#I tried though and that's what matters :')
atvie · 5 months
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holding on for dear life
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kerryweaverlesbian · 6 months
Dean Winchester of Supernatural fame is NOT reading parenting books he is putting on Cheaper By The Dozen, Daddy Daycare and Honey I Shrunk The Kids taking notes.
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to everyone doing their finals right now, remember: GRADES ARE TEMPORARY, SOUP IS ETERNAL
do whatever you can and treat yourself to some soup after :)
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
The Batfamily on a roadtrip:
Bruce: The Driver. You really thought his control freak ass was gonna let someone else drive? Be so fr. Has a migraine the size of the WatchTower and has been seriously contemplating pulling over, getting out of the car, and just walking. Not anywhere particular, just walking away. Has already had to pull over twice to swap seating arrangements around and they've only driven 3 1/2 hours out of 11. (They will do this at least 3 more times before they reach their destination)
Barbara: Shotgun. Declared that as second oldest and second most experienced vigilante that the front seat was her birth given right. No one contested it(successfully anyway). Has been helpfully navigating the fastest route much to Bruce "I know where I'm going" Wayne's annoyance. (Her way was in fact more efficient and she is incredibly smug about it.)
Jason: Behind the Passenger seat. Wanted the front seat but wasn't willing to physically fight Babs for it which was what she assured him it would have taken to get her to move. Brought a backpack full of nothing but snacks that he is only sharing with people that aren't actively annoying him aka Cass. Keeps playing words with friends with Roy on his phone and is Kicking Ass
Cassandra: Middle Left. Volunteered for the middle seat because she wanted to sit next to Jason aka the Snack Source while still being close enough to comfortably talk to Babs and Steph. Is one of the few enjoying the drive and just in general living her best life. Somehow painted both her own and Steph’s nails perfectly while the car was in motion. No one is sure how she did this and they were watching
Stephanie: Middle Right. Was originally sitting Middle Back next to Tim but caused the first seat swap when she got bored and decided Tim made suitable entertainment(imagine like in Detective comics #1000). Bruce declared the car a "No Flirting Zone" shortly after. Pouted for all of thirty seconds before she realized she got to sit next to Cass and abandoned Tim without a second thought. Is also the person pointing to the window and going “cows!” Whenever they pass some
Dick: Behind the Driver's seat. Chose his seat while everyone else was fighting for shotgun because he wanted to be able to see Babs during the drive so they could talk without shouting.(he knew good and well she was winning that fight). Has had a few arguments with Jason but they didn't last or get out of hand with Cass between them. Did manage to steal a bag of chips from Jason’s snackpack while he was on his phone. The roadtrip was his idea and he refuses to admit it was not well thought out.
Tim: Back Left. Was thoroughly betrayed when Steph abandoned him to be left with the two youngest bats and said so at length. Only quieted when Jason threw a pack of gummy worms at his head with a demand for silence. Brought an abundance of handheld electronics despite knowing he gets car sick. He threw up on the side of the road 90 minutes into the trip and Dick confiscated anything that had a screen until they reached their destination. He is his own worst enemy. Has since resorted to playing the license plate game with Duke
Duke: Back Middle. Was originally in between Cass and Dick but had to move to sit Back Left next to Damian when Steph took his spot. He stayed there for exactly 45 minutes before Damian caused the second seat swap when he attempted to strangle Tim with his headphones because he was "breathing obnoxiously". Is now a human barrier and he hates it. Jason offered him a small amount of sympathy by offering him some Sour Patch Kids. Duke accepted them. Bruce was more sympathetic and gave him DJ control. Is mostly just talking with Tim who is bored since his electronics were taken.
Damian: Back Right. Attempted to attack Stephanie with a pillow because he “couldn’t listen to her and Drake anymore and she was closer” before the first seat swap occurred. Did not regret his actions in the slightest. Warned his father that nothing good would come from him sitting directly beside Tim, was ignored, and then moved when "nothing good" did indeed come. Despite these to things, he actually spent the majority of the drive with his headphones on full volume and messing around on his phone while he pretended to be anywhere other than there.
Alfred: In The Car Following Behind Them. Yeah there was no way he was getting in that car. He knows a recipe for disaster when he sees one. Didn't hesitate to "offer" that he would happily transport all the luggage and supplies and meet them there. Was already loaded up and ready to go in a separate car before anyone could question him. Somehow got there first and had made dinner for them when they all finally showed up with half the car at war with the other half. Peace was made only in the name of Alfred’s cooking
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Trans femme(??) terukane..?????
