#I tried to recolor her FCs hair
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years ago
Here’s the second round of ‘Star picks potential RL-FCs for her muses’.
In short: I have picked (and got suggested some) a few possible faces that I might pick as (real life-) Faceclaims for my muses. Not that I intend to use them much or at all, but I thought it’d be nice to at least for once try and see which faces I would be picking if I were interested in doing so. I have removed some of the faces that I previously picked from the list, because I grew more liking of others or don’t like them anymore, or also simply because I tried to limit myself to a maximum of 5 options per muse.
I would appreciate hearing other’s thoughts on the matter, though if you don’t want to, that’s okay too of course. Like, please, if you do look at it, tell me what you think!
Once more - this post is long, and has a batch of images.
I’m not gonna name the faces I picked, because I don’t need it to show up in any search and I also don’t see a need for it. If you want to say something to a specific one, you can always go by the order that they’re appearing in this post or, like, describe something of the pose or the picture or whatever. (Example of the first option here, like, ‘I like Starfire #1′ or the likes.)
These edits are not done that well, some at parts a little better or worse than others. I just did them because I was hoping to be able to decide better when the colors actually fit. After each pic, I will list some of my thoughts, probably some pros and cons of the face, that I see, too.
Okay, with that said, on we go!
Starting, of course, again with
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(The edit on the right of this picture is not mine, I found it through a search and thought I could save myself the editing work)
I included her the last time already, in ‘Blackfire and Starfire’, but I don’t plan on doing that category again, so she’s here this time. And probably will be listed on Blackfire’s options too.
I’m not sure if I really wanna do the positive and negative thing again that I did last time, but, I guess I’ll try to do it. Is a good way to say something about each.
+ eyes nicely big-enough + expressive face + the hair is long enough to work
- She is, or was, a pretty common pick for stuff in general I think? - I don’t think I found a specific appearance of hers that could work well for my purposes
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Also taken from last time, and mostly included again because I had at least one voice saying they liked her for Star. I’m still not quite sure how I feel about her, but, yeah.
+ princess-y attire + good hair-length
- I think where these pics are from is an older thing so the quality probably is bad - I don’t really know if I like her smile all that much if I’m honest
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+ hair has a decent length + I can see the face working
- The appearance that I found as most interesting/fitting for if I ever do want to take icons, was I think a horror-ish movie of sorts? Which I don’t really wanna watch much, so idk how using her would go for me
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+ from the pics I saw, I feel like she’s nicely strongly expressive, like I could use for Star + I do like her face/looks
- She’s like, a really really often used face for characters I think? At least I’m pretty sure I came across her as possible choice for a bunch of muses before - I know her from at least one thing already and it might be difficult to connect her to being Star?
And with that, we’re done with Starfire!
Obviously, next:
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You might recognize her, both from above on Star’s #1, and from the previous post of this. I still consider her a potential fit for them both though, so of course I included her again.
+ eyes nicely big-enough + expressive face + the hair is long enough to work + the pic I did here for Blackfire totally - yes, simply because of it being done in/surroundedby nature - reminds me of the Poison Ivy I once did stuff with both on Starfire and Blackfire, I miss those interactions (or the mun/muse) a lot and just absolutely love that the pic feels like a little like a hinted remembrance for those
- She is, or was, a pretty common pick for stuff in general I think? - I don’t think I found a specific appearance of hers that could work well for my purposes
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+ I can see her face working for Blackfire + that pic on the right exudes exactly her smugness + ridiculous point, but if I do take her and ever feel the need/urge to actually do iconing of the FCs, and I pick someone specific from Moonshot’s options, I could get both done from the same show I think
- another time from a rather common thing I think? Which, shouldn’t really be a criteria, but I’m always thinking that people might simply not be able to connect her to something else then
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Again taking her from the previous post of doing it, because I had recieved one opinion on her being a good choice.
