#I think the last time I rewatched leverage I don’t think I watched the final episode
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independent-fics · 9 months ago
Leverage OT3 Casual Touches
This is mainly for @werewolfsmile and anyone else who wants to shout into the void with me about this ot3!
So far season 4 started off strong with lots of little ot3 moments I’ve been clocking on my latest rewatch. Today I watched “The Office Job” through “The Gold Job” and wanted to recap. Ngl it isn’t much…
Still good things but it was a lot of what we already see which is still beautiful. But mainly it was a lot of leaning, being in each others spaces, and a lot of the handshake. (For the purposes of this post I’m skipping “The Girls Night Out Job” and “The Boys Night Out Job” simply because those two are a whole other beast of ot3 moments that I would like to gif separately and also not a lot of touching (besides the handshake in the boys night) which is what we’re focusing on here.)
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“The Office Job” is my favorite comfort episode of Leverage. Everything about is pure gold. Despite Hardison and Eliot arguing the whole time about a sandwich they still manage to pull together in the end and have one of the funniest moments in the episode which is of course topped off by the handshake. Once again mainly in each other’s spaces or leaning this episode.
“The Lonely Hearts Job” also such a great episode of basically the ot3 parent trapping Nate and Sophie and Eliot out here doing the absolute most showing he knows his team in the end of the episode.
As for casual touches a lot with Eliot and Parker (I feel like there’s always more with Eliot and Parker in trying to find more with Eliot and Hardison but mainly they just always lean in each others spaces and orbit each other, compared to Eliot and Parker which sometimes have a similar but different dynamic due to comparing how Parker in the beginning of the series was very adverse to touch. Not from Hardison and Eliot now though:)).
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This scene starts out with them with a gap but they gradually get closer (I know this can happen when scenes are reshot. As I always say though let me read the subtext how I want. They were further apart then they got closer soooo)
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My favorite thing is the shoulder bumping as they’re walking out. All I have to say.
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Here they’re betting whoever gets the highest bid gets a steak which is super cute later because Eliot loses and puts up a fight about making it but then totally has heart eyes and smiles when he “loses” that argument too. Why wouldn’t he make his boyfriend a steak. There’s also a later scene I totally forgot to gif when they’re getting the guy flirting with Sophie out of the way and he calls Hardison (who’s in character) an idiot and I know Eliot did not need to take him down as hard as he did all I have to say.
And once again we have the leaning in each others spaces, shoulder touching, and once again the handshake. None of the other bachelors were standing this close on stage just saying.
Then we have “The Gold Job” where Parker literally gets up to sit next to Eliot? Wonderful. But then there’s some shoving but for context the whole scene was kinda tense because Hardison was running his first con. But then right before the camera changes Eliot moves closer!!!
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But then they end up further apart again which I’m assuming may be due to reshoots.
Just generally the comfort between all of them gets me in these scenes. They’ve come a lot way and even though the beginning of season four I feel like shows this a lot more I’m still glad I’m finding scenes with their casual touches as I’m finishing out season 4.
That’s all I have for tonight :D I’m finishing up season 4 tomorrow so I’m sure I’ll be adding to this later.
Hope you like my gifs :) haven’t gifed in so long but I’m happy I’m learning again. Quality still needs work though.
Here’s a bonus gif of Eliot looking like he’s blowing a kiss in the button cam footage in “The Office Job” because I thought it was funny. This is once again getting added to my “why didn’t I notice this before” list. I just wanna know for whom Eliot. :)
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lerry-hazel · 2 years ago
That weird moment where an OK-ish show becomes more exciting than a beloved one solely by means of not having been rewatched obsessively every year for the last decade.
I mean “The Librarians” vs “Leverage”, but the same goes for later seasons of SPN. I think I’ve only watched s15 once: I don’t even remember what happens outside the two episodes all the fics are about.
Also, that weird moment when I finally don't feel like looking at anything SPN-related for a long time, but I have just set myself a deadline on another SPN fic.
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facelessfrey · 3 years ago
Roswell New Mexico - Season 4, Episode 11
Three things first:
1. Did we really have to bring Alex back just to have him say “oh yeah by the way I’m totally dying from radiation poisoning”? Hahaha. What the fuck?! I mean, I’m gonna go ahead and assume that Vlamis and Tyler wouldn’t be happy with the Malex ending if Alex literally dies. So I’m going to assume that means he gets healed somehow. Perhaps everyone will finally get that handprint moment they’ve been begging for. But I’m just going to have to go with “he’s definitely not dying” or I’m going to lose my mind. 
2. If they fucking have Dallas marry them in that permanently twilight world with only Bonnie for a witness, I might also lose my mind. I’m sorry, I’m gonna need A) light and B) everyone else in attendance. 
3. Was there an actual explanation of what the Alighting is in Clyde’s ramblings? Because I don’t think there actually was beyond “I’m gonna go home” and like...is that it? Just going back to Oasis? Cause that’s boring. Anticlimactic. I mean, I expect nothing less from this show but still? Why have a fancy word for it if it’s just “point my star map home and walk through a portal”? That doesn’t sound like “THE ALIGHTING” to me. I mean honestly, I need someone to explain the show’s whole alien mythology to me because my god does it not make sense to me AT ALL. This show makes me feel so dumb sometimes and I’m pretty sure it’s just bad storytelling but also....maybe I’m missing something?? So I was rewatching bits of season one because I was having Malex feelings and I ended up watching Noah’s whole scene about “coming from a war torn planet blah blah blah the Alighting and when they come to take us home, I was going to trade you for leverage” and he talked about a stowaway??? So like...why did all these aliens come? They were trying to escape Oasis because of Jones the Dictator? But then Jones stowed away? But like...there were a bunch of his Ophiuchus disciples on that ship too? Noah, Bonnie, Clyde, Tesca etc? So wouldn’t that be more than one stowaway?? And then what were Nora, Louise and Theo actually trying to do? Were they trying to go home? Or were they just trying to save their kids and take Max from Jones so he couldn’t transfer into him? And Theo was undercover helping Jones but also creating pocket dimensions as decoys???? Like...what the fuck is any of this supposed to be?!?!? HELP! I have so many questions and I don’t feel like any of them have been answered. 
Aside from those three things....
I was very glad to see Alex in half the episode rather than just the last five minutes like I feared. Still annoyed at the “hey I’m dying part” but remember, we’re ignoring that cause he’s gonna be fine okay. But I like that we really are just full on paralleling Motherland and Raylla and Alex is immediately like “we found each other again let’s get married!” Which is very sweet. And you know...no hang ups there in saying yes...just the whole....dying part but anyway...moving on. 
They have incredibly cheesy lines but at least one of them isn’t “you’re my turquoise” because I swear if I have to hear Max say that one more time to Liz I’m going to lose it. Haha. 
I have to thank Bonnie at least for letting Malex have some alone time while she and Dallas went on their little fruitless errand. I may not really care about her arc but at least she gave us that. 
There were references in this episode but I don’t think there were any Harry Potter ones? Maybe I rage blocked it out immediately but I don’t think there were?!?
I continue to adore the Kybel awkwardness and also the fact that Rosa and Max totally know. I desperately wish they had just let Isobel date Anatsa all last season and started fresh with the Kybel slowburn this season so we could have had more time with this but alas. It is what it is. They’re super cute and I can’t wait till they make it official. 
I was very glad to see so many Kyle and Rosa scenes in this episode because despite Kyle finding out she was his sister in season one, I feel like their sibling scenes have been pretty nonexistent so yay for those. Especially him telling her how far she’s come and her being like “yeah so Isobel is totally in love with you too you idiot”. I really wish we had gotten so much more but this was great. 
I still just...don’t care about this Liz plot that, shocker...was solved in an episode. Well...at least the addiction part. There was that preview (that preview that had no Alex in it again ..ugh) where she said her brain is broken so I guess there’s consequences but still...obviously very rushed. 
I feel like Shivani wasn’t totally wrong about Echo because I don’t feel like they’ve really resolved any of their actual issues. But sure...I guess we’ll see. 
I suppose I should be happy that they’re all of a sudden now making an attempt to make Liz’s student relevant to the plot but uhhh...yeah...not so much. It all just feels kind of ridiculous to have that whole GED class plot and trying to be a mentor just so she could be used by Clyde like nine episodes later. 
I suppose I should also be glad that Clyde is trying to make Shivani and her cryo daughter relevant to the plot too but uhh...I’m sorry I still don’t care. Plus, I really can’t believe that Shiri Appleby was used just for that weird mindscape episode but I feel like they’ve just wasted her if she’s not going to suddenly be relevant at the end. But also...do I even care about her actual character beyond that she’s OG Liz? At this point? No. Although still the fact that she’s apparently related to the Valentis and we didn’t even see her when Kyle and Eduardo went to find her for...reasons? to get Alien console pieces? is just kind of also absurd. She was vaguely plot relevant and we didn’t even see her??? So strange. 
Speaking of Eduardo....why were we meant to care at all about him and his estranged daughter if it was literally a twelve second plot point that meant nothing?? Like literally...other than Kybel hooking up, that whole Mexico excursion was thoroughly pointless. 
Anyway....I would like Alex not to die now that we’ve got him back. I would like to actually get to see Sanders in that tux at their wedding outside the pocket dimension. That is coincidentally the only thing I still care about aside from Kybel and Rosa’s happiness. The plot is meaningless but I still would really like someone to explain it to me just cause I want to understand. To be honest, I’m not even sure the showrunners and writers could explain it if pressed. 
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temunitu · 3 years ago
oh boy, rewatching Rise with 1-2 episodes a day is giving me a new perspective on the whole show (I'm talking mostly about character development, plot, pacing, etc.)
disclaimer: this is NOT meant to discourage anyone from watching the show, nor is it meant to attack anyone who enjoys the points i criticize. these are merely my opinions and i respect anyone who thinks differently from me. 
read more because i'm incapable of keeping my thoughts short:
first off, when i first started watching Rise, i was completely smitten by the show. the first few episodes that aired before the rest of the show started playing on tv, i watched religiously. it was my favorite tmnt iteration for a LONG time and i still hold it near and dear to my heart. 
but it was not perfect. nothing is, really. 
Donnie - i’ve reblogged and mentioned how i didn’t appreciate how the writers handled Donnie’s development in Rise. Again, if you’re a Donnie fan, i can still see why - he’s a fun character. To me it just got old watching him run in circles.
Mikey - i had so many thoughts on my boy so i put it in a separate post - TL;DR Mikey didn’t have much development himself, the episodes he supposedly does were problems that got introduced and solved in the same episode, and Mikey acts as more of a hype-man/therapist and feels more like a background character than a main character. I might be biased cuz he’s my favorite, idc. he deserves more spotlight.
Draxum - season 1, he’s great. It’s season 2 that fell short with me. Not all the post-redemption episodes bugged me, he still feels largely in-character in mystery meat and the finale. I think it was hidden city’s most wanted that really… seemed off to me. Maybe it was the fact he was a teddy bear, idk, but him using Mikey as leverage against Splinter irked me. Draxum and Lou/Splinter had hardly any interaction in goyles, goyles, goyles so their “rivalry” felt really forced. i could see Splinter hating Big Mama since their relationship (was implied to have) lasted WAY longer. Draxum kidnapped and experimented on Lou in the same day and they'd barely met. idk, it felt rushed.
