#I thought it turned out with a lot of CUTE KilluGon moments
oneforblu · 4 days
watching hunter x hunter: greed island arc
i last wrote an update when i was midway through yorknew city arc. that arc as a whole was my favorite one! it was so much fun, and i loved how focused it was on kurapika's story.
i talked a lot about yorknew city arc in my last post, so i want to get into my thoughts on greed island! for starters, ever since it was mentioned in your new city, i was very excited to see how it would turn out
finding out that the game was actually a place you could travel to and experience the world was so interesting! it reminded me of jumanji and excited me to see how the story would unravel.
i know some people don't care for this arc because it isn't as "action-packed" as the previous one, but i have a soft spot for any type of training arc, and i feel that greed island could be put in that category!
killua and gon are already known to be quite strong. especially killua, with his intense assassin techniques. to be honest, i had been waiting for a moment when the two could finally put their limits to the test and become better acquainted with nen.
many new characters were introduced this time but bisky quickly became my favorite! her design was so cute, but i also loved how she WANTED killua and gon to improve their strength. the scenes with the greed island trio were so much fun to watch. killua and gon doing their best because they wanted to change and grow stronger while bisky was watching over them like a mother; it was just so moving!
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the killugon moments in this arc were so heartwarming. from gon saying he was glad to meet killua, killua being the only one to hold the ball during the dodgeball game, to gon proudly saying killua was his best friend. they just became so attached in such a short time, and it's so beautiful to see. they just really grew on me this arc, and i'm so excited to see how their friendship grows stronger.
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fallinglntokillugon · 4 years
Gon’s Surprising Birthday Present! Part 2 {Working Title}
Gon’s Birthday 2020 Fanfic by FallingLntoPieces
{AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24002317/chapters/57999847]
Chapter Synopsis: Gon now has a small Killua in his room. Can he get a good explanation for it? Or is this all too much to handle? Well, as long as it’s Killua... [Now it’s a companion piece to Calling Killua on Saturday Night]
Characters: Gon, Mini Killua, and Mito. Killua, Alluka, and Grandma Abe mentioned.
Pairing: KilluaXGon, KilluGon
Genre/Mood: Canon Dimension, Established Long-Distance Relationship, Whale Island, Birthday, Comedy
Rating: T
Happy Birthday Week to the cutest green boi in the world! This is the next part of the series about the extra Killua found in the color birthday picture this year (found here: https://fallinglntokillugon.tumblr.com/post/617196567149019136/happy-birthday-gon-not-only-one-killua-but). It comes after the seven 4-Komas, which can also be found on AO3.
If someone can come up with a better title... I’M STILL WAITING.   
After shocking Gon with a literal cock tease, the Killua on the bed pulled his shorts back around his waist. “Heh, you’re so simple-minded,” the white-haired copy chuckled knowingly, stepping forward to pat his boyfriend’s cheek with a hand. And that’s what makes you so cute, he added to himself, kissing the blushing face while it was still frozen in surprise. 
Feeling a small pair of lips on his skin that was both familiar as well as foreign, Gon snapped out of his mental love stick comparisons. Before this Killua could start anything more, the normal-sized teen grabbed him by the back of that iconic white outer shirt and held him at length up in the air. “D-don’t do that!”
“Why not? You were leaving yourself wide open.” 
“Doesn’t mean you should take advantage of it,” the Freecss boy puffed up his cheeks in an irritated pout once again. Though, the amount of trust he had in his boyfriend was quite adorable. 
“You’re the one who conjured me,” the Killua pointed out, “so you were probably hoping we’d do all sorts of things, right?” Still in tease mode, he gave a suggestive hip thrust. 
“I was just trying it out! I didn’t think it would work - especially not like this! You’re way too small!”
“Do I gotta show it to you again?”
“No! That’s not where I meant!” Quite overwhelmed, Gon face-planted onto his blankets and let out a groan. A thin smoke started trailing out of his ears, showing that his brain was overheating. This was too much excitement for a Friday night!
Realizing he may have gone a little too far, the cat-sized Killua freed himself from the grasp and landed back on the bed. Sitting down, he decided that it was probably best to explain what was going on before anything else. “Oi, Gon. Think you could listen for a while?”
“I’ll try,” was a half-hearted mumble. He didn’t lift his head though.
For the next ten minutes, the Killua spelled out exactly how the Copy Card worked. Based on a user’s heart and mind, a copy of someone can be conjured. The Copy is created by pulling from many different sources, most of which are confidential, but personal wants and desires of the user are also included. “These are important because Copy Cards are usually used to summon Copies of the deceased or forbidden lovers,” the Zoldyck explained. 
“Deadbeat Dad doesn’t classify as either of those,” Gon commented dryly.
“But, that’s when the desires come in, yeah? To be stuck with someone you didn’t want for three days would be a terrible chore. So, the Copy is altered slightly to fit the needs of the user…”
Copies are given three extra considerations as well. First, they are aware that they are a copy. They also know the Copy Card information to help ground a user in the reality that they are not the original.  Second, Copies don’t need to eat or drink to survive. They can if it is offered to them, but it is not mandatory for their 72-hour existence. Third and most importantly, they cannot kill. This is a limiter so users can’t conjure Copies to carry out their dirty work or be murdered by the Copy.
“Even as an ex-assassin, I don’t mind that,” the Killua said, bringing out his claws and swiping at the air. He didn’t enjoy thinking about the childhood memories of work work work. He was a Copy here to play play play.
