#I want to chase my prey and triumphantly take it home to my family
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salem-the-silver · 2 years ago
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I want to hunt, I want to provide, I want to chase, I want to sink my teeth into something
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favefandomimagines · 5 years ago
Everything Happens For A Reason (t.h.)
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Summary: Tom asks you, his bartender at the pub he owns, to accompany him to his next deal.
AN: since i’ve been into Peaky Blinders and got inspired by Thomas and Grace’s arrangement in season one when they go to meet Billy Kimber at the races AND this is my first time ever writing anything Mob!Tom related soo go easy on me please! xx
It was no secret that every man who worked for Tom found you attractive. That’s why Tom hired you to begin with. You were a pretty face and pretty face’s were easy to tell secrets to. Every man who stepped foot in the pub, always ended up telling the pretty bartender everything. 
And you would report back to Tom if it was something you saw as worthy of him knowing. He obviously thanked you and then sent you on your way. It never escalated beyond that. Though parties wanted it to go beyond that but there were the obvious risks. 
Until one day, as you were preparing to open, Tom and Harrison stepped inside. Wearing their expensive Yves Saint Laurent suits and Rolexes adorning their wrists, perspectively.
“We don’t open for another fifteen minutes.” You told them, as you were wiping down the counter. “Last time I checked I owned the joint. I can come in whenever I please.” Tom replied. “And last time I checked, when you hired me, you said I can run this place.” You rebutted. 
Tom chuckled lightly as he walked up to the bar and rested his elbows atop it. “I need you this evening. I have someone covering for you tonight.” He said.
You furrowed your eyebrows and set the rag down in the sink. “What do you need me for?” You asked. “I need you to accompany me to a meeting. One of the other bosses I’m meeting with, he tends to say more when there’s a woman present.” Tom explained. 
You looked from Tom to Harrison and then back to Tom. “Oh so I’m just your arm candy for the evening? Let me guess, you’re going to have me play the typical dumb bombshell and have me compliment him, stare seductively at him so he’ll tell you everything? Why not just ask the girls you bring in here every weekend?” You snapped. 
Harrison laughed dryly, causing Tom to glare back at him. “She’s good.” Harrison added. “Come on, love. Just one night. I need your help.” Tom said. You looked at him for a moment before a smirk crept on to your face. 
“The great Tom Holland needs my help? Wow what an honor it is.” You said sarcastically. “Y/N,” He started. “Well, what do I get in return for helping the infamous and greatly feared Mr. Holland?” You asked. 
Tom clenched and unclenched his jaw and crossed his arms across his chest. “Anything you want. You name it. Clothes, shoes, jewelry, I don’t fucking care, just name your price.” He told you, losing his patience. “I don’t want materialistic things, Tom.” You started. 
“I want Thursday’s off. If you spent any time out here instead of in your private room, you’d know that weekends suck. They’re busy and everyone thinks that if they tip me enough, I’ll blow them. So, give me Thursday’s off for a little me time and I’ll come.” You explained. 
“You really are a thorn in my side.” Tom muttered. “A thorn in your side that gives you information. Information that’s made you the biggest and baddest mob boss in London.” You commented. 
He was quiet for a moment. Contemplating taking the risk of you being gone even for just one day. Truth was, he really did need you. In more ways than one. He for one, enjoyed your company. You were a spitfire and sassy and it was a change of pace for him. Another was, since you were so attractive, people were instantly taken with you. 
Tom also liked to know where you were at all times. Since meeting you, he himself was taken with you. You made him feel things he thought he buried when he became head of the family. So he liked to keep tabs on you to keep you safe.
“Fine. Thursday’s off.” He finally said. You smiled triumphantly and walked around to the other side and stood in front of the two men. “What am I supposed to wear then?” You asked. 
“I had something sent over for you.” Tom said, taking his leave from the pub. “Oh and uh, wear that perfume you wear on Sunday’s. It’s one of my favorites.” He added before leaving for good, Harrison smirking behind him. 
You watched the two men leave, heart pounding in your ears, before going back to opening the pub. 
Tom and Harrison got in the black Audi parked outside, Harrison wearing a smart ass smirk on his face. “What are you smiling at?” Tom asked as they drove. “You’re in love with her.” Harrison answered. “What? In love with Y/N?” He questioned. “Yes. The way you look at her, the way you don’t want to let her out of your sight on Thursday’s. Oh and let’s not mention the attention to detail you have when it comes to the perfume she wears.” Harrison explained. 
“I’m not in love with Y/N.” Tom rebutted, the word ‘love’ sounding weird coming from his mouth. “Yes you do. I’m your best friend, I know you better than you know yourself.” Harrison said. 