Season Two - i don’t blame the writers for this, i blame nickelodeon for cutting the series short so we didn’t get to experience the series in its rightful glory. but even leading up to the finale, it feels like there’s so many gaps missing in how characters and their dynamics change.
unbalanced focus - related to some of the previous points, but there really does seem to be a lot more episodes revolving around Donnie and Leo more than Raph and Mikey. i get why Leo and Don are fan favorites since they get so much more screen time than the other two, but Raph and Mikey had so much potential that just got shrugged off. Especially Mikey (don't @ me, he deserves better)
yes, the show got cut short. It’s still easily one of my favorites (especially season 1) but there were so many episodes that felt like there was a gap (like characters developed off-screen). I know the writers were pressed for time but season 2 just didn’t quite hit the same. Some of the episodes are still amazing/my favorites, but there’s a couple that really bugged me.
but my biggest complaint is still directed at nickelodeon/viacom for pulling the plug before giving the show a chance. most of these points would probably have been addressed or fixed if we'd gotten the full season 2 the writers had planned for.
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captainsspnanon · 3 years ago
C2E56 - The Favor - rewatch reaction
Can you tell I’m excited for this episode????
Holy fuck I forgot Tal wasn’t here for this one!!
OH SHIT, Aimee’s in the Sam bit!  HI AIMEE!!!!!!
Wait, Grey DeLisle too??  It’s just early cameo time!
Tony Hale, he was in TLOVM too, wasn’t he?
Skipped the intro again.  It’s interesting, I haven’t skipped the C3 intro yet, but I think it’s because I’ve been watching it live or live-ish on twitch, rather than the youtube release.  I think I’d be skipping it if I were on youtube.  I skipped the C1 intros fairly early on, only watching them maybe one or two times apeice.  C2 I watched for a bit but then started skipping.
(I also keep wanting to go on tumblr, but because I’m now in the watching of Calamity e3 to finish it sometime this weekend, I’m now trying to actually avoid full on finale stuff.  Which makes it hard because I follow a ton of CR folks, so basically have to disconnect until I’m ready. ….I might give up by tomorrow)
(wow it is long past when I typed that up, isn’t it?  It’s been...something.  Left my dnd group halfway through the second session and been too mentally screaming at the world for CR.  But time to jump back in!  I want my Essek! [though I don’t even remember if he shows up this episode or if it’s the next.]  Also Calamity was super fucking awesome, omg)
I’d actually paused right after the intro, for which I’m VERY glad, because having the refresher of ‘last we left off’ really helped this time.  Also, I love how it’s now, after over a year of the M9 and years of VM, that Matt is finally accepting that the cast will shout obscenities at him before the game.  I’m fairly certain they did this in C1 as well, how did he think that they would stop? XD
I do miss the Detect Magic, Identify, Comprehend Languages ritual I-know-everything of Caleb.  This is a PC that is very unique to this campaign, as in C1 and so far in C3, we don’t have anyone else with that heavy focus into learning what things are and being able to share that with the group.  It’s also good confirmation that it’s not something that is needed, but also doesn’t break a campaign when it’s there. The Nein, while more easily able to learn what things are, still end up muddling through the same way the VM did, and sometimes even with the knowledge end up going down the wrong path.  Plus, as we know upcoming, Identify doesn’t always indicate that an item is cursed, so they are still tricked by that as well.
Matt giving the explanation that the demon heart didn’t collapse into sludge like the rest of the body because it was pulled out using electricity, and then immediately going ‘also ‘cause it’s fucking cool that you have a demon heart so you get to keep it despite RAW’.
FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP!!!!!  First they all crack up and get Matt to facepalm with the numerous pussy jokes, then Matt gets them sweating by very visibly holding up a d20 ‘just because it’s pretty’.
Matt!Caduceus just sounds like Sam Elliott from The Big Lebowski.  Also, once again, having the players initiate and then Matt be like ‘nope we’re waiting for the player to be here’, though it seemed clear that the players weren’t expecting the moment to happen.  Instead, it was 1) wanting to hear Matt’s impression, and 2) initiating the moment so that it won’t lead to any ‘you didn’t ask me about this for a WEEK’ type situations.
(also lol I typed Sam Eliot first then double checked the spelling.  LOOK, Leverage is fucking awesome okay.  And I will 100% be doing a Leverage rewatch reaction at some point too, because it’s so good and I have thoughts.)
I’m honestly not sure if Fjord was trying to check and see if Caleb was still willing to turn on the party, or if Travis was giving Liam an opportunity to admit that Ikithon used a memory spell to have Caleb turn on his family.  My best bet is that it was a level of both combined.  Liam is way too fucking good at portraying sad, broken Caleb though MY HEART.  I had been looking forwards to the post conversations of the mental takeover, but thinking on it, I think this might actually be it?  I don’t remember any big moments about it, so it might actually be more easily pushed aside as ‘it was mind control, no need to read anything further into it’.  UGH YASHA MY HEART.  I can’t wait until Ashley’s back.  Matt does some good stuff as Yasha, but Ashley is the one who really captures how broken she feels because of the multiple instances of mind control, and just how much she hates it.
I will say that the biggest character jump for me, from C2 to C1, was seeing the transition from Yasha to Pike.  Fjord to Grog is big, but Travis is very clever in the way he plays Grog and uses his own intelligence to KEEP Grog from being intelligent.  But Yasha to Pike??  It’s just two very different extremes, and yet two utter badasses.  While I’m still sure that watching C2 first was the right choice for me for a number of reasons, I do wonder what it must have been like going from the C1 PCs into the C2 PCs and seeing all of these different people suddenly.   I didn’t have a jarring sensation moving into C3, but that’s because I’d seen C2 and then C1.  I am looking forwards to my eventual C1 rewatch, to see if now that I’m more used to them playing different characters, if I might warm up more to the C1 PCs, which I’m much more neutral towards at this time.  I like them, but I don’t really LOVE any of them the same way I adore the C2 crew. (I’ve got some that I love from C3, the remainder I think just need time to keep growing on me, but I like ‘em all!)
Have I ever given Laura enough credit for how she just thoroughly embodies her PCs?  I don’t think I have.  NOT ENOUGH, NEVER ENOUGH.  Jester freaking out in excitement over another follower of the Traveler is just SO completely in character that it’s as if I can’t imagine the reaction any other way.  Laura is just not there, there is only Jester.  And Laura has done this fantastically with Vex and with Imogen, just embodying them SO well and so naturally!
I’m really just singing praise for all of these guys as actors because they’re all fucking phenomenal, each just hits me harder at certain moments, and right now it’s Laura.
Covak “thought it was strange that a fair folk would visit an old codger like myself” holy shit is this the first obvious hint we have that the Travler is Artagan???  And the language was completely breezed over in the moment!  But no one in Exandria uses the term Fair Folk for the deities!  *does a transcript search* okay maybe no one uses them for the fey either.  The only other useage of it was Kaylie telling Scanlan off, in reference to herself.  BUT STILL.  It’s such common usage in the real world!  I completely feel like it was a hint from Matt.
I forgot that the other followers of the Traveler tend to do a lot more mean spirited ‘pranks’.  Shitting in wells?  That’s….not a prank.  That’s contaminating the water supply and making who knows how many people sick.
I also forgot how jealous Jester is of her position with the Traveler and being his favorite – though I’m now remember she has him remove other people’s ability to do Sending because she thought it was her own special spell.  As much as she’s constantly a sweetheart, there are definitely moments where she’s a bit darker.  I tend to forget that.
Lol at them being told that by finding the rift machine that they have done ‘a great service to the Dynasty’.  LADY YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET.
I do like that the entire group doesn’t feel like they have to do the high Charisma = player must do all the talking.  In each campaign, you’ve got the talkers and then you’ve got the Talkers, but because they don’t feel like they have to limit it to the best in order to Win, you get amazing scenes of people who REALLY SHOULDN’T BE TALKING leading to unexpected and wonderful outcomes.
I’m interested in finding out if I’m right or wrong, but I think Lythir is Lythir Tasithar, and is also the mage that they fought who is going to give them shit to the Bright Queen?
I’m so glad that they brought the moorbounders with them.  Honestly, I wish they kept them more through the campaign, but once they weren’t in Xhorhas, it doesn’t really make sense.   I headcanon that they got them back from Bazzozan and that they are kept at the Xhorhaus while the gang is there, but when they are not that they are treated well and are quite happy.
For as much that I don’t have to say during the waiting period, there actually are good character moments here.  Imagine early campaign Beau being told that she’d be used as a human bench.  She wouldn’t just joke about throwing a bench, she’d likely physically harm the person AND have some very nasty comments in return.  Caleb wouldn’t just exasperatedly ask how he’d managed to get here with these people, he’d be thinking of plans to throw them under the bus and ways to ensure only his and Nott’s safety, and only his if it REALLY came down to it.  It’s subtle, but it’s so much honest progress for these two, just the sheer growth that the Nein has put them through.
For all that this episode is SUCH a game changer for the campaign, I’m genuinely surprised to rediscover that the actual moment is so brief.  For an episode that is three hours long only, the conversation with the Bright Queen doesn’t even START until 2:39.
This is also where I go ‘wait, that’s the voice??’  This has happened a few times during a campaign.  Essek, while he’s not here yet, I’ve seen clips of him speaking and it always takes me a moment to remember how he sounds.  As for the Bright Queen, I remember it sounding a bit more feminine, so I’m wonder if Matt adjusts how he speaks later in the campaign, or if it’s just a case of remember the character rather than the actor, and the voice changing accordingly.
I FORGOT NOTT USED THE MOTE OF POSSIBILITY AAAAAAA (This at 2:44.  Man, the defining moment of this episode REALLY doesn’t come til late!)
I can’t imagine how the campaign would have gone if Caleb didn’t give the beacon (we’re not even at that moment YET!).  Seriously!  They VERY suddenly were in complete shit.  Using the mote, and then with Lythir confirming that they attacked the Kryn (defended themselves but who cares about the technicalities here???), they were going to be attacked, arrested, guaranteed their bags would be searched and I completely agree with Liam that the beacon would have been found and then they would have been SUPER fucked.  So it’s so interesting to watch this and have no clue how it could have turned out, and remember that pretty much everyone else did NOT like the choice that Liam made!  And I say Liam and not Caleb!!  Because if I recall correctly, especially during the Talks, that it was out of character disagreement with the choice of action! (correction from a few minutes ahead, okay, Travis is really against, but Laura is for, Sam seems to be either way, not sure how Marisha reads it, I think she was against?  But also like, not against in that they’re going to hold it against Liam or anything like that.   FUN disagreement, not anger disagreement)
2:51.  Ten minutes left of the episode (including any end card time), and NOW Caleb is starting his desperate play.
LOL the episode ended RIGHT after and then it was just Matt being like ‘wtf do I do now’ for the next five minutes or so.  I LOVE IT.
FUCKING GAME CHANGER.  LET’S GO. (no essek yet sadface)
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years ago
Kinktober Day 3
Yan! Hoodie: Recording
Hnng this one isn’t as yandere as I would’ve liked it to be, but I’m still happy with the way it came out uwu
Quick warning for dub-con ahead!!
