#I wanna take a bite out of him he looks so chewable
gio-cosmo · 5 months
Both these clips have the same vibe tbh
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nori-writes · 2 years
Hi there! May I request Cassidy with an s/o who can easily fluster him? Thank you in advance if you do this!
“You love it.”
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Cassidy x Reader
W/C: 850+
A/N: YESS, I love Cassidy requests, sadly this is the last one I have (feel free to send more 👀) I’ve been obsessed with Overwatch recently especially Cassidy and Hanzo. One last funny little thing that I wanna share. So basically the way I write his accent is a just quietly talk to myself while I’m writing because I have a southern accent myself. Just thought it was a lil funny thing to share.
Also this isn’t proof read AT ALL. I wrote this in a couple periods of school.
Cole loves complimenting and flirting with you as often as he gets the chance to.
But as soon as you throw a compliment back at him he is a flustered mess.
Typically he's just fine taking a compliment from someone like another agent in Overwatch but when it's from you?
God help him.
Whenever he’s flustered he’ll pull his hat from his head to cover his face and take a moment to collect himself before even thinking about replying to you
It’s literally adorable.
Claims to hate it
He loves it.
He’ll glance over them and claim that your words don’t affect him
They most definitely do.
It was around midnight and Cassidy still hadn’t managed to find his way into bed. He had returned from a mission earlier and had meant to go home hours ago to change, shower, or even just to see you. God, he always missed you. Instead, he sat on a part of the counter in the base's kitchen, lights out, eating some cookies that Brigitte had made for all of Overwatch to enjoy and enjoy he did.
They were amazing, perfectly cooked but still a nice chewable, gooey texture to them with the perfect amount of chocolate chips and hit the spot at this time of night. If he was being completely honest though, he hadn’t realised how late it was getting to be. If he had he would’ve scurried his way home by now.
Though, the silence in the Overwatch kitchen at night was a weirdly comforting thing. The curtains were open just enough to bring in the perfect amount of moonlight to illuminate everything so that you weren’t tripping over stuff in the dark.
After a couple more cookies Cole had finally decided to pull out his phone and check the time which had read to be almost 1:00 AM. Determining that it was already far too late for him to be awake he decided on one last cookie before he would finally make his way to your shared bed for the night.
He pulled his last cookie out of the jar before taking a bite out of it as he realised your figure stood in the doorway, “Hey sweet pea, what’re you doin’ up at this hour?”
You left the doorway making your way closer to Cole. He noted that you were in pyjamas meaning that you had already been in bed as your voice came out in a groggy tone, “Someone had mentioned that you were back from your mission earlier today, I hadn’t seen you so I came looking for you. Missed your handsome face.”
He internally thanked that he had left the lights off when he came in here earlier, had he not the only thing to hide how embarrassingly red his face was currently would’ve been his hat. The hat which he wasn’t wearing currently.
There was an outline of a smile that came across your face, you weren’t able to fully see his reaction but you knew the effect that your words had on him. He was always the one who flirted with other people, never the other way around so when you threw his words right back at him the reaction was nothing but the best. He took a second to gather himself before he even thought about replying to you.
“Sorry, I hadn’t been lookin’ at the time. I meant to come n’ see you earlier. I kinda got caught up with Brigitte’s cookies, these things are amazing,” He praised the cookies while taking a bite out of the one he had grabbed before he noticed you were in the room.
You shook your head in agreement, hopping up on the counter next to him, laying your head onto his shoulder, “You thinking about heading to bed anytime soon?”
“Just ‘bout to after I finished this last cookie,” you let out a small hum of acknowledgement to his words looking up at his face, “Somethin’ on your pretty little mind sugar?”
You shook your head, “Nothing just you, all the time.”
All he could do was sigh with a smile on his face, the blush of his face much more visible with the closeness of the two of you, “Can’t be just sayin’ stuff that.”
“Yes I can, and you love it.”
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As always if you enjoyed my masterlist is here
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sunecito · 10 months
Fire Emblem Fates: Agere Leo Headcanons !!
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♕ His little age is around 2-6, though he mostly stays around 3 or 4.
♛ He’s a crier. Sleepy? Cries. Lonely? Cries. Bored? Cries. He can be a very clingy kiddo when he wants to.
♕ Ironically, he’s also the independent type. If you place him in a enclosed space with books and toys that jingle he can stay put for hours.
♛ He claims he can read by himself… But being honest, his baby intellect can best handle those cardboard books. (Especially the touch and feel and the look for the hidden object ones-)
♕ Doesn’t actually like physical touch. Camilla found out about his regression when he started tearing up and pushing her away after she tried to give him a hug.
♛ However, he actually loves being picked up, put on swings, sitting on his carer’s lap. He gets overstimulated with a lot of pressure, though, so hugs aren’t preferred by him. 
♕ Elise wants to be his main caregiver SO BAD. But that role goes to Odin and Niles (mainly Niles), who treat the baby prince like they’re narrators of a story book. Needless to say, Leo loves it.
♛ Odin takes care of the stimulation: playing, reading, his personality makes the most interesting voices for characters. Niles prefers handling the more domestic duties: cleaning, bathing, cooking, Prince Leo doesn’t deserve any less than the best, after all. 