Tom was silent, his grip tightening around the steering wheel. “Even if I was, it’s too dangerous.” He said. Harrison rolled his eyes but decided to drop the subject, knowing he was getting nowhere with his friend, 
When you were allowed to leave to get yourself ready, you arrived back home and saw a garment bag hanging on the closet door in your entry way. You didn’t want to know how Tom had keys to your apartment but you weren’t all that surprised. 
You grabbed it off the door and took it to your room. Unzipping it, you quickly noticed the lack of straps on the black dress. You took it out of the garment bag and noticed the short length. Included with the Saint Laurent dress, was a black Louis Vuitton bag and black Christian Louboutin heels, the obnoxious red bottoms sticking out like sore thumbs.
You sighed and grabbed all of the provided things and started to get yourself ready. You curled your hair loosely and kept it down and did your makeup somewhat naturally. 
Once you were dressed, you sprayed the perfume on your neck and wrists and stared at yourself in the mirror. Your attention instantly went to the diamond necklace that hung from your neck. You definitely looked like one of the girls Tom and his lackeys would bring back to the pub. 
Definitely undermined your self-esteem. 
Tom arrived at your apartment and decided to go up to your door instead of making you walk out to him. It felt like it was the gentlemanly thing to do.
He knocked on your door and heard you shuffle around a bit before opening the door. He went slack jawed when he saw you. Standing there in the little black dress he gave you, your hair done and the necklace sitting around your neck.
“Earth to Tom?” You spoke, waving your hand in front of his face. Tom blinked a few times, being brought back down to reality. “You look absolutely beautiful.” He said.
“Really? I feel like one of those girls you always bring around.” You said, pulling the bottom of the dress down to try and cover your thighs. “Trust me, Y/N, you could never be one of those girls.” Tom said, offering you his arm.
His comment stunned you but you took his arm anyways. You were curious as to where the meeting was going to be held but apart of your job description was not being told anything.
After a few moments, the car pulled up to a stately looking mansion. Definitely a step up from your one bedroom apartment in the middle of London.
Tom got out first and walked around to your side to help you out.
“This is-“ You started before he cut you off. “Small.” He said. “Small? Are you kidding?” You questioned. “This is bigger than my entire apartment building.” You added.
It was obvious you weren’t used to the lavish lifestyle so all Tom could do was laugh at you. The two of you walked up the steps of the house and waited patiently for the double doors to open.
“Mr. Holland. He’s expecting you.” A large man said once the doors were opened. “I sure hope so.” Tom commented.
You felt Tom tense up a bit as you walked through the hallway and you didn’t know why.
You were led into a large dining room and you were so busy admiring the baroque style decor, you didn’t notice the man walking towards you and Tom.
“Mr. Holland. It’s a pleasure.” The man started, shaking Tom’s free hand. “And who’s this lovely lady?” He added. “Y/N. She’s with me.” Tom answered for you.
The man looked at you like he was a lion and you were the prey. Tom saw the look and held onto your waist tightly, trying to get the point across to the man that you were his.
“Shall we get started?” Tom questioned. “Ah, yes. Please sit.” The man said. Tom led you to your chair, next to his and pulled it out for you.
You never knew Tom could be such a gentleman but you figured it was for appearances. He had to keep up the charade that the two of you were ‘together.’ 
“So, Mr. Smith, let’s just cut to the chase. You’ve lost your foothold here in London. You have no resources, your men are corrupt. You’re a sitting duck.” Tom started. “And what makes you think I’m a sitting duck?” Mr. Smith asked.
“Because you arranged a meeting with me, of all people, and have no security present. Probably because your men have made deals with other powerful families. Information for money. Leaving you helpless.” Tom said. “Let me give you some of my men, in exchange for your territory in the West End.” He added.
Mr. Smith leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. Glaring at Tom before his eyes landed on you. If it were possible to squirm out of your own body, you would have. You’d rather be anywhere else than under the vile man’s gaze. 
Tom noticed him looking at you, far longer than he was comfortable with. He looked over at you before back to Mr. Smith. He could sense your discomfort and rested his hand on your thigh to try to put you at ease. 
“I’ll make the deal with you. On one condition.” Mr. Smith started. Tom sighed impatiently and glared at the man across from him, choosing to entertain whatever he had to say. 
Mr. Smith leaned closer to Tom but not close enough so you couldn’t hear. “I’ll make the deal, if you give me her for two hours. I’m quite intrigued to see what a woman like her can do.” He added.
Just hearing how he was speaking about you, made Tom see red. “Did the words ‘she’s with me’ not make it clear to you that she’s mine?” Tom snapped. “Oh come on, Tom. You have a million other whores like her. What’s so special about this one?” Mr. Smith said. 
Your jaw dropped at his words and Tom slammed his fists down on the table and drew his gun, pointing it at the man across from him. 