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
Rage boils in your system
The red light flickers on, device coming to life before you, and you swear to god, you’d rip the man’s eyes out if they weren’t hidden beneath that inky black mask
“You gonna give me a pretty smile, sweet cheeks?” he chuckles
A gloved hand grips your jaw, squishing your cheeks and yanking you up to face the lens of his handheld camera
“F-fuck you!” you spit
You try to jerk yourself from his grasp but he only chuckles again, the reverberating sound only fueling your burning hatred
Even through his black leather glove, you can still feel the warmth of his hand as he grabs your thighs and pulls you flush against him
Your legs are forcefully split open despite your protests, his toned arms giving you no leverage to escape as he settles between them, grounding his pelvis just inches from your core
His touch fitters over your body, exploring you, feeling you like you’re his
Some part of your traitorous body reacts well to him, your sex fluttering in eager anticipation, and you loath it
He reaches for your shirt, and you hardly have time to register the sound of ripping fabric as he tears it off like it‘s nothing, leaving your chest entirely bare to him and the camera
“S-stop it!” you shriek frantically, squirming and jerking beneath him, but your cries don’t seem to phase him in the least
“Tsk tsk, you shouldn’t act up on camera, baby” he croons, pushing two fingers past your lips, “What if someone watches this, hm? They’re gonna think I’m a monster for taking advantage of a sweet little doll now, aren’t they?~”
You squeeze your eyes shut as leather assaults your tongue, forcing its way deeper into your mouth until you’re gagging and spluttering around his digits
“But we both know you’re really just a slut for me, aren’t you, baby? Hm?”
He punctuates the word slut with a rough thrust of his fingers that has you choking around him
You whine and twist and whimper beneath him, tears springing to your eyes, but he doesn’t let up
“Show them how deep you can take things into that pretty mouth of yours, beautiful”
Everything inside you screams to spit him out—shove him off of you and get his sickly taste from of your mouth
But he keeps pumping his coarse fingers in and out, reaching the very back of your throat with harsh pumps and teasing strokes, and the most you can do is grip onto his forearm and gasp desperately for air
You hate him
And you hate his damn camera for crystallizing the sight of you, so utterly helpless beneath him, for him to rewatch whenever he pleases
Finally, finally, he pulls his fingers free, a string of saliva connecting you before splitting, and then he’s roughly tugging your skirt down, panties included, until you’re completely exposed beneath his consuming gaze
“That’s a good girl~”
His husky coaxing and mocking words of encouragement do little to quell your shame and humiliation as he gathers up your slick on the same two fingers he’d previously crammed down your throat
He changes the focus of his camera from your face to the mess between your legs and you cringe at the thought that anyone really could see this
But then you swallow thickly and try to steel your nerves, glaring at him
You can’t let him break you
So as he pushes and prods at your folds, rubbing your clit with that coarse texture that almost has you mewling, you keep your mouth clamped shut and force yourself not to cave
Even as he pushes a thick gloved finger into your entrance, and even as he adds a second one and slowly starts pumping them in and out, stretching you open, preparing you for what’s to come
You do everything you can to stop yourself from moaning beneath him and giving him a good show
“Mmh... look at that. So nice and soaked for me~”
He moves the handheld to focus on your reaction again and you swear to god, even with his mask on, you can hear the self-satisfaction in his voice
You bite your lip until copper fills your mouth, determined not to show how good he feels, even as your brows furrow and your core cinches tightly around him
And then without much of a warning, he twists his fingers right against a spot that sets off something wonderful throughout your whole body
Your head’s thrown back, eyebrows kneading together as a sickly moan falls from your swollen lips
“There it is, atta girl~ Show how good you are for me; so fucking perfect. And you’re mine—all mine and mine alone~”
He curls his fingers and you clench around him again—hard—your legs practically shaking from the stimulus
You can’t conceal your reaction—the best you can do is force a hand over your mouth and squeeze your eyes shut to prevent him from seeing how easily you unravel beneath his touch
Stop stop stop stop—!
To your relief and, admittedly, mild disappointment, he does pull his fingers free, leaving you empty and trying not to buck up into him for more
He takes one of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger instead, the glove soaked wet from your arousal, and tugs and twists at the sensitive bud
You mewl, body shuddering as you’re all but forced to meet his piercing void of a gaze
“You ready for me, baby?” he mocks teasingly, almost cooing at your pathetically writhing mess of a form
You don’t want to admit how much you really do want him as he pulls himself free from his jeans
The tip of his thick cock brushes over your folds, teasing up and down your slit and gathering up as much of your shameful slick as he can
Then in one slow, calculated thrust, he pushes his entirety through your velvety walls
The angle he’s positioned at gives him the perfect view of your expression to record as his girth spreads you apart
“God, you’re so fucking nice and tight for me~ So fucking perfect, baby”
He tilts the camcorder down and flicks at your clit with his thumb, slowly rocking his hips so that he’s pushing in and out only a few inches at a time
Your cunt envelopes him all too eagerly, swallowing in his cock before he pushes out, only to thrust back in all over again
You can’t see it, but you can feel him coated in your arousal, the betrayal of your desires, all on film for anyone to watch and enjoy later on
He groans deeply, and the sound has your walls fluttering disgustingly tight around him
“Such a cute little thing, aren’t you?”
He snaps his pelvis and it has your back arching as you try to grasp onto the sheets, another sickly moan falling for him
He keeps up with the tortuously slow, deep pace until you’re so unbearably horny, your cunt drooling eagerly around him, that you hardly have it in you to care about how much you hate him and his stupid camera anymore
“Can you say my name for me, baby? Hm? Say my name like a good little slut, (y/n)~”
You close your eyes so you don’t have to see the red light recording you, soaking you all in, and so you don’t have to admit that your pride’s caving and you’re tempted to obey him
His thumb rubs over your clit again as he brings his hips to a deep and dirty grind into you
You swallow back a shameless slew of moans and whimpers for more
Maybe if you don’t give him what he wants, he’ll stop, or he’ll get bored, and he’ll finally let you go
So you cling onto the last shred of hope you have, trying to ignore the way he works himself into you, and the way his hand feels brushing over your clit, all the way up your navel to toy with your breast, groaning quietly at how you’re such a perfect cocksleeve for him
You force your eyes closed, trying not to buck into him, not to give in, not to moan and beg despite the unbearable heat building in your core that has you clenching and buckling
It’s only when you feel him shift and set the camera down that you almost trick yourself into believing he gave up
But he suddenly grabs a fistful of your hair, making you yelp as he tugs you up and forces you on your hands and knees, ass up, facing the camera settled on the nightstand
“You wanna play hard to get, don��t you, baby? Why don’t we show the camera what naughty fucking brats get when they don’t obey~ In case you’ve forgotten, you’re not going anywhere until I’m done with you, sweet cheeks”
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kaizoku-musume · 4 years ago
Leverage Rewatch in Honour of the New Series: The Goodbye Job
Ahhh, the last episode! Ooh man, this one killed me when I first watched it, not just because it was the last one, but because of you-know-what.
More obvious evidence of Nate preparing the OT3 for his (and Sophie’s) retirement.
Ugh, that’s right, they hit us with the knowledge that the team is “dead” right from the beginning.
Hey, that was a callback to the first episode, I see what you did there.
Sophie’s horrible acting really should have been the first clue that not all was as it seemed. Nate’s right, during a con she’s an amazing actor even on stage; we saw that in the episode with the foster kid scam. So for her to be a bad actor during a con, something’s up.
Oh man, we’re already at the scene where Parker, Hardison and Eliot are injured, fall, get shot. Oh man, I know this isn’t real, but it’s still hard to watch. I have to keep pausing it to take a moment. Hardison falling and Parker being heart-broken over him? Killed me. Eliot getting shot and choking up blood? Killed me. Hardison asking if Eliot made it? Killed me. Them all holding hands as they die? Killed me. Sophie and Nate looking back and seeing their children dead? Killed me.
Guys, I’m not lying, I’m seriously crying over here. Like, near sobbing, oh my god, I literally had to take a five minute break because my tears were making it impossible to see the screen. Oh my god, I do not remember being this upset last time. This was a mistake. Okay, no, it wasn’t, but I was not expecting to be that broken up over it.
Look guys, I turned the volume up, that definitely did not sound like Sophie. They  just wanted to keep the mystery going a little while longer I guess.
If they show us the team dying again I will kill them.
Nate going from that outburst to calmly explaining how he knows he’s not in a hospital is also a big clue that things aren’t what they were, why didn’t I notice any of this the first time?
The only reason I’m happy to see Sterling is because I’ve finally calmed down. If he had shown up just five minutes earlier, I wouldn’t have cared a bit.
And now we basically have confirmation that the team’s still alive and our hearts don’t have to stay broken. I do think it’s a bit shortsighted of Sterling to not think that if Nate was lying about Parker being dead, mayyybe he’s also lying about the others being dead.
Hey, I saw the team run in (mostly Parker, man does that blond hair stand out)! And then again later, between the shelves. Gosh, that sure was bold of them, these basasses. 
Nate and Sterling would really make a good team.
Eliot’s look of long-suffering at being fake shot is exactly what I needed to help make me feel better, but I still don’t think I’ll ever look at Lucille the same way again.
The OT3, getting their last shots in and not being able to give Nate a rest, even when he’s proposing.
Eliot looking right at Parker and Hardison after saying he did need something is just . . . ugh, so sweet! And the music playing? So not fair!
What a great end to an amazing series! This show meant so much to me growing up, and I was so sad to see it go, but now it’s time to move on.
Thanks to everyone who listened to my ramblings on this series, hope you guys enjoyed!
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as-dreamers-do · 4 years ago
tagged by @imissthembutitwasntadisaster and quite possibly someone else, I think there’s at least one tag in my notifications I’ve lost and this may or may not be it *nervous laughter*
last song:  “O To Be Like Thee” recorded by the Herbster Evangelistic Team (highly recommend their music on Spotify)
last movie: we watched about half of the final Horatio Hornblower movie Duty tonight--other than that I think it was Black Widow on the 10th
currently reading: Shadow by Kara Swanson 
currently watching: Leverage (rewatch) (and also technically Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell still, I have two more episodes on this Netflix disc that I keep not getting around to)
currently craving: sleep, and someone to cuddle with or hug for a very long time (platonically or romantically, I really don’t care which rn. there’s a friend from college whom I miss at times like these, she was great at this kind of thing)
tagging: let’s see, who didn’t I tag in the other game, ummmm @thebirdandhersong @thatfriendlyanon @wingsdingsandpurplethings and @weasleyholland if y’all want to! =) and anyone else of course <3
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dadlezal · 5 years ago
As I’m very new in this fandom, I’d like to add a very long comment about this Sherlolly ship. But, at the very beginning, I’d like to say I love your works, Mathilde. Your videos make people think and binds different moments of the show into one picture. They’re masterpieces.
Everyone keeps talking about the second “I love you”, but I think there are at least two moments from the last episode that are equally important.
1.      “If it’s true, just say it anyway”
Just look at his face when he says it. Of course, the entire sick situation is about Molly loving Sherlock, he figured it out himself (as the only one person in the room), but the moment Molly says “Because it’s true”, Sherlock’s face changes – it softens, as if it was THIS MOMENT when he truly realized what she meant, what it all REALLY meant. This was the moment Sherlock realized how difficult it is to say someone you love them, not knowing if they love you back, or worse, knowing they DON’T love you back. How difficult it is to talk about your feelings. No wonder she says: “You bastard” – she couldn’t have seen his face and voice can betray you. She also discovered he really did know about her feelings and maybe thought he tried to manipulate her once again, brutally using her weakness for him for another sick game. And maybe, just maybe, his voice softens and lowers because he wants to finally face the truth.
  2.      “What?”
As a person who likes watching a lot of cop shows (especially “The Mentalist”), I can assure you that this is the face someone makes when they’re forced to do something that will reveal the truth about them. Something they want to hide. Something that was hidden inside them and they have been repressing it for a long time. They subconsciously know it’s going to be painful and that is why it’s so hard for them to reveal it. Besides, this time it’s Molly Hooper who plays a game with Sherlock, not the other way around. She stands up to him once again. The same way she said he always says horrible things, the same way she slapped him in the face when he got into drug addiction, the same way she ignored his warning voice when she started talking about the way her father used to hide his sadness. I think that she used to give up to his charms and manipulations very easily but she gained a sort of immunity against it over the time. So, saying “What?”, Sherlock shows his astonishment that she was so tough when he thought she would be vulnerable. It also shows that he got even more scared. He had to not only save her life, but reveal his feelings.
