#I want energy dense not the opposite but thanks
ukranianacearo · 11 days
Hi it's me again, the 𓆣 anon! I saw you answered my first request and to say the least I was ENCHANTED with your writing style! And your English is so fluent I could hardly tell it wasn't your first language! Anyways, I have another idea for you😈😈😈
Kid with a girl who is his polar opposite! Positive, friendly, optimistic, the sweetest bundle of sunshine you'd ever meet! She's always cracking jokes and she's always trying to see the good in people! That's what drew Kid to her in the first place, she's so sweet she's /stupid/. She's too friendly and trusting, like a grandma getting scammed on phone calls. Kid doesn't exactly want to put a damper on that sunshine of hers, but he also doesn't want her getting hurt! So he sticks around her. All. The. Time. Dragging her away from creeps on the street trying to kidnap her cuz they told her they had a puppy in their car. He's like scary dog privileges.
Make sure you drink good water and eat something tasty! Maybe treat yourself to a cookie if you can!
- 𓆣
Just like magnets
Tw: a creepy guy
Pairing: Death, the kid x Opposite!Reader
Synopsis: So different, yet together?
Genre: fluff
Author's note: Thank you sm, anon😭 I'm happy that you liked my style and sorry for the late post😔 Anyway, there may be grammatical errors (as always) and more under the cut!!
✤ | I don't even know how the two of you got together
✤ | I suppose you were a friend of Maka and Soul or maybe Black Star, since you both are pretty energetic, tho you do get good grades and he's not that dense (?)
✤ | Kid was really surprised when he first met you
✤ | Even if you weren't close friends yet, he was worried about you
✤ | He started to hang out more with you, just in case someone tries something funny
✤ | In that time, he also became closer to you
✤ | Each time someone tried something bad on you and he was in the vicinity, they wouldn't be left alone after doing such crime in his words
✤ | With time, people of the Akademi understood that it's better not to be a creep, or Death, the kid will come after them
✤ | The group would probably tease him about this
✤ | Actually, it's just Black star and Soul
✤ | Maybe, once in a full moon, Liz and Patty will also tease him
✤ | Maybe his "protection instincts" got slightly worse once you started dating
✤ | He comes from a good place, but he can get a little over the top sometimes
✤ | It may or may not have caused some argument of sorts
✤ | But he still loves you with the way you are
✤ | Liz says that he fell for someone who couldn't be more different from him
✤ | She's not meaning to say something bad about you
✤ | She's just trying to tease him
✤ | You match his father's energy a lot of times (when things aren't getting serious)
I'm sorry I didn't write it sooner, school is killing me😭 and yesterday I was busy all day, so I couldn't write either😔 anyway, I hope you like it and that's it for now, bye bye!!
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hugsandchaos · 3 months
So we have Team Dark and Team Sonic reacting to Shadow’s Black Arms side, helping him through the transformation and discovering his new features, but what about something of the opposite? An AU where the Black Arms are good and are discovering the hedgehog parts of Shadow? And maybe some of his chaos abilities?
The Black Arms tend to be physically affectionate with each other, but Shadow is covered in quills that are more often that not raised in defense due to whatever he went through before they found him. His instinct to curl up into an incredibly spiky ball makes approaching even harder, and there are several scratch marks on the walls from where he’s bounced off them.
Apparently, his quills are much stronger than a normal hedgehog’s, which is why they left so many tiny scratches. They don’t really want to imagine getting hit by a spinning balls of spikes. So far, Eclipse has had the most success touching him without getting stabbed by those thousands of tiny needles. He still got pricked a lot in the beginning, but it’s a work in progress.
It becomes pretty obvious that Shadow doesn’t like being touched by strangers, so when Shadow is the one to initiate physical contact or grants permission, it’s a success to the Black Arms.
Another thing is that hedgehogs can float on water thanks to their quills. I imagine Black Arms are a little dense, so they have to work twice as hard to keep afloat, but Shadow practically glides through the water and rests partially submerged at the surface as if the liquid was alive and holding him.
He really gave the Black Arms watching him a heart attack when he dove into a pond to swim. Turns out he used to swim on “the ARK” a lot as a form of exercise and to have fun, so he has no trouble with it at all.
Okay, so I’m all for “Shadow has green blood because of the Black Arms side/chaos energy flowing through his veins”, but what about red blood?
We have the others realizing the green stuff covering Shadow and themselves after carrying him was his blood, now let’s make Black Arms realizing the red stuff that smelled like iron was indeed Shadow’s blood!
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hellativity · 1 year
wait can u explain hydrogen bonds fr?
yes ofc!! (Disclaimer I'm am usually a kinematics/aero girl though so it's been a minute and I did have to look this up lol)
The covalent bonds in an H2O molecule cause it to be polarized - the hydrogen atoms "give" their electrons to the oxygen, making the oxygen side of the molecule more negatively charged & the hydrogen atoms more positively charged.
When lots of water molecules are together, the opposite charges of the molecules attract and form hydrogen bonds with each other.
Polarity & hydrogen bonds are responsible for a LOT of the cool properties of water, like:
surface tension (responsible round droplets & satisfying perfectly full cups)
makes water good at dissolving things bc it wants to form electrostatic bonds with other molecules too
high specific heat (you need enough energy to break the hydrogen bonds before water can boil)
the fact that ice is less dense than liquid water (instead of the molecules packing tightly together, the hydrogen bonds form a crystal structure and the molecules are further apart than in liquid water)
Water is very neat :) thank you to the OP of the water is insane post. So true
Also thank you for asking this I love to talk about fun science facts
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mmeals10 · 4 months
Calorie counting is a waste of time
Being a full time semi-pro MMA athlete staying lean year round is critical to my success.
One quick phone call and I can be heading out of my city to fight in my weight division which is featherweight (145lbs or 65.8kgs) which means I have to be around 7-8% body fat but still have the energy to compete.
Staying around the goldilocks zone of 10% body fat is important for me & through the years I've had to slowly develop a full year methodology when it comes to diet & training to staying in this goldilocks zone. It's also important because I feel in control of my health, all vitals are in good ranges, I look good and probably more importantly I feel good about myself.
When competition comes around I can tell you I'm eating around 500kcals a day. I look absolutely amazing but feel absolutely terrible.
Now I'm not telling you that you have to starve yourself to be in great shape - in fact I want to tell you the complete opposite.
The title of my blog post is that calorie counting is a waste of time yet here I am stating what kcals I'm on to reach my desired look & weight but there's a catch you see.
Everytime I step on the scale at 5-6-7% body fat I can tell you the next few weeks are going to be a whirlwind of yo-yoing effects on mood, energy levels and the dreaded cravings.
It always ends with me yo-yoing to 12-15% body fat in a couple of weeks and feeling ashamed of myself for letting it slide so bad. I've come to realized it's quite natural for our body to seek out comfort/energy dense food because it's survival man !
Why I'm sharing this is because I see so many enthuastic people who want to claim back their health and fitness fall into the trap of calorie counting which will ultimately end in failed attempts, yo-yoing effects and the dreaded SHAME.
Never fear, I have a solution. Eat more...
Say what ?
Yes eat more FOOD - nutrient dense, preferably whole, unrefined FOOD.
Once you start swopping things like pastries, pies, pizzas, burgers and toasted sandwiches for things like broccoli, quinoa, legumes, lean proteins, nuts, fruits & veggies you'll start to realize you get fuller quicker. You eating until you get full but you losing weight... The cravings aren't so bad.. You have energy and you've been happier more often..What's going on?
You giving your body exactly what it needs to create energy without the additional flour & sugar. None of the empty calories and your body is liking it.
Soon you'll be managing your portions better and even more changes. Now you getting more compliments. You getting stronger in the gym.
No - it's science... and a bit of common sense staring you in the face the whole time no need to count calories and restrictive diets. Keto what ? Vegan brownies - no thanks. Low fat - yeah obviously I want to lose fat (uhm not quiet) Low carb for who ? Turns out some actually.
If you are serious, taking all the right steps but still frustrated with your lack of progress consider taking a DNA test @mindbodyevolve.co.za
But who has time to think of, cook and wash up for healthy meals ? You mean I have to actually prepare those 101 healthy recipes, healthy lunches that I've stored up for years?
That's a valid point and the reason you should consider ready prepared meals that are nutritious & delicious. Like the meals that are prepared and delivered by @merakimeals.com.
Nutrition is a vital point & if you have the right training to boot then you'll see your results and life just bloom. If you haven't found the right training for you then consider @fightsportscentre.co.za
Long story short - eat food & train hard. Who would of thought ?
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aloudplace · 5 months
Fidelity won 2
Stunned silence filled the room. Loki could see the woman over Natasha's shoulder, her amber eyes trained on Fury's face.
"Just who the hell are you?" Fury demanded.
She shrugged. "That's a complicated question."
Suddenly Thor pushed forward. "Tell us who you are, woman. Your cooperation may garner you some sympathy."
"Oh, well, in that case." She bared her teeth at him—a grin completely without humor.
Fury put a suppressing hand on Thor's shoulder. "You can talk to us or not, but you won't get out of that cell until we know what the hell is going on here."
She gave a deep, martyred sigh. "Look, I promised I would try not to kill anyone, but I'm not particularly good at negotiation, and I really am in a hurry. Also, I'm getting really damned tired of people hurting my friend, and although I don't particularly want to kill you, I won't lose any sleep over it either."
Loki felt a surge of admiration. If she was bluffing, she was really damned good at it. If she wasn't...
Fury's broad shoulders tightened in outrage. "So you attack us without warning, threaten to kill us, and you expect us to just hand her over, no questions asked?"
"Not really. But don't say I didn't try."
And then something extraordinary happened.
To a human, it would seem that the electricity in the building simply went out. But Loki sensed the shift—felt the woman in the opposite cell call out to the power that raced through the walls—saw it jump to her in its pure elemental form, invisible to the untrained eye.
And then, for just a moment, all hell broke loose.
By the time the emergency system sputtered into life, the door to her cell was halfway open. She hit them with a burst of energy so dense it threw everyone back against the front wall of Loki's cell. Fury, Natasha, even Thor—simply crumpled to the ground, unconscious.
Red lights flashed along the walls, and the air filled with the dull bleating of an alarm.
The woman stepped lightly out of her cell and over the body of Nick Fury. She met Loki's gaze in the blinking red light.
Loki wanted to laugh. "You could have escaped at any time."
She slapped her hand on the door to his cell and it immediately slid open.
"What's this?" he said, surprised.
"I believe you were about to offer me your services," she replied, holding out her hand as he approached the opening. "Call me Sig."
Cautiously, he clasped her arm and repeated, "Sig."
"You were about to offer me your service, yes? In exchange for my assistance in your escape, naturally."
"I..." he blinked in surprise. "Yes. Naturally."
"You know where they're keeping Mad?"
Who the hell is Mad? "Not exactly. I know the layout of the building, however."
"Excellent. They'll have her in a lab, most likely. She's hooked up to some sort of suspension module. They're keeping her unconscious, otherwise, she'd have found me by now."
"There will be more of them," he gestured to the bodies at their feet, gaze falling on his brother. "He should not be unconscious right now—not from a little bump like that."
Sig was already striding towards the outer door. Loki followed.
"It wasn't just a bump," she said, "More like a—I dunno—a mind-stun? Straight to the brain," she tapped the side of her head. "Also, I shut down the cameras and everything, so the peons upstairs will be confused for at least a couple minutes. We have that long to make a head start."
She reached for the door and Loki grabbed her arm. "Hold on."
Her eyes widened as he cast an illusion to make them look like a pair of Fury's so-called peons. With the face of a human man, Sig looked down at herself. "That's a neat trick."
Smiling, he pulled the door open. "After you."
The prison level hallway was empty but for a single guard, who lay unconscious just outside the door.
"Did you do that?" Loki asked.
Sig nodded. "I saw him when I tapped into the electrical grid. He was standing right next to the power panel so it was easy to zap him."
Loki felt a surge of honest admiration. "Impressive."
"Thanks," she replied absently, gazing down the hall first one direction, and then the other. "Which way?"
He pointed, and they jogged down the corridor to the elevator. Sig slapped her hand on the panel and the door popped open with a telltale ding! as the light above it flicked on.
"It'll be suspicious that we're riding the elevator when the power's out," Loki warned.
"Better to be quick," was her only answer as they stepped inside.
They rode up six floors with Sig channeling electricity directly into the elevator system. Loki led her hurriedly along the maze of halls towards the science division.
Miraculously, no one seemed to take note of them amongst the myriad workers scurrying up and down the halls on their way to figuring out whatever had gone wrong.
"She's in here. I can feel her," Sig stopped outside the door to the main lab, reaching for the panel.
"Wait, there likely will be people in there."
"I know."
The door popped open and Loki had a flash of small, thin woman stretched out on a table with two men standing over her.
"Wait, not Banner—!" Loki cried, and grabbed Sig's arm.
His vision flashed white as power crackled up his arm, exploding directly into his head.
He came to a moment later with Sig leaning over him, her hand resting gently on his forehead. Her skin was incredibly soft. "You shouldn't touch me when I'm doing that," she said. "Are you okay?"
"I've been better." His head was pounding.
"Can you get up?"
He nodded and she turned away, towards the table.
"Bruce," Loki said, coming to his feet.
The other man was standing off in the corner of the room. He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Yeah. Hi. Don't mind me. Just...you know, standing by."
Loki looked at Sig, leaning over the woman on the bed. "You didn't hit him."
The other man—an unnamed tech in a white lab-coat—lay unconscious at Bruce's feet, where he had clearly been dragged.
"Of course not," Sig said, without looking at him. "He's chock full of gamma radiation."
Loki gave Bruce a speculative look.
"I promised not to interfere," the man said nervously. "I never thought we should mess with this—" he gestured at the woman on the table, "whatever this is."
"You believe she's a wanted criminal," Sig accused quietly, glancing at the graying scientist. "You're draining her life force."
"No, no!" Bruce denied emphatically—a little desperately. "We recovered her from the people who did that to her. An underground crime syndicate in Britain. We thought it was a life support system at first. And then it came back she was this mass-murderer—" Sig gave him a sharp look and he swallowed audibly. "We left her like that because we didn't know what she would do if we woke her up, or even if she would survive."
Loki approached the table. The woman lying there was hardly larger than a child and thin as a rail, dressed in a shapeless white gown. Her skin was extremely pale, with a strange, lavender cast to it, face thin and bones sharp. Her shoulder-length hair was very fine, and green—the color of living pine needles.
There was a thin metal band circling her head, attached at the temples with fine silver wires extending from it like little antennae. Beside the bed stood a narrow white metal cylinder and a five-foot structure that looked like a larger version of the antennae on the headband.
"Her vitals have been steadily dropping over the last week–since we brought her in," Bruce went on, almost apologetically. "We tried to take the crown off and she almost went into a seizure."
Loki looked down at Sig. Her face was stiff and expressionless. "What is this?" he asked quietly.
"It's a memory trap. It keeps her consciousness disconnected from her body, suspended in her own memories. That—" she pointed to the cylinder, "—is draining and storing her life energy, so whoever did this to her can use for it something. Probably to power a time device. That's usually the way of it."
"We don't have any time devices," Bruce said quietly. "I swear."
"I believe you." She met Loki's gaze and he was stunned to see light there—magic swirling in her eyes. Magic, and rage. "I need you to stand guard until I can get her out of this. Then we're gone."
"Can you shield us?" she asked.
"Yes. I can make it look like nothing is wrong in here," he glanced at Banner. "And I can keep it quiet."
The human swallowed again, loudly.
"Good. I don't know how long it will take." She met his gaze again and said, very quietly. "Thank you."
Loki wasn't used to gratitude. Certainly not accompanied by such sincerity. Unable to muster words, he simply nodded.
Sig climbed onto the table and sat cross-legged beside her friend while he cast an illusion over the room. To passers-by, it would look like Banner was working normally with his little underling. Meanwhile, he tied Banner to a chair and gagged him with medical tape, then pushed him into a closet, along with the unconscious tech. When he turned, Sig had gone into a trance, energy swirling gently around her, making her hair drift lightly against her cheeks.
And while he waited, he had plenty of time wonder about her. To replay her conversation with Fury in his mind. Just how powerful was she? How much of what she'd said was true?
And how could he best use her to his own advantage?
... ... ...
Sig found Mad in a memory of her childhood—a tiny, delicate girl in a lavender robe that matched her skin, sitting at a long stone table in a vast library with vaulted stone ceilings. Barefoot, alone, poring over an enormous book, her green hair tied in three neat little braids.
"Of course this is where I'd find you."
"It's peaceful," Mad replied, without looking up.
"How long have you been here?"
"I don't know. Memory has no time."
"Of course." Sig sighed. "We have to go, though."
She didn't respond.
"Mad. You're dying."
At last, Mad looked up, violet eyes enormous in her tiny, angular face. "Maybe I should."
Sig scowled. "Don't start with that."
"You don't think so? It's been so long..." she gazed lovingly down at the broad pages of the open book. "It would be nice to rest."
"I'm not leaving you here to die."
The little-girl-Mad stroked the markings on the page before her; glyphs of some ancient language long since lost. Except to Mad. Nothing was ever truly lost to Mad. Well, nothing but her people.
The silence stretched, expanded. Sig's urgency solidified into a knot somewhere in the vicinity of her Adam's apple. She knew from experience that one of Mad's silences could easily go on for days. Weeks. Even months. Hurry was an inaccessible concept for a Tolok.
"You promised." The words echoed crisply against the walls, repeating themselves again and again into the distant stacks.
Mad sighed. "I did." She looked up and smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners. "I will stay with you, my Sigyn. Let's go, then."
She held out her small, slender hand, the fingers unusually long, palms narrow and colorless. Sig took it with such relief that her eyes began to burn.
"Hold on to me," Sig said. "I don't want to lose you on the way back."
Mad smiled up at her again, and Sid let go of the memory-library, hurtling them in a rush of energy and color back to the lab and to her own body.
There was a moment of disorientation when they arrived—a strange sensation of crowding as both Sig and Mad attempted to enter Sig's body. Quickly, Sig opened her eyes, grabbed Mad's hand and said, "Right here!" and Mad popped out again, settling into her own flesh with a telepathic sigh.
Her violet eyes popped open just as Sig looked up at Loki, standing near the door with a look of warning on his face. She cried, "Mad, wait—!" but the Tolok had already pulled them out of the room and into the time aether.
Go back! Sig cried. We have to take the Asgardian!
Asgardian? Mad replied, with palpable curiosity.
Through the green mists of the ether, Sig could still see the lab, and if she focused she could hear Loki's voice, muffled as he backed away from the door and the big blonde Asgardian who burst through it.
Abruptly, Mad opened the aether just far enough for Sig to reach through and grab hold of Loki's hand. She saw him look down in surprise, caught a flash of the other Asgardian's shock, and then Mad pulled him through with a soundless psychic pop!
WHAT IN THE NAME OF—? Loki bellowed, spinning around. WHAT IS THIS?
Don't let go of my hand, Sig snapped. And you don't have to yell. This is the ether. A sort of middle place, between space-time and the void.
What? That's impossible. He was frowning down at her, then at Mad beside her. Sig didn't look, but she felt sure by the expression on Loki's face that the little Tolok was smiling at him in her typical beatific way.
He can't reach us in the aether. Sid said, watching him look around at the mist-shrouded lab and the bewildered Asgardian who was currently calling, Brother! Show yourself!
Loki looked at her again in consternation. Your mouth isn't moving.
We don't have voices here, Sig replied impatiently. Bodies, either. Well, not in the traditional sense. These are just projections. I don't really understand it myself, to be honest.