Before Mr. Smith ever saw it coming, Tom pulled the trigger and shot him straight in the head. His body falling from the chair and on to the floor with a loud thud.
“Oh my god!” You yelled, standing up from your seat. “We’re leaving, let’s go.” Tom said as he grabbed your hand. “Tom, what the hell did you just do?” You questioned.
He didn’t reply to your question and just kept dragging you back to the car. He wasn’t worried about security because he paid off all of the men that were supposed to protect Mr. Smith. 
“Can you please, for the love of god, answer my fucking question?” You snapped, pulling your hand from his causing him to stop. “You said this was a meeting! You never said you were going to murder someone right in front of me!” You yelled.
You were basically scarred for life seeing the blood pooling around Mr. Smith’s head before Tom pulled you out of the room. The image of brain matter splattered across the lavish curtains permanently stained into your mind.
“There was no meeting, Y/N! This was always the outcome. I thought I could get more from him before I had to kill him but then he was saying those awful things about you, I couldn’t take it anymore.” Tom explained. 
You ran your hand through your hair as tears began to well up in your eyes. You were scared, traumatized and you didn’t know what was going to happen to you if the small handful of Smith’s loyal followers were to find out you were a witness. Would they use you to get to Tom? Would Tom even care if they killed you in an act of revenge? Your imagination was turning against you.
Tom saw the look on your face and could tell you were scared. “Y/N,” He started. You looked up at him and he saw the couple of tears that rolled down your cheeks. 
He stepped towards you and placed a hand gently on your cheek, though you slightly moved away from him. And that action didn’t go unnoticed by him. He never wanted you to be scared of him and yet you were. 
“I know you’re scared. The last thing I wanted was to do that in front of you. You’re too good for a world like this. You’re too good for me.” He said. 
You were silent for a moment, looking at him to find a trace of him lying to you. When you didn’t find it, you nodded your head and looked back down at your feet. 
Tom placed his hand on your back to guide you back to the car. 
The way back to the city was silence. Absolute silence. You didn’t speak nor did you want to. And Tom didn’t know what to say. He knew he shouldn’t have killed a man in front of you but he let his anger get the best of him. 
Hearing another man speak about you as if you were an object set him off. But he was no saint in that category. He brought you to this meeting as just a pretty face, which he never should have done in the first place. 
You were dropped off at your apartment and quickly got out of the car. Not wanting to look at or speak to Tom.
“Y/N,” Tom started but stopped short when he saw you weren’t going to speak to him.
He sighed as he watched you step inside without even a second glance in his direction. He didn’t want you to carry the burden he had been carrying for years. But there you were; carrying what you shouldn’t have to. 
Tom had gone almost a month without seeing you. He tried to avoid you as he best he could, not coming into the pub unless he needed to. And favored it on Thursdays when you weren’t working. 
You had grown rather angry because he didn’t even try to apologize for exposing you to such a traumatic event. You had nightmares for days, only seeing a bullet go through someone’s skull and the blood all over the floor. And yet Tom didn’t even say the measly words ‘I’m sorry.’ 
It was Tuesday night, a usually casual night for you and Tom snuck past you and into the back room of the pub. You knew he was there because you saw Harrison a few times as you were getting people their drinks. 
Harrison stopped at the bar to get another drink for himself when you stopped in front of him.
“Why has he been hiding out in the back all night?” You asked the right hand man. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He lied. “Harrison.” You said. 
He looked up at you and sighed. You always knew how to read him well. “He knows that there’s nothing he can do that can make you forget what you saw.” Harrison answered. “Look, I know this is the terrifying mob boss we’re talking about but all I wanted, was for him to care. Does he?” You told him. 
Harrison was quiet, not wanting to answer for Tom but he wanted to tell you how much Tom cared about you but he knew it wasn’t his place to say.
“I know he’s not supposed to care about people, considering they usually end up dead or betraying him, but as stupid as it sounds, I thought he cared about me.” You added. 
Before you could continue your conversation, another customer was trying to get your attention. You gave Harrison a sad look before walking away from him. Harrison felt bad for you. You were a nice girl and he knew Tom had feelings for you but clearly, he didn’t know how to handle that. 
Harrison returned to the back room and sat across from Tom. Tom could tell something was off about his best friend and furrowed his eyebrows at him. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked. 
“Y/N.” Harrison answered. Tom tensed up just from hearing your name and he had no clue why Harrison was bringing you up. “What about her?” Tom questioned. “For some unknown reason, she has feelings for you. God knows why but she does. And she just wants you to care.” Harrison explained. 
