#I think that’s the closest I’ve ever come to feeling happiness….
fucktheroyals · 1 year
Coworker: you laugh loud but that’s a good thing, it means you’re happy.
me, who laughs to fill silence and my fake laugh is so similar to my real laugh that people can’t tell the difference: :/ it’s funny you think that.
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yuribalisms · 1 year
I need to uproot my entire life and start from scratch or I’m gonna go insane
#‘haha funny joke post’ excpet…. not really#I’m coming to the realization that I am just Not happy where I am and I don’t think that’s gonna change so long as I’m here#and that’s why I keep spiraling into intense depressive episodes when I haven’t done that since I last lived with my mom#part of it is my job I hate it and it’s draining the life out of me and they’re working me into the ground#I literally can’t even take time off because they don’t allow it until you’ve worked there for a year#but also there’s no BETTER job opportunities here#and I finally decided what I want to go school for but also there’s no schools here that offer it…#the closest one is in my home town four hours away as some sick fucking cosmic joke#and I’m so…. so lonely#I feel so disconnected from literally everyone around me#I know my friends care about me and I’m important to them#but again it’s that sense that I will NEVER be the most important thing in their life someone else will always be that#I mean… I’ve never EVER been the most important person to someone before someone else has always mattered more than I have#which especially sucks when I feel like I only know HOW to be close with someone in an extremely obsessive way#where I would do anything for them but that’s not necessarily returned#but… I just think it would be nice to have a relationship with someone where the entire time I’m like ‘yeah but they would never do x thing#for you because they already have a person they would do that for’#(said person usually being a romantic partner)#and I’m just… tired#I’m tired of it and I want it to stop I want to be somewhere I don’t constantly feel like shit and go through frequent periods I wanna kms#and I think I’m gonna have to move for school anyways so…. So what if I really DID just start over somewhere else#I worry I might end up in the same rut but also I’ll never know if I don’t try#and I’m not happy here I don’t think I WILL be happy here I just want to live with/close to someone where I feel like I’m a priority#and my wants and desires are treated like something just as important as theirs#I dunno… maybe I am just in another really bad depressive episode again but….#I feel like I need to change something to avoid falling back to everything and everyone I normally do#kaz rambles
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ariaxmu · 21 days
romance brewing
a theodore nott x fem!reader fic
summary: friends to lovers, just cutesy, fluffy n two lovesick cuties.
first time writing for theo !!!! enjoy, i hope its okay..
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theo and i have been best friends since we were four. our parents met, were best friends, thus making us best friends. ill admit, a lot of people assume we are dating in secret anyway. it’s not true. we aren’t. just friends.
yes, just friends.
except not really. at least what i feel for him is anything but friendly. of course i’ve had my worries about how it might affect the friendship, but he’s my life. i cannot picture myself being with anybody else, ever.
hence why none of my previous relationships have worked. i compare every single one of them to him, and they just never, ever compare.
the only problem is i have no idea how he feels about me. pansy tells me, ‘that boy is completely in love with you’. but i just don’t see it. he’s always been sweet to me. i’m a shy person, he’s not. he’s protective of me, very much so. he’s confident, he’s a trouble maker, he’s gorgeous.
i get jealous when i see him talking to other girls, i’ve been heartbroken when he’s had previous girlfriends, i’ve pretended to be happy for him. no, i’m always happy for him, i want him to be happy, but i just wished it was with me.
i sigh, sitting up straighter as i realise where i am, sat in a circle with my closest friends in the common room. drinks scattered everywhere, red plastic cups messing up the room. the room a little blurry to me as my eyes glaze over from tipsiness.
theo is sat down beside me, chuckling as he watches draco do his embarrassing dare. i giggle, too, but not watching draco. watching theo’s pretty face curl into a smile as he laughs.
i swear sometimes when i look at him the world just stops, and it’s only him and i in the room together.
i’m snapped out of my daze as i hear my name being called by draco. i turn my head to him, smiling softly.
“okay pretty, your turn. truth or dare?” he asks mischeviously.
“umm… truth” i say, as i chose dare on my last turn.
“okay… have you ever been in love?” he asks, a smirk playing on his lips as he winks at me.
my cheeks flush pink. “u-uh, yeah”
“really?? with who? you’ve only had two boyfriends!!” eno exclaims. i nod.
“doesn’t mean it was a boyfriend of mine.” i say quietly, blushing more as i grab my drink.
“well- tell us who?” theo says from beside me, eyes wide and cheeks a little red.
“no! my turn is over, someone else’s go now” i mumble, taking a sip of my drink.
“yeah nott, it’s your turn now” blaise smirks, “truth or dare?”
“dare” he answers confidently, winking at me. i go even more red. god. the things this guy does to me without even knowing. i’m certain everybody else knows how i feel, i fear im being way too obvious.
“i dare you.. to choose a girl from this circle to spend 7 minutes in heaven with.” blaise spoke as he smirked. my heart almost stops.
oh god. what if he picks pansy? or astoria? and i have to watch this happen? what if he comes out with their lipstick all over his mouth and- oh god i could throw up.
“y/n.” i hear him say bluntly.
i almost choke on the air. “w-what?” i say, utterly confused.
“i choose you. cmon” he says, standing up and grabbing my hand. i gulp, standing up with him.
“a-are you sure? you don’t have to do this if you really, really don’t want to” i mutter along as he pulls me to the small closet, shutting the door behind us.
“be quiet, of course i want to do this. you think i want to be in a closet with any of those girls?” he fake gags. i giggle.
“be nice” i mumble.
“i thought the easiest option would be for us to just hide in here for a minute” he explains, and the excitement and nerves dissapear from me.
“oh… i see” i say, smiling softly as i try to hide my disappointment. i guess part of me was hoping he wanted to be in here with me for yknow, that reason.
he leans back against the shelves, the warm light peeking through the small gap in the doorway, lighting up his pretty face. i gulp, noticing the close proximity.
“what do you mean, ‘oh… i see’” he mimics me, wearing a raised eyebrow with a smirk.
“nothing.. was just…. agreeing with you” i whisper.
“oh.. oh. you wanted me to drag you in here and kiss you huh?” he smirks, standing up and stepping a little closer to me. my entire face heats up.
“w- no!!!” i exclaim.
“don’t lie, you wanted me to kiss those pretty lips of yours?” he says with a teasing tone.
“stop” i pout.
“aw, your face is all warm. do i make you blush?” he says as the back of his hand brushes my cheek. oh god i might die.
“shush” i whisper.
“just teasing you, bella.” he says, leaning back against the shelf. “unless… unless you liked it?” he prods.
“uh..” i mumble.
“five minutes left!!” i hear pansy yell from outside.
i gulp.
“did you?” he says, eyes softening as he looks at me.
“i don’t know… maybe a little” i say shyly.
“i can’t see you, god i wish i could see you right now. swap with me” he says softly, holding my hips as we switch places, the door illuminating my face now.
“that’s better. you look pretty with your face all flustered. now tell me, did you like it?” he says, his confidence really shining through right now.
“okay fine yes, i did, a little i guess” i mumble out, looking up at him.
“hmm” he says, chuckling a little. “i knew it”
“shuttup” i groan.
“it’s okay… i like you too” he says, seemingly getting a little nervous himself.
“i-i didn’t say i liked you, i said i liked it.” i mutter.
he goes silent for a minute, jokes calming down as the air gets a little thick, the tension growing.
“do you.. yknow, like me?” he whispers.
“uh-” im cut off as the door swings open, pansy standing there with a smirk.
“times up lovebirds”.
theo looks at me, a little desperate looking as we both leave the closet, sitting back down with our friends. i put my hand on the floor, leaning to the side a little as i catch my breath and try to steady my nerves. he sits back down beside me, sitting the same as i am, putting his pinky finger over mine.
i look at him, a small smile on my face as he returns the same.
“okay- enzo, your turn!” pansy says, clapping her hands as she comes up with a devious dare for him.
i try to pay attention to the group but all i can focus on is what the heck happened ten minutes ago in the closet. does he like me back? his pinky is still hooked onto mine. i never got the chance to tell him i liked him. i spiral for another five minutes until i notice everybody standing up.
“huh? where we going?” i say confused.
“late night dip in the black lake, silly. come get ur bikini on under your clothes” pansy says, grabbing my hand and yanking me away to our shared room.
“you need to tell me what happened in there” she shreeks, being the only person who knows about my feelings.
“shhh. they’re only down the hall” i whisper yell. “to be honest i don’t know what happened. he started getting all flirty with me, told me he was just teasing me- but then things got all tense and serious and he asked me if i liked him!” i whisper, panicking.
“i knew it! he clearly likes you back oh my god this is so exciting” pansy paces the room happily as she changes into her bikini.
i grab a plain black one, tying my hair in a side braid as i put mine on, putting my clothes on over the top.
“so i don’t know, he almost kissed me, pansy. almost!!” i sigh.
“then let’s get going, because a romantic swim together in the lake is going to be the best thing for you guys right now. we’ll give you privacy, don’t worry” she winks, holding my hand as we meet he guys outside of the room, all of us walking down to the lake.
like hooligans, they strip down into their shorts and cannonball into the lake. i frown,
“is it really cold?” i yell out to theo.
“its warm!! its summer, bella. hop in” he says swimming closer to me.
i sigh, pulling my clothes off nervously as theo watches, a light blush on his cheeks and a cheeky smile. i throw my wand down beside my clothes, before sitting on the edge of the wooden board beside the lake.
“you gotta jump in!!” pansy says, launching herself into the lake and pretty much on top of draco. i giggle as i watch her. i look at theo.
“i’m not a great swimmer” i whisper, shyly. “you know this”
“that’s why i’m here, i got you. don’t worry” he says, holding his hands out, putting them onto my waist as i scooch into the lake, and his his arms. i squeak a little.
“it is cold!!” i shiver.
“you’ll adjust to it, come on, show me that little paddle of yours” he chuckles, letting go of me and swimming backwards a metre or so.
he’s always made fun of me for this. i can’t swim, traditionally per say, more so like a dog. i kind of wiggle my hands and feet and just hope for the best.
i manage to make it to him, gripping onto his shoulders again.
“you gotta stop making fun of me for that.” i pout.
“never. it’s the cutest thing.” he says softly.
i smile at him, as all of our friends swim over and break us two up. so much for privacy.
i hold onto the wooden plank on the side of the lake, watching as they mess around and dunk each other. i notice pansy whisper something to theo, to which he returns a nod. i furrow my eyebrows.
pansy comes over to me. “i’ll challenge the boys to a lap down to the other wooden plank. you stay here with theo. you need to tell him how you feel. or let him tell you” she winks, swimming backwards and taking the boys with her.
i push myself off of the wood and closer to theo. i kind of manage to float for a second, before he grabs my hips and pulls me into him.
“i got you” he mutters.
i look at him, the moon illuminating his face, just like the light from the door did earlier. but this is better. he looks so pretty.
“you’re beautiful” he breathes out, eyes locked onto mine.
“theo… i-” i stop myself, getting nervous again.
“don’t worry, i know” he mumbles, putting his hand on my cheek, thumb brushing off a splash of water.
“you know?” i whisper.
he nods.
it goes quiet for a moment, both of us just looking into each others eyes. i notice him get a little closer, before he goes for it.
he leans in, attaching his lips onto mine before i can even acknowledge. i hum a little from surprise, but soon i sink into it. it just feels right. my hands wrap around his neck; his gripping my hips as my legs wrap around his hips.
his tongue brushes my bottom lip as the kiss deepens, a little moan erupting from me as we both get a little more desperate.
his hands snake further down my hips. “t-theo” i whisper against his lips. “they’re coming back”
he pulls back, a little love struck and lips a little red and swollen from the kisses.
“god, i love you” he whispers, kissing my lips for a moment again.
“i-i love you too” i whisper back, heart erupting in happiness as finally it’s out there.
“oh, bella. finally” he whispers. “i wanted to kiss you in the closet earlier, but we didn’t have enough time.” he mumbles.
“i know, it’s okay, this is perfect” i whisper back, my cheeks all flushed as the water suddenly seems to be cooling me down.
his hands rub all over my body, our heads only visibly to our friends who are messing around a little further down the lake.
“i wanna go back inside” he whispers. “i just want to spend the night with you”.
“me too, teddy. i’m sure we could.. sneak away?” i whisper.
“mhm. sounds good baby” he says, sneaking a little kiss into my lips. i giggle, watching him hop onto the wooden plank, hair a little wet and the water dripping down his abs. i have to tear my eyes away from him, gulping as he smirks at me.
''you like what you see, hm?'' he winks.
''shush, help me'' i say, holding my arms up as he picks me up.
''mm, look at you'' he grins, wrapping his arms around my waist. i hear whistling and cheering from behind us, my face goes red as i cover it with my hands.
''ignore them, let's go'' he whispers, smirking as we rush back inside.
''have a good night love birds!'' pansy shouts after us.
and let's just say, we had a... good night. :)).
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formulafics · 7 months
Scenario: basically ‘the winner takes all’, but oscar edition…or, the one where despite yn being the closest to oscar, no one suspects the two to be dating. that is, until a video of the pair at a valley concert comes out. (inspired by the song ‘Cure’ by Valley (bless @renarots for this one))
Pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader
A/N: squadron, it is an oscar day. it took me entirely too long to get to this request, but i’ve finally made it. i hope you guys like this fic as much as i liked making it 🫶🏻
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, logansargeant, and 92,431 others
ynln happy halloween 🎃😚
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landonorris why is oscar standing like that
⤷ ynln he’s just a boy leave him alone
dreamyalbon this friendship is everything to me
⤷ formulaferrari not a single thing about yn and oscars relationship is giving “friends” but okay
⤷ dreamyalbon there’s no way they’re anything more than friends though 😭
rizzciardo the way yn’s whole feed is becoming oscar is so funny
formulaverstappen who’s gonna tell them that daphne and fred had a romantic relationship
⤷ ln4nation to be fair, it’s pretty common for friends to go as romantic duos, platonically.
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ynln on instagram
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, maxfewtrell, riabish, logansargeant, and 142,211 others
ynln the best mornings ☀️ (also i made oscar the bracelet he’s wearing in the third slide i feel so proud of myself)
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oscarpiastri ❤️
riabish second slide 🥹
⤷ norrisnation ria and yn’s friendship is my favorite thing ever
dreamyalbon yn making oscar a bracelet is so cute </3
formulaferrari another day, another oscar post from yn. i love it here
landosbeachball THE ONLY BESTIES EVER 🫶🏻 the slide of them holding hands omg
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f1wagsdaily on Instagram
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f1wagsdaily do you think yn ln is dating anyone on the grid? if so, who? 👀
(left to right) yn and lando, yn and daniel, yn and charles
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norrisnation im so convinced that if it’s anyone it’s danny ric 😭 how do you go to music festivals and football games together so often and NOT date
⤷ charlesrrari yes but also they don’t hang out NEARLY as much anymore? also to be fair, yn’s closest friend - oscar aside - is lando, so it’s kind of natural that she would be in the mclaren garage more, so it just SEEMS like it’s daniel? idk im not convinced that it’s him
formula44 idk i feel like lando is the only one that makes sense
⤷ papayabull what about oscar?
⤷ formula44 idk i just can’t see them together
xf1x oscar piastri (solely based on how much they’re togwther)
⤷ papayanorris lore drop: yn rejected oscar in f3 because he was too busy so id imagine it’s the same now 🤷🏻‍♀️
⤷ xf1x to me that makes it seem more likely since that means they were obviously interested in each other?
⤷ papayanorris good point but maybe theyve moved on? 👀
⤷ pastrypiastri okay but imagine dating oscar and he’s THAT close with another girl, and same with yn being that close with another guy? idk this thread might have put me on the ynoscar agenda 🤭
shumirrari wild guess: jenson button (if you know you know)
⤷ chilisainz what am i missing?
⤷ shumirrari basically lando and jenson button are sort of friends so lando introduced yn to jenson at a race, and lando took pictures of them together. i’m pretty sure yn posted them a while back? idk but it was just a silly guess (her and jenson would be cute though, but i highly doubt it’s them LMAO)
formulaferrari i am TIRED why does no one have faith in the oscyn agenda
⤷ formulaferrari also does no one notice that oscar always is kind of shy around yn or am i actually delusional on this one
⤷ charlesrrari wait lowkey you’re onto something rn 👀
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grandprixsandgossip on Instagram
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liked by ynln and 24,532 others
grandprixsandgossip Oscar Piastri and Yn Ln, a known friend of many drivers on the grid, seen kissing outside of a concert arena last night.
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norrisnation girl there’s three pixels on my screen that could be anyone
papayabull oscar jack piastri what are you DOING
piastrisgirl never, and i mean NEVER, did i expect that out of all the f1 drivers, oscar would be the one where we find out about his girlfriend like this
ln4world this cannot be real
stardustf1 okay but wasn’t oscar wearing a hoodie in the other picture that the one guy posted?
⤷ rizzciardo yes, but i’m assuming oscar took the hoodie off and gave it to yn, because not only can you see her wearing a hoodie in this picture (even though it’s blurry, it looks like the same one oscar was wearing), AND ria posted a story of her and yn goofing off after the concert where yn was wearing a black hoodie so 👀
chilisainz were not gonna mention yn in the likes?
⤷ norrisnation she’s having her pierre moment 🤷🏻‍♀️
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ynln on Instagram
🎶 Cure - Valley
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, alex_albon, danielricciardo, and 124,521 others
ynln concerts are my heaven, but they’re paradise when i’m with him 🫶🏻 @/oscarpiastri is my concert buddy for life whether he wants it or not
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landonorris but are you dating or?
⤷ ynln i’m gonna need you to be so fr rn lando
oscarpiastri fortunately for us, i’m more than happy to be your concert buddy. ❤️
⤷ ynln music to my ears 😚
riabish literally the cutest couple i know *liked by ynln*
formula44 yn im sorry for not believing in you and oscar
formulaferrari i can finally call them my parents and not get flamed
papayabull and so whatever you do don’t listen to the song because i’m so upset
⤷ stardustf1 someone harassed(/j) the guy who took the picture of them at the concert into telling them what song was playing when he took that picture and it was cure 🫠💔
⤷ papayabull NOOOOO it’s officially their song, i don’t make the rules
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@renarots @jsjcue @treehouse-mouse @lovstappen @illicitverstappen @vellicora @lokietro @arkhammaid @piasstrisblog @leclercvsx @i-love-ptv @pretty-little-bunny382728 @kortneej81 @elliegrey2803 @marshmummy @spidersophie @stopeatread @minkyungseokie @jellyfish123guts @harrysdimple05 @fastcarsandshit @motorsp0rt @sadieurlady @cixrosie @hiireadstuff
Thank you for reading! All feedback is appreciated 💞
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natalchartnurtures · 3 months
PAC: What Greek Mythology love story would you and your FS be?
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[pile 1 to 3- left to right]
Just came out of a bone-crushing healing and shadow work period for my Kundalini Awakening going on right now T-T In an attempt to raise my spirits, I created my very first FS reading-
pile 1:
General vibe of your love story with your FS-
This is the movie pile. I see a full-blown movie arc in my mind’s eye for your love story with your FS. I see an opening at- you guys meeting, the middle act- your separation and individual trials, and the final act- the happy reunion! OBVIOUSLY, there's nuance to how all of this will unfold for each of y’all reading since it's real life we're talking about, but your story with your FS is the closest thing to a happily-ever-after if I've ever seen one.
It's like when y’all first met, y’all were young, or maybe some of y’all didn't know how to handle a relationship or didn't have the resources in the 3D (think money or a place of your own, something like that) to make this relationship happen? Maybe it was long distance for a looong time? And so, for whatever reason (along said lines) y’all had to let each other go or y’all couldn't be together. It's like y’all were shown a grand possibility to be together, and BOOM it was taken away.
Then you guys enter a separation period right after, and the length of this period will differ for everybody reading, anywhere between months to a couple of years. After having worked HARD on yourselves ON YOUR OWN to overcome your personal issues, traumas, and suffering, you guys come together. The key to really mastering your obstacles is in the day to day. You will have set routines to tackle your obstacles, such as say you’ve got anxiety or a dys-regulated nervous system, so maybe you'll always have a stress relief meditation scheduled in no matter how your day looks. So on and so forth, fill in the details of this period as it best suits your life. But the common denominator, I feel like, is that y’all really fight to be with one another. The love is so deep here, and that's what motivates each of you to overcome your personal hurdles, yk? And THEN, when it happens, and y’all reunite, it's sooo beautiful. It's like you guys will build a brand new life together where you can put the past behind and finally enjoy the fruits of your labor! Also, I see you guys growing and blossoming over time with your FS upon reunion 🥺✨.
So… which Greek myth sums up YOUR love story with your FS the best?
drum roll
It’s the story of Cupid and Psyche!
From what I’ve read about this story, Cupid and Psyche couldn’t immediately be together after they met. Cupid could only meet Psyche at night AND she’s not even allowed to see him! T-T This was part of what Psyche has to overcome- the challenges put forth by Aphrodite just because the goddess was jealous of Psyche. And poor Cupid had self-esteem issues from what I gather lmao. He didn't even feel worthy to show his mortal wife what he REALLY looked like (which, by the way, is GORGEOUS af?! Like who hurt you, Cupid?) They eventually overcome their odds and reunite. Eventually, Jupiter blesses Psyche with immortality, which allows them to live forever in their new life happily ever after. Ahhh… beautiful.
I encourage you to read the original story (or watch it on YT, do whatever you like :p) to pick up on any additional messages! Buuut that’s all I have for you lovely folks today.
Love and loads of light, sweet pea :)
pile 2:
General vibe of your love story with your FS-
Reeeeally strongly coming in right off the bat, I feel like both you AND your FS will be turning a brand new leaf in your lives. Think a new job for one or both of you. A major relocation for one or both of you. A major relationship ending for one or both of you. You catch the drift, right?
It feels like y’all will be closing out a cycle and entering into a new era, so to speak. And in this new era, I sense that you'll keep mostly to yourself and aren't all that interested in anybody because you're still processing this BIG shift you just went through and you're reflecting a lot, drawing on your wisdom, staying in your lane. Ngl, you do feel vulnerable and raw too, which is probably why you seem to keep to yourself mostly during the time you might run into your FS. I sense the same from their end too.
You know what this is? Mutual healing. Your future spouse finds you at a time when you're in the dead center of healing and vice versa. You will both be the catalysts to each other's healing! How cool is that? And after y’all find stability in your journey together especially after navigating healing for so long… I see y’all being so comfortable and content and peaceful with one another 🥺 this makes my heart full!! Stop it! Ahhhhhh <3 The vibes are immaculate, it's giving 'comrades in the battlefield' kinda energy. Your FS will stick with you no matter what, literally. And that's the kind of loyalty many people only dream about. Love it 🤌🏾. Y’all will love each other's pain away 🥺😩. Ugh my heart can't take it anymore!
So… which Greek myth sums up YOUR love story with your FS the best?
drum roll
It’s the story of Odysseus and Penelope!
Now in the story of Odysseus and Penelope, both of them undergo significant changes and face major disruptions in their lives. Odysseus’s long journey home from the Trojan War and Penelope’s long period of waiting and dealing with suitors at home. BUT even in Odysseus's absence, Penelope remains faithful and focused on her own survival and household. Similarly, Odysseus endures many trials and tribulations. Both characters are found in a state of self-reflection in the face of personal challenges (in my humble opinion of course). Their reunion symbolizes mutual healing… both of our characters here show incredible loyalty and perseverance despite being apart for 20 years!
-Side note: on a completely different note, your story low key kinda reminds me of the story of James and Claire from Outlander >< shoutout to the Outlander fans hehehehe, I'm waiting for the 9th season to come out SO BAD ughhhh lmao-
I encourage you to read the original story (or watch it on YT, do whatever you like :p) to pick up on any additional messages for yourself! Annnnd that’s all I have for you lovely folks today.
Love and loads of light, sweet pea :)
pile 3:
General vibe of your love story with your FS-
Ah.. my Pile number 3s.. you guys are afraid to love.. aren't you? You might be blocked off from your heart and as a result won’t be open to true reciprocal and healthy love for a WHILE. But then I see that the divine will enter your life in some way and shake you up in a big way to show you how you've been standing in your own way and keeping love at a distance.. I'm seeing the tower card in my third eye as I say this even though it hasn't come out for you today.
Ah, this is like a personal journey I see you taking before your FS comes in and swoops you off your pretty lil feet 🙃 tehe! Your energy seems quite mental to me. You love living in your head, thinking, planning, analyzing, and just knowing things. But this came at the grave cost of not being connected to your heart.. and when the divine intervenes and helps you connect to your heart again is when your FS comes in flying ✨.
Side note: Ooh.. suddenly I hear Lavender Haze by our queen Taylor Swift? Take that only if it resonates for you :]
But yea, I see you struggling and feeling out of control when all of this happens because you're used to being in control of things usually but now all of this has you a bit overwhelmed I'm ngl.. but you end up navigating this perfectly well! Yay! I'm glad haha 😅🫂👏🏾
So… which Greek myth sums up YOUR love story with your FS the best?
drum roll
The story of Pygmalion and Galatea!
Yup, just like how Pygmalion accidentally manifested Galatea, you kinda accidentally manifest your future spouse too (low key reeeal funny ngl). Because Pygmalion refused to love anybody, he sculpted out his perfect woman and fell in love with his creation. His deep affections attract the attention of you guessed it Aphrodite herself, and she decides to ahem intervene. She brings Galatea to life, which represents the transformation of Pygmalion's mental fixation (and emotional disconnection) TO emotional CONNECTION. How perfectly beautiful. Ugh. Love your story, Pile 3. Gosh.. who doesn't love their FS simply falling into their laps? Haha
I encourage you to read the original story (or watch it on YT, do whatever you like :p) to pick up on any additional messages! Soooo that’s all I have for you lovely folks today.
Love and loads of light, sweet pea :)
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
I’ve been on a Soulmates kick today and just saw a fic where Steve has two marks - one for Robin and one for Eddie. And it’s got me thinking.
Of course, he doesn’t know who his marks are for. He only knows that they’re two people because they look so different. Soulmarks show up where you and your soulmate will have the first skin-skin contact, and they have the words they will say when that happens written in their handwriting.
Steve has one covering his palm, the handwriting is small and sharp, all angles and no rounded edges. That one says “Steve, we need to run”. It seems scared, the wording, but he refuses to think about it. The other mark he has is covering his left hip, curling like someone was holding him from the side. This handwriting is completely different from the other one and is best described as chicken scratch. It’s big and messy, letters flowing into each other like the writer didn’t even pick up their pen between each stroke. That one says “I got you, just lean on me”. It seems less scared but there’s concern laced in the words that helps Steve feel less alone when he’s laying in bed late at night. That’s the only time he ever lets himself think about his soulmates, during the day he avoids it like the plague. His parents are soulmates and they barely speak, so soulmates can’t be all they’re cracked up to be. After Nancy never makes one of his marks tingle and burn he tries to give up on the idea entirely, figuring he can go on without a soulmate and be with Nancy - but then she breaks his heart and those late nights are all he has.
His first soulmark changes when he’s stuck underneath Starcourt mall the summer after he graduated. He had been working with a girl, Robin, who barely tolerated him on a good day and now she’s been sucked into his shitty world. When the alarms go off in the bunker he barely has a second to react before Robin is grabbing his hand and yelling at him, “Steve, we need to run!” His feet start moving and he yells back for her to be careful with his arm, even as he feels the tingling burn cover his palm and in that supply closet, leaning against the door next to Robin they make eye contact. In that short second of connection he knows that she felt it to, that he’s just found his soulmate and despite his fear he’s so happy that it’s her. Later, after they had both puked up their guts and he had confessed to having a crush on her, Robin told him about Mrs. Click’s class and Tammy Thompson and how she’s sorry that he’s stuck with a soulmate who can never love him back. Steve blinks and suddenly his two soulmarks make so much more sense.
“Robin, I have another soulmark. I don’t… I don’t think you were ever a romantic soulmate for me.” He watches the relief and, maybe even, joy cover her face and she launches herself at him in a hug, squeezing him tight and he returns the favor completely ignoring his own pain.