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Teru gives non binary vibes though like i can see it can you see it
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jvpiterstears · 13 days
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“ if i died in the middle of a frozen night, would you feel alright? would you be alright? ”
hey guys………, ugghhhh me trying to listen to Stay Behind, Dirty Town, Arms Tonite (OH MY GOODDDDDDDD. THAT ONE.), Back To Life, and Burning Pile trying not to think about either of them (and failing (MISERABLY)) why are they so wet dogs core. doomed yaouri. oHH MY GOD BOTTOM BY MCCAFFEETY JUST STARTED PLAYING AS I WAS WRITING THIS IM GONNA FUCKING SCR EA,MMMMM???? “hey man i miss your collar bones i miss the way your skin feels on my collar bones” i might be unwell about this. they make me sixk disgusting little. little tthings.. /aff
reblogs over likes please !
( all intended ship but can be platonic ::} )
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pwurrz · 3 months
being obsessed with yakumo is a job and baby i’ve never called in a sick day!!!!!
#nu carnival#yakumo ♡#you could not pay me to ramble this extensively about anything else#but yakumo’s trauma?? his childhood?? his growth?? his fears and insecurities and how they affect his current relationships??#his abandonment issues and jealousy and darker desires???#and how he’s so scared he’ll hurt others even though it’s far more likely he’ll be the one getting hurt??#how he’s not violent or scary at all but after years and years he’s been conditioned to think he is??#the significance of his relationship with eiden??#the significance of his ‘platonic’ relationships with the other clan members??#how important his grandparents were in raising him??#how his desperate want to hide his serpentine features and be ‘normal’ is a perfect allegory for autism??#the fact that he’s been treated horribly in the past and yet still chooses every day to be kind??#how he probably definitely has bpd??#the burden he has to carry just because of who his ancestor is??#the fact that it almost seems like what he does doesn’t matter because the actions of his ancestor will always be looming over him??#how he’s been hurt so many times both physically and emotionally and yet his heart is still so open to loving others??#how he has a tendency to push down his traumatic memories until he thinks they no longer affect him??#and how even when he’s suffering because of that trauma he would still rather suffer alone than bother someone and tell them??#how slowly but surely he’s unlearning all of the harmful ideas burned into him since his was a child??#and how he’s learning that people do love and care about him and he’s not a burden and he deserves love and care??#and that the serpentine traits he tries so desperately to hide aren’t as disgusting as he was meant to believe??#that his dark desires don’t define or control him and that it’s okay that he has them??#that just because he has them at all doesn’t make him a bad person???#why he makes soup for his loved ones so much!!!! yes that is important actually#i will sit and write about that for hours and hours for FREE#my favourite fictional character of all time he’s so so real#he’s so well written and his trauma and growth are handled with such care and consideration
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artiststarme · 1 year
Bye Bi Steve Part 2
The long awaited second part to the "Bye Bi Steve" fic. I hope you enjoy it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve was gutted. He never even considered a world where Robin and Eddie didn’t immediately accept them. He imagined that Robin would pat his shoulder and launch into a gross display of critiquing his ‘type’, just as he’d done with hers. Eddie would say something flirty to make him blush, call him Big Boy or something equally lewd to get Steve to laugh before giving him a hug and whispering his acceptance in his ear. But that’s all they were; delusional imaginations. 
Of course they wouldn’t accept him, why would they? Maybe they were right. Perhaps Steve was just confused. Maybe he only liked Eddie at that moment because he looked like a girl with his hair up in a bun, although Steve had a feeling that Eddie would take offense to that too. But any time he tried to rationalize it, force the idea of being straight, he got a nauseous feeling in his chest. He finally felt comfortable with who he was and now he had to change it? It didn’t feel right. 
Understandably, Steve started pulling away from the Party after that disaster of a coming out. He felt a little bad for pulling away from the kids without explanation but how would they accept him when his best friends didn’t? It was better just to create some distance before they could trample on the shards of his heart even further.
For the next two weeks, he avoided all contact with the Party. He switched his scheduled shifts with Keith so he didn’t have to work with Robin. He left his phone off the hook so the kids couldn’t reach him. He even told Hopper that his parents were in town so he had an excuse to skip the family dinners at the Hopper-Byers’. It’s not like they’d want him around their family if they knew Steve’s sexuality anyway.
