#I want them to have juicy emotional dialogue
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catharusustulatus · 1 year ago
I can totally imagine season 5 being a speed run of seasons 1 and 2 Stancy-wise, where Jonathan and Steve bond and Jon is like “I need to work on myself and focus on family and I know you still love her” or whatever and then Nancy and Jon talk and lovingly break up with no fuss and then Steve and Nancy talk and Steve is like “look I am sorry about what I said in the upside down, I thought I was about to die and I know you’re with Jonathan and I don’t want to rush you and maybe we can just be friends” and she’s like “shut up and kiss me” and they have steamy pre-final battle sex, effectively bookending their arc in a symmetrical way. You just know it’s happening!
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leolithe · 7 months ago
Something I find really interesting about the Lotus' dialogue after the Lotus Eaters is her use of the word 'witch'.
"I was the Daughter. I became the Mother. In time, I shall be the Witch, blind once again, empty of all but wisdom." -Lotus
'Witch' has very specific connotations. Close enough to another similar word that I can't help but feel like it has to be a deliberate reference to the Triple Goddess ─ Maiden, Mother, Crone. These are figures from neopaganism that symbolizes the stages of a woman's life. Eleanor (proto-Nyx) even outright calls her the triple-faced goddess. While it definitely could just refer to Lotus, Margulis and Natah, what if we have yet to see her final form?
She was first Natah, the daughter of Hunhow. Then she assimilated Margulis' form and became the Lotus, mother to the Tenno. And now, she is to be the witch. Even urging us not to mourn should she turn into something we don't recognize. I'm very excited to see what exactly that will look like for her and how her role could potentially change. The quest made a point that the Operator will be staying behind while Drifter is the one chosen for the quest to 1999. Maybe instead of the mother-child dynamic that we've had for a decade, we'll get to see what kind of relationship she might have with the Drifter (<-copium)
I'm not much of a Greek Myth Lorehead but I've read up a bit on The Triple Goddess Hecate (who I've been told that, in Hades 2, was voiced by Amelia Tyler... who is now also voicing our dear Eleanor Nightingale. Worth mentioning cuz u just know rebb was kicking her feet and giggling at being able to pull that together). Hecate's status as a gatekeeper type figure, as i understand it, is very interesting when u apply it to the Lotus...
I'm just thinking about how meta the whole "Lotus' ascent to godhood" plot thread is. It's like a direct parallel to her voice actress' "intern to creative director" journey LMAO. It's a bloody golden opportunity and i hope they're cashing all in on Goddess!Lotus and everything it'll entail...
Not to mention lorewise and what it means for the Lotus' own arc!! To be someone constantly being pulled around by others to fulfil their own purposes, having her own wants neglected, shamed, belittled... To becoming a Witch/Crone/Gatekeeper a la Hecate -- now the one potentially capable of denying or approving others' needs and goals...? Ugh, that's so fucking JUICY. What a bloody incredible character.
Lotus mentions becoming "empty of all but wisdom", and I've seen someone theorize that she'll become even more emotionless and distant as a shield against Wally because it thrives on emotions. This theory scares me because it could very well happen... Not like Space Mom already has a history of being distant and reluctant to tell us how she's feeling... *Sniffles*...
There's also the theories about assigning Natah/Lotus/Margulis as the Maiden/Mother/Crone...
The most surface level reading would be Margulis = Maiden, Lotus = Mother, Natah = Crone, but imo when people make this read they're kinda hinging on their appearances lol. Pretty Margulis, "Ugly" Natah... Maybe even just "Good mom who can do no wrong" and "evil Sentient who led part of an assault on the Origin System".
I would like to think that it isn't that shallow, buuuut their personalities do fit the bill when u bring the "phases of a woman's life" theme to it.
Margulis' naivete, or the shattering of it, as the Maiden:
"No, Ballas, no more destruction. Maybe they're meant to save us."
"You lied to me, Ballas. You're no different than the rest of them."
Natah's headstrong wisdom, or her desire for it, as the Crone:
"I am the witness, the victim, the judge. My family has returned. Your trial, soon to begin."
"The times ahead will need decisiveness. Power."
And Natah does die in TNW. Her death is a very big part of the quest lol. The "End of life" theming of the Crone fits her very well... And the very first "gatekeeper/crone judges and makes the decision for you" thing she did was killing ballas. So i get it!
Inversely... You could also assign Natah as the Maiden and Margulis as the Mother because of the simple "Natah was the Daughter, now I am the Mother" quote. After all, Lotus before TNW was living very much under Margulis' shadow, assimilating into her like you mentioned. This read leaves Lotus to be the Crone; the empty, wise Witch we have yet to see.
The more i write this the more I wanna say: Damn. These 3 were always meant to converge into each other. Their stories are all sides of each others' respective coins and it almost feels arbitrary to chuck them into strict roles, even if symbolic.
I definitely think we're gonna see her "Triple Goddess Final Form" in the future. It's too good a story beat. Too sexy. DE HAS to do it. I have my platinum ready. Give me all the skins.
As for the DrifterLotus copium....... Hehehe. I don't think DE will ever do anything romantic/sexual with them. i think they're just gonna cap their relationship off at "they care immensely for each other" because they might be concerned about the questionable pseudo incest implications looming over anything to do with Lotus and the Tenno.
Like don't get me wrong; Drifter is their own person and Lotus of all people would be comfortable with the concept of "people having identical faces won't make them the same person". I just feel like DE might not be willing to play with them in that way. For perfectly understandable reasons... The Player Tenno are very much "colouring book" characters for the OC lovers so it seems smart to keep them relatively open-ended.
But. Don't worry. Check my AO3 at the end of the week. I hope you'll find something that brings u even a little bit of cheer ;3
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 months ago
Kida reads all of the EDA's (mostly)
PART 1 #1 - #15
I started writing down my impressions of each of the books as I finished them, including the dates of when I finished them and any screencaps I took of my favroutie bits and then just ... kept doing it. I am not a fast reader by any means but these books have me hooked right now so I wanted to keep a record of my progress. [Part 2]
I'm using this EDA reccommendation list as a rough guide for which books I should absolutely not bother with and to brace myself for what I'm about to get into, so let's go~
#1 The Eight Doctors
25th November 2024 I honestly don't remember much of Eights shenanigans with his former selves since I'm writing this retroactively, and I vaguely put the timey whimey bullshit down to a metaphor for learning yourself over again. But I DO remember finding the events in 1997 funny. Not even 10 minutes since he landed in Totters lane and he'd incapacitated four drug dealers and then promptly got arrested for having said drugs in his possession (literally in his hand) just as the cops turned up. He does an excellent job driving the investigators around the fucking bend, once again proving to be the most annoying mf you will ever meet on any given planet he happens to be on at the time.
#2 Vampire Science
4th December 2024 This book is hysterical for a plot that has multiple people considering offing themselves at one point or other throughout the book. It also highlights that this incarnation is silmultaneously far more 'human' with his emotional availability as well how alien he is for Not Realising what he is doing.
Also shout out to these scenes in particular:
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TARDIS gf confirmed
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Fred the Eternal Snail we salute you
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The idea that he has pet bats that he casually just grabs out of the air tickles me
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Just this entire segment honestly. Eight is three years (?) into his new regen and has no idea his Charisma stat is that high. He used to have to actually do stuff before. Now he seems to do it by accident and honestly? That might just have worse consequences.
Really enjoyed the dialogue and characterisations, also the narrative had a personality too which I always enjoy.
#3 Bodysnatchers
25th December 2024 This was a bit of a slog to get through for me (as you can probably tell from the timestamp) as everything seemed to happen in the last 50 pages, but MAN Eight cannot catch a break even when they are trying to do the right thing for the right reasons. Very gorey scenes towards the end (not a complaint) but the environment descriptions were often oddly ... overly complex? I feel like it tried to give so much detail to describe the alien settings that often times it just became a jumbled mess. I struggled to actually picture the scene in my head most of the time.
#4 Genocide
27th December 2024 Despite the name, much more enjoyable read than the last one and kept a steady pace throughout. Bit disappointed they didn't lean more into the horror shit of finding Homo Sapien bones in an era far too early for them, only to find another has appeared retroactively since the last time the site was visited. But that just wasn't the story that was intended to be told, alas. Jo Grant appearance was nice though! I love former companions meeting later versions of The Doctor.
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These can't possibly have any bearing on future events, right? Foreshadowing, what's that? -chuckles nervously-
#5 War of the Daleks
29th December 2024
I, ironically, forgor that this was mentioned as one to skip, but I got through it ok. The whole plotline of the Thals becoming warrior like because of the Doctor's interferance way back when he was One and more hands on (we don't talk about the Fire of Rome) was juicy.
This is Sams first encounter with the Daleks and man she is not having a good time between battling teenage hormones or the pepper pots tbh. Though, could do with less of clearly adult men eyeing up a seventeen year old as a viable target for flirting. I also got pretty sick of the 'yet another plot twist' pretty quick after the first 3... and we weren't done by a long shot.
(I can see why this was listed as a skip orz)
#6 Alien Bodies
2nd January 2025
Oooooh it's a biggy. I didn't go into this reading list completley blind and I knew this was a big hit and I can see why. This one kicks off with the Third Doctor giving Laika a funeral and burying her and WAAAAAAA - I immediately start crying whenever thinking about Laika.
The body horror in this one is superb, also I love seeing how shit scared the rest of the universe is of the Doctor - this is where the rumblings of war start and the hints of certain Sam related plot points I know will be coming up later get seeded.
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(picturing the potential future of Time Lords as giant bat people is kinda cool ngl)
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(Oh, Eight, buddy I am so sorry about what's lined up for you)
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('hyperactive even as a corpse' shut up, I say, as I laugh to myself)
There's also bits in here that could tie in well with the Timeless Child backstory if you wanted to retroactively put them together which I just think is neat to consider:
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#7 Kursaal
5th January 2024 Man oh man I loved this one. It had a fantastic start with a scene at the beginning right out of Dog Soldiers (one of my fave horror/sci-fi films of all time), only for the Doctor and Sam to stumble upon all the carnage and near immediately decide they need to get the fuck outta there. Do not investigate, do not pass Go, just hit the bricks. And it didn't stop there, the horror elements were played so well in my opinion and was all over a fun read. Was surprised more wasn't made of the green figure we see described in the mural of the central location this book is written around, seeing as Eight wears green all the time and later Sam gets given some green scrubs. Maybe it was implied somewhere and I just missed it (would not put it passed me).
