i can't believe you both came here. you know you’re my favorite of lena's friends, right?"
sveindis laughs, shaking her head. "i mean, i try."
"seriously though," you sigh, "i wish i could come to your game. it’s killing me that i can't be there."
"we know," lena says, her voice softening. "but you’re busy, and you're killing it here. we get it."
you nod, biting your lip. "yeah, but it still sucks."
"you'll see us in the final, though," sveindis adds confidently.
"damn right i will," you grin. "you better win."
"we'll try our best," lena says, squeezing your hand.
they don’t stay long, knowing you're in the middle of filming, but before they leave, lena gives you another quick hug, whispering, "i’m proud of you, you know that?"
"i'm proud of you too. now go crush arsenal," you whisper back, your heart swelling with love as they walk away.
you spend the rest of the day filming, but your mind keeps replaying the moment with lena, that grounding presence she always brings with her. 
when the director finally calls cut for the day, you’re exhausted but relieved to be done. 
as soon as you’re back in your trailer, you pull out your phone and check the score. wolfsburg won. 
you waste no time pulling out your phone to call lena. as soon as the ringing stops, you hear her excited voice on the other end.
“hey, baby! we did it!” she practically yells, and you can hear the noise of celebration in the background.
you can’t help but laugh, her energy contagious. “i saw! i’ve been dying over here, refreshing the score like a maniac.”
“you should’ve seen it,” lena says breathlessly, still riding the high of the win. “it was insane. poppi scored the winner, and everyone lost their minds!”
“i’m so proud of you,” you say softly, smiling to yourself. “i wish i could’ve been there.”
“don’t worry about it. you’re working hard too,” she reassures, though you can hear a little hint of longing in her voice.
“well,” you pause, biting your lip, “i’ve got news. i’m taking time off to come to eindhoven for the final. i’m gonna be there.”
there’s a beat of silence before you hear her gasp. “you’re serious?”
“of course! there’s no way i’m missing this. i’ll be in the stands, screaming my head off for wolfsburg.”
“oh my god,” lena breathes out, and you can practically see her smiling. 
“that’s... that’s amazing. i didn’t think you’d be able to make it.”
“well, i pulled some strings,” you tease, feeling a weight lift from your chest just knowing you’ll be there. 
you didn’t really need to pull any strings. the champions league game happens to fall on the week break that filming has. 
“and as soon as filming wraps for good, i’m coming back to germany. i promise we’ll have time again.”
“you have no idea how much i’ve missed you,” lena says quietly, her voice soft now, intimate. 
“it’s been so hard with both of us being so busy.”
��i know,” you whisper, “but we’ll get through it. we always do.”
“god, i can’t wait to see you,” she says, the happiness in her voice clear as day. “it’s going to be perfect.”
“i can’t wait either,” you reply, heart swelling with love. “and hey, tell sveindis she’s still my favorite for scoring the last three games, okay?”
lena laughs, a sound that makes you feel like you’re home even though you’re still on set. 
“i’ll tell her. she’ll be so happy about it since she's a fan of yours.”
“awee,” you joke, leaning back in your chair. 
“you two better get some rest tonight. you’ve got a champions league final to win soon.”
“don’t worry,” lena says confidently, “we’ve got this. and knowing you’ll be there... that’s all the motivation i need.”
“i love you,” you say softly, letting the words settle between you.
“i love you too,” she replies, her voice warm and full of emotion. “see you soon, okay?”
“see you soon,” you echo, smiling to yourself as you hang up. 
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 days
I am so excited to see your requests open again!
I was wondering if we could get some “reader has to win Eddie back” after doing something stupid or something . Request by @mugloversonly
Angst and fluff ❤️ Eddie and reader fight but reader makes it up to Eddie.
You couldn't believe how badly you had messed up, cursing yourself for being so stupid.
"When are you going to grow up Eddie and stop playing these stupid make believe kids games. No wonder it took you so long to graduate"
The two of you had been in the middle of a fight; that was rare in itself as the two of you never thought and you blurted out those words and had regretted them ever since.
It wasn't as if that was really how you felt, you loved how passionate Eddie was about D&D and had said it solely just to hurt him. Now you were wracked with guilt for what you said about that and him graduating.
Graduation was a sore spot for Eddie and you were kicking yourself for rubbing it in his face.
Now the two of you weren't talking and you couldn't blame Eddie for not wanting to talk to you. Even though him not speaking to you was excruciating, you missed him and the ache in your chest wasn't going away.
