#I wanted to put it “mi amor” but it's better in English so that others understand.
the-genius-az · 4 months
Katara: Do you think you'd kill for me one day?
Azula: Yes, of course I will my love.
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
Profesora Alexia
Alexia Putellas x reader
Warnings: some fluff with some angst
Summary:Alexia teaching you catalan (well at least trying to)
I’m sorry if there’s any mistakes! English is not my first language so I tried my best!Same with Spanish and catalan! Also this is my first fic and I don’t know how to feel about it so constructive criticism is welcome!Enjoy or not
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Ever since moving to Barcelona and meeting Alexia I’ve always wanted to learned catalan.Alexia speaks often in catalan with her family, friends and our teammates and sometimes I would like to participate in their conversation but it’s hard to when you don’t understand a thing they are saying or don’t speak the language at all.
The only thing I can actually say is “Bon día”… I want to know a little bit more than just “hello” so who’s better person to teach me catalan than my catalan girlfriend.
“Ale?” I asked my girlfriend who is currently sitting on the sofa watching an old Barcelona match with a notepad and pencil in her hands looking extremely focused.
“Mmm?” She hummed her eyes not leaving the tv in front of her.
“Alexia” I repeat trying to get her attention by using her full name but she doesn’t answer and instead continues to write on her notepad.
So I make my way to her,take the notepad and pencil out of her hands putting them away, spotting the TV remote next to her I pause the game and straddle her hips.
“Ay! Qué estas haciendo?!” (Hey! What are you doing?!) she asks trying to reach for the tv remote but with one hand I place the remote on the coffee table behind me and place the other one on her chest pushing her back on the sofa.
“Te llamo pero no me escuchas!”(I called you but you were not listening) I tell her pulling on the strings of her hoodie.
“Lo sé, te escuchè pero estaba mirando el partido”(I know I heard you but I was watching the match) she answers pulling my hand away from her chest and sitting up a little bit more,one hand reaching once again for the remote behind me.I stop it and look at her with a frown on my face.
“I know you were but listen to me for one second”I tell her, she sighs and slouches back on the couch.
“Ok que quieres mi amor?”(okay,what do you want my love) she asks,her large hands settle on my hips rubbing up and down and she leans forward pecking my lips.
“I want you to teach me catalan” I answers once she pulls away.Alexia raises her eyebrows and look at me with amusement in her eyes.
“Quieres que te enseñe catalan?Porque?”she asks taking my hands and intertwining her fingers with mine her thumbs caressing the sides of mine.
“Because,Ale,I want to learn your language,I want to be able to communicate with your family and friends in your language and also for my personal knowledge I guess…” I answers looking at her in the eyes.
“Mi vida,you don’t need to…umm”she pauses trying to find the right word in english “my family can speak with you in spanish or in english that’s no a problem” she says.
“Lo sè but I still want to, you know learning a new language is always exciting and now that I live in Catalunya I want to learned the official language.No solo el español” I tell her with a pout knowing she can’t resists it.
She looks at me for a moment then cupped my cheeks and peck my lips repeatedly “ok mami te enseñere catalan”. (ok, I’ll teach you catalan) she mumbles again my lips. I cheer and kiss all over her face “gracias!gracias!”.(thank you,thank you!)
“De nada, ahora puedo terminar el partido?”(you’re welcome,now can I finish the match) She asks “ si, si claro que si”(yes,yes,of course) I tell her pulling away, kissing her deeply one last time and getting off of her lap.
“No,no,no mami that is not how you say it!”Alexia shouts at me getting frustrated.She’s been teaching me catalan for about a week now and I quickly find out that learning it was not as easy as I thought it will be ESPECIALLY with Alexia as a teacher.
We are currently sitting at the kitchen table,her in front of me, her hands running through her hair as a sign of frustration.
“Alexia,can you please stop shouting! I’m fucking trying!” I shout back at her getting also frustrated at her lack of patience.
“Has estado intentando pronunciar esa frase durante los últimos 30 minutos!Esfuérzate más!”(You’ve been trying to pronounce that sentence for the last 30 minutes!try harder) she yells once again. “Repite despues de mi : Em dic Y/N i vaig néixer a Anglaterra i sóc futbolista”(Repeat after me: My name is Y/N I was born in England and I’m a footballer) she orders me we with a glare.
I swallow the lump in my throat and try to push back my tears, I absolutely hate whenever someone yells at me, so with a deep sigh I try once again “Em dic Y/N… I um.. vaig.. naixe-”Alexia interrupts me “NO! Es NEIXER no NAI why?why do you say nai!????” She yells once again and this time I don’t even try to push back my tears and let them out, between the frustration,tiredness and Alexia’s yelling, I just could not take it anymore.
I got up and yell at her with tears streaming down my cheeks“I don’t know ok!?? I’m sorry,I’m trying my hardest but it’s hard when every time I make a mistake you yell at me!”. Alexia’s annoyance and frustration seems to fade away as she looks at my face, guilt written all over her face she gets up trying to reach out for me but I take a step back.
“Amor lo siento, por favor no llores” (love I’m sorry,please don’t cry” she says trying to wipe away my tears but once again I pull away.
“No! Don’t touch me! Forget about it, I don’t want to learn catalan anymore.That was a waste of time” I tell her walking away towards our bedroom and slamming the door, going straight to my bed.
After sometimes I decide to get up and take a warm shower to calm my nerves.I make my way to the bathroom , turn on the shower and getting in it.
After 20 minutes I turn off the water and get off the shower, I start to dry my body and my hair and once I changed into some comfortable clothes I went back to my bedroom laying on the bed and busying myself on my phone.
After a while I start to get hungry so I get up and make my way to the kitchen, there I see Alexia by the stove cooking what looks like pasta.I go straight to the fridge for some water,Alexia noticed my presence and try to talk to me.
“Mi vida por favor podemos hablar?”(Please can we talk) she asks looking at we with so much sadness, I can tell that she feels really bad.
“No sé me vas a gritar?” (I don’t know are you going to yell at me) she looks at me guiltily I know it was unfair of me to say that but at that moment she deserves it.
“No mami,no voy a gritar”(I won’t yell) she answers offering me her hand to take.I hesitate for a moment before taking it, she leads me to the kitchen table and pull one of the chairs out for me to sit and she sits right beside me not letting go of my hand and intertwining our fingers together.
“I am so sorry for yelling mi vida, I should not have done that. Sé que aprender un nuevo idioma es difícil y estás haciendo lo mejor que puedes y realmente te admiro por eso.(I know that learning a new language is difficult and you are doing your best and I really admire you for that.)she pauses for a second and cups my cheek“Please don’t stop learning it,I know that it means a lot for you to learn my language.Así que por favor no dejes de aprenderlo solo porque soy un idiota sin paciencia.(so please don't stop learning it just because I'm an idiot without patience)
I look at her for a moment and tell her “you’re right I should not stop learning it just because you’re an idiot who can’t teach and don’t have patience” she’s about to take back the hand that’s resting on my cheek when I stop her by placing my hand atop of her larger one.
“Thank you for apologizing and I forgive you but I think that for the sake of our relationship I should probably hire a REAL catalan professor” she smiles at that and says “Que?! no te gusta Professora Alexia ?!”(What?! You don’t like Professor Ale) She says wriggling her eyebrows, I let out a laugh “ABSOLUTAMENTE NO, prefiero futbolista Alexia”(absolutely no,I prefer footballer Alexia” she smiles and cups my other cheek leaning forwards and kissing me passionately.
After a moment she pulls aways and rest her forehead against mine her thumbs caressing my cheeks “Tal vez puedas pedirle a Alba que te enseñe, si ella puede enseñar a los niños, estoy segura de que ella también puede enseñarte” (maybe you can ask Alba to teach you,if she can teach kids I'm sure she can teach you too) she says with a smirk on her lips, I huffed and slap her on the shoulder but can’t help myself but laugh at her little joke especially since she looks so proud of it.
I lean forward once again to kiss her but stop just millimeters away from her lips and look at her in the eyes “ t'estimo tant” (I love you) I tell her she looks at me proudly and smiles softly at me “jo també t'estimo amor meu”(I love you too my love) she responds connecting our lips.
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sainzzsturns · 4 months
Self Care Night
H. Fort x reader
category: fluff
warnings: none, lower case intended, i apologize for any bad grammar since english is not my first language
summary: helping héctor de-stress
a/n: sorry this was so rushed 😭
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you heard the front door slam as you ran down the stairs to greet your boyfriend who had just come back from training.
when you looked at him tho, all of your excitement was thrown out the window.
“what happened, love?” you asked looking at his eyes red from holding back tears. you hugged him as strong as you possibly could, wanting to protect him from all the bad in the world.
as soon as he wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your shoulder you could hear quiet and soft sobs.
“i was absolute shit at today’s training, and i was hoping xavi would play me on the starting team this weekend” he explained.
you held his face, brushing away any curls that had fallen in front of his eyes and any tear stains that were left, he immediately leaned into your touch.
“well mi amor, everyone has bad days, xavi is very experienced and he’s been a player himself so i’m sure he knows you’ve just had a bad day. how about we have a relaxing afternoon for you to disconnect a bit from all this stress?” you answered.
“yeah i guess it could help.”
you went up to your room to start a bath, you put a fancy bath bomb and lit up some lavender candles to help relax.
héctor got in the bath while you headed downstairs to grab his favorite drink.
walking back into the bathroom you saw him laying on the bathtub with his head leaned back.
you sat beside him, filling up the cup and setting it by his side while stroking his hair.
“you’re too good for me” he whispered.
“i’m here to give you what you deserve” you answered, kissing the top of his head.
he kissed you softly, “don’t you wanna get in as well, that would definitely help me relax” he said.
“héctor!” you scolded him hitting his arm as he chuckled at your shock.
“kidding!” he said back, “i mean…”
“stop! well i think someone’s better…” you said getting up from your spot by the tub. “get out while i grab us some snacks, i’ll let you choose the movie today.”
you made your way downstairs to the pantry to grab all his favorite snacks, water, etc.
when you went back up the stairs you saw héctor with his pj pants on walking towards your shared bed.
“oh my favorite!” he said when spotting his favorite chips.
you giggled, getting comfortable in bed with him, one of his hands on the remote for the TV and the other resting on your lap.
when he finally picked his movie of choice, héctor laid his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist.
you were going to make a comment about the movie half way through but you noticed his heavy lids shut and his breathing slowed.
you kissed his forehead feeling his arms tighten around you, leaning into him and drifting into sleep as well.
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pitchsidestories · 7 months
lost and found II Georgia Stanway x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2044
a/n: based off this request.
“G will love your surprise visit to the England camp.”, Keira Walsh exclaimed happily. Surprised Lucy Bronze lifted an eyebrow:” Wait a second, you really didn’t tell her about it.”
Amused by the reactions of your Barcelona teammates you answered:” Not a word, otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore, right Lucia?”
“Okay, smartass. Just wanted to know if you dropped some hints.”, the defender replied. You smiled at her in amusement: “No lo hice.”
After you realized she didn’t understand what you were saying to her, you added in a teasingly tone: “I see Ona has been lacking in her Spanish lessons with you.”
“Shut up”, the older woman groaned. Clearing her throat Keira drew back the attention to her:” Girls be quiet the other lionesses are arriving.”  
For a moment you three stopped talking and were closing your eyes enjoying the warmth of the Sun which shone down on Marbella.
You were filled with excitement as the arrival of the rest of the English players meant that you were one step closer of seeing your girlfriend which you hadn’t for quite some time due to both of your busy schedules.
“Hi Kei, missed ya.”, Georgia Stanway chirmed while hugging one of her closest friends. Equally delighted Keira greeted the Bayern Munich player:” Hi G.” “How are you?”, the younger midfielder asked.
Beaming the Barcelona footballer told her:” Great, how are you.” Proudly Georgia nodded: “I’m alright, we’re still leading in the Frauen Bundesliga-“, when your girlfriend paused taking in your sight. She gasped out loud: ”Oh my god!”  
“Oh, look at G, she’s getting all flustered!”, Chloe Kelly grinned. Giggling Alessia Russo observed: ”She’s turning all red.” “Like a little tomato.”, Ella Toone remarked laughing.
You tried to ignore their remarks and went straight to your girlfriend pulling her into a hug:”Hello, mi amor.” “What are you doing here?”, Georgia wanted to know.
A crooked smile was on your lips:” I wanted to surprise you.” “Well, you just did that.”, the midfielder muttered, while her arms were still embracing you, as she wasn’t ready to let you go yet.
In awe Alex Greenwood hummed:” Just look at Georgia. She obviously missed her little Spanish girlfriend.” “Adorable.”, Lucy playfully rolled her eyes.
The red cheeks on your girlfriend intensified because of her teammates comments so you suggested in a low voice:” Want to go somewhere more private, Georgia?”
“Yes, follow me.”, she sighed relived. Georgia really loved the English player, but she couldn’t let the chance slip away to have a quiet moment between only the two of you.
Winking Keira shouted after you both:” See you later, lovebirds.”
“Ugh, Kei.”, Georgia groaned, her cheeks turning pink. You chuckled and put a hand on your girlfriends back; “Ignore her.” “I always do.”, she smiled back at you. “Good.”
