#I want there to be a Chosen and Orange training montage so bad– but until then Orange has kinda been thrown in the deep end
compressedrage · 2 months
Thinking about Orange and his powers again, bear with me–
When Orange's powers first unlocked it was in a situation of immense danger. Obviously we don''t know the specifics of how Orange's powers work, but something deep inside him recognized the danger and flipped a switch. His mind shut down, this incredibly powerful defense system the only thing running his body.
It moved with precise strikes, quickly and efficiently taking out the prevalent threats– The Dark Lord and the Virabots— and fixing the problems– the death of his friends, and the harm done to the body.
It is efficient. It is deadly. It is a hidden weapon of defense and destruction.
But I don't think it's going to work like that for much longer.
(Obviously I don't know this for sure; Alan could have something in store that I don't know, but this is just me putting thoughts out there!)
But Orange knows about his powers now. There is no longer such a mental block between him and his powers. And he has no idea how to use them. He is inexperienced and afraid– a terrible combination for someone holding the key to such a powerful force.
He is a child holding the button to a nuclear bomb, and all it takes is one bad step to set it off. A moment of extreme pain and/or panic, and the dam breaks. All hell breaks loose and Orange would be powerless to stop it.
Would he be conscious this time? Able to remember the events? Or would it lock him away again, for safety's sake? Either way he would wake up and know. He did this.
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