At school Eddie saw you heading his way and promptly turned his back on you but not before you saw the pain in his eyes.
When you approached him to talk he would mumble some excuse and go off with Gareth leaving you with a sympathetic Jeff. "He's hurting right now so maybe it's best to give him a little time yeah?" Swallowing back tears you nod and Jeff pats you on the shoulder then follows Eddie.
Eddie who's staring at the tears in your eyes and looks like he wants to say something but decides against it and walks away, the agony in his eyes leaves you aching.
Your words had caused that look and now you needed to fix this and you knew just how to do it.
Dustin and Lucas were roped into helping you. Mike was busy with Will as both of them are helping Eddie paint figures for his new campaign.
So with the boys help you tell them your plan and they are eager to help. You're going to transform your basement into a space where Eddie can host Hellfire campaigns.
Dustin is going to lead Eddie here somehow meanwhile Lucas helps you move things around so the long table you have in the basement is in the centre of the room.
There's a chair in the corner that's distinctively thrown like that you found in a thrift store, you were planning to give it to Eddie when he found a base for his campaigns so it was perfect as his Dungeon Master throne.
Gareth had offered to draw a large poster of the Hellfire Club logo and Dustin helped pick out a few d&d figures at the store.
When the room was finished you were anxious to get Eddie here and while you waited for Dustin to persuade Eddie to come you set out a few snacks and things.
"Will you calm down" Gareth soothes, "Eddie will love this" he reassures you and you nod still nervous as hell but feeling slightly better.
"Eddie will love what?" You turn around and Eddie is standing beside Dustin and gazing at the place in awe.
Anxious but determined you gesture around the room and smile "surprise!" you exclaim and Eddie looks stunned at first but slowly, a beaming smile graces his features.
You know he's been struggling for space to host meetings and you've been wanting to help him out for a long time.
"I thought you'd like this, a space where you can play and host campaigns where you don't have to worry, I know you've been struggling to find a place so I hope this is okay?"
For a second Eddie just stares at you still shocked but then he strides forward and kisses you, he's thrumming in excitement. "Are you kidding me princess? I love this" you exhale in relief and apologise for what you said during the fight.
"I'm so sorry for what I said Eddie. I didn't mean it and just said it in the heat of the movement. I love love how passionate you are about D&D and I should have never brought up the graduation thing, that was low and I'm sorry"
He softens and nods at your apology, "I'm sorry too. I hate fighting with you. Let's promise not to do that or at least have better communication skills so it's not as bad as this time. Yeah?" he suggests and you nod eagerly, when Eddie pulls you in his arms you feel content for the first time in days.
"Yeah. Let's do that" you're just so happy that he's here and you're in his arms. The last couple of days had been so lonely and awful without Eddie by your side, like a part of you was missing.
"I missed you so much" you tell him and he pulls you closer to him, kisses your forehead and then moves to your lips.
"I missed you too princess, so much" you cuddle into him and it's only when the others ask if they can set up a mini campaign that the two of you break apart.
"Milady would you join me on a quest?" he kisses the palm of your hand and you giggle nodding as he leads you to the table.
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laurents-laces · 2 days
Dumping my thoughts on the new aftg short stories here to contain all the spoilers in one place, because if I don't get to talk about them I'm gonna explode. Someone very kindly made a typed-up version of them here if anyone wants them!
TFC: David
We all know Neil is "distressingly single-minded about Exy" but I'm dying at the revelation that people in Millport knew this about him. He was supposed to be lying low 😭
Kevinnnnnnnn my boy!!!
"This is better. Easier? Better." Ouch
I had a feeling he was seeing Betsy more often than twice a year! And that we just didn't know about it because Neil didn't. That's amazing for him
Wymack is being such a great dad right now and he doesn't even know it
So excited to have one (1) canonical sentence from Kayleigh Day herself
I was headcanoning Kevin as ten when he moved in with the Moriyamas. I know nine is only a year younger but somehow it's breaking my heart a little more
Awww I always thought he looked just like his mom
I hope he looks a little like Wymack too but no one noticed before
I wonder if he ended up telling Betsy who his dad is? I don't think so but I'm sure she'd have kept the secret. Even though it would've been so hard to keep a straight face about it
"Coaches have no honor. Your word is enough. Just yours." I wanna hit every Raven coach with a very heavy stick, starting with Tetsuji. But I love how Kevin's always trusted that Wymack was different. He can be a surprisingly hopeful person sometimes. He's a little like his dad in how he sees the potential in people no one else does
Am I crazy or is Wymack talking about Andrew here?? Because it reminds me of the part in the extra content where Andrew keeps breaking into Wymack's apartment to rant about Kevin, until one day it's Neil he's more interested in
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I always thought that Andrew agreeing to protect Kevin so easily might mean he was kind of into him. If canon unrequited kandrew is gonna be a thing then Andrew and Jean should form a Victims of Kevin Day's Big Green Eyes Support Group
TRK: Betsy
I'm so upset right now I don't even have words
It's so interesting to see what Andrew is like alone with Betsy. And I love that Wymack makes him feel safe
He loves his brother!!