“Let‘s go.”, she continued to lead you away from her teammates. You patiently followed; “Please.” Georgia opened the door to her hotel room and let you walk in first.
You took in the plain but chic room. A large, soft looking bed occupied most of the space. With a long sigh, you let yourself fall onto it and kicked off your shoes. Your girlfriend climbed next to you on the bed, watching you attentively.
“You‘re probably asking yourself why I‘m not back with the spanish team…”, you said into the silence. Georgias eyes widened, giving away that you were right with your assumption. “I am.”, she admitted.
You nodded wearily and explained; “The changes are not enough. The former co-coach is now our head coach… Mapi and the others including me want them to do better.” “Oh.”
“Yeah.”, you replied, a silent understanding between the two of you. Your girlfriend shook her head in confusion; “I really thought things would get better after they dropped Vilda.” “Me too.”, you agreed cooly.
Carefully, Georgia pushed the hair out of your face; “I‘m sorry.” “Not your fault, Gee.” “Still. I know you‘d want to play for your country.” You shrugged casually; “It is what it is.”
Something on your girlfriends upper arm caught your attention, letting you forget the previous topic; “Wait, is this a new tattoo?” “Uhm…” “Let me take a look at it!” You grabbed her wrist and turned her arm towards you. Sighing, the midfielder gave in; “Fine.”
“Wait, is this…? Georgia, you’re insane!”, you exclaimed, staring at your own initial under your girlfriends skin. She winked at you; “Or am I a genius?”
“Guess your lionesses teammates will judge about it later.”, you laughed, still in slight disbelief. “I‘m okay with that.” “Yes, you can handle them.” “I can.”, she assured you with a grin.
Out of words for how grateful you were to have Georgia in your life, you leaned forward and kissed her passionately. She returned the kiss impatiently.
“Jesus! Glad I didn‘t come later! Time for dinner, you two.”, Keiras voice exclaimed. You drove apart immediately, staring at the midfielder who leaned in the doorframe and grimaced.
“Kei!”, Georgia shrieked. You threw a pillow in her general direction; “Get out!” She moved out of the way, the pillow hitting the wall next to her; “Come on, girls.”
After another glare from her teammate, she finally closed the door again. Georgia laughed incrediously; “Why is she like that?”
“She loves to catch us off guard I just know it!”, you fondly rolled your eyes. “I guess we have to go know.”, your girlfriend announced, still out of breath from kissing and laughing while getting up from the bed.
With a loud sigh you got up with her:” Yeah, we do.” “Come on then.”, with a cheeky grin your girlfriend took your hand pulling you into the direction of the place where her teammates were having dinner. Smiling you whispered into her ear:” I’ll follow you.”
Once you sat down with the rest of the lionesses Lucy curiously looked at the Bayern Munich player:”Gee, did you told y/n the story of your football boots, already?” “Football boots?”, you repeated puzzled.
Slightly embarrassed Georgia explained:” I had them in my big suitcase which got lost.” “Your suitcase got lost?!”, you asked her concerned.  
Enjoying the sheepishness in the voice of her best friend Keira added:” And she was too scared to tell that Sarina, so..” “So?”, you urged her to continue to speak about it.
Your girlfriend stared annoyed at the Barcelona midfielder:” It’s fine now. I got my stuff back.” “That’s good.”, you told her relieved.
Back to her confident self Georgia said: “I trained with shoes from a U23 player for the first two days.” “You did? Nice of the fellow baller.”, amused you lifted up an eyebrow.
Giggling she admitted: “She was the only one with the same size.” “Lucky girl.”, you hummed, your lips only millimetres away from brushing against eachother.
Clearing her throat Keira interrupted the kiss before it could have happened, begging:” We’re eating now, please don’t kiss again.” “Don’t be a baby, Kei.”, Georgia told the only slightly older woman, sticking her tongue out into her direction. 
You couldn’t help but to remind your teammate from Barcelona:” Laura and you are so much worse and don’t even get me started on Lucy and Ona.”  “What do I have to do with that now? I don’t care if you make out here or not?”, the defender protested.
Happily, Georgia responded:” Thanks for understanding this Lucy. Munich and Barcelona are just so far away.” “True.”, you mumbled biting your lips to hold back all the emotions coming to the surface you were feeling because of your long-distance relationship.
Frustrated Keira pointed out:  “So are Barcelona and Rome.”  “No, the distance between the two cities is less.”, your girlfriend countered.  Pouting her friend defended herself: “It’s still shitty for a relationship.” “It’s.”, Georgia admitted.
Helplessly Lucy groaned hiding the face in her hands: “Can you stop fighting about who has the worst long-distance relationship? I’m trying to eat.” “Sorry, Lucia.”, you apologized with a crooked smile. The older woman looked up to you:”I hope you’re.”
“Love, want to share a dessert?”, Georgia chirmed.  Delighted by her question you swiftly replied: “Sure.” “Perfect.”, she beamed at you.
“Disgustingly cute.”, Keira reacted with gagging noises in the background. Immediately Lucy was calling her out:” Keira!” “What? It’s true.”, she protested.
You were ignoring the two as you and your girlfriend were too focused on the dessert in front of you. With closed eyes you confirmed:” It’s delicious.” “Agreed.”, Georgia said cheerfully.
Keira watched you attentively; “Will you watch the game against Austria?“ “Of course. Can’t miss out on it.“, you replied around a mouthful of your dessert. Georgia winked at you; “You shouldn’t.“ “I’ll wear your jersey.“, you promised your girlfriend with a laugh.
She raised her eyebrows; “You’ll?“ You grinned back at her; “Yes. Why not? Can’t go with my Spanish one.“ “No, better not. I don’t think the girls would like to see that.“, Georgia shook her head. With a wink, you gave your girlfriend a sympathetic look; “Brings back sad times. I can’t do that.“
“Please don’t.“ “I won’t.“, you promised, amused. “Thanks. I’m sure we can get you a shirt.“, the midfielder thought out loud. “Thank you.“ Georgia quickly kissed you on the cheek; “You’re welcome.“
Englands friendly against Austria was about to start when a familar voice called your name.
“Stanway looks good on you.“, Leah Williamson smirked as she took the seat next to you. “Lee, hi.“, you greeted her, a big smile on your face. “Hi.“ You pointed down towards the pitch; “Gee’s a captain tonight.“
“Happy that she gets to be captain for a bit too.“, Leah replied, clearly torn between being excited for her friend and her own frustration of missing out on the camp.
Gently, you put a hand on the defenders arm; “She was so excited to play with you again.“ “Me too, trust me. But I’ll be back for the next camp. I can’t wait to wear that jersey again.“, she said, a defiant sparkle in her eyes.
“And then it’s the three best friends and Lucy again.“ Leahs mood seemed to get better at the thought; “Lucy will hate that.“ “Yes, but she secretly loves it.“, you joined her laugh. “I’m sure she does.“
When the match ended with a clear win for England, you impatiently looked at the Arsenal defender; “Want to say hi to the girls?“ “Sure.“, Leah agreed and followed you.
Georgia was flanked by her Austrian Bayern Munich teammates Sarah Zadrazil and Katharina Naschenweng when you entered the pitch.
“Your girlfriend is here too, Georgia?“, Sarah asked. With a proud nod, Georgia replied; “She’s.“ “Hello, Kathi and Sarah.“, you smiled as you approached the trio.
“Hi y/n.“, they said in unison. “Great to see you two again. Did G tell you about her new tattoo yet?“ Georgias cheeks turned pink while Kathi nodded with a grin; “Yes, she did.“
“What is it?“, Lucy joined the group, bumping her shoulder against yours. “Girls, stop it. You weren’t that excited for my other tattoos.“, your girlfriend laughed, a bit of defensiveness in her voice.
Ella Toone grabbed her arm, turning it so the new tattoo was visible. Excitedly she yelled; “Georgia Marie Stanway, the woman that you are!“
“What? Let me see!“, Alessia Russo pushed her best friend aside to have a look as well. Georgias face turned even more red; “It’s just the first letter of her name.“
“That’s so romantic.“, Alessia cooed. Keira rolled her eyes; “No, it’s stupid.“ “Shut up, Kei!“, you and your girlfriend called at the same time.
Leah pulled your Barcelona teammate in a hug; “Come here, Kei.“ “G, Lucy and y/n need to join too.“, she demanded, her cheek against Leahs shoulder.
Sighing, you wrapped your arms around the two of them; “Come here, you big baby.“ Georgia immediately followed suit and joined the group hug. “
Ugh, not a hug.“, Lucy grimaced disgusted. Leah gave her an unimpressed look; “Don’t be a bitch, Lucy.“
“It’s okay, that’s just how she is.“, your girlfriend laughed, grabbing Lucys arm and pulling her into the direction of the growing group of football players.
Reluctantly, she finally gave in. You smiled to yourself. There was no place you would rather be right now.
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mbsneur · 2 months
Casual Sex
Misa Rodriguez x Reader
Summary: You met Misa because of Jenni. You have casual sex very often but you don't feel good anymore?
Warnings: Smut,Sub!reader,oral,fingering, names like „Amore“ and „good girl“
WC: 1304
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please read this text before going to the story please don't be so strict with me but rather write to me what I can do better or what you wished were different. also tell me if you find the story too long or too short.. Also write to me if you liked it. My requests are always open (and English is not my first language so don't be mad at me) and if you have any ideas for the future about who I should write please tell me… the topics I will choose by myself unless you have a request for one or two people I will Read everything.. in the next survey I will take a few ideas from the old survey and new ones…. now read and I hope you like it <33
Real Madrid lost the El Clásico against rivals Barça as so often again Misa stood in front of your door frustrated and angry and fucked you in every direction
You have been friends with Jenni since childhood and last month she took you to a party where there were several Spanish people and where you also met Misa
even after 6 orgasms she was still lying between your legs your whole body was weak and shaking you saw Misas Strong arms around your thighs to keep them apart. She kissed the inside of your thighs and you saw her sweaty hair sticking to her forehead. With every kiss, your legs twitched and Misa had a smug smile in return
you are still dripping from your previous orgasm misa gets higher and higher with her mouth and licks a large stripe from your hole to your clit your legs close and you twitch you try to push misa away but she squeezes tightly around your thighs holding you in place "Misa I can't take another one, I can't feel my legs anymore"
"psht amore you can, I know you can, don't you want to be my good girl?"
„yeah mi-„
"So you see, you're going to take what I give you mh"
misa's head returns to your core she places soft kisses on your clit making you cry out misa starts sucking and brings one of her fingers to your hole and circles it gently your hips rock into her mouth and you whimper "baby please don't tease" Misa smiles and inserts a finger inside you. You start to get louder and louder and Misa hits all the right spots inside you. She curls her fingers and sucks on your clit. You breathe quickly and your pelvis rises Misa squeezes your stomach with her other hand to keep you in place. You get louder "fuck misa right there" you moan and your eyes roll into your head sweat forms on your chest and you get closer to where misa wants you "Will you cum for me pretty girl?" She asks and now pumps two fingers into your dripping hole. You can hear how wet you are "baby you are going to make me cum I want to cum on your fingers like a good girl please misa" you literally screamed misa now started sucking your clit harder and your legs started shaking you scream and cum all over misa's face your Legs close around her head and she helps you through your orgasm. She only removes her fingers when she is sure you have survived it
Misa moves away from you and comes up to you. She gently kisses your shoulder and whispers in your ear "I knew you could, my good girl" then she gets up, takes her things and starts to get dressed. You don't feel good about the fact that Misa always just comes to you to fuck you and then leaves again as if nothing had ever happened. You felt like that like an object for her you watch her, with every step her stomach tenses she renews her bun and looks for her sports bra in the room "do you want to go already Misa?" you ask her, she has found her sports bra and while she is putting on her clothes she looks at you briefly. You are lying there with your head leaning on your arm, watching the sweaty Misa. "Yes, I'm going, I'm tired. I'll call you when I see you again or I need it or i just come here" she says without batting an eyelash and sternly as if she's paying you to sleep with her somehow it's not what you want from Misa "I thought we'd take a shower together or eat together, I can make you tapas You always like them so much when I make them," you say quietly and you're embarrassed to ask "I don't have time for that, no, I'll take a shower at home." She puts on her shoes and is kind of rushed. She takes the rest of her things with her With a "see you" she slams the door and leaves you naked and tired from sex
You pull yourself together and take a hot bath. You don't really know what to think about it or what you feel or whether you want to talk to Misa about it. You don't want it to be over either because Misa actually has so much love and care in her You have often noticed when you were sick and she came here and brought you things to help you get better or she invited you to her games or went to one with you. You never talked about love, it was always just friendship and sex. casual sex.
Misa has become different. She doesn't take you anywhere anymore or is caring towards you. She only comes here to have sex with you and then leaves again. u want to feel Misa differently. u want to feel her love?
