#I wanted to include wanda seeing Vision the way he sees her
vase-of-lilies · 10 months
His Sister's Keepers
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Paring: Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x Little!Barnes!Reader (f) x Mama!Natasha Romanoff (Bucky Barnes x Sister!Reader - not romantic at all)
Warnings: Forced Age regression, this is a dark AU, Reader is in little space when she meets Bucky again — but goes back to adult space later in the fic, faking readers death, angry bucky, drugging (use of Rohypnol), long car ride, profanity, mentions of a suicide letter, and other warnings. Do not proceed if any of these matters upset you. 
Request: How does Bucky react to his sister Tiny Reader being with Wanda and Nat all along? I love your fics 😭🩷 + Ok but like reader going back to finally see Bucky again dressed in an oversized hoodie with woodland creatures on it and space buns with ribbons in her hair oh and fuzzy socks 😍. Sorry I feel like a bean rn and this sounds so cute (girl literally no problem I love feeling like a smol bean 🥹)
A/N: Thank you for the kind words!! I am SUPER excited to post this one! I think this will be in order after all the drabbles, and then once Bucky finds out we can do more requests with Bucky included:) This was based off of the request, but I took more inspiration from this post!! I really hope you like this:) I also took some of the other requests regarding this story and put them in here:)
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Bucky had a feeling you were still alive. You survived once, you would have to survive again. Wanda was good with tricks and visions, so she easily could have shown a hallucination in his brain when he saw your lifeless body on the cold ground in the Hydra base. And Natasha was good at cover-ups. She could easily cover up a death with a simple certificate and funeral since she has covered multiple aliases during her career. She did it for Fury, she could do it for you. 
She did take it as far as holding a funeral for you. With Wanda’s magical craft, she made a near-perfect model of your sleeping body to put in the casket. With your [length, color, texture] hair perfectly done, a small dash of makeup on your cheeks, and lastly a beautiful dress to lay you in. But it wasn’t you. Bucky knew it wasn’t you. Your hair was just slightly less [hair color] than it usually was, your nose was just a millimeter off, and your top lip was slightly smaller than before. 
One might think that it would just be the “dying process,” and everything on a dead body looks deflated or off. However, your older brother has known you for one hundred and seven (107) years and the Y/n in the casket was not the same Y/n he knew all his life. The body he was looking down at looked uncanny. Trying to be human, but failing so miserably. 
Bucky’s room was filled with pictures of you and him from when you were younger, all the way to when you both became Avengers. Your smile was what kept him going every day you were gone. Six (6) months, four (4) days, fourteen (14) hours, and twenty-six (26) minutes. All this time he had been looking for you, trying to find any sign of life outside the compound for you. 
Bucky was suspicious of Wanda and Natasha since they both had their eyes on you. He knew they wanted to court you, but he would not let them. He knew what Natasha had done, what Wanda had the power to do, and what your sweet and innocent brain would accept as love. Even dangerous love was acceptable love for you, you didn’t mind just as long as you were cared for. 
Of course, you were more than cared for with Wanda and Natasha. You were fed, clothed, kept warm, and loved. But in such a wrong way. They turned you into a child reliant on only them. They had no intentions of hurting you when you were in your little or tiny space, only implementing discipline as if for a child. Nothing was permanent, but everything was different when you were in your adult headspace. 
On one rainy morning, you woke up in your bigger headspace. No tears, whining, or whimpering were heard from you. You got out of your teddy bear-themed bed and opened your closet to find something comfy that wasn’t bright pink or covered in bunnies or ladybugs and finished getting dressed in the bathroom. You got ready on your own, but since you knew you were not going anywhere, you did not make yourself look “presentable.” 
Wanda and Natasha were still asleep when you woke up, so you went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Turning on the radio to a quiet classical music station, you began cooking pancakes, bacon, eggs, and some muffins for lunch. The whole process took no more than two (2) hours, and you even got a second outside on the patio before you decided to wake up your keepers. 
Putting two plates filled with food, two cups of orange juice, and a vase of flowers all onto a tray, you walk down the dimly lit hallway to the women's door. Knowing there were only some rules you had to follow when you weren’t in little space, you didn’t knock and just went right in. 
The sight you stumbled upon was oddly…sweet. The two women who kidnapped you six (6) months ago, were asleep in each other's arms. Wanda's head lay on Natasha's bare chest, her arm across her belly. Nat’s left arm was around Wanda’s body, and her right hand resting on her shoulder softly. You sigh, not wanting to wake them up just yet knowing that they need rest. 
But Natasha could feel your presence. She knew you were awake the moment your eyes opened. Gently, she lays her wife to the side and tucks her back in, looking over at you with a smile. “Good morning, малышка (little one). What do you have there?” She says in a soft voice, her long red-faded-to-white hair brushing over her shoulders. 
“Breakfast,” It took a long time for you to become verbal with them after the initial few weeks with them, but you understood what they were willing to do to you to get you to use your words. 
“Come here, love, let’s see what you have,” She says with a smile, sitting up against her pillows and wrapping another blanket around her back and shoulders. You approach the bed, the tray only slightly shaking as you get closer. 
“I hope pancakes are ok…” You whisper, not wanting to disappoint her. 
“Oh little one, this looks delicious. Thank you,” Natasha takes the tray from your hands and sets it in front of her on the bed. Wanda begins to stir at the soft voices around her and she yawns as her eyes open. Her lips pull into a smile as she sees you and you can’t help but return her smile. 
“Sweetheart, did you make us breakfast?” Wanda asks, her voice soft yet raspy from just waking up. You nod at her question, scooting onto the end of the bed. Usually, you would be asleep next to them, but you fell asleep the night before in your little space. Tonight you knew would be different though. 
As they ate, you allowed them to feed you some of their breakfast too. You told them you had eaten already, and you had, they just wanted to make sure you had enough. They really did love you, and care for you, it was Bucky who was in the way at the compound. He was a protective brother, and you loved that about him. 
As the morning went on, Wanda and Natasha helped you with dishes from breakfast, held you as you watched a movie together, and finally in the early afternoon, they had you sit down at the kitchen table to talk to you about something. Your thoughts were frantic as you didn’t know what this conversation was about. Did I do something wrong? Did I not clean the bathroom? Did I say something? Did I not kiss them good morning? (You had) You were calmed by Wanda putting a gentle hand on your thigh from under the table. 
“Y/n, you did nothing wrong. Ok?” God damned mind readers… “Watch your language…” She squeezed your thigh a bit tighter and you sheepishly looked at her. 
“S-sorry,” You whisper, not wanting to cause any more trouble. But you weren’t in any, as a matter of fact, this talk was going to be filled with good news! 
Natasha started the conversation; “You have been here quite a while, and in that time you have voiced how much you miss your brother. I know it, Wanda knows it, Tony knows it, even Bruce knows it. We all know it. So, I think it’s time we let you see him again.”
A flood of emotions filled your system, from the relief of being able to see your brother again, to anger that the two women and many people at the compound kept him from you in the first place. All the way to the sadness of seeing his reaction to what Wanda and Nat turned you into. 
You stared at the wooden table in front of you, tears threatening to spill from your widely opened eyes. “How long have I been here?” Your voice quivers, and your head raises to look at the women before you. 
“That’s not relevant, lov-” You are quick to cut Natasha off. 
“How long have I been here, Natasha?” You repeat your question, your bouncing knee under the table picking up speed. You needed to know how long you have been away from your family, your only family. 
Wanda looks at her wife across the table and nods. “About six (6) months.”
You let out a small sigh, and you lean back in your chair, shoving your hands into the pocket of your white sweatshirt. Slowly, you stand from the table but you don’t walk away just yet. 
“What does Bucky think happened to me?” You ask, the question aching in the back of your mind since you first got here, and why there hadn’t been anyone looking for you. 
Natasha has a blank look on her face, but Wanda has a look flooded with shame and guilt. She knew what she did was wrong, but she loved you all the same. 
“He thinks you are dead.” Natasha answers your question after a couple seconds of silence.  
A breathy laugh exits your mouth, your hand moving towards your forehead in disbelief. “I- I can’t believe-”
“Baby, can you come sit down?” You listen to Wanda's instructions, moving to sit back at the table with your caregivers. 
Tears roll down your cheeks, your voice wavering as you speak, “When do I get to see him?” Wanda smiles as you obey, her hand going to your arm to soothe you. 
“We are packing today and leaving early in the morning to go back to the city. How does that sound?” She asks, trying to push you into your smaller head space so you are easier to control. She knows this tactic can work, and you do as well, but you are too uptight. 
Excited was an understatement, but ecstatic was an overstatement. You didn’t know how you felt. All you knew was that you were going to see your brother again, but you didn’t know what version of yourself he would see first. 
After talking with your mommies, they told you they had to work a little bit longer and then they would help you pack. But you didn’t allow them to help. You wanted to pack all of the clothes that kept you in your adult head space—well, you packed what clothes were closest to what an adult would wear with what clothes you had to work with. 
It was mostly pink, frilly dresses, teddy bear-themed shirts and pants, and other toddler-ish clothes. Despite your hatred for these clothes, you absolutely loved one thing, your woodland creature-covered sweatshirt. It was a white-based hoodie with pine trees sprouting from the bottom rim. There were deer, bunnies, birds, foxes, and other creatures within the trees that circled the entire hoodie. 
It was your favorite because you felt free when in it. You felt like you could turn into a rabbit any day now and escape from Wanda and Natasha. But you knew better than to think of escape, especially in the hands of the Scarlet Witch and the Black Widow. 
As you folded some black leggings, Natasha entered your room. “I thought we told you that we would help you, дорогая (sweetheart)?” She says, leaning against your doorway. 
“You did. But I know what you would pack me, and I don’t want Bucky to see what you did to me.” You say defensively, the defiance and spark they loved about you showing. 
“Y/n, don’t talk back to me. We took you in when you needed us, and Bucky was just in the way. I know you have been happy here despite everything. I can understand your anger, but you don’t get to take it out on us, do you understand?”
Her stern voice is enough to push you into submission. You sigh, “Yes, I understand,” You answer plainly and resume packing. “Can I bring Leo?” You ask, knowing deep down that your little self would never go anywhere without your toy lion. 
The question makes Natasha smile and she nods. “Of course you can, sweetheart,” She says, walking further into your room. Your denim duffle back with pink, yellow, green, and blue flowers on the fabric sits fully on your bed and you let out a soft huff of pride as you smile at the bag. Ever since the two women took away your independence, you have felt very proud of yourself whenever you did something on your own. 
“You did a great job, my little love bug, now why don’t we pack your to-do bag? It’s a bit of a long drive, back to Tony’s building.” Natasha reaches for the matching backpack and goes to your bookshelf to grab a few books, a notebook, two coloring books, your teddy bear pencil case, and some crayons. She sets your backpack next to your duffle and gently wraps her arm around you, pulling you into her side. 
“Does this look like enough for you to do in the car?” Nat says.
“Mhm,” You hum your answer.
Nat gives you a soft squeeze, “Words, baby,” 
“Yes, all of that looks very fun,” Natasha kisses your forehead as you answer, then zips up your bags to take them to the car. Once everything is packed, it is nearly seven thirty (7:30), and time for dinner. 
Not once did you fall into your little space today, no matter how hard the two women tried. They knew that you were excited to see Bucky, but they also wanted a smooth car ride to the compound. Little space or not, you were going to be sleeping. The packing of the to-do bag was just a ploy. Of course, this was just a bag of things to do while you were at the compound. 
Dinner was mostly silent. A few hums and thank you’s to fill the quiet. But one question was burning in the back of your brain. 
“Project recapture didn’t follow through, and I am not going to see Bucky in a prison cell, right?” 
Both Wanda and Natasha freeze, looking at one another. The mission failed when Steve backed down. He couldn’t do that to his best friend, not after what he went through when they took him out of the ice early. The fact that they left you and Steve in the ship too everyone that Hydra knew exactly who they were looking for. 
Wanda shakes her head and puts her fork down on her plate. “Love, how did you know about the Project Recapture?” She turns to you and takes a sip of her wine. 
“I didn't lie when I said I wasn’t looking at the files, but I did see one file about it after Tony left. I didn’t say anything because I couldn’t remember exactly what I saw until now.” You explain, practically telling yourself that you indeed did look at Natasha's files. 
“Alrighty then, well to answer your question, no. The project failed thanks to Rogers’s doing. Your brother is safe, and he is not going back under Hydra control,” She pauses and gently takes hold of your hand. “Thank you for telling the truth about the files, sweet pea.” She smiles and gives your hand a small squeeze. 
You return a false smile, taking in the fact that if Steve didn’t care about his best friend, Bucky would have been under Hydra's torture once again. You cringe at the thought of him in pain, wincing when you look back at the memory of him coming back from Wakanda with a new arm. 
Dinner was finished silently, and once you all were done with your food, you cleared the table while Wanda and Natasha packed up. They each packed their clothes and necessities, while also bringing along some of their favorite toys to use on you when you were in your adult space. As per usual, the couple loved torturing you just like the day they brought you to the cabin. 
Finally, the night came to an end. While Natasha read a book in bed, Wanda was in the kitchen making you some tea to ‘help’ you sleep. In your cup of [favorite tea flavor], she stirred in some Rohypnol to get you to sleep. She would give you another one in the morning so it would be a peaceful drive.
“Here love, I made you some tea,” Wanda says as she walks into your bedroom, smiling as she sees you in your teddy bear onesie pajamas. This of course wasn’t your first choice of pajamas, but it was something you would wear. In fact, it was something Bucky would get you for Christmas if you’re being honest. 
You smile at her, still feeling love deep, deep down. You knew it was wrong to love your kidnapper, but you felt so safe in her arms and felt so loved when she kissed you. Same with Natasha. Although she may be a bit rough when it comes to making love to you, the way she held you afterward made up for a rough fucking. 
As you pull back the blankets on your bed, you slip in next to Leo who is lying on your stacked pillows. He falls into your lap as you scoot back, and you look down at the plush toy. Even looking at it pushes you into a smaller headspace, but you fight it, wanting to stay big for Bucky. 
“Little one? Can you drink some of this? It will calm you down. I know you’re nervous for tomorrow, but I promise you, once we get back to the compound everyone will be so happy to see you.” Wanda says, handing you the warm mug. 
You sigh and take a sip of the [favorite tea flavor] flavored tea. The warmth in itself almost puts you to sleep, but as you drink more you start to feel the effects of the drug mixed inside. The feeling was very familiar— your eyes became heavy, your vision blurry, and your breaths were slightly shallow. A whimper was caught in your throat, and you looked at the blurred shadow of Wanda standing above you. 
Gently, she takes the mug from your sluggish hands and puts it on your nightstand. While she is there, she presses the squishy duck night light on and moves to press a kiss to your head. She then carefully maneuvers you to a lying down position and fluffs your pillows to make you comfortable. 
“Sleep tight, sweetheart. We’ll see you in the morning.” She smiles and kisses your lips softly. You whimper at the feeling of helplessness that comes with the drug, and you hate it when they don’t tell you that they are putting you to sleep. For good reason of course; you would beg them not to. 
But this was the best solution to helping you stay asleep, and in the morning the same routine will follow. 
Wanda and Natasha had set their alarms before the sun woke them up. They wanted to get you into the car, and on the road as quickly as possible. Once the car was packed, Wanda came back in and helped you change out of your pajamas into the clothes you picked for your car ride; Your woodland creatures hoodie, black joggers, fuzzy socks with bunnies on them, and your pink puffy coat just in case you get cold. 
Still asleep, Wanda lays you between her legs while she does your hair. Parting your hair down the middle, she puts your [color, texture, length] hair into two buns on top of your head. Tying two pink satin ribbons around the buns, she kisses your head and picks you up. Your legs dangle over her arms and your head rolls against her chest as you lay sleeping in her arms. 
With the car being heated up in the driveway, Wanda walks you outside opens the back door of their rusty, red explorer, and sits you down on the chair. She gently lifts your hoodie and puts Leo right against your belly, and she buckles you in. Your head falls against the seat belt, but Wanda is quick to grab a pillow to cradle your neck during the car ride. 
Natasha stands behind Wanda, smiling as she sees how cute you look with your hair all done and your peaceful sleeping face. She sighs and kisses her wife’s neck as she wraps her arms around her waist. 
“We’re doing the right thing letting her see him again. He might be angry, but let him. She’s alive and that is all that matters to him,” Nat whispers in Wanda's ear, her worries almost creating an aura of angry red light around her body. 
Wanda nods and turns around in her wife’s arms. “I love you so much. Thank you for everything,” She whispers, her lips connecting to Natashas in a loving kiss. 
“Let’s get going,” Nat says, squeezing Wanda gently and opening the passenger side door. As Wanda gets in, she shuts the door as Nat goes to lock up, and smiles once she is back in the driver's seat. 
The long journey back to New York City has begun, and the wrath of Bucky is only getting closer. 
Bucky’s POV 
When I heard that Wanda and Natasha were coming back to the compound, I was more than angry. I was furious, ballistic, eradic, some might say. They had no place coming back here. However, if they came back with Y/n, all my questions would be answered and I would kill them both when I got the chance. 
The morning of Y/n’s funeral, the company around me was off. There was a feeling surrounding the musty room that just felt… secretive. Like the people within the room knew something I didn’t. That was when I decided to do my research. I looked into every single one of the Avengers. 
Tony was my first suspect; he has multiple houses in different countries, can cover up anything he wants to with money, and has plenty of people to work for him. Two of his maids from his mansion in California answered my questions, and I believed them. They genuinely looked frightened and wanted to help me find my sister. But I kept Tony in the back of my mind. 
Despite how guilty it made me feel, I investigated Steve. My best friend. He lived a modest lifestyle in an apartment in Brooklyn and that was all the housing information I knew of and could find. He kept to himself and was looking out for me. He was concerned at my desperation to find Y/n when he had already accepted her death, but I continued despite his concern. But when I found out about Project Recapture, I didn’t even bat an eye. Hydra would never get me again, and I knew Steve would follow through with his promise of keeping Hydra away from me. 
That mission to the old hydra base went smoothly, but Tony seemed awfully angry at Steve and pulled him aside after the mission de-briefing. 
Now my eyes were on Bruce, Wanda, and Natasha. Ever since Y/n “died,” they have barely been present during missions. Only when we really needed them. Natasha was here more than Wanda, and that scared me. Where was the witch and why was she never on missions with us? 
That was when I went on a deep dive into their finances. Near the death of Y/n, they had purchased a small cabin in the Beacon Mountains. They are married, but they live in the compound due to their job. I also noticed that the week before the purchase, there was a large transaction between their account and Clint Barton's account. A whopping 2.4 million dollars. What on earth did they need that money for? 
The next few transactions answered my questions perfectly; For $4,300 they bought a Stark home security system. Obviously, they got a discount for knowing Tony because those originally went for $7,600. The next few items on the list were items that a child would use. Pacifiers, bottles, sippy cups, and other childish toys and accessories. Natasha can’t have children, and Wanda has admitted she never wanted children. 
The money that was spent at Stark Industries was overwhelming. There were countless security items such as locks, keys, alarms, cameras, and other equipment that the couple really didn’t need if they were just living in a cabin for a while. 
But one thing caught my eye. 
Transaction 62938: “Sleeping drug - For the little one” Paid by Bruce Banner on 02/19/23
Who needed a sleeping drug? “The little one?” That made no sense. 
Unless Y/n never fucking died, and they have her in that cabin. 
Everything was making sense now, but I still needed proof that she was alive. I needed to know that she was breathing, eating, sleeping, living. But the security cameras were locked, and no amount of hacking let me in. I was devastated. 
And when Natasha texted the team group chat, it almost seemed like a celebration that they were coming back to the compound. But it was just another fucking Tuesday. With them, it was always a fucking celebration when they entered. God, I hate them so fucking much. And if they have my little sister, I swear, I'm going to kill them and make it painful. 
As I lean back in my desk chair, I take a breath as I finalize two fake suicide letters for the two people I despise the most. And as if on cue, I hear JARVIS announce the welcoming home of the two bitches themselves. 
“Mr. Barnes, there is someone who would like to see you…” The AI says to me. I hum and I wave him off, knowing damn well I don’t want to see Wanda or Natasha. 
“Mr. Barnes, I think you would like to see her.” He says, and I let out a huff as I stand up from my desk. 
“Yeah, yeah, ok, but if it’s not Y/n, I’m telling Tony to unplug you.” I replied, and all I was met with was silence. I sigh and I open my door, walking down the hallway and going to the living room where the elevator is found. It is our apartment's “front door” and is locked unless someone is buzzed in. 
I look around the room and I freeze. My breath hitches in my throat and my heart drops to my stomach. There she sat, smooshed in between Wanda and Natasha with her hair all done, a childish-looking sweatshirt on, and fuzzy socks to match. 
I stuttered out her name, “Y-y/n?” I slowly walked closer to the three women, and I knew it was her the second she looked up. 
“Das me!” She said, but it wasn’t in a normal voice. She spoke like a toddler. 
I look at the two women beside her, imaginary daggers stabbing them over and over again. I just knew that they had her, but what the fuck did they do to her? As I got closer, the wheels in Y/n’s head were turning, trying to recognize me. And as I knelt down in front of her, it finally clicked in her brain. 
“Bonky?” She whispers, clutching a plush lion in her hands. I nod with a small smile, confused beyond belief as I take in this new version of my sister. 
“Oh god… what did you do to her? You monsters…” I say to Wanda and Natasha, who sit silently, watching the interaction between me and Y/n. 
“Bonky, s’me!” Y/n’s head tilts, trying to justify that she is still my sister. She has to be in there somewhere. I glare as I see Wanda's hand rub her arm up and down soothingly, a part of me wishing I never let my eyes off of her on that god-forsaken mission. 
“Love bug, why don’t you go show uncle Tony your lion while we talk to your brother?” Natasha says, Y/n turning her head to the woman. She nods and stands up from the couch, skipping over to Tony who nods his head at me and guides Y/n to the other room. 
“Before you say another god damned word, I will never forgive you. Never. You don’t get any more fucking chances, do you understand?” I say in a low voice, standing up with balled fists. 
Wanda is the first to nod her head, Natasha putting her hands up in surrender. I roll my eyes at the gestures, letting out a scoff as I turn around. 
“She missed you, you know?” A voice sounds from behind me. “It took days to calm her down, but she missed you. And now you have her.” 
I slowly turn around, the two women now standing as well. “You told me she was dead, had a funeral, convinced Steve to undergo Project Recapture, paid off Stark and Banner, kept her locked in a cabin for the past six (6) months, and you expect me to be happy when you say that she missed me?? Please! You both are crazy mother fuckers, and I will never, EVER forgive you for what you did to my sister!” I shouted. 
The two women sighed, and I made my way to where Y/n was now. She has the brain of a toddler at the moment, so I have to treat her as such. I never thought I had to do this again, but here I go. 
As I knock on the door, I see Tony sitting on the ground coloring with Little Y/n, or Tiny, as everyone calls her. The look I give Tony would put him six (6) feet (or 2 meters for you non-Americans) underground. He gave Y/n a pat on the head and left. 
“Be gentle with her, Barnes. She’s not the same as she was before she left.”
I scoff. “Taken. Before she was taken, and held captive.” I corrected him. He shook his head and left the room, leaving me alone with my sister. 
“Hey, Y/n…” I start softly, kneeling down next to her as she lays on her belly, coloring a picture of some deer in a forest. “What are you doin’? Hm?” I get in the same position as her, and I grab a crayon from her bag. “Mind if I join ya?” 
She hums, nodding her head as I lay next to her, coloring away and not batting an eye. They really did ruin her…
“You’s can colow (color) dis guy!” She says, her words exiting her mouth with a speech impediment. She points to an owl on the left page, up at the top perched in a tree. 
“Alrighty,” I say with a small smile, trying my hardest not to scare her in this state of mind. I had to be mindful, as I knew exactly what it felt like to be in another state of mind in the body I had. I was a killer in the body of a good soldier, a hero some might say. But Y/n? She was a four (4) year old inside of a twenty (20) [or your age] something-year-old body. What Wanda and Natasha did to her to get her there will haunt me, and I don’t think I ever want to know what they did. 
It was nice seeing Bucky, even in your little state you knew exactly who he was. You knew that he would never forgive Wanda and Natasha for what they did to you, but from the time you have spent with them and the times they saved you from Agatha, you learned to forgive them. They told you their circumstances and desires, and you felt so guilty when Bucky tried to keep you away from them. 
Maybe taking you was a lesson for Bucky. Maybe it was their way of saying that I wasn’t a little girl anymore and that I could make decisions for myself. That was obviously never their intention to let you choose for yourself. 
It was just past three o’clock (3:00), and you had just started to wake up from your nap. Wanda was next to you, holding you in her arms, and Bucky was at the end of the bed watching you both like a hawk. He had a mission, and that mission was to protect you all over again. Wanda of course was not a fan of this, but she let him do what he needed to feel like he was in control. 
When you began to wake up, you nuzzled your face deeper into Wanda's neck, humming softly as you got comfortable yet again. You were in your adult head space again, and Wanda could tell the shift happened in the middle of your nap when you let go of Leo. 
“Sweetheart? It’s time for lunch, are you hungry?” Wanda whispers, your eyes opening and your tummy rumbling. She chuckles as she hears your tummy, “I’ll take that as a yes.” 
You sit up, yawning and rubbing your eyes. Once you meet Bucky’s gaze, your face tells him everything. “Please don’t be mad at me. I had no choice. I will tell you everything.” He nodded at you softly and you scooted off the bed. 
As you approach your brother, he stands up and immediately wraps his arms around you. “I missed you, pipsqueak, so much,” He whispers into your [color, length, texture] hair. His body shook as he cried, he never wanted to let you go. Tears filled your eyes as you returned the hug, missing the comfort that your brother gave you in times of stress. 
“I missed you too, Buck,” You whisper into his shirt. Wanda and Natasha left the room, leaving you and Bucky once again. “You know I have to go back with them… don’t you?” You pulled away and looked up at him, your eyes puffy with fresh tears. 
“No, no I am never letting you go again, you are not allowed to be out of my sight, do you understand?” He says, his hands on your shoulders squeezing just a bit tighter. 
“I wish I could, b-but you have to understand something too… I love them, Bucky. A-and they love me too. I will never be the same after what they did to me, but I can at least be with people who know how to take care of me when my brain goes… you know, back.” You pause, looking up at him again. “I forgave them when they told me they loved me outside of the space they forced me into. They don’t love the little me, they love me. And I- I just- just please understand.” 
Salty drops of tears roll down your cheeks, soaking into your white hoodie. Bucky’s heart broke, shattering into a million pieces as he heard your explanation. He pulls away from you and moves to sit on the bed, you follow and sit next to him. 
“I am so sorry, from the beginning I didn’t know they were going to do any of this, and it all happened so fast. They found my journal, and they used it against me. I was in love with them first, but I didn’t want to disappoint you so I kept it to myself. That was in the past,” You let out a sad sigh. “I love them, Bucky. I love them and they love me.” 
Bucky was dumbfounded. He loved you with all of his heart, mind, and soul. But he also understood your pain. He went through a lot in his time kept at Hydra, and he understood the caring aspect of a dire situation. A nurse had kept him company, but the guards killed her before she got a chance to get closer to him. But that nurse worked for Hydra willingly and kept him there. She was not there against her will but with the full intent of working for RedSkull and his army. 
“Ok.” That was all Bucky could say. He didn’t want to alter your choices or thoughts, he only wanted you to be ok. “Do you promise to visit me, and you can leave on your own now? They don’t have to be everywhere with you?” 
You shake your head, “They don’t have to be right next to me, they just need to know where I am. And of course I’ll visit you. I know they didn’t buy a new apartment just to spend money,” It takes a second for him to process what you said. 
“Apartment? Wait, are you coming back to New York for good?” He asks, and a bright smile appears on his face. Once again, he pulls you into his arms, hugging you tightly. “I want to burn that god damned cabin…” He whispers, making you sigh. 
He is right to want to burn it. You wanted to burn it the second they locked you in there. The wishes of them letting you go were said to them, begged to them, screamed at them. But still, they kept you in that cabin, deep in the woods, never to be seen until your captors allowed it. 
“You don’t have to forgive them, Buck. But please tolerate them? They are kind and loving when you get to know them. Truly,” A hint of yearning is hidden in your voice, and Bucky can hear the desperation. So, he nods. He agrees to let Wanda and Natasha take care of you and love you.
“Ok… but on one condition.” He says, pulling away to face you. You tilt your head, silently telling him that you are listening. “I get to see you when ever I want to. Or, well at least need to. They don’t get to keep you hidden away anymore. I get to be your brother again, not the enemy.” 