"They cannot keep him. I will not let them." I fully believe Andrew would be down to break Aaron out of prison if he got jail time
"One week Neil had been the subject of some very grandiose conspiracy theories, and the next Andrew had only said 'He's Kevin's problem now, the end!' and refused to elaborate." That's the most Andrew response he could've had 😭
And he was so right about Neil being suspicious as hell! I need everyone to look back on the beginning of the year and realize Andrew was right about him
"Everyone knows now, Bee." My heart just broke into a million pieces
"Neil flinched. He'd pushed because he needed to see that horrible smile crack. He needed to know if Andrew was screaming behind the euphoria his drugs fed his veins. But Andrew wasn't, and Neil couldn't live with that. Andrew's medicine was too strong or his psychosis too twisted; either way, tonight didn't mean anything to him. This was a setback Andrew could sidestep and ignore." That part of TRK really stuck with me. It's a good thing he didn't actually try to act completely unbothered by everything that night but it still hurts to hear about
"I know what happened to you today was beyond cruel and that Drake's death will not undo what he did to you. I know our system has failed you every step along the way and that a part of you will carry that distrust and betrayal for many years to come, if not for the rest of your life. And I know you have done astoundingly well despite life's every attempt to crush you. I'm sorry," she said, trying and failing to catch his eye, "and I'm so, so proud of you." She just said everything I'm feeling, perfectly
Chaos and mayhem, or Blockbuster. These books are so 2006. I miss Blockbuster
TKM: Aaron
This was the first one I read and it took me ages to get through because I was laughing so hard. Aaron calling andreil's matching arm bands a promise ring broke me
He's such an asshole. I love him. He might not like it but he's a Fox through and through
"Exy this, Exy that, get a fucking hobby already. Oh, but I guess he did?" He sent a pointed look at Andrew. He's the funniest character actually
I've always wondered if he was a little jealous of a certain mouthy liar who has everyone wrapped around his little finger. Hearing that Ichirou chose Neil over his own brother must've been a wild experience
I also wondered if he actually had a passion for medicine or if he just picked the most respectable career path he could think of. It's so good to hear that it's really something he loves. He's gonna get his dream job and fix things with his brother and marry the love of his life some day, and I'm so proud of him
Neurosurgeon Aaron and paediatrician Katelyn are properly canon now! It's nice to get all these details from the extra content as part of the actual books
A few months ago, Aaron never would have imagined Andrew needed his approval. Finding out how important he was to Andrew was an ongoing, eye-opening experience. Aaron finally realizing how much Andrew has done because of him might be my favourite thing
"His father's people tore up his arms with a lighter and knives, and none of it is going to fade. He doesn't need to see those." Andrew Minyard you fake idgafer. You care so much. So much.
I wonder what would've happened with andreil if Andrew was in less denial about their relationship? I don't think he'd date someone on purpose while the no-dating deal was still in effect
"Andrew didn't want to talk about Neil with Dobson because once he broached that subject he had to either lie to all of them or admit Neil was more important than he wanted him to be." I love that Aaron understands this about Andrew
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I love that the only other Aaron POV story we have also ends with him being able to tell when Andrew is lying to himself. The twinyards have their misunderstandings but at the end of the day they get each other
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respectthepetty · 2 days
Pride Petty Watch (SOTUS) 3/5
I'm making my way through the blacklisted shows I was supposed to watch during Pride. I already watched Love in the Air but paused The Untamed so I could deal with my sworn enemy, SOTUS. I'm watching it in five parts (first, second), so now I'm starting on episode seven and have decided 1) Kongpob x M are the perfect ghost ship, 2) this show feels much older than 2016 due to the language and style, and 3) this is a story of a masochistic dom looking for a sado sub.
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Since I can't remember anything about this show, I'm actually excited to see all the ways Kong seeks out punishment warmth from P'Oon in the second half of this series.