The next day
You were at work like every day. Misa wrote to you early in the morning asking if she could come over later. She misses your taste, You knew she had training. You had ignored her message through the day to do your work. You arrived home around 4pm You bought groceries and were about to put them away. You took a quick shower and sat on the couch without saying a word to Misa or answering her all day. Around 10pm a loud knock on your door broke you out of your drowsy mood
You rub your eyes and actually wanted to ignore it until there was another knock, with a loud sigh You got up and ran to the door and opened it. Who else should be standing there but Misa. She greeted you with a smile and without you being able to ask her go come in or you could close the door, her lips were against your neck "mis-" “Amore why don’t you answer me all day” she whispers between kisses against your skin "misa stop" You push her away and she looks at you confusingly, raising her arms to the height of her chest "Que pasa y/n" You sigh and close your arms in front of you. You swallow "Misa I feel like an object for you where is the Misa who goes out with me invites me to matches or holds me in her arms I feel like a woman you pay" Misa's gaze softens and she can hear the frustration in your voice "I thought I didn't want that- I thought we were just people who had casual sex. I never wanted to hurt you. Did you fall in love with me?" she says stuttering You look at her and say nothing. You don't want to answer because you don't know the answer
oh wow i hope you like it, tell me your opinion
thank you <3
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
★ 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒍 𝑶'𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒙 𝑨𝑭𝑨𝑩 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ★
TW: AFAB Anatomy, Explicit Sexual Language, Soft sex,Pure porn, Unprotected Sex, creampie, unprotected sex, no pronouns used other than 'you', my english and spanish, my writing, pure smut.
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Miguel looked at the rain outside, through the barred window of your double bedroom.
Miguel put his weight lightly on top of you as you had lazy sex, and slow, he was still sleepy, letting only his body guide him as he fit your tight, wet pussy, underneath you and with your back to him, you reared up a little for O'Hara to better fit the shaft into your wet intimacy, hearing a sound of skin joining together and wet.
A sense of contentment and passion washes over Miguel as he looks out into the rain, feeling the warmth of your body beneath him as you make love together. He moves his hips in a slow, steady rhythm, feeling the tight wetness of your pussy enveloping him in a warm, slick embrace.
"-You're so good (Y/N)"- Miguel murmurs softly, his hand caressing your cheek tenderly.
"-So... so perfect and all mine... I'm so lucky to have you, mi amor." -Miguel leans in and kisses you deeply, his tongue exploring and teasing your mouth in a tender, sweet, lusty embrace.
"-I love you, mi carinõ" -Miguel adds softly, his voice full of love and affection, yet husky and thick with a Primitive, animalistic desire that has always been part of a tan.
Bodies moving in a slow, steady rhythm, feeling the tightness and warmth of your enveloping him in a delicious embrace.
He knows he wants to make love to you like this forever, to claim and protect you as his own, to show you how much he loves you.
"-Te quiero (Y/N)" he says, his hand running through your hair. "Forever and ever, mi corazon."
"-I'm... I'm close" -Miguel speaks hoarsely and needily, feeling the intensity growing inside him as he beats your pussy with superhuman fervor, using his muscular and masculine hips to make a constant and certain rhythm, feeling your uterus on the tip of his dick.
"-I'm going... I'm going to come and I'm going to come inside you, mi vida..." -Miguel leans in and kisses you deeply, his tongue exploring and teasing your mouth again, tongues lapping together sloppily, seeking dominance in each other as Miguel penetrates you deeper and deeper, feeling his balls hitting your clit with a force delicious.
"-You're mine, mi vida, please..." -Miguel murmurs softly, his hand gripping your hip possessively and tightly, leaving his fingertips white. "-Mine forever."
Miguel feels his orgasm reach a fever pitch and, with one last deep thrust, he pours his hot cum deep into your pussy feeling your body convulse with pleasure as he marks and claims you once more.
"-¡Ahh! ¡Sí, (Y/N)! ¡Mi amor!, so good, so fucking perfect for my cock and me."
Miguel falls on top of you, but not fully putting his weight, just staying over your body as he kisses your throat tenderly, lightly biting the sensitive skin as a form of love and care, the two of you breathing heavily as you snuggle under the covers, hugged tightly.
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paintbrushnebula · 1 month
Ghostflower Headcanons
As romantic gestures, Miles loves setting up these elaborate (if a little overkill) activities for Gwen to do, whether it's a special occasion or just. whenever feels like it. They're always these elaborate treasure hunts that he'll set up for her to complete. Like for Valentine's Day--Gwen never stirs in her sleep, so he'll surround her sleeping form with lilacs and peonies all around on the bed so she can wake up basking in their scent. Then this gesture will be somehow tooled as the first clue in this elaborate scavenger hunt across several dimensions, each stop being a cute little romantic gesture like a lovely written note or souvenirs from their times together. He'll have like, puzzles that require playing music or reading scores to move forward in the hunt. And Gwen LOVES them. She likes adventures and the ones Miles orchestrates for her always involve her having to use her many talents. She kinda sees Miles' games as a sweet, fun way of staying sharp. ^_^
Miles will mindlessly rub his face against Gwen's cheek whenever when he greets her or bids her farewell after a long day. A lot of people find it a little strange lol, but know better than to judge Miles in front of Gwen. 
Ghostflower's petnames....so Miles sucks at pet names. He can't think of any good ones besides whatever he's heard his Mami say to Jeff (so just the usual "mi amor.") Mamita works for her too. But aside from that, all the typical English pet names (so like "honey," "sweetie," etc) just feel weird coming off his tongue, he thinks they're cringe and he hates saying them XD. Besides there's just something about how much he loves saying Gwen's name. He loves her name. It's like music to him. And every new time he says it makes his heart flutter more than the last. Gwen's pet names for Miles on the other hand are very... eherm...varied. Like she does use all the typical English pet names, but she'll also randomly spout some very creative names that have to do with situations they're in or objects she just saw or smth, I hope I'm explaining this right 😭 So for example, "my weighted blanket" (if they were just sleeping), or "cupcake brain," "coffee bean," "my bespeckled cheekster" or some other stupid thing she randomly comes up with on the spot XD. 
Gwen is big spoon but Miles will jump off a bridge if Hobie finds out
Lol in fact, a lot of how Gwen treats Miles (fluffy pet names, cuddling him) is stuff Miles never wants Hobie to see XD. So picture Miles melting into Gwen on the couch while she runs fingers through his hair, then Hobie walks in and Miles flings himself right out of Gwen's arms, sitting up straight and clearing his throat, "aherm, wh-whassup' man." And like, Hobie probably wouldn't even give a dang XD. But Miles feels the need to keep up this... intimidating "not some feeble gumdrop" reputation around certain spiders like Hobie, Miguel, and now Peter B, etc.
Gwen hates the heat, she always has to have the AC on or at least a fan in front of her. Sometimes both. But Miles is very sensitive to the cold. So this becomes a dilemma when they're in the same room. Then it breaks out into a back and forth "no it's okay, I can turn it off/No it's okay! I can just put on a jacket!" Eventually they'll reach a compromise: Gwen can have the AC, but she has to cuddle Miles close so he can keep warm. 
Miles likes to paint or draw on Gwen a LOT. Like it basically becomes the norm Gwen's their friends and family to see her walking around with what appears to be temporary "tattoos." Sometimes there'll be "Miles x Gwen" in graffiti-styled lettering on her shoulder, or little spider-man chibis with little speech bubbles, or a jumble of illustrations of places they've been to, lyrics from songs he likes, and just colorful geometry painted all around her arm like a tattoo sleeve, or sunflowers on her cheeks, or just random lines and shapes here and there on her knuckles, arms or jawline. Miles will paint on her whenever he has the chance, whether she's in conversation with a completely different person, or she's doing work, writing, eating-anything. She always lets him, she loves it. And when they're alone and he's drawing on her, they'll sit in a comfortable silence the whole time, it's very...entrancing for Gwen when they're alone in a quiet room and he's hardly making any noise while she feels markers and paintbrushes dancing across her skin. 
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i-care-4u · 2 years
A/N: the english translations will be beside the spanish sentences :)
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you and jack were going to a restaurant that serves latin american food. you were dying to take jack to these types of restaurants, knowing that it is finally the best time to attend, especially after a months-long tour. besides, it was too delicious.
you yourself knew how to speak and read in spanish. jack, on the other hand, knew some words in spanish, but would sometimes fail to pronounce them.
once you both arrived, you found a seat and waited for one of the waiters to come shortly.
“welcome, feel free to look around and tell us when you’re ready,” the waiter greeted, passing out two menus for you and jack.
you nodded at the waiter, “thank you!”
once the waiter left, you and jack looked at the menu to see what they have. you already had the dish in mind, and you set the menu on the table. meanwhile, jack was still looking around, squinting at some of the words. luckily, he brought his glasses despite not wearing it in public as much. you tried hard not to cringe, but you knew you needed to call him out.
you blurted out to jack in spanish, “por que no te pones tus lentes?” [why don’t you wear your glasses?]
jack had a surprised look on his face, “why what?” he didn’t fully understand what you meant, and you translated in english. “why don’t you wear your glasses? it got you squinting like crazy.”
jack listened and puts on his glasses, “better?”
he went back to reading the menu, getting a clear glance of the words and dishes. as soon as he had the dish in mind, he pointed the item to you. “can you order this one for me? i don’t want to say it wrong.”
“of course.”
another waiter arrived and asked in spanish, “ya estan listos?” [are you guys ready?]
came to take your order and you told him in spanish. “hola, puedo ordenar un (dish name) y (dish name) para el, por favor?” [hi, may i order (dish name) and (dish name) for him, please?]
“gracias, ahorita venimos con los platos, okay?” [thank you, we’ll be back with the plates, okay?]
you smiled at the waiter, and jack looked at you in awe. “you should speak more spanish to me more.”
you rolled your eyes at him, “jack, you don’t even understand what i’m saying most of the time.”
“of course i do.”
“like what?”
jack started listing words, “let’s see. i know amor, cariño, hermosa, puta-” jack was interrupted by your laugh.
you shushed him, “woah there! don’t say that out loud.”
“what did i say?”
“you know what puta means right?”
“is that like another romantic nickname?”
your jaw dropped, “so you think it’s romantic to call me a bitch, huh?”
jack was clueless about the word, only hearing it on the phone calls that you have with your best friend. “oh shit, now i know what it means.”
“and that’s why i’ll teach you some spanish once we get back home!”
you were thrilled to teach him more spanish and you had high hopes that he’ll come back to tour in the latin america region soon. jack smiled at you and showed off his spanish skills, “i appreciate it, mi vida.” [my life]
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dreamersbcll · 1 year
“The end”
Screaming. She could hear screaming. Why was there screaming? It was almost Christmas. Santa surely would put them on the naughty list.
Tara toddled down the stairs, holding onto the railing as she went. The walls felt as if they were rattling from all the yelling. She could tell it was Sam and her mami going at it. It wasn’t unusual for the two to scream at each other. But there was typically some peace before Christmas that they usually adhered to. It was uncommon for a fight to happen so close to the holiday.
She peeked around the corner, seeing that her mami was holding a wine bottle, red-faced and screaming at Sam. Her big sister was halfway between the kitchen and living room, holding a book. Both were tense, hands at the ready for some fight.
“Your father did this to me! ¡El mismísimo diablo! He forced me to have you; I didn’t want you!” her mami screamed, spilling wine as she threw her hands around.
(The devil himself)
Sam bared her teeth, her muscles taut. “Oh yeah? Did he force you to fuck him and have me? I wish you didn’t have me! ¡Ojalá no me hubiera enterado de que era mi padre, zorra!.
(I wish I hadn’t found out he was my father, you bitch)
Tara walked out into the line of fire. Sam was upset. She hated seeing Sammy upset. She usually reverted to Spanish when she was feeling emotional. Normally she tried to speak English when Tara was around so she could learn better, but right now, something was wrong. Her big sister looked like she needed a hug. Tara could help her.
“¿Por qué gritas? Es Navidad. We don’t yell on Christmas?” she softly said, her big brown eyes widening at the sight of the two women screaming.
(Why are you yelling? It’s Christmas)
She turned to her big sister. “¿Qué pasa mi fuerte guerrera?” she whispered, staring up at Sam with big doe eyes.
(What’s wrong, my guardian?)
Sam faltered at the sight of Tara, her voice dying out. She swiftly descended the floor, kneeling at Tara’s feet.
“Oh mi cielo. No deberías estar aquí abajo. Why don’t you go back upstairs? Subiré pronto. Podemos jugar con muñecas, ¿sí?” she soothed, moving a piece of hair behind Tara’s ears.
(Oh, my sky. You shouldn’t be down here. Why don’t you go upstairs? We can play with dolls, yeah?)
Tara nodded, turning around to go back upstairs. But she was stopped by something hitting her in the back of the head, shattering onto the ground. She fell forward, crying at the pain in her knees and head. Glass. There was glass around her. A broken wine glass. What did she do?
“Hey! What the fuck is wrong with you? Ella no es parte de esto. ¡Déjala en paz!” Sam screamed, throwing the book at her mother. Sam missed, her mother ducking as the book hit the china cabinet, shattering the door.
(She’s not a part of this. Leave her alone!)
“Mami,” Tara whimpered, her head aching. There was blood on her knees. She had just gotten this dress. It was ruined. Sam was at her side, helping her stand up. She spun Tara around, hands firmly on her shoulders.
“Tara. Mi Amor. Necesito que corras arriba y cierres la puerta. I’ll be there soon, okay? ¡Vamos, rápido!” she hissed, pushing Tara towards the stairs.
(My love. I need you to run upstairs and shut the door. Quickly.)
Unfortunately, their mother had other ideas, lurching forward as if she was going to grab Tara. Sam stood up, pushing Tara behind her to shield her from her mother.