“And so why are you… this size?” Gon asked, reaching out a finger to poke the squishy cheek of his copied life partner. It was the main question that hadn’t been answered whatsoever. Even in his wildest dreams he wouldn’t have desired a cat-sized Killua.
“Well, I’m not sure. I wouldn’t have come out if my Copy Card were damaged.” The small Killua got up and hopped off the bed to check the piece of metal he had been conjured from. It was on the desk, warming under the lamplight. Picking it up with both hands, he gave it a good inspection. Gon watched from his place at the edge of the bed as the copy of his boyfriend took a minute to come to some sort of conclusion. The card clattered onto the wood and the Killua turned around with his hands on his hips and a smile on his lips. “Does it really matter? I’m here, aren’t I?” 
“Yeah, you are,” brown eyes blinked, a little surprised at such an answer. It was true, now that Gon understood what was going on, that he didn’t mind the situation so much. As long as it was Killua, any form of him would be fine. Actually, perhaps it was better this way. If the Zoldyck had been full sized and packing a package like that…
“Heh, you wouldn’t have been able to resist.” 
“Shut up.” Gon was back to blushing as he was read like an open book. Getting off the carpet, he went over to his closet and grabbed his pajamas. After training in the afternoon and babysitting the twins in the evening, he needed to shower before going to bed. “No, you can’t come,” he denied before the other even had a chance to ask. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll just watch TV,” Killua motioned at the corner where the television set was on the floor, the JoyStation collecting dust next to it. 
“Okay, just don’t turn the volume up too loud.”
“Not a problem. Enjoy your bath~”
[Read the other 2/3 on AO3!]
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xyliane · 4 years
book of secrets 6: On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair
notes: the best part about this write-a-day thing is how I just generally ignore the actual prompt half the time in favor of doing what I want. anyways, felt like actually moving the plot on this one--none of these are in order, but there is a general order in my head. killugon, T (killua uses the fuck word once), 1460 words.
It takes Gon four months and six days to figure out where Killua went after he gave the Book his Secret. Not for lack of trying—Gon does everything he can short of tracking down Kite to beg for help. Every Door he could find, every spell the Book had, anything to try to find his best friend. Illumi Zoldyck has shown up at the Freecss house every week like clockwork, his threats culminating when he used family connections to try to lock Gon in jail for a night on accusations of kidnapping. The only reason Gon hadn’t gotten in even more trouble was that he’d opened a Door in the back of the policewoman’s car and vanished. Aunt Mito’s yelled at him more than once, has grounded him for life for skipping classes. But she hasn’t found the Book, so Gon can keep opening Doors.
Killua was supposed to be the one who took the Book. That had been the deal. Or so Gon had thought. The Book didn’t lie. The Books can’t lie, except for the Book of Promises. But Gon’s Book of Secrets hid something in the bargain of Killua’s first Door, and it refused to let Gon follow directly.
He should have asked Kite. The real Kite. But that’s a secret he can’t even tell the Book.
So Gon had searched, high and low, in underwater worlds and kingdoms nestled on clouds, in worlds impossible to comprehend and worlds achingly similar to Gon’s own. Every Door is a little easier to open, but the mark circling his arm becomes thicker and darker, until it’s a band of black dark as the space between worlds. Gon can feel it seeping through his skin sometimes, even when he’s not opening Doors. Worse are the whispers that follow him, ghostly echoes that sound like windchimes and breaking glass, scattering from every open Door and vanishing when they close. The others, those with the Books, have noticed it too, mentioning it in whispers when they think Gon’s not listening, as though he’s too young to know when there are ghosts traveling in the spaces between.
It should worry him. It doesn’t, though. It’s the price for what he did, and it lets him find Killua. Gon doesn’t care what happens to himself after that.
The last Door, a tip from a strange colorful man with a malicious twinkle in his eyes who looked at Gon’s arm and knew, opens on a tiny farm nestled in a mountain valley. It’s so green, greener than Whale Island, dirt roads sketching spiderweb paths through endless fields speckled with flowers in every color imaginable. The farmhouse is an eye-burning shade of yellow, brighter than the sun glittering above in a pale orange sky. Here and there, the fields thin out, revealing pens full of animals that look like sheep, if sheep could be purple and the size of cows. When Gon takes a step towards them, he thinks he sees fangs.
“You really don’t want to do that,” a familiar voice calls, and Gon nearly drops the Book. “They look cute, but they really don’t like new people. Took me days to—"
“Killua?” he says, the name sticking in his throat.
His best friend leans on the other side of the fence, one hand ruffling the fur of a fanged purple sheep. His white hair is longer, curling out from beneath a wide-brimmed black hat that covers the rest of his face. Woven into the hat are a strange golden script, the letters struggling to become readable as Gon stares.
And stares.
And then breaks into a sprint.
Killua barely has time to look up before Gon barrels into him, sending them both flying. The sheep baa out of the way as Killua’s hat goes flying away, landing somewhere. Gon doesn’t pay attention. He’s too busy laughing, and crying, and listening to Killua’s sobs of laughter in his ears.
“Took you long enough,” is the first thing his best friend says once they both can breathe, and that sets Gon off again.
It takes them both awhile to calm down, long enough that a few of the sheep start gnawing at Killua’s hat. Killua waves them away as best he can. “I’m helping out,” he says. “Kacho and Fugetsu, they’re the sisters who own the farm, but they gave me a place to stay when I fell out of the Door.”
At the mention of a Door, Gon swallows. “Were you okay?”
