#I try to keep SM posts in my queue
daily-lightbulbii · 3 months
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(//i don't normally do text but cw in the tags erm. i went a little off track)
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swordheld · 1 year
i have been scrolling through ur page and noticed that u tend to put long, thoughtful tags underneath nearly every post u reblog & i just thought that was very endearing since the general trend is short and concise. im not sure why i felt the need to write u and let u know, but i just felt very compelled to. pls never stop being u.
this is so very sweet of you!! it's an old habit that i have held onto for the longest time, mostly due to the fact of tags being excellent for organization (my beloved) but also as a kind of extra space for whatever else you'd like to include without actually including it in the post when others share it for themselves! it's that perfect mixture of private n public.
for this blog specifically it's something that i enjoy since it's really an exercise or activity in enjoyment / enrichment? i like to think about why i was so inclined to reblog it, to pin it up to this lil space on the interwebs that's all my own. whether that's the colors, or the wording of things, or just what it makes me think about or feel, it's just a really lovely way of considering it all a little deeper!
which is not something that comes easy, or at minimal energy, sometimes! my likes are extensive (i keep attempting to clean them out and bring back my queueing system but we are up to 5k and i am very tired at the moment, lol) for that reason, and it's like a small goal to try to chip away at them over time, to see what treasure i can discover today.
alternatively, it's also a really nice near - time capsule of a thing; to be able to comb through my archive and see what has changed in my outlook, what sticks out to me now versus then, is really fascinating to see how far i've come and what's changed. there's something so lovely about time being instilled so deeply into this lil mini game of online scrapbooking that i adore; so i'm peached n overjoyed that you find some joy in it as well!!
this is all to say: thank you sm and i hope you try it out for yourself if it's something you think you might have fun with! let me know how it goes :)
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samssims · 9 months
Hi Sam! I was wondering if I could ask for some advice on how to make simblr fun again? I love storytelling (it's how I have fun with the game) but lately with writing posts and even in game, I just find myself stressing over if it's good/interesting enough or if I took good screenshots, if my writing is good, etc. I love this game and sharing my stories with this community, so it sucks to feel like this. Thank you sm ♥
Oh Nonny, how I feel this pain. I wish I had a sure fire answer to this but sadly there isn't just one thing that will work.
I will put some advice below for some things that have worked for me in my experience if you're interested in trying them out to try to find that spark again!
Now I have been on tumblr sharing my sims since 2013 so I have seen the community change a lot. Things change, people come and go, it's just the natural way of things. So a lot of the time your community can change around you and so a few years ago sims storytelling was really popular and it was the thing everyone was doing. And I mean everyone.
But now things have sort of fallen off or shifted and there is no shame in that for those who moved onto other things and hobbies. Sims storytelling, at it's core, is a hobby. No one is making money off of it (unless you write it all down and get it published in which case, hell yeah go you!)
That being said, finding your spark again is going to be finding what YOU like about storytelling in the sims.
So here are some tips you can try out in the game to keep it fresh and exciting:
Play the Game
The game has changed a lot and added a lot. It came out in 2014. It's about to be 10 years old. With expansions still being added. Honestly having a family where you can just play through what the game offers you can offer inspiration on how to use in game things for story related things later on.
I have found having a lowkey gameplay (for yourself or even for your blog if you are posting) is an easy way to stay active in the community while keeping things low stakes and casual for yourself while you work on finding your spark again.
Change Up your Post Style
Idk about you Nonny, but nothing gets me less motivated than having to edit photos. If I could just point, shoot, and post, I would have content coming out my ears. Which is what I started doing with my Princess Legacy. All I do is crop it. I add some things here and there but really it's all pretty much easy.
Now I have done it all.
Prose on photos.
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Prose under photos:
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Icons Only:
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Gameplay Only:
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And finally just cropped:
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Now what is the best? That is personal preference especially for the project you are doing. However I have definitely discovered the crop method to be SUPER helpful.
It makes me not have to worry about the whole photo. Sometimes I have this SUPER awesome detail in the back of a photo but when I crop them I lose all that. Which is not good for storytelling lets be honest but does force me to focus on what is actually important in the shot.
Example: Here is the full cottage photo from above You can see that I cropped out a lot of the cottage in favor of being able to see the deer and swans as i thought that was more a cozy fairytale vibe than just the cottage itself. I lost a lot of this detail yet the point still came across.