The other soulmate comes over 8 months after meeting Robin. He was so grateful for having her in his life but he still wanted that other piece, he loved Robin and she loved him but he wanted romantic love too. Unfortunately for Steve, just like with Robin, his other soulmark was triggered when he was fearing for his life. He had just been dragged through Watergate and made into a chew toy for a bunch of demobats. Steve was just trying to catch his breath when they all heard the bigger hoard approaching and he knew he had to run. He made it surprisingly far before the pain of each step started to settle in, his feet dragging more and more and his pace slowing when someone moved in beside him, wrapping one arm around his back to settle his hand on his hip. Eddie grabbed the arm closest to him and dragged it over his shoulders, giving Steve a grin. “I got you, you can lean on me.” This only made Steve completely trip; the sudden onset of tingling burning at his side so close to his currently bleeding wounds had his left leg collapsing under his weight.
“Why does this always happen when I’m in danger?” Eddie froze and then a laugh burst forward.
“That makes so much sense with context. C’mon let’s get you somewhere to sit and we can talk more when you’re not bleeding over me.”
When he and Eddie got to Skull Rock, he and Robin made eye contact and he watched her eyes flit down to where Eddie’s hand was on his side. Her eyes grew about three sizes and he just shot her the best grin he could. He didn’t care that he had been bleeding all over his soulmate for the past few minutes - he had gotten blood on Robin when they found out that they were soulmates, so it seemed fitting for him to be doing the same to Eddie.
Years down the road he would look back and laugh at the drama surrounding him finding both of his soulmates. Eddie even joked that the universe gave him two to make up for his shitty parents, and Steve wasn’t going to argue.
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sweetcandyhigh · 4 months
Sending the randomest shit to a pre-relationship Megumi would be the funniest thing. I mean this would before he even realized he had feelings or that you had feelings for him. The poor guy was clueless. And you thought it was hilarious.
Let’s start this off by saying you and Megumi were close, but so were all of you guys, it was a tight nit circle. But Megumi was just different than the rest. So you spent a lot of time together, and texting when you couldn’t be.
So one night you guys as well as Itadori and Nobara were sitting in Megumi’s dorm (the cleanest), just lounging have some random ass conversations. And a few minutes later Megumi was picking up his phone, seeing a message from you. With a raised brow he looked at the simple blue heart emoji you sent, with the most weirded out face you had ever seen him make. Which in turn caused you to burst out laughing getting a few looks from the other two.
Another encounter of this was when you were training. A lax a daisy school day, sparring with each other and some of the 2nd years. And Megumi looked stunning, sweaty and running his hands through his hair every few seconds had you salivating. This garnered another one of your unfiltered texts, and while you knew what you could and couldn’t get away with, you always teetered on that line.
So a “God Damn” text was sent his way. Course he didn’t see that until a few seconds later where he pulled up the bottom half of his uniform top up to wick away the sweat from his face. His eyes went wide as he gave you a look that you couldn’t quite read, a giggle fallin from your lips.
This had happened so many times Megumi decided to enlist Itadori’s help, confused as to what you were getting at. “Itadori,” his calm voice called out, maybe one of the only times he said his name without being irritated with his fellow classmate. The pink-haired teen’s ears perked up, “Yeah Fushiguro?” He called looking up only for a phone to be shoved in his face. Megumi wasn’t good at asking for help and this was the closest it was gonna get, “Read.”
As Itadori’s eyes filtered over the messages a smirk resonated on his face, “I don’t know man, seems like she’s into ya,” he said with a way too toothy grin. Megumi’s brows furrowed as he shook his head, “Not possible,” he huffed out causing Itadori to snicker, “I’m telling you dude that’s what it is.”
And from that day on Megumi was a little too aware of everything you did around him, the dots connecting in his head. But how did he feel about this? He had no clue, absolutely none.
That’s when he went to Nobara, once again someone he wouldn’t normally go to. “Nobara?” He called out the same way he did Itadori’s name, and her ears perking up the same way. “Oh?” She said with a soft snicker, causing Megumi to roll his eyes. Once the situation was explained Nobara’s brow never stopped being raised, “So?” She grumbled eliciting a groan from Megumi, “How am I supposed to feel?”
She shook her head, a tsk coming from her mouth, “Now cmon on Megumi, you’d be passing up a great chance with em.” His brows raised before shaking his head, “That’s not what I’m asking.” Nobara was now the one groaning, “Look, I can’t tell you how you feel, but I’ve seen the way you look at her.”
And let’s just say Megumi was even more confused when he left that conversation, and it didn’t help when he bumped into you. His face was beet red, one of the only time you had seen him like that. “Everything ok Gumi?” His heart fluttered as he nodded, words caught in his throat. “Wanna hang out?” You tilted your head, his heart fluttered once more as he nodded. You smiled, happy he was gonna hang out with you, and his heart fluttered once more.
Let’s just say Megumi never thought he’d be the guy to be in a relationship. He wouldn’t be the guy to want someone. And never did he ever think he’d be the first to confess. Yet here he was muttering the words out, the same calm and collected voice now just a little more shaky.
And while you were flabbergasted of course you accepted, cause you felt exactly the same.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Amortentia - Theodore Nott x Reader
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Summary: You brew Amortentia and it leads somewhere you didn't ever expect Words: 1.7k Warnings: none really Notes: I am alive I promise, been really busy as we're getting ready to move house
Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. The way many people find their partners in Hogwarts and the most exciting class of the year. Everyone is buzzing around, whispering and giggling with their friends about the vial sat on Professor Slughorn’s desk, left completely unguarded. I take on glance at the shimmering blue liquid and cringe a little before finding the closest seat to the door, throwing my bag on the floor after pulling out the Potions book. 
“Hey Y/N,” Harry slides into the seat beside me with his signature unruly black hair and this bright green eyes that seem to hold a hint of mischief and determination, and a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. He wears his Gryffindor uniform somewhat neatly, his tie slightly askew adding to this charm.
Ron isn’t far behind, grumbling about the upcoming lesson. His fiery red hair is as untameable as ever, and his freckled face displaying nothing but annoyance as he throws his arms over mine and Harry’s shoulders and letting his knees buckle while pretending to swoon, “Oh Theodore, my love, it youuuuuu-“ 
“Oh shut up!” I push his arm off my shoulders and he falls with a cry of surprise, Harry trying to catch him but ending up letting Ron fall to snigger behind his hand, “You’re probably going to fall head over heels for Snape… oh Snape, oh how I love thee Sn-“ 
“Alright, let’s begin this lesson shall we?” Professor Slughorn comes breezing in, not as well as Snape as he’s just too happy for that. Ron squeezes my shoulder before he slinks off to sit in one of the only spaces next to Neville who looks like he would rather be anywhere else. 
As the lesson commences, Slughorn goes over the instructions and safety precautions for handling Amortentia. The excitement in the room is palpable as we prepare to brew the potent love potion. The air is filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, but I find myself feeling grateful for Harry taking over, using his special edition of the potions book that is full of scribbles and notes presumably making the potion better. The simmering cauldrons and swirling concoctions coming together creates an almost enchanting atmosphere, the scents in the air shifting and blending, giving the room an ethereal quality. 
A figure appears over my shoulder, surprise and curiosity coursing through my veins when I recognise that familiar scent of oranges, honeycomb and something darker like amber which can mean only one thing: Theodore Nott is standing behind me. His calm and composed demeanour a little intimidating as I don’t think I’ve ever seen him actually smile more than a very small lift of the corner of his lips. Oh his lips, so plump and flush and-
“How’s the potion going Mouse? Have you blown up-“ He stops abruptly, leaving forwards over my shoulder and taking a very deep breath, causing me to stumble a little over the response I was trying to formulate. His voice is low and husky, sending shivers down my spine at the nickname he calls me. 
“Um, it’s, uh, it’s coming along.” I manage to stammer rout, feeling my cheeks heat up, “Haven’t blown anything up… yet.” 
Theodore’s lips quirk upward ever so slightly, and I catch a glimpse of what could be a hint of amusement. He leans in a little closer, and I can feel the warmth of his breath against my skin, sending more shivers down my spine, but it’s a delicious kind nervousness, a feeling I can’t quite put into words. Before I can fully process the situation, Theodore buries his nose in the crook of my neck, taking a deep breath. My heart pounds in my chest so loud I’m sure Ron can hear it from across the room, and time seems to slow down. The scents of oranges, honeycomb and amber envelops us, creating an intimate and intoxicating moment. 
I can hardly believe that Theodore, the stoic and straight-faced Slytherin, is here, so close to me, and that he’s showing this level of vulnerability. His actions are unexpected but oh so incredibly thrilling. I dare to steal a glance at his face, and I’m met with a sight I’ve never seen before - a softness in his expression, a hint of something more than his usual guarded demeanour. It’s as if he’s letting down his walls, revealing a side of himself he rarely shows to anyone. 
My heart races, and I find myself yearning for more of this closeness, more of this connection. It’s like a spell has been cast, and I’m under Theodore’s enchantment. The excitement and nervousness intertwine, and I feel a sense of wonder at the unexpected turn of events, how close he is to me. I can feel his breath ghosting over my lips, knowing that I could just lean forwards ever so slightly and close the near non-existence space between us. The smell of oranges, honeycomb and amber suddenly gets so intense I have to grab the edge of the table and Theodore’s forearm. 
“Aha! We did it!” Harry exclaims, breaking the moment and has Theodore pulling back. Theodore’s eyes meet mine, and I see a spark of something familiar and yet different. The air between us crackles with unspoken words, emotions swirling around us like the brewing potions in the classroom.
“Oh god.” I choke out and I think Theodore actually smiles for the first time, the corner of his lips tilting up into more of a smile than he’s ever shown before, “Wh-what do you smell Teddy?”
He leans in once more, his nose brushing against my collarbone and neck. His closeness sends a shiver of anticipation down my spine. And then, he presses a soft, gentle kiss to my jaw, sending shockwaves of sensation through me. It’s a sweet, tender touch that leaves me breathless. 
“You.” He whispers, his voice barely audible,  but the impact of his words reverberates within me. The world seems to stand still, and my heart swells with emotion. 
Theodore Tiberius Nott, the guarded and enigmatic Slytherin, had just confessed, in his own subtle way, that he feels something for me. My cheeks flush with a. Mixture of excitement and disbelief. It’s a moment I never thought I’d experience - being so close to Theodore, sharing this intimate connection, and hearing him express his feelings in such a heartfelt manner. In the heart-stopping moment, I can see the turmoil of emotions playing across his face. His eyes meet mine with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. And then, without warning, he mumbles a single phrase that sets my heart racing even faster. 
“Fuck it,” he whispers, and before I can process his intent, his hand cups my jaw, and he draws me up into a kiss. It’s a surprise, but the moment our lips meet, it’s as if everything falls into place. 
The kiss is soft yet intense, filled with all the emotions that words can’t express. It feels like an explosion of passion and longing, an unspoken confession that’s now imprinted on our lips. Theodore’s lips are warm and inviting, and I respond with equal fervour, my heart soaring with joy and disbelief. Time seems to stand still, and the air crackles with the intensity of our shared emotions. It's a kiss that speaks volumes, a revelation of hidden desires and unspoken feelings. All the walls Theodore had erected to guard his heart have crumbled, and in this magical moment, he bares himself to me in the most intimate way. 
Just as the world around us seems to disappear in the enchantment of the moment, reality crashes back in with an unexpected interruption. Ron, being the protective and ever-observant twin brother, appears out of nowhere and is shoving Theodore away from me. 
“Hey! That’s my sister!” Ron’s voice is filled with shock and indignation, “You can’t just go around kissing my sister!” 
“Ron!” I can’t help but practically facepalm at him as he’s… he’s being Ron, “Shove off,” I reach around Ron and manage to get a grip on Theodore’s sleeve enough to pull him back over to me. Ron's protectiveness is well-intentioned, but I can't let it ruin the magical moment that Theodore and I just shared. 
“I’m not… She’s safe with me, I promise.” Theodore's words are reassuring, and I can see the sincerity in his eyes as he speaks. Despite his usual stoic demeanour, there's a tenderness in his touch as he holds my hand, a silent declaration of his feelings for me. 
“I trust him.” I say firmly, giving my brother a pleading look. Ron just looks torn for a moment, clearly struggling between his protective instincts and his trust in me. But then, he takes a deep breath and nods reluctantly. 
“Fine.” His says, his voice gruff but accepting, “But if he hurts you in any way, he’ll have me to deal with.” Ron eyes him warily but eventually takes a step back, giving us some space. ”Just remember, Y/N, he's a Slytherin," Ron says, his protective tone still evident.
"He's more than just his house," I reply, trying to convey the depth of my feelings for Theodore.
Ron studies me for a moment before he finally relents. ”Fine," he says, "But don't say I didn't warn you.”
With that, Ron turns and walks away, leaving Theodore and me standing there, still holding hands. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Ron didn't push the matter further. 
“Ahhhh young love.” Slughorn’s voice floats across the room , filled with warmth and nostalgia, and I do the only thing I can: bury my face in Theodore’s sweater, feeling a laugh rumble in his chest. 
“Indeed.” Theodore says, his voice laced with amusement as he wraps his arms around me in a gentle embrace. Slughorn giving us an indulgent smile before continuing with the class. The room seeming to take on a different atmosphere now, one that’s tinged with a newfound sweetness and magic. The shimmering cauldrons and swirling potions seem to mirror the emotions swirling within me, and I can’t help but realise how cliche this is. Expressing our feelings for each other during the lesson on amortentia… 
“I’ll wait for you after class.” Theodore murmurs, kissing my forehead then my cheek before untangling himself from my embrace before heading back to his seat next to a predictably sneering Draco Malfoy. 
“What just happened?’ I ask Harry, a little dazed still, his green eyes sparkling with amusement. 
“I’m not actually sure.” 
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drytacomeat · 3 months
𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐦 2
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧! 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐱 plus size!𝐟em!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞: 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐦𝐦𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 (𝐢𝐝𝐤 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧), 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐡
(reblogs much appreciated)
part one here
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The guilt was eating you up.
Not in a “I watched my two closest friends fuck on live and invaded their privacy” way but in a “I want to watch all of their other content even though I know it’s wrong” kind of way.
After about a week and a half, Eddie and Steve figured you weren’t sick or even busy. They knew something was up with you, but they could not figure out what.
Both of the boy’s cared for you deeply, and your presence was greatly missed. Eddie found himself just moping in bed, aimlessly plucking at his guitar strings while Steve had baked the entire kitchen full.
Their streaming schedule even became thrown off, only down to one stream per week instead of their regular three.
They were grieving their friendship with you because they just did not know what they could have done to make you suddenly so distant.
Steve proposed that you might be seeing someone new and didn’t want them in your business.
Though he proposed the possibility, it made his heart hurt to think about.
Eddie decided it was possible and fair, but he couldn’t help but wish it weren’t true.
You were one of the only people who understood and accepted him no matter what. He didn’t want to lose you. He cursed himself for never speaking up about his feelings.
Hell, if Steve didn’t make a move, he wouldn’t have ever told him how he felt.
Frankly, the boy felt like a coward, and he felt like he was getting the short end of the stick in all of this.
Of course he knew how much Steve liked you as well, but he was better with rejection and acceptance.
So here were Eddie and Steve laying in bed after filming a scene. Though Eddie tended to be the more dominant one, Steve was always more than happy to give him extra aftercare.
He needed it more, especially now. Steve stroked his hair as he sighed loudly.
“Eddie…” Steve began.
“There’s just no way, right? I mean…I thought she liked you at least,” he started.
“You’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen, Steve. She, fuck, I can see it in her eyes she wants to fuck you,” he huffed.
“You’re handsome too, Eddie. I always figured she had a crush on you, y’know. Felt out of place until…I didn’t,” he smiled then frowned.
“We gotta do something. We gotta go talk to her, Steve!” he perked up.
“Is that not what we’ve been trying to do all week?”
“Yeah, but we left when she asked us to last time,” he said as he bit his lip in thought, “How about we give her one more week to come to her senses. If she doesn’t, we will not leave her doorstep until we get some fucking answers.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile at the ridiculous plan, though he knew it might very well work.
“Hey, don’t give me that fucking look. I miss her. I miss my y/n.”
Sure enough, you avoided them for the entirety of the week they gave you.
Time had passed by dreadfully slow for all of you, but Eddie now had a plan. He planned to execute it too now that he’s found out from Robin that you had been going in to work regularly for the past two weeks. So you were, in fact, not sick. All that was left to do now was convince Steve to follow through.
“So let me get this straight,” Steve started, “We are to go to her home, bang on her door, and “demand” she let us in?”
Eddie, who was biting nails as he faced away from Steve, turned around dramatically.
“What if she just doesn’t, though?”
“Well, I figure you’re sporty right?“ he shrugged. “Big strong muscles and all that.”
“So if she doesn’t let us in, you want me to force my way in?”
“Look, it’s going to work. It has to,” he sighed.
“But this feels kinda wrong,” Steve reasoned.
“Does it?” he dragged out as he squinted.
“Yes.” Steve responded sternly.
He just yanked his jacket from the couch and pulled Steve along.
“Let’s go!”
Three knocks were heard at your door. It was seven at night, but it was still pretty bright out. You figured it could have been the same kid who asks you to buy girl scout cookies every single day at sunset.
You flung open the door.
“Look Abby, I can’t afford to keep buy-,” you cut yourself off. “Oh.”
Eddie and Steve stood on your doorstep looking more nervous than you had ever seen them before.
“Uhm guys, I’m sick,” you said before fake coughing, hoping they’d still believe it.
“Cut the bullshit, Y/n. Robin told us you’ve been going to work every day this week, and you took no days off last week either,” Steve spoke. “You’re ignoring us.”
“No, no! It’s just-“
“Just be honest with us! Are you seeing someone!” Eddie blurted.
“Uhm? What! No! Why?” you replied as you unconsciously opened your door more.
“Well, you’ve been ignoring us for weeks!” he continued urgently.
You sighed and opened the door more.
“Come in.”
Steve and Eddie scrambled in awkwardly. They both stood with their hands awkwardly in their pockets, shoulders touching.
You stood with your mouth folded inward, awkward as well.
Steve decided to speak up.
“Why’ve you been ignoring us, Y/n?” Steve started, “I mean, if you aren’t seeing anyone, I see no valid reason for essentially ghosting us.”
Your mouth gaped. You were at a loss for words.
“Are you…did we do something wrong? You can tell us, or you can at least tell me,” Eddie sympathized as he stepped closer to you.
“Eddie, it’s not-“
“Was it me then?” Steve spoke up, insecurity plaguing his tone.
“Steve, no,” you said as you looked towards Steve with pleading eyes.
“Then what is it!” Eddie found his voice escalating.
“Please, Y/n. Please just say some-“
“I saw your livestream!” you blurted due to the heat of the burning questions.
Both of the boy’s faces fell, color draining from them. Eddie backed towards Steve before looking at him in panic, then back to you.
“Uhm, how long-which one did you, uhm, see?” Eddie asked nervously, not able to meet your eyes.
“Look, I’ve only seen one. It was like a week ago, sometime early in the week. I don’t know,” you sighed.
Their eyes widened more as they fully turned to look at each other now.
“Look, I don’t judge you guys or anything,” you rushed, “I just saw it, and I felt like I just invaded your privacy. I’m sorry, and I completely support your relationship, whatever that may be.”
Steve’s brows raised, and Eddie stood there silent and frozen.
You had no chance to read anything from their expressions, but your chest was clenching. You were lying through your teeth because this hurt like hell. You had been confirmed that they were seeing each other in some sort of way, and despite the little piece of you that wanted to believe they were longing for you, you just figured it was time to be rational with yourself.
Eddie scanned Steve’s eyes for any discomfort because though he loved you so much, he also loved Steve. He knew Steve deserved to have his feelings considered in this situation as well.
Steve gave a small nod towards Eddie causing Eddie to sigh. Eddie turned back towards you, stepping closer and grabbing your hand loosely.
“Did you like it?” Eddie asked just above a mumble.
You were taken aback. You rapidly blinked as you tried to think of an answer. Steve shot a small half-smile in your direction.
“I mean, I guess? Is that okay?” you spoke.
The room was stark silent again, and you began to fidget.
“Yes, that’s okay!” Eddie accidentally shouted. “That’s so okay.”
“Perfect even,” Steve chimed in and you let out the breath you had not known you had been holding.
“So how long have you guys been…”
“Well, me and Steve have been “involved” since about his senior year of highschool,” Eddie began as he went to sit on your couch, Steve following suit.
“What?” you questioned, genuinely shocked.
“Yeah, I mean it was just that I bought weed from him at school, then it progressed from me buying weed to smoking with him, then I would hang out at his house, so on and so forth. We became friends yada yada. I realized I liked him, so I went for it. It was already rumored he was a queer,” Steve explained. You just nodded along because this was something Eddie kept from you for a long time. Longer than you thought.
“Yeah, I turned him gay,” Eddie smiled.
“So you both are gay?” you asked in shock because Eddie had never told you this, and now you felt delusional for thinking either of them had feelings towards you. You unconsciously bit your lip and looked away as tears welled in your eyes. How could you have been so stupid and oblivious.
“Well, no,” Eddie spoke up, “We aren’t completely gay.”
“Oh,” you murmured trying to sound as normal as you could.
“Yeah,” Steve said and looked to Eddie who gave him a small smile before turning back in your direction, “We’re not completely gay. I’m bisexual I think it’s called and Eddie is…well he’s just Eddie. See that’s where you come in, babe.”
Steve smiled nervously at you, and Eddie was now fiddling with his hair (something he only did when he was really nervous.)
You slowly turned your head back in the boy’s direction as Steve continued.
“So I know I’m not completely gay because I’ve liked girls, and I actually like one right now. Eddie also is not gay because…well he’s in love with you.”
Your brows raised as every stage of grief went through you, visibly. Eddie was at the edge of the couch, legs bouncing nervously while Steve sat with a face of utter confidence.
“I-but-you-dating?” you stumbled out pointing back and forth towards the two of them.
“Yeah we kinda are, but if I’m being honest, Eddie has probably loved you way before he started liking me,” Steve chuckled.
“What? For how long, Eddie?” you said as your brows furrowed. Eddie who usually had a big mouth was now sat silent.
“I’d probably say since you both were like little babies from the way he talks abo-,” Steve looked at Eddie who now stared at him with wide eyes, “Uhm, I’ll let him talk now.”
“Eddie?” you spoke softly, “I…is this true?”
“I-yes. Yes it’s true. I’ve loved you since, fuck, since I met you. You remember those little fuckers were hassling you because they thought you ate their little fruit snacks, but then I told them I did it,” he cracked a smile.
“Yeah and shared them with me when we got put in time out. I remember,” you smiled as you looking into his eyes, subconsciously scooting closer to the both of them.
“I love you, Y/n. I really do.”
You smiled at him until you remembered Steve was sitting right beside him and that you had very strong feelings for him as well.
“But what about you two? You can’t love me and be dating someone else, Ed. Right?” you asked as you looked towards Steve.
“Right, about that, look Steve has always known I’ve loved you. It’s just that over time as we hung out, we began to like each other on a more intimate level. Honestly, he asked me out, and I would have never even tried to ask him out. That’s how it was with you. If it weren’t for Steve, I would be passing up two of the greatest things to ever happen in my life. I told Steve that I loved you, and that I could see myself loving him,” he explained.
“Yes and I was okay with that. From the beginning, I always knew. I’ve always noticed you to be honest, Y/n. You stood out to me as well as Eddie. I wanted to get to know you too,” Steve smiled.
You felt so overwhelmed with emotions. This was so much to take in and so suddenly. You’d loved Eddie for the majority of your life, and you were beginning to love Steve. You felt your chances with either one of them was already just too good to be true, but now you had both of them confessing to you.
“Oh I…Eddie I love you too,” you smiled, “and Steve, I like you so much. The way I felt about you both is so strong it’s actually physically aggravating. I knew you two were involved even before I found your streams, and I just backed off. Figured it would be easier to deal with. It’s selfish, but I couldn’t imagine being without the either of you,” you chuckled.
“Not selfish at all, honey,” Steve reassured, “Honestly, I think Eddie here should’ve spoken up a long time ago. Pussy.”
“Shut the fuck up!” he retaliated and shoved Steve.
“Okay before you start bickering like children, I do a have question,” you interrupted.
“What’s that, pretty?” Eddie smiled.
“The streaming thing…how long have you been doing that?” you asked genuinely curious. You’d noticed when Eddie started to buy more expensive things, but you doubt that’s when things started up for them.
“Well honestly…right after graduation. I mean I was 20 and fresh out of highschool. Not too many options for me out there in the world, so I started steaming. Steve’s parents kind of threw him out a few months after that and was couch hopping really, but after a while I told him what I did for money. That’s when he joined, and our audience grew, as well as our bank accounts. Now we have a home that we both can feel safe in. And we get to have hot, hot sex to pay the bills,” he smirked. Steve shoved him.
“So, what are you thinking?” Steve asked.
You shook your head in silence, “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier, you idiots?”
Eddie couldn’t help but crack a large smile and shook his head.
“I don’t know because we’re stupid maybe. I do know that I really want to fucking kiss you right now, though.”
“Oh! Okay. Yeah, yes!” you rambled.
Eddie smiled towards you bringing his hands up to cup your face in his hands. Your gaze fell down to him lips before you leaned in. His lips were eager against yours, kiss sloppy and passionate at the same time.
You brought your fingers up to his hair, tugging loosely eliciting a moan from him. You remembered their stream and how big of a slut Eddie seemed for it.
You pulled away quite suddenly, wanting to admire the boy’s flushed face. His lips were slightly red and wet, still puckering.
You guided his face to the side so that you could see Steve’s expression from his spot on the couch.
“C’mere, pretty boy,” you commanded softly. The boy scooted closer to the two of you and you cupped his chin lightly before grazing your thumb over his bottom lip.
You slowly leaned into him. The kiss you two shared was slow and soft, more organized.
“Wanted to kiss you since I met you,” Steve admitted.
“I always want to kiss you, Y/n. Fuck it’s so stupid now to think, but we used to do these little things in our streams in hopes that you would see them and- fuck it’s so stupid. You’ve always been right here, and I’ve always just been a coward,” Eddie said shamefully.
You quickly swooped in to now cup his face, “Eddie, if anyone was the coward, it was me. I had two boys in front of me that I felt absolutely crazy about, and I did nothing about it because of my own insecurities. You’re brave, Ed. Both of you are. You share your most intimate moments to hundreds and thousands of people every week. That’s hot and really fucking brave.”
Eddie nodded with a smile on his face.
“I want to fuck you, and I want you to fuck Steve. I…it’s all I find myself thinking about,” he admitted. You smiled towards him as you pet his hair.
“You alright with that, Steve?” you asked out of concern. You wanted to make sure Steve was on board with everything as well. Poor boy didn’t deserve to ever feel left out.
“Fuck, yes! Have you seen our streams? Pretty sure I beg for it more than Eddie does.”
“So the “mommy” thing…you like that more than Eddie here too or what?” you teased.
Steve’s cheeks blushed a deep red.
“Aw, look at that. Stevie wants you to be his mommy,” Eddie pouted sarcastically.
“Shut the fuck up, Eddie,” Steve gritted out. You pouted towards the boy.
“Aw, none of that honey. Be a good boy for mommy, hm?” you reached out to cradle his chin in your hand.
Steve visibly softened and nodded.
“Eddie, kiss him to make up for being a bully,” you commanded suddenly, now beginning to grow into the dominant role. You also just really wanted to see them kiss.
Eddie quickly moved over towards Steve. He hovered over him before leaning down to press a hot kiss onto the boy’s lips.
He absolutely ravished the boy. You could feel the hunger they had for each other in the air, and it made you throb.
Eddie crawled onto his lap in a haste, hands traveling from Steve’s perfectly styled hair down to his chest.