  So, the first try comes out a bit insincere, dry. But once he says these words, just to save Molly’s life, he comes to a realization: maybe he doesn’t have to lie. Maybe it doesn’t have to be insincere. We don’t know what was in Benedict Cumberbatch’s head, we don’t know what he thought about their relationship. Of course, there are many people who use the writers’ words as arguments: the thing that is between them is only a friendship. Alright, but we are all allowed to interpret everything the way we want, including actors (the best example is Jim Parsons in “The Big Bang Theory” and the way he plays Sheldon as if he was autistic). Interpreting is not about discovering the author’s intention, but discovering the parts of our experience and ourselves in what we read/hear/see. And I think it’s pretty ugly what they said about Molly: that this “I love you” scene magically helped her move on, she went and banged some random guy and everything was alright. No wonder why Louise Brealey herself got mad at them. This kind of devotion is not easy to get over with. She loved him, truly loved, loved him the way Irene Adler wouldn’t understand. This is why John Watson says: “I want you to be examined by the first person who learned to see through your bullshit. The last person you would think about”. Of course this time Sherlock remembers about her because she was his leverage against Moriarty, but this proves that even Watson knew – Molly has seen a human in Sherlock before he was ready to admit it to himself. That’s why she was so persistent to show him she knows when he’s sad (the scene with “I don’t count” can be a material for another article). And it took me many hits of the replay button on this fanvid of Sherlolly before I realized what Sherlock meant when he asked her if she helped him if he would turn out be a completely different person – because the entire “fall from the roof” scam proved that Sherlock cares about people, and to explain the plot to her, he had to explain the reason for it – he wanted to save his friends, his family – the “emotional context”. And just so you know, I think that Cumberbatch kind of shows the “softness” Sherlock reveals around Molly. Just for a moment, when you rewatch the show, focus your eyesight on Sherlock from the very first scene with Molly. Camera shows he keeps looking at her even when she turns around. He gives her the “gazes”, longer than expected.
 Not to mention that Sherlock was soft to Molly before he started being soft to John. She’s the only person he said “sorry” to without being forced to do it, even though Molly said exactly the same everybody used to tell him. And, if I’m not mistaken, Sherlock’s “I love you” said to Molly is the first and the only time Sherlock does it on his own.
 And as to the “I don’t count” scene… Sherlock realized there that he wasn’t acting really nice towards her and that is why she assumed he didn’t take her seriously. His reaction was priceless and it was before he realized Moriarty’s plan. Just rewatch the scene and LOOK AT HIM. He was so vulnerable. She got to him. He was the nicest person ever because she made him realize how awfully he was treating her when she was the only person who truly knew him. And when she says: “Do want something? I know you don’t”. A before that, when he says: “What could I possibly need from you?”, he says it only because he’s confused. And it’s not easy to confuse Sherlock Holmes.
 And her bedroom was one of his bolt-holes.
 For me, they don’t have to be together. I think it would be fair for John and Sherlock to be “without girlfriends/wives” as per original stories. I wouldn’t mind if they knew about each other’s feelings without doing anything about them (except for acting awkward around each other and being occasionally sweet/softly-flirty). I’m guessing, as there are rumours about the fifth season being aired in 2022/2023, if the show continues, the writers will have enough decency to explain how the situation was resolved between Molly and Sherlock, and not the ugly way they did it on Twitter. Knowing Sherlock, he would not know what to do with his feelings, how to play it out. If I had to guess, if the writers go the “Sherlock and Molly getting a bit closer” road, they will probably kill her and she will mention their confession from “The Final Problem” within her last breath. Or, maybe, if they decide to finish the show after the fifth season, they’ll show us an open ending? Like, we will be forever wondering: did they or did they not end up together…?
 And I seriously wonder why the authors insist so much on Irene Adler being the only “love interest” of Sherlock. Like… yes, of course, there is a lot of sexual tension between the two of them but it is not romantic. Not even a little bit. Irene provided the proof that yes, Sherlock also has human desires, like sex for instance, but… I don’t see any attachment. I prefer Molly because she brings out the sensitive, vulnerable part of Sherlock, he knows he can be himself, THE TRUE SELF, with her, without having to defend himself with sarcasm and rudeness (he does it often in her presence at the beginning because he knows she is able to see through him but gives up eventually, even more after the roof fall). They remind me of The Hunger Games quote:
 What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses.
 And I think that’s what Molly is to Sherlock.
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neighbourskid · 4 years ago
What a year, huh? Surely not anything anyone has expected to happen when we woke up on this day a year ago. I certainly haven’t. I’m not even sure, now, where to begin to sum up this year like I’ve done years prior. But then again... I may just as well just dive right into all the media I consumed this year, as I have done every year. I haven’t kept track as detailed as I have last year, but my year was definitely punctuated by pieces of entertainment that have come into my life.
Continuing on from 2019, my obsession with Good Omens was still going strong. Which was ideal, since I was gonna spend the first half of the year writing my Bachelor thesis on it. The intensity of the obsession may have waned a bit since, but I still love that show and book dearly and hold it close to my heart, and I don’t think that will ever stop. But while Good Omens was certainly an overall theme throughout my year, there were some other things that actually stood out.
With January came new episodes of Doctor Who, and having returned to that particular bandwagon the year prior, I was all about that. Jodie’s second season finally brought what I had longed for in her first--a darker kind of Doctor. She wasn’t quite as bubbly anymore, you could finally see some of the depths in the character that I loved so in the previous regenerations, which made me love Peter’s Doctor so incredibly much. In this season, I felt, Jodie was finally becoming the Doctor. Overall, that season catered to me personally every single episode. So many of the time periods they visited were of people I loved, and the introduction of Sacha Dhawan as the Master was absolutely....well, masterful. Sacha is brilliant in that role and I am utterly stunned by his talent. Although both John Simm and Michelle Gomez brought things to the Master that I liked, it’s Sacha’s completely unhinged take on it that made me finally like the character. He’s a madman and I love it.
The next major thing was The Good Place. I tend to have a talent of getting into shows just as they either ended their entire show, or the final season is just coming up. It’s happened quite a bit, and it was the same with this. I finally binged the show early in January and it would end its final season at the end of the month. True to form, I was completely obsessed with it for about a month, before I only occasionally thought about it again. But, thinking back now, I get this incredibly fond feeling for this show, and I remember that the finale absolutely wrecked me and I basically ugly sobbed through the entirety of it. Also very true to form, actually. I want to rewatch it again some time, but honestly preferably with someone who has never seen it before. Which, obviously, is a difficult thing to do given, well, everything.
Next up is something that surprised me a lot. In the middle of having to write my BA thesis, my procrastination thought it would be a great idea to rewatch and catch up on the entirety of Criminal Minds. And so I binged 15 seasons of that instead of writing my thesis. Which, coincidentally, had also just aired its final season not long before I started my binge in March. Rewatching this, I realised just how little I took in of the actual, like, stuff in the show when I first watched it as a teen. Although I mostly cared about the characters and their found family this time around--although I do find the cases really fascinating most of the time too--I noticed just how much I am not watching this for the fact that they are in the FBI. I was hyperaware of how often they shot at people before doing anything else, how many of the suspects died before ever being questioned or being brought in, and it made my skin crawl. I am aware how fucked up the criminal justice system is, and especially in the US, how the police functions and how incredibly glorified they are in the media. But rewatching this show, I realised how little I actually paid attention to anything when I was younger. Big yikes. Still, I remembered my love for these characters, and I really enjoyed that rewatch a whole lot. Found family will always get to me.
Once I finished writing my thesis and handed it in early in July, I then found my next momentary obsession: Community. The show had finally come to Netflix earlier in the year and a friend of mine had watched it then. I remember watching that pilot episode back then and being completely uninterested in watching it. The comedy felt like it wasn’t quite up my street, the characters were entirely unlikeable, and I especially disliked Jeff who the show was more or less centred around. I binged Criminal Minds instead, but then decided to give it another try. And, well, I watched it twice through without taking a break to watch something else in-between. Ironically, and maybe actually unsurprisingly, Jeff ended up being my favourite and I found myself relating a lot to him and his arc throughout the series. I even found myself writing some short ficlet-like things in the notes app on my phone. I made an attempt at starting a third watch, but I guess then the month was up, and my brain decided it was time for something else. My hyperfixations usually tend to die out after about a month. Which is why my complete devotion to Good Omens was a pleasant surprise. I did, however, end up watching quite a bit of Joel McHale and Ken Jeong’s The Darkest Timeline podcast throughout August. 
Early in September, while already preparing for the new term at uni, and my first semester in my Master’s studies, I then turned to New Girl. Friends of mine had seen it and recommended it, and I remember watching probably the entire first season on TV while I was in San Diego the first time around back in 2016. Or at least I think it was the entire first season. Either way, I binged that whole thing, realised through Nick Miller that the go-to character I am drawn to and tend to project on in any piece of media is usually what I like to call “the garbage man,” which Nick is a prime example of. And although I spent a month watching the show in-between starting university again and volunteering at a film festival, I didn’t spend much time afterward thinking about it and moved on to other things rather quickly. I enjoyed watching it, that much I remember, and I’m pretty sure I cried at the finale because it was done wonderfully, but seeing as another month was up, my brain was probably like “okay fine that’s enough”.
I then spent most of fall and early winter watching every single bad Christmas movie available on Netflix, which was quite fun. In that moment of festivity, I also watched a movie I found absolutely brilliant and fell in love with immediately. It’s a beautiful movie called Jingle Jangle, it has a magnificent soundtrack and is absolutely incredible. I had no idea Forest Whitaker could sing and he completely blew me away. If you haven’t seen it already, I highly recommend it. It doesn’t matter that Christmas is already over, it’s beautiful either way.
By the time December finally rolled around, I was already over the whole Christmas thing, to be honest and I turned away from festive movies or shows, and eventually ended up finally picking up a gem I had heard much about and had been meaning to watch for a while. A show which, as it were, also aired its final season earlier this year. This little show is Schitt’s Creek. I will be going on about what this show means to me probably in another post at length, but for now just let me say: if you haven’t seen it, find some place to watch it, and put this beautiful show in your eyeballs. I am on my second run through already (although I’ve seen the second half of the show a second time already while watching it with a friend on their first run through), and it brings me so much fucking joy. It’s a gift, this show. And it will likely stay with me for a very, very long time.
That’s about it for the big things. I also watched a whole lot of other stuff, including entirely new things, or just newly released seasons of things I was already watching. Here’s what I can remember off the top of my head:
Charlie’s Angels (2020). The Night Manager. The Witcher. Dolittle (2020). The Librarians (rewatch). Harley Quinn (2020). Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). The Chef Show (S1 part 3, S2 part 1). Avenue 5. Money Heist (part 4). The Good Fight (S4). Brooklyn Nine-Nine (S7). DuckTales (2017 reboot). Frankenstein live. Staged (2020). Hamilton. Sense8. Julie and the Phantoms. The Boys in the Band. One Night in Miami. Enola Holmes. Supernova. His Dark Materials (S2). Happiest Season. The Great Canadian Baking Show.