Prem and Wad aren't going to be a couple, are they? I want them to be because Prem going instantly soft after they fought another faculty together and now being worried about Wad's wounds is the whole purpose for men to fight! Punch each other, then kiss the bruises!
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I have no Photoshop skills, so I would never criticize someone else's work, but there are times when I see that this show was made with a budget consisting of two pennies rubbed together, and this is one of those moments because who added those people into the scene?! And why are they layered ON TOP of each other?!
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For the people who hated Tae and Mee in The Trainee and the sports day episode in The On1y One, those people would be pissed watching episode seven of SOTUS because it's focused on the hets, capturing the flag, and nothing else. Someone could've at least passed out on that field, so this could be entertaining for me and the juniors, damn.
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The man who played Deer has only acted in one other show, and I'm mad about it. The fact that a senior has to be on that field to answer these ridiculous questions from the freshmen is nonsense, but at least I get to see this man with his gorgeous hair.
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Arthit says everything to Kong in the gayest way possible in front of all his homies and God without any sense of irony.
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And Kong matches that energy every damn time! I'm already sick of them.
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Forming a circle around Arthit to say thanks is kinda creepy to me, which is why it makes perfect sense that this was Kong's idea since these two continue to declare their love for each other indirectly while making everyone within two miles witness.
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But this moment reminded me of Lisa's "Rockstar" music video, so Thailand stays consistent.
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Kong is begging to be punished! Asking Arthit if anyone else knows he cries and likes pink milk is not small talk, and I know Kong just wants to feel like the most special boy for knowing all of this, but I also fully believe he wants Arthit to slap him.
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M came on this trip so he could make heart eyes at Kong, and I will not be convinced otherwise. If I forget May exists, my ship is untouchable. M loves Kong, and it's canon to me.
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Arthit is a Ken! He made all the boys go out to the water, so he could make the girls listen to him play a song on the beach. Someone needs to ask Greta Gerwig if she has watched SOTUS. Greta, if you're in the room with us right now, blink twice.
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"If I tell you to die, will you do it?" YES! What the hell do you think this kid has been trying to tell you?! He wants you to choke him? He wants you to slap him? He has been instigating a fight with you since the first day because he wants your hands on him in the most violent ways. Baby is a masochist and needs to be kept!
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I stand by the claim I made in an earlier post that the crew doesn't seem to like Krist because these title cards in-between parts of the episode do him sooooo dirty. There is no need for this to be the image, but here we are. This is rude.
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I could never hate M. He is so kind and so dumb. I love those qualities in men.
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And I love these qualities in women! (Sidenote: Let Jan kiss more homies, GMMTV!)
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GMMTV's 2024 Outing, is that you player?
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Since Love Sick and Addicted Heroin have been remade, when SOTUS is remade, M and Kong should be the main couple, and May should ship them while also trying to date Prae. Friends-to-Lovers, fifteen episodes, and make New and Singto play the characters again.
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This is the biggest "hell nah" from me because I would not have that many people WALKING ON ME barefoot as some form of initiation. Walking on people is reserved for sex stuff! Just walking on people to walk on people is not normal, and should stop immediately!
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I can see the wheels spinning in Arthit's head, but the pieces are not connecting for him. Your man likes when you yell at him. Kong likes when you get upset at him. The kid likes pushing your buttons because then he gets all your attention. Now say it with me, "Kong is a masochist"
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Kong is practically begging to be slapped, and if Arthit doesn't do it soon, I will.
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This scene hit me so hard I had to pause because it woke me up like I was sleeper agent. I NOW REMEMBER THIS SHOW! Nine episodes in and I finally remember this damn show!
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I am white-knuckling my way though this show now because Kong is dressed for a date, Arthit is late and looking like a mess, and Kong is telling Arthit he will do whatever Arthit wants him to, he will like anything Arthit wants him to like, and he will be anything Arthit wants him to be. I do not know how Arthit is experiencing all that Kong is throwing at him, and not realizing that Kong wants to be his pet.
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"Call Me by My Name Number: A Boy's Journey to Become a Pet" Where's Mame when you need her?
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And now Kong is eating a meal he didn't want, AGAIN, simply because Arthit told him to eat it! I'm not even joking anymore; this shit is kinky, and in this exact moment, I don't hate this show solely because of this reason.
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Fuck going to sleep! I'm staying up and watching episode ten, NOW!
