#I thought it would be haymitch pov
gatheryepens · 3 months
okay some thoughts about Sunrise on the Reaping, because if I don’t say anything I might go insane….
#so originally when I found out#I thought it would be haymitch pov#but I’m kind of thinking now that it won’t be#like it will definitely be haymitch’s story#but most likely told from a peripheral character#only because we know it’s set on reaping day#so if it was his pov we would most likely get a book about his games and his experience#but we kind of already know a lot about his games from catching fire#so I don’t think we will get a much of that#plus Collins has explored a lot of the brutal nature of the games#and that despite these engineered conditions with one goal in mind#for innocent children to kill one another#people are able to make there own choices and choose compassion and show they aren’t pieces in someone’s game#so if I’m not mistaken in the article I was reading#Collins said about how the inspo for this book#was based on the use of propaganda and the people controlling it#as well as the question ‘real or not real?’#so this made me think a lot about the first book#especially if I’m not mistaken Katniss says something about how she wonders what Gale thinks about all this kissing and it then reminded me#of in the movie when Gale is observing K+P in the arena in the cave probably asking himself the question - real or not real?#so I could definitely see it being a peripheral character who’s some how connected to the main character#I’m kind of thinking maybe someone like maybe madges mother since her sister maysilee is reaped#but like it could also be someone close to haymtich like his girlfriend but then I kind of ruled that out since snow kills his family#and girlfriend#I did think maybe someone from the Capitol who’s a little bit high up and can see the#affect of how certain information can be manipulated into turning districts against one another as well as manipulating citizens of the#capitol into thinking that what they are doing isn’t wrong and are in some ways ‘helping’ the districts#as we see this in tbosas with snow introducing the sponsor idea#so it could be someone higher up like a game maker or something or maybe just like a stylist#I think that’s it for now
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moethewriter · 9 months
Could you do one for Finnick where no one knows they are together except close friends, we know katniss doesn’t like him much at first and the reader knows the rebellion plan and obviously Finnick so she doesn’t stop him from flirting with her and maybe(?) thinks it’s amusing because she knows why he’s doing it but it’s revealed in the arena they’re together and katniss is shocked
I hope you like it! I was excited to write it but I fear I made it far more angsty and less flirty than you would like! TITLE: A Lover's Cry WORD COUNT: 1.8k PAIRING: Finnick Odair x Reader WARNINGS: General hunger games violence, secret relationships, angst and multiple POV! (Katniss, Reader) TAGS: Let me know if I need to tag anything else! A/N: I actually really loved writing this one, and i hope you enjoy it despite only loosely basing it off your prompt! Thank you so much for the request and as always I take constructive critisicsm! Not beta read as usual! -
“So what’s with those two?” Katniss questioned, pointing towards the screen.
She had watched Haymitch flick through the tributes, giving her and Peeta the basics on everyone who was going into the arena. Two had caught her eyes immediately, Finnick Odair from District 4, and Y/N L/N from District 8. She knew their names, their faces but she didn’t know anything about their skills or who they were. But both seemed far too polished, posh and pretty standing in front of their respective crowds. It seemed like they were ready to head back in there, almost like they wanted too. 
Haymitch turned towards the television.
“Finnick Odair and Y/N L/N.” He stated, watching the scenes of people he knew, waving towards the crowd of people. Picture perfect smiles adorning their faces.“The Capitol Darlings, everyone loves them … and people to watch out for. Finnick Odair, the youngest Victor in history at only fourteen and Y/N L/N took the top spot for kills from Beetee during her games. Took out nine people in one go. Extremely humble” He shook his head, remembering the brutality.
Katniss made a face. “You’re kidding right?” She snorted.
“Yes, I’m kidding.” Haymitch rolled his eyes. “They’re both peacocks, preeners … The Capitol loves their charm and friendship. They have a lot of support. They would make good allies … but deadly competition.” Haymitch explained.  
“Weaknesses?” Peeta questioned, leaning towards his mentor.
“Finnick will have Mags in there, she basically raised him. He’ll want to protect her in whatever ways he can” Haymitch told them, taking a seat. “Y/N … far too trusting at heart and will do anything to protect them both. She’d rather see herself die than her friends.” He stated.
Katniss simply nodded.
Katniss walked into the training room, and scanned her surroundings … She didn’t know these Victors well enough to decide who she wanted to align herself with. According to Haymitch … to make it through the Quarter Quell, she and Peeta needed strong allies. Though she knew deep down the only one she could truly depend on was Peeta. 
Katniss walked towards the bow and arrows laying on the table when she heard the sound of a faint giggle, something she thought she would never hear. She looked up, and her eyes moved around the room … finally they landed on the culprit. She frowned at the sight as she watched a blush rise on Y/N’s face. It wasn’t from endurance training, but from Finnick Odair. 
Katniss had not taken Finnick, refused to, even … he was far too cocky for her taste and she didn’t want him anywhere near her. But Y/N seemed almost enamoured by him … like she liked … whatever the hell was going on.
Katniss made a mental note of the two, as she headed towards Mags … she would keep that to herself for now. She needed to make some friends here, and Katniss thought that Mags would be a good start.
“You’re going to get us caught, Finnick.” You blushed, pushing him away as you headed in the opposite direction. “Play it cool, Odair … can’t have everyone knowing about us.” You whispered.
“Sorry.” Finnick put his hands up in defence, a small smile lacing his features. “I’ll try to tone it down but looking at you … that’s going to be hard to do.” 
“Zip it.” You made the motion of your lips. “We’ve got training to do.” You told him, gesturing towards the room.
Everyone else was laser focused on honing their skills, making it known that they were not to be messed with in the Games. But you two were simply goofing off, and giggling like two schoolgirls who had gossip that no one else knew. You were certain that Snow wasn’t pleased, nor was the new Game Maker but you were in your world. Finnick had always made it hard to concentrate on the task at hand.  
You and Finnick had been together for three years. During the 71st Hunger Games you had both been mentors for your respective Districts, and he had confessed to you. It was strange … so confusing to find love in the hardship of the Games but you wouldn’t trade that for the world. You loved him more than anything and he loved you right back. Long distance had been hard at first but you made it work, you would always make it work for him. 
“Find me later?” He asked.
“I know your room number.” You said, smiling towards him.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to go back in there.” You whispered, snuggling closer to Finnick.
You knew the plan, and you knew you had to get Katniss and Peeta out of that arena. Plutarch and Haymitch had made that abundantly clear. There was a Rebellion and Plutarch was on your side, he was hiding in plain sight, ready to take down The Capitol. You jumped at the chance to join, even if that meant sacrificing your own life. Finnick had agreed immediately once he knew you were joining. He had always shared your sentiments about having a better future for everyone.
You wanted a better life, a quiet life with him and you would fight for that every single day. You finally had your chance, and you had no idea if it was going to work but you had to try, you had to fight.
“I know.” He whispered, his thumb gliding across your hip. “I’m not either.”
“When we’re in there …” You muttered, kissing his jaw. “You have to remember that Katniss and Peeta are the most important ones there. Okay? You have to protect them first and everything else comes later.” 
He smelt like vanilla, probably from the soap supplied from The Capitol, but it was so soothing to you.
“I … I don’t know if I can do that.” Finnick said, plainly. “I know this Rebellion is important … I know that they are important but they’re not the most important things to me, Y/N. You and Mags will always be far more important than some Rebellion.” 
“Finnick.” You felt the lump rise in your throat.
This could be the last time that you two were together, and you weren’t handling it well. You knew you would never be safe again after winning The Games. You were well aware that you would never have peace again, but you didn’t think you would be in this position ever again. You certainly didn’t want to be here with Finnick.
“Let’s just be together right now.” He said, kissing the top of your head. “Let’s pretend that nothing is going to happen tomorrow and we're just laying under the stars and nothing is going to go wrong.” His breathing started to even out, and his heartbeat steadied your own.
“Okay.” You whispered, desperately swallowing. “Okay.”
“Finnick! Katniss!” You cried, chasing them into the woods, Johanna and Peeta on your tail.
The Games hadn’t been going as planned. 
First you had been separated from Finnick, which had caused you great distress. You ended up pairing with Johanna, Beetee and Wiress, fighting your way through blood rain and wild beasts. 
Then you had lost both Wiress and Mags. You had lost so many who joined The Rebellion, you watched the announcements every night and flinched whenever a cannon fired, wondering if you were losing a friend or foe. But you didn’t have time to grieve either of them, so much was at stake. You had to make it through another night to ensure that you would be saved. Giving up when you were so close wasn’t an option
But God you were so tired.
Then … the jabberjays started. 
You hated jabberjays.
They hadn't been used during your games, but you knew they tortured anyone who listened.
You had stepped out to find something food for everyone, and Beetee volunteered to come with you. You were all hungry, and getting weaker, especially after the fight at the cornucopia. You needed some sort of energy, and you weren’t going to see anyone die of starvation. 
You had been gone for maybe twenty minutes when you heard Katniss scream, shortly followed by Finnick. Fear had seized your heart, as you wasted no time chasing the sounds, Beetee desperately calling for you. 
You weren’t afraid to fight whatever threat was out there … especially when Finnick’s life was on the line. You would gladly die if it meant he lived.
You had met up with everyone, chasing down the other two and when you had found them, screaming, Jabberjays fluttering above them … your voice crying for help … you had cried, desperately trying to reach Finnick but to no avail. 
He and Katniss were trapped, writhing on the ground … sobbing and there was nothing you could do but wait.
It had been horrible to watch, you could only imagine what they were experiencing. 
You didn’t care who knew anymore, you would scream from the rooftops that you were in love with Finnick, if that meant he would be okay. You needed him to be okay.
It seemed like hours before the Jabberjays had flown away, and you had run to his side in an instant. Holding him close to you, assuring him that you were okay. 
“Y/N?” His voice sounded so goddamn small.
“I’m here baby.” You whispered, into his ear, gently rocking the man. “I am here, and I am okay. You’re okay.” You leaned in and kissed his forehead.
You were well aware of the shocked eyes on you, no one but Johanna knew anything about the two of you, and you met the brown eyes of Katniss. She seemed the most shocked out of anyone here. You knew she didn’t particularly like Finnick, she had only really met the persona he portrayed to the world. She didn’t know him like you did, you knew his heart.
“Everything is going to be okay.” You told him. “It’s going to be all okay.”
“He loves them.” Katniss said after a moment of silence, watching the two figures in the water.
She wondered how she could have missed it, all the signs were there yet she had been shocked. She didn’t understand the two, probably never would but that wasn’t really any of her concern.
“Yeah.” Johanna nodded. “They do. They’ve been through a lot together, I’ve known for a long time that those two were together. It’s disgusting really how much they love each other, they would quite literally kill for one another. Can’t blame them though, when you find someone like that you keep them close to your heart.” She shrugged. 
“I never thought …” Katniss trailed off.
“That anyone could ever love someone that much?” Johanna questioned, crossing her arms. “Well believe it, Katniss, because it’s right there.”
Katniss moved her gaze away from Johanna and back towards the water, the kiss was short and sweet but in that moment she knew that nothing could break those two apart. Nothing would, and they had something worth fighting for.
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acourtofthought · 1 month
Something I'm confused by is when Elriels insist that the twins are Elain's found family and their friendship is proof of Elriel being endgame.
I mean, I'm not saying Elain isn't friends with the twins because she is, but if they're meant to be her found family, why would they, and their friendship with Elain have been introduced already?
I've only read ACOTAR, so it might be different in other Mass books, but doesn't it make more sense for Elain to meet her found family in her own book? That way, the readers can see the love/trust develop between everyone from the very beginning instead of starting us in the halfway point, where Elain apparently already has her found family set and is only missing her endgame guy?
If the twins are Elain's found family, it just feels like the readers are missing out on a lot of possible key moments and information since they're all already friends before we've even had Elain's pov.
Your anon is very much in line with a conversation I was having with @acourtdelaluna that I had in my drafts and that I'll post screenshot of below.
The friend argument is similar to it. These are not contemporary romance book where a FMC starts off with her core group of girls that remain her core group as the series continues. Where she doesn't need her friends as anything but a sympathetic ear. In a fantasy books a FMC might have friends at the start of her journey but those friends are not the ones she's going to adventure with, to grow with. Take Hunger Games for example, Gail was Katniss's closest friend yet she grew closer to Peeta, to Finnick, to Haymitch (sort of?? haha) as the series progressed. She might keep the old friends but they aren't typically the ones who drive her character growth. Think of Fourth Wing. It was about the relationships the FMC made along the way that made the story what it was even outside her romance.