I also got some reading done in-between what I had to read for my thesis in spring, and then for regular university courses in fall. Here’s some of what I can remember:
Anthony Horowitz, The House of Silk. Ramona Meisel, Sunblind. Donna Tartt, The Secret History. Good Omens novel and script book. Matt Forbeck, Leverage: The Con Job. Keith R.A. Decandido, Leverage: The Zoo Job. Greg Cox, Leverage: The Bestseller Job. Greg Cox, The Librarians and the Lost Lamp. Greg Cox, The Librarians and the Mother Goose Chase. Greg Cox, The Librarians and the Pot of Gold. Neil Gaiman, Marvel 1602. Christina Henry, The Lost Boy. Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology. John Green, An Abundance of Katherines. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh. Maria Konnikova, The Confidence Game. 
Having mulled over all this entertainment I consumed in 2020, there are also some non-tv or book things I need to point out. As many, many other people around the globe, I have also spent a large amount of time this year on my Nintendo Switch, playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It is a game I have waited for since the Switch was first announced, and I fell in love with it from the moment the first trailer dropped. It has brought me great joy in this weird fucking year, and I have more or less consistently played it since it came out in March. I ended this year with the in-game New Year’s Eve celebration and I feel like that summed up this year quite neatly and appropriately.
This year also brought with it another game very close to my heart: Super Mario Sunshine. With their release of Super Mario 3D All-Stars in September, Nintendo finally brought my all-time favourite Mario game to my all-time favourite console, and I played the entire game through in the first week of owning it, in-between university courses and volunteering at the film festival. Also contained in that package was Super Mario Galaxy which I have also played through in its entirety since. All that’s left for me now is Super Mario 64, which I am excited to play through in the coming year.
And to round off my year of entertainment, there are two more things I would like to mention. First, David Tennant Does A Podcast With..., which released its second season this summer. It is one of the only, if not the only podcast I keep up to date with and listen to immediately whenever a new episode drops. I’ve loved the first season dearly, and David came back with some incredibly fantastic guests for the second season as well. I can’t wait for what the podcast will bring in the future, but I will wait patiently until it is time. I can highly recommend it for everyone who likes interesting conversations between lovely people who clearly adore each other a whole lot.
And finally, while this year brought a whole lot of bullshit with it, it also gave me something I never thought possible and did not even dare to imagine in my wildest dreams. My all-time favourite show announced that it would be rebooted with the same main cast (minus one), a new wonderful member, and involvement of the original creators, and even started filming already in summer. Leverage is coming back. I still cannot believe it. I hoped for a movie, always. That maybe one day, they might bring the gang back together, for one last job, just one more encore. But to get a whole new tv-show with Aldis, Christian, Gina and Beth returning? With the addition of Noah Wyle? I can’t wrap my head around it. I am so excited for this. I predict that I will ugly sob through the entirety of the pilot episode, if not the first season, and will have to rewatch every episode because of it, but I have no doubt that it will be brilliant and wonderful.
True to form, I have now gone on about tv shows and movies for far too long, and haven’t really said anything about this year at all. 2020 was fucking weird. And I don’t think 2021 will be much different quite yet. I wrote an entire BA thesis in 2020. I successfully finished by Bachelor’s degree and started my Master’s studies and even got some excellent first grades in as well. I was lucky enough to be able to see some friends and family throughout the year, and even celebrate my birthday with a small circle of friends. I’ve become closer with friends, shared experiences I wouldn’t trade for the world, and, I think, maybe also grown a bit as a person.
I started this year excited to finally be able to start taking testosterone in February, and to finish the first part of my studies by summer. Although I did both of these things, they didn’t happen quite how I imagined them, but I am glad that I could do these things nevertheless.
2020 was a hell year, for sure. But there were some moments in there that I wouldn’t want to lose.
I’ve tried very hard to not be optimistic about this upcoming year, and rather take a more realistic, even pessimistic approach. But I can’t help but be hopeful. Hopeful that this year will be kind to us, and if it isn’t, that at least, we’ll be kind to ourselves and each other. It won’t be easy, and not much will change, I think. But we have to approach the coming time with kindness and compassion. That’s where I’m at currently. And I think that’s all for now.
Be well, friends, and take care.
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nerteragranadensis · 5 years ago
assorted thoughts on my first Leverage rewatch since I binged the whole series in 2016 (spoilers for everything through s3e4 The Scheherazade Job):
it’s really cool to see just how much character relationship stuff is set up in the early seasons, before it gets stated more explicitly in s4/s5.
Hardison/Parker is a perfect example- Hardison flirts with Parker in "The Nigerian Job”, and there’s explicit romantic tension btwn them in “The Wedding Job”. That’s episode seven in the broadcast order, but if you watch in the DVD/intended order, that’s episode three. it’s amazing to see how early that relationship is set up and how slow the burn is, especially considering it’s an interracial ship- and it’s great to have the writers follow through with it by the end of the show.
another example is Parker becoming the mastermind- there’s a handful of episodes in s2 where she’s clearly shadowing Nate and observing his plans (The Order 23 Job, The Top Hat Job, The Lost Heir Job, and The Runway Job come to mind), and in The Inside Job Nate and Hardison straight-up say that Parker’s plans for breaking into the steranko building were as solid as anything Nate ever came up with. In season 3.
y’all were right, Parker grifting in The Iceman Job is incredibly hot
every episode is good, I love all of them, but the two-parter of The Three Strikes Job/The Maltese Falcon back-to-back blew my fucking socks off this time around
it’s so good. it’s so good. there are so many small things that I love. Eliot having to play baseball and actually getting really into it. (”They named a sandwich after me!”) The mob stuff, which is especially funny when every other episode of s2 involves some kind of mob activity (you’ve got the Armenian mob, the Russian mob, the Irish mob, the Chinese triads... seriously). Sophie coming back at the end, a twist that I completely forgot about, which made it that much better--seriously, I probably made the same face Nate did when she showed up.
Nate and Hardison pretending to be mob guys to interrogate the mayor... ngl, I thought it was a little bit hot
I love any kind of grift/subterfuge where the characters pretend to be People They Definitely Aren’t, so it was fun on that level too
and the ending of The Maltese Falcon Job... wow. I remember being impressed even the first time I saw it, because it’s an ending that ties seasons 1 & 2 together into one big arc not only for Nate but for the team. It’s incredibly dramatic (the double cross! the self sacrifice! the kiss! Nate gets shot!) but it’s not a cliffhanger, it gives us a real ending for these characters... they truly could’ve ended the show after season 2 and it would’ve been a complete, compelling story. Obviously I’m glad they didn’t! but just the fact that they could have... the writing on this show, I swear
If I didn’t already know that Sophie’s arc in s2 was written that way to shoot around Gina Bellman’s pregnancy, I would’ve never figured it out. Sophie’s arc in s2 is so good! It actually makes sense why she would want time off to explore and maybe find herself! and the rest of the team ends up growing from it, too! so many fun episodes of s2 hinge on Sophie, even if she’s not physically there. And again, the fact that she’s gone for most of the second half of s2 makes her return in the finale that much better.
Sophie cons her own team at the end of season one and Nate cons his own team at the end of season two. it’s parallelism
Moving on to season 3- The Reunion Job is so extra. I’m not even sure if it’s a good episode, but it sure as hell is fun
The last episode I saw was The Scheherazade Job, which I remember disliking the first time I saw it. I thought the hypnosis twist was dumb, came out of nowhere, and took agency away from Hardison. On review... I think I’ve softened to it. The episode points out that the hypnosis was kind of an asshole move; Nate outright tells Hardison that being the mastermind sometimes means manipulating your own team (and that’s something Hardison won’t do, because he’s a sweetheart <3). And the episode also notes that Hardison always had the skill to play that violin solo, just not the confidence. I still think the hypnosis thing is a little out there, but what holds the episode together for me is that final heist sequence. Organizing a heist set to a musical performance? Amazing. Brilliant. Showstopping. The opera scene from mission impossible: rogue nation wants what this episode has
and then Hardison gets up to play his solo and he plays it and it’s so beautiful that literally everyone stops to listen. Everyone is moved, including me. Parker starts crying. the team almost blows the entire con, just to hear Hardison play, and it’s worth it. It’s just... a breathtaking scene.
I... really like Nate. I love the whole team, obviously, and if you asked me to pick a favorite character I’d have a really hard time, but I do like Nate. I think he’s interesting and even relatable (in a few specific ways. Nate is also an asshole and I do not want to be like him). This is kind of unfortunate in light of the recent allegations against Timothy Hutton (tw for sexual assault if you follow that link). I’m still working through my feelings w/r/t Leverage since this news broke. obviously it hasn’t stopped me from rewatching the show, but... I don’t know. I still struggle w/ how to engage with media that I love when one or more of the people who created that media (and those characters) was a sexual predator. At the very least, I am glad that Hutton won’t be returning for the Leverage reboot.
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prettyboyspenceee · 5 years ago
Request: “Hey! I was wondering if you could write an angsty Reid x reader where they are dating and both are in the BAU. Reader and him are evacuating people from a building with the bomb in it and the second Spencer gets to a safe place from the building, it blows up with the reader supposedly in it. basically very angsty but with a happy end where she survives and they reunite after the explosion 🙏🏻❤️” - @barbarachern​
A/N: YESS. I am loving this concept so I am so excited to write it. I hope you like my interpretation! If this flops, Mr. Scratch wrote it. I also want to thank you guys on all the love for Like Teenagers! Thank you! I used the season 7 finale as inspiration for this. I was rewatching that episode yesterday and I couldn’t resist using it. I also tweaked it a bit, I hope you still like it!
Description: The Reader and Spencer both work at the BAU and it’s always a stressful time when the entire team is out in the field. When the bomb squad doesn’t account for one last bomb, things go terribly wrong. 
Character Appearances: Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Jennifer “JJ” Jareau, Emily Prentiss
OC’s: Captain Seymour, The Joseph Brothers 
Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds, if I did, Reid would be HAPPY. 
Remember, writing is never perfect!
Warnings: angst (ish)
Female Reader! x Spencer Reid
(Y/N) - Your Name 
(Y/L/N) - Your Last Name
Word Count: 1,381
Posted: September 30th, 2019
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As soon as you and Spencer got to work you were already out the door again with the rest of the team. The bullpen was filled with Homeland Security, field agents, Metro PD, and just about any law enforcement personnel you could think of. 
“Reid, (Y/L/N), head to the SUVs, we have hostages and multiple bombs at the GreenValley Family Center.” Hotch quickly debriefed you on what was going on as you and the rest of the team rushed downstairs. 
“How did the Unsubs past security?” JJ asked
“They posed as maintenance workers, it gave them easy access inside,” Hotch replied 
You and Spencer shared a look. You both knew something about the day was off, but you couldn’t figure out why. 
When the team got to the museum you began to figure out your strategy with the bomb squad.
“Captain Seymour, I’m Agent (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and this is my partner Dr. Spencer Reid, what can you tell us about what is going on inside?” 
“Not much. 911 calls reported that there was a shot that rang out through the museum, after that, no one could reach them.” He replied with a grim look. You nodded in response and walked back to your team. 
You and Spencer told the team what you learned, “We need to open a line of communication. (Y/L/N), you’re going to take the lead on this while the rest of the team comes up with a plan. Rossi will be here to guide you,” Hotch directed the attention of the team to you. 
You took a deep breath and wrung your hands together. You could see the worry in Spencer’s eyes as you nodded, “Okay. Tell Garcia to forward everything you guys find.” 
As Spencer and the rest of the team left to their respective positions he couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. To say the least, he was worried for you. You were his light in the darkness, he thought he would never find someone like that after Maeve. When Spencer found you, he knew that you were his soulmate. 
He knew was that something was different about this case, he just couldn’t figure out what.
The phone rang twice before someone picked it up on the other end, “Hello? Who is this?” a gruff voice answered the phone. 
