#I wanted to ask Lene for the flower meaning
ask-the-temple-fox · 18 days
You were gone…? I hadn’t realized. Are you ok?
Sorry for not noticing, I’ve also had a lot going on.
- Poe
Poe! How are you? Everyone told me you went to a friend's place and didn't want to be contacted. I wanted to check on you sooner, but... I would hate to cross any boundaries.
I'm glad you are back. I, mm, I would invite you out, but I think I should get back to working a bit before doing stuff like that. I'm...
Oh! I found these flowers while I was away
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I got some of the seeds and plan to plant them. Maybe... You would be interested as well? You like gardening, right? I been meaning to check in with Lene too...
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Hello, Lene! It's been a while. (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡
I think I finally have a proper favorite flower now. I think white roses weren't... Really the answer you wanted before. ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ᐢ꒱⸒⸒
Plumeria... Would you happen to know the flower meaning of them?
- 🦊 Aubrey
Lene lights up at the ask. She immediately started typing:
oh….hi aubrey…i hope you’re doing well….thank you for the ask…
plumerias….theyre also called frangipanis…they’re found in hot climates, mostly….popular in hawaii…
they symbolize a lot of things…but mostly endurance with hardships…perseverance…and new beginnings…it’s very pretty and fitting for you…
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satorisoup · 2 months
hihi lene!! hru? life has been so hectic recently BUT ANYWAYS i saw
i) ur tmnt post speaking of which i love love loveeee tmnt so much:( esp donnie:((
iii)ur face rev ! ur so PRETTY OMIGOSH I MIGHT CRY (2) ur like an angel!! like,, idk how to describe it i'm not much of a writer outside fics but i'd imagine u to be that one character in a media that no one can hate ! and that's WITHOUT knowing u at all!! ur so sweet youd be the fan favourite forreal!! talk about being gods favourite !! cs u are!!
i tend to ramble a lot im so sorry ><
anyways, how's life been treating you?? has anything interesting happened recently???
aaaand that's it, sorry for writing this much. im gna sleep now, good night/day/whatever time it is 4 u!
UWAHHHH DARLING HYENA !! (´ᗜ` *) hi hi my love !! ^_^ m’ soso happy to see you in my inbox teehee !! you’re such a delight to talk to !! <3
EEEK OMIGOSH !! A TMNT FAN !! >//< PLS i am soso happy !! tmnt is just the absolute BESTEST !! i wouldn’t be here without it !! <3 and donnie !! he’s my most beloved, isn’t he just the absolute cutest ?? T^T i hold that entire franchise soso dear to my heart !! i could talk about it all day long !! :3
WAHHHH PLS !! T^T YOU ARE TOO KIND !! <3 m’ soso glad you liked it omigoodness !! >_< i’ve been wanting to draw / talk more about mha so i just thought i’d give it a go !! ^_^ THANK YOU SOSO MUCH MY LOVE EEEK !! that means the absolute world to me !! <3
SNIFFLE OMIGOSH !! M’ SOBBING !! T^T m’ soso flattered PLS you are an absolute darling !! <3 m’ blushing and kicking my feet i swear it !! >//< GASPS !! fan favorite ?? SOBSOBSOB MY HEART IS ABSOLUTELY MELTING RIGHT NOW !! you have no idea how much your kind words are makin’ me smile !! :> YOU ARE THE SWEETEST IN THA WORLD HYENA !! THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH PLS !! ( ˃̣̣̥ᴖ˂̣̣̥ ) i absolutely adore you !! <3
EEEP pls don’t cry teehee !! T^T you deserve all tha love !! the bokuto fic was absolutely PRECIOUS !! i couldn’t of asked for anything better, i was giggling the whole time it was SO CUTE !! it worked soso well with my koene selfship, because in one of me & kou’s timeskip m’ a flower shop owner !! YOU CAPTURED IT ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY !! <3 your characterization and writing is soso adorable hyena, THANK YOU SOSO MUCH FOR WRITING IT FOR ME !! >//< congratulations again on 200 followers !! m’ soso excited to continue to watch your blog grow !! <3
SOBSOB life has been oki recently !! ^_^ i’ve just been workin’ and having a little bit of trouble with my managers being unfair but other than that i’ve been good !! :> THANK YOU SOSO MUCH FOR ASKIN’ MY LOVE !! <3
UWAHHH also also, you don’t have to apologize for writing a lot / rambling !! i don’t mind one bit !! <3 i absolutely LOVE talkin’ to you, you can say as much as you’d like !! the more the better teehee !! <3 DONT WORRY !! i promise it’s perfectly oki with me !! >//<
TEEHEE how are you doing hyena ?? m’ soso sorry life has been hectic for you recently, m’ hoping things get better for you soon !! T^T have you watched the new blue lock movie ?? I MUST KNOW !! you are an absolute star in the night sky !! m’ sending you all of my bestest wishes & givin’ you soso many smoochies !! MWUUUAH !! <3 🍓
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missmeela · 3 years
The Gambler (Part Six)
Prompt 12: Free Day - Link to master post 
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Late afternoon. Lene sat at the card table in the bar, waiting. Eventually, Teon arrived, still looking a little glum. Lene smiled brightly and gave him a wave from her seat.
"Hey there, stranger. You look a little worse for wear. How about you come and sit with me?"
Teon plodded over and dropped down into the chair to the right of Lene.
"You may think this is just from a hangover. But you'd only be half right about that. You see, I'm a little low on funds, so I've got to be all business tonight."
Lene hummed softly and reached over to adjust his hat.
"Are you alright? Nothing bad has happened, has it?"
Teon shook his head and gave her a reassuring smile.
"It's merely a temporary position. I just need a few brash drunks with too much gil in their pockets, then I'll be all straight."
Lene touched the back of his hand and nodded.
"Okay, I'll keep you company then. I'll be sure to keep you on track, especially after what happened last night."
"Yeah, about that. I don't... Well, I think I had a little too much. I don't remember too much of it all that clearly."
Lene grinned back at Teon and flicked her hair back.
"Maybe that's what you get from drinking too much whisky. I can't have you falling asleep on me again. Look, how about this guy? He looks ripe for the taking."
Teon looked over at the man coming into the bar. He did give off that certain air of having more money than sense. But he was cautious; it could all be part of an act. Teon was going to let him head to the bar to get a better feel for him first, maybe get a few drinks in him, when Lene called out.
"Hey, you. You over there in the red. Can you play cards? This guy has been boasting about how he's the best poker player in all of the city, and I think it's high time someone took him down a peg or two."
As an opening gambit, it wasn't a bad one. Teon looked over to Lene with surprise, and she gave him a subtle wink in return.
Over the subsequent series of games, Teon managed to make enough to pay off his loan and still have a little to spare. Lene turned out to be great for bringing in new players. She even sat in on a few hands herself to add to the distraction.
By the end of the night, Teon could see why they had trouble paying attention to the game.
"You know, Lene, I could walk you home if you like. The streets aren't a good place for a woman on her own at this sort of time."
Lene smiled and collected up her things to go.
"Well, okay. So long as you're not expecting anything to come of it."
"Expecting? No. But I feel like I owe you this, at least. And I'd certainly feel better about seeing you home safely."
Lene beckoned Teon to follow her out.
"I said okay, didn't I?"
Teon hurridly gathered up his things and offered up his elbow, which Lene took.
"It's not far, which is a good thing because I don't always have a handsome man to walk me home."
True to her word, it wasn’t so far. Once they arrived at her place, Teon looked up at the dark building.