The Doctor actually showing he can BE a Doctor with a medical degree and all apparently. Despite Eight's (reasonable) fear of Hospitals.
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(Eight canonically being traumatised by his experience in American Healthcare hospital is such a good take. He's holding back the flashbacks by the skin of his teeth)
Also carrying on his tradition of Grand Theft Auto only this time he stole a cop car and then masterfully dodged said cops. Phenomenal.
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(I want more bitchy Eight)
Sam was excellent in this book, still written believably as a teenager but still given the space to show initiative of her own.
#8 Option Lock
9th January 2025 Have I mentioned how funny Sam is? She's hysterical.
The two seemingly completely related plot lines running in parallel at the start reminded me of The Monks episode in Twelves era, flashing between the pyramid and the growing lab incident. Then it gave me vibes similar to the Apocalypse serial from American Horror Story what with the secret society all working behind the scenes though for very different reasons.
Also someone please help this autistic man, they are not thriving
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(Honestly same)
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#9 Longest Day
25th January 2024 Again, from the timestamp you can probably guess how this one is gonna go. This one wins the record of introducing a character within the opening pages of the first chapter that I quite happily saw die and Sam is once again subject to the rampant sexism that pervades the entire cosmos apparently?? Sci-Fi of the 90s I guess...
This was another book that took me an age to get through because it just didn't keep my attention that well. Characters doing actions. Characters I don't really feel emotionally invested in one way or another, which is just as well. Sam and The Doctor are now separated through no agency of their own.
There were some fun passages though:
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Eight is such an asshole, I laughed so hard at this exchange, I love them
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Wasn't The Doctor's tutor Borusa?
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As introductions go, this one's fairly efficient
#10 Legacy of the Daleks
25th January 2025 From what I'd seen it was best to skip this one (especially since Susans family situation gets retconned in the audios, which I've already listened to) so I skimmed it for Susan and Eight interactions... of which there weren't any. It doesn't progress Eight's search for Sam either. He picks up a kitten at the end thats about it as far as continuity goes.
This section got me though, I can hear the sass that Nine will weild later to lethal effect
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#11 Dreamstone
26th January 2025 This was a fun one, mostly for all the different characters and how interesting they all were. I kind of predicted where they were going with the crystals and thought they could have done more with them but, ultimately, this was a story about human nature not the stones really.
Sam really developed a lot in this story realising that making decisions isn't easy but making them for herself all the same. The Doctor is just good at making it look easy so people go with it. If you look confident about a decision people argue less and waste less time
#12 Seeing I
26th January 2025 Seeing I is here!! I'd heard good things about this one. I felt Sam was really trying to bite off more than she could chew but thats 17yr old pride for you. Only to fucking smash right out of the park and break through that barrier she'd been struggling with to become her own person. The Doctor once again weaponising his ability to be the most annoying mf on any given planet to get his way. At least, until his meddling came and bit him in the ass and bit him hard. The fact that he was still suffering from those consequences even after the event had passed was very good. Japser and Stewart mention <3
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#13 Placebo Effect
#14 Vanderdekens Children
28th January 2025 I actually really liked this one. It turned into another sci-fi tropes I love to see but mostly the Messing With Gravity thing. It did remind me a little of Event Horizon, looking for faster than light travel by simply going from Point A to Point B without actually travelling anywhere only to not realise where the Point B might end up. Ships haunted as a result naturally. Then you find out why.
I do like The Doctor very obviously using hypnotism in this book to calm someone down and being utterly guileless about it too.
You can tell Sam's time away has done her the world of good, she's looking to The Doctor for direction less and less and trusting herself more.
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Glad to see some things never change though
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Ah yes, a scene familiar to anyone who has ever played or seen Alien: Isolation.
#15 Scarlette Empress
1st February 2025 Scarlette Empress is so far one of my favourites simply for the insights it gives us into each of the characters from their own mouths, right next to how they are perceived by the characters they are sharing space with. Actually, this whole book is kind of about challenging your perceptions of others and yourself. Huh.
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These two sections were fascinating to me on how The Doctor perceives himself through the interactions of others. He's about 7 years into his current Eighth self and still working out who he is and I don't think that ever stops.
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Old Empress who lived in a jar for thousands of years like a genie gets freed and, as my friend described it, 'Comes straight out of the jar hornier than god'
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This guy has The Traumatic Experience With Spiders in one of his earlier lives and now needs back up. Sam is that person who gets the cup and a piece of card while The Doctor is standing on a chair - he doesn't want to kill it he just wants it away from him... Only to then befriend said Spider in the next few scenes because of course he does. Turns out it's half the size of Iris' double decker bus and bored as all hell.
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blackstarchanx3new · 6 months ago
FSR rambles wanna know what's funnier than 24? ...25
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Huh so Vio's confusion from earlier makes a lot more sense.
Link was shutting them off from listening much again...
Nice going Link.
I'm sure this isn't causing massive communication issues or smth...
I think this just speaks to how LITTLE Link trusts Vio to sympathize with his mental health struggles that he just cuts him out of it all together.
Also the dialogue here for the middle panel:
Vio doesn't KNOW for a fact Blue was in on those conversations...but it's a fact he WAS thus him being there in the visual representation. Vio isn't actually aware of Blue being in on it.
I'm sure he's at the point of questioning that though...
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I wouldn't say it's Blue and Green with trust issues Red, it's Link X'D
And he for sure DOES distrust you.
Furthering the point Link is broken thus the team is broken.
Shadow drops by cause the convo with Zelda is done (Jeez it's been awhile since I've looked at these pages lmao)
And Vio asks about his hair which...FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT.
Answer a question with a question...nice one Shadow Link. 🙄
He's very sensitive about the ganon hair haha.
Which is why I think his questioning on if Vio LIKES IT is genuine even if it's there to steer the convo somewhere else.
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Vio's too smart.
Though, Red weirdly wants vio to stfu about actually ASKING...Which uh...
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I'd like to remind you of THIS PANEL where Link's purposely being obtuse about the Triforce on his own hand after their Triforce discussion.
Then we get to shitpost territory with Shadow burying the lead on Dark to talk about how he and Green had sex. Which just...
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Vio's response is...interesting.
I think this is where a lot of people might have realized this is a poly story lmfao.
Vio gives no fucks in fact he seems INTO IT despite him saying he "Doesn't care" sure buddy.
Vio and Shadow's "Relationship" is up in the air on what the hell it even IS at this point and Vio is butt at hiding the fact he loves Green soooo.
Works out for both that they like Green. XD
Red's over here losing his shit.
Shadow AGAIN brushes over Dark just calling him someone they need to be introduced to....Lmfao.
Vio's mention of looking for Blue is kinda sweet. He cares. Shadow on the other hand knows Dark's handling it so is fine with leaving poor blue 😭
And red.
lmfao. Bye Red.
Genuinely giving him ANYTHING to do early on was...DIFFICULT.
I have a story thread for him but BUILDING to that was...Not fun for his character X'D
So often he got shafted but I hope when he has his time to shine people enjoy it haha.
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Sad boy hours.
Blue's back though!
...This is so random but I'm so glad I started doing colored text boxes I gotta THINK who's talking reading back on these X'DDDD
Green's so sweet giving Blue a lil hug.
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Poor Green's frazzled out of his mind and Blue's just struggling to talk emotions.
They're a mess. X'D
This entire interaction is so funny to me.
"What did he DO...?" GREEN. WHAT DO YOU THINK!?
I think Blue's justified in being a LITTLE irked that this weird curse entity was sent to get him instead of one of his teammates X'D
but also: they had no idea where he ran off too lmfao. Dark Link's got a Link radar he can find him easy.
One of those things where there was no GOOD solution to this and Green did the best he could, but Blue's frustration imo is still very justified.
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Poor Green trying to rationalize his choices and Blue's just like "Stfu"
And smacks Dark link X'D
Poor Dark.
"you look like a dumbass with a squid on his head" might be one of my favorite FSR blue lines.
Green's addition of "i feel like a dumbass" is so stupid XDDD
Green's beyond strung out just letting Dark sit on his head while him and Blue talk about wtf they're gonna do about this.
It's really fun looking back into this transition period where half the cast knew about Dark and the others didn't really.
I remember wanting to push past it quickly because I wanted to get to juicy territory and interactions.
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...I love Dark hugging Green's hair. He's so cute.
it's worth mentioning AGAIN that Green and Blue have VERY DIFFRENT experiences with Dark with EACH OTHER but ESPECIALLY VIO.
Dark TORTURED that dude lmfao.
Green chastising Dark for doing his typical shit with Blue lmfao.
"Blue is the color of difficult" will now proceed to live rent free in Blue's mind X'DDDD
I'm sure I've mentioned it but Dark Link struggles to speak properly in this form. (it's a form that doesn't require him much effort or energy to maintain thus...doesn't have a lot of "Features" lmfao.)
Blue pulls Dark off poor Green's head to give him head scratches.
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I'd panic if I sat on Blue's bare thighs too Dark. Look at him go polite gentleman.
Blue's being HONEST with his FEELInGS.
What a treat.
Dark smacked some sense into him during that fight hah.
Poor Blue has anxiety about being Link now. Poor dude.
Blue just wants to get intros over and done with knowing stuff's gonna be hard. But uhhh....
Dark Link isn't a fan.
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Didn't have him turn back into his hylian form to sit in Blue's lap wym.
Poor Dark doesn't wanna do stuff with people rn. he's burnt out.
Dude had a meltdown with Blue he's exhausted.