“Don’t you fucking touch her! This is between you being a slut and sleeping with a serial killer, not Tara!” Sam shouted, pushing her mother back.
Christina Carpenter smiled a wicked, chilling smile. It gave Tara goosebumps, shivering despite the pounding in her head.
“She’s a part of this just as much as you are. She is a Carpenter through and through. Es hora de que tu hermana descubra con qué clase de monstruo estás emparentada. ¡Un asesino!”.
(It’s time for your sister to discover what kind of monster you’re related to. A killer!)
“No, I’m not! I’m not like him! This is your fault! It’s all your fucking fault!” screamed Sam, one of her spare hands reaching for Tara’s. Tara caught them, holding her hand tight. Sam needed comfort. Tara would give it to her.
Instead of answering, her mother threw another dish at Sam’s head. Sam ducked, scooping Tara up and shielding her from the explosion of shattering glass.
“Fuck you!” Sam spat, holding Tara to her chest. Tara buried her head into her big sister’s shoulder. She squeezed her eyes shut and started counting to one hundred. Sam would take her away from this. She would be safe. This would be over. Sam would make sure she was okay.
One. Two. Three.
Before their mami could retaliate, their papi walked through the door, clearly perplexed at the broken glass and blood on Tara’s dress.
Doce. Trece. Catorce.
“Jesus Christ, what’s going on?” he asked, struggling to decide which person to comfort. His eyes darted between the blood dribbling onto Sam’s shirt from the cut under Tara’s eye to his wife holding a stack of ceramic plates like it was a weapon.
Veintidós. Veintitrés. Veinticuatro.
“Oh, nothing, Mr. Carpenter,” Sam said cooly, holding Tara tight.
He raised an eyebrow at that, clearly annoyed. “I’m your papi, mija. You’ll respect me by calling me papi in my own house, got it?”.
Cuarenta. Cuarenta y uno. Cuarenta y dos.
Sam laughed, throwing her head back and interrupting Tara’s counting. A cold, hollow laugh. It made Tara sob, hearing her sister sound like that. Sam patted her back, laying the final blow on her parents.
“Oh no. Tú no eres mi padre. See, your wife here fucked Billy Loomis. You know, the serial killer of Woodsboro. Don’t worry. I’m not yours. Not that you ever wanted me anyways,” she hissed, staring daggers at her mother.
(You are not my father)
Tara remembers the fighting after that. The way Sam sprinted up the stairs holding her tight, barricading them into her room. She remembers helping Sam push the bed against the door and how their mami put her fist through the wooden door.
She remembers Sam sobbing, holding Tara to her chest like a teddy bear, the two hiding in her closet from their mami and Papi.
That was the last time Tara was held and kissed by Sam again.
That fateful night in December.
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read-and-write- · 9 months
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2023 Fic Wrapped
Thanks to @anincompletelist for tagging me! This is such a fun thing to do!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. There are no rules!
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Posted on Ao3: 34,145 (Across 14 fics)
Written total: 152,778 (yes, i do have a lot of docs created, a lot more than anyone wants to see)
3 published fandoms: Red, White and Royal Blue, All for the Game, The Shadowhunters Chronicles
Longest work: and every song reminds me of you (4,088 words)
Shortest work: yo te llevo dentro, hasta la raíz  (546 words)
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very real wips, things I'm actively working on
Super Six and the Siren's Call (PJO AU- +100k) co-written with @inexplicablymine and @happiness-of-the-pursuit one of the most wonderful projects I've had the honour to be a part of and I'm so exicted for people to see it
Toe the Line (Figure Skating AU - 20k currently) my dearest child, 60 pages of outline, investigation, character sheets and visions i have at three am for a random scene 5 chapter away
Y recuerda siempre que tú eres la medicina (A bilingual June character study) A companion piece of sorts for a train of thought (of things not to forget), June's perspective through it all, both in Spanish and English like Alex's. and with Natalia Lafourcade lyrics as a title because that's June coded
carved within the beauty, the darkness in between and without (your) love, I am nothing two pieces about religion and firstprince from each of their povs, a question about loving yourself and about loving someone else against the things you've been taught and finding divinity within each other.
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not so real wips with a little less real word counts but a lot of vibes
Spiderman AU, my entry for the New Years Resolutions event of @thebrownstone, which means it'll get here at some point
MasterChef AU, my way to put my professional knowledge to good use, it was a silly funny story and it grew a plot
Dancer AU, a drabble fail that was just a vision and then some people kind of made it get a full dual pov, double 5 + 1 plot
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Numbers are not everything but I do like data and stats
Kudos: 3,969
Comment Threads: 187
Bookmarks: 946
Hits: 37,149
Numbers do not define an author's worth, but I also can see how far I've gotten with just one day deciding I wanted to write and post my fun little words again
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top 3 sorted by kudos
las formas de llamarte amor (2.5k - 630 kudos)
my first fic in the rwrb fandom, it makes me so happy to see it being loved, it was the ultimate show of self indulgence
Henry has been a public figure for most of his life, the reason why he’s been given dozens of titles, some kinder than others, he’s been the gay prince, the spare, the prince of England's hearts, the activist, the author. All of the titles are inevitably a part of his history, but the way Alex calls him is the most important of all. Because to Alex, he is sweetheart, amor, and corazón; Alex calls him mi vida in between kisses and whispers hermoso, lindo, precioso with his wandering hands working through Henry’s body. His name sounds better when it comes out of Alex’s lips. or 5 times Alex calls Henry a pet name in Spanish and one time he calls him by his name or Henry learns Spanish one pet name at a time
to belong to a family (even beyond this world) (2.5k - 578 kudos)
this one, this one i wrote with my own soul, i used my tears as ink, wrote it for the Halloween Huh fest and it all the comments have made me so incredibly happy
“Talk to him. They listen, they always listen,” Ligia says and Henry nods, she squeezes his hand again before turning back and leaving him alone in front of the ofrenda. It's very rare that Henry has been at a loss for words when he tries to talk to his father. He has spent countless nights speaking to the stars, looking for Orion and hoping that —wherever his father is— he is looking for it too. “Hi dad,” Henry says softly, taking another look at the picture of his father, smiling at the camera. “I missed you.” or When Alex and Henry go to Mexico for Día de Muertos a familiar face appears on the Díaz ofrenda
you are an idiot (i missed you) (1.6k - 475 kudos)
wrote this on a whim, blacked out and pulled this out of nowhere, my first fic for aftg and really just an excuse to write Andreil being married for convenience™
The best, and arguably the only, good part of playing on opposing teams from your husband was getting to play a match against him. Therefore one could say that Neil was very excited about getting to play against Andrew tonight. Not only because for the first time since the season started they'd finally be in the same State and City (And later after the game, the same house) but also because Neil thought Andrew was 100% hotter when he was playing (Not that he would tell him out loud), and seeing him live was definitely better than seeing him on a screen. There was also the added bonus of the infamous Minyard - Josten Rivalry. Or Neil and Andrew are having too much fun with their rivalry until someone else takes it too seriously, and then they have a talk.
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Being a not native english speaker means that fanfic does teach me a lot of stuff, namely vocabulary this year stars some bangers
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I created a total of 19 docs, which doesn't mean there's 19 fics there, but it also doesn't not mean it
Alex's POV wins with total of seven fics
Six fics have the tag of Alex Claremont-Díaz Speaks Spanish
Three of my wips have an outline longer than 10 pages
there's a 30%? chance I will write smut at some point in the new year
my funniest doc title is "If you have religious trauma and you know it clap your hands"
This year has been crazy, for many reasons but I'm glad I found this space and I'm glad I'm back to writing, and on top of it all I'm glad of being able to meet so many because of it.
And the year is not over yet! There's still more to come!
I'm tagging a few people, don't feel pressured to do this but if there's anything you feel proud of I'd love to see it @inexplicablymine @happiness-of-the-pursuit @affectionatelyrs @littlemisskittentoes @ssmtskw @raysletters @14carrotghoul @heybuddy-drabbles @suseagull04 @everwitch-magiks @sherryvalli @rockyroadkylers
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outsideratheart · 2 years
1 Decorating the tree with laia aleixandri
A/N: Day one of the Christmas advent calendar.
Laia had been dropping not so subtle hints at wanting you to spend Christmas in Spain with her since you put the Halloween decorations away. At first she started to talk about the future and how your Christmas’ would look together and then when her parents visited Madrid they just so happened to bring some photo albums with them. You were excited because you loved seeing photos of baby Laia but when you saw the cover of the album, the one which was covered in red and green and had a huge Christmas tree on the front, you knew Laia had brought in reinforcements.
In the end you said yes, it wasn’t as if she had to persuade you that much. All you wanted her to do was ask you and not drop hints. You needed to hear her say the question so that you knew it really was what she wanted.
You wasn’t sure what the rules are in Spain. When do they put up their trees, when do they start decorating the house? This was the first Christmas you would be spending in Laia’s apartment which was now technically your apartment too.
You had stayed back at training with Lola to practice set pieces whilst your girlfriend left at a reasonable time along with the rest of the team. You opted out of showering at the facility in favour of wanting to get home as soon as possible.
Safe to say the last thing you expected to see was Laia on the living room floor surrounded by every type of Christmas decorations.
“Baby, what are you doing? It isn’t even December or do the Spanish decorate in November” you tease as you steal a kiss before getting a glass of water from the kitchen.
“I’m decorating”
You salute for her for being captain obvious.
“You asked and we have training, you have that Cupra event in Barcelona then we play Seville the weekend of the 1st. Now is the only time we can do it”
They were valid points and it wasn’t that you didn’t want to decorate, it’s just that you had planned to spend the night of the sofa cuddling with your girlfriend.
You walk away to get a shower.
“Hey! You can’t leave me to do it alone. This is our apartment now” Laia stands and chases after you.
“Calm down Mi Amor. I’m sweaty so I’m going to shower. Care to join me?” With your arms around her waist, you pull her close.
“Y/N I have too much organising to do” she kisses your nose before running back to her place in the living room.
You can only laugh as you leave her to do her organising.
When you emerge from the bedroom half an hour later you are shocked to see double the amount of decorations.
“I may have only lived here for just over 10 months but where on earth have you been hiding all of this?” You move some of the stuff to the floor so you can sit on the sofa.
“I’d tell you but it’s where I hide your birthday presents so…” Laia pretends to zip her lips.
She then proceeds to give you a to do list. With your eyes wide you count 11 tasks.
“Build tree. Decorate the top of tree that my amazing girlfriend can’t reach” you raise your eyebrows are her self compliment “hang Christmas lights”
“Vale. You have a long list but it’s only the things I can’t do” Laia tries to defend herself.
“And you want all of this done by….”
“Tonight. Don’t look at me like that, we have a game tomorrow”
“Well then we better get started. I take it ‘put the Christmas music on’ is on your list?” You ask and Laia nods enthusiastically.
With a mixture of both English and Spanish music playing in the background you and Laia both work through you lists, laughing and joking around as you do so.
The last thing you both do is decorate the tree as this is something that you can do together. Laia opens the box full of decorations. Some of the baubles are basic and traditional, others are from Laia childhood that her parents had given her.
It takes 45 minutes to get the tree just right. You and Laia dramatically collapse on the sofa as you admire your hard work. The apartment was perfect, it wasn’t over the top but it definetly had the Christmas spirit.
“It’s perfect” Laia tells you as she snuggles into your side.
“Wait” you rush to your feet and run to the bedroom.
Laia hears you rumbling around in your draws and mumbling to yourself.
“One more thing to add to the tree” you open the box and show Laia.
Inside the box was a ball shaped bauble with the inscription ‘our first Christmas” with the year below it.
Laia places it at the front and in the middle of the tree so everyone can see it.
In the weeks that followed, Laia showed everyone the bauble and told them that you planned on starting your own collection and that this one was the first of many.
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guettaes · 2 years
To meet him whom I had just seen as a ghost. Alejandro Vargas x Male-reader!
I would like to apologize in advance for writing because I am not English, and by default the Hungarian grammar is very complicated and the translation itself is difficult for others to understand.
My OC character is the name of that half-Hungarian name, and I'll see later what his full name is. not a German, not an American, not an English name, but a Hungarian character. I don't mean the other Hungarian character in multiplay, it's my own character.
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Warning: Dead character. Cemetery. A sad scene, perhaps.
For the first time, Alejandro had been with the rest of their friends when they had finished what had happened not so long ago. They were 10 days and it was also a bit of fun and it was also a holiday for Adolf and Alejandro, but one thing Adolf wanted to do was go to the cemetery. Adolf went in on a flower shop and Alejandro waited for Adolf, bought Leon from kendvenc was quick and they were already leaving for the cemetery. When they got to the cemetery both of them and got out in the car and Alejandro said he was going to wait here, he didn't want to disrupt Adolf's meeting at the former friendly cemetery, but Adolf said he wanted to be with him and they would go together because he promised to take Alejandro then Adolf went there and went after him, he wasn't that far away when they got to the tombstone Adolf knelt down and Alejandro did the same, Adolf put the flower in pots and put it back next to the tombstone.