Steve wrapped his arms around the boy’s torso before reaching to remove his shirt. Eddie quickly yanked it over his own head and moved on to removing Steve’s shirt.
You could feel your arousal pool in your panties it seemed.
Eddie began to grind down onto Steve’s lap, and light moans escaped Steve’s mouth.
You decided now was the time to interrupt.
“Alright, Eddie. Don’t hog all the fun,” you smirked as you sat beside Steve, “Mommy deserves to have fun too. Right, Steve?”
Steve nodded adoringly as he stared up at you. Eddie moved from his lap and began sloppily kissing over the boy’s shoulder and chest.
“Want you on me, mommy,” he whined as he tugged you onto him, “Want you here so bad. Always want you.”
“Steve,” you chuckled, “I’m too heavy for that, love.”
Steve eyed you then looked over towards Eddie before shaking his head and giggling. He pulled you down onto him suddenly and positioned you to a more comfortable position.
“See, baby. Not too heavy for big, strong Stevie,” Eddie smiled and placed a peck to your lips.
“Now, I don’t think that Eddie and I should be the only ones half naked.” Steve smiled up at you.
You sighed and nodded softly. You’ve slept with a few people, but this was so different. This felt much more intimate and exposing. You trusted these boys with your life, but you still couldn’t help but think that they might judge you.
You decided to swallow your nerves and fully give into the dominant persona.
“I’ll decide when I take anything off,” you scolded as you yanked Steve back by his hair, “Understand?”
Steve nodded as his Adam’s apple bobbed.
You let him go and pulled off your t-shirt, leaving you in your lounging bra. You did not expect them to be coming over or for that to lead to fucking.
You threw you shirt off to the side and gulped.
“So sexy, mommy,” Eddie groaned.
You couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face. You reached out to pull Eddie into a hot kiss.
Steve ground you down onto his lap, and you could feel that he was hard through his jeans. He was so easy. You couldn’t help but smirk into the kiss you shared with Eddie.
“Hard already?” you joked. He nodded up at you, doe eyes wide. “Okay, pants off.”
You stood up as you watched them scramble to get their pants off. Eddie was the first to shimmy his down his legs, black boxers covering him. Though Steve was quick to unbuckle his pants, he hesitated before pulling them down.
“Hey, you okay with this, Steve?” you asked him, concern written all over your face.
“Uhm, yeah. Just that I’m…I’m not wearing boxers…” he smiled nervously.
“Going commando?” you smiled.
He looked uneasy, and when you looked over towards Eddie, he was just wearing a proud smug.
He shook his head.
“Oh,” you gasped as you realized, “Oh.”
Steve nodded before another nervous smile plastered across his face.
“Well, take off your pants, Steve. Lemme see,” you smiled widely.
He gulped before shimmying out of the tight jeans. They always made his ass look so good, you couldn’t help but wonder what it looked like bare and in real life.
Under his pants were white, lacy briefs.
“Tuh,” you let out and propped yourself onto one leg.
Steve still looked visibly nervous, so you smiled towards him, then towards Eddie.
“Eddie,” you started, “Give ‘em a lil kiss to make him feel better.”
Eddie wasted no time hopping onto Steve’s lap. He began grinding down onto the boy as they kissed messily again. Steve wrapped his arms around the small of Eddie’s back, and groaned into the kiss.
You couldn’t help but trail your fingers down to your underwear to rub over your aching clit at the scene. You couldn’t even think about shame at this point.
Eddie pulled away from Steve and turned back towards you. He pecked Steve’s lips before getting off of his lap and directing you onto the couch.
You sat down, letting out a heavy sigh as he crawled over you and began to kiss down your neck. Steve who sat to the right of you began to leave soft, sensual kisses down your shoulders and arms as Eddie kissed down your chest.
He massaged your right breast before letting out a groan.
“Such pretty titties, baby. I love ‘em. Always wanted to tell you, I was always lookin’ at em. Fuck,” he murmured and pulled your boob out so that it was spilling out over your bra. He quickly latched onto your nipple, moaning at the taste of your skin.
You can’t help but moan at the sudden attention to your breasts. They weren’t all that sensitive, but the scene itself made your body twitch.
He flicked his tongue over the hardening nipple as he stared up into your eyes.
“So pretty, Eddie,” you smiled down towards the boy. He looked over to Steve and guided his head towards the nipple that was previously in his mouth.
Steve moaned around your nipple.
Eddie began kissing down your body. He placed multiple kisses over your large tummy, seemingly kissing every stretch mark that lingered the skin.
His hands splayed across your stomach.
As he got down to where your panties rested upon your wide hips, he looked up towards you as he placed slow kisses along your lower stomach.
He used his teeth to pull at the elastic waist band before allowing it to snap back onto your skin.
You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped from
your mouth as Steve decided to teasingly bite down on your nipple.
Eddie continued leaving teasing kisses around your lower stomach and hips. You began to lose your patience.
“Won’t you hurry things alone, please?” you said demandingly albeit breathlessly.
Eddie smiled mischievously up towards you, “Anything for you, baby.”
He slowly moved the cotton underwear down your legs, slowly revealing your throbbing wetness, hidden away underneath your hair there.
Eddie had grown impatient as more of you were revealed and quickly yanked the panties on down your legs.
Once they were fully off, he pried your legs open and rested his head on your left thigh.
You had no time to be insecure over the fact that you had a steady growing bush down there because as soon as he was settled, Eddie breathed in your scent as he unconsciously bit his lip. He could feel his mouth pooling from the salivating he was doing.
He breathed you in, “Smell so good. I could sit here forever and just breathe you in. Can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this.”
He placed kisses onto your thighs and outer lips, tugging at your pubic hairs as well.
You were growing restless, and Steve could sense that. He had moved back up from your chest now, stroking your cheek and pressing light kisses to it.
“Stevie, you gotta get down here. Smell so good, not fair of me to have it all to myself, right?”
Steve smiled at you as he nodded. He moved down your body, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips, chest, and stomach before he settled on his knees alongside Eddie.
Eddie pulled him into an urgent kiss before pulling your legs farther apart and directing his head in the direction of the sopping pussy sitting in front of them.
Your chest was heaving in impatience. Eddie was petting Steve’s hair as he sweet talked him.
“Look at that fat pussy. So pretty. You ever seen a pussy that pretty, Steve? I sure as hell haven’t,” he groaned.
“Mm mm, prettiest pussy I’ve ever set my eyes on,” he responded.
You were now so turned on that you contemplated smothering one of them into your wet heat.
“If one of you don’t get to eating my pussy right now, I’m getting up and fucking my damn self,” you sassed.
Their eyes widened at the sudden outburst and Eddie smiled.
“Hm, I suppose we wouldn’t want that. Steve, why don’t you get the first taste? I know you’re great with your tongue,” Eddie explained, “Made me cum just by eating my ass. Talented little mouth.”
Meanwhile, Steve was turning bright red. The act of eating another man’s ass was already so taboo, and to have Eddie just outright admit to it made him feel a tad shameful.
You smiled down at the boy who looked a bit uneasy. You thumbed at his cheek before guiding his head towards your pussy, “I’ll have to be the judge of that now won’t I?”
Steve gave a nervous smile and leaned in. He felt odd. He was a pro at eating pussy, it was his specialty after all. He was never nervous about his performance, yet this felt different.
He swallowed his nerves before wetting his lips. He looked up towards you as he sensually spread your plump outer lips and inched towards your swollen clit.
He gave it a small lick before sucking it into his mouth. You could barely see him over the plushness of your stomach, but that didn’t matter because as soon as he created suction around your clit, your head was thrown back and moans were spewing from your mouth.
Eddie caressed your thigh as he pet Steve’s hair.
“Doing so good, huh? Making mommy feel so good?” he praised, “Yeah, eat that pussy, baby.”
Eddie was gripping onto your thigh tightly as Steve was swirling his tongue around your clit. He dipped his tongue down towards your dripping hole before licking back up the entirety of your cunt.
The surplus of sensations caused you to grab Eddie’s hand to ground yourself.
“Want you too, Eddie. Want you to eat me,” you breathed out. Eddie smiled up at you.
“Your wish, my command.”
You couldn’t help but cringe at the corny statement. Steve even pulled away from you to scold Eddie.
“Really, bro?”
“Shut up,” he retaliated and dove into your pussy suddenly.
He flicked his tongue up and down your clit before sucking down on it. He pulled off with a pop and placed a soft kiss to it.
“Taste better than I ever imagined,” he hummed. “I mean, eating ass is great, but pussy just, mmph. Especially mommy’s pussy, right Steve?”
“Fuck yes,” he panted, “So pretty too. Everything about you is just gorgeous.”
Your chest was heaving as you looked down at the two loves of your life.
“Okay, okay. Enough with the flattery. Back to making me cum.”
Eddie smirked and dove right in. Steve, being the competitive boy he was, spread your legs even wider, nudging himself into place.
Both of the boys took turns swiping at your clit. The scene was so erotic that you couldn’t help picking up your phone to snap a picture of the boys going to town on your cunt.
“Sharing so well. So good for m-mommy,” you spoke brokenly. “Fuck, ‘m close. Gonna make me cum.”
You threw your phone down as the boys sped up their collective motions.
Steve moved to completely suck your clit into his mouth. Just as Eddie was about to slide a finger into your aching hole, your legs began to twitch.
“Fuck, I’m cumming!” you shouted as soon as Eddie managed to fit his entire middle finger into your cunt.
Steve continued is menstruations of slurping on your pussy. The sounds of the lewdness filled the room as he sucked you through your orgasm.
Your body let out a final twitch before you slumped completely back on the couch, pushing Steve’s head away as he was beginning to overstimulate you.
You laid there, chest heaving as you seemed to be slipping in and out of consciousness.
Eddie and Steve climbed up towards where you were laid back, and they began pressing comforting kisses to your chubby cheeks.
Eddie, being the dumbass he is, sucked a large portion of your cheek into his mouth before letting go.
“Aw, Eddie! What the fuck,” you groaned and went to wipe your cheek.
“Dude?” Steve spoke up.
“What? You want a kissy too?” he teased. Steve huffed, and you couldn’t help but giggle. This caused your thigh to rub up against Steve, more specifically, his hard dick.
“Mmph,” he let out. You flinched a little but quickly realized he was so sensitive because he had not cum yet.
You quickly reached out to caress his cheek and pouted at him, “Aw, poor baby. You still need to get off, don’t you?”
He nodded, giving you his best doe eyes before he panted a quick “yes” out.
You turned over completely to face Steve, unconsciously giving Eddie full access to your ass.
“Here, let’s get you outta’ these,” you spoke as you went to tug Steve’s briefs down so that they were just under his balls that sat heavy and taut.
You admired the boy’s length. It was a blushing pink color that, oddly enough, matched the color of his nipples exactly.
You gripped the length and dipped your finger into the tip.
“You’re leaking,” you smiled as string of the pre connected your finger to the tip as you pulled it away.
“Can’t help it,” he replied, already blissed out. He looked down at you with lidded eyes. You brought your hand up to your mouth to spit into it, then you wrapped it around Steve’s dick, giving it two experimental strokes.
“Feel good?”
Steve nodded rapidly.
Eddie was groping the fat of your thighs and trailing his hands up your large tummy before he ended up squeezing your tits in hand.
You continued to stroke Steve, steadily picking up the pace. The boy let out airy little sounds in your ear as his eyes fluttered shut, and he took in the softness of your hands as opposed to Eddie’s usual rough ones.
“So pretty, Stevie,” you complimented, “Isn’t he pretty, Eddie?”
“Eh, he’s alright. What about me, baby? Am I pretty?” he asked as he went to grip the entirety of your fat cunt in his hand.
You gasped at the lewd act before moaning from the sensitivity.
“You’re pretty too, Ed. So pretty and sexy,” you said breathily as you felt the boy’s fingers rub over your clit and begin to prod at your hole.
You turned your attention back to Steve to speed up jerking his dick.
“So good” you whispered just as Eddie slid one finger into you. “Fuck, so good.”
“So tight. Mommy’s so tight, Steve. Would think this was a virgin pussy if I didn’t know any better,” Eddie smiled against your skin as he began to finger you rougher, adding a second finger. “Wanna fuck you so bad, baby. Can I? Please? Need my dick in you. Need to feel you, make you mine.”
Something about those words triggered you, made you almost insatiable.
“Yeah, fuck yeah. Wanna feel you, Ed.”
You took your hand off of Steve’s throbbing cock and pushed away from him so that you could be lying on your back again. You adjusted yourself on the couch so you were seated farther up.
“Want to look in your face while you fuck me.”
“Anything you want, baby.”
This was your first real look at Eddie’s dick. It was cute! He had his hairs neatly trimmed into the shape of bat. You couldn’t help but smile at that, and his dick was an angry red color as opposed to Steve’s pretty, pink one.
Steve sat up beside you, wrapping one hand around his cock and the other around your shoulder.
Eddie spread your fat outer lips apart to get a good look at your pussy.
“So fucking pretty, Mommy,” he smiled down at you as he went to rub his dick against the slickness of your cunt, repeatedly bumping your clit. “Nghn, fuck yeah.”
“Fuck, want to feel my dick in that warm pussy,” Steve rasped against your neck between kisses he began placing to help ground you.
“You’ll get your turn soon, Stevie,” you assured, “promise.”
“Fuck, I can’t wait,” Eddie slid the tip of his cock into you before stopping, “That good? Is it okay, Mommy?”
You nodded and pushed one of his curls that were dangling in his face behind his ear.
“So good, baby. Keep goin’.”
He nodded and continued to push his way into you. He was much more gentler with you than the other couple of guys you’d slept with. They all seemed to treat sex like a race to the finish line, forcing their way in almost, aimlessly thrusting into you, and not really giving a fuck about your pleasure after the initial foreplay.
“Fuckkkkkk,” he groaned and bit down on his bottom lip. As he bottomed out, he had to sit still for a moment and turn his focus to the ceiling because the feeling of the girl he loved wrapped tight and hot around his dick and you sitting there kissing his boyfriend as you took his dick was bound to make him cum before he wanted to.
“Take your time, Ed. I know how you get,” Steve smirked teasingly. The two just bantered so much, even in the middle of passionate sex.
“Steve, why don’t you fuck Eddie for Mommy? Don’t you want to stick your dick somewhere?” you smiled cheekily.
“Mm, he doesn’t deserve any fucking dick,” Steve mumbled into your neck.
“Fuck, if I didn’t have my dick in the girl of my dreams right now I swear I wou-“
You cut Eddie off with a warning slap to the cheek before you grabbed his chin and forced his attention onto you.
“Shut the fuck up and fuck me like you mean it,” you gritted.
Eddie quickly closed his mouth and nodded. He placed his hands on the back of your couch for more leverage and began to fuck into you at a rougher, faster, more meaningful pace. You were very thankful that the boy was a musician and had rhythm.
“Steve,” you panted, “Get Eddie ready for your dick, or you won’t be cumming at all.
Your eyes held this sense of seriousness in them that turned Steve on beyond belief. He loved to be pushed around and told what to do, and while Eddie was pretty good at it, his demeanor often changed. He was very switchy to say the least.
Steve nodded and got up from his spot beside you to look for a packet of lube he knew Eddie kept in his wallet.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good, baby. I could cream this pussy right now,” Eddie groaned before leaning down to kiss you deeply. He attacked your tongue with his, saliva dripping down both your chins.
Steve settled behind the boy and ripped open the lube packet. He poured a bit of it on his fingers and rubbed them together to warm them up.
Without warning, he pulled Eddie’s cheeks apart and licked a long stripe from his balls to his hole.
Eddie faltered inside you a bit, causing him to go impossibly deeper. You whimpered at that before smiling up at the boy.
Steve held Eddie’s left cheek open before he went in with the two of his lubed fingers.
The sudden action made Eddie whimper loudly and slow down his thrusts into you.
“What the fuck, Steve?” he said in a very whiny tone.
You looked back towards Steve who was quickly moving his fingers in and out of Eddie. You smiled at his eagerness and directed your attention back to Eddie.
“His fingers feel good in your pussy, baby?” you cooed. “Bet they fucking do.”
Eddie whimpered as Steve added a third finger in.
“Fuck yes!”
Steve had gotten down on his knees behind the boy, watching the way his fingers rapidly entered and exited the boy’s pink, tight little hole.
“I can’t wait anymore, Eds,” he groaned, “Need to fuck this ass.”
Eddie nodded and stopped his movements inside you completely, allowing Steve to line his cock up with his hole.
“Ready, Ed?” he asked.
“Yes! Get your cock in me.”
Steve wasted no time pushing in, quickly bottoming out.
Eddie’s eyes rolled back in his head at the feeling of fullness. He loved it so fucking much despite how often he topped Steve as opposed to bottoming.
“Feel too good, Eddie? Think Steve can start moving yet, or are you going to cum?” you fake pouted at the boy.
“Yes, yes! You can move, Steve. I won’t cum till you do, Mommy. Won’t cream this pussy until I make it cum,” he panted.
“Alright,” Steve huffed before he began pounding into Eddie, giving the boy absolutely no time to prepare.
“Oh fuck,” Eddie whimpered as he fell forward a bit. Steve’s hard thrusts made Eddie thrust into you.
He took a moment to breathe before he picked up his pace in you. His thrusts into you caused him to thrust back onto Steve harder.
He pried your pussy lips apart so that he could thumb at your clit.
“That feel good, pretty?” he asked as he circled your clit with the thumb.
You nodded at the pressure, making you get closer and closer to cumming yourself. 
“Fuck yes,” you moaned and pulled Eddie into a hot, rushed kiss.
You looked up to see Steve staring down at the two of you, smirking.
“This is probably Eddie’s wet dream come true,” he smiled, “little perv probably been dreaming of this since high school.”
The admission of that was enough to make you clench hard around Eddie cock.
Steve rearranged himself so that he would be pressed up against Eddie’s g-spot with each rapid thrust.
Eddie was all whimpers now, fucking into you as quickly as his hips would let him so he could feel Steve’s heavy cock pressing into him harder and rougher.
“Make me cum, Eddie. Come on. I’m so fucking close!” you squealed as your thighs trembled.
Eddie replaced his thumb with his entire hand to rub across your clit quickly.
“Right there!” you shrieked as you clinched down around Eddie hard, cumming all over his cock.
Eddie kept thrusting into you as he was so close to cumming himself.
“Just a little more baby. J-just a little bit more for me, yeah?” he whimpered.
You let him continue to thrust into you, way too deep in pleasure to even think of stopping him despite your pussy being so sensitive.
Steve was gripping his hips tightly, probably leaving bruises as he watched the boy’s ass clap back onto his thighs.
“Fuck yeah, Eddie. Clenching so tight. Are you gonna cum? Cum in Mommy’s pussy!” he asked breathlessly, barely heard over the sound of their skin clapping together.
“Fuck! Cumming!” he shouted as Steve stroked particularly hard against his prostate. He came deep inside you, causing you to let out a little stream of squirt.
“Damn that’s fucking hot,” Eddie groaned as he thrust himself through his orgasm.
“Ohhhh, fuck,” you whined. “Out! No more. Too much!”
Steve pulled Eddie away from you as the boy was almost incapable of doing anything other than shaking like a leaf on top of you.
Steve pulled out of the boy’s hole, holding his cheeks open to watch it clinch and unclinch.
He laid Eddie beside you as he jerked his cock over the both of you.
“So hot, Stevie,” Eddie sighed sleepily.
“Cum for us, baby,” you smiled up at him before you leaned over to kiss Eddie.
You spread your legs again so that your puffy, used, and leaking cunt was on display to the boy.
Seeing Eddie’s cum leak out of your cunt ultimately made Steve cum. He angled his cock so that white, milky strings landed across your tummy and Eddie’s chest.
“Mmf,” he grunted as the final strings of cum left his dick.
His chest heaved as he plopped down onto the couch beside you both.
You all laid there, naked, sweaty, cummy messes.
“So…who wants to shower with, Mommy?”
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Tbh this took sm time and was so rough to write. Writing threesomes IS NOT for the weak…so I definitely won’t be doing it anytime soon! Hope you guys liked it though.
Taglist: @emma-munson @user4837373 @paradisepoisons @thedoubleexposurephotography @palmtreesx3 @julesfromeuphoriaismyimaginarygf
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austinbutlerslovers · 27 days
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Benny Cross the Bikeriders Fantasy Part 4
Label Mature 18+
Chapter 4 Till Death
🔗 chapter 1 🔗 chapter 2 🔗 chapter 3
Summary You and Benny tie the knot in a biker-style wedding, surrounded by your closest friends and his Vandal club members. The celebration is filled with love and support for your whirlwind romance.
As newlyweds, you take full advantage of your time enjoying every moment together. Little by little, small cracks begin to surface in Benny's gentle behavior.
You initially brush it off as the stress of Benny adjusting from biker life to married life, until his charming personality completely falls revealing a side of him you've never seen before.
The turning point comes when the illusion shatters completely. The love you once felt is replaced by heartbreak, leaving you to pick up the broken pieces and face the painful reality of who Benny really is.
♠️ Passionate Smut ♠️ morning sex •fingering • sex on a counter • claiming • dirty talk•size kink•oral on female •squirting • cum eating • nipple play • foreplay •wedding night sex• multiple cream pies •multiple orgasms •extreme after care
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Proof Readers 📖@purejasmine @burnthheparaphilia Smut Consultant 🫦@butdaddyilovehim99
Heavily Inspired by the Bikeriders Movie 🩸Mentions of blood (Benny gets into a fight)
🏍️ Inspo: anonymous requests combined 🏍️ •Marrying Benny cross full detail •Benny can’t stop thinking about you at all times •Benny turns overly protective seeing you get hurt •Benny claims you before and after the wedding •You and Benny have sex out doors •Benny breaks your heart
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Til Death
You awaken in the morning, still basking in the afterglow of your engagement party. As you stretch with a contented smile, you hear the sound of running water as Benny washes his face and brushes his teeth.
The sunlight begins filtering softly through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow over the room as Benny finishes and quickly climbs back into bed with you.
His warm body presses against yours and he wraps his muscular arms around you, pulling you close. His smile is infectious as you lay staring into each other’s eyes.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he says his voice still rough from sleep.
“Good morning, handsome,” you say in return, your fingers trailing along his jawline as he smiles.
“Last night was something else, hm?” he asks, his fingertips caressing along your shoulder.
“I still can’t believe we’re engaged, Benny,” you reveal warmly.
“I believe it,” he grins softly, resting his hand on your cheek. “I’ve never been this happy before.”
“I’ve never felt this way either, Benny,” you confess, your eyes filled with affection.
 Benny smiles warmly, brushing his thumb gently across your chin. 
“You’re everything I ever wanted,” he reveals, his voice soft and tender as he gazes deeply into your eyes.
“And I’m lucky,” he continues, his thumb tracing the curve of your jaw with a featherlight touch, “because I get to spend the rest of my life proving it to you.” He says and the intensity of his eyes makes your heart skip a beat.
You feel the familiar blush creeping up your cheeks and you lower your gaze. But Benny doesn’t let you shy from him and gently tilts your chin, guiding you to look back at him.
He leans in, capturing your lips in a deeply passionate kiss. His soft, plush lips moving against yours as his fingertips trail down the curves of your waist.
He pulls your thigh closer, lifting your leg over his waist and pressing his firm cock against you. The intimate contact makes you gasp, your body responding with a surge of anticipation.
“Need to be inside you, baby,” he whispers with desire, as he tilts your head back pressing soft kisses along your throat.
“Y-yes, Benny…” you pant, your voice trembling with need as you surrender. His movements are deliberate a he takes his time kissing and sucking the sensitive skin of your neck.
The firmness of his body presses against yours as he glides his hard cock your through wetness, slicking your arousal along his shaft with every pass. The sensation is euphoric, making your breath catch as your body reacts.
“You’re so wet for me” he says gently pressing the tip of his cock to your entrance. He pauses just long enough to let the moment linger before he pushes his large cock into you, inch by inch with a slow insistent thrust.
His gaze is locked on yours, watching every pleasurable emotion on your face as you feel him guiding deeper inside.
“You feel…so good, baby,” he rasps, his voice filled with raw desire as your walls tighten around his cock drawing him in . “I’m going to take you all the way.” He promises, claiming you completely.
“Yes, Benny,” you moan, your body arching against him as he fills you entirely. Each thrust heightens your pleasure as Benny holds you steady guiding his large cock through your tight walls.
You start to move in rhythm with him, your leg wrapped around his waist, pulling him even deeper. His breath comes out in a heated sigh as he feels you moving with him.
“Feels so good …when you push on me, baby,” he rasps, his voice a blend of awe and affection as he feels the tightness of your walls on each thrust. “Keep …that up for me,” he breathes his voice strained in pleasure.
“I won’t stop, Benny,” you promise, your voice breathless as you push your hips in time with his, meeting each of his deliberate thrusts. You gaze into each other’s eyes, feeling the endless pleasure as you moan in unison your bodies moving together in perfect harmony.
Benny captures your lips in a searing kiss, the passion between you intensifying with each thrust. You melt into him, your bodies moving as one. The feel of him against you and the taste of him on your tongue make you surrender completely, letting Benny consume you entirely.
He pulls back slightly, his eyes locking onto yours, filled with a burning devotion that makes your heart race. “I love you,” he breathes, his voice heavy with emotion.
“I love you too, Benny,” you reply, your voice trembling with sincerity sending a thrill through him. His face shifts to one of pure surrender as his love for you overwhelms him.
His muscles tense as he pushes harder driving his cock deeper into you with every thrust. The sound of your soft cries mingles with his ragged breaths, as you surrender to his relentless pace.
Each stroke is raw and possessive, his thrusts harder and faster leaving you gasping for air. His muscles flex with each powerful movement, every shift aimed at bringing you to the peak of ecstasy.
“Your gonna come for aren’t you baby?” he asks, feeling your walls tighten around his thrusting cock.
“Yes, Benny!” you cry out, your voice trembling with the intensity of pleasure building inside your body.
“I’m close,” he rasps, his breath coming in short, ragged bursts as he feels you tightening around him, driving him closer to his own release. “I want to feel you come with me, baby,” he whispers, his voice filled with anticipation, his eyes never leaving yours.
Your moans grow more frantic as you nod, and he thrusts into you with relentless force. His cock sliding in and out with of you with an intensity that pushes you to the edge.
His guttural groans blend with your cries of pleasure. The sensation of his hips clapping against you makes your walls flutter until you can’t hold back.
“Benny I——!” you cry out, your voice breaking as the overwhelming orgasm crashes over you, your walls tightening around his cock as you moan in ecstasy.
“Oh fuck,” he gasps, his pace faltering as he watches you feeling the intense pleasure of his cock. “I’m gonna come,” he yells, his voice strained with effort.
With a final thrust , he releases deep inside of you, his cock throbbing as it pulses rope after rope of cum, each surge sending a new wave of pleasure coursing through your body.
The world falls away as you orgasm together, his guttural groans and your loud cries filling the air. The intensity of your orgasms leaving you both breathless, lost in the shared ecstasy of the moment.
He shudders heavily, his entire body trembling with the force of his release and he holds you close, his grip almost desperate as he begins to roughly kiss you, his lips capturing yours holding on to the connection you just shared.
He moves back from the kiss and you remain entwined, hearts pounding in unison until the room fills with the soft sounds of your mingled breaths. As the aftershocks of pleasure fade Benny holds you close as you stare at him in awe.
“I’m so in love with you Benny,” you reveal the words escaping your lips.
His eyes wander over your face, remembering every detail as you give your heart to him and he slowly smiles softly stroking your cheek with his  thumb.
“I’m so in love with you too,” he responds, his voice sincere and filled with tenderness. He leans in, brushing his lips against yours in a gentle, loving kiss, and you close your eyes, savoring the intimacy of the moment, feeling the depth of his love for you.
You both rest a moment longer, your bodies intertwined in the afterglow of the passion you just shared. Fully satisfied, he begins to carefully pull out of you. The gradual withdrawal of his large cock sends a final shiver of pleasure through your body, making you gasp softly.
He rolls onto his back and pulls you close to his chest, his fingers gently weaving through your hair as he savors the intimacy of the moment.
