#I think this suits him a lot more :') fun as it was to put hunter in one of my outfits.
doveshovel · 3 months
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r0semultiverse · 7 months
Mr. 6 made you do a good show to be released?? 👀 um....
This is already giving serious eye vibes.
A whole show dedicated to public humiliation?
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The Mr. Bonzo suit started moving??? 👀 Serious stranger vibes. 🤡
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"It actually became a sort of ritual"
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I've seen people being like "don't cross tag" but buddy... the writing cross tags itself here I mean c'mon! 😂 Something something ritual of the stranger- okay, I'll keep listening!
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Hey, what's with the music?? Hey, who is Terrance Menki???👀
"The police said there were eleven bodies in total and his wardrobe was full of all sorts of homemade costumes." BRO IS ACTUALLY MAGNUSPOD WILLIAM AFTON-
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"It certainly had a profound effect on the Mr. Bonzo brand." Oh I'm sure it did, holy fucking shit. 👀
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Oh, me using this image is rather ironic now.
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"In a lot of ways I’m more his prisoner now than I ever was on my show." WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? 👀
"The witness statements from three murders over the last five years that claim a person in a Mr. Bonzo costume was at the scene? Do you think there could be a copycat?" Has the fear of clowns manifested as an actual clown-guything?
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"Don’t contact us again." "Us?" "Why am I still trapped dealing with all this this- Why won’t he let me go?! Why-" So Mr. Bonzo is absolutely a clown cryptid of sorts with some sort of hold over Nigel.
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Oh no, Gwen's about to fuck around & find out, isn't she? 👀
Hey, is Colin still himself & is he supposed to be back?
Hmm, okay, I guess that's him (hopefully).
"Maybe don’t tell them I’ve been on their terminals. They’ll only get the wrong idea." "If Lena asks, I wasn’t here." Seems like everyone's got their own little secret investigations going on, fun! This can only go well! 🙃
One of the episodes absolutely no one shows up to work except Lena is there & is like "where the fuck did everyone go?"
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"Time to get some new hires again I guess."
Let's go!! Ruin exploration gang!!
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"Like, it’s Saturday night and I’m choosing to hang out in a hole with you. A wet hole. And not the good kind either."
Alice with the absolute best quotes. lmao
That sounds like something with giant wings like a bat or some sort of cloth flapping in the wind. Let's hope it's the latter!
Oh a rusty old filing cabinet! Wait tetanus- 😭
"That carved floor in the big atrium – I don’t know what’s going on with that." Ah so we're just gonna breeze past that then. 😶
These are probably the remnants of old avatar creation test areas like mentioned in the Gerry & Gertrude episode. I'm just assuming here.
A key? Big find! Let's go!
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Gwen, it was nice knowing you. 🫡
"Now get out of his house."
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Archivist! 👁👄👁
"symbols of ancient otherworldly power"
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Wait could this be a timeline where this universe's Jane Prentiss actually did manage to invade the building & succeed? I'm thinking out loud.
21:10 that sounds like critters, insects specifically 👀
"I have memories of weird stuff I saw here, but no context. I want to know what was happening, why they chose us… why they didn’t choose me. Maybe find the bit where everything started to go wrong." I am so captivated & intrigued please recount said memories to us- I mean Alice so we can learn more. Please. 👀
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Is Lucia Wright an avatar of The Flesh now (in this universe or from the original timeline somehow)? Because it sure fucking sounds like it! 👀 Well, at least that key was put to good use! 😂
Also, supposedly Mr. Bonzo is a reference to Mr. Blobby.
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Gwen, I'd be quaking in my boots too. That thing is terrifying!
Late observation but this universe & story seems to focus a lot on the cryptids & I like the direction it's going in! Loving this plot of cryptid hunters, childhood avatar experiments, a strange institute where our main character has past trauma, & just all of it is so good! 💜
Amazing episode, 10/10, I was at the edge of my seat the entire time! 💜 That Bonzo scene & the sound design were absolutely horrifying, thank you! The ending too! 🔥
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this is not a request or anything, you write what You want, but this idea entered my brain and i need to put it Somewhere so your inbox it is. dimension swap crossover between canon dbd and your msi au where something causes the two charleses to swap places
Oh, this would be fun!
MSI!Charles would be immediately 1000x more protective over an Edwin that didn't survive his ordeal and died at 16. I think there would be a bit of a learning curve with them adjusting to a Charles who is older (physically speaking) than canon!Edwin.
That being said, I can see Edwin being very flustered over an older Charles who wears a suit and maybe has a bit of stubble. Though since MSI!Charles isn't a ghost, he'd probably miss being touched by his own Charles.
On an angstier note, I imagine it would cause canon!Edwin a lot of uncertainty to realize that there's a universe out there where Charles survived his hypothermia and internal bleeding. Could his Charles have been saved? Had Edwin not been there, would Charles eventually have left the attic to get help? Did Edwin accidentally kill him with his act of kindness?
The Night Nurse would be very weirded out to be confronted with a Charles who suddenly respects her and doesn't refer to her as "Charlie." He does slip up and call her "Nursie" once and she feels like they're back on solid ground.
I think canon!Charles would be bewildered by the MSI. What do you mean, he and Edwin work for a secret sort-of government agency now? And what do you mean the Night Nurse is their boss? He has to wear a bloody suit to work? Why the fuck are Brad and Hunter his coworkers? Shouldn't they be in America? Or in Hell?
Also, why is twentysomething Edwin so fit? Why are his shoulders so broad? When the fuck did that happen?
I can see MSI!Edwin being charmed and exasperated by a perpetually 16-year-old Charles prone to throwing himself into danger with even more frequency and enthusiasm than his own Charles, as well as being horrified that there's a universe out there where his best friend died so young.
Canon!Charles would have feelings about the fact that in the MSI universe, Edwin has been sporadically hooking up with Thomas for years. If he finds out about the supply closet rendezvous, he might go hunting Thomas down with his cricket bat.
MSI!Crystal and Niko are delighted to watch a skinny teenage Charles following their Edwin around like a bodyguard. Niko doesn't know why this Charles hugged her for like 10 minutes when he first met her, but she thought it was sweet.
If both Charleses and both Edwins are briefly in the same universe, I can see the Edwins squabbling over who had it worse. "I spent seventy-three years in Hell." "Well, I spent ninety-five years someplace just as bad." "I *died*." "Charles drags me to office cocktail hours every month." The Charleses step back and let it happen.
First reason this could never actually happen in the MSI universe: canon!Edwin, with the benefit of having been studying the supernatural for decades more than MSI!Edwin and being an actual supernatural creature, could probably figure out what had kidnapped MSI!Edwin and how to stop it with an afternoon of research.
Reason #2: Not sure which, if either, of the Payneland pairings would have gotten together yet, but I can totally see one of the Charleses looking at the other Charles, thinking, "Huh, I think he's in love with his Edwin" and then getting slapped in the face with one hell of a realization.
For anyone wondering what the MSI is:
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pinksugarscrub · 15 days
Congrats on your one year! ❤️ may I order a tiramisu with Hobie and bounty hunter!R arguing about how they do their vigilante work until R accidentally reveals why she takes paid jobs (provide for family/ relative by anonymously sending them money out of guilt for making their family think they’re dead)?
You can change up the prompt to best suit your writing imagination 😚🥹
Bard! Hobie x Bounty Hunter! fem! reader
I had a lot of fun with this as you can see. There are very mature themes including blood, violence, and implied assault. Please read at your own discretion. I tried my best to keep it vague.
Word count: 3,070
What does a bounty hunter and a bard have in common? Absolutely nothing. Why pose such a question you may ask? It’s because you’ve had the unfortunate privilege of learning this answer.
How much longer you’ll have to endure endless rambling you do not know. What you do know is you would gladly kill this man for free.
It started over four weeks ago. Enough time to witness all of the phases of the moon.
A measly drink, a moment of peace was all you wanted when the bard came crashing into the stool beside you.
Now, normally this would not have provoked you to action but after having a very high ranking target stolen from right under you. It’s safe to say you needed to blow off some steam.
You paid the barkeep for all of the damages and stepped over the groaning drunkards on your way out. Who had started and likely would have continued an all out bar fight with every patron.
Either way you were ready to retire when the bard came stumbling out. Hair braided into several and tied back by a leather band. You can recall just how irritating the conversation was then.
No matter how much you tried to deny his praises, he assumed you a hero. Trying to invoke a life debt that was quite common to pirates. You were not interested.
He stayed anyway.