You nod immediately. “Yes, yes that works, they will be happy to have another babysitter around when the little part of me comes out. If I’m being honest…” You say, chuckling softly. “Im not going anywhere, Bucky. I promise you.” 
From that day forward, Wanda and Natasha allowed you to see your brother when you wanted to and allowed him to come over to the cabin to help while you moved. ‘Tiny’ hadn’t come out in a while, as the move was stressing you out, but when all of the boxes from your nursery came to the new apartment, you finally felt comfortable falling into your thoughts once again. 
You showed Bucky your mushroom tent that was set up in the corner of your room, you showed him Leo and your other stuffed animal friends, and he showed his love to you just the same. He said it was like having two little sisters. It was something he would get used to. Some day. 
And as you sat in your mushroom tent, full of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals, Bucky joined you and read you a bedtime story. Your favorite one that he read to you back in the forties (40s). You were home again, and letting you see your brother was just the thing that made Wanda and Natasha sure of moving back. You were happier when you knew, that he knew, that you were safe and sound. 
Bucky loved you, Natasha loved you, Wanda loved you. And you loved them. 
You always would. 
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Pretty As A Picture - Chapter 2
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Theme: Soulmates - Feeling the connection as soon as you see each other.
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Summary: When Bucky fell from the train, their soulmate was told he was gone. When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, their soulmate was again told one of her soulmates were gone. But she didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. Committed to a mental health institute, she dies of a broken heart. That's at least what the hidden S.H.I.E.LD files say, but if that's the case than why is there a photo of her. A photo that shows her side by side two redhaired Avengers.
Chapter Summary: Bucky doesn't need to know how to print a photo, but he needs to know why his dead soulmate is in the one he's looking at.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of death, sad Bucky. Mentions of vomiting.
Bucky felt like his stomach was going to full out his ass. He slowly rose from picking up the photo, feeling like he’d met his stomach on the way back up.
“How?” He asked, voice breaking as he spoke.
“How what James?” Asked Wanda, brow furrowed as she picked up on his distress.
“How? The photo? How?”
“Wanda took the photo on her phone, it was then sent by a wireless connection to the printer. Would you like us to show you how it works?” replied Vision.
“It’s not that Vis, I don’t think? James?”
Bucky felt his confusion boil over into anger. Did the synthezoid really think he didn’t know how to print a picture? He’d lived in Wakanda, the most advanced country in the world for a year and these idiots think he can’t work a damn printer and a phone.
“Not the damn phone! The photo! How do you have a photo? A photo of her?!?” Bucky’s frustration aimed at Wanda. Vision not taking too kindly to his raised voice being aimed at Wanda, stepped towards him, placing himself slightly in front of her.
“Sergeant Barnes, I’m going to ask you to calm down.”
“Vis, it’s Ok.” She replied stepping around him “James, the photograph? She looks like someone you know?”
Wanda didn’t really need to ask. Bucky’s stoic behaviour usually caused him to block his emotions and feelings from Wanda reading him but now they were fully on show and streaming out of him. She couldn’t not see them. A reaction like this meant one thing. Soulmates.
Bucky nodded tears beginning to rundown his cheeks.
“How do you have this? How do you have her on a photo?”
“Her? Who do you think this is?” She asked pointing at the woman in the photo with herself and Nat.
“She's ours. She’s my soulmate. Our soulmate.” He answered.
Even with his super soldier hearing, so caught up in seeing his lost soulmate, Bucky was oblivious that the rest of the team were now standing behind him. Including Steve.
“What? Buck what are you talking about?” Asked Steve.
Bucky turned towards Steve his hand shaking as he passed him the photo.
“How is this possible? How?”
Natasha’s eyes caught a glimpse of the photo he was holding, discreetly side eyeing Wanda who nodded.
“Anyone want to bring me up to speed here?” asked Tony, trying to catch a glimpse of the photo. Bruce did the same, recognising all of the people pictured immediately.
“Well, that’s Natasha, that’s Wanda and that’s…..wait what’s going on? When did you meet her?” Bruce asked Steve.
“Okay, well I’m no more informed with Bruce’s explanation. Ladies want to enlighten us?”
Nobody answered as Steve headed towards Wanda, eyeing her stack her photos.
“Do you have more?”
Wanda nodded, flicking through the others and pulling out another picture. The same figure this time front and centre, holding a stick of candyfloss. Grinning like it’s the best thing in the world. Natasha is in the background with an expression that is very Natasha, slight smirk, slight eyebrow raise. Wanda thought it captured both your personalities perfectly.
“Here.” She passed the photo to Steve. He let out a choked sob, pushing the photo toward Bucky, rushing into the bathroom, the sound of heaving heard before the door closed.
Unable to hold his simmering emotions anymore, Bucky sank to the floor, clutching the photo and sobbed.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #10
Some speculation and feelings now that I've slept after a binge up to "Trial or Hair-or" and took a break, before I start anything else.
I'm not sure when I can next watch episodes, so please don't reply with spoilers.
Background Characters
I was really worried about Whispers Fred. I only read a small glimpse of the story bible / concept art page a year+ ago- I was pretty sure I remembered Winn and Whispers Fred, though I would not have been able to recite their names.
After recognizing them, I was expecting them to be glued to Hazel's hip. I thought I'd find Whispers Fred and his ASMR shtick really annoying, but he's actually totally fine and doesn't bother me at all.
I'm relieved, because "Writers trying to be cool and they think kids want ASMR, and also I'm pretty sure a kid trying to look this stuff up could easily go down an online route they probably shouldn't be going down at their age" has been my mental vision for the direction this show is going for the past, like, 15 months and I thought I'd have issues with him.
I really like him now because you can tell Hazel's classmates all have their own depth and running gags, which is a great improvement on most of Timmy's classmates.
I can definitely look back and name the shticks for Chester, A.J., Trixie, Chloe, Kevin, Elmer, Sanjay, and Francis. We knew them- You could write a 'fic with them in it and no one would question the lack of other characters, because that's a great cast.
-> But yeah, we didn't really know much about personalities or what they do, and many of those characters I listed faded away in later seasons. I like how we're starting off strong. It makes it feel very planned. We know Whispers Fred has a podcast, even. Impressive.
Throwing this out here because it's still hilarious, but there are at least two kids in Timmy's class who are confirmed godkids - He sees them at Cupid's party - but they were both mysteriously absent when Doombringer came in as a sub to start fairy hunting and it cracks me up.
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And that was all the depth we got to them, because it was never played up (and let's be real, they were thrown into Cupid's party from the character stockpile folder).
I like how Hazel is befriending people in her class. Some of them aren't fully fleshed out yet, but they don't need to be. We're getting enough that if I wanted to write a 'fic, I could way more easily play with the personalities of Hazel's classmates than Timmy's, and I love that.
[cnt'd below cut - Very long post, including things I wouldn't truly call negativity, but my vibe is discussing the things I like and the things that aren't working for me personally.
This post leans into things that aren't working since previous posts have been about what is working. Heads up for discussions of child abuse and nostalgic comparisons to the OG show. Proceed at own discretion
Reminder, I'm only up to "Trial or Hair-or" at time of posting this]
Would I Be Watching This If It Wasn't Claiming to be FOP?
The show is very enjoyable; let's start with that. I like Hazel. I like Cosmo and Wanda. I like the set-ups and the kids.
I like watching the show, but... It doesn't feel like FOP, in the sense that I'm not seeing the things that draw me to the original show (Like... the child abuse? Or Crocker? Or the risk of losing your fairies? Or Timmy's struggle to keep his secrets from Vicky, his parents, and his friends?)
Hazel's made a vague mention that she has to keep fairies a secret, but we have no proof Cosmo and Wanda would leave her. No memory wipes either.
Maybe it's just me, but FOP without child abuse is... a WILD concept to me. lol. Dev seems to have issues and I suspect he's being set up for a future plot that delves into them, but it's still funny that our main character is, like... chillin'. No self-hatred? No dissociative issues or anxiety attacks? No sneaking around? Are you sure you're in the right show?
Okay, I guess Dev is bullying her, but he's not been nearly as bad as Francis, who caused physical harm. Heck, Tootie caused Timmy more stress than Dev's causing Hazel. Trixie literally treated Timmy worse than Dev is treating Hazel- she was launching him across the room when he spoke to her.
I'm liking the show, and I see potential in this world where I could set a 'fic... but what would that 'fic even be about? This place is fluffy; Hazel's not struggling much and there's not a lot of meat here for me to dig into.
I'm not seeing stakes, and I'm kinda "hm" about it.
And I'm kinda worried I'm watching a watered-down show that's been made more palpable to an audience looking for found family fluff. Which is fine! ... It's just that I'm here for Fairly OddParents vibes. Where's my child abuse?
I'm nostalgic. I miss my boy who kept a scrapbook with pictures of him in therapy. I miss the jokes that the court once got involved and appointed the family a child psychologist. I miss how he broke down in front of Trixie, wailing that he'll always love her no matter what his therapist says. He had a lot going on that we never saw onscreen, only the implications, and I love him <3
This was the boy who literally froze time for 50 years and told no one; he was messed up and they were not afraid to paint him that way.
I'm the target audience for "people who like seeing tiny details from the OG show brought back," but I'm not the target audience for fluff or sweet and innocent characters, so if that's what we get, I don't think I'll get giddy about it.
And I'll be 100% okay with that because I enjoy watching the show anyway even if it's different, and I'm just super grateful we've got something nice for the series after so many years of a difficult slide.
I write my 'fics and I've made worldbuilding posts for 8 and a half years, but I rarely main-tag anything, and I have unique blog tags for each character so they're harder for people to stumble on, because I was trying to lie low and avoid fandom negativity I kept seeing when I ventured into the tags. So... as much as I'm nostalgic and as much as I have my fingers crossed for the things I want to see, I'm super grateful this show is very enjoyable and seems to be bringing a wave of positivity and new viewers into the fandom.
Let's be clear- I'm REALLY enjoying watching this show, but I'm waiting to see if it adds stuff that fits my interests, that's what this post is.
Threats to Cosmo and Wanda's safety?
I want to start by saying I appreciate how Crocker isn't Hazel's teacher and her dad is not obsessively trying to catch her fairies. Danny's parents trying to catch ghosts worked perfectly fine in his show, but I'm glad this one is a different direction. It's nice to mix things up and not fall into a previous formula.
It's hilarious that her dad is like, seriously doing his paranormal job and it doesn't even affect Hazel, Cosmo, or Wanda yet (where I've watched up to). That's hilarious.
I'm hoping that it's going to come back, because I haven't seen a strong sense that it will. Hazel's dad has speculated there's a ghost in his house a little, but he's not investigated at all and we've not seen any tension regarding this. I hope we're setting up a big plot with confrontation, but there's not enough there yet to make me believe we are, so I hesitate to trust the pay-off is there.
Unclear how Cosmo and Wanda meet Hazel in the morning. Do they stroll over? I assume not- Her parents would think that's weird. They're not in animal form because they're neighbors, so are they poofing over? Do they wake her up like they used to wake Timmy?
Thus far, we've not seen signs that Cosmo and Wanda could be in danger. Jorgen's made an attempt to take them away, which was their fault for claiming a godkid they had no right to take tbh. I don't mind taking a break from Crocker's obsessions, but I do miss the tension he brought us. I miss the danger. I miss the angst implications- This show is pretty fluffy so far, and I can appreciate it, but that's not "FOP vibes" for me.
Jorgen implied Cosmo would get hurt when he fell off a tower, but otherwise we've not seen signs that Fairies can be hurt or killed. And I don't know if that's even a thing that carried over in this universe, so I have to treat it as 0 risk of death.
It would be 100% reasonable for Hazel's dad to shake C and W's hands and ask to interview them, which is fine - It's a new vibe than Crocker, Doombringer, and Leadly and we could probably use that - but I think I'd be disappointed if that was the payoff for emotional investment of implied danger.
C and W haven't expressed any fear in Hazel's dad since Episode 1. I really liked Episode 1 - a lot of thought went into it - but the rest of the episodes seem like they're using Episode 1 as a diving board, but not circling back to what we established there. Which is actually super frustrating right now.
You hooked me! ... So, where's the stuff you hooked me with?
We're no longer getting C and W fumbling around the human world, we're no longer getting miserable Hazel, we haven't had any awkward neighbor interactions between C and W and the parents, and we're no longer getting the threats to C and W's safety. I feel a little cheated and I hope we see more threats later.
Please give me an awkward dinner party with the neighbors. Give me one of the parents coming over to borrow sugar and C and W have to poof away from Hazel and rush back home to maintain their facade.
Give me neighbors wanting to come to a party at C and W's and they have to protect everyone from accidentally wandering into Fairy World or using dangerous Fairy equipment. Give me C and W getting put in charge of a neighborhood event they don't know anything about. Give me Hazel's parents asking if C and W can babysit and they're so paranoid that they call constantly to check in while C and W try to act like everything is normal and they're not running around doing magical things.
I feel like we've given personality to the schoolkids, which is fine... but I'd love to see personality for the neighbors. To me, living in the same building as fairies who don't know how to be human is a fantastic plot set-up, and they're doing nothing with it.
In other words, I'm glad Hazel is delved-into as a character, but I feel like we've not seen anything about what's going on with Cosmo and Wanda.
-> Hazel's in her school arc right now, but maybe we'll have a summer break arc?
Here's my thought on that. Bluey does a really good job of balancing what's going on with the kids and what's going on with the adults. Yes, the show focuses more on the kids, but it's always clear what the adults are doing, like Bandit trying to talk to his friends while Bluey complains about him taking too long, and Bandit feeling sad when his friends leave so he can take care of Bluey.
Early in the series, we see the kids playing in the park ("Shadowlands") while Chilli and her friends talk about TV shows they like in the background. There's a constant sense in that series that Bandit and Chilli have interactions with other people- Heck, we even get an episode of Bandit struggling to make a new friend (and struggling with Bingo getting in the way of that).
I'm not getting that here. C and W do have personality, but do they have friends? Or coworkers? Or stakes? I didn't see a lot of depth to their brief interaction with Jorgen, nor does Cookie seem to be someone they know in any way.
For this show to win me over, I need them to interact with their neighbors and environment in a way they're not currently doing. Right now, they're just giving Hazel magic... but I'm starting to think they could be sexy magic lamps. I don't remember struggling with these feelings in the OG show, although back then I binged like 4 seasons before making any posts.
- It is not to their favor that they can easily spend an episode in object form and just chill. We used to have Crocker trying to sniff them out even in object form, and I kind of miss that. And yeah, they're retired, but I hope we get to see more character depth and relationship involvement in the future. - In the early season, we had background conversations like Wanda trying to lure Cosmo to the doctor, Wanda explaining to Cosmo that their "special alone time" wasn't meeting her needs and she wants more snuggles, or Cosmo being a pushover when Wanda's dad came around, or Cosmo sneaking his mom into their guest room, or Wanda blatantly telling Cosmo that she still thinks Juandissimo is intriguing. I miss the up and down of that dynamic. It's nice to see them fluffy, but... they're kind of flat. I liked the mail scene and how Wanda hugged Cosmo after he rescued Hazel in Episode 1, but again... it feels like most of their characterization happened in Episode 1. I have my fingers crossed we'll get some of that in the future, like Cosmo and Wanda cheering each other on when they learn things about the human world, or Cosmo sacrificing himself to save her from the Pixie takeover, or showing that when he stands up for his family, he's extremely powerful. tl;dr - I hope we get Cosmo standing up for Wanda. I'm glad they love each other, but I'm not seeing a lot to interest me in their ship. I'm more interested in Hazel's parents, tbh. They've got stuff going on in their "breadwinner therapist vs. paranormal investigator" vibe. And they play with Hazel and hold hands in the background. They're cute, and I want more of that for C and W. - Actually, Timmy used to get called out by his classmates for being "That weird kid who talks to inanimate objects." There don't seem to be any risks for Hazel yet. - If you were to ask me what the biggest threats are to this godparent relationship, I'd say it's either Cosmo and Wanda overstepping past Jorgen and upsetting him, or Hazel's dad finding out. But I'm not sure we're going to push those plots further, which saddens me. Holding out hope, though. - That is actually hilarious I don't see Dev as a threat to her right now, since that was Remy's whole thing. Good for him? Like, he's mildly annoying her in the background, but he's not a true danger at this time. - Jasmine has implied she's sus about Hazel, but it's been brushed off twice without her investigating. I don't think we're delving into it more, which is a shame. I want Jasmine to be weirded out.
Episode 1? Absolutely not lamps- Cosmo and Wanda were involved, they had depth, and there was tension. And the other episodes are fun, but their personalities have taken a backseat.
You can tell there was a ton of thought put into how Cosmo and Wanda interact with the human world in Episode 1. That seems to have gone away now, and they're even in reboots of their old outfits instead of their human disguises, so... it's nostalgic, but I kind of wanted to see how they'd changed over time. If you're going to give them new outfits, why not use them?
If C and W were, presumably, aging while on their time travel vacation that lasted 10k years and they look the same, what on earth was Jorgen doing that makes him look so aged after just a handful of years? I'm unclear where we are in the timeline.
We've had some nice Cosmo-Wanda-Hazel moments (like the seahorse and princess game where they were playing together), but I'm thinking the "Cosmo and Wanda nitpicking at each other" problem has been solved by taking away their conversations with each other- they're really just here to talk to Hazel.
That's fine, I guess. I just want to see more of them interacting with each other. Because I miss them.
It reminds me of when I critiqued Sparky vs. Chloe, because I felt Chloe fit really well in the dynamic while Sparky was interacting with Timmy, but not really Cosmo or Wanda. Chloe was a great balance of changing the entire dynamic (so was Poof).
I feel like this will probably change in the future when we're not pushing the "Gotta show Hazel is a well-rounded character and focus on her above everyone" direction, but since I'm liveblogging, I need to cite where I am and what I'm looking forward to.
I'm not seeing enough fairy biology going on. I like what Cosmo gave us regarding stretchy skin, but... what is life like for these people? Do they have to avoid touching humans?
Do Cosmo and Wanda pay rent? Do they pay taxes? Do they know their neighbors? Do they see other kids and get nostalgic for their past godkids? (I have to assume yes, since they took in Hazel).
-> I like the implication in "A Dinosaur in Dimmsdale" that Cosmo and Wanda have been around long enough to be familiar with the special event held at that time. I'd like more of that, but also deeper. And maybe that's asking a little much since the show is for kids and of course it's focusing on the kid... Idk, maybe I'm reading into this too much.
I like how Cosmo has twice struggled to hide his crown. That's a step in the right direction, but unfortunately I can't remember if his second time was also in the first episode.
That first episode was beautiful- everything I wanted. But the others don't meet the expectations and story hooks that lured me in.
I think what I'm trying to say is that my vision of Cosmo and Wanda in New Wish relies heavily on what I got from the OG series. I don't think I've seen much in New Wish to give them enough personality to stand their own.
I'd really like to see Juandissimo or Mama Cosma shake things up. I think by this point in the OG series(?), we'd seen them split in "Dog Day Afternoon" and "Apartnership." We knew Wanda wanted to be an author, we knew Wanda had friends in town, we knew Cosmo was a mama's boy, and we knew they were goofballs who were rarely apart and would totally crash into things when they were looking at the other.
We also knew Cosmo and Wanda had issues with being mistreated ("A Wish Too Far"). They were also goofballs who struggled to pass as human ("Transparents") and joke around ("Tiny Timmy"), and they'd make their own assumptions even if they weren't what Timmy expected (Stealing an alien prince in "Spaced Out" instead of making their own monster). Cosmo even pretended he was about to explode in "Same Game" to joke with Wanda, so she didn't believe him when he was actually close to exploding.
AGAIN... I am not far into New Wish. On one hand, it's great that Hazel's not mistreating Cosmo and Wanda, so we don't need an episode like "A Wish Too Far." I think we'll be getting more depth later in the series, but I'm liveblogging my thoughts so we can see if my opinions change.
-> I don't feel like we've learned enough about Da Rules. They were a big deal in the OG series and I'm very unclear on what Hazel does or doesn't know. I'm unclear which of the Big Rules are still in play. In the OG Season 1, Cosmo and Wanda had to grant wishes when Timmy talked in his sleep. I'd like a bit more of those rules showing up here.
-> Unclear to me if Cosmo and Wanda stay in Hazel's room at night.
I just still think they're a little "sexy lamp" for me and I want this to change. As annoying as they were (affectionate), I'd love to see Mama Cosma, Big Daddy, Blonda, Schnozmo, or Juandissimo mix things up. Because Cosmo and Wanda both have drastically different reactions to each of those people.
Maybe that's what's missing for me, because I've been writing 'fics where they ARE interacting with these people, so I'm used to seeing them have to juggle other people? In which case, that's unfair for me to judge, lol.
Blonda only had 2 episodes I think, and one of them was a cameo where she wasn't interacting with Wanda. It'd be super interesting to see her return and play a role as large as Mama Cosma's or something. I miss her too.
I am REALLY looking forward to seeing more of how Antony plays into Hazel's life. It's incredibly obvious that she cares for him (even sleeping in a bunk bed and wearing his hand-me-down shirts), so that's fantastic.
tl;dr - Cosmo and Wanda are just kind of there (imo). I'm pretty sure the episodes after the first would be basically the same if Hazel had no fairies, but was a witch who could use magic on herself.
I'm not seeing anything that makes me say "Yes, this definitely needed to be a show about godparents and not just any show about kids with magic." Give me a reason why we couldn't have a show about Hazel being a witch, having spy gadgets or tech, or having a genie. I want Fairy World! I want misery!!
Fairy World and Jorgen
I'm putting my faith in the idea that we'll return to Fairy World. I can't imagine that we wouldn't, but I have to say, our first glimpse of it didn't look too magical or dramatic.
I like how the OG series sets Timmy up as believing Fairy World is glittery and magical, so Cosmo and Wanda must goof off all day. In reality, Fairy World is big on rules and discipline. I think we take Jorgen for granted as a character since he's been around for 20+ years. It's easy to forget how funny it is that we have a big, buff, military-attitude fairy bossing people around a glittery magical world. That's hilarious!
Think of how "Old Black Magic" gives us a street made of playing cards or how "Odd Squad" gives us purple grass and cars without wheels. Some of their streets float and twist around each other. Their world should look "exciting and unfathomable to the human mind." We haven't seen the Rainbow Bridge either, really.
I have no drive to revisit Fairy World after "Department of Magical Violations," which was the 2nd episode. It didn't look magical or fun. You can tell Jorgen still has his characterization (Being strict but also liking to party), but... he wasn't contrasted against the magic of fluffy Fairy World. Without the contrast, he's just a guy.
I hope we see him again and he gets another chance to show his depth, because even though I went in knowing full-well who he is, I felt like we weren't given enough. I don't even remember seeing his giant staff.
-> He debuted in short episodes in the OG series, so it's not an issue of not being double length. I just think he wasn't utilized as well in such little time.
Give me the guy who used to turn Cosmo into a monkey during drills. Give me the guy who uses a jet pack because he cut his wings off. You don't even get to see his back in his debut, so it's totally possible new viewers might think he still has wings 😔
-> That might seem like a silly thing to be disappointed in, but after the effort that went into showing us details like Hazel's house number or how Cosmo and Wanda crawl across the floor, I feel like Jorgen didn't get the same fully in-depth treatment. He should be someone we're totally hyped to see, but he's... there.
-> Even in Season 0, we were introduced to Jorgen in a way that subverted expectations: the big, scary fairy who was such a contrast with the idea of a friendly godparent was intimidating his godkid (making him wish to live)... AND he's dating the Tooth Fairy. I just haven't had expectations subverted yet in this show and it makes me kind of sad, because that's Jorgen's biggest "selling point." He's funny in contrasting environments.
Maybe he just needs the right person to bounce off, like Binky.
I will say, I think there's nothing wrong with Jorgen not playing all his goofy cards in front of a stranger. He has a job to do and he's good at his job. But I miss him. I miss the doofus who cried for weeks when the Tooth Fairy broke up with him because she didn't like how he tried to forcibly remove Timmy's buck teeth for a wedding present.
I miss the guy who cried when he lost his job, and tried so hard at the other jobs Timmy set up for him, but he was bad at them because all he knew was to set expectations so he kept spoiling movies while selling tickets... and putting people in the hospital with his muscles.
I miss the guy who found out he was standing "in the same room as his cousin," looked at Cosmo, and then went full steam ahead into "Please let it be my invisible cousin Leonard!"
I miss the guy who used to throw pixies at his dartboard or chase them out of their own building because "He's the only one allowed to cause pain to fairies." I miss the guy who put grenades and barbed wire on pizza and gave it to a child. I miss the guy who works in his nana's cafe and covers his niece's shifts at the pet store. I wonder if he still does game nights with Mama Cosma.
I miss the guy whose idea of a good house pet disguise was a rhino in a fishbowl. I miss Jorgen. I love him, and I really hope we get to see more of his funky, goofy side, because he's such a great character.
I've only seen one episode with him, so I'm probably judging too harshly. I just think he has one of the strongest characterizations that's easy to work with because he's hilarious against a glittery Fairy World backdrop, so I miss him and I don't think the DMV was the best showcase episode for him. I'm nostalgic :(
The abuse & trauma?
I really like how the OG show plays with abuse. Yes, Timmy is an abused kid. We know this. It's made very, very clear without it being too scary for a little kid. The OG show is full of things that appeal to me as a kid (slapstick humor) and as an adult (Watching what Timmy's going through and the clever ways the show plays with the abuse angle without being too scary).
- I'm not seeing why Hazel is miserable? Which is okay, because as I said in a previous post, Cosmo and Wanda came out of retirement and befriended her of their own choice (defying instruction), so they're in a gray area with the usual gameplay rules. - I'm just unable to detect if the "godparents lose their fairies when they're no longer classified as miserable" rule is still a thing in this universe. Or "Hazel will lose her fairies when she grows up or reveals them." It's okay if those rules are gone- I'd just like to know so I can adjust my perception of what the stakes are. - Hazel avoided revealing magic to Jasmine in "Fearless," but it wasn't explicitly stated if she was told the rules or if she's just trying not to scare Jasmine with magic.
I'm a little confused that the writers for this show seem to have toned down the abuse and trauma, yet upped some present-day horror. Like, I legit would not suggest a friend watch "Fearless" or "28 Puddings Later" without a warning.
- Those were some VERY scary spiders for a kids' cartoon, especially compared with the goofy spiders from the OG canon. We had onscreen trypophobia (I think? - Not sure if there were enough holes in the cheese, but there were holes) and I used to have a friend who would've struggled with that part of the episode. And I get that swiss cheese is going to have holes- I'm just a little surprised we didn't go the route of making Jasmine a relatable character for someone with trypophobia and instead she faced all her fears as if they were nothing...? Or is that relatable- I'm not sure. I mean, it's a cartoon, so... idk what I expected. I know I wouldn't love being forced into a bloody environment, and a friend violating that after I told them no would possibly be a deal-breaker (and has been, actually, since I've had ex-friends ever since I was a kid stop caring about my boundaries and try to show me blood and/or purposely try to upset me with blood when they lost interest in me as a friend). But also, Jasmine is 10 and if she wants to try facing her fears, she can. I don't have issues with that. - "28 Puddings Later" had red lighting on the bodies and faces in a way that was a little much for my hemophobia, and I think I'm not going to be watching that episode again unless I do some prep. I was trying not to look for most of it.
It's... weird? Usually the Hartman shows go fine for me, although "T.U.F.F. Puppy" has like 2 episodes that jump my hemophobia, but they were... not drawn-out like this. Those were legitimately spooky things to watch (Saying this as an adult who wasn't genuinely scared, but was analyzing the execution and comparing it to other cartoons I watch). I think that's a great thing that sets the tone of the show... but that's not the tone I really want?
It's totally fine for New Wish to be its own thing, but it's not the FOP that drew me in years ago.