“She knows who I am. She knows what I do, hell she knows that better than anyone. She’s expecting too much from me.” Tom rebutted. “Maybe. But this is your chance to leave your work at the door. You’d be able to go home to her and leave the business out of it.” Harrison said. “But because of what I do, she’d never be safe. There will always be a target on her back and I can’t do that to her.” Tom told his best friend. “With you is the safest place she could be. Who’d be crazy enough to go after Tom Holland’s girl?” Harrison quickly replied. 
Harrison got back to his work as Tom sat in his chair thinking about what Harrison had told him. He wanted to be with you, it was obvious. But the last thing he wanted was to put you in harms way. But having a job at his bar was also putting a target on your back if anyone were to find out he was the owner. 
A few hours later, there wasn’t a single person left in the pub. Except for Tom and Harrison still sitting in the backroom. Tom’s cowardice starting to agitate you. You were wiping down the counter, getting ready to close for the night when you heard the door open. 
You assumed it was Harrison again and didn’t bother to turn around to talk to him. “Y/N?” You heard. You froze momentarily before turning around. There stood Tom, in all his clean cut glory. You crossed your arms over your chest and leaned against the back counter and the two of you just looked at each other. 
“Can we talk?” Tom asked. “Now you want to talk? After avoiding me for a month?” You rebutted. Tom sighed and walk towards the counter, getting a sense of deja vu.
“I’m sorry for what you had to witness at that meeting. The plan was to get the information, have you go out to the car while I took care of him. I never intended for how it actually happened. I didn’t want you to see that but, Y/N, being around me means you’re going to be exposed to things like that.” He told you. “So I’ve been told.” You muttered. 
Tom walked behind the bar and took your hand in his slowly, afraid you’ll flinch away from him again. “Y/N, I love you, okay? You have intrigued me since the day you started working for me. You don’t hide from me and you aren’t afraid of me. You even like to challenge me 99% of the time which gets on my nerves but I wouldn’t have it any other way. And I’m hoping you feel the same.” Tom confessed. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you looked at your hand in his. “I do feel the same way. I know I probably shouldn’t because of what you do but I can’t really help it.” You replied. 
“I just need you to stay safe.” Tom muttered. “Tom, you can’t control what does and doesn’t happen to me. It’s just how things are meant to be. Like me getting this job for example. We were meant to meet each other.” You explained.
“Do you really believe that everything happens for a reason?” He asked. “Yes, I do.” You said. “And I think you need to start living by that philosophy, Mr. Holland.” you teased. Tom scoffed lightly as he looked down at you. “I guess you’ll have to show me how.” He said. 
You smiled up at him and nodded your head. “I guess I will.” You replied. Tom smiled down at you before he leaned in slowly and kissed you softly. It was something to both of you had been waiting for since your second month working at the bar. And it was everything you hoped it would be and more. 
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the-velociruby · 6 years ago
Bumblebee Lizard Kings
The air is humid. The trees were tall and covered in bright green leaves. The sky was clear and a light shade of blue. The sun shined its brightest at the current hour.
It was a seemingly perfect day in the Cretacious period.
A herd of Edmontosaurus roam through open space, a large field of grass and weeds surrounded by a forest line. They drank from a large lake at the base of a mountain, while feeding on the sparse patches of shrubbery throughout the field.
The large herbivores were spending their time idly, seeing no reason to rush themselves when they had nothing to fear. Each dinosaur had large muscular legs, thick tails, and mouths akin to a duck bill, full of thin conical teeth that were perfect for chewing plant matter into pulp.
As hadrosaurs, they had very few natural defenses. Unlike the Triceratops and their long horns or the Ankylosaurus with their clubbed tails, Edmontosaurus could only rely on their numbers and speed for survival. However, they were the largest species of hadrosaur, measuring over 40 feet long and weighing 4 metric tons; so size was another advantage they had. They were no sauropods but they had few predators, so they had no fear of vulnerability.
However, there was one killer who made them fear for their lives.
A low growl echoed from the trees. The whole herd collectively jerked up at the sound, startled and alert. What would disturb the peace now? What would interfere with their feeding? The answer came in the form of a massive animal marching towards them. A king among the dinosaurs.
A large Tyrannosaurus was approaching the herd, clearly on the hunt. She was colored in light to dark brown and black, with sharp yellow stripes painted across her sides, tail, and snout. From the top of her head to her back sprouted feathers that looked almost like hair, long and flowing as if it were golden fire. Her short left arm was muscular while her right was just a stub, torn off in a previous battle. Her eyes were focused and blood red, each with a horned crest jutting over them.
The paleontologists who would discover her fossilized skeleton affectionately gave her a nickname that meant ‘sunny little dragon.’ For now, this king’s name was Yang.
She charged towards the herd of the Edmontosaurus; simply laying their eyes on her made the large herbivores flee in panic. A proud hunter such as Yang always enjoyed the chase, but she had to be strategic. One false move, one wrong turn, then she’d miss her chance and likely go hungry for the day. Besides, she wasn’t just hunting for herself.