Green's genuine horror paired with "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" just reminds me of that scene from the Cuphead show where King Dice shouts the same thing X"DDD
Though: it's kinda sad that Dark was 100% right in being nervous/hesitant to meet the others...
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Green's protective Blue that's his baby!
Obligatory Dark says smth fucking weird cause it's funny.
Green's willing to let Dark have a break while...Blue has a good point too.
Poor Green doesn't get the peace he wants. 😭
meanwhile Dark's just blatantly staring at Blue X'D And he's put off by it.
Blue...c'mere I got a secret-
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Being a dick won't push him away Blue. He's in love with VAATI you're a drop in the bucket in terms of rudeness.
it's been established: Dark doesn't know how to handle being PERSEIVED at the moment. Especially by the Links. He's still super shy.
Poor Dark, blue makes fun of his stutter. 😭
Green rightfully tells him off
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Dark holding their hands is so sweet.
He's someone that holds his heart on his sleeve to his own detriment. Just wanting them to know he's happy to be with them and that the day is nice (presumably because he's with them.)
Blue's being a bit of a negative butt but concedes a bit when Green says he's happy too.
Him poofing back to being his "Squid" form on Green's face just personally is funny.
It's so silly and cements he has ZERO idea of personal space.
It's even worse for Green because Green's scared of tentacles. 😭 (wanna have that brought up at some point...but it's due to the vaati fight)
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Lmfao. Red you're so annoying.
Literally third wheeling the Vidow X'DD
Vio out here starting shit lmfao.
Shadow knows too.
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LMFAO Vio trying to find solutions is uh...KINDA an issue now hah.
He's super out of the loop about the curse now so...ouch.
Vio's being a bit of a bitch boy about it because he's bitter.
Reasonably so but ooomf.
Vio my duuuude...pls c'mon man. Act mature. 😭
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Vio casually tipping right over Blue's current anxieties about going back to that. Which...Blue has zero self control so NOW WE'RE DEEP IN SHIT LMFAO.
And Vio's response is FAIR.
Link cut him out so much he's missing a FUCK ton of context about how BAD it was for everyone.
Blue's ALSO pretty justified in being PAST the point of WANTING to discuss things with Vio due to how dismissive he's been about their pain.
it's a self fulfilling cycle of bullshit they've trapped themselves in.
Blue really fucked up in mentioning that Link's basically NOT gonna happen anymore in saying "We're not compatible as a person"
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Lmfao not red hiding behind the couch. Coward, Vio feels ALONE right now in wanting to return to being Link, and you're the only one VAGLEY on his side. And instead of trying to mediate or help he just leaves Vio to get more and more defensive as Blue yells at him till he runs away to Link's room.
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Well damn.
Everyone's expressions after Vio throws his tantrum is...INTERESTING.
Green's HORRIFIED and he's glitching WAY more than before.
Blue's in shock. Probably at how CHILDISH that response was not expecting vio to blow up at him back.
Shadow's also equally horrified as Green.
Red...Red's weird.
Red just stares kind of unfazed. Mild surprise maybe.
"huh...weird" kind of face.
That's quickly brushed by though with Green starting to glitch WORSE.
Blue's concerned.
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Green starts gooping. And not in the fun way.
Blue tries to console him and gets...Corrupted for a lack of a better term.
His arm corrupting into Green's.
Link's body contortions and glitching are real similar to this.
It's been shown a few times that their mental state affects their appearance, but NOW it can affect OTHERS appearances.
Green at this point has been pushed to stress and anxiety till he broke poor guy, he's been worried about everyone's safety and been trying to do what would help them and it just hasn't worked out.
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Shadow's stuck not sure what to do. As a Shadow he was forced to do NOTHING while Link had moments like this.
Blue snaps him out of it taking charge.
I've always considered Blue second in command. ESPECIALLY in FSR.
He was the only other color Link trusted enough to confide in other than Green and able to pull his head out of his butt to help Green AND Vio in this situation.
Blue's VERY aware of WHY Green's panicking rn. (he's worried vio's going to harm himself in some way...not a stretch to make that assumption and it's brought up later but YEAH that's why he freaked out.)
Vio just needed to have a bitch fit in his room for a bit though and didn't mean to cause that fear.
If he knew I don't think he would have left quite in that way.
but again: Link kinda shot them in the foot leaving half the team aware of shit and the other half NOT.
Either way Shadow's got a job to do.
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"Damn it link... you ass" makes me laugh. Blue's so terrible with words.
Turns out Blue mainly was on team "let's not be link!" BECAUSE he was worried about Green having too much shit on his shoulders.
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Some interesting thoughts there pal.
I've always wondered what kind of pressure Green must have felt to be LIKE Link and also be the leader.
Like that's double pressure there.
Being link but BETTER while only being a 1/4th of him sounds like such a task weighing his mentality down.
He's only assigned to that role because...well he's wearing GREEN. not really because of any other reason.
He's just as dumb as the other three.
I've always found it interesting, usually the leader type characters are the Vio's of the group.
Book smart and a bit stuck up.
but instead we get green and...I've joked he's diet Link but fr lol he KINDA IS.
What he lacks makes his personality more so than what he HAS.
His selfishness and ego getting removed making him IMEDIATELY want to work together for instance.
Anyway green analysis aside, Blue acknowledging he fucked up here is good.
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The completely black background making you ONLY focus on these two talking was for good reason, Green's weird word bubbles too.
Reality feels like it's breaking around them and if this was voice acted I imagine Green's voice sounding distorted and disjointed here.
Like this is just his thoughts repeating to himself about what Link BEGGED him to do.
Both their glitching just getting worse as the paneling goes by.
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Green's all sorts of fucked up. over leaving the other three because he was angry at them. So much guilt is harbored there now over that action.
Also I just wanna point out how brave Blue is.
Touching Green is PAINFUL for him, he yanked his hand back when he touched him initially. He also SAW the corruption it left behind and still chose to hug him here.
Like for all he knows they could become that Link monster thing again but he cares more about Green than that.
Blue's the goat.
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Everyone telling Green stuff he's needed to hear.
Even Dark came out to help.
Dark's lines are super fun just because mmmmm it gets into Dark and Green's relationship and i like Darkgreen XD
Green did MASSIVELY change Dark's mission by appealing to his desire to be a hero and changing his mind.
Without Green the others would be SO COOKED.
Dark doesn't consider his mission a failure because he changed course a little and neither should Green.
They're very sweet for each other. QuQ
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Not them slapping each other with pillows like children. 😭
Vio, Shadow, you both are too old for this shit.
I flip flop between finding this scene funny or disturbing.
I mean at the end of the day it's a couple smacking the shit out of each other due to their emotional issues. 😭 That's not healthy.
But also...the imagery is so silly looking and they're not actually HURTING each other.
Idk I feel like you could look at it either way.
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Shadow mentions it here, but Green was worried about Vio's physical safety. Which....Vio doesn't get. Because Link wanting to game end himself has been NOT shared with him.
Vio's deep in his own insecurity atm.
This is a reference to what was said in the OG manga , that everyone was holding Vio back buuuut our purple buddy feels differently.
Especially with how he feels really bad rejection at the moment.
Vio wrongly assumes people don't want to be link because HE'S THERE. Which isn't true.
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Shadow feels bad cause a lot of their issues are wrapped up in the whole Vidow arc of the manga lmfao.
Shadow feeling his OWN guilt over waking Link up which...Dark called it just sayin-
Also points out that Blue "is an ass" but yeah Blue could have worded himself better here. X'D
...We reached the image cap ouch. X'D
Continued vidow later on muahah.
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ospreyeamon · 1 year ago
revan as the ghost
I had the odd experience of playing KOTOR 1 and having my Revan, then playing KOTOR 2 and discovering that I liked its Revan more than mine. Revan as Narrative Ghost/Controversial Historical Figure is far more interesting to me than Revan as main character.
Part of it is that 2 fleshes out Dark-Side pre-amnesia Revan into a more compelling character. All of the juicy hints about the deeper plan and purpose behind the Jedi Civil War, the past relationship with Kreia who is as preoccupied with her former student’s legacy as with her own, the probable betrayal of Revan’s own forces led by the Exile at Malachor V.
The motivation of preparing for the future great war against the True Sith is great because it doesn’t preclude the other motivations of vengeance, power-lust, and the love of warfare. Revan might have despised the atrocities of the Jedi Civil Wars as evils necessary to save the galaxy. Revan might have subconsciously latched onto the True Sith as an excuse to solve the problems with the Republic and Jedi Order using outright warfare because everything looked like a nail after the Mandalorian Wars. Revan might have just been acting with an eye to the long-term logistics of forcibly holding power in the Republic post-conquest and was never planning on fighting the True Sith Empire because Revan thought it was a real threat, but because another war would be politically convenient. Revan might have slid from one to another over time.
Maybe Revan always considered himself to be loyal to the Republic, even if the Republic didn’t always appreciate the form that loyalty took. Maybe Revan decided that democracy doesn’t work and the Republic would be better off under a competent autocrat. Maybe Revan decided that the structure of the Republic’s constituent governments – mostly monarchies, aristocracies, and corporate plutocracy – meant that it wasn’t a real democracy and believed a benevolent dictatorship could be used to build a foundation of true democracy. Maybe the future long-term structure of the Republic’s government wasn’t a major consideration, with Revan taking the pragmatic view that the best government for the Republic would be the one that enabled it to survive.
Supplying that backstory as a jigsaw of character dialogue was an excellent choice, especially since it also works well for the events of the first game. Brianna the Handmaiden believes Revan showed the desire of his heart when he killed Malak during the Battle of Rakata Prime; Kreia thinks she’s completely wrong about that.
All the characters have at least heard of Revan; the Exile, Kreia, T4-M4, Mandalore, HK-47, and the Jedi Masters knew Revan personally. And, beyond being a mere person, Revan represents things to people.
Kreia is invested in the idea that Revan was always driven by some vision of a greater good, that she never became primarily ruled by hatred or power-lust. Kreia has a low opinion of those she views as dominated by emotion and is unwilling to believe her prize student ever fell into that trap. She really wants every choice her old Padawan made to have been well-informed and well-considered, always feeding towards Revan’s larger goals rather than undermining them. (Yet, there are a couple of Revan’s actions, like killing Malak, that I feel Kreia would have preferred to blame on the Force, on the unfairness of the universe, rather than on Revan.)