- I want more psychology- and trauma-themed underlying jokes, like Cosmo panicking when Timmy's parents babysat Poof because "Those two have no idea how to raise a child!" followed by panning over to Timmy. - I want more bits like Timmy standing up to Imaginary Gary and saying "When I was 8, I learned what a real monster was like" and introducing Gary to Vicky. I want to be asking "Kid, are you okay? Hey, what was that??" and gushing over implications. -> I've seen the tiniest taste with Dev so far, but not enough to catch my interest this early on. I'm hoping that goes somewhere, but if I'm struggling to see the depth in Cosmo and Wanda, I don't have the highest hopes. Like, childhood trauma was a huge thing in the old show (I would argue it's the main theme), and every time those glimpses of Timmy's genuine struggles came up, I lost my mind. I'm not seeing that with Hazel. I like this show for the magic, sure, but I really liked this show for the underlying trauma themes that made you want to explore character backstories with a 'fic. And I'm sure there are plenty of people who want to explore Hazel's relationship with her brother with a 'fic, and Dev seems to have stuff going on, but Hazel doesn't do for me what Timmy and Chloe did. I discussed Timmy above, so let's talk about Chloe. Chloe had serious mental health struggles. She had multiple dissociative spirals. She committed fraud. She broke into Timmy's house to steal from his dad's toy collection because she was jealous. She lied to authority figures for literally no reason except to make herself look better (Not even to cover up magic- She just straight-up lied). When she was upset, she would pull all-nighters and plot revenge (And that was like, her 3rd episode). She lived in denial even when things went wrong. She also wouldn't stand up for herself sometimes, so Catman pushed her around. She also stole from Kevin Crocker while he was passed out (lol), went on power trips, bribed people (including Crocker) to like her, sold out her friends for extra credit, backstabbed Timmy by turning him into a monster who couldn't speak so he couldn't unwish the wish, and it was very clear why she needed godparents. This child mostly raised herself on Fair Bears cartoons for 50 years of the frozen timestream. She has parents who are rarely home, and when they are, they completely violate her boundaries. Timmy literally has to stand up to them for her at one point because she's spiraling into her second dissociative episode since her parents came back to Dimmsdale- she was strugglin'. Chloe's canon is that without Cosmo and Wanda, she would've led a gang (giving us one of my favorite lines in the series, "I can't believe you found 6 kids with eyepatches"). She couldn't handle watching kids for 1 day without screaming at them, calling them "monster children with evil in their hearts," and making them so miserable, all 3 kids got assigned godparents. At the end of the series, she nails Crocker's bed to the ceiling. She's... a lot. On some level, I enjoy that Hazel is not suffering abuse right now. Hazel is very likable, but I feel like the show is going for a different vibe than what I'm looking for in an FOP show. I miss the trauma undertones. That's why I like this show and why it's deeper for me than many cartoons. This is a show that's been a massive part of my life for 8.5 years, so... I miss those hooks that draw me in. I hope we get something like that for Hazel (or Dev?), but I'm not seeing anything that would draw me into this show if it weren't advertised as a continuation of a show I already really liked. It reads like a show I would put down and walk away from. Well, things did draw me in, but... I don't see them being carried through.
And going back to "Fearless" and "28 Puddings Later," I get it, about the spook factor. It IS pudding. I get the joke we're making here, with how funny it is to think of it as a zombie apocalypse. I'm totally onboard- It's not them, it's me. You just can't make my brain settle down, because it sees what it sees and I have to deal with that.
This feels like FOP without all the things I like about FOP.
I'm just... Where's the kids' show I liked to fawn over because it was fluffy and slapstick on the surface, but secretly playing with trauma underneath? I enjoy the ride New Wish is taking me on, but I think I'm only watching this show because of its FOP connection. If this were some non-reboot (just a brand new Nick show about a kid with some kind of magic), it would be kind of "meh" to me so far. I don't think new viewers or kids would be bothered at all, but I miss the OG.
New Wish kind of gives me Star vs. The Forces of Evil vibes. I enjoyed that show's first season, so I don't say that as a bad thing- I just mean "Star had her own wand and didn't need godparents." Except Star got to explore the responsibility and danger of having a wand and Hazel's not giving me that either.
I like how we've gotten callbacks to the OG series. I get excited by the references and I'm very grateful we finally have a reboot that's taking the show seriously and with love. I hope we can lay it to rest when New Wish is over so it ends with a pleasant memory for people.
I like it, but it's not one of those hidden gems I've stumbled on in the past that I've gotten hooked on (Ex: I randomly stumbled across the Carmen Sandiego 2019 reboot, All Hail King Julien, and Kick Buttowski, and every single one of those blew me out of the water as a hidden gem I fell in love with). But... I feel like I'm watching New Wish more to avoid the risk of someone spoiling it for me (and because I want to see allusions to past episodes) than because I'm truly captivated by it, which is a shame.
I love it as a reboot, but I don't think I'd watch it as some standalone show that just dropped. And that's probably fine, because it's not trying to be a standalone- it's trying to be a nostalgic reboot with a fresher take, and that's totally okay.
- But consider... Send the toddlers back to Lightning Walrus Hell while Foop begs to be spared and frantically tries to claw his way out of the vortex after Poof's been vaporized, then rewrite time so they never existed. THOSE were stakes, and THAT was the messed-up stuff I love. lol. - (Do not actually do this- new things are good and if Poof and Foop had to relieve their own childhood trauma regarding the Hocus Poconos, I would die. Also, that was the Season 8 finale and New Wish is only in its first season with chill episodes, so it would be wild to expect that much drama straight out of the gates. Also, it takes time to establish things before we can have that kind of drama. I'm willing to be patient.)
I will say, I do think we're matching some early-series vibes. We had episodes in the early days where Timmy bonded with his friends, and I really like that Hazel's taking her time to meet new friends (something we didn't get to see with him until Mark Chang's Season 2, 3, and 4 appearances). I think that's going 100% fine. I like what I like, but I'm getting increasingly anxious about the things I miss.
I do feel nostalgic for Remy. I miss Juandissimo and Mama Cosma and Vicky and Mark. Nothing wrong with not pushing them in if Cosmo and Wanda have moved past that life drama, but I still want someone or something to cause tension. Shake things up.
-> They don't have to appear personally, but I miss The Vibes.
I will say, I love that Hazel hasn't had a love plot yet. We have no clingy fans like Tootie (or that newspaper girl from "Fairly Odder"), and Hazel's not in love with someone who hates her. I won't be mad if we get a romance plot, but I hope it's something fresh (and not one person pining after the other despite being told that person's not into them, which I find uncomfortable especially in a kids' show if said show plays it as cute or "kids will be kids" without going into how frustrating it is to be the person who wants to set boundaries).
-> Please let me live vicariously through a main character who's not dealing with "Just give them a chance!! :) They really like you! They may seem creepy, but they're probably nice!" vibes.
It's also really nice that no one's immediately attracted to the new kid when she's only been here a few weeks or months. It's nice that she's building friendships. If a relationship blossoms over time, that's fine, but I'm glad no one is currently in love with her and pining for dates (as in, straight out of the gates).
-> I genuinely cannot figure out who they're setting Dev up to be, so if he's a future love interest, I hope he does some serious work on himself. He's got issues and he's mean, and Hazel also seems to think he's mean, so based on my current understanding of his character vibes, it'd be weird if she conveniently forgot how mean he is and developed a crush on him. I need to see more facets of him.
But it's very funny that he follows people and tries to make bigger and better things. That's exactly what a bratty 10-year-old Dimmadome would do. And honestly... I think I can see him developing a crush on her over time. Like... I genuinely do think that would make sense for his character based on what little I know about him right now.
I think Dev is super jealous of how Hazel just arrived and is gathering friends- which I really like, because we're seeing how it takes Hazel some time to make each new friend, and Dev has the same amount of time and opportunity, and is choosing to be a jerk.
It really showcases this idea that Hazel is making an effort to learn to be nice (and even needs to learn not to try changing people to be what her brother was to her). She's working hard on herself and she's trying to make friends. She didn't show up and have people fawn over her immediately. She's here, she's nice, and she's working to understand friendship and boundaries.
And Dev, who is used to things coming easy to him or just buying what he wants, HATES that.
I think jealousy is fueling Dev right now, but Hazel IS a nice person. I can totally envision him growing more fond of her someday and letting down walls. I can tell he's important to the writers, but I'm wary he's being set up as a future love interest and I don't currently know anything about him that would justify Hazel being attracted to him because all I've seen so far is him being grumpy and her glaring at him.
-> Also, I'm getting the feeling that Dev doesn't have a healthy understanding of relationships, family life, or boundaries, and I would be afraid for Hazel.
I think I forgot to say it, but everyone's phones had a D logo implying they're a Dimmadome product, which I like.
I feel like Dev needs some healthy relationship modeling from Cosmo and Wanda (or Hazel's parents). I'll be curious to see if we go in that direction.
Where are we in the timeline?
I love that this is a show about Hazel. I'm really enjoying this- I think I'm glad we're not getting a "children of the main cast" cliche (and we didn't get a total reboot where we redo Timmy's childhood and pretend the OG series didn't happen). This is very funny for me.
Since Dale was older than Timmy, I'm getting the vibe that we're a few years before Tommy and Tammy get their godparents. So... are they gonna show up, or is Timmy gonna be single with no kids if he ever appears, which I'm betting he will eventually. Or do I have my timeline wrong?
"Channel Chasers" future is canon in my Cloudlands AU, and this is generally the accepted future for the series. Keep in mind that's the angle I'm talking from here.
Assuming CC is canon, it's confirmed Timmy has his kids really young (20 years after he buries the time capsule at age 10, his kids dig it up and they seem to be close to his age, so somewhere between, like... 7 and 10), so Timmy would've been 20 to 23.
It's not unreasonable for Dale to have his kids at a much older age, so I will totally accept Hazel being either older or younger than Tammy and Tommy; it doesn't matter to me (although if they're retconned out of existence by having Timmy show up as a childless man combined with clearer timeframe confirmation, I'll be surprised).
I also want to be clear upfront that my canon for Timmy's future in Cloudlands AU is that he has his kids with Molly ("Wishing Well"). They later split, leaving him open to marry either Trixie or Timmy (but it's ambiguous in my 'fics so the reader can decide). That way, I get to enjoy Molly, Tommy and Tammy get to be in a rough patch when Cosmo and Wanda show up, Timmy's struggling emotionally but he's not a terrible dad long-term, and fans of Trixie or Tootie can have the endgame because I don't mind. tl;dr - Timmy has been shipped with Tootie in some other spin-off media, like the "Fairly Odd Summer" trilogy. I don't treat that trilogy as canon in my 'fics, but we know from "Channel Chasers" that it's implied Timmy has Tommy with a black-haired person or Tommy's adopted, and the latter seems unlikely since both kids look so much like him. So if New Wish has Timmy show up and heavily implies he's with either Trixie or Tootie, that's totally fine within Cloudlands AU canon. But he does flirt with Molly in my 'fics and they are so cute and making her Kevin's step-sister was one of the best ideas I've ever had because it makes family vacations fantastic, so get wrecked <3
But I feel like they're really baiting us with Timmy stuff (Showing several adults that look like Timmy, but confirming behind the scenes "That's not Timmy," putting him on posters, using him as a school mascot, etc.) It's very in-character for this universe since even in the OG series, Timmy's likeness was sometimes used by other characters, but... I'm a little nervous.
Cosmo and Wanda didn't seem to look back on their time with Timmy as fondly as I would've expected. I'm glad we're getting a fun cartoon with a new person, but I hope we're not going a "nudge, nudge, Timmy was a horrible person and fans are dumb for looking at him fondly or wanting him around" angle.
-> That kid was 10, working through childhood trauma, and struggled a lot in life. That's literally the point, and expecting him to be as well-adjusted as Hazel would be asking a lot of him- Their backstories and home lives are very, very different.
I'm getting the sense that we're making allusions to the old show (even obscure ones that surprised me, like a Flappy Bob cameo, super specific Fairy interior design details, or "Terrible Twosome" throwback). The writers have done a good job of picking out the parts they liked and using them as their canon, but I get the feeling we're not going to have references to Sparky, Chloe, Roy, or Viv.
Which is fine, because I understand they were late in the series and a lot of people didn't receive them well (Me included). I just hope they're not treated like they're dumb or something to be erased from history, y'know?
I have absolutely no issues with them not showing up. I do expect a Timmy cameo someday, but it would not bother me at all if we didn't see Chloe. But like, I don't want them written out of the canon IF we specifically look back at the canon. If for some reason we recapped every godkid Timmy had interacted with and we were mysteriously missing Chloe, I'd give you a really weird look, slkfdj.
-> If our canon is that Roy and Viv didn't happen, I'm fine with that because it's a spin-off. But Chloe was mainline canon and this show has already made clear it's grabbing canon from across the whole series (including seasons as late as 9) and not just focusing on the early seasons, so... I'll just have some questions if we write her out of existence, lol.
New personalities? Anti-Fairies?
Where I'm at in my binge, there have been no Anti-Fairies. I'm expecting them to show up because it seems likely we'd get a Friday the 13th episode. I feel like the Anti-Fairies have regularly been the most popular characters of the series in the fandom and they played a big role in later seasons, so I'm sure that writers who have done so much research that they've found details I consider obscure to the average viewer are gonna give us Anti-Fairies. I can't imagine they wouldn't.
And I'm NERVOUS, lol.
So, one thing that I've always thought is that Anti-Fairies were planned to be one-off characters. After their Season 2 debut, they don't appear until Season 5. My personal thought is that Anti-Wanda got slapped with a "cheap and easy" personality without a lot of thought behind it; compare her recolored design with Anti-Cosmo's fully detailed fleshed-out design. I'm super curious to see if she'll get rebooted to be a better parallel of Wanda.
I've played her in my 'fics as being grubby to parallel Wanda's mob upbringing. I still write her with what from the outside may seem like lower intelligence, though in my 'fics I specifically have her being raised in an Anti-Fairy zoo enclosure until her young adulthood, and grew up fluent in her people's native language. It's not that she's stupid, really... She just grew up with limited contact with the outside world, so converting her thoughts for a bustling society is a struggle. I try not to make her a statement of intelligence, though she can be self-deprecating when she compares herself to others.
Like, I can literally see this going either way. I would be totally in favor of giving Anti-Wanda a reboot, because I love her very dearly and tbh I kind of prefer her over Anti-Cosmo... but I will always support taking a second look at the "idiot Southerner with a drawl" stereotype. If she gets freshened up so she's not played as so dumb, or still dumb but less Southern, I'd be fine with that. It's... not a great trope.
Nerd alert incoming - Yes, it's mostly me rambling about how much I love the Pixies & Gary and Betty because I want my feelings written down before any chance of them showing up.
-> Once upon a time, I would not have dreamed my faves might show up, but now that we've gotten a Flappy Bob cameo, I have to prepare for anything.
Okay... so. It's Anti-Cosmo whose potential reboot personality concerns me most, and for purely selfish reasons 😂. In my personal opinion, fanon Anti-Cosmo is surprisingly different from canon Anti-Cosmo. I'm pretty sure they're going to reboot him as a sexy evil villain, because that's what the majority of people think he is. Even though he's a total dork and rebooting him as a suave, confident smooth-talker feels incorrect to me.
Riddle's unpopular opinion: The personality I've seen many people portray Anti-Cosmo with in fan content feels closer to the personality the Head Pixie has than it feels to Anti-Cosmo. If H.P. were younger with the exact same personality he has in the OG show, people would give him the "sexy bad boy" treatment they give Anti-Cosmo. They just don't because he's old </3
Yes, H.P. is ALSO a goofball. He likes cosplay, breakdancing, and he's often either at a rave or bemoaning that he's not at a rave. He only has a few episodes and his love for raves and clubbing comes up in at least 3 of them. But he's the one doing the classic "evil villain" stuff like signing contracts, pulling puppet strings, torturing people with shock collars, and finding loopholes.
H.P. sets up long-term plans. He's calculating, meticulous, and he's one of the sassiest and most confident characters in the entire series. Happy Peppy Gary and Betty literally have a direct phone line to Sanderson, presumably under H.P.'s influence since he's the boss.
Like, that is explicitly canon and it's my favorite background detail in the show. The Pixies thought ahead and gave them a phone. Gary and Betty were in on the plan and knew about magic. At bare minimum they knew they were working for people called Pixies.
Sidebar: Even in their episodes before the Musical, it's implied Gary and Betty know more about magic than the average human. They had laser-eyed unicorn mobiles that formed cages. They somehow got from Florida (implied by Gary's use of the word "gator" and confirmed by this episode's script) to California (Dimmsdale's confirmed state) before end of workday, implying they returned through non-human means. -> Also in their debut episode, they literally went to outer space with Mark, were chill about it, and offered him snacks; idk what to tell you. They're my everything. H.P. seems to have meticulously set up a lot of things and it's so funny to me. -> Also this is very non-canon in the finalized series, but in the OG script of the Musical, it's implied Gary and Betty took the Pixies hostage, and also they seem to be friends with Imaginary Gary. They're heavily implied to sing his villain song with him (where he blatantly reveals he's Imaginary Gary), and it's HILARIOUS. Can you even imagine? He was their boss in that version of the script. I can't deal. That's so funny; he's like 5. Was he even paying them or did they just think he was fun? I just need all the lovely new followers I've gained since I started posting about New Wish to understand how not normal I am about the Learnatorium crew. If you've ever wondered why I write about them so much... I just think they're neat! <3 -> Btw for anyone wondering, you can find some early-season scripts on Fred Seigbert's Scribd. It's painfully difficult to navigate, so I suggest Scribd's search bar instead of his profile. For easier reading, I keep screenshots of the things I find most interesting on my blog, tagged #original script. I figure if you've read this far, you might be into quirky FOP lore, so run... be free. I think I've read them all, so all the funny moments are on my blog. There are some lovely gems in there... There's a deleted scene from "Totally Spaced Out" where Gary and Betty tried to ditch their jobs and flee to Mexico, a deleted scene of Mark and Vicky lovingly holding hands in the nursing home while he's in squid form, and a deleted scene from "Oddlympics" of Jorgen, Anti-Cosmo, and H.P. dressing up as cowboys and in dresses. Juandissimo has early lore about his fear of Cosmo. There's a storyboard for "Anti-Poof" in there somewhere.
Anyway, the point is, I enjoy H.P. a lot. Listen, I've been a huge fan of this guy for 8 years; I love him to death. He's very sassy. He purposely messes with Jorgen's head and Jorgen loses his temper over it. He jumps through hoops to do things right, he wields loopholes to do things wrong, and he tortures people because, in his own words, "It's hilarious."
-> In my mind, HE is the manipulative schemer that Anti-Cosmo often gets remembered as. Where's my sexy bad boy H.P. fanart? Surely it was someone's job to show me that /jk
And there is nothing wrong with portraying A.C. as a sexy bad boy. They can both be sexy bad boys. I'm explaining how I read him in my incredibly specific take, but others might not read him this way. A.C. does a good job of pretending to be a sexy bad boy, but I personally enjoy when he's also portrayed as a dork and I want to talk about that because it's my post.
So, honestly... I think Anti-Cosmo is scared of Jorgen. He never challenges people directly, instead using disguises or hiding behind social events like the "Oddlympics." He lets H.P. take charge in his own castle. He can barely discipline his own son (and when he does, Foop ignores him). A.C. throws temper tantrums on the ground, kicking and shrieking and breaking stuff when things don't go his way. And I LOVE him for it.
But he's not a suave bad boy in my mind, lol. I mean, he tries, and sometimes he pulls it off, but he's definitely not sweet or charming. He's a tantrum-throwing baby who yells at his wife <3 and only holds her hand during "When Nerds Collide" if you pause in time to catch it.
You know how I said Jorgen is a twist on expectations? Anti-Cosmo's whole thing is that people think he's cool and smart, but it's a façade. In his debut episode, Timmy outsmarted him very easily. It doesn't surprise me at all that Anti-Cosmo took a step back in later seasons and Foop became our main Anti-Fairy. Because it's totally in-character for Foop to go looking for trouble, and it's totally in-character for A.C. to... not do that.
A.C. is an introvert who needs a reason to leave the house. Foop likes running around, causing trouble. It's great. You can see so much of Anti-Wanda in Foop and it's funny to me.
I like how A.C. sometimes wanders off and forgets what he's doing. I mean, that's how Timmy defeated him in "When Nerds Collide"- His friends coaxed him into meandering off on his own. He charges headfirst into things despite consequences. He throws things, including his wand. He runs away from confrontation. He jumps on tables. He makes paper airplanes. His wife mocks him for having dorky X-ray goggles he bought from the back of a comic book. He's a goofball.
Again, they are both goofballs- A.C. and H.P. Every villain is a goofball: Norm spends his time out of his lamp eating ice cream and getting his dry cleaning handled, H.P. likes to party, A.C. can't sit still, Sanderson prioritizes music above villainy, Crocker is more silly than spooky, Foop is a baby who needs naps and playtime, and Kevin ping-pongs between self-deprecation and giddy overconfidence.
Anti-Cosmo does come across as a bad boy sometimes. I'll be very surprised if we don't see Anti-Cosmo's return since he's a popular character and I think people are into his British bad boy vibe, but like...
Since it's my speculation post, I just really need to say that if they change his personality so he's now super charming and sassy with no signs of the temper, dorkiness, or cowardice that's always lurked in him, I'll be sad... because I like my tantrum-throwing baby who shakes his wife up and down when he's stressed. And this man was not the sharpest tack when it came to sass, sdfklj.
I totally suspect New Wish will reboot him as a total sexy, suave villain because honestly, that's probably the way he's remembered. Which is okay, but if he does return, I will miss my silly comics-loving geek who can't stand up to a newborn, writes notes with brightly colored pens he changes every sentence, and jumps on tables during fancy dinners. He's so goofy. I hate him (/affectionate).
-> And if we bring back Anti-Fairies, but throw the Pixies aside because "Eh, they're boring," it will be a crying shame. I will accept it, but you will find me standing with a confused look on my face as I swing my hands to gesture between Anti-Cosmo and H.P.
-> There's nothing wrong with bringing back A.C. and not H.P.! The Anti-Fairies are beloved and stick in people's memories well, I'm sure. But also, H.P. is my favorite in the whole series. He's incredibly sassy, manipulative, meticulous, and hilarious.
Where else can I find an old man who drops the line "The only thing you'll be eating is my dust!" before jumping on a scooter and blasting off with a shout of "Later, dude!" Or the old man who gets distracted because he'd rather be at a rave. Or elbows Timmy in the side with a smug smile and asks if his pizza tasted better than "Jorgen's slice of pure rabbit droppings."
This is the man who danced and sang "Go me, go me, it's my birthday." It's heavily implied the main reason he's a villain is because he's too obsessive compulsive to watch the world fall apart around him. That's hilarious. He literally took over the world and the first thing he did was go home and get drunk. He's a fantastic character and I should say it.
-> I'm not gonna be mad if we get an Anti-Cosmo reboot and kick the Pixies into the sun. I'll just be /pensive emoji about it. Also, I rambled about this mainly because I've gained a surprising amount of new followers recently, and if you're new here... I just think you deserve a warning about what you're getting into with my blog. I love him so much.
In conclusion... IF we get the Pixies and H.P.'s been reduced to a dull and boring stereotype who lost his snark and love for parties, I'll be devastated and I'd rather have them not show up :')
... Also if H.P. is dead and Sanderson is now in charge because it's "the future," my head will be in my hands. If that happens, you can unfollow me right then because it's all I'll talk about /lh. I want my super sassy bossman, please and thank you.
I would miss the old H.P., but I would also be grateful for any Pixie scraps I'm given because they're my favorites. I cannot believe we got a Flappy Bob cameo in New Wish. Definitely not on my bingo board.
Well... There we go! My thoughts so far. I'm looking forward to seeing where the show goes, and I hope we get to see more of the things I want. These are very early thoughts!
Again, please don't spoil anything since I'm only up to "Trial or Hair-or," and please no grumpiness in my replies or inbox.
These are personal liveblog opinions from a long-time fan who's been avoiding spoilers since New Wish was hinted over a year ago. My opinions may change later if the show goes a new direction. I AM enjoying the show, but I also wanted to share what I like about the OG and what I'd like to see in New Wish's future.
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18250mm · 4 months
Oh Captain, My Captain | S. Rogers
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Gif not mine, credit to creator
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Super-Soldier!Reader
Word Count: 1,405
Warnings: Implied possible relationship between Kate and Yelena, Steve’s low-key captain kink (not 18+ though)
Summary: Everyone calls Steve Rogers captain, but there’s only one person he wants to hear it from.
"Here you go, Cap," said Maria Hill, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s former Deputy Director. "Those mission reports you requested from Y/N."
Ever since the organisation was exposed for their dirty secrets and every agent’s information was leaked, the Avengers — especially Steve Rogers — had spent countless hours trying to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. into something that people could trust.
Unfortunately for the super-soldier, not everyone was easy to work with; the most stubborn of the group being you.
You were one of the newer Avengers, having joined the team around the same time as Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova and America Chavez. With super-serum coursing through your veins, it was no doubt that you were meant to be Steve and Bucky’s mission counterpart… or protégé, if you will — specifically in the Young Avengers team.
Steve sighed and grabbed the manila folders gratefully. "Y/N couldn’t come and hand them over herself, huh?"
The high-ranking agent shook her head. "Something about seeing you enough at the gym and possibly combusting if she had to face you again today," she chuckled.
Truth be told, neither you nor Steve knew why you were being such a brat about working with him. Your training usually consisted of split sessions between him and Bucky, yet you got along with the Winter Soldier just fine.
Perhaps, it was because Steve’s ‘work hard or die trying’ attitude always got the better of you. Or maybe it was the way he seemed to make even the most interesting topics sound boring.
Maybe it was because you had the biggest crush on him and didn’t want to face it for fear of ruining everything between the two of you, so you figured pushing him away was the best thing to do.
After spending the majority of your day in the boxing ring with Natasha and Wanda, you were beat. All you wanted to do was curl up with a good movie, but Tony had better plans.
Of course, he had chosen a Friday to throw a party in the Avengers Compound; saying something about how important it was to enjoy the last day of the work week.
The billionaire was never one too keen on sleep, anyway.
"Captain Rogers," Vision greeted. "How are things with Ms. Y/N?"
Even the synthezoid had some idea of the apparent rift between the two of you. Whilst he suggested it was best to ignore it, Steve simply couldn’t get you out of his head. Everyone in the compound, including those with high authority like Nick Fury, called him Captain.
Heck, even Carol Danvers, a captain herself, donned that title on him. So why didn’t you?
"I haven’t seen her all day, but I’m hoping to catch her tonight and ask her why she despises me so much," Steve scoffed, taking another shot of Asgardian ale, courtesy of Thor Odinson.
"I wish you all the best, Captain."
*Some time later*
"Who’s down for a game of Truth or Dare?" Valkyrie hollered, warning cheers and applause from those around her. "All are welcome!"
And that’s how you found yourself sitting in a circle alongside the same group of people you had already spent most of your week with.
"Alright, who goes first?"
"I will," Natasha replied with a smirk. "Kate, truth or dare?"
"I’ll take a truth."
"Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?"
Everyone very well knew about the fat crush Kate Bishop had on Yelena Belova. While the girl was generally a fumbling mess, it was even more so when she was around the blonde. Natasha was definitely using this game as a way to get them together.
You smirked at the Russian redhead, already on board with the plan. "Oh, do tell," you said, leaning forward attentively.
Kate blushed furiously at the question, knowing that even a simple ‘yes’ would confirm everyone’s suspicions.
"Tick tock, Kate Bishop! We don’t have all night!" Yelena, oblivious about the whole situation, waved her hands in the air before downing another shot of tequila.
"I do."
Everyone cheered and Kate quickly took the next turn to get the spotlight off her. "Cap, truth or dare?"
"I could go for a dare," he replied with a sweet smile.
You rolled your eyes. Of course he’d pick that over answering a question.
"I dare you to tell us your biggest secret!"
Hell yeah. Leave it to the world’s greatest archer to hit the final nail in the coffin. You grinned as Steve’s face went red, trying to think of something to say.
"I guess…I guess I like it when everyone calls me Captain," he mumbled shyly.
"What, you have a captain kink or something, Rogers?" Tony quirked an eyebrow. "I mean, you could’ve said so earlier."
"That’s not what I meant!" the super-soldier’s face was bright red now. "I just feel more appreciated, you know what I mean? It’s nice to know being old and outdated doesn’t mean I’m unappreciated around here."
His words replayed in your head and suddenly, you felt bad for evading his request to treat him with more kindness. Maybe pushing him away wasn’t the most foolproof plan after all.
"Y/N! Hey, wait up," Steve called out as he ran to catch up to you. "We need to talk."
"Steve," you greeted him stoically.
The both of you were outside your room, standing in the hallway where anyone could see if they walked past.
"Have I done something to offend you?" he asked sincerely and it made you feel twice as bad as you already were.
"What? No," you shook your head quickly. "I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel that way."
"Then why won’t you treat me the same way you treat everyone else?"
With wide eyes, you quickly opened your bedroom door and dragged the man inside. "Lower your voice! People will hear."
"So what if they do? It won’t be any different from the way you treat me when they’re around!"