That e/riels are so distraught over the thought of Elain growing and meeting new people outside her sisters, the wraiths and Az is disheartening. They'd rather what her character is canonically known for (easily making friends) to have no part in her story because they know if Elain's world / friend group doesn't stay small, there's the chance that she'll want more than her current life.
Also if we're were supposed to care about the wraiths, why were they completely absent in SF when Elain was around? Why was Lucien at Solstice and Starfall but they weren't? Why was their only "appearance" when they brought Gwyn and Emerie tea (an off page appearance at that)? Why does Az fail to mention them at all? Why have we never witnessed a single conversation between them and Elain? Hell, we even had Amren and Nesta share dialogue in ACOWAR. We had Mor and Elain share dialogue.
It's not difficult to understand which people are meant to be important to a FMCs story because the author will make you care about them, she'll flesh them out and make them multi dimensional. We've had multiple books that feature N & C yet we know nothing about them outside the work they do for Rhys and Feyre.
This is especially true in a Sarah J Maas book. She puts as much time and care into the developing friendships as she does their endgame person. The only reason we won't see this setup for a Gwynriel book is because we've already witnessed the Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie friendship play out in real time in Nesta's story. We don't have that for N & C though. We're told they're Elain's friends but they have no development outside of that so it shouldn't be shocking that people feel meh about them.
Regarding Elain being perfectly settled and content with the relationships in her life, this is where my conversation with acourtdelaluna comes in. Because the argument is never just that Elain already has her found family but she also already knows exactly who and what she wants -
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deepdonutkid · 1 year
Peeta’s and Katniss’ roles reversed in Mockingjay
I just got to ramble, because I have this idea for a canon divergent Peeta POV fic, where he is the one who gets rescued from the Rebels and Katniss is taking to the Captiol. I saw some posts about this, and it’s also meantioned in the books, when Haymitch says something like “He wouldn’t treat you like this, if you were the one being hijacked” (I can’t quote the actual line, because I just have a translation of THG at hand, but if anyone can add this part, I would be very grateful).
And this got me thinking about, how the hijacking took the one thing about Peeta, that was very exceptional in this world, which was his kindness. Everybody said, they couldn’t believe, how cruel Peeta was to Katniss. That was very much unlike him, like they just ripped out a huge part of his identity. yes, but also... His benefit to the cause of the rebels. He was pretty much useless in district 13 and he was a risk to be with 451. Truth to be told, he held them back a lot, which was okay, because the squad was willing to do the extra work, but well, it played into the Capitols hand, right? He would get rid of Katniss for them.
Now we turn this thought around. How could they hijack Katniss, without killing her, to diminish the Rebel’s cause? They wouldn’t turn her more violent. At least, that’s not what I was thinking. Because they would make her just a more useful weapon for Coin if she was mentally unstable and violent. Also at this point they wanted to discredit the star-crossed lovers, who basically pulled the trigger on the whole rebellion thing. Side thought: Snow saw something in the third quarter quell, that was real and not just for the cameras. He recognized how deeply they loved each other and he wanted to destroy their bond, because any form of alliance is weakening his powers, this bond in particular.
So they want to tear the star-crossed lovers apart, because Victors are important figures in this propaganda war and people look up to them, and also make Katniss useless for the cause. Not only in a way, she couldn’t be used for propos anymore, but actually keep her away from the whole fight.
For that to happen they need to take one thing from her: her fire. Her braveness to help those in need. Her survivial instinct. And Katniss was always willing to fight for something, somebody else. Rarely ever for herself. She was thinking about winning for Prim’s sake not her own, among other stuff. And she was able to keep going, because she always had somebody who would ground her.
Well, I’m trying to say. They would hijack her in a way, she would not be brave and selfless, but terrified and scared without any connection to those around her. They would make her see Peeta as a monster, a mutt, but not something she can destroy and overcome, but something that’s almighty. Like Peeta is not the one person she can trust, but the one person she can never defeat.
Just imagine this from Peeta’s POV. Him seeing her in person after months, and instead of the hug or something he expected, she starts crying and hiding, begging him to spare her. Because in her eyes she is seeing something so cruel and horrifiying, she doesn’t even put up a fight.
And she would be to afraid to pick up any kind of weapon. She would be useless for propos and she coulnd’t heal for a long time, because the only person who could help her with her mental state is the same one who can’t go near her.
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katnissmellarkkk · 4 months
if this book is just from someone else’s pov of the second quarter quell, i’m going to be honest. that’s really stupid.
for years people begged suzanne to write haymitch’s story. it went without saying, they meant his pov. i never imagined she would do it. i thought her telling that story in catching fire, through katniss watching his game tape, was all we would get. however, now that she’s committed to writing the second quarter quell, it would be a big disservice to not write it from the pov people have begged for. if you’re going to give people what they’re asking for, you must do it all the way. writing sunrise on the reaping from any other pov would be a cowardly move imo.
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itsjuliak5 · 4 months
I have several thoughts and ideas regarding "Sunrise on the Reaping" so allow me to share some:
I love the idea of dual or multiple POVs. Suzanne said this book would focus a lot more on the propaganda side of things and it could be interesting to see how different characters are affected by the propaganda. I won't complain though if it's just Haymitch's POV though, he's one of my favorites; Maysilee and Haymitch dual POVs would be the death of me I think.
What if it is told from the POV of the Career girl that Haymitch killed at the end of his games? The career districts are trained for the games and made to believe that volunteering for the games is an honorable thing to do because of propaganda. Also at the end of the first Hunger Games book, Cato essentially becomes disillusioned with the whole thing after Clove dies, and it would be interesting to see the perspective of a character as they process those emotions and realizations.
Based on the title, there's an emphasis being placed on the reaping ceremony (duh), so it could be told from the POV of a character like Effie Trinket who goes to the districts and calls out tributes names.
It could also be told from the POV of the Head Gamemaker for the Quarter Quell. We got to see the beginnings of it all with Dr. Gaul in "ABOSAS" and then how they have basically been forced to up the stakes every year, especially now for the Quarter Quell. There might be some fallout on them and their team for what happened at the end in a sense of "the faulty design" of the arena allowed for Haymitch to "cheat" and win. It could be a Seneca Crane situation.
This is probably a long shot, but I'm throwing it out there for the fun of it: Caesar Flickerman POV.
People have already said this multiple times but Kiefer Sutherland as (another) young President Snow would be such good casting for the movie.
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sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
If anything were to ever be released from Peeta's POV during the series, I think what I would be most interested in is what was going through his head during The Mockingjay Trial.
Peeta's thoughts during Mockingjay as a whole would be interesting. Peeta is ultimately cunning. We all joke about how Peeta would've ran 13 if he'd been the one that was saved, but I can't imagine Snow was having a particularly fun time with him either. Peeta knows how to communicate with the Capitol. I wonder if part of the reason Peeta was abused so horribly was not to torture Katniss, but because it's very possible there was a real possibility Peeta could've won the war from the inside by turning Snow's people against him with his own personal showmanship. "If it weren't for the baby" is a perfect example of how capable Peeta could be of doing just that.
I imagine once Peeta begins to regain his mind, it doesn't take long for him to realize the multiple problems that exist within president Coin. The problems Gale decided not to acknowledge in the proper manner.
Gale and Katniss are incredibly close. Now, I know we all like to poke our fun at Gale, (I'm definitely guilty of it,) but Gale is a genuinely complex character. He was a kid too. That doesn't take away from how he still did wrong, but you cannot look at him from a black and white lense when legitimately viewing his character. He does have depth.
Gale and Katniss are close because they are similar. They lose their fathers in the same accident, they learn to survive the same way. Katniss speaks throughout the series of how similar they are. It would not at all be impossible for Peeta to assume Katniss was radicalized the same way Gale was since he remembers their relationship despite the hijacking.
I think this is what hurts Peeta the most during the voting for the final Hunger Games. Peeta is at a severe disadvantage to reading Katniss still. His mind is better, and most likely he had already begun therapy in seriousness and was already improving mentally. But he and Katniss have not begun to grow back together yet. He no longer has access to her obvious tells. And yes, Katniss's thoughts are obvious to her inner circle. To everyone else, she is a mystery. Katniss loves him, but he is no longer in her inner circle at this point.
I don't think Peeta would realize the truth of Katniss's vote until she shoots Coin instead of Snow, which I think is the point for many to realize the amount of deep set problems there truly were with Coin. Most of the time it takes someone doing something extreme to make people pause and think.
Peeta is already having to put the pieces back together in his mind about Katniss. I think The Mockingjay Trial would probably be the tipping point of Peeta's recovery due to the testimonies, the evaluations. Something I've wondered is if Peeta was even allowed to testify since he had been hijacked. Honestly, I would assume that he wasn't. Leaving him off to the sidelines, forced to watch as someone he knows he used to be close to be examined live for the nation to see, to be picked and torn apart. I imagine that maybe the general public was not allowed to see any footage, but based off of Plutarchs offer for Katniss to be on a new singing program during their final conversation in 'Mockingjay,' it seems Katniss was correct in thinking there was most likely a live broadcast of her in the Training Center available to watch. Most likely Haymitch was allowed a peak. And through Haymitch, probably Peeta. I don't think it would be until the entire nation is forced to learn the "truth" about The Mockingjay that Peeta has the same moment as Katniss has in 'The Hunger Games,' when suddenly he realizes just how much he does know about her.
I would think this time would be when Peeta and Haymitch also make peace with their relationship as well. Most likely there were probably a few, very hard to have conversations between the two of them during the trial. About Katniss, about Haymitch's promise to both of them during 'Catching Fire,' about being unable to save him.
Peeta returns to District 12 at the earliest opportunity allowed. Probably for a few reasons. It's his home, it is ultimately where he belongs. But I also think there's probably a very large part of him that wants confirmation for what he's sure he already knew. Her thoughts when shooting Coin. When she voted yes. I think The Mockingjay Trial is probably when Peeta decided he wanted to be her friend again. That it was when he finally remembered her. And I'd just really like to see that, even as a short story.
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soulofapatrick · 10 months
Home, Sweet Home - Peeta Mellark x Female Reader
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Summary: You reunite with Peeta after winning the 76th Hunger games and you act on your feelings for him
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: none
The Victory Tour has been an elaborate masquerade, a relentless parade of smiles plastered over a soul still reeling from the wounds of the Games. Every handshake, every fabricated grin, felt like a weight pressing down on me, the agony of pretending to revel in the celebrations when all I truly yearned for was the solace of home. 
The Capitol’s decadence, its opulent celebrations, and effervescent extravagance—it’s all a cruel reminder of the life I’m expected to embrace, the left I’m supposed to relish as a victor. But it’s a facade, a role I’ve been forced to play. My heart remains tethered to District 12, to the quiet streets and familiar faces that offer a semblance of genuine comfort. 
Amidst the sparkling lights and the cheering crowds, my mind drifts back to the memories of the arena, to the mentorship under Peeta, to the haunting absence of Katniss in District 12. 
Peeta Mellark. His name is a lifeline woven into the fabric of my survival. From the moment our paths intertwined, his presence became an anchor amidst the chaos of the Games. His guidance wasn’t just about tactics and strategies; it was a steady stream of compassion and unwavering support that stitched together the shattered remnants of my courage. 
In the heart of the arena, amidst the looming threat of death, he was my solace—the calm in the eye of a relentless storm. His words were a balm to the wounds inflicted by the ruthless Games, and his unwavering belief in my abilities breathed life into the embers of hope flickering within me. But it wasn't just survival that bound us. It was the unspoken understanding, the shared pain, and the unyielding determination to rise above the horrors we were subjected to. Peeta’s presence was a beacon of resilience, a reminder that humanity perseveres even in the darkest of times.
His absence during the Victory Tour amplified the void within me. Each forced smile for the Capitol's pleasure felt hollow without his reassuring presence. The memories of his kindness, his selflessness, and the way he made me feel—safe, understood, and cared for—lingered like an ethereal melody, a symphony echoing in the chambers of my heart.
Every victory in the arena felt incomplete without the prospect of returning home to District 12, where I knew he would be waiting. His absence now is a stark reminder of the yearning that's blossomed within me, a yearning that transcends mere friendship. It’s a yearning rooted in admiration, respect, and an inexplicable pull toward someone who understands the depths of my soul.
As the train hurtles closer to District 12, my mind lingers on the bittersweet ache of anticipation. The knock on the carriage door draws me from my reverie, and when it creaks open, Haymitch stands there, his gruff exterior softened by a knowing glint in his eyes.
“We’re almost home kid.” He tells me, looking for the liquor which Effie had tried to hide but I just point towards the cupboard Effie put it in as he’s gone almost cold turkey the whole tour. He makes a triumphant sound when he finds it and I retreat back into the cocoon of my thoughts, sketching aimlessly while visions of home dance in my mind like fragments of a beautiful dream. Peeta’s words resound, his descriptions of the Victor’s Village painting vivid images of a serene haven—a place that promises solace amidst the remnants of a harrowing past. 