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TBH the paired crop photos also makes me cut out a lot of access photos if they don't have a pair. It's sort of made me realize how much I don't need to take screenshots of. Though I am definitely an overtaker of photos so I always have plenty to choose from. Sometimes I even queue them then look back and realize they aren't needed and delete. It's humbled me a bit.
I could break down every one of these posting styles but that's a whole other thing you didn't ask about.
TLDR of this section is to experiment with how you post. You can have a lot of fun with that.
If Something is Boring, Skip it.
Do you hate the infant stage? Age them past it. Do you hate the winter months in game? Set seasons to never have winter. Do you hate in game holidays ruining your plans? Delete them all from your calendar. Is it a crucial part to your story? Not anymore. Write around it. Or find some creative angles and dialogue to write over it.
Make the game fit you!
Follow the Inspo
Have inspiration to make a new sim in CAS? Do it! Want to make a whole new save? Have an idea for one scene that could start a whole story but you have nothing else for it? DO IT!!!
The game is supposed to be fun. If you have inspiration for a project, live in it. Have fun with it.
But Sam, what if only lasts 2 weeks and I never touch it again?
Me too, babes. Happens to me all the time. Own it. Keep it around in case you want to mess with it later. Have 10 million saves. It's your life and if it brings you a moment of joy to work on it, then it totally is worth it.
If you want to be like me: Be chaotic and post it too. Then private the posts later when you decide to never touch it again. Never delete tho. I always tend to regret deleted things.
Find Your Community
You should ultimately write and create for yourself, but find others who are doing it too! Lift them up as well! Use one day a week on your blog to give reblogs or shoutouts to your fellow creators and writers! It's all about lifting each other up and making friends who all have the same hobby as us.
Try New Challenges
A lot of my sims storytelling started from inspiration around legacy challenges. I loved to take challenge rules and figure out how to make a story around them. But remember: Rules are made to be broken. Especially in favor of a good story.
If you are working on a current challenge/story, find another to merge with it or to give yourself a heck of a fun plot twist. There are no rules!
Have Fun!
This is sort of the whole crux of it, right? And if you're not having fun then...
Take a Break
You are not beholden to your queue! Let it die out! Disappear for 6 months. Return when you want. Go play Animal Crossing or BG3 or whatever it is at the moment. Sims is a hobby. But it does not have to be your ONLY hobby. Let your brain rest.
In my case, whenever I leave the sims I am always filled with ideas and ready to come back in like 3 days.
This could also mean take a break from your save too. Maybe spend some time in CAS. Or in build mode. Or cleaning out your mods. You can still do sims things while letting your story brain rest.
There is no right answer for this, Nonny. I promise your photos are all gorgeous and your story is wonderful! But creativity like anything ebbs and flows so give yourself that grace to let yourself rest and just enjoy the game again, or enjoy time away from it! You deserve it you superstar creator!
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
so u started writing tbah in feb?? and u finished writing the series,, that makes sm sense why you're always on time. what's your writing and posting process like? do u only start posting after you fully finished writing.. do u stay active a few mins to look at readers reaction after a fic drops,, i noticed that each writer does it in their own style
oh yeah !! when i write a series i try to write the whole thing before posting about it at all. i would feel sooo baaaad if i started posting a series and stopped midway bcuz i lost inspo for it, yk?
(also if i did that with tbah i think i'd get hate and honestly... can't blame y'all for that. i am putting readers thru the wringer with this one lmfao)
en ee wayz. my process is ill-defined and laughable, but i'll try to explain!
i wrote each part, tried to keep the word count of each chapter as equal as i could- but sometimes a chapter ends/draws on on it's own, yk? some endings come naturally. after i completed the entire series i read back thru the whole thing to edit (which took fuckin forever but i never edit my work ((lazy!!)) and i wanted this series to be a lil more polished)
and since tumblr is a totally easy and compliant site i copied over the chapters into my queue one by one- and then had to compare side by side to add any italics/spacing in the original in google docs bcuz sometimes tumblr just copies words and nothing else.
bada bing bada boom i queued it all up to post on mondays bcuz ppl need something to look forward to at the beginning of the week and tbah was set in motion !!
