#I want some pho
chuchaaay · 1 month
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He has risen babygirl FUCK
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ivybelladonarose · 9 months
Someone should DoorDash me some pho. 🍲 I could really use a hot bowl of some noodey soups.
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hobbies include: sketching phos (particularly not having a great time). yeah this is just a sketch dump pretty much!.
the last 3 were done while listening to the most phos-core song ive ever heard: Low – More (discovered thanks to @punpuncake) (no seriously, google the lyrics. mind-blowingly accurate. angst.mp3.)
aaand a bonus sketch from an aggie.io session with friends – blindingly white next to the previous pics, so im putting it under the cut:
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batcavescolony · 8 months
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Shut up she's doing her best and sometimes your best hurts.
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jeonwon-wonwoo · 9 months
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the way to a man’s woman’s heart is through her stomach
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littledeludeddupes · 6 months
if i get approved to take a second major (so i can take more credits of japanese and be ready for my japanese studies minor when i transfer to the university) that means that i can ALSO take another photography course...... minus well.....
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sensenotsense · 9 months
I am so fucking pissed off. Its our first day back from break(which was okay overall), and I get an email after contract hours(Contract hours are 7:30-3pm on Mondays. I got the email at 5pm) about getting a new student and there is a meeting tomorrow about it and it is in person. Like obvs you guys had this set up before break why am I just now learning about it and EXPECTED to read over paper work for a meeting I don't even have 24hr notice for. Like if I didn't accidentally check I would have found out at 7:15am at the earliest. I also can't access the paperwork to view it even if I wanted to.
To add to it too 1-2 weeks before break I heard through a third party not admin that I might be getting another student or swapping students with another classroom. This doesn't include last year, that 3 separate times I had classroom changes that I heard first from a third party and not admin.
So even tho I'm responding outside of contract hour I replyed back asking why am I/my classroom the last to hear about class changes and/or here it from a third party FIRST. I am not upset about getting a new student, I am upset about the lack of communication. I should not have less than 24hr to prepare for a meeting about a student I am suppose to teach for the rest of the school year. Mind you quarter 2 ends THIS THURSDAY
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piningpercussionist · 9 months
... first and foremost, I would like to apologize for any discomfort I've caused you, Kim. now, I'm not the most... socially apt person. but I really, sincerely, do *not* mean you any harm. I'm not intending to come off as creepy, I can, however, understand why you'd be uncomfortable or perhaps concerned by these gifts and all. (I mean, shit. if somebody mailed me a painting of me dancing with them, I'd be weirded out too, flattered, granted. but weirded out.) I never really expected anything to happen, I guess I just... felt the need to tell you how I feel about you, get *that* off my chest, at least. even if you don't feel the same way that I do. (which is fine, and understandable! I get it.) as for why I've sent you gifts... I suppose I just wanted to show you how I felt with something other than a note or whatever. *just* a note feels kinda cheap. I'd rather give you something that's at least a bit useful to you (hence those custom made drumsticks.). I hope you find success in whatever future endeavors you do. and I hope that you don't find this note too off-putting. enclosed is something that I hope you and the rest of Sex Bob-Omb like. -sincerely, the guy who said he had a crush on you. *enclosed is a folded, custom made Sex Bob-Omb poster, it's actually quite well made. it's an homage to the album 'Ramones', by The Ramones, featuring Sex Bob-Omb's lineup leaning back against a brick wall. unlike the original album cover, it's in color and not black-and-white.*
ooc: answering this as though it is in the nebulous but near future! I just didn't want to leave this lingering any longer; sorry for the delay! Hopefully I have left things vague enough for myself to wedge it back in the timeline of the blog later lol
Kim lets out a long, weary sigh as she finally gets back to the relative peace of her room, taking a moment to rest back against her shut door and scrub at her face. The energy and emotional exhaustion of everything that had happened between the last time she'd been here and now seemed to be sinking into her bones, and she wanted little more than to sink to her knees right there and just be comatose for a while.