He spoke of the houses with such reverence, a testament to the life waiting beyond the tumultuous journey, “It’s beautiful, you’ll see.” He had assured me with that trademark sincerity of his, as though he wanted to paint the scene for me, to offer a glimpse into eh sanctuary that awaited. I remember his promise, a simple yet heartfelt vow: a cake waiting for me upon my return. The thought brings a smile to my lips despite the weariness clinging to every muscle. It’s a gesture, a small slice of normalcy in the chaos of our lives—a symbol of comfort, of the simple pleasures we often take for granted. 
The idea of stepping into the Victor’s Village, of sharing a slice of cake baked by Peeta in a house that holds the promise of peace, feels like a respite—a chance to shed the weight of the Games and the elaborate facade forced up me during the tour. 
The train's rhythmic chugging signals our imminent arrival. The anticipation swells within me, a mingling of excitement and relief. Home. It's not just the physical place; it's the prospect of being enveloped in familiarity, of finding solace in the warmth of companionship, and, most of all, of reuniting with Peeta—a friend, a confidant, and perhaps something more. 
As the train slows to a halt, the station looms ahead, a beacon drawing me closer to the arms of District 12, to the Victor's Village, and to the person whose unwavering support and promise of a simple joy await me—a promise embodied in a freshly baked cake, a symbol of the comfort and understanding that Peeta Mellark embodies.
Haymitch, ever the gruff guardian, extends a steadying arm, guiding me up from my seat as a twinge shoots through my right calf—a lingering reminder of the games that won’t easily fade. His presence offers both physical support and a sense of familiarity that grounds me in this whirlwind of arrival. 
As the doors of the train slide open, a cacophony of jubilant cheers fills the air, reverberating through the station. The collective uproar, a symphony of gratitude and celebration, overwhelms my senses, but amidst the adoration echoing in the air, my focus remains fixated on finding Peeta. 
Through the sea of faces, my gaze darts around the mass of faces until it lands on him—a familiar silhouette standing slightly to the side, his ocean blue eyes locking onto mine with a mix of relief and unspoken understanding. In that moment, the cheers fade into a distant hum, and everything else blurs into insignificance. The intensity of his gaze feels like a lifeline, pulling me through the tumultuous sea of emotions. 
My heart swells with a surge of emotions, a rush of feelings that transcends the boundaries of mere friendship—a torrent of affection, gratitude, and a love that had quietly blossomed amidst the chaos. In the depth of his ocean blue eyes, I find a reflection of the unspoken sentiments that echo within me. 
The realisation crashes over me like a wave—I’m in love with Peeta Mellark. It’s not just a fleeting infatuation; it’s an undeniable truth that has been silently growing, nurtured by shared experiences, understanding, and the unspoken connection that binds us. Before rational thought can temper the surge of emotions, instinct takes over. Without a second thought, I break away from Haymitch, the thudding of my heart growing out all other sounds. The cheers, the bustling crowd, the very world around us becomes a blue as I sprint towards Peeta, my every stride a leap closer to the person who has become an integral part of my being. 
The distance between us diminishes with each step, the air crackling with an unspoken anticipation. His eyes widen in surprise, a mix of astonishment and a mirrored rush of emotions dancing within their depths as he realises my intent. With an unabashed burst of emotion, I throw myself into his embrace, my arms wrapping around him with a fervour that words could never encapsulate. Peeta’s initial surprise melts into a reciprocated rush of emotions as my embrace envelopes him. His arms, strong yet tender, instinctively encircle me, pulling me closer as though trying to bridge the gap that time and distance had imposed between us. In that shared moment, the world around us dissolved into insignificance, leaving only the raw intensity of our connection. 
“I’ve missed you,” my whispered confession hangs in the air, laden with unspoken emotions and the weight of an unguarded heart. 
His response is immediate, a gentle yet desperate movement as he shifts slightly, enough to cup my cheek with a tenderness that makes my heart flutter. His eyes, a reflection of the unspoken turmoil within, lock onto mine with a raw honesty that needs no words. And in that unspoken exchange, he pulls me closer, his lips seeking mine with an urgency that echoes the unspoken longing we both shared. 
The moment our lips meet, it’s a collision of emotions—an amalgamation of desperation and relief, of aching hearts finding solace in each others embrace. The kiss is a symphony of emotions, a crescendo of pent-up feelings that spill over in a rush of passion and tenderness. The screams and cheers of the District get even louder but also fades away. 
His lips mould against mine, conveying a depth of longing and understanding that transcends words. In that kiss, there’s a separation to erase the distance, to soothe the ache of separation, and to find solace in the shared embrace—a moment of reunion that feels like coming home. Every brush of his lips against mine is a reassurance, a promise of understanding and support. It’s a silent affirmation that speaks volumes—of shared trials, unspoken confessions, and a love that had silently bloomed amidst the chaos. 
My heart pounds in my chest, the world narrowing down to the sensation of his lips on mine, the warmth of his touch, and the overwhelming rush of emotions that threaten to overwhelm me. It's a moment of surrender and acceptance, a moment that feels like the missing piece in the tumultuous puzzle of our lives has finally found its place.
“Come home with me.” Peeta murmurs against my lips and I’m nodding, pressing another kiss to his lips this time chaste. 
“Take me home Peeta.” 
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The Hunger Games Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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triassictriserratops · 5 months
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
@curiousthg (thank you for the ask! I have to say, it's still wild to me that ANYONE gives a shit about my opinion AT ALL.) AS A DISCLAIMER. THESE ARE ONLY MY PERSONAL OPINIONS. I FULLY RESPECT OTHER OPINIONS AND HEADCANONS. THESE ARE JUST MINE, PERSONALLY. Q.) What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children? A.) Just a few things I kind of like to think about: - There is a third toastbaby born after the epilogue. - Toastbaby girl grows up to become a veterinarian. She's quiet and serene but wildly clever. Dangerously smart. And Haymitch Abernathy is probably her favorite human being in existence. - Toastbaby boy is a wild menace to society and makes Peeta specifically tear his hair out. Constantly pulling him off of cabinet doors, scaling building walls, pulling him out of hiding places where he camps waiting to scare someone (usually Peeta) They judged parents who used child leashes until they had their boy. Likes to follow the Cresta-Odair spawn everywhere whenever he's visiting them.
Q.) How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter? A.) Just based on the math from the book she would have been 32/33 when her daughter was born.
Q.) How many years apart between them in age? A.) In my mind it's about 3-4 years. Katniss says that her Good Things List is tedious after more than 20 years and mentions that they teach the Hunger Games in school and that Toastbaby girl knows her parents played a part in them, so i'd say she's about 7 in the Epilogue. And she specifically calls out Toastbaby Boy's "chubby toddler legs" struggling to keep up with his sister, and that he'll be learning about the Games too in a few years, so i'm thinking he's anywhere from 3-4 at the time of the Epilogue.
Q.) Your headcanon for their name?
A.) I'm so sorry to say this, i don't actually have any! I personally don't like to give them names. I FULLY AND TOTALLY respect the names other people come up with and I've seen some that are quite popular. But I've actually always REALLY connected with the fact that Katniss specifically chooses NOT to give us their names. She was forced to give so much of herself to Panem, to other people, even (on a meta level) to us as readers. Within the 1st Person POV we are privy to her every personal thought and experience. The capitol denied her autonomy and privacy. The rebels did the same. And, in the end, so did we as the reader. It's a FASCINATING lens to look at the books through! (Especially if you follow the fun idea that this series are her memoirs.) But here, at the end, Katniss is choosing to close the curtain. We're not allowed to have her children's identities. Because those are precious to her. Because they belong to them and them alone. I just find that kind of beautiful and so I've made a conscious effort to never pick names for them. Q.) Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent? A.) Toastbaby boy is the singer (and hunter). The third toastbaby is the artist. Toastbaby girl loves baking with her poppa.
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav Everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic. I'm going to be lazy and direct to this post I just wrote where I include a list of Post Mockingjay Fic Recs!!!
(BUT one VERY specific callout recommendation, just in case people don't click into the link, for Us Among the Living by the WONDERFUL @vasilissadragomir. It's beautiful and I have so much love for that story. The characters are lovingly preserved and the tone so realistic I sometimes feel like i'm reading something Suzanne Collins might have written. HIGHLY recommend!)
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aquanova99 · 9 months
Haunted (Cato x Reader)
Part 12
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This was suddenly so uncomfortable. Not because you didn’t enjoy Cato’s company but because you had to make it seem as if this had never happened before. He begins asking questions you know he knows the answers to, you respond the way you’re supposed to. Laughing intermittently, placing your hand strategically on his arm. Him doing the same but placing his hand on your thigh, brushing a stray hair out of your face. So rehearsed. A perfect execution. Its infuriating.
Neither of you have talked about the kiss the two of you shared. You are almost certain he regrets it. Well, maybe not. But why avoid the topic, or avoid trying to kiss me again? Rationally you know you have to separate your emotions, you know it gives the capitol more to take from you. No one could know about the feelings growing for him. If they were real and not something you are clinging to simply because you need someone then everyone needs to not know. The victors were still undecided on whether snow knows of the act. Take away all of their leverage. Which would great except it wasn’t true at all. Not for you. You couldn’t even think about anyone else. Anything else.
You refocus on your lines. Everything is going perfectly, you could feel people begin to stare as you try and be ‘quiet.’ You wait for the next cue. Five…four….three…two…one…
Cato leans over to whisper something in your ear, “Are you still doing okay?”
You pretend to look surprised and lean over to whisper something back, your hand covering your mouth. “All good. You?”
He nods as if you’ve said something interesting. This is exhausting. How are we supposed to continue doing this? You think about Peeta, and how you’d hated every second of acting regardless of how much you grew to care for him. It was also very easy because no matter what his plans were, he was a great conversationalist. Must be part of deal, I guess. You eventually get ‘interrupted’ by Cashmere, who tells you both to stop isolating yourselves. You go back to the bigger group, and you wonder if Mallory has figured everything out. You hope not. You decide to make more small talk with some of the people who are also worn out from all the dancing, some peacekeepers look at their watch and Darius more or less warns you its time to go home. Everyone is worn out by the time you arrive back at the victors village, Haymitch is too drunk to even walk so Cato and Mallory half drag half carry him to your couch.
Mallory slurs a good night and heads to bed, Amal teasing him about having to carry Haymitch. Cato collapses on the couch next to you. His arm covering his eyes.
“I don’t think him getting black out drunk was part of the plan…” He grumbles
“No, I doubt it would be.” You chuckle, “I wouldn’t think anyone from district 2 would struggle so much moving one person.”
He opens his eyes just to glare at you. Cashmere and Enobaria laugh before saying goodnight. You ignore Cashmere telling the two of you to behave and pretend you don’t hear it. You didn’t want to acknowledge anything other the agreed upon relationship. Both of you depended on each other to avoid any more Capitol advances. You both chose to ignore that night. Well, you tried to ignore it but you couldn’t deny you had thought about how warm you felt upon him kissing you. It ignited a hunger unlike any other, a hunger you didn’t really understand, but you both silently seemed to agree that it was best not to entangle yourself any more than necessary. So, you both seemed to silently agree to deal with the nightmares the remainder of the week. No wonder he was tired. You wished you could just know whether this stupid plan was going to work or not already. Especially because there was no guarantee this would go farther than the two you “falling in love.” I’m sure the capitol would eat that up, two people forced to be kept apart. Best to keep hope at a minimum. Avoid any other feelings you can’t really explain. There may be no avoiding your fate, a life serving the people in the capitol…you can think of nothing worse.
Well… that’s not true. You would gladly do that if it kept your family, your friends, safe. Maybe this plan kept you safe too, that would be nice. You know winning the games painted too large a target on your back, on your family’s back. But maybe you could their attention elsewhere, focus their at you. You bite the inside of your cheek so hard it almost bleeds. The anger will be directed at you…and Cato. And the though of him being punished because of you turns your stomach to lead.
“You’re doing it again.”
His voice makes you jump, you know he knows but you ask anyway, “Doing what?”
“Getting paranoid about all of this.” He gestures with his free hand, and you get slightly irritated that he doesn’t even have to look at you to feel your anxiety rise.
