#I think that's enough for now anyway! I know there's a bunch I missed but I don't think I read every single one
honeyhenry · 3 days
Apple Pie and You and I: A Very Happy Seresin
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Ignore the fact it has been over a year since the last instalment...I would offer my life story but it has been HECTIC. Anyways, I have never ceased to think of Dad-to-be!Jake Seresin and since it is now the summer holidays, my gift to you is this lovely part 4 of the APAYAI series!
In the calm haze of what surely would be a sweet summer, you found rest in the peace held within the mid-June evening. Jake would return shortly from his quick job out by Mav's old place, helping Rooster refurbish the old skyline beauty Maverick hadn't had the time for lately. A whole stack of them had taken their turn, and while Jake remained a reliable friend now in the squad, he had really fought it internally, not wishing to leave your side.
Not when he could be snuggled up to his wife, on the porch or resting on the sofa, smelling the strawberry shampoo from your hair, or your shea butter moisturiser. Nor could he kiss you as and when he liked from 4.30pm, the second he got home from work, all the way to bedtime and then again in the morning before you both headed off - him to base, and you to your kindergarten class.
No, he wasn't going to be home until closer to 9 - almost 30 minutes away yet - and the worst part was, he was missing more than just you these days. The swell that continued to grow once you'd left Texas had become his new obsession - the slice of heaven that he already adored because they were going to be just like you, and make you look like the sweetest, hottest little thing this side of the States.
Resting quietly on the sofa, you await his return, knowing he'll ache and sweat and smell on his return - you can't wait to soak him all in and show him the newest development. You swear this baby grows dramatically overnight, a claim you state often whilst Jake just smirks because it's his big Seresin baby that he personally delivered, that grows and nestles inside you.
Your living area is lit by a chamomile candle and a yellow lamp that envelopes the room into a warm glow. The scattered pillows across the sofa and rug are perfect to relax on, and your most recent book "Parenting 101" swapped out for Cosmo magazine led to an idyllic evening. A small cup of tea and the night had gone perfectly.
Sooner than expected, you hear Jake's truck pull up into the driveway. Instead of standing to check and then unlock the door, you wait. Jake much prefers you to stay safely in the house, always alerting you if he has arrived - that you shouldnt be moving a muscle if you can help it. 8.36pm - he's early.
"Lovebug? It's me, I'm home!" he hollers into the foyer of the house, his deep voice carrying through to the living room. Pressing your soft bunny slippers to the floor, you call back.
"In the living room, honey!"
You hear footsteps and then a moment later, there he is, basking in the glow of the lamp above you. Or is it sweat? You can't decide for sure, taken aback by the mixed smells of oil and sweat.
"Hey baby," he finds your lips, leaning over the sofa to not get it marked, "and hey little baby." You smile as he extends a warm hand down to your stomach, smiling softly as he soaks in the moment.
"How was work? And Mav's?"
"Fine, fine. Got a bunch of stuff fixed in the back, Bradshaw got covered in grease and oil so if you see him with a black moustache, you'll know why."
You giggle as he stretches and then quirks a brow. "More importantly, how are you? How is peanut treating you? Being a good and upstanding citizen?"
"I think they grew again overnight. Or through the day, really since breakfast - although it might just be breakfast and my other meals.
"Yeah? Lemme see" he pulls you up carefully and you stand, moving past the plethora of pillows you had build a comfortable place to sit. He smooths his hand down his own shorts first, hoping it would be clean enough, before undoing a little clasp of your pyjama shirt to gain access to your stomach. His hand, warm and firm, rests atop your belly and you can't quite tell if its just butterflies, or that the baby is starting to move within you.
"Oh yeah, i feel it." he rubs softly still. "They're certainly growin'. Good job peanut" he speaks in high praise "and good job Momma...makin' us a baby..."
You have a quick kiss before you usher him upstairs to shower, and you turn the lights off, blow the candle out, and head upstairs to bed. You have your routine set - facial moisturiser, nightly stretches, a warm cup of tea, and belly rubs with your new balm.
You are finishing up your routine, rubbing small shapes into your belly as the smell of coconut fills the room. Jake adores watching you, from the doorway of the en suite. You sit back a little, scooping the balm onto your palm before ever so carefully applying it in small circles, then larger, deeper strokes while still taking tender care of your body. His favourite part has to be when you start whispering sweet words to your belly, realising you aren't alone in this routine. He's caught you a handle of times with; "We love you so much"; "Have you had a nice day in there, hm?" and tonight is no different.
"You're gonna be nice and relaxed in there hm? Me and daddy love you little baby pie. Could just eat you up..."
Moving from the door, he speaks up, hoping to not jolt or surprise you too much.
"Hey, don't go eating up my legacy now"
You giggle, a sound he knows will only ever be beaten by his child's first cry, before halting your laughter at the mere sight of him.
Leaning against the doorway, dripping wet, with a towel barely clinging around his waist. It would be a lie to say that your husband had never looked so good, because this was his standard. Anything he set his mind to, he would accomplish. It just so happened that having a body to die for was the collateral. And here he was, gazing into your soul, heart soaring while watching you treasure and love upon his biggest achievement yet.
"Don't you worry an inch Lieutenant. But I just know they are the cutest, I mean look!" you gesture to his side of the bed. All that sits there is his watch, his alarm clock, and a framed picture of the sweet blob sonogram. "You agree!"
"Yes honey, they're cute I know. Cause they're half you. The other half? Well they'll be the best Top Gun 2050 graduate if they get anything from their Pops."
"You know what, I want them to be all of you."
"Oh really?" Jake shucks off the towel before grabbing his pyjama shorts, grinning cockily as he stretches and flexes, much to your amusement. "I mean I get it, who wouldn't wanna go for a dip in this gene pool?"
"I'm serious, you goof! I have dreams, and the baby...they have your eyes, and that one little dimple like you have your cheek, and, and I don't know. I feel, when I feel the baby, that they're just like you. They feel like home. And-"
You're halted by his physique pressing up beside you, kissing you as if he'd been on an infinite deployment and that holding you was the only sure sign that he was really back home; alive, safe, loved.
"You make me the happiest man alive. You both do. Now, lemme check the house and I'll be right back to hear more about these dreams you're having about me." He winks and you groan, knowing your confession will fuel his ego that little bit more.
As he heads downstairs, you begin massaging your belly again before crying out;
"Oh, Jake!"
You hear the clatter of the teacup he'd taken downstairs, and 5 loud thumping footsteps before he reappears at the door.
With big doe eyes, you smile sheepishly.
"I forgot to tell you, the baby is the size of an apple today."
Jake's expression shifts from one of panic, to utter relief. His chest visibly drops and he runs a hand through his drying hair.
"Baby....don't do that...y'just scared me to death. I'll be right back and then y'can tell me all about it."
On his return from locking up, checking the lights and ensuring he had his uniform laid out for the next day, Jake quietly moved into the bedroom and clicked the door shut. In one hand, he had a glass of water - one you'd never ask for but he knows you'd need through the night. In the other, is a thick, wooden book covered in a multitude of colours and shapes.
You quirk an eyebrow, curious about whatever Jake was holding.
"No Aviator's Digest or Fatherhood 101 tonight?"
"Actually, Bradley gave me this, wanted us to have it at least for now. Something' bout reading to the baby. Then they know my voice... if I'm away." Jake looks down at the book as he shuffles into bed, doing his best not to disturb how comfortable you have made yourself during your nightly routine.
You know that being away now means a great deal more to Jake than before. The issue is sensitive, of course. He doesn't want to be an absent father in the way deployments and time on base can project. You haven't spoken about it too much, but you know it will bother him. Simultaneously, giving up the job he has worked so hard for to be more present is a big sacrifice. One that would also be financially risky to your growing family.
Instead of diving deeper, you keep it light. Jake has no plans to go anywhere anytime soon, or even for very long. It's best to focus on what you can control.
"Oh? What book is it?"
"Something about a hungry caterpillar. Looks a bit demonic on the front, but Bradshaw swore his cousin's kids loved it."
He rests up against the headboard, curling one arm around your shoulders, intertwining his hand with yours atop your belly. Certain that he has you safe and warm in his arms, he unpops your shirt again at your tummy "so they can hear" which has you rolling your eyes. He holds the book right by your belly, and begins.
"Good evening, baby Seresin. This is your father, your Pops. Now you gotta listen - there's a test at the end of this story and we don't tolerate anything but top marks here."
"Jacob Seresin!"
"All right, all right. Now, are we ready? Then let's begin. In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf. One Sunday morning..."
By the time he had turned to the middle page after his soft southern drawl had recounted a feast of apples, pears, and plums, you - and baby - were fast asleep. Closing the wooden book, he pops the button back into place carefully, sorts your pillows, and turns off your bedside lamp.
He'd finish the story tomorrow evening.
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sneez · 2 years
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various fairfaxes and a drawing from my english civil wars hiking au which i never posted :-) [id under cut]
[image description:
the first image is a digital drawing of a group of men on a light brown background. they are all wearing hiking-appropriate clothing. from left to right: a young man swinging from a tree; arrows pointing at him read ‘weirdly passionate about hiking’ and ‘like 15′. a man leaning against a tree; arrows read ‘grumpy’ and ‘only here for family bonding with father-in-law’. a man with a cane and one arm in a sling, leaning over to read a map; arrows read ‘has injured himself on every hike so far’ and ‘designated driver’. a man reading a map with a serious expression; arrows read ‘annoyed about everything except hiking and sometimes also hiking’ and ‘only one who can read a map’. a man with his hands on his hips looking at the viewer; arrows read ‘arranges hikes and then doesn’t go on them’ and ‘good at arguing’.
the second image is a collection of four digital drawings of thomas fairfax, a man with long dark hair, a moustache, and a beard. he is wearing seventeenth-century clothing. one is a full-body coloured drawing of him sitting in a chair facing away from the viewer with his legs folded and his hat on his knee. the other three are uncoloured: two are headshots of him as a young man and an older man, and the third shows him sitting at a table reading a piece of paper with an expression of concentration.
the third image is a coloured digital portrait of thomas fairfax as an older man. he is clean-shaven and has long dark hair and a scar across his cheek. he is wearing a dark doublet and a large white falling band, and is looking to the left of the image with a serious expression.
end image description.]
#artwork#fairfax#and others! theres a bunch of blokes in the hiking one#basically the concept is it's the english civil wars but instead of having a civil war they are rival hiking groups. and they compete with#each other over hiking trails and such. i never drew the royalist group but i was imagining them to be the Official hiking club and the#parliamentarian one started because there was drama in the royalist club so they started their own#and now theres drama between both of them. hiking drama.#ANYWAY thats from last year i cant remember why i never posted it but here it is now :-)#the other ones are much newer (for the most part) i did the coloured sitting fax yesterday#the last one is based on a portrait i came across recently which may or may not depict fairfax in 1664 (the identification is questionable)#and i still havent made my mind up whether or not i think it could be him or not but i was So excited about finding such a late portrait#i knew i had to draw at least something inspired by it. i cant even tell you how i excited i was i almost exploded#for context the latest portrait we have otherwise is from 1650 so if it is actually him it is a Very Big Deal#but i dont think we will ever know because the identification has been rejected by the metropolitan museum of art :-/ alas#of course it could be raised again in the future but i dont know if anyone would care enough to do that. i would obviously. but otherwise#oh for the first one from left to right it's lambert ireton fairfax cromwell pym#i dont know if the writing will be legible given how much tumblr crunches images but We Will See#i hope you are all doing well my dear friends :-) it has been so nice to get around to answering messages today i have missed you terribly#edited to add image descriptions! sorry i didnt do that earlier my apologies
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decembermoonskz · 8 months
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the-golden-ghost · 8 months
ooh what do you know about uhh goosebumps!
Okay this one's funny cause I was a huge Goosebumps Kid so I'll try to just summarize every one I can remember from childhood LET'S GO:
Welcome to Dead House: Girl moves to town. Town's haunted. Havoc ensues. I think this was the first one ever published.