Although, other problems she faced were the particular prey in her sight. Edmontosaurus were fast for their size and agile enough to make turns that a Tyrannosaur could not. Another defense of theirs was sticking together as a herd, with numbers making it difficult for a predator to catch prey. Nonetheless, if Yang was patient and kept chase, then her opportunity would come.
And it did. One of the herd’s younger members broke off on its own. Fear and panic clouded its judgement. This was Yang’s chance, and it was close to perfect.
With a burst of speed and a deafening roar, Yang raced towards the fleeing animal. Once she was close enough, she swung her massive head into the Edmontosaurus’ side like a battering ram. She was certain that she cracked one of the herbivore’s ribs, if not a few. Instantaneously if fell to the ground, desperately trying to right itself but to no avail – the yellow king was already upon them.
Yang quickly seized her prey’s throat with her jaws and bit down. The neck was shattered, severed from the spinal cord, and its windpipe was crushed. The Edmontosaurus was dead in seconds. Yang did not enjoy taking a life, but she knew it was necessary for her survival. She wanted to give it a quick death, nearly painless.
There was nothing an Edmontosaurus like this one could do. It’s size was irrelevant, numbers were ineffective, and speed was meaningless. There was nothing they could do to defeating a king. An Edmontosaurus could only hope on pure luck when it came to escaping the Tyrannosaurus.
With her prey defeated Yang roared triumphantly to the sky, letting the entire region know that a king had made a kill. The herd had stopped running, watching their companion taken down by the golden Tyrannosaur. Wasting no time, she grabbed the dinosaur’s corpse and dragged along with her as she walked towards the forest, intending to eat in her personal dwelling. For most Tyrannosaurs this was a feat too difficult to achieve, but for Yang this was more than easy.
Besides, she didn’t make that kill just for herself. She had a family to feed.
Far deeper in the forest, where the trees were thickest and where less light was visible, another Tyrannosaur was resting. She was mostly colored black with a white underbelly, and on her back and sides were a series of violet pots, similar to a leopard of the modern era. Atop her head and neck were black feathers that were similar to hair and her eyes were like amber orbs.
Another feature of hers that was incredibly uncommon among Tyrannosaurs were a pair of large cat-like ears sprouting from the top of her head, just behind the base of her skull. Among the dinosaurs she was a deviant, an animal with a feature common among mammals or other non dinosaur animals. Both of her ears were covered in black fur; her right ear was scarred, showing signs of damage. She was bitten by a former mate, a fake king and a bastard who was slain long ago.
Paleontologists would give her a nickname that meant black flower, as several belladonna flowers were found at the site of her discovery. For now, this king of the dinosaurs was named Blake.
Like most of her days, she was spending her time napping on the ground, thankful for the shade keeping her cool. It was her favorite activity, despite the inherent inactivity of it, to lie wherever she was comfortable and rest for as long as she desired. She couldn’t stay asleep forever though, as she was on guard duty.
Blake watched her offspring, two little prince tyrannosaurs play fighting with each other to pass the time. Both were black with yellow stripes, their small feathers a mix of gold and violet, and they shared a pair of feline ears each; they both resembled a blend of their mothers. Sometimes the two could be a bit of a bother every now and then, nipping at her and urging her to play with them. Nonetheless, Blake was more than willing to look over her energetic young.
The family’s ears collectively perked up when they heard a call in the distance. A familiar presence was approaching, alongside the smell of fresh meat coming into range. The children were excited and Blake was waiting in anticipation for her mate’s return. Finally, Yang entered their home with food in hand.
The pups were ecstatic, eager to feast on the herbivore’s body. Yang quickly tore off a small strip of meat for them and they dug in. She fondly watched her children eat, so much so that she didn’t see her beloved stand up and nuzzled her affectionately. Yang soon returned the  adoration, rubbing her snout and head against Blake’s neck.
Since the moment they met, Blake and Yang ruled over the region for six years. Their reign had put them both through many trials, including a mutual enemy they killed. Over time and through effort, there was nothing they could not overcome; nothing they could not achieve; and nothing they could not do together.
Now, Yang and Blake were kings of the dinosaurs, raising their children together for the coming future. They had each other to protect and to live for. They were happy, from this time forward and forevermore.
Hey this is my thing for @bmblbweek! This was meant for the AU day prompt, but I unfortunately I was struggling with a few personal situations and some lack of motivation. Oh well, my apologies for the lateness (I guess it can cout for the bonus day? I dunno). I had the idea of Yang & Blake being tyrannosaurs for a while, and I wanted to see how I could write a day in the life of dinosaur and incorporate the love and relationship Y&B have. I hope everyone who sees this enjoys reading it!