“I’m just hoping Haymitch doesn’t throw up on my floor.” He chuckles and finally looks at you, you quickly stand up and cover Haymitch in a blanket. Trying to avoid any of those feelings that were desperate to complicate things further. You enjoyed his friendship first and foremost, and you weren’t willing to risk that right now by not understanding what exactly you were feeling. So you continue to find things that need to be done, you grab a bucket to put next to Haymitch, grab a wet rag to put on his forehead. You head towards the kitchen to grab him a glass of water before you can acknowledge Cato again, “You should get some sleep.”
“You too.” He starts to walk off but before you can decide whether you feel relief or frustration he stops at the foot of the stairs, “have you been able to?”
You play dumb because you both know the answer, “Able to what?”
You take a deep breath, trying to stop your shaking hand from spilling the water over Haymitch as you set it down. “Not really. You?”
“Not at all. Come with me?”
Catos POV
You really need to know when to leave things alone. You want to tell her not worry about it, to forget about it. But you can’t. The words don’t come, you think in reality, because you wouldn’t mean them. You can only blame yourself. You shouldn’t have kissed her. You needed to prove to yourself you didn’t feel anything for her, not like that. You swore it was guilt for hurting her, or the need to repay her for not treating you the same way everyone else did. No, the only thing you did was confuse yourself further because that wasn’t what you were feeling at all, and the only thing you did was confuse yourself further. Not understanding why she pulled away so quickly, not understanding why you wanted to pull her back, not understanding when you started muddling your thoughts and feelings together.
You could she was hesitant to answer, like maybe she was confused on everything too. And why wouldn’t she be, you had all but ensured that. But for her to accept out of pity… “Sorry. Just forget about it.”
You walked as quickly as you could to your room. You barely changed out of your clothes before collapsing onto the bed, you knew full well this wouldn’t be a peaceful sleep, but may as well try. Maybe it would help you forget how stupid you felt.
It didn’t.
Your nightmares had started off as they always did. You watched yourself in getting ready to run towards the cornucopia. The usual it seemed, you never thought you would long for the usual. Because once it started changing, you felt frozen. People you knew were in your games. People you hated to admit you cared for… Enobaria, Haymitch, all of them running away in the bloodbath. And you were still hunting them all down, unable to stop. You tried to protect them maybe take the hits, but the other you, the one you were always forced to watch would always win. As the games continued you knew what was coming. But you could never quite reach yourself in the dream, as if something always prevented you from taking over and stopping the monster everyone would label as Killer Cato.
It was time for the girl, Dhara. Fuck. The only girl who once made you hesitate was hunched over, same as the games. She seemed bigger this time. She was crying, begging for you to spare her. No… Stop you scream at yourself internally. You know its useless, you’ve never been able to stop yourself. This was different… when she looked up her usual tear stained face wasn’t the one who had haunted you since you won. Oh my god. Stop please. This isn’t the girl. Y/n tear filled eyes look at you through a curtain of messy tangled hair…
Stop. Please. You are trying reason with a dream. Try as you might to stop it, and you do everything to try and stop. You still watch yourself brutally kill Y/n. You scream useless protests. Its supposed to be quick. Its always quick when it’s the girl. Why is the you in the dream dragging it out. Its brutal. You see yourself picking her and pushing her against the cornucopia completely stopping her airway, the worst part is Y/n is still screaming for help. She seems to see you but the you attacking her kills her the second she reaches out. You don’t follow yourself after he’s done. You look at Y/n’s lifeless eyes and you start begging her to stay with you though you know its worthless. Her eye’s still unblinking but her lips start to move. Barely managing to get a whisper out. She’s mouthing your name. This is exactly what would have happened and it makes you sick. Her body begins disappearing and you find yourself panicking trying to figure out how to help
“Cato!” Y/n whispers angrily. You start to feel her arms try and shake you. Your eyes pop up and you begin thrashing. “Stop. Its okay.”
You feel hands gripping your shoulder. You feel stuck and you can tell your pushing Y/n off. You’re surprised at how string her grip is. But your body isn’t listening, its hard to breathe... Your eyes shoot open and you shoot up freeing yourself instinctually. Your head is whipping around. Your eyes are still adjusting to the dark when she sits in front of you and grabs your face, forcing you to look at her.
“Stop.” She almost hisses at you.
You cant breathe right, you blink to focus on her face. Panting as you order your body to breathe. The lifeless eyes that you saw in your dreams don’t match the person in front of you. Before you can say anything she throws her arms around your neck and you have a brief moment of panic before you can hug her back. You realize your holding her as tightly as you can without injuring her, afraid of seeing any damage done while you were unconscious. Her hand is stroking her your head and neck. Your throat feels dry. Before you can offer a hoarse apology she pulls back to look at you.
“Are you okay?”
“Did I hurt you?” Is the only thing that comes out of your mouth
She shakes her head, “No. I’m fine. I’m worried about you.”
She should be worried about herself, you think. She tries to lift up your face to look at her, but you can’t. You used up your words. Your eyes squint as she turns on a lamp. She should just give up. No use talking to you in this state. But that’s not exactly her style.
 “Okay. Its okay. Uhm…” Her words are barely registering, “Can you move your head? Can you nod for me?”
You can slightly feel your head lift up and down twice.
“Okay. Is there anything I can get for you?”
You force your head to shake once.
“I’m going to lay you down, okay?” You finally look at her, her hair is a bit disheveled but nothing like what would haunt you if you went back to sleep. You don’t protest as she gently pushes you back down. You spot the scar on her arm, healed but a reminder of what you were capable of. That the nightmare isn’t too far off from reality. Her hands gently brush the side of your head.
“Should I go?”
You grip her other hand. You feel her place her other hand on yours and peel it off. You start beginning to hyperventilate again before realizing that she is only doing what you asked and laying down. You try and shift to give her as much space as you can. She stares at the ceiling and starts humming some kind of melody. Your eyes struggle to stay open and you try to focus on your partner, your ally alive and breathing. Alive. When it finally does register that everything is okay you fall into a dreamless slumber.
You wake to the smell of breakfast wafting through the house. You r hand reaches out and finds no one beside you. You have a brief moment of panic before realizing Y/n is likely the source of the smell. You try and hurry down, offer some help and an apology for worrying her.
“Good morning! I invited Katniss and Prim over today. Thought I would start with breakfast since everyone was sleeping in.”
“Morning…” You debate bringing it up, but its not something you think she would want to hear, “Can I help?”
“Everythings almost done, I’ll wait on the eggs since they cool down almost immediately when Katniss gets here.”
“Okay.” You decide to start washing up the dishes building up in the sink and try to make yourself useful, “Thank you by the way.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You feel a squeeze on your shoulders as she walks by you and continues keeping busy.
“Did you sleep okay?”
“Of course I did. I hope you got some better sleep.”
“I did.” Thanks to you, you think. You want to say more but people begin filtering in. Amal is quick to run and begin helping you with the dishes, cheerful as always. Mallory gets handed some food and walks out the door, probably for their parents. Amal begins talking away and you’re glad for the distraction. When Mallory comes back with Katniss and Prim, you’re asked to wake everyone else. Haymitch takes the longest but his stomach wins out. Brutus decides to stay back.
“Good morning everyone!” Cashmere floats in, “Y/n, you didn’t have to do all of this!”
“After last night I think everyone could use some food. Please, everyone grab what you would like. You try not to notice Katniss sulking. Prim and Amal immediately begin livening up the room but you’re watching Y/n. Her and Katniss go outside and you have to force yourself to not try and figure out what they’re talking about. Its clear she planned this, maybe since the outing was scheduled to debrief with her “cousin.” You wondered if she had caught on to what Y/n was doing and exactly how much did she already know. And why wouldn’t she talk to you about it? When they come back they both seem more relaxed and the younger kids get Katniss to socialize. Until Y/n brings up something you’d been unaware of.
“So, Mal…did you ever talk to Brutus?” Y/n asks
“Yeah me and Amal have been training. We’re getting better.”
You and Prim freeze. She speaks first, “You’re training?”
“Well, we’ve uhm” Mallory clears his throat, “we heard rumors sometimes family members get picked for the games. Its probably a coincidence but, you know my names in there a few times so I thought I’d train.”
“Its smart. If you guys get reaped then at least you have a chance.” Katniss murmurs.
“I wish I was strong enough to train.”
“Its not always about strength.” Cahsmere shrugs, “some kids use brains, some are fast, others hide, some just have good aim.”
“Then…could we train too?” Prim squeaks out, “My sister has her name in there a lot. And I already got called so maybe they’ll call me again.”
“Would that be okay?” Katniss asked
“That’s a lot of kids.” Haymitch grumbles, “it could draw the wrong attention?”
“Would you be able to not say anything to anyone else?” Y/n asks, she stares at Katniss and they both seem to communicate with eachother without saying a word
“Yes.” She answers back
“We’ll figure something out.” Enobaria continues eating, “to be honest Katniss, from what everyone says. You really maybe need to gain more weight. Oh, and definitely you would need to practice charming the Capitol. If you can do that you could win.”
“That’s the most important thing?” Prim asks
“You have no idea, kid.” Haymitch grabs a muffin and stomps back toward his house. Y/n stares for a moment before standing up.
“I uhm, need to step out. Hopefully I can join you guys in a training session without freaking out. I’ll see you guys in a bit.” She rushes out and you don’t need to look to know shes going to try and talk to Haymitch. The group disperses soon after. Katniss and Prim are given food to give out how they see fit, and Mallory and Amal take some as well to deliver. Its only just occurring to you that this must have taken Y/n hours. You wonder if she actually did have a good nights sleep after all.
“Stop pacing Cato, just go check on her if you’re so worried. We’ll clean up.” Cashmere smiles. You try not to be annoyed at how ridiculous you’re being. You try and prove you don’t need to need to go out, and you get frustrated that you consider listening to Cashmere’s advice. It’s a couple hours before Y/n comes back. You force yourself to stay seated when you hear the door.
She sighs and sits next to you, her head leaned back against the couch, “Its been a day let me tell you.”
“Everythings okay?”
“You didn’t tell me about…”
“I know.” She says simply
“I didn’t confirm it until today. We obviously aren’t ready to train anyone. I needed to focus on one thing at a time.”
You cant decide if you accept or hate this answer. “Everyone else knew.”
“Brutus must have told them, I had no idea they knew.”
“Is that what you were talking about with Katniss?”
“There more.” You know theres more.
“She wanted to make sure I was fine. Which I am.”
“You mean…”
“All I mean is she wanted to make sure I’m fine.” You can tell shes refusing to say it
“She wanted to make sure you’re safe because of me…” You realize you haven’t asked anything, only confirmed all of your worries. They weren’t questions but facts. And you wanted her to say it.
“Because we both freaked out. Kind of like you’re doing right now.” She laughs, “Its fine, I promise.”
You cant, its all you seem to do lately. She reaches out and squeezes your hand. You hold onto it and sit together in silence for awhile until the door opens and her brothers come in with news.
“Everyone says thank you!” Amal beams
“They also keep asking us whats going on with you two.” Mallory sits in front of you and Y/n, you both take a quick look at each other and know they still cant know anything. Y/n laughs first.
“I enjoy his company but theres nothing going on. Just getting to know each other I guess.”
The older of the two glares at you, “I’ll be honest I do enjoy her company more than most people, but we there’s nothing going on. Right?”
The best lies have a hint of truth in them. There really isn’t any hiding that you would rather spend your time with her. Its easy. And you needed easy in your life. But, this is supposed to a drawn out act. So, hopefully she knows how to play along. She does. She holds you gaze for a little longer than you were expecting.
“Uh huh right.” He faces the younger one, “pay up.”
Amal pipes in, “Dang it. Now I have to do extra pushups tomorrow.”
“You guys bet??” Y/n exclaims and throws a pillow in their direction. And they all burst out laughing
“Too easy.” Mallory says. Y/n steers the conversation back to what they saw when they were giving out the food. Mostly its rumors about the two of you, which works in your favor. You can see Cashmere getting close and listening in. Definitely about to report to everyone else. The two hear Enobaria practicing some kind of music and curiosity gets the best of them when Cashmere tells them they can go see. Giving you both a thumbs up before leaving.
“Amal’s going to lose it when he finds out he was ‘right.’”
“He can make Mallory make it up later.” You joke
She chuckles, “Yeah…I did mean it by the way. About enjoying your company.”
You smile at her reassurance. As if she knows your worry about this only being an allyship, “I meant it too.”