for as long as the series is i think i actually wrote most of it fairly quickly. i really knew what i wanted out of it before i started writing it- i tend to daydream about fics a lot and therefore had a lot of it already in mind. but the little parts of filler and the editing took a lot of my time.
also i LOVE your guys' reactions !!! i frequently check comments and tags for your funny and angry messages !! i go back and reread them too to get a lil boost thru my writers block. i'm prolly the only tumblr user that actually has their notifs turned on just so i can catch when someone comments !! that goes for all my works, not just this series <3 i appreciate and love all my readers so so much, you guys get me giddy and you keep me going !! <3 kisses on all your foreheads !!!!
this got long but thanks for asking !! this series is my special interest right now lolol
xoxo ~ jordie
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osaemu · 1 year
life update under the cut bc this is a blog and people talk about their lives on their blogs!
omg okay so its only wednesday but I SWEAR ITS BEEN A WEEK SINCE THE WEEKEND. i have a five-slide presentation due at midnight that i havent started ((its 7:30 pm here)) and math homework due tmrw and im procrastinating bc i dont wanna do them 😭😭
ummm i have to make my queue post and then my mutuals post sometime soon. maybe ill do a selfship one too when my comms are done!! comms meaning art comms from other people but im writing in exchange so i have to do those too. maybe ill open writing comms for money whenever i set up paypal or something idk
kinda sucks that we finally got topless gojo but not the way we wanted it LMFAO,, sorry gojo nation. i would be devastated but dazai my number one pookie bear had the best day ever today so..... womp womp. also chuuya was so cute n silly in todays episode so i just cant bring myself to be sad rn lol
i think its funny how i stay up until 2 am most nights willingly and i dont drink coffee or energy drinks at all. im just built different!!
oohhhh i wanna talk about my irl friends rn. so irl whose codename is gonna be link on here is super cute n silly, she also writes fanfic but not nearly as often as i do. shes an ao3 girlie and shes super into zelda and thinks i write too much lmao which is probably true.
codename elsa is literally gorgeous. perfect breathtaking amazing in every way possible. shes a year older than me and i love her sm!! she thinks dazais very skinny which is true but...... hes my bf (real) (not clickbait)
codename jeanmarco is three years older than me and goes to berkeley :D theyre super fun to talk to and i cant wait for them to come back n visit!! i told them about the bsd and jjk updates today (theyre mostly involved in the aot fandom) and they said they were happy dazai survived bc otherwise i wouldve gone insane :3
honorable mentions: codename cat who got me into jjk (my old crush) left me on delivered for a whole month LMFAO, if it was anyone else they would be blocked but he leaves everyone on delivered so. im trying not to take it personally bc hes sweet but very bad at person-ing edit: he liked my spam post right after i posted this wow i manifested that so hard yall
also codename partay! keeps saying that if i were an animal id be a cat. idk why, i was whistling the other day bc i love whistling and she was like "hannah if you were an animal you'd be a cat".
anyways thanks for reading my life update ima do these more often now lmao!
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puppicunni · 2 years
okay guys, i love u all so much n ive made some rly nice friends but im gna delete this blog and i probably won't be back. im doing rly rly bad mentally and i have to step away. ive made some amazing friends here n im gonna miss u all a lot!!
ppl i am closer with i have probably already added on discord. if you wanna be added, dm me here. i'll keep this up probably til tonight? maybe tomorrow? I won't allow any nsfw things on discord though so if that's what u want out of me im sorry but it won't happen! i just wanna be friends, I need that rn
otherwise, I'll probably be chilling on some other sfw blogs, so you can follow me there if you wanna still keep up with me? but again I won't allow any nsfw convos n will just block you if u try lol.. I want peace
I posted the rest of my queue so u can all enjoy that for now ig!! love u sm
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do you know/like sailor moon?
