#I told you I was putting the lamb in the Autism shirt
winterpantsu · 4 months
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making a modern AU to solely so I could put Narinder in trendy fashion and Lamb in outfits I’ve worn /j
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the-enraptured · 5 years
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Marked Door
I just wanted to start off my first blog post by comparing and contrasting two images. The first, (with my purple hair) was taken at the end of 2017. The second was taken in the summertime of 2019. I believe I accepted the Holy Spirit when I was a child, because I lived through Him. I understood God because I trusted Him.
Throughout many years that essential trust started to wither away. I believe that is evident in my eyes in the first photo. When I recently came across it, the photo kind of shocked me. I almost didn’t recognize myself. Of course I remember the purple hair and my favorite fish shirt, but I didn’t recognize my own eyes. For so many years after experience deep trauma, and living out a horror movie in real life, I told God almost as a mantra subconsciously, “I am NOT yours. I am mine. Let me prove it by doing whatever I want.” So he let me, and I did.
I subjected myself to even more abuse, because I thought “well if the truth hurts I’d rather be hurt by people I love than lied to.” But Jesus said the truth will set you free. However throughout the years I wasn’t focused on Jesus, or anyone else. I was focused on myself and how I felt. How miserable and lonely and isolated and desperate I felt, how I would do literally anything to escape how I felt. Boyfriends, dabbling with drugs, caffeine (which I’m still not currently completely free from), nicotine, alcohol, self-harm, over eating, under eating, constant sleeping, and so much more. That sounds like a pretty depressing advertisement. But I would like to talk about after salvation, a time when I allowed God to call me His, and when I was not my own anymore.
I was working at a previous job where I struggled with a particular child with autism. He couldn’t be put to sleep during nap time, and my coworker quit, and I was the only one left he was familiar with. At the time I worked in a room with about 23 three year olds give or take any given day. If it hadn’t have been the love I had for those children I would have walked out the first month of being hired. About 2 children in this room were non verbal, about 3 didn’t speak english, about 4 had physical or mental health issues. My messiah complex was trying to take all of these kiddos burdens on. One little girl was a foster child, who’s parents never looked at her with love whenever they picked her up. They NEED me, I thought. I over extended myself, became extremely ill physically and emotionally.
I started going to wednesday night church along with sunday church because I thought “might as well, I can try something new, can’t feel any worse than I do right now”. I had nothing really to risk. I don’t remember the particular message but after a long debate with God, He told me to go to the altar and I obeyed. I wept, almost like every thought of despair and anxiety were fleeing me through an individual tear. “Why don’t you just trust me?” God whispered. Images flooded my mind, of how careless and free I was as a child. The joy of my grandma reading me picture book stories of the bible in a rocking chair, singing and dancing for my aunt and uncle, writing little plays we all could act out, feeling such immense love and longing to help every person I met. I wasn’t taught to worry yet.
Now my sensitivity was being used for my own destruction, every unnatural glance at me from a stranger was judgment from God, every criticism was the impending lake of fire lapping at my ankles and pooling around my feet. But how could I trust? He LET me get abused. I mean, it happened. God didn’t stop it. God didn’t stop my bullies from pretending to ask me out as a joke in front of their friends, God didn’t stop them from telling me I looked like a rat. God didn’t even stop my siblings from getting abused by the same person. I was angry. But God basically said “Yes but how has that mentality of not trusting after these things been working for you? Just try it.” It’s easy to try things when you have nothing left to lose, so I did. I got up from the altar last night and prayed for every little thing in my daily life. Why not?
I was already disappointed. I didn’t believe I could be more disappointed than I already had been, so I prayed. The child with autism during nap time- I prayed for him. As I would lay next to him, holding him as he shrieked violently in my ear, trying to plunge himself against his mat in rage, I started to pray. I prayed he would fall asleep. In about thirty seconds, for the first time, the boy fell dead asleep, for the whole nap time. I was shocked. I was almost laughing at this miracle which seemed impossible. I walked over to every child with open eyes and shuffling feet on their mat, praying for them. The whole room for the first time was completely silent. My new coworker walked in completely stunned.
Second day, it worked. Third day, it worked. Fourth day- the child didn’t fall asleep. Fifth day, it worked. It rains on the just and the unjust. We are bound to experience chaos in our daily lives due to sin and free will, however God has given us dominion even over the small encounters we have at work, or school, or at home with our families. Sometimes I still have kids kick me and hit me and scream at me. Let’s just be real. However, I used to never have a day where that didn’t happen. Now, most of my days are peaceful.