"Hi Leon... i haven't seen you in a long time." and then he told me what happened that month. Alejandro watched Adolf still hurt to see that his hand was broken but at least he was plastered and he was still in pain he was his companion with the special squad and also the one he loved, but he kept listening to Adolf tell his story. Adolf sighed heavily "here Alejandro, my... boyfriend. I promised you that I would introduce you once, and now I had the opportunity." Alejandro even held Adolf's hand all the way through, Alejandro also wanted to talk to make Adolf feel a little better, and he introduced himself to Leon, said what a special unit he was in, and told a little joke. "You knew he loved my own secret making lazan, he could eat almost a whole baking sheet." Alejandro said, and Adolf laughed at the story of the food. "it's really good to be here now Alejandro. thank you." Adolf smiled at him. Then Adolf told me what happened on the day he lost Leon on that mission. Alejandro knew the mission when he read the files, but his full story. That's what Alejandro said now. "I'm not going to leave you and I'm not going to let you die, and I'm not going to let you die. We'll have a family someday, mi dulce amor." Alejandro said he gave Adolf a kiss on his hand, Adolf started to weep at these sentences but wiped them down his cheek. Alejandro stood up and helped Adolf set him up and they said goodbye to Leon. Adolf and Alejandro went back to the car Adolf went in the driver's seat, Alejandro wanted to too but something was disturbed, just across from the car there was a man half-transparent and close to him, Alejandro noticed that he was the Leon just as a ghost, he had long hair and was almost as tall as Alejandro and he just looked into it in Leon's eyes. and Leon told him this to Alejandro. "thank you Alejandro. Protect him and love him forever, please." said Leon. Alejandro nodded, promising to protect him now. Adolf asked if he didn't want to get in the car, or did he think of something? Alejandro turned his head and said "Nothing special, I just enjoyed the view." and when he turned Leon's gaze back he then disappeared and got in the car and headed home to Mexico.
Sorry I killed Leon Kennedy. yes that quickly became a spoiler. but there may be a sequel to what happened to Leon and Adolf on that mission, but not for sure. (When I wrote this I cried a little, I wasn't sad, I was in the mood.) ;-;
yes I put Leon Kennedy in the cod universe. It follows the story of the game. (no biological weapons set many others)
i hope you like it <3
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Hi hello! May I request a ship?:)
My name is Xena and I’m 5’5, INTJ-T and I go by any pronouns and Omni :)). I’m a Libra / September baby. I’m Latine and have wavy brown hair that barely go past my shoulders, brown eyes and olive skin(I tan pretty quick in the summer too if that’s important) and I’m mid size (full thighs&ass and bit of chub on my stomach & round-ish cheeks) my cheeks are naturally pink too, I wear small square glasses, and my main clothing style is normally a loose crop top, jeans and a hoodie around my waist
I would say my personality is a mix depending on the person. I love to help people as much as I can but I tend to put myself second because of it. With new people I’m very sweet and polite because I’d hate to have a bad impression. But once I’m used to someone I’m very loud and lively. I can be a bit cocky but I love to tease. With people I dislike I try to civil but René to ignore them especially if they’re very discriminatory or think too highly of themselves & puts others down. But with my s/o I can be very affectionate (it’s just I’m sometimes embarrassed to do so 🥲) I hate the feeling of being lonely or to be excluded. I’m very physical with my loved ones, I enjoy to give out hugs, link arms or hold hands with them. Prepping/teasing my s/o kisses is also up there :)). My hobbies are writing fics, drawing or doing a small project when it comes to mind. In my academics I’m really good with physics and maths, and English is one of my top five classes, idk something about numbers and writing makes me feel calm for pet-name i do like the simple ones like “love, sweetie, honey, my sweet, lovely” as I’d call them “mi amor, bebe, cariño”
(If you can do the Marvel that would be awesome also my pref can be anyone so & it might not be important but my type are sweet nerds keireodirhdj:))
hehe sweet nerds you sawy seems like you're a perfect match for
..................❣🕷SPIDER MAN🕷❣.................
         General headcanons🕸
Literally never forgets when you’re birthday is and probably spends the whole month of august planning for your birthday in september 
He likes to play with your hair when he gets bored 
He’ll even brush it if you let him 
Since you said you tan pretty quickly he will force you to put on sunscreen so you don’t burn >:( 
Probably steals your hoodies
Pls cuddle with him he is touch starved
Date Headcanons🌠
Cozy at home dates! 
He’ll set up his kitchen with some candles and start preparing whatever foods you like
He’ll also string up some LED lights to make it even better
Don’t be surprised if he also puts on soft music in the background
Peter is very cheesy :3 
But he just wants to give you the perfect date!
Romantic headcanons💓
If Peter notices that you’re embarrassed he’ll usually make the first move and wrap his arm around you or kiss you
Peter’s go to nickname is usually ‘sweetie’ and he’ll basically replace your name with it 
If he ever thinks you’re neglecting yourself to take care of other people he’ll usually step in and gently let you know
Peter literally will always include you and rarely goes anywhere without you 
Can and will be your emotional support puppy in trying times 
Please don’t tease him, he will die
Height headcanons✨
I headcanons him to be about 5'7 so while he isn't towering over you he's still a few inches taller than you
uses this to his advantage to become big spoon
He enjoys the subtle height difference when he's hold your hand
Bonus round🎉
If you ever decide to draw Peter/Spiderman and he comes across it he’ll literally just start freezing up and blushing, overall just acting flustered and confused. But deep down it makes him feel good about himself because he inspired you to create something so wonderful. Same thing goes with fics
Incorrect quote🫧 (Just for funsies)
Peter Parker: Fruits that do not live up to their names; passionfruit, grapefruit, honeydew and dragonfruit. Peter Parker: Fruits that do live up to their names? Peter Parker: Orange.
Thank you for waiting so long! I know it took me a while but hopefully it was worth it <3
Come back soon! 💌
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arcade-writing · 2 years
Brand new world
Reader is AFAB but gender is not discussed
Pairing: Jake lockley X reader
Warning: reader is oblivious, corruption kink, first time with BDSM themes, gun play, blowjobs, rough sex, alot of 'please's, first time orgasm, he makes you cum alot, reader is not a virgin but has little experience, Jake has a big dick, dirty talk in Spanish and English, teasing, size difference, creampie, overstimulation, slight degrading
I got a friend of mine to help with translation from English to Spanish. So special thanks and credit to Naomi for helping my clueless ass with Spanish and editing!
I tried to translate what I could back to English but not everything will be there, I'll probably edit it another time will a full translation but I did what I could! I've been holding back on y'all - I've been dying to publish this!
In this house we support healthy communication in sex! Jake is here to support you and give you a wild time
This is a long ass smut, proud of myself low-key (7197+ words)
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Jake loved how easily flustered you were. How your breath stuttered when his breath fanned your jaw, whispering into your ear to avoid any unwanted listeners. How you’d freeze up when his hands found themselves on your waist. Most of all, he loved hearing you stumble over your words when he looked down at you. Having you on your knees as he watched you pick up the files you accidentally dropped. How pretty you looked looking up at him like that. Lips parted and wide eyes.
So sweet and kind. Always fussing over his injuries and making sure he was okay after missions. How did he ever find someone like you? That was something he asked himself a lot as he watched you point to the board full of pictures and sticky notes. Your face was lit up as you explained your theory on who the newest enemy could be from the clues you’ve gathered. It was better to figure out their plan before it was too late and he was very fortunate to have you by his side.
And your outfit? You had to know what it was doing to him. The way it hugged all the right places. The colour flattering your skin tone. The evening sun poured into the little apartment, washing over you with orange tints and shy peeks of pink. You were glowing.
Jake adjusted in his seat as you turned from him. Cursing as you dropped your pointer. His eyes glued to how tight your pants were around your ass, showing off its perfect shape. He crossed one leg over the other to hide his growing erection. He was in no way a shy man, he wouldn't mind putting himself on full display, but he didn't want to scare you off.
Not when you were in your element. So happy to help him. To be useful to him and eager for his praise.
His fingers dragged down his tie as it now hung loosely around his neck, unbuttoning his shirt down to his chest. Adjusting his shirt so it wasn't too obvious. Eager eyes waiting for you to notice as you started to face him once again.
You were staring. Waiting for his input. He quickly skimmed the board as he grasped at the pieces he actually heard. But tried to hide his grin as he saw your face fall flat. A small sneer on your face as you spoke a half assed answer.
"Are you even listening? This could give us a real advantage here."
Jake was really trying to care. He really was. But you were too distracting. Everything you did he couldn't stop repeating in his head. Imagining a far different scenario.
"¿Que? I'm enjoying the view." (What?)
"Look out the window for a view, this is important."
"Oh, mi amor, you are very important to me." He leaned forward in his seat, lips quirked up. "Ni podría quitar mis ojos de ti si trataría." ("Nor could I take my eyes off you if I tried." )
Your cheeks flushed as your words died in your throat. You thought you could get use to his flirty behaviour yet here you were. It gets you everytime.
"Fuck me." You muttered bitterly to yourself.
Jake's grin grew wider as his eyes gleamed with delightful mischief. "Only if you beg, muñeca." (Doll)
You rolled your eyes, trying to resist the urge to bite your lip. This was just how he acted; he was a flirtatious asshole. You really wished he wouldn't be so forward sometimes - doesn't he know it could give a bad impression?
Without thinking you walked over to him, grabbing his tie to move it out the way. He simply raised a brow as you tugged on his shirt.
“Now what are you trying to do, coqueta?” (flirt - using it as the same as calling someone a minx)
“You look sloppy.” you quickly spat out, internally cringing at your own tone. You didn’t mean to be rude but nerves made your head spin. Jake seems to have that kind of effect on you.
"You'd look worse if you let me have you."
You yanked his tie back into its rightful place making him let out a strangled grunt. Raising a brow at his words as genuine confusion twisted onto your expression.
"In what way? Like - as in a fight?"
"In sex."
Your mouth formed a 'oh' as you blinked at him. You really should of expected that but stupidly, you had faith. Naively believing he would end his relentless flirts.
"What does that even mean? Why would I want to look worse? Isn't that a bad thing?"
Jake had to bite his tongue. Looking at you with forward brows as he pursed his lips. He knew you weren't innocent; no he's heard plenty of filthy remarks leave your lips but oblivious? That he could agree on. You weren't always the fastest at connecting the dots when it came to sexual things. It's why he enjoyed flirting with you at first, it was fun to watch you slowly realize what he meant.
But right now? He just wanted to shake you. How blunt did he have to be? How obvious did he need to make his intentions for you to finally realize?
Then there was that small light that flickered within his mind. The one that took joy in your cluelessness. How much did you even know about sex? He knew you were experienced and yet you were always the most clueless when it came to references regarding BDSM.
He could picture it. Watching those beautiful eyes of yours widen as he smacks your ass. Leave bruises on yours hips as he fucks you senseless. Tie you up all pretty, spread open and begging for him. Introducing you to a whole new world of pleasure that you didn't know could be reached.
But regardless of his fantasies, you showed no signs of being interested in him that way. Even less interest in anything he was into. He didn't want to overwhelm you with things you weren't comfortable with, if you weren't ready or into that.
"Jake? Shit- Hello, possible other alter." You nudged his shoulder, sending him a small wave.
"You're not getting rid of me that easy."
He barked out a laugh as he snapped out of his thoughts. You simply shook your heads as you kept your hands on his shoulders.
"Where is that head of yours?"
Curiosity tugged his words forward. His classic smirk on his face as he placed his hands on your hips.
"Not where it should be."
"Yeah, you've been daydreaming this entire day! You know where your head should be-?"
You took a step back from him, frowning down at him.
"Between your legs?"
"I--- doing what?!"
Your cheeks were surely on fire with how hot they were. What has gotten into him?! Sure he's made plenty of remarks similar to this before but somehow, this felt different. More meaningful.
"Ay, mi cosita preciosa." (Oh, my precious thing) You let out a yelp from how tightly he was gripping you. Staring as he sighed dreamily, resting his forehead against your thigh. His hat was pushed back on his head. Mismatched eyes gleaming with an emotion you couldn't quite pin down.
"Whatever you want me to do."
"You're being ridiculous again, I know you're just trying to distract me - you can just say my plan is bad, you know?"
"I would never do such a thing." He mocked. He's never been one to hold back. Calling out each flaw in your ideas and pointing out when something wouldn't work.
You loved his honesty even if it did hurt your feelings. He didn't treat you like an idiot despite your eccentric ideas and encouraged you to talk and think about new ways to help. At the end of the day, you would rather he tell you something was horrible than get both of you in a bad situation because he wanted to be nice.
So why was he being like this? It just didn't make any sense.
"Stop being an ass, if you wanted me to shut up you could have just said."
"If I wanted that, I wouldn't have you standing here scolding me."
He uncrossed his legs. Your eyes followed his movements only to snap to the prominent bulge in his trousers. You felt yourself clench around nothing at the size of it as you quickly looked back at his face. Jake followed your eyes the entire time, leaning back as he took in the way your lips parted. Trying to answer as your eyes kept flickering down to his crotch.
"Huh?" Your brain couldn't keep up. Not knowing what to say or do.
"I'd have you on your knees using that talented mouth of yours."
That's it! Your ears stung from how warm they are. You slapped his shoulder as you scoffed. "Oh fuck off-!"
He grinned as he leaned towards you. Tilting his head up with a small bite to his voice. Growing more excited at how worked up you were getting. Frustration clear on your face as you sneered down at him.