You figured after a time he would come to his senses and eventually sneak off when he thought you weren’t looking. Violence did that to people. It pushed them away.
His name was Hobart Brown but he insisted on being called Hobie. He dubbed you Lily after spotting a field of lily of the valley and also because you would not provide him with your name. ‘Pretty but deadly’ he said.
He wanted to travel by the Great Sea and find adventure. You almost felt sorry for the poor sod and he must have noticed because he reassured you that being in your debt did not create a dent on his plans.
You could tell he was fascinated with you. You knew that would be short lived as you cocked your pistol and killed a man you recognized from a town bulletin board. He was worth five hundred gold.
Hobie was off put. Expression wary and heavy as he asked you that night by the campfire who you were. You simply responded 'bounty hunter' and continued stoking the fire.
When you awoke he was still there. Saddling the horses and murmuring that the next town over would be less than a day’s travel.
You did not show your surprise as you slid out of your bed roll and prepared to depart. You felt uneasy the entire trip there. It was silent between the two of you even after you passed the town’s gate.
You’re unsure of why but perhaps it’s because his company has lifted a weight off of your shoulders that you stop him by the shoulder and check into an inn. Spending more coin than you would on yourself for a more than decent room and food that you ask to be sent to his just across the hall. A proper place to rest instead of dirt clearings and forest floors.
When you sit in the first warm bath you’ve had in months it dawns on you what you’ve done. You can’t afford any setbacks. He needs to go.
You cannot handle this kind of guilt in your heart that will inevitably follow you when you have to complete a bounty so you’ll leave first thing in the morning.
A quiet knock at your door stops you. Midcount of the gold and copper pieces in your pouch. They all clink together as you let them slid back into the leather bag.
Hobie’s face immediately brightens when he catches your eye. A grin you've grown accustomed to. A stark contrast to the relaxed line of your lips.
“Good evening darling. Would you like to accompany me to the nearest tavern? I would say I owe you a drink.”
You give him a pointed look.
“Come on!” He laughs. Resting against the doorframe of your large room. “I know you are just as bored out of your mind as me. We can come right back if you’re still not up to it after one drink.”
Is it the way he smiles at you that gets you or the small quirk of his brow? The challenge. You have to wonder if the man is secretly a siren. It would match with his profession of choice.
“Fine, meet me downstairs in ten minutes.”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen a man sprint to his room like his life depended on it.
The nicest thing you owned was a flowy white dress that hung onto your shoulders and went just above your knees. The holster of your gun still fits snugly around your waist along with the pouch of coin you have since emptied to seem less heavy.
It isn’t particularly cold so you don’t take your signature coat with you. In a flourish you’re out the door and waiting with the fae handing out room keys and pretty smiles.
Not a minute later you catch the sound of the steps creaking and you swiftly move around. “Took you long enough. I was beginning to-” You caught yourself before you could finish that sentence but it didn’t seem like he caught on to your blunder.
He was looking at you with a slight part of his lips. It made your hair stand on end.
Hobie could now clearly see your figure. He could see more skin than you had previously shown in the last thirty two days. Heavens did you look beautiful.
He promptly cleared his throat and gestured toward the door. “Shall we?”
He let out a sigh of relief as soon as your attention was off of him.
Kill him, kill him now.
The walk to the tavern was short. The loud bumbling and bustling patrons spilling out the windows meant to look like painting archways. Sets of tables outside of the tavern as well which was new but not all that surprising. The population was bigger here compared to the last town.
Hobie stumbles and almost falls flat on his face as a boisterous woman steps into his path. You’re quick to catch him. Pulling him to your side with a firm grip around his waist. The woman apologies but it's obvious by the ale on her breath that she does not really mean it.
You look up to check on your companion only to find him already staring at you. With the same distant look he gave you at the inn.
“Nothing,” he answers. Raking his eyes over your face before smiling. “Let’s go in.”
You roll your eyes at his obvious lie. Ignoring how it bothers you that you want to know what he is thinking.
A set of two glasses is set before you. Filled to the brim with froth coating the top of the glass. Apple cider. The town specialty given by the apple orchards the two of you passed on the way in.
You’re ready to slide your pouch off of your belt when a hand stops you.
“I’ll get it.” Hobie grins—fairy feathers doesn’t that hurt his face?—and hands a handsome amount of coin into the barmaid’s hand.
She’s ecstatic to which Hobie responds with a wink. It causes a pit to form in your stomach and you find yourself reaching for your mug to find something else to do with your mouth than scowl.
“Eager are we?” Hobie teases. Reaching for his own glass and taking a drink. He moans as soon as the liquid hits his tongue. “This must be made of liquid gold.”
You have to agree as your shoulders relax. The crisp taste is so satisfying you’re tempted to take bigger gulps.
Hobie smiles as he admires you behind his glass. He has to stop himself from reaching out and wiping away the froth from your lip. Thank the stars you are too distracted to notice.
“So,” Hobie hums,“was I right in taking you out of your room?”
He avoids using the word cage like he had planned to because he does take into account how luxurious the space they were staying in was. It wouldn’t be very proper of him to degrade the money she spent. Even as a joke.
You only nodded as you took the time to scan your surroundings. Everyone was having a good time. Glossy eyes and rosy cheeks were proof of that but you could never be too careful.
Hobie frowns but doesn’t say a word. Just shifts in his chair and tries to find something clever to say.
“How is your knee?” You ask above the cheers and laughter. “The foal took a pretty nasty hit to you.”
Hobie laughs. He looks pleased at the way you initiate conversation. It feels as though he is always the one talking.
“Oh, that. I’m fine. Was my fault for getting in her space anyway.”
Your lips break into a smile at that. “You should consider yourself lucky that it was her and not the mare.”
Hobie shivers at the thought. Bigger horse shoe, bigger hit. Yeah, that would not have gone well.
“I’m normally very good with animals, you can’t blame me,” he pouts.
That peaks your curiosity and yet again, he is perceptive enough to see this.
“I was born on a farm.” He grins again as he explains. “With more than a dozen cattle and sheep. We didn’t have horses though.”
Well, you might as well humor him.
“So your family owned land in the Northern region. That’s pretty far from where I found you.”
Hobie would fist pump the air if he could. Hook, line, and sinker. “Yeah?” He leans forward. “You know where that is?”
You nod, taking another sip of your cider and sighing. “I’ve never traveled up there. Aren’t many jobs and I haven’t found the need to explore.”
Hobie stiffens and glances at the holster holding your gun. “Right.” He licks his lips. His voice wasn’t as steady as he would have liked. “And you? Where do you come from? Because I’m certain it wasn’t from daisies.”
A chuckle leaves your lips that sounds more like a huff. “You do not know that. Haven’t you heard of the legends?”
“Ah, yes,” he pauses. Relaxing again as he slouches in his chair. “You truly want me to believe you came from stardust and laughter?”
“It’s startdust and happiness actually,” you correct. Smiling as you feel the bubbles of cider in your belly.
“Happiness,” he nods. Clicking his tongue as he grins. “Forgive me.”
You again, roll your eyes at his playfulness. Clinking your glass with your finger as you look off to the side. He still wants an answer, you know it.
You perk up as you notice a crowd gathering around a table. The perfect distraction. With a smile you reach for his hand and pull him with you. It doesn’t matter if your heart jumps into your throat at how warm his palms feel against your own. It was a necessary course of action. To protect yourself of course.
Commercial break - You’re almost 2,000 words in, take a break. If a project, work, or homework is staring you in the face, go finish it and come back. The story will still be here 💕
You’re laughing. Actually laughing as you leave the tavern with your head on his shoulder.
“I can’t believe you did that!” Hobie exhales. Disbelief still etched in his features as he kept his grin. “Where did you- how did you-”
“Family secret!” You snicker. A bit lightheaded from all of the alcohol you had just consumed. Ten times lighter but ten times heavier in coin after winning the bet.
“Oh so now you’re not even going to share that with me?” He guwaffs. Also a bit buzzed but definitely sober enough for the two of you.
“Fine fine,” you grumble. Squinting your eyes and scrunching your nose. “The secret is- my secret is-” A hiccup interrupts you but so does a cry of pain. You immediately sober up as your eyes dart toward a darker pathway of the town.
Hobie calls after you and soon he’s hot on your heels as you race to your destination.
Pain was something you were familiar with. You dealt with it every day. Whether you were inflicting it or someone was inflicting it upon you. You recognized it. It was what you lived for now.