"I could come inside, just to make sure you get into bed safely."
Lene laughed and gave him a playful push.
"You may have been playing your cards right against all those men, but you haven't gotten me beat just yet."
Teon pulled out a deck of cards from his pocket and waved them about.
"So, how about we do that now? High card wins. If I win, I come in, and you fix me up a cup of coffee. If you win, I go home with my tail between my legs, and I bring you over a bunch of flowers tomorrow."
Lene looked at the deck of cards, thinking that over.
"An honest draw, no cheating?"
Teon held his hand over his heart.
"Would I ever?"
Lene smiled and cut the deck. She looked at the card and then showed it to Teon.
"A Queen. Are you sure you haven't got any aces up your sleeve?"
Teon shook his head and cut the deck himself. A nine. He turned it to show Lene and gave her a shrug.
"Can't win them all, I suppose."
Lene leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"We'll see how you do again tomorrow. And don't think that I will forget about those flowers. I'll expect to see them with you when I see you next. Goodnight, Teon. Thank you for walking me home."
Teon tipped his hat to Lene and gave her a nod.
"And I thank you for the company too. Sleep well."
She disappeared behind the door, and Teon started off down the street back to his place. It looked like his luck was turning around, even if that last draw didn't go his way.
At least it looked that way until he rounded the next corner and nearly bumped into a large Roegadyn wearing a brightly polished suit of armour.
"You, you fuck. You owe me six grand."
Teon backed up slowly, holding his hands up.
"Now, now, my good man. That was all an honest game. You gambled, and the luck of the cards just wasn't with you."
The Roegadyn grabbed his collar and yanked him forwards. He banged a hand against his breastplate and shook Teon.
"You were looking at my cards in this. You're a damned cheat."
Teon held up his hands in protest.
"You can hardly blame me for that. If you were playing with your cards face up, would you not expect me to look?"
The Roegadyn grabbed Teon's neck now and added some pressure.
"Make that twelve grand. You're not leaving here until I get what I'm owed."
Teon tapped on the hand at his throat as he turned a deep shade of red.
"Well, you see, I don't quite have that much right now. Not even six. I could maybe see my way to giving you two?"
The Roegadyn drew his sword and pointed it at Teon's belly.
"It's twelve, right now. Or I'm doing what someone should have done long ago and put a filthy cheat like you in the ground."
Teon shook his head.
"I don't have it. Besides, you're bluffing. You're not going to kill me over such a small sum, surely?"
The Roegadyn threw Teon down to the ground and stood on his chest.
"You don't think? Then you have no clue who I am."
It was true; Teon really didn't know who he was. Just another guy he had taken money off of at the poker table. He struggled underneath the weight of the Roegadyns foot as the blade approached his throat.
"Okay, okay! I can get you your money. I know a few guys, I'm sure between them, they'd loan me twelve grand. I mean, what's such a little amount between friends?"
The Roegadyn spat in Teon's face and pushed his boot down harder.
"Fuck it, I've changed my mind. I'd pay that much to see that you never robbed anyone again. Death is what you deserve. Not to be a leech on countless others."
Teon grasped at the ground, trying to get out from under the Roegadyn's weight. The Roegadyn raised up his blade; this looked like it would be the end for Teon. Maybe it would be Lene bringing him flowers instead. Like they always say, if you cast the die enough times, eventually, you'll lose.
Then suddenly, the Roegadyn topped over backwards and clattered to the floor in an awkward heap. A hand came down towards Teon, offering to help him up. He grasped it without hesitation and was pulled to his feet. He was met with the face of the thief from the morning as his unlikely saviour. Teon looked down at the Roegadyn lying on the ground; his throat was cut.
"You killed him."
"Yeah, and he was about to do the same to you."
Teon clasped his hand and shook it heartily.
"You do have my thanks, but I need to ask why you'd help me like that. This is going to cause a whole lot of trouble for someone."
The thief smiled and turned to leave.
"You may be a bit of an asshole. But he seemed like a real nasty bastard. I've got to say, a belly full of food does wonders for my compassion towards folks such as yourself."
Teon reached into his pocket and drew out his winning for the night.
"No, you saved my life. I feel like you've earned this."
The thief waved his hand at the gil.
"You already paid up in advance. Besides, the gil you gave me was enough to pay for a ticket out of this place. I'm heading West, where the hunting is still good. You bought me a path back to an honest life. That's more than anyone has done for me in a long time."
The thief looked up and down the street to see if they had been seen.
"Well, an honest life starting from tomorrow. You should get yourself home. It would be better if neither of us was found here. There would be too many questions to answer."
He darted off into the blackness of the night and left Teon standing there a bit bemused. Teon took one last look at the Roegadyn and then hurried back to his place. Okay, he hadn't killed anyone, but he still didn't want to be drawn in on how he knew the victim.
Tomorrow was a new day with fresh beginnings, and Teon found himself lucky enough to see it.
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fght-ff-yr-dmns · 5 years
Quarantine Questions!
I was tagged by @runyons6 to answer  my own questions. So let’s give it a go…
1.        A song that’s not usually your style but you love it anyway Lene Marlin <3 – Sitting Down Here
2.        Favourite website to waste time on? Reddit, I rarely post but spend hours mindlessly scrolling.
3.  Favourite fictional detective? L from Death Note is amazing, either him or Dr. Mark Sloan from Diagnosis Murder.
4.  Favourite cartoon from childhood? Sooo many like Ghostbusters, Bucky O’Hare, Thundercats and TMNT.
5.   Favourite Blink-182 song? Online Songs, it’s not their best but it’s my fave
6.   You can watch one film and read one book for the rest of your life, what are they? The Goonies and The Great Gatsby, both of which never get old to me.
7.  You win the lottery, what’s the first thing you buy? I’ve always wanted to own a pool table. I don’t have the space or really play pool…but I’d like to lol.  I'm so rock n roll.
8.   Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) or SNES? I was always a Mega Drive kid
9.   Favourite flower, tree or plant? Magnolia
10.   You can resurrect one TV show from the dead, what is it? The O.C. forever and always
11.   What was your Myspace, AOL or MSN name tag? Death Cab for Lukie on Myspace (RIP) and on MSN it was Last Stop Suburbia after the Allister album
12.   Favourite guitar solo? Nirvana – In Bloom, there’s just something about it that I love, so damn raw. I’m not much of a guitar player but this is one solo I’d love to learn one day.
13.   You can have ONE person over for dinner (living, dead or in character) who, why and what do you feed them? I originally intended this as a celeb but everyone’s real life answers have been really touching. So I’m going to choose my Grandad, he passed away when I was 15 and I’d love to have a conversation with him as an adult. Him and my nan were basically 2nd parents to me. I hope he’d be proud of the man I've become.
14.   Your favourite album art Sonic Youth’s Goo is the epitome of cool
15.   You can live in a film for one day, what is it? Back to the Future, I’ve got a big thing for time travel. So as long as I have the Delorean and someone to drive it for me. Scratch that, I can just do the same in Bill & Ted and get to hang with Keanu.
16.   Tell me a random fact about you? I have pretty much no idea what I’m doing, I’m just winging it both personally and professionally. I have a serious case of imposter syndrome. Bonus Fact: I once chatted up Tina from S Club 7.  I blew it when I asked for a photo with her.
17.   Ninjas or Samurai Ninjas are cool but samurai are just another level, check out the show Samurai Champloo.
18.   What’s your favourite anime and why is it Cowboy Bebop?            Style, substance, killer characters and one heck of a soundtrack. This show just has it all. If you haven’t seen it, I couldn’t recommend it more. Bounty hunters in space, what more do you need.