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tklpilled · 2 days
mualani tilts her head, bouncing on her toes. "so, ajaw..." she has that look of faux innocence, one that lets kinich know that she's up to something—something he decidedly wants no part of. "you know a lot about kinich, don't you?"
ajaw groans. "unwillingly. i try not to pay attention to him." it shoots him a glare, as though trying to rile him up, but as usual, it has no effect.
mualani giggles. "well, i actually wanted to know about his weaknesses."
this gets ajaw's attention. it perks up instantly, hurrying closer to mualani. "what, you want a list? i could come up with one for you. he doesn't like water, to start."
she waves her hands in front of her. "no, no, i meant—huh?" she turns to kinich, who is trying to act like he's not associated with either of them; which doesn't fool anyone, considering there's no one else around. "you don't like water?"
kinich crosses his arms, turning his head away. "only when it comes to drinking it. it's bland and tasteless."
mualani giggles. "well, let's trade then. i'll drink your water if you drink my milk, how's that?" she returns her attention to ajaw. "but, anyway, i meant more like..." she taps her fingers together, thinking. "he's always so composed, you know? i want something that'll make him break, i guess."
kinich really doesn't like this now. he's not sure what ajaw will say, but whatever it is, it can't be good. "don't—"
"hmmmm..." ajaw flits around kinich, studying him with narrowed eyes. "that's a hard one. sometimes i wonder if he even has emotions."
mualani walks over to join it. with two pairs of eyes boring into him, kinich squirms uncomfortably, his skin prickling.
"break his legs," ajaw suggests, "that's gotta make him cry. let me watch."
"i'd...rather not hurt him," mualani rubs the back of her neck.
"boring!" cries ajaw, rolling its eyes. "what's the point, then?"
kinich shuffles away, trying to escape from the two of them, but it's not easy when they're both focused entirely on him. "this is stupid. let's go."
"i know!" exclaims ajaw, almost excited, and an uneasy feeling churns in kinich's gut. he really doesn't like where this is heading. "if you don't wanna hurt him, just tickle him."
kinich's eyes widen and he swats ajaw away. "i'm not ticklish. that's pointless."
ajaw flickers away from his hand. "nuh uh! hey, mualani, just go for his—"
"go to hell," hisses kinich, cheeks colouring despite his attempts to repress it. he manages to finally get rid of ajaw, for now, at least. he turns back to mualani, who has a terrifyingly mischievous glint in her eyes.
"you're ticklish?"
"no." he tries to back away, but she only follows him.
she reaches for him, then, latching on to his sides just above his hips. he wants to struggle, to jump away and never show his face again, but he likes her and she looks so damn excited about this. too happy for someone who's about to torment him.
and he laughs. he can't help it, with the way her thumbs are kneading at the clusters of nerves at his hipbones. he tries, briefly, to hold it in, but it all comes rushing out faster than he can do anything about it. he tries to push her hands away as his knees buckle, but his strength is being sapped away from him, so instead he just grabs at handfuls of grass, getting dirt under his nails. all his senses are screaming at him to make it stop.
but, even though kinich is the one being tickled, mualani's smile rivals his. she fawns over him and teases him and every word from her mouth is making him feel like he's on fire.
an irritatingly familiar voice chimes in from above. "eh, cute's not the word i'd use to describe him. but if you make him laugh until he dies, i can't complain."
"f-fuhuhuck ohohoff!" kinich cries, desperate and overwhelmed, but mualani keeps tickling and she keeps teasing and it's all so much, way too much.
but if it keeps mualani grinning like that, he thinks he can grow to like it.
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themaybug · 2 days
bioware critical rant wrt the latest news about importing choices into veilguard
so why did i just spend 100 hours replaying the entire franchise so that i know exactly which choices i made in my worldstate only to find out none of them carry over 🙃 i feel like i've been punched in the gut and 95% of my excitement for veilguard is gone. i wasn't expecting them to carry over a ton of choices but? not even the well? kieran? who is divine? who is on the thrones of ferelden and orlais?