A sort of numbness followed. It was a comfortable routine. Find the target, pull the trigger, find the next. But right now there was a panic and fear you hadn’t felt in years. Not since this entire ordeal first began.
You don’t think. It’s muscle memory at this point as you toss a man flat on his back. Cobblestone digging into his shoulders.
You can faintly hear the cry of the woman he was previously above. Hobie’s soft voice rushing to comfort the woman. That causes some of the fear to dissipate but not all of it.
It’s fist after fist and the blunt end of your pistol as you scramble to get some footing. Something to put you on top.
With a harsh shove to the path the man’s face comes to light. You recognize it in your haze. The sketch of his picture. The number under his name. You could do that, you could fix this issue no problem.
The cock of your gun snaps Hobie out of his frenzy. Eyes wide as he quickly rushes the girl to get out before she witnesses something to add more to her trauma.
The gurgle of the man’s throat is the next thing he hears as you hold him down with the heel of your boot.
“No, no, no-” he calls out. Grabbing you by the waist and tugging back so hard you both fall. The first shot rings out and hits one of the lanterns lighting the pathway.
“This isn’t the way to do this love!” He begs, pleas with you.
You struggle in his grip as the man in front of you finally manages to catch his bearings. Wobbling onto his knees as tears sting in your own eyes.
The second shot narrowly misses his boot. Hitting a stone before rolling away into the dirt.
The third you take as Hobie grips your arm. Opposite hand gripping tightly over your wrist as you close one eye and aim. It’s like clock work. As simple and easy as breathing.
The shell clatters to the ground and so does his body. The sight makes you nauseous.
Hobie finally manages to wrap his hand around your gun and toss it away. He doesn’t know where. His heart is beating too fast to understand.
For a moment you both sit there with heavy breath. Staring at the dead man that will owe you eight hundred gold pieces once you turn his body over along with his wanted poster.
“Love…” Hobie’s voice sounds so utterly broken that it brings you back to reality.
You reach up as you feel how sticky with tears your cheeks have become. When did you start crying?
“Love,” he repeats. More strength in his voice when he turns you around to face him. “Why would you do that?”
Why? Your brows furrow in anger. Hurt. Why? He’s asking you why?
This isn’t the way to do this
“You- do you even understand what you’ve done?” He shakes his head. He himself is shaking. “Do you just shoot everything that gets in your way? That brings you coin?”
He sounds so accusing. Like you are the one that has done something wrong. You look back to the man. Pooled in his own blood.
“Is that what you think?” You finally manage to say. Fingers curling into your soiled white dress. “That I do this for the satisfaction of money?”
You find the strength to push away and stand on your own two feet because that is what you have always done.
You turn to look down at the man before you. The man you were beginning to trust. The one you were willing to give your heart to if only in your dreams because you had no one else. Because at least someone would know you existed in this life. Laughed, cried, loved.
“I don’t do this because I enjoy putting a bullet between someone’s skull!”
Hobie cowers as you step closer and that only makes your heart ache more. Placing your finger fight at the base of his skull with your hand in the universally understood gesture of a gun.
“I do it for this!” You grip onto the pouch on your side. Tugging on it so the coins scatter like locusts. “All of this because that’s all I’m good for! That’s all I can provide for my family!”
Your chest hurts as you smack your hand against it. How many times have you placed a bullet there too? Counting the man on the ground, plenty.
“I don’t want to do this,” you choke. Throat feeling tight like there was a hand squeezing at its base.
You regret letting your guard down. Drinking like you didn’t have a care in the world when in fact, you did.
“I don’t want to do this.”
You sob as you fall to your knees and Hobie can’t stop himself from reaching for you and pulling you into his chest as you cry.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you whisper. The cider pushing forward the thoughts you held back in the deepest part of your mind.
‘How shameful’ he would say when you returned. ‘Your family shouldn’t need you after all’. Then he would shoot you dead in his office much like you did countless times before tonight.
Hobie held you so tight someone might wonder if you could breath. His own tears rolling down his cheeks as he hides the mark he’s found on your neck. A number with the symbol of the king.
Hobie regrets his poor choice of words but shit can you blame him? He cries into your neck as he vows to repay his debt to you.
A life, for a life.
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jesuisgourde · 6 months
Okay, All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade is out in the states, so time for a listen and a rambling track by track reaction. I'm listening to the whole album through and writing my thoughts, and then listening to it once more and adding any other observations.
I've already heard Run Run Run, and like I said before, it feels very classic Carl track. It's very catchy. I think I have the same complaint as everyone else, which is that it feels over-produced. No one should autotune the Libs, the whole point is that they're a bit wonky. Also I don't like that they've fucked with the equalizer and the vocals sound weirdly muffled? Also, upon this listen-through, this song reminds me a little of Frank Turner, which is a weird musical callback to like 2012. My favorite thing in any song is when the instrumentals cut out and it's just drums and vocals, so I love that as the ending of the song. This whole album has so many varied cultural references which I find very entertaining. Does Peter yell "Get your pants off" or "Get your hands off"?
Already I like the lyric to Mustangs A LOT. Feeling a Lou Reed influence there. Love Peter's high-pitched backing vocals and also the Pigman reference. I really love Libs songs where it's just a little scene set to music. And this is exactly that, in such a good way. Again, not a fan of the mixing. What is it with producers these days and mixing so shittily that the vocals get lost in the background instruments, and everything gets muddied? I had the exact same complaint with the last Manics album. Anyway, love the little jokey bits at the end. The second verse about the nun is such fantastic imagery. (Lastly, I thought it was Mustang, singular? But it's plural on Spotify?)
I Have A Friend has an AMAZING chorus I love it. Also that solo guitar bit from Carl right after, I literally could see him hopping up and down in my head. Love Peter's rolled R's. Okay, upon listening the second time round I really really really like this song. The lyrics are incredible. I think they're my favorite on the album. Social commentary but also absolutely beautiful and amazing imagery.
Merry Old England has a bit of a Hamburg Demonstrations vibe to it, which I love. The further I get into this song, the more I love it. It's such a creative and sarcastic critique of Tory policies and all that. Again, I've criticisms about the mixing. Also the pretty violins makes me miss Miki Beavis's wonky violin in Madres, which I think suits Peter/The Libs way better. Still, they add a nice touch.
Ohhh I love Man With The Melody, the clear pretty vocals. I like that each of the Libs have their own verse, that's so cool! Fuck the autotuning though. I really like this song. Melodically it sounds like a sequel to Milkman's Horse, and thematically a sequel to Fame And Fortune. It sounds like a "reply" or a look back at Anthems. Very pretty, with the lovely piano and minimalist guitar.
Hahahha Oh Shit! feels soooooo early 2000s American pop, in a fun way. It reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it. Something that was on the radio a lot in like 2003 or 2004 maybe? This is clearly a Fun Song, like a slosh your drinks around while dancing all goofy type song. Peter's "And that was the news today" at the end is so silly. I think this track is my least favorite but it is fun.
I already know I love Night Of The Hunter. Firstly because anything that uses the Swan Lake motif has my heart instantly. But also because I love the lyrics, I love when Peter writes songs about noir-type vignettes. Finally, some good shared vocals that aren't drowned out by instruments. Gosh, I love the lyrics of this song, I love the dual meaning in that it is technically about an actual noir film but could easily be talking about Peter's past as well. I really like that the lyrics get priority on this one and the instrumentals are pushed back in the mix with the Swan Lake motif coming forward sometimes. It feels like it needs that minimalism.
The guitar on Baron's Claw is already great from the start. I hear Peter's taking a leaf out of Daniel Darc's book with the close-in breathy vocals, which I'm so into because since I learned about Daniel Darc from Peter and Frederic Lo I've actually fallen in love with his music too. Melody-wise it's very close to The Glassblower from the Fantasy Life album, which is my favorite song off that album, so I'm not surprised I like this song too. I like the story in the song and I like the jazzy brass and piano and Peter's vocals. It feels like it's being sung in a smoky jazz bar. This one is so good.
Shiver is sooo catchy. I find myself humming it sometimes at work even though I haven't yet absorbed all the lyrics in my memory. This is also the real "Libertines mythology" song, so of course it's good. The fact that the lyrical subject matter is made up only of criticizing the monarchy and talking about specific Libertines lore is just so them. It's so short, though! I wish it were longer!