“Hello. My name is Agent (Y/N) (Y/L/N), but you can call me (Y/N). Whom am I speaking with?” 
“Carl Edgar Joseph. You’re speaking with Carl Edgar Joseph.” You looked up at Rossi quickly, he sent the name to Garcia. You were confused, he had given up his identity too quickly. 
“Alright, Carl. I’m here to help you, I can get you out of this. I just need you to let the hostages go. Send the women and children out first.” 
He scoffed, “Why should I do that?” 
You paused for a minute, “(Y/L/N), his younger brother, Raegan, was shot. Someone inside shot him. Use that as leverage.” You nodded as Rossi fed you the information. 
“Carl, I know Raegan is hurt. I can get him the help he needs but only if you give me what I need.” 
You heard him breathing over the phone and then a deep sigh, “There are 4 bombs. One for each door except for the front. I’ll let them all out,” You heard him take another deep breath, “Help Raegan.” 
You saw Hotch signal to SWAT, the Bomb Squad and your own team to move in. All of the hostages were accounted for as well as the Unsubs. All the bombs Joseph told you about were accounted for and disabled. As the rest of the team evacuated the last of the hostages you did a final sweep of the building. You noticed that as you got further in the building your coms began to turn to static. You weren’t worried though, something about the static calmed you. You took your earpiece out and looked to your left and you paused, you were alone with a ticking clock attached to explosives and no way to contact your team.
As Derek brought out Carl Joseph, Spencer noticed something was off about him. Joseph locked eyes with Spencer, he smirked, “One more!” he said, his eyes gleamed with malice and ice. 
Derek watched as Spencer approached Carl, “One more what?” 
He grinned, “One more bomb,” and suddenly everything made sense to Spencer. Carl was a classic narcissist. He shot his brother and played (Y/N). He needed the attention, he needed the recognition, he had been planning this for weeks, maybe months, “Everyone will know my name. You’ll never forget it, Carl Edgar Joseph, the man who killed the Princess of the BAU.” 
Penelope, JJ, Emily, Derek, Rossi, and Hotch all stopped in their tracks. Only they called (Y/N), Princess, it was an inside joke regarding her Halloween costume from one year. It was clear that Carl was watching them. He carefully executed his plan to make sure that is was (Y/N) to open a line of communication, he made sure that she was going to be the last one out. He knew that killing a federal agent that held the team together would get the most recognition. (Y/N) was his endgame. 
Derek pushed Carl into the arms of a Metro PD officer and the rest of the team quickly turned to the family center. A large boom echoed across the streets of Washington D.C. JJ, Emily, Derek, and Hotch rushed to Spencer pulling him back from the explosion. 
“LET ME GO” Spencer yelled. The rest of the team struggled to pull the young doctor back from the flames as they watched the burning building helplessly.
You knew you didn’t have a lot of time. 30 seconds was on the clock and there was no way you could run back to the front of the building. You couldn’t die, not like this. You hadn't told the team you loved them today, you hadn't said "I love you" to Spencer yet. There were still things for you to do. 
You racked your brain for a solution, but then you remembered the blueprints. 300 feet to your right was an exit that led to the back of the safe zone where the team was. You had a chance. You sprinted to the exit and as soon as you stepped out the door, you were thrown by the blast. 
As soon as the flames died down Spencer broke through the hold of his colleagues, "Spencer! You can't just go running in there, we don't have eyes in there!" JJ yelled.
"Like hell, I can't. JJ, what if it was Will? I love (Y/N), I can't lose her, " He saw Emily begin to open her mouth, "Spare me the lecture, Emily. I'm going in." He turned away from his team making his way to the building. 
“Spence! Stop!” You called out. You were clutching your ribs and you felt some blood trickling down your face, but you were alive. You saw Spencer swivel around and sprint to you.
The rest of the team watched as Spencer pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, “Oh my god, you’re okay. You’re alive,” He whispered in your ear. 
“Spence, you’re hurting me.” Your words were muffled by his Kevlar vest but he let you go. 
He looked at you with tear-filled eyes, “You’re alive. You almost died,” he repeated. 
“Of course I’m alive, Spence. The keyword there was almost, I wasn’t going to die without telling you I loved you.” 
He grinned, “I love you too, (Y/N).” He pressed a hard kiss against your lips, never wanting to let you go. 
The team watched as the couple reunited. They were broken apart by a loud whistle, “Alright lovebirds. Let’s get this Princess to the hospital.” Derek said with a smirk. 
The team let out a collective laugh, all relieved that you were safe and sound. The ambulance made an exception and allowed the team to ride in the back with you, they couldn’t help but smile at the faint whispers of ‘I love you’s” and forehead kisses.
You and Spencer were soulmates. There was no doubt about it.
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noeditspace · 4 years ago
Catch Up Meme
Rules: tag as many people as you want to catch up with or get to know better!
I was tagged by @the-laridian (thank you :) )
Three ships (my main one right now is Rhea and Felix but my overall faves)
Gimli and Legolas
Finn, Poe, and Rey (whether it was platonic or romantic, these 3 actors had amazing chemistry and we were ROBBED of them being together)
Shepard and Garrus Vakarian (damn I love his voice)
Last songs listened to (not including all the Christmas music lol)
Lost by the Goo Goo Dolls
I Don’t Know Why by NOTD, Astrid S
Monsters by All Time Low, blackbear
Currently watching
Honestly I haven’t been able to invest in a show this year. I’ve mainly been watching youtube channels (Red Letter Media and The Rad Brad to name a few). But the last show I did watch was Schitt’s Creek and I plan to rewatch Leverage and Z Nation (for fic purposes ;P
Edited: I've been watching the Mandalorian! Can't believe I forgot this
Currently reading
I’m sorry to say I’ve had a hard time focusing on reading as well (mainly focusing on writing fanfics and playing video games). But what is on my current read list is Dune, Void Stalker, and Chilling Effect (it has psychic cats!)
How’s it going
Thankfully things have been going well for me. I still have my job and through that job I get to help others. I work better under pressure (I do not recommend this for anyone) and I feel that has helped me grow in my profession as well as in my personal life. I’m still stressed out of my mind but I’ve learned a lot about self-care and setting good boundaries with myself.
I finally did something I told myself I could never do, I WROTE FANFIC! I’ve always enjoyed imagining other stories and tales that had grand adventures, mysteries, romance, but never seemed to have the confidence to do that. 
I’ve still been able to keep in touch with friends to play Starfinder, DnD, and Pathfinder which I think has helped a lot in not going stir crazy (even an introvert like me still needs to go out sometimes).
I’ve also joined a lot of different communities (like TOW tumblr lol) and that has helped keep the burnout and craziness at bay as well. I want all this to be over but it’s nice knowing there are so many supportive people out there in person and online.
I think most others have been tagged. (For those I did tag, please don’t feel obligated to do so!) If you haven’t been I’m sorry! but do feel free to go along if you wish. It’s so fun to read these! You all are pretty cool :)
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disaster-dan · 5 years ago
For Your Sake
Happy gift to @sticklerforstarker, I hope you enjoy this Rhi!! I barely posted this do not worry it is here!! This was for the @starkersecretsanta and wow this was a joy to be part of <3 Await a moodboard because I say so <3
Warnings: violence, implied non-con, age difference, underage Peter
Words: 3k
Things were just better- by a cinch. Peter no longer struggled as much. He fussed, whined, but it all leads to one thing: his submission.
Peter stopped struggling not because he had finally fallen or grown to willingly submit to the man. God, never. Peter stopped struggling when he accepted the fact that his fights and protests  were useless. Fighting always ended up with bruises, too hard bites, hands tied, face pushed into the mattress as Tony roughly fucked his ass and the stinging pain lasted days. So he gave up struggling. That way Tony was sweeter on him, took his time (or didn’t) when preparing him, actually using lube, touching him and forcing him to at least go through an orgasm.
Peter know what to do when he found himself on the man’s bed. Undress, lay back and spread his legs and jerk himself in the process. Or when Tony wanted him on fours- on his knees, ass in the air, face and shoulders on the mattress and beautifully arched. Tony liked that better.
Peter was past the phase of trying to escape. It was no use just like struggling was. It led him nowhere. It led him somewhere worse. Peter was already surrounded by enough dangers in the claws of Tony Stark. Getting a gun shot right next to his temple as a lesson from his last attempt to escape, Peter swore to never be the cause of his own death.
“P-papi?” One of the few (not few) rules Peter had to comply when he was with Tony, calling him those names. ‘Daddy’ was one of them, ‘Tony’ if the billionaire was in a good mood. ‘Papi’ was common.
“Yes, baby?” Tony responded, a voice so soothing. A voice that belonged to a man with a corrupted heart and mind. A man that had no soul. A damn monster.
Peter breathed in deeply and closed his eyes. He was held by Tony in a spooning position, Peter’s slimmer frame was well held over by the older man. He prayed he didn’t upset Tony. Because upsetting Tony was bad. And Peter didn’t want to be bad when he knew what that entailed.
“Baby, what do you want to say?” Tony asked, demanding his words.
Peter didn’t shift to look at him. He stared ahead, eyes on the edge of the bed.
“Are you going to do it?”
“What, baby?”
“I don’t like playing these games, Peter.” Tony suddenly tightened his hold around Peter’s waist, making the boy gasp. “What?”
“Ar-are you going to k-kill me?” Peter whispered, trying to remember how to breathe and feeling his heart on his throat.
Tony stopped breathing for a moment. His mind went blank at the question and froze.
Are you going to kill me?
The words buzzed inside Tony’s head like a mantra, chanting and echoing. He had almost forgotten. The promise he had made Peter, before he made Peter his he had already put a death brand on him. It was a threat, a threat that Tony’s lips spilled as a promise. A swearing. An oath.
You’re nobody’s but mine. And if you think you can go cry out for help, just know that you’re already dead.
‘After I’m done with you, I’m going to dump your whore body in a river. Just like I did with your uncle.’
Peter nervously awaited a response and he didn’t feel the goosebumps roam along his skin. His brows knitted deeply worried, because Tony might kill him right there and then like he said but the thought of it just shook the sanity Peter was just barely grasping. Maybe Tony was waiting for Peter to lose it? It’s been a few well months since Peter had been slept without a nightmare chasing him, and every time they just got worse. And he had fallen to accept his fate, sane people kept fighting. Right?
When was the last time he saw his school grades?
Tony doesn’t have to say anything before he feels Peter tremble under his arm and comes to realize the boy is crying. Tony can tell he’s trying to keep himself quiet and it hurts him to hear the sobs that choke end at his throat. The way they lay, Peter is pressed against Tony’s chest, facing away. Tony could just barely see his eyes red and the heavy sad tears flowing down from his eyes. Too pretty eyes. Eyes they shouldn’t be crying. Eyes Tony has made cry many times before. It feels different this time, seeing those tears. And it isn’t a good different.
Peter’s pale shoulders linger with hickies and bite marks, his arms bruised by the man’s strong hand grips. And Tony likes looking at what he leaves behind.
Tony doesn’t say anything as he raised a hand and runs his fingers along the marked skin, making Peter further coil into himself, trying to suppress his wrenched cries. They’re swallowed sobs and sniffing now, but it still hurts.
Peter ultimately falls asleep, his face is red, the pillow under his head has a small damp spot from his tears and Tony loves watching him breathe soundly. He hates himself knowing he got to that point in the first place. Tony wasn’t supposed to care or feel anything for his boy. That was not at all what he intended. Peter wasn’t supposed to somebody, he was supposed to be a bait, a hostage, a toy. And not even Happy, Tony’s best worker, was able to warn him about a potential catch.