'oh but we're in the north of thedas so it doesn't matter'. international politics don't matter? in dragon age? antiva and nevarra literally follow the southern chantry. there can be a MAGE on the sunburst throne, or someone who allows people of all races to join the priesthood.
not to mention you can just pick who the inquisitor romanced but they don't even ask the status of the relationship. blackwall? did he join the wardens for real or not? bc if he's a real warden he ends up disappearing again. cassandra? if she's divine she ends the relationship. cullen? did he quit lyrium or not? iron bull can be KILLED by the inquisitor in trespasser. LIKE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON
are the wardens exiled from orlais? i feel like davrin should know if he's allowed into a whole ass country or not.
this just confirmed that it's impossible for almost every single character from previous games to show up. i'm surprised they even put morrigan in, since none of the major choices that impact her life are even addressed. dorian is supposed to be a major player in the reform of tevinter politics but we can't know anything about the important details of his personal life, i guess, if we even encounter him at all.
i wasn't expecting a perfect sequel but this way it doesn't feel like a sequel at all. it's like a hollow shell of thedas that they slapped the dragon age label onto. and they announce this shit a month before release. i sincerely hope this isn't the full final truth of things. i will play either way (although canceling my preorder is extremely tempting rn), but right now i'm VERY skeptical and i will have to completely overhaul my approach to this game and story mentally. or maybe make a rook who lived under a rock their whole life and pretend i don't know anything.
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So how did the wedding go? It must be exciting being a big sister, right? Are you getting along with your new step brother yet?
Huh? Wait what happened at the wedding? You two got into a big fight and he pushed you into the restroom and locked the door behind him? Well what did he have to say?
"You're so snobby. Just like your whore mom. You think you're too good for everyone, especially me and my dad. But look at you, you're nothing but another slut on her knees."
So you tried to get up and run away, right? But he just forced you back down again? Wait, he did what!? Did he really grab you by the hair just so he could skull fuck you and force you to deep throat his cock?
"You love this, don't you skank? Choking on my cock. This is some real family bonding here. I feel a whole lot closer to you now than when our parents forced all those stupid family dinners on us. Who knew all it would take was you to stop acting so fake and finally be yourself. A cocksucking whore! Oh God, yes. I think I'm finally starting to like you big sis."
He said all that? Please tell me after he finished, that you ran to get help. You couldn't? Because he had already hiked up your dress and started to fuck you? This is crazy.
"Oh big sis. Big sis. My big sis! Your cunt is practically eating my dick alive. It's so good. I wonder if this is why Dad likes your mom so much. Does she have a pussy as tight as yours? Oh God! I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum! I love it! I love my big sister's pussy!"
Wow. What a fucking pervert. He actually came inside? Did you tell your mom? You haven't gotten the chance to talk to her since they left for their honeymoon? Wait! Does that mean you've been stuck in that house with your pervert of a step brother all week since the wedding!? Are you okay?
Huh? The two of you sorted everything out? You're getting along much better now? How in the hell- wait, why are you rubbing your thighs together?
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my-mt-heart · 9 hours
TBOC 201 Review
Two and a half years ago, Carol fans were terrified that they'd never see her again, that her story would end with so many things left unsaid and unresolved, and now she's finally back. That's a victory I do not take lightly. Carol is a vital part of the show and Melissa McBride deserves to tell her story, but after watching the premiere and having an inkling of what’s ahead, it’s still very clear to me that she deserves a hell of a lot more than what she’s getting.
I never had any expectations for the external plot and in that way I was not disappointed. There really isn’t much of one first of all. The action sequences are hokey and nothing we haven’t seen before—Daryl waiting to shoot Genet a few feet away from him while she monologues and then escapes gives me All Out War flashbacks—and the walkers continue to be a minor nuisance with zero stakes. The editing is really strange, making the movement from one beat to another feel inorganic. There’s also some pretty cringey dialogue and I’m sorry to say that it’s mostly coming from Ash. If they’re only allowed to drop one f-bomb per episode or whatever it is, why don’t they use them more meaningfully? I do like his character and his dynamic with Carol though. I'm not sure how I feel about her lying to him. On one hand, I know she's doing it because she's desperate to get to Daryl and I would never fault her for that. I guess I worry about audience reception because female characters tend to be judged far more harshly for their decisions than male characters.
What I really wanted to get out of this season was a strong emotional arc. That’s what matters to me—honoring the characters’ history and allowing them to grow from it. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that the effort I see on Carol’s side is thanks to Melissa’s wonderful story instincts and devotion to her character. Carol’s line to Ash, “I couldn’t keep waiting, feeling stuck. I had to move forward,” tells us what Melissa has also echoed in interviews. Her quiet life at the Commonwealth is giving her time to reflect on her past, particularly Sophia’s death, and it’s terrifying for her in itself, but also because the only person to share that trauma with her, the only person who makes her feel safe isn’t there. She needs Daryl. It’s such an exciting arc because it puts her on the path to healing from her survivor’s guilt as well as confronting what Daryl means to her.