The guitar on Be Young is so chaotic lol. It reminds me of Horrorshow a bit. Okay, actually this whole song is chaotic. Melodically, lyrically, it sounds like they were crashing around in the studio while recording, which is very fun. The random calypso bridge bit is so....random! I like it, just a surprise in terms of musical style change. Suddenly they're the Clash! A fun way to pay homage to influences, I think. Also Carl yelling "Woo!" and then collapsing into a cough at the end is really really funny.
I can definitely hear the early-ness of Songs They Never Play On The Radio. You can tell the scaffolding is there from that early set of Libertines-to-Shambles transition songs like East Of Eden/Love Reign Over Me/Merry Go Round etc. I really really like the guitar on this one. And the vocals are so nice. Again I don't like the mix, where Peter's voice is a bit overtaken by the muddiness of the backup singers and instrumentals. But I do like this song a lot. The lyrics are pure Libertines mythology. Ahahah the dogs howling! The bit of acoustic and messing about and chat, I really like that. I think it's a really lovely ending to the album, just a glimpse of them obviously being friends and having fun. It's like a beautiful reply to the question "What became of the likely lads?"
As I've only listened through the album in full twice at this point, I'm sure my thoughts will change over time. But at the moment I think my favorite is torn between Night Of The Hunter and Baron's Claw. I Have A Friend and Songs They Never Play also are just so lyrically good. Least favorite is definitely Oh Shit. I'm excited to see which songs grow on me and in what ways.
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jerrythebug · 4 months
I took a break from BOP and returned to finish Booster Gold's first run. I screamed when Michelle showed up!!!!! Her outfit, her pose, her hair, the gun!!! Friendship ended with Michael, now Michelle is my best friend ❤️
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I will put the rest of my rambling under read more though, cause I had a lot to say.
Trixie! I have to say, she's really cool! She doesn't want to be a heroine, good for her! But she did what had to be done to help her friend. And later had sort of a thing with Dirk the Manager? Weird, but okay, that mustache of his is kinda hot I guess? Still, I did not expect to love Booster's supporting Ladies this much! They were a delight!
I'm sad Michelle died, even if I knew it was coming. But also I know that she returns decades later in Booster's second run so I'm mostly okay with that. From what I've seen I much prefer her in the 80s art style, in comparison the 00's version looks kinda boring to me. Or maybe I'm just being weird and based towards more retro art. She should have kept the shoulder pads is what I'm saying! And the wild hair! And I wish she was around for longer in general, she seemed really cool! Too bad she had to die for her brother's character development. Hate when that happens to women...
Also! Ripley? My boy Ripster the Ripper? Doctor Rip Hunter? Hmm, that man looks kinda like Booster (he's blond), I wonder why. Was it his first appearance? I don't know, I have to look it up. And read his appearances too, just for fun. I wish Ripsteroo stayed blond, but also it's kinda funny that he's not blond now it makes him look like his other dad.
And doctor Jack casually fixing Booster's future suit like it's nothing made me remember that a decade later Ted won't be able to do the same when Doomsday destroys Booster's suit again. I wonder if there's an explanation for that. Teddy should've read Booster Gold vol 1 and called doc Jack from STAR, that man could fix a time sphere, made Goldstar outfit and fixed Skeets. Is he the smartest guy in DC????? Or maybe something happened to him in the decade that passed. I hope not, he was a chill guy. He and Rip seemed like nice friends. Maybe something did happen to Jackie and that's why Ripley Rippo is the way he is.
So overall, Booster's origin story was neat. I love that Superman doesn't like him. I love how messy his life got by the end of his run. I will miss Trixie and Michelle and even Rip and Jack. I will have to draw team Gold! I really enjoyed the way Max broke into Gold Mansion to recruit Booster, was that really the best way to do it? Idk, I think Max is a little crazy.
It was a nice comic to read, I love the bright colors and art, even if modern comic art often looks much better. Now that I've made my way through Booster's story I can start on Beetle's. And continue reading BOP. And then re-read JLI after I'm done with Ted's story. And make my way to Superbuddies. And next- And then I can read Mister Miracle. What, OMAC? What's a countdown? I don't know of them. I will postpone reading them as much as I can. But I will do it eventually, even if I cry. At least Ted's alive in the new continuity, right? So it's fine he died.
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accirax · 2 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 15
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good job Ally... couldn't be me :,)
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Alec that's incredibly dangerous you're going to CHOP OFF YOUR HAND--
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oh, the sinking feeling in my chest when (approximately) this was revealed to be the thumbnail. i figured that, if Riya changed her mind and decided that she actually liked Alec, that would have been a spoiler to conceal, so this was going to be manipulation of some sort. before anyone comments on it, i just want to say that i don't think this was assault on Riya's part-- it was a shitty thing to do to both Connor and Alec, but i don't think Alec was necessarily non-consenting. still, i have a hard time seeing how Alec and Riya are supposed to cut it as a non-toxic canon ship after this. RIP Connor.
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are people who are fans of ~characters who haunt the narrative~ fans of Yul?
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i'm sorry Ally; i didn't know better!!! you really did have no personality in s2!!!!
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... do we need to be nicer to ONC or something?
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if you want to continue working with Riya and Alec why would you say this to their faces? well, i guess keeping her honest opinions to herself has never been Grett's strong suit :) (/aff)
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if i'm not allowed to be a whiny bitch, YOU AREN'T EITHER! Connor and Jake's dynamic is really fun; it makes me like both of them more.
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props to Jake's VA, the slight country accent here was so funny to me
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very bold! even if she then decided to violate that trust...
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what the fuck are you talking about
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my 1 social media manager. and yes, she smokes weed.
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i'm so curious to know where this is going. don't do anything stupid, Trevor. like Kristal putting the firing of Emily on national TV was a terrible thing to do, but don't go back to jail over this (or Derek).
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i want to believe that Derek was super overacting here to impress Kristal and prop up how good and dramatic her challenge idea was. he's a dork when it comes down to it.
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this was literally the funniest way to have Jake win this challenge. it's accurate, too.
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dude did you not see when Ally literally said she was in love with Hunter like a week after meeting him
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sharing a comment that @venus-is-thinking had: given that Alec answered the question about loving his son thinking that the answer was "yes" but the helmet could tell that the answer was really "no," it seems like these helmets are more about determining the truth rather than sharing what the wearer thinks is the truth. Riya even fails to fake the machine later, implying that her acting is NOT good enough to fool the helmets. thus, Riya may have actually wanted to befriend Ally for real, and is lying to herself about how she feels. food for thought!
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so they DID actually go on dates after s2 ended. does Riya's answer to this question suggest that conriya(?) is back on? i really don't know if that's good for either of them.
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... idk what this says about my Hunter lifting math ',:/ also, this means that each bag weighs 30 lbs, as Grett was holding 4 bags at the time. people were lifting a lot!
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i think Jake is contractually obligated to pull out the shiny eyes at least once per episode at this point. also, Ally, you fool-- these questions themselves ARE Jake's opportunity to trauma dump on people for profit!
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... well that was fruity!
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Riya expanding her catalogue to push even the straights off of things... unless?
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Alec really has become such a failwife in these past few episodes.
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Connor winner edit jumpscare
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this is kind of a slay alliance ngl. i love Grett's villainous tendencies so much. (well, at least when it comes to strategizing-- not bullying Gabby)
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so, as i've been alluding to throughout these thoughts, this doesn't... super make sense to me? like, after Grett directly told Alec that she doesn't trust him or Riya anymore, and extended the idol to Connor and Jake as a sign of trust, she decides to backstab the heroes anyway and continue working with Alec and Riya? Venus explained to me that if Grett joined the villains alliance with Aiden still in the game she just would've been on the bottom of that alliance (and thus locked out of f3 probably), and that she'll be in enough of a power position that it doesn't matter if others are bitter towards her now, but idk. given that Connor has the idol and she knows it, i feel like i'd be afraid that everyone would just unite against me next episode. anyways, goodbye Aiden-- finally voted out after, what, 27 episodes played? a true all star, but one who pretty clearly wasn't going to last forever.
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Aiden was so funny for this. i love their friendship of continuously roasting each other. it's what we wanted and deserved.
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overall, this was a GREAT episode for Grett's winner cut.
i definitely enjoyed this episode much more than i did the last. we had a really good challenge this time around! i love challenges that also give us information as to how the contestants feel about each other. i'm also glad that we've officially dissolved the heroes and villains thing, simply having three pairs of Alec/Riya, Jake/Connor, and Ally/Grett. i'm sure that'll make for a spicy elimination next episode, especially with an idol in play. we're really at 50% finalist now... i can't wait to see who makes it!
