#I wanna boop her little snoot
klein-sodor-bahn · 8 months
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No art but a little swan instead
I purchased this little girl at model railway flea market. I met her real life counterpart September last year. Those who know know that this is irl Frieda
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anjelicawrites · 1 year
Baby 3 aka Visenyia seeing a large wild dragon “I gotta boop that snoot”
Aemond, osferth and y/n “Nooooooo!”
Baby Visenya on her chubby legs, pink frilly dress and cute little pigtails on her way to this huge, black monstrosity "I wanna cuddle the pet". Her parents, her siblings and everyone with half a brain are losing ten years with every step she takes. Afterwards, while Visenya is cuddling her new friend, Osferth is not the happiest of men and Aemond's bigger issue is how are they going to fly this new dragon home ✨priorities✨
Everything taglist: @ilikeitbetterangsty
Poly taglist : @fan-goddess, @notyour-valentine
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starryyskies · 8 months
By the way, your profile picture looks SO CUTE. 🥺 Look at that lil' muzzle! I wanna pet it.
(also I just like rabbits lol)
DAW THANK YOU!! Boop her snoot, she’ll do a little nose wiggle
Bunnies are my spirit animal (technically the year of the dragon but I’m a dragon the size of a bunny)
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fuck-the-gender · 2 years
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It's a baby pangolin! She's now about a month old and weights a full 250 grams. She was born at the beginning of February in ZOO Prague, making her the first pangolin born in Europe! The first critical phase of her life is over now, next challenge will be solid food in about a month and then going off milk in summer.
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Baby!!!!! She was so small they weighted her on plushies! Now they weight her in a box because she keeps running from the plushies lol. She's full of energy and starting to explore, tho her mom doesn't let her go far. She wasn't gaining weight at first, cuz her mama didn't have enough milk, so the keepers helped her a bit with artificial feeding. But now she's doing great!
Isn't this just the cutest thing ever!!!!
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This is her just few hours old. Her ears look so big compared to her head! I wanna boop her little snoot so bad! Pangolins are the only mammals covered in scales and they live in sub Saharan Africa and south Asia. They are endangered due to hunting and illegal trade (they are the most illegally kept animal in the world), so organizations that have them try to breed them, but it's really hard, cuz they require a special food, so this is a great success!
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Look at her eyes!!!!! The two pangolin parents came to ZOO Prague last April from Taiwan, making it the second zoo in Europe to have them. The keepers in Prague are in contact with the experts in Taiwan and they discuss together every decision to make sure that the baby survives. Her mama's called Run Hou Tang and her papa Guo Bao. Pangolins raise their young separately and Run has been doing a great job so far! The little one doesn't have a name so far, but her keepers have been calling her Little Cone, although they keep insisting it's just temporary (i kinda think they should keep it, it's really cute).
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And this is Run getting an ultrasound! I bet you haven't seen that yet! They build the little shelf for her so she could comfortably lean on it while getting her check up.
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jnixz · 2 years
Lucrecia mux for ask game
For this Character ask game 💚🤍🖤
Lucrecia Mux
one aspect about them i love
She’s so playful and sweet and an absolutely full of love. Between the her dialogues and every hint of her we see in game, there is a tint of sweetness and energy that make her feel like a warm yet energetic tinge of pink and orange gradient of a person.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
She follows her heart my dudes, I don’t think she’d be the reasonable type in the friend group when it comes to shenanigans. She’d be in the good ol’ trouble trio of original explorers with Ford and Otto. Probably the performative Muscle when its just them exploring the mindscape together. She is the type to go with the flow, or atleast push it to the path she likes.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
She loves to tease people. Extremely good at it. Plays pranks and does a cheeky little smile. Absolute prankster.
She loves reptiles and can absolutely handle actual snakes. She thinks they are cute. Boops their little snoot.
Loves adventure and exploring new things. Loves interacting with weird yet charming people the most, they are fun to be with
Other than hydrokinesis, she also is very good at levitation
one character i love seeing them interact with
Obviously the psychic 7 and her family buuut it’d be funny to see the motherlobe people interactions with her. Meet this funny lil granma that practically was the point that turned the group into an organiztion for protection instead of just research. Turns out she’s a sweet old lady, if a bit raunchy, that is part of the pioneer of old people. Also she can still wipe the floor even as an elderly.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
I wanna see more Lucy and Augustus interactionsss. She raised and loves him as a son so much and like askjdhasdk
Lucy could definitely share more about her sister since she family is very important to them and like hurghhg everything is definitely heavy but I think they’d be fine. *thinks about that scene at the end of the Maligula battle* I Cannot say what I mean but but like they still family yknowww
ALSO while I do love seeing psychic 7 interactions, I’d also love to see more Aquato Family interactions. She loves both families very much and I think we should see it!!! 
also would like to ssee more Ford/Lucy, I got them in my brain but like holy shit I can’t put it into paper but mind you I am Losing It because like they are both Saps. I cannot possibly explain it other than like-- I definitely see this type of dynamic somewhere and I’m LIKE YEAH NIOCE
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
I don’t think she was an acrobat before the Astrolathe but she definitely was kinda physically active due to psychonauts mindscape adventures. Like I think She and Marona might’ve sneaked into the Aquatos Circus to like learn, but it was Marona that had more involvement in it since she married Lazarus after all. Lucy could probably do like a bit of acrobatics but it isn’t the high-end performative type needed for a circus.
So there is definitely a time after the Deluge that Lucy had to practice a lot as ‘recovery’ from the event and having actual muscles to do actual stunts. I think she was a pretty good dancer so the flexibility was no problemo. It’s the muscle building to life another human that needed improvement. (Okay so Maligula could rip vines from its roots but she is like in a state of adrenaline or something, so that is like temporary and probably extremely strenuous to keep up with.)
Both Lucy and Augustus do this while also taking care of each other as best they could. She also probably taught Augustus his education herself so like-- he also probably learned how to Flirt from her *eyes his lines from the QA* ALSO like the kindness and EQ as well 
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screensirenfic · 3 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 10 - Possesion
“What the hell was that?!”
She exclaimed, confused and almost horrified by the ease in which Satoru had dealt with a Grade 2 Curse.
“A Snoot Boop…”
Satoru gave her a half shrug, that crooked little smile never leaving his face as if what he just did was the most normal thing in the world.
“I know that..!” 
She snapped, irritated by him treating her like an idiot when he’d just been the one to run batshit crazy into a Curse and liquify it with a touch of his finger.
“What I want to know is how you did it?! That Curse was a Grade 2; it should’ve killed you-!”
She objected as if she almost wanted him to get eaten, and if it got rid of the smug expression on his face, she might even consider it.
“I’m a Special Grade…”
Smirked Satoru smugly, walking away from her as if he expected her to believe that horse crap.