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dsmadmin · 4 years ago
Written by @DaemoniumJager & @LoneHuntressDSM
John: Shoutgun in hand tromping through the brush pushing ten o'clock at night I hear a howl in distance. Taking off in a run towards it, been out here for hours waiting to get my chance and nothing till now. Slowing down to listen raising the Mossberg, butt resting against my shoulder. Measured steps coming up on a smell, blood... inching closer hard to see in the dark. Wet smacking and flesh being ripped away from it's prey.
Low growl, it was quicker than I'd anticipated. Didn't get a shot off as it locked down on my arm sinking it's teeth into me. Scrambling with the weight of it, fingers in the dirt managing to grab the gun. "BLAM" I'd turned my face away as I pulled the trigger close range afraid of getting peppered with lead. Ears ringing, wet with thick blood I push the dead-weight of the wolf like creature off me.
Just laying there on the earthen floor of the forest looking up into the tree line, watching the dark clouds move past the moon giving more light at the moment to see by. "What the hell was I doing?" Been at this now a few years and it just kept getting crazier. The boys on my mind but the job I'm suppose to be at getting me up off my ass, blood running down my fingertips from the bite.
Least I'd got the bastard. This thing had been terrorizing the area around here. Livestock at first but it had killed two small kids around Dean's age too. Nudging the black fury beast with the toe of my boot, taking out a flashlight to get a good look at it. Taking a few pictures with my camera to put in my journal for later reference. It's hind legs looked like something the mythical Minotaur had but this was not a werewolf. Otherwise I'd be screwed because it just bit me. Thick black fur and sharp teeth, nothing overly special besides those hind leg's.
Looking down at my watch cursing. I was /late/ again for work. I needed to get a move on. The shotgun blast had done enough damage it wasn't coming back to life. I didn't have time to bury it so I just high tailed it back to the Impala. Opening the trunk I pulled my bloody jacket off and overshirt. Blotting my arm with the ruined shirt. Cleaning it up with some whiskey quickly and wrapping it up. No time to change, I just wipe my face off and close the trunk. Forty five minutes later I pull up to the shipping depot and get out.
Head down I already know I'm gonna hear shit from the boss. "Nice of you finally make it Winchester." "I'm sorry, I'll get right to work." "No, I've had enough of you." "Please I need this job I've got two boys to feed." "I don't want to hear it. You're late /again/ covered in blood. Get your shit together and stay out of the bars fighting if you really care about your boys."
I tried my best to talk him out of firing me but dejected I walked back to the Impala, dreading having to face the boys when I got back. We were running way low on food and money. Rent was up on the motel and it just seemed I couldn't catch a break. Walking into the grungy motel room, I was greeted by Dean who's got big as a silver dollar. "Dad?! What happened to your arm? Wh... is that blood?" "Easy son, little accident at work. It's okay." Not sure he bought it but he seemed to calm down after a hug. Checking on Sammy who was asleep I headed in to take a long shower. Dressing the wound, feeling like a new man I smiled. Dean was standing on a chair making grilled cheese sandwich's with a hot plate. Taking over we sat down and ate them in silence and went to bed.
Annie: I wrinkle my nose at the paper. It was something. I had to be something. I knew in my gut.
While most of my graduating class went off to college or... I gag... got married... I decided to find out what was out in the dark. I knew personally that monsters were real. At least werewolves were.
What else was out there? Was Frankenstein real? Mummys? Vampires? Godzilla?
I packed a suitcase and load it in the back of my Firebird. I had enough cash to make it through my summer road trip. If I needed more, I'm sure I could find a small job or figure something. I was very resilient.
So Delavan, WI was my destination. The article mentioned people found ripped apart be 'wolves'.
Wolves generally steer clear of people. We were their enemy. So I didn't buy that cover story.
I pull into the motel parking lot next to an impressive '67 Impala. Then head into the manager's office.
John: -Early the next morning John got up at the sound of the door being beat on. Groggy eyed he got up shirtless and answered the door. The hotel owner stood there looking pissed. Heavy sign, he wanted money. Wordlessly I walk over and pull the last money from my wallet and hand it over. I hate to find work and if need to look for churches that would be willing to help. The owner smiled showing his missing teeth. As he left I grabbed a shirt and slipped my boots on. Going out to the Impala I popped the trunk looking for the last bit of canned food we had.-
Annie: I couldn't help but hear the pounding on my neighbor's door.
Who beats on someone's hotel room door /this/ early in the morning?
I peek out of the dark curtains and watch as the manager berates my neighbor. I can't help but feel for them. My neighbor's voice sounded defeated when he spoke back to the manager.
I'd open the curtain slightly wider when the manager walked off triumphantly. I continued to watch my neighbor through the window, smiling as he walks to the Impala that I'd been impressed with the day before.