You gaze up at him, your eyes soft and loving as you admire his handsome features. His strong jawline softened by stubble, his vibrant blue eyes holding a depth that makes your heart flutter. The curve of his full lips, resting in a confident, teasing smile. You adore Benny and can’t help but smile to yourself, feeling a surge of love and contentment being his fiancé.
“Come shower with me, Benny,” you whisper, as he almost sleeps in the warmth of your embrace.
“I’d like that,” he grins becoming more alert, savoring any intimate moment he can share with you. He releases you from his embrace, and you both slowly untangle from the sheets. The cool morning air brushes against your warm skin as you head to the bathroom ready to start your day together.
As you turn on the water, letting it warm up, Benny looks over your naked form, his hand slowly trailing down your back,“Your irresistible baby,” he says, squeezing your hip.
“And you’re insatiable Benny,” you tease, stepping under the shower and pulling him in with you. The water cascades over your bodies as you lean into him.
“You bring it out of me,” he says gently, brushing your wet hair back with one hand while the other cradles your face. You gaze up at him, and his lips meet yours in a soft, affectionate kiss that radiates warmth and love.
You wrap your arms around his neck, savoring the moment as steam rises around you, feeling both the heat of the water and the warmth of his kiss. You take turns washing each other’s bodies, enjoying the closeness and intimacy with the excitement of being engaged lingering between you.
After you dry off and head to the bedroom Benny slips on his jeans and a beige shirt while you choose a comfortable button up summer dress. You both move in sync, exchanging occasional smiles and touches as you prepare for the day an once ready, you head downstairs together.
In the kitchen, you make a simple breakfast, eggs, toast, and tea then sit at the counter together, sharing bites and light conversation about the excitement of your party last night. After breakfast you pull the calendar from the refrigerator, returning to sit next to him.
With the engagement successfully announced, you and Benny have an even bigger task ahead; planning the wedding.
“What date would you like for the big day?” you ask, flipping through the pages for the following months.
“Tomorrow,” Benny says with a sly grin.
You give him a playful look. “Benny, we can’t possibly do it tomorrow.”.
“End of the week,” he confirms without hesitation as he walks away to put the dishes in the sink.
“Benny, that’s too soon,” you protest.
He walks back to you, his eyes softening as he approaches. He wraps his strong arms around you from behind, his embrace warm and reassuring as you sit at the counter. 
He plants a kiss on your temple, then glances over the dates flipping back to the current month.
“I want to marry you as soon as possible” he says gently against your ear. “I don’t want to wait a moment longer,” he says with a depth of emotion.
You sigh, hearing the dedication in his words and feeling the same. “Maybe we can do it end of this week if the wedding is really small,” you suggest with a hopeful smile.
“The wedding will be big well included the entire club of Vandals,” he confirms with a grin,  excited to share the momentous occasion with his brotherhood.
When you look to him unsure he smiles holding you tighter into his embrace. “I’ll call Johnny and Betty they were already planning to help anyway, they’d love to do this for us.” He reveals m.
You smile, feeling a sense of relief and excitement. “They would do that?” you ask in surprise, and after a moment of thought Benny nods.
“Yea they know everyone, and this is a big deal for us. They’ve always had my back” he says reassuringly.
“What about the venue?” you ask, trying to think of a location in town.
Benny smiles, already knowing the answer. “We’ll do it right, hire a pastor and get married at the lake,” he says softly. You look over your shoulder, trying to hold your resolve at his sentiment, and he holds you tighter, seeing your pleased expression.
“That sounds wonderful Benny,” you confirm and place your hands on his forearms as he holds you.
“I can’t wait to marry you,” he whispers, his voice filled with love and anticipation.
You smile, your heart swelling with love in return. “I can’t wait to marry you either Benny” you respond and he smiles his eyes filled with affection as he plants a kiss on your lips.
You and Benny spend the rest of the afternoon making various calls to set the arrangements for the upcoming weekend.
As word gets around the Vandals and your friends excitedly offer their help in various ways to be part of the spontaneous celebration.
Benny chooses Johnny as his Best Man with Brusy and Cal as his groomsmen and you Chose Sarah as your Maid of Honor with Donna and Emily as your brides maids.
Benny, not being traditional chooses to wear his colors for the wedding proving his loyalty to the Vandals, and for your dress, you already have the most sentimental gown imaginable.
Wedding Jitters
The next day, you invite your maid of honor and bridesmaids over, ensuring Benny will be out with Johnny, working on the beverage order for the afternoon.
As your friends arrive, you share greetings and offer them glasses of wine in the kitchen, exchanging pleasantries before bringing them into your mother’s sitting room.
The space is cozy and nostalgic, with a large window facing the garden. A plush, floral-patterned sofa sits against one wall, complementing the room’s warm, inviting colors. Directly across from the sofa is your mother’s well-loved sewing machine. A full-length mirror stands in one corner next to a changing partition, and in the center of the room is a mannequin proudly displaying your mother’s wedding dress.
The gown is a stunning satin white, its fabric smooth and lustrous, with delicate straps that gracefully frame the shoulders, leading to a low-cut neckline. The bodice is fitted, accentuating the waist before flaring out into a full, flowing skirt that sweeps the floor.
When Emily and Sarah see your mother’s gown upon entering the room, they quickly become emotional, their eyes welling up with tears. The sight moves you deeply, and you find yourself tearing up with them. The four of you hold each other, sharing a heartfelt moment as you look over the gown together.
“It’s perfect,” Sarah says, wiping away happy tears. “Try it on for us,” Emily requests, and you nod in agreement. They each take a seat on the sofa, wines in hand, ready to see you wear the dress.
Though you’ve tried it on after pulling it from the trunk in the attic, something about wearing it in front of your friends makes it feel real. You nervously unbutton the silk gown from the mannequin, your hands trembling slightly as you struggle, and Sarah immediately gets up to help you.
“I’ve got it for you,” she says, taking over. Once she has the dress down, you step behind the partition to remove your clothing, and she hands the dress to you.
When you emerge, the dress fits you perfectly. Emily and Donna gasp, their eyes shining with emotion. Sarah helps you button up the back and delicately fastens the veil in your hair. She steps back, and they all admire you, their faces reflecting a mix of awe and affection.
“You’re going to be such a beautiful bride,” Sarah says, her voice full of admiration.
You smile, looking at yourself in the full-length mirror, feeling the weight of the moment and the significance of wearing your mother’s dress for your special day. The reality of your upcoming wedding sinks in, filling you with an overwhelming blend of excitement and longing.
“I wish they were here,” you blurt out, suddenly overcome with emotion. You kneel down, trying to hold back your sobs. Emily and Sarah immediately rush to your side, wrapping their arms around you in a comforting embrace, offering their support and understanding.
“Oh, sweetie,” Emily whispers, her voice filled with empathy. “They are here with you, in spirit and in your heart.”
“Your mom would be so proud of you,” Sarah adds supportively. “You look absolutely beautiful, and she’s watching over you, smiling.”
Donna softly strokes your back. “We’ll make sure your day is perfect, just like you deserve,” she confirms.
“We love you so much,” Sarah says, squeezing you tightly. “We know your parents would have loved to see you in this dress, marrying the man you love.”
They all look to you with supportive smiles. Donna steps away momentarily before coming forward and nudging you gently with your glass of wine. “Drink all of this down,” she orders, lightening the mood and as you laugh, you all lift your glasses for a toast.
“To love and friendship,” Donna says, her voice warm and reassuring.
“To marrying the love of your life,” Sarah adds, smiling through her tears.
“To the most beautiful bride,” Emily chimes in, her eyes shining with affection.
You all clink your glasses together, cheering in celebration.
During the week, you hand Benny several checks and envelopes of cash, which he distributes to cover all the expenses, making everything flow smoothly.
With the final detail of a local pastor confirmed, Benny looks at you with a triumphant grin. “I think we did it,” he says, pulling you into a tight embrace. “We’re getting married this weekend!” He says excitedly.
You smile, feeling joy and anticipation rising inside of you. “I can’t believe we made it happen, Benny,” you say, excitement surging as you tiptoe up and
press an appreciative kiss on his lips. Benny grins warmly and pulls you closer. “You’re gonna be my wife, baby,” he says affectionately.
One Night of Fun
The day before the wedding is filled with excitement and a flurry of activity. Betty and the older ladies meet with your maid of honor and bridesmaids to plan a surprise for you, while Johnny and the Vandals do the same for Benny.
You and Benny spend the day running last minute errands, making sure everything is ready for the next day.
As evening arrives, you begin to feel the wedding jitters setting in and decide to calm your nerves by cooking dinner together, a comforting ritual you both enjoy.
“Do you think we’ve forgotten anything?” you ask, perfectly browning a chicken breast in the skillet.
Benny stands beside you, chopping vegetables at the kitchen counter. “I don’t think so. I double-checked the list this morning,” he replies, concentrating on his task. “But if we did forget something, I’m sure it’ll work out.” He reassures you with calm confidence.
You nod, taking a deep breath. “You’re right, Benny. I guess it’s just the nerves talking,” you admit, feeling a bit anxious.
Benny leans over, smiling, and gently kisses your forehead. “We’re going to have an amazing day, baby. Everything will be perfect,” he says. His voice is steady and calming, and you smile, appreciating the way he grounds you.
Once dinner is ready, you sit down at the table together, trying to focus on the moment rather than the whirlwind of thoughts in your head.
“The chicken is amazing,” Benny says as he takes another bite, looking up at you affectionately.
You smile, finding comfort in the familiar routine of having dinner together. “I’m so glad, Benny,” you say, feeling a surge of emotion. “I want to do this with you forever.”
He gives you a look filled with understanding, getting up and walking around the table to kneel beside you. His eyes filled with warmth and love as he gazes into yours. “I want you forever,” he says softly, his voice full of sincerity, and leans placing a kiss on your lips and sealing his promise.
After dinner, you decide to relax on the couch together watching a show to distract your minds and calm your nerves. You settle in, nestled against Benny’s side, as the television flickers softly in the living room.
Benny’s holds you around your shoulders, his thumb gently stroking your arm in a soothing rhythm. The warmth of his body and the steady rise and fall of his chest easing your nerves.
Neither of you really pays attention to the show playing in the background. Instead, you sit in thoughtful silence, your minds drifting through the anticipation of tomorrow.
Occasionally, Benny leans over to plant a soft kiss on your temple or cheek, grounding you in the moment with his gentle affection. His fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on your thigh, the touch both calming and reassuring.
“Tomorrow’s the big day,” he finally says, voicing what’s on both of your minds as he looks down at you with a warm smile.
You tilt your head to meet his gaze. “It feels like a dream, Benny,” you say softly.
He smiles deepens as he rests his head gently against yours. “It’s a dream come true,” he says warmly.
You both lapse back into a comfortable silence, the only sound in the room the show on the television. Being together in your shared space bringing a sense of peace.
Suddenly, the phone rings, breaking the tranquility, and you sit up. “I wonder who that could be at this hour,” you say, rising from the couch.
You answer the phone to hear the familiar voice of Johnny.
“How you doing, sweetheart?” he asks with genuine curiosity, and you feel your nerves begin to rise again.
“I’m fine, Johnny,” you say quickly.
“Put Benny on for me, would ya?” he asks.
“Of course,” you reply, handing the call to Benny. He takes the phone and gently squeezes your hand before you leave to give him privacy.
Once Benny finishes talking, he hangs up and finds you in the kitchen. “Hey, um,” he says, scratching the back of his head, “The guys want to take me out tonight,” he says with a sly grin.
You bite your lip to contain your smile. You are well aware of the kind of night they have planned for him. His cheeks flush as he realizes you know, and you head to your purse in the kitchen to hand him a small stack of bills.
“Have fun,” you say, walking past him in a playfully dismissive manner, but he grabs your wrist, holding you in place as he pockets the money.
“What do you mean, ‘have fun’?” he grins, pulling you back to him. “You’re my fun,” he says, pressing a kiss to your ear. “I want to have fun with you right now,” he whispers, nudging his nose against your cheek.
“Benny, go,” you say, trying to sound serious through your smile.
“No, I want you now,” he says, his voice lower tinged with desire as he guides his large hands down your body. “I want you satisfied while I’m out,” he whispers, reaching his hand between your legs and squeezing gently.
You gasp at his insistence, your heart fluttering with anticipation. “Try to behave yourself tonig—” Benny leans in, kissing you deeply, savoring the warmth of your mouth and cutting off your words before you can finish the thought.
His kiss is all consuming, his lips moving against yours with an insatiable hunger and you melt into him, losing yourself in the moment, his touch and presence enveloping you completely.
He pulls back, his eyes dark with desire as they wander your body. “I’m going to misbehave right now,” he promises, unfastening his belt.
“Oh god, Benny,” you gasp, feeling chills at his intensity.
He holds your waist and lifts you onto the counter’s edge, kissing you hard as he unbuttons your top. He unclasps your bra, letting it fall to the tiled surface as his large hands grab your breasts, kneading and squeezing them as his tongue explores your mouth.
Your thighs instinctively tighten around his waist, your arousal pooling from his touch as you feel him becoming hard between your legs.
“Gonna make you feel so good baby,” he promises and you feel the heat of his breath as he kisses down your neck, the warmth of his mouth sucking, licking, and leaving a trail of sensation as you pant above him.
“Please, Benny,” you sigh, your fingertips running through his hair as his lips move lower, licking and kissing across your hardened nipples. He takes one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the peak before sucking it hard, drawing it in deeply. The pressure of his warmth tonge makes you moan, your wetness increasing with every pull of his mouth.
“Benny..that feels so good,” you moan, your walls clenching around nothing as he releases your nipple with a wet pop.
“I can’t get enough of you,” he whispers as his hands gently cup your breasts and his warm mouth returns, softly licking and firmly sucking each nipple. The sensations are overwhelming, each flick of his tongue and squeeze of his hands drawing a moan from your lips.
“I need you Benny,” you say breathlessly, your body aching for his touch. He responds by reaching his hand between your legs, sliding his fingers against your panties feeling them soaked through.
“God, you’re so wet for me,” he breathes, the heat of his words matching the intensity of his touch. His eyes lock onto yours as his fingers trace soft circles on your clit through the fabric.
Your hips push instinctively into his hand, and he slides your panties aside, his fingers gliding through your wetness, applying just the right amount of pressure to make you moan.
He teases your entrance with gentle circles and firm strokes, the sensation are overwhelming leaving you breathless. “Benny, please…” you whisper, spreading your legs wider, silently begging to be filled.
“You want more, baby?” he asks seductively.
“Y-yes, Benny,” you whisper.
“I’ll always give you more,” he promises and glides his fingers through your slickness before pushing them all the way inside of you.
“Oh God, Benny,” you gasp, your body trembling as he curls them upward pressing against a sensitive ridge. The sensation is exquisite, sending jolts of pleasure through your body as he moves his fingers in and out.
“Does it feel good baby?” he asks low and teasing.
“Yes, Benny!” you moan, “Please don’t stop,” you cry out with desperate need.
“I won’t stop until you’re satisfied,” he vows.
His other hand begins to knead your breast, his thumb brushing over your nipple in time with his fingers thrusting below, creating a symphony of sensations that makes you cry out his name.
“Benny, yes,” you moan as he plunges his fingers deeper curling them expertly against a a soft ridge that has you seeing stars
He returns his warm mouth to your breast, sucking and licking with intensity. The combination of his skilled fingers and the suction of his warm mouth pushes you to the brink, your body arching as you cry out his name.
“Benny....-I’m going to come,” you cry, the pleasure becoming so great you can no longer withstand it. Your body trembles with force as your orgasm crashes over you, your walls clenching around his fingers as waves of ecstasy ripple through your core.
He releases your nipple with a wet pop, and his eyes lock onto yours as he watches you come.
The slick sound of your wetness increases as his fingers thrust faster and harder making your cheeks flush a deep pink. Your breaths come in ragged gasps as the sensation intensifies, the euphoria overwhelming as you become lightheaded.
Benny slows his fingers as your thighs quiver against his hand and watches with a satisfied grin as you come down from your high.
Once you regain your breath, he removes his fingers from you bringing them to his mouth and tasting you with a satisfied hum.
His eyes roam over you as he decides what he wants to do next, finally locking his intense gaze with yours making your heart race.
His expression darkens with a mix of pride and hunger. “I need more,” he says, his voice rough with desire. “I want to taste you, until you come in my mouth.”
A shiver runs through you at his words and your heart races as he places his hand on your chest, gently guiding down to lay on the counter.
You let out a soft, breathy moan as you settle onto the cool tiles, the reality of his promise sinking in. Your skin tingles with anticipation as he prepares you for what’s next, tracing his fingers lightly over your skin.
“I want this off” he says and you feel a surge of excitement as his hands slide lower to your hips, tugging your skirt down and slipping off your panties. With you fully naked before him his gaze lingers on your curves, taking in every detail with a look of appreciation and desire.
“Spread your legs for me,” he commands, his voice tinged with pride and admiration as you do, his eyes locking onto the glistening arousal between them. He reaches out, his fingers grazing the slickness, savoring the effect he has on you.
“So wet for me” he praises with a smile and his hands slowly push your thighs wider apart. He lowers his face between them, and you shiver at the heat of his breath fanning against your skin.
He slowly traces his tongue along your wetness, savoring your taste, each stroke deliberate and intense as he enjoys every moment.
“Benny!” you gasp, your body tensing and releasing as the motions of his tongue become faster, your breath hitching as the pleasure radiates through your core. He flicks his tongue against your clit with an intensity that has you moan into the air.
“Benny, god!” you cry, your body arching toward his mouth and he grips your thighs, thrusting his tongue in and out of your entrance. The wet, sloppy sounds of his mouth fill the room as your hips begin to move of their own accord, each plunge of his tongue sending shockwaves through your core.
Your breaths come in ragged gasps as he works his tongue deeper, your moans unending as he consumes you. He groans against in passion and the vibration intensify your pleasure, spreading it from your core outward, tingling along your skin and making your thighs tighten around his head.
His hands grip your thighs and gently pull them apart, keeping you in place as you surrender to every exquisite sensation of his mouth devouring you.
“Benny I’m gonna come !” You moan your walls tightening on the brink of release. He maintains the perfect rhythm the sensation dizzying, each thrust and flick of his tongue drawing you closer to climax. Your hands grip the counter, desperate for something to hold onto as you feel yourself about to come.
When the tension snaps, you cry out in euphoria as another powerful orgasm crashes over you, the sheer intensity of your release leaving you utterly at his mercy.
Benny continues sloppily kissing and licking you as you come, determined to drive you beyond the edge of ecstasy.
Desperate cries escape your lips as he firmly slips two fingers inside of your sensitive walls, thrusting hard, creating an intense dull ache that builds, coiling tighter and tighter with every deep stroke.
“Benny, oh god!” you whimper as he thrusts faster, making the pressure build until you feel a demanding need for release.
You cry out as you reach the brink, and he slips his fingers from you, circling them against your clit. The sudden shift in sensation causes your body to respond with a powerful release, warm liquid squirting freely from your core with each stroke of his fingers.
Benny leans in, capturing your release with his mouth, his tongue eagerly lapping in as you push against his face. Your moans are unending as you come, completely overwhelmed by Benny.
Your body gives out, going limp as you lay flat on the counter, your chest heaving as you try to catch your breath.
The overwhelming pleasure leaves you dazed and blissfully exhausted as you bask in the afterglow of your earth shattering orgasm. Benny stands with a satisfied smirk, clearly pleased with his handiwork, and slowly licks the taste of you from his lips.
“I love to make you come like that,” he grins at you in satisfaction.
You weakly smile, your mind clouded in complete euphoria. “I… I love it too,” you manage to say, unable to form an another thought.
He watches you with a contented smile, his touch lingering softly on your thighs as you come down from the high, the aftershocks of pleasure still rippling through your body.
His eyes are filled with admiration as he takes in your blissful state, his thumbs gently stroking your skin, grounding you in the moment as you slowly regain your composure.
“I want to satisfy you even more,” he says, tightly gripping your hips and pulling you to the edge of the counter. “Need to feel you tight around me” he rasps “I want to thrust until I can’t hold back anymore,” he reveals his voice rough with need.
“Oh god Benny,” you softly moan, your eyes pleading for him.
He unzips his jeans, lowering them as his large, hard cock springs free. You watch as he wraps one hand firmly around the base, his other hand resting on your hip to hold you in place.
He presses the tip against your entrance, sliding it through the slick wetness of your arousal and the sensation causes waves of intense pleasure to course through your already overstimulated body.
“I want you so much,” he whispers as he aligns himself with you. “Do you feel how hard you make me, baby?” he asks, gripping both of your hips possessively.
You moan feeling the heat of his tip press into you, and with a deliberate, steady push, he thrusts himself inside. Your body arches as he penetrates, your walls throbbing as he stretches you around his size.
He places his large hand across your pelvis, holding you in place as he sinks deeper, the sensation drawing moans from you both as he bottoms out, filling you completely.
“You feel so good on me,” he groans softly, his voice thick with desire.
You gaze into his eyes, completely consumed by the size of his cock. “Benny…you’re so deep” you whine, the fullness so intense that you can’t move.
“Every inch of me belongs inside of you,” he confirms, holding you steady as he begins to thrust, his head immediately tilting back in pure bliss as he enjoys in the tightness of your walls squeezing him.
You whimper and moan beneath him, your sounds mingling with the wet, rhythmic slickness of his cock as he roughly pushes into you, each firm stroke accompanied by his grunts and pants.
Your fingers grasp desperately at the edge of the counter, the only thing to brace yourself felling every inch of him pushing deeper, the fullness and pressure sending shockwaves to your core.
He glances down at you, captivated by the sight of your eyes fluttering closed in bliss as you take him.
“Look at me, baby,” he says affectionately and when your eyes meet, the intensity of your gaze sends a jolt of desire through him as his cock twitch inside your walls.
“You’re all I’m going to be thinking about tonight,” he confesses, his words a promise as he drives his cock into you with a newfound intensity.
You respond eagerly to his words, your moans growing louder and more desperate as you feel yourself spiraling toward another climax. The tension coils tighter within you, your body straining toward release, every thrust reinforcing the pleasure he’s giving you.
“Oh god Benny!” You finally cry as his pace increases to a dangerous rate, thrusting faster, driving deeper and holding you in place. He begin to pounds into your walls with a relentless rhythm. His groans fill your ears as your pelvic muscles contract around his large cock squeezing it tightly.
“S-so good,” he stammers, losing his ability to think, the sounds of your wetness mingling with the slaps of his skin, driving him insane as he nears release.
Your walls begin to flutter, drawing him in deeper with every thrust, and you feel the familiar tightness building within as you gasp, and moan reaching your peak of your pleasure.
“Don’t come yet, baby,” Benny rasps, his voice commanding and filled with control.
You strain not to come and he presses his hand down firmly on your pelvis, the force sending shockwaves of pleasure through your core as he thrusts intensifying the sensation beyond your limits.
Your hips buck up against him, your cries of his name spilling from your lips like a desperate prayer.
“Benny, god Benny please!” you moan incoherently, your voice trembling with desperation.
“Fuck,” he gasps, he falters, nearly losing control, but he quickly recovers, determined to give you an earth shattering orgasm. “Not yet, baby,” he commands, holding you firmly in place as he begins flicking his thumb over your clit.
Your cries are foreign to your ears as he relentlessly thrusts and sweetly tortures your clit. The combination drives you to the brink, your body instinctively pushing against him, completely overwhelmed and overstimulated.
Your orgasm crashes over you with full force, your vision blurring as waves of pleasure radiate through your core. Your walls spasm around his cock, and you moan his name, feeling the warmth of your release coating his cock as he continues to glide in and out of you.
He groans as the rush of warm liquid makes his thrusts sloppier and more desperate. He falters slightly, the pleasure all consuming. “I’m gonna come,” he relents, keeping his hand in place, feeling himself thrusting harder under his palm as he chases his own high.
He lets out a guttural moan, his body tensing as his cock pulses inside of you. The sensation of his warm cum filling you makes you moan beneath him. His cock throbs in sync with the contractions of your walls and the intensity of your orgasms leaves you both breathless and satisfied.
He waits as the throbbing of your walls subsides, savoring the feeling of being completely connected to you.
He brushes soft touches along your sides, his eyes taking in your blissfully surrendered form. “You’re incredible,” he says with a soft smile as his fingers trace gently over your delicate skin.
You manage a weak smile in return, still overwhelmed from the intensity of the moment . “I’ve never felt anything like that, Benny,” you admit, your voice filled with awe.
He smiles, a look of satisfaction in his eyes. “I want to make you feel like that always,” he says softly, his hand gently guiding down your leg.
With your bodies calmed he places a hand on your thigh bracing himself and carefully pulls out of you. The sensation of his large cock withdrawing leaves you feeling both empty and relieved as a warmth spreads through your core.
He takes your wrists and gently pulls you up to him, guiding your arms around his neck as he wraps his strong arms around your waist, holding you close.
He gazes into your eyes, a playful grin on his lips. “What if I don’t go?” he asks, his voice teasing with a hint of genuine reluctance.
You smile, leaning in to kiss his lips softly. “Go play with your boys,” you whisper against his mouth, knowing full well he’ll be thinking of you the entire time. The connection between you is undeniable, and you both linger in the moment, unwilling to let it end.
Suddenly there is a loud knock at the front door startling you both due to the hour.
“Who could that be?” you ask, glancing at Benny.
“I don’t know,” he replies, quickly helping you off the counter. You scramble to get dressed, pulling on your top and buttoning it up, while he tucks himself away, adjusting his jeans. He collects your skirt, kneeling to help you step into it.
Once you are both dressed, Benny heads to answer the front door.
He pulls it open to find all the old ladies from the club, along with your friends, waiting in anticipation. Their faces flushed with excitement as they yell and cheer. Bennys eyes widen in shock at the sudden visit and they scream and catcall at him, clearly there to celebrate. With a mix of surprise and amusement, he steps aside, inviting them all in.
They pour into the entryway, each one touching and patting his firm arms and chest as they pass him by.
“What are you still doing here, Benny? You’re supposed to be at the club!” Gale yells with a grin.
“This is girls’ night!” Donna teases as their laughter and chatter filling the house with infectious energy.
They make their way to the kitchen, and feeling exposed, you quickly try to compose yourself but Gale spots your bra on the counter, picking it up with a sly grin.
“Looks like this is why Benny hasn’t left yet,” she teases, waving your bra playfully around making you and Benny turn bright red as he enters the kitchen seeing what she’s discovered.
Despite the teasing, Benny walks over to you, wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace.
The girls gather around, intensifying the moment as Benny cups your jaw in his hand, placing a soft, lingering kiss on your lips. “I love you” he says tenderly, his eyes locking with yours as he smiles.
“I love you too,” you reply softly, feeling shy under the gaze of your friends as they catcall and cheer around you.
Benny then pulls on his jacket, turning to the group with a grin. “Take good care of her tonight,” he says, his tone a mix of affection and humor as he waves goodbye.
The girls respond with playful teasing and laughter, filling the room with their vibrant energy as Benny finally heads out the front door. The noise and energy in the room continue to buzz as your friends settle in, ready to celebrate the night away before your big day.
You usher everyone into the living room, with their bottles and glasses in hand, heading over to the record player. You carefully select a popular record, gently sliding it out of its sleeve. Placing it on the turntable, you set the needle down with precision, hearing the soft crackle as it finds the groove.
The music fills the room, and you and your friends begin to dance and drink singing along to the entire record, the atmosphere buzzing with energy and joy bringing you all closer together.As the record comes to an end, the energy begins to wind down, and everyone gathers around to start handing out the traditional bridal gifts for your wedding.
Betty is the first to step forward, presenting you with something borrowed, a Vandals biker patch. The old ladies of the club grow sentimental as she places it in your palm and you trace your thumb along the familiar stitching, recognizing the symbol that means so much to Benny.
“You’re one of us now,” Betty says, her voice heavy with emotion as she pulls you into a tight embrace. Her words, filled with deep meaning, make your friends feel a touch out of place, but they smile warmly, sharing in the moment.