It’s a major blind-spot in Kreia’s assessment of Revan. Cutting Malak’s jaw off but keeping him as her second-in-command – seemingly not expecting any negative effect on Malak’s loyalty – is unlikely to have been anything but a short-sighted emotional outburst on Revan’s part.
In contrast to Kreia’s narrative, I think that Revan’s disappearance in unknown space between the games was unplanned and unwilling. Revan apparently spent years attempting to build a massive logistical staging ground for a war with the True Sith; locating the Star Forge, invading to capture Republic infrastructure, brutally converting captured Jedi. Why, after previously engaging in such large-scale preparation, would Revan leave to fight the True Sith alone, without telling anyone but T3-M4? Why would Revan leave without warning Admiral Carth of the Republic Navy and battle-meditation master Bastila Shan about the threat?
More likely, I think, that Revan’s memories were returning in tatters and scraps. Revan became increasingly sure that there was something important she couldn’t remember; some vital secret that would explain so much, and spell disaster if not uncovered. Revan’s journey to unknown space began as a temporary trip retracing a past journey, searching for prompts to resurface those memories. Something went wrong.
Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Revan despaired of the state the Jedi, Revanchist Sith, and Galactic Republic were in after the Battle of Rakata Prime and the “end” of the Jedi Civil War; despaired of the mess she had apparently made trying to manipulate the Republic and Jedi into forms capable of standing up to the True Sith. Maybe Revan came to doubt his previous assessment that the True Sith Empire were planning to invade the Galactic Republic, since it had been more than a decade since the beginning of the Mandalorian Wars with still no sign of them, and left to do some quiet scouting without raising what might be a false alarm that triggered an avoidable conflict.
Another judicious choice of character trait with KOTOR 2’s Revan was – and even post-amnesia still continued to be – secretive. Revan kept the grand strategy for the Mandalorian Wars close to her chest; good for operation security, but also good for hiding your plan to purge your own forces. Even HK-47 and Kreia, who were close to the Revanchist Sith’s upper command structure, aren’t certain what Revan was trying to achieve because Revan didn’t tell them. When Revan vanishes between the games, it is seemingly without having told any of her companions save T3-M4 where or that it was to investigate the True Sith Empire. That repeated failure to share information provides another justification for the ambiguity.
That bled through when I replayed 1 and imagined a new Revan, a stranger even to himself.
How did you change so much? Could you change again?
You remember your mother’s face, remember her voice as she read to you from the histories she loved so much, but the records in the Jedi archives imply that’s impossible, that you were given to the Order too young. You remember racing your swoop bike across the fields of Dantooine as a teenager; as a teenager you were a Padawan studying in the Enclave there. How many of your memories are real? How much of you is real?
Is there a monster slumbering under your skin that might awake, unravelling the person you are now to take your place? Did the young Revan have all the Jedi Masters fooled, rotten from the very beginning? Might you eventually live your life haunted by nightmares of committing another person’s atrocities?
More frightening than the idea that you and the Revan lost to amnesia are different is the idea that you are the same; that your past choices won’t be beyond comprehension or justification. If you remember, will you understand why you started the war? If you remember, will you understand why you bombed Telos? If you remember, will you discover that you have been the person who could make those choices all along?
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sapphicmsmarvel · 6 months ago
writing game tag by @bonecarversbestie
tagged by the wonderful @thelov3lybookworm !
describe your writing process from idea to posting/publishing
Sporadic. It’s everywhere.
Typically I’ll think of something and open a doc for it on my phone and just write a sentence or two about the plot and what i want to happen.
sometimes i am able to just bang it out in one fell swoop. the story just grabs me by the scruff of my neck and takes me on the journey. even i dont know my plot twists or lines until they’ve already popped out onto the screen.
a LOT of the times im thinking of a scenario to fall asleep to and i randomly thing of something so ill go in my docs and explain the idea then go to bed!
are you a plotter or a pantser
Pantser. I’m so bad at plotting just because i wanna get to the juicy bits first (before i forget them) and then i’ll build the bridges between the dramatic events.
what do you listen to when you are writing
Little Mix (and now Perrie, Leigh-Anne and Jade’s solo stuff), Taylor Swift, Chappell Roan, Renee Rapp, you know, the pop girlies.
Occasionally bad omens too.
what’s your drink of choice while writing?
fun fact about me is that i basically only drink water. i’m not a pop girly or a coffee/tea girly. i do love a hot chocolate tho
promote yourself! what’s your favorite thing you’ve written?
baby blanket (azriel) and feeding my complex (azriel, feyre and rhys plus reader). also disability (with feysand x reader)
i have no idea what spurred baby blanket but what i do now is when i thought of it i was on my period so i was verrrrrry emotional and started crying. Then I wrote it, cried some more and published it.
share a fic of yours that you think is underrated/deserves more love?
bad dates (acotar), work of art (wanda)
fun fact: bad dates is one i wrote after my own bad date, everything that readers date did, mine did LOL so i wanted my comfort characters cause wow did it feel shitty.
do you have any advice for new writers?
There will always be an audience for your work. but that’s not something to base your passion on.
write the thing for you. you come first. don’t squeeze to fit a predetermined mold.
also do Not stress about requests or even accepting them.
what is a writing style/technique that others do really well that you’d like to get better at?
flowery language. i’m not good at bringing flowy elements to dialogue or feeling. i’ve been doing better tho!
is there a character you were surprised you enjoyed writing as much as you did?
Elain! I’ve never been an Elain hater really, it’s more of how little we see of her and i like to envision her having this secret rebellious side!
Nesta was scary to write because i’m terrified to get her characterization wrong.
i tag @bbluefllame !
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literaticat · 5 months ago
Jenn, I think something happened to me. I don’t know if it’s being on sub or just Life, but I can’t do anything anymore. I can’t read. I write a little and feel like it sucks. Something’s wrong. Am I in a funk? Do you have any advice?
I mean it sure sounds like you are in a funk (and join the club tbqh).
Give yourself grace. The world is a HOT MESS, and everyone I know is affected. Take care of yourself, and try not to stress out.
Look after your mental, emotional and physical health. Stay hydrated. (REALLY.) Get plenty of sleep. Shut off the news. Get fresh air and sunlight; if you live in the Northeast or somewhere it gets dark early, take Vitamin D and get a sunlamp. Go to the doctor, make sure you aren't anemic or something. Take inventory of your brain: Are you depressed? Anxious? Sad? Scared? Maybe start therapy, and/or ask your doc for a referral to a shrink for medication.
Get into a Kid-Like frame of mind and do something you've never done or are not even particularly good at just because it could be fun. Mini-golf? Bowling? Making pottery? Learning to yo-yo? Why not? Go low-stakes -- it doesn't matter if you are good at it or look "cool" or anything else, it's just a goofy thing to do.
For a reading slump specifically: Try reading CANDY type books. Romances, comedies, comics/GNs, juicy tell-alls, a racy mystery -- nothing heavy or thinky, just FUN FUN FUN. (A slump-buster for me was MY LADY JANE, it's terrific -- but your slump-buster might be different!)
For a writing slump specifically: try to write FOR FUN ONLY, for the love of the game, just to see what comes out -- not anything you'd ever even show anyone. No pressure whatsoever, not trying to meet a goal or deadline, not anything to send to an agent or critique group -- maybe just make a goal to write a page a day (or less!) of just *something* -- journal entries, character studies, or random dialogue, scenes that don't go anywhere just because you want to write them down, fanfiction, whatever. Eventually, you might just hit on something you realize COULD be something real and you'll be energized to do that, and great -- slump busted!
Good luck, I hope you get your mojo back soon!
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allmannerofmalady · 5 months ago
DATV: Thoughts after 30+ hours of playing
Part 2 of my jumble of thoughts, spoilers ahead. I'm going to be yapping a LOT but hey, this is my space to yap. It will be LONG.
General spoilers ahead, and explicit Solas/ending spoilers.
I feel like I have to add caveats yet again-
This comes from a place of deep emotional involvement with the franchise - but it's just the personal opinion of a rando on the internet (me).
I work in the VFX industry and I'm transitioning into game dev. I am very aware of how much time and work has gone into every detail, so I just want to acknowledge the work of the whole team. Creating assets, environments, levels - it's NOT easy. I am also very aware of how creative people and projects can get stifled due to corporate greed/ upper management.
I am a to-the-bone RPG player, I am in my 30s and it has been a lifelong passion of mine. I care about lore, character design and story - so that's my bias when it comes to opinions.
I love Solas and have feelings about it sorrryyyyyyyy
I'm really enjoying the gameplay and combat, hence the 30+ hours I've put into it. I'm playing as a rogue, and as I level up the combat and combos have been very satisfying. I usually always play on mouse + keyboard for DA, but I'm using a controller for DATV.
Again - I am surprisingly really enjoying Rook so far! I like the character and the British VO, and this is coming from a person who was extremely meh and uninterested in Rook, and yearned to revisit previous protagonists.
Bellara is another surprise, she's much more sweet and endearing than I expected, and from the trailers/leaks I thought I would not enjoy her character at all. Voice acting in general seems to be improving, or at least doesn't stand out to me as much as the start of my game.
The companions as a whole don't feel as deep or well rounded as previous games (but I'm still midway through, so not a fair assessment until I complete all of their personal quests), but as an RPG lover who loves games with a diverse party of companions, I'm enjoying the journey with them. Emmrich is my fave.
I don't think any amount of cameos and previous game mentions would ever be enough for me, but wow was I emotional when I saw Dorian and Inquisitor Lavellan <3 how amazing is it to have characters that get that sort of reaction from you.
I'm happy to be back in the world of Thedas, even if it wasn't how I personally envisioned it would be presented. Walking around and hearing a bard play Sera Was Never?!?!? I'm not crying.