19.   Literary hero Fictional - Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird   Author – I wanted to opt for a cool answer but in all honesty it’s J.K. Rowling. The Potter world and those books mean so much to me and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I still miss that world very much.
20.   Weirdest childhood hobby Making handmade match day programmes for my fictional football (soccer team) Luke United.
21.   Recommend a song There’s this song called Ode To Billy Joe by Bobbie Gentry, I once heard it on BBC Radio 2 and fell in love.
I tag @automatyc @playcrackthesky @d0nutfearthereaperback-up
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cyanis-art · 5 years
I was tagged by @yournotpshipper (thank you, dear)
1. nickname: Lene 2. zodiac: Libra 3. height: I never know it right XD 165 cm maybe 4. hogwarts house: something between Griffindor and Ravenclaw  5. last thing i googled: the meaning of the fruits 6. favourite musicians: Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Emicida, Beyoncé, Weeknd, Labrinth, Hozier (I have more but I can’t remember) 7. song stuck in my head: Truth hurts, by Lizzo 8. following: amazing people 9. followers: amazing people too. 10. do you get asks: sometimes, from lovely people. 11. amount of sleep: four or five hours on weekdays and 10 hours on the weekends.
12.what are you wearing: a red shirt and shorts 13. dream job: that one which I am successful. 14. dream trip: England, France, Portugal, Italy... 15. instruments: I don’t play anything 16. languages: Portuguese and a little bit of English 17. 10 favourite songs as of now: 
Ismália (Emicida);
AmarElo (Emicida); 
Pray You Catch Me (Beyoncé);
Take Me To Church (Hozier); 
Work Song (Hozier); 
Jealous (Labrinth); 
In My Veins (Andrew Belle); 
Sweater Weather (Kurt Hugo Schneider’s version)
Girls Just Want to Have Fun (Cyndi Lauper)
Big Girls Don’t Cry (Fergie)
18. if you were an animal: maybe a turtle, the slower one 19. favourite food: cheeseburger  20. random fact: I am always sleepy  21. my aesthetic: pastel colors, sketchbooks, watercolors, small flowers, cloudy days, cellphone.
I’ll tag @hakkekuushou @incensuous @nejihina-love @inial-lekim @whatapanda and whoever wants to do this <3 
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moonlifter-archive · 5 years
RP . Mirthful Savant
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[FULL NAME]   Birdie Ardilad.
[PRONOUNCED]   Burr - dee Arr - dih - lad
[GENDER]   Female.
[AGE]  Thirty-eight.
[NAMEDAY]   1st Sun of the 1st Astral Moon (1/1).
[RACE]   Hume.
[LANGUAGES]   Common.
[HAIR]   Pale blonde with a darker fade to brown at the tips. Kept short and almost always pulled back in some manner of simple braid, Birdie has a general distaste for the heat and likes to keep her hair off her neck. Sideswept bangs often fall into her eyes or end up tucked behind her ears.
[EYES]   Pale, mossy green.
[COMPLEXION]   Lighter tan.
[HEIGHT]   5′7″
[BUILD]   Lean-muscled, lithe and thin. What she lacks in physical stature she makes up in endurance alone.
[POSTURE]   Extremely proper; never slouches and has a hard time relaxing even in casual settings.
[SCARS]   A long cut across the bridge of her nose.
[MARKINGS]   A single white tattoo on her left cheek, just beneath her eye. It’s an odd sigil, and one not commonly known throughout Norvrandt.
[MANNER OF DRESS]   Light, practical clothing with minor ornamentation, if any at all. Satchels and packs are the girl’s best friends, and you’ll never see her without her glasses or grimoire.
[COMBAT CLASS]   Artificer.
[MELEE PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[RANGED PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[MAGICAL PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[HEALING PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[WEAPONRY]  A grimoire bound and penned by her own hand, various alchemical tinctures, a few curious gizmos, and a small dagger.
[ARMOR]  Very rarely will Birdie don any armor heavier than some lightly-plated gauntlets and greaves for her fieldwork.
[COMBAT STRENGTHS]   Potent healing and mitigation magicks. Surprising approaches to difficult situations, extremely fast when she needs to be.
[COMBAT WEAKNESSES]  Birdie has minimal experience in battle, despite her deep understanding of offensive magicks, and as such, is prone to fight or flight panic when faced with extreme threats, and Birdie will almost always resort to flight. This naivety often only worsens her predicament and has landed her in no small amount of trouble before.
[HOMELAND]   Eulmore, Kholusia.
[PARENTS]   Bryany Ardilad (father) and Lene Ardilad (mother), deceased.
[SIBLINGS]   Atel, Elys, and Laisa (younger sisters), deceased.
[PAST RESIDENCE]   Wright, Kholusia.
[PAST OCCUPATION]   General labor, doctor, and mender; anything to get by.
[PAST FINANCIAL STATUS]   Severe poverty.
[RESIDENCE]   The Crystarium, Lakeland.
[OCCUPATION]   Researcher, scholar, and scribe.
[AFFILIATIONS]   The Cabinet of Curiosity, the Hortorium, and Spagyrics.
[FINANCIAL STATUS]   Graciously funded through her projects and medical work, though she often donates what she makes to the relief efforts of the Crystarium.
[SOCIAL STATUS]   Respected in her fields for her knowledge and understanding.
[RELATIONSHIP STATUS]   Married to her work and wouldn’t know any form of flirtation if it bit her.
[PRESENT FRIENDSHIPS]   Well-acquainted with those of the Cabinet, Hortorium, the Mean, and the medics of Spagyrics.
[VICES]   Workaholic, occasional smoker.
[GENDER IDENTITY]   Cisgender Female.
[ROMANTIC ORIENTATION]  Demi-biromantic.
[SEXUAL ORIENTATION]   Demi-bisexual.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
CABINET OF CURIOSITY Working as a keeper of knowledge alongside her colleagues within the Cabinet is Birdie’s passion. Collecting and protecting what small amount of texts remain after the Flood of Light has been the woman’s main pursuit, specifically that pertaining to the lost kingdoms of Voeburt and Nabaath. Insatiably inquisitive, Birdie is an easily accessed fount of knowledge for the curious of heart, and more than eager to engage in academic conversations.
THE HORTORIUM With a fondness for flowers possessing the woman ever since she was a young girl, Birdie often finds herself in the company of the botanists and agricultural engineers of the Hortorium. Whether it’s collecting samples from the field, tending to the plants, or observing and partaking in the Facet’s experiments, she’s always happy to assist in bettering the denizens of the Crystarium.
SPAGYRICS MEDIC Birdie’s skills in both aetherial and practical medicine are made of great use at the medical bay within the Crystarium, and soldiers unfortunate (or, fortunate, perhaps) to find themselves beneath her care always remember the woman’s smiling face and soothing practices. The woman often goes beyond what’s required of her and has made a habit of lingering at the bedside of the most gruesome of patients for bells, keeping them company and telling them stories to not only provide succor for their injuries but for their spirits as well.
HAPPY TO HELP! If there’s one thing Birdie’s particularly good at, it’s lending a hand. If you catch her with a moment to spare -- or even without -- and request the woman’s aid, she will happily tack it on to her never-ending to-do list. From petty errands to scouring the towering shelves of the Cabinet for a tome on some niche subject, to fieldwork, Birdie’s your girl. Even if she lack’s the means to accomplish your task, there’s nothing stopping her from trying or finding someone better suited for your needs.