"Suck my dick."
That immediately wiped away any annoyance. Your mouth left to hang open once again. Palms becoming sweaty as you dug your nails into them. Your eyes are unsure where to look.
"I-I don't even know how-"
That caught his attention. Jake's whole demeanour changed as he took your hand in his, the other was on your thigh rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. His face suddenly became serious. It made you shift as you tried to think of a way to make him grin again. Finding your head full of cotton instead.
"Would you like to?"
"Like to what..?" Your voice was weak as a whisper. You knew what he meant but you wanted to believe he was still messing with you.
"Learn how to."
A nervous chuckle left you as you squeezed his hand. "Stop kidding around, Jake."
"I was until now." You didn't respond. You weren't even sure you knew how to. Words melted on your tongue as you felt a familiar throb between your legs.
"I asked you a question, amada." (beloved)
"Okay- um, yes I do."
You nodded. Slowly getting down on your knees as you kept nodding to yourself. disbelief written on your face as you blinked up at him.
"Uh- what can I practice on?"
Jake thought for a moment. As much as he wanted your mouth on him, he wanted to ease you into this. Scanning the room for anything useful but it was futile. He just caught your eyes glancing down at the gun attached to his thigh. Another smirk tugged on his lips as he pulled it out of its holster.
"Ésto." (This)
Your eyes immediately widened. Darting between him and the gun in his hand. The throbbing returned as you took in his suggestion.
"Are you insane-?!" Your face suddenly fell as you let out a huff. "Don't answer that."
"¿Pues? Want to try it?" (Well?)
He was ready to put it away and find something else. He could always use his fingers, after all. But you got more comfortable in your spot, eyeing the bullet chamber.
"Just–empty it out."
As soon as the words left your mouth, he cocked open the chamber. His hands moved quicker than you could process, pressing the button on the side causing the clip to drop. He cocked it again and the remaining ballet clattered to the floor as the chamber pops out. He reloaded the now empty gun without breaking eye contact. His movements were fast, precise. Your thighs rubbed together as you leaned forward.
Since when did this get you like this? You've seen him empty and refill his gun plenty of times.
'He didn't even look away. He knew exactly what to do.' a small voice in your head echoed.
"Abre tu boca." (Open your mouth) You immediately followed his command, letting him slide the gun against your lips. "Lick around the rim- that's it."
Your tongue swirled around the rim. Following its shape. The cold metal felt strange against your warm tongue.
You knew the basic steps of sucking dick - you've seen porn. But it wasn't exactly clear on everything or really taught you anything. Porn was the last place to look for actual education on sex, a good reference at the minimum.
With some hesitance you took the barrel into your mouth, trying not to scrape your teeth against it as you let your tongue drag along the bottom. It was a bit of a snug fit due to the make of his gun, the usual one he kept in his car. Your mouth had a slight ache from the stretch but it wasn't painful.
You gagged as he thrusted it in and out. Slow and steady as your head bobbed. Jake tried to keep it from going too far but you were clumsy in your movements.
"Breath through your nose."
You let out a shaky breath through your nose as your tongue licked the sides of the barrel.
"Doing so well, you like this?"
You nodded as your eyes fluttered. Your gaze falling from his face to his bulge. You could feel your mouth water, trying to picture what it would look like. Would he taste nice? Could you even fit him in your mouth?
That made you moan. Sucking on the gun as you grinded against the floor. Jake groaned at the noise, suddenly pulling the gun from your mouth. It came out with a wet pop, your mouth chasing it as your tongue peaked out from between your lips. He grabbed your chin to keep you still. You panted as drool dribbled down your chin. His eyes scanned the gun, seeing the barrel was completely covered in your saliva.
"Oh, muñeca." He breathed out. Moving the gun towards him, licking a long stripe down it. Tasting your spit and drool. Humming at the taste of it. He wanted to know If the rest of you tested this sweet.
You whined at the sight. Pawing at his thighs. You couldn't believe how you were acting. You've never felt like this with another person. Sure, you haven't been with many but none of them got you this riled up.
"Think you can take the real thing?"
Insecurity chewed at your gut. You were just going with what you've read and watched. Jake was the last person you wanted to do poorly with. You wanted to make him feel good.
The words came out without you even thinking. He chuckled at your pleading tone as he put his gun on the nearby coffee table. Unzipping his pants teasingly slow. You huffed as you sat between his legs, helping him take off his trousers leaving him only in tight boxers.
If you thought he looked big in two layers, this was just intimidating. You could see the shape much better now. It flopped to the right, girthy in its width. You pulled him out from his boxers, taking in the cock before you.
It was slightly darker than the rest of him, the tip flushed and a visible vein on the underside. You grabbed the base, guiding him to your mouth. Your breath hitched as you noticed how your hand could just about fit around it. He's much bigger than anyone you've ever been with.
But with a deep breath you followed his first instruction. Swirling your tongue around his tip as you lapped up the bead of pre-cum oozing out. He shuddered as he let out a sigh of relief, holding the back of your head.
"Así, ángel, taking me so well." (Just like that, angel) all he said, slowly guiding your head down and only when you gagged did he stop.
You tried to replicate what you did to the gun. Licking along the side of his cock as you bobbed your head. The ache settled in your jaw as you sucked and swallowed. Trying to keep your drool down but it only made Jake groan.
"¿Enserió que no me 'stabas mentiendo, ángel? Because you're good at this." He let out a breathy chuckle, head tipping back as he kept his stare on you.
You refused to believe you were doing that good. He was just trying to be supportive.
But when you moaned around him he jerked his hips up. You gagged as it prodded the back of your throat. Tears forming in your eyes, looking at him surprised. Jake let another groan watching you shudder. Big wide eyes stared back at him, glossy and shining. Your mouth is completely stuffed with his cock, struggling to take anymore as your small hands grasped at the base.
"I want to fuck that little mouth of yours, hermosa." (beautiful) You kept sucking along, giving yourself a break by focusing purley on the head. Your teeth grazed it by accident but it only made him grunt. His grip tightening on your head with a small thrust.
"Look so pretty like this."
Your eyelashes fluttered, the warmth from your cheeks was spreading down to your chest. Giving kitten licks to the very tip as you took in a few gulps of breath between them. Jake cupped your chin, his cock slightly tapped against your cheek. You nuzzled against it, your head felt fuzzy. Placing small kisses where you could. He grinned, caressing your chin as you sucked on the side of his dick.
"It's big, isn't it? Struggling to take all of it in your mouth, The things I could do if you let me - want to get your little throat fucked? Gag around my cock as I use your mouth, you want that, muñeca?"
"Please Jake...I want to take all of it."
He groaned as he tipped your head back. Standing up as he let go of your chin. You placed the head of his dick back in your mouth and he let out a 'tut'. You raised a brow as you removed your lips.
"Open as wide as you can."
And you did. A dull ache formed from the stretch but your focus was on the prize before you.
"Tongue out."
Once again you did exactly as he asked. He chuckled to himself as he smeared his pre-cum against your tongue. Listening to the way you whined, knowing you had to do as he said. And oh how he loved how obedient you were. You didn't even have to be told to sit still.
He grabbed the top of your head. Guiding you back down as he slowly pushed his hips forward. Watching you squirm as you moved your tongue back, he could feel it drag against him. You let out another gag, breathing more heavily through your nose as your eyes squeezed shut.
"I know." He cooed. "It's going to feel so good, just relax."
You nodded. Your brows knitted as you stared at his thighs, trying not to pay mind to the urge to keep gagging. It was difficult. Tears formed back in your eyes as you tried your best.
"Tap my thigh twice if it's too much."
You grabbed his thighs, readying yourself as you let out a long huff of air. You could feel his cock in your throat, your head tipped slightly back for better access. He started to move his hips again, giving slow thrusts in and out.
He kept that pace as you got more adjusted. Your nails dug into his skin as you moved your mouth wider. You could feel your bottom lip trembling.
You tried to tell him to go faster but your words were completely. His grin grew wider as he leaned down, tilting his head closer to you.
"What's that? I couldn't quite hear you."
Foolishly, you tried to speak again but all to the same result. Growing frustrated you squeezed his thighs, surging your head forward much to his surprise. Your nose pressed against his happy trail as his cock hit deeper. You shuddered as you let out another gag. Jake felt the wind almost knocked out of him as he grabbed the nearby pillar to steady himself.
"Need more? Need me to properly fuck you?"
You nodded your head. Bopping your head faster in hopes he'll understand what you mean. And he definitely did.
"Ay, te voy arruinar." (Oh, I'm going to ruin you) He groaned out, adjusting his hold on your head and thrusted forward.
Your fast rhythm was taken over by his movements. Leaving you to stay still as he fucked your mouth. Sucking and swallowing around him. Trying your best to keep up but he was quick. You moaned around him as you felt his fingers dig, letting your tears fall. Eyes rolled back completely, Jake just kept up his pace. Words spilling out from his mouth that you couldn't quite catch.
You could feel him twitch, his thrusts growing uneven as he let out strings of groans.
"Going to-"
You tapped twice on his thigh. He immediately pulled back. His grip on you loosened as a flicker of concern crossed his face. You grabbed his cock as you put your mouth over the head. You knew you wouldn't be able to handle it fully in your mouth, you were struggling enough as it is. But you still wanted to taste him.
"Keep going." He could just understand you, letting out a breath of relief.
His jerky thrusts grew more sloppy as he raised himself back to his peak. Only doing small thrusts this time as you sucked and swirled your tongue. Lapping up the tip as you moaned. It didn't take long for his orgasm to hit; spilling thick ropes into your mouth. You did your best to swallow as much as you could but you could feel some dribble down your chin along with your drool.
He sat back in the chair with that grin still on his face. Curled two fingers at you, beckoning you over. You crawled back between his legs as you smiled. Panting heavily as you finally had time to just breathe.
He lifted you up into his lap with ease, hugging you close to his chest.
"That was really good-!" You beamed, tilting back just enough so you could look at him directly. "Did I do well?"
"Was cumming in your mouth not obvious enough?"
You both let out a laugh. You tried not to pay mind to the insistent throbbing between your legs. It was fine. You could wait this out. Jake's hand slivered up your thigh, rubbing his fingers along your clothed core.
"You're completely soaked."
"It's fine." You tried to brush it off. Your hips betraying you as you grinded against his fingers.
He shook his head as he let out a tut. "¿Quieres que te toqué, hm?" (You want me to touch you?)
You quickly nodded. Leaning against his shoulder as he pulled down your trousers. You removed yourself, kicking off your pants with urgency before flinging your underwear to who knows where. Jake bit back his laugh. Watching you awkwardly shuffle back onto his lap, hovering over his still hard cock.
"What's your safe word?"
You stilled at his question. Looking at him with raised brows, head tilting.
"Do you know-"
"I know! I just–no one's ever asked me before, I haven't really thought about it."
He mumbled something in Spanish you couldn't hear properly. Only hearing a few cusses as he talked to himself. No doubt he was insulting your previous partners and you didn't blame him.
"Um-how about peaches?" Your voice was unsure but Jake just nodded.
"Peaches–sweet like you."
You couldn't even retort as you let out a moan. His fingers rubbed along your wet folds. Just staying away from where you need him, You grinded against him as his palm brushed against your clit.
"Is it good when I touch here? Or maybe here."
You let out a gasp as his thumb circled your sensitive bud. He raised a mocking brow as he added more pressure. Switching between rubbing you and collecting your wetness. Fingers prodded at your entrance as he kept his thumb moving. You whined as your hips bucked.
"No one has ever touched you like this, have they?"
You shook your head. It was true, no one has ever put this much attention into you before. Either never able to find it or touch you properly. Jake let out a noise of pity, bringing your head to his shoulder as he nuzzled his cheek against your head.
A jolt went through your body as he pushed one finger in. Pumping it in and out as he kept playing with your clit. Your breath fanned his neck, gripping his shoulders. Moving yourself up and down.
"Another finger." Your voice couldn't even come out as anything other than a pleading whine. Jake hummed, as if debating your words. You huffed, your need growing stronger. "Please."
"Wasn't that easy? saying please can get you more than fingering–I can do so many things to this pretty pussy and all you have to do is say please."
He added another finger and you could already feel the stretch. His words shooting electric down to your core as you grinded against his palm.
"Jake....I want-"
Your words caught in your throat as your legs trembled. Something twisted In your stomach as the feeling of pleasure only increased. You gripped his shirt as you tried to wiggle your hips away.
"I don't- feels strange."
"You're close, I can feel it, angel."
Close? As in- your eyes widened as you lowered yourself back onto his hand. Your lips brushed against his neck making him shiver. His skin felt so hot.
"Please- make me cum.. please Jake!"
Jake brought one of your hands to his lips, kissing your knuckles. "Of course, mi vida." (my life)
You let out a strangled moan as his fingers thrusted deep into you. The pace picking up each time whilst his movements on your clit remained the same. The only thing you could do was let moans as his fingers curled. Scissoring you open when he wanted to put more attention on your bud.
"¿Te gusta cuando te tocó asi, no? Working you up so you can take my cock." (You like it when I touch you like that, don't you?)
His words made your whole body burn. Letting out a weak sob as he rolled your clit.
"Oh you're clenching so hard angel, you want it so bad."
You could hear the smirk in his voice. Absolutely thrilled he was making you come undone.