Tony Stark didn’t feel anything, feelings in his type of field was only a threat. Men in the field had their own things to watch after, Tony specially bore down on no families, no lovers, no special people, having someone with that type of importance could be used against the person, leverage. Tony had not intended to suddenly care for the boy he only used to fuck down on and occasionally show him off.
He sat Peter on his lap during meetings, often he cooed him at the other man, booming on the skills of his perfect body and mouth. Peter just sat quietly, patient, tried not to flinch when Tony suddenly gripped his jaw or gripped his groin to play with. He behaved. Tony enjoyed.
Tony didn’t do anything with Peter’s sleeping form but admire for a few moments longer, pale smooth skin, marked, beautiful, delicate. Tony was well aware of his youth, that only drew him closer. Happy snapped at him about not the fact of Peter being a hostage (he could care less), but on the fact that Peter was a fucking minor. The search for him would be berserk for months. Tony didn’t give a flying shit, Peter was his, he owned Peter, no witty-ill cop would be able to even go near them. Tony Stark was who Tony Stark was, everyone knew that.
It was well past ten, Tony had to run a few check ups that day, it would be packed. Usually he left Peter in his room. Even alone Peter couldn’t escape, he proved it himself. But a few hours alone in that room he would not mind, just as long as he didn’t have to bear with Stark’s claws on him for a while. Just a while. Food was brought to him, he had the TV with every streaming service he could think of, a nice bathroom within the room, a window that no way in hell opened. He didn’t mind being inside that room. He minded it once Stark stepped inside.
Tony didn’t wake Peter. He carefully pulled himself from the expensive covers and bed and went ahead to get dressed. Expensive suit, expensive ties and shoes, entirely finished with his shades, Jarvis offering him a British robotic Good Morning, Sir.
Tony through the day couldn’t buzz off Peter’s question. Would he kill him? When would he kill him? How would he kill him? Would he even kill him?
“These two were seen contacting outside dealers from our circle, Sir.”
“Send the Red Squad to see what that was about. Contact Barnes, make their bodies disappear.”
Tony had a way or two of going about things.
“Romanoff’s report is here.”
“Pictures of dismembered bodies, she’s left in a hard drive and-” the man slightly flinched back and Happy rolled his eyes. “She left you the ring finger, Sir. With the ring.”
“Send the woman a gift, I don’t care what.”
It was hours of that, in different locations. His phone vibrates with his butler sending him updates on Peter, Tony too had a recording cam in there. He liked rewatching certain nights. The angle was spectacular.
But his butler called and Tony sighed.
“We talked about Peter acting up.” He snarled to the air, his glasses technically were a phone.
“Yes, Mr. Stark. I’m aware. But that is not the issue. He is not acting up.”
“What is this call for?”
“He is not eating, Sir.”
“Why isn’t he?”
“Not sure, Sir. He has not been doing much.”
Tony waved away a worker and his eyebrows bore down. “Has he picked up the phone?”
“Had not even looked at it.”
Tony hung up and again a heavy feeling settled on his chest. Fuck not again. Tony breathed in deeply and sat back on his seat. This kid was waiting to get killed, or kill himself. And Tony didn’t like that it bothered him.
Before Happy could draw him from his thoughts, Tony snapped his fingers and everyone drew their attention.
“Okay. Put this on hold. Everyone else do what does not need my assistance and the roles I gave.”
“Take me home, Happy I have to do something.”
Tony might be regretting what he was going to do. But it might just be the trick. He was not surprised when he found Peter curled into himself, seemingly showered and changed, eyes on the door nervously. He probably didn’t expect tony him to arrive that early. It was still two in the afternoon. Tony usually got home by nine, earliest.
Tony settled on the doorway, composed patiently and threatening as ever it made Peter rigid and mouth drain. He hated the past few months. He had seen hell. He had seen it all. And that face had burned into his mind.
“Get ready.”
“Is there a meeting?” Peter asked, as tony expected him to dress in certain attire for those meetings. He hated it.
“Just pull on a jacket, come on.” He walked over and Peter by then learned how to not react and Tony kissed him. He was pliant and didn’t pull away until Tony had done so first. “We got things to do, Happy’s waiting.”
In the car, Peter forced his muscles to relax when Tony pulled him close next to him, a strong arm around him and weapon hidden under the treasure of clothes. Tony didn’t seem upset, he wasn’t unbuckling his pants for Peter to please him while they arrived to their destination. It was the worst thing, specially when Tony was on the phone as if Peter wasn’t there or when Tony had those very important guests. He still remembers the satisfaction both men, Tony and Steve Rogers, shared as they watched Peter nearly choke on the thick member and chin dripping with spit and release. Tony’s glasses were also recording to make it worse.
Tony chattered, Peter had to fill in conversation and not upset him. Because that was bad.
“So that is taken care of. What do you think Romanoff would like?”
“I don’t know. Maybe like a nice necklace?”
“Probably something that's been in an exhibit would be nice. That woman is the definition of mystery.” To which Peter quietly nodded in agreement. His eyes downcast. Maybe that was the day Tony pressed a gun to his head. “Steve and Bucky are invited to dinner next week and you’ll meet their own boy, did I mention they have their own now?”
Great. Another missing person.
“I didn’t know.”
Minutes later, Happy is pulling up to a sign Peter had not seen for what felt like years. It was a fucking McDonald’s.
Peter looked back and forth from McDonald’s, Happy and Tony, all the way around. Happy was no help and Tony wasn’t giving him any clue. Was Tony really going to shoot up a McDonald’s? Business? There?
“We’re here.” He said. And the face that beamed on Peter’s sorrow face Tony wishes he could see it all the time. Actual color came to his face and genuine expression made his brown bright eyes go wide. God, he looked like when Tony was younger and excited over his father’s tricks. Peter just looked like a literal child excited over fucking McDonald’s. Peter hardly felt his legs as Tony and him walked to the doors. And the warm air that hit his face and the scent of grease and nuggets and fries was what Peter felt was heaven in hell.
There were people around Peter, kids, women, men, teens, all of which Peter could run to for help and watch as Tony’s men wipe them all out of their lives. He instinctively closed into Tony’s side. In line his eyes scanned the top menu like it was treasure and his mouth just couldn’t stay closed. Tony’s mouth quirked a small smirk at Peter and then he came up to the counter.
“Cheeseburger meal. Pull the onions.” He said very straight forward. His stature didn’t fail to make someone’s hands tremble. The young lady at the counter nodded without a word and clicked into the screen with shaky fingers. Peter didn’t even notice his turn until Tony’s gentle hand nudged him . The room spun.
“I uh...twenty piece meal.” he said quickly. “And...and a…” Peter looked at Tony astonished and filled with wonder. “Daddy?” he whispered quietly enough for only Tony’s ears. Was Tony really letting him?
“Go on. I don’t order your meals.”
Peter quickly nodded and lowered his eyes from the girl. “A big mac.”
Suddenly Peter didn’t feel trapped in that moment. And Tony noticed by the small shine in his eyes as they sat down and waited for their order. It was a long time since Tony had seen that look. It lessened the weight in his chest.
Tony actually got him McDonald’s. And Peter was outside. What happened? Whatever it was, Peter was extremely glad for that. Maybe Tony killed someone important and was in a good mood. Right? Peter thanked whoever or whatever it was which was a horrible thing to be grateful for. Peter munched down on his meal with delight, responding to Tony’s chat with the utmost respect he could offer that day.
“How are the fries?”
“Amazing.” Muttered with food Peter, nearly making Tony roll his eyes because his chefs cooked things a thousand times more delicious than fries. Tony grinned with pleasure regardless. But Peter slowly raised his eyes and spoke shyly. “Did you like your cheeseburger, D-daddy?”
“Cheeseburger a cheeseburger. I enjoyed it, baby. Thank you for asking.”
A moment later, Peter had finished the last nugget, sharing thoughtfully with his captor and both downed their drinks. It was time well spent and Peter couldn't help but be grateful for once. He forgot the question that nailed the sane nerve in his mind. A moment later, Tony was directing them into the car and Peter sighed sadly when he slipped back into his seat. It was a good hour while it lasted. Now home to please Tony in ways he didn’t want to please him. Damn.
“Happy I’ve got another location.” Tony’s voice boomed, and Peter settled himself back under Tony’s arm. He looked with longing at the restaurant, again an invisible rope around his neck and fuck he really did not want to cry.
“Where to, Boss?”
“Central Park.” To which Peter and Happy both looked at him with shock. Happy through the rearview mirror and Peter turning to face him. Tony shrugged at both of them. “Drive.”
“I didn’t stutter, Happy.”
“You’ve got an entire hostage in the car.”
“And I’m a billionaire mafia king. Drive.”
Fifteen minutes and the beautiful social park came into the car’s windows and Peter wanted to scream in delight. He wanted to cry. To laugh. The park.
“Happy you got my back.”
“Always.” Tony opened the door and slid himself out. Peter stayed in place, staring at the view beyond the car. Wow.  “We don’t have all day. Get out.”
“Yes, Papi.” Peter hurried and without ease slid himself out and right close to Tony, as taught. Tony slipped his shades on and waved at Happy. And then they walked. And oh god Peter was stepping on grass. Grass. And the sun was hitting his face and it wasn’t the warmest season yet there was still leaves falling but what the hell the free wind blew his curls and made him inhale deeply. There were people with dogs, their kids, lovers, there were squirrels damn it. Squirrels.
“Oh my god.” Peter breathed and Tony looked at him, muscles pulling a slight smile on his handsome face.
“Wanna go play in the leaves, bambino?”
Peter looked at him, nearly tripping over his own feet.
“Can I?”
Tony kissed him again and Peter pressed himself close.
Anything you want. “Of course.”
They walked a bit longer until they found a place far enough from the public eye and with leaves of different shades everywhere. Tony was a grown man, he didn’t have time or energy to roll around in the damn leaves. He sat by a bench, the silent gun pressing into his thigh and Peter followed as well, uneasy and excited.
“Go play.” Tony said, sitting back carelessly. “We’ll be here a while and chef’s got a disciple meal going we need the appetite for.”
Peter nodded and to Tony’s nod, he made his way to the grass and laughed to himself.
He picked the leaves with his hands and let them fall. He picked them up again and he admires the lines and creases and their colors before throwing them in the air. He felt - nice. Tony watched calmly, watched the blush in Peter’s face heat up and the unconscious grin on his face. His hair managed to catch a leaf or two, his eyes nearly glowed. If Tony didn’t know any better, Peter looked ...happy.
He smiled and giggled to himself as he continued to pick up the leaves and fly them about.
Tony didn’t like feeling. He shouldn’t be feeling in the first place. Now here was, heart picked by thorns and about to explode. This feeling he wished he could stop, even if it meant for a wide metal rod protecting the entirety of his heart. Fuck. For Peter. He had entirely forgotten he was going to kill him and the deed sounded despicable and impossible now. He couldn’t just kill Peter. He wouldn’t either. If he had meant it, Peter’s body would be somewhere and gone for good. But Peter was not gone, Peter was alive and well and every night on his bed and served to his every need.
He almost regret having even captured Peter in the first place. Peter free was all shy bright smiles and blushed cheeks.
Peter’s audible laugh ripped Tony from his crisis and the man smiled warmly.
Peter. Peter was alive and well. Nobody else had to know that.
Peter was his, and that was all that mattered. 
@sticklerforstarker <3
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obscure-sentimentalist · 5 years ago
Let’s call this “A (not quite) year of fandom cake-making, or: obscure-sentimentalist needed an excuse to use her oven and oops well now this is a routine.”