Killua gestures at himself, at the sturdy jeans and boots that look more like Gon’s sort of clothing than Killua’s. “You didn’t tell me that opening a Door meant opening all of them,” he says. “The first Door took me where you said it would, the broken castle with the chocolate clocks. I waited for you for…I don’t know, Gon. When you didn’t show up, I got really angry. And I tried to open more Doors, but that only landed me—other places.” He shudders, and Gon has a feeling he understands. “So I’m here. Have been for a month or so. I think I’m getting better at magic, but time’s weird here.”
“Are you still angry?” Gon asks. He had looked everywhere he could, had tried every Door, but that almost wasn’t enough.
A flicker of sorrow ripples across Killua’s face, before it’s replaced with bemused resignation. “You tried to find me, right?” he says. “And you did. So I can’t be angry with you.”
Gon relaxes. “I’m happy to see you, Killua. I missed you a lot.”
His friend doesn’t even bother to scowl, even though he blushes furiously. “Yeah. Me too. I…it’s been a long time. I didn’t know if—well, it was hard to figure out where I was, and where you were, and…”
I think I love you.
Gon’s grip on the Book tightens. He’s fifteen now, and those words have been locked in his ears as surely as they’re stuck to the pages of the Book of Secrets. A Secret so big that it could be used to open Doors to other words, as long as it stays trapped in the pages. A Secret so big that Gon doesn’t know what will happen if he mentions it. And here’s Killua, standing with sunlight in his hair and blue eyes clear, skin a little burnt from the foreign skies, and Gon doesn’t know how to ask if he still feels the same way.
If Gon feels the same way.
“—your arm?”
Gon blinks, and turns slightly, keeping his arm out of sight. “My arm?”
“Yeah, there’s something…” Killua doesn’t quite manage to grab onto Gon’s arm, but he snags a wrist, keeping him stuck long enough to push the edge of his sleeves up to his elbow. Killua’s blue eyes grow round. “What the fuck, Gon?”
He yanks himself out of Killua’s grip. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing! That’s dark magic, Gon, I’ve seen it. It’s not safe. It’s not—”
“I’m fine,” Gon says, and smiles. He knew what he was doing when he went into this. It had been his choice to make, and he made it willingly. He just didn’t expect Killua to find out so soon.
But the reassurance only makes Killua’s eyes narrow dangerously. “My brother does that to other people. You can’t bind yourself like that. It’s not right.”
“I’m fine,” Gon says again, insistently. “I would never do this to anyone else. It was for a Door.”
“Then how did you get that from opening a Door?”
“I found it in the Book.”
Killua stares at him for a long, uncomfortable moment, and it’s hard to forget that this is a Killua who has seen worlds Gon hasn’t, who has been lost for months on his own. He can open Doors now, even if he can’t yet control them. Gon wonders what else he’s seen, what adventures he’s gone on. Where he’ll go next. If he’ll let Gon join him.
Or if he’ll give up Gon as soon as he finds out what Secret the Book holds from Gon.
Killua blows out a frustrated breath. “Fine,” he says. “But promise me you’ll tell me if you want help? I owe you for finding me.”
“You don’t owe me anything, Killua.” If anything, Gon owes him. Owes him for friendship, despite all of Gon’s screw-ups. For not giving up while Gon did nothing but look.
Anger passes across Killua’s face again like a summer breeze, hot and dense. But it’s gone before Gon can say anything else. “Let me tell the sisters I’m leaving. And then… ” Killua stares for a long moment at the sky, relief loosening the tension from his shoulders. “Let’s go home.”
He doesn’t comment on how Gon’s arm turns black nearly to the wrist when the Door opens.
<< || masterpost || >>
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AU: Gon loves to announce his two goals of finding Ging and marry Killua, to everyone
This…started as something and then turned into something entirely different. I hope you like this anon, even if it’s probably not what you had in mind for this ask ^^; the fic title is from the song Rather Be which is one song of many on my killugon playlist
Title: Make x It x Everlasting 
Word count:2,095
Gon has two goals. Finding Ging is only one of them.
Marrying Killua, is the other.
Ao3 link
Gon has a goal: become a Hunter, find Ging.
It is a simple goal in theory. Not so much in practice.
“And after?” Leorio asks him one day over the phone. Gon is laying on his bed in the room given to him by the Heavens Arena secretary, arms flopped out on the mattress while he stares up at the tiled ceiling. “After you find your deadbeat father, then what? Do you have another goal in mind?”
“Hmm,” Gon hums, rolling the question over in his mind. He’s distracted by the sound of a crash behind the door to his bathroom and nearly laughs aloud at the string of curses that follow.
“Gon? You still with me?”
“Eh? Oh, yeah, I’m here! I’ll have to get back to you, though, I think Killua slipped in the tub.”
Gon hangs up in the middle of Leorio’s sputtering, and he can’t keep the grin off his face as he slides off the bed and skips towards the bathroom door. 
Gon thinks a lot. He’s not smart like Killua, or intelligent like Kurapika, or able to bury his nose in a textbook and have the words make sense like Leorio.
But he likes to think, in the quiet hours of the morning when it’s just him, the birds and the warm colors of the sky bleeding together and into blue.
He goes for a walk the morning after Killua says he’ll stay with Gon to find Ging, and he thinks.
Finding Ging. It’s his goal, the reason he became a hunter.
But Killua…
Gon thinks about Killua and sees blue eyes alight with mischief, hears snorting laughter, tastes the overly-sweet chocolate his friend craves more than air.