It requires no understanding, Mad said pleasantly.
Loki glared at her as though she'd insulted his ancestors.
She's trying to comfort you, Sig explained. And then felt silly when he regarded her as though she'd sprouted a second head.
No one comforts me, he said, then blinked as if the words had surprised him.
Sig felt an unwelcome pang of empathy. It was this way in the aether. Somehow, without mouths to get in the way, you ended up saying more than you meant to.
Feeling it, too.
Mad, the ship, Sig prompted.
The Tolok had been watching the blonde Asgardian. She turned to look at Loki curiously. He calls you 'Brother,' but you are Jotun.
Loki's face went blank with shock.
Oops. Mad, it's time to go.
There is no hurry, my Sigyn, Mad soothed.
Sigyn? Loki looked at her sharply. That's an Asgardian name.
Mad, please, Sig begged.
There is no problem. Mad said pleasantly. I need to recharge my form before traveling. We must stay here a while.
How long?
In Earth time...Mad seemed to calculate. Perhaps thirty-six hours.
Thirty-six—! Loki blurted.
Just take from me, you ridiculous Tolok! Sig cried. I want to get out of here!
Mad smiled up at her, young-old face crinkled with pleasure. Thank you, my Sigyn. You are kind.
Sig poured the remainder of the electrical energy she'd taken from the compound into Mad, watching the Tolok's aura grow vibrantly green as her little face shone with joy. When the energy was gone and Mad still depleted, Sig gave deeply of her own essence.
When at last the Tolok could take no more, the aether grew thick as smoke around them, seeming to gather in on itself in preparation for the jump.
Loki's hand tightened on hers just before the mists began to rush past, and the sensation of his fingers and his shoulder against hers was...strangely welcome.
It's been too long since I touched someone, she thought with a twinge of longing.
When the mist retreated, they were standing inside the ship—it was still half-buried in the earth just in front of the compound, surrounded by two dozen SHIELD agents and guards.
They really can't see us, Loki said.
Since it wasn't a question, Sig didn't bother to answer. Ok, Mad, bring us back through.
With another psychic pop! They came out of the aether and into the cockpit. Sig threw herself into the pilot's chair and gestured Loki towards the other. He was blinking vacantly at their surroundings. "Where did the little one go?"
"Still in the aether. She doesn't much like being physical."
He frowned.
"She's here, just like we were in that lab, only we can't see her. She'll ride along with us through the aether."
The engines surged to life, making the humans outside burst into frenzied action.
"They're about to shoot at us," Loki growled, buckling himself in. "You may wish to make evasive maneuvers."
Sig leaned forward, slapped a button on the console and said over the speaker. "Hey guys, you really don't want to do that."
The humans froze, and then looked at each other over their guns. The man with the bullhorn yelled, "FIRE!" just as Sig brought the ship up off the ground, clumps of dirt and grass flinging in every direction.
A barrage of shots pinged off the shields and sent the humans diving for cover.
"Told you!" Sig called as she spun the ship and took them up over the compound fence and into the sky.
She flashed Loki a grin and saw Mad's head pop into view behind him, aether swirling around it. "The other one is coming."
"The other what?" said Loki, just as the ship bleeped in warning.
Sig felt the fission of energy, saw a flash on the ship's sensor screen, and then something stuck the shields with incredible force, making them dip sharply to the left. Brilliant arcs of electrical energy lit the window, crackling along the shields like—
"Is that lightning?"
"It's my brother." Loki was leaning forward, craning his neck to see—
Suddenly the big Asgardian was there in front of the ship, clinging spread-eagle to the outer shield, lighting racing along his body and lighting his left eye.
"Oh, creepy!" Sig cried. She pulled up—hard—then banked sharply right. The Asgardian slipped off and she hit the throttle to full, taking them up at nearly a ninety-degree angle.
"How high can he—?" she started to ask, and then they were hit again, and the shields crashed almost instantly. "Shit!"
"The guns!" Loki yelled over the shriek of the ship's warning system.
"You want me to shoot your brother?!"
"Yes, by Valhalla, shoot him! If he hits us again we'll—"
But it was too late. She felt it coming—the buzz and crackle gathering at the edge of her senses like a bomb about to go off—and threw herself wide to it. The energy came straight in, passing obediently through the hull in its purest form to fill her aura in a searing blast.
Sig screamed.
The Asgardian hit the hull a second later and the ship spun almost 180 degrees. The big blonde bastard was there, sliding across the window again, yelling something inaudible.
She caught his look of bewilderment just before she flung everything—all that raw energy—right back at him. It struck him square in the chest—a crackling blast so bright it blinded her for a moment and made her ears ring. When her vision finally cleared the guy was gone, the shields were already re-booting, and they were fast approaching the Earth's outer atmosphere.
Beside her, Loki's voice was blank with awe. "Did you just...?"
"I think I killed your brother," she said weakly.
And then she promptly lost consciousness.
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I started wondering tonight about particle physics and if there were non-physical elements like there’s physical elements (metals, no mental sand metallics) that make up our universe. The fundamental interactions are what I immediately thought of as to what energy makes up the non-physical energy, like “Spirit Matter.” Gravitation and the strong force are somewhat alike because they create more energy, or keep matter together. The weak force does the opposing function(s) and it makes energy decay or fall apart. Electromagnetism is alike to the weak force and it’s located in between the potential for stable energy and decaying energy. Its functions are related to electric charges, magnetic movements and the magnetic field. I’m using duality to guess at the functions of electromagnetism and to me, it looks like it’s describing energy decaying and staying stable, so we think of things like magnetic movements that push and pull energy, magnetic fields that effect stable energy and electric charges which seems like is energy stabilizing from some quasi-decay. If the middle ground is all about “stabilizing” energy, then dark matter and dark energy are probably so related, they could be the same force. The original line of thinking was that these interactions are the elements of the non-physical world but after observing reality, it seems like the elements that make up the non-physical energy are more like the natural elements of the physical world. Spirit and heat are two prime examples of non physical energies that aren’t made up of the fundamental interactions. So, will there be a non-physical element(s) to make the elemental table after duality breaks through into particle physics? What gives non-physical energy different colors, feel, sound, etc. could be explained with a non-physical elemental chart. What would the opposites be that make up the non-physical elements?: active and dormant, changing and staying the same, vibrant and dull, etc. These characteristics of non-physical energy would be like atomic weight, element features, etc. Maybe strings are the elements of non-physical energy. I’m not sure how far into string theory we’ve gotten and I’m not sure how chaotic our grasps at understanding strings are because I’ve heard scientists aren’t getting anywhere with the study, but duality might help there, too. When I studied strings, I concluded with duality studies that if there’s strings, they can be still or in motion, separate or connected…even semi-connected…and they’re multi-dimensional, like membranes or one cell organisms. Since they’re non-physical, they can cross one another and create a semi-connected state. The four interactions of space still pull, push and stabilize on the strings and for some reason, this idea is why I think string theory is falling part so much. Non-physical energy that becomes excited seems to be able to be excited easier than physical matter—as if physical matter were the dormant sister of active non-physical energy. It seems like strings supposedly “jump around” because potential exists and potential is a non-physical energy…for one…and when a string gets excited, it can move through space more easily since there’s no dense matter. Who knows how fast strings can move? This theory of strings, “The Well of Knowledge String Theory,” also corrects the rocky absolutes of subatomic particles. The spin is never actually absolute one; the spin is at AROUND one. The charge, likewise, is never at ABSOLUTE one; it’s at around one, instead. This problem with quantum mechanics is what I think leads to string theory problems. It makes me want to say, “No wonder string theorists think physics allows strings to ‘misbehave.’” They probably can’t do the impossible and the problem IS something easy to fix. Anyway, I thought I’d share some duality studies. Thanks to the well of knowledge, Wikipedia and google.
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thewul · 2 years
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Web wise
We don’t know how the web will be in 8 years, anyways these are different ideas for what DWC platform can look like, it’s an important template because now we have a model for other conventions
A key feature is the Timeline, with the convention’s key events, lectures so forth, that allows for showcasing screentips right above the timeline bar, opposite side screentip at the end of the timeline
Ergonomy wise ok we want you to go straight to the register now button, but if I am to attend a convention I probably want to know what’s in it and so the Timeline comes first
The search function is quite extensive
You can list exhibitors by categories, solar, wind, energy storage, smart grid, domotics, transportation, so forth
Or you can search for events within a category
Or if you can list the events that a company organizes
And also locate stands on an interactive map
Possibly also who in that stand attends what events, as corporations have a profile pages with their event staff
We have also populated the subnav, to show that the page can be quite dense, so everything about the convention can take place there
Sponsorships, that is a key page, like we said DWC sponsors travels for its RE Convention, but not only About DWC, Corporate, Our Expertise, and GOV/NGO pages all lead to the Sponsorships page
As DWC sponsors corporations incl start ups with proven business cases and/or advanced stage technologies concepts, as well GOV/NGO willing to set up a presence in DWC
The main function of the DWC site, aside from the RE Convention, is to attract businesses, start ups and GOV/NGO to DWC
It is also the most visible, for now, aspect of a web media campaign that is quite global actually and meant to establish DWC as RE hub
This convention should see the introduction of Touchpoint booths by IBM, #IBM if you are interested, which basically that can read QR codes, for such events you should have one, and let you locate another user around the convention grounds, knowing what booth they are close to, and such, what event as events should have Touchpoint booths
Or leaving a voicemail or a picture or video, of course you need to have exchanged QR codes with that other user, or distribution list QR for corporations, GOV/NGO’s, that let you distribute to a list of QR
Thank you for having followed
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dogfirstsmallsecond · 5 years
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Finally made a decision on Cadvan's kibble. Props to @csj_dogfood for appreciating that small dogs can be highly active sports dogs (my email exchange with their nutritionist was very different to the conversations with some other brands). #csjdogfood #csj_dogfood #workingdogfood #sportsdog #traildogs #smalldog #smalldogsdoingbigthings #chihuahuamix #yorkshiredog #dogsofyorkshire https://www.instagram.com/p/BxfDZs0gCy3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11cgn8mfnyrto
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astrojoy · 2 years
Energy really does matter
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I don't know if I made a post on this before or wrote it and then deleted it but just in case ima make this and add it to my extra list ig
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Whatever energy you put out can effect your environment, the people around you, everything really
True Example
My neighbor is very kind, being a spychic medium (not even that it's needed) you can really feel how positive this man's energy is. He has a genuine vibe. He shows love to all his animals and his overall home and land. He takes care of his plants and even grows some. He is what you would think a kind elder man is. Cracking some jokes from time to time and staying positive/hopeful
My grandmother, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. An alcoholic who has so many negative traits it's incomparable. I could list them off but we would be here for awhile. She has tried to water and take care of her plants as of now and crops in the past (she's a farmer and used to have a farm with crops and animals so she isn't new to anything // just for clarification).
If I could show you a comparison of the energy in both places you would be astounded. Not only is it the energy, but it's also the appearance. My neighbors yard has a very light energy, you can breath and feel free. His grass is dark green, everything including his plants are healthy. He animals, his trees, his home. He lives so close to us yet his home seems to catch a breeze of wind through the trees xD Then you go over to my grandmothers house and her yard is dry, even some once healthy trees before she moved in, have now died. Her plants grow but you can tell they're weak. Energy-wise, the place is like walking through a dense cloud of black smoke. It's heavy. The negative energy surrounding my grandmothers home has caused physical effects. I had skin problems (then I moved away with my mom and brothers//and we're positive, so once I was gone my skin healed up and everything was fine again) then we came back and my skin began breaking out again. That's just a small example amidst other stuff.
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And for those astrology peeps, think of the planets. Their energy affects us, the earth and etc. Everything has energy, and it's basically like ping pong, bouncing off of everything. However energy loves to cling onto things as well. Which is why it takes time to heal or feel whole again if we've been through a tough time. The more negativity an environment has endured, the longer it will take to peel every layer of negativity. Just like you, wherever your sitting right now needs love 🥺💖
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So with that info,
- Take care of your surroundings (even if it's objects and it seems silly)
- Treat others with love and compassion
- Be a good person :)
- Take care of your home for the next people in the future who live there (before I usually move out, I like to sage the area and spray positive spray to help the next people who move in to have a fresh start ☺💖 it's incase any negative energy gets trapped that I didn't feel)
- Grow plants/trees/fruits/veggies with love, sing as you water them, talk positively to them (if you sell them idk it came to me randomly) that's why people say "this was cooked with love" too 😂
- Cleanse your energy often (if you can) 💃
- Take healing baths/do some self care if you have the ability to
- Tip: Positive affirmations, positive subliminals go a long way
- If you're truly having a bad day, don't take it out on others. Tell them you need a minute and go somewhere alone and breath. Think it all out and get back in the groove. Motivate yourself
- If you deal with negative people on a daily, I know what it's like, it's probably impossible to get away from, however laugh it off. Let those negative people act immature if they want. Show them your vibration isn't to be messed with. You're mature. You're strong. They don't deserve your time and energy 😎🤝😊
- Also side note: Show gratitiude in daily life :) Thank your spirit/angel/ancestor guides for any hidden blessings or help that they've bestowed to you. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. And just because you can't feel it doesn't mean it won't happen! Thank your loved ones for supporting you or anyone important in your life! It's a kind way of showing the universe your love. This can't be a one sided relationship now can it? 🫂
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Idk I felt like saying this :') have a nice day please 🫂
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Better Off As Lovers (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Word Count: 5,076
Warnings: SMUT, oral (female receiving), bad language, my shit writing
hello! i luv ur blog sm!! can i pls req a scenario (or hc if that’s easier) of tsukki and reader going from enemies to lovers? perhaps reader ended up doing tsukki a solid that saved his ass and that marked the turning point of their relationship? sfw+nsfw if that’s oki!! tysm in advanced :-)
Here is some spice for you guys. I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun writing it lol. Tsukishima is such a fucking prick, I absolutely love it. @salty4tsukki​ I hope this was what you had wanted, also thank you so much for your support! Requests are closing tomorrow! I’m slowly but surely making my way through all of the requests and writing stuff up. I should probably be focusing on school but ya girl is avoiding responsibilities right now lmao. I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!😚😚😚
“You’re literally the fucking worst.” you hissed; eyes narrowed into slits. “I bet hell gave you back to earth because you’re worse than Satan himself.”
 All you got in response was a raise of a blonde eyebrow and an ignorant smirk.
 “You want to get hit? Is that what you’re asking for?” You threatened, holding your fist up for emphasis.
 You had never been more upset; in all honesty you probably wouldn’t have been this annoyed about the situation if it was someone else. 
 But because it was him, you knew that it was intentional, it wasn’t an accident as everyone else was making it seem.
 “Now, now…” Koganegawa said, stepping between the two of you. “Tsukki didn’t know that was your dessert. It was an honest mistake.”
 “That’s not an honest mistake Kanji!” You screeched. “I literally told everyone how excited I was to finally get my hands on that famous strawberry shortcake from that bakery! I got the last slice and he went and ate it!” you pointed at the tall blonde accusingly; who’s smirk was growing wider and wider as you wailed about the unfairness of it all.
 “Can’t you just go get another one?” Kyoutani huffed, rolling his eyes from his spot on the floor.
 “They’re famous for a reason Kentarou! I had to get up super early to stand in line! And even then, the line was super long! I waited for hours! You think I’m going to do that again!?” You were all but hysterical now.
 You might have already been having a rough day though, and your missing cake was the cherry on top to it all.
 The soft huff of a laugh caused you to whirl around, your tiny fists coming up to hit Tsukishima on his chest repeatedly.
 “You’re the fucking worst!” you huffed out, frustrated tears springing to your eyes. The tall blonde was full on laughing at you now, much to your embarrassment and anger.
 You couldn’t lie, it was a tad bit irrational to get so upset over a missing slice of cake. But it was a long sucky day, you were looking forward to that delicious morsel of strawberry goodness after practice, and it wasn’t fucking there.
 “You’re so weak,” Tsukishima mused, easily grasping your hands in his large ones, preventing you from hitting him further.
 Despite his rude words, his grip was surprisingly gentle. 
 You still ripped your hands away from his in anger. 
 “Don’t touch me, you thief.” You growled, cradling your hands against your chest, eyes glaring into the tall male.
 “You’re so annoying. I already apologized.” Tsukishima said, stretching his arms above his head. 
 “An apology won’t bring back my cake!” You snapped, grabbing your stuff from the floor. “You’re the worst Tsukishima. Let’s go already, Kentarou.” You huffed.
 The said male rolled his eyes before saying goodbye to his teammates, following you out of the gym.
 You were still fuming quietly as you two walked home together.
 Funnily enough, you had developed a close friendship with the small male, which resulted in him walking you home since he lived close by. 
 “I hate him.” You whined, tugging at the bottom of Kyoutani’s team jacket.
 He swatted your hand away, causing you to whine again, reaching for him once more, he sighed in irritation but let you hold onto his jacket this time.
 “You guys just need to fuck already.” He said.
 You stopped walking; causing Kyoutani to be yanked back since you were holding onto his jacket. 
 “What the fuck Y/n?” He growled.
 “I would never in a million years have sex with someone like him.” You said, face twisting in disgust.
 Kyoutani had definitely lost his mind with that comment. Tsukishima was your enemy, your opposite half, the worst person that you have ever met, there was just no way.
 “Are you serious?” He asked deadpanned. “It’s so disgustingly obvious you two like each other.” 
 You rolled your eyes at him, releasing his jacket from your grasp as you guys continued walking. “You’re blind Kentarou, we hate each other.”
 “I think you’re the one who’s blind Y/n. I’ll see you tomorrow for morning practice.” he said waving goodbye to you as you entered your home.
 The rest of your night was plagued with thoughts of Tsukishima, leaving you with a bitter taste in your mouth despite the fact that you had brushed your teeth.
 There was no way that Tsukishima liked you, nor you him. You did find him incredibly attractive, but who wouldn’t? He was tall and muscular, incredibly intelligent, and he was a good volleyball player. 
 Of course, people would find him attractive, but his personality was anything but, to you at least.
 Your first ever interaction with him was entirely unpleasant, his mocking attitude and sarcastic comments left you with the worst impression of him, and it resulted in how you felt about him now.
 But then… What did Kyoutani mean about you being blind?
 You screamed loudly into your pillow.
 “You look terrible.” Tsukishima raised his eyebrow at you, taking in your disheveled form.
 “I didn’t get much sleep last night.” You muttered, rubbing at your eyes tiredly. 
 Tsukishima was actually quiet for once, somehow you had missed the flash of concern that shot through his eyes.
 That didn’t go unnoticed by Kyoutani, who rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath how dense both of you were.
 Practice ran smoothly, there surprisingly wasn’t any sarcastic comments directed at you from Tsukishima. For the most part, he left you alone today, much to your relief.
 Now you were currently in one of the history classes you were a TA in. Between managing a volleyball team, and being a teaching assistant, it was no wonder you were always stressed out.
 Funnily enough, Tsukishima was one of the students in that class. 
 “We’re going to hand back your midterm essays now.” The professor announced. You grabbed the papers from your folder and started walking around the class handing them back to the nervous students.
 Your brows furrowed as you had realized that you only held three more papers in your hand, you hadn’t even given Tsukishima’s - oh. Your eyes widened slightly as you looked over at the tall male, he looked irritated, his eyes finding yours, there was a slight shake to his head.
 He had never turned in the essay. 
 That’s right, the essay was due around the same time that volleyball practices were incredibly strenuous in preparation for some important matches.