“As if I’m going to believe-“
She scowled, watching as Satoru kicked through the Curse’s slushy remains as he searched for the finger, caring very little for the amount of bodily fluids he was splashing onto his trousers.
“He is.”
Interrupted Getou, and for a moment she thought he was having her on too, if not for the total lack of punchline to his joke.
“We both are…”
He added, before joining Satoru in sieving through the Curse’s grizzly remains as if he’d just admittedly being Catholic or something.
“Special Grade?! But that would make you both, like, insanely powerful…”
She contemplated the fact, not quite believing two seventeen year olds could hold so much ungodly power at their fingertips.
“Why? You like powerful men; Mika-Chan..?”
Asked Gojo; the opportunity for another chance to provoke her drawing his attention away from looking for Sukuna’s Finger.
“Because I’d be happy to demonstrate just how ‘powerful�� I am…”
He purred, his voice dropping down low and seductive as he leaned down to her height, a hint of his endlessly blue eyes glimmering above his glasses, and for a moment she was a little bit worried about what Satoru was really capable of.
“Got it!”
Cried out Getou, ruining whatever simmering energy Satoru had managed to build there, as Getou held what looked like a wrinkly twig up above his head.
Both her and Satoru approached him, watching as the normally spotless Sorcerer wiped the Finger on his uniform, smearing red streaks of blood across its clean black fabric.
“Sukuna’s Finger…”
He stated, showing the wrinkled up, half-rotten appendage like it was some collectible horror movie prop; it’s long nails and waxy skin seeming too stereotypical to be real.
“So this is an actual finger of a dead God..?”
She asked; not quite believing that deities walked the earth, let alone left behind fingers for people to find like souvenirs.
“Yep; wanna see me eat it..?”
Asked Gojo, snatching it from Getou and suspending it over his open mouth dramatically like he was about to swallow a worm.
“Don’t even joke about that Satoru..!”
Chastised Getou, sounding even more severe than usual as he snatched the Finger back, clearly not trusting the jokester blonde with such an important artefact.
“But why? Is it that dangerous..?”
She asked, unsure of how a dried up finger could hold so much power it made a Special Grade nervous.
“Not in its current state, but if someone were to eat it, then yes; it would be…”
Explained Getou with grounded solemnity, taking care to wrap the finger up in some rune-covered fabric that she guessed was a warding talisman.
“What would happen if someone ate it..?”
She continued to pry, pretty sure that instantaneous death wasn’t enough to jar the unflappable front of Seguru Getou.
“I’m the best case scenario; one would suffer a quick yet painful death…”
Seguru said, almost as if he himself would prefer it to the alternative.
“And in the worst case scenario..?”
She prompted, wondering what on earth could get a Special Grade scared.
“Sukuna would take the body as a vessel and reincarnate himself into the modern age.”
He said; the severity of such a situation becoming reality not lost on her.
Yelled Megumi, rushing forwards to help now that the pink-haired kid was lying unconscious on the ground, the butchered remains of the Curse they’d been fighting fizzing as it dissolved in a lumpy mess.
She stopped him before he could go any further, almost certain that the boy was dead, but cautious in case the worst case scenario had happened.
They’d managed to defeat the Curse; the kid’s little stunt with the finger stealing the monster’s attention for just long enough to sever its spinal cord, Mikasama managing to perform a swift decapitation that would put the Curse down for good.
But in every hard earned victory, there was some semblance of defeat, and their defeat seemed to have come in the form of their pink-haired saviour.
“Is he..?”
Asked Megumi, her most talented student hesitant to finish his sentence, less it make the situation more real, but he didn’t need to to know the truth.
Yuji Itadori was d-
An ear splitting scream exploded forth from Yuji; both Mikasama and Megumi covering their ears against the piercing sound that emanated from what should’ve been a corpse.
The pair watched in horror as Yuji’s spine arched up unnaturally, his whole body convulsing as if possessed; his fingers curling as his nails dug grooves into the concrete till they bled, face contorted into a ferocious snarl as he gnashed his teeth and foamed from the mouth.
It was like watching an exorcism in reverse; more and more of the sweet natured boy being stripped away, until there was nothing but the raging animal beneath; the boy’s screams growing louder and more disturbing, till suddenly they stopped.
She called out, finally being able to uncover her ears as she approached the kid’s limp body.
“Yuji; are you o-!”
She began to ask, reaching out to touch the boy, only for a hand to shoot up and snatch her wrist, its long taloned fingernails digging in to her flesh until it drew blood.
“How wonderful it is to be in the flesh again…”
Mused what should’ve been Itadori in a low gravely tone; his voice far too sinister and deep to be his own, and suddenly she felt her gut drop out of her.
“It’s so nice to…. Mmm… feel things with my own hands…”
He purred; this thing definitely not Yuji as it rose from the ground in one smooth movement, finally releasing her wrist from his bruising grip.
“And what kind of world have I come back to..?!”
He continued to rant; his attention now drawn by the flickering lights of Susuwa below; his red eyes alight with the flame of a thousand forest fires; his smile almost maniacal in the way it stretched unnaturally past his long fangs.
“Women, children; all stacked together and writhing like maggots!”
The creature foamed at the mouth, salivating as if the very thought brought him undeniable joy.
“It will be a massacre…”
He grinned, and Mikasama knew there was no denying who possessed Yuji’s body.
She said, calling out to the King Of Curses as he surveyed his territory; those unnatural eyes shifting to her as if daring her to challenge him.
“Release the boy, or I will end you…”
She demanded, utilising some of her recovered Cursed energy to summon forth a Wakizashi, wielding the blade threateningly in front of her just in case he decided not to take her seriously.
“And what is it we have here..?”
Crooned Sukuna; his smile taking an even sharper edge as he approached, and only now was she was aware of how much his proportions had stretched, Sukuna’s body now towering over her as his distinct muscles rippled and flexed with each movements, pitch black tattoos wrapping around every limb and tracing across his chest and face.
“A female Sorcerer, and an attractive one as of that…”
He observed, reaching out to touch her face as suddenly she found herself unable to move; Sukuna’s frighteningly red eyes rendering her immobile as he seized her face between his taloned fingertips, digging his nails into her cheeks.
“Perhaps I should make a little pet out of you..?”
He mused, smile settling somewhere between sleazy and unsettling as let his thumb trace over her lips, the coppery taste of blood beneath his fingernails turning her stomach as he attempted to force his thumb between her lips.
“Don’t touch her..!”
A new voice came from his lips; this one belonging to the vessel’s original owner as Yuji finally regained some control over his own body, the kid objecting to any proposed defilement from his unwanted hitchhiker.
Replied Sukuna; sounding almost shocked that some nameless teenager had managed to push back against his possession.
“You heard me; leave her alone; and while you’re at it, give my body back!”
Demanded Yuji; the boy somehow being able to fight back against the invading Curse just enough to control Sukuna.
“How the hell are you doing this?!”