Finding Ging is Gon’s goal. But Killua, Gon figures with a bright smile, is a worthy distraction.
Leorio has gone to rent a car and Killua to find the Troupe’s hideout when Gon asks Kurapika, “Is killing the Phantom Troupe really what you want, Kurapika?”
Because he knows that Kurapika misses his family, that killing the Troupe is revenge but it’s the glowing red eyes that’s most important to the blond with ghosts in his heart-
“It’s what I need to do,” Kurapika answers in that even and calm tone of his. 
Gon swings his legs underneath the lobby chair, nods like he understands because he does. Some needs are more important than wants.
“And you?”
Gon stills, blinking. “What?”
“Is finding your father what you want?” Kurapika clarifies. “Or is it what you need?”
Gon’s brow puckers. What he wants?
He wants to find Ging. He does. But that was always more of a decision than anything else: he wants to come face-to-face with the idolized man everyone seems to know but him, so he will.
But there’s something else, though. A twist and pull at his heart for something that’s not Ging. He’s not sure what it’s for, exactly, or when it happened, but he wants to know why.
Why is it that when he thinks of finding Ging, he gets this burning desire for something else? 
Gon scuffs the floor with his boot, frowning. Finding Ging is his goal. That comes first. The rest will come after.
“No,” Killua grunts and chucks another mass of dirt and rocks over his shoulder. “I haven’t found out what I wanted to do yet.”
“That’s okay!” Gon chirps. His voice echoes off the tunnel they’ve managed to carve through the rock Bisky is making them dig. The activity should exhaust him more than it should but instead he’s just excited.
Excited to learn more, do more, be more than he is right now. He has to, if he’s going to find Ging.
There’s a dull thud as Killua’s shovel hits a large rock. “Y’know, you sound way too happy to hear that.”
Gon laughs sheepishly. Killua isn’t wrong, and it’s both surprising and not to realize that.
“Well, it’s just-” he pauses for a moment in favor of beaming brightly at his friend, “-if you haven’t found out what you want to do yet, that means you’ll still be traveling with me! And I’m happy for that!”
Gon can see Killlua’s face flush, even in the dark, and the choking noise spilling from his friend’s lips only makes his smile widen.
“St-stupid!” Killua hisses and kicks a mound of dirt onto Gon’s sneakers. “You just want me to travel with you forever, don’t you?!”
And there it is- the twist and pull-
And it’s then Gon understands:
He does want something, and it doesn’t have anything to do with his father and everything to do with the sweaty and bristling teen at his side.
Gon has a goal: find Ging.
Gon has a second goal: travel with Killua, learn with Killua, laugh with Killua-
Stay with Killua. Because Killua makes him happy and he’s pretty sure he makes Killua happy, too.
He hasn’t figured out the second goal out entirely, yet. But he thinks finding Kite is a step in a good direction for finding Ging, and he’ll have all the time in the world to figure out how to stay with Killua after that.
When Gon pulls the bloody and charred bandages off his face, peels them off his fingers and out of his hair, his first thought isn’t Ging, but-
His own voice reverberates off white walls and crashes back onto his ears and Gon’s heart twists and pulls because he knows what he wants right now, who he wants right now, and….
Killua isn’t here.
Find Ging? Check.
Stay with Killua? Still in progress.
“Oh, Gon,” Aunt Mito sighs, hours after Killua and Alluka’s boat has left the dock, four days after Gon’s sixteenth birthday, one week after his best friend arrived on their doorstep with a deeper voice, longer limbs and a more genuine smile than Gon could remember seeing before.
“What?” Gon’s voice doesn’t shake but that’s only because he’s putting all his effort into not letting it.
Killua’s absence hurts worse than the time Hanzo broke his arm, makes him feel worse than when the Bomber blew up his hand. He doesn’t want to think about how easy it was for Killua to pack up his things and turn his back on Gon, one hand grasped by Alluka’s with the other was raised in a wave.
He feels Aunt Mito card a hand through his spikes but doesn’t look away from the dirt path, the last spot he saw Killua’s retreating back before he disappeared from Gon’s vision for good.
“If you want to be with him,” Aunt Mito says softly. “All you had to do was ask him.”
There’s a lot of different ways he could ask Killua if he’d like them to stay together, an eighteen-year-old Gon thinks. And there are different ways of being together.
He jumps out of his seat with a whoop when Leorio and Kurapika finally part. The crowd roars their approval and the rings on the wedded couple’s fingers gleam in the light of the setting sun. Everyone is crying and smiling and is happy because two wonderful people get to stay together from now till forever and- 
Brown eyes meet midnight-blue, Gon picking out Killua’s elegant face as easily as finding a shell in the sand.
Killua’s grin widens. It’s a smile for Gon and for Gon alone, and the twist and the pull turns into a bubbling, overflowing warmth and Gon knows.
He’s known what he wanted for a while. But now he knows how to get it and the beauty of the answer takes his breath away.
Master Wing’s gaze is kind and bright as he approaches Gon and Killua from the across the room. He has a difficult time- Hunter reunions really do mean every Hunter- especially with Zushi practically bouncing at his side from excitement.
“It’s so good to see you boys again,” Master Wing says over the loud conversations flowing in the room around them. “I’m so glad you were able to make it.”
“Thank you for hosting!” Gon says and his cheeks hurt from the beam on his face.
“And thank you for training Alluka,” Killua adds at his side. “She said you’re a great teacher, so. Thanks.”