The game looks and plays beautifully, setting aside feelings about character proportions. I keep getting distracted by how beautiful my Rook is lol. It's also running so smoothly for me, not a single glitch or bug as yet.
Personal meh's
I really, really miss the opportunities for dialogue as we had in DA:I. I feel like I can only start conversations when the game allows me to, and I loved yapping with the characters whenever I could. It also allowed you to ask juicy questions, like going to Viv or Morrigan when she's in Skyhold, asking their opinions about stuff, etc. I hate that I can't pick Harding's brain more about her time at the Inquisiton, or Varric (yes, I'm aware of the twist but still).
Following that, I wish we had more access to Solas :') even if it's just to bicker or give him attitude, or whatever the player chooses. So far, I've only been able to speak to him 3 times, I think.
The 3 choices at the start of the game (which like many, I have feelings about) don't seem to give you much satisfying payoff so far. For example, I created Inquisitor Lavellan, who romanced Solas and wants to redeem him. I spoke to her, she gave me the lines about her history with him - based on those choices, I feel like Rook should rush back to Solas and use that information? Like hey, I know this about you, I hold a weak point, work with me etc - or something idk. This applies to a lot of other angles as well, but just one example. I guess this is part of the phasing out of the Keep, and in turn removing the importance of previous decisions.
I am still really enjoying playing and nothing will stop me from finishing the game - but it doesn't feel like the RP in RPG (which I think is what it's going for, it's leaning towards the action RPG style). At moments it feels like "Dragon Age Stories" or something - shorter, tighter missions and an overarching story. This does not feel like the follow up I envisioned after the first 3 games, and the grand finale of Tresspasser. Sometimes it feels like playing Hyrule Warriors or Persona 5 Strikers and being told they're sequels to the actual RPGs if that makes sense? I'm still not sure I'll feel this way at the end, we shall see. I'm absolutely open to changing my mind.
I'm not a fan of the music, and think the previous games had much better soundtracks *hides*
Me being butthurt about stuff
There's been so much DA Inquisition hate over the years, and recently I feel like a lot of the feedback from BioWare has also felt like DA:I is being swept under the rug. Yes - a lot of it is valid, the fetch quests, the Hinterlands stuff etc, and I know a lot of DA fans have mixed feelings about it. But to me, it was so ambitious - that's what has continued to blow my mind until today. It's breadth, the size - running around Skyhold, feeling the power of the Inquisitor grow, the lore. I played DA2 first, followed by DA:O (which I ADORE) and when I started DA:I, the amount of lore was still overwhelming - I felt like I was really entering a true high fantasy game, and never felt like I was treated like an idiot. In fact, it was so fulfilling to absorb and learn the lore. The way it's simplified, over explained, retconned or glossed over in DATV really makes me sad at times. I refuse to shit on DA:I (or any previous DA game) to justify changes in future games. I bought every DLC, art book, merch, the novels - I and many others have invested into the franchise over the last 10 years with only crumbs of info about a new game. I don't like feeling like in order to celebrate a new release, we're encouraged to disparage the ones that came before, IDK.
I question getting invested in DA characters anymore, when we see how they get treated. Why should I be invested in any of the new gang? I fell in love with every companion in DA, and I miss them sorely. I downloaded mods to fix the banter bugs, tried every path to squeeze what I could out of the games. How can we be in Tevinter, talk about the issues of slavery, and no mention of Fenris?! (Yes, I'm biased af lol). I miss Cassandra, Leliana, SO many others. The line between rebooting the franchise and not wanting to mention previous characters is controversial.
There is a lot of love put into DATV, even as someone who is disappointed at aspects of it. The one thing I wish for was for the game to have felt like a love letter to the franchise that came before, and TO ME it feels more like a rush to tie loose ends. The new Silent Hill 2 remake feels like a love letter to the fans, and to the original game. If you feel that way about DATV that's fantastic, genuinely, it just didn't hit that mark for me after years of anticipation. But hey, I'm a rando on the internet. A love letter to the game to me could feature characters from the first 3 games (whatever choices the players made, since the Keep is removed any way), just to bid them a proper farewell at this point. Alistair my bb :')
There is a lot of world building from the previous games that seems completely ignored. Too much to type out tbh.
Solas/Solavellan rants - I'm seeing a lot of people complain about negativity on the subject, so please take with a grain of salt that this is just my opinion! I am still enjoying my Rook's journey.
I am sad about how Solas was written, and the Solavellan ending. I know many are happy about it - and trust me, I'm glad but I just wish I felt the same :') he feels very moustache twirling a lot of the time and I miss the previous complexity. They clearly set him on a path of no return with what he did to Varric as well, and that was... a choice. Idk what to even say about that whole plot line.
Not everyone is a Solavellan, or even likes Solas as a character. Hence the beauty of different endings, the different ways you can go about it. But I just can't reconcile the "good" ending options, and the effort to provide a Solavellan ending when it was set up like this. I get that Solas is now on the Din'anshiral, his mask is gone, he is embodying the Dread Wolf. But that beautiful nuance from Inquisition isn't there for me. The sadness, the conflict. The incredible branching dialogue options. SIGH.
The Mythal plotline - I would not have minded this given the backstory we get from previous media, but having the new companions making sex jokes about Solas/Mythal honestly felt like it was purposely shitting on Solavellans lololol. There is a million ways to interpret Solas' memories, the things you find, but I wish it didn't require it. I wish it was a clear homage to a romance that became iconic for the game this is a follow up to, and kept a sizeable chunk of the fandom going for 10 years. I still do think the game is slightly selling that Solas loves Lavellan (if that's the storyline you choose at the start, and if you choose to find the clues etc), but it feels wedged in, like an afterthought to the Mythal storyline they're going for. Almost like "HERE shut up about Solavellan, TAKE THIS *slaps messy baggage about potential Solas x Mythal and a limp kiss/doomed ending on a plate* now eat it and SHUT UP, we're moving ON" ha ha haaaa
The kiss between Solas and the Inquisitor at the end, and them getting into the flying car to (maybe?) rot in the fade like a doomed Danny and Sandy - not it for me. Sorry. But AGAIN, my dad doesn't work at Bioware, this is their franchise to do with as they see fit lol I'm just a yapper, a fan who was nourished by Solavellan crumbs. I do hope it makes others happy and wraps up the story the way they envisioned it, I'm actually jealous and wish I felt that way lol. But fanfics and art have always filled the gaps, and they shall continue to do so. Maybe I'll change my mind as time goes on.
Even though I'm not a fan, I am glad we got SOMETHING for Solavellan, I think it was just overhyped and not this grand beautiful foil to the heartbreak in Trespasser.
So far, gameplay wise - I would give DATV a 7 or 8 out of 10. It's smooth, it's beautiful, and the combat is addictive and I find myself always wanting to go on one more quest, or exploring just a little bit further.
Storywise - I don't think I could give it a fair assessment given I'm biased about previous games, and I'm too entrenched in the world building of DAO to DAI to be fair. I accept that I might be being phased out as the target audience for the franchise moving forward, but will enjoy getting my Rook to where she needs to be :)
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a-crumb-of-whump · 2 years ago
Okay, so I finally got around to all the responses given for the Random Whump Questions google form I made! Everything is ranked from highest to lowest in terms of what was picked, and the number beside them is how many people chose that option:)
Also, to make sure it's not longer than it needs to be, I'm going to do the open ended questions in a separate post:) Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for that!
One more thing to keep in mind. The 'custom answers' section is where only one person has brought it up. If multiple people have said the same thing, then it will be included in the main answers :)
Question 1. When did you first discover whump as a term?
A. 15 - 17 (106) B. 11 - 14 (105) C. 20 - 25 (42) D. 18 - 19 (39) E. 26 - 30 (21) F. -10 (4) G. 36 - 39 (4) H. 31 - 35 (3)
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Question 2.
A. Absolutely not (135) B. Some of them do but I prefer to keep it to myself (127) C. I don't try to hide it but not many people know anyway (42) D. Most, if not all of them know - I'm very open about it (10) E. One person knows (4) F. Friends know, family don't (2)
Custom answers: I'm not secretive but I don't explain it because it's hard to, I've never said it but you only need to look at me to know.
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Question 4. Biggest pet peeve when it comes to whump in media?
A. Whumpee miraculously recovers as if they didn't just break three vital bones in their body and get stabbed by the enemy (204) B. Skipping over it and going straight to recovery (165) C. Changes POV's right as it's getting juicy (154) D. Whumpee is too stoic and unphased by what happened (130) E. Too comedic/lighthearted (128) F. Main character(s) die rather than living with what they've done/what happened (127) G. Too much comfort and not enough hurt (80) H. The recovery/captivity is far too unrealistic (77) I. Too much hurt and not enough comfort (62) J. Whumpee is a massive wuss (56) K. All of the above (23) L. The recovery/captivity is too realistic (20) M. Too heavy/serious (16) N. Whumpee is unattractive/not cute enough to me (2) O. Wrong characters are whumped/favourite characters are ignored (2)
Custom written: Obvious medical errors, turns out it was all "just a nightmare!", Caretaker's wellbeing is ignored, Whumpee is rescued right before the whump was about to start, Caretaker never figures out what happened and it's never brought up again, no women, never goes as badly as I want, not enough from Whumpee's POV.
Custom written #2: Whumpee is infantilised during their recovery, no trauma/trauma is overlooked, aftermath/recovery is ignored by a timeskip, Whumpee has no personality apart from being the one who deserves pity for being white and pretty and sweet, caretaker saves the day and it's never brought up again.
Custom written #3: Caretaker saves the day and Whumpee is the perfect victim and there's no conflict ever again, too much emphasis on physical pain rather than emotional, whumper wants love from their whumpees, recovery is too fast and it involves sexual/romantic stuff.
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Question 5. Best thing a whumpee can say to give you whumperflies?