She knew from experience, however, that the floor was cold and miserable like that, especially this time of year; so, instead, she opts to shrug off her coat and toss it blindly in the direction of her desk, trudging towards her bed. She closes her eyes and lets herself fall forward into it, ready to finally, properly rest, maybe even unpack her thoughts about everything- but then, she hears the crinkle of paper as she makes contact with the sheets, and her eyes fly open while she rolls to the side and, thankfully, off of the object.
She blinks down at an envelope that had been tossed haphazardly on the bed, probably by Hollie, and after a moment recognizes the style of it. Oh, that one guy... how long has this been here? Did I miss this before I left? She hesitates briefly, mostly just in resistance to the idea of having to continue actively thinking, but sighs and sits up anyway. She won't be able to relax if it's just sitting there, tempting her.
Propping up her pillows, she leans back against them and opens it, pulling out both the letter and the folded poster. She looks over the letter first, and after a moment, lets out another sigh, this time a short, guilty thing. The words feel genuine, so she can't help but feel slightly bad about her previous response, but... Well, if they knew anything about her, they might've expected it. She tries to take comfort in that fact, glancing over in the general direction she left the drumsticks. Then, she pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of the letter, opening her blog to begin her reply.
Hey, sorry this too so long to get back to. Life and things; with how people talk, maybe you've heard about the party by now? Julie's ragers, am I right? The apology is appreciated... and accepted. I think I believe you, especially given you're acknowledging the creep factor there. I'm not really a big gift person, I guess, so it was a little off putting just to begin with, anything else aside. I think you've already given me more than my parents got me for Christmas, and I don't even have a name for you beyond "Crush Guy." But, hey, it's far from the most uncomfortable I've been in these situations, so you're actually doing fairly alright in that regard. Thank you for the well wishes; I'll probably be needing them, ha! And no, I think you've quelled the fires against you, for now. (Joking- this is why I do the stupid videos...)
She pauses briefly, looking over at the newest gift and carefully unfolds it, trying to work out the creases as she goes. Once it's unveiled, she stops to look at it for a long while, a bit surprised by how much she genuinely likes it. She sets it aside with a mental note to hang it up later- ideally before their next band practice. She wouldn't be attaching a photo of it to the post, to help keep the surprise til then.
And again for the gifts. I think the rest of the band will really dig this one, honestly- especially Stills. It's very nice.
She gives it a once over before nodding to herself and hitting send, content. Then, setting the letter and the poster further aside, as to not crumple them, Kim moves to curl up at the top of her bed in a tight ball, eyes sliding shut peacefully. I'll think about things later. Ball time, she thinks idly, and then thankfully, blissfully, proceeds to continue thinking nothing at all.
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The aurora borealis?
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At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localised entirely within your ward?
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saltymatoi · 1 year
The arc of Cairngorm and Aechmea can be pretty much summed up like this:
Cairn: Aechmea, is it true that you're a war criminal and a selfish asshole potentially manipulating me?
Aechmea: Don't worry about it kitten.
Cairn: okay 💖
Cairn: *kiss him with tongue* yay 💖
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literally them </3
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victory-cookies · 1 year
fighting for my life trying to vary what I eat for lunch
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lunod · 1 year
what's the plant 👀
Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum! Formerly known as philodendron selloum/bipinnatifidum. Looks like this:
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Mine is just a little baby seedling that I'm picking up next week. I got really excited though so I already added the new baby to my plants spreadsheet.
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thatskindasapphic · 2 years
NooOOoooOoo my local Vietnamese restaurant is closed and I wanted pho so bad 😭😭😭 what did I do to deserve this
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
I have caved and created an Instagram account 😔 it's exclusively for messaging my friends who don't have cell service here but yeah. I am One Of The Normies now. Oh the horror.
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toxycodone · 3 months
I hope u feel better soon bro!! please get some rest and stay hydrated, take care of urself Mr Codone 😞😞 sending u the feeling of warm pho to u thru the screen with my psychic powers 🥣➡️➡️➡️👤
thank u nonnie….im gonna give u a kiss I hope u feel it thru ur phone mwah
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nail-bat-butch · 10 months
why are we here? just to suffer? i want pho but the pho place near me is closed
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