 But the midterm essay counted as a large portion of the grade, which meant that if Tsukishima received a zero, then he would fail the class, which meant that he wouldn’t be allowed to play volleyball any -
 “I seemed to have made a mistake Professor.” You said. “I think I lost Tsukishima’s paper…”
 What were you doing?
 Shit, you could get in big trouble for this so why were you doing this?
 “It’s not like you to be scatterbrained like this Y/n.” the Professor shook his head. “I swear you take on too many tasks, between this and being a team manager… Tsukishima, do you mind turning in the paper again to Y/n? Let us say… by the end of the day?”
 “It’s no problem sir.” Tsukishima said quietly, eyes glancing over to you as you finished handing out the last of the essays.
 “I’m sorry Tsukishima, I hope you can forgive me.” You said sweetly, bowing at him slightly.
 What the fuck?
 What the actual fuck were you doing?
 Tsukishima was taken back by your tone and your show of respect towards him, that was new. 
 That was… shit was he blushing? He ignored the creeping heat in his face and the slightly quicker thump of his heart. He pushed his glasses up slightly. “It’s not a problem.” he said quietly.
 You nodded at him once more as you made your way back towards the front of the room, ignoring the rising blush in your own face and the racing of your own heart. You got lucky that the professor really took a liking to you as his TA, you could get away with murder when it came to this class.
 Tsukishima was incredibly lucky as well, he was the top student in this class, never missed any assignments, always participated in class, so of course the professor was going to be more lenient with him.
 No one would have ever guessed that he had never turned in his midterm, except you.
 That was something that you didn’t understand, why would you help him out? 
 It was because he was just part of your team, right? You were doing this because you wanted your team to succeed right? He was one of the best players you had, so if you lost him that would hurt the team… that was why, right?
 Or maybe… maybe Kyoutani was right.
 Maybe, just maybe, by chance you actually did harbor a small attraction to the tall blonde.
 The rest of the day was seemingly uneventful, and you found yourself wrapping up the evening volleyball practice.
 “Hey.” an all too familiar voice called out, a sudden shadow being cast over your small form as you began picking up the volleyballs on the floor.
 You glanced up to see Tsukishima looking down at you, curiosity clear in his gold eyes.
 “What is it?” You asked, ignoring the quickening of your heart. What was wrong with you?
 “Why did you do that?” he asked, beginning to pick up the balls.
 “What do you mean?” You sighed tiredly, you just wanted to go home. You had no energy left in your body to argue with the snarky male before you.
 “You knew that I didn’t turn in the paper… why did you lie to the professor like that?” He asked quietly.
 “Well…” your eyes slid over to him before looking down at the ball in your hands. “I knew that the professor would cut you some slack since you are one of his favorite students… plus… it would be bad if you got a zero, right? You would’ve failed the class…” You trailed off, your eyes glancing back up at him, taking notice to the small smirk that began to cover his lips.
 “- and we can’t afford to lose one of our players! You’re tall and stupid but you’re a decent player so that’s why I did it! I didn’t want to hurt the team just because you were being stupid and forgetful!” You said, voice annoyed as you all but slammed the volleyball into his arms. “Hurry up and put those away, I want to go home.” you huffed, stalking away.
 You hadn’t noticed the small smile that overtook his face as he watched you walk away.
 “Are you ready to go?” You asked once you guys had finished cleaning up, Kyoutani nodded, grabbing his bag from the floor.
 “Hold on.” a hand grabbed the back of your jacket, yanking you back into a warm and broad chest.
 You blinked up to see Tsukishima peering down at you, eyebrows raised. 
 You could feel your face burn at his proximity and as you stumbled away from him. 
 “W-What is it now?” You stuttered out.
 “Here. Professor said to give it to you by the end of the day. I just had to reprint it out.” he said, handing you his midterm.
 Your eyebrows shot up. “Wait, you actually did the assignment?”
 “It was already done, I just forgot to submit it.” he said, shrugging.
 “And I thought you were just lazy and didn’t do it at all.” You said in awe, eyes skimming through the papers.
 “Don’t put me in with the likes of you.” he snorted, eyes rolling, although there was an unseen fondness swimming within those golden orbs, unseen to you at least. It was entirely apparent to Kyoutani who seemed to have a larger scowl on his face.
 “Shut up stupid! I’m going to grade your paper harshly now!” you hissed, glaring at him.
 “You can try,” he drawled out. “But I did the assignment perfectly. I shouldn’t get anything less than an A.”
 “We’ll see.” you snapped.
 “Stupid Tsukishima. Does he have to be perfect at everything?” You grumbled to yourself as you finished grading his paper.
 He was right.
 He did the assignment perfectly.
 You shouldn’t have said anything to the professor, especially if he was going to be so smug about it.
 Why was he so infuriating? 
 You could see the flash of his smirk behind your lids when you blinked, it caused your heart to race, your fist to clench tightly together. You just wanted to slap that stupid smirk off of his stupid gorgeous face and -
 Damn it.
 It seemed like recently your thoughts were completely consumed by him. 
 “Speak of the devil.” You muttered to yourself when you noticed who was calling you.
 “What do you want?” You hissed.
 “Oh, good you are awake.” His rang smoothly through the speaker.
 “Yeah because I stayed up late to grade your midterm, so I didn’t have to worry about it over the weekend.” You huffed, sitting back in your chair.
 “Well what’s the verdict?” he asked smugly. 
 You could feel your nostrils flaring in anger at his tone. “You got an A. Which is surprising to me since you’re the biggest moron that I know.” 
 “I already told you not to lump into the same category as you.” 
 “I’m hanging up now.” you announced, your blood boiling at his comment.
 “Wait. Go open your door.” he demanded.
 You frowned. “Why would I do that?”
 “Just do it and hurry up.” you could all but see his eyes rolling.
 You huffed angrily, stalking over to your front door, and yanking it open to reveal the blonde male smirking at you.
 You could feel your brows furrow as you tried to register what was happening.
 Tsukishima, your enemy, was standing at the front of your home, cladded in his team jacket and joggers, and he was holding a bag.
 “Took you long enough.” he said, removing the phone from his ear and stepping past you into your home.
 He was already removing his shoes and placing them on the shoe rack near your front door, heading towards your kitchen.
 “Are you just going to stand there all night?” he called out, never looking back.
 That comment snapped you out of your confusion, you quietly closed the door, following after the blonde that was beginning to make tea like he was in his own home and not someone else's.
 “What are you doing?” You asked quietly, eyes following his every movement. 
 “Just be quiet and sit down.” he said simply, and for some reason… you actually listened.
 You wracked your brain for all the reasons as to why Tsukishima was in your home this late at night, using your kitchen.
 You snapped back to reality when he placed a plate and a mug in front of you. 
 Your eyebrows raised slowly, but you couldn’t help the twinkle in your eyes as you gazed at the treat before you.
 A slice of cake, but the strawberry shortcake from that bakery to be exact. The sweetness of the strawberries and cream, along with the earthy scent of the tea, caused a delicious warmth to swell up in your body.
 “How did you -”
 “It’s a thank you.” he cut you off, pulling up a chair across from you, tea and cake sitting in front of him. “For helping me out with the paper.”
 You couldn’t help the smile that began to stretch across your lips, Tsukishima seemed shy almost, embarrassed maybe? Whatever it was, it was a pleasant change from his usual scowl and smirk.
 “Did you wait long?” you asked quietly, carefully cutting into the cake. “They aren’t even open at this hour…”
 “No, the line wasn’t too bad, I went after practice finished.” he said, glancing over at you. It was a partial lie, Tsukishima did wait a long time, but he did go after practice had finished.
 “Why did you wait this long to come over then?” you asked, sighing in pleasure as you took a bite.
 There was a reason why this bakery was so famous for their strawberry shortcake, it was the best cake you had ever had.
 “I thought you might’ve been too busy in the evening, since you promised coach you would hand in those data forms tomorrow… and the in class activity we did today… you said you would grade tonight and get it back to us Monday…” he trailed off quietly, cutting into his slice.
 You blinked at him, the thumping in your heart increasing.
 Since when was he so observant with you?
 “Since always. You’ve just never noticed.” he said, gold eyes boring into your own.
 You could feel your face heating up, shit, did you really ponder that aloud?
 What was this feeling bubbling up in your gut? It burned and turned pleasantly the longer you stared at him.
 A sudden shyness washed over you as you broke eye contact, eyes casting back down to the cup of tea that was now resting between your hands.
 It was silent again, it wasn’t awkward, but there was definitely something lingering heavily in the air.
 You just couldn’t place your finger on it.
 “You have something…” Tsukishima began to say, suddenly reaching over, his strong fingers gently grasped your chin, tilting it up, thumb beginning to brush at the corner of your lips.
 Without even thinking about it, your tongue darted out, swiping across his thumb, tasting the saltiness of his skin and the sweetness of the cream that had lingered at the corner of your mouth.
 Tsukishima’s eyes darkened considerably; air rushing out of his nose as he exhaled deeply. His thumb rubbing against your lower lip. 
 Your eyes glazed over, lips parting slightly, inviting him entrance to your mouth. Tsukishima’s thumb pushed past your lips, resting on your tongue. Your eyes fluttered shut, your tongue gently running along the pad of his thumb.
 You could feel the blood roaring in your ears, your stomach twisting in arousal.
 “Fuck.” he whispered, the sound of a chair being pushed back, his thumb leaving the wetness of your mouth.
 It all happened so fast, by the time you had opened your eyes Tsukishima was hauling you out of your chair and up on the counter. His large hand grasped your face firmly before slamming his lips against yours.
 You gasped, allowing his tongue to snake his way in, exploring every inch of your wet cavern.
 You couldn’t help the moan that tore through your throat, your arms coming up to wrap around his shoulders, fingers sliding into the blonde locks at the back of his head, your legs wrapping around his hips.
 Fuck, you couldn’t get enough of this. He was everywhere, warm and solid against your body; all you could smell was him, all you could taste was him and fuck did he taste good. You could still taste the sweetness of cream on his tongue, the tartness of the strawberries, and him.
 It was intoxicating.
 You were drowning in everything that was Tsukishima and fuck did you like it. The way his big hands gripped at your face, your waist, pulling you closer, kissing you deeper, it was too much.
 But it also wasn’t enough.
 “What are you - ahh - what are you doing?” you whimpered out, eyes rolling into the back of your head as he trailed his hot lips against your throat, sucking and biting at every inch of it.
 “What do you think I’m doing you idiot?” he breathed against the shell of your ear. He grinded his hips against yours causing the loud moan to escape your lips, he was hard against you.
 “I don’t…” you whined softly as he grabbed your hips, pressing you tightly against his crotch, grinding against you sinfully. “I don’t understand… Tsukki… Kei.” you whined again, hips bucking up on their own, aching for more friction.
 Fuck you were so wet, so hot and bothered, you needed him to touch you more.
 “Fuck.” he hissed out, eyes squeezing tightly together as you whined out his name. “Fuck… you’re so infuriating. You still don’t get it do you?” he growled out, nipping at your lobe as his ragged breathing increased. 
 You couldn’t muster up any words, all that escaped your lips was a drawn-out moan as one of his hands reached up and massaged one of your breasts harshly. 
 “I like you, Y/n. I’ve liked you since the very beginning. But you never… fuck…” he hissed as you slipped a hand under his shirt, nails dragging against his smooth skin. You could feel the muscles of his stomach flexing beneath your touch, the pace of his hips increasing against yours.
 “You never noticed.” he finally growled out, reaching up and yanking your shirt off your body. “The only time you ever paid attention to me was when I made you mad, you simple minded woman. It’s so easy to get you riled up…” he kissed you harshly now, teeth knocking together before he bit into your lip harshly, causing your nails to dig further into his chest.
 “But then in class when you lied straight-faced to the professor… and then when you looked at me with that sweet expression, and those wide eyes… I couldn’t help but wonder what other kinds of faces you can make for me.” he finished quietly. His breathing was labored, and his lips were swollen but the intensity of his gaze caused your body to squirm.
 “What do you say?” he asked, his voice deep and rough, his grip on you was still tight, but his hips had stilled, he was pulled back slightly from you, allowing you space to breathe.
 “Please.” You whimpered out, tears springing up in your eyes, you were too riled up now, body too hot and aching for release.
 You needed him. You needed Tsukishima to touch you more, you needed him to whisper filth into your ear, you needed to feel his skin sliding against yours, and most of all, you needed him be buried deep inside of you.
 “I need to hear you say it Y/n.” He grasped your jaw, angling your face up to his as he stared down at you. “Say it.”
 You could feel your lower lip quivering, you were aching for it, aching for him. “Kei please! Just - just fuck me already!” you wailed. “What are you waiting for!? Just fuck m-” he yanked you off of the counter, your legs wrapping tightly around his waist as he carried you to your couch, dropping you down haphazardly before his hands were everywhere, ripping the clothes off your body until you were completely bare.
 He stared shamelessly at your nakedness, eyes running over every curve of your body. His hands rested on your bent needs, pulling them open and staring openly at your glistening cunt.
 “Don’t look.” you whimpered, moving one of your hands to cover yourself up. He easily knocked your hand away.
 “Don’t hide yourself from me.” he said as he moved to remove the rest of his clothing. 
 Tsukishima was beautiful, long, and lean, his muscular frame exposed to your greedy eyes as you scanned his body.
 Your lips trembled at the sight of his stiff member, leaking precum and standing painfully tall.
 He grasped his cock lazily, his hand easily sliding up and down his shaft as he gazed down at you. His other hand reached down to gather the obscene amount of wetness that was gathering between your legs.
 “You’re soaked,” he moaned, eyes flashing dangerously. “You want me to fuck you? Or do you want me to taste you?”
 You could feel your mouth run dry at his questions.
 Tsukishima’s eyes narrowed slightly, his large hand coming down to swat at your thigh. You gasped the stinging sensation, your arousal spiking dramatically.
 “Answer me.” he demanded.
 Your lips trembled, eyes glazing over with unshed tears, you were so pent up, you needed something, anything that would provide you with some kind of release. 
 It was only for a moment, but there was a flash of gentleness, the hand that had swatted at your thigh rubbed at the skin tenderly. 
 “You’re so beautiful.” he said quietly, and then he was moving to situate himself between your legs, grasping at your thighs before his head ducked down and his hot tongue licked a strip up your soaked slit until it rested on your clit.
 You moaned loudly; your head being thrown back as your body trembled with pleasure.
 His tongue lapped lazily against you, flickering up and down against that swollen bundle of nerves, occasionally dipping further down, sliding into your entrance, tasting you completely before sliding back up.
 It didn’t take long for you to get close to your orgasm. Your body was taut, aching for release. It was too much almost; your fingers tangled tightly in his hair, you couldn’t tell if you were pushing him away or pulling him closer.
 All you knew was that he was giving you everything right now. Tsukishima pulled your clit into his mouth now, sucking hard, his front teeth gently brushing against it.
 Your legs were tense, thighs quacking as you approached your release, the quiet room was filled with your drawn out moans and pants, wet slurping noises escaping your lower half as Tsukishima all but devoured your cunt completely.
You came with a cry, body convulsing against the cushions of the couch, thighs trying to close together, squeezing tightly against Tsukishima’s head. You whimpered brokenly as you tried to wiggle yourself away from the blonde that was still sucking at your clit, but his grip was tight, refusing to let you go, forcing your over sensitive cunt to produce another orgasm.
 In the midst of it all, he yanked himself away, lining his stiff cock against your swollen entrance and then snapping his hips forward, sheathing himself inside of you completely.
 A loud cry tore through your lips, you were still in the middle of your orgasm when he entered, your slick gushing out around him and spilling onto the cushions below.
 “Are you gonna cum again?” he breathed watching you in awe as you struggled to adapt to his size.
 “Fuck you are.” he moaned, your tight walls fluttering around him as your third one ripped through your body. “I can’t believe you came again just from me entering you.” he breathed out, hands resting on your hips.
 Tsukishima gave you no time to adjust, his hips snapping forward harshly as he set a brutal pace.
 You could feel your eyes rolling into the back of your head, your fingers gripping at the couch, needing something, anything to hold on to.
 His cock rubbed against your walls perfectly, your body having no time to keep up with his movement, the stretch burned, the pleasure toe curling. Your legs were wrapped around his waist, pulling him in deeper, keeping him closer.
 Suddenly your world shifted, Tsukishima hauled your body up, forcing you to sit on top of his thick member. You cried out loudly, this new position caused his cock to rub up inside of you at a new angle.
 He never stopped, his large hands gripped at your hips now, forcing you up and down as you rode him, his hips snapping up to meet the downwards roll of your hips.
 All you could do was grip at his broad shoulders weakly, struggling to keep up with his pace, struggling to adjust to the new depth that he reached within you.
 But you couldn’t. You could hardly breathe, you couldn’t think of anything except for Tsukishima and the pleasure he was giving you.
 “Look at you.” he groaned, eyes never leaving your face. “You make the sweetest faces when I’m inside of you.”
 “Kei…” You sobbed. “Please.”
 You weren’t sure what you were asking for at this point, the pleasure was mind numbing, the room was filled with sounds of your moans and his grunts, the wet squelching noises of your cunt as it was being stuffed over and over again was something that might’ve embarrassed you if you had the time to even think about it. 
 But you didn’t, all you could think about was unraveling again, all you could think about Tsukishima Kei. Your enemy, the most annoying man you had ever met, but he was also the most intelligent man you had ever met, the most beautiful man you had ever met, and now he was the only man that you ever wanted to receive pleasure from. 
 You came again with a loud sob, gushing around him, dripping onto his upper thighs, body trembling against his as you collapsed on top of his chest.
 He groaned your name loudly, thrusting up sharply into your cunt once more before spilling himself into your hot center. 
 It felt like time had stopped around you as you struggled to catch your breath. You weren’t sure how long it was that you guys stayed like this.
 But you have never been more tired, more comfortable in your entire life than right now.
 You could feel your eyes drooping down, your face buried into the crook of his neck, his long fingers gently tracing delicate patterns into the skin of your back.
 Tsukishima shifted, easily picking you up, your legs wrapped around his waist, his member still buried deep inside of you. You vaguely remember answering his question about where the bathroom was and soon you found yourself perched up on the bathroom counter. 
 You could feel his cum slowly leaking out of your swollen cunt, trickling down your leg as he gently cleaned you up. You didn’t even remember how you ended up in your bed, but now you were curled up against the tall blonde, wrapped up in the security of his arms as he rubbed your back gently.
 “I still hate you Kei.” you mumbled against his chest, sighing softly before pressing your lips into his smooth skin.
 “I know.” he smirked against your hair, pressing a gentle kiss on the crown of your head. “Go to sleep. We’ll go and get breakfast tomorrow.”
 Okay maybe you didn’t hate him, but he was still infuriating to you. 