+ Face and eyes work, at least in these two pics + Clothes work for Blackfire + Her hair is more ‘sleek’ than some of the others in the pics I found, meaning not as many sticking-out hairs to recolor
- In some pics of her I could absolutely not see Blackfire, so I guess it depends a lot on the pose or expression which might mean she’s not that good a fit after all - Comes from a rather well-known thing so even if I myself don’t connect her to it, many others might and I know that when I feel like that I can’t enjoy the FC as much
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+ I like her face, I think it fits well + In at least some of her appearances/pics, she has bangs like here, which I kinda in general tend to prefer over all hair done back + her clothes work good for Blackfire
- Again, not all of her pics when searching for them look fitting for Blackfire. But I’m not sure if that’s something I should even list as point, since it seems to be default state. - I think she too is from a rather known thing
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+ in the right pics, I feel like her face works really well for Blackfire + I think she’s not from that known medias
- in most of her things, I think she’s having hair about as long as in these pics here, which is kinda too short for a proper Blackfire look - she looks kinda... a bit very thin to me? Idk, I can’t explain what I mean by that
Since I did only 4 on Star, I feel like I’m ‘allowed’ to do one more here. More or less just to actually have my edits shown at least once though, I think I feel the above 5 more than this one. Still, though, here’s number 6.
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I don’t really have any + or - here, I mostly just kept her in because I wanted to not just waste the edits I did. I kinda sorta already sorted her out for myself.
That makes it all of Blackfire’s options.
You might be able to guess - next up:
I don’t really have much new here, but I did sort out a few. I’m not all too fond of the younger-looking ones, so I mostly kept them out of this, outside of one who had gotten a ‘vote’ from the last post.
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The only new one of his options right away.
+ I kinda really like the face for Wildfire + one of his appearances has a kind of ‘evil’ look/attire so if I would ever need an evil!look for him I could totally take from there + the hair was surprisingly nice to recolor into Wildfire’s red
- I’d have to work on removing the freckles throughout most of his face, because while I have before considered to have Wildfire with some, I don’t actually think he has such anymore - A rather known face I think thanks to a few recent-ish movies - I’ve heard a voice before saying he’s problematic? Idk why, and I think I don’t really care since all I do is ‘steal’ the face for my own use, but yeah
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Like the other option for him still coming below, he’s taken from the last thing.
+ hair is okay-ish + medieval-ish attire probably could work well for mimicking Wildfire’s usual clothing
- He’s only in an episode or so playing this role, I think the role has like 3 different actors or so over the time whenever he appears as young - This is one of like two or so pics in total I found of his appearing and idk, on both he doesn’t quite feel right, a little too ‘stiff’ or ‘serious’ idk (though I guess Wildfire is that too at times, idk it’s just hard to explain)
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This had before been his #5, but since I only have 3 options here this time, he’s now #3 instead I guess.
+ face is ‘long-ish’, which I kinda feel helps + I like his face better than #1
- the first pic looks like he’s a good fit, but on the one on the right it doesn’t quite feel that much like a fit - I’m not sure if he’s from too known stuff as well
Okay, Wildfire done!
Now we’re having someone who I had absolutely zero idea for last time, and I didn’t even expect to ever have potential faces. But thanks to wonderful suggestions, I do now! So here comes
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+ good-enough hair+beard + a warrior-esque role at least once + I think he looks at least kinda like that without being in-role too, which would mean more possibilities for editing/iconing/whatever
- I could say that his hair is good but not long enough or some other details of Galfore’s look like the braids and such, but honestly, this is probably as close as I can get with actual people so yeah - From a popular series that I never watched, and didn’t exactly plan to ever do, if I do pick him though and want to make icons or something, I might have to
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+ hair+beard working pretty well, again + warrior-like role too + I think the hair here is a little longer than with #1, so maybe a little better a fit?
- idk how big his appearance was, gotta re-check the movie for that
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+ I could use the eyepatch as excuse of not having to edit Galfore’s scar and broken eye, though I’d have to mirror the pics first since it’s the wrong eye here + hair+beard work well again + A viking, so definitely filling the slot of warrior too
- In most of his appearance, he’s wearing the helmet that you can see on the right? I actually haven’t yet checked if the actor had other roles with similar attire/hair/etc - I don’t really think Galfore would be wearing an eyepatch?
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(Only one edit here bc I grew tired of editing)
+ his face kinda works I think?
- he barely has any appearances anywhere I think
That’s Galfore done, too.