The problem is that Zabel keeps falling back on the TV book of tricks he swears he doesn’t use and he acts as if he’s allergic to connective tissue. I already talked about some of these issues in my review of the opening minutes available here, so I won’t repeat myself. I’m just frustrated because gimmicks like the cassette tapes take away from Melissa’s performance. She has perfect comedic timing, but I want to see her sit with her feelings every now and again because Melissa knows how to communicate that all on her own. She doesn’t need bells and whistles. To be clear, I despise ambiguity with a burning passion, but I also don’t like gimmicks that treat me like I’m an idiot. The Cherokee rose scene is sweet and I absolutely love seeing Carol recall the speech that started her relationship with the most important person in her life and I love the reminder of why this mission is so important to her. But then it occurs to me that Cherokee roses don’t grow in Maine. The only reason it’s on Ash’s table at all is to make me notice it and I think to myself, there had to be a more organic way to make this callback, right? It takes me out of the story. I'm also still angry that the scene where Carol finds a walker that looks like Daryl got cut, angrier actually, since we’re stuck with a forced and wildly OOC kiss between Daryl and a fucking nun. Carol/Caryl fans always seem to draw the short straw.
When Ash asks Carol if she thinks she'll even recognize Sophia, it's a warning that the person Carol is really searching for might not be the same when she finds him, which is by far the most infuriating part of the story and the most difficult to believe. Nevermind the fact that it's only been a few months according to Zabel and Daryl doesn't build connections that quickly. He's loyal. He wouldn't trade in his family for another, at least not the Daryl that I know and love. Not the Daryl that Carol would take her first flight and cross an entire ocean for.
The point of parallel stories is that they should, well, parallel each other. The point of soulmates is that they stay spiritually connected to each other. If Carol is determined to get to Daryl, Daryl should be determined to get to Carol. If Carol is manipulating someone to do that, then maybe we should see Daryl do the same, which would also reduce the harsh criticism that lands on Carol simply for being a woman. Instead though, Carol seems to embody both hers and Daryl's history, while on Daryl's side, he isn't shown to have any except for the quick mention of "people" back home. Other fans said they see Daryl trying to get back, but I don't. I just see him hovering in between and it makes me so sad. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to this character I thought I knew, who helped me overcome some very dark experiences in my childhood, because I know he's about to change in ways that I can't get past.
It makes me wish the entire episode had been given to Melissa. Maybe the entire season should've been given to her and left just enough space for the reunion at the end, picking up close to where Daryl left off in S1. Maybe that would've saved many of us, Carol especially, a lot of pain. Regardless, Melissa demonstrates over and over that she can carry a show, so the fact that she's not equally billed with Norman is just a crime. The fact that Carol's name isn't right next to Daryl's in the title is so offensive, I have no words left. I've been saying it for a year now and I'll keep bringing it up until it changes. This is Melissa's fucking show too. Act like it, AMC.
I know that the rest of the season has already leaked, so I will take a look at what I can. I still have no intention of watching the two episodes that destroy Daryl's integrity and I'm terrified of how it'll impact Caryl's story going forward. This is not how fans should be made to feel about a show they waited years for...
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googleitlol · 1 day
Sorry if my thoughts are all jumbled here. Or if it doesn't make sense. I'm also kinda being vague here cause these are kinda in the beginning stages of forming to proper theories.
But first of all, thanks for answering my question and indulging me.
Also sure I'll share a little bit of my theories here. Once again, you don't have to confirm or deny these. Hell, you don't have to answer this if you don't wanna.
I had a feeling since the title and the dove symbolism kinda went together, there would be at least some surface level nods to it, but now that there's confirmation that there's more reason behind the dove transformation I can kinda go into my little "theory" (more or less speculation). Not really connected to the stories ending too much that I know of buuuuut, I've just been thinking what enlightenment would be for Dove herself since everyone is going through their respective character arcs to achieve enlightenment in the end. I'm also keeping in mind the love symbolism from this creature, even though it's not really symbolism from religion and more so a universal thing across multiple cultures, as a possible significance.
But also, these little teasers with the endings and the one shots here got me (oop here comes more theory and speculation) thinking about what the hell happened. Cause the heavenly court and Buddha don't seem to be the "badguys" in this story. So i kinda figured a 3rd party got Dove separated from the group somehow since everyone else (allegedly) got to stick together. So something really bad definitely happened here, and either Dove is going through some corruption arc or someone else is pulling at some strings here. But nooooow, I'm inclined to believe the latter, if not this 3rd party, causing the corruption arc. These are just things I kinda think about in 2 possible endings. I hope this all makes sense.