"What do you want me to say, Steve?! Oh captain, my captain–"
"You know damn well that’s not what I’m talking about, Y/N," Steve said seriously, his voice low and firm. "Every time we’re scheduled to train together, you pull the worst attitude I’ve seen in any recruit. When you don’t have to be around me, you avoid me like the plague. What can I do to make things better between us?"
The silence between the two of you after that was more than deafening. If anything, it was awkward. You didn’t know how to react to Steve’s outburst. The usually calm, cool and collected man was now standing in front of you with tears threatening to spill.
"I like you," you finally replied after a while, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I like you, Steve. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"Y/N–" the blond began to say, but you cut him off.
"I’ve liked you for a while now, okay? I didn’t know what to do with these feelings so I buried them and pushed you away. I thought treating you like that would make this– this crush go away, but it never did. I didn’t want to ruin anything between us, so I figured… what’s there to ruin if there’s no real relationship between us anyway?"
There, the cat was out of the bag. You were sure Steve would see you in a different light now. Maybe he’d have all his classes with you transferred to Bucky instead so he wouldn’t have to deal with the information he’d just been given.
The gears in your head were turning at full speed, trying to come up with a way to get out of this situation. You considered telling him it was all a joke, an elaborate prank you and Sam had come up with to mess with him. Surely, the Falcon would take the fall with you if you so desperately needed it.
What Steve said next convinced you that you needn’t do all that.
"I wish you would’ve told me sooner, Y/N, because I like you too."
You weren’t sure you heard him right. Unfortunately, your enhanced hearing wasn’t enough to stop you from questioning the super-soldier. "What did you say?"
Steve chuckled, crossing his arms. "I like you too, Y/N Y/L/N. Now, about what we discussed earlier…"
"Yeah, yeah," you waved him off, blushing so deeply your ears were burning. "I’m sorry. I promise I’ll treat you better from now on… Captain."
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wandamyconfort · 1 year
if I were you.. | CH.4
wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: y/n is best friends with vision, who ironically, is the boyfriend of his worst enemy, wanda maximoff. until one night, when the clock struck midnight, they are both struck by something mysterious that completely changes the fate of their best friends, including a certain redhead… be careful what you wish for.
sorry for any translation errors, english is not my first language
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- I think I got the wrong place, I thought it came to the locker room but apparently it is a sewer manhole. Y/N looked at the team's locker room with a distorted face covering his nose.
- It stinks of feet in here. - grunted to his teammates, who were putting on their uniforms, still holding his hand to his nose.
- And what did you want it to smell like? Roses? Little flower... - Sam laughed sarcastically.
- It wouldn't be bad at all. - replied innocently as he looked at his closet not wanting to see those boys changing.
- Vision, what are you still doing out of uniform? - Coach Olivia asked with her hands on her waist, scolding the boy because he was the only one still sitting on a bench among the lockers still wearing normal clothes. - We don't have all the time in the world, the game starts in ten minutes. The court is already packed, guys, do your best. - she addressed everyone and then left.
Y/N was mentally killing Vision, in a thousand different ways in just five seconds repeatedly for making her go to school. She would have to participate in one of the most important games against a competing high school team and what was even worse: being Quarterback without having a clue what to do. That's great.
- Come on, guys! - Olivia shouted back, pointing at the players. - vision, don't be late, five minutes! - She warned the boy, who had already finished putting on his protective gear.
Y/N was immersed in her thoughts and did not notice the presence of someone behind her. The same person touched her shoulder and she turned around startled but relaxed when she saw that it was wanda.
Wanda was already in her uniform and that skirt seemed shorter than usual.
- Good luck in the cheerleading squad. - smiled without showing his teeth and Wanda approached him looking into his eyes as if she expected something more.
Y/N pressed her lips together already knowing what she wanted, he slowly approached and wanda closed her eyes by instinct waiting for the kiss. The kiss that never came. At least not where she wanted. Y/N had kissed her forehead. wanda huffed.
- That's not a good luck kiss... - she complained in displeasure.
- Isn't it?
- I want it here... - She pointed to her own lips, running her index finger over them sensually, they were painted with a skin-colored lipstick, thin lips.
Y/N bit his in nervousness. What am I going to do? Sir, help me
- Vision, are you coming today or tomorrow? - They were startled by the trainer who suddenly appeared shouting and soon after disappeared. Thanks teacher. Y/N smiled and kissed the girl in front of her again on the forehead.
- You heard her... the kissing is for later. - She ran away, leaving Wanda with a pout forming on her lips.
The field was really crowded, noisy. Everyone was looking forward to the match, the cheerleaders opened the match with a sensational number, and the instant they finished, Y/N immediately thought she was fucked.
She was terrified. Vision told her it was easy, that she had nothing to worry about. A few hours earlier he had shown her some passes: "Catch the ball, keep hold of it, then just run across the white line, and that's it, Touchdown!".
What if prayers made to a wishing fountain could come true, and by an error of fate you came back to me? She repeated the words he had spoken to her a few hours ago in order to build up courage. Vision was visibly in the first row of the bleachers, he also seemed nervous. The match started and Y/N ran to all sides just watching and mentally hoping that no one would pass the ball to her.
- Drew, pass the ball to Sam! - The coach yelled for the boy, who was surrounded, to throw the ball to the Quarterback.
And that was her indication: When you know you won't make it, pass the ball to Vision.
The black-haired boy obeyed, but one of the rival team's players stepped forward with a leap and managed to get possession of the ball. Coach Olivia had surely forgotten that shouting the passes was not a very smart idea. Y/N was relieved that the ball had not reached her. Unlike the school's fans, who shouted curses at the players and muttered something disconnected. A few more minutes of play went by and Wanda watched worriedly as Vision ran without paying attention to the field. It didn't even look like he was playing. Because of his inattention, a player threw the ball at her and she herself fell to her knees. Wanda covered her mouth in shock and wanted to go over to help him but a hand grabbed hers to keep her in place. It was Valkyrie.
- Oh... Oh my God... - she closed his eyes tightly. - Shit, that really hurts. - mumbled almost speechless with his hands between his legs.
She had just been hit hard and it hurt like hell. He had forgotten to put protection there. All the boys stopped to watch him and they frowned, contorting their faces in pain as if they had also been hit. Y/N felt two tears fall and Vision mentally thanked him for not being in his body at that moment. Could this get any worse?
Y/N tried to pull himself together as best he could. The game had to go on.
- Vision, it's yours! - Bucky shouted the instant he threw the ball to his friend. This time no one got in the way and the ball arrived at the right destination.
Damn it. What do I do now? Okay, stay calm, what did Vision actually say...? Oh, I know: Get the ball. Okay, that part I've already done. Now I have to cross the white line... But what white line? What line? There are so many... Or did I have to run first?
- DAMN IT, Y/N, RUN! - The answer came as a shout from his friend who was in the stands. He soon realized his mistake. - I mean... Go, Vision! Go for it... - He smiled faintly seeing that some students looked at him confused and he soon tried to keep a closed face watching the game.
As Y/N was about to start running, she was brutally hit by a big guy from the rival team, at which point she could tell she almost saw the light. That little kiss of good luck is being missed. Y/N grunted in agony through her aching body.
- Damn... I think I hurt my leg. - The girl spoke with the thread of her voice feeling the sharp pain in her leg unable to stand up.
- Congratulations, you idiot! - one of the players shouted without stopping his route to observe him and headed for the locker room.
- I think I'll get my Quarterback job back. - Sam, who was following him, smiled mockingly and headed for the locker room.
- Man, what is your problem? Have you forgotten how to run? - Steve pinned him without waiting for an answer or helping him up. It seemed that everyone made an Indian row of people waiting their turn to recriminate him.
- What's the matter with you guys? I'm fine, thanks for asking.
she managed to get up at great cost and stood feeling the pain in her leg.
- Are you ok? - Wanda asked and Y/N screamed almost off balance. She quickly put her hand on his waist and put his arm around her neck to help him walk.
- Have you come to reproach me too? - muttered with a twisted face.
- Of course not... Come here. - put his arm around her shoulder. - You have to go to the hospital. Can you take a few steps to the car? - She spoke worriedly, and the boy nodded.
- It was nothing too serious. It's not broken. he'll live. - The Doctor examined the leg over the redhead's expectant gaze.
- You say that because it wasn't with you. - she thought.
Y/N rolled his eyes.
- We'll just put a cast on it and you can go home now, young man.
- Put a cast? - The little girl lying on the stretcher asked in fright.
- Don't be scared, it's only for a few days. This way you'll get better faster. And so that you don't miss school you can use crutches. But... no more effort, that is, no more games for at least a month, okay? - This is the best news I have received so far.
she nodded and Wanda helped her up. She kissed his nose and wrinkled it in a funny way while smiling. Y/N laughed through the pain, finding it amusing.
- How are you? - the boy asked on the line. After they left the hospital the redhead dropped her off at home, who was now resting in bed.
- I had to put a cast on my leg. - She answered and sighed, looking at her leg.
- I'm sorry I got you into this. You wouldn't know how to play with just a hint, if you hadn't trained before. - he said, feeling guilty. - But on the bright side... At least you won't have to play anymore, right?
- Fuck you, Vision!
- Hey, but listen... - He spoke in the face of the other's muteness. - What do your parents mean, "Don't forget your dance class?"
- Shit... - She squeezed her eyes shut, bringing her hand to her forehead. - I had forgotten. It's my classical ballet class. Don't you remember when I told you that I joined a month ago?
- Yes… Now that you said it, I remembered.
- Well then… It's today at six. You can't be late.
- What? No, no… I can't dance ballet. No way. I'm not going!
- Oh, but you will! - ordered. - I didn't know how to play football either, and I did. Now I have a fucking leg in a cast! - she said angrily. - This is the least you can do.
- Am I supposed to thank you for breaking my leg? - he teased, knowing it would irritate her.
- It's your leg, but I'm the one feeling the pain here! - She fell for the provocation and became more irritated.
- Okay... I'm going to your class. - Having said that he disconnected the call and Y/N grunted, putting the cell phone aside.
- Honey... - Pepper entered the room. - Today unfortunately I'll have to stay on call. I tried to cancel. I tried to find someone to take my place today, but no one could. I didn't want to leave you alone, even more so, so I called your girlfriend so she could stay here tonight with you.
- No, mama! Why did you do that? You didn't have to bother Wanda. I'll be fine here. - Spending an entire night with the girl was not in her plans. What if she tried to kiss you? How could you escape with only one good leg?
- She didn't seem to mind. On the contrary, she liked it and was also worried about you. She also said that your parents had a conference tonight and might not be back until tomorrow afternoon.
- I still don't think I should have called. - She muttered in annoyance, but Pepper hadn't heard.
- Y/N? - Greeted a smiling girl. Hi, total stranger.
- Hello...- How have you been? Aside from dance classes, we hardly see each other. - The girl was nice and Vision scratched the back of his neck.
- Well, thank you. - He replied without amusement.
- Have you been talking to Virginia? - Who the hell is Virginia?
- No.
- Neither do I... - He smiled without showing his teeth.
- It's been a while since we've spoken. In such a short time you must know when she comes here to Miami, right?
- Um... I don't know when she's coming. - He answered, floating.
- What's up, Y/N? You look at me like you don't know me. - she laughs.
It's because I really don't know you, creature.
- Are you okay? - Yes, I'm fine. - he answered quickly.
- It's really good to be... You already know how kind America is. - She was ironic and Vision frowned.
- america?
- Yes... - She tilted her head to the side in confusion. - Our teacher. Have you forgotten?
- That must be Wanda. I'll send her up. I'm coming, okay? Take care. Mom loves you. - She kissed the boy's forehead, who was lying on the bed, flipping through some channels on the TV with the remote control.
Y/N nodded.
- I love you too, Mom. - She murmured softly, her eyes still on the television.
Pepper stopped her journey and looked at him with moved eyes. The last time her son had said this her husband was still alive, Vision was twelve years old. They were having a picnic in the park, her husband was teaching him to play baseball as he always did every day after work. Y/N knew that Vision had trouble showing his feelings, he loved his mother but found it hard to tell her. So he decided to give her a little help.
The woman couldn't help but come back and give him another kiss on the forehead, this time longer. Soon after she left the room smiling. y/n smiled sideways and continued to flip through some channels.
- My God, what happened here? - The girl who had just entered the room spoke up, looking at every corner of the place with a surprised look.
- What do you mean?
- Your room. It's organized...
- Oh, yes... - I knew what she was talking about.
- Yeah, it needed some cleaning up, so I finally decided to do it. - She smiled at the other's expression.
- You did well. - She smiled, stepping closer. - Does your leg still hurt?
- Not much. It's much better than before. I can't wait to get it off, it itches so much. - She began to poke and prod at the plaster, annoyed.
- Don't touch it, stubborn... - she sat up in bed. - It could get worse if you keep poking at it. You heard the doctor, it will only be a few days. If you keep poking it, it will take longer to get it out, do you want that?
Y/N shook her head sighing and Wanda held her hand to stop her leg from moving.
- Thank you! - she answered sincerely. knew she was just being nice, worrying, because she thought he was Vision. Even so, she felt obliged to thank her and no longer felt like recriminating or offending her. wanda just smiled.
- Well... I'll stay in the guest room. If you need anything, just call me, ok?
- That's fine. - She answered, relieved that they didn't sleep in the same bed.
The night was cold and gave way to dark, heavy clouds. The dark, calm sky had been changed by lightning. And their light reflected off the bedroom window. The wind whipped against the curtains of the half-open window.
- Oh no… - she mumbled in a terrified voice. - Dad…
Scott and Hope had already left the space for their daughter on the bed. They knew how much Y/N hated that time. scott was waiting for her with a warm smile but the girl gave no sign. The two then became confused and got up and marched to the girl's room finding her sprawled on the bed not at all bothered by the loud thunder.
- I guess our little girl is not a little girl anymore... - whispered Scott to his wife with a thread of sadness, watching the little girl sleep peacefully in bed.
I was happy that she was losing her fears but realized that she was growing up and was no longer a child.
- She will always be our little girl. - Hope whispered with a half smile at the man, she knew what he was thinking. - Let's go back to the room...
- Daddy... - She called him again, but only then realized he wasn't home and began to tremble. y/n began to cry amidst the thunder and lightning that was falling.
- Wanda! - she shouted, and another thunderclap came, making her scream louder. - Wanda, where are you?!
curled up in bed and soon saw a silhouette rush into the room
- What was it? - she asked, visibly startled by the screams.
- Stay with me. - pulled her arm. - Please, Wanda, don't leave me alone. - She asked between sobs and squeezed the other so she wouldn't pull away.
- All right... Stay calm. I'm here now. - lay down next to you. - Tell me what happened... Why are you crying? - she spoke sweetly, wiping his tears.
- I am afraid. - she whispered. - Thunder... I'm scared to death. - said, still whispering like a frightened child.
wanda frowned.
- Since when are you afraid? - she asked confused while caressing his face with the back of her hands.
y/n opened her mouth and couldn't make any sound without knowing how to explain. She couldn't think.
- Calm down, it's okay. It doesn't really matter. I'm not leaving your side. - the redhead spoke in a sweet way, she thought this scene was the most tender thing in the world. Vision afraid of thunder? could never imagine one day seeing that and him admitting it. He was looking like a little boy, which made her feel a desire to take care of him like never before...
- I'm glad you're here. - She had to say, her heart was screaming for it. Just the thought of being alone in that house as she had preferred hours ago made her petrified, she couldn't sleep if she were alone. y/n gripped the bottom of her shirt tightly looking into the girl's green eyes.
- I'm happy to be here. - pulled her into an embrace and nuzzled her head into the curve of his neck. y/n didn't know if it was because of fear or the circumstances she found herself in, but that hug was one of the best she had ever received, and she reciprocated on the same level. With the right to smell the sweet scent that exhaled from the redhead's skin, which made her calmer, more serene. When a thunderstorm was present she squeezed her tighter and that made wanda smile.
Five, ten, twenty minutes... couldn't tell how long she had been hugging her. could hear her heart beating at the same rhythm as hers, and she had to admit. I was enjoying it. The warmth of her body next to his, the quiet breathing, the caress she was making in his hair.
The thunder seemed to give way and only rain was present outside. The hug had also ceased and now they were just staring at each other. The girl's slightly flushed face was so close to his, her lips so inviting just inches away. So close to each other that y/n for a second was afraid she would hear his thoughts. Thank goodness that wasn't possible. For at that moment what she was thinking was that she would not run away should wanda try to kiss her. It was just a kiss, right? A meaningless little kiss, that would be fine. Or would it be wrong? How would vision feel about that? I knew I didn't want to do any more harm or avoid her now, because it would make her sad. She was being nice. It wasn't for her but for Vision.... It didn't matter. Now I didn't want to hurt her or see her suffer. Damn it. Why were you thinking about this? Now he cared about her. Why? Y/n stopped thinking.
- The thunder stopped. - she murmured, looking into the boy's eyes.
- yes... - blushed slightly as if the other had heard her thoughts.
- Let's go to sleep. You need to rest… - She touched his nose with her forefinger in a tender way, she was sleepy. wanda approached him and gave him a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth. The intention was on the lips, but it was dark and what was supposed to be a goal was just a crossbar. There was no second attempt.
Y/N let out the air she had been holding in. She could swear her heart had stopped beating for a few seconds, or it was beating too fast that she couldn't even feel it. She hoped wanda hadn't sensed her nervousness. She felt cold, ecstatic. And it wasn't even in her mouth.
- Good night, Wands.
- Good morning, angel. - Pepper murmured, watching Vision wake up. she had just returned from his shift, exhausted but with a broad smile.
- Mom… where is she? - She looked all around the room, not seeing any trace of the redhead who had slept with her. - Where is wanda?
Y/N wanted to make sure that everything that happened last night was not just a dream.
- Oh, she is gone. I didn't want to wake you up
- And what time is it?
- Seven thirty-four.
- Seven thirty-four? I don't believe it! - tried to get out of bed. - How could I have slept so long? Damn, I'm going to be late!
- Are you sure you want to go? If you want to, I don't see a problem in missing the three remaining days before the cast is removed.
- No. I want to go. That's why they gave me the crutches, right?
quickly straightened up, grabbed the crutches that were near the desk, and stood up, not very dexterously. It was as if he was relearning how to walk, on one leg.
- Good morning, Y/N. And my leg, how is it? - He smiled at her as he leaned on his locker.
- She is already better.
- I'm glad.
- And how was my class yesterday? - she asked, picking up some books she would need.
- It was great... For me to find out that I hate ballet! - Her smile is gone. - I'm all broken up here, that teacher is crazy, you know? And next time you tell me to do those things, at least indignify yourself to tell me the names of your friends! I'm no psychic to guess. There was a colleague of yours there who asked me about a certain virginia and I was floored, lucky for me she didn't ask me anything complex...
- It must be Vick. - deduced. - But what about Virginia? Don't you know her?
- Of course not!
- How do you not know her? She is a friend of Wanda's. Granddaughter of that neighbor of hers, Mrs. Clarice... - I was trying to make him remember.
- I never saw her there. - She spoke disinterestedly.
- It's because she doesn't live here in Miami anymore, she's from New York. It's been a while since I've seen her here, the last time she came was two years ago...
- How could I meet her when two years ago I didn't even live here in Miami yet?
- That's true. - said contrarily. - Vision... I need to tell you something. - She paused and Vision shook her head silently telling her to continue.
- Last night, Wanda slept with me, Pepper asked her not to leave me alone. I needed to tell you that. - I couldn't stop thinking for a moment about that night, about their closeness and the almost kiss.
- And you didn't kill each other? - He laughed and y/n sighed, looking at him a little guilty.
- She almost kissed me.
- On the mouth? - She widened her eyes
- No, no. On the foot. - she scoffed. - Of course it was in the mouth!
- Y/N, don't kill me for it... But she is my girlfriend. You weren't rude to her, were you? - Spoken as if you were guilty.
Is that really what I heard? And here I am, dying of guilt. If it weren't for my phobia of thunder, Wanda wouldn't have gone to bed with me and wouldn't have almost kissed me. And to make matters worse, I think I would have wanted that kiss to happen. I am to blame here, right? Vision acts like he's to blame, thinks I'm mad... But a few days ago I was angry, yes, at this possibility. So why am I not angry now? I should be hysterical, foaming fire at Vision. But why am I not? Y/N thought.
- No... I wasn't rude... - she whispered, balancing on crutches. - Vision... what do I do if she tries to kiss me again? - Verbalized blushing a little at the possibility. - I mean... should I avoid her?
- Obviously she will want to kiss you. That's what boyfriends do. But please, don't avoid her. It's good so that she doesn't suspect that you are running away. - He said thoughtfully, thinking some more just to then tell her what was going through his mind. - I wonder if... Can't you break this one for me? Give her a few kisses and she will be satisfied.
- You want me to. - She pointed to herself. - Kiss your girlfriend?
y/n was inexpressive.
- I know it's crazy but it doesn't always have to be. Like I said, give her some kisses and roll her over as much as you can. Until everything goes back to normal. Please... - Y/N swallowed hard listening to his friend's pleas.
- I'll see what I can do...
She didn't know what to say, she just said what came into her head, trying not to give it too much importance. Trying to be as formal as possible so that her friend wouldn't suspect her, in the face of that whirlwind of strange sensations she had felt the night before.
- Really? - smiled with relief because he thought she would freak out. - You are the best friend in the world, you know that?
y/n tried to smile but could not. Guilt hammered inside her and she could no longer look him in the eye.
- Just don't fall in love with my girlfriend. - He joked, punching her weakly in the arm, still smiling frankly that she had accepted.
- Don't talk nonsense...
Three days flew by before she finally had that annoying cast removed. Thus closing a week and a half that the two exchanged bodies.
- Mom, you should go... - Y/N insisted.
- But today is Sunday The only day we have to spend together.
- There will be other Sundays. But today, I want you to accept my invitation to go out with him. You need to have some fun and I bet Robert will make the most of it. - she sat down on the sofa next to woman.
Robert worked at the same hospital. A doctor, divorced, he was close to 38 years old and a good friend of his wife. But he had a romantic interest in her. He had invited her once before, but she refused with the excuse that she was spending Sunday with her son. And so she was doing it again.
- I'm not old enough for these things anymore. - She whined and y/n reached for her hand, making her look at her.
- And who told you that love has an age? are not old enough to have fun, to enjoy life... I don't want any more excuses. If you want to go, then call him now and tell him you changed your mind. - handed him the phone.
- Are you sure? - She gave an embarrassed smile, she really wanted to go.
- Totally!
Pepper smiled and went to the kitchen to dial the number. y/n reached for the TV remote and turned it on when she found it. Minutes went by before Pepper returned to the living room.
- He said he'll be by at eight o'clock. - Great. Then we still have two hours. - He turned off the TV and stood up.
- Two hours for what? - She questioned, confused.
- Well... to get ready! I want you to look beautiful and I'm going to help you. - She smiled and pushed Pepper into the room.
- I am shocked... Who taught you how to paint your nails? - The woman looked fascinated at her freshly painted nails by y/n who was putting the finishing touches.
- É-e-er.. Y/N. But that doesn't matter now... - She tried to change the subject. - Now we just need to choose the clothes and you will look beautiful.
The woman looked really stunning. Y/N chose a sophisticated dress for the occasion. Since they were going to a dinner party. She did a babyliss on her hair, letting the curls fall down her back. She wore basic make-up, because she said that natural beauty was better and that she didn't need to be full of make-up to be beautiful.
For Pepper it was like a "mother-daughter" moment, she was overwhelmed by everything Vision did. She was surprised at the end result. She didn't know he had feminine skills. Robert wasn't short on elegance either, he practically devoured the woman in front of him who felt embarrassed and Y/N raised her eyebrows feeling uncomfortable there.
- Have fun.
- Are you going to be okay? - The woman asked, facing him.
- Of course. I'll be fine, don't worry. Go, Mom... Don't keep that nice guy waiting any longer. - She smiled at the man waiting at the door, who smiled back.
- Okay, then I'll be right there. - You got infected. - Mom loves you.
- Me too, Very much. - It sounded sweet and the woman gave one last smile, leaving with the man for their date, beaming.
Y/N went back to the bedroom and lay down on the bed. His eyes fixed on the ceiling, he bit his lip thinking about Wanda. He closed them, mentally beating himself up for thinking about her, letting out a breath. It was so wrong...
she heard his cell phone vibrate on the table, indicating a new message. picked it up and a smile opened on his face when he saw the name "wands" appear on the screen.
"What are you doing?"
decided to answer, biting his lips to see if he could stop smiling.
"Nothing, and you?"
"I'm dying of boredom. Why don't you come over here to take me out of this boredom? =)"
"You don't want to see me?"
Y/N was a little hesitant as the memories and sensations of that night invaded her mind again. But it turned out that she saw no problem in accepting.
"Okay... I'll be right there."
"Just like that, teddybear"
Y/N laughed.
- Where are your parents? - asked as she followed Wanda down the hall.
- They are in the office… - Y/N noticed a mixture of sadness in her voice.
- Is everything ok?
- Yes… - she answered and soon tried to change the subject. - Remember when you asked me about that movie at the amusement park?
- Titanic?
- Yes… Since you and I haven't seen it, so I rented it for us to watch together… What do you think? - Y/N moved his hand squeezing his nose affectionately, wanda made a face and laughed.
- Come on, wands. - she smiled.
- Are you crying? - She turned her gaze to her boyfriend, perplexed.
- Well... Aren't you? - sniffled.
- Yes, but... I've never seen you cry before. - she spoke with an amused smile watching Vision wipe her tears.
- Hm... - She mumbled, blushing, and Wanda threw herself on top of him.
- How beautiful my boyfriend is. - She hugged him like a bear hugs another bear. She broke away from the hug, looking for her boyfriend's lips, who shied away, preventing her from approaching him.
Y/N had been startled.
- Now what?
- Nothing. - she answered quickly and Wanda got off his back.
- Doesn't sound like a nothing to me.... - Y/N noticed her nervousness and became quiet.
- Why don't you kiss me anymore? What is going on? You don't love me anymore, is that it? Is it something I did? Something I said? Please answer me!
Y/N's face paled at the sight of Wanda's completely deranged questioning. Her eyes widened and she began to pray wondering what she would do.
wanda seeing her frightened face let out a laugh and couldn't bear to continue with the joke. Y/N snorted.
- Were you making fun of me? - said indignantly.
- You needed to see your face. You were like, "Help me, what am I going to do now?" - she said amid laughter.
- You pay me, Maximoff!
Y/N threw himself on top of her and started a tickling series on her, who laughed louder now, her eyes already watering and her face turning red trying to find air.
- Stop!
- Not until you apologize to me... Come on, maximoff, apologize! - she said smugly, still tickling the other who was trying to breathe.
- N-no...
- Ask!
- Stop! I'M GOING TO DIE! - she screamed tiredly, trying to find air but laughing uncontrollably.
- Do you give up? - She tried to hold the redhead's hands, who in turn tried to push him to stop the tickling.
- N-no... - tried to say.
- What now? - He held his wrists pinning them to the bed.
The laughter slowly died down, but Wanda still continued to breathe as much air as she could. Her chest was rising and falling with stupendous speed, and it sometimes brushed against the chest of Vision's body on top of her. Y/N shivered from head to toe as he felt the girl's breasts dragging on his chest.
Wanda, already breathing normally, stared at the intense gaze she was receiving and shuddered. Their faces were close to each other. Wanda smiled and kissed the tip of his nose.
- Your eyes... - Y/N whispered wanting to tell her something. - It has little dots around it, and in the middle is a mixture of light green and dark green. - She said fascinated observing in detail the other's eyes. - They are beautiful...
- They are normal greens.
- No... Not just any green. - she whispered, and Wanda was fascinated. - They are not like those dull green ones, their eyes have something more. And they are the most beautiful I have ever seen...
Wanda blushed. She couldn't smile, she was too astute for the new compliment. Praise she had never received before...
- That's the most beautiful thing you've ever said to me. - she whispered.
Y/N threw his body completely on top of her feeling her nipples hardening. Wanda had her two hands on his waist passing from time to time slowly down his back and ribs feeling comfortable in that position. She was already crazy. She wanted to kiss him, but she couldn't deny that she was loving this little game. It was like something new... more exciting. Y/N who was still staring at the green shifted his gaze to her mouth and immediately ran his tongue lightly over hers. Wanda let out a low moan watching this and Y/N soon came closer decisively, brushing his lips lightly against hers. She was longing for this. And she knew it. She needed to know, needed to feel what it would be like to kiss her, and this would be the answer to everything she was feeling. For all the confusing feelings that tormented her so much.
