#I wanted to make an actual stardust crown but found an old edit I made and the treasure planet rings were all I could think about
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punktaquito · 10 days ago
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flower crowns are so yesterday, stardust crowns are what's up
the way I STRUGGLED with this one. I couldn't figure out how to go about the coloring but I tried something new and even though it took me forever I really liked the end result :))
and bonus little animation ✨ it's definitely not perfect because I thought of it last minute so the drawing wasn't very animation friendly lmao
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uzuuzuking · 6 years ago
Random question, but how do you feel abt ella enchanted, if you've read/watched it? do you think the movie did the book justice? personally i think it would've been a more popular movie if it was more romantic fantasy like stardust is, instead of a fantasy comedy movie
EDIT: i didn’t think i was gonna go off this much when i started writing my response to this, but here we are lmao oops
ok so to start, i love ella enchanted - both the book and the movie. i watched the movie first and read the book not long after, and i have the childhood nostalgia filter on for both of them so i have that bias.
based on the plot alone, the movie absolutely did not do the book justice. besides the names and the fact that ella was obedient, pretty much nothing was the same. the movie was way modernized language-wise and had a lot of pop culture references that are still fun imo. i’m just gonna list some shit i remember about the book to the best of my ability (it’s been like a year or so since my last re-read so i might not remember everything)
in the book...
ella was like 13 or smth when she first met char who was 14 or 15 i think
mandy was an older kitchen fairy
ella was forced to go to finishing school with hattie and olive
hattie was dramatic af and wore a wig
ella Snatched that wig when she left the school in the dead of night
ogres were actually bad
ella had a talent for speech imitation, which ultimately saved her from the ogres as she could imitate them well enough to persuade them to spare her
both of char’s parents (king & queen) were alive and there was no uncle edgar or heston
ella made char laugh a lot as they got to spend more time with each other (there was stair rail sliding incident if i remember correctly)
when ella found lucinda again, lucinda promised to spend 3 months obedient and then 3 months as a squirrel
lucinda got a taste of her own medicine and realized she hadn’t been bestowing gifts but curses
she felt awful about what she’d done to ella and many like her, but she couldn’t take it back even when she wanted to
ella fell in love with char but knew they couldn’t be together because of the gift/curse
there were 3 masquerade balls she attended so she could see char again but she went anonymously every time (changed her voice with her talent so he couldn’t recognize her)
ella broke her own curse by yelling that she wouldn’t marry char when he asked
and then she did marry him when she realized she was free
in the movie...
ella and char were both 18-21 years old - ella was in college and char had no idea she existed until they literally bumped into each other as he was running away from the “prince char fan club” that was chasing him
mandy was young and hot for some reason and had a boyfriend named benny she accidentally turned into a talking book who was like a magic mirror and could show you anything you asked
ella’s dad cared about her way more than in the book
ella ran away from home to find lucinda and took benny the boyfriend book with her
she met an elf named slannen who joined her
note: neither benny nor slannen were in the book and aren’t treated much more than comic relief
char had an uncle edgar who acted as king before char’s coronation
char didn’t know that edgar killed his father and wanted to kill char too so he could keep being king
edgar also had a snake named heston who was cgi and talked
ella almost got eaten by ogres but char saved her and accompanied her and slannen to the giants’ wedding
which was where anne hathaway as ella sang “somebody to love” which was honestly an iconic scene that still sometimes gives me secondhand embarrassment (i mean that as a compliment)
ella went back to the palace with char to try to look up lucinda in the library records
edgar found her and ordered her to kill char the night of the ball for him so he wouldn’t have to do it
ella had slannen chain and lock her to a tree so she physically could not harm char
lucinda showed up and freed her against her will and ordered her to go to the ball
char whisked ella away and proposed to her and she almost killed him but broke her curse before she could
she got thrown in jail for attempted murder
slannen, two giants, three ogres, and benny the boyfriend book formed a squad to save ella so she could save char from edgar
edgar almost succeeded but ella used her sweet martial arts skills to beat the shit out of his guards
edgar accidentally knocked himself out by putting the poisoned crown that was meant for char on his own head
ella and char get married then sing “don’t go breaking my heart” happily ever after the end
oh yeah and mandy turned benny the boyfriend book back into benny the boyfriend man and slannen got with that one hot giant
so anyway i still really love the movie even though it was a hot mess LMAO. it probably would have been a more popular movie if they stuck closer to the book’s plot lines. idk what the producers wanted but it clearly wasn’t most of anything actually in the book lol. not gonna lie tho anne hathaway and hugh dancy had some Mad Chemistry and that fireplace kiss scene was just *chef kiss*
i think if they had given ella and char more romantic scenes like that and given them a slower relationship build rooted in friendship like in the book, it’d be a better romance. and like, some parts were funny but we really didn’t need slannen and probably not benny. benny the boyfriend book was only essential because he was ella’s map. slannen was comedic relief and added nothing to the plot. just. so many movie things didn’t make sense lmao, but it’s not the worst romcom i’ve seen!
in conclusion, i like ella enchanted. it’s one of the most unique adaptations of cinderella out there and i appreciate gail carson levine for creating ella’s world. i will always enjoy fairytales and fairytale retellings like ella enchanted. this ask has inspired me to go re-read it again.
(also, i don’t think any book to movie fantasy romance adaptation can compare to stardust because it’s just that good. neil gaiman really blessed us!)
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