Next, Sarah approaches, her excitement barely contained as she hands you something new, a large, ribboned box with ‘Lily of France’ written across the front. You can’t help but gasp as you open it to reveal a stunning white lingerie set, complete with garter belts and fasteners. The women around you clap and cheer, their eyes sparkling with delight.
“That’ll get you pregnant faster than a horse in heat!” Gale shouts, and the room erupts into fits of laughter. You blush deeply, and carefully place the lingerie back into its box, nodding your appreciation to Sarah, who beams with pride.
Emily steps forward next, holding a tiny bag in her hands. You open it to find a small, gold-engraved black box, and inside, nestled on a bed of satin, are a pair of exquisite sapphire earrings.
The room falls silent for a moment as everyone admires their delicate beauty. “Something blue,” Emily says softly, her voice shy but filled with warmth. A lump forms in your throat as you smile at her, deeply touched by the thoughtful gesture. “They’re beautiful, thank you,” you say, your voice catching slightly.
“Thank you all so much,” you say to the gathered women, suddenly tearful as you feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the love and support surrounding you. Donna begins refilling everyone’s glasses. “Let’s do a toast,” she says once everyone is holding a full glass.
“Wait!” Sandy says, running to her purse and retrieving her camera. “Everyone gather in front of the fireplace around the future bride!” she says excitedly, and all the women surround you as Sandy prepares to take the photo.
“Everyone cheers to the future bride!” Sandy yells, and the camera flashes, capturing you and all of your friends for the wonderful memory.
The night continues with laughter and stories, the warmth of friendship surrounding you as you celebrate the eve of your wedding day.
Den of Wolves
Benny arrives at the Vandals’ biker club, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He’s seen his fair share of wild nights with the boys, but tonight feels different he knows they’ve got it in for him. He sucks in a deep breath to prepare himself for the inevitable mauling by the den of wolves waiting inside.
Benny pushes open the doors to the sound of Blues blaring from the jukebox, as soon as he steps inside, the crowd of bikers turns their attention to him and rush to greet him. “Benny!” some yell out as they playfully assault him with rough pats on the back and ruffle his hair.
Cal, wraps an arm around Benny, pulling him into a side hug. “Here he is, the man of the hour!” he yells triumph making Benny laugh as he ushered into the club.
Johnny grins from the bar and yells  out, “Glad you decided to show up Benny ! Trouble with the Mrs?” He says pointing at the clock above the bar.
“No, quite the opposite,” Benny yells, flashing a grin.
Then men erupt into laughter and Wahoo grabs Benny by the shoulders . “That poor delicate woman Benny, your gonna break her if you can’t stop being such a dog” he yells and the men erupt  into a fit of laughter as Benny pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to contain his bashful smile of embarrassment.
“Get this man drunk and quick!” Corky shouts, and the men all cheer in agreement, raising their glasses in a toast.
They settle into the familiar routine of playing pool and smoking, the camaraderie easing Benny’s nerves. As he chats with Cal, enjoying the normalcy of the night, he finally begins to relax.
Suddenly, Wahoo and Corky grab Benny by the arms, pulling him backward and landing him in a chair. Benny laughs, playfully fighting to get up, but Corky yells, “Hold him down! I paid good money for this!” and the other bikers join in, holding Benny in place despite his protest.
“C’mon, guys, don’t,” Benny pleads, but his words fall on deaf ears as Wahoo folds a rag and blindfolds him.
“It’s not cheating if you can’t see it,” Wahoo says with a cackle, drawing laughter from the crowd. “Touching’s free, looking will cost ya!” Corky adds, and the bikers laugh at his clear misinterpretation.
Benny, unable to move, relents knowing that whatever they have planned, it’s all in good fun.
The men begin to whistle, and Benny hears the distinct sound of high heels clicking on the wooden floor. His heart rate increases, and his blood runs cold as he realizes it’s real—they’ve in fact hired a stripper.
“Who’s the one getting treated here?” she asks with a sultry voice, trailing her hand up his leg as the room erupts in cheers and laughter “Benny” they yell in unison.
She lifts the hem of his shirt, taking a peek at his abs. “Tsk, tsk, tsk Benny what a lucky woman,” she says, leaning in close enough for him smell her perfume. “Too bad we’re going to ruin all that for a night of fun,” she teases.
On her cue, a rock song starts playing, and Benny can hear the men lower their chattering with growing excitement as she begins to dance.
They begin whistling as she strips down to her bra and panties and walks closer quickly straddling Benny’s lap. Her hips rolls against him to the rhythm of the music and the bikers can’t contain their excitement, hooting and hollering at the spectacle.
She runs her fingers through Benny’s hair and down his chest, her touch light but teasing. Benny keeps his composure, though inside he feels a wave of humiliation setting in as his face flushes. Seeing this, the men around him grow rowdier, egging her on to do more.
“Relax, for me handsome,” she whispers in his ear, her lips grazing his skin. “I promise I don’t bite—unless you want me to.” She teases
Benny finally chuckles, his face turning bright red from the sheer embarrassment of the ordeal. “I’m good, thanks,” he replies, keeping his voice light.
“Are you sure?” she asks playfully and removes his blindfold. As the cloth falls away, she is the one stunned, seeing his handsome face. “What a looker,” she says, flashing him a mischievous grin. “Let’s make sure you have an extra good time tonight.” She winks.
With that, she begins to dance on him with practiced ease, her movements fluid and confident. She holds his knees her body moving  with the rhythm of the music, her long hair cascading over her shoulders as she leans back maintaining eye contact with Benny, her smile playful and teasing. The bikers continue to cheer, tossing dollar bills at her in every direction, the room filled with hoots and laughter.
“C’mon, Benny, enjoy the show I paid good for this!” Wahoo yells, raising his beer to celebrate and the men erupt into more laughter and encouragement, adding to the wild atmosphere.
Benny endures the lap dance, grateful for his friends’ enthusiasm but relieved when the routine finally comes to an end.
“Thanks for playing along, handsome,” she says with a teasing smile. With a smooth, practiced motion, she climbs off Benny’s lap, gathering the scattered bills into a neat stack. As she struts across the room, she glances over her shoulder at Benny, flashing him a flirtatious smile and blowing him a kiss before disappearing into the crowd.
The bikers erupt into applause, slapping Benny on the back and congratulating him on surviving the spectacle and  Benny relaxes, grateful that the unexpected show is over.
As the men let Benny up, he sighs in relief, shaking his head as they continue to tease him.
More girls enter the bar, and Benny groans, thinking the night isn’t over yet and Johnny chimes in seeing his dismay “Nah, nah, Benny, you’ve had your fun. This is for the boys.” He yells and the room erupts into cheers as the women begin selecting their bikers, each one pulling her chosen man along with playful gestures and flirtatious smiles. A brief scuffle breaks out over one of the girls, but it’s quickly broken up by the others, who laugh it off and return to the festivities.
As the party continues, Benny sneaks out front to have a smoke, needing a moment of peace. The only thing on his mind is you and what you’re doing tonight without him. He knows he won’t see you until tomorrow, and the thought tugs at him.
He leans against his bike, lighting a cigarette and taking a deep drag, the smoke curling into the night air as he stands deep in thought.
Johnny steps outside, spotting Benny resting against his bike. “There ya are! I’ve been looking all over for ya,” he says, pulling out a cigarette of his own and lighting it as he joins Benny.
They stay in complete silence for a moment as they smoke, the only sounds being distant laughter and music from inside.
Johnny pulls a drag and exhales, finally glancing over at Benny. “What’s going on in that head of yours kid?” He asks.
Benny exhales slowly, watching the smoke dissipate. “Just thinking about her. She’s all I can ever think about, even with all this going on.” He admits.
Johnny nods, understanding. “She’s special, Benny. You’re lucky to have found someone like her. Don’t let anything muck that up.”
Benny smiles weakly, appreciating the sentiment. “I know. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I just worry, you know?”
Johnny claps him on the shoulder. “We all worry. But you can be a good man Benny. Just be that for her and everything else will fall into place.”
Benny takes another drag of his cigarette, mulling  over Johnnys  words as he exhales. “Thanks, Johnny.” He says appreciatively.
Johnny grins, flicking his cigarette butt to the ground. “Anytime, kid. Now, let’s get back inside before they send out a search party.”
Benny grins and with a final nod, they head back inside, ready to rejoin the chaos of the night.
‘Til Death 
The day of the wedding unfolds under a perfect sky, the sun shining brightly as a gentle breeze rustles the leaves of the towering trees surrounding the serene lake. The setting is idyllic, the grand expanse of water providing a stunning backdrop to the ceremony, its calm surface reflecting the lush greenery and the clear blue sky.
A beautifully decorated flowered awning stands at the center of the ceremony space, its arch adorned with cascading white blooms. The delicate flowers exude a subtle fragrance that mingles with the fresh scent of the lake, enhancing the romantic atmosphere.
The guests are seated in rows of white chairs, all facing the flowered awning. The excitement in the air is undeniable , everyone chatting quietly as they await the start of the ceremony. The guests are a diverse mix of your friends and their families, with dates, and the Vandals with their families and partners. All of the vandals are dressed in their club colors, adding a unique dedicated touch to the gathering.
An elegant runner, lined with petals, stretches from the entrance of the ceremony space to the pastor standing beneath the archway.
Benny stands at the forefront of his groomsmen on the left of the archway, all donned in their Vandals colors. His heart is pounding in his chest with excitement and anticipation as he prepares to marry the love of his life. His mind only focused on seeing you again as he looks out into the crowd of gathered guests, feeling the significance of the ceremony.
A guitarist begins to play a soft melody, the gentle notes floating through the air and the music sets the perfect tone for the ceremony, its soothing rhythm adding to the peaceful ambiance.
As the music continues, the excitement builds. All eyes turn expectantly toward the start of the aisle, awaiting the bride’s entrance.
In the curtained bridal tent, the air is filled with excitement and nervous energy.
You glance at your self in the mirror as Betty stands beside you, giving you a last minute look over. She gently adjusts your veil, ensuring it drapes perfectly over your shoulders, and steps back as she and Gale admire her handiwork.
“You look absolutely stunning,” Betty  says with a warm smile, her eyes shining with pride. 
“Benny’s a lucky man, and he knows it.” Gail adds 
Their words fill you with warmth and reassurance, helping to calm your nerves. You take a deep breath looking to Betty. “Thank you for everything,” you say sincerely, grateful for her arrangements and planning.
Betty smiles warmly and hands you your bouquet, a beautiful arrangement of flowers that perfectly complements your dress. “Go get him sweetie,” she says with an encouraging wink.
She and Gail hold open the curtains of the tent, and you step out from the secluded area surrounded by towering oak leaf hydrangeas.
Your heart swells with emotion as you reach the clearing, pausing for a moment to take in the breathtaking scene at the lake before you. 
Your eyes are immediately drawn to Benny standing at the archway, looking as handsome as ever in his Vandal colors.
Your heart races with a blend of excitement and love as you see Benny waiting for you in front of all the wedding guests.
The moment he smiles at you, a surge of confidence and happiness fills your heart, and you begin your walk down the aisle, the significance of the day washing over you with every step. As you approach, Benny’s nervousness melts away, replaced by a radiant smile that spreads across his lips, his love for you evident in every glance.
Johnny nudges him gently, whispering with a grin, “Damn, Benny, she’s gorgeous.”
Benny, unable to take his eyes off you, nods. “I know, Johnny. I can’t believe she’s mine.”
Johnny chuckles softly, leaning in closer. “You’d better take good care of her, or the whole club’ll be on your ass,” he teases.
Benny grins, his gaze never leaving you as you approach. “I will, Johnny. She’s my everything.”
You look ethereal, a vision in white as your eyes lock onto Benny’s. The members of the club, their faces usually hardened by years of rough living, soften as they watch you. Johnny Cal,and Brusy stand proudly as his groomsmen, their leather cuts a stark contrast to the delicate flowers decorating the awning. 
As you walk down the aisle, the old ladies of the club’s eyes glisten with a mix of pride and nostalgia. They have seen Benny through his darkest times, and now they are witnessing a moment of pure joy, seeing him truly in love. You nod to Sara, Emily, and Donna as you reach your place in front of the archway, their faces barely able to contain their emotions.
Standing before Benny, you marvel at how handsome he looks, his blue eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race. As his lips curve into a tender smile, you see the depth of his emotions, reflecting the profound commitment you’re both about to make,and your heart swells with love and anticipation for soon being his wife.
The pastor stands between you, his presence a comforting anchor in the profound moment of your commitment. His voice is calm and reassuring as he begins the ceremony, guiding you through each step with a gentle authority.
Benny takes your hands in his, squeezing them lightly, sending a rush of warmth and joy through you. As he speaks, his voice is steady and filled with affection, making the moment feel incredibly intimate and profound.
“I promise to stand by you through every adventure and challenge,” he says, his eyes locked on yours, filled with gratitude and sincerity.
“I vow to love and cherish you every day of our lives, to protect and support you, and to be your partner in all things.” His voice continues, filled with emotion and passion. “You are my heart, my true love, and I will cherish every moment we share. I promise to be faithfully yours now and forever.”
As Benny finishes, his eyes glisten with excitement barely contained. He takes a deep breath, smiling widely, his whole being radiating warmth and love. He squeezes your hands gently, drawing you closer.
His emotional vows touch you deeply, and you can feel tears well up in your eyes and train your focus on the feel of his hands in yours swallowing hard to compose yourself.
You take a deep breath, feeling a rush of emotions as you prepare to say your vows in return.
“I promise to love you with all my heart,” you begin, your voice gentle yet firm. “To be by your side in everything, sharing our joys and facing any challenges together. I vow to fill our lives with devotion and love.”
You take a moment to gather your emotions, your voice shaking slightly as you continue,
“I promise to support your dreams and encourage you every step of the way, to create a home filled with warmth and understanding.” You pause, your heart full as you look at him. Taking another deep breath, steadying yourself as you finish “I will be your confidant and your partner. And I promise to be faithfully yours now and always.”
Benny’s eyes, usually confident and steady, are visibly touched by your heartfelt vows. As he gazes at you, his eyes soften, reflecting the deep blend of love and admiration he holds for you.
He gently squeezes your hands, his thumb brushing softly over your knuckles, offering a silent affirmation of his love and gratitude.
Your guests, bearing witness, exchange knowing smiles filled with admiration and approval. A few shed tears, touched by the sincerity and love in your shared words.
With the vows exchanged, the pastor nods and gestures toward the small velvet box held by the best man, Johnny, who opens it to reveal the ring. Benny takes your ring, a delicate handmade band he created that matches his own.
“Benny,” the pastor prompts gently, “please place the ring on her finger and repeat after me.”
Benny slides the ring onto your finger, his touch warm and sure. “With this ring, I thee wed,” he says, his voice filled with emotion. “I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.”
You feel the cool metal settle against your skin, a tangible reminder of the bond you now share. Then it’s your turn. Sarah, as maid of honor, opens the velvet box she’s holding, revealing a simple band that matches yours. You take Benny’s ring, feeling its reassuring weight in your palm.
“Please place the ring on his finger and repeat after me,” the pastor instructs.
You slide the ring onto Benny’s finger, your hand steady despite the excitement fluttering in your chest. “With this ring, I thee wed,” you repeat, your voice filled with sincerity and love. “I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.”
With the rings in place, you both take a moment to admire the symbols of your commitment, feeling the significance of the exchange settle in your hearts. The pastor smiles warmly, sealing the moment with a nod of approval.
“Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife,” the pastor asks Benny, “to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
Benny looks into your eyes, his voice steady and filled with emotion as he responds, “I do.”
The pastor then turns to you. “Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
You meet Benny’s gaze, your heart full of love and certainty. “I do,” you reply, your voice clear and strong.
With the vows exchanged, the pastor smiles warmly and says, “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Benny’s eyes are filled with joy and excitement as he steps closer, lifting your veil with a mix of tenderness and urgency.
His hands cradle your jaw as he leans in and kisses you, his lips moving against yours in perfect harmony, reflecting the love and commitment you’ve just vowed to each other. The kiss is full of passion and promise, and the crowd erupts into cheers and applause around you.
As you and Benny gently part from the kiss, everyone stands, celebrating the beautiful moment with enthusiastic applause.
Benny looks at you with a beautiful smile, feeling elated and deeply in love. He takes your hand, squeezing it gently as you both turn to face your cheering friends.
You see Sandy capturing the moment with a quick flash of the camera, and Johnny gives Benny a playful clap on the back. “Welcome to married life, kid,” he says, grinning.
Sarah rushes over to you, caught up in the excitement. “I’m so happy for you two!” she exclaims, looking at you and Benny, her eyes glistening with tears of joy.
The pastor then steps forward to complete the ceremony and announces.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Cross.”
Benny holds your hand firmly as you exchange elated smiles walking down the aisle together for the first time as husband and wife. The crowd erupts into cheers, the air charged with excitement and joy as your friends surround you, celebrating your new life together.
After the ceremony, the festivities move to the outdoor dance floor set up under twinkling string lights. The live band strikes up a tune that fills the air with rhythm. Guests mingle around the tables their laughter and chatter adding to the joyful atmosphere.
The first dance is a magical moment. As the sun sets behind the lake Benny leads you onto the dance floor as the band plays a slow, romantic song.
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close as you sway together, lost in each other’s eyes. The world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you in bliss. Your friends surround the dance floor, watching with smiles and snapping photos to capture the beautiful moment.
After the dance, Johnny takes to the stage delivering a speech. His words are filled with humor and heartfelt sincerity, making everyone laugh and tear up as he finishes. “Benny, you’ve found yourself a real gem,” he says, raising his glass. “May your life together be full of love, laughter, and endless adventures.”
Every one raises and clinks their glasses in cheers. Johnny takes a drink before he continues with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“And Benny,” he adds, pausing to let the crowd settle down. “Now that you’ve got yourself a wife, you need to remember just one thing—”
The bikers, anticipating his line, all join in with a loud chorus: “Always ride her harder than your Harley!”
The entire crowd erupts into laughter and cheers as the bikers pound their fists on the tables in unison. Benny lifts his glass of whiskey high, grinning from ear to ear. “To my beautiful wife!” he calls out and the crowd echoes with cheers as you look to each other unable to contain the immense happiness you feel for one another.
Sarah follows with her emotional speech, sharing stories of your childhood friendship and expressing how happy she is and how proud your parents would be to see you so in love. By the end, she’s tearing up, wiping her eyes as she finishes with a toast, “You two amazing people are even better together and I’m so glad you found each other,” she says her voice shaking with emotion as she smiles.
You nod to her, overwhelmed with gratitude, and Benny gently places his arm around you, seeing you become emotional. As you begin to tremble, he hands you a handkerchief, comfortingly caressing your arm.
Your tears well up as you wipe your eyes, feeling the warmth of the moment. “I love you, Sarah!” you yell out, your voice filled with affection and appreciation.”
She smiles warmly, making her way to your table to give you a quick hug. “I love you too,” she whispers “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make is cry “ she says smiling through happy tears as she helps you pat dry the makeup under your eyes with a gentle touch.
When the food is served, the guests enjoy the meal, mingling and sharing stories as they eat. The mix of bikers and locals creates a vibrant and unique atmosphere, with laughter and conversation flowing freely.
Later, as it’s time to cut the cake, you and Benny approach the tiered confection, adorned with flowers that match your bouquet. With laughter and playful banter, you cut the first slice together, feeding each other big bites earning cheers and applause from the crowd. The guests look on, delighted by the sweet and lighthearted moment, capturing the joy and love shared between you and Benny.
As the night goes on, the bouquet toss becomes a highlight. You gather the single women onto the dance floor and turn your back to them, tossing the bouquet over your shoulder. Donna is the one who catches it and laughs, holding it up triumphantly as everyone bursts into applause.
The festivities continue, with guests dancing and enjoying themselves until they’re thoroughly tipsy, most of the Vandals already drunk, as the band plays energetic songs and the dance floor fills with people letting loose and celebrating.
With the evening drawing to a close, the Vandals prepare for a biker send-off. They line up near the dance floor, engines rumbling, as Benny climbs onto his bike, kick-starting it with a roar.
He offers his hand to you, and you carefully gather your wedding dress climbing onto the back. You can’t help but admire how valiant Benny looks, sitting tall and confident on his bike. His strength and presence fill you with satisfaction, and as you wrap your arms around him tightly , feeling utterly devoted and completely in love with him.
A “Just Married” sign is attached to the back of his bike, and a corsage of roses decorates the wheel mount, adding a romantic touch to his rugged Harley. Emily stands ready with her camera, capturing the moment as you wave goodbye to your guests and everyone cheers.
You ride down the line of roaring engines, your veil blowing in the wind, the cool night air filled with excitement and promise as you and Benny ride off into the night, ready to begin your new adventurous life together.
Honey Moon Phase 
As you ride home from your wedding on the back of Benny’s bike, the engine roars beneath you, the feeling vibrating through your body. You hold onto him tightly, your arms wrapped around his waist, feeling the thrill of the ride and the wind rushing past.
The excitement of being married to Benny is overwhelming, and you let out a scream of pure joy, unable to contain your exhilaration any longer.
Benny laughs hearing your excitement, “I love you baby” he yells over the wind and you lean against him closer “I love you too Benny” you say loudly as you cling onto him tighter.
He speeds up weaving through traffic with the precision of a seasoned rider. Some cars honk as they spot the “Just Married” sign on the back of the bike, their drivers waving and cheering as you pass by.
As you reach the streets near your home, it’s well into the night. Benny slows the bike, the roar of the engine fading to a gentle purr as he parks in front of your home. He helps you off the bike, and instead of letting you stand, he lifts you up effortlessly, cradling you in his arms.
“Mrs. Cross, we’re home now,” he says with a handsome grin, and you giggle in his embrace, feeling a thrill as he carries you in his strong arms. “I’m your wife now, Benny,” you smile, and as he smiles in return, you see the warmth in his eyes deepen.
He carries you to the front door, shifting you slightly in his arms as he pulls out his key and unlocks it. With a smooth motion, he carries you over the threshold and sets you down gently inside with hands around your waist.
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tender kiss before softly pulling away. “I can’t believe we’re finally married, Benny. It feels incredible,” you say, gazing into the depths of his blue eyes.
He affectionately touches your veil then smiles gently as he caresses your cheek. “It is incredible,” he says, his eyes filled with warmth. “And I’m so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you,” he adds, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips.
You gaze up at him, your eyes filled with admiration, before lowering your gaze to his lips, your mind racing with anticipation.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, searching your eyes with a playful curiosity.
“I have a surprise for you, Benny,” you reply, looking up at him through your lashes with a seductive smile.
“Show me,” he whispers, his voice filled with desire, his eyes locked onto yours with anticipation.
You take his hand and lead him upstairs, feeling the excitement building between you two. He gathers your dress as you walk, careful not to let it drag. Once in the bedroom, you click on the lights and turn your back to him so he can unbutton your gown, holding the front to keep it from falling once he does.
After he finishes, you turn to him with a playful smile. “Take off your clothing and wait for me on the bed, Benny,” you gently command, your eyes filled with desire as you point to the bed.
Benny grins, catching the hint of naughtiness in your expression, and readily complies, starting by eagerly taking off his boots.
You walk to the closet as he undresses, pulling the Lily of France box from its place on the shelf. With the box in hand, you head to the bathroom, eager to slip into the lingerie within.
Just as you reach the door, you let your wedding dress glide down to the floor, revealing your body adorned in nothing but a pair of delicate lace panties.
Glancing back, you see Benny already watching you intently, his eyes filled with desire as he takes you in. He slips off his jacket, sliding it over his broad shoulders, then lifts the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head to reveal his toned chest and abs. He tosses it aside, his gaze never leaving you, his expression hungry and filled with longing, making it clear how much he wants you.
You smile at him seductively, enjoying the effect you have on him, then slip inside the bathroom, locking the door behind you to ensure he won’t ruin his surprise.
You take a moment to collect yourself, the anticipation heightening the thrill of the what you have in store for him.
As you open the box, you feel a rush of excitement upon seeing the beautiful lingerie set inside again. You run your fingers over the delicate lace and silk, imagining the look on Benny’s face when you reveal yourself wearing it. The thought makes your heart race with anticipation.
After quickly rinsing off and slipping into the lingerie, you take a moment to admire yourself in the mirror, feeling both confident and excited. The set fits perfectly, accentuating your curves and adding a touch of elegance and allure.
With a deep breath, you unlock the bathroom door and step out, ready to surprise Benny. His eyes widen as he takes in the sight of you, appreciation and desire clearly written on his face.
“Wow,” he breathes, sitting up on the bed, his eyes traveling over you appreciatively. “You look incredible,” he says, his voice filled with genuine awe.
You smile, feeling both nervous and empowered by his reaction. “I wanted our first night as husband and wife to be special.” You admit biting your lip and sliding your hands down your curves.
Benny reaches out to you, his eyes filled with lust and admiration. “It already is. Come here.” He says eagerly
You step toward him, your eyes drawn to the sheet draped loosely around his waist, barely concealing the size of his large cock. The sight sends a thrill through you, and as soon as you’re within reach, he gently takes hold of you, his hands warm against your skin as he lays you down on the bed.
“You’re so beautiful,” he compliments, his voice filled with admirations as his hands caress down your body, feeling the delicate lace under his fingertips.
His full lips press onto yours, kissing you softly at first, then deepening the connection you’ve both been longing for. The anticipation of the night melts away, leaving only the shared intimacy that draws you closer together.
His lips trail down to your collarbone, then up the side of your neck. He cups your breast, his hand resting on the delicate silk as he pauses, his breath warm against your ear. “I want you to wear this while I’m inside of you,” he whispers, his voice low and thick and you nod in feeling the intensity of the moment.
Benny takes his time, tracing over every curve as his fingertips glide over the lace. He kisses along your neck and shoulders, his lips trailing down to the swell of your breasts, teasing and tasting as he goes, drawing soft moans from your lips.
His eyes wander over your body, appreciating every curve in the delicate silk. Then gently rests his hand on your chest, feeling the steady rhythm of your heartbeat beneath his fingertips, his blue eyes softening as he looks into your eyes.
“I knew from our first night together that I wanted you forever,” he reveals, his touch becoming more intimate as his hand caresses your skin. “Now that you’re mine, I’m going to fulfill you in every way possible,” he promises, his words resonating deeply in your heart.
A soft smile spreads across your lips gazing back at him. “I want you forever too Benny” you reply staring into the depths of his blue eyes.
Your response makes him smile as his eyes darken with desire. “I’m going to make good on my word ,” he vows.
You breathe a soft sigh as his fingers lower the lace of your bra, exposing your soft nipples to the cool air. He takes one into his mouth, lightly sucking as his tongue gently circles the sensitive skin.
His hand kneads the soft flesh of your other breast in his large palm, squeezing gently and drawing a gasp from your lips.
His warm tongue continues to trace circles and flick your nipple until it is wet and sensitive then he releases it with a soft pull.
You moan as he cups and squeezes your breast making your nipple more pronounced.
He quickly gives equal attention to the other, breast, every swirl of his tongue and pull off his warm mouth sending pleasure directly to your core.
He releases both of your nipples, each glistening with wetness, and squeezes your breasts firmly in his hands making you moan before continuing to kiss down your body, leaving a trail of warmth and anticipation in his wake.
His hands trace the curve of your sides as his lips brush lightly against your ribs, his touch slow and deliberate, teasing you as his hands glide down your sides, trailing his fingertips along your soft skin.
Reaching your hips, his hands spread wide, his thumbs gently stroking the delicate curve of your waist as his lips press tender kisses down your navel.
He moves lower down to your panty line and your breath catches in anticipation as he pauses, savoring the moment.
His tongue flicks out, teasing the sensitive skin just above your panties, drawing a soft moan from your lips as your body responds to the exquisite torment, craving more.
His fingers skim along your inner thighs, knowing exactly where your skin is most sensitive and a gasp escapes your lips.
He brushes his thumb lightly across the front of your panties and you clench in response, the anticipation making you moan.