Basically started out as this perfect storm of a) realizing that I never really use the (really old, makes me a little uneasy) oven in my apartment; b) thinking, “Hey, it’s been a long time since I made a cake”; and c) nostalgia for old fandoms/love for new ones. So I picked up some box mix and frosting and a nice cake container last April, and things just spiraled out from there.
The Leverage cake is the thirteenth cake I’ve made in just over a year, officially marking Year Two of this project. While not all of them were fandom-related (or turned out very well...), I’m tossing a few of the cool ones under the cut. 
April 2019: Batman; yellow cake (? can’t remember) w/ vanilla frosting
The one that started it all. I blame it on going to see the English dub of Howl’s Moving Castle in theaters, hearing Christian Bale’s voice, suddenly being thrown back into my old love of Batman Begins, and now here we are.
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May 2019: Robin; chocolate cake w/ vanilla frosting
To paraphrase Tim Drake, Batman [cake] needs a Robin [cake]. This is still one of my absolute favorites.
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July 2019: Hawkeye; yellow cake w/ chocolate frosting
I made this the same weekend as SDCC was happening, but the design had been planned prior to that. 
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September 2019: Arrow; white cake (dyed green) w/ chocolate frosting
Did I not even watch three full seasons of this series? Yes. But considering the fact that I still linger with my attachment to ye olde days (and had started a s1 rewatch at that time), I felt like I needed to give a nod. 
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October 2019: W.i.t.c.h.; white cake (dyed half blue/half green) w/ purple vanilla frosting
It was Halloween, and I have loved this series for many many years.
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February 2020: Chuck; red velvet cake w/ vanilla frosting
I was supposed to align this one with the eighth (?!) anniversary of the series finale, but couldn’t get to it in time. Still, at least I did it eventually.
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March 2020: Psych; yellow cake w/ vanilla frosting
I am honestly quite stunned that I, notorious pineapple item collector, hadn’t done this one sooner. But it was worth the *Shawn Spencer voice* wait for iiiiiiiiiiiit.
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Made a few other ones that were shared with other people (instead of solely for my own enjoyment in creating them, like these were), but as those don’t quite fit with this theme, we’re leaving them off. And I was gifted an honest shitload of cake mix and decoration supplies recently, so I anticipate Year Two will bring along many more fun designs.
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frenchtoastpanda · 5 years ago
The Leverage finale
Gonna rant in public because @rainaramsay expressed interest. I have no theme this is just my thoughts as I rewatch this episode. Idk why I’m doing this. (Also I don’t know how to format, so sorry about that)
Oh right I forgot that this is a fucking sad episode why am I doing this to myself
Ooh the return of the Steranko! I am very glad they brought that back
I just love when they bring things back in general, like in the white rabbit job all of the companies looking to buy dogson are previous marks and how they have like three brand names for safes that they reuse a lot. It just makes it feel like a real world that people live in.
The theater! Perfect for Sophie! And the mentioned the tunnels, which I believe we encountered in the gold job
Sophie says “I have just the thing” and my immediate response is always “the play’s the thing” even though I know it’s from a different play than the one they are doing
And can we talk about how they are doing the same play as the pilot? Actually I will probably yell about that closer to the end
Parker being all emotionally cognizant and Nate just reciting physics formulas in response
God I love this bit (and I love that they are still including references to Nate’s alcoholism)
Just, Parker, the new mastermind, who doesn’t “let feelings get in the way” (like Hardison - this is the reason he can’t be the mastermind, much to his chagrin. He’s too much of a cinnamon roll)
Nate says she spins problems like puzzle pieces until they click, but I think it’s more like juggling all the fiddly bits inside a lock until it clicks open
Zachary is the lead! Love him!
Sophie saying she doesn’t miss acting at all 😏
She is a good director, though
"I'm exactly where I belong" I'm gonna die I am so happy for all of them
Oh no here we go
Cut right to Nate covered in cuts being interrogated about the mistakes he made
"Mr. Ford, how did your friends die?" CUT TO COMMERCIAL
This must have killed me the first time around
I do love this investigator though. I think I remember from the commentary that it wasn't originally supposed to be her, but it worked out really well
Nate looking around like he's confused (and trapped) while not being able to put together a full sentence (I'm not sure if I ever developed a solid headcannon for how much of this scene was him faking and how much was actual injuries from the actual crash) (I'm open to ideas!)
Ellen giving a vicious predatory little smile when she says that she's here to help him
I wish I could do gifs or screencaps or something. This is one of my absolute favorite callbacks! Parker in that little black bonnet thing jumping off a building having the time of her life and the boys do their "twenty pounds of crazy in a five pound bag" thing (whuch my autocorrect recognized as a phrase for some reason? Do I really yell about that but enough for it to suggest those words in that order? Fantastic)
But this time their faces and voices are full of affection. She may be an insane thief/mastermind, but she's OUR insane thief/mastermind
And coming after the white rabbit job where we had that line about how she's not and never has been crazy, the fact that you can tell they are saying this as a callback without meaning the crazy part is just perfect
It makes me wonder how many other times they have repeated this, because you can't convince me they haven't
Aah Sophie's horrible rendition of Lady Macbeth! Same speech, different ways of doing it just as badly (props to Gina Bellman)
Is this the same outfit? Hold on I need to check.
Y'know, I didn't think they changed that much physically over the years, given that they are adults, but going back to the pilot, I keep going awww look how tiny they were! (Especially Aldis. Like I know they had problems because he was getting too hot and ripped, but Damn)
Anyway, the dress is very very similar, same color and pattern, but it very slightly different. I will maybe post my very very horrible pictures after I finish this
Parker is so good at computers now that she has this adorably bored face when hacking! I love that they taught each other their stuff!
Using chaos as a distraction and co-opting the expected response as a cover! One of my favorite tricks!
Parker changing in the elevator! And the boys turning to give her privacy! And this isn't even the first time they did a callback to this! I love my respectful boys! Remember when Hardison turned the David around? So pure!
Ah, we are setting up for competency porn and then it all goes bad! Aah!
I love Eliot's little "wassup?" Before fighting the guy. Points for intimidation, Spencer
My stronk babies opening an elevator with their fingertips
And Hardison's recurrent fear of heights combined with Parker's love of them
She says "I got you" (twice)
Oh god Beth's acting in the elevator shafts
Oh I'm gonna cry
Oh and a "dammit Hardison"
Oh Gina's face
Even in a situation as tense as this, Eliot still takes the time to empty the gus and toss it away
I don't think I've ever seen him check for an ankle piece, actually. How has that not come up before now?
"Age of the geek, brother" I'm sobbing
I mean, so is everybody
Look at this acting!
I love that they didn't go for the clichéd established couple dying in each other's arms, but instead put Eliot in the middle, giving us our yummy hurt ot3 goodness
And Parker sitting up so she sees the other two go
Ugh. Where's that poetic cinéma image when you need it?
Anyone remember the perfectly timed bridge from the pilot?
What number Lucille are they on?
I love that they actually stop in from of the barrier at the bridge, then take a moment to decide before just going for the crazy impossible stunt because why the hell not at this point
Ah Nate and Sophie are holding hands on the way to death too!!
And cut the scene before they reach the top of the bridge. Time to see Tim show us why he's an academy award winner
Ooh and here's where we find out she was lying! (Should this be the part where I started wondering if Nate knew? Probably. Did I? Not even a little)
There was a big twist where the person Nate was facing off against was playing him in the pilot too
But John fucking Rogers didn't play ME in the pilot. I take that personally.
Ooh hints at the true story are being dropped
Ellen is almost adequately suspicious
"You loved them very much" Yeah he did. They all did! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
She knows he's lying, I love that (just like Dubenich knew Sophie was manipulating him)
"The only thing I ever had"? That's intense, Nate
God Tim is a good actor
(Like I low-key don't like Nate at all, but Damn he is well acted)
And he just turns it off, just like that
I am really into her little impressed face when he goes all Sherlock and explains how he knows they are at interpol
The glass! Of course Sterling brings him the glass! Not a pilot callback, but a good callback nontheless. The commentary says it's literally the same exact glass every time. I will have to go back and verify that at some point. I swear it didn't have those ridges around the bottom in at least one episode, but I also trust John Rogers, so idk
I love how sterling knows everything from the moment he appears, and Ellen doesn't even know what the black book is
"That's why you joined Interpol? Screw justice. You're the order guy?" What a good line for Nate and Sterling's relationship
Nate's not even interested in hearing Sterling's evil speech of evil about the bailouts
I actually really love the little exposition flashbacks
Her look of horror and dawning comphrension when he explains why he is there is fantastic. If we bring this show back, can we have more of this lady?
Yeah, Ellen, why IS he still lying to you??
Sterling remembered to be cautious about the coroner's van, but not cautious enough!
That's some timing. How did Nate arrange that ? Oh right, this was triggered by the arrival of the van, which he probably set the timing of
Nate's face after "Parker's still in the server room." Yes, sell that fear to Sterling! Make him believe he's right! I wouldn't have thought to fake a reaction to that. But that's why I'm not a griffer
And he trusted sterling to have a snark remark so that he could have an attention-stealing reaction to distract him
I try every time to see the kids going in, and I never manage to catch all of them
Why does Nate turn away here?
God, that really is a terrifyingly lifelike Hardison face
I gotta say, the first time I saw sterling shoot the Hardison corpse, I was really convinced that he was right and he was really killing Hardison for the first time
"Second question... No, Nate, why don't you tell her what my second question is?"
Honestly, the first time around, I had forgotten about that secret meeting between Nate and Hardison
"The plan's the thing" A callback to earlier in this episode. I'm dying. I love this show so much
And they can do that without being annoying because every leverage episode is like three or four episodes rolled into one. Sometimes more!
That's one of my favorite parts, but also one of the very few downsides
I get so excited watching the flashbacks that show how it all happened
Omg I love the thing where they stack! Parker crouching, Eliot just above her head, Hardison looming tall! It reminds me of the princess bride for some reason
Sterling is the Trojan horse, the way out is the way in...wait, didn't they do that with at least one other episode, where the floor was a horrible way in, but last minute they used it as a way out?
Are these callbacks or parallels at this point?
Sophie taught Nate how to act! "She found her calling." Yeah she did! So proud of her!
"Your ride to a life sentence in a secret prison has arrived" So dramatic for someone who knows Sophie is behind the wheel
Ooooooohhh he called him James!
"You and I are not the same" okay sterling
"Justice is always easy" YES GO STERLING wait that's a callback to the justice vs order thing earlier in this episode. I just got that
I have seen this so many times and I still notice something new every time I watch it
Does John Rogers have a tumblr? I want to tag him but I don't think he does
What is Parker wearing? Why is one sleeve randomly yellow?
I can't believe Nate is proposing in a hoodie
I love how the kids pop in with insults and Nate just agrees. He knows it's true
That's a huge fucking rock
"Did you steal it?" "No." "Oh, cause that would have been more romantic"
"I'll steal the first anniversary ring" lol I love these guys
Parker insists he follow the proper procedure
Oh wait, the ot3 are gonna branch out with other crews?
Y'know, in an alternate universe I could have shipped Eliot and Sophie
"You're the smartest man I know" where have we heard that before?
Parker recognizing her feelings! (And they've been preparing her for this the longest)
Aah, the circle shot from above and the breakaway, but this time not everyone breaks away!!!!!!!!!!
"You do know that Laura is not my real name, don't you?" Sophie I'm gonna kill you
And then the big obvious callback to the pilot, where Beth meticulously studied Tim's acting to recreate it
Loving the look of this scene. The costumes, the blocking, all of it
And they made sure to switch which parent was crying
Very excited for leverage international. Gimme!
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