I’m not sure I was ready for that blessing until last year. I was liked a child offered the choice between dinner or bed. I screamed because I didn’t like what was for dinner, so I went to bed starving instead of atleast having a content stomach because I wanted to feel fulfilled. I wanted food that made me happy. I always wanted ice cream for dinner. So God said: thou shalt eat thy vegetables. Or thy can go to bed without supper. basically. But when you become desperate enough you will eat the mana from heaven that is offered to you. I learned to eat my mana and broccoli.
Back to the photos I posted- just like in the book of exodus, when we proclaim to Jesus that we are His, the blood of the lamb is smeared across our foreheads just as the blood from the lamb of the israelites was smeared across their doors to keep the angel of death from entering their homes. My soul was a temple of God but I put caution tape around the areas that I didn’t want Him to touch. Now in the second photo, you can see God completely residing in me in all areas. His interior decorating is sublime.
The bigger I have grown to know God is, the smaller I have realized my heart is as well. I’m perfect yet becoming perfect in the eyes of God. This journey is not even close to being over yet as long as God keeps breath in my lungs. It’s like the more I learn about God, the more stars are added into the sky, and I feel smaller and smaller, but His arms feel larger and larger and all-encompassing me in a precious, gentle embrace, bringing the fire and anger in my heart a gentle lullaby that stops it in its tracks. My thousand yard stare has been replaced by God basically rubbing the blood of Jesus on my forehead like Simba. I’m laughing as I picture myself being lifted up like in lion king. But seriously, it’s a great comparison. The frame of my door is the temple of my being, I am not my own. But in becoming God’s child, I’m learning to embrace freedom for the first time in my life. I hope you can join me in this, learning the same ever-expansive qualities of God.
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Wherever the Winds Take You: Chapter 10
A/N: Hey guys! I can’t believe we’re already on chapter 10...I decided to do this little bit from the comics because it’s just too pure not to write. God bless the team just being teens, you know?
Anyway, just a side note, the next couple chapters are probably going to be a little bit late because of finals, summatives, work, etc. Oh the joys of being a student in June (hahahakillmehahaha). Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy! Sorry for the length.
Martín Dance Studios, Paris
July 21
To say that Lina was flustered would be putting it lightly. As she hurriedly attempted to pack up her music equipment and put her clothes on over her dance-wear, all at the same time she felt as if she wanted to slam her head into the dance studio linoleum flooring that she had just been practising on.
“You know you don’t have to rush, yes?” The robust voice beside Lina spoke, sounding more than a little amused.
“You closed four hours ago Quinn. Of course I have to rush!” Lina exclaimed, sparing a hand away from her equipment to shove a tangle of sweaty brown hair out of her face.
Rolling his eyes, Quinn Martín found himself moving closer to his friend and took the speaker chord she had been attempting to coil out of her hands. "If I had wanted you out, I would've have kicked you out Lina. Even if it meant daring to intrude on you practicing."
The girl dared to look up to Quinn, still looking angry at herself, before sighing in defeat as she took his non-verbal hint to let him help.
"Thank you." She muttered as she stood and focused on putting a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt over the shorts and sports bra she had been wearing.
“So,” Quinn spoke as he continued to pack up the last of the stuff, “other than practicing here three hours a day and taking advantage of our business free of charge, what has the Fabulous Lina Dubois been doing?”
“Oh you know.” Lina shrugged, even though Quinn couldn’t see it. “This and that. Family to care for, crops to harvest, errands to run.”
“Teams to form and genetic labs to implode.” She wanted to add, but she had promised herself long ago that she would keep her only civilian friend as Lina, separate from her life as Zephyr, even though a small part of her always wanted to disclose her many adventures to him.
“That’s all? You lazy girl.” Quinn shook his head. “Maybe that’s why you can stay up, dancing your feet off after three in the morning. You must be sleeping so much…”
Once again, she felt compelled to tell him the truth. She wanted to explain that no, that wasn’t the reason. The real reason she could do this was because she had spent the last few days in Happy Harbor, so what little of an internal clock she had after two years of constantly having to bounce around the world, was set to Eastern Standard Time, where it was only currently dusk.
But instead, she simply laughed quietly and muttered a silent “Oui, of course.”
“You know,” Quinn stood up just as Lina finished putting her hair in a loose ponytail, both finished with their respective tasks. “Mina Élysée is hosting an old silent movie marathon next weekend, if you’re not too busy with family, crops, and errands…..we should go.”
Lina raised an eyebrow, “Hasn’t Mina hated me since I first came to the school?”
Quinn looked a touch embarrassed. “Touché...she didn’t exactly know how to react to someone with autism…”
Lina gave a half-hearted shrug. “You can always go without me. I bet Chloe would love to go with you…”
Quinn let out a deep, sarcastic laugh. “No thank you. Chloe may be sweet, but I don’t want to spend the whole night hearing how ‘whatever artist’ is better than ‘whoever’, and then have to try and find a good enough reason to fend her off at the end of the night.”