Phantom of the Auditorium: R. L. Stine deciding "what do kids love? Phantom of the Opera references?" and making a whole book dedicated to the concept. +1 for really good twist at the end
Ghost Beach: Beach with ghosts on it. I remember this one had a reaper thing on the cover but the actual ghosts were just kids who died of plague in like, 1800. I think it was also in New England! :)
Ghost Camp: Camp's haunted
Shocker on Shock Street: Kids go on a theme park tour but the theme park monsters are REAL and the kids are ROBOTS and idk man this one was wild. I liked it though
The Girl Who Cried Monster: Librarian's a monster and he eats bugs or something? Or turtles? I dunno man
Night of the Living Dummy 2: Okay this one's funny cause there was an earlier book called Night of the Living Dummy. And it's almost completely forgotten. Slappy, the evil dummy who became the FACE of the series and the most notable standout character in the entire run? He only appears in the sequel. I don't even know what the original dummy was called. They also filmed this one for the TV series but ONLY this one, not the original. So the TV episode is called Night of the Living Dummy 2 and there is no Night of the Living Dummy 1 in the TV series at all. Anyway it's about a ventriloquist dummy who tries to enslave his owner
Go Eat Worms!: I don't really remember what this is about at all I just found the title really funny. I think it's about a kid who's cursed and worms show up everywhere.
Lawn Gnomes Attack Manhattan: No but I don't remember the actual title of this one. I just remember it was about evil lawn gnomes and even as a kid I thought it was stupid but they can't all be bangers
Night in Tower Terror? Terror Tower?: I think I only saw the TV episode of this and it freaked me out. However it's also based on the Actual Real Life Murder of two children (the nephews of Richard III, Edward V and Richard of York) which makes it possibly the bleakest inspiration for a Goosebumps book albeit Stine really fictionalized it and also it happened in the 1400s
Calling All Creeps: Some kid puts a prank ad for creeps in his local newspaper and gets creeps to show up. I think they were like lizard aliens idk
The Beast From the East: What if the jungle was real and tried to KILL YOU
Chicken Chicken: Girl gets cursed to turn into a chicken. Slightly scarier than it sounds
How to Kill a Monster: Terrible grandparents summon a Swamp Thing and try to feed their grandkids to it
That Weird Vampire Time-Travel One: Kid finds his grandpa's vampire corpse in the basement and Vampire Grandpa wakes up and tries to eat him. And then time travels back to the 1800s for some reason cause I guess vampires are only scary in the 1800s?
Ghost School: A lot of these are just called "Ghost *regular place*" but this one was particularly fucked up cause the ghosts were actually kids who got trapped in a living photograph by an evil photographer. Which sounds dumb but they were permanently ensnared in this black and white void where time never passed for like... decades and decades as the outside world slowly moved on and forgot about them. And they never got rescued or anything. They were literally just left to their fate. One of the more messed up endings in the series
The Haunted Mask: OH MAN how did I miss this one. This was probably the Gold Standard for the TV show episodes. Freaked me out SO bad as a kid. It's about a girl who wears a mask that permanently affixes to her face and it's WILD
The Cuckoo Clock of Doom: Kid gets trapped in a Time Vortex and ends up erasing his bratty sister from the face of history etc.
The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight: Evil scarecrows. That's pretty much it but this one and Harold from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark are probably the reason for my lifelong Scarecrow Phobia so
The One Where The Kids Turn Into Dogs And Never Get Changed Back: !!! honestly the ending made me so mad. I forget the name of it though
One Day At Horrorland: A classic! It's about an evil theme park :) Don't go down the Doom Slide!
Stay Out of The Basement: Kids' dad turns into an evil mad scientist but it turns out he's actually an evil plant clone of their dad who's just posing as their dad. Wild
That One Where The Camera Kills You: I don't remember the title but the camera predicts the future. However it causes whatever Future Event it depicts to also be like. You Will Be Maimed And Slaughtered Horribly
Jack O Lanterns... Attack... Manhattan?: I don't remember the title of this one either. It was basically What If You Got Kidnapped By Pumpkin Monsters and they Made You Celebrate Halloween For All Eternity. Would that be fucked up or what
Uhhh Bnuy: Evil Stage Magician Turns A Kid Into A Rabbit or something I forgor. I think there was a sorcerer named Greg in there somewhere? Like I remember that being a joke
Piano Lessons Can Be Murder: Kid goes to piano lessons and gets murdered. I mean not really but almost lmao. Also the freaky handless ghost woman who scared the SHIT out of me when I was 12
Help My Neighbor's A Ghost: I don't remember the name of this one either but the main character thinks the new kid who just moved in is a ghost. Turns out she (the main character) died in a fire 20 years ago and she's the actual ghost and her best friend never writes to her because she died ages ago and stuff. It's actually kind of sad; I don't recall the title but it stuck with me
How I Learned to Fly: About a kid who learns to fly which ISN'T SCARY OR A HORROR CONCEPT
The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena: Bigfoot but he lives in California now. Yeah a scientist found him and brought him back. Yeah he's got Scary Bigfoot Ice Powers too and keeps freezing people solid
Beware the Snowman: I think this was actually the first one I ever read? This one's about a cursed town under the domain of an evil snowman (not like Bigfoot I mean like an actual irl snowman. Like Frosty) but the snowman's actually an evil magician who was turned into a snowman by his rival or something. This one's also kind of wild but it's decently good!
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
day 2 of no wifi.. hanging in there 😔😔😔😔
#its pretty ok so far tbh im not that reliant on being connected to the internet#and i have soooo much unpacking and decorating to do that im constantly busy anyway. but i miss scrolling tumblr mindlessly 😭😭#also its a bit lonely bc im used to living w 4 other ppl not 1.. and my flatmates being a bit reclusive atm#i mean we did go for a walk earlier so not that reclusive its not like i havent talked to her at all#but i like being in the same room as other ppl even if im doing a non social activity like reading its just nice to have company#so it feels reallllly quiet bc she stays in her own room all the time. which is normal for her im just. more aware of it now its just us 😭#i think shes finding the move harder than i am bc she knew our last flatmates better than me + lived there way longer than i did#and also i think most of her social life is online/over call so not having wifi means she cant rly talk to ppl as much#not that i dont have an online social life but mine is more sporadic than hers so it doesnt affect me as much#ik im not her first choice of company either... not that she doesnt like me or anything but we're not that close so#but stilllll let me sit in the corner snd hang out i can be quiet if u want me to i promise 🧍‍♀️#anyway i dooo get it if shes not feeling great#hopefully she'll adjust and find it a bit easier soon and we'll have wifi by tues anyway#and thurs im going to see family for a week so at least then ill have 24/7 nonstop company plus getting to cuddle the dog :-D#+ seeing a bunch of friends yayyy. i need to make friends in my new area too ive got a couple social groups listed to try out im excited#AND coincidentally one of my old friends works in this city too so i need to make some plans with her when im back !!#i didnt rly bother making any new friends in the last year bc i liked my flatmates enough to get my socialising in w them#but now im kinda raring for it. i do rly love meeting + getting to know new ppl just so long as its on my own terms#i.e. when i have my hearing aids in. and when its not super late in the day bc i get tired and easily overstimulated#bless my last flatmates but they were their own group + i didnt know them for enough years to be a true member tbh#itll be nice to make new friends in a situation where im not just the stray dog one of them dragged in to live with them#ok thats a little mean on myself but still. at least ill waste less time triggered by rsd now#anyway lost where i was going wow i wrote a lot of tags i doubt theyre all coherent bc its 2am im going to bed goodnighhttt xxxx#.diaries
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euphoricimagination · 7 months
𝓗𝓪𝓲𝓴𝔂𝓾𝓾 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓹𝓲𝓬𝓴-𝓶𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵
Feat. Nekoma & Inarizaki -> Part 2 [Aoba Johsai & Fukurodani]
Premise: You had to do something else for a week and a half, leaving the boys alone for that period. Although they told the coaches that they could survive without you, the coaches ask a girl to help them out instead. They weren’t particularly excited, which got worse the more they spent time with her
You arrived later than you expected, just on time for the club, So you didn’t get to see your dear team until much later
When you enter the gym, you see a…strange view
No one in the team was happy
Yaku and Kai didn’t have any expressions on them, Lev was pouting aggressively, Fukunaga had a frown, Yamamoto was mumbling words and Kenma was nowhere to be seen.
The girl that was supposed to replace you for the week was walking besides a very annoyed Kuroo, who was pushing the cart with the balls
Weird, considering that doing that was the basics for being a manager
They were so out of it that none notice the sound of your shoes, weird considering how attentive they are
“Ah Kuroo senpai, thank God you helped me! I’m so small and weak that I wasn’t able to push it over” you heard her say, making you cringe at the sentence
“Yeah, whatever” said a disinteresting Kuroo
And that’s when you confirm that something was really wrong, Kuroo was never this dismissive
“What’s happening? Everything ok?” you asked making Kuroo turn around with a relief smile on
“Oh hi, Kuroo senpai was just helping me since you know, I’m so small and weak” says fluttering her eyes at him
“It’s just pushing the cart. It has wheels on it…” You gave a disbelief look to Kuroo, who just rolls his eyes “it’s not that hard”
“Maybe for someone as big as you it wouldn’t be so difficult!”
That was it for Kuroo, who quickly move to your side giving you a hug
“Well, guess you can leave now that our manager is back. Bye”
"Kuroo-senpai!! Stooop! I can stay here too!” says stomping her feet
The whole commotion cause everyone to look at you, and you swear you heard a collective sigh full of relief
Quickly enough you felt a bunch of arms around you, a bunch of head pats and a ton of screams of your name
Which quickly was interrupted by a loud scream by the girl “KYANMA!!”
You look at the stairs where Kenma was standing shaking slightly with big eyes. The girl tried to get close to him, yelling “They are being mean, Kyanma!” but he just runs away towards you
Yes. Run. He hated her, she was so loud and desperate, Kenma literally couldn’t stand her.
“You’re back” says Kenma hiding behind you, showing more happiness that you ever have seen from him
So happy that he went to hug you tightly, he really missed you
“Anyways, now that our team is finally complete you can leave. Please go out” says Kuroo
“Agh! Fine! I’m way too good for you anyways!”
She sends you a look full of venom, but you didn’t really notice it
After all, you had a clingy Kenma hugging you tightly and the rest of the team waiting for one
After your small break reached an end you finally were ready to go back to your boys
They were having a small hangout in the Miya household
They tried to be sneaky about it, not wanting to invite the girl that was replacing you
But sadly for them, she somehow knew and crash into them before you could arrive
She’s the first person you see when you enter their house with the spare key they gave you
“Who are you?” she asks with her eyebrow raising
“Ehh…I’m Yn, their manager. You helped them while i was out?” You ask back, confused at her sudden presence
“Yes…I actually think I should be the new manager! After all I play like 17 sports and definitely know more than you about sports. What do you think this is? Cheer? Not like it’s a sport, but whatever” she says with a overconfident smirk
In the meantime the guys that were already in the house starting to appear into the hall, confused at how loud her voice was being
“Anyways! Why don’t you leave? A girl like you probably doesn’t even know a thing about sports! We’re gonna play videogames while you probably just want to paint your nails or whatever!”
“Who says you’re staying?” Atsumu says, frowning
“Ha Ha, you’re so funny Atsumu! Of course I’m staying” she says nervous
“No, you’re not” Osamu adds
“I’m sure we can all hang out tog-” you try to say
“You shut it! I bet you don’t know anything about the sport!” She says to you despite you trying to help her
“Really? You barely even know what we play, you just join because you wanted to see hot guys” a voice behind you says, Suna entering the house as he passes his arm through your shoulders
The girl immediately went pale, stammering the next sentence “well…well, I mean, of course I know!”
“Sure, that's why you asked 'if we knew' the rules of basketball yesterday. Just leave, nobody wants you here anyway”
She scoffs annoyed, looking at the rest of the team as if asking for help, which she doesn’t receive. She scoffs one more time, walking towards the door and leaving as she shoots a glare towards you
“You guys are so mean” you say, receiving a chuckle
“She deserved it, if anything she just hinder our practice” Osamu adds
“Besides, nobody talks about our beautiful manager like that” Atsumu hugs you along side Suna
The rest of the team also comes to hug you, and while they were a bit rude, you knew that they only had good intentions
You love this foxes too much
Note: a little something about my boys, also, I cringed way too much while writing this
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tonycries · 3 months
"Pull On It. Harder."
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Synopsis. He liked to wear that little black hair tie everywhere. Why? Oh, it just reminds him of the way you tie his hair into a pretty lil’ ponytail - all while he's tonguefúcking you to insanity.
Pairings. Multiple x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, cunnilingus, rough oral (female receiving), unprotected, overstim, slightly long haired! boys, they’re just a bit mean here, pet names (sweetheart), swearing.
Word count. 1.2k
A/N. I love long haired men and no one can do anything ab it.
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He’s never seen without that little black hair tie around his wrist. 