"Yes–Jake please! Just let me cum, I want you!"
White flashed before your eyes as you felt something within you snap. Looking down to watch yourself cum. Your legs were shaking as you clenched his fingers, they were knuckle deep inside. Your own slick was coating your thighs and you could see it clearly on his leather gloves. Jake slowed down his movements, just slowly scissoring you as he removed his thumb. Working you through your high as you let out a laugh.
You couldn't believe you actually came.
"That was.... amazing!"
As soon as he removed his hand you collapsed on his lap. Your sexes pressed together making you both moan. Jake cupped your face, guiding you to look at him. He remained silent as he sucked on each of his fingers covered in your arousal. Licking a long strip up his palm as he hummed.
"Taste so good, doll." He sucked on his thumb with another hum, small groan leaving him. "I could eat you out for hours."
Your shaky hands took hold of his. "Would you?"
Jake licked his lips as he suddenly picked you up. Taking you over to the small bed in the corner of the apartment. A small place you two stayed at after long mission's. Usually it was Jake leaving for his actual home after he takes you here. There was no personality to it at all - just a few pieces of furniture.
It always surprised you how strong he was, often forgetting that knoshu's power was gifted to him when he was in control of the body.
You landed with a small 'oof' as you sunk into the plush mattress. Jake crawled on after you, sliding easily down on his stomach. Pulling your legs over his shoulders as he took his place between them. His teeth sunk into your thigh making you let out a yelp. He sucked on the spot as he left open mouth kisses on each bite he made. Creeping closer and closer to your sex until he faced it.
He let out a chuckle as he watched you squirm. A whimper escaped you as you kept saying 'please' but he only blew against you. The cool breath makes you squeal. He turned his attention to your other thigh, beginning the process all over again. Taking his sweet time to cover you in hickies.
"You said if I said please-!"
Hearing the desperation in your voice made him crack. Finally pressing his mouth against your sex, his tongue lapping up your juices. Holding your hips still as he sucked on your clit, overstimulation hitting you as he kissed and licked. it was new - felt good but strange. Like everything inside you wanted to get away but you couldn't bring yourself to. The pleasure was too good. You loved it.
You let out a gasp as you felt that band in your stomach again. Surprised by how soon it came back. Your hands dug into the bed as you glared at the cap on his head. It was as if he could read your mind. Looking up at you with a knowing smile.
Jake lifted his hat off his head and offered it to you, you let out a breathy laugh as you placed it on your head. Quickly, you moved your hands into his hair. Clenching tuffs of curls as he continued. His teeth grazed your bud as he greedily sucked. Your back arched as you hid your face with his hat.
A slap to your thigh made you look down at him, confused at his actions. He made a silent gesture, tipping an imaginary hat up. You did as he gestured, your face no longer hidden under his cap.
"Good, don't hide your face from me, nena." (babe)
That was the last thing he said before he buried his face back in your heat. His nose grazed your clit as his tongue prodded against your entrance. Your body went limp against the blankets and pillows. Holding back the new round of tears that threatened to spill. It was too much and yet not enough. Jake groaned against you as he continued to lick and prod. You squeezed your eyes shut as you let out a loud moan.
Your eyes fluttered as you let out a whimper. A weak orgasm coming out of you. You wish you had a clock - how long has it been? It felt like it's been days since he started. You've lost count how many times he's made you cum. Five? Eight? Sixteen? Your brain was mush. Your body felt weak as your legs kicked out.
"I can't - I can't do anymore-!"
Jake nuzzled into your thigh, taking a breather. Looking up at you as you sniffled. Hiccuping on your noises. Weakly pushing back his head by his hair. He immediately moved away, crawling forward. His hands on each side of your head.
His lips ghosted over yours. You blinked away the tears, smiling as you cupped his face. "Do you want to keep going?" He asked, leaving a trail of kisses from the corner of your mouth to your forehead.
You hummed at the affection. Melting into his touch as you nodded your head. "In a minute–need to calm down."
Jake laid next to you. Pulling you close to his chest, your back facing him. You panted as your legs slowly became less twitchy. His large hands caressed along your body as he hummed a song into your shoulder. The both of you laying together, letting the time pass.
Your eyes glanced behind you, seeing his eyes were closed. You took the chance to look lower. His cock was still hard and pressed stiffly against his stomach. Jake buried his face into your neck forcing you to look away. Nibbling your throat as he lapped up the little marks he was making. A moan slipped from your lips, you moved your hand down his stomach making him grin.
Your hands clumsily wrapped around his shaft, squeezing it to get a better grasp. He jerked against your hand with a groan. Only taking a moment to bite off his glove before he moved it between your legs. Making sure to avoid your clit.
You could hear how wet you were, cum mixed in with your other juices coating your thighs and sex.
"Ay, nena, you're making a mess." He teased, lifting your leg so he could get better access. His hand felt so warm against you. They were calloused from endless missions but they weren't too rough. They were softer than you expected.
His two fingers split your folds apart. Revealing the cool air to your entrance. You shivered as he slowly rubbed up and down. You twisted yourself slightly, looking up at him with a pout.
"Put them inside- please-!" You whined, grinding back against his cock. "I need you inside me."
Jake almost froze. It was as if something struck him. A moment of realization as you squirmed against him. You lined his cock against your folds, rubbing him along your entrance as you kept letting out whimpers.
He couldn't stop watching just how desperate you were. Completely going by instinct. You, someone he's been working with for so long turned into putty into his hands. Someone who would blush at just the idea of begging for such a thing.
You didn't even know how to give a blowjob until today. Never been eaten out or touched correctly. Oblivious to his moves and flirtations.
And now look at you. Gasping as he pressed his hips forward. Arching as his fat tip stretched you out. Trembling at the overwhelming pleasure that's taken over you.
He let out a growl as he suddenly removed himself, you couldn't even react before you were moved back on his lap. He semi sat on the bed, leaning on the pillows as he held your hips. Guiding you down back on his cock as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He wanted to watch you. See what he was doing to you. What he's turned you into. It got to three inches before you let out a pained whine.
"It's not going to fit..." You sounded utterly defeated as you couldn't move any further.
Jake cupped your face, you immediately leaned into his palm as his other hand snaked down to your clit. It was still sensitive from before but not as much. Your breath hitched as he did tight circles, his thumb pressed against your parted lips. You let it slip into your mouth and sucked, the taste of leather surprisingly pleasant on your tongue.
"It's going to, it'll take however long it takes, you'll take it inch by inch and once everything is in I'm going to fuck that little pussy of yours until your voice is gone."
As he spoke you sank lower. Slowly taking in another inch as he gently thrusted up. Keeping all his attention on your clit. Each thrust helped him ease in. But you still hissed in pain, having to stay still for a minute or more to get adjusted.
"So big." Your teeth lightly dug into his thumb. Moving up and down as much as you could, determined to have him inside fully.
"Yo sé nena, yo sé, I'm right here, just breathe." (I know baby, I know)
You let out a shaky breath as he'd guided your hips up. His tip only remained before he thrusted upwards. You slammed yourself down as you let out a scream. You could feel his cock twitch inside as he kept his slow thrusts.
"Look, you did it–doesn't it feel good?"
He removed his hand from your mouth and held your jaw making you look at him. You nodded as you kept your body stiff. Just needing a few more moments to adjust to him being completely inside. Jake waited for you to get comfortable as you clenched around him. Your breathing grew heavier as you grinded against him.
"Fuck me, Jake." Your words came out shaky and any demanding tone you meant to be there was gone. It only came as a needy whine.
"Feels so good....I need more–please fuck me."
Before you could ramble anymore he grabbed your hips. Spinning you around so you were back laying on the bed. Your legs around his waist as he began slamming his hips into yours. Taking slow deep thrusts at first before it became quicker and quicker.
Your back arched so much you felt like you were floating. The back of your hand pressed to your mouth as you couldn't even shut it. Leaving it stuck in a 'o' as moans spilled out from your lips.
With one particular thrust you felt sparks light up your veins. A loud groan ripped from your throat as your eyes squeezed shut. Jake chuckled as he grabbed one of your legs, moving it so half of your leg leaned on his shoulder.
"Keep your eyes open, mírame, ángel." (look at me) His voice was cold, demanding. "Look at me while I fuck you."
It made your eyes snap open as you whimpered. You haven't heard him use that tone with you before. It made you clench as you chewed at your lips.
"Like it when I order you, huh? Want me to be mean, doll?"
You knew Jake could be a cruel man, what he was giving you was gentle. Loving. Anyone would look at you as if you were insane if you described him as such. But you knew him, he was softie at heart.
"Don't hold back." Was all you could say before he lifted your hips.
Moving both legs over his shoulders as he gripped them tight. Your nails dug into the plush beneath you as he left hickies on your leg. His thrusts becoming harder as he pounded into your sex. Your body bounced up and down at the sheer force.
"Las cosas que podría'cer a ti, ya me dejaste 'rruianate tanto, amada."
Jake groaned, pressing his forehead against your leg as he panted. His grip was so tight as he completely lost himself in the feeling of you. So warm and soft around his cock. Looking so beautiful.
"Been so desperate for my cock inside you - kept looking at me with those big eyes making all those pretty noises."
He finally lifted his head, Leaning forward as he hovered over you. Pushing even deeper inside as he kept hitting that sweet spot.
"You're a fucking slut, aren't you? I'm going to use you all day, ángel." He grinned, licking along his teeth.
"Vas a tomar todo lo qué te daré –like a good little toy." (You're going to take everything I give you)
You couldn't stop the noises that came out of you, your heels digging into his back. You couldn't pry your eyes away. His gaze was vicious, following every flicker and movement. Keeping you pinned under his watch as you squirmed.
"Oh you liked that–squeezing me so tight."
You could feel him getting closer. His pace never grows restless but sloppy in its pattern. His brows pinched as he let his head hang. Pressing his forehead to yours, moving his cap further back on your head. You threaded your hand through his hair, tugging everytime he thrusted in deeper. Clawing at his shoulder.
"Where do you want it, baby?"
It took you a few seconds to realize what he meant. You nodded to yourself as you tried to move him closer. "Inside."
It didn't take long for him to reach his peak. He let out a gasp as he stilled. Keeping himself deep inside as he came. Your own orgasm followed after, weak and left you squirming. You both panted as you took a moment to breathe. Jake hummed as he kissed your forehead before he started moving again. Fucking his cum in further. Your legs ached from their position, you tapped his shoulder and he looked at your trembling legs.
It seemed he didn't need any explanation, helping you so your legs were wrapped loosely around his hips instead. Keeping hold of them for you as you laid there. You felt as if you were glowing. Everything felt so right.
He chased another orgasm, full of stamina, he wasn't going as hard as before but still had the same power. Taking it slower as he kissed all over your face, bringing you with him as he ventured lower. Using one hand to lift your back and keep you arched, sucking and licking down your chest. Groaning as he took your perked nipple into his mouth as he felt his climax once more.
Biting down enough to make you cry out as he came. Your vision grew blurry from exhaustion and new sets of tears. Unable to wipe the smile off your face as you let the pleasure ripple through you. You doubt you had any more orgasms in you but the sensation of being full over and over again - you couldn't get enough.
"Your thighs are shaking." He teased, finally feeling his limit as he laid you down. Taking his place on the other side of your chest, doing the exact same he did with the other. Tugging on the bud as he grinned at you.
He came two more times before he finally pulled out. You whined at the sudden emptiness as your legs refused to stay still. You could feel his cum pooling out. It felt as if it went on forever.
"Hermosa." Was all he said before he patted your leg.
You just raised a weak brow but he shook his head. Easily picking you up, if he had any form of struggle he didn't show it. Taking you to the bathroom to get you cleaned up. You rested your head against the sink as he sung your praises, wiping you down with a warm cloth. Kissing wherever he could.
"Tan bueno pa' mi, you did wonderful.", (So good for me) "My talented angel." and "Mi cosita preciosa." (My precious little thing.)
His words made you smile as you let yourself drift. Jake stayed with you the entire time. Stroking your face as he laid you back down on the bed. Fighting off his need to sleep, wanting to be with you longer. Knowing as soon as he closed his eyes, it would be awhile before he saw you again.
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putellas14 · 2 years
Take My Hand (Ona Batlle x Reader)
anon request: "can you write one for Ona where reader is as furious during the game as Misa was the only difference is that she's on the field and playing. But after the whistle when she spots Ona crying she holds her anger back to comfort Ona."
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Spain was going to win it. You could feel it. The chill was running through you. The excitement was building. Your team was about to knockout England in the Euros. You'd all been fighting hard and you knew the end was coming. This was by far the best match you'd all played since the start of the Euros.
You saw the foul on Irene and immediately yelled for the ref. Instead all you saw from her was the signal for a goal. You were yelling at the ref before you'd even started running towards her.
"What?! That was a clear foul!" The ref put her hand out to stop you. "What were you looking at? This isn't a question. There was a foul. That's not a goal." Even in the Euros you couldn't seem to get competent referees. You kept arguing until she got tired and pulled out a yellow card.
Irene pulled you away before that yellow could turn into a red. "Let's just play the rest of the game. We'll get another one." She tapped your shoulder so you'd look up at her. "Cool down. Keep your head here." You nodded, still seething and ran back to your position.