♕ He still likes tomatoes. And by like, I mean that he still adores them. Once he snuck out regressed at night and ate 2 and a half tomatoes before he was caught by Laslow and Peri. (Xander scolded Peri for bouncing Leo and keeping him awake. She loves baby princey)
♛ He’s actually pretty intimidated by the horses, so he never usually goes by the stables. The few times he gets close to a horse is when they’re brought out for training or feeding. He brings his crayons and sketchbook whenever Elise takes her horsie for a ride.
♕ In the Birthright route, Leo finds himself regressed often, even when he tries to suppress it. Sometimes he simply collapses with stress, so Odin and Niles have kept little gear in the places Leo spends his time most. 
♛ He cries a lot about his big brother and younger sister, he has nightmares where he acts like a witness. He wakes up in a cold sweat, and Camilla comes over due to his cries and screams. He often breaks down in her embrace, crying out for Big Brother and Sissy.
♕ In the Conquest route, Corrin is added to the close circle of his regression. Corrin was surprised at first (Leo didn’t fully express his regression until Corrin decided to side with them) but then fell completely in love with their babier brother! How could they not?
♛ In the Revelations route, Takumi and Leo grow more close. They still act cold and rival against each other when they’re big, but if anyone can understand Little Leo’s behaviors, it’s Takumi.
♕ Corrin makes a lot of play dates between both princes. (Leo will never admit that he genuinely likes them)
♛ He’s still quiet, as in, he doesn’t even babble. He responds in humming or with body language, other than that, he stays silent. 
♕ 1000% a tether kid. He had a bad habit of biting others as a kid and thus likes to bite things while regressed. He has his own chewable paci and he uses it a l o t .
♛ When asked about how he’s feeling, if he says “I dont wanna talk about it”, then it’s because he’s regressing. It’s become like a code for his family and retainers. 
♕ Of course, he isn’t public about this, but his family all know. Xander especially loves spending time with his baby brother, even if he has no flipping clue of what he’s doing half the time. 
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unnerving-presence · 2 years
Rate the DBD killers from 1-10 based on how chewable their arms are
trapper- old trapper ? 10/10 very smooth and chewable arms. new trapper? 3/10. very crispy arms. would hold his hand though i love him <3
wraith- 10/10 very buff and smooth arms that i want to chew on forever
hillbilly- 4/10 not very chewable arms. they probably smell but that’s okay i love him for who he is
nurse- 0/10 very skinny and also probably burnt up from her ass blinking so much. not chewable
myers- 7/10 very chewable. needs a bit more meat on them bones tho
hag- 0/10 i’d probably get e. coli if i chewed on her arm
doctor- 2/10. they LOOK very chewable but those wires in his arms aren’t no joke. i’d probably bite it and end up electrocuting myself
anna- 9/10. mommy arms. very muscular and chewable :]
bubba- 10/10. very chewable arms. meaty and muscular which is perfect for going chomp chomp
freddy- 0/10. no
amanda- 6/10. has some arm chewing potential. would have to examine her arms more just to see for certain
clown- 7/10. probably big arms which is optimal chewing conditions. you should probably wash his arm first though. they smell like fingers
spirit- 10/10. her forearms look very soft. would chew. just not above her sliced up part of her arms
frank- 5/10. his arms are probably greasy and smell but look chewable enough. maybe..
julie- 7/10. has very nice arms. would chew.
susie- no opinion. i have no idea if she’s a minor or not. she’s super cute tho i love her style
joey- 9/10. optimal arms for chewing. would chew again if i had the chance
adiris- 0/10 would probably contract every disease known to man if i even touched her. no thanks, hun
ghostface- 0/10 i hope he gets bombed in lore and dies
demogorgon- 4/10. probably doesn’t have the most chewable arms? they’re probably at least a tiny bit slimy all the time, but it might be able to work if you’re bold enough
oni- 10/10. big man big arms. has veins also. would chew like no tomorrow. chewing them biceps too..
deathslinger- 2/10. probably doesn’t have the most chewable arms. they don’t look very soft so it’s a pass for me
pyramid head- 10/10. has the most chewable arms i’ve ever seen i wanna lather them up in my own spit
blight- 6/10. chewable arms but i’m scared i’d get some of that blight shit in me on accident
twins- 4/10. charlottes arms look a bit soft but victor will be staring me down the entire time and probably growling at me like a feral rat. would not attempt
trickster- 8/10. soft arms. very chewable. would also lick them
nemesis- 10/10. he’s mainly covered in a carbon fiber type of material. looks hella soft and i would chew the fuck out of it. he can’t exactly.. take it off so i don’t have a problem going chomp chomp on his arm
pinhead- 10/10. leather daddy but also has soft looking arms. he’d probably like it if you chewed his arms anyways. probably the best person for arm chewing
artist- 2/10. her ink arms looks very chewable but theyre.. ink.. i’d probably die if i chewed on her arms. unfortunate :( they look rubbery and chewy
sadako- 8/10. very soft looking arms. would chew
dredge- 6/10. depends if you’re willing to chew its arm. has many different body parts as an arm so.. your choice if you wanna take the risk. i personally would not
wesker- 10/10. would chew his arms any day. you cannot tell me his arms aren’t chewable because they are. chomp
knight- 10/10 i don’t care if he has chewable arms or not i want them in my fucking mouth oh my god i love knights (would chew all of his guard’s arms lowkey)
skull merchant- 8/10. soft looking arms. might chew but i am not fond of her at the moment. might warm up to her tho..
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