KHOLUSIAN REFUGEE It's no secret the woman hails from the island-country of Kholusia, open book that she is, but there are things every heart harbours -- even one as cheery and warm as Birdie’s. Inquiring on her time spent within the shadow of the paradisical Eulmore often earns a stern look otherwise unbecoming of the woman, turning her cold and cagey. Outright dismissal of the subject is not uncommon, though natives to the land may distantly recall her...
FRIEND OF THE FAE In her adventures, Birdie has somehow managed to befriend one of the impish pixies from the faerie kingdom of Il Mheg. Fo Bhlà, or Flo, has Birdie’s constant companion for the past ten cycles. Though their union remains somewhat of a mystery to most, Flo has proven less disruptive than anticipated, given pixies’ natural penchant for mischief, and is surprisingly as eager as Birdie is to help where they’re able.
OPEN TO IDEAS! Really, I’m open to most plots and interactions, so long as they’re discussed prior. If something sparks your interest in RPing with Birdie that isn’t listed here, just reach out! I like hearing others’ ideas and input, and am more than willing to collaborate in writing a story we both will enjoy and benefit from! RP is a two-way street!
[ OOC ]
Please check my RP Dos/Don’ts before contacting me.
I work full-time hours and live in EST, so please be understanding of time restraints and availability! I sometimes can take a day or so to respond to even my closest friends depending on my energy levels/business, so patience is key!
Birdie is an alt, which means she is not my most active RP character, and won’t be. Please understand this before contacting me if you’re wanting something more frequent/dedicated than what I can provide.
Birdie is a First Shard native, and therefore unavailable for RP in areas on the Source.
Feel free to ask any questions by sending me an ask or IM on Tumblr, or DMing me directly if you’re part of the BRPN Discord.
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Ali & Carly
Ali: oi walsh Ali: wanna go to a party where the guestlist is undesirable Ali: not in the cool way Ali: but the drinks will be aplenty Carly: u had me @ party but keep talking Ali: obviously you love when I chat you up Ali: family function but they ain't gonna force smalltalk on you w the booze, like so no fear Carly: love wen ur offering 2 take me away Carly: compliments are a beautiful bonus Carly: ur hot bro gonna b there?? Ali: easy Ali: take you somewhere better than wherever he is after if you play your cards right Ali: and someone isn't too OD'd on beer and BBQ by tonight to organise a decent shindig Carly: yea lads r sooo easy Carly: its boring Carly: showing my cards we should get some 💊 & fly through it Ali: 👌 Ali: sadly my mother refuses to address her issues so no stocked medicine cabinet here to raid Ali: I'll ask about Carly: ha Carly: mine don't Carly: I've got this Carly: show your love later Ali: 🙌 Ali: gimme her number Ali: put in the groundwork now like the overachiever I am Carly: [does give her number out] Carly: k but you love me more Ali: obviously Ali: love of my life Ali: gotta rep my manners with your ma though Carly: said as ur slipping ur 💍 off & giving some other bitch the 👀 Carly: how my da works Ali: hmm Ali: better leave her alone then Ali: don't need to repeat her mistakes Carly: if 1 person did the cabinet wouldn't be full for us Carly: let's keep one 'rent 💔 at a time Ali: smart Ali: that's why you're my bae Carly: its cos I kno how to juggle 💘 Carly: & other body parts ofc Ali: 😂 Ali: and a decent trip, hopefully 🤞 Ali: your mum's got a mixture, yeah or do I need to bring tissues Ali: or 🥊 Ali: what's the #mood Carly: whatever you want it to be baby Carly: shes got docs wrapped around her finger Carly: hers anyway Carly: mine's a woman & she refuses to flirt w her own gender Ali: k am a bit in love with her now Ali: soz Ali: clearly send her in, she'll change her tune and your prescription Carly: other than my da who isnt Carly: taught me everything I kno Carly: leave her a message she'll hit you back if you pretend to be hot lad Ali: 💔 that Carly: same I could have two mas Carly: more clothes & drugs to steal Ali: idk, my missus might reckon your da's a style icon Carly: ha Carly: she coming? Ali: nah Ali: you wanna see actual flirting w a middle-aged woman, like, she's your woman Ali: I can't Carly: on her bday she'll propose a 3way w ur ma Carly: been there Ali: 🤢 Ali: that's vile Ali: her diehard need to be more chivalrous than any man should work in my favour for once, like Carly: k Carly: tell me I'm wrong wen she's 1 year older & you ain't had to nah that Ali: bold of you to assume we won't be happily married by then, babe Ali: it ain't til feb Ali: hint hint buy me something Carly: ur married to me Carly: so you gotta say no Carly: & i kno ur a typical aquarius Carly: but I said hers you weren't listening such a hubby mood Ali: wish I could be the man you want and say I don't remember when it is Ali: but I think I do so Ali: 💔 fucking estrogen and empathy strikes again Ali: ultimate cockblock Carly: im not wrapping myself in a ribbon for her so idc when it is Ali: gutted for her Ali: when's yours then Carly: I'm a gemini girl Carly: guess Ali: ah fuck Ali: gonna have to kick it belated Ali: just means I have to go harder so enjoy Ali: hmm Ali: gonna go for 21st Carly: 😢 Carly: nope Ali: damn Ali: just wishful thinking I'd only just missed it, tbh Ali: it's June though, not May Ali: I'm positive Carly: yea Ali: I'll ask our mans Ali: shake him down for all that knowledge I'm sure he's hiding Carly: try it Carly: be funny Carly: how wrong he is Ali: counting on it Ali: how else am I stealing his girl Carly: im not his Carly: already yours Ali: 'course Ali: you seen him much since partygate Carly: just waved him out before you hit me w your invite Carly: y i said yea so fast Ali: I get it Ali: making him leave was always harder than it had any right being Ali: least he didn't invite himself Carly: he makes himself comfortable if I am or not Carly: revolving door on this caravan too so Ali: having 'nam flashbacks Ali: yikes Ali: let's not waste any more time talking 'bout exes tonight Ali: or currents Carly: did your ma let him in on her way out too or does she only like the girls ur w? Carly: aw you don't wanna talk Carly: let me apply gloss hold on Ali: safe to assume he's not coming 'cos of multiple people Ali: not just Lene Ali: 🍓 if you got it, babe Carly: & she's not coming cos of multiple ppl not just ur ma Carly: you not a 🍒 girl hm Carly: interesting Ali: she's not coming 'cos I ain't asked her Ali: awkward if my mother has taken the initiative but help the party go with a swing, I guess Ali: nah, you're a 🍓 girl Ali: too sweet for 🍒 Carly: cos you asked me i kno 😍 so cute Carly: aw you want me to taste how i naturally do Carly: even cuter Ali: be more fun Ali: invite her to my next protest or something more fitting Ali: nothing personal Carly: hey i can be loud Carly: do it all the time Ali: aw you want all her invites now? 