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writingwhimsey · 11 months
What will the warlords wear for Halloween? Like for Shingen, Kennyo, Nobunaga, Mitsuhide and whoever else you want?
Sorry this has taken me so long to answer. I've just been trying to put a lot of thought into this one.
I hope you like what I have come up with!
He's totally going to be like a sexy fireman. Like the pants, suspenders, and hat, but no shirt. Man has a sexy body and he knows it. He is totally going to dress to show off. And offer to "rescue" his goddess.
This one is a bit harder, but I can see him dressing up in something more simple. I think since animals love him so much, he would dress up as an animal. Like perhaps something where he could just wear a solid color short and pants and then have a headband with animal ears or antlers.
I can picture him playing into his "Devil King" moniker and and opting to wear a red devil suit, complete with, horns, tail, and pitchfork. He would totally have fun with it. I could see him going around in the costume and "making deals" with the trick or treaters for their candy.
He is totally going to dress as an angel. It's the exact opposite of what anyone expects him to dress up as and he loved to do the things no one expects. He makes a beautiful angel... though are angels supposed to look that mischievous? He's also trading some candy to Nobunaga to borrow his pitchfork to chase around Hideyoshi.
Doesn't dress up because he was too busy trying to help everyone else with their costumes. Gives you a smile when you insist on at least giving him cat ears.
Dresses up as a hunter and then has YOU dress up as a deer just so he can chase you around. Also pretends to hunt down Kennyo.
Totally dresses up as Ken from the the Barbie movie.
Genie in the lamp costume. Now this costume, has his upper half looking like the genie with a lamp at his waist and his legs in gold pants (the "spout" of the lamp is suggestively placed). He then tells you you can have three wishes if you rub his lamp.
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inkabelledesigns · 1 year
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Sometimes the best thing you can do is step away from a project and return to it later. Three of these dolls I started last summer, and one of them is from this year but gave me trouble, but I'm taking some time to fix them up and play around, and it feels better now.
For the first, the G3 Draculaura with purple hair, she's my mini me. I had a rough time because I tried to match my own hair, but finding a yarn color that matches was not working out. So I switched gears and went with a dark purple to match the darkness, and purples and pinks because they're some of my favorite colors. I'm slowly embracing her as a new look for my persona. The yarn hair isn't totally cooperating, but I'm learning to deal with it. I'm really excited to get this little fairy done, I quite like being something more fantastical than usual!
The Raven Queen head was actually my last attempt at a mini-me (hence why she's on a curvy made to move Barbie body), but I wasn't happy with her for myself, still didn't feel like me. But the expression is so cute, I had to finish her and make her into someone else. I think I'd like to call her my Susie Campbell, it suits her.
Ursa is my first attempt to customize a Hunter Huntsman doll. His body tattoos were so much fun, but he was missing something: facial hair. He needed a bit more for looking older and tired, and I think this suits him much better.
Vida was an experiment on my Cori Cruize doll that had a bad leg. She's a mermaid, and I wasn't fully sure what to do with her face, but I like this quite a bit! The way the pearly gouache hits the light is a lot of fun. I'm glad I took the time to play with her more.
Sometimes you need dolls in your collection that you learn from. The thing people don't tell you about doll customizing is that it's the same as any other art form: there's a learning curve, and practice makes perfect. Not every face-up you do or outfit you sew is gonna move forward, sometimes you stumble, and it's okay to not be perfect. Take it at your own pace, and don't be afraid to put things down and try again later. 💜 Sometimes fresh eyes are quite valuable.
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ghostoffuturespast · 9 months
I have to ask about SIG for the WIP game. Is it an acronym? Something else? I need more deets
WIP Game Here
😉 I think you're pretty well acquainted with this one lol
SIG - So It Goes
I don't really have any new snippets or anything to share at this point, apart from what I had earlier. But I figured this'd be a good opportunity to share some behind the scenes for this one. So here goes!
There's been three different plot threads I've been juggling throughout this thing. A-plot (which is the main events of the game, V trying to solve their relic problem), B-plot (the romance), and C-plot (for conspiracy). It's been an entertaining challenge weaving these three threads together, and also expanding on things that I wish had been included in the game. But I'm very excited about getting to the end of this thing so I can put a bow on this horrible magic trick.
One of my favorite sections to work on was probably chapters 16-22. Largely B-plot with a little bit of C-plot mixed in. For me, it was an interesting way to have Grandpa and River get to know each other better in a way that I think we didn't get enough of in the game, and I'm really proud that I also managed to expand the whole Monster Hunter gig (the one with Jotaro Shobo, which was pretty short) out with just the shards you pick up around town. Because there are a shit ton of them. Like the human trafficking situation in NC is bad, but finding out literally one sick bastard is fueling so much of it, on top of finding out how many other people were involved was crazy. But all the characters that were involved and the details I included in this part of the story were all inspired by and taken straight from the game.
Jacob Miller (the murdered media River and Han were investigating), dead NPC you can find under the Gold Beach Pier in Wellsprings. Callum Black (the cop that V and River end up kidnapping and interrogating), name dropped in the messages you get off Jacob and also, presumably, the one who killed him, since Jacob was trying to blackmail him. David Beemer (the detective that V and River made a house call too), NPC from one of the NCPD scanner gigs. You can deal with him and find out he's been working with the Scavs and SoCal border patrol. Jerry Fawlter, corrupt NCPD Commissioner was name-dropped in several shards you find in Northside. (I know everyone was excited about the celebs at the party in PL, but man, I was so excited to see Jerry. Evil middle-manager in a suit got to be a real NPC!)
One of the main reasons I love this games so much, is just how detailed and interconnected it all is. And all of that was a tiny piece of it. Like they didn't have to go this hard, but they did. And you don't put that much detail in for no reason. It's been a lot of fun tickling my brain playing connect the dots and puzzling all of this out.
Thanks for the ask!🧡
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lunaticus-platina · 2 years
Werewolf Travis is such a treat to imagine because, well. You know why. Best Boy Travis- coughcoughcough.
Uh, what I mean is, tall + well built + determined is not what you want in your rage-fueled pursuer. I like to think that he's pretty cunning too, like that scene from Jurassic Park where Muldoon tries to shoot Deinonychus then another one pops out of the bush right next to him and he says 'clever girl'. Travis uses his environment well. Blends into surroundings, climb up the trees for better view, when one entrance is blocked look for another etc.
Despite being bigger and more vicious than other werewolves, he's an ambush hunter. Think about his Ninja-level stealth. When he's human it's already impressive, but you won't even see the beast before you feel its maws ripping open your neck. There's also his reflex. He's more of a fucking cat than a pupper if you see how fast he snatches away Laura's wrist from the gun. You fail QTE, Laura attempts to sedate him, Travis blocks her wrist with his forearm. One firm tap! Syringe gone. Fking precise. Always careful, careful, careful. He exerts bare minimum of strength and effort, only the right amount that's needed for the job. His movements are methodical, you see that right? Even the steps look careful. Now imagine how meticulous he could be when hunting his prey.
Another thing, chasing people is his job. Police right? That and 6 years of hunting Silas. You cannot outrun him, especially in the forest. His feet are light as feather, no protruding roots or overhanging branches can deter him. He'll rather toy with you. Why end the fun short? He's been holding back for so long! The curse enables a person's primary side to literally tear out of their civil mask and show itself as a physical manifestation. His Id has been denied for, how long?
We know Travis is hella disciplined, and I love that about him, how hard he works for anything. Family and his job, both he takes so seriously, always putting them before his own needs. Now flip the coin. Werewolf Travis cares about one thing and one thing only: What he wants. Anger him, he kills you. Hungry? Snack time. Hmm bored. He got you in his sight. The hunt is on. Imagine all that dedication poured into his own selfish desire. That is the monster from the old stories right there. Wimpy counselors don't stand a goddamn chance, we need an actual hunter, soldier, any character that knows how to fight and survive.
Also he's a lone wolf. His human side already had enough of his family. You can't tell me he doesn't enjoy the peace and quiet, the freedom and solitude the transformation brings. Near dawn he'll run away, finds a shallow burrow under a tree stump or something, swipe some comfy leaves in there and sleep in his den. Later he finds a dead tree nearby with a small gap in it, hides some spare clothes there so he doesn't have to wake up, wait until night and wander through the forest back home in his birthday suit ever again.
Final boss Travis. God if he were a playable character.....no, no. He's too powerful, best he could be was a support character. At least until dawn characters level badassery is needed to deal with werewolf him. Him being bit at the very end of the game was a small mercy for all of them.