Snarled Sukuna; displeased to see his new toy didn’t plan to play by his rules as he struggled for dominance over Yuji’s body.
“I don’t know, but I don’t plan on letting you highjack my body without a fight.”
Answered Yuji; his body’s hands curling into fists as if they planned to do exactly that.
Called out a third voice; this one not belonging to Yuji Itadori’s body, but to her own student, Megumi having recovered enough to stand on his own two feet once more.
“I don’t know if that’s you in there, Yuji; or if it’s something else, but by order of Jujutsu Regulations; I have no choice but to exorcise you…”
He stated, hands already held ready to yield his power to wrench spirit from body and destroy Yuji’s soul with it necessary.
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texteratolover · 5 years
🎃 Universal Monsters: Rating Their Cuddle Factor 🎃
It's SPOOKY SEASON and I kinda wanna do some Halloween themed posts. To start us off, here's the classic Universal Studios Movie Monsters rated by how good of a cuddle they would give!
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Frankenstein's Monster
What a classic and iconic fella! Those bolts in the neck and that distinctive brow! Assembled as a mad science experiment and full of curiosity about life, Frank would give the best darned hugs with those big 'ol arms. I don't think he'd willingly hurt a soul, we don't talk about the flower girl thing. My personal advice? If you can hug/cuddle Frankenstein's Monster, you should.
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Oh Dracula. I wish I could give you point for being one of the OG Hollywood vampires. His whole thing in the movies is to give neck hickies to as many people as possible. From the medallion to those hands, seriously no one looking for a cuddle makes hands like that, Dracula is the kinda guy who invites you over to hang out but he wants to "hang out."
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I can't be the only one who wants to boop Wolfman on the snoot, am I? When you get down to it, Wolfman is a cursed human who becomes a fluffy fella when the moon is full. I always had the feeling that he was more confused at his situation rather than malicious. Maybe some tummy rubs and a scratch behind the ear will help to take the beast, just careful of the claws.
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Well hello Mr. Gillman, I appreciate you inviting me to your lagoon resort! Seriously though, Gillman has something down that a lot of these monsters don't, location. Imagine, buff fishman asks you to sun bathe on his little stretch of the Black Lagoon, sign me the heck up. Also, digging the lips.
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The Mummy
The one thing Imhotep really has going for him is commitment. When the love of his life died he waited a millennia for her to be reborn, and then he killed a bunch of British colonialists, so he's a-ok in my book. We should be realistic though, I think cuddling up to the Mummy would be akin to spooning some smoked meats wrapped in gauze.
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The Bride
Arguably even more iconic than her mate's bolts, the Bride has got hair that is just to die for! In her movie she doesn't have much of a personality, but I imagine her being a very warm almost maternal like monster. She's the kind of cuddler who'd gladly eat cookies in bed with you, but then fret about the crumbs in the morning.
Well folks, this is my second time making this post, the first time the Tumblr abyss ate it. I really hope you enjoy it though, and you should let me know if you have any fun Halloween ideas for the blog. Stay spooky y'all 🎃🎃🎃
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unwilling-survivor · 4 years
► Boop FRANK's nose, boop his snoot until he gets flustered about it.
Send my character a ► and a command. They must obey.
((I’m choosing to make this my Frank cause I don’t think Sam’s close enough to other Frank(s) to be even finding them to boop xD))
Sam contemplates the command for a moment, shooting a sidelong glance at her companion. Before she can overthink, she sits up and reaches her hand over to tap her finger on the tip of his nose.
Frank is obviously surprised. A little bemused. “...I’m assuming there’s... a reason? For that?”
Sam nods, feeling a little heat starting to color her ears.
“And... you’re going to share this reason?” He seems entertained, rather than annoyed. Definitely not flustered. 
“Mhm.” She nods again. The heat is spreading, and - lightning quick - she taps at his nose again.
He grins, looking somehow smug even though she’s the one who’s supposed to be getting on his nerves. “Is this a game now?” She’d been leaned up against his arm slightly - that tiny bit of casual contact neither of them would actively acknowledge - before sitting up, but now Frank shifts to face her, legs pulling up onto the seat they’ve been sharing. “Try it again.”
Sam rolls her eyes, feeling like a bit of an idiot. “Nevermind, it’s just a stupid dare thing-”
“Try again,” he repeats, hooking a hand under her knee to turn her body to face his, grinning that too-sharp grin.
She scowls. “No. It’s just-”
“C’mon Sammy, just give one try, just-”
She tries to take advantage of his distraction while he’s taunting her, but he’s still faster, catching her wrist before her hand gets a chance to do any boop-ing whatsoever.
“That’s the best you’ve got?” It’s practically a purr as he waves her wrist back and forth between them. “All those threats of catch these hands, and it’s way too fuckin’ easy t-” His other hand slaps against her second attempt, grabbing that as well, and squeezing what might be a warning against her wrist. “...Looks like you’re down a couple of weapons, puppy.”
By now she’s already accepted that he’s far more likely to fluster her than she is to fluster him, but she hadn’t expected it to be so quick. Her face burns despite her glowering. “Fine,” she mumbles. “You win. I failed. Whatever.”
“Failed at what, exactly?” His lips are playing at a smile, but there’s too much self-satisfaction, leaving it firmly in smirk territory.
Sam glares at his chest, avoiding his eyes. When she finally speaks, it’s a barely intelligible grumble. “...boopingthesnoot.”
He barks out a harsh laugh. “Boop--? Oh, puppy.” She’s never quite sure how to interpret the way his voice gets. Patronizing, but... kind of affectionate. She’s not sure if he’s laughing at her or with her. Maybe a little of both.
The hands on her wrists tighten, and Sam flinches instinctively as Frank pulls her toward him, her jaw clenched and eyes screwed shut. But he’s not hurting her. Hasn’t, in a while now-- not outside of trials, anyway. Scared her a few times, but not hurt her. 
It takes her a second, but she recognizes that the heat on her cheeks isn’t just her own slight mortification. When her eyes flutter open she’s already averting her gaze because he’s right there. She must look like a fucking tomato by now, she’s blushing so much. And scowling. He’s being-- rude. Or-- or mean, maybe, is the word for it. He’s always a little mean, even when he’s nice.
The hair on the back of her neck stands on end as she feels his breath against her face. Steady. Even. Not a care in the world. Taking his time, watching her, while she dies just a little bit every second from sheer embarrassment.
His grip has shifted, pressing thumbs into her palms as he keeps hold of her hands. Sam chews at the inside of her lip as his nose brushes against her cheek, mouth inches from hers.
“Sammy...” The low murmur is... what, a warning? No, still teasing. She can feel his smile even if she won’t actually look at him, stare fixed on the ground as her fingers twitch anxiously. His forehead rests against hers, thoroughly invading her personal space, and Sam thinks she might possibly be dying just a little bit. There’s a tension between her shoulders, a stifled urge, and she’s not sure if it wants to spring toward him or back, but for now she’s resisting it either way. 