A. "Please- please, no more." (146) B. "It hurts." (142) C. "Please don't leave me." (109) D. "Don't hurt them." (94) E. "Get the hell away from me." (85) F. "I just want to be good." (81) G. "You promised." (71) H. "Am I not enough?" (69) I. "I thought... I thought it was over." (50) J. "You came back!" (49) K. "I was so scared." (43) L. "You will not break me." (36) M. All of the above (19) N. Description over dialogue/I prefer whumpees that are too scared to talk (6) O. Begging (2) P. "I'm fine." (2) Q. "I can't take it anymore." (2)
Custom answers: "Go away" | "It's all my fault, I'm sorry" | "don't touch me!" | "I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise" | "don't look at me" | "I don't want you to see me like this" | "fuck you" | just a heartbroken "why?" | "it's fine!"
Custom answers #2: "Nobody is coming..." | "i'm not the same person I was before" | "is this real?" | "I don't want to die" | "why are you helping me?" | Repeating "i'm okay" to themselves while trying not to cry.
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Question 7. Best thing a whumper can say to give you whumperflies?
A. "I wonder how long it'll take to break you." (120) B. "Surely you can take a little more than that, can't you?" (111) C. "Tell me what I need to know and it'll all be over." (111) D. "You're being so good." (107) E. "You're so adorable when you cry." (98) F. "You're mine." (79) G. "Which finger should I crush this time?" (78) H. "I think if you were really sorry, you'd __" (63) I. "This is your home now." (57) J. "At least try to show a little enthusiasm." (49) K. "Please forgive me." (47) L. "You live to please me." (41) M. All of the above (15) N. Prefer no whumpers (7) O. Silent whumpers (3)
Custom answers: "Everything you touch dies." | "I have your whumpee." | "You wanna see something weird/interesting/cool?" | "Get some rest, darling. We'll pick this up again tomorrow." | "Just what do you think you're doing?" | "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you."
Custom answers #2: Petnames | "It's not personal." | "Nobody's coming for you. Give up." | "This is all your fault." | "You shouldn't have done that, darling." | "You'll be begging soon." | "Maybe some pain/time out/etc. will change your mind." | "It's you or them." | "Go ahead, try to run."
Custom answers #3: "Do it or I'll hurt them." | "This is for your own good." | "This will only hurt a pinch." | "Why do you have to ruin everything?" | "The more you scream, the more I have to hurt you." | "It's for science, Whumpee." | "I truly am sorry about this." | "I love you so, so much. I want to taste you..." | "Good boy."
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Question 8. Best thing a Caretaker can say to give you whumperflies?
A. "I got you." (180) B. "Breathe. Just breathe." (170) C. "What did they do to you." (154) D. "Hey, I'm here, okay?" (152) E. "Lie down, okay?" (107) F. "I'm gonna get us out of here." (107) G. "When was the last time they fed you?" (97) H. "Lay a hand on them and see what happens." (88) I. "Don't hurt them." (83) J. "I'm sorry but this is in your best interest." (66) K. "I will not rest until I find who did this." (41) L. "Don't cry." (32) M. All of the above (26) N. Any sort of medical talk (2) O. No caretakers (2)
Custom answers: "Don't touch them!" | Pet names in general | "Just relax. It's all over." | "Don't fucking touch them." | "It's not your fault." | "Hold still" while tending to wounds | "Almost done | Just hold on." | "Hey... not so fast." | "Just look at me, okay?" and then proceeds to gently explain what the medical procedure entails | "You're safe now." | "Please believe me?"
Custom answers #2: "May I see? I promise I won't hurt you." | "Whoa, hey, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." | "Shh, you're safe now. It's okay. I'm not leaving." | "Who did this to you?" | "Take this, you'll feel better." | "Shh, I know it hurts" to a squirming whumpee | Anything as long as there's physical touch to go with it | "Stay with me, okay?" | "You need to stay awake for me." | "Leave them alone!"
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Question 9. What role do you think you'd play in a whump story?
A. Whumpee (87) B. Caretaker (52) C. Side character (44) D. Caretaker-turned-whumpee (32) E. Whumpee-turned-caretaker (22) F. Whumper (16) G. Whumpee-turned-whumper (14) H. Whumper-turned-whumpee (11) I. Whumper-turned-caretaker (10) J. Caretaker-turned-whumper (8) K. Caretaker or whumpee (6) L. Carewhumper (3) M. None/I don't insert myself into scenarios (2)
Custom answers: Narrator, all of the above depending on my mood, side character.
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Question 11. Favourite place to consume whump? (not including movies/tv shows/games/etc)
A. Tumblr (294) B. AO3 (212) C. Pinterest (62) D. Fanfiction.net (23) E. DeviantArt (8) F. Wattpad (4) G. My brain (4) H. All of the above (3) I. Youtube (3) J. Character.AI (2) K. Discord (2) L. My brain (2) M. Twitter (2)
Custom answers: Sketch book, google,
Other notes: Someone also gave @whumplovers-collaborate a mention, saying they've been on that server for over a year and that it's amazing.
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Question 12. Pick a whumpy anime out of the ones I've watched (so far)
A. Castlevania (51) B. Black Butler (43) C. Bungou Stray Dogs (43) D. Banana Fish (35) E. Vanitas No Carte (19) F. Black Bullet (5)
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Question 14. How old does a whumpee need to be to be considered an "older whumpee"?
A. 40+ (127) B. 34 - 37 (68) C. 30 - 33 (51) D. 38 - 39 (38) E. 26 - 29 (18) F. 22 - 25 (2) G. 18 - 21 (0)
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Question 15. Pick a character that I think needs to be whumped more.
A. Link (The Legend Of Zelda) (96) B. Tony Stark (The Avengers/Iron Man) (64) C. Vanitas & Noe (Vanitas No Carte) (47) D. Joel Miller (The Last Of Us) (45) E. Hosea Matthews (Red Dead Redemption 2) (5)
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Question 16. Do you prefer hystorical whump or modern whump?
A. Modern (220) B. Hystorical (82)
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Question 17. Do you prefer hurt or comfort?
A. A healthy combination of both (163) B. A little bit of comfort, lots of hurt (81) C. Hurt (44) D. A little hurt, lots of comfort (28) E. Comfort (8)
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Question 19. Favourite species to whump?
A. Human (290) B. Immortal (118) C. Vampire (105) D. Demon/angel (87) E. Werewolf (57) F. Robot/android/cyborg (54) G. God/deity (49) H. Birdpeople (48) I. Merfolk (44) J. Tiny (38) K. Catpeople (26) L. Alien (19) M. All (16) N. Humans with inhuman/magical abilities (5) O. Giant (2) P. Elf (2) Q. Lab subjects (2) R. Species isn't important (2)
Custom answers: Shapeshifter, hybrics, faefolk, winged whumpees, dhampir, superheros, dwarves, mobian.
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Question 20. Pick something to restrain your whumpee with.
A. Chains (104) B. Rope (101) C. Handcuffs (38) D. Zipties (31) E. Your belt (18) F. A piece of their own clothing (18) G. Your tie (6)
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Question 22: Your whumpee bites you. What do you do?
A. Put a muzzle on them. You're not mad, but you need to keep yourself safe (119) B. Beat them until they learn their lesson (82) C. Have a rational conversation with them once they've calmed down about why it's wrong and how to stop it from happening again (61) D. Get checked for some kind of desease. Who knows what they've been carrying (25) E. Ignore it and hope it doesn't happen again (8)
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Question 23. A whumpee shows up at your door, terrified and scared. They beg for your help. What do you do?
A. Let them in and give them some food. You can worry about what you're gonna do with them later on (273) B. Keep them prisoner. Whump their to your heart's content (31) C. Slam the door in their face (4)
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Taglist: @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @let-the-whump-commence @pigeonwhumps @rule-masochism @whumperofworlds @whump-space @wollemi-whump
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yinyuedijun · 6 months ago
hiiiii i have not read or seen windbreaker my only interactions with it are bc some of my moots r into it now so ive read some fics and i saw tokyo vice on my dash and i was really pulled in by the summary so i read both parts and sincerity and the little prequel piece and oh my god it’s so good. i love the humor, the narrative voice is so witty. suo’s character is so intriguing bc as much as the reader loves and knows him there’s still so much going on that we can only guess at and i felt like that was communicated really well. i enjoyed the fact that sincerity and the prequel let us see their relationship at a different time and how we got to where they are in the present. im really interested in the reader and i felt like u did such a good job of weaving in the comedy to make some of her internal dialogue more lighthearted while still developing her emotional state really well. plus the smut was insane like 11/10 no notes. when the reader said she was excited for pussy inspections >>> like fuck yea me too!!! but anyways i loved the details we learn about her and how her fantasy is have really mundane romantic and vanilla sex. it really speaks to just how fucked up her life has been to the point where her biggest romantic dream is just to have regular sex with the man she loves. like ugh the angst interspersed with the comedy and smut was just chef's kiss. AND THAT ENDING??? WHEN HE THINKS SHE'S ASLEEP. like that did tug at my heartstrings especially when he talked about what their old friends think of him :(( and how if he was a better man he'd let her go. i read another organized crime x civilian fic for a different fandom a few years ago and it ended with the civilian person leaving his partner/his partner letting him go bc the deeper the partner he got into organized crime the more unhinged he became and how his mental state began affecting the civilian. thats a really condensed way of explaining but the events were crazy and it had me crying and screaming every chapter but that's something that ive never seen in other yakuza/gang/organized crime aus so i thought it was really cool to see how that is something that suo thinks about and has to come to terms with now that its been a few years and he can look back at his behavior.
but anyways i really really loved it and im gonna watch/read windbreaker as soon as i can now :)) so thank u for the wonderful fic 🙂‍↕️ and is tokyo vice over? i dont think i saw a completed tag on it on ur masterlist so i wanted to ask if u were leaving the world open
ANONNN I LOVE U SO MUCH TRULY THANK YOU!! 🥹 tokyo vice was an absurd self-indulgent project so I'm so very happy you gave it a shot despite not being into wbk!!! I must confess that it's wildly different from canon LOL but I do adore the canon series nevertheless, and I hope you enjoy it :-) (let us know if you do!!!)