He leans in closer, his warm breath caressing your skin, sending shivers up your spine.
“You’re so special to me,” he whispers breathlessly, his voice thick with emotion as he presses soft, lingering kisses to your inner thighs, savoring every inch of your delicate skin.
“I want to worship every part of you,” he praises, his voice becoming more hushed as he kisses higher, closer to your core.
His tongue traces a line of heat up to your panties, his breath warm and heavy against your skin and the sensation leaves you breathless.
Your sighs of pleasure are like music to his ears as he gently sucks the tender flesh of your inner thigh into his mouth.
The gentle suction of his mouth, paired with the softness of his lips, contrasts sharply with the rough scrape of his stubble.
His teeth graze your sensitive skin, just enough to make your inner muscles clench in anticipation as a soft moan escapes your lips.
“Benny, please,” you whisper, your voice breathy and filled with need, the warmth of his breath and the lingering sensations from his teeth driving you wild with desire.
He hums in satisfaction, savoring your reaction and softly releases his bite. “I’m always going to satisfy you, baby,” he promises, sliding his hand between your legs.
His fingers press against the silk of your panties, feeling the wetness seeping through.
You gasp as he finds your clit, deliberately flicking it through the soft fabric. His touch sends waves of pleasure rippling through your core as you moan, your voice trembling with need.
“Benny… please, more,” you beg, your voice barely a whisper and he responds instantly, quickening his pace, flicking his fingertips faster on your clit. The increasing pressure sends surges of pleasure jolting through your core.
Your moans grow endless with the sound of your wetness squishing as he teases you.your panties soaking through until they are drenched.
“Is this what you want baby? He asks but he has built the tension so high that you’re sent spiraling into a state of overstimulation.
Your hips roll as if he is inside of you, and your inner walls rhythmically clench around nothing, desperately needing to be filled.
“Benny, please, I need you inside me,” you beg loudly your voice almost breaking. Your hips lift from the bed, your body aching with an overwhelming force, desperate for his penetration.
With a confident smile, Benny pauses and repositions himself above you, his intense desire reflected in his gaze. “I’ve got you,” he assures you and captures your lips in a searing kiss fulfilling his promise and slipping your panties aside pushing his fingers deeply within you as you moan into his mouth.
He curls his fingers expertly, finding the perfect spot within, and your moans of pleasure are swallowed by his kiss as waves of ecstasy radiate through your body. The precise movement of his fingers leaving you trembling.
Feeling how soaked you are, he grins and leans down to whisper in your ear, “You want more, don’t you, baby?” His voice is teasing yet full of promise.
You nod, your breaths coming in quick, shallow gasps and he feels your need as every inch of his fingers thrusts in and out of you. He intensifies the sensation, adding his thumb to circle your clit and the relentless teasing drives you wild, keeping you hovering on the brink of release.
“… Benny please,” you cry out, your voice filled with desperation and pleasure, his name spilling from your lips as you struggle to hold on under the merciless assault of his touch.
Then, just as you begin to gasp and moan, pushing your hips in time with his hand, he withdraws his fingers with an agonizing slowness.
“Benny, you can’t!,” you cry, your voice breathy and filled with need as the sensation of him slipping his fingers out leaves you aching and quivering with desire.
“I know, baby,” he soothes, positioning his hard throbbing cock to your entrance. “I’ll always give you what you need,” he promises.
He places his hand firmly on your hip, guiding his tip into your entrance and then with a deliberate heavy thrust, he begins gliding the rest of his large shaft inside.
The warmth and hardness of his cock eagerly push into your sensitive walls, drawing moans of pleasure from your lips. His eyes are locked onto yours, revealing just how much he’s savoring the moment as he fills you slowly, claiming you with his size.
“God, you feel so good,” he breathes, his fingers digging into your hip as he pushes a little deeper. “You’re going to take every inch of me, aren’t you?” he asks, his voice thick with desire.
“Y-yes, Benny” you moan, your voice trembling with need as you feel every inch of him stretching and filling your walls tight around his cock.
“Good girl,” he groans and pushes deeper, pressing his hips firmly between your legs as his cock fills you entirely. “Feel every inch of me,” he rasps, his voice thick with desire
He begins to thrust slow and steady each movement hard and powerful, driving his cock deeply inside of you as his muscles tense.
Your eyes lock onto each other, the connection deepening with each precise thrust of his hips. The sensation of him filling you completely leaves you breathless, your body straining to accommodate his size.
“Tell me… how good I make you feel,” he whispers against your lips, his breath warm and tantalizing on your skin.
“Benny…you feel incredible!” you moan, the depth of your pleasure unmistakable.
He leans down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, his hand slipping between your bodies. His thumb expertly finding your clit, circling it in a perfect rhythm with each thrust.
The dual sensations cause your body to arch against his as he moves within you, his relentless pace on your clit sending you spiraling toward the brink of ecstasy.
His gaze softens with admiration as he locks eyes with you, drinking in the sight of you moaning in pleasure.
“There’s nothing better than this,” he breathes, his voice thick with raw passion, “nothing better than feeling you like this, knowing you’re mine.” He whispers
You respond with a breathless moan, your body trembling with the intensity as your fingers tangle in his hair.
Every powerful thrust pushes you both closer to the edge, the overwhelming pleasure amplifying with every deep stroke of his cock.
“You gonna come, baby?” he rasps, his voice thick with urgency as he thrusts harder.
“Yes, Benny,” you cry out, your voice filled with desperation and need.
Benny thrusts falter and he almost loses control his breath hitching as he feels himself about to come.
A low groan escapes him, the intensity almost too much to bear and he suddenly withdraws his cock out of you completely.
“Benny!!” you cry out in disbelief , the loss leaving you breathless, your core aching for him desperately.
He lowers himself between your legs, his breath hot against your inner thighs. “Let me taste you, as you come in my mouth. Then I’ll be back inside you, giving you everything you need.” He promises
He rolls his thumb around your clit, stroking it with expert precision, making you arch from the bed and latches his mouth onto your folds, flicking and circling his tongue with an intensity that sends you spiraling over the edge.
“Benny, oh god!” you moan, your hips pushing against his mouth as he plunges his tongue deep inside you. He explores with a firm, rhythmic motion, sending waves of pleasure rippling through your core. Your vision blurs from the intensity as you let go completely, crying out his name in pure ecstasy.
Benny holds you steady as you come, your warm release squirting directly in his mouth as he eagerly laps up every drop continuing to savors your taste with his tongue. His hands squeeze your hips holding you steady as you ride out the aftershocks of pleasure.
When you begin to catch your breath, Benny climbs back up your satisfied body, his lips brushing softly against yours. “I’m going to make you feel that pleasure all over again,” he promises, his voice rough with arousal.
A soft cry escapes your lips as he grips your hips and firmly pushes into you with one powerful stroke. The penetration of his large cock glides into your eager walls, and you gasp in pleasure as he begins to thrust deep and deliberate, each motion driving you closer to the edge once more.
The sound of his hips rhythmically clapping against you begin filling the room, echoing loudly with each powerful thrust. The bed creaks beneath you as his forceful movements push you both to the edge of control. His grip on your hips tightens, guiding you to meet each thrust of his cock sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
“Take it all, baby,” he urges, his pace unrelenting, his hands hold your hips steady as he drives into you again and again.
His grunts mingle with your cries of pleasure and you feel yourself spiraling toward another climax, the intensity building until you can’t hold back any longer.
“Benny!” you scream in ecstasy, your body trembling as waves of pleasure crash over you. Your muscles clench his cock as you reach your peak, the sensation overwhelming. “Yes, Benny, yes!” you cry out, your voice trembling and filled with sheer pleasure as you orgasm.
“That’s it, baby,” he groans, his voice rough with satisfaction. He shudders against you, reaching his own peak as your bodies collide in the throes of passion.
“You’re gonna make me come so hard,” he rasps, his eyes filled with desperation and desire as he looks at you.
With a deep, guttural groan, his cock throbs inside you, his entire body tensing with each pulse of his release. His grip on your hips tightens as the warmth of his cum fills you, each surge sending waves of heat through your body.
You both moan together as he continues to thrust slowly, prolonging every last moment riding out the waves of pleasure, unwilling to let it end.
As he slows his movements even more, he gazes into your eyes feeling the deep connection between you both, cherishing every second.
With his body completely weakened from the powerful orgasm, he carefully lays down on top of you his body heavy with exhaustion.
His breaths of exertion brush against your face as he leans in, capturing your lips in an erotic kiss, savoring every ounce of passion you just shared.
Your hands find their way to his shoulders, holding him steady as you both come down from your incredible high.
Benny rests his forehead against yours, and his eyes close, as you simply breathe together. The intimacy of the moment is profound and he pulls back slightly to look at you, his eyes soft and filled with emotion.
“I love you,” he says gazing into your eyes, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. “And I’m going to make sure you know that every day for the rest of our lives,” he promises, the intensity of his words making your heart swell.
“I love you too, Benny,” you reply, your voice full of sincerity as your fingertips gently trace his jawline.
Your touch lingers as he caresses your cheek with his thumb, and he leans his head against your hand letting you cradle his face in your palm. A warm smile spreads across your lips, feeling the deepening connection between you both.
He moves in gently and kisses you slowly, sliding his large cock from your warmth. As he pulls out, a soft sigh escapes your lips, his absence leaving a subtle ache. His hands move skillfully down as he takes off your lingerie, tugging at the waistband of your panties, gently working with the straps and fasteners to slip all of the delicate fabric from your skin.
Once you are completely naked he gently lays back on top of you, his body a warm comforting weight. You stroke his hair, your fingers running through the soft strands as he lays his head on your chest and his heartbeat is a steady rhythm against yours, as you feel the warmth of his skin.
His hand rests on your hip, his thumb lightly drawing slow, soothing circles as he savors the closeness. “I could stay like this forever,” he murmurs againt your skin, as his eyes drift shut with a contented smile.
You gently pull your fingers though his hair as you warmly smile. “Me too, Benny,” you say, feeling the profound sense of peace and love in the moment
The exhaustion from the wedding and the exertion from your intimacy finally take hold. You both begin to drift into a deep and peaceful sleep, the world fading away, leaving only the warmth of Bennys against you wrapped in your loving embrace.
Honeymoon Phase
The weeks following your ceremony are pure wedded bliss. You and Benny spend every waking moment together, cooking, planning, riding, passionately love making whenever the mood strikes. The devotion between you two increasing every day, creating a world where it seems to be just the two of you.
As the weeks pass, Benny slowly begins to accept that this is his home too, and with your permission, he transforms your father’s garage into his true biker’s haven.
Benny fills the workspace with bike parts. He buys toolboxes and creates a lowered workbench so he can work conveniently alongside his motorcycle. He inherently becomes another mechanic just like Cal, often fixing bikes for members of the Vandals.
The garage becomes a testament to his love for motorcycles, each corner filled with tools and parts that reflect his passion and skill.
When you check on him from time to time, he is always surrounded by the scent of oil and metal, with the low hum of rock and roll softly playing on the radio in the background.
Whenever he sees you, his eyes light up, and that radiant, beautiful smile of his spreads across his face, always expressing his appreciation and gratitude for being able to work in his element. You can tell how much it means to him to have a space that’s truly his own, where he can hone his skills and pursue his passions. It fills your heart with happiness, knowing that you and Benny are creating a home where both of you can fully be yourselves.
One day, feeling sentimental, you finally ask Benny the question you’ve been holding back. You ask if he would like to come with you to pay respects to your parents. Benny readily agrees, throwing on his jacket and riding out with you to the hillside cemetery.
As you stand before the headstones, there’s a moment of quiet reflection, Benny feels a deep ache in his heart for you, imagining what it must be like to have parents who loved and cared so much only to be taken away.
He learns for the first time that your parents passed away in a car crash, the revelation leaves him reeling. As you step forward to place flowers on their graves, he quickly collects you in his arms as you step back, pulling you into his comforting embrace.
He wraps his arms around you with a fierce protectiveness, holding you so close that it’s as though he’s trying to shield you from the pain.
“Your parents ..were …real nice folks,” he says gently,and his hands grip you so tightly it makes you look over at him, seeing him struggle to find his words.
“Benny, it’s alright,” you say, gently patting his hand, noticing the stress etched on his face. You can see him caught between his instinct to protect you and his uncertainty about how to help.
“I’m alright, really Benny” you assure him, squeezing his hand and he breathes a sigh of relief, unsure of how to comfort you.
“My mother and father would’ve loved you, Benny,” you reveal with a warm smile. “Especially you being into repairing your own bike. My dad would’ve enjoyed your company greatly.” You assure him.
Benny, still at a loss for words, offers a light smile as he holds you close, his hand gently stroking your arm in a comforting gesture.
Together, you pay your respects in silence, a shared understanding forming between you two. After everything else in this world the teo of you will only have each other.
One afternoon, during a ride back into town with the Vandals, Benny feels a confidence to invite the crew to his home. The house quickly fills with laughter and the clinking of beer bottles as the group admires Benny’s surprisingly affluent living conditions.
When you arrive home from the grocers and see all the bikes parked haphazardly on the lawn, you blink in disbelief.
As you step inside, balancing the bags of groceries in your arms, the sight of so many unfamiliar faces becomes intimidating.
“Benny?“ you call out warily as the bikers step aside allowing you to reach the kitchen, but it is Johnny who sees you first. Noticing the bags in your hand snaps his fingers and whistles.
Without hesitation the guys the guys jump to action rushing over to help, taking the bags quickly from your arms. They bring all of the groceries inside, not letting you lift a finger, and you step back, smiling at the unexpected show of enthusiasm in your kitchen.
Benny soon joins you, beer in hands. He takes a swig watching as the bikers bustle about, putting away groceries and making themselves useful.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he says with a sly grin as he wraps his arm around your waist.
“We all just came from a long ride, and our house was on the way back. We’ve got plenty of beer, and I wanted the guys to see where I live.”he says candidly.
You look up at him, touched by his excitement. “Of course, I don’t mind, Benny. This is your home too,” you reply warmly, resting a hand on his chest.
He wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close looking over with a sense of pride. Johnny walks over to the two of you as the kitchen activity begins to wind down.
“These guys, huh?” he says, jerking his thumb.” All of a sudden they got manners.” he jokes making you and Benny smile.
“I know you two lovebirds are building a nice little nest here, but it’d mean a lot if you both could make it to the rally next week,” Johnny requests, his tone a mix of teasing and genuine invitation.
Benny looks to you, awaiting your response with a hopeful look on his face.
“It’d mean a lot to Betty and the old ladies to see you again,” Johnny adds with a grin seeing your reservation.
You look to Benny and seeing the anticipation in his eyes you readily confirm. “We’ll be there,” placing a reassuring hand on Bennys arm. He smiles, taking a sip of his beer, clearly pleased with your decision.
“Good,” Johnny says, nodding in approval. “It wouldn’t be the same without you,” he says, directing his words more at Benny, with a knowing look.
As the afternoon continues, you start the laundry. The bikers’ rough presence is a stark contrast to your quaint house, and as you walk by the living room carrying the hamper, you notice eight bikers scattered throughout the room, their imposing figures making your home appear even more delicate by comparison..
They drunkenly banter and aggressively play fight, occasionally knocking into a bookshelf or a lamp, their laughter and booming voices filling the space add adding a rowdy energy to your home the unsettled you.
Knowing they must he hungry you head to the kitchen and decide to bake two batches of cornbread as a light snack for them. Once the batch is done, you carefully remove the pan from the oven and brush the golden top with melted butter. You cut the cornbread into generous squares, arranging them neatly on a large serving tray.
With the tray in hand, you walk to the dining room, seeing Benny and Johnny already sitting at the table as you approach. Wahoo picks out one of the teacups from the China cabinet with an exaggerated delicacy, holding it with his pinky finger outstretched as he smirks.
“Look at you, Benny! A real kept man now, huh? Living the high life with these fancy dishes,” Wahoo teases, eliciting a chorus of laughter from the others.
Corky leans in, sniffing dramatically at Benny’s shoulder. “Yep, I can smell it on him—the scent of domestication!” he declares with mock seriousness.
Benny rubs the back of his neck, a bashful grin spreading across his face. “Aw, come on, guys. It’s not like that,” he protests, though there is no denying the blush creeping up his cheeks.
Observing the banter, you enter the room with the tray of freshly baked cornbread, “Are you boys hungry?” you ask, placing the cornbread in front of them with a warm smile.
Cal’s eyes light up as he quick reaches for a piece. “Now, this is what I’m talking about!” he exclaims, taking a big bite. “Benny, you’ve got it too good, my friend,” he says as he chews.
Johnny looks up at you with a grin. “Don’t let these hooligans get to you, Benny. None of them even know what it’s like.”
Corky nods in agreement, his mouth full of cornbread. “Yeah, man, if this is what domestication tastes like, count me in!” he adds, drawing more laughter from the group.
Benny shoots you a grateful look, his embarrassment giving way to appreciation. “Thanks, baby,” he says, reaching out for you. As you take his hand, he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close as he sits and his thumb gently caresses your hip. You feel a warm sense of belonging among his friends, who you realize are like Benny’s family. The teasing banter continues, but all in good fun, a testament to the strong bonds that define Benny’s world.
Thrill Ride
During week, Benny decides to take you out to one of his favorite spots in the countryside and make a day of it. You happily agree, getting swept up in his excitement, knowing how enthusiastic he is to share his biker lifestyle with you.
The ride starts off like any other, the sun shining brightly and a gentle breeze cooling your skin as you and Benny head out of town. The roads are familiar, and you relax into the rhythm of the bike beneath you, enjoying the scenery as it flashes by.
As you reach the outskirts of town, Benny turns his head slightly and shouts over his shoulder, “Hang on tight!”
Without hesitation, you squeeze him tightly, your arms wrapped around his waist. Suddenly, Benny accelerates, speeding through a red light, the thrill of the moment taking you by surprise. You hear the blaring of a horn as a car screeches to a halt.
“Benny!” you chastise him, your voice a mix of exasperation and concern as you glance back at the car continuing through the intersection.
He laughs, the sound full of mischief and excitement. “Did you like that?” he asks, his eyes sparkling with adventure.
You can’t help but feel the rush of adrenaline coursing through you. “I don’t know whether to be thrilled or terrified Benny!” you reply, your heart racing from his unexpected actions.
Benny grins, clearly enjoying the excitement . “I like things like that,” he admits, his voice filled with the thrill of pushing boundaries.
“They make me feel alive”
Benny has been waiting to drive the bike as fast as it will go with you, something that sends a thrill through him. He’s been eager to share this experience with you for quite some time, knowing how much you’ve grown to love the freedom of the open road.
Now that you’ve become accustomed to his bike and settled into your role as his riding partner, he feels that his favorite stretch of road is the perfect place to exhilarate you. The countryside opens up before you, a long path that promises excitement and adventure.
As the landscape rushes past, a blur of green fields and blue skies, you can’t help but feel a surge of adrenaline as he pushes the bike faster.
“Do you trust me, baby?” he shouts over the roar of the engine, turning his head slightly so you can hear him.
“Yes, Benny,” you say, the wind catching your voice and carrying it away. His question seems odd, but there’s an underlying seriousness that makes your heart skip a beat.
“With your life?” he asks, and you feel a flutter in your stomach, a momentary pause as the reality of his question sinks in. Still, you nod, your voice firm. “Yes, Benny.”
He reaches back, pulling your hands tighter around his chest. “We’re maxing the bike,” he announces, and you can feel the excitement in his voice. Your heart races with a mix of thrill and light panic as you cling to him.
“Don’t let go of me,” he commands, making sure your hands are securely in place. “You have to promise me,” he says, squeezing your hand reassuringly before returning his to the handlebars.
“I won’t let go, Benny, I promise,” you say, trying to quell the anxiety rising in you.
As Benny accelerates, the bike roars to life, the engine’s growl deepening as you pick up speed. The world around you blurs, the scenery transforming into streaks of color as you surge forward. The wind lashes against your face, tearing at your clothes and hair with an intensity that steals your breath away.
You rest your cheek against his shoulder, but the sensation of speed is still overwhelming. The bike vibrates beneath you with a powerful force. The sound of the engine is deafening, a constant roar that drowns out all other noise, leaving only the rush of adrenaline and the pounding of your heart in your ears.
As you reach an incredible speed, everything changes. The world becomes a tunnel, a narrow corridor of motion and sound. Your grip on Benny tightens, your fingers digging into his sides as you fight against the fear rising within you. The wind is relentless, an invisible wall that presses against your body, threatening to unseat you with every gust.
Your hands grow cold despite the heat of the sun, the chill of fear seeping into your bones. Tears well in your eyes, not from emotion but from the sheer force of the wind, blurring your vision and making it difficult to see.
“Benny!” you call out, frightened, but your voice is inaudible over the roar of the engine. Benny howls with exhilaration, and you can feel his body tense with excitement, a stark contrast to your own tension and fear.
The bike sways slightly, each movement now amplified by your speed, and you cling to him with more desperation, squeezing your eyes shut tight, your entire body rigid with the effort of staying on as your heart pounds in your chest like a drum.
In that moment, caught between fear and trust, you realize the risk and the danger—the sheer recklessness of it all, and it is terrifying. As the speed levels out, the world slowly begins to reassemble itself. The blur sharpens back into fields and sky, and you find yourself breathless but alive, heart pounding with a mix of terror and exhilaration.
The roar of the engine diminishes, replaced by the softer hum of the bike as Benny eases off the throttle. Your breath is ragged, each inhale a struggle as you try to calm your racing heart and steady your trembling hands.
“Oh my God, Benny, I couldn’t breathe,” you gasp, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins. Your voice is shaky, a mix of exhilaration and fear as you hold onto him, your body still pressed tightly against his.
Benny chuckles, a sound full of thrill and satisfaction. “I love that feeling,” he says, his voice filled with an undeniable passion for the experience.
“How often do you do that?” you ask, trying to keep your voice steady. Beneath your curiosity is concern, realizing this wild ride is more than just a one time thrill for him.
“Whenever I can,” he replies casually, the words sending a chill down your spine. His nonchalance worrying, a testament to his love for living life on the edge.
You swallow hard, processing his answer. “Benny, that’s dangerous,” you say, the concern in your voice unmistakable. “The thrill of the ride is exciting , but the risk is something  that you can’t ignore.” You say with concern.
He turns his head slightly, his eyes meeting yours. “I know, baby, but it’s what makes me feel alive,” he admits, a hint of vulnerability in his tone. The truth of his words hangs in the air, a reminder of the thrill seeking nature that drew you to him in the first place.
Your heart aches with a mix of love and worry, understanding that this part of him is something you have to accept. It’s a side of Benny that both excites and frightens you, a reflection of the wild, untamed spirit you fell in love with.
As Benny slows the bike to a stop under the shade of a large oak tree, the world seems to exhale with you. The fields around you are a sea of yellow, stretching far and wide, their beauty softened by the afternoon light. Benny dismounts with ease, his movements fluid and confident, while you feel almost frozen in place, still processing the adrenaline and fear from the ride.
Benny grins turning to help you off the bike, his hands gentle and reassuring. You feel weaker than expected, your legs shaky as you dismount. Instead of jumping into action as you usually would, you sink down beneath the tree, resting your back against its sturdy trunk, lost in contemplation.
Benny busies himself with setting up, rolling out a blanket on the grass and arranging a small picnic. He nudges you with a bottle of beer, his expression a mix of concern and playful energy. “Hey, you did great,” he says, trying to lighten the mood.
You take the bottle, grateful for the chance to ground yourself. “That was intense, Benny,” you reply, your voice still catching in your throat.
He sits beside you, stretching out his legs. “One of the best feeling in the world.” He says smiling to himself. You glance at him, your heart torn in frustration.
“Benny It’s too dangerous, I don’t want to lose you to something like that.”
His eyes meet yours, and there’s a flicker of surprise. “I know it’s risky, but that’s part of the thrill, baby,” he tries to explain again.
You sigh, feeling the weight of your emotions pressing down. “Benny, I love you so much. I’ve already lost people I care about, and I can’t go through anything like that again,” you reveal your voice cracks slightly, and he fully understands the unspoken truth behind your words. The loss of your parents still echoes in your heart.
Benny’s expression softens, guilt and understanding washing over him. “Come here baby.” he murmurs and holds your waist pulling you into his lap. He wraps his strong arms around you pulling you close, burying his face into your neck. “Im so sorry” he whispers.
The warmth of his touch, the strength of his embrace, calms you and you rest your head onto his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent of leather and wind.
“I’ll never leave you,” he whispers, his voice firm and sincere. “I promise. I’ll be more careful next time, okay baby?”
His words, and the reassurance in his tone, calm the storm within and you close your eyes, letting the sound of his heartbeat steady your own. The fear and adrenaline gradually fade, replaced by a profound sense of love and connection as his hands gently stroke your back.
You tilt your head up after a moment of quiet reflection and meet his gaze. “Thank you, Benny,” you say softly and press a kiss to his plush lips.
It’s a kiss full of love and forgiveness, and before you can pull away he deepens it, his hand cradling your jaw holding you in place as his lips move over yours with a tenderness that melts all the remnants of your fear away.
He gently breaks the kiss as he holds your gaze. “I’ll make you forget all about it,” he says, his voice a soothing promise.
His hands wander down your body, gentle and familiar, slipping between your legs with a teasing touch. The intensity of the ride fades into the background as a new thrill takes its place. “Some part of you likes it,” he says with a smirk, his fingers circling your wetness, and you respond by leaning close and biting his lower lip, giving him a playful look that feigns disapproval.
“Maybe just a little bit,” you tease, and he slips your panties aside pushing his fingers deeply within of you. The sudden sensation makes you moan as a jolt of pleasure courses your body and you realize just how aroused you are, the tension melting away as you cup his jaw kissing him deeply, letting your desire take over.
He continues to thrust his fingers within, feeling your walls tighten against them as your breaths become short uneven gasps against his lips.
He savors every moment watching you moan and kiss his lips as he fulfills you with desire
His cock grows harder in his tightening jeans the sensation causing him to palm himself to relieve the tensions.
“You need me baby?” he asks, his voice low and full of desire.
“Yes Benny always ” you breathe, your words a strong admission.
“I need you, too” he says suddenly slowing his fingers inside you.
His gaze is intense as he sits back, ready to give you everything you desire.
“Take me out,” he commands, and as you undo his jeans, he leans forward, kissing you and deeply thrusting his fingers within you at a steady pace.
The sensation makes you moan in his mouths feeling the jolts of pleasure course through your body.
As you finally free his erect cock from its confines, he guides your hand to his hard shaft, letting you feel the warmth and smoothness of his skin. His hand covers yours, urging you to grasp him firmly, and together you begin to stroke his large cock. The sensation of his shaft pulsing and gliding through your palm
Intensifies with every stroke as lose yourselves to the overwhelming desire of pleasuring each other. Your breaths come in quick gasps as you attempt to kiss each other trying to maintain the rhythm drawing both of you closer to the edge. His fingers push against the delicate ridge inside making your hips buck and you stroke him harder, feeling his cock twitch in your hand.
You begin moaning into each others mouths on the verge of release and he pulls back, locking eyes with you, his gaze intense and filled with desire.
“I want you to ride me, baby,” he says, his voice breathless and filled with need. You nod and he slowly, slips his fingers from you, bringing them to his mouth and sucking them clean.
He grips your hips, guiding you onto your knees as you straddle his lap.
“Ride me hard,” he commands, his voice low and full of intent. His eyes lock onto yours, seeking confirmation as he slips your panties aside.
“I will benny,” you promise your skin flushing with heat as the overwhelming need to feel him inside you takes over.
Your hands grip his shoulders, your nails digging in slightly as you slowly lower yourself onto him. Your wetness allows him to fill you inch by inch until the stretch makes you gasp, your heart racing.
“I’ve got you baby “ Benny’s says taking over. He places his hands firmly around your waist, guiding you down onto his cock and stretching your walls to their limit until he’s fully seated inside you.