While you’ve learned to love your stylists, they sure have a way of making a girl feel insecure. Flavius and Venia, tsk and sigh about your nails, your hair, your eyebrows… You want to start asking questions about their life in the capitol and let them talk about themselves. But you had an unexpected visitor and your mind is anywhere but here…
You had been taking the last two months to adventure more and more into the forest. Back to the woods you had loved for so long. It was a good way to try and get your bearings. And truthfully, you missed the comfort of the woods, of the solitude it brought. You went as early as you could, especially now that the victory tour was near. You could kind of see Cato wanting to ask to go, he never did and you were glad for it. The more outings you had the more conflicted you felt, you slept together almost every night. It was easy to rationalize you had an ally to watch your back but it was draining trying to decipher what part you were both acting out and what part was possible feelings building for each other or your feelings specifically becoming entangled. The closer you got to the victory tour the less the two of you spoke, further making things irritable and more confusing. So, you did what you always did when you were stressed. You ran to the woods.
You realistically would say yes if he wanted to go with you, but you knew he was wary of anything that might take him back to the games. You wanted to tell him what happened wasn’t his fault, but then you worried that would make it worse. What if he thought you saw him as weak? It was too confusing. So better to let him ask if he wants to go.
“Y/n! Did have a nice walk around the square?” Cashmere ran up to you and kissed your cheek.
Immediately there a chill down your spine. You blink and perk yourself up, “Yeah I just stopped by my cousin’s house.”
“Oh how nice!” Cashmere says in a still too cheery tone, “Good news, we have a visitor.”
Two peacekeepers suddenly appear to usher you into the mostly unused study. Your senses are overwhelmed with the smell of perfume. He looks at you as if you’ve spit in his rich capitol food. You’ve never felt more like running and hiding. And you hate that he’s made it so easy, all he had to do was walk in and sit down. If he’s here, its not good. You wondered where your brothers were. What about the other victors? Is this whole charade over? Did you mess everything up? Were they safe?
“I think we'll make this whole situation a lot simpler by agreeing not to lie to each other,” he says. “What do you think?”
You know if he wanted to, you’d be dead in one second and an alibi would have been planted days ago. So, you had some kind of power here. Right? So, what was it? And how do you find out what it is?
“Sounds good to me.” You smile, “What can I do for you?”
He says something about knowing you wouldn’t be difficult but all you can think is what would happen if jumped across the table and killed him, would the peacekeepers get here fast enough? Would it affect anything?
You agree to cooperate. You don’t feel like dying today, especially not for him. You won the games, couldn’t he leave you the hell alone?
“That's what I told them. I said any girl who goes to such lengths to preserve her life isn't going to be interested in throwing it away with both hands. And then there's her family to think of.” He smiles, “Her brothers, parents, and all of these new friends you’ve been making.”
Okay? Get to the point. You sit down and try to not make a face at the floral stench hitting your face.
“I have a problem, Miss Everdeen,” says President Snow. “A problem that began the moment you pulled out those poisonous berries in the arena.”
You were counting on this. But, since he has to make a whole speech. You have time to analyze what to say. Luckily, you’ve been practicing.
“If the Head Gamemaker, Seneca Crane, had had any brains, he'd have blown you to dust right then. But he had an unfortunate sentimental streak. So here you are. Can you guess where he is?” he asks.
“I can guess.”
“There wasn’t much to do but let you play out your little scenario. And you were pretty good too. The people in the Capitol were quite convinced. Unfortunately, not everyone in the districts fell for it.”
“So, the districts have been giving you trouble.” You don’t ask. He told you as much. You’re terrified, do the districts even have the people to fight against the capitol? But you cant let him know that.
“Not yet. But they’ll follow if the course of things doesn’t change. And we wouldn’t want a revolution, would we? So many people, dead. The people left would live in terrible conditions. Whatever problems anyone may have with the Capitol, believe me when I say that if it released its grip on the districts for even a short time, the entire system would collapse.”
Worse than the conditions now? If actually cared about the citizens of Panem. He could have found a way to unite the districts and the Capitol. Right? Why so many years of the districts paying for a war that was long over? Worse still, why are the children paying a price that does not involve them. You think of little Rue, and your resolve turns to steel.
“Berries can do all that huh?”
“Unfortunately. But perhaps, not in the way you would think. You do remember our meeting after the games?”
“Of course, you were mad I allied with Rue. How should I think about this then?”
“For starters, you need to make the districts realize all victors want is to come out of the games.”
You’re thrown back to your interviews with Caesar. How Haymitch told you to either be heartless or in love. You weren’t either. Just someone who had cared for their allies a bit too much.  You could barely breathe when you finally sat in front of Ceasar.
“So, Y/n. We’re dying to know. Did Peeta win you over because I have to say I think we were all heartbroken when we found out he couldn’t come back.”
“Me too. I can tell you with absolute certainty that I loved him. I don’t know if I ever allowed myself to fall in love though?”
“Really? Why not, you two were a beautiful couple! Am I right?” He laughs
“I think at first I didn’t want to get my hopes up, and then when I realized I could keep him I did everything to try and bring us both home. But I think he knew deep down there was only going to be one victor.”
“So the berries then, was that love or strategy?”
“Of course it was love. He was the only one who understood me, the kindest person to ever be on the games and I wish it could have been me who ate the berries instead. He deserved it—” I start tearing up and while Ceasar is trying to console me, I wipe my tears from my face searching for Haymitch. You mean every word but this has to believable. I see Haymitch secretly give me a thumbs up while crossing his arms. Soon everyone around us is getting choked up. “I don’t know if I will ever figure out if I was in love with him but I know I grew to love him while I was there. Its too painful to think about anything else.”
“Of course it, of course it is.” Caesar wipes his eyes and concludes the interview. Its easier to lie when theres so much truth involved in it. The only other thing you talk about is wanting to come home.
“You want me to lie…”
“It isn’t a lie.” He insists, “Did you not want to come home?”
“Of course, but I meant what I said about Peeta. He was my priority then. I wasn’t tricking him with the berries. I meant it.” Not really, you knew it would get you both home, one way or the other. You were just hoping the way home was alive. “Effie has already instructed me what to say, Panem today, Panem tomorrow, all that good stuff.”
“And do you continue planning on being a martyr?”
“You mean for the allied districts?” He raises an eyebrow in response, “I plan on thanking them, what else can I do?”
“See to it you make no more mistakes, we wouldn’t want your new friends to be found associated closely with twelve.” He pulls out a device that displays a picture of you and Cato speaking to eachother the other night. He has no idea, you think. “These mentors are purely for show. If you care about all of your allies dying I’m assuming you wouldn’t anyone else to suffer for your mistakes.”
He hits a button and two peacekeeper come and throw Cato on the ground. You cant help yourself, you rush over to his hunched over body. He has a bruise on one of his cheeks and his mouth is dripping blood. They must have attacked him when he wasn’t ready. Protected or not these peacekeepers didn’t look as strong as him. You knew he would have taken them easily.
“Cato?” You try and talk to him but his entire body is shaking, you can tell he’s doing everything to not go back to his arena. You should give him space, but you cant peel yourself away, what kind of ally would you be then?
“District 2 wouldn’t take kindly to a victor associating with your kind. They’re as close to capitol as it gets. You wouldn’t want him to be an outcast in his own districts now would you?” He is so clam about all of this, as if hes won. He has no idea how much disdain Cato has for his district. You wonder how little he actually checks on the career districts or if its just his pride of getting his way for so long.
“I suggest you focus on the cards Miss L/N. Wouldn’t want any one else to worry, you and all those…cousins.” He offers you a rose while you’re still kneeling next to Cato, his breathing finally slowing down. You force yourself to stand to accept the flower.
“Oh its beautiful, I never see these around here.” You pick off a petal and eat it, just to make yourself seem as uncivilized as he seemed to think of you and your home. His face seems to fall for only a second before leaving as quickly as he came. You wonder where all of your fears that had built up had gone to. Regardless, the panic had settled back in and the ramifications of how you had spoken to him began to dawn on you. You would need to talk to Haymitch. Immediately but first…
Cato’s POV
Your body ached all over. You can somewhat feel your body being led to a chair and you try to remember how you got there. Try to remember anything about this morning.
Y/n had gone out to the woods, and you had been sitting in your room looking over that damn packet you had memorized weeks ago to try and not think about her being out there alone. You knew you could have gone with her but it felt like it was something she needed to do alone, or wanted to anyway. You also knew the victory tour was stressing her out to the point it seemed she wanted almost nothing to do with you. Besides at night anyway. But even then she seemed like she was pulling away more and more each day. You had just decided to refocus on the packet when your door slammed open.
Your panic immediately set in. What were peacekeepers doing here? Did they find out your plan, and if they did where was Y/n? Was she okay?
“We need you to come with us.”
You remember trying not to jump to feeling like you needed to attack them. But before you could ask them to give you a minute, you felt a shock to your body. And then they were all on you. They hit your face first. Then you felt a foot kicking your stomach. You didn’t seem to register anything but needing to get out of there. Two of them restrained you while one more punched you again to stop you from struggling. By the time you were thrown in the room you couldn’t tell where you were. You could hear Y/n say your name but you were frozen. You were fighting to figure out where you were, fighting to not shut down, fighting to ensure you didn’t harm Y/n in another waking nightmare.
You feel something cold against your cheek. It somewhat alerts you back to your surroundings. You blink slowly, the pain in your body finally registering and spreading throughout most of your body. You wince and Y/n reflexively pulls her hand back.
“Sorry.” She whispers as she puts the cold rag back on your face.
“What happened?”
“We got a visit from the President.”
“Are you okay?” You can hear the panic in your voice
“Are you?” She tries to joke but her face is serious, “Why did they grab you?”
“I think they thought I was dangerous. They kept saying to make sure I was neutralized? I don’t know…”
“I’m so sorry Cato. This is all my fault.”
“This wasn’t your idea, remember?” You can see her eyes are still glassy from crying, “I’m fine.”
“You aren’t. Stop doing that. Your body is bruised all over. You need to go lay down. I’ll be there to check on you soon.”
“Where are you going?”
“I need to see Haymitch.”
“Im going with you.” You try and stand up but your vision gets spotty and you immediately know if you make any other move you’ll fall face first.
“Don’t be stupid.” She hisses as she gently sits you back down, “I need you to get some rest, okay? For me, please.”
“I can go, I’ll go slow.”
“No! Just—I need…” She takes a deep breath before shouting, “Cash!!”
She runs in immediately, “He’s okay?”
“As much as he can be, I need to take him to bed. Can you get Haymitch? Just Haymitch?”
“Okay, I’ll drag him over here myself if I have to, but Y/n… its almost time.”
She nods at Cashmere and refocuses back on you, “Alright, stand up. Slowly…”
You decide to listen to her. The amount of time it takes to get you up to her room feels like an eternity. How late was it? How long was her meeting with Snow. How long did it take you to snap out of it? She lays you down and sits next to you,
“What time is it?”
“Don’t worry about it. You rest, as soon as I’m done with the interview I’ll come back. I need you on that train with me, so rest.”
You only nod. You both know rest wont come. Even in this state your nightmares persist. You can sleep, not with the Y/n’s prep team talking over eachother in excitement. Enobaria comes up and enters her room.
“What happened?”
“Y/n filled me and Cashmere in on everything when he left, Cash is trying to talk to Haymitch about it now that everyone is distracted. She doesn’t want Brutus aware. He threatened her with severing you from 2. Look, I know you don’t have any connections back home, but it could make an enemy out of 2 for this place.”
“Or an alliance.”
“Not likely, but it may encourage enough people to not think of themselves as… Capitol.” She mumbles. “We probably wont be allowed to come back after the tour.”
“What??” You sit up and almost immediately regret it again.
“Things are getting tense with the districts. The more the people in the capitol root for you the better the chances are. Listen to Y/n and sleep. We’ll get you when its time to leave.”
You weren’t very good at following directions. You turn on the tv in her room, and wait for the interview to come on. Her makeup is more subtle this time around. You think she looks nice regardless, but you like it better when they don’t completely change her features. She cheerily greets Ceasar saying she never expected to live this kind of life after winning the games…that was true. Then he asked about her life, whats new, and surely she has all of the boys wanting her attention now
‘Oh I don’t know about that…’
‘Come on, surely someone has caught your eye!’
‘Well, maybe but its hard to think of anyone in love with me, especially after… well you know.’ She sniffles and wipes at her eyes, you wonder if that’s true. All you can think about is Darius, how he flirted with her, how her friend from the seam was so possessive over her.
‘I do.” Ceasar says empathetically, ‘I think he would want you to be happy first and foremost. And I bet theres someone you can open your heart to one day.’
‘Maybe one day, but my life is different from their—I mean from everyone that I don’t know if I could see that happening.’
You see Ceasar look up for just a moment, she had planted the start of your story seamlessly. You knew Ceasar would push on her “mistake” in another interview. But for now he moved on, ‘And the other victors? They’re treating you well?’
