#I thought posting them for worldbuilding on Aoi's GX canon would be a good idea <3
getyouraoion · 4 years
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This particular school year is the first for Slifer Red’s new Co-Ed status. As Obelisk Blue has two separate dorms and Ra Yellow is large enough to split down the middle in terms of rooms, the Slifers are few in number, with girls even fewer. Including Aoi, the dorm houses six girls in two rooms, three and three. With so few and very little interest in red as a whole, many students eager to get out rather than stay in, the choice was made to simply make red a co-ed dorm, with strict rules in place.
Of course strict isn’t all that strict when they have Professor Banner for a headmaster and few of them care to flirt, just advance.
Three girls hold claim to room 105, right next to the cafeteria on the ground floor. Aoi and her two roommates, Kassidy and Mia, are in room 203 - Smack dab in the middle of the second floor. Neither set of girls is bothered by their living arrangements, though all but one are eager to move on - that one, of course, being Aoi.
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Little is known about the trio in room 105, aside from the fact they rarely go anywhere without the one another, and simply wish to advance to Ra Yellow as quickly as they can..
Kassidy and Mia of 203 are a constant source of frustration for Aoi. Unlike Jaden, who gets along rather well with and even befriends his roommates Syrus and Chumley in 205, she has very little in common with the girls.
Both are the typical ‘girly-girl’ types, preferring to talk of boys, dating, and makeup rather than the actual reason they’re attending the academy. (Un)Ironically, both girls also play decks related to the frog prince fairy tale; Kassidy plays a ‘Prince Charming’ deck, consisting of various princes, kings, and knights, while Mia has a frog deck. The two are often tag partners for this reason.
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Kassidy is a ‘fan’ of nail polish and manicures, though anyone else would call it an obsession. At the academy alone, she has a collection of over 100 different polishes, and changes the one she wears every few days. Her desk in their room is littered with various manicure tools and bottles of polish, and when she’s sitting at it, there’s little that can break through her daze. Each nail must be perfect, or she starts all over again.
When she’s not talking of boys, looking for a date, or doing her nails, she does enjoy mystery novels. Each week, she borrows one from the library and reads through it between homework and her manicures, repeating the process the next week. It’s something she prefers to keep hidden from Mia and Aoi, though they’ve both caught her reading one while filing before.
Kassidy’s ultimate goal is to marry rich, and she sees becoming a pro as the first step to that. Unlike others who actively seek a chance to be a professional Duelist for the sake of dueling, she feels it’ll place her in a world where she’ll be noticed and find her ‘Prince Charming’, though to be fair, she does have the dueling skills to back up her choice. She just… Doesn’t like the chance of damaging her nails on her duel disk.
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On the other hand, Mia follows fashion trends, but only those shown on celebrities in magazines. She’s in the habit of ‘rating’ the appearances of the other girls she meets and sticking her nose in for unwanted advice on makeup and hairstyles, even keeping current fashion magazines under her pillow for a quick reference. While Aoi, too, loves fashion, Mia is definitely not the person to turn to for advice in it.
On the side, Mia actually enjoys drawing, though she’s not very good at it in the least. She’s rather good, instead, at math and knitting, though like Kassidy’s novels, knitting is something she won’t admit to, thinking it a hobby only for older people. She keeps bits of yarn hidden away in their closet, and tries to work with it whenever she’s alone in the room.
In the end, Mia, also, wishes only to marry, though she sees little point in becoming a pro for it. Her sole reason in attending the academy is to find a boyfriend she can bring home, though like Kassidy, she has the dueling skills to prove she belongs in the school. Her goal is to work her way up to Obelisk Blue and find a guy there, perhaps even someone like Syrus’s older brother… How dreamy…!
Frankly, Aoi’d rather be with Jaden.
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