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feralaot · 4 years
for example AruAni gives off “I hate everybody but I hate you less” energy
literally any duo/trio/group you want just plz. I love them and I have my own ideas but wanna see yours ✌️💋
ohoho here we go.... this is gonna be a long one
AOT pairings + their dynamics
no warnings
eren / mikasa (romantic): the crime fighting duo
they can and they will mess up anyone and everyone who fucks with them. the kind of duo that seems to bond the most when they’re being violent and they want to make you scream “JUST CONFESS YOUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER, FOOLS” and the slowburn is far too painful on the soul
eren / armin (platonic): the bad guy and the virtuous ray of sunshine
armin is the sweetest creature to grace this world and eren is literally the opposite but somehow they’re compatible. eren acts emotionally unavailable but good god armin brings out even the most buried emotion in him through his blinding rays of obnoxious joy and caring. obviously this didn’t last forever
eren / levi (platonic): the obnoxious child and the tired parent
somebody please give levi a break. it’s difficult being a single mother of six especially when you’re a middle aged man and one of your children is a war criminal.
sasha / connie (open to interpretation): the dumb & dumber mutual enablers
where one goes, the other goes. what trouble one gets into, the other gets into. they enable each other’s chaos and general misdeeds and will sit next to each other in a jail cell awaiting levi to bail them out while giggling and saying “wasn’t that fun?”
sasha / reiner (platonic): the eccentric girl and her emotional support himbo
one is a ball of chaos with a soft spot and the other is (relatively) normal but is also a chaos enabler. they feed off of each other's energy and are just about the closest thing you can get to the human equivalents of a bull and a matador but they also rely on each other for emotional support
armin / annie (romantic): pure looking (but hella shady) and scary looking (but actually a softie)
they are definitely not what either of them appear to be. the gentle little ball of sunshine is actually a scheming bastard and the one that looks like she’ll beat you up just for looking at her the wrong way is actually very soft at heart. and they are in love of course
jean / armin (platonic): the delinquent and the keener
jean used to skip, get bad grades, and get in trouble a lot but eventually worked on becoming a lot better because of armin’s enthusiasm and borderline annoying encouragement. on the other hand armin loosened up a lot and became less strict thanks to jean’s easy going attitude and they help each other improve themselves :’)
jean / connie (platonic): the dumbass and “oh god I guess they’re MY dumbass”
connie is like a dog without a leash and jean is the wrangler that desperately tries to keep him at least relatively tame. although sometimes it’s hard to keep somebody in check while also not wanting to give into their shenanigans and enable them
connie / reiner (platonic): the idiot and the idiot in progress
one has been an idiot since birth and it shows. meanwhile the other is losing more brain cells the more time they spend together. they feed off of each other’s energy and channel it into chaos and misdeeds
historia / ymir (romantic): the loner and the popular chick
historia is one of the few people who actually notices ymir, who doesn’t get the hype about her at first but warms up to her over time. they seem like polar opposites to anyone on the outside so it might be hard to tell that they’re very compatible with each other and lowkey enable each other
hange / levi (open to interpretation): the hooligan and the voice of reason
hange is the big bad conniving bastard and levi is the poor sod that has been dragged into their mess and was hit with a sudden and painful realization that he’s in deep trouble in every possible sense of the word. they are of equal strength except one has rabies
erwin / levi (open to interpretation): the kind giant and the bundle of repressed rage
one will make impulsive decisions on a dime and the other is the only one that can keep him grounded, at least most of the time. one is easy going the other is seething with buried anger and they balance each other out. however both would throw hands if anyone got between them
levi / zeke (open to interpretation): enemies to acquaintances to friends to ???
nobody knows what they truly think about each other and they probably don’t either. they’ll be fighting tooth and nail one moment then probably go out to get lunch an hour later. it’s a bit rocky, but they’ll figure it out eventually
reiner / bertholdt (romantic): two bros chillin in a hot tub 5 feet apart because they won’t confess their undying love for each other
literally everyone can sense the mutual pining from a mile away but they’re both so dense and oblivious for the longest time until they get things sorted and confess. one has too much pride to risk losing and the other is scared to ruin their relationship. this pairing will test both your patience and your sanity
reiner / eren (platonic): rivals to dumbass bros
most of the time they can’t stand each other and will argue with no end in sight but other times they’ll be slumped against each other or one will be sprawled out across the other and they’re having deep conversations and watching tv. it’s really a hit or miss situation
reiner / ymir (platonic): the gay solidarity
the mlm and wlw solidarity is real and it shows. they’re both jerks who only really have each other in terms of close friendships but by all means it’s an unbreakable bond
reiner / armin (platonic): honorarily deemed “one of the boys”
they have some kind of solidarity but neither of them really knows what it is, they just get along really well for some reason. thus reiner has deemed armin officially one of the boys and is included in activities w the boys e.g. movie night. they have a lot of inside jokes
reiner / zeke / bertholdt (platonic): the pining couple and the third wheel
reiner and bertholdt won’t admit it to his face because it would boost his ego tenfold but they’re lowkey kinda scared of zeke. but zeke is just a himbo that kind of hangs around and judges them and can tell they’re in love and is just waiting for the day they admit it
bertholdt / armin (platonic): the pessimist and the optimist
they’re both very pure sweet besties except one is a cynic and the other focuses on all the joy in the world. fill in the blanks.
pieck / porco (open to interpretation): the cinnabun and the hothead
one is too sweet and wholesome to be alive and the other is perpetually angry but is still cute. the contrast shows but they’re still sweethearts that are obviously meant to balance each other out
porco / reiner (platonic): the bastard and the accidental bastard magnet
they started as enemies and slowly evolved into something vaguely reminiscent of... friends? yeah, friends. reiner doesn’t know how he keeps attracting assholes like this but for some godforsaken reason he puts up with it.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
At the End of Your Rope (Jeff the Killer X F!Reader)
At the End of Your Rope
[Jeff the Killer X F!Reader]
[Warnings: heavy domestic abuse, violence, murder (not heavily described though), language]
[AN: This one's kinda heavy in some places. Take care of yourself first and foremost.]
It was rare that you had moments to yourself and even rarer when you found yourself enjoying those moments. Usually, you were tense, on edge, bitey and waiting to snap or invert back into yourself. That is what it does to you. It takes away, it destroys and it saps you of all your energy, your drive and your will.
No matter, that’s not what you’re supposed to be thinking about. You hum softly as you do the dishes, wondering how long this set of plates will last until he returns. You scrub hard at the bits still stuck to it, wondering how on earth he even managed to get this much filth plastered onto its surface - you made the meal, served it to him, you even took it back to the sink. Was he trying to key you off?
You took in a deep breath and scratched at its surface, only smiling softly when the piece finally dislodged from the blue floral design. You ran it under the sink, lukewarm water feeling alien against your skin as you continued to mindlessly rinse off the suds. As you began to stare off into space and by extension, the void, you found yourself remembering the times he used to bring you blue flowers at the beginning of every date.
A long time ago, when you were starry eyed about the world around you, he loved you deeply and truly. And it was the most strange of couplings, but they do say that opposites attract.
Last class of the day, what a relief. What wasn’t a relief was that it was chemistry. You’d never been particularly good at the subject, but you would often try your hardest and so far, throughout the year, had managed to coast by with a -B. It wasn’t perfect but it was good enough.
For the people around you who knew you better than that, they were more than surprised you hadn’t managed an A in the class just yet. You were the over achiever, the smart girl, the one who knew it all. But not in a cocky way, no, of course not. You were sweet, helpful and kind. That’s what spared you from how cruel teenagers can get - your aura was incredible and people would be absolutely dense to not like you. For the most part, you were quiet and only spoke to a few close friends.
Unfortunately for you, your last period chemistry class didn’t have any of your dear ones near. You sat in the middle of the classroom, attempting to take notes and kept your head down, honestly focused on the material when you heard laughter from the back of the classroom.
“Don't make me come back there,” your teacher said, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Do I need to split you up?”
“No, sorry Mrs. Haut,” a dark haired boy piped up.
Mrs. Haut rolled her eyes slightly before going back to writing on the chalkboard. She was talking about the electron configuration of atoms or something like that when the laughter picked back up again. Mrs. Haut sighed again before continuing writing. “One of you move up here by Miss Reader, another by Miss. Rhys, and another by Mr. Clarke.”
The three boys in the back verbally voice their distaste with their teacher’s decision but ultimately went along with it. You buried yourself in your notes even deeper when you realized just who it was sitting next to you. Usually, the person sitting next to you wouldn’t bother you, but the fact that this was by far the most disruptive person in the class had you a little flustered. You couldn’t afford skipping the notes or getting sidetracked especially with midterms coming up.
“You have a pen?” He asked quietly.
That made you pause. “Excuse me?”
“A pen..?” He repeated, albeit a little slowly, as to really get the point across.
You didn’t want to disrupt your teacher any further by the idle chit chat and quietly rummaged in your bag for a pen. Once your fingers grazed the object, you plopped it back onto the desk and got back to writing.
“Thanks,” he said.
Your eyes wandered from your notes over to him - and he smiled at you. Fighting back slight heat, you began scribbling down the notes with a nod as if to say ‘no problem.’
The lesson continued on for a little bit longer until you felt him gently poking your shoulder. You pried your eyes off of the board to give him the attention he so desperately craved. With an eyebrow raised, you asked him what was on his mind.
“What’s your name?” He asked softly.
You felt heat rush to your cheeks - how the hell did he miss your name? You were the only consistent question asker in this class! “... Reader,” you answered, eyes narrowed slightly at the fact he’d miss your name. Though, you do suppose what else could you expect from a class clown? “And what is your name?” You asked simply out of politeness.
His eyes widened in shock, and his face followed in suit. “You seriously don’t know?”
When you shook your head he gave a quiet, but exasperated groan and then flew into a tanger about who he was. The guy who set all those frogs loose last year, the same one who orchestrated turning all the furniture upside down, the guy who did donuts on the football field and the one who covered half the auditorium on elaborate post it notes art.
And unfortunately for you, none of those rang a bell. “I knew someone did it, but I didn’t know you were the one who did it.”
And that spirited yet another tangent from the boy sitting next to you. He went into painstaking detail about how he even got some of those things done, and you pretended to care, more so interested in the passion in his eyes than the actual content of the story. He was a surprisingly good storyteller! You hadn’t even realized the both of you had been chatting more than note taking when everything went dead silent. Much too silent.
“Miss Reader, I am more than disappointed in you,” Mrs. Haut said with another frown pulling on her red lips. “Both of you, detention.”
Your eyes widened in shock as she slapped down two pink slips on your shared table.
“Again?” The boy next to you asked incredulously, taking the note into his fingertips along with his bag in the other hand. “Mrs. H, this is like the second time this month!”
Mrs. Haut only shook her head and gestured towards the door, her shoe tapping impatiently on the ground.
“There’s only thirty more minutes left of class,” you said as you began to pack up your things. “I... “ Upon seeing your teacher’s tired expression,and not being one to directly challenge authority, you relented. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled before taking the slip into your grip and exiting her classroom. You took in a deep breath and trudged out of the classroom, wondering how you would explain to your parents your record had a spot on it when you exited the classroom and closed the door softly behind you.
“Do you know where the room is?” You posed your question to the resident class clown with a crestfallen expression.
“You’re actually planning on going?” He said it like it was a surprise.
“Uh, yeah? Where else would I be going?”
“I don’t know, but we can figure it out.” He smiled widely at you and plucked the pink slip from your hand.
“Wait what-? Give that back!” You cried out as quietly as you could to not disturb the other classes.
“C’mon, Princess, come and get it,” he teased. It didn’t sound like he had malice in his tone though.
You chased him through the hall attempting to get the slip back, narrowly avoiding the watchful gaze of hall monitors and the like when you found he had led you out to the parking lot. You didn’t have a car.
“Let’s go,” he beamed, scrunching up both of your pink slips in his hand before tossing them into the trash. “I wasn’t joking about figuring it out together.”
“I… But-”
“But nothing, Princess. Live a little.” He nodded for you to follow him, and you, feeling much too awkward to challenge someone, found yourself being led by him to his car. It wasn’t a fancy car, but it wasn’t near as run down as you expected it to be. It looked like he kept it relatively decent, and the scent was that of lemon. Whatever, live a little.
You slid into the passenger seat and put on your seatbelt as he became once again.
“Atta girl!” He chuckled as the car roared to life. He then flicked on the radio, turned up some music and the two of you left the school.
You can’t quite say you’ve ever had fun like that before. He took you to a diner, out bowling, you two snuck into a movie theatre then got smoothies before he dropped you off at home. And he was so sweet and kind throughout it all. He made you laugh, listened to you attentively, and over smoothies, he attempted to help you study a bit. It was moot, but it was nice that he even attempted.
That was what started a beautiful friendship that lasted throughout the rest of that academic year. Later, it blossomed into a relationship, and further, it transformed into marriage. The day he asked you to marry him was one of the best days of your entire life - and then, you were convinced you had met your soulmate. He was everything you’d ever wanted in a partner, and he was oh so helpful and attentive.
High school sweethearts was what you were referred to, and you both fit the image so well. You were practically glowing anytime anyone had seen you. Your marriage had happened too fast, but you were convinced he was your one and only unaware that growth comes in many forms. And in this specific case, the roots have burst the pot.
Back then, he used to give you flowers nearly every day in various shades of the rainbow. Blue seemed to be the preferred though.
“You always get these, why?” You had asked one evening, fingertips gently petting the soft petals.
“Apparently, they mean something poetic,” he replied before pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “That’s what the flower guy keeps telling me. And they’re kinda hard to find,” he continued, eyes looking out at the starry night sky the two of you laid under. “So, whenever they come in, I grab them tight and bring them back to my baby.”
You giggled slightly before shutting him off with a kiss.
They were damn near unattainable after the two of you had gotten married. It seemed they’d gone out of style, or perhaps they just weren’t thriving as they used to. One day, when you were lonely and missing your husband, you pulled out an old book on various flora and fauna. You must’ve spent hours upon hours learning about the area you lived in when you chanced upon a dash of blue.
Cornflowers, they were cornflowers.
The flowers on the plate you’d run under the faucet for far too long weren’t the same shade of blue, but they were just as pretty. It’s a shame that these plates would most likely be broken before the month was out.
Gods, when did he change? It was hard to pinpoint it because the two of you had been under each other’s spell for a good chunk of that time. When did he flip the switch? When did he… You shook your head and turned off the faucet, deciding you were done with the dishes for now. Accidentally, when you were placing the plate back in its place, you bumped your forearm on the counter. With a wince, you hissed and mentally reminded yourself to mind the bruises that were still fresh there. He gripped your wrist so hard that night you were sure it was going to snap right off.
He really wasn’t like this in the beginning and your mind raked constantly with reasons as to why when you laid awake at night hoping he wouldn’t go too far or burn a bridge only to find it needed to be rebuilt with supplies that no longer existed.
It was nearing the late evening and he wasn’t supposed to be home until later in the night. You could afford to relax for just a little longer. With a deep breath, you walked up the stairs dead set on drawing a bath to just let your mind go blank. Hidden away in the bathroom sink’s cabinet was a ‘mix’ of herbs and such a dear friend of yours had said would aid in relaxing your soul and maybe your wounds. You could only use the clumsy excuse for so long.
You opened the door to your bathroom, quietly shut it behind you and didn’t bother locking it. If he was here, you might have, but you weren’t expecting him back until much, much later. You could afford to breathe. You drew the faucet and let it run for a moment or two until the water got a little warmer, then you plugged the tub and let it fill. You crouched down and poked your hand around towards the back of the bathroom sink before finding the jar filled with herbs and salts. It smelled divine even when closed. Unscrewing the lid, you are able to take in the scent of lavender, chamomile, rosebuds, sweet lemongrass and vanilla. Pink sea salt for added effect made the bath look heavenly when you poured in a generous scoop. As the water heated the herbs, you notice the rosebuds blooming into large, pink and red flowers. It was nothing short of magickal and filled you with some type of serenity.
Once the water was to your liking, you stripped and got into the tub, sighing in contentment as the water heated your form up. And from there, you let your mind go blank and take in the aroma of the herbs and flowers. You feel the stress leaving your body. You wish you could feel like this forever.
You allow your brain to wander as you relax and find it going back to your husband every single time. If he wasn’t asked to sit next to you, would you have been in this awful situation now? This was no way to live - and you wondered if you had just gone to detention that day if things would be different, or perhaps better. You thought you were able to pinpoint when everything went wrong when yet another starting point would come into your mind. It was like your brain was purposely making you move the goalposts so you wouldn’t be retraumatized by anything all over again.
It started small and in little bouts. He lost his patience with you. If you accidentally burnt the pancakes? It was alright but don’t let it happen again. Over watered the petunias just once? Great, now he needed to go to the store and pick up some new ones should those suffer root rot that was relatively treatable. Couldn’t get dinner ready on time? What a mess. Said something slightly off base? Your intelligence was being actively questioned. It kept snowballing until it reached the first time he hit you. Which was a dark enough day that you rather not think about.
He said he loved you. That he would protect you and make sure you were safe from all harm. But he broke that the moment his hand slapped your face so hard you felt the air leave your lungs. That was a really dark day, but it was not the darkest yet.
You must’ve spent close to an hour in the bath when you heard the front door opening. Shit, he wasn’t supposed to be back. You feel your heart pounding as you leap out of the bath, quickly drying yourself before throwing your clothes back on. In your haste, you forget to unplug the bath. But it’s too late, you hear him coming up the stairs. Seconds later, he’s in your shared bedroom.
“Reader? Where are you?” He sounds exhausted. Upon seeing the bathroom door closed, he stalks up to it. “Reader? Open up, Princess.”
It’s not the first time he’s tried to soften the blow like this.
“I-I’m still in the tub-”
“Sure, sure, sweetie,” he hums. “Can you uh, tell me why you haven’t gotten any food ready if you were going to fuck around in the tub like this then?”
Your heart constricts and your stomach twists. “I didn’t know you were gonna be home this early,” you say softly, ready to brace the door.
“Oh you forgot,” he says as if he’s speculating whether that was a decent answer or not. “You forgot,” he repeats. He stands in front of the bathroom door, swaying slightly like he’s waiting for you to come to you. “Come out of the bathroom.”
“I just drew it-”
“Did I ask for your excuses?”
“Then come out of the FUCKING BATHROOM!” He hits the door so hard you thought you heard it splintering.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You cried out as you immediately rammed against the door, struggling to keep your husband back from breaking it down.
He didn’t answer, only continued to rattle off about everything wrong. She kicked the door harder and harder, sending you bouncing against the wood. You continued to cry out in pain but dug your shoulder into the door as you prayed it would be enough to keep him out.
“Stop, stop, STOP IT!” You felt tears pour out from your eyes as your husband pounded the door. “You’re being crazy right now, stop it!” Your throat felt raw with anguish as you continued to screech, head coming dangerously close to bouncing against the door as your husband began kicking it.
Eventually, he succeeded. He backed up, reared his leg up and took three hard hits, successfully kicking the door down. You went flying down with it and tumbled down the tile floor with a yelp of pain, landing sharply on your hip. You looked up through your pain and saw he was standing before you, fists balled and nothing but rage in his eyes.
“I told you to fucking let me in,” he seethes as he narrows in on you. Before he can touch you, his eyes travel to the tub. “And now you’re clogging up my fucking pipes?” He asks in an exasperated tone as he feels his blood pressure rise. “You need to learn a lesson,” he sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair. “When dogs are just puppies and they have an accident,” he begins as he bends down to the ground and nears you as you struggle to crawl away from him. “You take their nose and bury it into their mess.” He finishes. He straddles your waist and sloughs off your weak attempts to get him off of you.
You continue to cry and scream, beg and plead as his hands snake up your arms and to your hair. And your eyes widen as he takes a fistfull and then roughly stands up, dragging your body up with him.
“You fucking dog,” he spits as he drags you upwards. He begins to drag you towards the tub.
“No, NO!” You plead as you dig your heels into the tile, trying to grip onto the sink for dear life as he continues to drag you. You feel your strands of hair damn near get lifted from your scalp as he continues to yank you. He’ll kill you if you don’t put up a fight. “I’m sorry! Gods, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! Whatever I did to piss you off I promise that it won’t happen again!” You attempt to reason as he finally pries your hands off the sink.