“Awww, wee lamb.” Lina mocked in English. “How cruel the world is that such a sweet girl is interested in you.”
Quinn rolled his eyes, then shoved Lina’s radio and devices into her as he gave his cookie-cutter excuse. “She’s not my type.”
Lina gave a small snort as she shouldered her equipment. Then, she was distracted by her phone buzzing in her pocket. As she pulled up the small glass device, she saw that she had a message from her newest contact.
HEy Lina!1
Wallyhad thr idea to gocamping twonigt! Want 2 joinn?
Lina smiled, amused. It was becoming evident to everyone in the team that M’gann still hadn’t gotten used to human technology. The other day they had taught her how to use an electric oven properly (after yet another batch of hockey puck cookies). The experience was possibly the most dangerous thing they had done yet, including Cadmus and Mister Twister.
“What are you smiling about?” Quinn asked, as he leaned over to look at Lina’s phone but she quickly shut it off and shoved it in her bra.
“None of your business, Martín,” Lina smirked as she eyed-down her friend. As Lina’s light blue eyes met Quinn’s dark dark brown ones, he felt his resolve weaken. The pools of azure could have that effect on anyone if she wanted them to. He was just a little more vulnerable to it.
“It was my brother, he wants me home,” Lina spoke after a moment, a pang of uneasiness surging through her stomach as she lied to someone she considered to be one of her best friends.
“Well, it is three in the morning.” Quinn shrugged, running a hand through his shoulder-length black hair.
“You know how protective Calvin gets.” Lina shrugged. Quinn couldn’t help but let out a loud howl of laughter.
“Don’t remind me. Remember the first time I visited your place? The guy interrogated me.” Quinn laughed. “But I suppose you’re not much better…”
Lina frowned slightly at that. “What? I am not even close to being as protective as Calvin!”
Quinn gave the small girl beside him and gave her an unconvinced smile. “Whatever you say, Cherie.”
Lina, not catching the sarcasm in his voice, simply waved her hand in dismissal and made her way to the door. “Well, I best be off. Goodnight Martín, love you!”
When the door to the studio closed, Quinn remained in the studio; alone and the room darkened by the loss of sun gazing through the windows. He dug his hands in his front pockets, his smile left on his face.
“Goodnight Dubois.”
Happy Harbor
June 20
It didn’t take long for Lina to fly home at top-speeds, shower, get changed into some nicer civvies, and zeta over to the cave. Another talent she had picked up in her years as a hero; she had become very good at quickly changing clothes. Robin had once told her that it was one skill every hero grew into after time.
And just as she thought of the young, raven-haired boy; he materialized in the Zeta-tube beside her.
“Fancy meeting you here Airhead.” Robin cracked open a grin as his eyes met Lina’s figure.
“You as well, Boy Blunder.” Lina nodded. “I was just thinking of you actually.”
Robin’s smirk doubled in length, and a hand swept through his hair. “I knew my good looks and charm had to get your attention eventually.”
Lina let out a loud snort of laughter. “Mhmm, sure. I think you’ve been spending a little too much time around Wally.” She rolled her eyes. “Get back to me when you’re not a child, okay?”
Robin joined into the French girl’s laughter as they made their way into the kitchen, where they found Kaldur, Conner, and M’gann waiting.
“Ah, you two made it!” M’gann exclaimed happily. “Sorry for the last minute plans, but Wally’s idea to go camping sounded like so much fun!”
“No problem M’gann.” Robin shrugged. “Beats patrolling with Bats any day of the week in my book.”
“It was kind of you to invite everyone.” Kaldur nodded.
“But where’s Wa-“ Before Lina could finish her question, the ginger speedster sped into the kitchen with his hands full of camping supplies.
“Gathered a couple chairs, some firewood,  scrounged the pantry for graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows; and now we’ll cozy up together outside…”
Wally’s voice trailed off as he entered the kitchen and caught a look at his teammates waiting inside, his expression full of surprise which led everyone to believe that these plans were not made with them in mind.
“We’re going to need a lot more stuff than that if we’re gonna go camping!” Robin smirked.
Happy Harbor
June 20
“This was a great idea, don’t you think Wally? Camping in the great outdoors…” The cheeky mockery in Robin’s voice could be heard a mile away.
After digging into some supplies around the cave, the group had found enough to be used for all six of them. Three two-person tents, a hammock, more firewood and food, a few chairs that could be used outside, even a cooler that the teens used to store the food in case of any animals that may be lurking in the woods.
It was the true camping experience, save for the actual home base that was less than a kilometre away from the campsite.