A deep moan of pleasure escapes your lips as you settle into his lap, feeling every inch of him. “Benny… you feel so good,” you praise, your voice trembling with desire as the size of his cock makes your walls pulse with anticipation.
Benny groans beneath you, the sound deep and primal, echoing the intensity of your connection. His eyes roam over your body as his hands quickly move to unbutton your sundress.
“I want this off,” he demands, his voice tense with desire as he tugs the fabric “I want to see all of you,” he says, sliding the dress from your shoulders, revealing your soft skin beneath. His eyes wander your body with awe and reverence as he cups your breasts gently, his thumbs brushing over your nipples, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
His hands grasp them firmly and he uses them to guide you against him as you a find rhythm that makes both of you moan with pleasure at every push of your hips. Benny looks at you in pure bliss savoring every sensation of you riding him. His eyes never leave yours, filled with a deep, tender love that makes your heart swell.
Each movement of your hips is met with a gentle, encouraging squeeze of your breasts in his hands, guiding you with care as you find your rhythm.
“Faster, baby,” he urges, his voice strained with pleasure.
“Yes, Benny,” you pant, moving your hips in a quicker rhythm, pushing down on him with a newfound intensity. The sound of your bodies moving together, wet and slick, fills the air, with your shared pleasurable moans.
“Harder,” he breathes, his voice a mix of authority and desperate need. His hands tighten on your breasts, guiding you to ride him deeper, until you find the perfect angle that makes you both cry out.
“Just like that,” Benny groans, his voice filled with satisfaction. “You feel so good on my cock“ he praises as you ride him.
The intimacy between you deepens as his hands move to caress your back, his moans loud and desperate vibrating through his chest as he watches you glide up and down on him. His lips are parted and his pupils are blown wide with desire as his hands move up to cradle your face.
His thumbs tenderly brush across your cheeks as he leans in, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. His lips move against yours in a rhythm that intensifies with each passing moment, deepening the connection between you.
His hands move to your breasts as he kisses you. His fingers skillfully pinching each nipple, tugging gently as his thumbs sweep across, sending shivers of pleasure through your body.
Your moans grow louder against his mouth as you feel the tension coiling tighter inside of you, drawing you closer to the edge with every thrust of your hips. “Benny, I’m close,” you breathe, your voice trembling with need. “I’m gonna come.”
Benny feels you begin to tighten around him, and he can’t hold back his own desperation. “Come for me, baby,” he whispers, his voice rough with desire. “I want to feel you come all over my cock.”
His words push you beyond our limits and you ride him hard. The force of your movements is so intense it causes your breasts to bounce with each jolt. Benny groans, pulling you tight against him, his breath hot and ragged against your skin as his cock throbs within you. The rhythm between you is relentless, your body grinding down on him with a wild, untamed need the pressure building to an unbearable peak.
Benny’s hand slips between your bodies, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing it in time with your hips, pushing taking over the edge.
“Benny, oh god, I’m coming!” you scream, your body tensing with overwhelming pleasure as your orgasm crashes over you.
Benny feels your walls fluttering around him, as a desperate moan escapes his lips. His hips begin bucking against you involuntarily as his cock surges, emptying himself deep inside, filling you with his warm cum. Each pulse of his release intensifies your own pleasure, drawing moans of ecstasy from you.
“Fuck, I love you,” Benny breathes, his voice raw with emotion as he pulls you close, his body trembling from the aftershocks of pleasure. He presses his forehead against yours, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he holds you tightly, grounding himself in the intimacy of the moment.
As your breaths mingle, the closeness brings a sense of calm, your heartbeats gradually slowing as the pulsing and throbbing of your joined bodies begin to subside.
As you try to lift yourself from his lap, Benny’s hands tighten around your waist, holding you in place. “Stay with me,” he whispers, his voice filled with longing as his eyes look onto yours with a deep unspoken need.
His hands move to gently cradle your face, his thumbs tenderly brushing over your cheeks memorizing every curve and detail of your beautiful face.
“You’re everything to me,” he whispers, his voice heavy with emotion as his blue eyes lock onto yours. The weight of his words settles between you, and he draws you into a deeply passionate kiss, pouring all of his love into it. He holds you protectively in his embrace as he kisses you possessively never wanting to let you go.
You and Me Kid
The morning of the rally arrives, and it’s a momentous occasion. You have the honor of riding for the first time in the pack of Vandals with Benny. You ride out from the Vandals’ clubhouse holding tightly to Benny on the back of his Harley. Your heart pounds with excitement as you look around at all the familiar faces you’ve come to know in his club.
Leading the pack is Johnny, with Betty holding onto him tightly. Brusy rides a pace back alongside him, Gail’s arms wrapped securely around his waist. Just behind you is Cal, with Sandy clutching him closely.
Benny rides at the head of the pack alongside Johnny, his presence powerful and commanding. You can feel the pride emanating from him, not just for the Vandals, but for having you there with him in this moment.
As you hold Benny tightly, his hand reaches back to give your thigh a gentle squeeze. The simple gesture sends a thrill racing through you, the blend of excitement and intimacy making your heart race even faster.
The biker group is so large that locals stop to stare as the vast number of riders rumble past. The sound of the bikes creates a symphony of power and freedom, a deep, thunderous roar that vibrates through the air, commanding attention and respect.
The sheer power and presence of the pack creates a spectacle as you finally arrive at the rally. The display of strength and unity from the Vandals commands attention, showcasing their bond and dominance within the community.
Several other biker and car enthusiasts are in attendance, and the edge in the air is amplified as they scowl upon the arrival of the Vandals.
The crew rolls in and parks their rides, kicking down stands and dismounting with practiced ease. Engines cut, and the air is thick with the scent of exhaust and the low rumble of idling machines. The Vandals spread out, claiming their spot for the day, laying out blankets, setting up coolers, and popping the tops off beers.
The usual dogs are sizzling on the grill, the smell of charred meat mixing with the tang of motor oil as the Vandals settle in. Some of the brothers wander off, checking out the iron lined up by the other clubs, nodding in respect at the rides that catch their eye. They swap tales of the road and close calls,the kind of trouble only bikers understand easing the tension in the air.
As the afternoon wears on, the men get sloppily drunk, their laughter echoing through the park rally as they share even wilder stories.
Zipco, the most adventurous Vandal , has everyone entertained with the most captivating stories of all. While the men gather around, hanging on Zipco’s every word, you and Benny sit a short distance away at a picnic table, enjoying a quiet moment together. When Benny finishes his hot dog, you smile at him affectionately and stand to get him another beer.
Just then, Corky, caught up in a wild game of keep away, crashes into you as he snatches Wahoo’s lighter out of the air. The collision makes you fall and clip your chin directly onto the edge of the park bench with a sharp, jarring pain.
The impact renders you senseless, and you fall to the ground in a daze. The laughter and noise around you evaporates into a stunned silence as everyone stares, startled by the sudden turn of events. But no one is more shaken than Benny, who leaps to his feet in a fury. “You didn’t see her?” he yells at Corky, his voice cracking with rage.
Corky stands stunned knowing he’s made a cardinal mistake and Bennys eyes blaze with anger as he shoves him out of the way and rushes to your side.
Panic overtakes Benny as he kneels beside you, watching you struggle to breathe. “Are you okay?” he asks, his voice trembling with desperation as he searches your eyes frantically for a sign of reassurance.
“Benny, I’m fine,” you try to reassure him, your voice shaky feeling the disoriention and as you sit up and that’s when he sees the small cut on your chin with a thin line of blood beginning to drip. He clenches his fists in a silent rage, his eyes flashing with such a dark intensity l it startles you.
Without warning Benny gets up approaching Corky and snatching him by the collar, yanking him down to your level. “Look what you did!” Benny yells, his voice seething with fury.
Corky stammers his apologies in vain, his eyes widening in fear as he sees the cut on your chin. “I’m sorry, Benny, I’m so sorry!” he repeats desperately and Benny shoves Corky away feeling despair and anger you were hurt so badly from such a careless mistake
Benny, focused solely on your recovery, remains by your side, pulling his riding rag from his back pocket. He gently wipes the blood from your neck, his hand trembling slightly as he moves up to your chin.
When he reaches the bruise already forming, he bites his lip, his heart sinking as he realizes how deep the cut is, knowing it will leave a permanent scar on your beautiful face.
The thought fills him with a simmering fury, barely contained beneath the surface. By then, most of the Vandals have gathered around, drawn by the commotion, their concerned gazes fixed on you both.
Betty steps in to defuse the situation seeing Benny hovering over you unable to let go.
“Benny, let me see if she’s alright,” she asks gently, trying to calm him. But Benny’s demeanor changes suddenly, his eyes filling with guilt. “It’s all my fault! Fuck!” he curses, his voice breaking as he holds your chin, staring in disbelief at the blood that continues to seep from the cut.
You manage a small smile, trying to comfort him, seeing his worry. “Benny, I’m fine,” you insist, reaching out to touch his wrist. With the dizziness subsiding, you only feel a throbbing pain on the bone of your chin.
“Let the girl breathe, Benny,” Gail says softly, seeing his desperation and takes Benny’s arm pulling him back a little. “Let Betty get her cleaned up. It was just a knock to the chin. She’ll be alright,” she reassures him.
Betty helps you to your feet and guides you away from the crowd to tend to your cut. As she cleans the would Benny watches anxiously as you wince in pain. His guilt is undeniable as he paces back and forth, refusing to leave the area as Gail tries to console him.
You offer Benny a reassuring smile to let him know you’re alright, but there’s an unsettling look in his eyes you haven’t seen before, and it doesn’t fade.
“Good as new,” Betty says once the bleeding stops and she places a bandage carefully over the cut.
“You’re gonna have a really funny story to go with that scar,” she says to lighten the mood but Benny is not amused. As Betty steps aside he rushes in checking your chin.
“How do you feel baby?” He asks softly and you smile at him. “ It hurts now Benny but I’ll feel better later” you answer and his jaw clenches,as his expression remains tense. Betty noticing Bennys unchanged demeanor immediately goes to get Johnny’s attention.
“Come with me” Benny says taking your hand and helping you up from the picnic table. He leads you away from the others without saying another word.
Once you’re out of earshot, Benny pulls out a cigarette, his hands trembling slightly as he tries to light it. His brow furrows in frustration, the muscles in his jaw tightening as he clicks the lighter several times, each attempt ending in failure.
“Fuck!” he yells, his voice strained, his eyes flashing with anger when the flame refuses to catch.
“Benny, it’s alright,” you say softly, trying to soothe his aggravation. But he shakes his head, his frustration boiling over. “It’s not alright… This whole thing…” he mutters, his voice tense with regret. “Bringing you here…”
He bites his lip, his fists clenching as he struggles to keep his emotions in check. “I’m supposed to protect you… I’m supposed to keep you safe…” His voice trails off, and you realize Benny is still battling with the guilt over your injury, unable to shake the feeling that he’s failed you.
“Benny, it’s alright,” you say again softly, trying to soothe him.
“It’s not alright!” he snaps, his voice sharp and trembling with anger. “You’re gonna have a fucking scar because of this shit! I never should’ve brought you here!” he yells, his eyes darkening with rage as the frustration pours out of him.
Benny’s voice carries with intensity, drawing the attention of all the nearby Vandals who exchange knowing looks seeing Benny temper.
“Hey, Benny!” Johnny finally calls out, his voice steady as he arrives with Betty at his side. “Come here kid” he says, gesturing for Benny to join him, his tone firm, leaving no room for argument.
Benny hesitates, his anger still simmering beneath the surface as his eyes flicker between you and Johnny, his protectiveness over you is unrelenting.
Betty slowly steps forward her presence a soothing contrast to Benny’s fiery demeanor and she gently takes your arm “Come with me, sweetheart,” she says softly. Her eyes looking to Benny “I’ll keep her safe. You guys talk,” she says to him with confidence.
Benny’s jaw tightens, his hesitation evident as he watches Betty lead you away. His eyes follow you, brow furrowed with concern, before he finally exhales, forcing himself to let go as he walks over to Johnny.
As you walk away with Betty, she tries to reassure you. “I haven’t seen Benny like that in a very long time,” she confides quietly. “You’ve been the best thing for him, honestly. I think he just needs a moment to cool down.” Her words are meant to put you at ease, but you can sense a hint of worry in her voice
Johnny takes Benny aside, giving him a knowing look. “What’s up, kid?” he asks, pulling out his lighter and offering it to Benny. Benny takes it and finally lights a cigarette. “Nothin,” he says flatly, but Johnny raises his eyebrows, unconvinced.
“Come on, kid, I know that look,” Johnny says, taking a drag from his cigarette. “This isn’t just about today, is it?”
Benny takes a drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling into the air as he exhales slowly. “It’s just… I feel like I’m failing her already,” he admits quietly, the tension in his voice softening. “She shouldn’t have to deal with this kind of shit.”
Johnny nods, understanding the weight of Benny’s words. “You care about her a lot, and that’s good. But accidents happen. You can’t control everything kid” he says, his tone steady and reassuring.
Benny shifts uncomfortably, his gaze dropping to the ground as he kicks at the dirt with his boot. “I know, but it’s hard. She deserves to be happy and safe, and, y’know… after a while with me everything just …” His voice trails off.
Johnny takes a final drag from his cigarette, flicking the butt to the ground before putting it out. “She’s happy with you Benny. She’s tough, and she loves you. Give yourself a break,” he says, placing a reassuring hand on Benny’s shoulder, giving it a firm, grounding squeeze. Benny stares at the ground, still unsettled.
“Come on, let’s go listen to one of Zipco’s wild ass stories. That’ll take your mind off everything.” Johnny grins and Benny looks up reluctantly following Johnny over to the group of Vandals still sitting around Zipco.
Johnny hands Benny a beer and they lean against a truck to listen in as Zipco speaks, but Benny’s mind keeps drifting back to you.
The words of the conversation around him fade into the background, his eyes drifting over to you, sitting with the old ladies.
Your usual lively smile is gone, replaced by a distant, hollow expression as you gently touch your chin. The sight of you, subdued and vulnerable, sends a fresh wave of anger and guilt crashing through him. The bruise is already darkening on your skin and the permanent scar that will be left behind, refuels all of Benny’s anger.
He clenches his jaw, the muscles twitching with suppressed rage as he chugs down the last of his beer, consumed by frustration and guilt.
“I’m gonna go take a piss,” Benny angrily mutters, tossing his empty beer bottle, which shatters on the ground. Johnny watches him walk off, sensing the turmoil that’s raging inside of him.
Just as Benny steps away, Cal and Cockroach walk back to the group, followed by an irate set of bikers from another club who are hurling insults. “You scratched my bike shit head !” one of them yells at Cal who vehemently denies it.
“I looked at the piece of shit, and I guarantee I couldn’t do any more damage.” Cal says with sarcasm.
Hearing Cals insult the biker Without warning, he shoves Cal hard, the force of the push sending him back a step. “The fuck you say?” he says stepping up.
“You wanna get salty, motherfucker? I’ll get salty,” Cal snaps back, his voice dripping with venom as he squares up to the biker, his fists clenched and ready for a fight.
The other Vandals, noticing the commotion, start to stand up one by one, their expressions darkening as they prepare to back Cal up. The bikers from the rival gang respond in kind, their own members stepping forward, ready to throw down.
Zipco and the others circle around, the atmosphere thick with tension, as both groups face off, a powder keg ready to explode at any moment.
Just as things seem about to boil over, Johnny steps in, pushing Cal back with a firm hand. “Nah, nah, nah, none of this,” Johnny says, his voice calm but authoritative as he places himself between the two groups.
He turns to the other biker, trying to diffuse the situation. “Where you from?” he asks, his tone steady as he looks the biker in the eye.
“Gary,” the biker responds, his voice still edged with anger, but the directness of Johnny’s approach seems to catch him off guard.
Johnny nods, his expression softening just a fraction. “You know a guy around there named Shitty Pete?” he asks, a hint of familiarity in his voice.
The biker blinks, the tension in his stance easing slightly. “Everyone knows Shitty Pete,” he replies, some of the aggression fading as recognition flickers in his eyes.
“What’s your crew called?” Johnny continues, keeping the conversation going, his voice steady as he works to keep things from escalating.
“The Gary Rouges,” the biker answers, his voice losing some of its earlier hostility.
As Johnny and the leader of the other gang begin to bond, Benny returns with a fresh beer, immediately noticing the way everyone is facing off sensing a fight about to ensue.
Gail, observing the tension, chuckles near him, trying to lighten the mood. “You leave for one second, and your boyfriend’s getting in trouble,” she quips. But her words have the opposite effect on Benny, intensifying the rage that’s been building inside him all day. Without hesitation, Benny, fueled by his unrelenting anger, immediately darts to the confrontation.
Jonny and the leader of the Gary Rouges continue to talk out, almost calming things to be cordial.
“How many are in your crew?” Johnny asks with a hint of recruiting curiosity. But before the conversation can go any further, Benny rushes in and socks the Gary Rouges biker directly in the jaw dropping him instantly to the ground fueled by unchecked rage.
“Guess not enough,” Johnny chuckles, and an all out brawl erupts between the biker clubs.
Benny unleashes all of his aggression, fighting with a ferocity that even two bikers struggle to contain. He barrels through them, his fists flying with brutal precision. As one biker throws a punch, Benny deflects it with a sharp twist, slamming his own fist into the man’s jaw, sending him crashing into a parked truck. The impact reverberates through the air, but Benny doesn’t stop.
He grabs the second biker by the collar, slamming him against the truck’s door with a force that dents the metal. Without hesitation, Benny begins to pummel the man’s chest and gut with relentless blows, each punch landing with a sickening thud. The biker’s eyes widen in terror as he realizes Benny’s intent. Desperation kicks in, and he barely dodges as Benny aims a devastating punch at his face.
The force of Benny’s missed punch shatters the driver’s side window, sending shards of glass scattering. The crash of glass is so loud and jarring that even the other bikers, still locked in their own fights, pause in shock.
Benny doesn’t flinch instead he pulls his fist back, now dripping with blood his knuckles pierced through with a large shard of glass. With adrenaline surging through his veins, Benny yanks the glass from his knuckles without a second thought, his eyes locked on the opposing biker.
The man’s fear is undeniable and Benny’s rage is all consuming. Benny rushes forward, tackling the biker to the ground with a slam, his bloodied fist delivering blow after bone crushing blow. The intensity in Benny’s eyes leaves no doubt, he’s a man possessed, unwilling to stop until he’s unleashed every ounce of his fury.
You watch the fight unfold in horror with the old ladies, frozen at first, then suddenly standing from the picnic bench, your face a picture of shock as you witness Benny’s brutal assault.
Instinctively, you begin to rush toward him, desperate to stop the violence, but Betty and Sandy grab you, holding you back with firm grips.
“Oh no you don’t,” Sandy says urgently, struggling to keep you in place.
“He’s hurt! I have to help him” you cry out, your voice trembling with fear and desperation.
“They’re men!” Betty tells you, her voice a mix of urgency and concern. “They’ll handle it. You’re the one whose gonna get hurt ”
But Benny doesn’t stop. His fist continues to beating the biker’s face in, each punch snapping the man’s head back with a sickening force. The man’s gurgles turn into silence as he goes limp, but Benny lost in his fury, is oblivious to everything except the need to keep striking.
The sight makes you feel sick to your stomach, dread pooling in your chest as the only sound left is the sickening snap of Benny’s fist against the man’s bloodied face.
The blood splattered across Benny’s own face makes him look deranged, as his features express his uncontrollable rage.
Seeing Benny about to commit murder Johnny springs into action. He tackles Benny off the biker, wrestling him to the ground holding him back with all his strength. But even held down, Benny doesn’t stop. His legs kick out wildly, his arms thrashing, attempting to break free from Johnny’s grip. His eyes, are wild and unseeing completely lost in the rage that consumes him.
As you get closer, Johnny looks up at you, his voice sharp and commanding. “Get back!” he yells, his tone sharp and hostile. You feel a terrible wrench in your gut, seeing Benny so out of control.
“Betty!” Johnny shouts, seeing you unable to snap you out of your shock and she rushes in, pulling you away as tears of frustration and fear well up in your eyes.
Betty and Sandy hold you tightly, guiding you away from the chaos, while Johnny struggles to keep Benny restrained.
As they take you back, you catch one last glimpse of Benny, just as Johnny finally manages to calm him, releasing his grip and patting him on the chest in a gesture of reassurance.
Your heart breaks for the man you love, seeing the raw pain and turmoil etched in his features. You know that beneath the anger and violence, he’s hurting, grappling with something far deeper.
The sight of him like this, so lost and vulnerable, leaves you feeling helpless, knowing there’s nothing you can do to ease his suffering in this moment.
The fight ends as quickly as it began, with the Vandals and the Gary Rouges’s pulling back, settling down to tend to their wounds. Despite the chaos, a sense of friendship begins to form between the two groups, their shared ordeal forging an unexpected bond.
As the adrenaline fades, Johnny pulls Benny aside from the club and they sit a distance away on the grass feeling the soreness from the fight settling in. Without a word, they light up their cigarettes, taking a moment to breathe as the smoke curls into the evening air.
Johnnys expression is curious yet concerned as he hands Benny a bandage for his bloodied knuckles. “What were you thinking back there, kid?” He asks, his voice carrying a hint of reprimand.
Benny takes the bandage, wrapping it around his hand in frustration. “Nothin. I saw you squaring off with those guys—what more was there to think about?” he mutters.
Johnny shakes his head offering Benny a bottle of whiskey. “You and me both, kid,” he chuckles.
Johnnys eyes remain sharp on Benny studying him as he nods and takes a swig from the bottle before handing it back.
“What about the Mrs.?” Johnny asks, his tone firmer. “You think she needed to see that?” he gestures before taking a swig of the whiskey.
Benny’s jaw tightens, and he looks away feeling the weight of Johnny’s words sinking in. “I didn’t think,” Benny admits, his voice quieter.
Johnny places a firm hand on Benny’s shoulder. “I get it, kid, but you gotta remember, you’ve got more than just the club to think about now. You’ve got her, and she needs you whole, not broken. You gotta learn to keep it together, for her sake.”
Benny nods, the weight of Johnny’s words pressing down on him. “I can’t let anything happen to her… but I’m scared I’m gonna lose her.” His voice tightens as he picks at the bandage on his injured hand. “It’s like there’s this fire inside me, and I can’t control it. I know I’m just gonna wreck it all.” His voice cracks, the admission cutting deeper than he expected.
Johnny gives Benny a knowing look. “That fire’s part of who you are, kid. But you’ve got to learn to channel it, not let it control you.”
As Benny and Johnny sit together, sharing whiskey and cigarettes, you watch from a distance as Johnny’s experienced understanding of Benny is evident in every gesture, every knowing nod.
You suddenly feel like an outsider in your relationship with Benny and the bitterness of that realization stirs deep emotions within you. There’s a fracture in the bond between you and Benny, a hidden weakness you can no longer ignore.
You are rested back against the picnic table as you watch them, arms crossed over your chest, legs crossed tightly with one foot tapping impatiently betraying the weight of your emotions pressing down on you.
Betty noticing your discomfort approaches with a reassuring smile. “They’re just being men,” she says, trying to ease your mind as she offers you a beer. “They always find a way to handle it.” She says. But you shake your head, declining the drink and her words.
“I’m just going to wait for Benny,” you reply, your voice flat and she nods understandingly leaving you to your thoughts.
Several minutes pass, each one dragging longer than the last, until finally, Benny walks toward you. His posture is tense, his eyes refusing to meet yours. Without a word, he drops down next to you at the picnic table, his gaze fixed on some distant point, his expression unreadable.
You take a deep breath, your heart heavy with a mix of concern and confusion. “Benny… what was that?” you ask, your voice tight with emotion, struggling to understand the intensity of what just happened.
Benny wipes his hand under his nose with a sniff, the bandage on his knuckles already beginning to seep with blood. “I don’t know, I just… lost it,” he mutters, his gaze fixed on the distance, unable to meet your eyes.
“Lost it?” you repeat, trying to keep your voice steady. “Benny, you nearly killed that guy! I… I’ve never seen anything like that in my life! What if something worse had happened?” You panic the fear of losing him to something so reckless tightening your chest.
Benny finally turns to look at you, his eyes filled with guilt and frustration. “I wasn’t thinking… I saw Johnny in trouble and… I just reacted. I know I messed up,” he says, his voice laced with regret.
“Messed up?” you repeat, your voice rising with anger and hurt. “Do you even know how much that scared me, Benny? Seeing you lose control like that? Do you even care how that made me feel?”
“Of course I care!” Benny shouts, his frustration boiling over. “I hate that you had to see that, that you had to worry. But I’m not perfect. I can’t just flip a switch and make this all go away!” he yells, his voice echoing with the tension between you
By now, all of the surrounding Vandals and their old ladies are invested in your argument, unable to avoid the intensity of your voices and you can feel the weight of their stares.
“That’s right, you’re not perfect Benny !” you snap back, the sting of your words evident as you see the pain flicker in his eyes.
“But you don’t have to be perfect…because …I want you just the way you are Benny” you say your voice lowering as your heart aches with the depth of your feelings.
“I’m the one supposed to be by your side, the one helping and caring for you, not watching from the sidelines.” You say in frustration and sadness.
Benny looks at you, his eyes filled with regret and guilt, the weight of your words hitting him hard.
“You shut me out Benny,” you confirm crossing your arms as you look to the ground in silence unable to hide the hurt that’s tearing you apart
Benny looks to the ground feeling the weight of your words and understanding . “I…I didn’t mean to shut you out,” he admits, his voice lower and filled with regret . “I just never wanted you to see me like that,” he says, looking away in shame. “It was ugly…”
“I don’t care about ugly, Benny,” you reply, your voice filled with concern. “I only care about you, and I want you to know that you trust me, that you can let me in even when things get mess—” Your words trail off as your eyes catch sight of the blood slowly dripping down his wrist.
“Benny, your hand!” you exclaim, noticing the bandage completely soaked through.
Benny glances down noticing the blood and a look of sorrow washes over his face “Yea it was a pretty deep cut” he admits.
Your eyes widen in concern as you carefully unwrap the crimson soaked bandage. The sight of the large gash in his knuckle, still leaking blood, sends a wave of shock through you.
“Oh my god, Benny,” you gasp your voice filled worry, and soon the old ladies of the club gather around, their faces mirroring your concern.
Betty takes a quick look at his hand, tilting it gently to examine the wound. “Benny, it’ll heal but you’ll have one ugly scar,” she confirms.
Benny starts wrapping his hand back up, trying to diminish everyone’s worry. “It’ll heal up in a few weeks,I’ll keep it bandaged til then” he says with certainty, having survived his fair share of injuries.
You stare at him in disbelief, unable to understand how he can be so dismissive about something so serious.
“A few weeks? Benny Cross! We’re going to the hospital right now. That cut is so deep, you’ll need stitches!” You say with rising concern.
“It’ll heal,” he says with a slight aggravation in his tone, his anger simmering beneath the surface unable to understand why you’re making such a fuss.
He knows you’ve probably never dealt with anything more than a paper cut, and it grates on him to no end.
“It’ll heal?” you repeat your voice rising sharply. “Benny, you’ll probably get an infection and never be able to use your hand again if you don’t treat it!” You say in frustration as you stand up.
“Get up Benny we’re going to the hospital right now!” you command him.
For a moment, it seems like Benny might respond, but the words die on his lips, and he remains silent. The reality of the situation sinks in and the heaviness in your chest becomes almost unbearable. The distance between you and Benny growing like a void.
“Get up, Benny,” you repeat more forcefully, and this time he reluctantly stands, but there’s a coldness in his eyes, a resentment building.
All eyes are on you as you assert your authority over Benny, and he can’t help but feel a sting of humiliation realizing everyone in the club is witnessing this moment. The Vandals watch in silence, sensing the drastic change that has suddenly taken hold.
Without a word Benny turns and walks to his bike his expression hardening. He kick-starts it up, the engine roaring to life as he waits for you. When you approach, it’s the first time he doesn’t offer you his hand, and you try to hide the hurt in your eyes as you climb on behind him but the tension between you two is undeniable.