He likes to take it with him, thumbing that red imprint on his skin whenever he misses you. It makes him think of how he’d run his hands through your hair at night. Or how you’d intertwine your fingers with his when out on dates.
And, of course, how you’d gather  his locks and tie it into a pretty little ponytail while he tonguefucks you into insanity.  
“Fuck, sweetheart. Barely even touched you and already so wet f’me.”
Nose-deep in your pussy, his bangs partially cover his heavenly view of you - spread underneath him, thighs trembling and cunt dripping all over his freshly cleaned bed sheets. Good, he thinks deliriously, preferring your scent to the overly artificial softener anyway. 
He isn’t too worried, though, knowing you’ll work your magic with his hair soon enough. Soon.
“Soon” happens to be when he’s pooling your sweet juices on his lips. Relentless tongue dipping in and out of your quivering hole at a maddening pace. In and out in and out in and-
“Oh, fuck, baby- Hngh- faster, fucking me on your tongue s’good.” Hips bucking up into his hot mouth for more more more. Making out heatedly with your pussy with the urgency of a madman. Stray strands sticking to his forehead, he looks up at you through half-lidded, absolutely feral eyes that devour you almost as much as the mouth on your cunt - soon.
Tongue bullying past your swollen folds, crooking just right to fuck you on it the way he needed to with his throbbing cock. “Yeah, just like that.” you moan deliriously.
His hair tie digs into his skin, as well as yours, as he forces your thighs on his shoulders, reaching to draw tight, little circles on your needy clit. Methodical, and purposeful.
He knew you were close when you reached down to urgently cup his head, bunching those silky locks in two trembling hands. Ever the gentleman - his hand expertly leaves its bruising grip spreading your thighs so shamefully open. Letting you all but rip off the hair tie off it.
Shaky fingers running through his locks, his breath hitches so deliciously as you hastily secure his soft strands into a small, loose ponytail. Movements urgent and as jerky as the snap of that small hair tie. 
Ah, there he was - you could cum just from seeing the absolutely feral look on his face. It should be a crime for those beautiful features to be covered by anything other than your dripping cunt. 
A predatory grin tugs at his lips against your swollen ones as you finish tying the small band. Ah, now he can really get into it. Your back arches, using the ponytail as leverage to demand more. Need more as he makes out with your pussy with newfound vigor.
Nails digging into his scalp, searing with your grip. You know he doesn’t mind - in fact, he even leans into your touch with a guttural groan, swallowing hard as he drives his tongue deeper into you. 
It’s messy - both the ponytail and the way he speeds up maddeningly, your slick smearing across his pretty face, trailing down to the sheets below. Tongue continuing its relentless abuse - over and over and-
At a merciless rhythm that has the bed creaking and you whining in pleasure - the neighbors were sure to file another noise complaint. Annoying old fuckers, should give them a real show. 
His breaths are almost as ragged as yours now - because fuck oxygen, he wanted to see his pretty girl fall apart on his tongue. A munch - as you liked to often joke - with no care in the world for anything other than making you cum hard enough to see stars.
“Fuck, baby- m’gonna- m’gonna hngh-”
And not only do you see stars, you probably see the pearly gates of heaven as you cum on his mouth. Convulsing and hips rutting up to ride out your high on his pretty face. Eyes dazed, lips swollen and absolutely pussy-drunk. 
That sinful glint in his eyes stays as he pulls away, an obscene trail of saliva and your slick connecting your lips to his chin. Cheeks flushed so deceivingly innocently, strands of silky hair falling out of that disheveled ponytail. A true masterpiece.
He watched you intently, drinking in every dip and curve. Breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking.
But the games are over now.
“Spread them f’me, sweetheart.”
Looming over you, eyes burning with raw desire. Cock throbbing and leaking delicate beads of precum as he positions himself, furiously flushed tip nudging your sloppy hold. He pumps himself. Once. Twice. Being merciful enough to give you a second of respite.
Without warning, he surges forward. Bullying his thick cock into your snug cunt in one, swift thrust. Not stopping till he’s all the way. His lips crush against yours, stifling your cry of pain and pleasure at finally getting what he’s been teasing you with for so long.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into your dripping cunt. Nails raking down his sculpted back as he starts up a feral, unforgiving pace. Each ram of his cock into your cunt erratic, hitting your cervix and pulsing against that one spot deliberately. Again. And again. Like a madman possessed. 
“Baby- Hngh-” you whine sinfully, hips bucking wildly against to meet his almost-animalistic cadence, reaching out a shaky arm towards him. He knows what that means. How could he not?
Holding your hungry gaze as he leans down, sweaty forehead meeting yours. One hand cradles your face, while the other hooks a finger underneath that godforsaken hair tie and pulls. Letting the ponytail - that at this point could barely even be called one - fall apart, just as you were underneath him. 
Eyes glassy and dazed, soft little ah! ah! ah! leaving you at each thrust. The only thing behind those pretty eyes being him and the big cock stuffing you full. So close to cumming. 
Bangs partially covering the sinful view that was you - but right now, he didn’t care. Not when you’re snaking a hand up to his locks and pulling. Hard.
“Yeah, just like that. Pull on it. Harder.” Fucked-out, broken little grunts leave his throat as he lets you continue your little ministrations, tugging on his hair especially hard when he purposefully misses that little spot he knew drove you wild. Over and over.
Now, he doesn’t want to sound like a masochist - his friends would probably laugh their asses off at that - it’s just it hurts so good when it’s you.
Which is why, two strong hands rest above your head, fingers lacing, pushing you down down down impossibly deeper onto his throbbing cock. You keen in response, “Ah! Hngh- oh, baby jus’ like that. M’gonna cum.”
Ha, as if he’d be that nice. 
Pulling out in one, fluid motion, he relishes in your disappointed whine at the sudden disappointment. Taking the opportunity to gather your hair in his fists, fingers deftly forming a makeshift ponytail with a snap! of that little hair tie. 
Leaning down to whisper in your ear, voice gravelly and hot against your ear. “Not yet. Suck on my cock without this ponytail falling apart, sweetheart. Then we’ll see about that orgasm, hm?”
Because you love to see his face.
And, of course, he loves to see yours.
- GETO, CHOSO, GOJO, Kuroo, KENMA, Sakusa, EREN, Jean
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A/N. I’m ngl this is very much self-indulgent pls.
Plagiarism not authorized.
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catsvrsdogscatswin · 1 month
I started reading Discworld earlier this year –because I figured it's a cultural treasure and I may as well get around to it by now– and like, I knew something about Terry's ability to sneak underhanded puns into the texts –I've seen the posts. I'd also read Good Omens, even if at that point I couldn't disentangle who was writing what.
So I entered the books fully like the Stay back, slut meme, except regarding wordplay. I was reading with a fine-toothed comb. I was squinting at every name and testing every phoneme. Not necessarily because I don't like puns or didn't enjoy the idea of getting caught by surprise, mind you, just that I'd heard very good things about Terry Prachett's humor and I didn't want to miss any of his jokes and with wordplay stuff if you don't catch it, you'll never know it existed.
I caught a lot of stuff, and even when I didn't get some of the references (the series stretches across a lot of decades I wasn't born in) I could still at least tell when he was making them. I made it out of my grand read with a pat on the back and a certain pleasure in the knowledge that I had enough pop-culture and etymological awareness to not let Terry pull a fast one on me.
In classic Pratchett fashion, turns out I was dead wrong.
I was rereading Soul Music, because even if I'm late to the party I still enjoyed the Discworld books immensely, and I got to the scene where a bunch of schmucks with no music knowledge (or talent) are infected by the spirit of rock n' roll and descend in a horde upon a guitar shop. The owner starts off trying to sell them decent instruments, but, soon realizing his new flow of customers couldn't play a triangle and are more interested in the look of the thing anyways, he promptly starts pulling out his scrappiest, crappiest pseudo-instruments (Ankh-Morpok, amiright) and sticking a bunch of paint, glitter, and ankh-stones on them for the look of things before selling them at marked-up prices.
Ankh-stones were first mentioned in Sourcery, I think, and were used in the creation of the fake Archchancellor's hat. They get mentioned in other books on and off as a source of bedazzlement that's pretty clearly meant to be a riff on rhinestones. First time I read about them, I went "oh what a nice little bit of worldbuilding, of course some gems would get named after local stuff" and thought no more on it. But like…
Rhinestones. Rhine-stones.
The infamously nasty River Ankh that flows(?) through Ankh-Morpok, and the River Rhine, a real river that exists.
I just about swore and hit the table when I clocked that one, because I went into the series ready for it, I was looking for it, and Terry still fuckin' got me good.
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onelittlespiral · 7 months
You should definitely do a preppy boy tf!
FML: Contact
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I knew I should have charged my phone before I left, but I was running late and didn’t want to miss my study session. I know, I know it was stupid. But the walk was only supposed to be a few blocks. I have no idea how I got this lost. It felt like I was wandering for hours, but I kept just going around in circles and ending up in front of this gym. Great, just what I needed before finals week. Maybe I should stop an- ugh. My bag spilled out in front of me as I wa a knocked to the ground.
“Hey, sorry bro.”
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It seems like on about my third time around the block I finally ran into one of the gym’s patrons, idiot. For the life of me I will never know how those guys will walk out in shorts in December. I started to scoop my belongings back into my bag.
“Here, let me help- Ah fuck, that could be bad.” He picked up my laptop and handed it to me. Thankfully it seems that there wasn’t any real damage, but a few deep scratches were carved in the metal and the screen was definitely cracked.
“Just what I needed today! Look where you’re going next time!” I was nearly in tears. I was lost, I was frustrated, I think the fall tore a hole in my khakis, and now my computer would be busted till after finals.
“Hey, I said I was sorry. Didn’t mean to knock a shrimp like you down. I didn’t even hit you that hard…”
“Well sue me if I don’t have time to get swoll bro,” I spat, “but some of us have finals to study for.”
“Oh dang, that’s where I know you from! English 110, with Professor Kim. Yeah, you’re always in the front and answering shit.” Immediately the puzzle pieces clicked. I can’t blame myself for not recognizing him. He must have been one of the dudes who sat in the back, and they all basically acted, talked, and looked about the same. A bunch of gym rats struggling through the gen eds. I’m genuinely surprised he can to class often enough to recognize me. “Hey man, are you studying for this final later? I’m just like not getting this stuff. Like, why are they having Exercise Science majors out here studying English anyways?”
“Uhh, yeah maybe.” At this point I was past the point of caring about this conversation. It was such a simple class I hardly had even glanced over the study guide. I had packed my things and was making to get up and leave.
“Here bruh, lemme help you up,” and he extended his hand to me. I grabbed hold as a small shock passed between us. It was just a split second, but as his calloused, sweaty had grasped mine, I felt a jolt that stuck my hair on end. I hardly had time to notice as he hoisted me up. “Hey, if you do end up reviewing later, maybe give me a heads up. We could do a study session or something.” He pulled out a pen and scribbled on the back of a receipt. Grabbing my hand again, and pulled me into a bro hug before I could protest. Up close he was warm and humid, sweat cooling in the cold winter air. He left the paper in my hand when he pulled away. He smirked, “You should ask inside, they may be able to help. I’ll see you later tonight.” There was a confidence in his voice that sent a chill down my spine. Before I knew it he had booked it, and I was left with a piece of paper, a broken computer, and a sinking realization I was still lost.
With few options left, I popped into the gym my classmate had just come out of. Maybe they would have a charger I could borrow or be able to help me with directions. At least it was warm inside. I walked over to the man at the desk, asking “Hey, sorry to bother. Do you all have a phone charger? I am completely lost and out of juice.”
“You can bother me any time,” the attendant said with a wink, “We’ve got some chargers in the locker room, but management is struck about people using facilities without paying. You already a member with us?”
“No, do I look like a member with you all? Please, I’m tired and at this point I just need to get home.” I groaned.
“Well sorry bro, you’ve gotta get those gains somewhere… let’s see, a day pass only runs about $5,” he slid the card reader to me.
“Fine.” I thrust my card into the machine and grabbed my receipt, storming off towards the locker room.”