“It is a joy to have her as a student, the pleasure is all mine. And it is wonderful to have you two back in my apartment, although you look much different now than the last time I saw you. You have grown up.”
They both laugh, Gon scratching the back of his neck while Killua’s face darkens and burns. The embarrassed but pleased expression is cute and Gon can’t help but slide his hand into Killua’s behind their backs, out of sight.
“We really have,” Gon says. He squeezes Killua’s hand lightly and feels his heart swell at the way Killua’s fingers tighten around his own.
“And you completed your goal, you found Ging!” Zushi gushes. “That’s awesome! You two are really incredible!”
Killua snorts, cheeks still dusted pink. “Gon found Ging. I never met the guy. I count that as a blessing, though.”
“You’ll have to meet him eventually, Killua!” Gon says. “I’ll introduce you, if you want!”
“Nah, I’m good for now. I can’t promise not to punch your old man in the face if I ever see him.”
Gon giggles while Zushi looks slightly alarmed and equally confused and the resulting expression on his face is one of the funniest things Gon thinks he’s ever seen.
“And now?” Master Wing asks, forcing Gon and Killua to face him again. “Do you have a new goal in mind now that you successfully found your father?”
“Yep! I’ve had one for a while, actually!”
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Killua glance at him sharply. He keeps looking straight forward and carefully ignores the dig of blue eyes on his face.
He’s been following Killua around for years and years now, doing whatever Killua wanted to do. He always insisted he had nothing in mind whenever Killua picked out their destination but that never stopped Killua from asking.
It makes sense that Killua would be confused hearing Gon say this now.
“Really? That’s excellent, Gon, what is it?”
Gon puffs out his chest and says loudly, “I want to marry Killua, of course!”
Zushi makes a squeaking sound at the declaration and Master Wing blinks several times. The entire mass of Hunters around them has fallen silent and Killua….
Killua’s face is as red as the setting sun, figure stiff and his hand a vice around Gon’s. His grip is borderline painful but Gon would never in a trillion years think of letting go.
A few seconds pass. Enough for Gon to wonder if maybe he should’ve thought of a better time for announcing his and Killua’s engagement-
But then the crowd explodes into cheers of joy. The shouts and whistles are deafening in Gon’s ears, someone is slapping him on the back, another person ruffling his hair. Everyone is crowding in on him and Killua and Killua’s gasp is so tight his fingernails dig into Gon’s skin.
Hours later, after everyone congratulates them and drinks too much campaign, after they finally manage to escape from the party and stumble back into their hotel room-
“When-” Killua growls, pinning Gon to the wall with a single arm, “-were you planning on telling me we’re getting married?! I think I have a say in this, Gon!”
“W-Well, I just figured-”
“Figured what?”
It’s getting harder to breathe with Killua’s arm crushing his windpipe but Gon manages to choke out, “I figured a long time ago that I wanted to stay with you forever! I assumed you wanted to be with me, too!”
Killua narrows his eyes. Gon can make out his own face reflected in brilliant blue as Killua says, “You make a lot of assumptions, you know that?”
Gon swallows and nods. He really hopes Killua will let go of him soon, this position is really uncomfortable and he wants nothing more than to collapse into bed and hold the person he loves most in his arms.
“You’re lucky.”
Gon’s head is swimming. “What do you mean?”
Killua shakes his head. “You’re lucky your assumptions are usually right.”
Gon has a split second to process the meaning behind Killua’s words before soft, soft lips are pressing against his and then Gon doesn’t think much at all after that.
He found Ging, he has Killua. And Killua is more than everything or anything he could have ever imagined.
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fallinglntokillugon · 7 years
Diving Through Hoops with You: Part 1
A Fluffy KilluGon Fanfic by Falling lnto Pieces
Synopsis: Gon and Killua meet up in Atelsea City for a week to spend together. Part 1: Gon won’t focus on Killua trying to show off on their date at the gym. Then Gon gets a phone call and he says he has to go somewhere by himself?
Characters: Gon and Killua, Alluka mentioned
Pairing: KilluaXGon, KilluGon
Genre/Mood: Boys Love, Cute, Tone Shifts 
Rating: T
So this was supposed to be a fully finished KilluGon Day 2018 fic for January 7th, but it didn’t happen on time. I drew a picture that day and posted it on @fallinglntopieces instead (but spoilers, so don’t look at it...). I still dedicate this fic to @dziwna-violet-aya because having these two get married (with Killua on top) will always be the true dream. Please enjoy Part 1 and comment if you want more cute or maybe something more sensual - I haven’t decided.
He wasn’t focused, at least not on the training they were doing. As soon as the duo started going around the gym together, Killua could tell that Gon was not giving his all. Instead of completing their old workout routine, the black-haired boy was intent on checking the beetle-shaped cell phone every chance he thought he had. His restless fidgeting was cute to Killua, especially since Gon thought he was hiding his actions well.
The pair hadn’t seen each other in person for months. Killua was, of course, traveling the globe with Alluka, while Gon had been stuck doing mountains of schoolwork. On Christmas day, Killua had gotten an excited call at two o’clock in the morning. Mito-san says I can leave the island for a week so I can see you!, the older boy had nearly screamed into the phone. The ex-assassin was glad that no one was able to see him blush with happiness at the news. After telling the idiot to be quieter so Alluka could sleep in peace, the two planned out their meeting in Atelsea City, which had started two days ago on January 5th.