“You should’ve known that to begin with,” he replies as he pulls your hair harder. He then brings you to the tub and roughly shoves you to its lip. You catch yourself and try to get away when he pushes at the back of your head. You still continue to fight him, crying and pleading even harder as your husband kicks in the back of your legs, attempting to cripple you further to get you to bend. You continue to push back, staring into the now cold bath like it’s a watery grave.
A scream rips through your throat as he hits the back of your skull, having you gasping for air and consciousness. He takes that moment as your weakness and finally overpowers you. Your head is thrust below the waters, and you find yourself screeching all the while. From above the water’s surface, you can hear your once beloved husband muttering about you and the faults of your character as he holds you under the water. Before you can even register that air is in your lungs again, you’re plunged back into the water, coughing and hacking all the while as he does so.
When he grows tired of continually plunging your head into the water, he picks up your lower half and tosses you in, sending the water and herbs flying everywhere as your clothed body enters the freezing tub. Your tears mix with the remnants of the bathwater as he holds you under, nothing but rage in his eyes as he does.
When you feel like it’s too much, you begin to let go. Perhaps darkness would be a nicer sight than the sunrise of tomorrow.
You open your eyes slowly to see that you’re still in the tub and laying in a small pool of water that isn’t enough to harm you regardless of how you were laid. You feel aches all over and you feel like water is weighing down your lungs. Slowly, you get to your bearings as you prop yourself up. Step by step and painstaking muscle movement by muscle movement, you stand and grip the edge of the tub, realizing you need to change out of your clothes. You pause momentarily to look at yourself in the mirror.
“Gods,” you whisper to yourself. You look like you were in a car accident. There’s bruises on your throat and your face from where he tried to slam you into the bathtub, and your face is puffy and discolored from crying. Your hair is knotted and you feel like no amount of conditioner on earth can get that out - to even think about detangling it is a nightmare. Your clothes are ripped and waterlogged. Everything about you screams pathetic. When you turn your head and look at the door, you see it’s broken beyond repair. He kicked it out of its latches and the wood itself is splintered in two.
You quietly step out of the bathroom, ready to change into drier clothes when you see your husband sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for you. You feel yourself begin to shiver, momentarily feeling your mind drift elsewhere to protect your brain from further trauma.
“You’re finally up,” he says, a blank expression on his face. “Are you okay?”
You feel disgust come up in the back of your throat but swallow it back down in favor of not angering him further. “I’m fine,” you lie, not bothering to plaster on a smile.
“Good.” He slowly stands up. “I’m heading out. Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.” He holds his arms out to you.
Shivering and absolutely terrified, you find yourself bending to his will. Quietly, you pad across the carpet to him and allow yourself to be wrapped up in his arms. His arms feel like a metal cage as they wrap around your quivering form.
“I’m sorry,” he says emptily as he buries his nose into your hair. “It won’t happen again.” He sways the two of you side to side as he holds you a little tighter, not bothering to mind the bumps and bruises he inflicted on your body.
You internally sigh and hollowly nod, allowing him to hold you.
He said that the last time.
It’s been a few days since your husband flew off the handle like that. Your husband stayed in the house, but like every time before, he pretended nothing had happened and instead vied for avoiding you. In a day or so, he’d be back to pretending he still loved you. But, your mind wasn’t entirely on him coming back to you and acting sweet - it was on everything in between.
See, this isn’t the first time that something of this caliber has happened to you. Convenience was something that seemed to pop up in your life more often than not, and you’d just accepted it. The first time you could remember it was when you were in your garage, trying to have a moment alone after your husband had shoved you into a wall for not making the potatoes the way he wanted (what a stupid thing to be upset over). As you sat at the workbench, sobbing quietly, your attention was pulled towards a thing of antifreeze. It was just propped up there. You don’t remember buying it, nor did you remember your husband buying it either. Neither of you regularly did car maintenance, nor did it seem like the kind used for a pool (which neither of you had). What on earth was it even doing here?
You quietly picked up the bottle and tossed it before your husband came calling for you to redo the potatoes.
The second time you noticed something much too conveniently placed was when the coffee in front of you was decaf. Your husband was terrible at waking up in the mornings, and the only thing that kept him up was his morning coffee on the drive to work. Well, one morning it was decaf in the keurig- and you almost didn’t notice it. The last time that happened, he’d almost swerved off the road. In a panic, you switched it to the right one before he noticed. If neither of you did, it could have claimed his life as the drive from your neck of the woods to the city was kind of dodgy in general.
The third most prominent time was semi-recently. You were cooking and once you finished, carried about your day. When you stopped by the kitchen to grab your keys and head to town for some shopping, you noticed that the gas was left on. Your husband was due to come home soon - if it stayed on for any longer, it might have killed him. Of course, you turned it off, but your hand lingered on the dial just a moment longer, wondering what would have happened if you didn’t turn it off. Feeling monstrous for even letting that thought pop into your head, you pulled back your hand like you had thrown it into the fire.
Those were just some of the most prominent things that happened. There were also little things that occurred as well, such as the TV always being clicked onto certain types of true crime documentaries entailing warring spouses, or the reading material being a tad too detailed in how to get away with things that obviously weren't legal. It started with petty theft, or piracy, and then moved onto other things that were much too unpleasant for you to even detail. All of these things seemed to be calling you towards something more sinister than you had ever imagined.
And until now, you’d managed to hold it all back. Sure, you entertain yourself by watching the documentaries and reading the material (which you wonder deeply who put it in your mailbox to begin with) but you never actually thought to harm him, did you?
It all came to a head a few weeks after the bathtub incident. He pushed you around plenty since then, but it hadn’t crossed the threshold like what happened back then - and that was enough to keep you at bay until this specific dinner. Apparently, your husband had missed out on a promotion given to someone younger and more ambitious than him and that killed him on the inside. He had a chip on his shoulder and he was dead set on taking it out on you.
“Gave it to that little prick,” he mumbles as he stabs at his food.
“I’m sure you’ll get it next time-”
“Next time? That’s half a fucking year away,” your husband replies as he bites down on his food. “Worthless job and can’t even move up in it. Stuck in this hellhole,” he continues to mutter as he stabs around.
Not wanting to even think about flaring him, you just drink uncomfortably at your water. “Is…” You close your mouth, not wanting to even hear his voice.
“No, no, finish your thought,” he says with a deep sigh.
“It’s not important.”
“My wife has something to say, she says it.”
“No, really I-”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Reader, spit it out.”
“Is the food okay?” You ask quietly as you avert your eyes to anywhere but at him. You gulp thickly, worrying that you’ve upset him further and lament even opening your mouth up to begin with.
“It’s awful,” he replies before taking another bite. “You must really be testing me, y’know that?”
“I’m sorry,” you murmur.
“I know.”
Uncomfortable silence passes between the two of you as dinner goes on with that same unease. You practically exude discomfort as you sit there, picking at your food and not wanting to even stomach it as long as this monster sits across from you. You wonder if your husband is going to go on one of his tangents when he answers that useless question by opening his mouth.
He talks a lot about how much he hates work, his coworkers, his lot in life, literally anything he could complain about and everything. He has such a hatred for the world around him that you wonder if it was always hiding just below the surface when you first met him. Probably. People tend to grow into who they were always meant to be as the years go on.
“And you,” he continues, pointing his fork in an accusatory manner at you. “You are the worst part of it,” he says as he narrows his eyes. He does this to you at every meal. And by the end of it, he’s always so riled up he almost breaks the plates. “Remember that girl, Jada? From honors math?”
You quietly nod.
“I should’ve married her. Girl with some brains and a nice ass,” he muses. “Instead I settled for you. Worthless, bruised and battered, puffy faced you,” he says with absolute vitriol, getting more and more riled up as his complaints carry on. “Hell, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have been thrown in detention again either.”
“That wasn’t my fault-”
“Oh so she speaks, does she?” He stands up.
You brace yourself.
“You know better than that,” he says lowly like a tiger waiting to pounce. “Than to talk back to me in my OWN GODDAMN HOUSE!” The plates and the dinner go flying off the table as he roughly shoves his arms across it.
There go the plates that reminded you of something nicer.
You immediately stand up and gasp, your chair flying back as you do so. Your hands fly up as your husband’s hands grip ar your wrists, his power taking over your frail form as he begins hurling you backwards to the countertop.
“Teach you to talk to me like that again,” he growls as he slams you down onto the counter, wrists not being jostled into his one hand. “You’ll never learn,” he mumbles, strill wrangling you down to the countertop.
From the corner of your eye, you could see him reaching towards the knife rack - and you see your very life fly before your eyes as he palms one.
You begin to repeat no like a mantra as he grips the knife and then lets go of your wrists, hsi hand going to the collar of your shirt. You cry out as your hands balled into fists and start punching, your legs being held by his body as his hand latches onto your throat and squeezes. Tears prick your eyes once again as his eyes flick down to your shirt.
“Stop!” You weakly cry out as his fingers dig into your flesh.
He raises the knife, a mad look on his faze as the steel catches the light. It shines, and then comes plunging down.
You scream as the knife is stabbed much too close to your neck, instead trapping you by snagging your shirt to the counter.
“You stay here and think about all the trouble you’ve caused,” he says in a ‘bubbling with rage’ tone as he shoves your head into the counter. “And clean up this mess.”
Once he leaves and slammed the front door shut, you pry yourself free from the knife and then fall to the floor sobbing, once again feeling your heart broken over your husband treating you so. But, once the rain fell, all that came was a ping - a spark. As you finally composed yourself and began cleaning his mess, the spark ignited to a flame that grew like wildfire in your mind’s eyes as you gingerly picked up the pieces of plates that you held such saccharine fondness over.
You couldn’t stand for this anymore.
With exhaustion sweeping over your body and the kitchen now cleaned, you allow yourself to move on autopilot and move upwards towards your bedroom. You don’t bother changing and plop down onto it. You stare at your ceiling, wondering if you should run away or - oh! Here comes a thought. With your eyes inching towards your nightstand, you finally give into the overwhelming feeling to open the drawer and you do so. Your hand gropes around before you finally touch something cold. Your mind lurches once you realize what it is.
You sit up, more than surprised to see the handle of a gun under your fingertips. On it is a sticky note with a smiley face: ‘don’t forget to turn off the safety :)’. A shiver of horror runs down your spine when you realize there’s a silencer attached to it. Gods, you knew he had a gun but a silencer? Everything about this - you knew it was wrong.
But holding it in your hand… That felt right.
You decided to stay quiet on things for now and think. Afterall, he was stronger than you. You couldn’t just confront him with the gun. He might wrestle it out of you and shoot you instead. You couldn’t take that kind of risk right now. So, you waited, looked over the gun some more, and waited.
Your husband entered back into the house at some gods awful time at night, more than pleased to see the house was back in order as it should be as he closed the door behind him. He was exhausted on all facets (though it could not hold a candle to how you were feeling) as he trudged up the stairs.
You laid in bed, pretending to be asleep. You knew what had to be done.
When your husband came in, huffed and got ready for bed, you itched for the trigger. You knew you had to act soon, but not too fast or he could hurt you again an take you out instead. Your breath hitched when you felt him sit on the bed and get comfortable, of course, turned away from you.
You took in a deep breath, closed your eyes, and held the gun in your hand once you felt him slip into sleep. The moments felt like hours as you quietly sat up and held the gun in your hands. Were you really going to do this?
Your mind flashed with hundreds upon hundreds of possibilities. At one point, a long time ago, you loved him. You loved him deeply and truly.
You took aim.
You shot.
Gods, if you knew it was going to be this hard to drag his body out here, you would’ve chosen a different place to shoot him. Dragging your now dead husband through the woods behind your house was an absolutely miserable process. You were working up a sweat as you did so and it was so dark that you could hardly make heads or tails of anything.
Finally, guided by the moonlight, you came to a place that looked more than decent. It was far enough, and the growth here was so heavy that if you tumbled the earth around, it would hardly look like anyone had disturbed it to begin with.
“Always making things harder on me,” you mumble as you toss his limp body back to the earth before you juggle the shovel you’d dragged along into your hands. You let your mind go blank as you began to cut into the soil.
A plethora of thoughts entered into your head as you shoveled away, making a deep enough hole to throw your deceased husband in. In a way, you didn’t think he deserved a hole this nice, but you knew deep down you had to hide the body. You continued to shovel, and once you finally made it deep enough to your liking, rolled his body into the ground.
“Didn’t think you had it in you,” a low, slightly gravelly voice chuckles, slow clapping.
“Who’s there?” You ask in a slightly panicked tone, holding the shovel up like a weapon. “I… I won’t hesitate-”
“Don’t make me laugh,” the voice continues, a playful bite on every syllable. “No, no, you did good.”
Your eyes frantically look around for the voice when you hear a whistle. There, behind you, is a man. Possibly mid 20s, shoulder length black hair, pale skin that rivals the light of the moon, wearing a hoodie covered in things you’d rather not think of and taller than you by a good head or so.
“You gonna put the shovel down?” He asks with a brow raised.
Hesitantly, you lower the shovel in your grasp just to let him get a little closer. Your eyes widen when you see he’s cut a smile into his face. “Who… Who are you?”
“I’ll tell you if you finish your job here,” he says as he nods to the uncovered, deceased body of your husband. “And before you go through the typical ‘oh my gods, are you gonna turn me in’ bullshit so many of you seem to go through, rest assured that I’m not gonna do anything to you. Just finish your job. Can you do that for me, Bird?” He leans against the tree, looking at you with a small smark.
A mind too frazzled for anything else, you nod and get back to work. It doesn’t take near as long to fill the hole as it did to carve it out, which was a pleasant surprise. When you were done, you wiped the sweat from your brow.
“What are you doing here?” You asked as you held the shovel firmly in your hands.
“Checking in on you,” he replies. “You want to go back to your house and-”
“No,” you cut him off, eyes averting down the ground. “Anywhere but there right now.” You say softly, gesturing to the disturbed earth.
The man pops off the tree and stalks over to the hole you’d covered, lightly shoving some foliage on top of it. “Okay, still sensitive. I get that,” he hums. “Follow me then. Let’s take a walk.” He nods for you to follow, blue eyes silently telling you to bring the shovel along with you.
Not wanting to be near his body anymore despite it being packed below the ground, you relent and follow.
“So, you did good, really good,” the man says as he puts his hands back in his hoodie pockets.
“Why do you keep saying that?” You ask, quickly matching pace with him. “And I never did get your name..?” You trail off slightly, taking in the deep scent of the woods around you. The scent of pine and autumn fills your nose.
“Because you did my job for me, and it’s Jeff,” he replies, his arm momentarily pushing back some low hanging pines. “I’ve been keeping tabs on you for a while, Bird.” He chuckles softly when he sees your confused expression.
“Really? Bird?” You repeat in a dry tone, face deadpanning at the very mention of it. “Job?”
“You’re flighty, like a bird, and judging by how fast you switch topics, bird.” He smiles, continuing to lead you further and further into the woods and away from your now empty house. “Little while back, I was asked to kill your husband. But, I saw you during one of my stalking outings and well, thought I could make things interesting.” He says it like it’s nothing and common knowledge.
“You what?” You ask in a surprised tone. “You stalked us?”
“Well, yeah,” Jeff says. “Normally, I don’t take that much care in my work. I tend to gut first and never ask questions, but you posed something interesting in my wake.”
“Holy fuck,” you murmur as you continue to trot throguh the woods. “We’re both going to jail.”
“Me? Absolutely not. You? Well,” he turns his attention to the deer path laid before the two of you and smiles at the open, moonlit field. “Depends on how you’ll answer my question.”
The two of you step through the remaining brush and finally reach the field. You had no idea this place was even behind your house or even so close. Tall grass rising to your waist sways gently in the wind as you step out of the trees and into the open air. Stars dot the sky as the moon hangs overhead. This place feels nostalgic. Out in the distance is a little stone structure, and upon Jeff taking you closer to it, it’s a little stone shelter.
“Take a seat, gonna be a while,” Jeff says as he rummages around in his pocket. He pulls out a lighter, bends down and lights the pieces of wood conveniently left inside of it, and the night is no longer cold.
You get comfortable and let your exhausted body rest. “Have you been watching me for long?”
“Longer than necessary,” Jeff answers as he cracks his back before finally getting comfortable. “But, I only watched you from a distance. Tell me about yourself first, let me know it wasn’t a mistake to let you breathe.” He smirks at you and winks, sending shivers down your spine.
You take in a deep breath, not really feeling anything but exhaustion and decide to tell him. You tell him everything, about your childhood, about little intricacies and so on. You told him about high school and how you met your husband. Little stories, anecdotes, memories and feelings resurfaced as you detailed how everything was bliss. And then one day, it wasn’t.
“Something in him snapped and went rotten,” you sigh. “And he hurt me. Hurt me really bad.”
Jeff looks up from the fire to see how the light dances across your skin. It’s here that he’s finally able to see the extent of your dead husband’s power over you. Bruises darker than your natural shade line your skin like oddly erased marks on a stubborn piece of paper. Your eyes are hollow, devoid of all life. Hair from your scalp is oddly placed as if it’s still trying to grow back. Your posture conveys nothing but pure exhaustion.
“I’m sorry,” he says in a tone that’s much more gruff than he originally means. It’s not that he doesn’t genuinely feel bad, it’s that he’s awful at actually verbalizing it. In truth, Jeff doesn’t like abusers. They make him feel wrong, make him feel like something’s not fair. Jeff like to fancy himself as someone who goes by the rule of ‘equality.’ If you pick on someone weaker than you with them having no chance of fighting back or at least inflicting the same damage back, you are nothing but a coward who gets off on hurting smaller people. And that in his mind is nothing short of detestable. “Guess good on me for letting you take him out, huh?”
You look at him with an odd mixture of confusion and absolute relief. “I guess,” you say, the sound of serenity slipping into your tone. “And what about you? What originally sent you out here?”
“Tall guy in a suit,” he stated, a small scowl pulling at his lips. “Y’know, he’s interested in you.”
“Tall guy in a suit?”
“Slender Man. I call him ‘Pale Ass’ though. He’s like… A murderous businessman. Has little drones to do his work even though he’s more than capable of doing it himself. And that’s where you come in.” Jeff shifts slightly and fixes his posture. “He’s the guy who originally wanted your husband dead. Sent me to do it.”
“Why did he want him dead?” You inquire. You knew your husband had done some dodgy things, especially with how strangely he was acting within the last few years as his abuse ran up, but you originally assumed he was cheating or something. Maybe into some other shady things. What on earth could he have done to garner the attention of some murderer kingpin?
“Saw something he shouldn’t have. My guess is Toby - maybe Theo. Both of them suck at covering up their tracks,” Jeff laughs slightly. “Probably saw one of us hiding a body, committing a murder, shit, he could’ve stumbled on some finals when he obviously shouldn’t have done that. Regardless, it got Slender’s attention, and now he’s dead because of it,” Jeff continues as he casts his eyes from you to the flickering flames. “You remember that night he fell asleep in his car in the garage?”
You nod.
“Almost took him out right there.” Jeff’s brows furrow slightly. “Something stopped me and then I saw you. The way he reacted to you asking if he wanted a certain type of potato made me giggle, and then I got a thought.”
“The antifreeze…”
“Yeah, the antifreeze. I’d noticed you were being pushed around for a while, honestly planning on taking you out to give you some rest but,” his eyes flash, “seemed more fun to get you into it too.” He sighs and leans back. “Was it cathartic?”
You find yourself uncomfortably shifting and wanting to answer with ‘no, of course not! I killed someone,’ before realizing that wouldn't be truthful. It was cathartic to put an end to his life. It was cathartic to finally bring justice for yourself in a way that no prison system would allow. “It… It was.” You admit, shyly and quietly like confessing to a bad secret.