His face pivots a bit, more skin brushing skin. He’s obviously aware of what he’s doing. Practically nuzzling against her cheek. “Don’t wanna try one more time?” Still taunting. His lips are so close. She’s still biting down on the inside of hers, tongue nervously running back and forth over pinched flesh.
He pulls back ever so slightly - never enough to give her breathing room, never enough to clear her head - just enough to lift his chin, lips brushing against the tip of her nose. “Boop.”
It’s sickeningly sweet.
It’s outright adorable, and she really wants to kiss him. But she can’t.
His chin lowers again, still resting his forehead on hers, leaving a moment of pause. Like he’s waiting for her to return the gesture.
But she can’t. It’s still not-- she can’t do it. They’ve kissed all of once-- or, well, all of one occasion, and she’d been upset and not quite in her right mind. She can’t willingly kiss a killer, it would-- it would make her, like... a traitor. Or... something. She isn’t sure what it would make her, but the fact that she can refuse him is one of the few bits of power and control she has in this place.
After a long pause - surprisingly patient, from him - he lets out a soft sigh.
“Right.” It’s hardly a murmur. Just a breath of acceptance. He raises one of her hands to his face and taps her fingers against his nose, then against his lips for the briefest moment before he lets her go. “There you go. Booped. Did your dare.”
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Hello! Im a big fan of your MK posts. So, I have an idea (albiet cliché, lmao.) Anyway, I had to help my snake shed the other day. It gave me an idea, could you include some of the pets the MKCrew may have? Of course they wouldn't be cannon, but some creatures you could see them having. If you do decide to do it, please include Johnny Cage and Erron. Thank you!
Hi! I’m glad you enjoy my posts! :) And of course! I wrote this on the bus whilst a storm was happening! Rain, Raiden and Fujin must have been arguing! I loved this idea, it was so cute!!! Thank you for the request!I put a cut in because it was a bit long and didn’t want to clog the tags!Warnings; Mentions of Kano but it is a shitpost, when isn’t it? When I die, I want that on my grave ‘Shitposted about Kano a lot’
·        Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang); 110% a penguin. He fucking yeets an ice one at people in Injustice. He thinks their adorable. Plus, they mate for life, loyalty and sweet as fuck. They can live in cold temperatures (well most of them) So that’s perfect for him! And did he mention they are cute as fuck? I have some art of Sub feeding some penguins. Best thing I’ve ever bought.
·        Bi-Han; As Bi-Han he'd want a polar bear. Their soft and fluffy. But also, terrifying. Like, can you picture one of them, with Bi-Han on the back. Magical. Very scenic, enough to be on a card you send your aunt at Christmas. That and it’s better than Kuai’s fucking penguin. Fuck the penguins.
·        Noob; Is Saibot a pet? Potentially. He does lift him up and they do look ready to drop the hottest mix tape of 2019. But on a serious note. A bat. Cliché as fuck. But they like the dark, they hang upside down. Feared but oddly loveable. And they fit his new edgy "It’s not a phase Kuai!!!” aesthetic.
·        Smoke; A snake. Why? Low-key chilled. I imagine something like a ball python. Something that’s going to be chilled. That, and their perceived as scary as fuck, but are actually adorable. Just like he is! Will boop the snoot. It’s called Noodle and you cannot tell me otherwise. Sir Noodle of Noodleton. Would be his full title, has made him a little crown.  Will often bitch about people to it. Mainly about Bi-Han.
·        Kabal; A dog. He 110% has a dog. I agree with the general consensus he adopted a dog. He probably has a staffie. A fat, happy, rescue Staffie. It’s chilled, laidback but can be energetic. Just like him. This’ll only apply to Post-Burn Kabal. Pre-burn wants a dog. But knows he has no time... unless he’s got a cute neighbour who doesn’t mind dog sitting when he’s away. Now I want to write fluff about this HC.
·        Erron Black; either a horse or a deer.  A horse is an obvious shout. But like I don’t know why I’m saying deer. I can just imagine him explaining it to Kabal like “their majestic as fuck” and that’s probably the reason why I say deer. I imagine he’s the type of person to take people camping. Just to look at the fucking deer. He’d be like that vine, were someone sneezes and scars the deer off. “Oh, nice one Kano"
·        Cassie Cage; Going out on a limb here to say, she has a dog. And not a small dog either. I imagine she’s got a German Shepherd, but she gave it a really soft name. Just to psych people out. Like “Oh you wanna meet Snuzzles?” and it’s just this hulking ex-military dog she rescued. Scary on the outside. Soft on the inside.
·        Johnny Cat; Yeah, he’s got a Sphynx Cat. Where did it come from? It was A cat that was used on set for one of his movies. It was meant to be one of the baddies cats, but he could not stop fawning over it. And that’s how Beerus Snagglepuss came to be. He loves that fucking cat. It’s his mascot now. Matching sunglasses as well. Tweets about it loads.
·        Kano; Is an animal himself so doesn’t really have a pet.  I would not trust him with anything. Because I’m pretty sure in one of his taunts, he stabs and eats a lizard. Him and Baraka are similar on that field, but you know, Baraka is more of a gentleman and probably smells better.
·        Takeda; He wanted a rabbit. But Hanzo wasn’t having it. So, Jacqui being the absolute good-hearted princess she is, got him one to keep on the farm. Hoppy the bunny is its name. And it is so fucking soft. He loves it. Best gift ever. Just don’t tell Hanzo… Jax cannot believe he’s been saddled with a fucking rabbit. But he loves it too.
·        Havik; No pets but moths flock to him. Why? Because they are chaotic as fuck too. He is their lamp. Before opening Hotaru’s wardrobe and letting them in, so they can chew holes in his clothes. Chaossss.
·        Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi); Does not own pets. But he has a soft spot for dogs and cats. He doesn’t have time for himself, let alone a pet. But like, when he spies a cat or dog. He kinda sneak pets it. He’ll make sure nobody is looking and BAM pets. Even if anyone saw him petting the cat, are they going to tell someone? No. Because nobody would fucking believe them.
·        Geras; Kronika is the type of person to say ‘I’m allergic to animal hair’ when she’s not. Just so nobody can have their pets around her. Sorry, not fucking sorry. So poor Geras has been lacking in the pet department. His eternal loneliness would be made a lot easier if she allowed him to have a pet. I honestly think he’d like cats, more specifically a quirky looking rescue cat. He’s alone and thinks he needs an equally as quirky companion.
·        Skarlet; I think she’d have a snake. Not a small one either. Like a massive python or a constrictor. She’d be the type to lounge around with her snake. She gives me major villainess vibes, but on a Dark Queen level. And I fucking love it. So yeah, I think a snake fits her aesthetically and personality wise. Scary on the outside but loveable. That is a running theme for most of the Kombat Krew, to be honest.