“Enjoy your time! Oh, sir. Those aren’t the locker rooms they are the changing ro-” and the swinging door cut him off. I cut to the first door on my left. The overhead lights activated as I walked in. The inside was warm, hotter even than the lobby. For locker rooms, there were very few lockers. Just cooler with some sports drinks, some mirrors, and a charging station. No one else was inside, so I sat down on a bench and set my phone down on the charging station. With the heat I quickly began stripping layers, till I was down to my sweater, but I was not going shirtless in this place. It looked like it would be a while before my phone would be charged. I tried to put the whole situation out of my mind as I laid back and relaxed, carried to sleep in the thick heat…
I woke up a while later, disoriented and thirsty. It may have been a bad idea to sleep in the sweater, the thing was practically dripping in sweat now. I began to pull off the damp thing when I was shocked to see what was underneath:
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Abs. Pecs. Abs and pecs. I had to be dreaming, when did I go from a stick to having abs and pecs. Not only that, but my arms. Thick and smooth, my arms looked swollen, as though I had been working them out for years. And my legs, they felt like lead beneath me, so heavy I could hardly move them. I could crush a melon between my thighs. And my poor shoes, they were practically in tatters on the floor. My toes poked out of the remains, leather torn between my meaty soles. I looked in the mirror to get a full picture. If I didn’t see it I wouldn’t have believed it, I was a whole different man.
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I grabbed my phone and booked it out the door back to the front desk. The same attendant was there, looking me up and down as I passed by:
“Well hey there handsome. How are you enjoying our amenities?”
I just about strangled him, “What the hell happened? What did you all do to me?!?”
“I did try to tell you. Locker rooms are the other side. Those are the changing rooms.”
“What’s that supposed mean?”
“Well, look at yourself. Must have gone for the muscle enhancement, eh? Not a bad look on you.” I could just about wipe that smug look off his face.
“Cut the bull crap, I didn’t ask for this. If you all changed me into this change me back.”
“So sorry,” the apology dripped from his lips, “but things don’t quite work that way. For more specialized changes you have to get a full membership.”
“That’s a fucking lie,” I shouted, “You never said shit about this. I don’t need your membership. Change me back, now.”
“Woah, calm down there hot stuff, no need to get so worked up. How about this. My boss is home for the night. I know what you looked like when you came in. I can sneak you back into one of our specialty changing rooms, and I’ll calibrate it myself. Deal?”
I was about in tears, “Deal.”
He took my hand and lead me to the changing room all the way in the back. Same set up, same bench in a mostly barren room. This one was maybe a tad smaller. His voice came on over the intercom:
“Alright, now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.”
This time, deep red lights came on and that same heat began to fill the room. It somehow felt a bit different. The other heat wrapped around, this one felt like it pierced. In moments my body was flooded with warmth. Sweat rolled down my body as the room began having its effects. But something wasn’t right. Instead of shrinking down to my lithe self, my body felt like it was bubbling, and began to swell even more.
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“Hey. HEY! What the hell! What are you doing out there? Wrong way asshole!”
He chuckled into the intercom, “What? I think it’s a good look on you.”
“You’re supposed to change me back!” I shouted
“I said I would calibrate the room. I didn’t say how. You should feel lucky, you’re getting the VIP treatment for free!”
Everywhere sweat rolled my muscles stretched as my body began writhing under the feeling of its growth. It felt… it felt… oh god it felt… so…good. But it had to be stopped. I couldn’t keep going like this. I put all my effort into standing up and lunged for the door handle. It didn’t budge, locked from the outside.
“Oh, is this not to your taste?” he teased “Well, I already did smooth jock tonight. Fine, let’s try this then.”
The red lights switched off as dull LED’s took their place. At the same time, a mist began pouring into the room. The smell made me dizzy as I slumped back on the bench behind me. The haze curled around me and stuck to my skin. It smelled like aftershave, sharp and fresh, with a coolness that made me shiver. My skin began to tingle wherever it touched. I watched as my skin turned to goosebumps, then slowly a fine layer of fuzz began to coat my pecs. It grew and curled wherever the mist lead it. It blazed a treasure trail down my abs and branched out to cover them. I could only moan as my body pushed out my new pelt. It curled around my back as a forest erupted behind me. Working it’s way up, I felt a tickle on my jaw and cheeks. It caressed my face as a five o-clock shadow pushed out from my smooth face, and in moments a full beard was pushed out. It’s curling tendrils even worked on the hair I already had. I felt the hair on top of my head stand on end before following the mist into a thick mop. It worked it’s way into my gapping mouth too, and I felt my throat stretch and adjust, my moans coming out much deeper. Then it concentrated on my groin and pits. My previously trimmed bushes grew wild, quickly becoming a tangle. As my pubes grew around, it felt soooo good. I began getting hard, but the mist only took that as an opportunity. Something else to grow and curve. It stretched 6, 7, 8, 9 inches straight out before curving distinctly up. I was in pure ecstasy, with only the thought of the man outside watching keeping me from fully jacking off.
“Wow, what a grower. I knew you had potential but, woof.”
“You… won’t… *gasp*…get away… with… with this!”
“Oh, still a little rebel in you? Maybe we can bring that out a bit.”
The mist receded, and overhead the lights began to strobe and a loud white noise began to play. The pattern was disorientating and it hurt to watch. But even when I closed my eyes I couldn’t escape. A splitting headache developed as my emotions all turned to anger. I tried to shout, to call for it to stop, but my words didn’t even reach my ears. I watched in glimpses as I began to scream, deep and primal, rage in my eyes. My arm clenched into a fist and I ran up to pound the door down. It still didn’t budge but the shock sent a ripple down my arm. In the mirror I watched as in slow motion a full sleeve tattoo stretched down my arm. I sat down in pain and fear and anger as I grew close to tears. But the back of my mind knew that I could not cry, not anymore. Then, all at once it stopped. I realized I was still shouting. I felt pissed off, aggressive. When I got out of this room, I was gonna pummel that twink into submission.
“God, that one always gets me. I love a man with tattoos.”
“Fuck OFF” I growled. I looked in the mirror at the monster I had become:
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My mind was being flooded with emotions, a sense of loss for the person I was, a rage at the man who had done this to me, an animalistic horniness from my sizable new cock, and a deep terror for what else could happen. I channeled that fury and made one last attempt on the locked door. I yanked and rattled the door with all the strength this new body could muster. I felt the handle flex beneath my grip, before a loud *snap* sent me plummeting to the ground. The handle had come off the door. I banging against the door, shouting for anyone to come help me.
“Hmmm,” the attendant contemplated, “I may have gone too far with the rage this time. You’re a beast bro, but let’s reign it in. A healthy dose of this should help.”
A new cloud filled the room, this one thicker than the last. It was damp and sticky and clung to every inch of me. This one smelled rich and acrid, like an arm pit that had long since sweat through any deodorant. It was as though every patron of the gym had joined me in the room fresh from their workout. The fog was so thick I felt as though I was beginning to choke. It slid heavily down my throat and made my eyes water. That’s when I felt it begin to corrupt me. My enraged mind became calm, then addled as my brain filled with the all consuming fog. Memories flashed before my eyes as I felt them slip from my mind, replaced with false copies. I felt my college experience shift from books and classes to working out and tutoring sessions. My classes in journalism and writing were swapped for work out routines and remedial math. Then my cock began twitching as memories of hot workout sessions with my bros filled my mind, replacing my book club. As my mind relaxed and the new memories came to me easier and easier. My IQ was slipping down quickly, resting now somewhere around 75. As my mind relaxed I felt my body do so too. The cloud began seeping into my pores, filling me with its corrupting influence. My body betrayed me, greedily sucking up the cloud until the room was completely clear. I felt warm and tingly, my body pressed flat against the cold floor. I lifted my arm to get a good wiff of my funk. My cock jumped in response. God I needed to fuck. The cloud had saturated me, inside and out, soaking me in a new identity.
“How are you feeling in there big guy?” a voice was on the other side of a speaker in the room.
“Aight I guess man. I’m tired. Guess I passed out in here,” I replied. God, just waking up from a nap and I had my morning wood. The door opened, a cute bro was on the other side.
“Have you enjoyed your day pass sir?” He asked.
“Hell yeah Lil’ bro, it’s been good. This gym is stacked. I haven’t felt this worn out after a workout in a while!”
“Have you considered upgrading that day pass to a full membership? I know I would love to see you around,” he said with a wink.
“Mmm, wouldn’t mind seeing you every day. Gimme the forms.” He led me out to the lobby, I signed a few forms, and handed me a card.
“Now remember next time, locker rooms are over there,” he smirked. “Here, this is free with your sign up.”
He threw a tank top over to me. Good thing too, I think I forgot mine at home. It fit snugly over my huge chest. It made my arms look huge too. Just a shame I sweat so much after a workout, I already had some pit stains going. Shit, I was rank.
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“Thanks bro, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I strolled out the door into the cold winter air. I flexed, feeling the breeze wick some of my sweat away.
“Hey, excuse me?” Some dork walked up to me, looking desperate. I felt like I knew him from somewhere, though I couldn’t place it. “Would you happen to be able to help me? I have been going around in circles and can’t seem to find my way. I have an exam in just a few hours.”
“Nah, sorry man. I’m not quite sure I’m able to help. Never been good with directions huhu,” that’s when it clicked, “Hey, you’re in my bio class aren’t you? Ah shit, is that exam today?!? Fuck, I’m never gonna pass that crap.”
He looked a little flabbergasted, but made some excuses and was about to move on when I grabbed him. I felt something pass between us, as his gaze fell onto me, unblinking, “You should check in the gym bro, I know they can help you out.” I pulled away and the moment passed. I reached into my pocket and pulled out two receipts. The first was my receipt for my day pass. I scribbled down my contact info, and handed it off to the nerd. “Here, if you want to talk about lifting with me and my buds later you should give me a call. Looking a little scrawny bruh.”
He took the receipt before wandering towards the gym entrance. I then looked at the second paper I pulled out. Oh yeah, it was that hot gym bro from earlier. Yeah, I could meet up with him for sure. His name at the top rang a faint bell. For a split second, I remembered a friend I would sit next to in class. Smart, nerdy, nothing like the man I had met on the sidewalk earlier... But just then I felt my brain pounding, and I couldn’t focus on… whatever it was I was thinking about. Oh, right. Hot jock. Yeahhh, I’m gonna go see if he wants these rank pits shoved in his face while I ride his cock.
Maybe not what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy anyways ❤️
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osaemu · 8 months
hii could i please request watching n sitting under sakura trees as the blossoms fall w gojo ! missing him 😓
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the gojo estate is a beautiful residence, but even with all its fountains and antiques, your favorite part is the courtyard. countless sakura trees line the massive courtyard, each fully grown with thousands of pink blossoms fluttering in the wind.
as you rest in the shade of your particular favorite, a picnic blanket spread out underneath you, you hear the soft crunch of heavy shoes on the leaf-ridden ground.
"took you long enough," you say playfully, not bothering to turn and look over at satoru. he sits by you with a soft exhale and rests his back against the tree.
"sorry, darling, got hung up with some of my dad's associates," satoru sighs, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his lap. he hardly has to exert any effort to do so—after all, he's the strongest. but when it comes to you, he feels just a little bit weaker than he ought to. especially when you tilt your head like a puppy and smile at him, cherry blossoms fluttering around you in the wind.
satoru can't help but smile when a pink petal nestles itself in your hair, and he uses it as an excuse to run his calloused hands through your hair. you say something about not wanting to get your hair tangled, but as usual, satoru pays no heed to your words.
"satoru," you whine, flicking at his arm in a feeble effort to get him to remove his hand from your hair. "it's just a petal, stop tangling my hair!" you swat at satoru's hand again, but he only hums in response. "satoru!"
"okay, okay," he grumbles, extracting his hand from your hair and resting it on your thigh instead. "happy?"
you nod and lean against his chest, breathing in the cool, floral air of the gojo estate's courtyard. a couple moments pass in silence as you take some time to just admire the view, but of course, satoru has to interrupt.
"oh, by the way," satoru starts casually. "my parents want us to get married."
satoru's tone is awfully nonchalant for a topic like this, and because of that, it takes a second for his words to sink in. you blink a couple times before turning your head and meeting his soft blue eyes. "wait, what?"
"you heard me," satoru shrugs, wrapping his arms around you tighter. "it's nothing urgent, but they think i'm too old to still be unmarried. heh, like i'd have any trouble gettin' myself a wife anyways." he pauses and studies your face. "but really, i just want you. and my parents know that, so they thankfully dropped all of that arranged marriage bullshit."
your mouth falls open a little as a flood of information sweeps through your head. one second, you're just sitting under sakura trees with your boyfriend, and the next, he's casually bringing up marriage?