I bit my lip slightly as I swing open the door, I shouldn't stick my nose in but damn if I did anyway.
"Morning," I say making eye contact.
John: -John looked up from the trunk and found himself staring at gorgeous redhead. He smiled at her.- Morning.
Annie: "Sorry, couldn't help but overhear," I let my eyes move over the man and then to his car. Losing my train of thought. I move closer, my bare feet on the cool cement. I hadn't bothered to change from my pajamas when was spying on my neighbor. So I stand there gawking in thin shorts and a t-shirt.
The black paint of the Impala reflects the morning sun that is peeking over the rooftop of the other building. "She's beautiful. A '67?"
I raise my eyes to meet his. Damn, he had dimples too.
John: -His was widowed not dead and his eyes lingered. He could make out her nipples pressing against the thin shirt. At the mention of Baby he grinned.- A woman who knows her cars... yes she is. Best purchase I ever made.
Annie: I noticed his gaze and smirked. I didn't mind him looking. Hell, it was hot to have a man with his /experience/ look at me.
"I love cars," I walk around meeting him at the trunk and point over to my Firebird, "that one's mine." I glance down at the contents of his trunk. Seeing his shotgun.
"You, hunt too?"
John: -Looks over at her car, bold just like he bet she was.- Hunt? Oh yeah no and then when things are in season.
Annie: I look at the items in the trunk then back to him, frowning slightly. Did I misread something? I'm so new at this that I guess I don't know all the signs. But this guy looked like he could hunt.
I see the torn and bloody shirt that was tossed in the trunk and then his bandaged arm. "You ok, sweetheart? That looks like it is fucking painful," I run my fingers lightly over his arm, "I heard there was a wolf thing in the woods near here. That's why I came."
John: -He didn't pull away and listened to her, the soft-touch got him revved up a bit though. He'd been trying to play it off about being a hunter because from what he'd seen that wasn't something people shared too openly. Voice lowered he leaned in.- You're a /hunter/ like evil shit in the dark?
Annie: I meet his gaze with mine and nod, "The weird shit like that fascinates me," I say softly, "I've only run into a few guys at a bar that said they believed in it. But really they were just teasing me or trying to get in my pants."
I tuck a strand of copper hair behind my ear, "So do you really believe there are monsters lurking out in the dark?"
John: Yeah. I’ve seen the shit up close and personal. No place for a lady to be chasing down though. Does your family know what you’re up to?
Annie: "Lady?" I give him a smile, "Don't think I've ever been accused of being a lady before."
Somehow the word though falling from his lips didn't seem so foreign. I take a couple of steps closer to him. I'm not sure if his goal was to intimidate me or to scare me away. But I don't scare easily.
"I've seen stuff too," I tell him, "my family thinks I'm on a road trip across the country before college."
John: So you’re out here alone hunting? You should go home and stay away from this stuff. The deeper you get the harder it will be to get out.
Annie: "What if I want to go deeper?" I ask him. "I want to learn this. I want to be able to protect myself from the monsters out there. I know I don't know everything. But I'm in too deep to turn back now." I lock my gaze with his, "Please, don't treat me like I'm a little girl in over my head. Teach me?"
John: -John's frown deepened, thinking about Mary that image was /fresh/ in his memory.- I'm new at this too, I could get us both killed. -Thinking on it though might be smarter with two instead of one especially since he needed to look after the boys as well.- If I show you what I know... you promise to be careful? I got my boys with me I can't afford to half-assed or jump the gun you know what I mean?
Annie: I'm not sure why but something about this man made me trust him. I only hoped I gave him the same feeling. As much as I could being a strange girl standing in a motel parking lot in my pajamas.
"I promise I'll be careful. I don't know about you," I give him a smile, "I like living so I'm not gonna do anything to put a stop to that if I can help it." I quirk a brow as he mentioned his boys, "You have kids? How old?"
John: -Distracted a minute thinking about things, he came around and answered.- Dean's five, Sammy is just a year old.
Annie: "Oh, you've got babies, huh?" I look up at the man who towered over me, "By yourself?"
John: Yeah... my wife... something killed her. I should go check on them they're still so small but get in trouble easily.
Annie: I watch as his expression changes as he mentions his wife. The sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I lost my boyfriend to a werewolf," I tell him, my tone dropped the cheerfulness I'd had before. "Ripped him apart in front of me. No one believed me. But it happened."
I push the thought back and look up with him smiling, I didn't have to dwell on it anymore, life was too fucking short, and I had to find the creature so no one else died, "How about you go check on your boys and maybe come by some time," I point to my room, "I gotta get a shower and dressed and stuff," I turn on my bare feet heading back to my room, then turn back towards him, "I'm Annie by the way."