Yes! I’m really only familiar with the anime, and I recently rewatched the whole thing dubbed via Hulu. I have issues with certain parts of the show, but I was obsessed with it as a child and love it still to this day! 😄
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sojutrait · 2 years
i know you play for yourself and how fun it is for you, but i wanted to say thank you for the effort you put into posting and keeping us updated. it makes me feel included and really, the halabi's is one of my favorite legacies to keep up with! ❤️
no thank you!!! yall are rlly the ones who give me the motivation to play!! i even try to make sure my queue isnt too far ahead bc i love getting yalls feedback and reaction to what's happening in real time 😭😭 i love yalls support sm 💕💕
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paig3loise · 2 years
now that we're transitioning into Nadia's time in selvadorada, I think it's time to break the news that once my queue is up I'm going on a sims hiatus 😅 you'll still see me posting some videogame content like acnh and possibly stardew but im feeling really burnt out trying to keep up with editing right now- I hope you understand
to follow that, when I do return to sims content, I probably won't be posting active gameplay anymore. ive really fallen in love with Nadia and want to give her the opportunity for a legacy and i don't feel like i can accomplish that by adhering to strict challenge rules. im still going to complete those aspirations but i probably won't update on every detail. i love u guys and im grateful to have a place to share my content but this should be fun for ME and right now it's not. thank u sm for reading 💕
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minnuet · 3 years
hi, dears ! if you’ve seen the two (2) vent posts i’ve ever made, then you know that i’m really struggling as of late. chronic illness is leaving me fatigued & exhausted (mentally, physically & emotionally) and i’ve decided that social media isn’t how i want to spend my time or energy right now. i’ve filled up my queue and i’m not going to be on tumblr, discord, instagram, pinterest, etc for around the next month or so. it could end up being shorter or longer than that, but a month is my plan for now. if we’ve talked before and you want to keep talking to me, you can message me and we can try to figure something out (i definitely wouldn’t mind an email pen pal). i love y’all sm and i’ll be back !! stay safe 💕
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sugasugawarau · 4 years
Hey I’m leaving :’)
(Tldr: I’m leaving this blog as an archive mainly bc making content doesn’t feel fulfilling/enjoyable for me anymore but I can’t bring myself to delete all of the memories on here. My (old) new blog will just consist of rbs of art/run on queue/support mutuals so I won’t be disclosing the url for that but mutuals!! if you want to keep in touch through disc or smth lmk (warning that i am pretty awful at replying tho rn 😣), and to anyone who takes the time to read through this all, thank you and ily)
I want to start off by saying thank you so much for being kind to me and making me genuinely happy with any interactions we’ve had. I mean it when I say that without the amazing and supportive people here, my blog would not have lived this long. I contemplated on making this post at all since I don’t think me not being here on tumblr will make any difference whatsoever but I didn’t want to leave seemingly out of nowhere so here goesss
I never expected anyone to bother following me since this blog was started more-or-less as a joke/I never initially planned to write. Although I haven’t done much writing (or rlly anything lately LMAO) here, I had sm fun and met lots of amazing people bc of this blog <3
The major reason for this decision is that I don’t enjoy making content for tumblr anymore, especially with many other things like school and personal life stff being of higher priority to me,,, or at least im trying to get my shit tgt bc I haven’t been in the best space mentally I think hhagdhfh and while I haven’t been on here recently so tumblr hasn’t been much of a procrastination fuel for me, I didn’t see the point in being on hiatus anymore if I no longer intended to come back. This doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy Haikyuu or Genshin itself any less though !
But despite my growing out(?) of this phase in my life I do want to reiterate that I’m grateful for all of you. Please take care of yourself to the best of your capabilities !! We’re all growing and wandering about trying to find our own voice so allow yourself to learn from your mistakes, don’t treat them as failures that u can nvr recover from and have fun where you can along the way. You’re worth every effort and i love u
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cerealboxmaterial · 5 years
If you’re being bullied on this site share this!
Topic: bullying
Disclaimer: Here’s a middle finger to all the bullies out there. You know who you are.
A majority of these topics that I’m bringing attention to are a common theme across Tumblr. People complaining about followers, or not being reblogged is massive.
I’m pushing the reblogging topic back for now.
What’s NOT getting attention, is also a common theme across Tumblr, and needs to be immediately addressed/shut down is-
There was an individual on here that was specifically targeted, their abuser made an account with the user's name and tacked a false accusation on the end.
First off, who the fuck does that?! Yes, I’m calling you out.
Seriously, you made an entire account solely for the purpose of bullying someone? What the fuck is wrong with you. Let’s not forget the number of anonymous messages sent the individuals way that was being bullied telling them to “kill themselves.”