The only person Steve can’t shake is Nancy. She’d been a crutch for him the entire time; offering her shoulder up when the tears got too much, supplying him with ice creams a plenty from multiple grocery store runs, and even holding his hair back when he puked up all the alcohol he chugged in an effort to forget the betrayal. Steve didn’t know what he would’ve done without her. 
She too was avoiding the Party but whenever Steve asked her why, she would just give him a blasé, “if I see them, I’m going to shoot them. It’s better for me to be here.” And well, Steve wasn’t going to argue with her on that. It felt nice having a friend he could count on when everyone else had abandoned him. He just hoped he didn’t mess it up like he did everything else. 
Nancy was going to murder Eddie and Robin. They were off gallivanting around town together like nothing was wrong, like they hadn’t imploded Steve’s entire worldview in one fell swoop. Anytime she saw them, she felt her trigger finger twitch. She was livid, after everything she’d been through in her life, she’d never been so angry. But she was hurt too. Just like Steve, Nancy thought that Robin and Eddie would be the ones to understand them the best. They knew what it was like to be queer in a small hick town in the middle of nowhere. She thought that they would be compassionate and helpful. But clearly she was wrong. 
As soon as she got the call from Steve and heard his tears distorted over the phone line, all of her attraction to Robin shriveled up and died. She could never be attracted to anyone that made her goofy teddy bear of an ex-boyfriend, her friend that had always tried to be there for her, cry. It left a part of her feeling empty though too. She’d liked Robin since she saw her running weirdly from the orderlies at the asylum. To have that affection die so suddenly and over such a pivotal detail left Nancy feeling unbalanced.
However, as angry as she was, Steve was still hurt. He was closer to both of them than she would ever be, ever wanted to be now. She had her family, she had the newspaper club, and plans for college. What did Steve have? He depended on Eddie and Robin to be there for him and they weren’t. Even still though, his hurt superseded any anger. He was still hopeful that his friends would come around, desperate for their acceptance and approval. 
So, while Nancy was still quietly plotting their gruesome and painful murders, she was also looking into ways of forcing them to accept Steve. She was willing to do anything to get the real Steve back, the one that smiled all the time and bitched about the kids. The more she thought about it, the more determined she became. Operation Get Steve Happy Again was a go. 
Nancy took out all the stops. She made color-coded flashcards on sexualities and gender identity. She drove all the way to Indy to buy queer zines from an LGBT+ bookstore in the city. She was going to make them understand even if it was the last thing she did. Eddie and Robin weren’t going to know what hit them.
When all of her preparations were complete, Nancy tucked her gun into her purse and made her way to the trailer park once again. Eddie’s van was parked crookedly in its place in front of the window and Wayne’s worn down truck was tucked neatly beside it. It seemed Wayne would get a front row seat to the show too then. Nancy didn’t even knock before barging inside which took both Eddie and Wayne in surprise. 
“What the-” Eddie said, jumping up from his seat at the table and spilling his cereal milk. 
“I have my gun and I will use it so listen. Your whole shtick is not conforming to what society dictates you have to conform to. I’ve always admired how you stayed true to yourself despite what everyone in town thought of you. But this is the most conformist you’ve ever been. If you don’t fix this with Steve and see where he’s coming from, I will make your life a living hell. So fix this and do it quickly,” Nancy threatened. Then she turned to Wayne who looked as lost as she’d ever seen him. 
“I’m sorry to barge in, Mr. Munson. Make sure to give Eddie a talk about accepting others, alright? He has a lot of quirks that we’ve learned to accept, Steve should get the same treatment. Have a nice afternoon.”
She left before either man could utter another word and made her way to Family Video. Steve had today off so she was reasonably sure that Robin would be manning the store on her own. When she got there, she pulled the station wagon right in front of the door and stalked inside. 
“Welcome to Family Video, how can I help you? Oh, hey Nance. What’s up?” Robin asked her in greeting.
Nancy shook her head at her. “I don’t understand. Steve’s your best friend and you ridiculed him. I know he accepted you when you came out to him. I know that you would talk about all of your lesbian interests with him and he wouldn’t bat an eye. Then he makes one comment about finding a guy attractive and you shut him down? Just walk me through it.”