I can't thank you enough for sending such juicy feedback abt tokyo vice, especially about the reader! I did find it somewhat stressful trying to balance the comedy of her narration with the horny and angsty and deranged events of the plot, so I'm glad that you liked that aspect of the fic !!! 🥹 and yeah despite all the comedy, she really is a traumatized meow meow. but it's okay, she can now have the normal sex of her dreams with the love of her life - as long as she can survive 4 months of orgasm denial before their wedding 😭
and LOL I love yandere charas with self-awareness so in general I love writing arcs where they love the reader enough to understand that they should let them go. the plot you're describing is sooooo up my alley and I think suo would absolutely have that thought process if the reader were even remotely mentally normal. unfortunately she is equally insane. I guess that is the tragedy of it for suo - he knows that he can never get better, and he also knows that as long as they are together, she can never get better either. fortunately for him, she could not care less ♥️
I do think tokyo vice is complete, but I do want to finish that sakura wip at some point and also write about suo and mc's sex life after they get together (which is very nasty premaritally and then really vanilla and emotional on their wedding night). I want to finish this kitsune suo pwp first though and finish my ffg commitments too 😭
anyway sorry for yapping so much HAHAH I'm just so happy that you commented on all these aspects of the fic!! thank you for reading and for sending such a wonderful ask 🥺💗
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eluvisen · 7 months ago
🌈Is there a ship you wouldn’t write a whole fic for, but love in the background?
✨Which is your favourite platonic BG3 dynamic and why?
❄️Which BG3 companion is your most/least favourite to write?
🌊What moment in the game had the strongest emotional impact on you?
🪐Who’s your favourite non-companion character, and why?
🌈Is there a ship you wouldn’t write a whole fic for, but love in the background?
I adore Aylin/Isobel, but I don’t think I’d be able to come up with a specific scenario to write for them. Honourable mention also goes to Bex/Danis, for whom I would burn Baldur’s Gate to the ground.
✨Which is your favourite platonic BG3 dynamic and why?
I adore Karlach and Wyll as either a romantic or platonic pair (their devotion to each other is unparallelled) but for a purely platonic dynamic, I’d have to say Karlach and Gale. They have the obvious parallels with the imminent explosion and accompanying chronic pain, but they’re also incredibly sweet and supportive with each other. I love that Karlach’s reading habits becomes something of a through line for them, where Karlach mentions “distracting” Gale by telling him she hasn’t read a book since school, then they have a banter where Gale offers to find some recommendations for her, then in Act 3 Karlach has a pile of books beside her bed.
That and he offers to make her a magic axe. They are best buds.
❄️Which BG3 companion is your most/least favourite to write?
I think we all know my favourite character to write is Karlach 😂 I don’t have a least favourite companion to write, but I don’t feel like I have a good handle on Halsin or Minsc. I don’t want to pigeon hole them as the wise mentor and the comic relief character, so I'm a lot more critical when I write them.
🌊What moment in the game had the strongest emotional impact on you?
Karlach’s post-Gortash meltdown, holy shit. That made me bawl. Samantha Béart deserves all the awards for their performance.
🪐Who’s your favourite non-companion character, and why?
Arabella! I love her with my whole heart. She became my favourite when she popped up again in Act 2 because I wasn’t expecting her at all and I loved the special druid dialogue with her. Rhodeia has a similar backstory to Arabella (parents died when she was young, ended up learning nature magic) so there was a very juicy RP opportunity there. Plus she's just a good kid who got hit with some hard knocks, but always finds a way to dust herself off and carry on.
Thank you for the ask! <3
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melien · 15 days ago
The Fletchers are turning 10 this year😭
I'm still so hyperfixated on this family, they're literally the backbone of my entire creative verse. I recently archived the entire OG legacy and got so many ideas from it!
What could be coming up on melien tumblr dot com (if I don't end up feeling perceived and just end up doing it privately for myself because my brain can get weird, disclaimer that's no one's fault I just discovered on my Self Reflection Journey (tm) that I don't do well with publicity on social media even if I'm not super popular or anything, but I'm working on it, anyways):
Keith & Jena story (because mine and gf's brainrot for them is back with a bang) replacing Chronicles, which I guess will not be updated as the concept of the save is supposed to be different (like it was supposed to be a few generations worth of stories, hence the title, but now I'm doing the following generations stories anyway). Also Jena always deserved better, I guess sometimes it's a legacy spouse curse that they're developed less compared to heirs (I even tried to give her a little revamp once but it escalated into an entirely different character and then I realised she was awesome just the way she was and always had that spice and fire in her!), but me and gf have been developing her privately in more depth and she's so cool and has some juicy family drama, so I'd love to expand on her younger years in detail! These two kind of mostly play the parental role in my recent stuff as I'm focusing on their kids, mostly Tobias. (not only in Galactic Crusade but in a private save of mine as well, but that's another story, but haha KJ managed to steal a bit of a spotlight there)
playing the Fletchers in ts3 again (as a legacy, to gen 10 and beyond! This would probably make me emotional) from two separate lines: one would be from Eden & April and another from Irene & Milo and their kids (Emery would be gen 9 heir then, I think. Long overdue as they're my favourite. Sorry Aria and Finn you guys are cool too but Emery...)
Fletcher reboot in ts4, from the beginning, hopefully to be launched for the 10th anniversary in September (probably pure gameplay and maybe some dialogues as I'd love to just play with these sims and see what kind of stuff they'll be up to)
a super ambitious project - a story for every heir! Even the underrated ones! Well, Tobias and technically Irene (and Eden simultaneously) are already getting theirs. I love how there's always something to do and expand on, I literally never get bored of this family!
and a proper family tree of course! I'll have to add it to the pinned post. I'm just getting the minor stuff ready, like in one generation I'm undecided on the spares lineup as I rediscovered a lovely spare during my OG legacy reread and am thinking whether to add them to the gen or merge them with one of the existing ones.
I experimented a lot with the Fletchers over the years but I'm at this point where I want some things to stay the same for comfort, like to have a certain legacy canon even if it's just set heir & spouse duos. I actually think I'm set with most of them which makes me happy, like they will stay the same for good, no more spouse changes or revamps or anything. I also think I have figured out what to do in some generations where I wasn't 100% sure on the endgame spouse (the founders once again gave me some headache). I just want a pretty collage with them all together, it scratches my brain chemistry so hard.
Yeah, I have way too much time to think at work as I'm doing a bit of an automated job and this allows me to brainrot for my legacy lol. I'll just always love these guys.
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minti-tales · 8 months ago
The Persistence of Memory
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Minti and a Moogle travel to Coerthas, in search of a missing friend. Sprout safe.
Written and inspired by the Pictomancer quests from FFXIV. Slight spoilers up to level 83 Picto, "Perspectives in Pursuit."
Some dialogue from Garlond Tools used and/or adapted to fit the piece.
Thank you for your understanding.
Minti Chocolate had traveled this road before, in a time not too long ago.
On that day, the trip was a muddy, rainy mess in the North Shroud, ending with a equally mushy and cold snow in the Highlands at the First Dicasterial Observatorium. Riptide, the viera's trusty chocobo, had had a field day hopping from mud pool to mud pool, making sure that his rider and their armor were just as dirty as he was. Why had she gone up there? To make amends with Ser Bale, and to continue the dragoon training she'd had so many years ago. And, she supposed, it was to show the Frost Queen, one of her Choir, that she was a woman of her word. That despite the many wrongs she'd done over her long lifetime, she was a good person. She wanted to make amends.
As Minti walked through the Observatorium on bamboo zori, accompanied by a moogle she'd met only a few days ago, she wondered if there were still things she needed to ask forgiveness for. Maybe there were, for the snow and cold clung to her dōgi and hakama, eagerly waiting to feast on the exposed skin underneath.
Their name was Kupopo. The moogle, not Minti, she knew her chosen name well enough. Kupopo was looking for Beruru, a young lalafell and pictomancer who'd gone missing recently. "Well, she's missing in the sense that I don't know where she is," Kupopo had explained while the two were in Gridania, "but I don't fear for her safety." For a time, the two had traveled with an older scholar, Janquetilaque, someone who was like a grandfather to Beruru. Much like me and Mamam, Minti thought at the time.
While Minti understood that the lalafell was a good friend, and that the two had separated after "a terrible argument," it felt like there were important things being kept from her. The viera was well versed in keeping secrets, after all. Still, no point in trying to pry what didn't wish to be pried. Maybe after the tour of the realm, she'd get to the truth of things. For now, there was the role of a virtuous pictomancer to play.
Much as Minti may have wished to get back to the comforting climes of the Lavender Beds, or maybe under a shady tree in the Goblet, Kupopo seemed to want her to stay. First with the quest for the hartebeest's horn, and now with cups of piping hot chocolate in one of Camp Dragonhead's common quarters. Did he think her as another lonely adventurer, maybe? Was this the first time he was well and truly alone?
"It's important to us, as pictomancers, to capture the essence of the places we go to," Kupopo was saying, their tiny paws barely able to wrap around the brim of the mug they were drinking from. "We can't just stay in one place, see. We need to be inspired!" They loudly slurped up cocoa. "Mmm. Excellent recipe, this. Someone ought to write it down."
Minti, meanwhile, was having a hard time drinking hers. "Someone ought," she echoed wistfully. It wasn't the cold keeping her from enjoying the drink; no, there were a great deal of things at work in her mind.
Kupopo continued. "So, you've been to Ishgard before, right?"
"Aye." Minti nodded slightly, trudging through the blinding snow of her mindscape.
"Surely you must have something that'd inspire you. Perhaps some strong emotions, or, or, sensations." Kupopo gestured widely with his mug, splashing coca on the wooden table between them. "Pray forgive! ...How about the first time you came to Ishgard. Can you remember that?"
The viera leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. Imaging things had never come easy for her; one could say "Imagine an apple" and instantly see a bright, red, juicy apple sitting on a table in their mind. For her, that same apple was a flicker, a flash of red and juice and table and then, nothing. Maybe that's why she liked writing much more than drawing, when she was younger. For a young girl like her, it was easier to write out what she was experiencing in her mind, than it was to picture it.