So we continue onwards, though for the next two there haven’t really been any changes. Still, though, in order to maybe get some opinions for them too, they’re included, so next up:
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Okay, uh, let’s be honest, I don’t really consider anyone else anymore. I have gotten one pretty excited feedback from the last time, and, I just think her face works really well for Starlight.
+ I like her face + I’m pretty sure she wears some really nice colorful things throughout the show, and even changes style eventually which means a nice variation
- From a well-known thing - I think by now she is a singer of sorts so maybe too many can’t quite connect her to something else
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This is the only other one I’d really consider for her, mostly as a form of older looks. And when I say older, here, I mean like somewhere in her 20s or late teen or so.
(Also I just need to say that this is probably the best likeness to how I actually imagine Starlight’s hair that I managed to create)
+ hair was nice to recolor + I like her face
- (feeling) too old for how Starlight is at the moment - I think she too comes from a well-known thing
And with that, Starlight’s already done, too.
On to the last but not least,
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Those are all taken from last time, so my pro and con also gets copied from there, as I did with the other repated ones above already too.
+ ‘square-y’ face in the way I feel I’d need it + ‘small’ eyes, as in narrowed a bit
- the hair isn’t quite perfect since Moonshot has a bit longer of a hair and more… more messy - I don’t like his face in some of the pics a picture-search gives me
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+ face and eyes again fit to what I’d be looking for + a good amount of the pics of a picture-search actually are ones I can see working
- I think he’s from something well-known again - and again the hair with the same reasoning as above, but tbh I don’t think I even can find anyone completely fitting anyway
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+ face works I think + many pics of the result are ones I can see work
- comes from a rather popular thing as far as I can tell - in some angles, or maybe simply at another time of the actor’s life idk, the face doesn’t look that fitting anymore
Aaaaand... finish!
I kinda doubt anyone actually looks as far as here, though if you do, thank you!
I’d really appreciate hearing opinions, if you can see any of them work or not and maybe why. You could even name me other options if you want to, too, though I don’t think I’m gonna make another post of FC-options since I’m kinda fed up with doing the work and not being able to decide.
Of course I do have my own favourites, slightly, but I’d really like to hear feedback! Like, you could even tell me for those of my muses you don’t know, just look at my pics of them on my pages or something, if you really want to give me feedback! Thank you a lot in advance if you do!
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wanderlust-songbird · 4 years ago
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//Was gone for most of the day, but I did some color editing during the car ride. Not the best to be honest since I tried to rush, but I'm still posting it.
Albedo does look nice with Vega's colors. Makes me consider on it being a potential FC for her if I chose to change it. Though I probably won't really recolor the hair if I did make icons since that takes a while & I didn't really note down the color I used to really get it done faster. I would likely just leave it black & white save for the eyes.
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basmakimusa-blog · 8 years ago
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Added a new character to the blog
0 notes
starsmuserainbow · 4 years ago
So, okay, finally finished what I’ve been working on. In case you’d like to know what it was, it’ll be shown in this post, though for now, here’s a summary and a cut because this’ll be long, and have some images too.
In short: I have picked a few possible faces that I might pick as (real life-) Faceclaims for my muses. Not that I intend to use them much or at all, but I thought it’d be nice to at least for once try and see which faces I would be picking if I were interested in doing so.
I would appreciate hearing other’s thoughts on the matter, though if you don’t want to, that’s okay too of course.
Once more - this post is long, and has a batch of images.
Like said before the cut - this whole thing is not about anything that’ll be a prominent thing on my blogs. I did this mostly for the sake of being able to compare it better, and thought it’d be nice to share it and maybe even get some other opinions.
I’m not gonna name the faces I picked, because I don’t need it to show up in any search and I also don’t see a need for it. If you want to say something to a specific one, you can always go by the order that they’re appearing in this post or, like, describe something of the pose or the picture or whatever. (Example of the first option here, like, ‘I like Starfire #1′ or the likes.)
These edits are not done that well, some at parts a little better or worse than others. I just did them because I was hoping to be able to decide better when the colors actually fit. After each pic, I will list some of my thoughts, probably some pros and cons of the face, that I see, too.
Okay, with that said, on we go!
First off:
I actually had a lot of difficulty to find anyone for her that I’d even consider, more so than for most others. Maybe I’m just feeling too attached to her, but I think I’m just in general having a biiiiiiig difficulty to attach animated/drawn characters to people.