😏 Carly: yea Carly: you want me you got me 💍 Ali: alright Ali: you're on Carly: k Ali: get ready for so many adventures Carly: 😊 Carly: wot am i wearing to this 1? Carly: gotta dress for hot bros & disapproving mas Ali: 🙄 Ali: if that's the mood you wanna go for Ali: though idk why you'd choose that over turning my head but go off, honey Carly: i can do that in what Im wearing rn Carly: gimme a challenge Ali: love the confidence Ali: my ma ain't but you will need it with my brother Carly: they all play hard to get until i get there Carly: being easy keeps it easy for them Carly: not my first bbq Ali: nah babe Ali: remember, we're ditching before it gets to that part of the evening Ali: soz to 💔 but I'll be nicer about it than he would so also welcome Carly: throw the keys in the salad bowl as soon as i get there idc Carly: no foreplay needed Ali: gotta get you outta the caravan park more, babe7 Carly: yea Carly: im walking now before he can follow me Ali: meet you halfway? Ali: will bring a crowbar if he's being that clingy Carly: ha Carly: im in the stash don't be sad Carly: ill leave you lots Ali: 👍 leave me chance to catch up too and no worries Carly: ofc Carly: 💙 Ali: you're a doll Carly: yea thats y everyone wants to fuck me Ali: nah Ali: plenty of other reasons for that though Carly: its k you dont need to list off ur compliments 1 per 💊 Carly: i feel the love Ali: you ain't saving me that many, I know 💚 Carly: aw Carly: ur so sweet Ali: nicer to my wives than my girlfriends, obvs Ali: pecking order Carly: 😊 Carly: she's still lucky to have you cos ur an angel to me Ali: you Ali: trust, no angel Ali: and that ain't some juvenile attempt at a brag there Carly: it's a flirt 😈😉 ha Carly: you wanna misbehave w me in front of your whole fam im there Ali: assuming my brother ain't up for it, obvs Carly: cant i have both Carly: what kind of bi r u Ali: one that don't like her brother's handmedowns Ali: lived that life long enough Ali: he ain't a style icon either Carly: ur first Carly: hes maybe Ali: was hoping if we skipped ronan and lene off the guestlist we could avoid the punch-up, tbh babe Carly: aw you dont wanna fight for me Carly: 💔😢 Ali: I mean my brother's girlfriend will have you Ali: only tryna protect, not kill your vibe Carly: scarier than your gf? Ali: deffo Ali: she wishes, the real threesome request that'll spell the end of it all 🙄 Carly: hes forgotten then Carly: be more fun just me & you Ali: obviously Ali: been tryna tell you but easier to prove it Carly: k Carly: ready when you are Ali: soz, forgot shoes Ali: gimme 5 Carly: ha Carly: im not wearing any & im fine Carly: you just wanna do a last mirror check for me 💙 so cute Ali: 😂 Ali: such a pisstake, you walsh Carly: part time flower child you Carly: but its k i still love you Ali: just defending why I'm being so slow Ali: obvs my 😍 weighing me down but lemme have some pride, woman Carly: ha Carly: you're my cute 🐌 Ali: now you're gonna be adorable, fucking hell Ali: you're dangerous Carly: if you cant handle me now wait til I come up Carly: 💊s are the real danger baby Ali: I'll be caught up by then Ali: might have to double-down but I can handle that, no worries Carly: they r being so slow 😢😢😢 Ali: ride it out, baby Carly: you sounded like him then Carly: except hes never called me baby ever Ali: oh dear Ali: I've gone full dickhead Ali: 😬 Ali: I'll take it down a notch Carly: no youre being sweet Carly: theres just lots of ways to trigger a fuck flashback when youre me Carly: dont change Ali: dunno if I could but glad you still wanna keep me around Carly: ofc Carly: i love you Ali: you're so pure Carly: not for years soz boo Carly: & this stash aint either Carly: such a let down 💔😢 Ali: shh Ali: we can make it work Ali: there's enough here to get crossfaded Carly: just dont hate me k Ali: why and how could I ever Ali: silly wabbit Carly: easily Carly: my phones full of Ali: you gonna fuck my girlfriend? Ali: or me and leg it Ali: neither's likely so we're all good, baby girl Carly: she scares me still even if she would have an amazing collection of giant strap ons Ali: 😂 Ali: well I can neither confirm nor deny Carly: no need its every lesbian of her kind Carly: labelled herself Ali: just don't bring up penis envy Ali: she'll lose it Ali: #freudstarteditbabe Carly: can i ask her what she'd do first if she woke up w one? Carly: fave ice breaker Ali: it is gold Ali: but save it 'cos it's just me and you remember Carly: do you wanna know my answer Ali: of course Carly: guess Carly: you owe me a right answer for my wrong bday Ali: Hmm okay Ali: would you Ali: bang as many people as humanly possible Carly: i do that anyway Ali: well you get banged, if we wanna be misogynistic about it Ali: I know what I'd do Carly: more fun with more holes tho so I'm not mad Carly: first thing I'd do is measure to see if I need to brag or exaggerate Ali: pragmatic of you Ali: hadn't even considered that Carly: wanna know if mine's bigger than the lads I've been w ofc Carly: size matters idc what small dicked lads are trying to say Ali: yeah but they're always thinking length when really Ali: girth is where it's at Carly: yea Carly: shouldve taught that in school Ali: how to measure circumference Ali: they defs did Carly: yea?? Carly: idk Ali: I'll show you Ali: on a beer can Ali: unrealistic expectation but you get the idea Carly: all my expectations r unrealistic Carly: make me cum is a stretch for most lads on site Ali: babe Ali: gonna make me 😥 Carly: youre the pure 1 aint you Carly: aw Ali: hardly Ali: saying at least I get that, like Ali: minimum Carly: your gf has some uses that arent being your ma's BFF Ali: precisely Ali: I would've been a bit kinder with it but in a nutshell Ali: what about ronan at least Carly: have you forgotten him now youve upgraded Carly: shouldnt need my review Ali: shh, he'll cry Carly: he was when i wouldnt let him stay for dinner idc Ali: poor boy 😏 Carly: one of his other girls can cook for him Carly: my ma aint there & i aint doing it Ali: he needs to just give in and marry one of his own Ali: it's what he wants, no matter what he reckons Carly: he told me he is Carly: but hes said worse for a fuck so idk Ali: rude Ali: where's my invite to mourn my loss, boy Carly: ill tell him to text you Carly: wont have lost your number Ali: got the drunk texts to prove it Ali: bless Carly: ha Carly: only answer mine tho Carly: 💍 perks Ali: only if I ain't also there with ya Carly: yea Carly: youre gonna b w me forever so Ali: I'll just tell you in person then Ali: if you tell me Ali: deal? Carly: k Carly: i feel happy Carly: 😊😊😊😊😊 Ali: you're on your way Ali: where are you, btw Carly: the longest road ever Ali: hm, tell me about it Ali: I'll run Ali: in dramatic, sexy slo-mo Carly: me too Carly: only way i run Carly: see you when we collide Ali: wifey goals Ali: won't even try and make it our lips that collide Ali: scout's honour Carly: anticipations more fun Carly: plenty of other places I can touch you first Ali: we'll pretend you meant my 💘 Carly: i did that first night @ first 👀 Ali: no lie, we'll have to think of somewhere else innocent-sounding then Ali: do some experimenting, straight girl Carly: i have Carly: i told you ready when you are Ali: I told you, dangerous Carly: only if you get caught Carly: i won't tell if you don't Carly: so good at keeping secrets Ali: I'll sort it Ali: I made vows Ali: she'll understand Carly: were just taking them seriously Carly: nobody can be mad about that Ali: deadly, like Ali: also forgot a bra, naturally and this run is killing me Carly: somewhere innocent I can touch you then Carly: god works in obvious ways Carly: like you Ali: please Ali: if I was doing it for your benefit sure I'd put one on Ali: show 'em off Carly: you kno you dont need to Carly: not your first bbq either Ali: 😏 Ali: maybe Carly: no maybe u kno Carly: & you can feel my 😍 Carly: travelling faster than my slo mo run Ali: love being your wcw, babe 😉 Carly: idk what that is Carly: but if the first letters arent wild child I'm sad Ali: that's far less straight girl so we'll go with it Ali: hope for you yet, like Carly: youre not gonna tell me what it means Ali: woman crush wednesday Ali: used exclusively by girls like Leesha and that Carly: omg i think my ma said that @ the telly the other night Carly: it wasnt wednesday Ali: feeling like hyping up Chezza whatever the night Ali: I 👀 you Carly: but youre wrong Carly: i dont have a crush on you i love you Ali: so if I need a kidney you're down Ali: but no gay shit Ali: 👌 Carly: yea cos whats mine is yours Carly: all of me Carly: so you can have anything you want Ali: good to know Ali: make a killing on the black market Carly: just tell me if youre draining me in the tub so i can have a good last nite before Carly: & stop making me beg for gay shit that's not a mood Carly: i dont do the begging its the other way round Carly: ask anyone Ali: of course Ali: I ain't an animal