"The warmth I found amidst the bitter cold, from a woman who was incredibly dear to me, when I needed help the most." Minti didn't feel comfortable enough sharing everything with Kupopo, not yet. Maybe, further along the journey to find their lost friend, she'd say everything. She'd pour her heart out to them, talk about Lady Sabbatine, the House, Haurchefaunt, everything...everything that made her, her. Important time spent, time that lit the fires in heart heart and made her not run anymore. Time that turned her from a girl not ready to face the world into a woman grown. An adventurer. Minti Chocolate, not Marget Djt-Gilda, daughter of Skeld and Anja.
Not now. Soon but not now.
Kupopo sipped their chocolate in silence. For a moment, the only sound to be heard was that of their wings fluttering, loudly keeping the fluffy creature afloat.
"An difficult journey indeed, from what you've shared of your life." They gently put their mug down on the table, and floated over to where Minti was sitting. "But, you were shown kindness, were you not? From the moment you stepped foot within those walls. Someone cared for you."
"You could say that."
Kupopo dabbed away some cocoa that was dripping down Minti's chin. "And, you're driven to show that kindness to others, right? That's important to you?"
"I suppose so."
The moogle nodded, shaking their fur out and splashing cocoa against the stone walls that surrounded them and their pictomancer protege. "...that's good to know. It inspires me, you know? Gives me hope.
But I should get to poking my adorable nose around the camp, see if I can't get some leads on where Beruru might have gone. Take care of yourself, alright?
Keep training. Don't give up just yet. Inspiration might be right around the corner."
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omgeto · 1 year ago
I read your tags on the smut tips post so I’m here to ask, how do you write a good angst to fluff piece? 😌
idk what possessed me to say my angst to fluff pieces were my true calling BUT since thats what literally ALL my Haikyu fics are and all my non full smut fics are I might as well. AND I LOVE SHARING MY WISDOM I FEEL LIKE A GURU hehehehe.
FIND THE WRITE ANGST TO FLUFF BALANCE: like tbf this one is just down to personal preference of what you want to write. since at the end of the day angst to fluff fics are just fics that start with angst and end with fluff BUT imo to make it sweet and juicy you really need to find the write balance, have you ever read and fic and thought damn this barely had any angst or vice versa. so when it comes to writing NON smut angst to fluff fics I think depending on how heavy the angst is you wanna do like a 60% angst 40% fluff or 70% angst and 30% fluff. but this point kinda leads into my next one...
BALANCING UR SHIT RIGHT: so with this, I think the hardest part of writing angst to fluff fics is that you have to find a problem that angsty enough to be worth writing about but not TOO angsty that it makes the reader look dumb for forgiving the character and having a fluffy ending. to combat this, I usually just make the 'fluff' part of my endings the apology and always kind of imply or just straight out state that not EVERYTHING is cool but you'll work towards fixing it and you can still have a sweet moment come from that.
HOW TO WRITE A FLUFFY REUNION: since I realised that some people actually struggle writing the actual fluff part. but deep it if ur writing x reader fics you just gotta ask your self "if someone did *insert whatever angsty thing they did* to me, what would I want them to do to fix it" tbf half of the time the angst I write in my fics id dump a dude for, but when ur writing for the masses and writing a fluffy ending that cannot happen lol. but usually like just ask urself what you'd want and its 8/10 the right answer. but if u have no ideas then, just start with AN APOLOGY (surprise surprise) a heartfelt apology and some promises to do better and be better and all that lame soppy crap, THAT ALWAYS GOES A LONG WAY and then boom.
HOW TO WRITE ANGST: now I could do a whole separate post on how to write angst, since I actually think my angst is stellar. but so I dont bore you, I'll just say for me personally ITS ALL IN THE DIALGOUE. like yeah descriptions go a long with in any form of writing but for a real juicy piece of angst you have to make them verbally fight (or physically fight if u REALLY WANNA GO THERE but we do not beat up eachotehr so no thank you) but yes the key is in the dialogue like and it doesn't have to be long dialogue but a good back and forth argument which REAL EMOTION THATS WHAT COUPLES AND PEOPLE DO.
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pipermca · 1 year ago
I am accepting @altraviolet's challenge (from the post here) for the fic writer questionnaire. This looks like fun! *cracks knuckles*
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,133,042 (holy shit)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mostly write for Transformers these days. I do have a little short story cooking for Centaurworld; maybe I'll get that jotted down some day.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I can definitely see how writing for a popular ship will skew your stats on your fics, and smut gives bonus points. 😅
Frag the Police. Jazz/Prowl, NSFW
Claim Rejected. MegOP, SFW
Peer Review. Starscream/Wheeljack, NSFW
Anamnesis. Jazz/Prowl, SFWish (has plug-n-play interfacing)
Public Indecency. Jazz/Prowl, NSFW
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love comments and I want to pass on that appreciation. 💗
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. Even my darker stories usually have a bit of light in the end, since I am a sucker for happy (if possibly bittersweet) endings. But the story Atrocity (please mind the tags on that one) leaves Bluestreak in a bad place at the end, and nothing is really resolved.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have lots of fics with really happy endings! But in terms of having no hanging ends, I think The Renegade and the Hound might be the happiest. 🤗 The last chapter of that fic is all warm fuzzies for the characters.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. 😄 I've gotten some vaguely critical comments sometimes but I wouldn't call that hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ooooh yeah. I write it all. I'll even write the weird stuff there's no terms for. Give me that weird-ass smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I tend to write fusions rather than traditional crossovers, but the weirdest one was very recent: The Spark and the Lightning, which is the War for Cybertron game crossed/fused with Dune.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! The fic Becoming has been translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of? A friend and I tossed little bits of a story back and forth several years ago, each of us building on what the other had just written. I have the bits all collected, but I'm not sure if it'll ever see the light of day.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Bluestreak/Hound. 💗
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It's in the Alt Modes and Alchemy AU. Basically it's the events of the climax of The Renegade and the Hound and a period immedately afterwards, but from Perceptor's POV. It's written as a half diary/half academic paper. The title is:
On the Restoration of Cybertron: An Analysis and Personal Account, or A Treatise on the Effects of the Destruction of the Matrix of Leadership on Cybertron and its Inhabitants from an Alchemical Perspective, and a Personal Account of said Event as Recalled by Perceptor of Iacon, Head Alchemist of Optimus Prime.
It's hella fun, and I'd love to finish it, but it keeps moving out of my "currently working on" stack into the "shelved" stack. :/
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at worldbuilding and writing those juicy emotional scenes.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing stuff. 😅 But seriously, I have a tendency to go back and rework stuff I've written (but not yet posted) instead of working forward on getting more words down. I love editing too much I think. >.<
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's fine? It should be clear to the reader what the dialogue says without them having to Google Translate it. Anything that stops a reader and takes them out of the flow of the story is a Bad Thing imo.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hahaha! I think the first actual fanfic I wrote was in the Time Quintet series (specifically after reading A Swiftly Tilting Planet) by Madeleine L'Engle. I think I was about 8 or 9.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmm. My favourite long fic is Mind, Body, and Soul (which was long and self-indulgent and I said everything I wanted to say about the Big Themes of the story). My favourite short fic is probably Datastream, mostly because I dipped into Cybertronian brains and weird sci-fi elements, mixed with formatting to help tell the story. :)
That was fun! Consider yourself tagged if you want to play along.
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jeanmoreaux · 2 years ago
Hi, I love your taste in literature so I'm turning to you with a request (I hope I'm not bothering you, if so please ignore this). I've been trying to get more into poetry (quite successfully) because I see so many great poems here on tumblr but usually when I try to read more from the authors whose poems I liked, I am disappointed. Do you have any recommendations for poetry collections that are good all the way through? Where you don't feel like you were cheated into reading them by one beautiful quote?
you are absolutely not bothering me at all. it's cool that our taste in literature seems to overlap (feel free to share recs with me anytime!) i think with poetry collections of one individual you won’t find one that hits all the way through all the time with every line. there will be some poems that resonate more with you than others, even when all are great examples of the craft. here on tumblr, we're almost too used to consuming poems in small, juicy bites that highlight some of the punchier lines, not just in a collection but within a single poem. but the build up to these disembodied quotes can be so satisfying as well and often enhance the meaning and power behind them. and also, with poetry more so than prose, a lot of the enjoyment comes from sitting with a poem and thinking about what it means to you personally, what you see or hear in it. so i just want to have that out there before i talk about some collections i have enjoyed in the last couple of years. (here is my poetry shelf on goodreads if you want to see more.)
when it comes to collections by one poet, i found that i usually prefer the ones that have some narrative thread woven throughout to connect the separate parts. i think "war of the foxes" by richard siken does a great job of establishing themes, motifs, and symbols that tie the poems together and has them in dialogue with each other. the collection (to me) is all about the creative process, the (un)importance of art, the influence of art on the creator and the audience as well as the discussions that happen in between the space between them.
i also really enjoyed both of ocean vuong's most recent collections. the latest, "time is a mother", deals with the grief of losing his mother, while "night sky with exit wounds" is mostly about the immigrant experience, identity (particularly how 'otherness' in the form of ethnicity, race, and queerness play into it), familial relationships, coming of age, etc.
eye level by jenny xie and don't call us dead by danez smith are two other collections i really enjoyed. the first is a very observant look at the worlds without and within us (think of it as eye level but also capital i level, if you know what i mean). the latter deals with themes of blackness in america, race, queerness (including the author's aids diagnosis), etc.
if you're interested in reading novels that are written in verse, i can recommend the poet x by elizabeth acevedo (made me very emotional) and autobiography of red by anne carson (is super weird, but my brand of weird).
with none of these works—or poets for that matter���i ever felt like they delivered less than good writing.
another option could be to spring for a curated collection that includes selected poems from different collections (or even different poets). i don't have a lot of experience with either kind, but i recently bought mary oliver's devotions and penguin's poems for love, so we'll see how i'll like those. ((there is also some unread ada limon and wendy cope on my shelf that i want to get to this year!))
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