"satoru, this is . . . a lot to just dump on me right now," you say slowly. "i—"
his eyes widen and a small laugh slips out of his lips. "oh, i didn't mean it that way!" satoru says quickly. "i was just tellin' you what we were talking about in there," he clarifies, vaguely gesturing to the main building in the gojo estate. "there's nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about, m'kay? i'll actually have this talk with you when i think we're ready, not when a bunch of old geezers want us to."
you smile at that, shaking your head endearingly at satoru's words. "you need to start watching your mouth, sweetheart. it'll get you in trouble someday," you tsk.
satoru scoffs lightheartedly and grabs your chin, pulling you onto his lips for a soft, floral kiss. "and you'll be there to drag me out of it, won't ya?"
yeah, you probably will be.
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faithshouseofchaos · 4 days
It’s me
Anyway I’m thinking Kimi. I heard somewhere that Kimi had his back operated on a few years ago and so I thought I might start with that. So retired Kimi doing I don’t know motorbikes or whatever he does and falling, not a bad fall but just enough that his back aches. And I don’t any other parts just that and the person reader thing helping somehow?
I honestly don’t know I’m just winging it.
Again if you do not wish to write this, then don’t.
Anyway how are going? I hope this isn’t past the due date but I don’t know cause I’m in Australian time.
Ughhh 😩 I’m just now getting around to this 👹 also this picture makes me giggle 🤭
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“You’re not invincible” — Kimi Raikkönen x reader
Ft Jenson,Mark,Fernando and Seb
Fluff,Crack and Comfort
This is mostly for laughs
It also has a bunch of banter we love banter in this house
Word count 3k
When Kimi retired from Formula One he didn’t expect his retirement to be so boring. He wasn’t gonna lie he missed the adrenaline rush he got from racing and his friends. I guess that’s who Kimi found himself at Sebastian’s with Mark,Jenson,Sebastian and Fernando standing around in the garage looking at the new motor bike Seb had bought.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Jeson says, holding his hands up and taking a step back from the bike.
“Says the man who is a WEC driver” Seb jokes.
“Hey my wife would kill me if she found out that I was on that thing” Jenson said defending himself.
“Yeah I’m out too I have to be in Montreal for the race in four days” Fernando said shaking his head.
“Okay that leaves Mark,Kimi and Myself” Seb says crossing his arms over his chest.
“Count me out! My wife's a nurse and she sees motorbike accidents all the time” Mark says, shuddering at the countless accidents he hears from his wife.
“I’ll do it,” Kimi says, shrugging , finally speaking up.
Seb’s eyes light up with excitement as he realizes Kimi’s agreed to go on the bike ride.
“Yes!” Seb exclaims, pumping his fist in the air.
Jenson, Mark, and Fernando all exchange glances, shaking their heads in disbelief at Kimi’s decision. They know just how reckless he can be on the track and they worry that he might get into trouble on the motorbike.
“Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?” Fernando asks, raising an eyebrow.
Kimi smirks and shrugs, his typical laid-back demeanor on display.
“I can handle it,” he replies confidently, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief.
Jenson and Mark share a look, clearly concerned for their friend's safety. They know how competitive and adrenaline-seeking Kimi can be, and they're worried about what he might do on the motorbike.
“Just be careful, man. Those things are dangerous,” Mark warns, placing a hand on Kimi's shoulder.
Seb rolls his eyes, clearly growing impatient with their cautionary words.
“Relax, guys. Kimi's a professional racer. He knows how to handle a bike,” he says, trying to reassure them.
Mark and Jenson exchange another worried look, but they know there's no stopping Kimi when he's set his mind on something.
Jenson sighs and throws up his hands in resignation.
“Fine, just be careful, okay? We don’t want you ending up in the hospital,” he says, giving Kimi a stern look.
Kimi just chuckles and gives Jenson a casual wave.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” he says, his tone lacking any concern.
“He’s right you we aren’t exactly 20 anymore some of us are almost 50 years old” Jenson says side eyeing Mark.
“That’s not funny” Mark says smacking Jenson on the back of his head.
Seb smiles and shakes his head in amusement at their banter.
“Come on, guys, lighten up! We’re still young at heart,” he says, grinning.
Fernando chuckles and crosses his arms over his chest, amused by their behavior.
“Young at heart, maybe. But our bodies might disagree,” he says, giving them a knowing look.
Jenson lets out a defeated sigh and nods in agreement.
“You have a point,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
Mark crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed by the reminder of his age.
“Yeah, yeah, we get it. We’re old,” he mutters, leaning against the wall.
Seb grins and punches Mark on the arm playfully.
“Don’t be such a grump, old man,” he teases, enjoying how Mark’s face twists in annoyance.
Mark shoves Seb back playfully, his annoyance growing.
“Watch it, Sebby,” he warns, glaring at Seb.
Seb just laughs and holds up his hands in defense.
“Just kidding, mate. Lighten up,” he says, grinning.
“Oh, and you’re such a mature adult, Jenson?” Mark shoots back, rolling his eyes.
Seb grins and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, where’s your sense of adventure, Jense? Too old and bored in your comfy armchair?”
Jenson feigns offense and puts a hand on his chest.
“Excuse me, I’ll let you know that I have plenty of adventures. I just prefer ones that don’t involve motorcycles and broken bones,” he says, raising an eyebrow. “Now Kimi, are you really sure you want to do this?” Jenson asked.
Kimi nods, his eyes fixed on the bike.
“Yes, I’m sure. I’ve been wanting to try something different since I retired. And this seems like a good enough adventure for me,” he replies confidently.
Seb grins and slaps Kimi on the back, clearly excited to have him on the ride with him.
“That’s the spirit, Kimi! We’re gonna have so much fun!” he exclaims, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
Mark crosses his arms over his chest and frowns.
“I still don’t like this. It’s too risky,” he mutters, worry etched on his face.
Jenson nods in agreement with Mark.
“Yeah, I have to agree with Mark on this. You’re not exactly young anymore, Kimi. You could seriously hurt yourself,” he says, his concern evident in his voice.
Kimi rolls his eyes and sighs, clearly annoyed by their concern.
“I appreciate your concern, guys. But I’m not a fragile old man. I can handle a bike ride,” he says, a hint of irritation in his voice.
“Ok if you say so” Mark says.
Seb grins, clearly sensing the tension in the air.
“I’m you think that Kimi because your going first” Seb says handing Kimi the keys and one of Kimi old helmets from a helmet swaps they did years ago.
Kimi takes the keys and the helmet from Seb, a feeling of nostalgia washing over him as he holds the old helmet. He shrugs it on, adjusting the strap under his chin.
“Fine, I’ll go first. Just to prove that I can handle it,” he says, his voice determined.
Seb grins and pats Kimi on the shoulder.
“Atta boy, Kimi. This is gonna be great!” he exclaims, clearly excited at the prospect of the ride.
Jenson,Fernando and Mark exchange a worried look, their concerns still evident on their faces.
Kimi swings his leg over the bike, settling himself onto the seat. He takes a deep breath and grips the handlebars, a mixture of excitement and nerves coursing through him.
“Let’s do this,” he says, looking over at his friends with a determined look.
The ride didn’t quite go as planned. As they were riding, Kimi lost control of the bike and ended up crashing into a nearby ditch.
Thankfully, it wasn’t a major accident. Kimi was a bit banged up, and he grimaced as he tried to sit up.
“Ugh, my back,” he groaned, wincing in pain. Seb quickly dismounted the bike and rushed to Kimi’s side, concern etched on his face.
“Kimi! Are you okay?” he asked, helping Kimi sit up.
Jenson, Mark and, Fernando hurried over as well, their expressions mirroring Seb’s concern.
Kimi leaned against Seb, his face twisted in pain.
“I’m fine. Just a little sore,” he groaned, trying to play it off.
Mark rolled his eyes, not buying it.
“Yeah, right. You’re about as convincing as a three-year-old trying to lie about stealing a cookie,” he said dryly.
Seb shot Mark a glare before turning his attention back to Kimi.
“Let me see,” he said, gently lifting up the back of Kimi's shirt to inspect his injury.
As Seb lifts up Kimi's shirt, he sees a large bruise forming on the small of Kimi's back, the skin red and inflamed.
“Ah, that looks painful,” Mark says, wincing as he sees the bruise.
Jenson and Fernando nod in agreement, their faces etched with concern.
“Come on, let's get you home” Mark says.
Kimi nods weakly, his face pale from the pain.
“Yeah, let’s go,” he mutters, trying to stand up. But as he tries to stand his legs buckle under him and he stumbles forward.
Seb quickly steadies him, looping an arm around his waist.
“Easy, mate. Let’s take it slow,” he says, supporting Kimi’s weight.
As they make their way back to the car, Kimi grimaces with each step, the pain flaring up with every movement.
Jenson and Fernando follow behind, watching with concern as Seb and Mark help Kimi.
Mark shakes his head as they reach the car, clearly annoyed.
“You just had to prove something, didn’t you?” he says, opening the car door for Kimi.
Kimi just grunts in response, too focused on the pain radiating from his back to come up with a snarky retort.
Seb helps him into the car, adjusting the seat so that Kimi is comfortable.
“Don’t be too hard on him, Mark. He was just trying to have some fun,” Seb says, trying to ease the tension.
“Oh and you're telling y/n what happened” Marks adds.
Kimi groans at the mention of Y/n.
“Ugh, can we just skip that part?” he mutters.
Seb chuckles, clearly amused by Kimi’s reluctance to tell you about the accident.
“Afraid your wife is gonna give you an earful?” he teases.
Mark,Jenson,Fernando and Kimi all exchanged looks before says “yes!”
Seb laughs, thoroughly enjoying their reactions.
“Oh please, it’s just a little back injury. I’m sure Y/n will understand,” he says, clearly underestimating the situation.
Jenson shakes his head, a knowing look on his face.
“Oh buddy, you have no idea what you’re getting into.”
Mark nods in agreement.
“Y/n won’t be happy about this. I mean, come on, Kimi. You’re not a young driver anymore. You have to be careful,” he says, his voice filled with concern.
Fernando chimes in.
“You’re lucky it wasn’t worse. You could have really hurt yourself,” he says, his expression serious.
Kimi groans again, knowing they’re all right.
“I know. I know. I just didn’t think it would end up like this,” he mutters, feeling guilty for worrying you.
Seb pats him on the shoulder.
“Hey, it’s okay. It was an accident. But you’re gonna have to face the music, pal,” he says, trying to lighten the mood.
Jenson nods in agreement.
“Yeah, you’ll just have to explain what happened and hope for the best,” he says, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Kimi sighs, knowing he has no way out of this.
“I guess you’re right. Let’s just get this over with,” he says, resignation in his voice.
As they arrive at Kimi's house, Kimi's anxiety grows. He knows he's in for it with you.
Seb and Mark help him out of the car, supporting his weight as they make their way to the front door.
Fernando and Jenson follow behind, still concerned about his injury. As they enter the house, Kimi’s heart sinks as he sees you sitting on the couch, reading a book. You look up as you hear the door open and your eyes widen in surprise as you see Kimi being supported by Seb, Mark, Fernando and Jenson.
“What happened?!” you exclaim, jumping up from the couch and rushing over to them.
Kimi looks at you sheepishly, feeling like a child who got caught doing something they weren’t supposed to.
“I uh...I had a little accident,” he mutters, avoiding your gaze.
Seb, Mark, Fernando and Jenson all step back, leaving Kimi to explain the situation. They exchange knowing glances, already bracing themselves for your reaction. You look at Kimi, anger and concern etched on your face.
“A little accident? What do you mean a little accident? You’re in pain, you can barely walk, and you have a massive bruise on your back!” you exclaim, your voice becoming louder with every word.
Kimi winces under your gaze, feeling like he’s been scolded by a teacher. "I know, I know. It wasn't supposed to go like this. It was just a fun ride, that's all, " Kimi tries to explain, his voice sounding small and meek.
Seb, Mark, Fernando and Jenson all stand there awkwardly, feeling like they're witnessing a couple's fight.
You shake your head in frustration, your hands on your hips.
"Just a fun ride? Oh, and I suppose that bruise on your back is just a temporary tattoo?!" you retorted, your eyes narrowing. Kimi rubs the back of his neck, feeling more and more like a child under your disapproving glare.
"I know it looks bad, but it’s not as bad as it looks," he says, trying to downplay the situation.
Seb, Mark, Fernando, and Jenson all inwardly cringe, knowing that he's only making things worse for himself.
They all watched as you sighed before saying “the important thing is that it doesn’t look major”
Kimi's eyes flick up at your words, a glimmer of hope in his gaze. He'd been expecting a worse reaction, so he's somewhat relieved by your calmer tone.
Mark, Seb, Jenson and Fernando all exchange glances, surprised that you're not chewing Kimi out like they thought you would.