·        Raiden; He. Is. A. Cat. Person. He loves them. Oh my god look at their lil ears twitching. Legend says Sky Temple is a safe haven for strays. He just loves them. They are calming, cute and little sweethearts. He will never be caught fawning over them in front of others. But, showing him a cute cat is one sure way to get out of trouble. It’s why Kung Lao will bring the cutest one with him, when Raiden has requested a meeting. He can’t shout at him if he’s holding a purring bundle of joy.
·        Fujin; Whilst Fujin likes cats. I imagine he has a pet bird. Something like a Falcon, it’s not really a pet, but more of a wild friend. He respects nature too much. This bird will come constantly to see him, bring him messages and it’s a friendship that was built up over time. He likes birds because they need the wind to fly. They are also free to go anywhere they want and see everything and anything they want. Something he sort of envies. Plus, he loves the sound of them. The Dawn Chorus is the perfect meditation music.
·        Rain; Totally has a tiger or some exotic big cat. He is literally a Disney Princess to me at this point. Something that is intimidating to others but soft and sweet to him. I always imagine rich people have exotic pets and well this is it. I do not promote keeping them as pets. But if we are talking what they would canonically keep, it would be something like a big cat. Or maybe a peacock. Something flamboyant.
·        Jade; Even before the Kotal ship set sail. I always imagined Jade having an affinity with big cats. But unlike Rain, I kind of pictured Jade having more of an alliance and understanding with them. Rather than having one as a pet. Maybe one she rescued as a cub, raised up, set free and it comes and aids her from time to time. She is so perfect and has a heart of gold. It would be hard not to see this. I am getting all soft and fluffy imagining this now.
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jezebeljade1980 · 4 years
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My babygirl Hope. I just wanna kiss and boop her little snoot. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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noonmutter · 5 years
Tell how you first met each of the wives and girlfriends and when you knew you were in love with them and when you actually said it. And the same for any boyfriends/male lovers you might have - how did you meet them. Are you in love with them? Inquiring minds want to know.
Oh jeez so quick disclaimer, Leon remembers all of these and while he can’t recite the calendar dates, he knows when they happened and it’s part of why he’s so damned loved. I, however, have a brain wholly reliant on logs and written records, and the logs for both of his wives were devoured in a WoWscribe glitch a few years ago. I roughly remember the sequence of events, but not when exactly these things happened; I can’t even remember the year reliably! Because of that, I/he approximate the story kind of a lot…
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Leon first meets Kaewynn at a get-together he stumbled across in Stranglethorn. It’s one of his earliest interactions in RP, actually; he still introduces himself as Cambor, and is still trapped in worgen form. He’s still homeless, still wanders a lot, and isn’t yet much of a cook. He chats with her a while, and the evening ends with her smooching him. He is mightily pleased with himself. (Fun fact, in Leon’s early months, he got a smooch–or more–from someone every single time I sent him out to RP even though he never once actively sought it, this is why I shake my fist at him for being so GOD DAMN charming)
Leon and Kaewynn just keep on running into each other off and on, mostly because he keeps attending the Meddler-run event, Inkwell, and Kaewynn (a member of the Silver Dragoons) shows up frequently. Eventually they slip away to have some fun together, because they’re both fine with flings and no-strings sex, and they’re both pretty keen on one another. Their first time (I believe) is in a mineshaft at the Dragoon garrison in alternate Draenor.
Time passes, he and Kaewynn get more and more affectionate and more and more time is spent walking off on their own to either talk or fuck or both. After one particularly interesting conversation in which Leon told her his real name and was able to shift out of worgen for for a few seconds, and she told him the meaning of hers, he baffledly admitted to the only witness, “I’m in real trouble, I think I’m in love.”
They went on their first proper Actually a Date in Ulduar, because he’d never been there and Kaewynn wanted to show it to him, having some pretty intimate knowledge of the place (spoiler alert she’s a robot that got hit with the curse of flesh no seriously she actually is). 
Leon, despite being warned by a few people who knew Kaewynn that she didn’t really know what to do with the concept of love (long story, but it’s kinda literal–think “Data” here and you’ve got the gist of the problem), eventually confesses that he’s in love with her. This doesn’t go so hot, but she gives him a variation on the “just friends” speech and they both lie to themselves and each other and say that’s fine, and the rest of the night goes as originally intended, ending with Copious Amounts Of Fucking.
They are both emotionally underdeveloped idiots so of course they spend a while feeling more and more awkward and eventually Kaewynn breaks things off with him because she feels like she’s using him and …stuff. Like I said, they’re idiots.
And now we switch focus, and rewind a little because I’m pretty sure this is the part where the timing was both hilarious and infuriating.
Enter Pinapple.
A while back, Leon had seen a gnome woman throwing a bit of a tantrum at one of the Inkwell gatherings, though he hadn’t known why at the time. He eventually found out that it was because she’d been exposed to a shitload of radiation and was in a serious depressive spiral for some pretty good reasons (I don’t think it was actually cancer but it was basically cancer). 
Being Leon, and being that he’d been given access to a kitchen and the opportunity to learn to cook, he sent this complete stranger a box of treats because hospital food sucks. 
Months down the line, we come to the Silver Dragoons’ Halloween party. Pin has recovered after some risky surgeries n’stuff and is trottin’ about the place, shmoozin’ like y’do, and eventually comes across Leon. They got to talking, he got the chance to introduce himself properly, they eventually sat down to have drinks together. In probably the biggest spike of bravery she’d had for a long time before or since, she hit him with the equivalent of “Nice shoes, wanna fuck?” and they did.
He and Pin have a lot of fun together, and they romp along at a pretty good clip for about a month. Eventually during a bit of pillow talk, Pin accidentally says “I love you, you goofball” and they have a Serious Conversation in which he admits he’s not really at that same place, but it didn’t make things wierd at all. Pin being significantly more emotionally mature than Kaewynn, this works out better, and their friendship does not fall apart.
A bit later on, The Voice Of Reason happens and after he nearly dies and is recovering in the Dragoon garrison infirmary, Leon tells Pin he loves her, too.
LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY Kaewynn tells him she wants to reconcile and asks him to take her back. This was not planned, none of us knew it was going to happen, Kae’s mun didn’t know Leon and Pin had swapped L-words, I nearly threw up laughing. That same night, Leon and Pin and Kaewynn have the single most awkward relationship conversation they could possibly have, because oh by the way did I mention Kaewynn and Pin had been in a relationship once long before Leon ever showed up, and it’d ended because Kaewynn couldn’t do love? Because that’s a thing that happened.
Leon somehow managed not to go bald during all this.
Also he asked them to marry him the following February. Though they both said yes, the ceremony never did happen, and the events of Legion saw Pin dead and both Leon and Kaewynn horribly broken. The two of them sorta gently bullied their mutual friend, Rhiswyn, into performing the marriage between them, because one of the group dying made them worried they’d never get the chance.
