#I thought about making a wolf like creature but I felt bad Noishe might feel bad......
originskey · 1 year
Kratos' Spiramonster: Mourningfolly
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Spiradex Entry
Mourningfolly The Guilt Spiramon Approximately the size of an albatross
Type: Light / Metal
This unique Spiramonster is created when an ancient soul trades its free will for the duty of protecting others. For each battle that results in a fatality by its partner, the shield it carries gets heavier. This Spiramon is ruthlessly strong as a result, but it will never drop its shield, so it cannot use its raw strength for offense. It is supposedly capable of speech, but only those deeply burdened by loss can hear its words.
Ability: Perseverance
In order to keep fighting, the user suppresses its ability to feel pain until its HP reaches zero.
Using its heavy shield, it can protect itself or others from one attack. Doing this many times in a row might cause it to fail.
First Aid
A warm light envelops the target, healing mild to moderate wounds.
The weight on its shoulders lessens, and it can use bursts of strength to pick up additional heavy objects. This is used more for transport than battle.
The user conjures stones to erupt from the ground, launching an opponent into the air or knocking it off balance.
Bright beams of holy light strike the ground. The sound and the bright light causes ears to ring sharply and eyes to burn, temporarily blinding and deafening the target.
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