“Let’s get you upstairs some grab the ice pack from the freezer and the heating pad from the hall closet” you said to the guys
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando nod, understanding your instructions.
Seb dashes off to the kitchen to grab the ice pack, while Mark heads to the hall closet to retrieve the heating pad. Jenson follows behind Mark, feeling a sense of relief that the situation isn’t escalating.
After a few minutes, all four men return, each holding the items you requested. Seb returns with the ice pack, which he hands to you, while Mark gives you the heating pad. Jenson and Fernando stand there, waiting for further instructions.
Kimi remains there, looking sheepish and embarrassed, as if he had just been caught sneaking a cookie from the jar.
You take the items from the guys, giving them a small smile of appreciation.
You then turn your attention back to Kimi, looking at him with a stern but loving expression.
"Come on, let's get you settled upstairs," you say, gesturing towards the stairs. Kimi nods obediently, wincing slightly as he takes a step, the pain in his back flaring up again.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando all exchange looks, impressed by how well you're handling the situation. They follow behind you and Kimi as you make your way upstairs.
As you reach the bedroom, you help Kimi settle onto the bed, making sure he’s comfortable. Then, with practiced ease, you place the ice pack on his bruised back, trying to reduce the inflammation.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando all hover nearby, watching you with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. “Thank you for bringing him home guys but I can’t take it from here” you said looking at the four men who were standing in the doorway.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando nod in understanding.
"Of course, no problem," Sebastian says, giving you a small smile.
Mark pats Kimi on the shoulder, a sympathetic look on his face. "Take it easy, mate. We'll check in on you later," he says.
Jenson and Fernando nod in agreement, their expressions showing their concern. "Yeah, get some rest, Kimi," Jenson says.
Kimi gives them a weak smile, appreciating their support.
"Thanks, guys. I'll be fine. Just need some rest," he says, his voice betraying how tired he truly is.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando chuckle slightly. "We know you're a tough old man, but even tough old men need to rest sometimes," Mark teases.
Kimi glares at Mark playfully before grumbling, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Just get outta here"
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando laugh, clearly amused by his attempt at being grumpy.
"Alright, we're going. You two behave now," Jenson teases, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Kimi rolls his eyes, but a hint of a smile forms on his lips.
"Yeah, we'll be fine. Thanks for your concern, lads," he mutters.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando all say their goodbyes and make their way out of the room, closing the door gently behind them.
Once they're gone, you and Kimi are left alone in silence. You focus on applying the ice pack to his back, making sure it's placed in the right spot.
Kimi watches you for a moment, grateful for your care.
"Thanks, love," he mumbles, his voice softer than usual. You look up at him, noticing the vulnerability in his expression.
"Of course, darling," you reply, a comforting smile on your face. "But next time, maybe stick to less dangerous activities, okay?"
Kimi huffs out a chuckle, his expression sheepish.
"Yeah, I guess I got a bit carried away, didn't I?" You nod, still holding the ice pack to his back.
"Just a bit. You're not a young driver anymore, you need to be careful," you say sternly, your tone betraying how much you worry about him.
Kimi winces a bit as the ice pack touches a particularly sore spot.
"I know, I know. I was just having some fun, that's all," he grumbles.
You shake your head, a playful smile on your lips.
"Fun is great, but not if it ends up with you hurting yourself like this," you say, gently chiding him.
Kimi sighs, knowing you're right.
"I know, I know. I should have been more careful," he mutters, wincing again as you apply more pressure with the ice pack. You pause for a moment, studying his face closely.
"You're lucky it's just a bruised back and not something more serious," you say, your voice filled with concern.
Kimi nods, feeling guilty for worrying you.
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry for scaring you like that," he says, his expression remorseful.
You soften your expression, your eyes filled with love and understanding.
"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. Just...promise me you'll be more careful next time, okay? You're not invincible, no matter how much you like to think you are," you say, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Kimi chuckles weakly, looking up at you.
"Yeah, I know I'm not invincible. And I promise I'll be more careful from now on. No more showing off, I swear," he says, his expression sincere.
You smile at his promise, satisfied that he's taking this seriously.
"Good. I just want you to be safe," you say, gently removing the ice pack from his back.
Kimi sighs in relief as the coldness disappears, replaced by the feeling of your warm hand on his back.
"I know, and I appreciate it. I don't like worrying you like this," he mutters, his voice softer than before. You begin to gently massage his back, your fingers working to soothe the muscles under his skin.
"I know you don't. But accidents happen. Just promise me you'll be more careful in the future," you repeat, your tone still stern but filled with love.
Kimi nods, feeling the tension in his back slowly ease under your touch.
As you continue to massage his back, Kimi closes his eyes, completely relaxing under your touch.
"I promise, love. No more showing off. I'll be a good boy from now on," he mutters, a small smile on his face.
You chuckle at his words, amused by his choice of words.
"Good boy, huh? I like the sound of that."
You continue to massage his back, feeling a strong sense of affection for him.
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thechekhov · 1 month
Hey Chekhov! How do you start converting an AU idea from character sheets and mini comics into a plot outline for a full, continuous comic? Especially if the series you're basing it on isn't complete?
I've been following your white diamond Steven comics for years, and frankly, I love how it builds and continues the scaffolding canon laid to be something that is thematically still the same but also very unique. And I never thought I'll ever say this, but now I'm working on a canon-divergent AU with someone that's I think aiming to do something similar(continue the themes of canon but different). So I'll just like some advice, I suppose!
You might've answered something like this before, honestly, but I tried to dig a little and couldn't really find it.
Thanks, if you do answer this! I just want take the opportunity as well to say also that your comic and blog accompanied me through parts of my late teens, and I'm very grateful for you being a stabilizing influence during that time.
Thank you! I really appreciate you saying that, and I appreciate you respecting me enough to ask for advice.
As for your question...
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Well, to be frank, I don't START with character sheets and mini-comics. In fact, for WD!AU, I didn't have any character sheets until I started season 2.
Think of your story as an aquarium. Your characters are fish.
Yes, they're important, but having a whole bunch of fish without any substrate, tanks, feed and WATER..... will not really make for a memorable aquarium experience.
The reality is that all stories should start with an end.
That's my personal approach, anyway.
What I mean is - you need to know the general idea for your story before you begin to write or plan it.
Let's try this:
1.Tell me about your story in THREE sentences!
Just three. Not long ones, just regular ones.
For my AU, @ask-whitepearl-and-steven, it would be:
"A young orphan runs away from home with a mysterious lady who seems more cryptid than human. He realizes that he's not human either - he used to be the ruler of an alien planet! He and the other aliens he meets decide to (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED) and he (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (READACTED) (READ ANDCTED) (READ AND FIND OUT)."
YOU should know how YOUR story ends too! Even vaguely.
It helps if you know at what point you plan to lay down the pencil. Because if you DO know, you are always going to know which direction to walk in, even if the end is so far away it's beyond your line of sight.
It's true that when I began WDAU, I didn't have much information about White Diamond and white Pearl, because they had literally ONLY been introduced. I had to guess a lot of the details (like WP being Pink's originally) and what White would be capable of. And thankfully, my original intent for the story's end fit pretty well with what was later revealed!
But don't forget - you could also just fuck around with stuff! It's your story, after all.
And don't forget... to also look back!
2.Tell me WHY the story is happening in the first place.
There's a reason that the beginning of your story happens when it does. If there is no reason to start somewhere, then find a different place to start.
You should be able to tell me "We're picking up the story here because something significant has happened... and that significant thing happened BECAUSE...."
That 'because' is your main background information that should be revealed slowly throughout the story. In WDAU's case, we only have a few pieces of the puzzle. We know Greg's side. He know Earl's side. But there are still little bits and pieces missing! And they're all important for finding out WHY Steven ended up an orphan and WHY he is being followed by White Pearl (Earl) at the very start of the comic!
3.Tell me what the coolest and most interesting things to happen would be....and then write them!
I think this may be something that's rarely said out loud, but I will speak on the behalf of the people...
We should write the scenes we want to read. If you don't want to read the scene you're writing, then DON'T write it!
If you feel like you "have to" do a page and a half of 'lore' because you think it's traditional to have that 'explanation' about the location of your story, or the history of the species or whatever, you're simply wrong. There are other ways to reveal information aside from just forced paragraphs upon paragraphs of information that would make an SAT Reading Section sweat.
Instead, I recommend that you find the most exciting or hilarious way for the characters to discover the most important bits of info. Find a dramatic twist. Shove it into the narrative. Then, figure out what needs to happen to get there.
Ultimately, though, remember this: When you're taking advice from me or from others, don't forget to take advice from yourself, too! It's your story, after all. You know it best, and only YOU can figure out how to get it written.
I hope that helps at least a little bit! Writing it never easy, but it should still be enjoyable!
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 1 month
Something Special
A/n: No one asked for Nikki but I like Nikki Idc that he's 65 HE'S PRETTY this is also so not how he'd react but I thought it was cute so sue me
Warnings: Smut, reader is a little bit of a stalker, thigh riding, oral (m receiving), slight angst, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Nikki Sixx. Six foot tall crude bassist of big glam band Motley Crue.
You were obsessed.
You went to as many of their shows as you could, attending any after parties they had, all in the hopes of ‘accidentally’ running into Nikki and having the night you’d been touching yourself to for the past few months.
You couldn’t help it. You were all alone in bed with nothing but your thoughts to fuel you, no wonder your hand slid down between your thighs. Countless times you’d pretended it was Nikki’s hand pleasuring you, picturing his soft lips caressing the shell of your ear and whispering the dirtiest things to you, the room filled with your moans of his name and curses spilling out of you like a mantra.
At long last you got your hands on a backstage pass to one of Motley’s concerts. You got yourself all ready, wearing an outfit you were sure would catch Nikki’s attention. Leather skirt with matching boots, ripped fishnets and a cropped band shirt with a leather jacket thrown over to keep you warm. You spent hours on your hair and makeup all with the thoughts of what it would look like completely ruined by the end of the night.
You made it into the mosh pit, getting right up close to the stage where Nikki was. It was about halfway through the concert and you begrudgingly came to the realisation that you looked just like every other girl in the crowd. You knew that this whole time, it was always in the back of your mind that everyone trying to get with Nikki would be dressed how they thought he would want them to dress.
It killed your mood and you almost thought about not going backstage. Almost.
The concert ended, they came back out for their encore before hiding away again, inviting those with passes to come on backstage. Since that was you, you followed the herd heading that way.
As expected it was another party, a Motley Crue party. You walked around on the sides, slipping past people in the search of Nikki. You thought you saw him a few times but he always seemed to slip away. Eventually it led you to a door that you stared up at in awe.
There was a small placard on it that read ‘Nikki Sixx’.
You found his dressing room.
You thought for a moment. You couldn’t really go in there, could you? Of course you could, and you did, sneaking in without anyone noticing.
There was a couch on one side, a vanity on the other and in the middle was a small table covered in snacks and drinks and drinks and even more drinks with a small mirror dusted with a bit of white powder. But none of that intrigued you as much as the pile of clothes in the corner.
Of course the costumes they wore on stage were very extra and it made sense that they would change into them upon arrival rather than come in wearing them.
You got closer and saw a pair of boxers placed atop the pile. Your mind filled with a lustful haze as you got on your knees and held the piece of clothing to your nose, inhaling his salty, musky scent, getting high on his pheromones.
Your hand moved down to your heat, pulling your skirt up so it bunched at your hips, giving you better access to yourself. You’d decided not to wear panties, the whole goal was to get with Nikki so why would you need them? Your skirt was tight enough anyway so you figured it would be fine. Right now, though, your only concern was Nikki and his garment now in your hand, shoved into your face as your eyes rolled back in euphoria.
Then, the door opened. Your neck snapped to the direction of the disturbance, your breath heavy and fast, your hand frozen on your swollen clit. It was Nikki, and he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by your presence.
You stared at him as he took a seat on the couch and poured himself a shot of Jack Daniels. He swallowed it quickly and poured another. “Well don’t stop.” He encouraged before downing the second shot.
You stayed put for a moment, unsure of what to do. When your mind finally caught up to what was happening you crawled over to him, situating yourself between his legs and looking up at him all wide eyed.
Nikki smiled down at you and placed his shot glass back down on the table before relaxing back into the couch. “You got yourself a backstage pass so you could sneak in here, huh?” He asked, sounding more proud than anything. “I saw you in the crowd, you know.” That caught your attention. “Shaking your ass for all those losers out there.”