Ali: you don't have to beg Carly: what do you want me to say then Ali: what you want Ali: obviously Carly: find me Carly: you can do that yea Ali: easy Ali: [does 'cos how long can one road be] Carly: [most excited hug that turns into the longest hug & moment because well we know] Ali: [turns it into linking arms and walking 'fore shit gets too real here] Carly: [is just happy & loling & chatting shit which is endless compliments basically like her eyes being tiny skies & sunshine hair etc you get the idea because high af] Ali: [is listening and not dismissing it 'cos not that bitch but also knows she's high so not being like ooh lol, 'you're so pure'] Carly: [dramatically stops cos remembers suddenly that she needs to give Ali her share so does, sad & mad at herself like she's so upset she nearly forgot bless] Ali: [cups her chin like hey and tells her it's okay whilst looking in her eyes as she takes her share] Carly: [back to being smiley just like that because reassurance bitch & takes her hand & leads her along cos handholding ftw] Ali: [is happy she's happy again] Carly: [her phone is going off cos Ronan but she's ignoring cos only got eyes for Alison rn] Ali: ['you put love eggs in or?'] Carly: [talks in depth about how she's drawing the line at borrowing that kinda shit from her ma cos oversharer even when she ain't high & also throws her phone to Ali playfully like no look so we can imagine how lovely those messages are even just from the first line preview thing] Ali: [takes Carly's thumb so she can open it and reply 'cos that bitch] Carly: [is just loling even though this is such a bad idea] Ali: [schools him in a way that probably sounds familiar lbr] Carly: [then a selfie sesh cos those bitches they love themselves] Ali: [takes her sunnies off her head and puts 'em on Carly 'cos her eyes are massive/pinholed depending which way we're rocking this lol] Ali: [does a 'shh' like no one's gonna know] Carly: [you know she's keeping them sunnies forever now soz] Ali: [just swinging their arms having a gay old time] Carly: [just singing something as they going cos no stage fright when high af & her voice is nice so its a moment] Ali: [😍] Carly: [more compliments when she notices Ali is looking at her cos she's pretty af lbr] Ali: ['how many other hidden talents you got, like?'] Carly: [thinks about it way harder than the question warrants like its a hard question cos lowkey is when you don't reckon you got any skills. Says 11 cos bday clue & lucky number with a mysterious expression like but then laughs cos if she has to ever back that up awks] Ali: [lols back but squeezes her hand like don't doubt it] Carly: [looks down at her feet because actually is shoeless here 'how far?'] Ali: [gestures like 'piggyback?' but ain't that far in my mind] Carly: [accepts because always, good thing Ali is strong & Carly is skinny cos they literally the same height] Ali: [galloping about and into your function like idiots 'cos she's coming up now too] Carly: [miracle that Carly don't fall cos not holding on properly cos wants to stretch her arms out so its like a bike with no handlebars situation lol] Ali: [imagine everyone's faces lmao] Carly: [Tess scowl be like seen from space] Ali: [gets situated on the grass and is just helping herself to drinks Carly: [is just having a little dance by herself cos feeling great not soz everyone especially not soz Ro cos you wish you could babe] Ali: [at least little rock can join in] Carly: [aw the two of them dancing together like cute nerds & she's spinning him round & everything] Ali: [just ignoring all her fam's questions and being chatty af like nothing's weird 'cos high, then joining in 'cos duh more fun[ Carly: [all you can hear is Carly's laugh which is the best so deal with it fam thank you, let my sweet baby angel be happy] Ali: [when you being blatant af] Carly: [when you don't need to be touching a girl who has a girlfriend this much when you dancing in a non sexy way but you is] Ali: [defs need a sprinkler they can all be running through] Carly: [wet t-shirts ftw I see you] Ali: [is motioning like come to my room but not like that lads, just get some weed like you need it] Carly: [takes some drinks with her but the only mental image I have is when Lily in Skins with armfuls when she says keep your vagina on & I'm loling] Ali: [hey ro hey] Carly: [okay but Carly trying to talk to her & being so nice cos she's so pure & Ro being so rude] Ali: [even in her state given her all the disappointed looks like ??] Carly: [this sweet child laughing it off cos how she do but how dare you Ro, I'm mad] Ali: [going to the kitchen for food, accidental ultimate ro shade] Carly: [just following Ali cos she's never been here & don't know where she's going but quieter cos you can tell she's thinking what did I do wrong cos how her brain works] Ali: [being reassuring af] Carly: [sitting on the kitchen counter swinging her legs looking so cute with her dirty feet & drinks from the tap cos she do what she want] Ali: ['you look beautiful'] Carly: [smiles & laughs like its chill but is seriously 😳 cos who says nice things to her like this ever] Ali: [gets them and rocky ice lollies bye everyone else] Carly: [when you eating it seductively without being aware or trying to be that cos its your life] Ali: [is giggling 'cos high] Carly: [more compliments because how cute] Ali: [lays her head in her lap to 'cloudgaze' aka sneak peeks] Carly: [playing with her hair & freckles sporadically because she's soft & intimate like that, be more blatant girl, love it] Ali: [doing daisychain around her wrist 'cos bringing it back] Carly: [finally remembers there are drinks so is on that but v distracted looking at & touching Ali, oh girl same we all would] Ali: [tryna be chill but obvs into it regardless of how 'straight she is] Carly: [lies in the grass & does snow angel moves like she can flatten the grass & make one, god bless you babe, brings Ali with her so they just snuggling cos we can be this blatant] Ali: [just stroking her hair nbd] Carly: [loves it & is making it known by talking about how good it feels & throwing out compliments like its her job sorry for how gay this is everyone but she thinks Ali is the best so] Ali: [backatcha telling her how pure and sweet she is and they're just blabbing at each other] Carly: [soz k stew but this is cute] Ali: [when you wanna kiss her so bad 'cos you're high and happy and this is a mood] Carly: [I'll either save or condemn us cos she's gonna go take some more pills so they don't wear off so they could be alone if Ali goes with & she'd be dragging her along so v dangerous] Ali: [looking at themselves in the mirror and making funny faces] Carly: [& Carly just peeing cos no shame, same tbh] Ali: [but doing like war/festival style paint on each other's face with like, whatever lipstick has been left in that bathroom] Carly: [but think how close Ali would have to be to her face to do that like how has she not kissed her, applause needed honestly] Ali: [draws a lil heart on Carly's nose] Carly: [can't stop looking at herself cos loves it] Ali: [takes loads of pictures, improtu bathroom photoshoot sesh] Carly: [likewise taking loads of pics of Ali but like weird close ups cos she gaaaaaaaay & focused on the details] Ali: [posing 'cos we know she's about it lmao] Carly: [more touching of freckles like she's gonna draw something connect the dots style but just using her fingers cos they are perfect as they are & she'd say so] Ali: [not much would phase her but she would be blushing rn] Carly: [just gushing about how adorable she is endlessly like it'd be too much from anyone else] Ali: [keeps saying ILY 'cos being off your face ftw] Carly: [saying it back of course & all the terms of endearment like baby, angel etc cos that's just how she is anyway] Ali: [someone, probably Tess, banging on the door like they're desperate, we see you ma] Carly: [jumps out of her skin, again same] Ali: [hugs her protectively] Carly: [smelling her hair like a peak