In the route where he got shot in the cell, he was bleeding quite a lot, and yet later he's at family home. Isn't he supposed to like...be resting. Jesus. Carries on like there isn't a bullet hole in him. Got punched the fuck outta his mind by werewolf Laura, hard enough his head got whipped to the side, crashes into a mirror, recovers quickly, grabs a shard, notices it's silver backed, the guy's level-headed alright damn. Arm got munched on, it's shredded, he doesn't scream. He uses that arm like his muscle isn't all torn up and skin chewed open. His pain tolerance is gooood.
I bet if werewolf Travis is charging at you, and you fire a few normal bullets at him, he'll just shrug them off and pounce. If he's close enough he'll just, fucking, dash through the raining bullets, endure a few hits on the way, and kill, unlike other werewolves that are scared away by gunshots. He doesn't whimper, he doesn't whine, or howl. He growls. Snarls. Roars into the night. He's so fucking angry. He'll rip you apart.
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
Lunter Don't Worry Darling au:
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*Hunter is trapped in there too with Luz. This is really what the day of unity spell is*
Luz was slowly being risen from sleep with honey sweet kisses. Coming up her shoulders and up her neck. These kisses were so good that her troubling dream of deep dark water was soon forgotten. Luz's long eyelashes flutter,and she wakes up to a world of golden sunshine, comfortable sheets, and warm familiar male skin. The kisses soon travel up her cheek to settle by her ear. Those male lips smiled and nipped at her ear. Than her husband whispers playfully, "If you want pancakes you need to get up, my light." Luz groans, burrows deeper into Hunter's arms. "Don't wanna," pouts Luz. She kisses Hunter chest, and nuzzles him with her nose. She can hear him softly laughing. " Darling if you want to get any writing done today you need to get up. Plus I need to work too remember?" Luz comes up out of her safe haven and finally looks up at her husband. Fully utilizing the pout now. Hunter stares back at her, care free and showing his gap teeth grin. Luz in answer, smiles in mischief and fully drapes over him. Her naked chest touching his. " I'm sorry. But I forgot to tell, your not feeling very well today," Luz tells in a very pretend serious voice. Hunter raises an eyebrow, but goes along with his wife's shenanigans. " Is that so?" Luz nods, still playfully pretending seriousness, trying to hold in her giggles. Hunter gliding his hand up and down her spine, and over the curve of her butt. " It's true. And the only way to cure it is if we stay home all day, tending to each other, and I kiss you, and we cook together-." Luz is interrupted by Hunter gleefully flipping their bodies and having her on her back. He kisses the tip of nose, " While I would love to just make love to you and cuddle you all day today my darling. We have responsibilities as adults. You need to finish your next chapter for your book." Luz groans at this. Hunter continues, " And my uncle will kill me if I'm not at the museum today for his special exhibit on the history of wicth hunters. I love my uncle but the man is obsessed. " Hunter is kissing her on the mouth now in apology. Luz kisses back. Not wanting the lip lock to end. But of course Hunter breaks it. He gets up out of bed and heads to put on his work suit. Luz fully naked leans on the end of the bed, her head on her heads, her feet curved up swinging back and fourth watching her husband get dressed. Her eyes getting sadder as he covers up more skin. But she agrees with him. Time to act like adults. She gets out of their bed of butter yellow sheets and joins him in getting ready for the day. In 1950s town of Gravesfield her getting dressed is a whole meticulous ritual. Picking an acceptable dress and matching shoes. Pining her wild natural curls into a manageable 50s style bun. Jewelry, and her little bit of makeup. Luz doesn't like a lot of makeup. Hunter says she hardly needs it. But to fit in this town, a little sparkle wouldn't hurt. Sitting at her vanity table, Luz applies a little rosy lipstick to her mouth, and a bit of eyeshadow and eyeliner. To make herself seem extra sweet and soft. After that, it's to the kitchen where they make pancakes together. Hearing how all the other wives talk, she and Hunter are the only couple who do. Honestly it's more fun that way. Plus Hunter doesn't like seeing her do all the work. Though if she's the one cooking he usually makes up for it by doing the next meal. She's so happy they're not like the other couples in Gravesfield. It gives Luz anxiety just thinking about it for some reason. But she tries not to think about it. Hunter attuned to her moods like a sixth sense, comes up behind her and hugs her. Together they watch the pancakes batter sizzle and cook. Hunter kisses her cheek in comfort. As if in a silent apology. "Today's going to be a good day, yeah?" Hunter's question hesitantly. Luz nods and leans into him. "Yeah today's going to be a good day. " She's determined to make it a good day. Ignore dreams of dark scary water, girls with lilac hair, and Hunter's voice afriad calling out to her. It was only a dream. Turning into his embrace she kisses him.
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hiscet · 1 year
Hello! I just wanted to say I love your strahd designs!!! I love the decision to make Ez’s hair baubles lie flat around her bandana a lot, the bat wing shape in Strahd’s cape, and overall how versatile every design is. You have a great range and the care you put in shows :D i was wondering, what do you take into consideration when designing, and are there any elements you’re particularly proud of? Have a lovely day!!
thanks! :D
uhhh gee i've never really tried to explain my process before, but i guess the main thing i've been doing with my curse of strahd designs is trying to combine real world culture with fantasy stuff. for the most part i was just building on preexisting designs— i found a lot of the character designs in cos were just sort of generic in terms of costuming, which is disappointing since the setting is so blatantly inspired by eastern europe and theres no shortage of folk costumes to be inspired by
i will put the rest of this in a readmore bc it's kinda long haha
i would say the main thing i try to do is try to find real world influence for a lot of my designs but to also tailor them specifically to the character's function? i watched an interview with matt rhodes several years ago where he explained his character design process as reverse engineering real world concepts for fictional purposes and that's always kinda stuck with me. obviously a lot of characters ive illustrated for cos are very influenced by costumes from east/southeast europe, ie for ismark i was very into doing something with stroj krakowski, but i wanted to make the frock coat into a gambeson to more suit his character.
and then similarly ofc characters like ireena and strahd were also riffed off of real world costumes from different regions in eastern europe. in particular i was really proud of what i did for the martikovs; since they're wereravens i thought it would be interesting to put some shiny stuff in their costumes, so i added some decorations to them very loosely based off the coin ornamentation that's very common in many folk costumes from the balkans (although i changed them to be pieces of metal and ceramic, since i don't think barovians would be fond of flaunting precious metals lol)
then for the brides, i actually ended up working in the opposite direction, i wanted their costumes to be very different and kind of high fashion by contrast, just to emphasize how different they are from the rest of the setting/reflect their personalities. ludmilla in particular wears a very asymmetrical and sort of layered gown, b/c in my campaign she's very independent and introspective. and otoh, anastrasya is wearing a lot of jewelry and has a very dramatic silhouette because her personality is very flamboyant and glamorous (also, her design was specifically inspired by both jessica rabbit and morticia addams. hehe).
ez and van richten i didn't alter a ton because i already really like their designs, but i did want to emphasize more of the monster hunter/adventurer stuff by adding scars/weapons to their designs and tattoos to ez and making her more muscular. i developed sort of a headcanon that vistani sometimes do tattooing similar to real-life sailor tattoos. also for rvr, i definitely wanted him to look more world-weary and cautious, bordering on paranoid.