Leon and Pin still haven’t formally wed, because after she came back, they were both quietly terrified that if they made it official, something else would rip it apart. They call each other husband and wife, but Pin’s the only one that isn’t actually married out of the trio.
It gets a bit harder for me after this, because I was terrible at tagging things for a while on tumblr and I cannot for the LIFE of me remember how I first encountered @safrona-shadowsun. The earliest posts I actually tagged under her tag, “fizzy,” were confessionals between him and the red courier at the Ledgermaine in Dalaran. Theirs is a very, very complex relationship, but it’s very easy to (over)simplify it:
Leon is a nurturer and he saw a lot of himself in Safrona, which is a terrible thing because he is incredibly depressed and prone to fits of self-loathing. He worried about her a lot when they first started hanging out, and he devoted a lot of energy to trying to draw her out of the incredibly thick shell she’d built around herself. As things progressed over ages and ages and ages, they became business partners, and she directed an acquaintance of hers his way.
Leon’s tradition up to that point had been to put the initials of serious lovers into his collar. Committed but unmarried is engraved (that’s P, for Pin), married is branded (that’s K, for Kaewynn).
Vandrysse… is hard for me to talk about. I only knew her mun for a little over a year before I received word that she had suddenly died.
Vandy is the reason I mention that Leon’s collar still has a nearly-faded “V” on it. She was the third woman he confessed he loved. That conversation was the last time I got to RP with her. I consider it a form of memorial to never let that V actually disappear no matter how long it’s been.
anyway moving on
I cannot actually remember which one happened first, meeting Murkey or confessing his attraction to Safrona, and tracking down the posts for the latter is not easy because Tumblr’s search engine is a JOKE. Regardless, Leon did confess to the courier after some years that he was in love with her, though I’m sure by that time she wasn’t really all that surprised beyond the way he presented it. It was downright artful, the boy was trying. But this is Safrona we’re talking about, and she gently but firmly shut him down, and that was the end of it. Though it made their friendship more than a little tense for a while, they’ve gotten over it by now. He still pines, but wouldn’t you? And he keeps that shit to himself, because not only did he get his answer, she’s now taken and quite happily so.
Murkey snoot-booped her way into Leon’s life one day and never quite left. I actually don’t remember if they met for the first time when she did that, or if he met her at a brothel first. They were both open and poly people, and they still are; he was perfectly okay with her disappearing for weeks or months at a time, as long as she sent word she was all right on occasion, and she was always delighted to find that he was still waiting for her whenever she came back. She’s a romantically skittish thing, so he was actually the first one to confess he had deeper feelings quite a ways into their relationship. 
He’d hesitated to do so at all, in part because Safrona had commented that she thought he fell in love too easily and gave it too freely, implying that it wasn’t really that meaningful. Eventually he kicked that feeling in the dick and told her anyway, and though it took a long time, Murkey did eventually tell him she loved him back. She, like him, had realized it far sooner than she’d been willing to admit, for fear of ruining a good thing.
Amber is actually the most recent in the game–I am trying very hard not to call it a harem–and much like Safrona, developed first as a chance meeting that evolved into a business partnership and friendship. She helped design the logos and packaging for the Cookbook, and he sent her plenty of free food and ongoing orders for more boxes. She was a very reserved person, which he thought was kind of refreshing–after a while you sort of want to have some people who are just friends, no matter how fun fuckbuddies are–and she was quite wrapped up with her lover and eventual husband, an elf named Vaerinis.
Amber confessed to him first, and though he wasn’t quite in love with her, he was certainly open to exploring possibilities. These days, he loves her to pieces and though she’s Vae’s first, he is happy to be part of it.
Vaerinis is a happy bonus, too, though he hasn’t had much time to really develop feelings for the man as yet.
Leon doesn’t have a whole lot of male acquaintances in general, actually, and has not yet fallen in love with any or had any fall for him, that he knows about.
my hands hurt, I know I fucked up the timing a few times and I’m tired so I hope i didn’t forget anybody wooph
( @pinpep @shckaewynn @murkeyglglgl @safrona-shadowsun @theengraver @vaerinis )
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aspidities · 7 years
I miss your snake 101 classes. So, random snake topic please?
Anything for you my dear heart! ❤️
Hmmm…Snake topics, snake topics.
-I once had to feed a two-headed snake. Each head ate its own prey. I have no idea how it handled digestion.
-I’ve seen a snake try to eat it’s own tail. Didn’t end well.
-Once I was in a pit of actual rattlesnakes and didn’t get bit, wandered around and took pictures and actually sat down at one point. ‘Rattlesnake roundups’ are the dumbest things ever and anyone who thinks a pit of venomous snakes is impressive and terrifying, has a) likely never realized how many pits of venomous snakes they live near, all the time, every day, and b)never been in said pit.
-Corn snakes are one of the most lively, funny, friendly, interesting little worms out there, and they come in a variety of lovely genetically-created colors, but the plain old red is frankly the most striking. I used to pish tosh them as ‘beginner snakes’ (I’m somewhat of a snake elitist, can’t you tell? 😏) but after taking on a badly burned rescue, I’ve completely changed my tune, and it’s all thanks to Beaker.
Beaker is a normal 6’ female corn snake who was abandoned to die after being set on fire in a trash can in a public park. A park ranger found her and alerted ODFW, who called me. I took her on a as a ‘foster and rehab’ project, but she quickly grew on me. If any animal has cause to fear and hate humans, it’s this one, and she’s a snake; no one would blame her for being nasty. But she isn’t. She’s one of the nicest snakes I own, and is calm enough to be handled by children or fearful adults alike. My desk chair is often backed toward her cage, and she comes out to rest her head near me and watch what I’m doing with keen interest. None of my other snakes do that. I’m charmed by her daily. Give a corn snake a chance, if you’d like to try a pet snake. I find them just darling.
-I find ball pythons, on the other hand, fairly contentious. I like the funny fat little fellas, but I often find them to be fairly overbred and boring. They’re the common ‘boop the snoot snek’ that you see in memes and those are often what I get tagged in, and I gotta be honest, those aren’t the snakes I tend to like. I think they’re kinda dull, honestly. Plus the people that own them tend to rub me the wrong way. As with most things, it’s the breeders and the fantasists that are the problem. We’re at odds, ball python types and I, because I DON’T want to over-commercialize snakes the way some dog breeds have been, and I DON’T necessarily want to spread their appeal or make them look ‘cute’. Ball python people tend to like ball pythons, and not other snakes, because other snakes act like…well, like actual fucking snakes and not pet rocks. Those same people then wonder why they can’t keep other species of snakes in windowless drawers with very little interaction (google ‘snake rack’ and try not to feel like it’s a puppy mill, because it essentially is) and abandon their breeding projects at the drop of a hat to be rescued by folks like me…who rage against their machine but can’t say no to a sob story.