Can you honestly imagine going up to someone in person and telling them to “kill themselves?” Probably not, but you have no problem sending an anonymous message telling them to do so behind your computer screen with your mighty keyboard.
You’re pathetic.
In their community guidelines, under ‘What Tumblr is not for,’ is an itty bitty section about harassment. When you go to click on it, if you’re trying to help someone out, the most you get is a message stating:
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Okay, I understand that, makes sense.
If you’re being attacked they give you ‘four options,’ listed below.
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I was curious so I clicked on “I’m being targeted and harassed” and all I received for ‘help’ was this.
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...Tumblr, you’re solution is blocking? Blocking? How in the hell does that solve the issue of bullying? They created an entire blog dedicated to slandering and bullying the individual, plus their ‘ minions’ personally attacking them, and you suggest blocking?
Your guidelines, my friend, are absolute bullshit. “Just block the haters.” Okay, yeah, that’s step one. What’s step two?
Are you going to remove the blog that’s bullying someone or keep it up?
I reached out to the individual being bullied and guess what:
The blog still exists!
Even after several people have chimed in, the individual blocked them, and they reported the blog, it’s still up!
What’s your damage Tumblr? Why are you allowing them to keep their account? Do you realize the psychological damage cyberbullying and bullying in general does? Just knowing that it still exists causes anxiety and shows that you clearly don’t care about the individuals being targeted on your site.
“Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior. The most common places where cyberbullying occurs are: Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Twitter.” Source
Again their blog name was the name of the blog they’re targeting, and it’s an entire freaking blog dedicated to bullying.
You all did a porn blog purge but gloss over bullying accounts because all the users on here should just block ‘the harassers?’
Other social media’s bullying policies:
Facebook's policy:
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Twitters Policy:
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DeviantArt's Policy: (reached image limit)
Twitter's bullying policy is probably the best policy across the social media board. It’s clean, simple, and straight to the point. Taking care of the accounts that bully others.
Notice how Tumblr’s bullying policy is 18th, 18th in line with the other policies. While Facebook is 9th, DeviantArt’s is 5th, and Twitter is 5th under Safety and Security.
Twitter has an entire section dedicated to abuse.
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And all Tumblr has is an itty bitty paragraph about harassment telling you to block the haters???
Tumblr’s vague harassment policy
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Okay, now what? Do you send an auto-generated response? A ticket? Reassuring them it will be addressed that they’re in a queue and when it’s their turn you’ll address it? Well that clearly didn’t happen because it’s still fucking up.
What if it’s too late? What if they decide to self-harm or it drives them to suicide?
What I don’t understand is why your section on harassment is so small when you can create an entire blog, not just a tweet, AN ENTIRE BLOG that bullies especially on a social media site this massive!
“Creating or posting content to Pages or Groups that are dedicated to attacking individual(s) by, for example” which is what happened on tumblr
“Sending messages that contain the following attacks when aimed at an individual or group of individuals in the thread”
Targeted cursing

Calls for death, serious disease or disability, or physical harm” again happened on tumblr
Facebook has a policy about creating pages or groups that target an individual.
But y’all just let it slide on here when it comes to blogs. That’s cool, it’s not like minors use this site at all.
Cyberbullying is the number one contributor to suicide and your solution is blocking? You all need to sit down and rethink your “bullying” policies because they put the ‘bull’ in ‘bullshit.’
Salty Cereal
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bobthebobking · 4 years
bc i am so horribly annoyed by having a queue limit i’m making a homestuck sideblog. i’ve snappedt. im still gonna leave my queue on this blog bc like. i spent sm effort queueing up those 300 posts ur gonna appreciate my work for the next 2 months. but from now on ill try to keep hs reblogs to @citrusgiraffid
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criminol · 4 years
So,i was thinking about starting my own tcc blog and was wondering if you had any tips on how to get started?thanks sm,i love your blog <3
Hi, thank you so much!
My first tip is to just start. It’s easy to think of reasons not to or put it off but honestly just start writing. I thought about starting mine for so long and then finally made it and I really enjoy it. You’ll improve the more you write, it doesn’t matter if it takes you a while to get into it or find your style. Learn as you go along.