“I don’t remember inviting you.” Wally huffed. “Besides, I didn’t say anything about camping. I said a campfire. Big difference between just a campfire and the whole camping thing, I don’t like camping outside anyways…”
Wally sent a grinning look over his shoulder at M’gann, who was sitting far back from the fire. As Martian and Atlantean biologies were extremely susceptible to high temperatures, such as fire, both M’gann and Kaldur had to sit far away from the fire as to not receive any unwanted heat.
“...unless, of course, I’m camping with that special someone.”
“Dude, that was borderline creepy.” Robin cringed.
If M’gann had noticed Wally’s flirting or Robin’s line, she didn’t bother to show it. “Well, I think all of us camping is a wonderful idea!” The alien girl piped up.
“She didn’t seem to think my line was too bad,” Wally smirked.
Robin looked at Lina, noticing her holding back her on cringing. “She’s probably on a sugar overload.”
“Thanks to Wally, I get to try s’mores for the first time.” M’gann cheered as she took a bite of the mushy marshmallow-chocolate-graham cracker concoction on her stick.
“What can I say? I’m a sweetie!” Wally quipped. “Get it? Cause s’mores are sweet?”
Seeing the Martian girl enjoying her own s’more, Lina looked down at her own with an alien look.
“I do not understand this dessert…” Lina muttered.
“They don’t have s’mores in France?” M’gann asked, mouth full of gooey marshmallow.
Lina shook her head. “Marshmallows aren’t very popular, and graham crackers aren’t even available anywhere that I know of…” After poking the melted sugars white goo spilling out from the dessert, the girl wrinkled her nose and handed hers to M’gann; who ecstatically snatched it and popped the dessert into her mouth.
“So this is what you do when you go camping?” Superboy asked, gesturing to their makeshift camping grounds. “Sleep in these flimsy things called ‘tents’ and sit around the fire?”
“Yeah, that’s pretty much about it. So if you feel like heading home, I can sit here with Ms. M...alone.”
“You’re about as subtle as a train wreck, you know that?” Robin grinned. The flames reflecting off his sunglasses, which he was still wearing despite it being the middle of the night, made his mischievous features look downright malicious.
“You’re not going to catch any fish unless you go fishing dude!” Wally replied, then seemed to catch himself as he looked back at Kaldur-who was cringing a little at the metaphor. “Sorry, no offence.”
“Usually,” Robin cut in, crossing his arms, “you sit around the campfire and tell stories.”
“Oh!” M’gann exclaimed, whipping around to face Kaldur who broke off his eye contact with Lina to face the Martian. “I would love to hear your story Kaldur. Could you tell us how you became Aqualad?”
“I was thinking more of a ghost story type of thing but I guess…whatever.”
Seeing the flames continue to brighten the boy’s sunglasses along with the almost evil in appearance expression, a shiver ran through Wally’s spine.
“Dude, tone down the evil villain vibes would ya? You’re creeping me out!” Wally whisper-shouted.
“Oh, I suppose I could do that if you do not think it will be too boring…” Kaldur said, eyes darting around his teammates to get a reading on how they may feel about the suggestion. Everyone’s interests seemed to be piqued however, everyone’s eyes on him save for Robin’s-whose head was tilted in his direction but his eyes still lay focused on the flames before him.
“Not at all! I would love to hear it!” M’gann nodded.
Ever self-conscious about being in the spotlight, Kaldur took one more look around the campfire. When his eyes landed on Lina, whose head was propped up in her hands as she waited for him to begin. Her eyes displayed such excitement, even though she already knew his story from many a telling, and the Atlantean felt a sense of confidence flow through him. His mind began to formulate his story, piecing together the chapters of his life as his grey-teal eyes became entranced by the fire.
“Well, I grew up in the city of Shayeris, which is a city in Atlantis. Surface dwellers think all Atlanteans are the same, but our kingdom has many cities, many people, many cultures. When I was twelve, I completed my education and began my mandatory service in the Atlantean military-which is standard for all at that age.”
“After a while, I was transferred to the prestigious Conservatory of Sorcery in the Atlantean capital of Poseidonis. Queen Mera is the Head Mistress of the Conservatory and wife of King Orin, Aquaman. It was a very different time for me. It was difficult, as it would be for anyone at age fourteen I suppose, but also a time in my life where I met friends that I know will be with me for a lifetime."
"Then came a day...a horrible day when Poseidonis was attacked by the Ocean Master. I can remember it vividly, as if it only happened yesterday. It was the day Aquaman almost met his end."
"Aquaman and Ocean Master fought for what seemed like hours. When the two clashed it seemed to shake the very foundations of the city. Ocean Master had gained the upper hand, and nearly defeated Aquaman." Then, Kaldur paused. "Correction: Aquaman was defeated."