the abbot is basically just medieval papal garb with more fancy fantasy style stuff added but it was really fun to design. and godfrey is my party's fated ally, so he felt deserving of a fullbody illustration. his armour was very much influenced by @/grace-sketches fantastic work, and i also wanted to overall make him look more weathered and corpselike.... so i also chopped his nose off. lol
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/2 Hunter showed up now all dressed nicely and showered ‘he looks like he’d knock on my door to talk about the big guy. I like him..little shit’ ‘oh Ted. *starts shaking his head* this hurts a lot. Emmett come on baby, please get rid of him until he gets better. This is not okay. Oh fuck you Ted! WHY IS HE MAD THAT EMMETT IS SUCCESSFUL?! He deserves good things! WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO ME? This fucking finale for this fucking show better be good or im gonna be so fucking pissed at them for making me sad all the time’ ‘FUCKING TRUMP BITCH! WHY IS BRIAN HERE?! what the hell is going on? Oh he looks pretty. *looks at me and puts his hands up in defense* dont take this wrong but leather looks good on him. I mean he looks nice in suits but this *waves at brian in stockwells office* Bellissimo!! I like his hair, its all spikey and shit. OH FUCK YOU, you cant do shit for him! *does a little cheers to him with his soda* yeah! No apologies and no regrets. I should live my life like that too *long pause while he goes to get his pills in the kitchen* but i got anxieties bro. HE is offering BRIAN his job back? After he caught him fucking on his own troll posters? Oh he is SCARED!’ The Ted/Em party is on ‘this is killing me. Drugs are evil and so is that fucker! Ted come on! WHY IS HE BEING PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE?! Emy baby, sugar, you deserve better please.’ ‘YES BRIAN! I KNEW YOU WERE SMART! EVEN THO FOR SOME REASON THEY MADE YOU DUMB IN THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON! *looks at me and pauses tv on Brian again* okay be honest.. could i pull off that type of leather jacket like him? Like that brown one is my new favorite thing. I want it. *points at me while continuing to watch ep* that b-t-w is what oxford dictionary would call a hint. Carl stop being stup- HES DEAD?! THE COP IS DEAD? Suicide? But he made sure to wash his car? What the fuck?’ *once again pauses tv on Em and looks at me with a big smile* ‘i think i have a new idea for a shirt (me: please no, youve done too much already) oh come on! Little mary go fuck yourself sounds hilarious. You’re no fun.’ ‘AW BLONDIE TOOK OU-HIS BOYFRIENDS ADVICE! Thats right Blondie! Gotta take care of your education so that you can be successful and be successful boyfriends with your succes-well currently unemployed boyfriend but oh well. THEY WANT HIM TO WHAT NOW TO WHO? Oh hell no! Absolutely not! Fuck you all.’ ‘Full offense but I wouldn’t allow this doctor mark or whatever to put a fucking bandaid on me. Emmett please im begging you leave him. You deserve way better. Ted *points at him* get fucking help. NO EMMETT NO YOU ARE NOT ANY TYPE OF TRASH FROM ANYWHERE! You dont need him! WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO ME?!’ Hunter was told to make a wish for something he wants more than anything ‘wanna bet that his wish was for Brian to fuck him? That’d be mine. Okay Mel is on my good side again.’ ‘ITS JUSTIN AND BRIAN AGAIN! *said with a goofy smile on his face* Brian cares so much about Blondie’s education, it’s actually adorable. I don’t think he cares about anything as much as him doing good in school and being successful. AH-DOR-ABLE! (Justins says sometimes you have to sacrifice everything for what you believe in) *stands up quickly* AND THATS WHY I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EAT A PICKLE! Because i believe I am way better than some weird allergy! (I go to say something and he immediately stops me) shhh- hold up, Brian is gonna do something cute. OH DAMN LOOK AT THAT KISS AND HUG! I was right. Put on the next episode, i already miss them’
Put on the next episode, i already miss them is the biggest mood ever
Uhh, remember what I said about hearing him wail all the way in CA? Well “this fucking finale for this fucking show better be good or im gonna be so fucking pissed at them” is making me more worried. Maybe you should have some fanfiction all pulled up and ready to go, just shove it in his face while he’s still crying.
The Ted and Emmett party is so so cringe and awful. Poor Emmy.
He wants Bri Bri’s leather jacket (Gale looks so good in leather) for christmas? From you? Oh lord.
I will take a Team Brian and a Little Mary Go Fuck Yourself t shirt when he sets up his etsy store.
I don’t think Justin’s “sometimes you need to sacrifice everything for what you believe in extends to your brother eating a pickle.
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narcoticwriter · 1 year
i didn't put a number because i want every incoherent thought you have
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You asked, so now you shall receive.
(Also, spoilers for his character stories as I got them from Honey Hunter and Freminet ain't officially out yet.)
Why do you like or dislike this character?
First of all, I love him so jot that down. As to why? He speaks to the repressed, emotionless part of me that's out for everyone to see. You would not believe how many people are genuinely shocked when I smile or laugh at something.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
His love of fairytales and stories. I practically lived off of those and folklore and mythology when I was younger in the same sense that he did. It may seem to have a darker twist when everything else in his backstory is taken into consideration, but I understand where he's coming from.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
The boy would take well to realize that most people really do not give a fuck about him. Not in the sense of what he went through, of course, but in the sense that the perceived judgment isn't as much as he thinks. He thinks way too much about how he's being perceived and it's killing him.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I'm shoving him into that fairytale paradise that he wants to have realized. Let him meet his friends.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Pixel Galaxy by Snail's House. Swap the snail girlie with Pers and Freminet with the other character and you've got a gold mine of an AU right there.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
I wanna say just about everything, but fun fact: I really do enjoy the sensation of the water and diving below it. It's fun. I also don't let much of anyone in for shit.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Penguins. Penguins everywhere. They understood the assignment. They also include him with Lyney and Lynette a lot. Definitely understood the assignment.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Baby him. He might be fragile and hardly let anyone into his space, but he's also quite capable of watching out for himself to some degree. He can be brave.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Let's be real, could he be roommates with me? I think I would stay out of his way and he would stay out of mine. It would be as if he hardly existed to me. If he asks me something, I'll answer and vice versa, but I can't imagine anything other interactions unless he actually wants to do so.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Absolutely not. His best friend is Pers and in that department, I'm beaten. I cannot compete with that. Also, I am hardly one to let anyone know my deepest darkest secrets, so why would I expect that from him?
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
He would be really, really into those mechanical engineering Lego sets if they existed. Clicking blocks into place and they can also be motorized? He's already tinkering with it.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
He would use '👍' as a reply or a confirmation that he saw a text. I don't see him as the type of person to text a lot as he would get anxious over what to say. An emoji I associate with him will naturally be this one: 🐧
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
What in the fuck is that? If you're referring to a style, I think his fits already, but if I could add some more steampunk/mechanical stuff in the get-up, it would really solidify his tinkering side. I suppose his helmet does that already, but I would also like to see a full diving suit instead of just the body suit.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Fremillei. There's so much angst and yet so much softness and tenderness. I know that someone's going to pick it up and write the 150K+ slow burn hurt/comfort fanfiction because if there was a pairing that qualified for it, it'd be this one.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
I don't have one, really. I don't really dislike ships if their reasonings are executed well and I can understand them.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
I've seen Freminet and Mika together in a ship and I get it, but I don't personally ship it myself.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Lyney and Lynette, of course! Their dynamic is so nice and pure to see in the quiet moments and the moments when they're just together. I will also offer up the one between him and his mother for the reasons that it might have been bleak and hopeless, but the love was there.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
The Director. I hope Arlecchino killed her.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Some fanfics (two of them) I've read and one particular piece of art I've seen may have made me incredibly biased, but besides Pers, I will say that ideally it would be with Monsieur Neuvillette. They share too many similarities and personality traits in different forms please Hoyoverse I need more of it-
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I haven't written for Freminet (yet?), but something that I keep in mind is that when the cards are down, Freminet will do just about anything for the House of the Hearth. This is very important to his character as it's why he keeps on going for himself.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Look at the two fics I've linked and you'll find full well what I mean. This is the palate now and I don't know if this is going to make me picky or delusional.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Any one of them with him holding Pers. Fanart, official art, I don't care. Pers is a staple and people took note of it. I couldn't be happier with it.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours reminds you of them?
Mikazuki Augus from Iron-Blooded Orphans. They have the same expressionless thing going on and have somewhat made their peace with their roles. However, Mikazuki has a lot more progression and development of character than I would expect from Genshin Impact's storytelling.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
First impression: He's a shy little penguin guy!
Now: He's going to be so, so fucked up when he becomes an adult.
Well, you asked for all of my unhinged Freminet thoughts and . . . you got them.
Link to the asks here
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genogenocrazycatman · 2 years
Throne - Chapter 15
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Throne [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net]
Characters:  Original Female Character, Red Haired Shanks, Benn Beckman, Lucky Roo, Yasopp,
“I can be very disarming.”
“Looks like you’ve been disarmed,” I jabbed, not looking up at him.
Benn let out a loud laugh at that.
Shanks grinned. “You wound me.”
“Clearly, I’m not the only one.”
Hello people. So if you don’t know, what’s going on here then the simple version is that this a Shanks x OC fic.
If you follow me, and the One Piece stuff I write, then you’ve probably heard me talk about this fic. Hey look it’s finally here.
Chapter 15
 "Did you miss me, Captain?" I asked, leaning down and smirking at Shanks.