- Daughter, me and your da...
Y/N jumped to the side falling to the floor amazed at the woman's entry into the room.
- Ouch!
- Mom. - Natalya frowned.
- Hello, Vision. I didn't know you were here. - She smiled sympathetically at the boy who had just stood up totally embarrassed.
- Hello, Mrs. Maximoff. Um... this afternoon, I think I'd better go. It was good to see you. - He picked up his cell phone on the bed.
- Wanda, I'll see you tomorrow, ok?
Wanda nodded, blushing.
- Are you using condoms? - she asked when she saw that the boy was already gone.
- How's that? - Wanda's eyes widened.- Yes, daughter. If you're taking care of yourselves. - She said naturally.
- Mama, I'm a virgin!
Her insides crumbled when she heard this. She had already told him this and even asked about it a few days ago, but it seems that the woman hadn't heard anything she said because she was too busy with that damn phone.
- Oh... - She was surprised. - I'm liking this guy more now...
- He's quite different now... - Wanda whispered without knowing why.
- Natalya, dear. We're going to be late. - Erik appeared in the room fixing his tie.
- That's right. Daughter, we're going to a meeting, but we'll be right back.
- But today is Sunday. - she murmured dryly.
- I know, princess, but it was unforeseen. - Erik kissed his daughter on the forehead and then left.
- We'll talk more about this later, okay? She kissed his forehead and then followed in her husband's footsteps.
- Oh, sure ... I'll be waiting for you. But sitting down, so as not to get tired.
Y/N drove home in a cold sweat. She could not stop running her tongue between her lips. Her thoughts were dominated by only one person: Wanda. The girl who was always tormenting her when she was in her body. The one who bullied her, cursed her, who hurt her... Who now is the same girl she wants to kiss. Everything was so confusing!
She ran her hand over her face nervously and turned on the radio to calm herself down. She wanted to forget Wanda just for a minute, to forget everything that was happening, to forget these insistent feelings...
"This is me praying that this was the very first page. Not where the storyline ends..."
- Damn... this music is not helping. - grumbled when he thought of Wanda again and changed the radio station.
"Your beautiful eyes... Stare right into my eyes. And sometimes i think of you late at night..."
How Damn! she thought angrily.
"My heart has never felt this way before... Just as long as your mine. I'll be you everthing tonight. Let me love you, kiss you. Baby let me miss you. Let me see your... Dream about eyes."
she punched the car window changing the station one more time and almost ran over a dog.
"Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile. Get me with those eyes, baby... As the lights go down. I'll run my fingers through hair. And watch the lights go wild, just keep on keeping your eyes onme..."
- No more music! - turned off the radio angrily and hit the steering wheel. - Damn...
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zombiiegrr · 2 years
Brooklyn Baby. (๑>◡<๑)
a dbf! bucky x afab! reader.
word count : 3130
honestly everything is the same but Bucky is like healed happy and he more like amazing soldier then winter solder lol and jazz thanos didn’t happen causes it’s not marvel it’s more like real army idk with Tony still bring a billionaire + vision being ‘normal’ like wandavison and wanda acting like that aswell :)
cw: y/n is down so bad, cocky!bucky, slightly toxic! bucky not at first, age gaps (y/n is 21 while bucky is 38), cursing, smut. jealously, secret relationship. mentions of skin tone doesn’t exist here. daddy issues, slight mommy issues idk characters pick up the reader theyre all STRONG ass men so dont think the reader is supposed to be petite or anything!! ALSO there’s mention of recent readers 21 birthday ok I’m a june 3 gemini so… idk… ur birthday but it’s technically going to be hot in the fanfic so summer but I won’t say birthdates
Your mother had you at 17 leading to your father going into the military at 18 leaving you and your mother, fighting for his country meeting friends turning into family including bucky
i've always thought when someone watches someone growup then bangs them is kinda sooooo odd.. so bucky was never really around the reader when she was a kid he was on duty and when he was around the reader was way to nervous to even be downstairs when he was there so its not like that!!!!!!
music i listened to while writing. some song fit ill tell u to play them
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new chapter
this is a series! comment to be added to the tag list
@aemondmylove @arilevinsonhavemybabies @masturbucky @alwayshungryforramen @yvonneeeee
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“Now landing in New York! enjoy your holiday or welcome home!” The flight attendant says waking you up. You stood gain the feeling back in your legs, got your suitcase from above you wait for the people in front of you to get their items.
Your phone finally gained service flooding in texts from your roommate asking if you got on the flight safe. a bit from your mother telling you to make your dad get you things and more family telling you to have fun and say hi to your father for them. after reading most you finally got to your father's texts telling you his friends were coming to the airport to get you and to be “nice to them”
Just great. You loved your dads' friends the only thing was you had a crush on about every one of them realizing how attractive they are when you hit puberty making you shy around them leading to them thinking you dislike them. It had been 8 years since you left to California to live with your mother for school/the social life (Californian here!) Visiting during summers, Christmas, Thanksgivings and or your father's birthday. After 18 you choose spending summers and most holidays with your father and mother sometimes coming with.
Your fathers' main friends. Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, San Wilson, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, James Rhodes. James “Bucky” Barnes, & Scott Lang. Your father had a lot of friends from all over and They were all handsome, but Bucky was breathtaking. You hadn’t seen him in 8 years well you seen him but hadn't even had a full convo you would avoid him like the plague being so embarrassed of the things you talked about with your friends when they pointed him out in family vacation photos.
You finally fully got off the plane moving quicky not wanting to be late and make them wait outside as you arrive outside blinded by the brightness of the sun as you wait for your eyes to adjust. As you finally get the hang of the brightness you hear some walking fast behind you “NO WAY SAME AIRPORT!?” Scott says as he walks over holding cassies hand as she waves aggressively with her other hand you smile wide knowing Scott lived above you in California , San Francisco. So it made sense landing in the same airport.
A car horn makes you all look over quickly seeing an Chrysler 300 with a metal arm out the window meeting the glasses of a guy smirking at you and before you could react someone busts open the back door making your face light up realizing who it was.
“DOUNTTTTT!!!!!” Clint screamed getting looks from other people there as you ran to him aswell
“HAWKEYE!!!” Clint had earned the name hawkeye when he had been the only one approved to use a bow and arrow with guns on the field and according to your dad he moved and had the eyes of a hawk giving him the nickname “Hawkeye” which you loved as a child still using now when he called to check on you helping you during fails and letting you stay with his family during fights with your mom.
"Geez you look all different kid had to make sure it was you." Clint says as he hugged you tightly giving you a kiss on the forehead while taking your suitcase in the other arm.
"Is that really you superstar you got taller or is something else different?" A kind smile meets your eyes as Sam reaches over the driver's seat "Well, I'm 21 now! last time you seen me I was like what 17?" Clint nods his head as he puts your suitcase in the back of the car.
“WHATS UP TINY” Sam says as he gets out the car to run and hug Cassie earning a giggle from Cassie as he lifts her up “oh you brought your father” sam jokes as he puts her down “Yeah ok Sam it’s great to see you to” Scott laughs as he hugs him and Clint
"Hello ladybug" Bucky says removing his glasses. he called you ladybug when he came home from duty to you welcoming him home with your dad in a ladybug outfit and when you dyed your hair red and black and always wore black and white. You liked ladybugs and liked that the few times you spoken; he had called you one.
"James-" he laughed slightly at your formality reminding you that bucky was fine making your stomach fluttery at the eye contact "Almost drove past you bug. You look beautiful you father talks about you like you're still a kid hiding from us on the stairs. But then I seen Scott your a lifesaver Scott " Bucky eyes you making you feel small under his gaze.
"Woah lay off the charm handsome" Scott laughs out loud not causing Bucky to break eye contact just smirk a bit more.
You get in the car begging bucky to drive you home fast He laughs and jokes about how insane Californians are with driving. OfCourse the two in the car start agreeing and shit talking Californians. You laugh seeing as you were literally in NEW YORK and so were they. and in an argument between the worst driving between New York and Cali? New York takes the cake or at least in your opinion.
you see scott putting his stuff in the back and you asking if Scott and Cassie were getting a ride then you got confirmation that Scott was invited by your father and you would be going to the same place!
the car ride was a bit quiet besides humming from you or clint. Many questions from Cassie before she passed out knocked out after 5 minutes. Bucky did ask about school, housing, and asked how your mom was doing. You answered all happily just happy to talk to anyone other then your roommate or your mom. Sam starts to ask the ‘good’ questions asking if you had had a drink yet since you had (recently) turned 21 extremely quietly looking over at Cassie You answered half ass knowing you truthfully had only had a few cocktails and maybe a beer while at a party only enough to get tipsy nothing getting you drunk.
You Start to pull up to the house watching your father standing outside with Tony talking about something noticing us pulling in.
“OH YOUR HOME” you father says LOUDLY gaining a very blank stare from Tony covering his ear rolling his eyes. He parks and you run out to hug your father being too broke to see him but not wanting to ask others to pay for a ticket you hugged him for a while before tony ask how long it’s been since you had seen each other.
“6 Months. Longest time since I was on duty.” You father answers gaining a frown from you. “College payment. I went broke and tried working overtime but my car-“your father cut you off with another hug reminding you that you’re here now daddy issue go crazy.
It had taken a while to repair the relationship with your father dealing with the damage of what he did and how his cheating broke up your family and how he ‘parented you’ due to his own issues and ‘shell shock’ from the years at service you could recognize he was trying so hard to change and heal.
“not to ruin the moment but I have a surprise or well we have a surprise let’s go inside” you dad says as you watch Clint grab your bag so you start walking in with your dad.
Steve, and Rhodes were talking in the kitchen looking over and noticing you. “Hell kid you sure grew up” Steve walks over giving you a big hug seen as those are common today sorry if you hate hugs Rhodes behind also giving you a hug.
“Ok give me the floor please lady’s and gentlemen. I and Darren have decided to force all of you to go on a family trip with us and before any of you say shit like ‘work’ or ‘kids’ or whatever I will slap you i cleared everything for you guys cause I’m me. But yeah kids are coming with causes it a damn huge lake house” Tony says as he pulls his laptop out to pull up the lake house Information.
“We and I mean WE ALL will be staying at Twin Oaks At The Chapin Estate for the summer because I own that place and it sits there collecting dust. HEY, Clint your kids they will have a room with bunk beds and Scott you okay with Cassie bunking them and Morgan?” Scott said it was perfectly fine with him if It was okay with Cassie who was nodding. Tony continued “it’s me and pepper of course Darren already claimed his room Nat and banner are gonna visit but not stay, Vision, Wanda, their kids and Thor will be staying in a place that they decided to rent like a seven-minute walk away from away from us so that’s cool. So that’s three more rooms any takers?
Everyone was kind of collecting information. You were overjoyed about going out to the lake and the family restaurants in that area. Sam said that he was fine with a couch and really didn’t need a room which a few people without rooms started to agree with.
As everyone started talking about rooms and stays and everything else your mind starts to wander to Bucky and the thought you and him staying in the same place overnight although you did feel a bit silly getting so excited over that. You didn’t even realize he was sitting right in front of you at the table smiling at you making you feel warm you stupidly thought if he could hear your thoughts. You thought about asking your dad to put you both in the same room cringing at the look your father would give you.
“hey ladybug” bucky whispers making you look at him making eye contact for the first time in a bit. “Hm?” You ask trying not to express any nervousness especially not around everyone else and especially not in front of him. “excited? I haven’t been on a trip in forever even if we’re staying in New York that place is expensive knowing Tony” you agreed saying you were excited just nervous about getting bored or homesick he laughed a bit and reminded you he won’t let you get bored locking eye contact feeling his knee slightly hit yours before he his smirk slightly grew.
“Okay final decision. Me and pepper, Clint and Laura, The kids, Darren, y/n, Rhodes, and Steve. And for some reason the rest of you prefer the couches? I dont know but I don’t care it’s figured out. Also shit I told the kids I’m sponsoring that he can bring his friends out to the lake and the pool and the gym and all that they aren’t staying but heads up.”
“Parker?” Darren asks. Tony nodded his head as he closed his computer. Everyone looked happy and it make you happy. Bucky would be using a couch which seemed like something he would do but being honest he’ll probably share a room with Steve falling asleep on the couch in Steve’s room of choice. You were fine with him sneaking in your room though
When the thought came to your head your looked at him right away giggling and squeezing your legs together like a teenager everyone looked at your confused and you father asked what was so funny backed up by bucky wondering as-well you laughed again apologizing and changing the subject saying you would be going shopping to pack for the trip backed up by Scott asking if you would be so kind to pick up a bathing suit for Cassie which you agreed
“Do you even remember where everything is?” Bucky teased. Why was he being so flirty? Were you being delusional?? Were you misinterpreting everything? Was he flirting or just hot and talking .
“yeah. Wanna go with just incase I forgot?” Smoothhhh you thought to yourself begging that no one else will invite themselves attempting to keep his invitation quiet.
“Don’t mind if I do. I have the ugliest swim trunks so I have to get new ones hun” he replied getting up saying he would get his keys
Everyone else said it would be smart to go Home and pack or something all deciding to meet up here again the next morning at 7am to start the drive over seeing as it would take a few hours did my research frfr
about 30 minutes later! (>ω^)
“sooo adult Life? How do you like it? I asked this before but in a car full of people and a kid so is it the same answer?” Bucky asked as walked around the clothing store you laughed knowing you did change your answer cause of the people in the car
“It’s shit. My mom forgets I’m a adult and cussed me out because i went to “way to many parties in one week” and posted “things” when I knew people from church view my story so she took my car which caused me to spend everything on a new one which is why I couldn’t pay to come out here” you could feel the words pouring out of you and Bucky was an amazing listener he followed every word you spoke feeling and reading you emotions and you could tell that made your heart pound.
“Man im sorry kid. Why didn’t you reach out? Dumb question I know it can be hard but your ‘uncle’ is a billionaire he would have happily got you a ticket to visit and your dad missed you like crazy he would have definitely helped.”
you frowned again. “oh no ladybug I didn’t mean like you did something wrong I’m just saying we’re here for you. We care and if you ever need to come out here for anything we will happily help. excuse me I’m not the best with words”
“you’re great. thank you bucky.” you said as you hugged his arm he pulled you away a bit which made you confused but then he gave you a full hug in the middle of the store which made you laugh in embarrassment, but you wouldn’t let him go. He smelt so good and covered so much of you he held on to you so tightly and easy it make you shake.
“Woah you're shaking to hard of a hug. Sorry kid” you held on before he could let go and reassured him that you were fine and just a bit touch starved, he let out an attractive laugh whispering take all the time you need. You could feel the change in your panties as you grew wetter in his hold as he whispered asking If you were alright. Making you hold him tighting nodding you head.
You finally let go shaking embarrassed that you were this into a hug for crying out loud. You locked eye contact he was smirkingly as usual looking down at your basket asking if you got everything you needed you nodded asking if he did Aswell seeing as he had nothing.
“Oh no sweetheart I just wanted a excuse to come with” you genuinely felt like you had a flood in your panties you felt so shameless for getting so wet over that over everything he did or said you nodded and smiled at him walking away before you did something stupid.
While in line Bucky was clearly eyeing your basket. The underwear the bikini THE everything or maybe he was just looking over? Unless he asked “isn't that a bit small?” pointing at the bikini “your daddy isn't gonna like that”
“I don’t care what daddy thinks or says I want the bikini”
for once Bucky looked surprised or well for a few seconds before he had a different look on his face he looked so good like he liked whatever I said I didn’t want to jump to conclusions but you’re sure it had something with saying daddy.
“Move in line y/n” once again whispering in your ear you did once again feeling that pulse in your panties. If he whispered in your ear one more time you were gonna-
“You total is $226.88 cash credit? Debit? Or Apple Pay” The cashier snapped you out of it with that total as you were so confused how you got that much stuff for a 1-and-a-half-month trip. Before you could think Bucky puts his Card in being way to buff for you to cross over and cancel you just stood there saying nonooooooooo i GOT it when you definitely didn’t have it but Bucky did. Tony slipped him a card
He grabbed your bags grabbing your hand aswell leading you out saying let’s go.
“Bucky that was a lot of money.” He ignores you as you both get back into the car as you keep repeating that he didn’t need to and that you needed to look at everything to see if it was even worth it and he still wasnt repling until he did.
“Y/n i GOT it. Please kid don’t worry about me we’re gonna have so much fun and spend a lot of time together if thats alright with you and if you would stop stressing about some money right now we could start having fun right sweetheart? Thank you.” He said calmly just sternly making me sit back into lt seat
“Atta girl thank you” you almost whimpered outloud he was very leading and it made you weak he probably knew so much things you don’t you want him to teach you
“hellllllllo you’re Home ladybug” you look around seeing that youre in your driveway and start to freak out nervous to ask for his number. “Thank you so much. Is there anyway we could talk? Instagram? Number? Email? Sorry that’s silly.“ you were mixing all of your words up again. he nodded and took his phone out handing his phone to you as you put you phone number in you felt his eyes on you.
“Thank you i was going to ask someone for you number but easy if you did First” you GOT nervous at THE idea that he fought of you.
“good night Bucky don’t forget tomorrow” You said as you got your bags and got out the card.
“Oh i wouldn’t miss it for the world ladybug” he said as he watching you making sure you got into the house safely
until next time sweetheart.
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I hope you guys liked this!!! took so long im so sorry plz plz let me know how you guy liked it also Lmk for tag list this is a series.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
Thoughts on issue #2 of The Scarlet Witch?
I liked it a lot. I think this volume, so far, has much better pacing and momentum than Orlando's previous entries. I did like the episodic structure of the 2023 series, but it started to drag in the back half of the series, and neither of the main villains felt like active, present characters. With SW&Q, I felt, at times, like the characters were rushing around just to have vague conversations, and I walked away feeling like I didn't properly understand what was going on with Wanda's powers.
In the new volume of Scarlet Witch, the entire cast is fully involved in the plot from the start, and it make a huge difference. Everything feels well-balanced and the story is moving at a steady pace. Again, I don't think there's anything wrong with how either of the previous entries were structured, but Orlando-- who I think is particularly bad at endings-- needed more breathing room. This is just a more comfortable rhythm, and it works like a charm.
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In terms of the actual story-- I'm really excited about everything that's happening. This issue did a great job tying together a bunch of disparate lore and mythology, which I love. Turning the "land of the dead" from Scarlet Witch & Vision into a special afterlife branch of the Witches' Road was so cool, and it was a perfect way to set the stage for Lore's return.
Speaking of villains-- Moridun fits the setting and was a smart pull, since he's got history with Wanda's family. The possession felt extraneous, since I assume that it will be dealt with very quickly in the next issue, but the visuals were cool, and it might be part of how Billy gets brought into the story by #4. I'm still not sure why Wanda changed into her green costume-- Orlando uses a lot of affected dialogue, and sometimes it makes weird magic stuff like this hard to follow. I'm also excited to see Darcy negotiating with Hexfinder next month!
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The Never Queen is an exciting addition, and using her to redefine both nexus beings and universal chaos magic was super smart-- it allows Wanda to have that big, cosmic significance without making her a brutally overpowered or "crazy" reality warper, as other writers have done. I've always hated the idea that Wanda and/or Billy will become, essentially, omnipotent gods, so I really appreciate when writers ground their world-changing powers in a way that feels more specific and well-suited to the characters. Wanda choosing to delay entropy and, one day, avert heat death feels in-character, and it gives the Griever a reasonable motive. I've previously shared a similar idea to ground Billy's Demiurge powers.
I particularly appreciate the decision to include Pietro in the nexus being lore, and I hope that Orlando is able to follow that idea to its logical conclusion, which would, in my mind, mean actually naming him as a nexus being as well. I've always wanted Pietro to get an upgrade that would put him and Wanda on equal ground, and I like that Orlando is doing that by strengthening their bond and restoring their trust in one another. This is more satisfying to me than most of the common fan theories.
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
The Dark War: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: 11.3k wc, Reader is Wanda’s little sister. And like her sister, she’d had her fair share of struggles. Including watching her sister and boyfriend Peter “die” from Thanos’s snap, being cared for by Tony only for him to die getting the others back, losing Peter again after NWH, and all of her existence being corrupted by Wanda after she takes the Darkhold.
Warnings: mentions of trauma, PTSD, death, blood, fighting scenes, curse words.
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Request: Tysm! May I please request some angst between Peter Parker x maximoff! reader, (y/n) is the younger sister of Wanda and even has the same powers as her. . (Y/n) didn’t even blipped in Infinity War when Thanos snapped his fingers. She was terrified at that time and the one who took care of her was Tony. She nearly did enslave a town just to have a fake reality but Tony was there to comfort her. After the events of Endgame, where (y/n)’s sister went missing after Tony’s funeral and they were invited by their classmates at the Avengerscon. they both didn’t even wear costumes because they were still trying to get over Tony’s death. Now, Peter and (y/n) promises not to leave one another. Even though in No Way Home, after Dr. Strange Spell was performed. Peter left her to keep her safe while (y/n) was corrupted by the Darkhold because of Wanda’s doing. Oh I think the ending is (y/n) never remembered Peter and when (y/n) finds out about Wanda wanted to harm America. (y/n) wants to stop Wanda, that's why Wanda mind controlled (y/n) and even changed her memories which results in corrupting her mind. i would love some lovers to enemies trope. By: @oyasumimosura
If the order/flow seems off at first, it’ll make sense, plus it is done to show Peter and y/n recalling their experiences in real time.
“I really don’t see why we need to be here” y/n gripes, tugging on the strings on her hoodie.
Well, Peter’s hoodie she was wearing; but, still.
“May said it’ll help us look at the positives of the job” Peter sighed, rubbing her back.
Y/n turned to him, a small frown on her face but nodded.
He gave her a sympathetic smile and secured his arm around her waist as they continued walking into the AvengerCon building.
Y/n froze as soon as she pushed door open and screams were all she could hear.
There was no way anyone recognized her or Peter as neither were in the mood to put on their suits.
The couple had been through a lot lately.
When Thanos did his snap, Peter blipped.
To make matters worse, y/n had to watch it happen right before her as his body in her universe seemed to disintegrate in her hands.
At the time she had no way of knowing he’d be back, or that anyone who disappeared was still alive.
The grief of that battle was unbearable.
She lost her older sister Wanda, who raised y/n since she was an infant.
She also lost her sister Wanda’s partner Vision who’d become like an older brother to y/n.
But at least Wanda had Vision.
Y/n wasn’t so fortunate because in audition to countless family members, coworkers, fellow Avengers, friends, and classmates blipping… she also lost Peter.
She’d been holding his hands tightly in her’s as he fought to stay with her, both of them crying and visibly shaking; but it hadn’t been of any use.
She also lost May, MJ, Ned, and so many others.
But even when combined none hurt nearly as much as Wanda’s and Peter’s perceived deaths.
Tony had been the only one who took the initiative to step up and help y/n.
Everyone was dejected after the battle and while Tony tried to coax y/n into returning to the headquarters with him to determine their next steps, she couldn’t.
It felt as if her brain was on fire.
She kept seeing their deaths before her very eyes over and over as if someone was performing some sick vivid puppet marionette show inside her brain.
It began as soon as the snap ceased and everyone took in what had happened.
They knew it was a possibility; hence why they were there in the first place.
Y/n knew she very well could have died that day.
She’d considered and prepared for that.
But what y/n hadn’t considered was watching her only remaining family and the love of her life disappear before her.
She felt powerless and her body shut down.
She wished her brain would follow suit so that the flashbacks would stop.
But they didn’t and she knew Tony had been working on some therapy glasses for his own PTSD and she didn’t want him to know and try them on her.
He wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt her, but she also didn’t want to risk losing the last pieces of her loved ones she had left; even if it was just the memory of their deaths.
As painful as it was, it allowed her to see them; to feel a nonexistent version of them present.
She knew it was all in her mind.
It was one of the downsides of her and Wanda’s powers.
Everything they saw -whether in reality, peoples’ fears, their own nightmares, or something else- was remarkably graphic and detailed.
It was nice when it came to happy memories, but when it came to challenges and turmoil it became a heavy burden.
While anyone in their position would have PTSD or other trauma symptoms from what happened that day, the mental picture would be infinitely more severe and aggressive in y/N’s mind.
She was only a teenager when it happened, when she felt as if she’d watched her life turn to dust around her rather than the bodies of those she cared about.
She knew denying Tony’s offer of support was inconsiderate and futile but she desired isolation.
She wanted to get as far away from the loved ones she still had left because what she wanted to do was not going to be safe.
She wanted to get home and find a safe place to let out her anger and pain.
Following the battle, she used her powers and fled the scene and returned to New York.
Her flight had been done subconsciously as her brain was still beating itself up with the visions of the battle that night.
As a result, she hadn’t realized her subconscious mind led her back to a familiar place.
Consciously she had intended to land on one of the uninhabited small islands just outside of NY, where she would be safe to scream, cry, throw her energy blasts and have them land in the surrounding water rather than on people, etc.
However, that plan was ruined the moment her feet hit the ground outside of her house.
Still in costume, she numbly walked through the streets her and Peter used to walk on a daily basis.
She decided if her own brain would let her release her pain the way she wanted, she might as well just go through the motions and ignore what she was feeling.
A voice in her mind kept screaming that the concept was easier said than done, especially if she wasn’t going to let Tony help with the flashbacks she was already having less than a few hours after.
Plus, she wasn’t even sure what those motions were.
Was her brain wanting her to somehow heal, release the chaos inside her, or what?
However, she no longer cared.
The pain inside of her was far too great to think about anything else other than wanting some kind of relief.
She still had a small strand of cognitive function left that allowed her to remain in control around the citizens of NY.
Many of whom eyed her as she walked down the street in her torn and dirty costume, blood dripping down her face from a cut she sustained above her eye.
She could tell some were relieved, glad to see at least one Avenger had made it through whatever had happened.
She wanted to hit the ground under them with so much force it would knock them all down so they understand she wasn’t the one they needed to have survived.
After all, she had been unable to do anything as millions of people died within seconds.
The world deserved better than her and her failed attempts to keep them safe; to keep Wanda and Peter safe.
Others watched her in horror or anger, their blaming of her projected in their icy stares and balled fists.
Y/n kept taking choked breaths of air as she kept her eyes on the ground beneath her feet.
She couldn’t blame them or their anger, they were right; she was at fault.
Most people though seemed to be lost in their own worlds, hurting and grieving for those who disappeared.
Some people were posting missing flyers, others talking to police officers about trying to find their loved ones, etc.
Y/n fought the urge to crumble the ground and let the balled up powers she’d been resisting release.
How could they all be so dense?!
She wanted to scream that their loved ones were dead. Not missing, dead.
How could people not see that?
She had literally watched and felt Peter’s body turn to cremations before her.
How is that missing?!
She shook her head and pushed on, hoping to get to the train station and then decide where to go.
She didn’t even know what she was to do anymore or where she was to go.
But behind the painful scenes playing behind her eyes still, barely noticeable beneath the shared sobs from her and Peter, was a longing sensation.
She had the memory of that night, but she needed more.
She needed something to cling onto that reminded her of him.
Technically everything reminded her of him.
But she needed something that was special to the two of them, something that would elicit such a joyous memory that it might pause the echoing one currently playing.
Her hands shook as she let her subconscious mind lead her unstable legs towards the stop number it wanted.
It was pointless, the subway cars had stopped moving as people panicked.
She sighed and rested her body against a support as she hesitantly looked at the sign to see where she was going.
The burning in her chest grew as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.
Of course.
The irony made her want to laugh had it not been for the pain.
She was headed to Tony.
Well, to Stark Headquarters anyways.
That had been where she and Peter first met.
They both, although neither one was believable, lied about being interns for Tony rather than part of his team.
It hadn’t taken more than a few days before Tony introduced the two, exposing their lies towards the other.
From that moment on, they agreed to not attempt to lie to one another again.
A promise they’d kept…
Until today.
Y/n had begun to attend school with Peter instead of just homeschooling in order to benefit from them science and mathematics program they had.
Therefore, she and Peter had been on the bus together when his Spidey senses (or Peter tingle as May often joked) were activated.
She and Peter promptly made eye contact and silently agreed to get Ned to cause a distraction so they could handle whatever was going on.
When they made it to where Tony was that morning, after much resistance on Tony’s part, he promoted them to discuss the seriousness of the issue together as he had with Pepper previously.
Y/n and Peter promised, as they always did, that they were in this together and no matter what happened they’d accept the procedures and outcome and move on.
When exchanging these promises, they’d mostly referred to not holding grudges over something the other did during the fight (usually when one would panic about the other’s safety being risked in order to do that behavior).