Robin looked chastened. Her eyes were wide, her fingers fluttered, and her feet shuffled. “I don’t know why I did that, honestly! I just, I thought Steve was making fun of me and Eddie and I got so angry. I don’t care who Steve likes, I just want him to be happy. I don’t understand liking both or being bisexual. At the moment, I just saw it as losing the thing that Steve and I had in common and I didn’t go about it in the best way. And I don’t even know how to apologize because I know I monumentally screwed up. If I were Steve, I wouldn’t forgive me but I don’t know what I would do if he didn’t,” she rambled.
The crack in Nancy’s chest healed a bit at her words. She’ll never get her attraction to Robin back after all the damage that’s been done. However, she could be her friend. She wasn’t really biphobic, and Eddie probably wasn’t either, they just needed some more explanation to understand what bisexuality was and how to accept it. 
“Steve will forgive you, he hasn’t been able to get over this the entire time. He’s still just waiting for you guys to get your heads out of your asses and go apologize to him. And he’s still your best friend, him liking guys too doesn’t change that,” Nancy told her. She pulled some zines out of her purse and handed them to her. “Here, read those. They’ll tell you exactly what bisexuality is and what not to say when someone comes out to you.”
Robin took the papers with a whispered thanks and Nancy started making her way out of the store. At the last second, she turned around and called out to Robin who was already looking at her. 
“And Robin? Go talk to him sooner rather than later. He really misses you guys.”
Then she made her way home to cry about her own heartbreak. 
Steve was second-guessing himself again and wallowing on the couch for yet another afternoon when his doorbell rang. Considering the lies that he’d told everyone else to keep them away, it had to be Nancy. The only other options were Eddie or Robin and he knew it wouldn’t be them. He hadn’t rescinded his coming out yet so they had no reason to be coming over. 
Yet when he opened the door, he came face to face with a guilty looking Eddie. Steve almost closed the door in his face but Eddie jammed his boot in the way with enough force that the door wiggled. “Steve, please let me apologize to you. Just give me a few minutes and if you want me to leave, I will.”
Steve debated it for a moment before sighing and gesturing him inside. “I haven’t changed my mind so I don’t really know what you came here to say.”
“I came to tell you I’m sorry. I never should’ve said that you and I’ve felt like a piece of shit since then. I know you’re not faking it, or being a manwhore, or making fun of us for being gay, and we shouldn’t have said that you were. I know you’ll never forgive me for saying any of that but just, you have to know that I do accept you and I’m proud that you were able to come out.” Eddie had tears rolling down his face at the end of his speech and his voice was hoarse.
Everything in Steve wanted him to give Eddie a hug, to pull him into his arms and wipe his tears away but he couldn’t. “Why did you say it then? If you didn’t mean it, why’d you say it? It really hurt and I thought I was losing my best friends because of who I am.”
“You’re not, Steve! I swear Stevie, you’re not losing us if you still want us. I didn’t know what bisexuality was and I didn’t know that someone could like both until after I talked to Nancy. And then after she explained it to me and told us how hurt you were, I didn’t think you would want us talking to you. I’m so sorry, Steve,” Eddie cried. 
Steve was a little torn. He wanted to forgive Eddie right away, forgive him at the first word of his apology, but deep down, he knew he couldn’t. He couldn’t just brush off these past few weeks of feeling hurt and isolated from his best friends that were supposed to be there for him no matter what. 
“Thanks for your apology. I can’t forgive you right now,” Eddie made a broken sounding whimper at that but Steve continued. “But I will eventually. I just need some time to think about what I want. You guys really hurt me and I don’t know how to get over that.”
“Take all the time you need, Stevie. I know I hurt you and I will do everything in my power to fix that. I support you and I accept you and it’s about time I proved it,” Eddie promised him. 
Steve nodded. He had no doubt that Eddie would make it up to him and things would eventually get back to normal. They’d been through an alternate dimension, a mind-killing psychic wizard guy, and a bunch of murder accusations. This wouldn’t be what broke them. He pulled Eddie into a hug right before he left and his heart seemed to calm a bit at the contact. Yeah, they’d be fine. It might take a while but they’d get there. 
Later that night, long after the sun had set, Steve heard another knock at his door. He was long over guessing who it could be since he never seemed to be right anyway. When he opened the door to reveal Robin awkwardly standing on his porch, he was once again surprised. What had happened in the past twelve hours to change both hers and Eddie’s minds? 