During the remaining minutes, your anger grew. This was Spain's game. This should've been a Spain win.
You argued with Vilda when he wanted to sub you during extra time. But he could see that you clearly were still too angry to keep playing. And he couldn't risk the team going down to ten players. For once, he actually made sense. Even if it did piss you off.
So you spent the remaining thirty minutes of the game next to Misa, both of you still fuming over the bad call that had put your team in this position. When England put another goal in, the anger wouldn't let you sit anymore. You stalked over to the side of the bench, watching the game with your hands on your hips. When again the ref failed to call a foul for Spain, you kicked the cooler, only mildly sorry when some of the ice hit someone nearby. Trying not to limp and embarrass yourself, you walked back to your seat to watch the rest of the game in horror.
The game ended 2-1. It wasn't fair at all. It was absolute bullshit, if you were being completely honest. England should not be celebrating making it through right now. Spain should be celebrating. You'd been thinking about what you'd say at your press conference and you weren't going to hold back one damn bit. If England wanted to win with biased refs on their side, then you were going make damn certain that they knew you weren't blind to it. It wasn't only the goal foul that you were pissed about. The entire game had been filled with bad calls against Spain.
You wanted nothing more than for that press conference to start right now.
But then you spotted Ona down on the field, using the corner of her jersey to wipe tears away. And all that other bullshit paled in comparison to seeing her so heartbroken.
Making your way down to the field, you congratulated a few English players on your way to her. Alessia was giving her a hug when you finally made it to her. She spotted you coming and released Ona, knowing Ona would much prefer to lean on you right now.
You stepped up to Ona, putting your hand on her back. She turned into you, burying her face against your shoulder. You held her while she sobbed, trying to shield her from the prying eyes of the cameras.
"This isn't how it was supposed to end," she murmured.
"I know, mi amor." You pulled her a little tighter, if that was possible, pressing a discrete kiss to her neck.
"It's not fair. We played a better game."
"I know." You rubbed your hand over her back. You wanted to launch into all the reasons Ona was right. But that wouldn't be helpful to her right now. "That's the game sometimes, Ona. We'll  be back better next time."
"But we were the better team today."
"I know we were, baby. You're right." Her hand fisted in the back of your jersey. You didn't know how else to comfort her other than to just hold her and let her hold on as well. You didn't have any words to comfort her. "We'll keep showing the world that."
After a while, she said her legs were hurting, so you sat in the grass with her. Her tears had stopped but she still looked just as heartbroken as when you'd first spotted her. This was a pain that was going to last a long time. For all of you. It was a pain that you would use to fuel the fire for the next competition. To show everyone that Spain was number 1.
But for tonight, the only thing you could do was just hold Ona's hand in the grass for as long as she needed.
I'm not super happy with this one but it's honestly the best I can do right now. I still hate that Spain has been eliminated after such an amazing performance yesterday.💔 
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lindonorris · 2 years
Details, a shortfic with Charles Leclerc!
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Plot: Where the love between Elena Sainz and Charles Leclerc grows into little details.
Warnings: none except mentions of alcohol, probably two or three bad words and a lot of fluff.
(English is not my first language so sorry if anything is spelled wrong).
Elena walked through the Paddock with her head down and sunglasses preventing the sunlight from making her head pound even more. She followed the footsteps of Soraia, her assistant, recognizing her only by the red sneakers she wore, without bothering to look up to see where she was going.
If there was something the brunette regretted in her entire life, it was drinking too much on a Friday night knowing she had plans the next day. Her bad mood was palpable everywhere she walked.
Considering the fact that she got kicked in the ass by her -now- ex-fiancé, just two weeks before the wedding, all the chaos her personal life had become since then and last night's drunkenness trying to lessen how much of a failure she felt in every aspect of her life, she was in perfect conditions. That's what she had said to Soraia, who obviously didn't believe her words one percent, she just let out a sigh and waved for Elena to follow her to the car that would take them to their weekend plans.
"Lena are you even trying to hear what I’m saying?" Soraia seems to be about to lose her infinite patience at that moment.
"Sorry, I'm not feeling very well. Do you have any headache medicine with you?" The eldest just laughs, leaving aside the fact that the girl is totally oblivious to anything happening around her. Handing her the small pill and reaching for a bottle of water, Soraia waved at the pilot who was heading towards her, without Elena seeing.
“Mi amor, I'm so glad you came!" Lena recognizes her brother's voice, soon being swallowed in a tight hug from him, who whispers a sorry, he's an asshole in her ear.
Carlos Sainz Jr was one of - if not the biggest - passion in Elena Sainz's life. Since they were kids the girl took him as a role model and surprisingly nothing changed even when the life of a very known Formula 1 driver took him away from home. The distance and less frequent physical contact changed even more when the girl launched her career as a model and moved to another continent.
"It's all right!" Elena tries to smile. She didn't know if she was trying to convince her brother or herself.
"I know you better than anyone here in this place, and I also know that pale face and the bad mood that's hanging around here. And you smell like alcohol! What a decadence, Elena Sainz!" The brunette laughed, while looking sideways at Soraia, who shrugged.
"I tried to warn her, but she didn't even hear two words of everything I said." Elena snorts, looking around and pretending to be interested in anything other the hard she was taking from Carlos and Soraia.
"So, you can leave it to me, I can handle the monster. You can enjoy and walk around, I'll call you if we need anything!" And then he left, dragging Elena towards the eating area that was over there. Carlos was free until early afternoon, when he would switch places with his teammate, heading to free practice.
Nothing in the snack display looked appetizing at that moment to the model but the girl knew that her brother would force her to put something in her stomach anyways.
"So, how things are going at the agency?" Carlos asked, setting the tray with a plain sandwich and orange juice in front of his younger sister.
"Always the same, completely stressful!" Carlos laughed, starting to eat his own lunch. "But I don't think I would change a thing." The woman smiles. "Except that I always wanted you with me, of course. But I’m already feeling at home there." He nodded, Carlos felt the same way.
The Sainz family have always been very close, when they still lived together, every night they gathered at the dinner table to talk about the frustrations of their routines, on Saturdays it was usual to find them piled up in the living room playing some card game or watching movies. Seeing Carlos leave home at a young age had broken Elena and her mother's hearts in many ways, Carlos Sainz (the father) understood, he had lived that way too, from continent to continent the eldest spent his weekends, showing the world his talent in racing.
Despite everything, they continued to be extremely present in each other's lives, chatting by text every day and whenever possible they went to the fashion shows that Elena participated and to Carlos's races.
"You know Junior, I don't want to comment on that asshat. Entertain me as best you can." She braced her left hand over her brother's, who gave her a mischievous smile. The same one he'd thrown at her when they were kids and they were close to do something wrong. “Okay, let's not go that deep, nothing involving alcohol, please!" And then the two stood up laughing and walked out of the cafeteria.
"Have you seen Lando around?" Elena shook her head, she hadn't seen the boy in a long time. They exchanged messages and comments on posts on their social media from time to time, but they hadn't seen each other in person since Sainz's last race for his former team, McLaren.
Nor had she met his new partner at Ferrari. Somehow she had never bumped into the Monegasque pilot around the Paddock, she only knew him from photos and unfortunately couldn't deny it, Charles Leclerc was the definition of the word "perfection”.
"Lele!" Elena smiled as she recognized Lando Norris's voice. "Finally you’re available, should I start my attempts to win your heart now or should I leave it for later?" The group laugh.
"In your dreams Norris, in your dreams!" Carlos ruffles the youngest's hair, the three of them walking towards their respective teams.
“Lando, we're going to introduce some colleagues to Elena and tomorrow after the race we'll go out to celebrate. Let the funniest driver on the grid know that we'll need his services!" Lando nodded, saying goodbye and heading towards Daniel.
Elena stopped suddenly, placing her hands on her stomach.
"Why did you turn blue all of a sudden? Is everything okay?" She just nodded, bowing slightly and feeling another pang in her stomach. At that moment she was absolutely sure that sandwich had been her worst choice of the day.
"No, I'm not okay." She smiled nervously, running in the opposite direction, desperately looking for a bathroom before she put all the lunch she had just eaten out.
"Por el amor de Dios, where is the toilet?" She asked hurriedly, not even looking at the person she had bumped into.
"On your left!" The Monegasque responded, recognizing his teammate's younger sister. Elena quickly pushes open the door, finding the nearest garbage can and then emptying everything she still had in her stomach.
"Fuck, are you okay?" Charles asked, also stepping into the bathroom, not caring if it was the ladies' room and the few people who saw him enter stared at him weirdly.
"I..." The woman didn't even had time to finish, instantly going back to dumping everything she had ingested for probably the entire prior week.
"Dios mío, Elena!" Carlos entered the bathroom, breathing heavily from having to run after his sister.
"I’m gonna die!" Elena manages to get through her clipped speech, gasping for air.
“You’re not going to die, relax!" The Spaniard replied, laughing. "I don't know whether to feel pity or disgusted.” Charles laughs along with his friend.
"Okay, I feel better now." She speaks, moving away from the sink where she had just washed her face and taking a deep breath, just before losing strength in her legs and practically falling into Charles's lap.
"Okay, what's going on in here? Is it some kind of secret club? What the hell Elena, even you couldn’t resist him?" Lando appeared in the doorway, laughing at his friend's face, which was now turned into a pepper while the three men present laughed.
Elena rolled her eyes, letting go of the pilot's arms and trying to walk steadily towards the door, which was not possible as she soon felt another wave of dizziness hit her.
"Okay, enough messing, I'll call Soraia and you'll go back to the hotel." Carlos spoke up, taking her by the shoulders and helping his sister to go to the Ferrari facilities.
Elena found herself sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room, waiting for Carlos to come back from wherever he'd been.
"Sorry for making you wait, your brother had to go to training and asked me to keep you company until Soraia arrives." She nodded, accepting the bottle of water Charles handed her. He watched the woman open the bottle and drain most of the contents in one gulp.
"Do you feel better now?" She nooded.
"Three more of these and I can consider myself a living person again." She had a small smile on her face, pointing towards the water bottle she still had in her hands.
"Good, I was worried you were going to throw up all over my new sneakers." He shrugged, taking a middle finger in response from Elena, who laughed.
"I’ll never drink like this again!" The Spaniard stated, throwing her head back and settling herself in a better position in the chair.
"Maybe not for the same reason!" Charles shot a wink towards the brunette, who he shrugged, turning to see the door opening, revealing her assistant.
"Can I kill you now?" The eldest said, stepping into the room.
"My head is already doing you the favor!" She joked, running a hand through her hair, being watched by the Monegasque.
"Let's go to the hotel, your brother wants you to spend the night in his room. You've got the man worried!”
"If he keeps making jokes about what happened today I'll throw myself out the window." Elena retorted, feeling the bitter taste in her mouth again, making Charles stand up automatically when he saw the girl bring her hand to her mouth.
"You need to take some medicine and rest for a bit. A good and cold shower will help!” Charles said, stroking the brunette's arm. She took a deep breath, nodding again, she wouldn't be able to say something without spilling it all over again.
Soraia helped her out of her chair, the two of them walking to the door. After waving to Charles and thanking him for the company, the two left towards the hotel where the pilots were staying for the weekend.
"Take a shower, I'll ask room service to bring you some tea and arrange to go to a pharmacy to buy medicine." The oldest of the girls pushed her lightly towards the bathroom.
The two worked together for about two years now and thanks to the little difference in age, the two understood each other very well and adored each other. Soraia took care of Elena, just like Elena took care of Soraia.
Elena walked into the bathroom wearing a white hotel robe. She untied her hair and then went under the running water, trying to wash away how unease she felt.
"Is everything okay over there?" Soraia asked after knocking twice on the door, receiving a request from Elena to come in.
"Could you stay here for a while? I don’t want to be alone." Soraia smiled tenderly, she knew that moment was being rather difficult. As much as she had fought with Elena for the way she was dealing with the situation, Soraia knew that her friend was feeling lost.
The glass of the shower contained a black and frosted film, preventing whoever was outside not to see more than the silhouette of whoever was inside. Soraia sat on the sink, thinking.
"You know, Charles is really cute!" She could hear a faint laugh echoing from Elena.
"I can't deny that, he was really kind to me." She replied, finishing rinsing the shampoo out of her hair.
"I answered the door before, there's a delivery for you outside!" Soraia said after a moment of silence. Elena turned off the shower, putting her hand out of the shower for Soraia to hand her the robe, seconds later, leaving the small space wrapped in it.
"From who?" She asked, wrapping a towel in her hair and pulling her toothbrush out of her necessaire next to her friend.
"I don't know, they just asked to deliver it to you." She shrugged, typing something into her phone. A short amount of time later, Elena came out of the bathroom, accompanied by Soraia, who was looking at her with some excitement in her eyes, waiting for the woman's reaction.
Elena was startled to find the bouquet of colorful flowers on the coffee table, along with a bag of chocolates and some medicine. But no letter or anything that revealed who had sent it.
"Seriously, who sent this?" Elena pointed to the flowers, picking up one of the medicine boxes and reading what it was for.
"I told you, they sent it with room service, they didn't want to tell me too, something about privacy, or whatever she said, I was too enchanted by the flowers to hear it." Soraia shrugged, it was obvious that she knew who had sent the flowers and medicine, but she wouldn't be the one to reveal that to Elena.
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