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I did this one a little earlier than when I actually looked through databases for FCs - she here was my choice because on some other pics she has a really wide smile, which is like mandatory for Starfire to have. I didn’t find a good enough pic of her with her smile though, so I took this one and made it instead, and, idk.
+ wide smile + eyes are not too small-ish
- feels kinda too old for my liking? - not that long hair - I think I checked where she appears in and there’s no appearance, look-wise, anywhere that I could use
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Two pics here, glued together so it doesn’t take up too much space, and as you can see I’m not all too constant with colors. And with one of those I actually recolored the dress and her necklace to, to more Starfire-y colors, but yes, you can see that.
+ princess-y attire + better hair-length
- I think where these pics are from is an older thing so the quality probably is bad - I don’t really like her smile all that much if I’m honest
While the next two still are Starfire, they are also Blackfire (you’ll see), so I’m gonna call the next part:
Starfire & Blackfire!
So, if you know the cartoon, you know that in there, Blackfire is basically a recoloring of Starfire. With those next two, I tried just that too, just, with different pictures of the actress.
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Saw her in something I started to watch, and thought she might work for Starfire. And since I felt that she could work that way too, I did a Blackfire-version too.
+ She’s black, which I know many people feel like is a must for an actress for Starfire, or probably any tamaranean. For me personally, though, that doesn’t really matter, I’d recolor whoever I pick into orange skin anyway. + She can at least kinda fit for both parts, as you can see
- I might end up connecting her to that thing I started watching too much, I tend to do that and it’ll be hard to really feel her as my muses then - dark/black hair is a hassle to recolor into something even faintly as bright red as I’d need it for Starfire
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I knew her name still from FC ideas, or fancasts or however it’s called, that people did a longer time ago. I looked her up, and picked some pictures to use.
+ eyes nicely big-enough + expressive face + the hair is long enough to work + the pic I did for Blackfire totally - yes, simply because of it being done in/surroundedby nature - reminds me of the Poison Ivy I once did stuff with both on Starfire and Blackfire, I miss those interactions (or the mun/muse) a lot and just absolutely love that the pic feels like a little like a hinted remembrance for those
- She is, or was, a pretty common pick for stuff in general I think? - I don’t think I found a specific appearance of hers that could work well for my purposes
And that’s done too. Now, which you can probably expect to come next:
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Found her only through a database, just like with Starfire #2 and probably most that are still going to follow, and I felt like her features worked kinda at least.
+ Features (face, eyes etc) kinda work for Blackfire + She’s black, for the reason for this being a + see above
- she’s a model; meaning I can’t exactly pick a movie or w/e and have the same looks in all scenes of those to use - dark/black hair, like said, is a hassle to recolor properly as you can see
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This was a name I found on someone’s fancasts, and I looked through the appearances of the actress to find sometihng that could work. And I only just now realize that on the right pic, I made the hair too blue-ish, but oh well.
+ Her face and eyes kinda work + the clothes (at least in those two pics) are things I could see Blackfire at least accept wearing
- black hair - the eyes are a little small - the medium this appearance is from is old I think, which means bad quality of pics
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I think she’s from a rather well known thing, but I myself don’t know about that so at least I don’t have the problem of associating her to that role.
+ Face and eyes work, at least in these two pics + Clothes work for Blackfire + Her hair is more ‘sleek’ than some of the others in the pics I found, meaning not as many sticking-out hairs to recolor
- In some pics of her I could absolutely not see Blackfire, so I guess it depends a lot on the pose or expression which might mean she’s not that good a fit after all - Comes from a rather well-known thing so even if I myself don’t connect her to it, many others might and I know that when I feel like that I can’t enjoy the FC as much
To finish with the royal siblings, next comes:
Okay, before I get to the pics, lemme just say that oh boy. I seem to have a very mixed idea for him, or maybe that came to be from how I tried to not take someone too old-ish for when Ry’s supposed to be younger than Starfire and Blackfire. Well, you’ll see what I mean - on we go.
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I had the idea of this guy saved for a while already before actually looking for FCs, mostly because the hair just fits pretty well and at that time I looked more for that than an actual face I could accept.