Steve didn’t even get to say anything before Robin started rambling. “I am so sorry, Steve! I never should’ve judged you so harshly and I know you wouldn’t make fun of me being gay because you never have before so that was really stupid on my part. I should’ve accepted you right off the bat and started making fun of you liking Frank-N-Furter and Eddie like you did for me about Tammy. I know I majorly screwed up but can you ever forgive me? I promise, I will make it up to you so much!”
Steve looked at her for a moment before his mouth widened into a small grin. “You know, I’ve really missed you. I had to have a whole crisis on my own and everything.”
“I’m so sorry! I swear to you, I will never not be supportive and accepting to you ever again. I need my Platonic with a capital P soulmate back and I need you to start working shifts with me again. If Keith flirts with me one more time when we’re on a slow shift together, I might actually hurl all over him,” she babbled.
Steve just laughed and pulled her into a hug. Yeah, things would end up alright between them. It might be a little awkward for a while and there would always be some apprehension on Steve’s part but everything would be fine. 
Everything did eventually turn out fine. Robin and Eddie groveled to Steve for weeks and long after he had already forgiven them. Once the air was cleared between them, things went back to normal. He had Robin back as his supportive best friend and he had Eddie at his side as his boyfriend. He had Nancy too as the best friend that he could count on when Robin and Eddie started misbehaving with one another. 
Steve always remembered that they didn’t support him right off the bat (although neither did the rest of the Party when he announced he was dating Eddie). Whenever he made a new decision or wanted to accept a new job or something, he always felt a flash of fear of whether they would ridicule him again. 
But other than some low self-esteem and a minor lack of faith in Eddie and Robin, they lived on together in happiness. Through every up and down, they were there for each other in the way they could only wish they had been when he came out to them.
Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @ksherlock15 @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @anzelsilver @jestyzesty @gregre369 @mysticcrownshipper @disasterlia @lillys-weird-world @messrs-weasley @gay-stranger-things @pnk-lemonades @coolestjoy30 @awkotaco24 @strangerthingfanfic @dangdirtydemons @bookworm0690 @hannahhook7744 @dreamlandforever @marsbars97
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starlene · 29 days
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I redrew the Utterson/Jekyll sketch that almost broke my scanner. The new one only crashed my photoshop once, which I'm choosing to interpret as a good sign.
Unfortunately though, as often happens with these things, I like the first sketch better despite everything wrong with it. So heck it. I'll just post them both.
Based on that fic I wrote last week.
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peridots-pixiwolf · 2 years
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[Start ID. A digital drawing of Minos Prime from Ultrakill, who's wearing a strapless slit dress and sandals of the same deep purple. He faces towards and slightly to the right of the camera, his head is tilted further right. With one hand he gestures in a vague pointing motion, his arm folded and held close to his body. There is nothing in the background, but bracing himself on one arm, Minos is implied to be leaning against something about the height of a countertop. The background is a blank purplish black, save for three diagonal stripes in the colors of the bisexual flag. End ID]
Shading study that quite literally came to me in a dream two weeks ago, after this post apparently beamed itself into my mind
(also a few edits below the cut! they're very slight but whatever :])
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[Start ID. Three different versions of the previous drawing. The first changes the tone of the lighting from blue to pink, and similarly the shading from pink to blue. The second replaces the faint black border with pink, purple and blue, syncing with the stripes in the background. The third combines both these changes. End ID]
#the tags got NERFED so let's try this again.#peridots-art#minos prime ultrakill#ultrakill#ask to tag#organs#...? gore maybe? for the whole ''transparent chest/visible cardiovascular system'' thing. not very detailed/realistic though so#i don't think this has all of the same charm as i usually find in my posts. but i tried my best to make it work so i don't think it matters#also ''not too happy with how this turned out'' is something i've seen tacked onto posts worthy of being preserved in museums#i heard someone say his snakes should be ball pythons. i'm not autistic about snakes so i decided to listen to the masters#i still have seven levels to p-rank before i can meet this guy!! halfway there (lust/greed and 1-3 remaining) i've only had my own copy#of ultrakill for a week and i already have 33 hours in. anyway he's grown on me i think. absolute bi king and only monarch i respect <3#i think it's interesting how i now define my queerness by being gray-ace and trans when i first only identified with bisexual. it's still#an important part of me even if sometimes i forget. sorry that sounds completely unrelated but it's related to my feelings on this piece#anyway (i wonder how many ''anyway''s i've slapped on so far) i also find it interesting how often people draw him with this body type.#i think it's cool there's variety in how people draw the uk characters. it just kinda feels right here? i know i unfortunately don't draw#fat characters often at all (partially due to being a primarily fandom blog who likes to stick to canon designs. i wouldn't say i have#trouble with drawing a realistic amount of fat even on rather thin people though lol) but i try! also genuinely unsure what counts as like.#fat vs chubby? or whatever? i don't know exactly how the terminology works and a fair amount of minos' bulk is muscle anyway but. yeah 👍#men are pretty in dresses my final message. goodbye
