#I think you'd be upset too if you learned you may have given yourself nausea
wanderingmind867 · 24 days
Is it possible to stress yourself out to the point where you give yourself a feeling of emptiness and mild nausea? Because if that's possible, then I think I gave that to myself. I worked myself up so enormously over school coming back and me going full days and not being able to do as much online and etc etc that I may have inspired my body to just throw a wall of nausea at me. Which would be just what I need now!
To know that I'm 19, but I'm capable of such strong panic and overthinking that I potentially gave myself nausea. What a wonderfully well adapted person I must appear. Severe Anger issues, stress always as high as a roof, a crippling fear of judgement, a dependency on others to help me, etc. I truly must look like a disaster of a person. sigh...
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