“Feels nice to admit it, right?” He smiles.
“It does.”
“Now, imagine doing that to other pieces of shit,” he says as he sits up again. “Imagine being able to do that to every monster that’s ever hurt anyone just like you/”
You close your eyes and feel the red hot rage tingle your fingertips. Being able to unload on your dead husband was more than pleasing - in fact, it was nice, and dare you say, fun. The thought of being able to do that to other people who hurt others like that, while a far off possibility now as you were still frail, was still a possibility nonetheless.
“I mean, where else do you have to go?” Jeff continues, watching as you toss the thought around in your head. “You’d never get caught. He’d handle it all right now. You’d be free.” Jeff stands up and begins crossing the distance to meet you. His shadow walks alongside him. Dusk hangs in the air. “Or, if this isn’t to your liking, you can join him.”
“What?” You question, eyes flicking up from Jeff’s shoes to his eyes.
“You gotta understand,” he begins as he crouches in front of you. “If you say no and
decide to deal with the fallout like a normal human being, you’ll be caught and most likely killed for it. You’d be at the end of your rope.”
You feel an ocean of emotions swell up inside of you. “And if I… What would you even have me do if I followed you?”
“I’ll take you to meet him, and we’ll see what happens next. He’ll cover for you. You won’t ever have to see this place ever again.”
The sun begins to peek over the horizon. The fire is dying down. You can hear birds chirping in the early morning sky as fluffy clouds bid good morning to the dimming stars in the sky.
“Let’s get outta here, Bird.” Jeff stands up, holding out his hand.
You take in a deep breath, hand hovering over his. You thought of your husband, your life and everything that had ever happened to lead up to this moment. You’d gone this far, and there was clearly no going back. Another deep breath in and you pressed your hand down to his.
Jeff’s smile bloomed once again.
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literate-lamb · 3 years
Man of the House | five
Sam Wilson/fem!Reader, dark!Bucky Barnes/fem!Reader | 18+
A visit to your landlord uncovers a past.
► word count: 3.6k
► warnings(!): injuries, masturbation, hallucination. this is a dark fic.
|| Series Masterlist ||
A/N: A bit of a slow chapter but we’re nearing the end lads! 
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𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝔼𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟
“We’ve checked everything, sir.”
It was hard to believe. There must be somewhere they had overlooked. Something felt amiss, you knew it.
“There were no signs of a forced entry. Everything was locked. Well, except for the balcony doors, but she had opened those.”
Had they checked the attic? The basement? He was there in the parlour windows, and the next, he was at the bottom of the stairs, close to the front door. You refused to believe he had came in easily, as if he had apparated in.
“The door she claimed the assailant kicked showed no damage whatsoever.”
That was impossible. You had heard it. You watched it shake as he demanded entry. You had  felt  it, the vibrations from his heavy boots passing through the floorboards. If there were no marked footprints, there should’ve been at least a splinter in the wood.
“We’ve received complaints like these before regarding the Rogers’ house, but we can’t really do anything when there’s no evidence. A ‘ghostly’ touch on the ankle can’t be taken as evidence.”
And just like that, your case was dismissed. Your encounter, taken with a grain of salt. Your experience, dismissed as a mere ghostly tale.
You had almost wanted to show them the purples around your neck. To take off the makeup and show them, to pass them off as evidence of an assault. But with no recollection of the event, and no solid evidence, you refrained. It would only backfire; not only towards you, but towards Sam as well.
“Thank you, officers. For all your help, but we can handle it from here.”
It was a long night and it ended when the officers had left. They had searched your house, taken your statement, and calmed you down. They were polite enough, listening when you recounted your harrowing experience, giving you comfort in the form of a shock blanket. However, their quick dismissal left a sour aftertaste within you. The disheartening feeling of being seen as a hysterical woman. 
You only had Sam who believed. You hoped he did.
“Sam, you believe me... right?”
“Of course, baby. Of course.”
Too shook up after last night’s incident, sleep evaded you until the wee hours of the morning, all the while curled up next to your saviour. He had soothed you, a protective arm at all times, giving you time. He never left your side throughout the night.
Now, huddled under the warm comforter of your guest room, you played last night’s events on loop. Heart palpating by even the sight of your bedroom door, Sam had decided a switch was in order.
At the end of the bed, Peaches laid in a white loaf by your feet, softly purring. She was a comforting presence, the heavy weight a reminder you weren’t alone. A guardian angel in her own way.
The day came and went faster than you could register.
In the morning, Wanda had came by with Vis to check up on you. She was worried after your abrupt goodbye on the phone and she was right to be. You missed their visit, being at the forefront of sleep. The warm serving of Paprikash you had for lunch was the sole indication of her visit.
Tony and Pepper had called and sent a large bouquet of colourful assortments with a ‘get well soon’ card attached right to your doorstep. They had heard from Sam, who had taken the duty of taking messages and answering your calls for you, citing your need for rest. Both had expressed the desire to visit, unfortunately corporate obligation had swamped them both.
In the late afternoon, Sam had came in with snacks in bed to soothe your cravings before dinner. He had prepared a few biscuits and fruits and made the grand gesture of feeding you with grapes. 
“Some folks in the area actually came by to give these to you,” Sam said, shooing a hissing Peaches off the bed. Those two will never get along. “A Mrs Proctor and her grandkid, said you’ve met before at her shop. Seems like you’ve been making friends.”
You hummed, confirming the information. It’s been a while, yet you still remembered your little visit and the incident. Warm, welcoming grandmother and her sour, distrustful grandchild. But after your harrowing experience, you came to realize maybe the teen had known something; it wasn’t just a tale told to scare teenagers off the property on Halloween.
If the both of them knew, then the whole neighbourhood knew. It isn’t a secret when the local police visited you in the middle of the night. Word always traveled fast in small neighbourhoods.
“She sent her regards and hope you’ll come visit soon,” he continued. “Her grandkid told me to relay a message to you too.”
You eyed him, prompting him to resume.
“She said ‘all the best’.”
There was no help coming for you.
 As the Sun slowly descended into the horizon, you received your last visitor at the end of the day. He came to the house while you were in the bath, finally having the energy to rid off the grime from the last horror. 
You scrubbed your skin until it felt raw, the stinging a reminder to stop. You watched as the water swirled down the drain, bringing with it the impurities of the previous night. 
You began dressing, the dark turtleneck a warm choice against frigid Autumn. Wiping the fogged up mirror, you stared at your reflection, observing your state. Your skin was deadly pale with dark rings concentrated beneath your eyes; a perfect representation of a troubled person.
Carefully rolling down the collar, you gently thumbed the delicate skin of your neck. What was once a large bruise had shrunk, covering you in patches. They were now a faded purple with a tint of green; a sign of healing. 
They disgust you.
Your stomach churned looking at them. They were a reminder of a fog: thick, dense, a swallower of memories. You stared at them hard, racking your mind for a smidge of something, for anything. The longer it took, the uglier they became.
You unconsciously wrapped a hand around your neck, covering the ugly bruises from sight. It felt familiar, yet foreign. Slowly, you began putting pressure, firmly squeezing the sides. You felt an amounting rush.
You sat yourself on the opened toilet seat, back resting against the body. With the unoccupied hand, you hastily pushed your skirt and underwear aside. You worked yourself, rubbing your clit and running fingers down your lower lips, spreading your gathering slick. You let your mind stray away, forgetting the upsetting contusions, driven by only pleasure. 
Mewling, you pleasured yourself, knees in the air. More and more, you squeezed thoughtlessly, cutting your airways to chase that building pleasure. You let your imagination wander; visualizing thicker fingers spearing you and heavier palms circling your throat. Intermittently you’d pull out, slapping your cunt while envisioning rough digits handling you. You didn’t envision the physique of anyone, just the feel of a touch. They were familiar, kept in the back of your mind like a hidden memory. You were sure they were not that of your boyfriend. 
You were becoming dizzy, high off adrenaline from your asphyxiation. Nearing the tipping point, you quickened your ministrations until you finally snapped. Your thighs quivered as you came crashing, gasping for oxygen as you released your hold. Slick painted your thighs as they trembled. Eyes brimming with tears, you eyed yourself in the opposite mirror. You sighed, lost in blissful delirium; the sound of a woman spent.
Your bliss was short-lived when a knock came on the bathroom door.
“Baby, you okay in there? Your landlord came by for a visit, he just left.”
The tenor of Sam’s voice startled you, grounding you back to reality. You sprung up, adjusting your clothes and making yourself seem proper. Thighs still shaky, your legs felt like putty as you tried to stand up.
“In a minute!” you respond.
When you’ve deemed yourself decent enough, you opened the door. Sam’s toothy smile greeted you.
“My girl’s lookin’ all fresh and smellin’ beautiful,” he whistled. 
“That’s silly,” you laughed, hitting his chest. Sam grabbed you by the waist, pulling you closer to plant a kiss on your lips. 
“How are you?” he asked.
“Feeling slightly better.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t closer to the truth either. “Being taken care of really did wonders, I want this to last forever,” you kissed him again. “Just the two of us.”
“I’d love that as well.”
It was quiet for a time, the both of you lost in a peaceful bliss. Foreheads touching, you both focused on the moment; taking in the scent of your partner, hearing the beat of each other’s heart, and overall enjoying being in the other’s company. If given, you would prefer to stay like this forever. The beating of his heart, it grounded you. This was your safe place. 
Minutes passed and you were both still locked in each other. It took a sudden loud thump in the ceiling for you two to part.
 You quickly jumped away, horribly spooked. You were on high alert, fidgety, and distraught. The loud noise triggered your flight or fight, leaving you frantically searching for the source.
“Look at me, look at me,” Sam called your name. He grabbed your shoulders, rubbing your forearms in soothing circles. “You’re fine. Breath, you’re fine. I’m here.”
Sam guided your breathing and you followed his rhythm. After a while, you were calmed once more. It was obvious you were still spooked, a second thud confirmed it when you shot up at the sound. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Sam’s soothing voice cooed. “Would it make you feel better if I checked?”
You frantically nodded. Sam hastily strided through the hall with you close behind. He pulled the attic hatch but it wouldn’t open. 
“It’s stuck.” 
Sam tried again, giving it a pull a few times. On the strongest pull, it finally relented, revealing the ladder. As it slid down, a large heavy object came tumbling along with it, thudding by your feet. Sam picked it up and upon closer inspection it was an album. The word “Memories” greeted you; it was the photo album you had found a week earlier. You felt a cold run through you.
“Now, what do we have here.” 
He flipped through, stopping on the wedding photo of Mr Rogers and his wife, their fading faces smiling at you. Photos of their vacations, anniversaries, and holidays passed.
“Seems that he had a fulfilling life.”
Sam continued flipping before stopping on an older photograph. It showed a younger Mr Rogers and a brunette man with his arm slung over the shorter blonde. You immediately paled, recognizing this man. The same hair colour, except shorter. The same steel blue eyes, except brighter. The same chiselled cleft chin.
It was no doubt, this man was your  intruder .
You felt the temperature plunge upon your realization; wondering why he had seemed familiar. Panic began to consume you as Sam continued to flip through, the blue eyes in each photo seeming more sinister than the last, haunting your subconscious. 
Sam stopped when he noticed your trembling. Your eyes were glassy as you stared at the photo of the brunette decked in a peacoat.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sam asked, worried.
“T-this man,” you pointed to the photo. “It was him last night.”
“Are you sure?” Sam closed the album, giving you a concerning gaze. “Do you need to lay down?”
How dare he. He didn’t believe you. After everything, was it all pity?
“Yes, I’m freaking sure!” you shouted, tears spilling over. “And I do not need to lay down, Sam. I’m perfectly fine.”
It was tense from there. None of you spoke for a while. You could see a shine of regret reflected in his orbs, softening your anger by bit. Despite his reserved apprehension, he had saved and later, attended to you. He didn’t deserve your fury.
“I-I’m sorry for shouting, but why would I lie about this Sam?” you sighed. You were tired. “I don’t know who he is or if he’s even alive. I’ve never met him, but it seems like my landlord has.”
“Do you want to see him? Tomorrow?” Sam asked. “I can arrange it.”
“Yes, please,” you pleaded, giving him an empty smile. “Ghosts or not, I need answers.”
“Okay,” he slipped the album beneath his arm. “Let me check the attic first.”
Sam had checked every corner twice before climbing down. There was nothing unusual, saved for the coincidental album.
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 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖
The wet concrete was a hazard as you exited the car. Fall brought in cold winds as well as the small drizzles and showers here and there. The smell of rain mixed in with mud was high as you and Sam took deliberate steps on the pavement. 
The mailbox was a rusted red with ‘Rogers’ scrawled in white, the lawn an immaculate green spread that showed its upkeep. Opposed to the grandeur and foreboding nature of your rental, Mr Rogers’ abode was a small little thing. It looked old and worn, with a browning chimney and paint chipping off its sides.
You rang the doorbell and waited. Soon, Mr Rogers greeted you and welcomed you both in.
“Come in, come in. Make yourselves comfy, it’s not much but it’s home.” he ushered in. “Please, take a seat. I’m making some tea in the kitchen. It won’t be long.” Mr Rogers disappeared, leaving you and Sam time in his living room.
Similar to the exterior, the interior was just as worn, with the lumpy couches and yellow staining the ceiling. This house had seen better days but you couldn’t deny the certain charm. Off to the side of the living room, a fireplace stood, its mantle littered with framed photographs. You took a step closer to observe them. 
There were many photos of Mr Rogers with his wife, but there were equally the same amount with that of this elusive ‘James Barnes’. All of them were of the brunette with shorter hair, clean shaven, and lean; a contrast of the man who had grabbed you. A feature that stood out were his eyes. They looked hopeful and bright in these, the opposite of what you’ve seen. You shivered at the memory of locking with them through many mirrors. 
“I hope you’re both fine with regular black tea.” The older man came in, carrying a tray of bone china tea set and finger sandwiches. He poured you each a cup, placing them on the coffee table.
“It’s more than fine, sir,” Sam took a cup. “Thank you for your hospitality.” 
It was quiet for a moment with everyone sipping their tea. You sat beside Sam on the lumpy couch to the opposite of the older gentleman. You didn’t know where to start.
“I heard of what happened,” Mr Rogers started to your relief. “Officers Matthews and McCray phoned me in the morning. They’re probably exasperated, those two. Always getting calls about my house.”
“Enough about that, I should be asking you about your well-being. How are you doing, dear?” he asked, giving you a forlorn expression.
The blues of his eyes began to change, taking on a much more steely quality. His platinum strands darkened and lengthened, becoming dull and greasy. His frail body began bulking and doubling in size. The wrinkles of his skin disappeared, pulling taut over his cheekbones. 
He was morphing, taking on the figure that haunts you.
In his place was your monster.
 A nudge surprised you, pulling you away. The face of your nightmare nowhere, Mr Rogers remained in his armchair.
“Hey, you alright?” Sam shook you, concerned. “We lost you for a minute there.”
“Um, yeah.” 
You looked at him, eyes vacant. You turned towards the older man, he gave you the same look of concern. 
“It’s nothing, just thought I— Sorry, it’s nothing.” you gave a nervous chuckle. 
“Is there anything I can help with?” Mr Rogers asked, refilling your cup. “I know this is far from just a friendly visit. From my experience with past tenants, I understand if you want to leave. And don’t you worry about the deposit, I’ll give a full refund. It’s the least I could do.”
Relief filled your chest at hearing those words. This wasn’t what you had come here for, but it was a welcomed balm to your already tumultuous mind. It was one less thing to worry about.
“Thank you, Mr Rogers,” you said. “But that’s not actually what we’re here for.”
Signalling towards Sam, he uncovered the photo album from a canvas bag. You took it and carefully set it on the coffee table, spreading it open to a portrait of a brunette soldier. 
“We’re sorry for bringing this here, but it dropped from the attic when we opened the hatch,” Sam explained.
You watched as the elder’s fingers ghosted over the lettering of the man’s name;  James Buchanan Barnes . They were light, careful, afraid of ruining the piece of antiquity. 
“Mr Rogers, can you tell us a bit about this man?” you asked, desperate for answers. “Were the two of you friends?”
It took a while before he answered, eyes never taking off the photo.
“Bucky was my best friend. We grew up together in Brooklyn and he always had my back. Though, he was always neckin’ with a dame once in a while,” he mirthlessly chuckled. “He was always there.”
“When my ma contracted TB and passed, Bucky always helped. Late on the rent? He’ll cover it for ya. Low on food? He can cook.” 
He flipped through the album, recounting every tale that came with a photo and you let him. This was a man who missed his youth, left for only time to claim.
He recited how they went to Connie Island and how he threw up after riding the Cyclone. The many dance hall dates that left him for his friend. The many tales of how ‘Bucky’ had saved his butt in alley fights. The war they spent together fighting in Europe, defeating Nazi base after Nazi base. The war where he returned the favour of becoming ‘Bucky’s’ saviour.
“Bucky was all I had.”
 He stopped at the last page, where a photo of them in uniform in the snowy mountains stood. 
“What happened to him?” Sam asked.
A long stretch of silence filled between the three of you, not readying you for the answer you were to receive.
“He died. Fell off a train in the Alps. I never saw him again.” 
And it was back to silence. A beat or two passed.
“What’s this sudden interest in him?” the elder man asked, accompanied by a mirthless chuckle. “I didn’t think I’d be reciting his tale again after so long.”
You flipped the pages back to the portrait, stomach becoming queasy as you prepared to tell your tale.
“This man,” you paused, pointing at the photo. “He’s the one that came into the house the other night.”
“How…? Are you sure?” Mr Rogers’ breath hitched. “He’s been long gone for 75 years.”
“We’re not sure how,” you started. “But I have a theory.”
Sam handed you a flimsy folder. You opened it, taking out clipped pieces of paper. Most of them were screenshots of blog posts from previous tenants, recounting their part of the story living in your current residence. There was a similarity in their retellings that you noticed.
“These are some of the blog posts I managed to find on the house.” You arranged the papers on the coffee table, making them face the elderly man. “Sorry to sprung these on you, but I noticed a consistency in the hauntings that tenants before me have experienced.”
“Go on.”
You let out a breath before continuing, ”In each of the stories, everyone has said that they’ve seen an apparition of a man.” 
You pointed to the highlighted texts, their descriptions of an encounter similar.
“Sometimes in an army uniform.”
You turned to the portrait film of ‘Bucky’ in his World War II uniform.
“And sometimes in a blue coat.”
You flipped to the photo of Mr Rogers and ‘Bucky’ on the Alps. It was too good of a coincidence.
“So, what you’re saying,” Mr Rogers put two and two. “Maybe it’s his spirit that has been haunting the house all along.”
“That’s a way to put it,” you confirmed.
He seemed to still be taking it all in. A conflicted expression on his face, full of sadness and worry. Minutes passed and everyone started to move on, with the elder steering the conversation away. You thought it would take time for him, after the sudden resurgence and recalling of a traumatic past. You thought he would have more questions. But he surprised you and Sam by bouncing back, carrying the conversation with the fond memories of his past. It seemed a bit odd, but you put it behind you.
 The both of you ended up staying over for dinner. 
“Won’t you keep an old man company? It can be quite lonely since I don’t have kids of my own.”
The evening flew faster, with Sam and Mr Rogers exchanging military stories over plates of spaghetti. They bonded over their shared experience, with you chiming in questions  once in a while. You looked on in fondness, enjoying the time spent. Maybe you could do it again.
When it came time to leave, you both thanked Mr Rogers for his hospitality. You slipped him an invitation to have a meal at the house some time. However, before you could leave, the elder stopped you, a hand gripping your shoulder.