"Garth, a fellow student, and I intervened on the King's behalf. It was the only thing we could think of doing. The danger did not occur to us, the only thing that mattered to us at the time was that our King was in danger. It may have been one of the most foolish things Garth and I had ever done, as we nearly met our own end. We had no hope of defeating him whatsoever, but the time we spent engaged in battle against the Ocean Master was time enough for our King to recover. That was all he needed as Aquaman finally triumphed over Ocean Master."
"Aquaman is a being of two worlds. On the surface world, he fights for justice of all beings, under the sea he is a leader of many. Both carry the weight of responsibilities. Overwhelming responsibilities that only the best of men can carry for so long. Even Aquaman cannot do both forever. Realizing that on the surface both Batman and Green Arrow had taken on apprentices that could one day take over their respective mantels, King Orin had been contemplating the same idea. With this in mind, he approached both Garth and myself with the possibility of becoming his proteges. I must admit, the possibility intrigued me immediately."
"I had never been to the surface world, and I will be the first to admit that I am a bit of an adventurer. Many is the day in class that I would dream of visiting distant oceans and possibly, one day, even the surface world. Both Garth and I seriously considered the King's offer. But Garth ultimately chose to continue his studies with Queen Mera at the Conservatory of Sorcery. For me, however...the chance to visit the surface world was a dream come true. So at the age of fourteen, I became Aqualad. I miss my friends, Garth, Tula...but the chance to work with my mentor and King was an opportunity I could not pass up. I like to think the work that I am doing makes a difference."
"The rest of the story you know. Aquaman brought Aqualad to the surface world...and now I am here with you."
Kaldur's story elicited a smile from pretty much everyone, although on differing levels.
Lina stretched her back over the log she was leaning against, moaning slightly as she did. "I love stories of the fathoms below…" she sighed.
"So you wanted to be Aqualad?" M'gann asked.
"Yes, the opportunity alone...I could think of no other path." Kaldur spoke with a small, content and nostalgic smile on his lips.
"If you think he wanted to be Aqualad so badly, let me tell you about how I got started." Wally piped up.
"Oh this ought to be good." Lina heard Robin mutter.
"It literally goes back a couple generations. Each generation of Flash has started with a bang! Literally! Jay Garrick was in a freak accident: Boom! There it is. During the 40s and 50s, he was everywhere. 'The fastest man alive', Jay Garrick was the first Flash."
"Then, one day this guy comes along; a huge fan of The Flash, wanting to know all about this Jay Garrick-back in those days Jay didn't really hide his identity-he contacts Jay and the two spend hours and hours talking about his adventures and his accident that turned him into the Flash. This guy even goes so far as to re-create the accident that created the original! But whereas Jay Garrick's was a complete freak accident, this guy rre-createsit under laboratory conditions; he set the whole thing up in his lab and tried to make it happen. Result? Still a big explosion, but lo and behold he becomes speedy mcspeed-speed himself! Now he's The Flash. Well, not the original Flash, but the new Flash...the Flash we all know! Now that I'm saying all this...they probably could have used different names…But now this time, he was even faster than the old Flash! He had even more speed!"
Wally popped another s'more into his mouth, then continued his story.
"Okay, so check this! The second Flash is a fan of the first Flash-Jay Garrick-and it turns out great minds think alike! Cause I was a fan of the Flash! The second one, not the first. Well, I was a fan of Jay Garrick after I got to meet him, but he was a little before my time."
"Long story short, one day I was in my Uncle's house and stumbled across his old notebooks, and got the shock of a lifetime. That was the day I found out my uncle was The Flash! Once the shock had passed a bit, I kept reading. He had been keeping a journal of all his experiences and experiments! Especially the one that made him the Flash-the second one, not the first-""We get it already!" Robin interrupted.
Wally ignored his friend's outburst and carried on.
"When I found that out, I would kind of keep hinting to my uncle that Flash could maybe use and needed a partner. I mean, come on, by this time Bats already had Robbie over there, GA had Speedy, Aquaman had Kal...heck, even RT had Lina at that point! This was a total no-brainer! I've got to admit, Flash was a little resistant at first."
"Does this story sound confusing to anyone else?" Superboy asked.
"Just let me finish, and you will be confused no more Supey!" Wally winked, sending finger guns to the clone. "So, having his journal just like he saw the previous Flash's, I try to recreate the experiment with my own chemistry set. And what do you know? I was actually able to do it."
"The experiment actually worked?" Kaldur asked.
"Well...not at first, actually." Wally suddenly seemed a little uncomfortable. "I was hurt in the explosion, it was pretty bad...but although the super speed didn't kick in for a couple weeks, when it did; I was perfectly fine, and then I was off and running. I couldn't wait to show Flash! When he saw that I had powers, how could he not want me as a partner? You guys should've seen his face when I showed him! This time he jumped at the chance to have me as his partner, Flash couldn't wait to show me off to the world! He was beyond ecstatic, he couldn't contain his excitement! It was the greatest day in the history of the world! Why you ask?"