Begin with cases that really interest you and write for yourself and then it’ll stay interesting and fun for you to keep up with and your writing will be better as a result
I also use the queue function on Tumblr, because I am often busy I can keep my blog from going inactive and also prevent flooding it with loads of similar posts which would get buried under each other
When you make it send me the address, I would like to check it out and can try and give you some more tips
Good luck!
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strvwberryblcnde · 4 years
👫 lana & dom
send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons i have about our muses’ relationship.
lana buys lots of things on random whims n i feel like smthn she wld have bought the summer her n dom started properly seeing each other is a polaroid camera. probably one of those fujifilm mini ones in pink w stickers on of holographic mermaids n butterflies. n all her friends wld be subject to hving their photos taken on this at 447294734 parties but fr the most part like 50% of the film wld be spent on dom esp considering how often they’d see each other. i cn imagine her being annoying abt it e.g. bursting in unannounced when he ws showering n flinging the curtain bk n shrieking in delight as she tkes a pic of him in there. penis NOT in shot (lana ws very disappointed when she realised altho inevitably dom ws relieved). it ws probably rly blurry too from her springing out of nowhere n running away after she’d dazed him w the flash bt lana wld never dream of throwing it away she’s probably like ugh cole sprouse WISHES he ws me tht stupid i’m weird i’m a weirdo bitch i’m taking his photographer crown n i’m loving it..... another time if she ws wearing his tshirt or smthn jst to laze around in she wld have tried to convince dom to wear her cropped bowie t-shirt she usually lounges in she’d b like OUTFIT SWAP!!!! like it ws a reality show segment. she’d do his hair w her strawberry clips n everything n wna take a polaroid of tht as well. a majority of these polaroids wld b taken w her sat on top of him in bed peeping thru the viewfinder n grinning sickeningly wide after. she’s bad at organisation bt she wld keep very close track of these polaroids n treasure them a lot bc they’d document a summer where she was rly rly happy. probably took them with her to la too she jst has them hidden somewhere.... idk if she’d ever b able to bring herself to throw them away to b honest
i jst had this vision of lana n dom taking franklin to the park n i already told u abt how she’d tell franklin tht she gives the flowers all their own names n say he shld come up w his own names fr them too bc it’s more fun tht way bt. i cn imagine if they saw two bees trying to pollinate the same flower n like buzzing close to each other if franklin pointed it out lana wld gasp n be like OMG they’re in love. they’re married bees. u can tell frm how bright their stripes r they’re extra yellow n glowing like the sun tht’s what happens. tht means they’re in love franklin. n idk if franklin wld say this or not bt if he asked what loves like lana wld b like hmMMM well. love’s kind of like being first in the queue fr the best rollercoaster. or licking the sugar off ur fingers when they’re all sticky frm candy floss. going to the zoo n getting to see all ur favourite animals on a day tht’s sunny but not TOO hot. enough to give ur nose freckles bt not burn ur shoulders. make u feel toasty like ur inside a cocoon. n love’s like........ she’d pause here. she’s crouched dwn on his lvl as she says this mayb dom hs walked off to get them ice creams n she briefly lks at him in the distance as he’s paying before lking bk at franklin. scrunching her nose playfully as she tries to stall. when she hesitantly continues she’s like. n love’s like getting home after tht perfect day at the zoo n finally getting into bed w fresh sheets when ur sleepy n ur eyes r all droopy n heavy. the pillows r fluffy n it’s safe n warm n all of the gd in the world at once. i think love’s like tht. it’s jst.... nice n stuff. n she’d jst be like :) afterwards realising she’d rambled on n change the subject like hey lk at that BUTTERFLY franklin............. bt i jst think this is. particularly heartwarming to me bc not only wld she have been basing tht on hw she feels abt dom bt. in the past love ws always a thing w barbs tht hurt her whenever she tried to hold it n.... he jst rly transformed her idea of being loved by someone into smthn safe n reliable n consistent......... smthn she cld actually make a home out of instead of constantly hving an eye on the door in case they leave / she needs an escape route..... a relationship isn’t a scary concept w him