“Sorry dear, I needed to know. This theory of yours,” he said, forehead creasing. “You don’t believe in them, do you?”
You were caught in surprise by his sudden line of questioning, having thought of already getting past it. Nevertheless, you answered.
“Maybe I’m starting to have a change of thought.” 
And finally, you were no longer in denial.
A/N: Next up: The Witch’s Visit
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daenqyu · 4 years
— bnha boys and songs that remind me of them
includes: bakugou, midoriya, kirishima, kaminari, todoroki, dabi & shigaraki
warnings: swearing, manga spoilers in dabi’s, minor manga spoilers in shigaraki’s
a/n: had this idea while i was listening to my bakugou playlist and i thought it’d be fun to do it :D
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BAKUGOU reminds me of “i hate everything about you” by three days grace. i just feel like that’s exactly how he would feel when he realizes he likes someone. he’s in denial. doesn’t want to admit the fact that he actually grew a soft spot for that person, that someone managed to make him vulnerable. he wasn’t one to believe in all that sappy bullshit in the first place, hell he even thought he was sick when he started feeling butterflies in his stomach. but after they smile at him and leave a chaste kiss on his cheek as a ‘thank you’, he thinks that maybe having a crush isn’t so bad after all.
MIDORIYA reminds me of “crybaby” by melanie martinez. and it’s not because he cries a lot, but rather because people shame him for it. back in junior high that was one of his biggest insecurities, how sensitive he was, but with time he learned to embrace it. being emotional didn’t equal being weak, and midoriya it’s the perfect example of that. so what if he’s easily moved? what if he’s an emotionally driven person? at the end of the day, that doesn’t make him any less of a hero.
KIRISHIMA reminds me of “this is home” by cavetown. more specifically, the part that goes “get a load of this train wreck, his hair’s a mess and he doesn’t know who he is yet”. even tho he doesn’t show it and tries his best to hide it, kirishima is a very insecure person. he thinks he’ll never be good enough to be called a man, let alone a hero. but just because he doesn’t know how worthy he is, doesn’t mean he’s friends do too. they all admire him for being so confident and brave, for his selfless personality. and it takes a while, but a day comes in which kirishima looks at himself and no longer sees failure.
KAMINARI reminds me of “monster energy drink” by kevinkempt. this one isn’t as deep as the others, but you cannot tell me that this song doesn’t scream kaminari denki. something tells me this man drinks monster religiously, specially because sometimes he gets way too absorbed in the video games he plays. there’s even days where he forgets to drink water and sero has to check up on him just to make sure he hasn’t passed out. he drank it before it became a trend, so he has a huge ass collection of monster cans. and before you ask, yes. he has a monster energy gun.
TODOROKI reminds me of “daddy issues” by the neighbourhood. everyone knows how bad todoroki’s relationship with his dad is, and it’s all for a reason. endeavor left him (and his family) scarred, he damaged their image of what a father should be like, he broke them. and thanks to that, he has a hard time opening up to others and relationships in general. he can be oblivious and dense, often not understanding when someone is trying to ask him out or trying to give him a compliment. but it’s not his fault. he tries, really hard, to let go of the past, to keep getting better, to forget about the hurt, but...the past never dies.
DABI reminds me of “burning pile” by hayloft. a little ironic considering his quirk it’s cremation, but we all know that dabi’s life is far from perfect. he’s a runaway, a villain, the son that couldn’t be good enough, a failed experiment. and at first it hurt, knowing that your father only wanted to exploit you and didn’t even see you as a human being. but with time, he became numb, to the point that sometimes he looks back on his life and can’t help but laugh at how pathetic it all was. he didn’t know what to do when he was a child, he was clueless on how he could escape it all, but now it’s different. now he has a goal. and that’s to take endeavor down, no matter the cost.
SHIGARAKI reminds me of “teenagers” by my chemical romance. something tells me that in high school he was an outcast. he probably had 1-2 friends, if not none, and he probably sat alone. shigaraki is full of hatred towards the hero society because they didn’t save him, didn’t give any other chance but to become the villain he is today, so it’s not a surprise that he finds everyone annoying. but especially teenagers. they’re so selfish, so arrogant, acting like the world revolves around them and being full of joy. they think that adulthood equals independence and freedom, yet it’s the complete opposite. life’s shit. and once you’re able to understand that, you feel disappointed. well that’s how he feels too, he didn’t want his life to be like this, he wanted to be a fucking hero. but not everything goes according to plan, right?
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
Buttered Popcorn
“In the trip to Marley, I imagine Onyankopon would tell Levi and Hange to go to the movies, because he thought Hange would love it. (I imagine they would go without Onyankopon) So, in the cinema, at the beginning when the lights of the projector turn on she would be super excited and Levi would hush her.  And well, the movie would begin… (I don’t care the genre) and I imagine they would get a little close, maybe arms touching? But then the typical romance scene would appear, with the actors kissing, and so they would get conscious of the situation, Levi would get awkward and separate from Hange, and I don’t know anymore. I think it can be funny, fluffy and whatever you feel like :)”
Hi! Thank you for leaving me a submission! I altered what you said a little bit, but I hope it’s still enjoyable. Some of the movies I added are recent, so just please disregard that the movies definitely came out after their lifetime. I really enjoyed writing this, so thank you!
Marley was hustling and bustling. Every weekend, markets would open up and merchants would gather in the center of the city to sell their items. All sorts of items, including fruit, jewelry, books, liquor, ice cream, and even animals. Today was the day that the 104 was able to forget about Titans for a little while. Onyankapon decided to take advantage of that. 
“Hey, Levi,” Onyankapon whispered, touching his upper back, gesturing for Levi to walk with him. He pulled him away from Hange for a moment. Hange was purchasing something at a stall. “The kids are going to that restaurant down the block for an early supper.” He gestured towards the road behind them. “You and Hange should go on a date.”
Levi scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Why would you ask me, specifically, to go on a date with her?”
“Cut the crap, Levi. We all know you like her,” Onyankapon said. Levi shot him a death glare, which made Onyankapon’s shoulders tense. They walked a little further while Levi contemplated his decision.
“…Fine. I’ll keep her company to make sure she doesn’t wander off,” Levi agreed. Onyankapon smiled wide.
“Great! There is a cinema down the block on the right side. You should take her there. I’m sure she’d love it.” Did he already plan our date? Levi asked himself.
“What’s a cinema?”
“It’s where you sit in a big theater and a movie is shown on the screen. You can buy all sorts of food too. There are a ton of showings. Horror, romance, comedy, action; You should go with her and decide. They’re showing movies at all times of the day.”
Levi nodded in understanding. Where was the Commander, anyways?
“The movies…” he muttered to himself. He, himself, had never seen a movie before. He figured Hange would enjoy it. Plus, he could spend some alone time with her. 
Levi turned his head to look behind him. He narrowed his brows. “Where’d Hange go?” He asked aloud, noticing Onyankapon disappeared as well. He began pushing through the flow of the crowd to find her. He was starting to panic. His heart rate started to pick up, adrenaline coursing through his veins. This new city was enormous compared to their little island of Paradis. She’d be gone, forever stuck in enemy territory. It was then he suddenly noticed Onyankapon from his tall stature, who must’ve stopped walking with Levi at some moment in which he couldn’t quite remember. He was standing casually, chatting with someone. He jogged over to him and found Hange. Levi rolled his eyes.
“Hange, stay with the group,” Levi enunciated. Hange just smiled, pushing out a wafer cone with a creamy substance on top.
“Try this!” She said. Levi was confused. After a moment of him just staring at it, she took his hand, placed his fingers around the cone, and let go. “Try it. It’s good.”
Hange had a cone for herself. “It’s called ice cream. This is vanilla. It’s so sweet and creamy and cold and soooooooo good!!”
Levi bent his head down towards the cone, awkwardly opening his mouth to lick it. The woman-you’re-in-love-with’s hand touching yours can be very convincing after all. An eyebrow raised in interest.
“Mm… Not bad.” Levi noticed Onyankapon was staring at him. He kept weirdly shaking his head towards Hange and clearing his throat. Is he okay? he asked himself. Levi shook his head quickly at him, as if to ask what the fuck?
Onyankapon rolled his eyes dramatically, patting Hange’s back. “I’ve gotta use the bathroom. Levi, keep an eye on Hange.” He winked at Levi. Levi is so fucking dense, Onyankapon thought to himself, passing by them to find a bathroom. Oh. That’s why he was acting funny, Levi thought to himself.
Hange started walking next to Levi, licking her ice cream. She really likes it, Levi thought to himself. It made him happy. He figured now was the only appropriate time to ask her out… He had to make it as casual as possible. He felt his heart start to race and his hands begin to shake. It wasn’t a big deal. We are just hanging out like we usually do. Then he thought maybe he didn’t have to even say anything. He can lead them to the cinema and somehow draw her attention that she’ll ask him. Yep. That’s what he was going to do.
“Let’s go this way,” Levi said, grabbing her wrist gently. He didn’t want to lose her in the crowd, knowing how her attention span can be short at times. Hange was really grateful to be spending the day with him and that he wanted to spend it with her.
The pair got through the crowd in the center of the city. They passed some stalls on the outskirts when he finally noticed the cinema. There was a huge red and white sign at the top. There were black letter cards that read multiple movie titles, including “Psycho”, “The Wizard of Oz”, “The Godfather”, and “The Best Years of Our Lives.” There was a ticket booth in the center with glass doors on either side. Levi had finished his ice cream cone and had a wrapper remaining. Hange finished too. Great, he thought. There’s a trash can right by the cinema. I’ll go over there, draw her attention this way, and she’ll invite me to go in. 
“I’ll take your wrapper,” he said, putting his hand out. 
“It’s okay, I got it,” Hange replied.
“Give it to me,” he said sternly. Hange chuckled nervously. 
“Okay. There’s a trash can right there on the left,” she said, pointing in the opposite way of the cinema. 
“I see one over there. I’ll throw it out there.” He had already walked towards the cinema before she could respond. There weren’t many people on this street, so Hange had a clear view of Levi.
“Oh! Levi!” Hange started walking quickly over to him. “Onyankapon told me about the cinema… Let’s go watch a movie!” Levi smirked to himself.
“I guess,” he replied, being coy. My plan worked.
Hange seemed to light up once they walked in the building. It was very pretty inside. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, huge movie posters propped on easels, and there were red and yellow flashing lights around each theater room which also lined the floor. The smell of butter filled their nostrils. 
“What’s that smell?” Hange asked aloud, walking towards the counter.
“Popcorn!” the employee responded. “Would you like some?” Hange looked behind the lady, noticing a huge red glass box with yellow and white kernels inside.
“Yes! Large.” The employee smiled, starting to fill a large bucket with popcorn. Hange suddenly had a burst of energy. “What movie do you want to see?” She asked Levi.
“Hmm… Half of them sound boring.”
“I’ll pick,” Hange nodded.
The employee handed them their bucket. Hange’s eyes widened and glistened. It smelt so good. There were a few wet pieces at the top, fresh with drizzled butter and the salt glistened in the light. The bucket was very warm.
“Which movie would you two like to see?” she asked.
“Hmm… Psycho,” Hange replied. “I’m not sure what it’s about, but I like the sound of it!” 
The employee grinned, handing her the tickets. “I hope you enjoy!”
Hange happily walked down the hallway with the bucket of popcorn. She offered some to Levi. He was stubborn, but Hange insisted he tried it. As it turns out, he loved it. It was salty and buttery, but a light snack. It was perfect for movies.
They found the movie theater their movie was playing. It was completely dark in the room, except for the bright screen. Hange gasped.
“Whoa!” She exclaimed. “This screen is HUGE!”
“If you eat that entire thing, something else will be huge later too.”
Hange chuckled. “Oh, Levi…” She seemed like she was gonna continue, but she didn’t. “Let’s sit up there!” Before Levi looked her way, she was already climbing the stairs up to the higher chairs. Levi passively agreed, following her. He thought she looked very handsome today. He enjoyed seeing her in a suit.
She picked a seat in the middle, weeding her way through. She finally sat down with a plop.
“I’m so excited!” Hange whispered loudly, smiling wide. Levi’s heart swelled at the sight. 
“Just keep it down,” Levi said endearingly, taking the popcorn from her. Hange was staring at the screen, eyes wide in excitement. “I have no idea what it’s about!!”
Levi felt the urge to kiss her right there. After all, no one would see. It was dark and people were mumbling amongst themselves. No one would be able to see them here. He, however, held back his urge.
The small lights on the walls around them dimmed, hinting that the movie was starting. Creepy music started playing. Hange’s grin was still ear-to-ear, eyes wide. She was loudly munching on popcorn. Levi shushed her, grabbing some popcorn with his hand. It was unlike him, but he shoved it in his mouth. He wasn’t gonna tell her that he loved it (unless she asked, of course).
The movie began. It was beginning with a lady stealing money and driving away in a car, not knowing someone has been stalking her. She had bought a new car and changed her look, trying to ward the guy off. It started to get really creepy after this. She was in a motel room, beginning to strip. Hange felt extremely awkward, as did Levi. This feeling, however, quickly dissipated. She got in the shower, and the creepy man broke into her room, starting to slowly make his way to her bathroom. When they showed his dagger, Hange gasped.
“Oh my god! She’s gonna die!” Hange whispered loudly to Levi.
“No, she’s not,” Levi said, but definitely lying. He was getting nervous too.
Suddenly, it happened. The man whipped open the shower curtains, stabbing the lady in the shower to death. She screamed bloody murder, pun intended.
Levi and Hange screamed. Hange was sure that he never screamed in his life until now. A few others screamed in the audience as well. Levi unintentionally grabbed Hange’s hand, still a bit greasy from the popcorn. 
“I told you she was gonna die!” Hange nagged, her voice normal now.
“Well, I didn’t expect them to show it on screen!” Levi replied whispering. 
“I am NEVER showering again!” Hange whispered loudly.
“It’s not like you shower to begin with!” Levi replied back to her. Someone loudly shushed them in the audience. Hange giggled softly.
“Maybe you’ll just have to knock me out again.”
Their hands remained laced throughout the entire movie, Hange accidentally squeezing way too hard when a scary scene was shown. Levi blushed each time this happened. He really liked holding her hand. It turns out that this movie was on a whole other level of fucked up, but it was right up Hange’s alley. She loved crazy shit like this. Levi was starting to get weirded out but every time he looked at Hange, that feeling went away. Finally, the movie ended, and the credits rolled out. People in the audience were clapping. Hange made a questionable face at Levi before softly clapping her hands together. Levi placed his hand on her chin and turned her face towards him. 
“You have something on your cheek,” Levi said. He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket, inspecting her face.
“Oh, it’s probably popcorn,” Hange chuckled, her cheeks flushing red. Thank God the room was still a bit dark.
He started to smush the kerchief on her cheek, trying to rub off the butter. He was looking at her so intricately, so carefully. The lights started to brighten the room again. They were almost alone in the theater. 
“There you go,” Levi said, folding his dirty kerchief and placing it in his pocket. Hange was feeling adventurous today. He got her all hot and bothered by staring so beautifully at her face. 
“You’ve got something on your face, too,” Hange said nervously. Levi knitted his brows. 
“Here,” She said, slowly leaning in. She placed a soft but sweet kiss on his beautiful lips. Levi was shocked, pleasantly shocked. He kissed her back for that brief moment. His cheeks flushed red as he tried to hide his excitement from her kiss.
When she pulled away, their eyes locked. 
“I think I missed a spot,” Levi said softly, placing his hand on her cheek, kissing her softly again.
“So…” Levi began as they walked out of the theater. “He was the psycho the whole time? His mother wasn’t even alive…”
“Uh huh!” 
“That’s a Psycho for you,” Levi added. Hange started to laugh. Levi smiled; Hange was lucky enough to catch his smile. He didn’t show his teeth, but the corners of his mouth turned up in a happy, content smile. He hadn’t felt happy (or felt this happy) in a long, long time. 
“Levi,” Hange said, looking over at him. “Let’s see more movies together sometime.”
Levi smiled visibly at her. “Let’s do that.”
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
Welcome to Wolfs Rock [Werewolf! America x reader]
Wordcount: 4, 913 Synopsis: It’s only the first day of your trip to Wolfs Rock, and Alfred is already getting on your nerves. You’re both eager to make things work, but the arrival of a handsome third-wheeler jeopardizes the efforts. Mathias Densen, the camp coordinator. Strangely enough, he ends up being a bigger help to your relationship than expected. When Alfred goes missing, he helps you find him. It’s a nightmare on your end, but it’s more of a mystical daydream to Alfred. The reader is referred to as she/her.
It all started on the camping trip in September.
Being not too cold and not too hot, it was meant to be the best month of the year to go and explore the wilderness. Alfred couldn't shut up about a resort inner state. He was always an outdoorsy person, and this place practically knocked his socks off.
Because rather than going old school and pitching up a tent, you were both staying in a picturesque wooden lodge.
He booked a spot overlooking a lake. Surrounding that was a thick forest of pine trees, making for the perfect hiking trail. You haven't even had a chance to admire the scenery yet, having been stuck being the bellboy, towing around his things.
Racing up the stairs to the porch, he spun around and gleamed at you. "Hurry up, already! I'm dying to see the inside of this lodge!" He exclaimed eagerly, turning back to slot the key into the door. "Man, this place already looks better than the pictures."
You hauled up both of your suitcases with a heavy huff. "You know you can go inside first, right? You've always been ahead of me." He shot you a funny look at what you said before taking your hand. The trip had barely started, and you were giving him attitude. Well, pre-attitude. But he wasn't having any of it.
"And you know I'd never go inside without you, babe. Now cheer up, okay? I'm sorry I dragged you around," Alfred sighed, catching a small smile stretch your lips. "That's my girl." The guy had a way with words, so you found yourself forgiving him faster than you wanted. That didn’t mean you couldn’t be mad during the moment, though.
The excitable goof kept running off and leaving you behind. With his things. His fishing gear.
"Ditch me again and I’m taking the car home, Al."
He laughed nervously. "Wouldn’t be the first time."
"That’s how you know I’m serious."
"So I'll chase you down the road. Works eventually," He added, catching a light glare from you. "And we won't be doing that today." He whispered. Taking your cheek in one hand, he leaned in and pressed a warm kiss to your mouth. It was slow and heated, as always. When you returned it, which was hard enough already, Alfred couldn’t help noticing how gentle you were being.
And he didn’t do well with gentle.
"It’s like you hate being around me sometimes," He mumbled over your lips. "What is your problem?" Your attitude transferred to him through the kiss, but he had another way of expressing it. He was leaning in for seconds, and you weren't too thrilled.
Before he could even graze his tongue on you, you clamped a hand over his mouth. "My problem is that you can't take me seriously," You murmured. He blinked, taken aback by your as-a-matter-of-factly tone. "So it’s just as much of a you problem." Releasing him at that, you made your way up the stairs with your things.
Alfred usually would've offered to take your stuff up for you, but it didn't look like you wanted the help.
"But whatever. I don't wanna fight with you."
He hung his head, feeling a hard frown work into his features. So much had changed since you first got together with him. You two weren't always going back and forth at each other. Disagreeing over anything and everything. The chemistry changed for the worse, but one thing remained constant.
He was still crazy about you. Whether you felt the same was a question that needed answering. Once Alfred got his things upstairs, he sat on the bed and watched you change. With his legs sprawled and hands behind his back, he kept a lazy, dazed stare on your form as you took your shirt off. This was the best part. Until he got caught, that is.