The outcome part had meant that even if the villain got away, they would accept it as it was an move on without blaming themselves or each other.
They started to make these promises years earlier at Tony’s suggestion.
He’d picked up on their relationship and connection before even the two of them did.
He knew the wreckage this line of work could cause and he wanted to help them prevent it.
The self blame aspect had been a big issue for them both at the time, something Tony knew very well.
However, he wanted them to also agree to not blame each other for the outcome.
He knew just how easy it could be to convince yourself to blame someone for the things you saw and did on this job.
Peter and y/n began the promises out of obligation but as time went on they soon understood the importance of it.
While they’d not been on many missions for the avengers directly, they’d had side projects for Tony and around their neighborhoods they worked on together.
Tony had been right, it was easy to want someone to blame when things didn’t go right; whether that was yourself or the other person.
These promises helped them stay accountable to the other person all because of their decision to not lie to each other again; and to them, breaking a promise was doing just that.
Therefore, immediately prior to taking on the wrinkly purple giant named Thanos, the two had promised this once again to each other.
The scene unfolded before her as she recalled staring into his beautiful eyes and holding his hand intently.
As she watched Peter tell her he promised, she sobbed loudly in present time, feeling a wave of guilt take over her.
She’d broken her promise to him.
She’d lied to him.
To be fair, she had no idea at that moment what she was truly promising.
She didn’t know she would be promising to accept the fact that he died.
That was never part of the plan or the promise, right?
She supposed in some way, it was.
While neither felt comfortable admitting it was a constant possibility in their work, they both knew it was.
That’s why they’d made the promise right?
Knowing that it might all go to shit.
That the outcome could be something devastating.
However, not even in her darkest moments did she ever truly believe she’d watch Peter die.
That she’d watch her sister Wanda die.
Wanda had shown y/n how to use her powers in such a profound way it made y/n confident that she would, could, do whatever it took to keep Peter safe.
She’d been willing to sacrifice her life for his, any day, at any time.
So if the fear of losing him ever creeped into her mind during these promises, she was too cocky to acknowledge them and accept their weight.
So as she watched Peter kiss her forehead after his promise and reassurance, she let her knees buckle as she fell to the cement flooring of the subway.
Not only did she let Peter down, let him die, but she also had to live with the fact she broke their promise.
The last promise they made to each other.
In fact, they’d made that promise twice today.
Once when Tony prompted but again when Peter noticed what was happening.
Promising him came as second nature to her at that point so it hadn’t even crossed her mind what exactly she was promising.
She was too caught up in the moment, in the feeling of his hands flaking and crumbling in her grip, the sight of his rosy cheeks splintering and turning to dust.
She would have told him anything, promised him anything in that moment if it eased his pain or her’s.
Instead, it caused her to now feel so much worse as the last thing she’d ever say to him was a lie.
There wasn’t even any choice in the matter.
She couldn’t keep the promise.
She couldn’t not blame herself for what happened.
After all, she’d survived but he didn’t.
It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right.
She couldn’t accept the outcome.
How could anyone expect her to?
She lost her sister and her boyfriend in a matter of minutes.
Not to mention the countless other people she cared about.
And she sure as hell couldn’t move on.
In fact that notion made her want to throw up whatever was left in her stomach.
She couldn’t live a life without Peter.
A life without Wanda.
And certainly not a life without either of them.
The longing within her that had pulled her to the subway station in the first place intensified as she nervously racked her brain to find a way to feel their presence.
She knew she’d never get over the guilt of breaking this promise to Peter, but it couldn’t be avoided.
She refused to accept it and move on; whether that was selfish or not.
“Hey, are you okay?” Someone asked, causing y/n to return to the present moment.
One in which she found herself curled up in a ball, her face smashed against the cold disgusting cement, hands pulling at her hair, as sobs shook her body.
Taking several ragged breaths to calm herself enough to uncurl her body and remove her hands safely from her head, she forced a tight nod.
She used both hands to repeatedly tug on the hem of the top of her costume, afraid they might begin releasing energy bursts if not actively doing something else.
“I take it you lost someone” the person said quietly, looking towards the subway line.
Y/n glanced up from the ground to look at the person before her; finding a girl roughly her own age.
Wiping her eyes quickly before clenching her hands on her hem again, she sighed.
Who had this girl lost today?
The heartbreak on her face was clear and yet her she was trying to help y/n face her own losses she knew nothing of.
Y/n was supposed to be the hero.
She was the one who should be taking care of this person, even if they were the same age.
Yet, despite dressed in her superhero costume and still having her abilities, y/n felt like she might as well have been a piece of gum stuck to the floor she’d laid on moments ago.
Something everyone should just step over, or even step on.
She hadn’t felt that weak since the first day of training at the headquarters.
Wanda had prepared her some, but y/n was severely out skilled by the other avengers.
It took a serious hit to her confidence which only made her worse and her moves slower.
Peter had noticed her change and confronted her, shock written on his face.
When she explained what happened, he reassured her that he was in awe of her skill but still offered to help her however he could.
From that day on, she never cared what anyone else thought.
Why would she when Peter was always there to shut the self doubt and sense of inferiority down?
However, Peter was gone.
She had to face these feelings alone.
And the reason she had to, the reason he was gone, was a direct result of her incompetence.
“I lost my boyfriend… I think, I haven’t been able to reach him” the girl added causing the waves of panic in y/n to pause briefly as she snaps out of her dissociation.
Y/n bit her lip and tried to offer a sorrowful look towards the girl; the best comfort she could offer in her state.
“You?” The girl asked, clearly desperate for a connection in this new world.
“M-my sist-sister” y/n choked, her voice frail, “a…and… my-“.
“Oh my god!” The girl screamed, running to someone or something behind y/n.
Clumsily turning around, y/n watched as the girl embraced with a boy their age, both in glee as they pulled each other in for a kiss.
“My Peter” she whispered to herself as she closed her eyes and dug her nails into the palms of her hands in an attempt to maintain control.
Y/n rushed up the stairs of the subway entrance, nearly tripping on each step.
She took shaky breaths as she literally dragged herself towards Stark Headquarters, using anything around her to grab onto with her hands and pull herself that direction; allowing her to keep moving and also keep her hands busy.
She wasn’t sure how long it took before she reached the building, but she felt herself collapse upon the field of grass outside.
Tony’s security system alerted him to her presence and he and Happy rushed out to help her in just as the black spots in her vision merged into total darkness.
As she slept on his couch, Tony prompted Happy to make sure the room he had for her was ready for her arrival.
Tony had secretly designed rooms for each avenger within the facility, as he had with the former Stark Tower.
That way, should anyone need a place to stay, escape to, or simply rest after a battle they had one.
Pepper made some tea as quietly as she could, constantly glancing over to y/N’s unconscious body next to Tony.
He put his hand on her back and sighed, rubbing his other hand over his face.
“Do you think it’s her sister or the kid?” Tony asked, more to himself than anything.
“Both Tony. You know that” Pepper responded, pouring some tea into a mug for y/n.
Tony shook his head, “I never should have let them come and fight”.
“Stop. You know that wouldn’t have changed anything. The same people would have blipped. The only difference is that it would’ve happened a bit sooner had it not been for the two of them” Pepper reprimanded kindly.
Tony groaned and nodded, his guilt still not subsiding.
“I have to help her” Tony whispered.
Pepper placed the cup next to y/n on the coffee table before rubbing Tony’s shoulder, “we will.”
“I feel like crap the kid is gone” he said, still referring to Peter with the nickname he used for him since day one.
Pepper nodded, sitting on the edge of the table to be near them both.
“I can’t even imagine how she feels” he added, noting how y/n looked in pain even as she slept.
When she woke, it was like her body was a rubber band that had been stretched to its max before released.
Her upper body immediately snapped forward, in a dizzying pace.
She scanned the room in alarm as she tried to make sense of everything.
She knew she’d had a horrific nightmare, one where the unthinkable happened.
But she wasn’t sure how she got here, to Tony’s couch in the Stark Headquarters.
Had she been training when she suffered a concussion and he brought her here to rest?
It would explain the pain in her body, the burning in her brain, the terrible nausea and headache, and of course the nightmare.
But she couldn’t recall; although if it was a concussion that too would be explained.
“Woah, woah. Take it easy y/n” Tony suddenly said, approaching her from where he was seated on his recliner.
She squinted at him before looking around for Peter.
He had to be here somewhere.
She knew he wouldn’t leave her alone after a concussion, but where was he?
Maybe the nightmare wasn’t a nightmare after all…
No, that’s impossible.
She shook her head to try and clear her mind.
She noticed it didn’t make her dizzy or hurt the way it did after her last concussion.
She began to feel her breathing quicken as she tried to wake up more and understand what was going on.
“Y/n who… who or what are you looking for?” Tony asked, uncertain if she was awake enough to recall what happened.
“P-Peter” she said, and as soon as she did, before Tony’s face even had time to display his sorrow, she felt a tearing pain in her chest.
She scratched at her chest as tears began to form, “it… I had a nightmare… he… he…”
She stumbled with her words a bit longer before she muttered, “i-i-it wasn’t a nightmare… was it?”
She knew the answer, the pain in her whole body was screaming it at her.
But she had to hear it from someone else.
Tony was silent for a moment, hesitant to respond.
When he did, his voice broke as he struggled to keep his composure, “no. It wasn’t. He… he’s gone. They’re gone”.
Y/n pulled her feet under her butt and aggressively stood up and stepped off the couch.
She began pacing across the open living room, hands pulling at her hair.
Her eyes picked up on the color of her hair flickering by her face, the same color as Wanda’s, just as her brain caught up on her memories from earlier and her journey here.
She wanted to burst, to let whatever energy had been forming inside of her flow even if it meant it tore her apart in the process.
To Tony, the girl looked frozen in shock.
Internally she was fighting to not release the pain in here, especially after Tony had seemingly taken her in immediately when she needed.
As a result she froze her whole body as her muscles formed a metaphorical wall around the surging energy beating against them in an attempt to be released.
“Umm… Pepper said that… you might want to have some of their stuff…” Tony mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as he approached.
“I told her it might be too soon… you know? But… she said to let you choose…” he said, looking over her face.
The resistance she was using against herself paused when the energy’s flow seemed to halt.
It was as if her brain clung on to whatever comfort Tony was trying to offer her.
He noticed her eyes refocus and look at him, making the corner of his lip curl a little.
“Here, Happy boxed some stuff and put it on your bed” he said, opening the door to what must be her new bedroom.
Ignoring the meaning behind that for the time being, she stepped in and rushed to the box on her bed.
She cautiously removed the lid, as if it was chemistry class and the contents inside were dangerous chemicals that couldn’t be mixed.
Tony watched, leaning on the doorframe as he felt himself tear up as she went through some of the items.
He noticed how careful she was with every item no matter how durable it might be, the way her eyes scanned them as if memorizing every detail, the lowering of her chest as she placed each one down and let more tears fall.
He sighed and decided to let her process her thoughts without a babysitter.
However, just as he’d made it back to the living room, he heard the most heartbreaking wail come from her room.
As he rushed to her, he saw her holding a necklace and a small note in her hand, her body on the floor, the room suddenly a mess as things had been knocked over.
Tony panicked and raced for the button to prompt his suit to fly to him, but he wasn’t fast enough.
As y/n cradled the necklace against her chest, the note firmly in her hand, her sullen eyes looked up and she soon flew out of the room.
Tony sighed as the suit finally reached him and Pepper and Happy not far behind.
“Tony. Let her go” Pepper sighed.
“What?!” He snapped, pointing towards the direction she left in.
“She’d just a child!” He argued.
She nodded, “I know. But right now she needs time to grieve. You should know first hand that sometimes that’s easier alone. She’ll be back”.
He sighed and nodded, she was right.
He couldn’t do much to help her until she’d processed what happened.
He slumped into his chair and scowled at the wall.
He’d sworn to keep her and Peter safe, and he’d told both Peter and Wanda he’d of course always make sure y/n was okay and safe.
Wanda made him assure her before even letting her sister near him.
Peter however, asked as he clung desperately to Tony one night when the two had gotten beat up on a mission.
Peter had never been so afraid in his life.
Y/n had managed to get hit by s stray bullet, and while she assured him it was minor, he worried constantly until she healed.
When she was getting stitched up, Tony had come to scold the two for being vigilantes but instead was faced with calming Peter down and swearing he’d take care of her no matter what.
It was something Tony had already considered and planned on, for both of them, but seeing the desperation in Peter’s eyes that night reminded him how important it was.
It somehow felt even more important now, now that she’d lost Wanda and Peter.
However, perhaps Pepper was right.
Maybe she would benefit from some time alone to process what happened.
He’d check on her again soon if he hadn’t heard from her in a day or two tops.
“Go” Pepper said, stepping out of y/N’s empty bedroom.
Tony gave her a thankful smile and kissed her softly before entering the suit he left in the living room so he wouldn’t have to wait when the time came.
He sighed and told his command to turn on the GPS tracker.
Just as he had with Peter’s, he placed a tracker in y/n’s suit for her protection.
Tony raised his eyebrow as he looked at the map that showed she was in a small town just outside of Rhode Island, unsure what lead her there.
Tony’s eyes widened in awe, horror, and downright disbelief at the sight before him.
There was this glowing dome-like feature starting to form over the rural town before them.
Y/N’s hands were still waving back and forth rapidly, causing the energy to stretch and the dome’s roof to expand to cover more of the town.
Tony wasn’t quite sure what she was doing, but he was sure it wasn’t good.
She looked in worse shape than she had been before, and the area surrounding the town was burnt to a crisp with only marks of her energy bursts left behind.
“Y/n, you need to stop” he demanded.
She paused briefly but didn’t turn to look at him before resuming her energy manipulation.
“What is it you think you’re doing?” Tony asked, trying a different approach.
“Fixing it” she said, the tone of her voice emotionless.
“Fixing what? What’s wrong with the town?” He asked.
“Nothing. That’s just it. They’re all happy and have their family and boyfriends and all of that” she said, her voice going up an octave.
Tony gulped as he looked between her and the town, “So you’re going to put them in a force shield? So they’ll be safe?”.
She didn’t respond which caused him to sigh, “That’s sweet, y/n. But it isn’t needed, they didn’t ask for this”.
“No, but they have enough to share. I’m just asking for a small part “ she frowns.
“What?” Tony questioned, not understanding what she was getting at, “share what?”.
“That happiness. I can start over here. Peter and I can have a new start. Wanda too. You can come if you want” she said, seeming far off.
“Y/n that’s not possible. I’m sorry, but they’re gone. You can start again yes, but it’ll be without them “ he frowned.
“No! I -I can’t. I won’t. I’m not doing this without them “ she said, her voice breaking as the energy over the town shook.
Tony slowly drifted to her, hoping his presence was comforting.
“Doing what, exactly? You can’t start over with them when they’re not here. So what are you doing?” He asked.
“I…I…” Tony noticed she paused as if considering her own behaviors for the first time, “I am making a new reality. One I can control. I’m tired of being unable to protect those I care about “.
Tony squeezed his eyes shut momentarily, understanding her desire but also knowing unlike him she’d be able to accomplish it due to her telepathic abilities.
“I understand. But y/n, you cannot enslave a whole town” he argued.
She glared at him, “they’d still be happy. I’m not cruel”.
“No, you’re not. Which is why I need you to ask yourself, why are you doing this?” He asked, holding up a finger as she begun to answer.
“Because Thanos took away your control hm?” He said, making her remember how Thanos used the time stone to freeze her movements as she tried to attack him.
If she’d not been frozen in time, she’d have had his gauntlet melted within seconds.
She sobbed as she nodded, the energy over the town still there but not growing.
“Because you know what it felt like to not be in control of your body, your life, your situation. It’s not fair to do that to them either” he said, his hand on her shoulder as they floated above the dome.
She turned and broke down crying in his arms as she lowered her shield over the town.
Every day since that night Tony had been there to help her deal with the loss of Peter and Wanda.
Morgan, Happy, and Pepper were big in her recovery as well but no one was there like Tony was.
He understood her pain in ways they hopefully ever would, he knew Peter and Wanda the best out of everyone who remained (which allowed him to comfort her and also keep her in control of her emotions got too much), and he cared for her as if she was his other daughter.
He had more than taken her under his wing that night, he made her his family and she was eternally grateful.
Which is why his death had hit her so hard.
While she was elated to have Peter and Wanda back, she now lost Tony.
The person who’d been there for her during the most painful 5 years of her life.
Sure she was happy to have her loved ones back.
But part of her was mad.
It was like he didn’t even consider what his death would do to her.
He knew how badly she was handling Peter and Wanda’s death and then he just sacrificed himself?!
But at the end of the day, the anger was really just a band-aid for void in her chest.
It was like a piece of her was gone.
Except this time, there was no genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist to undo his death the way he had theirs’.
“Come on” Peter sighed, having caught y/n spacing off while staring at a poster of Iron Man.
“How can you do this Peter?” She whispered, her voice cracking.
Peter frowned and pulled her to him, placing a kiss on her forehead, “I was only pushing through it for you… cause everyone said it would help. Do you want to go?”
She nodded against his chest, her hands griping the back of him.
Peter kissed her forehead again before softly guiding the two of them to the exit.
“Wait!” Someone shouted, causing them both to stop and face the voice.
Fortunately they weren’t calling for either of them.
However, as they turned back around, they can face to face with a fan dressed as the Scarlet Witch.
Y/n instinctively clung on to Peter as her eyes stung with tears.
Wanda had come back too, another result of Tony’s sacrifice.
However, she had her own burdens and left y/n behind suddenly.
It was the night of Tony’s funeral when she last saw her sister.
That night, y/n was curled into Peter’s side as they did their bests to comfort each other while simultaneously both grieving.
As she watched the memorial float away from the cabin, she turned to make eye contact with her sister only to find her missing.
Peter had helped her for hours until they stumbled upon a note that infuriated him.
Wanda had left, with nothing but a note saying she loved y/n and goodbye.
Peter wasn’t sure about showing her the note but he knew he couldn’t lie to her so he caved.
Ever since that night, he regretted showing her the note.
He watched as she retreated inwards and away from everyone.
He knew she no longer trusted that people wouldn’t leave her.
After all, he had, Wanda had -twice now-, Tony had, and so did many others.
It took him months to get her to believe he wasn’t going to leave her in the middle of the night as they slept; cuddled together in his twin bed at his aunt May’s house.
The look he saw in her eyes tonight seeing the fan dressed as her sister made him wish he was in costume so he could swing her out of there and back to their home.
“I know” he coos softly, holding her tightly to him as he takes the brunt of the bodies bumping them as they move.
“Don’t leave me please” she whimpered, hiding her face in the hood on his hoodie she had on.
“Hey, y/n, I promise you, I’m never leaving you. Remember?” He asks gently, opening the back door and letting the cool air hit them.
She sniffles and straightens her back as she nods and untangles herself from him.
“Hey, y/n/n,” he says, pulling her to him by her hands.
She peers into his adoring eyes with her tearful ones.
He smiles softly before tenderly stroking her cheek, “I promise there’s only one way I’m ever parting from you and I don’t intend on that happening to either of us for a long time until it’s natural from old age”.
She giggles softly as he repeated the long version of the promise he began to make to her months ago.
While he changed a few words since then, she knows the sincerity is there.
He memorized it from the start, having only changed a few words to avoid directly mentioning death for the time being.
She nods, her palm cupping his cheek.
She gasps as she feels how cold it is and she shakes her head, pulling the hood of his jacket up to shield his face from the NY air.
He blushes but it does little to warm his cheeks and she noticed.
She smirks and rolls her eyes playfully as she cups both cheeks between her hands this time and lets some energy flow.
She doesn’t let the energy go into him, just in her hands under her skin as to not be too warm.
The heat radiating off her palms warms his face quickly and he gives her a knowing smile.
She lowers her hands and leans her head on his shoulder as he protectively holds her waist while they walk.
“So, MIT still the plan yes?” Peter asks as they make it to the school rooftop.
“As long as you’re coming too Pete” she smiles, sitting down with her legs stretched before her.
Peter chuckles, sitting behind her with her in between his legs, arms wrapped around her upper body, “I promise, I’ll follow you wherever it is you want to go. I promised you, you’re stuck with me for eternity babe”.
She laughs and leans back to stare up at him, a wide smile on her face, one he hasn’t seen in a long time.
He smiles back and kisses her nose, making her laugh more before she looks back to the city.
“Then MIT it is handsome” she whispers closing her eyes.
Peter smiles down at her, more than pleased to see her so relaxed.
The scene of that night played over and over in Peter’s head as he splashed his face with cold water.
He never intended on breaking his promise.
But he did.
At least it was for a good reason, right?
That has to mean something, doesn’t it?
Besides, at least she didn’t know he broke it.
After all, Doctor Strange’s spell made her not even know he ever existed.
He’d simply wanted to help her get into MIT as they planned, as she deserved.
But it all quickly went sideways and the next best outcome became everyone, including y/n, forgetting Peter ever existed.
He hated the idea of her not knowing him, and him not being able to be with her.
But, he hated the idea of having to explain to her their past and that he had left her, more.
Plus, it has been nearly a year since that night by now.
Confessing now would only make her hurt even more, right?
It would mean she had to recall and therefore relive the moments of him leaving her.
During the battle with Thanos, after the spell, and technically another time after the spell when he decided not to fulfill his promise to make her remember.
He sighs and pushes away from the sink.
At least she could try to be happy now right?
Peter tried to convince himself, as he had this whole year, that his presence would only cause her harm and that every time she looked at him all she saw was her bad memories.
But he knew that it was a lie he made up.
He could see the way she looked at him, with so much love and compassion even when she was hurting.
The way she would run to him for protection or support.
The way she … the way she kept having him promise to not leave her.
Peter bit back his tears and sighed as he wondered how he was to ever move past this.
He’d tried nearly everything, even considered asking Doctor Strange to make him forget his past but he knew that was unlikely.
Plus as much as he was hurting he didn’t want to forget her.
He wanted to forget the pain he caused and the broken promises he made, but not her.
Never her.
It was a constant war in his mind as he struggled to cope.
He glanced at the notebook page he ripped out of his spiral notebook the other night when he couldn’t sleep.
He’d jotted down ideas on ways to get through this, most of which he learned online.
He crossed off nearly all of them.
All but one; make amends.
The only way he could do this was by facing her.
Facing the truth of his actions and seeing the hurt in her eyes.
The hurt he recognized all to well but never thought he’d be the cause of.
But was it really fair to drag her into this just to make himself feel better?
And even if so, what would happen after that?
Would he push her away again, only increasing the number of times she’d been left behind, the number of times he’d left her behind, the number of promised he’d broken to her.
He clenched his jaw and crumpled up the paper, tossing it to the corner of the room where his waste basket was.
He couldn’t do that to her.
Besides after promising he’d be there to help her through all of life’s problems and breaking it, he deserved to deal with this pain alone.
Peter begrudgingly grabbed the pizza box from the counter, about to step outside to make another delivery when his body turned to stone.
There she was.
Standing outside, looking at the surrounding area hesitantly before focusing on the building number above the door to his work.
His breathing stopped as he took in how beautiful she always is, even as she stood there scowling at the building for some reason.
Peter frantically turned around only to see his boss glaring at him from behind the counter, the pizzas in his arms already late for their delivery window.
He turned back just as frantically only to not see her anymore.
Maybe it was all in his head, his brain’s latest way of torturing him for his choices.
He let out a sigh and resumed his exit.
“You” he heard as soon as he stepped out of the door.
He closed his eyes and begged his mind to be playing some elaborate game because unless his brain was tricking him into hearing things, the voice he heard could only belong to one person.
Peter turned, his breath catching in his chest as he made eye contact with her.
“Are you Peter Parker?” She asked, calmly despite her arms crossed over her chest.
Did she know?
Did she remember him?
If she did, how was she so calm?
He wanted so badly to embrace her, to feel her hair against his face as he breathed in the fresh scent of her perfume and conditioner.
But the realization that she would then remember the pain he caused her kept him from doing so.
He swallowed painfully and nodded once.
Her calm demeanor changed in an instant and for the first time in his life, he was scared of what she’d do to him.
He always knew how capable she was, hell he’d been the one to remind her of this.
But he’d always known it wouldn’t be directed his way.
Until now.
The look in her eyes was something he’d never seen before.
They were so dark, they were almost… black.
Yet he could see the fury and pain inside them and in the way she stood.
He always teased her that when she was fighting to hide her emotions, her left foot would turn in ever so slightly.
He found it endearing and appreciated that it would always alert him to her true feelings.
However, in this moment, the force behind it, and it being directed towards him made him want to die.
He caused this anger, this pain inside her.
“Listen, y/n, I-“ he began, his voice rough as his throat was suddenly dry.
“Oh” she laughed, but it wasn’t her normal laugh, the one he fell in love with.
It was instead this cynical, dark laugh.
“So you do know who I am” she smirked, “good. That’ll save us some time”.
Peter’s eyes widened in both shock and confusion.
Time for what?
“Wait, jus-just wait” he rushed, setting the pizzas down on the bench beside them.
She rolled her eyes, “why?”.
“Because I’m confused. I know I don’t have the right to be the one asking the questions here after what I did” he rambles.
“No shit” she scoffs.
“But, please. Just explain to me what’s going on” he sighs.
She groans, “fine. I suppose it’s not a true battle if you don’t know why you’re fighting”.
“Wait what?” Peter froze, but instead of responding, y/n waved her hands and a scene unfolded in his mind.
Their surroundings remained the same but she’d begun to display the visual component of the explanation to him within his mind.
Peter watched with stunned tears in his eyes as he began to understand the intensity behind her anger.
Before him he watched as she showed him an image of what appeared to be himself, standing before her with Thanos’s gauntlet over his Stark tech suit.
The depiction of him snapping and Wanda and others turning to dust was so surreal, but he knew it hadn’t happened that way.
Yet, it was just as vivid and flowing as the memories she used to show him; memories from her life before him.
No wonder she was so mad, she believed these depictions.
Peter wasn’t sure what caused them to form, if it was a result to the trauma she’d endured, somehow a glitch with the spell from Doctor Strange, or something else entirely.
But here they were, as if actual memories formed from real events.
He tried to catch his breath but another scene began.
There he was, this time the others had returned and it seemed to be taking place during the last match with Thanos; the one they won.
However, instead of showing Tony sacrificing himself, it showed something much more troubling.
There was Peter, in his suit -his face hidden- likely a result of the spell as he didn’t recall having his mask on that day, standing over Tony.
He gasped as he watched y/N’s memory version of Peter reach out and kill Tony.
Again, he knew it wasn’t real.
But it felt so real, so clear, so upsetting.
Finally she dropped her hands and the scenes before him stopped as well.
“He was the only person I had left and you took him from me” she said, her voice firm.
Peter gulped and took a slow step back.
Clearly she did recall some aspects of reality.
Tony had in fact been the only person she had left after the blip.
But, the rest was wrong.
The cause behind it all was wrong.
He could understand if she blamed him for Tony sacrificing himself to bring him and the others back.
But thinking he was the one who caused it all, the one who killed Tony, made Wanda leave…?
That was incompressible.
He’d never do any of that, especially knowing what it would do to her.
She had to hear that.
“Y/n, I- I wouldn’t do that. You know… well you knew me… I wouldn’t hurt you like that” he stuttered, trying to find the right words.
After all, this was his fault; just not in the way she thought.
She laughed darkly again causing his fear to increase and his body to tingle.
“Y/n/n please!” He begged, eyes widening when he saw a flicker of hesitation in her gaze.
Was she still in there?
Was his y/n, the one who knew him, still here, buried under these false memories?
“Enough” she shouted, raising her hands.
Peter sighed but knew better than to try and stand there and fight.
If he wanted her back, he’d have to survive her attack first.
He ran down the street, down the alley, up a wall, and around a corner before taking the time to grab his handmade suit from his backpack.
As he zipped it up, he was nearly hit by another cosmic orb thrown at him.
“Y/n, I know you’re in there” he said, not caring if he sounded crazy.
He wasn’t going down without a fight, without giving them a fighting chance.
This time he’d keep his promise, he’d be there for her no matter the cost.
She ignored him as she levitated closer to him, the rain of bright red orbs of energy leaving her hands not seizing.
He threw himself back and forth as he avoided most of the shots, a few causing him to lose his breath.
“Y/n I don’t know what happened to make it like this-“ he admitted, trying to web her hand.
“Yeah well, sometimes, everything shifts in the snap of a finger” she smirked, snapping her own finger.
Suddenly the ground under Peter gave out and he fell through the building.
Fortunately it had been under construction so no one was inside.