John: -He looked back watching her walk away, the revelation about her boyfriend gave him an understanding. They were out here chasing crazy for the same reasons.- I'm John. -Heading back inside the hotel he found Dean passed out holding Sammy, cartoons playing on the fuzzy television screen. Picking Sammy up he smiled at him.- Big brother is exhausted so it's me and you for a bit. -John got the Sammy bathed and changed then put him in the makeshift crib that was basically a milk crate padded with a pillow. Putting the blanket over him he made him a fresh bottle. Once the small one was settled down John looked to Dean and his heart broke all over again. Dean was stronger than most adults he knew, hell we was certainly stronger than him. Sitting on the edge of the bed he ran his fingers through his hair. Dean looked peaceful right now and he prayed the boy would sleep and not have nightmares. He'd waken to screams on more than one occasion and poor Dean would be white as a sheet calling out for his mother. John felt like such a failure for not being able to protect Mary and the kids. Whatever this thing
was that killed her he was gonna find it and kill it no matter what it took. Not just for her but for the boys, he wanted the boys, especially Dean to see that no matter what the hell you faced it could be dealt with. John needed them to know that, not be scared of the world and just go with the flow. No, you had to stand and fight not cower and fear. Putting another blanket on Dean then laying down himself he fell asleep.-
Annie: I made it back to my room. Glad I finally met someone that knew what was really going on. I'm a novice. And it seemed that John was pretty new at this too. But it was a start. And he didn't seem to be some creepy guy who was trying to make some kind of play.
I tugged my pajamas off and tossed them in a pile by the bathroom door. Then walk into the bathroom and step under the running water. Taking a shower was time for me to recenter myself, to wash off every bad thing from the days before. Lately, things hadn't been great, but they hadn't been bad either. They'd just been.
I wanted so much to learn more about what was out there. I know what's out there is dangerous. But I wasn't scared. Not sure if that made me stupid or brave.
I wrap a towel around myself and run a brush through my hair as I thinking I should take my newspapers over to John and may together we could make heads or tails of the creature that was out in the woods. The thing that appeared to have attacked him.
I got dressed. Shorts, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. then head out with newspapers tucked under one arm and a box of pop tarts in the other.
I peeped out his car again as I walked by it. He was telling the truth about having kids. There was evidence of that in his back seat.
I tap lightly on the hotel room door. Hoping I was not bothering him.
John: -He'd slept hard and thankfully Sammy had slept through the night. Shit, showered and shaved he sat with his journal open and a map. Dean was eating a can of fruit watching cartoons with Sammy propped up on a blanket sucking on his binkie when the knock on the door came. Dean looked up at him with a tense expression. The poor kid was thinking the same as him "was it the manager again" John reached down and ruffled his hair.- It's okay champ I'll take care of it. -With that he got up and opened the door to not find the asshole manager but the looker from yesterday. His tense expression changed.- Hey there, Annie right?
Annie: I offer him a smile as he swings the door open, "Right. Hi. Sorry. I know I asked you to come to see me but I thought maybe I could come over and we can work on something."
I didn't stop rambling. I don't know why. I wasn't nervous even though the man was ridiculously handsome. And stood probably a foot taller than me. I liked talking to him.
"I brought breakfast," holding up the box of Pop-Tarts, "and all the papers they had at the convenience store around the corner. Thought maybe there'd be some clues about what was out there, you know."
John: -Dean's head popped up at the word "breakfast" and his eyes widened eyeing the pop tarts. John smiled at her and backed up opening the door wider.- Of course, please come in. Dean, come here and say hello to the pretty lady.
Annie: I give the younger Winchester a smile and hand him the box of Pop-Tarts as I stepped inside their motel room, "They're Strawberry so that's fruit right?"
It wasn't much different than mine. Other than the makeshift crib in the corner. "Thanks for not shutting the door in my face," I look back up at the older Winchester, "I thought we can do something," I take a seat at in a chair at his table.
John: -Dean was smiling ear to ear and John nodded it was okay and he went back to watching his cartoons and now munching on a pop tart. Taking a seat he looks at the redhead.- I'm not in the habit of being rude to women. What do you have here? -Looking at the papers she was holding.-
Annie: I handed him the newspapers that I'd gathered showing him the stories that I'd circled, "I found these stories," I point to the story showing the guy that had lost his leg in a 'hunting' accident, "you think we should go to the hospital and interview him?"
John: We could if we can get in. Dean, can you watch Sammy for a little while? -He hated leaving Dean so small to look after Sammy who was just an infant but what else could he do?-
Annie: "I can get us in," I give him a smile as an idea churns through my brain. "I know a guy that can make us an ID. Very convincing. But do you have a suit?" I quirk a brow.
John: No, I don't but I saw a thrift store up the road. Surely I can find it there.
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