“You saw me?” You asked, looking up at him with stars in your eyes.
Nikki chuckled and nodded. “Of course I did,” he said, one of his big hands cupping your cheek, “couldn’t keep my eyes off of you.” Your cheeks hurt with how you were smiling. Nikki’s thumb swept over your bottom lip before pushing into your mouth. “I’ve seen you before.” He said, pressing his thumb on your tongue. “At other shows, you follow us around don’t you?” You nodded and Nikki smirked. “Figured, that’s why I led you in here.” You paused.
“You led me in here?” You asked, pulling away slightly. Nikki nodded.
“Of course, when I kept seeing you dressed up it was pretty easy to tell what you wanted, when I saw you in the crowd tonight I decided to give you what you wanted.” His hand went to the back of your head, guiding you forward until your head was resting on his thigh. “Good girls deserve rewards.”
Your head bobbed up and down, taking his dick further down your throat. Nikki’s hand was still holding your head, fingers tangled in your hair as he pushed you down his length. His head fell back on the couch as he let out deep guttural groans.
He was twitching in your throat and his noises were getting louder. He started bucking his hips up and holding your head in a tighter grip to the point where he was fucking your face, using your mouth as a fleshlight. You were getting light headed and you were loving every moment of it.
Soon he was cumming down your throat, pushing your face into his crotch as his hips snapped up a few final times. You pulled away when he let you and took a few deep breaths, finally getting to breathe again.
Nikki laughed at you as you regained your breath. He grabbed your face in his hand, squishing your cheeks harshly. “Let me see.” He demanded. You opened your mouth to show him you swallowed it all and he gave your cheek an affirming pat. “Alright, you can go now.” He said as he relaxed back into the couch.
You were at a loss for words. All this time you waited for that? No way, you needed more, you deserved more. “But-but I was good.” You said, not moving from your spot on the floor between his spread legs.
Nikki looked down at you with a raised brow. “So? Plenty of good girls out there, what more do you want?” You bit your lip. He was right, there were so many other girls out there that wanted him just as much as you. Still, you weren’t gonna let this be all there was.
You stood up and got on his lap, holding his face in your hands and crashing your lips down on his. No matter what you did, how much you moaned or whined against him, if your tongue explored his mouth, he just didn’t care. You could feel him smiling into the kiss, it carried such a demeaning tone to it.
You ground yourself on his thigh, needy cunt craving any kind of friction. Still, no reaction from him. It was just like you weren’t even there.
Hot tears trickled down your cheeks, tainting the kiss with a saltiness. Nikki’s hand came up to your shoulders, pushing you away gently and you could see the genuine concern in his eyes as he wiped your tears. “Are you crying? Why are you crying?” He asked in such a sympathetic tone it caught you completely off guard. Just a moment ago he couldn’t care less about you, and before that he was using you as his own personal fucktoy.
You sniffled softly and Nikki pulled you tight to him, letting you hide your wet face in the crook of his neck. “Shh, shh, come on now, there’s no need to cry.” He whispered to you. “Pretty girls like you don’t need to be crying.” You sniffled again.
“You think I’m pretty..?” You muttered. He held your face in his hands again as he looked at you.
“Of course I think you’re pretty, only an idiot would think otherwise.” He kissed your forehead.
“But-” You spoke only to be cut-off.
“I don’t wanna hear it, tell me you’re pretty.” You stared at him blankly. “Say it. Say you’re pretty.” He repeated. You hesitated, was this a trick? Some kind of sick mind game?
“I-I’m pretty...” You mumbled. Nikki shook his head.
“Say it like you fucking mean it.” You didn’t say anything, still unsure of what was really happening. Nikki rolled his eyes and grabbed his half hard dick, pumping it a few times. “This is what you wanted, right? Wanted me to fuck you?” Your gaze fell to his pretty dick, all leaky and glistening from your saliva still. You gave a slow nod. “I’m gonna fuck that thought into you.” You were still confused but you understood that you were getting just what you’d always wanted.
Nikki ripped over your fishnets, tearing down your thighs before pushing into you. Your jaw dropped over in a silent moan as your eyes shut tight. All those nights you’d spent imagining what it would be like to have him inside you, nothing compared to this feeling.
He laid you down on the couch, your shirt had been tossed to the floor, leaving you fully exposed for Nikki to gawk at as he thrusted into you at a brutal pace, his thumb rubbing harsh circles against your clit. It had your mind running wild. “Fuck, Nikki! Nikki, ‘m close!” You moaned, back already arching off of the couch.
“Say you’re pretty.” He grunted. You looked up at him with a confused expression. “Say you’re pretty.” He repeated in a stern tone.
You let out a whine. “I-’m pretty.” You mumbled, hoping it would satisfy him.
He stopped and pulled out of you completely. Leaving your cunt fluttering for more. “If you don’t mean it you can’t cum.” He said in a degrading tone. “Tell me one thing that is pretty about you.” Your mind wasn’t working too fast but you still tried to come up with something while the bassist stared down at you. “Seriously? Not even one thing?” You sucked your bottom lip.
“I-I think I have pretty eyes..?” You said. Nikki rolled his eyes.
“Jesus, do you hate yourself?” You stared at him. “Say it again.”
“I... think I-”
“No!” Nikki stopped you. “Say one thing that’s pretty about you.”
Again you hesitated. “I have pretty eyes.” You said in an almost confident voice.
Nikki huffed. “We’re not leaving until you love yourself.” There was a determination in his eyes you’d never noticed before. Oftentimes when you’d see pictures of him with other girls he’d have a smirk or something but there was never this in his eyes. There was something special about you.
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museum-mind · 3 months
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ᯓ★ sae thought it was the right decision to break up with you before moving to spain, but soon found himself checking your socials every other day — and searching for your face at every game.
a/n : i wanna do a part 2 of when sae comes back to japan but i don’t know..
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“i’m breaking up with you.” … “this relationship will never last.” … “goodbye, name.”
sae’s words rang through his head like a curse throughout the whole flight, his teeth biting harshly at his lower lip.
was this really the right decision? was it really necessary to throw away the love of his life for the sake of pursuing his soccer career?
it better have been, because it sure is difficult holding back tears in front of a bunch of strangers on a plane.
he sighed, unlocking the door to his new apartment; it strangely reminded him of your cozy little place.
sae had to remind himself over and over that you two were no longer, you were just a memory of the past; someone who he left behind in japan.
but when he’s laying alone on his large, king-sized bed, body sprawled out like a starfish and the sounds of the lively city drowned out his own harsh words — “name, we need to talk.” — he found it so hard to let you go.
he was the one who ended things, he had to! it’s not like you wanted to go to spain with him — you had a life, and you’d just be a nuisance to him anyways.
that’s what he says to himself, hands trembling as they click on the new story you just posted on instagram.
it seems that your friends, whom he never really liked, took you out to a club, of sorts.
his thumb flew to like your story, almost like a reflex, but he was quick to stop it.
he scanned the picture, a fancy outfit hugging your curves — did you always have that, or was it new? he certainly hadn’t seen you wear something so… risky, before.
he taps again, the next story — it’s you with your friend. all he can focus on is the smile on your face, so bright.
you seemed to be glowing, as if you’d turned into the brightest star in the sky.
you’d always been like that, sae thinks. you were the star, no — sun to his moon.
now you’re glowing for the sick eyes of the men in that filthy club. he would’ve taken you to a much nicer place.
he scowls as he taps again, eyes glaring down at the photo of you with another man — he guesses your annoying friend took the photo and posted it.
they always loved to meddle, didn’t they?
sae turns his phone off, deciding he’s seen enough for one night. it’s not like he cares about what you’re doing anyway… right?
sae places his phone back on the table, the tiredness from flying finally getting to him.
“just a nap,” he tells himself, laying down as he places his hands on his stomach, teal eyes staring up at the ceiling.
“just a nap” turned into an hour of emotions. sae couldn’t handle it, the thought of you — his one and only with some other man?
well, you’re not his anymore.
and with that, sae finally fell into the hands of sleep, dreams and images of you plaguing his mind.
as the sun sunk low, the moon glittering beautifully in the night, sae’s eyes fluttered open. he didn’t realise he’d been asleep for so long — the time difference sure did get to him.
days went by, and over time he grew to get used to the time.
one thing he couldn’t get used to, was being without you.
he didn’t even notice when he’d look at your account, scrolling through your new posts — you’re so pretty.
you seem much happier than he’s feeling.. ironic, since he’s the one who broke up with you in the first place!
he had his first game in spain, muscles cracking as he stretched.
it hurt when he stretched himself, you’d usually massage his muscles to help loosen him up — what is he thinking?! he’s better off without you!
but he did miss the touch of your hands.
he wasn’t playing as he normally would, this match… anyone could tell, even you, who was watching from the other side of the world.
you stayed up late, your room lit up by the screen playing sae’s match.
his game is so off today, you think. is something bothering him?
it’s not like it matters, anyway, he broke up with you…
sae stood still, eyes blank as the winner of the game was announced; itoshi sae’s team had lost.
all his dreams of becoming a striker, crushed. just like that.
in the span of weeks; sae had lost everything dear to him. and it was all his fault.
you knew the look in sae’s eyes — it was the very same emotion he looked at you with before he left.
emotionless and empty.
you sighed, turning the device off as you lay back down in your bed, arms reaching out to where sae used to rest.
your hand balls into a fist, tears threatening to spill. you can’t help but feel angry, yet sympathetic at the same time.
but is he really deserving of your emotions?
no. he’s not.
sae knows that, so as he plops back down to his bed, he’s already reaching for his phone and turning it on.
he’s doesn’t deserve to message you — he doesn’t have the right!
so he was surprised to see a text from you.
“i can tell you miss me.”
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
i will ALWAYS be salty abt the ed-sheeranification of one ok rock (one of my fave personality-building anecdotes i explain at parties to ppl getting to know me) but the fact is that takas voice is soooo hot he could sing the words on the back of a milk carton to the tune of a t*ylor sw*ft song + id probably still listen to him. sorry
#well actually that isnt true bc i very rarely ever listen to oor anymore. theyve made so much terrible music its tainted their good shit#but like twice a year i go back thru their discography and reminisce over niche syndrome.....a guy can dream#whenever they release new stuff i always get my hopes up theyre gonna go back to their roots and they never do. saaad#but i have this weird grandmotherly love for taka whenever i see him in music videos for his new stuff im like aww how Nice :^)#wish he hadnt outgrown his emo phase but thats ok im glad hes enjoying himself and the band seems to be popular still#.diaries#i do have a big old soft spot for ambitions era even if its kinda mid. its associated w a lot of nice memories i have of my ex#if nothing else i appreciate how earnest their music was around then.... god listening now and i still know All The Lyrics lmfao#still mad they replaced the japanese vers with an english rerecord for release outside of japan tho. that was unnecessary 😐#maaann my ex had VERY different music taste to me but its sweet how many bands are rose tinted for me bc of them#like theres some stuff i would never have voluntarily listened to. but listening to them talk excitedly carved a niche in my ears#they made me a bunch of playlists for things they found that they thought id like.. i still have some of them saved/backed up#im surprised some of the ogs still exist tbh bc they unfollowed me on spotify + privated/deleted a ton of shit like a year ago#but a couple r still standing.. idk id like to think maybe they left them bc they had some nice memories too. i could never hate them man#SORRY FOR TALKING ABT MY EX AGAIN this music just takes me right back. im v glad we're not dating or in each others lives anymore#but also u cant be that close w someone for that long without them having a lifelong impact on u. or at least i cant anyway#and its nice to remember them fondly sometimes even if we were both cunts to each other. hope theyre doing alright wherever they are#god i need to start dating again its so fun i miss it so much. once im settled in the new place + i have a secure job....#i mean ik who id LIKE to date but im pretty sure that aint happening lmaooo. ill get over it i love meeting new ppl anyway#okay enough rambling im gonna go make lunch if ur reading this far ily hope ur having a nice day XOXO aaaaand post
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wwwcapricorncom · 9 months
I Heard Something Outside!| Friday The 13th
Starring: Izuku Midoriya x POC Fem 
Warnings: Exhibitionism ft. Established relationship, Oral (F!Receiving), a shit ton of praise, uses of ‘pretty girl’, good girl’, needy girl’, ‘desperate’, ‘naughty’, ‘baby’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘daddy’, voyeurism, noncon watching at first, semi public & unprotected s3x, Izuku = soft dom here, squirting. 18+, Minors DNI. 
Summary: You swear there’s something outside the tent you share with your boyfriend!