This morning, Killua had suggested the idea of training together at a gym. Since they used to do it often back in the day, he said he thought it might be fun. The truth actually was that he wanted to show off the strength he had acquired while training alone. But, the younger boy didn’t want to display his new skills in their shared hotel room - it would make it too obvious that he wanted to be praised by his biggest fan.
Gon readily agreed to the activity with a beaming smile, mentioning that he had been unable to remember the routine without his best friend. They packed their bags and headed out to the closest local pay-per-use gym. But, while they were walking along, Gon’s mind had already started to depart from the tasks he was going to perform. Killua could tell that his partner was probably not going to put in 100% of his effort, but, man, he was unprepared for what actually was to come.
After changing into training outfits consisting of the usual shorts and tank tops, the boys got to work at about nine o’clock. Starting with their warm-up exercises, Gon did seven sets instead of ten before pulling out his phone. The white-haired boy called him out on it and got the excuse of, “You know I’m bad at math. I’ll do my other four sets in a moment.” During bench pressing, Killua decided to show off his improved upper-body strength by adding more weights than Gon had. The older boy was supposed to be spotting his best friend, but when a ding came from his phone, he quickly let go of the metal bar to check the new message. Killua got the wind knocked out of him as he struggled against gravity to remove the bar from his chest without help.
At the lat pulldown, the boys were each at a machine, side by side. Seeing a chance for revenge, Killua changed Gon’s pin setting to the heaviest weight, only to watch as the older boy mindlessly pulled until the mechanism fell forward to crush him. Killua elbowed his partner out of harm’s way and took the blow of the heavy machine for himself. While scrambling to right the wrong he had caused, the brown eyes were back at the phone screen.
While Gon used the leg press, Killua was refilling his water bottle to hold against his bruising right shoulder. As he capped the bottle, he heard Gon’s phone ring for half a second before a loud crash of breaking machinery. Spinning around, Killua watched as the boy in the green shorts dashed away from the destruction he had caused in his excitement. Everyone else in the gym stared speechlessly at the result of half the leg press having been catapulted into a rack of dumbbells. Killua slunk back to the locker room, seeing that leaving as soon as possible was probably for the best.
Opening his locker and taking out his knapsack, the ex-assassin sifted through the contents until he found his towels.
“Killua, Killua! Are you in here?” a voice called into the locker room excitedly.
“What is it?” the one in question responded emotionlessly, putting his bag back into the locker.
“I need to - well, I have a place I need to go to on the other side of town.”
“Let’s take showers first and then we can go.”
“Uh, well… I need to go alone.”
“How long will it take?”
“Hmm, maybe like three hours to go there and back.”
Turning to face the older boy who was walking closer, Killua saw that Gon was trying to suppress a trio of emotions and was doing a bad job at it. He finally chose a secretive, apologetic blush, which was a very attractive look.
“Is it something urgent?” Killua inquired, cocking his head to the side as he slung his towels over his left shoulder. He got a nod in response. “Can we really not just go together?” He got a more vigorous head bob and a set of chocolate puppy eyes.
“It’s important that I go by myself! Please, Killua, go back to the hotel room and wait for me there!”
With a somber sigh, Killua lowered his head so that his bangs cast shadows to hide the cattish grin that crept across his face. Gon was so cute when he begged like this! Actually, all the emotions that had been on display over the past three days were all treasures. The white-haired boy hadn’t realized how much he had missed seeing his best friend up close and personal… and how much he had missed sadistically manipulating all those feelings.
“It’s been a long time since we last saw each other, Gon,” Killua complained, raising his head to showcase an overdramatic disappointed expression, “You know that, right?”
“I do…” was the sheepish reply. Gon started to press his index fingers together nervously.
“Yeah, you do. And you’re gonna spend our valuable time by focusing on something other than me?”
“What do you mean?”
“Here I was, ready to have a great morning showing off how much stronger I’ve gotten, but you didn’t seem to notice one bit. You were giving all your attention to your phone. Don’t think I didn’t catch that.”
“B-but I was waiting for a call from… uh,” the black-haired boy covered his mouth before he spilled his big secret.
“Oh, and now that you got it, you’re gonna have me sit in our room for half the afternoon while you go all the way across town to have an adventure by yourself?” Killua criticized, putting his hands on his hips in preparation for the guilt-tripped plea. One more sentence would probably have the other boy cutely begging for forgiveness. What would work best would probably be… “Wow, Gon. I didn’t realize that leaving me was so easy for you to-”
“Don’t say stuff like that!” Gon cried out, cutting his partner off by grabbing the collar of his white tank top. The older boy’s facial features were very serious as he forcefully shoved Killua into the wall of lockers with a loud bang. His hands trembled slightly.
“Oi, watch the shoul-”
“Take it back!”
“Gon, I-”
“How could you say that to me?!” Enraged, Gon’s eyebrows furrowed as he tightened his grip and glared at his best friend at an arm’s length.
“I-I’m sorry!” Killua blurted out promptly, turning his head to avoid the fiery golden eyes that bore into him. His plan had backfired spectacularly. Gon definitely looked way more angry than the flustered he had been aiming for.
“Then take it back!”
“I take it back! I take back what I said. I took it a little too far.”
“A lot too far!”
“A little.”
“A lot.”
“A little.”
“A lot.”
“Idiot, maybe you’re just a lot more sensitive,” Killua mumbled, almost canceling out his shoddy attempt at bringing his best friend back to a calm state. He felt the hold on his shirt loosen and turned his gaze back to Gon. His blue eyes widened as a wave of regret washed over his heart.