  "Like you even have to ask,” Shanks scoffed, resting his head in his hand. “Of course I did. So much so that I'm sitting here at this ungodly hour-"
  "It's like 8:00 am," I cut him off, deadpan. I slid into the booth across from him, picking up one of the menus from the metal rack at the end of the table and flipping to the first page. "Hardly ungodly."
  "The Devil’s hour-“
  “You know what- ” I glanced up at him again. “Since you’re awake, that may actually be true. You win this round.”
  Shanks shook his head. "Still feels like I lost."
  I smiled as I flipped through the menu. "Good. Someone has to keep you humble. I've seen your face all over the papers these past few years. They've officially put you in the same league as Kaido, Big Mom, and the Old Man. I'm sure Benn could use a break."
  "Beck’s probably half the reason we're in those papers," he retorted.
  "How is my favorite?" I asked.
  "Ruining all my fun," he said with an exaggerated pout.
  ‘How the hell is he cute?’
  "Good.” I nodded, setting the menu down. “I'd be disappointed otherwise."
  "What about you?" Shanks asked. "How are you?"
  The waitress made her way over to us at that moment, which I appreciated. The momentary pause gave me a second to think about how to answer.
  It had been two years since I'd hidden all my shit in Rayne's secret hideout and took to the seas, leaving the island that I had called home for over 20 years. How do you condense that into an answer fit for polite conversation? Not that any conversation I ever had with Shanks was polite.
  I prattled off my order before turning my attention back to Shanks, who was still looking at me expectantly.
  “You know, I was more aware of the outside world than most everyone else in Aurora, but knowing and experiencing are two totally different things. And I knew it was going to be hard, but some days are just brutal. Everyone else has a head start, and it feels like I’m desperately trying to catch up sometimes.
  “But it’s been worth it,” I answered honestly. “It’s been nice to just exist without worrying about stepping on toes or starting a witch hunt, getting to do things and see things like other people.”
  There was a lot more behind that, and I felt like I owed it to Shanks to explain, but now wasn’t the time. I just wanted to take a moment to enjoy reuniting with a friend.
  Shanks’s smile softened. “I’m glad. You seem a lot happier.”
  I calmed, relieved that he didn’t push further. “I am.”
  Shanks shifted in his seat, sitting upright. “I told you piracy would suit you," he said, smugness seeping into his tone. “It’s like you’re glowing.”
  I raised a brow at him, settling back and crossing my arms over my chest. "Captain, who said I'm a pirate?” I challenged.
  “I could be but an intrepid adventurer-“
  “Uh-huh,” he deadpanned.
  I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to keep up my stern demeanor. “Or I could be writing a book about-“
  “How to attract Trouble with a capital T?”
  “If I remember correctly, I am Trouble.”
  “Of course. How could I forget?”
  “I could be a bounty hunter,” I threw out there. “Here to chop off your head and deliver it to the Marines on a platter."
  "You like me too much to decapitate me."
  "But do I like you more than the billions of bellies I'd get in exchange?"
  "I'm worth more alive," he offered.
  "That's true," I conceded. "Guess I'll have to barter with Benn then. I'm sure he and I can come to some agreement regarding your surrender. I'd offer him a cut."
  "He'd probably pay you to take me."
  "True, I would be doing him a favor."
  We just stared at each other for a moment before bursting into giggles. I had forgotten how easy this was.
  "So Eliza, if you're not a pirate," Shanks started, as my food was set in front of me. "What are you?"
  "I was only sort of joking," I said as I picked up my knife and started to spread butter on the stack of pancakes in front of me.
  "About? The piracy or bounty hunting?"
  "Bounty hunting,” I answered.
  “So this is a plot to capture me. I see. The truth comes out.” He grabbed his fork, touching his food for the first time since I arrived.
  “You have some time before I do.” I doused my pancakes in syrup. “I’d like to at least see what the boys will offer me to look the other way.”
  "Then I guess it's good that they'll all be at the tavern tonight. Care to join us, Eliza?"
  "Just can't get enough of me, can you?" I joked.
  "Never," he answered, casual as ever. "Plus, I've got three years to catch up on. I got heard a little when we returned to Aurora, but-."
  "You went back?" I was surprised. "For what?"
  "Best sake comes from the West," he explained. "Plus, I was hoping to see my favorite bartender, but to my surprise, I found out that she left. And now the tavern employs her harem."
  “Oh no,” I groaned, hiding my face behind my hands. ‘The girls.’ "They're not my harem,” I corrected.
  "Really? Cause I think they're all in love with you. And isn’t releasing slaves a bit above a bounty hunter’s pay grade?”
  I dropped my hands back to the table, picking up my fork again. “So, you knew I wasn’t a pirate?”
  He shook his head. “No one really answered the question about what you had been doing. They were too busy telling us about how great you are, and how cool you looked, and how nice, and how strong, and-“
  “You can stop,” I said, pointing my fork at him.
  As a bounty hunter, I was picky about my targets. I didn’t target any old pirate with a price on their head. I wasn’t going to send someone to Impel Down for the rest of their life for something that any one of my brothers could be doing. But slave traders were fair game, and I could usually collect a pretty penny.
  For a few months there, I lingered in the waters surrounding the Sabaody archipelago, taking these bastards out before they could get to the auction house.
  I was able to get most of the victims started on their journeys back home, but there were a few who had nowhere to go or had been willingly turned over by their families. For the most part, they chose to start anew.
  After hearing me talk about Rayne and Gene, they’d asked if I could get them started to the West. I warned them that Aurora wasn’t welcoming, but they insisted, saying that after what they’d been through, they were sure they could handle a couple of jackasses. Plus, they didn’t have to worry about devil fruits or pirate family members, and Aurora was lowkey enough that they would likely never have to worry about being snatched again.
  I was glad to hear they were doing well, even if they were apparently embarrassing me.
  “Now you’re getting shy on me?”
  “Shut up,” I muttered.
  "You still don't accept compliments well."
  "Your hair's still ridiculous."
  "I know what you're trying to do," he said. His eyes focused on my hairline. "But I can't let that one go when you have a streak of your hair that isn't even the same color."
  "A standard color,” I countered.
  "Mine is natural. It grows this way. It’s more natural than yours."
  "I never said that your hair wasn't natural. And I’ve never accused you of dying it. It's just ridiculous. But so are you, so it fits."
  "You look like a skunk."
  "You smell like one."
  Shanks let out a giant yawn.
  “Did you not sleep?” I asked, taking in his appearance. His clothes were more rumpled than usual, and he had bags under his eyes.
  “I told you I was caught up,” he said, eyes glancing over at my journal, which sat on the table beside him. “You’re not the only one who was excited,” he settled back into his seat. “You know, you could’ve just met us at the tavern,” he said. “Though I do appreciate the theatrics.”
  “I thought about it,” I admitted. “I also thought about the possibility that I would walk into a tavern where a bunch of dudes vaguely remember me, and it would all be really fucking awkward, even though you’d probably be too nice to actually let it be awkward. So if you actually wanted to see me, you could reach out.”
  Shanks threw his head back and cracked up laughing.
  “Will you shut up?” I hissed, throwing a napkin at him as all eyes turned to our table. I hid behind my hand. “God, this is so much worse than if I had just shown up,” I muttered.
  “You’re not any better. There’s only one fucking place to stay on this damn island, and it’s not like you showed up once you knew I was here.”
  He blinked owlishly at me for a moment. “I could’ve gone to the inn,” he agreed as realization set in.
  “Captain,” I started slowly. “How long have you been at this table?”
  “About two hours,” the waitress said as she filled my coffee cup.
  This time, it was my turn to crack up obnoxiously. “I can’t believe you waited here for two hours!”
  He shrugged. “You’re an early bird, and you like breakfast. I figured you’d end up here eventually. In my defense, I was still half drunk when I came up with this plan and sleep-deprived when I decided to act on it. And I was right.” He gestured towards my pancakes.
  “You’re hopeless. What if I decided I wanted to get lunch? Dinner? What ab-”
  “I’ve been waiting three years to see you, Eliza. What’s a few more hours?”
  “If you can wait a few more hours, then you should go to bed, and I can meet you later at the tavern,” I offered.
  He waved me off. “I can sleep when I’m dead.”
  “With the way you drink, that’ll be sooner rather than later.”
  “You say that, but I’ve seen you put back an entire bottle of whiskey like it’s water and not have even a hint of a buzz. If I had to guess, you could out-drink half the crew.”
  I snorted. “Just half?
  “You could always challenge them tonight if you want to back those words up.”
  I pretended to think about it for a second. “Don’t tell them I’m coming. It’ll be a surprise.”
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