‘Of course! I’m so thankful that Capitol cares about us victors enough to help us after everything.’ After everything you put us through is what you think, and you figure most of the districts will think, but the Capitol? They would eat that up. Even Ceasar is glowing about her praise. About how thoughtful and kind they are around there. Implying everyone else could simply never be so gracious. If it was up to the districts though, you doubted we would even be in this kind of situation. You think about that for a second, no games. Being able to travel form district to district, you wondered if you would have met Y/n in that life.
‘And you’ve had no issues handling any of the victors, I heard you got a bit more than you bargained for.’
‘I did, but they’ve been very good about only having two of the victors help me adjust. I think the other two just got stuck here in my little district. I hope they don’t hate me too much for that.’ You went from hating almost every person you came in contact with to never being able to imagine hating her, and consequently her family, some of her friends, her home. Always more and more a precarious situation to be sure.
Ceasar finished the interview praising her for her new talent that kept her games alive, why baking was a good reminder that being united as Panem would prevent from any further punishments like the hunger games from happening again. As if the districts hadn’t paid over and over for their role in the war. As if they weren’t sending children who had nothing to do with the war to die for something that happened over seventy years ago. Hypocrites. All of them. Y/n seems to echo your thoughts, her body language shifts and her smile becomes almost too forced.  You find yourself wanting to tell her to ignore them, that she’s almost done.
You wait until Effie Trinket starts chattering away to turn off the television and then wait to be dragged to the train station.
“So. Did you rest or just worry the entire time?” She says as she walks back in.
“Do you want the actual answer?”
“I think I got it,” she smiles before sitting next to you, “Are you ready?”
The train ride isn’t too bad at first, though everyone becomes more visibly anxious. The victory tour is slower, not like the one day trip to the capitol. So at night, everyone tries to avoid sleep. To avoid the triggers that would make you all believe you were heading back to the games for the first time. Y/n becomes more and more silent as she anticipates facing Rue and Thresh’s families. Needless to say, you all arrive at District 11 extremely fatigued. Well, besides Y/n’s prep team anyway. Y/n’s face pales at the clear restrictions put in place to keep the people here in line. Everyone but Haymitch and Effie goes up with Y/n, with the cards she is supposed to recite. The mayor makes introductions, and you can see her frozen, staring only at the families of the fallen. When the mayor introduces her she makes no movement at first.
Her breath is shaky when she finally steps up to the podium, “Uhm…I-I’m sorry.”
She takes a deep breath and reads off Effies cards, she makes no effort to move from her place, only staring at Rue’s family, “I thought I would come up here and thank you for your children and the sacrifices they made. I wouldn’t be here without either of them. I couldn’t save them and I’m so sorry for that. I see them everywhere, take them everywhere I go. They were more than my allies, they were my friends. I wasn’t fast enough for Rue. I cant repay Thresh for saving my life. And I know I’ll owe them forever. I’ll remember them forever. There isn’t enough I can say to apologize for making it when they couldn’t and not there isn’t enough grace to thank them for all they did for me. It was more than anyone could ever know.”
Her voice is breaking the entirety of her speech. She forces herself to breath through it, not allowing pity to go anywhere but towards Thresh and Rue. You hear Brutus sigh and mumble something under his breath. An old man holds up three fingers and whistles the simple tune Rue, Thresh, and Y/n had made to signify they were safe. You think of how much a relief it would be to y/n to see the rest of District 11 acknowledge the bond the kids built out in something so terrible, but the panic in her eyes gives you pause. You look out to see peacekeepers grab the old man and drag him up the stairs, you look back to see Y/n screaming and kicking at the peacekeepers to let him go, to let her go so she can help. One might think she actually knew this person. They throw her back in the justice building and Haymitch grabs her before she can try and fight her way back out. The peacekeepers gun point at Y/n and her team as they scream for them to get back.
“Haymitch I wasn’t trying to start anything! I need to help him. Please!” Shes fighting to get back out, he moves his head telling you to take his place. You dont know why you didn’t intervene earlier. You thought her state when you first got to twelve was bad. But this…she was completely broken. You remember only seeing her get like this in the games, after Rue, after Peeta. You couldn’t help and you didn’t know what to do. You held on tight, trying to ignore her pleas to let her go. You only hold tighter.
“Y/n. Stop. Come with me.” Haymitch pulls her and begins walking away as Effie starts reprimanding the peacekeepers. You look to see Brutus still overlooking the crowds. You don’t know if you actually want to find out what happened or not. When you turn back Haymitch and Y/n are gone, and you have no idea where they went.
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kahlanmars · 1 year
BAD FEELING part. 16
HELLO. This is bad, I admit it. It's a cry-your-heart-out chapter, I warn you. Oh and there's a Haymitch POV too!
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16. Risk something
The day after turns out to be one of the best of your life. You decide to forget about the Haymitch situation until he returns, there is no point in worrying about the future when you could be bombed any time, and put your head on the job.
You were right, being a teacher is your life. Maybe not only that, maybe you can have other things, but this is definitely your road. 
«What about we try to read a real book tomorrow? As for the ones who can already do that, I’ll assign some lectures from the library of the District.»
The kids look satisfied with the lesson and you can breathe again. You were really nervous they could hate you or think you are incapable of being a teacher, but it went well. The kids from your district know you as Holly’s daughter, so they trust you, and you tried some calculus, reading a book and some music. For the first day, especially after a trauma, you think it’s okay.
Most of these kids saw their family dying. You won’t push it. If they will find contentment in a book you will see it as a success.
«Can I come in?» 
A voice asks you and you see Finnick Odair at the door. His face is bruised and his expression is broken, but he’s standing up, so… silver lining, you guess.
«Finnick! Of course you can. Do you want an orange? Some kids didn’t eat their snack, which is weird but… well, now that they are in district 13 they can be spoiled sometimes, don’t you think? It’s their right, they are kids.»
He raises his eyebrows, clearly amused. «Am I making you uncomfortable?» 
«A little,» You confess. «You are… Finnick Odair.» 
It’s like meeting a celebrity. It’s okay when you are saved from the games, and you don’t even know what is happening, but here it’s a little weird, like you and him don’t belong in the same world.
He peels an orange, slowly. «Still have my charme, I see.»
You know what he is doing. He is scared to death for Annie so he covers behind flirting. «It’s not that, you know you are not my type.»
«Yeah, no dentures, no walking stick, no white hair.» He jokes and you immediately throw a book at him. 
«Oh shut up, he's blonde.» You point out, «As much as I would like you to miss me, why are you in a school?» 
He sits on a table, he surely can’t sit in a kid's chair. «They’ll try to do a spot with Katniss. Pass-pro, they call it. Katniss is… let’s say it, Katniss is a bad actress.»
«Poor kid.» You echo him. You and Katniss are not friends, but that girls’ life is a nightmare. Forced to be the Mockingjay, forced to be a fighter all her life.
«They want us to do a commercial video. We will tell what happened after our games, and what President Snow made us do.»
You look at him in disbelief. «You and me?»
«Well, I’m the sex symbol and you are the princess, so yeah. Until Katniss warms up.»
«No.» Your voice is harsher than you wanted to be, but you can’t say anything about what happened in Capitol City. That shit made you a murderer. You killed a man, and people like you become war criminals quickly. You can’t give anyone a weapon like that. At least, not for free.
«They will use our secrets, Finnick.» You try to resonate with him, you know he is not dumb, he is quite smart. «What if we win and then they turn on us? Say things like we were Snow’s spies?» 
«We are not.» He answers, and he lends his arm. «You could ask for something in return.»
«I want complete immunity for me, for Effie Trinket and the prep team, if they are alive.» You demand in front of Alma Coin. She doesn’t like you any more that she likes Haymitch or Effie, but this is the only way you can do it. You thought about Portia and Cinna too, but they organised the revolution so you don’t think they can be in danger.
«Complete immunity? Miss Trinket…»
«Miss Trinket is an asset of the revolution and she was well aware that, if she changed her job, the kids from the district would have been in worse hands. This or nothing. I’m not eager to do this.» You don’t have that much confidence, but you want complete immunity for your Effie. And, well, for yourself. 
She looks at you like she wants to murder you with her bare hands. «This better be good.»
«It will be.»
The preparation team is hardly professional, but you and Effie manage to recreate a District evolution of your makeup and hair from the games. You sculpt your face with contour and use eyeliner for a doe look, like you are an innocent princess. 
«How do you feel?» She asks you while she braids your hair. You go for a braid, but looser than Katniss’s, because you two are different people but at the same time you are on her team. «I miss the daisies in your hair.»
«I think you should take this eyeliner. You deserved it.» Her hands soothe you, and she deserves something. She had a bad time adjusting and nobody cares. And you want the eyeliner too. «I feel… scared. I don’t want to tell them the truth.»
«You are so strong, darling girl. You can do this.» She squeezes your arms in encouragement.
When you are ready, they take you to the cameras. They are not as prepared as Caesar, but it’s still intimidating. You can tell Katniss panicked.   
«My name is Daisy Pinecone and I was a tribute for the Hunger Games this year.» You begin, and your voice is okay, not too broken but still emotional. «When you are a tribute, President Snow asks you to do some job for him. He… he said I needed to kill a man in order to keep everybody safe. He threatened my mother, my mentor and my escort. The man I killed was not a good man, Snow sent me to him as a reward for something, he wanted to-» You stop, but you know you have to finish it. «To rape me. When I killed him, tho, I didn’t do it for me. I did because I wanted to protect the people I loved from President Snow. This is the man you think is a saint.»
The camera is off now. You are shaking a little, but you manage to keep it up without crying. You did it. Now everybody will know you are a killer. 
You go to your room, just because you need to be alone, but you find Haymitch at your door and suddenly everything is better and you forget about the interview.
«You are back!» You push yourself into him, and he accepts your eager kisses, but you can sense something is wrong. You don’t have that face when a stunning girl wants to smother you with kisses. «I missed you so, so, so much.» 
«I missed you too, babygirl.» Babygirl it’s new. It’s not yours, and it’s odd. You love Sweetheart, occasionally Gorgeous, especially when he is turned on or really tired, but this… you don’t like it so much.
You close your door behind you. 
«Then kiss me properly!» You joke. And this time he lifts you up and takes your breath away with his lips. Again, you don’t have that much experience, but he is really, really good at what he does to you, you are pudding in his hands.
«You, you are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.» He whispers against your lips. «You make me crazy.»
«They let you out?» You want confirmation, and he nods. «For good?»
«For good.»
You blush. «Take me to bed, wouldn’t you? I want to welcome you back properly.»
«I can’t.» He takes a deep breath and he takes a step back. You frown, confused. «Daisy… I don’t even know how to begin.»
«You are breaking up with me.» It’s not a question, it’s a fact. His body language, his words, the expression on his face. It is crystal clear. But why?
«Something happened.»
«What the hell could have happened in a rehabilitation centre? Is it for the last time? You didn’t hurt me, you did your best and it’s-» 
«Inez is Marjorie.» He blurts out.
You see the world crumble. This, this is news. Inez, the cute nurse who helped you so much, is in reality Haymitch’s long-last girlfriend, the one who died in a fire when he was sixteen. 
You nearly faint, he has to catch you and now his arms are around yours. It should be illegal how protected you feel even now.
«Pardon me?» You try not to look puzzled, but fail miserably. 
«I reacted that way too, I really thought she was part of the hallucinations.» 
The memories creep in your head. “Get out of her, you demon!”, he voiced in the hospital, before crashing your ribs.
«She didn’t tell me, we talked a lot.» You point out with a whisper. 
«She didn’t want to overstep, she wanted to discuss it with me before.» As much as you don’t like it, you can get why she did it.
«You are getting back with her.» You accuse him.
«She almost died for me, and waited for me all these years… I don’t abandon people, sweetheart.»
He doesn’t. You know how to live without him, yours is not even a relationship, but Marjorie is the love of his life, the girl he has always dreamed about in his sleep. His guilt is about her.
Dear heavens, it was hard enough to compete with a ghost, but the ghost turned real. And you feel ashamed thinking that. 
Marjorie has been through hell and returned. She was just a girl when President Snow tried to kill her, she… she deserves a happy ending. You just don’t want it to be at your expense, but it seems like it’s not a possibility.
«I understand.» You nod, and you can understand it. He blamed himself for her death all his life. «They took her away from you when you were sixteen and now you can be reunited, that’s fairytale stuff.» 
You blink repeatedly to prevent you from crying, and take a step back before he could hug you. You can’t deal with his hugs now. The scent of woods, you’ll never feel it again. You’ll never feel him again.
«That’s not… I don’t…» He stumbles into his words. 
«She’s the love of your life. I refuse to be the wicked witch.»
You really, really try not to cry. And you fail.
«You couldn’t never be the villain in my story.» He tries again to hug you, and now you are trapped against the wall but he’s the one who takes a step back when he sees the expression on your face.