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"For particularly important things, it's always more reassuring to write them down like this." - Zhang Beihai
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#my art#three body problem#3 body problem#zhang beihai#三体#章北海#i've been meaning to draw three body problem characters and actually post them on my blog for quite some time!#so if anybody wants me to draw any specific character from the series feel free to reply here or send an ask as a request!#beihai is my top favorite and he resonated with me more than i expected! i rather liked bits of consequentialist philosophical ideas in him#anyways incoming ramble/infodump in the tags about various subjects pertaining to him#all you need to know about me is that i often lurk in chinese language fandom spaces and you might see commonalities in designs#if you see fanartists draw him with the broken eyebrow and mole then that's due to the 我的三体 (my three-body) donghua adaptation!#admittedly i was introduced to the series through that adaptation years ago because it seemed rather absurd (minecraft haha) but oddly good#at least check out the third season (haven't seen the fourth one yet but that's ongoing actually) or listen to 夜航星 (night voyager)#i'm rather curious how fanartists on tumblr might tackle character designs since i mostly see the two live action adaptations here#i want to diverge my designs from any particular adaptation but my beihai design takes a lot from 我的三体!#now about beihai- i really enjoyed his characterization and i'd like to bring up a maybe unintentional parallel and foil with the eto#hopefully that's something new to add to the discussion about zhang beihai and here's what adaptations don't get about mike evans#in the book he's a character you mostly only hear about from others and he's known to be a private person#he conceals a lot of his thoughts from even people like ye wenjie + he taught the trisolarans about deceit#then his strategy to kill luo ji was to keep it low and make it seem like an accident which those obfuscations of thought parallels beihai#then evans says: “but… it's obvious now that everywhere is the same” which is similar to beihai's “it doesn't matter. it's all the same”#the contexts differ but i think they're good foils about human nature “being the same” with evans's quote being about futility#then beihai's was about how regardless of if he survived or not- someone else would be able to carry on with his work#i have many other thoughts about beihai like how chu yan's (captain of blue space) group approach with the voting contrasts beihai#while beihai tried to bear the weight of attacking the other ships in solitude- chu yan made vengeance against trisolaris a group effort#(which that action goes against how the swordholder was a solitary role instead of a group one which is neat to me!)#i'd discuss more but i think that's enough to show that i really love zhang beihai (feel free to discuss the books with me though)
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found--family · 6 months
am i the only one who sensed some jilted lover vibes from jensen? 
#burcon#cockles#thoughts#at the start of the panel and through a few particular interactions he seemed very standoffish#he was giving a little bitter and hurt and perhaps even resentful - maybe he only learned of misha's gf#at this con too! maybe it was news to him. on top of not seeing misha for months i can understand#if he was feeling a bit neglected and out of the loop. there's also the matter of misha's gf not being#in a poly thing with jensen and dee like vicki was ie. what she has with misha is seperate so i'm sure#that's another difficult thing to deal with knowing their time together is strictly separate#i've no doubt he wants misha to have a partner and be happy but there's an adjustment period#letting new people into your life and whoever misha's partner is now or in the future is going to#affect jensen on a personal level and moreover his relationship with misha. it's all very intriguing#and while i like what little i've seen and heard about this woman for misha i just think no matter who#she is it's going to take a toll on jensen's relationship w misha. i thought it was plain to see on jensen's face#during their panel: numerous moments where he was giving a poker face that wasn't covering a laugh#but instead like he was trying to smooth out his bitterness. or so my eyes and brain and heart tell me.#just various moments where things looked uncomfortable and jensen making off-colour jokes that didn't land#and which furthermore were barbed and snarky - not in their usual banter way but like he was lashing out#and using the excuse of chaotic panel convo to explain away his comedic pitfalls. but again maybe i'm#looking to much into it? idk. there are some lovely moments! fun and caring moments - but they#mainly came from misha's direction ngl. it seemed like misha was trying hard to keep the peace#while jensen was just running his mouth on comments and jokes that kept not landing - for me#everyone on my dash is loving their dynamic this panel - and i want to feel that love! it is possible that#learning misha has a gf has skewed my perception a little like i'm putting context onto moments#i otherwise wouldn't. but i also think i would've laughed and generally felt better watching their panel#if that was the case. idk. whatever the reason i do think something was OFF between them on stage#and it was coming from jensen from the start. misha picked up on it partway though but things felt#a little strained throughout. like jensen wasn't looking at misha as much as usual or reaching out for him#misha tried to salvage and not react to things. but both their answers to the last Q were passive aggressive af#and when they left the stage together they weren't close or touching or chatting like they usually are...