gay during the hug because lbr it'd smell nice, no shade or shame here, more compliments for that obvs] Ali: [going back downstairs before there's a brawl but when you ain't even phased 'cos something happening here deal fam Carly: [when you lowkey dancing your way back out cos you happy af & you find the dog on the way so you're carrying him with you & kissing & loving him & its adorable sorry bye] Ali: [and spuds such a funny looking boy lmao] Carly: [lying on the grass again spooning the dog & singing to him probably a song from when she was little & her mum cared like he a baby] Ali: [just watching and melting 'cos actually so cute, don't cry bitch lmao] Carly: [sees her & crawls over like hey, curling up with her again because the lap is a mood forever & we need to claim it from your future child for the gays] Ali: [doing teeny tiny plaits in her hair and humming the song she was just singing to the dog] Carly: [just chatting shit the whole time soz everyone else but they loving life let them be] Ali: [just getting to know each other hardcore 'cos neither of them has much time for small talk or bullshit anyway so on drugs it'd be like 1000 percent more intense, also shamelessly ignore a call and multiple texts from your actual girlfriend] Carly: [but then after all that because I'm evil & she's 'straight' let's say she makes eye contact with Fraze somehow so off she goes to flirt with him as if that's even a possibility when you know it'd just be annoying like her taking his 🚬 to try & be so cool & seductive, babe no. He's just like Ali control your girls] Ali: [is annoyed but not gonna do anything unless it got more dramatic like you deal, casually going through her phone to find a party or something] Carly: [Fraze just being such a dickhead soz Carly also knowing that's Bea's lipstick because of course he does so loling about her & Ali's impending doom] Carly: [also Ro coming out cos someone made her to 'eat' so just being super judgey such joy] Ali: [fully like fuck this like don't kill my vibe fam so walking like she just gonna go in the house but really she peacing] Ali: if ur done come back out Carly: where d u go? Ali: found us a party Carly: k Carly: [catches up to her like oh hey] Ali: [tells her it ain't far to go and starts walking] Carly: [looks down at her feet like she only just remembered she's not wearing shoes but doesn't miss a beat in keeping in step with her because being gay is more important] Carly: dont b mad @ me Ali: [looks down too and is like, we can go get shoes first if you want lol] Ali: I ain't Carly: the colours around you have changed Carly: i kno u r Ali: nah it's like Ali: hmm Ali: I'm not sure what it's like Carly: like me again Carly: [is saying sorry because always quick to that one] Ali: ['I do, you don't need to say that'] Carly: [trying to give Ali her drink as a peace offering like hmm I've done something wrong must make amends somehow] Carly: [& then more pills when she remembers she has them still] Ali: [shrugs like why not and accepts, cue Leesha and probably her 'best' friend tottering out of her house looking the most overdressed] Carly: [Carly loling because she has the whole day but these bitches taking it as a slight against their everything] Ali: [Leesha started shouting the odds 'cos mother's daughter and obvs already white girl wasted, Ali like let's just go 'cos over it] Carly: [Carly offering her pills cos change your mood babe & being looked at like she's offering poison, you've been there before Leesha I get it] Ali: [tryna lowkey drag her away before this becomes the Thing tm they want it to be for the #drama] Carly: [Carly just chatting about Ali's heroics & how sweet she is cos knight in shining armor for her forever lbr just like 😍] Ali: [loling] Carly: [Carly just out the blue like 'you should kiss her, then she'd be happier' like no babe Leesha ain't you but I love the softness of your world view] Ali: ['fully converted, are you?'] Carly: [lols but is also like 'you haven't kissed me yet' with a cute little pouty face as she walks on slightly ahead looking at the sky] Ali: ['Night still young, baby'] Carly: [clearly is buzzing about this & not hiding that 'I love you more than her' how unspecific she could mean Leesha or K stew or both, god bless] Ali: [is all 'I know' but not 'cos she's a cocky bitch lmao 'cos you're pure'] Carly: [puts her arms up like a child who wants to be picked up cos she wants Ali to carry her into the party] Ali: [does 'cos duh even if she's joking about how high maintenance she is] Carly: [snuggling into her the whole time cos she's soft] Ali: [let's hope it's not too far, probably some 20-something hippie waster's chill thing] Carly: [when you humming but using Ali's heartbeat as your basis for a tune cos gaaaaaaaaaaay] Ali: [when you're harmonizing] Carly: [#goals for real] Carly: [but then she gotta stop so she can compliment Ali again cos we know her voice is fire but Carly didn't necessarily know this] Ali: ['we should jam for real some time'] Carly: [cue her rambling stage fright reveal because like we said no time for bullshit so its just being put out there & she's like 'you'll have to sing to me'] Ali: [is like okay but silently thinking of all the ways she could help her confidence 'cos that bitch but not gonna be pushy and patronizing about it 'cos not THAT bitch] Carly: [just staring at her adorably all like 'what are you thinking about?'] Ali: ['you'] Carly: [such a big smile but also blushing 'good things?'] Ali: [just gives her a look that's like what do you think and obviously, yes] Carly: [a big hug moment and kisses her on her forehead cos where the thoughts come from] Ali: [the mess of lipstick their faces are] Carly: [they must look crazy, living for it] Ali: [good thing no one at this party will care, turn up and chatting to people and the usual] Carly: [there should be someone there for Carly to hook up with to hurt Ali's heart & reaffirm the 'straightness'] Ali: [when you can't 'cos you got a gf, gutted] Carly: [who is probably still trying to contact you cos highkey] Ali: [text her back girl, come on] Carly: [do it while your real gf is getting you a drink lol] Ali: [let's text]
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gciti-blog · 8 years
Third Person's POV The next day workers were setting up for the karaoke night while the girls were getting ready for the bachelorette pool party. They decided to throw a combined bachelorette party with all the women present. Lauren left her assigned villa and tried to figure her way out of the resort when she bumped into another girl carrying an assortment of flower petals. "Cant you see?" Came a rude reply from the other girl. Lauren tried to brush her tank top off of the flower petals and turned to the girl? "You asshole! I couldn't see?" Lauren replied with the same rudeness. "No no. My english is dirty? I from Spain." The girl raised her hands and tried to pick a petal that happened to be at Lauren's crotch and she immediately slapped it away. Lauren herself wiped her ripped jeans of the petals. "Alexa!?" Came Camila's unmistakable voice. "Oh hi Camilla. Whatsup babygirl.." Alexa raised her hand to give Camila a high five but she moved and Alexa almost tripped. "What are you doing here? Everybody is waiting for the petals. Go!" Camila scolded her. "Stupid moron" Lauren murmured to herself but the other two girls heard her perfectly, "Sorry what?" Alexa asked. "Nothing. You go play." Lauren said and shooed her away. She cursed under her breath when she realised Camila had caught her sneaking out. "What are you doing here?" Camila asked Lauren. The party was being held at the other side of the resort. "Playing catch. Come we'll play together." Lauren tried to smart mouth her way out. Camila looked Lauren up and down. She wasn't dressed as if she was attending a pool party. She was wearing a tattered band tank top and ripped jeans with her shades on and her big travelling bag. "You were trying to sneak out.. weren't