"We didn't." Robin snorted.
"That's the day the world got Kid Flash!"
Wally remained silent, as if waiting for people to applaud, then said with an air of victory and pride, "You. Are. Welcome."
"Ah yes, we're all so pleased that you're so speed-capable." Robin snickered. Wally shot a glare at him.
“What’s the matter? Jealous?” Wally asked.
“Sheeyah, right. Jealous of you?”
"What about you Lina?" M'gann cut in, catching the small brunette's attention.
"Moi?" Lina asked, then laughed awkwardly. "I can assure you, mine's not as interesting as fighting alongside great monarchs or sciencey explosions…"
"As long as it's not so confusing…" Superboy shrugged.
"C'mon Lin', you've got a great origin story!" Wally cheered on.
Lina sighed, a timid heat crawling up to her ears, and she found herself fiddling with a strand of hair.
"Well, then...I guess I should start with where I grew up. My family line worked in the circus industry for generations, right down to my parents, my brothers and I. We performed for a European Travelling Circus, Cortez' to be exact...it was my home. My father was a stagehand, he was never one for acts himself, but my brothers were a fire-dancer and an animal tamer respectively and my mother and I...we were an acrobatic duo! Aerial work, floor routines, silks, contortion, gymnastics...everything you could think of, we specialized in! Growing up in a circus...there's nothing else like it. The acts, the work that goes into it, the family...it's perfect."
Lina's eyes seemed to light up as she spoke, but then suddenly the light seemed to fade. "But then...there was a fire. The authorities never figured out how it started, but my mom and I got crushed in some debris when she tried to save me and...when the smoke cleared my mother had…passed. I was put into a coma lasting for months. Apparently, nothing in the circus lay untouched by the flames. With the destruction it wreaked, and then with one of the most prominent families in Cortez' history leaving after the death of their monarch...the circus closed before the end of the season."
"But then, while in my coma, this power in me suddenly manifested. Somehow, I don't know exactly how, I created a giant tornado in the France countryside. Thank God nobody was hurt, and the destruction was minimal considering. But when I woke, the Justice League was there. My family had explained everything to them and then; Red Tornado, Black Canary, and Batman came into my hospital room and talked to me. They told me of how Red was willing to take me in as an apprentice, teach me to control my powers, and Black Canary would help me heal while also teaching me hand-to-hand combat. My family wasn't too happy at this initially...but I agreed. I felt like I needed to do something so it wouldn't happen again."
"Then started a whole year of training. Being in a coma for months while I healed from serious wounds had left my body weak and brittle, so I had a lot of work to do. But as I'm sure you'll all find soon, Black Canary is the perfect person to 'whip you into shape', no matter what shape you start off in. And then, after I was deemed ready by both my mentors, I was officially given the title 'Zephyr' and I started fighting evil. And now...here I am, with all of you."
"...I'm sorry about your Mother." M'gann frowned. The girl looked a little guilty, but Lina shook her head and smiled.
"It's alright, I have made peace with her passing. And besides, I know that wherever she is...she's happy that her family is all well and safe."
"You really don't know where your powers come from?" Superboy suddenly asked. His question surprised Lina, but she answered nonetheless.
"I do not. The League has apparently attempted to find out, I even was the subject of a couple of tests at STAR Labs for a couple of days because we wanted to figure it out, but...we simply do not know." Lina shrugged.
“I’m sure we’ll figure it out soon.” Robin shrugged. “Just gotta find the right people.”
The French girl gave the younger boy beside her a smile and gently rustled his hair. “Merci...perhaps one day…”
“Can you tell us how you got started Robin?” M’gann asked.
Wally answered with a loud snort of laughter, which seemed to put Robin in a very bitter mood as the raven-haired male looked away and began to pout a little. “Are you kidding? Bats won’t even let him tell anyone his real name!”
Finally looking back at his best friend, Wally noticed that the youngest of the group was looking particularly uncomfortable. A slight blush was dusted on his cheeks, and his shoulders were slouched. The ginger also noticed the fact that Robin was avoiding looking at Lina at all costs. As if just looking at her, or as Wally knew-thinking too much about the story she had just told-would lead him to unravel. Wally sidestepped and reevaluated what he just said.
“I mean...you’ll probably get a better origin story out of Supey over there.” The ginger motioned to the shadowy figure across the fire from him.
“But you all already told me his story, didn’t you?” M’gann spoke. “You told me that the four of you rescued him from CADMUS.”
Wally nodded. “That we did.”
“Yes, chronologically Superboy is only 16 weeks old,” Kaldur explained
“And you don’t have any memories of what happened before you were rescued?” The Martian girl asked Superboy.