I….might have a personal vendetta against ball python breeders. Which isn’t to say that I haven’t rescued them before and I will again; they’re always around because memes are popular but research is not.
Anyway, anyone have a more specific snake topic? Wanna know about my fasciotomy scars? Want to know about wrangling Cuban crocs for my internship or labeling frogs in NZ? Blood python breeding? Chameleon care?
Come at me with dem reptile asks, your Resident Serpent Queen is waiting. 🐍
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pumpkinspicedoodles · 7 years
[Whenever-rockruff] "your fur is beautiful! I love it! You wanna be my friend?" Tail wags, vigorously.
Maizy: *boops the snoot with hers* "Aww thank you little one, but you're the one with beautiful fur! And of course we can be friends!"
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Mod replies! *boops your snoot*​
anonymous asked: Hello!! My friend submitted post/155270040149 and they're pokemon go kin c:
Omg that's so obvious now! I'm sorry, I saw 'Spark' and thought 'yeah that's a transformer, ain't they?' Haha it's fixed now! Thanks anon!​
anonymous asked: can you tag the recent damian wayne confession as incest bc grayson is his adopted sibling :^/
Ah, I hope it's this one you mean? So I tagged it all properly now! Thank you for pointing that out, there's a lot of people in Gotham! If I got the wrong post please let me know! [incest cw for this post link if it’s not super clear!] http://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/post/155256107720/i-never-thought-i-would-find-anyone-i-had-a-crush
anonymous asked: also! /post/155241369222/ is tsubomi kido, danchou is a nickname for her!
Aww what a cute nickname! Thanks anon! I wasn't sure who was talking there! :P
anonymous asked: i believe /post/155252980343/ is RWBY, nora kin? anonymous asked: post/155252980343/ I think this one is Nora Valkyrie from rwby. Pretty sure actually!
Oh! A fellow booper! :3c *boops my own nose in joy!* Thanks anons, it's tagged now!
anonymous asked: /post/155211079915 is from gorillaz!
So they are! Thanky thanks, it's all tagged and cute now! :3
anonymous asked: hey i was the person who recently made a New Years post about sora! just wanna tell u guys it was 1bitheart not kingdom hearts, sorry!
Ah my mistake! I attempted a guess and was wrong! :V Thank you, I switched that tag for the right one now!
anonymous asked: Hiya! The confession from Inquisitor Cousland should be tagged with dragonagekin because they're from Dragon Age Inquisition!!
Oh good there’s only one post in that search results! Oh gosh those tags are a tad messy! Maude ur tired go to sleep baby! Thank you very much, anon, the tags are super good now!
anonymous asked: /post/155187638838/ashfur-shouldnt-have-had-to-die-i-was-just-angry is probably a Hollyleaf kin
Maybe, probably! I've been meaning to read that series! Maybe I will, if only to figure out who is who in confession haha! Anydoodle, I'll go add that cat's tag! Thank you!
Anonymous said: /post/155271714107 the characters name is Jyn Erso, not Jyn Me.
Oh! Oh my gosh yes that's right! Ha I don't think Maude has seen the movie yet! I must pester them until they do! >:3 Thank you anon, I fixed that tag!
Anonymous said: /post/155248512340 - melody from the little mermaid 2 ! (hence tlm2)
Small sweetheart!  Oh thank you, I'll poke on those tags so we know who is who and what is what!
Mod Party Cat!
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derenyanai · 6 years
Ashes of the Old World Session Branch 13-B Part 6
Time: Sometime after Session 12 Characters: Zealous Terminator
This is a continuation from Part 5
If you would like to start from the beginning here is Part 1
"Well, that happened." Zealous, I, said.
"I have a night hag in a basement i didn't know i had, fucking dammit" Daniels groans loudly
"Well... we can try to seal the crack up, but she'll come back around. Thought you said you didn't have a cellar?"
"that i just said, just now, that i didn't know i had"
"Hm, this is very worrisome."
  "NO SHIT" Daniels flails his arms up   "Still we need to deal with this, we don't know what shes doing or when shes comign back up, we might not have time to unbarrel the door" Legs doing a talk
"I was worried you'd say that." I muttered quietly, "Alright, let's just... let just find a way to get down to the basement and see what we can find."
   "Give Me a Momment...Now its vodka." Daniels gives up spinning his wheel and stands up from the crease    "Think a good whack'll open it?"
"I suppose so? Anyone got a hammer?"
"I got this hammer!" Legs does a kick it, oh hey it...it did an open!
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"Oh.... well... good job Legs! I knew it was a good idea to bring you along!" I cheered and I charged into the hole.
your allies come in shortly after, there is this nice slide all the way down before you land, in this lair, with the glowing table the rack of random misc things the cauldron, and a bed
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"Okay, but can you please not?"
"Nyeeehehehehehehe, Not wishing to dance with granny?, thats fine, I'll let you go on one condition" The night hag cackles
"And that is?"
    "Slap that pretty little potion seller on my table and end his life" The granny cackles    "The fuck, no, Fuck you, fuck off" Daniels having a standard reaction
"Okay but why? I am curious, does it benefit you in any way?"
>roll persuasion "Wouldn't wanna spoil the surprise~nyeeehehehehehehe"
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"Well alright then... anyone know how to beat a ghost?"
"Magic mostly, and sliver, No, but shes not one of those, Shes slipping in and out of the etheral plane using magic." Daniels explains >Roll initiative, HERE WE GOOOOO
screm noises
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i charge forward toward her, screaming at her to intimidate.
SO Despite using the same exact tactic used at the start of the last fight, You does a spook her, And she a frighten, bumping her ac down -2
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>daniels turn 
Daniels moves in to swing the whip!
Well that was hilarious at the very least, as the hag swats daniels whip away >her turn
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she casting a spell pew pew, The sleep spell!!! causing Legs to fall asleep >Legs turn but he asleep >Zealous Turn
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Landing some mean hits on her, Granny body >Daniels Turn
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So, I am going to try to have Daniels dispell the ward in the middle of the room, if that's possible?
>Roll his Arcana Magic is alot like math, it hard to understand to some people, like daniels for example
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Granny turn Granny uses more spell shenanigans, casting magic missle at Daniels with all 3 darts causing 12 force damage >Legs still sleep, >Zelaous Turn
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Grannies snoot got booped by that first hit, but the second she swayed away from, If it hadn't become abundtly clear, Shes "resisting' this kind of damage quite well >Daniels turn
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Daniels continue to figure the ward thingy.
In Daniels attempt he's somehow made it worse, and its glowing brighter "ummm...WELL FUCK" >her turn
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She casts sleep again and Daniels is doing a sleep now too....Or he would be, but his elf ancestry prevents doing a sleep from magic >Legs turn...Oh wait >Zealous
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>Str check fucking destroyed
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"HAH! HAH! HAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I shouted at top of my lungs as I rip it board BY BOARD!