I could be waaaaaayyy off though so yeah
Oh, you know I'm gonna answer these! Also, I'm glad you caught onto some of this!
Love is definitely a big part of Dove's character arc, tho it's more of a catalyst for what she has to realize. Dove at the start of the journey isn't really… her own person. Or at least, she wants to change herself to be more like the person who saved her. It's like she thinks there's some moral obligation she has to follow in Guan Yin's steps, and as her relationship with Sun Wukong develops, she starts to question that.
Your other thoughts on what happens near the end… muahahaha…
I've mentioned it in passing so I won't try hiding it, there's another party involved in PoM. They don't get too involved until after the Red Boy arc, which is lowkey why I decided to start posting to AO3 after I finished with those chapters. Everything from the start of PoM to Wukong realizing his feelings can be considered… the first act of my little soap opera. This third party doesn't become more prominent until Act 2.
Technically, the third party has been causing problems since the prologue. They're just chilling cuz one of them doesn't know about the journey yet while his accomplice… she knows about the journey, she just gives less of a fuck. But when they decide to take action, stuff gets fun (stressful and full of agony). I'm excited to get to them, who they are, their backstory and powers, EVERYTHING! UUUGGHHHWVBOJNVUSBDCS I WANNA TALK ABT THEM SO BAD–!
ahem, anyway–
As for your theory about a 'corruption arc'… depending on how I end PoM, Dove may or may not cross a line she wouldn't have crossed at the start of the pilgrimage. The fun part is, the ending I consider the 'good ending', the one where she doesn't get separated from her friends and loved ones… is where she crosses that line. If Dove kept trying to be like Guan Yin, she would never think of going down that road. So in that good ending where she stops trying to be someone she's not, and the ones who helped her get to that realization are put in jeopardy… she has no hesitation.
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chibitorra · 1 year
Okay, I'm already tired of seeing the One Piece live action everywhere... can we move on now? Please?
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wardingshout · 10 months
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Travelling for Day 4 of SpeSilverWeek! going to Mt. Silver to visit "the extended family"...
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rjshope · 7 months
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Q: Any food that makes you nostalgic?
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electrozeistyking · 7 months
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so has anyone talking about this yet, or... cuz it was in that latest news video on the amazing digital circus. and uh... i took a screenshot of it.
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nyenyel · 1 month
Just here to happily announce that I feel less trapped and less useless and less weak and I might actually find a way to get away from my abuser!!
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crabussy · 1 year
everyone in my school loves to scream as louyd as they can on purpose to hurt me just because they can
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afniel · 5 months
Maaaaaaaaaaaan, come on.
(the post has ended up in the tags btw. I am not changing this and I need you to understand that it is just me talking to myself semi-publicly)
#Nevi Writes#things said by a guy writing a thing he doesn't even intend to be writing and it's like 10k of words now. >:[#while that's true I do want to emphasize that nobody should get excited about it right now tho okay#because like it's just. idk. I feel very much like it could end up not worth pursuing anyway. it's just a little baby wip.#(when the fuck did my little baby wips get to be 1/4-1/2 the length of my previous 'finished' stories!! what the hell)#it just feels nice to make words tho. and it does have that kind of 'ah good to catch up with these guys again' vibe which is nice.#even if the break has once again been like. on the order of days to a week maybe. I'm so bad at this taking a break business suddenly. lel.#but I don't have anything much to say about it at this point#other than I'm debating inventing a reason that presidential elections would have been moved by a couple of years between now and 2212#what is it with me and having to be so damn precise with dates in this whole narrative. am I just mad that Capcom never tries?#(yes) (so mad)#(and 2212 would actually be an election year is the problem. I want time to have passed but I also want there to be a pres. election.)#(it's fine don't worry about it)#(this is how I decided that Blucifer got bload up and then replaced also. weird reliance on mashing up IRL things and fictional explosions)#(but it's fun isn't it? got that veneer of verisimilitude. I'm good at long words)#idk this is inevitable isn't it. but I'm going to keep playing like it's not. I think I need a little more space for this one mentally.#the first one just sort of fell out of my head fully assembled and the second one did that also but with different vibes#though it did actually take some cutting things and adjusting things to make it work which Failure to Compile did not#Failure to Compile was bizarrely effortless until the mad editing dash. Outcome Unpredictable was WORK#fun work at least! but in hindsight it was definitely more work to make it flow properly.#the real job for the 3th if it happens is gonna be wrapping up threads without dropping new ones in bc that's such a habit of mine now
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