Spinning to him with your face flushed red, you tore him a new one. "What're you doing here? Get out!" His eyes widened as a prominent blush took over. Looks like he just made a huge mistake. So he stood up, moved away, and backed up slowly. "Are you dense? Go!" You gave him a strong shove back. He stopped abruptly by the stairs to keep his footing.
"Aye, ooh—" He threw his hands up defensively. "I’m sorry! I just thought you’d be okay with it."
"No, you peeping Tom! If you had your glasses on, you’d be at the bottom of the stairs by now." You finished, walking to the other side of the room.
Alfred covered his eyes. "So, do I go downstairs?"
He couldn’t understand why you were so mad, so maybe he was dense. It went without saying that he’d seen you in less, and none of those times ended with him getting pushed down the stairs.
"Just turn around. I need your help with sunscreen."
The two of you hiked around the mountains for the rest of the day. You only managed a few bad photos of chipmunks, but that didn’t matter when you took great ones with Alfred. He certainly talked enough to be one. By the time you returned to camp for dinner, you'd forgotten what you were so annoyed at him for. Maybe him getting hurt had something to do with it.
"Only kids trip over their own feet," You laughed, pushing him to the side to get him staggering all over again. "Some track star you are."
Alfred shot you a heated glare. "I'm not a kid. I just couldn't see the weird shrubs an' stuff!" He kicked at a stray pebble on the path, but missed it completely. "If you had eyesight as bad as me, you'd get it."
"Nobody could have eyesight as bad as you."
That comment alone got him chasing you around in circles. "Big deal, I got my glasses!" Being starved half to death and tired out of your mind, you let him catch you with ease. While he panted over your face, he pressed breathy kisses all over it. "My foot's getting worse and it's all your fault."
"Stop!" But he kept going, and you never pulled away. Instead, you returned the affection and wrapped your arms around his neck. While your lips met again and again, the only thing you could think about was this—it felt good to be on the same page as him again.
Getting him to sit down had never been so difficult. So you promised you'd get him a little bit of everything, and that did the trick. While you ran off in the cafeteria, you had your head turned to the guy, watching him beam at you with two thumbs up. What an idiot, you thought, but you weren't so much better yourself when you ran right into someone.
The collision was hard, almost as if you ran into a pole. When you glanced up at them, it became clear why—he was huge. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going," You apologized. Your uneasiness, however, melted away when you heard him laugh. When he fell quiet, his energy never left his toothy grin. Something about him reminded you of Alfred.
Blonde, blue eyes, and oozing with charisma. But rather than having his bangs swept to one side, his hair stuck up in all sorts of directions.
He hadn't even opened his mouth yet, and you could tell his personality was just as big as he was. "Don't worry about it! Didn't feel a thing," He piped, turning to the side to hand you a tray. "Here you go. Oh, and don't get the coleslaw. It tastes like soggy newspaper shavings."
"Thank y—" Before you could manage another word, the stranger pulled out a plate from nowhere and plopped a few potatoes on it. "—ou." He set the plate on your tray and gleamed at you.
"Try this. It’s the best thing in the cafeteria. I'd know cuz' I made it myself."
"Wow, um—" Your gaze traveled down to his dress shirt, and over his breast pocket was a name tag. That explained a lot. "—thanks, Mathias," He gave his name tag a playful tap as if to say, that's me. You gave a firm smile as you leaned down to take another tray. "You work here as one of the chefs?"
The man followed you down the aisle. "Eh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. I'm the camp coordinator,"
"And they let you in the kitchen?" Mathias shrugged. "Huh. Sounds like fun." You mused, filling up two cups with ice-cold water.
"That's why I work here," He hummed, extending a hand to point at your trays. If the second one wasn't for you, then—"Is this your way of asking me out?"
Alfred suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through his leg. "Agh. Stupid foot," Kicking it up onto a chair, he pulled up his pant leg and inspected it. His foot was cramping, and the bandages around his leg were loosening by the second. "Dammit. Some camping trip this is." While he tightened up the rings of white, he caught sight of two figures in his peripherals. One of them he recognized to be you, but the other was a complete stranger. "...?"
You were walking in his direction, and so was he.
"Making friends already, are we?" Alfred mused. You took a seat opposite him while the stranger slid a plate his way. He eyed his food for a moment before catching sight of the name tag. "Oh. Never mind," He would’ve left it at that if it weren’t for your newest pal pulling out a chair. "... Uh... Who’s this?" He tried to be friendly, but his face wasn’t having it.
"Just some dude I bumped into," You explained eagerly. Mathias beamed at Alfred, whose brows were raised in an unimpressed look. "Turns out he organizes everything here. And I was kinda hoping he’d help you with your bandages."
"Right," Alfred tensed up. Great, now he felt bad. The Dane leaned forward and set a first aid kit on the table, making the cutlery rattle. "Wait, wait, wait. You don’t have to do that! I’m totally good. See?" He pulled his pant leg up to reveal a sloppy job of patching himself up. "It’s drying up."
Mathias craned his head to the side. "I dunno about that, friend. You don’t wanna get an infection," He rolled his sleeves up and started rummaging through the trauma kit. And damn, was he ripped. "Alcohol is best for stuff like this."
Alfred wrinkled his nose. "Alcohol? But—agh, fuck!"
"Dude," You whispered-shouted, darting your eyes to the table beside. A couple of kids were staring and cackling at the man who just dropped an F-bomb.
"Fudge! Hey, can you chill with the rubbing?"
The act of kindness turned into something else. It used to be just you and him, but Mr. Camp Coordinator here decided he didn’t have a job to work anymore. Alfred even brought that up disguised as a harmless joke, but Mathias was too unassuming. "But I am doing my job! I’m making sure everybody’s having a good time. Trust me, you’ll have a better day with your leg all fixed up," He grinned, giving his back a few hard slaps to make his torso bounce.
"Yeah, okay, haha. Enough about the leg. I can’t even feel anything anymore," Alfred stared at him through his eyebrows. His reaction was more than enough to get you to slow your movements. What was his deal? Whatever it was, you figured that Mathias had overstayed his welcome. So you did what anybody would’ve done. You lied.
"So, Mat..." Mathias lit up while Alfred’s frown deepened. Mat? Really? "... Alfred and I were just gonna wrap up for the night. We were planning to get up early and go... Fishing,"
"Fishing? Awesome! You know, I’ll be around for the first info sesh. I’ll see you there!" The other chimed. While Alfred shot you an angry look, you shrugged in defeat. Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, Mathias got out of his chair and appeared behind you. There, he draped an arm over your shoulder. "So, what’s about that date? Yay or nay?"
Immediately after you gave him a no, Alfred pulled you out of the place. Needless to say, neither of you was joining Mathias for fishing in the morning.
"You said I was dense, but that’s what I call dense!" He hissed, pointing at the cafeteria accusingly. He gave his head a frustrated shake as he continued down the path. You followed after, feeling your chest tighten as he walked off without you. After a few suffocating seconds of silence, he marched back and pulled you into a tight hug. Thank God.
"I’m sorry. This is kinda my fault," He screwed his eyes shut while you squeezed him back. You were way past being upset at anybody, being drained in all manners someone could be drained. All you wanted was to curl up under the covers with him and forget what happened tonight. But fate had something else in store for you both.
"I need to cool off. I really want tonight to work," Alfred pulled away, showing you a small, albeit sweet smile that got you weak at the knees. Handing you the keys at that, he gave one final wave before disappearing into the dark in a brisk jog. "I'm gonna take a walk. A quick one. I'll be back before you know it! So, put on a movie or something!"
"Okay! Don't take too long!" You called back. "And watch the leg!" When you stood up straight again, you found yourself smiling in excitement. Aside from what went down earlier in the day, you were hopeful everything would pan out the way you wanted. He would’ve agreed if he heard you say it.
The walk back to your lodge was short. While you made your way back, you'd glance up at the night sky to watch nature's fireworks. The full moon was huge. There was something ethereal about its ghostly white glow, so it was too bad Alfred wasn't here to see it with you. Without warning, your train of thought was interrupted by a wolf’s howl.
"... Oh God." Letting him run off by himself didn't seem so good of an idea anymore. But you trusted him to be smart. So long as he stayed on the main street lit up by street lamps, the chances of him getting eaten were pretty low.
"Oh, cool! A secret trail!" Alfred mused. Diverging off the path he was on, he wandered into a darker area of the camp. It looked like a field they used to pitch up tents in. The edges were lined with tall pines, so he figured not to get any closer to them. "I guess this is where everything stops,"
He pulled out his phone to turn on the flashlight. The second he turned on the beam, he was met with a wolf sitting several yards away on the grass. Turning its head to the source of the light, it bared its fangs and let out a low growl. "Oh, shit—" He breathed, taking a few steps back. He needed to get the hell out of here before he had his face ripped off.
The animal began to rise, never tearing its reflective yellow eyes off the man before him. That was when Alfred entered panic mode.
While sweat ran down his temple like bullets, he stumbled out a few words. "Uh... Nice doggy?" The creature managed to stand, but not on all fours. Instead, it stood on two legs like a humanoid.
"Wait. What?"
It lunged forward and pounced on him, head-first.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up..." After several failed attempts at calling Alfred, you were really starting to freak out about the idea of finding his dead body somewhere in the woods. When he said he’d make it quick, you never thought it meant over an hour! That warranted an explanation over the phone, but he couldn’t do you the least of giving you that. So what did you do? You called for help.
"Yello? This is the camp coordinator of Wolfs Rock Camp. What may I assist you with that you need assisting with tonigh—"
"Mathias! Hey! Is this Mathias?" You spoke frantically, hearing a thoughtful hum from the other side.
"Yep, this is me. What can I help you with? Could you tell me your cabin number?"
"Alfred’s missing."
Two strong torch beams scanned around a spot on the wide asphalt road. Even after an hour of relentless searching, neither of you found any sign of him. You even returned to your lodge a few times, hoping to see him outside the door, waiting for you. But he never showed. Exhausted and worried sick, you collapsed onto a bench and hung your head.
Your companion took a seat next to you. "Here," Mathias held out a water bottle under your line of vision. "Clears up the mind. He’s gonna be okay, don’t worry."
Taking it with little hesitation, you downed a couple of generous gulps. "Thanks," You breathed, casting a wary gaze his way. "I don’t know, Mat. We disagree on a lot of things, but I think we’d both know that a few hours is way too long for a walk."
He shook his head with a sigh, then stared out into the distance. The street lamps were going out, one by one, indicating that it was well past ten. Once the last one went out, the whole campsite was plunged into darkness. To say it was eerie was an understatement. "This campsite has been around for longer than I have, and we’ve never had any missing person cases. Ever." Your frown deepened.
He rolled his head to you and showed an apologetic look. "I have to say that you guys are pretty unlucky."
"Very." You scoffed, returning the gesture with a tired smile of your own. "It doesn’t make sense how bad things can get. We’re either at each other’s throats, or something else messes things up for us. It’s almost as if... We’re not meant to be." Your expression saddened, capturing the strong ache in your chest.
Admitting a piece of reality never hurt more.
Mathias reflected that by making another compassionate face. "Hey, chin up. You guys are still together in the end, so I think that’s pretty amazing." He patted your shoulder encouragingly. "Count the lovers’ quarrels an’ stuff as a test. You guys must be crazy for each other to still be good, ya know?"
You lit up just a touch. "You really think so?"
"I know so," He stood up and offered a hand for you to take, and you did. "So, what do you say we save this boyfriend of yours? I know a few spots I haven’t checked yet. I have a good feeling he’d be there."
While he led you around, he’d turn around occasionally to check up on you. Are you okay? He’d ask. Wanna stop for a second? Running around with the guy was like riding the wind. Not only was he fast, but he was also strong enough to pull you around until you became weightless. It was one thing you missed about Alfred, and something you really liked about Mathias. "Alright. Let’s check around this area. If he’s not here, then we’ll have to get the police involved."
You nodded eagerly and ran off. "Thanks again for doing this. I couldn’t have asked for a better person for help." This field looked like an odd place to get lost in, but you had to leave no stone unturned.
He lifted a bush. "No worries! Just doing my job."
"And sorry about what happened at dinner. I didn’t mean to cause any misunderstandings." You continued, bending down to look under a deck.
"Nah, I’m way past that. People tell me I can’t read the room." Mathias called back, watching you walk off to another corner of the field. He turned around to keep looking. "But if things don’t work out with Alfred, I’m free on the weekend." You tripped over something on the ground, but it felt more like a someone than a something. He spun back around. "You know, if he turns out dead or someth—"
Mathias carried Alfred all the way back to your lodge. While the Dane cleaned and disinfected his wounds for the second time that night, you stuck around and asked how he was feeling. He’d given you the scare of a lifetime, laying on the ground like that. Not that disappearing for a few hours didn’t do it already. "Are you sure you’re okay? I was convinced I tripped over a dead body—" He gave you a floaty smile. "—I mean, you weren’t moving at all! Maybe we should call an ambulance or something."
"It’s fine, (F/N), I promise. I was just... Really tired," He explained, reaching out to nudge your face with his fingers. Alfred made a face as he laid on the couch. "That fight took a lot out of me, so I took a nap on the grass. But now that I’ve woken up, I feel... Better." His brows came together. "A lot better."
"Wait, you fought the wolf?"
"Well, I guess! He was even standing on two feet, so he had to use his arms to get me... It was like boxing a kangaroo, except not a kangaroo."
"Mathias, is it possible to get a concussion without hitting your head?" You turned to the said man, and he responded by inspecting Alfred’s head.
"Well, you technically could if someone shook you really hard," Mathias murmured, leaning over to examine his face this time. "But I doubt that happened. Maybe he had a nightmare,"
You breathed out a soft sigh. "That won’t happen again, at least. I’ll be sleeping with this idiot," Alfred closed his eyes and practically melted into the pillow. His smile was the biggest you’ve ever seen—you couldn’t bite back a small laugh when you caught it. "Okay, thunder thighs. If you’re so comfortable on the couch, I’ll let you sleep down here for the night."
He shot up and grabbed your hand, catching you completely off guard by his speed. "—?"
"No, I’m sleeping with you."
Your cheeks lit up as you averted his steely gaze. Mathias was still here. As if Mathias read your mind, his movements faltered while he worked with the bandages. He had a deep claw mark down his leg, but it was completely covered once he was finished. So as important as he was, he felt like he wasn’t supposed to be here. "..."
"I was just kidding, you dummy. Of course you are," Standing up from the couch at that, you gave him another look of concern. "I was really worried, you know. I’m never letting you run off by yourself ever again," Making your way around to his head, you leaned down and pecked his forehead. If you lingered your lips on him for any longer, you would’ve felt him heat up in a blush. This whole exchange wasn’t exactly private, after all.
"But if Mat says you’re gonna be okay, I’ll have to believe him." You walked off to the kitchen. "I’ll get you guys some water."
"Thanks! I’m parched!" Mathias glanced down at his patient, then shot him a wink. "Your girlfriend’s crazy about you, dude."
Alfred turned redder than a tomato. "What the hell, man? Just because she turned you down—"
"I’m serious! She couldn’t stop talking about you."
"Yeah, cuz’ I disappeared!"
"Trust me, friend. She’s more in love with you than you think." Mathias grinned. "You’ll see."
Alfred slept like a log that night. When he woke up, the first thing he did was go to the bathroom. After moving you carefully off his chest, he leaned over and put on his glasses. Was it just the morning rust, or was this thing super blurry? Seeing through the lenses made his vision worse than without them. "Huh." Setting them down on the bedside table, he decided he didn’t need them for now.
What he saw in the bathroom mirror, however, had him wondering if he needed his glasses after all.
His reflection showed him with a long, thick beard along with a head of messy, overgrown hair. A few seconds later, he let out the loudest scream.
Alfred’s eyes flew open, but he never stopped screaming. "Ahh!" When he quietened down, he quickly came to realize he was in the same spot as he was last night. The strange field where he met the strange wolfman. Was that all a dream? But that was beside the point. Something was on his legs. He assumed the worst as he scrambled up his feet, but he overreacted. Instead of an animal that was with him, it was a person. And it wasn’t just any person.
You rolled onto your back so you could better see him. "Alfred?!" You spluttered. The body you tripped over ended up being your boyfriend!
"Oh my God, Alfred!"
Jumping up so you could throw yourself on him, you wrapped your arms around his neck for a bone-crushing hug. "I was so worried! What the hell were you doing here? Why were you sleeping in a place like this? Was that why you never answered my calls?" While you examined his face frantically, he blinked furiously in shock. Only now did it hit him that everything in the last ten hours was a dream.
Getting carried back by Mathias, getting treated by Mathias, falling asleep, then waking up to a face full of hair. As he lingered on the fleeting memory, he grew distracted enough to lost his footing. Falling onto his ass with a grunt, he never managed to tell you off for it when you hugged him on his lap.
And there on his lap you remained.
He returned the embrace, making sure to pin your head down with his chin while he was at it. "Did you miss me?" He murmured, pressing a stretched out kiss to your cheek. It was a question easily answered by your tight hold on him.
How could he have ever doubted you?
"Your girlfriend’s crazy about you, dude!"
Whatever all that was about, he was slowly forgetting it already. The weird dream was vivid enough to give him the heebie-jeebies, but for some reason, he was glad he had it. But never mind that. What mattered was now, and having you forever. "I’m sorry I ran off."
You squeezed him desperately. It had only been a few hours, but it felt like forever since you’d seen him. "Nothing’s ever normal about you. You can’t even take a walk without getting a search party for you!"
Mathias jogged up to you both. "Looks like the gang’s all here! Good to have you back, dude."
Alfred let out a few breathy chuckles. Nothing was ever normal about you and him, was it? "Hey, let’s be nice. If you mean that as a compliment, I’ll take it," He closed his eyes and sighed contentedly. You were back to kissing him, but the affection translated to something tenfold of what he gave you. It didn’t look like you gave a damn about an audience, so he had to stop you before you got too carried away. "Hey, woah—save some for the bedroom—Ow, ow, ow!"
After giving him a hard pinch on the cheek, you stood up to thank Mathias again. Pulling him in for a hug, he spun you around a few circles before setting you down on your feet. "Maybe next time, eskler." He hummed, giving your head a gentle pat. "If something like this happens again and he doesn’t make it, the date’s still on the table!"
Alfred stood up again. "Could you leave my girlfriend alone?!" He picked up a pebble and threw it right into his head. "I’m not going anywhere anytime soon!"
You broke out into a laughing fit when you watched Mathias stumble forward a few steps. When you quietened down, it was just you and Alfred standing in the field. "You really aren’t," You murmured, glancing up at the man with a tender gaze. "But I’m not either." He was already staring, and those love-laden eyes were something you could barely stomach. Because whenever he looked at you like this, you couldn’t resist him. "Let’s go back to the lodge."
Alfred took your hand in his. "You read my mind," He grinned. While the two of you walked off, he noticed that his leg wasn’t hurting anymore. Getting clawed there never happened, but that hiking incident did. It was strange how fast he’d recovered.
"Well, I’ll be damned," He whispered under his breath. The cherry on top was the feeling of you grasping at his arm, a sure-fire sign that you were more than content with him. And the thought got him smiling from ear to ear.
"Maybe we aren’t as unlucky as we thought."
Once the field was empty again, something appeared by one of the pines. A wolf with a beautiful coat of grey fur. It was nothing like the mangy creature Alfred encountered, but there was one feature they shared. When it opened its eyes, a pair of brilliant golden irises were revealed.
I hope you guys enjoyed this. Here's a great photo I found of Alfred: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/00/a9/ec/00a9ec9e3d5952038c89b1c9fda38158.jpgwith
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