He groaned in pain as he stood up to brace himself for the next attack.
“If this feels personal, that's because it is." Her voice echoed around him.
He looked around, unable to see where she was.
By the time he saw her eyes in the puddle of water leaking from a broken pipe, it was too late.
She used an energy surge to send Peter flying across the debris and into the opposite wall.
Peter rubbed his head as he stared at her in surprise, “since when can you come out of water?!”
She smirked and rolled her eyes, “my sister might’ve taught me some new tricks. You'd be wise to never underestimate me again."
Peter frowned, his eyes scrunching as he glared at her, “I never underestimated you”.
She scoffs, “really? Then why’d you break up with me? You said it was because I wasn’t strong enough, that I would always get in the way and always had to do the right thing”.
Peter’s jaw dropped as he tried to piece together where the hell she got that from.
“Well, how’s this for doing the right thing?” She asked, her eyes closing briefly as she lifted him into the air with her powers alone.
Peter glanced at the floor before looking back at her, “y/n. I would never say that. There’s nothing wrong with doing the right thing! And you’ve always been strong, more so than any of us. These memories are all wrong!”
“I will not allow myself to be gaslighted by you Peter” she snarled, letting go of her hold on him and letting him drop.
Peter quickly shot a web out and swung to the nearest support beam.
“Hmmm” she sighed, sounding bored, “what do you think Tony was thinking about? You know, when he died?”
Peter wasn’t sure how to respond to that.
Especially not when she had a corrupted recollection of his death.
“Since you seem to be too simple minded to respond, I’ll answer” she said, her voice sounding much like someone Peter couldn’t quite identify.
“You. He was thinking about you Peter. Always you, no matter who else was in his life” she said.
Peter couldn’t refute the claim, had she read Tony’s mind that night?
He didn’t know, but he did know she wasn’t recalling most details correctly.
If she was, she wouldn’t have been mad enough to get revenge on him over Tony’s last thoughts being of Peter if that were even truly what they were.
She might’ve been hurt or mad for awhile at the implications of it all, but she’d never do this.
It was then that he realized who her voice sounded like.
It sounded like y/N’s sister, Wanda.
Not the voice itself but the tone, pronunciation, emphasis, and verbiage choices.
They weren’t y/n’s, they were Wanda’s.
Peter glared into the distance as if doing so would let Wanda know he was going to deal with her soon.
That he would not let this go and he would address what she did to y/n.
Just as soon as he got his girl back, out of the rubble Wanda seemed to have formed in her mind, and back to reality, back to him.
“Y/n, please hear me out” he softly requested.
“Why should I?” She asked, her hands raising again, “you killed him!”
“I didn’t. I don’t know exactly what happened to make those memories. But I know the you that knows I wouldn’t do any of that is still inside of you” he sighed.
Was he though?
How was he to know that the version of her that remembered him and his actions would ever be reachable?
Not only had he allowed Doctor Strange to alter her memories, but seemingly Wanda had followed suit.
Was there anything real left?
It was hard to say and he wasn’t very hopeful until he recalled the hesitation he saw in her earlier.
It was as if she was reanalyzing him, their situation, and possibly reality as a whole.
He’d taken it as a small sign that maybe she remembered him.
But maybe it was more than that.
He had to try at least.
When she didn’t respond, he felt another crushing wave of hope hit him.
Sure she hadn’t agreed and come to her senses, but she hadn’t thrown another strike and hadn’t argued.
He could sense the fragment of her that he so desperately needed to find and secure.
“I know you’re doubting me and I get it. But it’s me, Peter and I do love you. I’ve never stopped loving you, and I know-“ he began but she cut him off as she shot a bolt of energy towards him, cutting the web he was holding onto.
“The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person” she sighed, watching as he dropped closer to the ground.
Peter’s web barely gripped the corner in time to have him slam into the post rather than drop to what would likely be his demise.
“You’re wrong” he mumbled, pulling himself up to the ledge despite the atrocious aching in his body.
“Tony loved you, M-May loved you, I love you” he said, “so it can’t be true. If it were they wouldn’t have loved you back. I wouldn’t still be in love with you”.
Peter aggressively wiped away his tears and sweat as he stared down at her and waited for her response.
“Oh but that’s where you’re wrong Mr. Parker” she smirked and raised herself to his level.
Peter’s heart clenching as she referred to him by Wanda’s nickname for him, one y/n had never called him before.
“See, it doesn’t matter if you love me. Because it … it didn't … it didn’t mean anything to me.” She said, and while Peter wanted to collapse in on himself at her statement, he let himself hope one last time.
He saw the resistance she had to say those words, not just in her tone but in her eyes, and in the way even when levitating her foot turned inwards.
She had no reason to be mad or emotional about that statement unless she remembered.
Unless there was a part of her angry for saying it.
Even if it was just her being mad she felt that way, it was something.
It showed him that she had some, tiny as it may be, recollection of their past, of him meaning something to her.
“I don’t believe you” he said, stepping closer to the ledge to be near her.
He watched as yet again something flickered in her eyes, beneath the blackness.
“Are you that insane? I saw the fear in you earlier, the fear still there now. You’re scared of me, which you should be” she laughed darkly.
“And you’re clearly in pain because of me. And I’m not even done yet. Yet, you still think I ever had feelings for you?” She rolled her eyes.
Peter clenched his jaw and nodded, “yes I’m scared and in pain. Because the scariest and the most painful thing is to be hated by someone you truly love."
She stared at him for a moment in silence as he breathed loudly due to the pain in his rib cage.
Peter watched as she closed her eyes and her body tensed.
He quickly shot out a web to stabilize her as her body began to sway, her levitation wavering as she kept her eyes closed.
She seemed to be focused on something internal.
Whether that was the fake memories, the few remaining real ones, combing through the two, or something else, he had no way of knowing.
So he just watched and waited for her to come around.
As her eyes reopened, she shook her head, one hand tugging on her hair; a habit he picked up on her doing when confused as she hated being lost and unsure.
“I’m here. I know I … “ he swallowed, accepting his guilt, “I know I broke my promises to you. But if you come back to me, I won’t ever leave you alone again”.
She stared at him silently and he nearly gasped when he saw her eyes were not quite as dark as they were moments earlier.
“Come back to me, please. I’m here. Tell me what happened, what she did to you, I’ll find a way to fix it” he offered, reaching his hand towards her.
He knew very well if the wrong side of her won, she’d easily be able to grab his hand and throw him to the ground.
But he didn’t care, he needed to make this right.
This was how he was going to make amends to her, by being there for her when no one else was; when he should run and hide, he’d stay.
Y/N’s hand shook so hard Peter thought it would snap off, but eventually she had her palm in his.
His heart dropped as he looked at her hand, seeing the tips of her fingers were now black.
“Y/n?! What is this?” He asked, holding her hand tightly.
“D-dark-“ she mumbled causing him to look up and see she was still fighting something inside her head.
No, not something, someone.
There was only one person he knew capable of entering her head that way.
If Peter had her capabilities, he’d have bursted into the sky that moment and hunted Wanda down.
But he didn’t and he didn’t know how, or even if he could help.
Whatever hold Wanda had over her sister was clearly still wrecking havoc on y/n even more so as she fought back.
He watched as her body slowly slumped more and more.
Peter quickly used his free hand to form an ugly but sturdy connection between the ledge he was on and the web he’d shot under to to steady her earlier.
He had barely crossed the gap between them when she dropped into his arms.
Peter hadn’t even realized he started to cry, it was as if his heart knew what was coming before his brain figured it out.
“Y/n, please, you can do this. I told you, I’ve never underestimated you. I know you can do this” he encouraged, sinking to his knees as he held her.
It had all happened so fast; for him anyways.
He knew the war inside her own mind must’ve felt centuries long.
He’d seen the sisters in a big fight before and knew they had the ability to communicate to within the other’s brain rather than out loud.
It had only happened once as y/n begged Wanda to never do it again, her fear of not being in control of herself being crippling.
Back then it hadn’t been done with true malice, the way Peter figured it was now.
Instead it was a fight between siblings that got out of hand.
And Wanda kept her word and never forced her way into y/N’s mind again, at least not that he was aware of.
Until whatever this was, that is.
He’s not sure when or how it happened, but she’d gotten back in and manipulated y/N’s mind.
That much he knew for certain.
Why or how she’d grown this strong was beyond him.
She’d been able to show people their fears before, as had y/n.
But he’d never seen either sister twist someone’s memories or corrupt their emotions.
“I’m going to get you back where it’s safe and we’ll figure out a way to get her out” he said, noticing her staring at him.
“You can’t” she sighed.
“Yes, I can. And I will, I just need to-“ he began but she weakly squeezed his hand.
“She has the Darkhold” she whispered.
“The dark- what?” Peter asked, brushing hair away from her eyes.
“Darkhold.” She squeezed her eyes together as she shook her head, groaning softly.
“Y/n” Peter whimpered, staring at her hopelessly as he waited for her to once again deal with the war seemingly happening inside her mind.
When she opened her eyes, they were glazed and she looked ready to sleep at any moment.
Peter wasn’t sure what this Darkhold thing was, but he was going to learn.
He had to know what was causing the one he loved to appear weaker than she ever had been and yet when taken over by Wanda even more powerful than before.
Peter had seen y/n fight plenty of villains and even her sister in both mental and physical sparring rounds at Mr. Stark’s headquarters but she never looked this diminished.
Either the Darkhold made Wanda stronger, y/n weaker, or both.
Regardless it was now his mission to learn everything about it and make this better, to make her feel better.
Y/n sighed, “I can’t beat her. Not now, not with the Darkhold over her. I tried. I tried to stop her from hurting America Chavez and this is what happened”.
To say he was confused would be a huge understatement but Peter nodded, kissing her forehead tenderly, “you’re stronger than you let yourself believe y/n”.
She let out a gust of air and shook her head, “it’s not my self doubt this time. That’s the point of the Darkhold, no one can beat her right now “.
Peter frowned, his heart breaking at the defeated look on her face.
“So we wait” he said, “we wait until we can”.
She laughed softly, not the dark one he didn’t recognize, but not the one knew to be genuine.
No, this was a pity laugh, he realized.
“She won’t let me Peter. It’s literally killing me to resist this much, I can’t “ she said ashamed.
“So stop resisting!” He begged, propping her frame up.
She shook her head slowly, “if I do we’ll go back to being enemies. I’ll disappear into the darkness again. She’ll win the war. And you’ll be in danger. I’ll put you in danger”.
Peter fought back tears as he tried to reason with her “then let’s be enemies. Just for a bit as I figure this out. Then I’ll come back, I’ll find you again and pull you back out”.
She let her eyes get heavy again, “Peter promise me”.
He flinched as he recalled how he’d broken his last promise to her and yet she still wanted one from him.
“I promise, I won’t stop fighting to bring you-“ he said, pausing when he saw her tense.
She mumbled something he didn’t quite understand, something about him but she’d used his name making him realize she was trying to speak to Wanda but as her powers diminished she was struggling to do so without verbalizing it as well.
“Wanda. Please! You don’t get it” she responded, and the pain in her voice infuriated Peter.
He closed his eyes tightly as he held her to him.
“Is that all it was? Why you did this. Were you hoping to raise me into being your super weapon?” She asked, trying to form a sarcastic tone but failing.
Peter’s eyes broke open as he stared in shock down at her, watching as a few tears fell from her eyes at whatever Wanda’s response was.
Peter wanted nothing more than to get y/n back to his apartment, let her rest and find Wanda and fix this whole mess.
But as he stared down at her, his brain finally caught up with the sinking feeling his heart felt minutes before.
She wasn’t going to make it.
He didn’t want to admit it, but as his eyes looked over her, he knew it was true.
There weren’t even any wounds he could apply pressure to to help her.
They were all mental, all done by the dark war inside of her mind.
Looking back at Peter, she sighed “no. I need you to promise me th-tha”.
He nodded rapidly, “I promise, love. That’s what I was saying, I promise. You have to let go, let her win this fight. We’ll win the war”.
She pouted, “stop. That’s not it. Promise me you won’t touch the darkhold”.
“What?” He asked, shaking his head in disbelief that that was her main concern right now.
“Peter!” She groaned, shutting him up.
“Fine, fine, fine. I promise, I won’t mess with whatever that is” he agreed, “now please stop fighting her”.
“Promise you won’t intentionally let her touch you with the darkhold magic” she added, reaching for his face.
He watched his tears bead off his cheeks and down onto her’s, mixing together with her own tears, “I promise. Now, y/n please end your resistance and we’ll figure this out”.
She gave him a smile, one that no matter the circumstances, made his stomach flip every time.
“I’m sorry Peter. I won’t let her overpower me again, I won’t. This dark war between us is over. I’m sorry you were dragged into it” she says, the last part almost missed behind Peter’s broken sobs.
Peter’s upper body collapsed over her’s the moment her eyes closed and her chest stopped raising.
Peter felt something cold against his cheek, pulling back, he saw the necklace he got her years ago around her neck.
It felt odd seeing it there, knowing she was wearing it while not remembering him when controlled by Wanda.
Especially when the locket had a picture of them together on it and a small scrap of paper he wrote her a note on folded up and tucked into the frame for the other side.
He shakingly opened the locket, needing to see the picture one last time.
Peter’s grip on the necklace doubled as he felt his muscles turn to steel.
The picture had been removed, replaced by one of Wanda and Y/n.
He knew he’d regret it, but he had to read the note and see if it was his small love letter to her or something else Wanda corrupted.
His eyes hardened as he read the fake note she used to replace his.
In his he’d talked about how much he loved y/n, well as much as he could fit onto the small paper.
In this one, Wanda wrote ‘War takes no pity on family’.
He numbly stood up, fists clenched at his side.
“You want a war Wanda?” He asked to the room that was empty apart from himself and y/n’s body.
“So be it” Peter murmured, “I’ll give you war”.
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Tag list: @justapurrcat @natswife-marvelicious (I think, the username changed I believe), @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r , @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3
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notinthislife50 · 1 year
Chapter 10 - The Party
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With the new training program starting at the compound, the group decided you would be safer at Stark Tower and you were glad they did. You loved sitting by the big glass windows and staring out over the city.
One Night Tony decided you all needed a team-building party (Tony always had a reason for you all to sit together and drink) but you loved it.
You were standing with Natasha and Wanda at the bar “So have you made a choice yet?” Nat smiled
“No, but I don’t think I will “ you shook your head.
“Why not?“ she seemed shocked.
“Imagine,  me starting to date two men I would get called everything” you scoffed.
“Not by any of us,” Wanda tried to reassure you “It kind of makes sense to be honest, your all super soldiers, you and Bucky have the Hydra thing and Steve has the wanting to protect you and Bucky from everything thing.”
“Wanda is right,  I think we all think it’s inevitable you three will get together like Wanda said it just makes sense.”
You contemplated their words wondering if it was even a possibility to have them both and did any of them, never mind the two of them like you.
You watched Steve and Sam talking on the other floor and watched Bucky arguing with Rocket over something. And you smiled to yourself you couldn’t help it but in the past two months you had fallen for these men.
Natasha squeezed your arm “I'm just gonna go dance with Bruce” and you smiled at her and nodded.
“Go Wanda,  Vision is waiting for you.” you urged.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you alone” She looked worried.
“Wanda I have never felt safer in my whole life,  I'm sure, now go” you smiled hugging her then shoving her in the direction of her boyfriend.
You made your way toward Clint, Tony, Scott, and Thor.
“Is it okay if I sit with you guys for a minute?” you asked unsurely. 
“You know I put a safe in your room so you could actually take that thing off your wrist” Tony laughed.
“What can I say it brings out the colour in my eyes “You smiled back sitting beside Thor.
Clint sat forward and asked, “So,  can you tell us anything that’s in the case?”
“Not even a letter” you smiled back.
“Not even if any of us are in it?” he asked.
“You’re just gonna have to wait on my tell-all memoir “ you whispered back to him smiling.
You sat with the four men and they told you stories all about their missions and stories about each other. Your stomach hurt and tears ran down your face with laughter,  you were laughing so hard that a few people were starting to stare at you,  Bucky and Steve included.
You waved your hand and pleaded “Stop my sides hurt, no more.”
Scott laughed with you “It’s really nice to see how comfortable you are with us all now.”
“Well you all make it so easy” you sincerely said and you meant it, Scott especially had made an effort with you and besides Nat and Wanda, you found yourself sitting with him a lot.
“So skylark, you prefer the tower?” Tony smiled at you.
“Very much so“ you nodded.
“I’m going to have to build you a nest at that window with the amount of time you spend there.” he laughed.
“Why do you sit so much at the window?“ Thor asked.
You went quiet and smiled “It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen”
You felt the awkward tension after that question “Right “ you breathed “I suppose I better be more sociable and say hi to everyone else.”
As you got up and walked towards the window you didn’t see tony slap Thor upside the head.
“She was in hydra trapped in a basement, basement means no windows” he scolded  
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dvaderstark · 10 months
Tony and Ultron. Wanda and Bruce.
Tony obviously deserves crap for Ultron's creation but I just want to point something out. Also Tony was in the middle of trying to create Ultron before Wanda's messed with his head it was just the scepter's involvement in this that Wanda allowed. It would be accurate to say that Wanda sped up Ultron's creation but she wasn't the sole responsible obviously. This is not meant to be anti-Wanda. But the thing to point out is that it was the Mind Stone that created Ultron and made Ultron the way he was. By all accounts Vision is what Ultron was meant to be even if Tony clearly envisioned a global system and not just one guy. I would make the argument that while Tony certainly deserves backlash from the others for doing this and not telling them Ultron turning out like that isn't solely on him. He's created other A.I. in the past that never had this issue and it would be impossible to predict that the Mind Stone would do that but it also was still something he should have asked the others about.
Now we have a contrasting case of this another case of this with Wanda mind controlling Bruce leading to him Hulking out and rampaging in Johannesburg. Now I do actually believe that Wanda just wanted to put the whammy on Bruce in a matter that would bring the Hulk out after all she does say I want the big one right before it but didn't want what happened afterward to happen and instead have him be just frozen and catatonic like with Steve, Thor and Natasha were. In that way she and Tony are similar in this case. I could argue that it's dumb of Wanda to think that doing this to the Hulk wouldn't backfire but hey if every prior person she did this to reacted the same way including Thor In could buy her thinking that too. Second Johannesburg is apparently so far away from where they were it would be unreasonable for Wanda to think the Hulk could get there. I can also buy this as well. But we see in prior entries that the Hulk is pretty fast and has the same amazing jumping capabilities that his comics counterpart has. Plus Whedon and the writers probably didn't care about the distance and just picked one of the nearest big cities.
Just one thing to defend Tony on here. I have heard people argue that Johannesburg is more on him since he was reckless in fighting the Hulk there. I have to disagree here because while yes it takes a bit for Tony to say that he is taking trying to remove Bruce from the city what immediately follows basically tells the audience that if he had tried that from the start it wouldn't have worked anyway. Also one point of Tony doing his best to avoid casualties is when he takes out that under construction building which there were no people in is that he fires missiles at the base in such a way that when it will fall it will do the least amount of mage to city and the people in it.
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braveclementine · 2 months
Chapter 22
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
You were trying very hard not to burst into tears. Thor had his arms wrapped around you in a supportive way, as they all knew exactly how you were feeling.
"We'll come back and visit soon." Pietro promised as the large group got ready to leave. Billy and Tommy had already zoomed out the door to get into the car. One of them- you couldn't remember which one through your distress- had Pietro's speed, while the other had the ability to connect with Vision in his mind.
Minerva meanwhile, was standing there, her back against Vision's legs. Vision was holding her hand gently and she was facing the rest of you.
Your own kids had long since dispersed back into the house and now, it was just the adults saying good-bye and making plans about when we should meet up next.
Minerva looked sad. She had decided she wanted to go with her parents, but she was still upset about leaving- especially you, Tony, Stephen, and Loki who were her favorites.
She finally let go of Visions hands, running and jumping into Loki's arms. "I'm going to miss you Uncwle Loki."
"And I will miss you too, little ice Princess." He said with a smile. He used to call Elizabeth the 'Ice Queen' and had taken to calling Minerva the 'Ice Princess.'
Minerva beamed at the nickname, before kissing his cheek and let him put her back down on the ground. She went over to Tony and Stephen next while Pietro and Wanda finished saying good-bye to Clint.
"Bye Uncwle Tony and Uncwle Steven." She said.
"Bye trouble." Stephen said, ruffling her hair.
"Bye Minnie Mouse." Tony teased, kissing the top of her head. She giggled, before coming over to you last.
'Don't cry'. You thought. It was easier said than done.
"Bye Auntie. I'll see you soon." She promised desperately, wrapping her small arms around your waist. Jessie and Katherine were slowly making their way out the door, Wanda following them.
"Bye Minnie." You whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Next time you come back I'll show you how to make that fudge cake recipe okay?"
"Mommy's favorite?" Minerva asked, brown eyes lighting up.
"Yes." You said firmly, promising that you weren't going to cry. Your throat was tight though, like Bucky was chok-
Clean thoughts.
Minerva ran back over so that Vision could lift her up into his arms. He smiled at her with his blue eyes and she grinned, clutching his blond-brown hair in one hand to steady herself.
Once they had left, you let the tear fall down your face, turning so you could burrow into Thor's chest. He chuckled, rubbing your back in a comforting way.
"It's alright Princesse." He said. "They'll be back before you know it. Now how about we go downstairs and watch plays on the screen so that you aren't your feet to much?"
"That sounds like-" You paused as the sound of water hitting the tiles sounded through the room and all of your soulmates turned to look at you.
"On that note, time to get you back to the tower so that Bruce can help you give birth." Tony said cheerfully.
"My Princess is coming." Loki said, looking delighted.
"Kill me now." You moaned.
"She's beautiful." You gushed. She had Loki's features- including turning Jotun blue when she was cold. She had black scraps of fluff on her head and when she opened her eyes, they were a turquoise mix of blue and green. Her skin was smooth and alabaster pale. She looked like a literal goddess.
"Her name will be, Rán, and she will be the goddess of the waters." Loki decided, looking down at her.
You were surprised. "How do you know what she will be the goddess of?"
"Being a fellow supreme being, I can feel her." Loki said softly. "Not to mention, don't her eyes just remind you of the colour of the ocean?"
You nodded. Her eyes were a mesmerizing colour, absolutely beautiful.
"Welcome to the family, , Rán Lokidottir." You said softly.
"Want me to go and get the others?" Bruce asked. He was blushing furiously- as he always was after he helped you give birth- as both you and Loki had your shirts off. Skin to skin contact was always incredibly important for new born babies. He had averted his eyes, even from Loki. It always made you want to laugh.
"Yes please." Loki said.
"Thank you Bruce." You whispered, letting Loki take Rán from your arms.
"Of course Y/N." Bruce said honestly, before moving to the door that was the entrance to the medical lab that Bruce had set up for these sorts of things. You weren't the only one giving birth here.
Turns out, when Natasha was snapped back to life, it was like she was reborn. Therefore, all of the things that had happened in the red room were undone. Though she still had her fighting skills, she could give birth now. Sometimes though, she hated it. She'd never had a period before and now she knew exactly why you and Wanda bitched about it all the time. But she was also extremely happy that she even had them so it was a difficult situation.
Though Bruce and her still had the adopted twins who were now twelve, they also had a set of their own twins who they had named Yelena and Melina after her family members. Max on the other hand was starting to feel rather threatened at having three sisters.
"How is the Princess?" Clint asked with a grin as he led the group into the room.
"Healthy and beautiful." Loki said proudly, letting Clint take Rán from his arms now.
"Aww, look at you." Clint said with delight. "You're gorgeous!"
"How are you feeling babe?" Sam asked, kissing your cheek as the others oogled around Rán.
"Tired." You smiled. "But I absolutely love her."
"What'd you name her?"
"Loki named her Rán. Goddess of the waters." You said with a smile.
"Aww so she's going to have powers." Sam said with a smile.
"Probably. Lloyd can lift Thor's hammer, but he doesn't seem to have any of the other powers and Thor didn't give him a special name. So I would assume that by Loki giving her a special name and calling her the goddess of the waters, that she truly will be the goddess of the waters."
Sam was quiet for a moment and then he said, "Elizabeth would have loved her."
You felt tears prick your eyes. Elizabeth was a touchy subject now. You seemed to miss her twice as much than before you knew she was your sister. You felt cheated out of the time you could have had with her.
"Yes. Yes, she would. She would have taught her everything she knew." You whispered.
"You'll see her again." Sam said softly, kissing your cheek again. "One day."
You just nodded. You didn't want to feel sad right now and Sam understood that.
"Does she have a middle name?" Tony asked. He was holding Rán now and he looked between you and Loki as he asked this.
"No-" You went to say.
"Elizabeth." Loki said calmly. " Rán Elizabeth Lokidottir."
"I love it!" Clint said with enthusiasm.
'Thank You' you mouthed to Loki. He just winked at you.
"How are you feeling babydoll?" Fury asked. "Do you want to move back to the house tonight or sleep it off here?"
"Let's go back to the house tonight." You said with a smile. "I might have to be wheeled out in a wheel chair, but I feel well enough that we can go back home."
"You don't need a wheel chair." Sam laughed, "What do you think this metal arm does?" He patted Bucky on the back. Bucky rolled his eyes as Sam finished saying, "Cut wood?"
"Oh." You said with disappointment. "I thought you were going to say choke people. But that works too."
Steve spit his water out. "Y/N!"
The others roared with laughter.
Bucky did end up carrying you in his arms while Loki took Rán back into his. You all said good-bye to Bruce and the others thanked him several times for helping you deliver the baby. He always waved off the compliments, but you knew he was secretly pleased. He loved helping and he loved life. Delivering babies was him knowing that he was doing something good with his life, helping bring life into the world instead of smashing it.
Although, like Clint had said, you had to smash a couple of things to create life.
"What's her name?" Lucy asked, standing on a footstool to peer over the crib to see her newest sister.
"Her name is Rán Elizabeth Lokidottir." T'Challa said, also leaning over the crib.
You were doing laundry at the moment, folding up baby clothes and stuffing them in the drawers while T'Challa and Thor introduced Rán to her siblings.
"Another girl!" Vincent sighed.
"Vincent!" You scolded.
"There are four boys and now there are four girls." T'Challa said with a bit of a smile. "It is not like you are out numbered Vince."
You snorted, "Technically Vince, if you look at it, you boys got us girls way outnumbered. Four of you plus ten dads."
"Oh yeah!" Vincent said excitedly and he and Marcel high-fived each other for some reason you couldn't fathom.
Boys were weird. Even if they were your sons.
"Does she do anything?" Lloyd asked, staring up at Thor.
"Yes, favorite son." Thor boomed and you threw a pair of socks at him while T'Challa knocked him in the back of the head. "Ow! They are all my favorite sons! Favorite son 1, 2, 3, and 4! Anyways! She is the goddess of water."
"Like Auntie Elizabeth." Lucy crowed happily.
You smiled sadly. "Just like Auntie Elizabeth."
God, why was everything continuing to come back to her?
T'Challa picked up the socks you'd thrown at Thor, carrying them back to you to put them in the drawer. "Are you alright my Nkosazana?"
"Yes, my Kumkani." You teased. [King]
T'Challa shifted where he was standing. You turned away smirking as he tried to discretely fix his bulge.
"Should've worn the tunic." You heard him mutter as he rearranged his pants, trying to get them to be looser.
Your giggle broke through this time and he glared playfully at you. "Knock it off Y/N."
You pursed your lips, picking up the now empty laundry basket. "My apologies Kumkani."
You quickly left the bedroom as he headed back over to the kids, looking extremely frustrated.
You were totally going to pay for that later.
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xxnaiaxx · 2 years
Chapter 5: Movie Night
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Joining the Avengers has always Y/N's dream, however, she didn't realize it would cost her her relationship. Heartbroken, Y/N closes her heart to falling in love but will a certain Russian Spy change that?
This is my original work, I do not give permission for it to be reposted :)
Words: 3.0k
I apologize for the long wait, as a thank you for your patience I'm posting two parts tonight. I appreciate you all who take the time to read my work.
It had been two weeks since your girl’s night with Natasha and Wanda. The compound had been pretty quiet, no missions or even signs of Hydra which was putting Steve a bit on edge. The rest of the team was glad to have a few days off and spent it hanging out with each other and relaxing. Currently you were all meeting up in the movie room to watch something. Wanda and Vision had arrived first, of course sitting next to each other. 