If Superboy was at all anxious from having the attention suddenly tossed onto him, he didn’t bother to show it. “I have some memories...from the g-gnome…it would teach me about the world outside while I was in the containment pod.”
This made M’gann smile but then frown slightly. “So you can remember things? When you were in the containment pod they would feed you information and you could remember it, right?”
“I guess so.” Superboy shrugged indifferently.
“Well if you can remember what they taught you, you must have been thinking about things as they fed you information,” M’gann said, her voice almost analytical in a sense. “What did you think about?”
“When I was in the containment pod, I was fed information. But I really didn’t start thinking for myself until I got out.”
“Well what kinds of things do you think about now?”
The group seemed unsure of why the sudden interrogation had sprung up surrounding Superboy’s thoughts, but when the clone hesitated in his answer the attentions of all the experienced proteges seemed to be piqued. And when the boy looked back at everyone with a gaze that was equal parts cold and empty, several warning signs began to go off in their heads. The only exception to this was Robin, who Wally noticed hadn’t reacted at all.
“The one thing that’s always on my mind...destroying Superman.”
Almost in unison, a chill crept up every single hero’s spines. Upon seeing the shocked expressions on their faces, Superboy stood from his chair and turned away from the group.
“Are you serious Superboy?” M’gann asked.
Superboy paused. “...it’s how I feel...sometimes. What if that’s why I was created? What if that’s the only reason I was created?”
“That’s not possible.” M’gann shook her head.
“Yeah! Look at all the good stuff you’ve done so far!” Wally exclaimed.
“What would be the possible reasoning behind this thinking?” Kaldur inquired.
Superboy sighed, and his fists tensed by his sides. “I just feel...I don’t know what I feel. Sometimes thoughts happen.”
“Those would be silly thoughts!” M’gann chipped. “You should put them out of your head.”
“He does have a valid point.” Robin pointed out, but the tone of his voice made it evident he did not want to be the realistic one in this scenario. “We really don’t know anything about what they did to him yet…”
Reaching up, Lina touched Wally’s arm and the two looked to one another for a moment, then nodded.
“We know he’s one of the good guys, and we know he’s part of the team,” Wally argued, standing up.
“We know he fought side-by-side with us to get out of Cadmus, and helped to free us from being cloned ourselves,” Lina added on, standing up herself and floating over to the clone. She was joined by Wally, spare s’more in his hand.
“In this world, actions speak louder than words,” Kaldur spoke. “Superboy has proven his intentions with his actions.”
“Hero, villain. Human, or otherwise. Each and every living being has a balance of good and evil in them. That includes all of us here today, whether we choose to recognize that or not.” Lina nodded and placed a caring hand on Superboy’s shoulder. “What matters is what part of that balance we choose to act on. You’ve proven several times that you act on the good.”
“Exactly!” Wally exclaimed, and shoved the s’more into Superboy’s hands. “So put those thoughts outta your head Supey! And while you’re at it, have another s’more.”
Superboy looked down at the s’more, his expression shrouded in shadow. “Thank you...all of you.”
As Wally and Lina sat back down, the former nudged Robin with his foot. “Dude, what’s wrong? Not like you to zone out mid-monologue.” Wally whispered.
“I guess Superboy isn’t the only one lost in thought tonight…” Robin whispered back, ever so mysteriously.
An awkward silence spilled over the teens. The only sound surrounding them being the cracking of the fire and the odd rustle in the bushes. Nearly everyone shifted uncomfortably in their seats, not wanting to continue in the awkwardness but not wanting to be the first to speak after such a dramatic moment. But never being one to like silence of any sort, especially amongst friends, Wally’s eyes latched onto the only person who had not given their own personal origin story.
“Hey! Miss M! What about you? What’s your dealio?”
“Oh...uh, I guess since you all told your stories…” M’gann cleared her throat, which had suddenly gotten very dry. “I guess, well, I’m from Mars…”
She slapped her head, “Hello Megan, you all already knew that!”
“All Martians live in underground tunnels because the surface is inhabitable. Our family lives are very intertwined because, as you already know, we mostly communicate telepathically. This helps the large families of Mars keep a sense of community and stay closer."
"Large families?" Wally asked, looking intrigued. "How many are in in your family?"
"Martian families are quite large. I myself have twelve sister and seventeen brothers. In my extended family I have over three hundred counsins." M'gann explained. Everyone's eyes widened at this, especially Wally's.
"Three hundred?" The speedster asked.
"Are they all girls like you?"
"Dude!" Robin exclaimed. "You are a class act!"
"Dude!" Wally called back. "Three hundred girls that look like her? Now that's a planet I want to visit!"
Lina nudged Wally with her foot. "Bordering on creepy again, KF."