«I’m trying not to be selfish here and that’s not something I’m good at.» You whisper. Tell me you want me, tell me you don’t want her, you want me, you are good with me, you feel something for me, choose me. I’ll be selfish if you ask me. Risk something, I have got nothing. Please.
«Yeah, same situation here.» He takes a step forward and he cups your face with his hands. «Listen to me.»
«You are not my mentor.» You manage a little smile.
«Just this once. You go and live your best life because, the things about being selfish? It’s bullshit. You are a fucking good person. And you are smarter than most people out there. And I won’t mention you are fucking beautiful.»
«Seriously, your language is outrageous.» He ignores you. 
«Will you do that? Live your life, forget about me?» He asks. No, you don’t want to forget about him. You don’t want to live your life without the first man you ever…
«But we could be friends.» You offer, tears in your eyes.
«You want us to be friends?» He repeats in disbelief.
«Yeah, I mean… you saved my life. I don’t want to forget you.» You don’t want to forget how his lips feel against yours, his moans, his kisses, the spot on his neck that you love to bite. Will she bite him? Kiss him? Sleep with him? She will hold hands with him and probably marry him, they are both in their 40s. He will call her “Sweetheart”. You can’t stand with the thought because you know you are the one who will be forgotten.
«Friends.» He repeats. «If that’s what you want.»
His eyes lingers on your lips a little too much, his face is too close to yours, your nose touches his. When you give him a chaste peck for goodbye, he quickly transforms it into a long, passionate kiss. In a moment his hands are around your body and his breath is in yours and it becomes almost painful how you need air but won’t let go.
«Friends don’t do that.» You point out, your chest going up and down trying to breathe. He is already cheating on Marjorie, because he has a silent promise with her. He doesn’t cheat. Are you making him do that? Are you the bad person, the wicked witch, the young seductress? Maybe. But you love him, and you don’t feel bad, you just feel desperate.
«One last time.» He mutters, just as despairing as you are. 
«One last time.» You agree, how couldn’t you agree on that. His hands are on your body, his lips are on your skin as he quickly undresses you to feel you.  
You make love through the tears. Every touch, every kiss and every moan is filled with emotions. It’s not rough, it’s not fast, it’s slow and all you want to do is taste him another time, for the last time.
And then, just like that, it’s over.
«I can’t imagine a world without you.» You whisper against his bare chest. You are not ready to let him go.
«It’s better this way, Daisy. You will live your age without dragging me around and I…»
«You’ll stay with her.» You try not to put poison in your words, but you fail. Again.
«I thought she was dead, Daisy. She lost her family because of me.»
«Stop calling me Daisy, you never called me Daisy this much.» You fight, angry. «I’m letting you go, I’m doing the right thing here, but don’t call me Daisy. And don’t you dare call her “Sweetheart”. Or Gorgeous.» You sound really pissed off, but when you watch him and you see him as broken as you are, you add a little «Please.»
He nods. «You know I… care for you.» You care for me, I love you.
«Of course I know.» It’s just too painful, you’ll stay in this bed forever.
«Come here, a little more.» 
«A little more.» You promise, and you stay in his embrace.
The rehabilitation centre is not welcoming, but the whole District isn’t. And the day I’m supposed to be alone, fucking Holly Pinecone has to shout against my face.
You don’t shout at a victor. You just don’t. But she is Daisy’s mother, so I try to keep my mouth closed. 
«I can’t believe you slept with my baby.» She storms into my room like a fury. I have to take a deep, deep breath. «I can’t believe you have a relationship with her.»
Ours is hardly a relationship, but it’s not the right time to point it out. «She’s not your baby, Holly, she’s an adult.»
«She was born a year after you won the games, you pervert!» She yells. Again.
«Yeah well I’m really old so that doesn’t make her a baby.» The deadly glare I earn tells me to shut up. «It happened, okay? I didn’t mean for it to happen, but it happened. I like her.»
«Yeah, you like her and she worships your ground. She loves you.»
«She hardly loves me, Hol.» Doesn’t she? She’s younger, I know that. 
I really didn’t want it to happen. It was meant to be a soft spot. The gorgeous woman I knew had a little crush on you. And for a year it was like that… But then she was chosen for the Hunger Games, and I didn’t want to lose her. I just couldn’t. And I wanted to do *shit* like making her laugh. 
«She changed. Between you and that Trinket woman… I don’t recognize her anymore.» 
«The games change you, I can tell. Give her time.»
«You give her time! Because she is young, Haymitch. I’m not saying you are a bad man, okay? I know you. But because I know you, I can see how wrong it is. Daisy is smart, smart enough to have a happy fulfilled life after this madness will end. How would she spend her life with you? Cleaning your house and your vomit?» 
Fuck, she’s not wrong. Annoying, but right, and I played the same play in my head everyday at the beginning. But she had the right to decide too.
«We never talked about future plans, Holly you are a mother but…»
«You. You didn’t think about this because, let’s be frank here, you won’t have that much of a future anymore. She won’t lift a finger without your permit and you know it. She loves kids so much she always wanted to be a teacher. You want kids? No. And she’s in her twenties now. Now would be the time to make them. She is so curious, she wants to travel. Do you want to travel? No. You are perfectly content to stay in your victor’s house in District 12. It’s bad to say, but you saw how she looked at Capitol City in the interviews, how she loved that life. And I’m sure she would love travelling through the Districts too. 
Do you think she’ll do that when you will scoff just one time at the idea? No. She will be by your side, just like she spent all her days in the district calling the nurses for you.»
«You are being unfair.» She’s being totally right. 
«And you are being selfish. I’m not saying that you should love her, but if you care for her…»
«Of course I care for her.» I spat. I almost blew up the whole revolution for Daisy Pinecone. 
«Set her free. She will cry a bit but she won’t spend her life hovering over you.» 
«We think the time is up for you, Abernathy. You are okay.» I didn’t feel okay. To be fair, tho, I didn’t feel like shit, not like before. The trembles were bad, but the hallucinations were the worst. I saw my family dying countless times, and Daisy more than once. 
«At least… you.» 
I couldn’t be hallucinating again, but that nurse is… no, it can’t be happening.
«You can go now.» She said, and I stopped her wrist. Not exactly the right behaviour to go out of the rehabilitation centre, I knew that, but her reaction couldn’t be stopped. 
She closed her eyes.
«Marjorie?» I tried. 
«My name is Inez.» She couldn’t lie. She was never able to lie. «Here.» 
She quickly explained. The district had spies twenty five years ago too, they knew President Snow was going to set a fire at my family and at her, they managed to save her but not my mother and brother.
I had to admit I was pissed they couldn’t. Or they wouldn’t. 
«I saw you all these years.» She confessed. «They told me not to contact you, and it was impossible from here anyway.»
All these years, all the guilt, the thought of her trapped in a burning house. I felt tears through my eyes. «I am so sorry.»
«It’s not your fault, Haymitch, just Snow’s.» I heard her voice, but that didn’t change anything. «But we need to talk.»
«Yes, we surely do.» I agreed. 
«I missed you so much.» She was crying now. I couldn’t handle women crying that well. Effie maybe, because I was used to her, and with Daisy was easy, but… «Do you think we could, I don’t know, try again? I know it’s stupid, it’s really stupid but all these years I was trapped here and…»
She was trapped here because of me, that was the hidden truth. 
«I’m with Daisy.» I managed to say. «You met her.»
«Yeah, the kid. I forgot about her.» She laughed awkwardly, «Then I’ll go.»
«We still need to talk.»
«We’ll talk, Haymitch. Go to your girlfriend.»  
«You are back!» Daisy jumped on me, so happy. She was always so happy, it was always a joy to be around her. «I missed you so, so, so much.» 
«I missed you too, babygirl.» That was true. After two weeks together all the time, it has been a torture not to kiss her and hug her whenever I wanted. 
«Then kiss me properly!» I had to talk to her. I didn’t need to linger on her glorious lips or her hips or her breasts. 
«You, you are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.» I told her, just because I knew she would make a squeaky sound I liked so much. «You make me crazy.»
«They let you out?» She wanted to know, with her big doe eyes. She had eyeliner on them today, Heaven knows where she managed to find it. «For good?»
«For good.» At least I hoped. I just wanted to get wasted, on wine, on her… 
«Take me to bed, wouldn’t you? I want to welcome you back properly.» And that’s tempting. But not right, she deserved more from me. 
«I can’t.» I sighed. «Daisy… I don’t even know how to begin.»
«You are breaking up with me.» Of course not. I didn’t want to break up with her, even if we weren’t in a relationship. I just wanted to let her know about Marjorie. 
«Something happened.» I confessed. 
«What the hell could have happened in a rehabilitation centre? Is it for the last time? You didn’t hurt me, you did your best and it’s-» 
«Inez is Marjorie.» It’s not my secret to tell, and I’m already cheating on her trust. 
«Pardon me?» She looked lost, she almost fainted and when I catched her, I could smell her perfume. She, and that was hilarious, didn’t smell like daisies. She smelled like roses. And that scent was a fucking addiction.  
«I reacted that way too, I really thought she was part of the hallucinations.» 
«She didn’t tell me, we talked a lot.» 
«She didn’t want to overstep, she wanted to discuss it with me before.» 
«You are getting back with her.» No. That was the right thing, but I really didn’t want the right thing.
But then again, she was quick enough to jump into the solution. I knew she didn’t want to break up, but maybe deep down she took the opportunity. She knew she was twenty four, hell, I tried to tell her after the games. In the games there was a thing, that wasn’t almost real, but now it was. And Holly was right.
«She almost died for me, and waited for me all these years… I don’t abandon people, sweetheart.»
«I understand. They took her away from you when you were sixteen and now you can be reunited, that’s fairytale stuff.» 
«That’s not… I don’t…» I didn’t know what to do. That was odd, I wasn’t stupid, but she looked so stubborn. She wanted kids, today was meant to be the first lesson in the school for the district 12 kids. Maybe that was why she had makeup on. She was so excited, she loved kids.
I didn’t want kids. 
She wanted to travel. I hated travelling. She wanted a Capitol life, a life like Effie’s. She could have it.
«She’s the love of your life. I refuse to be the wicked witch.»
«You couldn’t never be the villain in my story.» I tendered at her sight. 
«I’m trying not to be selfish here and that’s not something I’m good at.» 
«Yeah, same situation here.» 
I got it. I knew what I had to do, how it was supposed to be. I was meant to be with Marjorie, she suffered all her life for me, and I wasn’t going to let Daisy do the same. I could let her free. 
Free to live her life, marry a young man and spend her life with a bunch of kids I didn’t want, or to become a model. 
None of the lives she wanted had nothing to do with me. And that was okay, she was too young. Too bright. It wasn’t her fault I was a broken man, but I was not going to let her waste her life with me. 
No matter how much it was going to hurt.
TAG LIST: @crimsonincursive
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brella · 10 months
Peeta pov "She came here with me." ? or him planting the Primrose for her. ?
Haymitch had thought, at first, that he was joking. Peeta can hardly blame him. Who with half a brain would expect the truth from a Tribute? Joke or fable or bald-faced lie, it’s all the same—a good story on Caesar Flickerman’s show is the surest way to get sponsors. Only, Peeta could come up with better stories, and better lies besides, than being in love with Katniss Everdeen.
You’re a good showman, I’ll give you that, Haymitch had said, once he realized that Peeta was serious.
Peeta’s skin had crawled under the soft lighting in the suite. Making a show of what he felt for Katniss seemed immoral, somehow. It was meant to be a whisper under an oak tree, shaking hands and secret wants—not a tool, not a spectacle. Then again, he knows he’d never have the nerve to say it to her face. On live television, to an indifferent Panem, is much less frightening. And even though it’s sooner than later that he’s six feet under (as the old song goes), he doesn’t want that secret to be buried with him.
So: a show it is.
Caesar is almost blinding to look at in person. His immaculate wig, his sun-white teeth, his spray-tan and the baubles on his suit: Capitol excess incarnate. But he’s easy to talk to. Most people are when you’ve got years at the register under your belt, when saying the right thing to your mother could spare you a bruise—Caesar, though, is something else entirely; he’s got a kind of charisma that could stop Death itself for a minute or two. Peeta can’t help but study him. Everything is measured, everything has value: timing, cadence, eye contact. It’s easier to mirror than Peeta expects.
“Tell me,” Caesar says, once the pleasantries and banter have run their course. “Is there a special girl back home?”
Even though just about every Tribute, every Games, gets that question from Caesar, Peeta has to wonder if Haymitch had pulled some strings. His pulse quickens with anticipation, but he keeps his cool. Be coy. Build suspense.