+ the hairstyle fits well + the face is kinda ‘long-ish’ which I feel would be a good thing for Wildfire
- I don’t like his face that much, at least not for Wildfire - He doesn’t quite ‘feel’ right
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Something very different from the one above, as you probably noticed. This is one of 3 somewhat younger ones I picked, because like said earlier he kinda should be a bit younger than Starfire and Blackfire.
+ hair is okay-ish + medieval-ish attire probably could work well for mimicking Wildfire’s usual clothing
- He’s only in an episode or so playing this role, I think the role has like 3 different actors or so over the time whenever he appears as young - This is one of like two or so pics in total I found of his appearing and idk, on both he doesn’t quite feel right, a little too ‘stiff’ or ‘serious’ idk (though I guess Wildfire is that too at times, idk it’s just hard to explain)
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Another one of the younger-ish picks.
+ I like the hair + I think I’m good with his face
- idk how big or small his appearance here is - picture search for the actor’s name is kinda confusing me because on some I think ‘yeah he’s a good fit’ but on some I think ‘what? how could I pick that, no’
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Yes yes, I know, those are many, and I’m sorry. I just couldn’t quite decide and made a few. Besides, it isn’t really that much more than for Starfire or Blackfire when you count those that I did both with too.
+ face can work I think + looks younger
- the hair isn’t quite as long-ish as I’d like it for Wildfire - I don’t think I could find any appearance of him in shows etc that I really could use, look-wise
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And the last one for him.
+ face is ‘long-ish’, which I kinda feel helps + I like his face better than #1
- the first pic looks like he’s a good fit, but on the one on the right it doesn’t quite feel that much like a fit - I’m not sure if he’s from too known stuff as well
Next up:
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This is not really meant as honest consideration, she is feeling too old for what I’d like to see in Starlight - but I had to do an edit of this pic because this kind of blue is totally what Starlight will love to wear eventually (always with other colors too but, yeah) and so I think this one could actually work for a older-ish Starlight, like teenage or something a little further than that
(Also I just need to say that this is probably the best likeness to how I actually imagine Starlight’s hair that I managed to create)
+ hair was nice to recolor + I like her face
- (feeling) too old for how Starlight is at the moment - I think she too comes from a well-known thing
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Please ignore how much I failed at the hair here.
+ the face kinda works + she already has a colorful streak or two in her hair, which could be useful
- from an old thing I think - I’m not sure if I’m completely happy with her face-features
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While I do know the show she’s from, it’s luckily been too long since I watched it for me to actually feel her that connected to the role there. Also obviously I did her hair too rainbow-y here, but, yeah, it does well enough for the idea.
+ I like her face + I’m pretty sure she wears some really nice colorful things throughout the show, and even changes style eventually which means a nice variation
- From a well-known thing - I think by now she is a singer of sorts so maybe too many can’t quite connect her to something else
Okay, since I didn’t do Galfore (honestly I don’t think I could ever find someone fitting even only somewhat), there’s only one left, so you can probably guess who comes now:
It was a little surprising that I had a rather quick time at finding possibilities for him, and while I’m not 100% sold on either of them, I feel like it was the easiest for him out of all my muses.
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I’m running out of things to say to each pic before doing the pro and contra thing.
+ ‘square-y’ face in the way I feel I’d need it + ‘small’ eyes, as in narrowed a bit
- the hair isn’t quite perfect since Moonshot has a bit longer of a hair and more... more messy - I don’t like his face in some of the pics a picture-search gives me
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And another one.
+ face and eyes again fit to what I’d be looking for + a good amount of the pics of a picture-search actually are ones I can see working
- I think he’s from something well-known again - and again the hair with the same reasoning as above, but tbh I don’t think I even can find anyone completely fitting anyway
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I feel like the options I have for Moonshot are all rather similar. Oh well. I mean, that’s kinda the point, right?
+ face works I think + many pics of the result are ones I can see work
- comes from a rather popular thing as far as I can tell - in some angles, or maybe simply at another time of the actor’s life idk, the face doesn’t look that fitting anymore
And that’s it! I kinda doubt anyone actually looks as far as here, though if you do, thank you!
I’d appreciate hearing opinions, if you can see any of them work or not and maybe why. You could even name me other options if you want to.
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