Christ, >Daniels Turn
Daniels should try to check and see if the ward has been dispelled through physical means.
Well >Roll arcana then    "Shits Broken" Daniels says    "How dare you pretties, now its going to take me months to make another ward, grrrr"  >her turn
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 "All of the effort goes to foiling your plan, Granny!"
She does cast another magic missle, at zealous this time for 11 force damage >Legs lies there undisturbed unable to wake on his own >Zealous turn
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"OUCH." I yelped out in pain from the magic missiles, "I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THAT!" I ran toward the shelves on the right of the room, What do I see? 
>Roll investigation There is a series of frogs on the shelf, A strange horn, A jar with actual fire in it somehow still on despite the lack of air, Wierd packets with dust inside, a whole tube full of actual glitter, 3 bottles full of various liquids, and just, so many potion components, presumably stolen from daniels
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And a whole cauldron beside that
Can I pull the shelf down, maybe?
The whole shelf full of potentially unstable materials and magic items? shit fam okay
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But real question tho. Did she regret it?
Stacking a shelf full of unstable materials, yeah shes had about a moment to regret it before being obliterated
NICE Now second question, did Zealous survive that?
You can possibly, if you can roll stupid high on your dex save
And so ends the story of Zealous Terminator, Obliterating a dangerous Night Hag Along with himself, saving Possibly alot of people at the cost of exploding, You meet up with the diety Dé in the afterlife she looks down upon you and "Welcome, Zealous Terminator, I'm surprised you didn't end up here sooner, but we're glad you came when you did" 
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"Wait, where am I? What is this? The fuck is you?"
"I am the god of death, You're dead"
"No, I am Zealous Terminator."
0 notes
mintgreenglasses · 7 years
Writing prompts 2
97) When was the last time you took a good look in the mirror?
98) Tell me something I don't know.
99) Well I'm not as loosey goosey with my emotions as you are.
100) Now I know the reason "family" ends with a why.
101) Good things come in threes
102) Don't inhale the flames, they'll go right into your lungs. That's not fun.
103) No, you listen to me! You're playing with fire and you're going to get burned!
104) A "This seat is warm."
B "You're welcome."
105) I'm gray I'm grokay I'm okay
106) Aren't you glad you didn't step on that?
107) Sure thing Sketchy McSketchurson.
108) I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a cold shower and a hot breakfast.
109) Burning in water, drowning in flame
110) "Sweet heckin' Christ."
"Would you prefer sweet heckin' heckity heck?"
"I'm going to make sweet heckin' heckity heck to you."
"You're going to make sweet Christ to me?"
111) With a herp derp here and a herp derp there, here a herp, there a derp, everywhere a herp derp.
112) I'm sorry that you'd rather live in darkness than learn to live with my light.
113) I'm a person, not a product.
114) Everyone aboard the tragedy train, woot-woot!
115) That sounded juicy.
116) A "What do you want for dinner?"
B "Who cares? We're gonna die anyway."
117) I promise it's not as gay as it looks.
118) Yeah right, and the Easter Bunny made out with Santa Claus at the Tooth Fairy's birthday party. -ThatKourtniChick
119) They're an awful shot, but great at tucking and rolling.
120) I haven't been in that situation before, I just fed you some carefully chosen clichés.
121) Why am I like this? Well, there's a story behind that.
122) It's like going from a parent to a grandparent. –Lin-Manuel Miranda
123) Yes! Break those Asian ankles!
124) Si a ti te quiero (If I love you, according to google translate)
125) A "Are you always like this?"
B "Nope! Only when you're around."
126) Well, you know what they say. Everyone wants to be wanted.
127) Dysphemism
128) Why do I always walk in on the weird sh*t? -consulting-cannibal via Tumblr
129) "Why must you insist upon the [p]ancakes being evil?" -Dan Howell
130) "I died?" Xe said this as though asking if there was any milk in the fridge.
131) "I took the week off, so get used to my company."
132) Some unspoken thing
133) "Why do you smell like [laundry detergent]?"
134) Just because I'm a liar doesn't mean I lie.
135) I'm doing this for you because it's easier to lose. -HappyFunBallXD "Gonna Hide My Wings Tonight"
136) They're in the wrong place trying to make it right. -HappyFunBallXD "Gonna Hide My Wings Tonight"
137) "I tend to laugh right before someone else says 'too soon'."
138) A "I don't know whether to punch you in the face or say congratulations."
B "Perhaps you should do both?"
139) C "What's going on here?"
A "I had a bad dream and couldn't sleep."
B "I don't need sleep."
A "So here we are, not sleeping together. Problem?"
C "No…"
140) Careful, the potatoes are deceptively hot.
141) "You're angry when you're beautiful." -M*A*S*H
142) You do not know what pain is yet, but you will learn.
143) Okay, that train of thought is pulling into the station and never leaving again.
144) It appears you make me vulnerable. -Lucifer Morningstar
145) I can't explain myself because I'm not myself.
146) A "What would you do if I died today?"
B "I'd die tomorrow."
147) Little facts become uncertain, until everything you know is turned on its head and seems like a lie.
148) I'm just trying to remember what self-respect feels like. -Miisha Collins
149) There's no "I didn't know", "I did what I had to", or "It's so-and-so's fault", just… "I'm sorry."
150) Xe's a badass, but xe doesn't have a bad ass.
151) Helpless or murderous?
152) *sarcastic* "Shall we review xir greatest hits?"
153) Esse est percepi. (To be is to be perceived.)
154) Xe has a deep, dark secret: xe's freakishly ticklish
155) Person A sees Person B eating Cheetos w/ chopsticks
156) I was kind of expecting this, but I can't say that I was hoping for it.
157) Corre por tu vida (run for your life)
158) Would you want to talk to yourself ten years from now in the future or ten years from now in the past?
159) Red parade
160) My train of thought derailed
161) A "Where do you think you're going?"
B "Crazy. Wanna come?"
162) "It's a dysphemism, not a nickname. Never take anything I say as a compliment."
164) Blanket fort
165) "Write a book."
166) Pics or it didn't happen
167) A "No you can't have my [insert food]"
B *puppy dog eyes*
A "Ugh fine we'll split it"
168) "I'm trying to purr like a cat."
169) "Honestly, I'm tired of people saying 'just breathe' like it's so easy."
170) "I think my eye just twitched."
171) "Something's wrong. It won't stop."
172) *sarcastic* "By all means, surround me with your dulcet tones."
173) For better or for worse, I think about you way too much
174) "You are enjoying this, aren't you?"
175) "What's so great about food anyway?"
176) Xe pinched the bridge of her nose and closed xir eyes, a smile erupting across xir face. "I hate you." The phrase was quiet, drowning in suppressed laughter.
177) "Loading f*cks to give… sorry, none found. Try again."
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