“Nah,” he says, slipping in a little of a District 12 drawl. It makes for a bashful tone. “Not really.”
He has to make it obvious he’s fibbing, but not too obvious. He ducks his eyes, focusing on the tips of his shoes. Patent leather. Probably cost enough to feed a family. Have other Tributes worn these? Surely the cost would make it impractical not to reuse them.
“No? I don’t believe it for a second! Look at that face!” Caesar exclaims. “Handsome man like you…”
Oh, Peeta thinks. So I’m a man now.
“Peeta.” Caesar leans in, so congenial, so inviting. Behind his charming eyes, though, Peeta sees nothing. Nothing to recognize or remember. “Tell me.”
Now is the time. Make them ask you twice before you answer. Peeta can feel the audience’s attention, swelling in the room, almost symphonic.
“Well, there, uh…” He pauses, gathering his guts. That’s where the best acting comes from, he’s found: truth. “There is this one girl that… I’ve had a crush on forever.”
Crush—so half-baked, flourless—but he knows the Capitol will eat it up. Sure enough, Caesar nods his head, eyes twinkling.
“But,” Peeta goes on, “I don’t think she actually… recognized me until the Reaping.”
That, too, is the truth. Why should Katniss remember him at all? She had lived—she had not died. That was all that mattered. What she remembered from that rainy day, he expected, was the hunger—a kind of hunger he had never had to know.
What he remembers is her face—clearer than his mother’s fists, clearer than the pain.
Clearer than any pain in the world.
“Well, I’ll tell you what, Peeta,” Caesar says—almost encouraging, like an uncle giving advice to his favorite nephew. It’s the first time in the interview that Peeta has felt genuinely, truly sick. “You go out there, and you win this thing—and when you get home? She’ll have to go out with you.” He turns back to the audience, drawn by the sound of applause. “Right, folks?!”
There’s that laugh of his: brassy, gleaming, perfectly rhythmic and perfectly pitched. Peeta’s body wants to laugh along, purely on instinct. He lets a fraction of it through. Just a fraction.
“Thanks, but, uh… I don’t think winning’s gonna help me at all.”
“And why not?”
Here. Right here. Peeta’s breath shakes on its way out of him, hollow at the center. How to answer? How to explain to Caesar Flickerman, to the glittering Capitol, to the Districts who couldn’t give a damn about him—how to explain Katniss Everdeen’s braid in the sunlight on the walk to school, the gentle clarity with which she’d sung the Valley Song, the sight of her and Gale Hawthorne and their pocket-knife-smiles in the schoolyard, the devotion that she had to her sister, the calluses along her fingers from a bowstring—how to make them understand the constant, quiet heat of her, and all the winters of life through which it had kept him warm?
This is the time to be exact. A sound bite is worth a thousand speeches. If you’re gonna do it, Haymitch had said, with a kind of cutthroat pride, do it so it breaks their hearts.
“Because she came here with me,” Peeta says.
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reading-backstage · 4 months
throwing my bet in now: i don’t think the new hunger games book is from haymitch’s pov.
i’m betting it’s maysilee’s for several reasons.
firstly, we know haymitch’s side of the game. the tape was focused on him. obviously we don’t know his thoughts but we know everything he did.
because of this it being from his pov would either get repetitive of what book readers already know, or it would challenge cannon which she was very careful not to do in bosas.
also, in these following books we know she likes to go with unexpected povs. she chose to write from snow’s instead of lucy gray’s which was the more obvious choice.
might not be maysilee but i am certain its not haymitch.
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annabethandpercylove · 4 months
“So it’s starting again?” she says. “Like before?”
I’d like to see Sunrise of the Reaping focus on the “before” Mrs. Everdeen and Haymitch are alluding to when they talk after Gale’s whipping.
Haymitch was a significant player in the Games’ history. He used the arena to win (the second act of survival by a District 12 victor that would have sparked rebellion; he was the first victor (at least that’s what I interpreted from the text in Mockingjay) that was propositioned by Snow; and he was likely the reason for the “before” I mentioned. I’m sure propaganda and manipulating the history of the past increased after his Games, which would go along with what Collins has said about the theme of SOTR.
I never post here and I am not an experienced theorist on this platform, but I figured I would try my hand and share some possibilities that have come to my mind about how this story might play out.
Multiple POVs: I’ve seen a lot of people suggesting that SOTR won’t be from Haymitch’s POV and I agree… to a certain extent. I am not the biggest fan of books with multiple POVs (I feel like the stories are often stretched out too far and can be a disservice to the story) and I know we haven’t seen Collins do this with a THG book, but I think it would be a useful tool to show the effect of propaganda. So here are the people I think we should hear from and why: 1. Caesar Flickerman — propaganda from the source 2. Mrs. Everdeen — propaganda witnessed by an audience member 3. Haymitch Abernathy — victor that caused a new influx of propaganda and government control
The Plot Now that I’ve introduced the POV idea, I’ll do a play-by-play for how I might make the story go: We start from Caesar’s POV. It’s Reaping Day, the first big moment for the Games. Through Caesar, we would see all (or at least ones that are most relevant to the themes of the book) the districts’ ceremonies. There would be a range in the style of the ceremonies and the audience reactions especially between Career and non-Career districts. (I don’t want to make things too cluttered so I don’t think I would do an audience perspective for the Reaping, too. If there was, I’d want Mrs. Everdeen to see her reaction to Maysilee Donner being chosen, but that’s a personal hope to see her and it may not be a service to the theme really.) Still with Caesar, we cut to the beginning of the Games. I don’t think it’s necessary to see the trains, training, or interviews, necessarily. I think things would’ve transitioned from what we saw in TBSOAS to something more akin to how things work with these things in THG. So Caesar is prepping for another Games. Maybe we hear some conversations he has with Gamemakers and sponsors in addition to his own personal dialogue. Is he still becoming the charismatic host that we know in THG? Does he have any moments where he questions what he’s doing? But he gets to work. The announcements are made, the bombs go off, and the Games begin. Disclaimer: I’ve been debating this POV since the announcement for SOTR came out. Like I said before about multiple POVs, this might stretch things too far (unless we’re lucky to get a book that’s 1,000+ pages!!), but I thought I’d put it out there. Mrs. Everdeen lives in horror watching her best friend fight for her life in a death arena. While she’s watching we could see Capitol commercials promoting sponsors, bets, and special promotions for different companies that are themed on the Games (like seeing commercials that are themed for the Super Bowl or Christmas). We would witness what an audience member would be seeing (not just the glimpses we get of Snow watching out for his tribute for his own selfish reasons). Now this might be a distraction from the plot, but I’d love to see some Mrs. Everdeen/Mr. Everdeen/Mr. Mellark moments. From what we’ve heard and seen, they’re all against the Games. But I think it would be interesting to see Mr. Everdeen’s little acts of musical rebellion, Mrs. Everdeen’s fear of his being caught and her fear for Maysilee, and maybe show a contrast between Mr. Everdeen’s behavior and Mr. Mellark’s. I think there’s a multigenerational theme that could be explored here with Katniss/Peeta/Gale and the parents. We could see how Mr. Everdeen was Seam like Gale but compassionate like Peeta; Mrs. Everdeen didn’t see a way to change things like Katniss; Mr. Mellark was content to settle with Town life and endure the Capitol’s threats but maybe lacked Peeta’s passion for the preservation of personal morality. Different responses to the earlier mentioned commercials, etc? (I’m Team Everlark/Peeta all the way, BTW!) This would happen after Mrs. Everdeen’s POV (or maybe another audience members POV from a Career district) or right after Caesar’s. Cut to Haymitch’s POV. It’s his final fight in the Games. We see him bleeding out, throwing the axe, and becoming the victor. He goes home and has to face Snow’s propositions, the deaths due to his refusals, and the resulting depression and the beginning of the jaded drunk man we meet in THG. Witness what “like before” entailed, an erasure of Haymitch’s “act of rebellion”, radical people on the Victory Tour if we go that far, etc.
I know that was a bit long-winded and not necessarily the clearest plot, but those are some thoughts I’ve had. I’m no author, just a passionate fan of The Hunger Games series and the lessons it seeks to teach its readers. Suzanne Collins will create an amazing story that will be profound and special and I can’t wait to witness it.
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firstdragonlady · 2 months
Off the Line
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“Tell me the good news first then,” Annie demanded and deftly dodged the kiss Finnick tried to plant on her mouth.
The cruelty he suffered! It was inhumane.
Finnick waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “It has to do with Haymitch.”
Annie’s smile widened. “Has he finally succumbed to your charms?”
Happy Off the Line Sunday!
"Finnick and Annie gossip about Haymitch's burgeoning feelings for Effie Trinket. Takes place during Chapter Nineteen of Fine Line."
I hope you enjoy these extra snippets. I definitely do. I had a great time getting to write Finnick's POV and explore the thought processes, slang, and metaphors he might use as a District Four native (which would be similar to the environment I grew up in). It was nice "visiting" somewhere other than District 12 and the Capitol.
TW: This ficlet contains frank discussion of this universe's human trafficking ring. Please read with caution.
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sameschmidtdiffname · 4 months
I'm actually desperate to hear your thoughts on the new hunger games book.
What characters do you wanna see? You think there will be a romance aspect? Who's POV should it be in?
Do you think this is Suzanne's final attempt to make it as clear as possible that the games are NOT cool and snow is NOT a misunderstood good guy?
And the movie too!!!! You have any fan-casting ideas?? Think young haymitch is gonna be hot?
Idk no pressure man I luv u :3
I'm excited! I'll actually be completely honest, I seriously didn't think that we were going to get any media about Haymitch's games since we already went over the events in 'Catching Fire.' I would like to apologize to the prophets, clearly I was wrong. Sorry for silently judging your requests by thinking y'all missed the point, I'm sittin' down now.
So, tackling POV first, I personally think it's definitely possible that we're working with a multiple POV situation due to the fact we did already go over the events of the Games in CF. Or, if not multiple POVs, I actually think it'll be retrospective.
Remember how Katniss and Peeta end 'Mockingjay' by creating the book of memories? I think it's possible that Sunrise is meant to be Haymitch looking back on his Games. How he survived, maybe who he mentored after. Honestly, this is what I'm hoping for because I admittedly am a desperate whore for canon post-Mockingjay material. (Please, Suzanne. Just a crumb. A CRUMB!!)
I think we're done with Snow's POV. I may be wrong on that, but I'm admittedly hopeful on it. 😭
LISTENNNN I liked Ballad and I think it was WONDERFUL writing, but Jesus fucking Christ was I happy to be away from Snow by the time it was over. He was an asshole, that was the point, I respect it and love it as media but reading it was/is hard, and honestly? That's praise. But besides personal preference, there's also just a straight 'The End' at the end of Ballad. Maybe that's subject to change, but with Suzanne's masochistic level of detail? Probably not. Or maybe I'm stupid and will eat this post in nine months, find out soon!
ANYWAYS. I so want to see Mrs. & Mr. Everdeen in this, as well as Peeta's parents. Give me their fucking names, Suzie. NAMES.
Haymitch's girlfriend is probably gonna be my favorite character. Imma be honest. I know nothing of her, nada, zip, zilch. But I can sense it in the air. There will be kinship, and I will kill myself when she dies.
(Suzanne, please don't make me eat that last statement.)
Romance aspect? Yes. Between Haymitch, his girl, and the Everdeens? Plus if we get Peeta's parents? I think one of the main points of The Hunger Games is love and the different ways it exists, so I think there will 100% be romance.
Hell, maybe Suzanne will throw us a curveball and the POV will be one of Everlarks parents. If so, probably Mrs. Everdeen as that'll give us insight to the merchant part of District 12, Madge's family and what it was like to be of Reaping age in the thick of Snow's reign.
I want Mr. Everdeen confirmed as Covey. This is a demand. I have hostages. (My lawyer wants me to clarify I don't.)
Now, in terms of the books real world meaning, I'm interested to see. I think the safest guess is 100% a commentary on Palestine, Congo, etc. But I am interested to see what else there is to say.
Personally, I think there really is a possibility this book will be centered around healing. Especially if this is Haymitch looking back at his life, it could offer commentary on his recovery from his Games, the war, as well as everyone else's. This perspective is 100% the one I would love to see the most, but we all know imma be a fiend for whatever happens.
And to wrap this up, fancasting? Stanley Tucci. If Caeser comes back and he doesn't, I have fucking hostages. (Again, I don't.)
Imma be honest, to add to your question, yes young Haymitch is supposed to be hot, but I want him to be a kid. I want a teenager cast and I want him to obviously look like a teenager, even if he is handsome. I think that's an important point of the Games people miss.
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