“Witchy. Android.” you grin and nod towards Wanda. She grabs the nearest pillow and throws it as hard as she can without using her powers, “You are such a dick!”. You catch it and begin to laugh, she laughs back at you. You liked the friendship you had with Wanda, it's lighthearted and fun but by the way Vision was clenching his jaw you could tell he was not a fan of it. You found it funny because although you and Wanda teased each other pretty much all the time, neither of you saw each other in that way. You made your way to the other end of the couch, opposite of Wanda and Vision but you could feel a pair of eyes still following you. Once seated you find those eyes to be Wanda who gives you a soft smile and you reciprocate the same before opening your phone to tik tok as you wait for the rest of the team to arrive. As you're scrolling you don't realize that Natasha had taken a seat next to you, she leans into you and speaks in your ear “Hey.” You look up from your phone to find her inches away from your face, “Hi.” you grin back moving your body so both of your shoulders are touching. 
“Have we decided what movie we're going to watch?” she says looking around the room with her arms crossed before her eyes landing back on you. She's so beautiful. I could look into her green eyes all day. Snap out of it Y/n. You can find her attractive right? But not in a crush way. Yeah. Not a crush. Natasha is just beautiful. You still haven’t answered her question stupid. You take a look around the room to see that you were still waiting on Tin Man and Old Man Rogers. 
“No, not yet.” you say back to her. “We’re still waiting on a few slow pokes.” She snickers at your comment but before being able to say anything back Tony enters the room. 
“Let’s get this movie started!” he claps his hands. You and Natasha look at each other, she rolls her eyes referring to Tony and you laugh. 
“Hey lovebirds, would you like to share with the rest of the room?” he teases, his eyebrow raised. You feel your face flush. Lovebirds? Why would he call us that?
“If you want to be included Stark just say so. Or even better, why don't you get here on time instead of making the rest of us wait?” Natasha responds. Stark rolls his eyes, before he gets to say anything Steve butts in and says “Alright settle down the two of you. Have we decided what we are going to watch tonight?” The team begins to shout different movie titles from all sorts of genres.
“Why don’t we watch something romantic? I’m in the mood for something cheesy.” says Wanda. 
“Keep it to yourself cupid.” Tony says, rolling his eyes as Wanda glares at him. 
“Come on, witch. In Asgard we put on battles as a form of entertainment, why don’t we try something more exciting?” says the God of Thunder.
“Both are terrible choices. Why don’t we watch a documentary? Something educational.” says Steve. 
Tony rolls his eyes, “Well aren't you the life of the party.” he says sarcastically.
Tony and Steve begin to go back and forth, Steve had enough of Tony always having something to say. It would've gotten heated if it wasn’t for Natasha interfering.
“Settle down boys.  Sit down and stop acting like children before you give Bruce a panic attack” she says sternly. You look over at Bruce and Natasha was not joking, Bruce was rocking back and forth breathing heavily. You walk over to him and kneel in front of him. “It's okay.” you say softly. “Copy my breathing. In..1..2..3. Out…1…2…3.” He mimics your breathing pattern. Once calm you walk back over to your spot next to Natasha. The boys sit down while they mutter underneath their breath but they don’t dare to say anything out loud in front of Natasha.
“I have an idea!” you say with a wide grin. You stand up and head into the kitchen and grab a bowl. 
“Was she planning on sharing it with us?” says Tony his hands in the air as he faces the rest of the team. You come back to the room with the bowl, a piece of paper, and pens. As you begin to rip the piece of paper into smaller pieces you say to the team, “We’re all going to write the title of a movie we would like to watch. Once written, put it inside the bowl and once everyone has submitted their movie I will shuffle the papers and have Nat choose one.” Everyone nods in agreement and begins to write their choice. After everyone has submitted their choice you mix the pieces of papers up in the bowl for a few seconds before turning to Natasha.
“Madam.” you smile and move the bowl towards her. She reaches and chooses a paper, she reads it and it was *your movie of choice (:* Tony asks JARVIS to search for the movie and you move into the kitchen to make everyone popcorn and bring out a few snacks. A few minutes later you join the team in the movie room and set the snacks down on the coffee table. You take your seat next to Nat, your body leaning towards her. About an hour into the movie you end up falling asleep, you tried to keep your head up but eventually were defeated and ended up resting on Natasha’s shoulder. 
Another hour goes by and the movie is finally over. You feel someone gently shaking you, “Y/n?” the voice says softly. You groan moving closer to Nat’s body. She laughs and gently shakes you again, “Y/n.” she says again. You open your eyes to find yourself still laying on her shoulder. Oh my god!! You immediately move away, your face flushed, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t-” She interrupts you, “Hey, Y/n it's okay! I ended up dozing off on your head as well, so I don't mind.” She puts both her hands on your shoulders and gives you a reassuring smile. Did I drool on her? This is so embarrassing!! You mentally slap yourself. Your face is still as red as a tomato. 
“Come on.” she gets up and reaches her hand. “Wanda is making dinner, chicken paprikash.” You grab her hand avoiding eye contact, she leads you into the kitchen. She lets go of your hand and goes to sit with Clint while you walk towards Wanda. As she sees you approaching she gives you a raised eyebrow and you look at her confused. 
“What's this look for?” you say.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” she says, still raising her eyebrow. 
“No?” you say confused. She smiles at your obliviousness. 
“What's going on with you and Nat?” she asks, her lips smirking.
“Nothing!!” you say defensively, not realizing your face is flushed. Wanda squinted her eyes at you and then all the sudden her eyes went wide. 
“You like her.” she whispers excitedly. 
“I- what?” you’re unable to make a sentence, feeling the room go hot. 
“I read your mind and you definitely think she’s hot.” she whispers loud enough for you to hear but you could tell if it was her normal voice she would scream in excitement.
“Stay out of my head Wands!” you say defensively before walking away. “We’re not done with this conversation.” she says through her powers. “Get out of my head!” you respond back as you make your way to sit with the rest of the team. 
Natasha’s POV
You found it cute how flustered Y/n got when she realized she had fallen asleep on you. If it had been anyone else you would’ve pushed them off but Y/n was different and you weren’t sure why. As you lead her to the kitchen you like her hands in yours and were disappointed when she let go to head over to Wanda. You make your way over to Clint and sit across from him with your legs up on the table. 
“Beer?” he offers and you nod. He looks over at Y/m and sees she's busy conversing with Wanda, you look in their direction as well. 
“What?” you ask, taking a sip of your beer. 
“You’re different.” he smirks. You raise your eyebrow waiting for him to explain. “Y/n makes you different. You’re sweet with her and gentle. Something unlike you.” he says genuinely. 
“Shut up.” you say sternly. This conversation made you uncomfortable, but he was right. You had never been this way with anyone. Then again Y/n was different. 
“I’m not meaning it in a bad way. You deserve to be happy Nat and Y/n seems like a great person. Don’t let your fears and the way the Red Room trained you towards love keep you from pursuing it.” You know he has good intentions but you weren’t even sure what you felt for Y/n, you just knew that you liked being around her.
Back to Y/n
You find your seat next to Natasha. 
“What are we talking about?” you say. 
“Nothing much. I'm going to get another, do you want one?” he gets up and gestures at his beer. You nod and give him a smile.
“Are you feeling rested?” Nat says, still sipping on her beer. 
“Yes. You were quite comfortable.” you smile shyly. 
“You know. Everytime I’m with you, you're always sleeping. Have you been having trouble resting?” she furrowed her eyebrows. You shrug your shoulders not wanting to let her know that your heartbreak was still keeping you up most nights. Though you were moved on from Sharon, it hurts how quickly she was able to let go of everything. How quickly you lost her support when you decided to follow your dreams. The memories kept you up some nights but there was no reason for Natasha to know that. 
“Food is ready.” shouts Wanda from the stove. 
“Saved by the bell.” you nervously chuckle and quickly get up and make your way to grab a plate. 
“Hm.” she raises her eyebrow at you as you walk away. 
The team enjoys Wanda’s dish which was absolutely delicious. All of you conversed about random things before each of you getting up to do your own thing for the night. You headed up to your room to take a warm shower. Once finished you slipped into gray sweatpants, a white crop, and a gray zip up jacket. You grab your phone and see a red bubble on your photos app. You open it to find a memory from when Sharon and you went on your first vacation. It had been the fourth of July weekend, so you both decided to spend it at a beach resort for a few days. It had been an absolutely amazing time. Memories from it came rushing back, what happened to that love? You begin to sob. You had done everything for this person. Had given up parts of yourself that you loved to fit better with her. And she left you like nothing. 
At this moment, Natasha is walking up from the dining room. She hears sobs and approaches your door, her ear against the door to confirm that the sobs were coming from your room. She knocks softly on your door. You rush into the bathroom to wash your face, whoever was at the door did not need to see you like this. Once done you walk over to the door taking a deep breath before opening it. 
“Nat! Hi!” you try to say as enthusiastically as possible, your eyes and nose still red. She looks at you concerned, “Y/n.” she says soft but stern. You look at your feet trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible. Please don’t ask. Please don't ask. 
“Come here.” she says. Shit. You feel a wave of tears forming behind your eyes.You bury your head into her neck, unable to hold your tears back any longer. She leads you to the ground, sitting down holding you in her arms. 
“Shhh. It's okay…It’s okay Y/n.” she says gently as she rubs your back. You sobbed on her for what felt like an eternity until you had no more tears left to cry. You laid on her chest sniffling. For a few minutes she didn’t say anything, letting you lay on her as she drew circles on your arm until you were ready. 
“Your shirt is all wet. I’m sorry.” you break the silence as you begin to sit up, your hands fidgeting.
“It’s okay.” she says softly. You could tell she was waiting for you to meet her eyes but you never did. “Do you want to talk about it?” she asks, concerned. 
“Not- re-really.” you say your voice breaking as your eyes begin to fill with tears once more. She nods concerned for your emotional wellbeing. She notices that you’re still anxiously fidgeting with your fingers.
“Hey, look at me..” she says gently as she reaches for your hands. You meet her gaze, “It's okay.” You nod, unable to fidget with your hands you begin to fidget with Nat’s. The both of you don’t talk for a few minutes. 
“Let’s go get some ice cream.” she smiles. You look up at her, an eyebrow raised in confusion, “Ice cream?” She nods and gets off the floor. She reaches her hand out, you grab it and she assists you in getting up from the floor. 
She takes you to an ice cream parlor in the city, the drive quiet. Natasha wanted to know what was going on inside you, what caused you to lay in her arms bawling for forty five minutes. But, she wanted you to come to her when you were ready so she didn't pry. The both of you sat in an empty field in silence enjoying the ice cream while looking at the stars. Thoughts racing through your mind. How did she know to come into your room? How did she know how to comfort you? 
“Can I ask you something?” you look at her setting your ice cream cup down.
“Mhm.” she responds, taking a lick out of her mint chocolate cone while still looking up.
“How did you know?”
She looks at you, “Know what?” Her voice was soft, a softness you had never noticed Natasha use but she was using it with you. 
“That…That I needed you.” you break your gaze, embarrassed at the words that had come out of your mouth. Did you need HER? Or just someone?
“I heard sobs in the hall. I wasn’t sure it was you but I had a feeling. When you opened the door, eyes were red and puffy, I knew.” You take a moment to take in her words. She looks back up at the stars and you do the same.
“You’re Black Widow.” you say. 
“You’re now realizing that?” she asks, her eyebrow raised. 
“Everyone talks about you as a cold woman. No offense.” She scoffs, “None taken.”
“I just mean that you’re not known for being the emotional or comforting type.”
“You’re special Y/n.” she simply says. You look at her unsure of what she means. “It's different with you. I can’t help but make sure you’re okay. I can’t keep myself from wanting to protect you.”
You both sit in silence for ten minutes before she breaks the silence. “Why were you crying?”
“It doesn’t matter.” you bring your legs to your chest and hide your face between your knees.
“It’s not going to do you any good if you keep it to yourself. How long has it been going on?”
“Since I joined the Avengers. Most of the time I am able to keep myself distracted but it all hits when I’m alone.”
“What does?” she says softly and comfortingly. She wanted you to know that it was okay for you to open up about it but only if you were comfortable.
“I told you and Wanda I had someone. Sharon… right before I joined the Avengers she decided our relationship was over unless I chose her and not the Avengers. I couldn’t, I had given everything for this person but… but she couldn’t do the same for me. Before you walked into the room, photos of our first vacation came up and it reminded me of everything we had. I don't miss the person but I do miss the love. I don’t understand how someone could just throw it all away?” She scoots closer to you and puts her arm around you pulling you towards her. You lay your head on her shoulder as once again tears begin to fall. 
“I don't know much about relationships Y/n but i can tell you this. People won't always give as much as you. If she couldn’t support your dreams then she didn't deserve you. And she was an idiot for letting you go.” She slips her hand under your chin, bringing your eyes to meet hers. “For as long as I’m here… no one will break your heart like her again.” She kisses your forehead. The both of you remain in silence for the rest of the night you were in the field, your heads still on her shoulder, her arm wrapped around you. Both of you are enjoying the night breeze and moonlight above you.
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wandamyconfort · 1 year
if I were you.. | CH.1
wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
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summary: y/n is best friends with vision, who ironically, is the boyfriend of his worst enemy, wanda maximoff. until one night, when the clock struck midnight, they are both struck by something mysterious that completely changes the fate of their best friends, including a certain redhead… be careful what you wish for.
note: this is an adaptation, all credits to my star allyszoka. ☆
sorry for any translation errors, english is not my first language
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" you murmured at the entrance to the room, slightly startled by the thunder that collapsed into the sky with a noise that echoed throughout the house.
Of course, my love. - Scott responded by giving her a space in the bed for her daughter.
Despite being a teenager, you was still scared to death of lightning and the rumble of thunder terrified her. The girl cracked a beautiful childish smile, showing off her nasal muscles, and snuggled between her parents.
You are considered unpopular by most students as you seemed to be very "self-centered and impatient." You are known to be very competitive and always want to get the role you thought was right. And not forgetting: you're best known for getting cold scratch cards on your face.
Wanda Maximoff is their card-carrying enemy: the popular cheerleading captain, the kind of girl they die of envy and love for. Girlfriend of Vision Stark, the newest member of the popular group, and who ironically is his best friend.
Obviously, much to Maximoff's chagrin, you and Vision became best friends when he came two years ago to attend Harbor High School in another all-boys boarding school town. He didn't have much of a knack for girls. And with dyslexia, the grades weren't as good, but you always tried to help him with these problems.
He also had his nerdy side, he loved Star Wars, Harry Potter and Avatar, At first he got a lot of scratch cards for being a joke, but that changed about a year ago, when he decided to join the football team and when he started dating Maximoff to become more popular. Because he was new there he was afraid of being socially excluded, but gradually he fell in love with Wanda, and vice versa.
But not for these reasons did he abandon his friendship with you; Raised in a lower-middle-class place. was mocked for being poor and not having the conditions like most students, and for the way she dressed badly, in an infantilized way.
Such a trait given by one of her classmates, Natasha, "as a grandmother and at the same time a five-year-old." you was a virgin and wasn't shy about admitting it. and was also a vegetarian.
The day was born you got a yellow star plush from your parents. To them, you was a star. At least, that's what you been telling herself since you won her first dance contest at the age of three.
You loves stars, and her signature is always followed by a golden one, because metaphors are important.
It's a metaphor, and metaphors are important. My golden stars are a metaphor for me being a star.
Though some — the vast majority — don't agree with the things you does.
You was the essential voice in the Choral Club.
- Comes... Let me help you. - Vision said with a friendly smile on his face.
He opened the cupboard next to his and grabbed a blue towel that read, "Best friends forever." A gift you gave him, having an equal, only in lilac color. The boy helped clean himself up
"These brutes will never leave me alone. - She grumbled. - They'll regret it when they're the drivers of my expensive limousines.
Vision laughed in agreement.
- But look on the bright side... At least it's strawberry. Your favorite.
- Tried to force a smile and got a simple one back.
- Idiot. - Punched his arm weakly.
- Already filling my boyfriend again, homeless? You rolled her eyes at hearing that queasy voice.
- Good to see you too, hunchback. - you said in a sarcastic tone and still rolling his eyes in boredom.
"Who do you think you are, imbecile?"
The two shot each other with their eyes and Vision stared from one to the other in fright, not knowing exactly what to do. Wanda was already about to open her mouth when she was interrupted.
- Shall we stop? - Asked the boy.
- I don't know how you handle this... thing. - Kept teasing.
- I don't know how you handle this sour barbie project! -Retorted.
- Oh, please. Go to the garbage can that is your place. Enjoy and take the rest of your family. That which you call father and mother!
- That's enough! - The boy said firmly.
- I'm not going to stand here listening to your shit. See you later, Vision. - After that, you left a little upset.
you couldn't stand Wanda maximoff! The most annoying girl. you didn't understand what Vision had in her head to date something like... that! And then she was popular and beautiful? It was just that! She was shy, cold, calculating. A bitch. That's what you thought
"You shouldn't have talked to her like that. - Reproached the boy realizing how sad his friend had been.
-What? Are you going to be defending your weird friend now? - Replied in the same tone
Vision looked at her completely seriously.
- It's not about defending or which side I'm on. I'm just tired of my best friend and my girlfriend fighting like dog and cat!
Wanda rolled her eyes and the boy sighed giving up on talking about it.
- Let's not talk about that now... Is the invitation to spend the night at your house still standing? - He tried to change the subject.
"But don't you think you're only going because my parents won't be home, that there's going to be something else besides sleeping.
-Calm. That didn't even cross my mind. - Smiled mischievously.
"Mom, are you home yet?" - Shouted looking at the rooms of his house while locking the front door.
Vision lived only with his mother. A woman who liked to occupy her time with work. Especially after the death of her husband five years ago, after that she never left or fell in love with anyone. She worked as a nurse in one of the best hospitals in Miami, where she occupied all her time. And since she had to deal with it alone, she always tried to work as many overtime hours as possible, coming home late and already tired. Although Vision understood his mother's necessary absence, that didn't mean he didn't miss her company. But whenever she had free time she did not hesitate to spend with her only child.
The boy realized his mother wasn't home, but found a note attached to the fridge.
"I'm sorry, son, but I'll be back later today. I'll have to stay on duty. Lunch is in the fridge, just need to heat in the microwave. Mom loves you!"
"I love you too, Mom," he whispered in a thread of voice in that quiet kitchen.
But what made him happy was that he, today, would not spend his night alone...
The plan was to sleep in a shell but a series of warm kisses began between the two young men. He was already on top of Wanda kissing her, he was panting and tried to take off the girl's blouse but was stopped.
-No... I'm not ready yet. - Murmured composing himself.
Whenever he had a little loophole, he would try to go beyond kissing Wanda. I couldn't help it, they had been together for almost a year and nothing was happening but kneading and kissing. He also never forced anything, Vision respected her.
- Alright, I'm sorry. - Said sympathetically coming out of it.
- How about we just sleep in shells? - The girl asked for candy looking into his eyes. He nodded with a smile.
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cogentranting · 1 year
The scene in Age of Ultron where Wanda makes all* the Avengers see visions of their fears is important because it's a glimpse into what's driving each of them. All of them (arguably, Wanda and Pietro included, though they don't have visions) are being pushed primarily by some kind of fear that we get to see: Tony is afraid of failing and losing everyone; Natasha is afraid of her past and of what it might have made her into; Steve is afraid that he will never 'come home from the war' and have the life that he wanted; Thor is afraid of his own power (both in a superpower sense and a role/authority sense); Bruce doesn't get a vision per se but his rampage is a demonstration of what he's afraid of-- the idea that he's a monster. The way the story functions, Ultron is a manifestation of the fears that are driving them (mostly Tony and Bruce's fears, but it draws the others into confrontation with their own).
But it's also important that Clint doesn't have a vision. This isn't just so that someone's left standing to get the others out of there, or to show how competent he is. It's because Clint in this movie is not being driven by fear the way the others are. So he has fears but we don't need to see them; instead we see what's driving Clint immediately after this part when they go to the far. Clint is stable and driven much more by his family than anything else. He then provides a counterpoint to the other members of the team, pushing them toward some self-evaluation (every one of them has some sort of beat at the farm house where they sit and think about/talk about what they're afraid of and what they want and how they're going to get it.
Also important to note is that AOU is not a real ending for any of these characters (except Pietro) and so for most (if not all) they don't actually reach resolution of these ideas in this movie. Tony's fears lead directly into Civil War and continue on into Infinity War/Endgame; Natasha takes a step toward defining herself apart from her path but the biggest part of that concludes in Civil War when she chooses to go with Steve (elaborated on in her solo movie and seen brought to full fruition in Endgame); Steve sort of contents himself for the time being with pouring into the Avengers team but Civil War shows that it was not truly sustainable in being that for, leading to the collapse of the Avengers, and Steve doesn't truly get the peace that he craves until the end of Endgame; Bruce and Thor are both running away at the end of the movie, Bruce from himself, and Thor from his roles-- that brings them together in Ragnarok where Thor finds resolution (until Endgame undid that and left him without a proper ending) and Bruce starts toward the "balance" he finds in Endgame (I think the movie wants us to accept Smart Hulk as Bruce and Hulk being balanced. It doesn't satisfy me fully but it is there). Again, Clint doesn't have an arc in the same way; he's a mostly static character in AOU and then again in Civil War, who's role in the story is more about pushing the other characters along in their arcs. Which is part of why Clint's absence in Infinity War matters. In Infinity War things are trending toward collapse, and they've removed Clint as a stabilizing presence from the team. Then to fully show the extent of that collapse they take away Clint's stability by removing his positive driving force-- the Barton family dies. (The Hawkeye series is then about Clint regaining his equilibrium and his role as stabilizer).
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themculibrary · 7 months
Billy & Tommy Maximoff Masterlist
A dire situation (ao3) - Miss_Dreamer T, 9k
Summary: When Wanda got captured by Agatha in episode 8, you thought you'd seen the entire story.
You were wrong.
The darker, more intimate moments were blocked from ever airing on television. The transcripts describing these moments were left behind after the hex collapsed, collecting dust on a desk in Agatha's basement. After careful extraction and consideration, they were posted here. Enjoy.
And They Lived Happily Ever After (ao3) - letoatreidcs wanda/vision E, 2k
Summary: Vision watched as Wanda’s breathing evens out, slow and steady. Takes a moment to admire the view, overwhelmed by a surge of gratitude for this incredible woman, safe in his arms and their children, one in the middle of them cuddling to mom and the other spread on his chest. 
His family.
In the two years he used to sneak around to see Wanda, he used to daydream about this. Never believing it was possible, but deep down always hoping that somehow it could be done. They still have a lot to figure out, with the twins, their powers, Wanda’s powers and his own old, new body. A lot of explanations to be given, but right now the room is dark and the house is quiet and Vision closes his eyes.
He gets to enjoy now and forever.
'Cause I love you for infinity (ao3) - letoatreidcs wanda/vision E, 4k
Summary: It was raining lightly outside their house.
The once blue and clear sky was now painted in mixtures of gray and white as the steady pattering of water hit the windows and roof. It was a sleepy morning, the kind meant to be savored under blankets with a loved one.
Vision loved these mornings.
Eventually (ao3) - Heartwriter2607 stephen/wanda M, 140k
Summary: AU where Wanda and Stephen stumble across a universe in which they are the parents of Tommy and Billy - A discovery that leads them to find answers for questions that have never been asked before.
Family is Forever (ao3) - gabshill wanda/natasha G, 3k
Summary: The one where Billy and Tommy tell Natasha they love her for the first time.
family is forever (ao3) - lady_romanov wanda/vision T, 35k
Summary: “So long, darling,” Vision says, as the walls of their house turn to dust, and Wanda watches as he disintegrates right from her hands, floating away in a cloud of gold as the real Westview reappears around her. Wanda’s empty hands fall back to her sides as she struggles to breathe evenly, and just as grief is starting to claw its way up her throat to choke her, she is startled by a voice behind her.
(AU: Tommy and Billy survive.)
Oh, When the Sky Comes Falling Down (ao3) - Shleapord G, 806
Summary: As the red gets closer to the house, Billy’s head gets quieter. People are scared, and then they’re gone from his mind. Tommy is scared. Billy doesn’t want Tommy to be gone. Billy is scared too, and he also doesn’t want to be gone.
Billy teleports himself and Tommy out of the Hex at the last moment, and together they have to learn how to live outside of Westview.
Perfect As You Are (ao3) - boopoopeedoo wanda/vision T, 4k
Summary: Wanda and Vision's resolve to remain just friends is tested when Tommy and Billy rope Vision into rescuing Wanda from a bad date.
Safe & Sound (ao3) - Chaotic_Cate wanda/vision G, 973
Summary: When Wanda and Vision tucked their boys into bed on that last night in Westview, Billy knew what was coming. This is the scene from Billy's POV, including after his mom and dad leave the room.
Sitcom in Which Certain Lines are Crossed Out (ao3) - jenks T, 11k
Summary: When one of the students at Xavier's — whose powers include manipulation of TV signals — accidentally turns the channel over to a show that doesn’t exist, Peter Maximoff isn't sure what to think. Then he finds himself trapped in said show, so, yeah; he’s pretty sure that this whole 'WandaVision' situation sucks majorly.
Now he just needs to find a way out: if he can, of course. It's hard finding yourself rooted to the spot when all you want to do is run…
(Canon-compliant to 1x05: A Very Special Episode. COMPLETE.)
So Take Me Home (ao3) - wisteriafic wanda/vision T, 16k
Summary: Wanda and Vision, living a happy little life in the suburbs.
Synthesis (ao3) - englishmajor226 wanda/vision N/R, 296k
Summary: This is a Wanda/Vision fic that alternates from the events in Wandavision to a lead-up of all past events until Infinity War, exclusively from Vision’s POV. Hang tight, kids. It’s gonna be a long one.
The Series Finale (ao3) - bluemoonsabo N/R, 4k
Summary: This is a fix it fic for the WandaVision season finale because Ralph Bohner can suck my ass
Typical Friday Night (ao3) - gabshill wanda/natasha G, 2k
Summary: Natasha is finally working on the treehouse project when Wanda comes looking for her, followed by Tommy and Billy.
Zenith (ao3) - Cyan_Rain wanda/vision T, 61k
Summary: Billy and Tommy wake up miles from Westview, in a world that's nothing like the idyllic life their mother made for them, a world still reeling from a bizarre mass disappearance and reappearance people are starting to call "The Blip."
Six years later, there has been no sign of Wanda for so long she's presumed dead. Her children decide it's time to find answers.
Billy, Tommy, Vision, Doctor Strange, America Chavez, and Reed Richards follow a series of clues to another universe, to a variant Earth so different from their own it might as well be an alien planet, where they will face unknown dangers, strange mysteries, and possibly the Scarlet Witch.
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munchkinmarauder · 10 months
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issue summary: Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are no longer on speaking terms. So when the Wizard corners each of them with his new army of Frightful Four Hundred, it will take all their ingenuity – and all their power – to survive. But can the twins save themselves without unleashing something worse? And are they really as alone as they think?
So this is a gorgeous cover. Dauterman never misses and I am fully aware of the reason why Vision is on this cover but I am super dissapointed that a Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver official cover doesn't actually include Quicksilver and instead includes Vision.
Covers are never indicative of the actual story (look at the uncanny avengers covers) being told and when I did ask Dauterman about it he said this is to represent the fact the twins are not on speaking terms which I respect but I also wonder why then Vision of all characters had to be included, why not Wanda on her own? Why not one with her and Tommy as her ally. Why not a connecting cover with both twins facing away from each other to represent their distance? For me this kind of feels like executive meddling due to that aweful WandaVision show but I love Dauterman as an artist and will respect and take his words at face value. So long as the story gives the twins equal focus (especially given how much Steve Orlando has been emphasising this is a story about the twins) and vision is a small part of it there will be no complaints from me ultimately.
Dauterman has confirmed he was really happy with Pietro on the cover of the third issue to maybe if Pietro is the main focus of the third issue that balances things out! Like ultimately I want the twins to have equal focus as coleads. Vision really doesn't need to be in this story and I think he's ultimately detrimental to Wanda's character. She's moved on let's keep it that way. Fuck movie synergy it's not done a single good thing for the majority of characters included in the MCU.
The book is also ultimately about a brother/sister bond and I don't think we should focus on romantic relationships or promote then. Having a romantic relationship the MCU promoted feels cheap. Wanda and Vision is the worst one but I know I wouldn't have been happy either if it was Wanda/Jericho, Pietro/Crystal or Pietro/Monet. Given how much MCU synergy has screwed over the twins and Pietro in particular I can't help but worry but let's see! The issue summary sounds promising and it's best not to judge but this admittedly beautiful cover has certainly dampened the optimism I had after reading the AITP interview with Orlando.
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