Kinktober 2023 Schedule | Next Story In Kinktober Series
Be kind, I'm rusty.
The flap to the tent unzipping is the first noise that you register, the high pitched buzzes of the talking cicadas are next. The fire burning outside briefly illuminates your face as your boyfriend ducks inside. 
Immediately you put your arms up, making grabbing gestures towards him with your eyes still closed. He hums, laying on your chest and snuggling his face into you while you wrap your arms around his head. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you, baby.” Izuku mumbles, nuzzling his face against your breasts. 
You throw your leg over his large back and sigh, pressing him closer to you, “I missed you anyways,” his hands start to rub at your sides. Large, calloused hands sneakily bunching his oversized shirt farther up your skin to expose your legs, hips, and lower sides.  
“I missed you too.” He presses his lips to a clothed nipple and you giggle, “I can feel it”. His large length is pressing against your leg, nice and hard for you. 
“The boys finally left,” he starts whilst pushing the shirt above your stomach, “Denki and Hanta are smoking and I think Ejirou and Katsuki might be at the lake.” 
His hot mouth is against your belly now, pressing soft kisses into your skin even grazing his teeth every now and again as he continues downward. 
“How much time do you think we have, Zuzu?” He is sucking at the flesh below your belly button, large hand tugging your underwear down before he answers. “Enough time for me to taste you and bury my cock inside.” 
You two haven’t had any alone time all day and it seems you’re not the only one feeling the withdrawals. You wonder if his friends' constant teasing adds to this. You never knew that they teased him like they did about you, making snarky remarks like could he even handle such a sexy woman like yourself. If you two even do anything sexual or if you’re the top. 
All kinds of assumptions you never thought they would have of your baby who takes any chance he gets to bury his fingers, tongue, and cock inside you. Your baby who knows how to give until you’re crying. 
“How bad do you want it?” He asks as he thumbs at your puffy clit, sucking purple marks into your inner thighs until you’re clenching his hair. 
“Need it ‘Zu.” You mumble, spreading your legs wider to coax his tongue closer. 
“My needy baby.” He coos, kissing your clit which makes your back arch off of the sleeping bag on the tent floor. He inhales deeply before diving in, his large hands are fixed firmly on the backs of your thighs. They’re in his favorite spot because with ease he can spread you open for his tongue. 
You moan when he starts from just above your ass, licking straight up until he gets to your clit where he encloses his hot lips around the perked nub. He is sucking hard while flicking his tongue quickly which makes you squirm, legs closing around his head.  
“Already, baby? C'mon let me in.” He coos against your pussy lips, giving the entirety of your core kisses before pushing your legs further back. 
“I’m so turned on, fuck!” You mumble and he hums, circling his tongue around your entrance. He knows just how much you love doing sexual activities in new places. Your senses are probably in overdrive right now being in the middle of the woods. 
Oh and they are. This is why through the blankets of pleasure and raunchy slurping, you hear a twig snap. You freeze, “Izuku, I heard something.” You whine and he groans into your mound, tongue not stopping his onslaught. 
“Please baby c-check.” You moan and he hums slowly detaching his lips from your cunny. He sits up, face pink and jaw wet, before unzipping some of the tent flap. The rush of air that pushes inside attempts to eat at your overheated bodies. 
He pops his head out and looks over the campgrounds that you all set up this morning. Three tents and a bunch of chairs are still around the burning fire that you all made when it started getting dark. He squints just past that to the trees that enclose that campgrounds to make sure an animal or his friends aren’t approaching. Your small foot tickling his ear makes his attention revert back to you, “anything out there?”
“No baby, c’mere.” He doesn’t bother closing the flap up, opting to allow air inside for you two. Instead, he ducks low again, pulling you further down towards his mouth. 
“You barely even looked!,” you giggle which turns into a low moan when he is licking through your folds again. The noise you heard is lost on you, but the four men are more than pissing themselves, having almost just been caught. 
Katsuki sends a death glare at Eijiro who stepped on the twig while the other men punch his arm slightly. Quickly though, everyone’s attention is back on the tent. Your actions are displayed through shadowy silhouettes made by the light in your tent. However, their breaths hitch now that they can see a little slice into your world through the unzipped flap. 
Your cute legs are pressed to your body as he slurps and licks with pressure that has your eyes squeezed shut. You tug on Izuku's hair hard enough that he winces, groaning as he bucks his hips, “ ‘m gonna cum if you keep doing that!”
“Yea? You like when I eat you out in the woods? That’s so naughty, baby.” He states, pushing a finger inside your spongy pussy and you’re melting. He wastes no time attacking your g spot and all you can do is nod, ears burning as you prop yourself up on your elbows. 
“Give me a good one, sweetheart, so you can take this cock.” He knows your body all too well, knows just how hard to push his finger against your squishy button to have you seizing. 
Your head lolls back as you feel your orgasm approaching, but Izuku captures it in his hand, keeping you upright so that you’re facing him. The men can hear his lewd encouragements laced with your pants:
“Just like that, cling to my finger just like that.”  
“Fuck, you’re doing great!” 
Then you’re moaning so loudly that all the men's eyes are widening, watching you come all over their friends' fingers. 
Minutes later he is towering over you, swooping to press kisses laced with your slick that he sucked off his fingers to your glowing skin before prompting you to lift your arms up. The men hold their breath when your breasts spill from your shirt, making it harder for them to look away. 
Izuku’s shirt follows fast, pushing his shorts and underwear just below his cock which is twitching with precum. They all hold back a groan when you grab your legs for him, holding them open as he aligns himself with a grin. Praises follow, “good girl, gonna fuck you so good.” 
“Oh my-” You have to bite your lip to shut yourself up because you're too loud. You can never get used to how good Izuku stretches you out. How good he fills you up.  
“Let me fucking hear you.” You’re no stranger to the sweet man’s demands, but the four men are shocked. Especially when he grabs your hips and digs his cock deeper into you, forcing a cry from your mouth. 
He chuckles as if he isn’t stretching your pussy out beyond belief, “there’s your beautiful voice!” 
His thrusts are more desperate than they normally would be in the beginning, fast and deep as he plunges through your velvety walls. His face is flushed and his green tufts are starting to get wet as he loses himself in your soaked pussy. You’re a wet mess, he can literally part you in half with ease and he loves. 
“Zuzu,” you whine and to the men outside it sounds like you’re close, but what do they know about you? Izuku knows that whine, that sexy little perverted whine. 
He bites his lip looking down at you , “you want more don’t you, baby.” You’re nodding vigorously. 
“Yes I want you deeper, baby. I need it.” 
He halts, capturing your lips in a sloppy kiss that has you heaving when he departs, “so desperate.” 
He has you flipped over in an instant, so quick to give you what you want. A large hand lands on your hip, squeezing as he takes his cock in hand. You’re still panting from his meticulous manhandling when he pushes that fat mushroom tip into you that has you gasping. 
His other hand lands on your hip and he snaps his hips forward, hard, sending you forward. Your body subconsciously tries to escape the brutal smashing of his fat cock into your cervix. Your hips move forward as he is preparing to thrust back in and he snickers. “C’mere. Why’re you running?” 
He places a hand on your back and you freeze, knowing what’s to come. He’s rough when he presses you down into the ground, he knows you like it like that, pushing his cock deep into you. 
“This is what you wanted right?” You mewl out a feeble ‘yes’ as he kisses the back of sweaty neck, but brings a large hand down against your ass. You yelp out a mantra of ‘yes’s much louder than before. 
Precum spills from his cock and he groans, nodding, “show me then.” 
As if you two have rehearsed this, you perch up on all fours and start to shakily thrust your ass into him. You look back at him, watching as he throws his head back. His pink tongue swipes across his lips as he lets out an accomplished groan. It gives you the encouragement and strength you need to push into him more, sending his cock against your g spot.  
“It’s sooo deep!” Your voice is low and hoarse as you spear yourself on his erect cock. He’s starting to unravel, groping your tits and kissing and biting your shoulder. 
“Fuck, faster sweetheart, FASTER.” He starts to match your thrusts. It sounds like it could be painful the way your thunderous ass comes into contact with the flesh of his pelvis. If not for the shlick sounds omitting from between your legs. The four men can hear it clear as day, you're soaked. 
“Like this daddy?” You seek his approval desperately, launching your ass against him just so he can catch it with his own rough thrusts. It’s impressive how well he handles you, the way he stays upright and calculated against the onslaught of your round cheeks. 
A stuttered whine leaves your mouth as your body freezes, “zukuuuuu! I heard it again!” Your senses are too good for your own sake, the men think as they look at Denki. 
“G-go check?” It comes off unsure like you don’t fully want him to leave. 
He chuckles, not slowly his hips, “but you’re so warm,” You clench around him in response, “you’re so safe right now.” He murmurs against your skin. 
You're keening against him, “ahhh, fuck, thank you daddy!” He places a hand on your shoulder, starting to push against your gspot. You're moaning loudly, spreading your legs more so he can dig even deeper as if he can come out of your mouth. 
Once again the noise is lost on you, but this time Izuku did hear it. Another skill of Izuku’s besides pussy obliterating is his ability to multitask. He never misses a beat, continuing to stuff you and earn moans and sloshes as he eyes outside the flap. 
He can see them now— the four men frozen just beyond the campgrounds, almost obscured by trees and bushes. His hot chest is against your sweaty back in an instant, his lips pressing against your ear. 
Teeth and spit against your ear make you shiver, “ ‘m sorry baby I think the boys are watching out there.” You don’t stop taking his cock in fact you slope your back more. 
“Wanna keep going if you do.” You throw him a doe eyed glance like you’ll follow him to the end of the burning world. It makes his balls twitch as he nods, hoisting you upright which makes you squeal. 
Now you’re both upright on your knees, the men have a full view of your curvaceous body being fucked into. He is a groaning mess now, grunting and slamming into your pussy like a madman. Your breasts bounce sporadically and he places a large hand on the little pouch of your stomach to keep you from running. 
“Fuck, so rough. Izuku!” You whine, but he hushes you with a snap of his hips, cock directed towards you spongy spot and you’re reeling. 
He’s all over you. His arms wrapped so tight around you that you two are basically glued together. His lips kiss and nip at your ear before he shoves his tongue inside like he would when he’s between your legs. All the while his cock never stops grinding against every nook and cranny of your pussy, smashing your squishy spot over and over again. 
“Whose is it?” He asks, knowing it’ll push you right over. 
You’re wailing, “it’s all yours Izuku! Oh god!” 
You’re trembling, eyes glued shut as you start to fall into your orgasm. Expletives leave his mouth as he struggles to pull out of you when you're literally suffocating his cock.Normally he would leave his length inside of you, but this time he pulls out making you whine. Until you feel the pads off his fingers rubbing your clit in tight, fast circles. 
Your eyes fly open and you choke on a moan, clamping your hand to his wrist in an attempt to halt his actions. It’s futile and only lasts mere seconds when he pushes you into a squirting orgasm. 
Tears prick your eyes as you let out a sob, ruining the sleeping bag beneath you with the rush of warm liquid that splatters on your boyfriend too. They’re gasping, they can hear your release as it hits the sleeping bag. If they want a show, then he’ll give them one, he thinks as he pushes his cock back inside you.  
“I’m too sensitive! Izuku!!” You’re a hiccuping mess, “want me to cum outside then?” 
Your head falls against his shoulder, conceding your body to him. “No” You shake your head, tears getting ready to fall, “Don’t spill a drop outside my pussy.” 
He groans, he’s eyes screwing shut as he thanks you, “That’s it, oh fuck, I knew you wanted daddy’s cum.” 
“---can’t even think straight.” You’re crying. He knows how to make you cry so good, wet cheeks as a sign of pure pleasure. Every hair on your body up as he continues to pump and pump and pump. 
You know he is close when his blunt nails dig into your hips, “Here! Here, gonna give it to you so deep!”
And he does. Your body clenches around him like you’re designed for nothing more than to be stuffed with his seed. You don’t know who groans louder, you or him, when he crams every last drop inside of you. 
His head falls into the crook of your neck, hot breath fanning your damp skin, “I’m going to take you camping more often, pretty girl.”  
A broken giggle leaves your mouth along with his chuckle before he pulls out. You huff completely spent as you watch him pull up his underwear and shorts before he starts helping you come down from your high and into his shirt. 
“Let’s go wash off in the lake.” 
He makes sure to carry you bridal style with the promise of more aftercare, kissing your skin as he explains that you don’t need your panties. 
The next morning the men are silent. Not one joke about Izuku’s ability and it has you two rolling. 
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