you?" Camila asked. "Not were. I am sneaking out. I am gonna explore Paris." Lauren winked and started walking. "OYE! You are not here to explore Paris. You are here for Cheechee's wedding!" Camila walked towards Lauren making her turn around. "Noway! There will be giant and desperate Polynesian ladies. I'll get raped." Lauren tried to reason. "You can't do that much for Dinah?" Camila said trying to guilt trip Lauren. "Let me go Camz. She won't even know that I didn't attend." Lauren pouted. "Maybe, but if you do she will know. And that's gonna make her happy." Camila said trying her last way to get Lauren to come. "This is nice. When all goes to fail... emotional blackmail is the saviour." Lauren said and that made Camila giggle and smirk. Lauren too chuckled and walked back to Camila. "Come on." Lauren was now ahead of Camila when she noticed Lauren's clothes. "What happened?" Lauren asked. "You are not attending the party wearing that." Camila grimaced. "Come with me" Camila lead Lauren to her own villa where all the wedding related things were kept. All the dresses, gowns, shoes and bags. Baskets of chocolates and champagne bottles littered the whole living area. Camila went to a rack and picked a black bikini for Lauren she threw it towards Lauren and then found some jean shorts and a see through black shirt. Camila wore the same attire but in white. "If you want to see me naked.. just ask me." Lauren said and chuckled. She started looking around while Camila was trying to find something. "Did the queen decided to keep her stuff here? What is all this??" Lauren said trying to make her way through hoards of boxes and baskets. Looking through racks of dresses she cornered a few so she could see Camila "what are you guys gonna do wearing all these dresses? Strip!?" Lauren chuckled again. "Did you see the wedding invitation? Not a single colour was spared in the basket. I had to give excess baggage for it! I dont think this shirt is looking good on me." Lauren said while stripping her clothes and wearing the shirt without her shorts. She stepped out in a half buttoned black shirt for Camila to see her. "Look at me. Does the shirt look good?" Camila who had her back to Lauren while searching something turned and saw Lauren pant less. "OH GOD LO! Wear your shorts please!" Camila immediately turned her back to Lauren. "Aww!! My Shy-lene Woodley!!" Lauren wore her shorts and then asked Camila to turn again. Camila saw Lauren and smiled. This girl would look beautiful in a potato sack too! She quietly walked towards Lauren and started buttoning the shirt. "The wedding invitation was designed by me. All these dresses are of my choice. I am the maid of honor." Camila revealed to a shocked Lauren. "No.. I mean.. I uh- it was.. I am sorry." Lauren apologised for her mistake. "You don't have to critique everything. Everybody has worked hard on this wedding. Appreciate it." Camila said quietly trying to get through Lauren. "But understand my problem too.. I was picked up from The Hangover and dropped straight to Keeping up with the Kardashians." This honest confession made Camila smile. Once the last button was done Camila looked Lauren in the eye before saying, "You just follow my orders. I guarantee, you will have fun in the wedding." Camila was about to walk away when Lauren caught her elbow and made Camila look at the mirror where they could see their reflection. The white shirt was bringing out Camila's tan and the black shirt made Lauren's eyes look greener. "We look Dope together." Lauren exclaimed. Camila looked at Lauren in confusion and Lauren giggled before placing a kiss on Camila's cheek and guiding her away from the mirror and off to the party. ~ A/N Camren feels!?? Vote, comment and share!!
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Southeast Asia For Dummies (Or How I Did Not Die In Vietnam)
If you want to be like me, Quit Procrastination! It appears like each 2nd individual I meet right here is Australian (if they are not Vietnamese, that is). Scooterville: Bob Fisk @ Broadacres Swap Meet offers mechanical restore and replaces components. The network, components of which had been a number of storeys deep, integrated trapdoors, constructed residing locations, storage services, weapon factories, area hospitals, command centres and kitchens.
The purpose that 1000's of single Vietnamese ladies marry previous males is simply because they want to come to a Western nation. South Vietnamese forces target Vietcong bases close to Saigon. The Cambodians historically do not consume canine, but the Vietnamese do, so there is some trace of it in Cambodia these days (although we have not noticed any). It is a unhappy, unhappy story I have noticed far as well frequently.
Considerably south of Halong Bay could be the picturesque smaller sized historical city of Hoi An, wherever the “The Tranquil American,” was partly filmed. 3 day all-inclusive cruise in Halong and Lan Ha Bays. Even so the quantity of rubbish is extraordinary and there is only so a lot that the cruise ship businesses and nearby individuals can handle. The middle bit of the cocoon can be eaten as Bud demonstrated and he claims.
Nevertheless, if you have by no means been to Saigon prior to, then it may get a bit perplexing for you to determine what to do and what not in Saigon. As with anyplace else, typical sense applies - make sure your space is locked and if you have essential valuables make certain you maintain them securely. And once more the guides took a lot care of me, organized tea and meals to my space.
Thanks so a lot for sharing your lifestyle experiences with all of us! From Might to November, the southern component sees brief afternoon downpours, and in between December and April—the most pleasant climate when you can appreciate Phu Quoc seashores or witness flowers blooming in the Mekong Delta. On the way down, I had to quit each so frequently to warm up, the climate was that biting cold! The opposing monsoonal season, which indicates various climate patterns from North to South, will give every time in the yr an benefit.
So my buddy Lene from Denmark asked 1 of my American buddies what homecoming is and she stated some thing about flowers and a parade or some thing. These days I posted stock such as baju kurung, jubah and telekung 74 flowers to sister ASMAK BINTI ZAKARIA in Kalantan, Malaysia. We consider a strolling tour of the ancient town center to go to the former merchants houses, the 400 yr-previous Japanese Covered Bridge and the colorful marketplace well-known for it is clothes tailors.
Wake early and depart the hotel to go to the well-known Cai Rang floating marketplace by motorized boat. Situated in between Tran Phu Street and Bach Dang Street, Han Marketplace is simple to discover. Go to the St. Joseph Cathedral, have a peak and settle down at 1 of the numerous nearby eateries about this church for an early lunch.
1 guidance for you is maintaining photocopies or scanned copies of your passport and visa with out the originals in suitcase to steer clear of the reduction. April seven, 1965 - President Johnson delivers his "Peace With out Conquest" Speech at Johns Hopkins University providing Hanoi "unconditional discussions" to quit the war in return for huge financial help in modernizing Vietnam.
eight. Hanoi is quainter than you believed. Vietnam stretches more than 1650 km along the eastern coast of the IndochinesePeninsula( from 8° 34´ N to 23° 22´ N) with a broad variety of latitudes and altitudes, so Vietnam has a remarkably various climate. November: Vietnam Veterans Memorial devoted in Washington, D.C.
Vietnam excursions truly are overflowing with all-natural elegance. There are so numerous locations that you can discover. Fantastic suggestions. We had been just there in February and truly loved HCMC. There are regular every day flights in between Cambodia and Vietnam, mainly are from Phonm Penh or Siem Reap to Honai or Ho Chi Minh City.
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