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freakattack · 22 days
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first female loz director and the gerudo seem to be written fine enough? wow... there ain't no way I thought we were in the worst timeline after totk
Yeah got through the main quest with the gerudo, it wasn't painful! It wasn't even bad! Still got them outfits but for the most part it was like oh cool!
I would say a lot of that oh cool is from the fact they didn't do a lot to even fuck it up to begin with, I'm gonna be real with yall this game is NOT worth $60USD
Edit: lemme say one thing, you know when people were being like damn totk story wasn't dark or mature at all why was this compared to Majora's mask again? And then all the zeldatwt people came out and said zelda is just a kid series domt expect good writing uH
This one feels like a kid's game. That ain't to say it's terrible I would say, hell I'm not far in it if I get something crazy that's like OH FUCK I'll reblog this post and say something but uh.....game for babies I'm gonna be shocked if anyone struggles with any puzzles cuz you CAN CHEESE THEM EASY ITS 🫢🤭
#its......seems quick#the sidequests are very boring tbh#like this game should of been 45-50 max not 60#its cute i like it so far but oh my god the optimization and game design could of been way better#and after botw/totk like....how do i put this#its like nintendo heard hey we need a LITTLE bit of rail roading and then#😬#basically...example#for a main quest i have to go to 2 places to get people#i went to the 2nd place first and it......didnt update the side quest even though she should of gone to the meeting place#thTs apart of the quest but no i had to go to the 1st guy no matter what#and its like.....hey botw not totk would do that#most GAMES in general now wouldnt do something like that#also yall gonna hate the fact there is no organization or favorites tool for the echoes#game is fun so far but uH#i got through the first dungeon FAST FAST like this is not a return to form#minish cap dungeons i dont think were that fast and theyre simple#also anyone that says this dorsnt have mechanics from the wilds games yes it does#tri has an ability thats JUST ultra hand#oh and its not good in this game#yall gonna fucking hate it#unless somehow a pirated version doesnt allow you to rotate the fucking item or move it in a way that goes behind me#without me locking off and then back on again after repostioning myself#im worried its a feature and not an anti piracy measure#me and GC are gonna finish this up this week but dang i havent even done the whole first part of the main quest#if i had this on the switch i could see how fast i could play through the game WHILE talking to people and having fun and exploring#also oh my god the zora side quest very cute but when eveeyone knows how the game goes ill make one complaint in the tags one day#funny thing its not story....ITS GAMEPLAY#yhe story in the game is fine and i say that cuz its....very simple#HELL A LOT OF NPCS DONT GOT NAMES THAT ARE VISIBLE
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halfyearsqueen · 20 days
thinking about how her allies saying maybe now was the time to kneel after her heir was dead basically meant they weren’t going to support her without a suitable male successor
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l-just-want-to-see · 10 months
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1945!Bianca di Angelo I’m so sorry for what I’ve made you go through
I Await the Devil’s Coming, Mary MacLane // weeping angel, dedy d // Claire C. Holland // Theatre / Oedipus the King, TV Tropes // The Cruel Prince, Holly Black // The Myth of Innocence, Louise Glück // Oresteia, Aeschylus (tr. Robert Icke) // Self-fulfilling prophecy, Wikipedia // Der Olymp oder die Mythologie der Griechen und Römer, August Heinrich Petiscus // The Great Prophecy, Rick Riordan // woman with golden eyes // Crush, Richard Siken // The Midnight Star, Marie Lu // A Burning Hill, Mitski // Tumblr, @/tag-devilish
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