“Of course I might be, Killua…” The fury had fallen into an expression of hurt.
“Ah, Gon, I -”
“I’ve missed having you by my side… because I love you so much.”
Back when they parted ways at the World Tree many months ago, Gon felt like his heart had gotten a chunk taken out of it. Ever since then, he had yearned to be with Killua again. Messaging on the phone or talking over a video chat would never be enough. It was their physical closeness that he had taken for granted and not cherished quite enough. He knew Killua felt this way as well, so it was too much to hear such cruel words leave his lover’s mouth, even as a joke.
Letting his towels drop to the floor, Killua moved to sit down on the locker room bench. Even though his shoulder stung, he held his arms open so he could properly ease the distress he had caused the most important person in his world. “Me too... so come here.”
Gon took a seat on the other boy’s lap and they embraced. Killua stroked his boyfriend’s back comfortingly with his left hand, hoping that he could make the bright smile return quickly.
“Sometimes you’re really mean,” the boy in green grumbled, rubbing his nose into the crook of Killua’s neck.
“Ow,” the other winced, “your reactions are always too cute. It makes me wanna tease you sometimes.”
“Well, that wasn’t teasing. That was just being mean.”
“Okay, okay. I took it too far. I’m sorry, Gon. Will you forgive me?”
Killua rested his arms around Gon’s waist as he leaned back. They touched foreheads and the ex-assassin was glad to see that he hadn’t made his beloved cry. The couple sat in silence for a moment before the black-haired boy’s face softened into an affectionate grin.
“Of course I will. Out of everyone in the world, I love Killua the most.”
“And I… me too.”
“You what too?”
“Shoot, don’t make me say it out loud.”
“But we’re lovers, Killua! Lovers say they love each other! I love Killua!”
“B-b-baka, don’t shout that. We’re in a locker ro-”
Gon cut off his life partner’s embarrassment with a sweet kiss. Under him, he felt Killua’s body stiffen in surprise. He pestered the other boy’s lips with a handful of innocent smooches before he felt them being reciprocated. Closing his eyes, he let the white-haired boy’s tender warmth envelop him. It was the little moments like these that let Gon know he was truly loved. He wanted to keep Killua with him forever if he could… but not right now.
Before Killua had the chance to spice up the kisses with some tongue action, Gon pulled away. This black-haired boy had the cutest blush on his face, but also a look of determination.
“Killua, please go back to the hotel room.”
“Even by taxi it’ll take me about three hours.”
“Fine, sure.”
“I’ll message you every ten, no, every five minutes, okay?”
“Gon, that seems a bit…”
Before Killua could choose a word that wasn’t ‘stupid’, ‘embarrassing’, or ‘childish’ to hide his pleasure, his lover slid off his lap. The older boy checked the time on his phone before grabbing his jacket and backpack from his locker.
“It’s already eleven, so I’m gonna get going. I want to come back to you as quickly as I can!”
“Nah, take your time. I’ve got stuff I can do. Starting with a shower.”
“Are you gonna call Alluka-chan?”
“Yeah. And buy an ice pack for my shoulder.”
“Eh, is something wrong with your shoulder?”
“Why you…” Killua grumbled with a sigh. He grabbed his towels from where they had fallen on the ground. When he gazed back up, Gon was peering down at him with a finger pointing to his mouth. “You gonna go?”
“Yeah, but I want one for the road.”
The ex-assassin stood up and locked lips with his partner. Ever since they had first met, Gon had always looked so kissable. Killua was glad to be able to know it was true. When the kiss ended, the two fourteen year olds grinned at each other lovingly. Then, the boy with the big secret ran out of the locker room and the boy with the bigger secret hung the towels over his unharmed shoulder.
Killua went to take a shower, checking out all the new bruises caused by the morning’s failed workout. He hadn’t really gotten sweaty, but the water was definitely refreshing. It was a peaceful time alone in the shower. Once it had been long enough, he got out and toweled off, returning to his locker to get dressed. Grabbing his clean set of clothes, he was gingerly slipping into a button-up shirt when his phone chimed. After he finished buttoning it, Killua took the beetle out of his knapsack with an excited grin. The boy’s eyes softened as he scanned through the childish texts he had received:
11:07 - “I’m looking for a taxi. I love you, Killua!”
11:12 - “I am in the taxi now. I love you, Killua!”
11:17 - “This old guy is pretty funny. I love you, Killua!”
11:22 - “I wish you were with me… I love you, Killua!”
“This idiot,” Killua murmured to himself with a chuckle, “…I love you too, Gon.”
With that finally said, he put his phone on silent mode before exiting through the ventilation system in order to avoid paying for the damages Gon had caused in the poor Atelsea gym.
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xyliane · 8 years
the man in the moon stayed up too late
summary: it didn’t go according to plan, but gon wouldn’t have it any other way. (a morning of firsts)
notes: @canzie-gumm I’m so so sorry this is STUPIDLY LATE so I wrote an extra long ficlet that is not at all influenced by me rewatching the chimera ant arc with a friend and dying slowly from everything going on /sweats. title’s a song from fellowship of the ring because sap knows no boundaries. aged-up killugon, (fluff warning), 1100 words
“What was this all supposed to be?” Killua demands, gesturing widely against the sunny dawn sky.