"Well, half of my cousins are male, but yes. Most Martians look similar...mostly Green like my Uncle J'onn and myself. But there are other...differences. There are also Martians who are red and white...but some on my planet do not see the whites as equal."
"Well, that's a little ironic, compared to Earth…" Lina thought.
"My parents are both green, and I was raised in what would be called a 'liberal' type of environment. My family, I, have no issue with white Martians. Others...are not as tolerant."
"What made you come to Earth?" Kaldur asked, and Lina could notice a little bit of discomfort in his voice.
"Of all the brothers, sisters, parents, aunts, uncles; the family member I was closest to was Uncle J'onn. We had a great relationship." M'gann went on to explain. "We would watch exploits on Earth with the rest of the Justice League. He grew to be a true beacon of hope and stood for what our society could achieve. He became the most famous Martian in our history! And upon his return to Mars, it was considered a planetwide celebration! But his return was not for adoration...he had a more specific purpose in mind."
"Upon learning about all of you-Robin, Aqualad, Zephyr, Kid Flash, and Speedy-J'onn decided now was the time to introduce a younger Martian hero to Earth."
"J'onn J'onzz came back to Mars and declared he would hold a competition to find the next Martian champion that would be returning with him to fly amongst the heroes of Earth. I decided I would enter the competition, as it seemed so did half the population of Mars. I however, was coming to Earth. The competition was fierce and dangerous. It was exciting, and consumed the lives of every single Martian on the planet."
"At first, Uncle J'onn seemed as if he didn't want me to compete. I thought maybe it was because he didn't want me coming to Earth. I had seen some of his adventures, they were life-threateningly dangerous. But I was not going to let that stop me, I was determined to win! From everything I had seen and heard of Earth from that point...I had loved it. I wanted to come see it for myself, I would not be bested. I won the whole competition."
"My heart soared! I was coming to Earth! This was the most exciting point of my life, and now I am here with all of you! I am a part of the Team! I truly love it."
"We are happy you're here with us as well M'gann." Kaldur smiled.
"You could say that again," Wally added.
"And I hope we continue to live up to the...what's that word…'hype'." Lina reached over to pat Megan's leg.
Pulling the conversation away, Robin stood and stretched. "Well...I don't know about you guys, but I think I've had one s'more too many. I'm going to hit the old sleeping bag."
"Yes!" M'gann cheered. "This has been such an amazing evening, but I am so excited to sleep in a tent!"
"I'm right behind you." Wally piped up, only to be pulled back by Robin.
"Yeah, only you're sleeping in this tent right over here," Robin spoke, motioning to the tent that the two boys had agreed beforehand to share.
As everyone began to stand, M'gann turned to face Lina. "Are you turning in as well?"
"I believe so, I'll be in in a minute." The human girl nodded, stretching her neck to crack the bones. The girl with green skin nodded happily and zoomed over to the tent belonging to the two of them.
"Hey, next time you think we should go camping for real? Like in an actual camping ground instead of in our own backyard?" Wally asked.
"You don't strike me as the outdoorsy type...maybe next time we'll try down the hill a bit." Robin shrugged indifferently.
"You're certain your family is fine with you staying the night here again?" Kaldur asked the small French girl standing beside him, who nodded in response.
"Believe me, they are more than fine with it. Last I spoke with them my older brother said, and I translate, "it's good to have your sorry butt out of the house for once”.” Lina laughed a little. “What about you? I hope this isn’t stopping you from visiting Atlantis.”
Kaldur shrugged. “Atlantis will survive without me for a few more days. For now, my place is with the team-my friends.”
Lina smiled at this, and gently bumped her shoulder with his. “I’m glad to hear it! But for now, I think your place is getting some sleep.” Kaldur’s lazy smile turned into a chuckle.
“The same to you.”
“In that case,” The air-manipulator grinned and took a curtsy to both the Atlantean and the clone, who had been silently watching them with an empty expression, “I wish you adieu et bonne nuit.”
Kaldur watched Lina turn and leave, a small smile itching at the corners of his mouth, but Superboy just turned to face the flames once again. After a moment, the Atlantean focused back on the Kryptonian.
“That was a fun evening indeed, but I think I will be turning in as well...unless you would like some company, Superboy?”
“No, that’s okay.” The younger boy barely made a physical notion of whether he had heard Kaldur or not, “I’ll turn in soon. I just want to sit here with the fire a bit longer.”
Kaldur nodded but didn’t question the response. “Well, if you need anything; you know we are all here for you.”
And with that, Kaldur left to enter his own tent. But Superboy continued to stand, his eyes on the dancing flames but his gaze seeming to go straight through them. As if even though his body was standing there, in the makeshift camp site, but his mind and thoughts were...elsewhere.
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