lana n dom r like. opposites when it comes to social media esp instagram...... dom jst nt even knowing hw to use it n lana posting so regularly hving a small following fr her fashion n whtever.......... i feel like lana wld try to teach him how to use it bt it wld consist of a lot of her being like no that’s--.... dom that’s--.... that’s not ri--.... n jst throwing her head bk n cackling so much she wld b rly endeared by him being clueless abt it she’d be like ommmmmmmmmg it’s ok i’ll b steve jobs n u can be my sexy assistant tht just has to strut besides me like a car dealership model whenever i go on stage to debut the nxt technological advancement. dom wld have to be like... isn’t he dead? lana wld gasp so suddenly n be like omfggggggggg tht explains why me calling this tech nerd wearing a turtleneck steve jobs lst week bombed so hard mayb he thought i ws telling him to die..... dom’s probably like... i doubt he thought tht lana..... she wld laugh at the thought of this anyway n change topics jst the worst attention span already over it. ALSO this is instagram related bt.... bev.kingston wld rly centralise her hate crusade onto dom when it became clear they were dating / things gt mre official n serious. mostly lana wld b like this is so funny n dumb bt.... i think she wld dm bev.kingston one time being like. ok all jokes aside can u cool it a little on the dom hate not to b gross bt he makes me rly happy n i dnt want him to b sad if he ever advances beyond a technological grandpa n sees all this stuff. bev.kingston wld literally screenshot this n post it on her insta like LANA AND I HAVE BEEN IN CLOSE CONTACT I HAVE DECIDED EVANS BOY IS ON TRIAL BASIS EVEN IF I HATE IN MY HEART AND KNOW FREYA IS ONE FOR HER  n she’d update her page like 21/08/2020 LANA DM’D ME ABOUT EVANS BOY (or whtever the date ws) n it’d be sm. lana wld b embarrassed she’d try to get her to delete it she’d b like fk my fking life ur sick bev ur lit rally sick.....
lana treats halloween as a week long celebration she goes to sm parties tht she literally hs to have like..... 482759872 costumes planned each yr. n fr one of them. she’d b like let’s go as each other :) n she’d dress as an angel n he’d dress as a devil. she’d put on red lipstick before they went purely to “help w his costume” n it’d jst consist of her leaving lipstick prints on his cheek n neck n hip even if. his hip wsnt visible w the top he ws wearing she’d b like dom listen.... listen. it’s literally part of the vision n it’s necessary......... it doesn’t matter if ppl can’t see it we’ll both kno it’s there n it’ll elevate the look so mch...... w that attention to detail u cld even b in the running fr winning a prize...... then she wld take the lipstick off like it wldnt even be part of her outfit she only put it on to do this specifically. she’d insist on them getting a photo tgether n it’d b a bit gross it’d b a whole thing she jst.... wld b very proud to b seen w him she’d show him off a lot.... if anyone complimented her outfit she’d b like ya n have u seen dom he’s a devil we match :) n if there ws another pair tht had worn the same which i mean there probably might it isn’t a hugely original concept bt lana wld be like......... ummmmm tht guy is the most pathetic devil i hv literally ever seen..... if she ws drunk she might even b like ummm.... hw does it feel fr dom to be a sexier devil than u............... does it sting? jealous i bet....... n dom wld have to b like lana please.... im sry abt her.... u lk gd haha...... cushioning the blow. taking her hand n leading her away. n lana is jst tittering n murmurs in his ear like. he knew it ws true u cld see it in his eyes. he knew u lkd better than him. 
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emerald-studies · 4 years
May I ask why you keep reblogging the kpop post? I agree there is appropriation and I hope they change their ways. (For example there is a songwriter for SM that is a black woman and hasn't gotten paid.) But I am not sure what reblogging the same post will do.
Ummm have you ever been on Tumblr? Plenty of people reblog their own posts...I don’t “keep” reblogging that post. 
Luckily enough, you have free will, so you can block me if it bothers you. Which it does, because you took the time out of your day to ask me why, on my blog, I promoted something that I made. And don’t give me that “I agree with you...but” shit. 
I’m answering this ask because I’m tired of people in general trying to pretend they’re not. Learn to voice your opinion without bootlicking. 
It’s baffling you even brought up something I didn’t know about (”For example there is a songwriter for SM that is a Black woman and hasn't gotten paid.”) [Btw, capitalize the B in Black.] and yet you still have a problem with me, once again, reblogging my own content.
I was taking a break from interacting with people on Tumblr, which you would’ve seen, as I made that announcement my pinned post, and I said I filled my queue, which includes my own posts because they are BLM content. 
Get off my blog.
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