Gon smiles, relishing how little resistance Killua has to their hands tangled and their bodies leaning against each other. They’ve been out all night, running through quiet streets and climbing in and through closed up amusement parks, getting terrible pizza at 2am from a half awake uni student and fighting over who got the last slice. Now it’s morning, finally, the first donuts of the day still warm as they sit on the roof of Killua’s hotel and watch the sun come up. The dawn streaks Killua’s white hair with molten gold and pale pink, shining and soft and strong.
Gon rests his head against Killua’s shoulder. He’s missed this in their time apart, having Killua close enough to lean on. It shouldn’t be comfortable, not when Killua’s all edges, but it is better than any pillow. “What was what supposed to be?” he asks.
Killua presses him back with a pointed finger, making Gon whine at the abrupt lack of warmth against his cheek. “The…the everything!” he says. “We just wandered around the city all night.”
Gon hums, an ache in the back of his eyes from the lack of sleep for the past few days. But he’d take that ache any day if it means squeezing out another minute with his best friend. “Did you have fun?”
Killua splutters. “Of course I did! I always have fun with you, even on your stupid ideas.” Gon can’t help but stick his tongue out. His ideas aren’t stupid, especially if Killua had fun. But something about that makes Killua flush bright red, refusing to look at Gon. It’s really cute, but now’s probably not the time to mention that. “You said we were going on a date.”
“Didn’t we?”
“We just did what we always do! Only we held hands the whole time.” He holds up the evidence, palms glued to each other and fingers laced, Killua’s pale skin shining against Gon’s.
Gon tightens his grip without meaning to, but Killua squeezes back all the same. “I like holding your hand, Killua,” he says.
Killua clears his throat, somehow turning even redder. “That’s not the point, you idiot. I saw when you went on that date with Palm when we were kids. You had this whole day of set-up you dragged me on, and that was before you even got to her.”
True. The date with Palm had taken a lot of work—Gon’s still pleased with himself for finding the firefly tree, still remembers the delighted look on Palm’s face when she saw it. It’s nothing compared to how Killua looks even now, face squashed with confusion and muscles stiff with bound-up emotions, but it was nice. It’s just not what Gon wants, then or now, because Palm is a friend but she’s not Killua.
Gon brushes the sun-streaked hair out of Killua’s face, only slightly surprised that Killua meets him stare for stare. “I only had one date with Palm, so I had to make it special for her,” he says. “Besides, we didn’t know her that well until later—if you date someone you don’t know very well, it has to be well planned. I wanted to make sure she had a good time.”
Killua covers Gon’s hand with his. “So you didn’t plan anything for me?” he says, voice deliberately blank in the way he gets when he’s worried and trying not to show it.
Gon did, though.  He planned for weeks, talking with Alluka in secret to make sure Killua would be free and she’d be busy. Dinner at the place with chandeliers made of gilded chocolate, and a trip to the park with the lightning struck roses where no one would notice two teenagers messing with the lamps. But when he’d shown up at the hotel, his heart beating three times too fast, Killua’d looked like he was ready to flee, a deer caught in headlights with nowhere to run. 
So Gon’d changed his mind. Killua’s happiness is more important than any plans. He says, “You were so nervous when I got to your room, I figured we’d take it slow instead. I just wanted you to have a good time with me, Killua.”
“I wasn’t nervous.” Gon raises an eyebrow, and Killua sighs. “Fine, I was nervous, but I’ve never been on a date with you, and I thought it would be. Like what you did with Palm.”
“I could never do that, Killua, not if you didn’t want it. This is just our first date—I didn’t want you to be unhappy. Especially not about us.”
A small smile blooms on Killua’s face, brighter and warmer than the dawn. Gon feels it all the way down to his toes. “Our first?” he asks. “Does that mean we’re going on another one?”
The thought that Killua wouldn’t want a second (or third, or seventh, or hundredth) hadn’t even crossed his mind, and the sudden realization that he might washes over him in waves of frozen ice. “If you want to,” Gon says carefully.
“Do you?”
For one of the smartest person he knows, Killua can be an idiot sometimes. “Of course I do, Killua! I want to go on lots of dates with you.” And he has ideas. Places they’ve never seen, things they’ve never done. Anything, really, as long as they have each other.
“Good,” Killua says. “Because this would be really stupid otherwise.”
Before Gon has time to protest—going on dates is not stupid, especially when they’re with someone you like—Killua leans in, calloused fingers rough against Gon’s cheek and mouth soft and warm against his lips.
He can’t breathe, even when Killua pulls back and smiles widely, blue eyes reflecting the sunlight and the stars and everything in between. All night, ever since Killua first opened the door to his hotel room and grabbed Gon’s hand and never let go, Gon’s wanted to kiss him. When he groaned at the terrible pizza toppings, when he’d laughed at a terrible joke, when he’d taken off down the road but forgot he was still holding onto Gon. If he thinks about it, Gon’s wanted to kiss his best friend for ages. And now...
“Can we do that again?” Gon says.
Killua gapes at him for a moment, and then bursts into laughter. It rings bell-like across the roof, echoing in the morning air, the best sound Gon’s ever heard. It only starts to fade when he leans his forehead against Gon’s as though trying to stabilize the both of them. Once he’s recovered enough to speak, Killua says, “Yeah. But only if I get to take you out this time.”
“No way! I’ve got the next one,” Gon says. “You didn’t like this date enough, so I have to make up for it.”
“It’s my turn, dumbass,” Killua says.
“Is not.”
“Is too! And it’ll be way better than anything you’ve got. I—”
Gon cuts him off with another kiss, feeling Killua grinning against his mouth. Next time.
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