As you both ride away, Johnny, Betty, and the rest of the Vandals watch with concern on their faces. They all sense the significant shift between you and Benny, the tension hanging heavy in the air as you disappear from view.
In a Bad Way
Benny drives to the hospital at a jarring speed, the engine roaring beneath you as he accelerates. The highway becomes a blur, the lights and traffic blending into a chaotic stream of color as he weaves dangerously between cars. The sheer speed of the bike makes your breath catch, the risk and adrenaline mingling with your anger, momentarily overpowering it.
Instinctively, your arms tighten around his waist, clinging to him for dear life as the wind bites at your skin, each subtle movement of the motorcycle making your heart leap into your throat.
As you approach the exit for the hospital, Benny speeds right past it, ignoring the turn. Panic rises in your chest, and you shout over the roaring wind, “Benny, where are you going?”
He doesn’t answer immediately, just accelerates faster, the lights blurring past as he weaves through the traffic at a dangerous speed. “I’m taking you home,” he finally replies, his voice cold and distant, filled with a quiet, simmering anger.
You speed through town, the city lights streaking past in a dizzying blur as Benny pushes the bike harder. The rhythmic thrum of the engine vibrates through your body, each twist of the throttle sending you hurtling forward with relentless momentum. Your surroundings become a chaotic whirl of color and noise, the familiar streets of the town fading into a disorienting haze.
As you approach your neighborhood, the world begins to slow, the frantic pace easing as the bike glides through quieter, more familiar streets. The comforting sight of your treelined avenue with warmly lit homes contrasts sharply with the turmoil churning between you and Benny.
Finally he pulls in front of your house, stopping the bike abruptly, the sudden halt almost throwing you off balance.
You slide from his bike, your legs shaky, your emotions in turmoil. Benny doesn’t even look at you, his jaw is clenched and his expression hard as he dismounts and heads inside without saying a word.
You anxiously follow him inside, your heart racing with the hope of talking things through, of mending whatever just broke between you. But as you step into the house, you see Benny heading straight upstairs.
You assume he needs to shower and cool down after the day you’ve had and you head upstairs to do the same.
As you push open the bedroom door and walk inside, the sight of him packing his rucksack determined and tense, shocks you to your core.
“Benny…what are you doing?” you ask, your voice trembling with worry, but he doesn’t respond. He continues stuffing his clothing and personal items into the bag, his silence speaking louder than words ever could.
Finally, he slings the rucksack over his shoulder and turns to leave, his eyes filled with a cold determination that sends a chill through you. “You’re better off without me,” he says flatly, his voice devoid of the warmth you’re used to.
Without even glancing back, he walks past you, heading downstairs and out the door, leaving you standing stunned silence.
You gather your thoughts and quickly rush outside to try and catch him, your heart racing as you process what’s happening. Benny throws his rucksack onto the bike and kick-starts it with a loud roar. The sound of the engine drowns out everything else as he rides off leaving you standing in the street, stunned and utterly alone.
As the roar of his motorcycle fades into the distance the emptiness he left behind feels overwhelming.
Your head spins, a dizzying mix of shock and confusion, as you try to comprehend why he left so abruptly and why he said everything with such severity.
Then, the sudden realization that Benny is actually gone hits you like a ton of bricks, the weight of it crushing your chest, making it hard to breathe.
You immediately run back into the house, your heart pounding as you grab the phone and dial a number with trembling fingers. The ringing seems to stretch on forever until, finally, a voice comes through.
“Johnny,” you say frantically, your voice cracking with desperation, “Please, tell me if you see Benny.”
There’s a pause on the other end as Johnny understands your concern. “Alright, sweetheart. I’ll have everyone keep an eye out.” He says with a somber reassurance.
“Please,” you beg, your voice trembling as you fight back tears, “Please don’t tell him I asked about him.” You can’t even finish the call as you quickly hang before the dam breaks. You begin to sob, feeling the overwhelming confusion and guilt setting in.
You quickly wipe back your tears feeling vulnerable and unsure of what to do. Ultimately thinking you both over reacted and that he will return, that he has to return. The silence of the house amplifies your despair, the absence of Benny leaves a gaping void within your heart.
You quickly decide to cook supper trying to put on a brave face knowing that when he does return he will be hungry, and maybe after you’ve both eaten he’ll realize it was a mistake made in the heat of the moment.
You take your time carefully preparing a meal adding each ingredient with the hope that Benny will walk through the door at minute. You bake a casserole and set the dish on the kitchen counter, waiting for him to arrive. But as the casserole cools, the realization that he’s not coming behind to sinks in.
You are unable to eat feeling the overwhelming absence of the person you made it for and quietly put the meal away in the refrigerator.
Hours later, the phone rings, shattering the oppressive silence. You stumble into the living room, snatching the receiver from the hook with trembling hands. “Hello?” you say, your voice raw with emotion.
“Hey…” Johnny’s voice comes through, hesitant and heavy. Your nerves rise instantly, dread knotting in your stomach.
“Have you seen him? Have you seen Benny?” you ask frantically, the fear clawing at your chest.
“I, um, I’m sorry to have to say this,”Johnny begins, his voice filled with undeniable remorse, “Benny was beaten near to death, he’s in a real bad way, they got him hospitalized over in Midtown—”
The words hit you like a freight train. You slam the phone down, the sound echoing in the empty room.
A scream rips from your throat as you collapse to the floor, hyperventilating overwhelmed by a mix of fear and shock.
For a moment, you’re paralyzed, the weight of the news crushing you. But then, through sheer will, you force yourself to get up, knowing you need to be there for Benny.
You grab a jacket and your keys, your movements frantic and disjointed as you rush out the door.
Moments of Benny flash through your mind each one more painful than the last. His radiant smile, the way his intense blue eyes lock onto yours, the look on his face as you walked down the aisle, the warmth of his voice, the gentleness of his kiss that made you feel like the center of his entire world.
Each memory stabs at your heart, reminding you of what you had, and what you fear you might lose forever.
The tears you’ve been holding back finally spill over as you drive, your vision blurring with an overwhelming flood of emotions.
Your only focus is getting to Benny, knowing deep down that you need him and that he needs you and you’ll forgive him, care for him, and love him for as long as you live.
🏍️ To Be Continued 🏍️
Chapter 5 Broken Promises
When Benny is beaten to near death you tend and care for him night and day. The confident and strong man you once knew now seems lost forever in the unsure and frail Benny leaving you to put all the pieces back together.
With every thing stripped from Benny he begins to understand what he really wants out of life and after a fateful turn of events putting your safety at risk his decision is finalized changing both of your lives forever.
🔗 Masters List
🏍️ Benny Cross Tag List 🏍️
@finley-08 @ashleybutler-26 @ifuckindontknow @landlockedmermaid77 @jvanilly @oceanablue @12joeywheelerfangirl @autumnleaves1991-blog @presley1992 @rose-deathman @sillylittlethrowaway @lillypink @faephoria @butdaddyilovehim99 @nostalgichoya @ausssbutlershortstories
🏷️ Always Tags Me List 💌
@lindszeppelin @abswifey @magicovento @obsessedvibee @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @thegabbyh @thefallofthedamned @buckysteveloki-me @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @shegatsby @darlingisntit @unicoreads @lovereadingfanfic @elvismylove04 @denised916 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @shockercoco @minispice-1 @meetmeatyourworst @avidreader73 @jkdaddy01 @xxmandaveexx @mamawiggers1980 @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @majestyjade
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lqveharrington · 3 months
Feelings Mutual | C.G.
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summary: Your forced to hangout with Cardan at the High King’s birthday celebration. Turns out, you both make stupid decisions when drunk. And what’s the fine line between hatred and love between two being who can’t lie anyway?
pairing: Cardan Greenbriar x half fae!fem!reader
includes: drunk Cardan, drunk reader, cursing, making out, suggestiveness, no use of Y/N, barely proofread (i think that’s it)
a/n: i’m on a reading spree, and working on my projects, so this should help get me out of a huge writing slump.
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In Faerie, it was uncommon for a half fae, half human being to be a princess in the court. Your father — the King of one of the many lands — wed a human woman, causing you to become the land’s princess. Of course many of the court thought that you were lesser than them; For such a creation should never hold that high of a status.
Ever since you were younger, you often attended lessons with the High King’s youngest child. At first, you sought out to befriend him and his group of friends. But you soon found out that they loathed you. Because how could a halfling ever be a worthy princess?
So you gave up trying to befriend them. You let the group taunt you for not being full fae, but what was the worst thing they could do? You still were a daughter of a very powerful king. The very king that was the closest with the High King himself.
You and your family were constantly invited to all their gatherings, and this one wasn’t an exception. It was the High King’s birthday, which meant all of Faerie was invited to Elfhame palace to celebrate such a day. The only issue with that meant your father and mother urged you to talk to Cardan and his group.
“Mother, they don’t like me.” You wring your hands together, fidgeting with your silver jewelry.
She clicked her tongue, “Nonsense. Prince Balekin spoke of how much Cardan talks about you when he comes home from your lessons.”
“Wait what?” Your eyes widen at her in disbelief. “Mother, I’m sure they’re words of hate.”
“Is it because you don’t like your dress? Are you afraid they’ll hate it?” She tugged you to stand in front of herself. “You look gorgeous, angel.”
You purse your lips at her compliment. You truly loved the dress. It was a beautiful sage color that complimented your skin tone completely, and the corset really did wonders. There were gorgeous lace details of butterflies that were a shade darker, with a slit running down one side of the dress. It was beautiful, but you feared that it was much too modern for Faerie, causing your thoughts to wander to how Cardan’s friends would insult it.
“No, I love the dress, mother.” You give her a tight lipped smile, squeeze her hands. “If you truly wish for me to find Cardan, I’ll go and be friendly so you and father can enjoy your time here.”
“Thank you.” She pressed a kiss to your forehead and a real smile etched its way onto your face.
“Be safe, alright?” Your father squeezed your shoulder before leaning down to whisper words your mother couldn’t hear. “If trouble comes, you know what I’ve taught you. You have your dagger?”
Your lips twitch in excitement, “Of course.”
“Then you’re all set then, kiddo.” He gave you one last look before resting an arm around your mother’s waist. “I’ll come find you when it’s time for us to depart.”
You nod before taking a small bow. You watched them leave and make their way to the throne, immediately engaging with the High King and Queen. They seemed happy, which made you glad that they accepted your mother as their own. Shaking your head, you took a deep breath and blew out the air in one go. Carefully, you made your way over to Cardan. Luckily, he was on his own for once.
“Cardan.” You nod in his direction, watching his dark eyes with flecks of gold suddenly gazing into yours. Without fail, his eyes roam over your body, tail whipping behind himself after gaining someone’s attention.
“Princess! Don’t you look absolutely captivating tonight.” He slurred, red wine dripping out of his glass. “Welcome to my humble abode.”
You raised a brow at the prince. From what you could recall, he didn’t live inside the palace walls. And there wasn’t a chance he could lie either. “You don’t live here.”
“I used to.” He tipped his glass up to his wine stained lips, taking in the drink whilst taking in the sight of you.
“Where are your—“ You use your hand to gesture in the air as you grab your own glass of wine from a server passing buy. Unsure of how to word your question, you sip on the wine, immediately hit by its strength. “Where are your friends, I should say.”
“Off to bother some mortal or do something stupid.” He smiles in your direction as you down your drink and reach for another. “What’s upsetting you, princess?”
“Nothing.” You tilt your head toward him, eyes flicking down from his strange stare to his stained lips. “Just want time to move faster.”
“How drunk do you want to get?” He leans closer to you, fingers itching to pull you into him.
You place a hand to his mouth and push him further away from yourself. He hums as he traces his finger over his empty wine glass.
“How many glasses have you had, Cardan?” You tip back your third drink, missing his smirk while he watches.
“Enough to forget?” You turn toward the table and grab the strongest drink, carefully downing the drink.
His shadow towers over you as his breath tickles your neck, “Forget what exactly, love?”
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“I hate you.” You say against Cardan’s lips, arms loosely hanging around his neck. “I hate you so much.”
He continues to push you backwards as he slams the door behind him, hands finding their place around your waist. “Feelings mutual, princess.”
Letting your hand thread through his hair, you pull him in for a more heated kiss, tugging ever so slightly at his roots. Cardan groans against your lips, pulling your body closer to his.
“This is such a stupid idea.” You unwillingly part as he drops you down on a bed — hopefully one that used to be his. You let out a small gasp as he litters soft kisses on your throat and down to your exposed collar bone. Your hands find his shoulders, pulling him impossibly closer. “Cardan—“
“Yes, love?” He slowly makes his way back up to your lips, pressing short kisses as you try to make sense of the situation. He stops attacking you with his lips, staring and waiting for you to continue.
You shake your head, eyes glassy with drunkenness as you meet his gaze. “Kiss me.”
“You’re too perfect for me.” He groans again, tasting the red wine from your lips as he kisses you harder. “God, I hate you.” Cardan mumbles as he lets his hands wander over your body, refraining from the more private areas at the moment.
Cardan allows you to wander over his own body, feeling you fidget with the hem of his shirt. Letting your hands slip underneath his shirt, you let out a small sigh before flipping the both of you over. You quickly toss your dagger onto the floor before meeting his lips again, the kiss heightening all your profound feelings.
As minutes turned into an hour more, you both fell into a pit of no return. The shared kisses were intensified, and without either party having a clear mind or being sober, neither could stop the motions that lulled them both to sleep very late into night.
It wasn’t until early afternoon that the pair awoke to the sounds of pounding at the door and a splitting headache.
“Your highness, your father is looking for you.” The voice called from outside the wooden doors, causing you to groan and bury your head into the warmth emitting from your bed.
A beat passed before the pounding occurred once more.
“Your highness—!”
“In a minute!” Cardan shouted, eyes shut from the dizziness and hangover. “For fucks sake…”
Your eyes widen at the voice, head rushing up before falling back down at the impact of a jaw. “Shit, that hurt.” You mutter, wincing when you felt the hangover hit you. Slowly, you remove yourself from Cardan’s arm, slightly frowning when you saw him rubbing his jaw. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to slam into you…”
“I think that’s the least of our concerns.” He grumbled, glaring at the door again.
He pushed himself up from the bed, eyes raking over your appearance. He smirked over at you before leaning against the headboard. You crease your brows before looking down and realizing whose clothes you were in — crossing your arms over the loose shirt.
“Princess, I think your father will be a little disappointed in you.”
“Why is that?” You roll your eyes at him, keeping one arm over Cardan’s shirt while running your free hand through your hair.
Your bored gaze meet his amused one, watching him tilt his head. You look away as you weren’t necessarily hiding the fact that you were eyeing his bare chest either.
He pulled you into his chest, despite your halfhearted protests. “Because you have hickeys all over your skin.” Cardan presses a kiss to your cheek, causing your breath to hitch.
All the memories from last name came rushing in, warmth filling your body at the thoughts. Your eyes flit to your dress and dagger scattered across his floor, still thinking of the punishment to come.
However, you did not regret him.
“I don’t think we drank enough last night.” You twist in his arms, lips barely touching his.
“I don’t think so.” He lands a soft kiss to your lips. “I still hate you, love.”
“Feelings mutual.” You straddle over his hips and rest your forehead on his, both your heads still pounding from last night’s activities.
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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azzibuckets · 2 months
this isn’t the end or anything part 3 [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
a/n: this is probably my favorite series i’ve ever written so i like to take my time writing each part. apologies for the wait!
word count: 1.7k
“Seat taken?”
Paige hovers over the fifth row of seats on the bus, mouth going dry as she anticipates Azzi’s answer. She doesn’t really know what she’s doing; she didn’t board the bus planning to be stupid and try to sit next to Azzi, but when she saw how pretty the younger girl looked all bundled up in her beanie and overcoat, she knew she had to at least try.
Azzi doesn’t look up from her phone. “You know I’m not gonna talk to you.”
“That’s fine.”
Azzi sighs, and after a moment’s hesitation she picks up her backpack from the seat next to her, setting it on the floor instead. Trying to fight back a smile, Paige plops down and casts a quick glance at Azzi’s phone, wondering if the younger girl’s fixation to her screen the past few days is due to a new love interest. When Azzi doesn’t seem to notice her prying eyes, Paige moves a little bit closer, craning her neck to try to decipher who exactly Azzi is texting.
All of a sudden, Azzi looks up, making eye contact with Paige as the blonde quickly sits back with a guilty look on her face.
“Seriously?” Azzi says irritatedly.
“Sorry,” Paige replies meekly, knowing that it’s pointless to deny the obvious.
Azzi shakes her head before shutting off her phone and staring intensely out the window. Paige knows she should be more upset about Azzi’s coldness towards her, especially after what she admitted two nights ago, but right now she’s just happy to be in Azzi’s presence. And although being crammed in a bus surrounded by their teammates and coaches isn’t the most optimal privacy, it’s the closest they’ve gotten to being alone since that night and Paige is willing to take whatever she gets.
“You know I like you, right?” Once the words come out and Paige realizes what she’s just said, she fights the urge to clamp her hand over her own mouth.
Azzi’s head snaps up.
Paige shifts in her seat. She knows she’s probably going about this wrong, but the words she’s said to Azzi months ago is still weighing on her mind, and technically Azzi can’t go anywhere when she’s trapped between her and the window. So she forges on. “You said you needed space.”
“No, you said you needed space,” Azzi says evenly.
Paige rubs her eyes. “Okay, so we both said we needed space.”
Azzi is silent.
“I just…I miss you, you know? And I’ve figured out my feelings, and I don’t want space anymore.”
Azzi folds her arms over herself, as if she’s trying to burrow into herself and disappear completely. “I don’t wanna talk about this right now.”
“Can we talk about it later?”
“I don’t know.”
“I’m not ready, Paige, okay?” Azzi’s voice is tired, and Paige doesn’t like it, doesn’t like how Azzi doesn’t just seem tired, she seems tired of her.
“Okay.” A beat. “I’m sorry.”
Azzi tips her head back and exhales slowly. “Not your fault.”
“I can switch seats, if you’re uncomfortable.”
“You’re fine.”
Paige wants to throw up. This is why she hasn’t tried approaching Azzi - no contact with her is better then whatever this awkward tension is. Paige can feel her sinuses tightening, her throat closing, that familiar feeling pricking at the corner of her eyes. But she can’t cry, not now, when there’s five hours of road ahead of them. So she puts in her airpods and tries to think of everything but Azzi. She fails.
“I don’t care about what’s going on off the court, but you better get your shit together. I didn’t make you captain for no goddamn reason.”
Geno slams the door on his way out. He’s furious, and Paige is too. 10 points, 3 assists and 5 turnovers. She knows it’s not about the stats, that Geno cares more about her effort and the way she seemed to just give up during the last quarter. But the numbers are engrained into her brain, and the persistent ache at the back of her head is throbbing now. She tries to reflect on the game, to recall the moments she’d slipped up, the moments she’d gotten too comfortable. But despite the sweat still fresh on her neck, the memories are foggy and she feels dizzy just thinking about it.
Paige’s phone lights up with a text from Nika asking her if she’s going to the bar with the rest of the team, but she ignores it. Alcohol would make her headache worse, and all she wants to do right now is lie in her bed and mourn over how bad she played. She knows it’s not a healthy way to cope. Azzi used to always get on her ass about how getting in her own head wouldn’t make it better. Azzi would force Paige out of bed, set up a laptop with film to go over every single play, both of them writing notes on their observations and then sharing it at the end. By the time their debrief finished, Paige always felt lighter, determined and ready for the next practice now with a new list of things to work on. But Azzi wasn’t here, and now Paige was spiraling.
When she gets back to her hotel room, Paige slumps into clean white sheets. She knows she should respond to her teammates’ messages, but before she knows it she’s out.
“You look hot tonight,” Amari cheers, hip bumping her friend.
Azzi blushes, hands smoothing down her top. “Thank you.” She looks around the bar, trying to enjoy the lively atmosphere after their tough win, but a pit of guilt settles in the bottom of her stomach when she thinks about Paige. Their teammates assumed that Paige had fallen asleep by her lack of response to their texts, but Azzi knew better than that. She felt physically sick thinking of Paige huddled in her room all alone while the rest of them were out celebrating.
Before she knows it, she’s left the bar and she’s back at the hotel, hand reaching out to knock. When she finally summons her courage to give a couple short raps on the door, a groggy Paige opens the door. Surprise flickers across her face before she straightens up. “Azzi?” Her voice is subdued with sleep, soft, a little bit hoarse.
Azzi takes in Paige’s bloodshot eyes and red nose. “You look like shit.”
Paige harrumphs. “Thanks.”
Without an invitation, Azzi barrels through the door, pretending to be curious about the layout of the room when hers is the exact same. “You didn’t come tonight.”
“Yeah, sorry. Wasn’t feeling it.” Paige goes back to her bed and wraps the blanket around herself.
“Did you eat yet?”
Paige shakes her head.
“Do you want me to order anything?”
Another shake of the head. “Not hungry.”
“You haven’t eaten in 12 hours, you have to eat something.”
Paige finally looks up, making eye contact with Azzi. “Stop,” she says, her tone worn out, her voice a little rough at the edges. “Stop pretending like you care about me.”
Azzi’s veins turn ice cold. “What?”
“I know you can’t stand me anymore. I was fucking delusional thinking that forcing you to sit next to me on the bus would change anything. But it’s fine.” Paige lies down and rolls over with her back to her best friend, hoping that Azzi won’t be able to sense the fact that she’s about to burst into tears. “I took some Nyquil. I’ll be good. You can go.”
There’s silence, and Paige closes her eyes, willing herself to hold back her tears for just a few more seconds. But the bed dips, and the touch on her face is so light and gentle that she thinks she’s dreaming before Azzi speaks. “I care about you. You don’t think I care about you? Christ, Paige, you’re all I ever think about.”
The tears slip out of her eyes, and Paige curses herself for being weak. She can’t even keep herself together for one goddamn minute. “Then why are we still like this? We can’t even talk to each other without being normal.”
“I told you, I’m not ready yet, Paige.”
“Will you ever be?”
When Azzi doesn’t respond, Paige sobs harder. She feels Azzi go in to wipe her tears, but she jerks away before the younger girl can reach her. Paige’s heart is already breaking into a thousand little pieces, and feeling Azzi’s touch would make this so much harder than it already is. “Can you please just leave?”
Azzi’s face falls. “Paige, you’re burning up and have a fever, I’m not leaving you.”
“You’re only gonna make this worse.” Paige knows she’s ugly crying now, but she can’t help it. She’s angry and she’s sad and she’s hurt, and Azzi is so close, so close yet so far away.
“You’re sick and you-,”
“Azzi, please just leave me alone.” And Paige doesn’t mean for her words to come out so harsh, but seeing Azzi sitting there forlornly with that look in her eyes is killing her inside, and she can’t take it anymore.
Azzi stands up, pain written all over her face. “I don’t want to leave you.”
“You already did.” Paige turns around, and she has a cold sense of deja vu. She’s been in this exact situation before, her lying on the bed while Azzi leaves. But this time, she’s the one who’s asked her to go, and Paige didn’t know how it could get worse from that night all those months ago but it somehow fucking has.
Despite the physical exhaustion from the game and the emotional turmoil from the day, Paige can’t fall asleep. When she hears a knock on the door a couple hours later, she half hopes it’s Azzi, but when she opens the door it’s just an Uber delivery man. “Chicken noodle soup from Frazo’s for Paige?”
“I didn’t order this.”
“Uh, well it says the person who ordered this is an Azzi Fudd? She ordered it to this room. Do you know her?”
Paige looks tiredly at the man. “No.”
The man furrows his eyebrows. “Um, well...”
“You can just take it. Free dinner, yay. Here’s a 20 for the trouble.” Paige shoves the bill into the man’s hand and closes the door. She leans on the counter with her face in her hands, a million questions running through her mind. She doesn’t understand why Azzi is so hot and cold. Why Azzi still can’t figure out her feelings after months and months of space. Why Azzi can’t just love her back. She curses, wishing she’d never met the dark haired girl in the first place. But then she thinks about Azzi’s smile, and she takes it back.
Christ. Everything hurts. Paige thought she knew heartbreak when her seventh grade crush turned out to be straight, but this is different. This is all-consuming. It’s like every cell of her body knows she’s missing something. Her heart physically hurts. Head pounding, nose sniffling, eyes watering, Paige lies down on the floor, wishing the granite would absorb her.
223 notes · View notes
m-yg93 · 1 year
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Pairing: KNJ x Reader
WC: 13.5k
Genre: Roommates2L
Rating: M (minors dni)
Warnings: Brief blood mention from a cut, mention of minor character death (sickness), fingering, hand job, big dick joon, belly bulge, unprotected sex, mentions of choking, creampie, dirty talk, inconsistent POV
Banner by @sugarwithtea​
Beta’d by @yoongiobsessed​ and Sara (twitter link)
Summary: Namjoon thought getting used to a new roommate would take time and adaptation but you fit yourself into his apartment with ease. He swears he only landed in your bed to keep you safe in his arms when you get spooked by the storm. Surely he can blame the eventual lack of clothing on the summer’s heat stroke.
Author’s Note: This should have been written months ago. I don’t have an excuse. Oh well, it’s here now! 
Part of the Room For Rent collab
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There needs to be a word that describes the feeling of being happy for someone while simultaneously going through betrayal.
Namjoon is happy for Yoongi, of course he is, but watching him from across their kitchen table is sending an uncomfortable wave through him. He didn’t expect his oldest and closest friend to run from him, leave him in the dust, just straight up abandon him.
“Oh my God, you’re being dramatic. I’m not abandoning you, I’m moving to Gangnam. It’s just across the river! You and your freakishly thick thighs can bike to my new place in 20 minutes.”
Okay so perhaps he’s being a little dramatic but what else was he supposed to think? He and Yoongi had shared this apartment for years. There had been countless sleepless nights fueled by too much ramen, the living room littered with energy drinks as they bumped heads and helped each other brainstorm ideas for new beats. These walls hold melodies and memories, and he’s just expected to share them with someone else now?
“Plus, I told you you’re welcome to move in with Jin and I. His dad’s some CEO and the apartment is ridiculously lavish. There’s a room with your name on the door if you want it. I’m serious, Jin has this thing with plaques and has a name for every room, it’s honestly worrying. I won’t even tell you what he decided to name the master bedroom.”
Namjoon purses his lips at the thought. That was the main reason behind turning Yoongi’s offer down. He likes Jin and genuinely loves that he brings so much light into Yoongi’s naturally dreary life. Seeing Yoongi’s lips fight against a smile only to burst into the cheesiest, gummy grin while audibly groaning about his boyfriend’s terrible jokes brings a warmth to Namjoon’s chest every time. Yoongi deserves to be happy and he knows Jin is the best person for the job. But he knows full well the couple will christen every room of that apartment and he wants no part of it.
“I know,” he agrees, “But with the proximity to Yongsan park? I don’t know if I’ll ever leave this place.” The open fields just outside the doors of their apartment are the first solace he reaches for when the instrumentals in his brain just keep fighting each other, transforming into the screeching noise of the streets under his window. The trees don’t talk back but letting out his frustrations under the canopy of leaves feels like it helps anyway. “I guess I’ll have to try to pick up some extra freelance contracts to make up for having to pay the rent alone. I hate having to produce meaningless pop but it brings in decent cash when I’m in a tight spot,” he laments.
“Dude, I’m not heartless. I didn’t just decide to move out and leave you stranded. I have a friend from high school. I don’t see her often but she’s a good time and she’s looking to move out of her parents’ place now that she’s done with her degree. It’ll be easier to find work in the city. I’ve mentioned her. Y/N? I go out to dinner with her every couple months to make sure we keep in touch. She’s pretty shy and she’s quiet, you’ll barely notice she’s here.”
There’s a wave of relief that comes with knowing he won’t have to pinch pennies but it quickly turns frigid at the realization that he’ll have to live with a stranger. What if she was a morning person? What if she was a smoker and made the whole apartment fill with the lingering acrid smell? What if she killed his plants?
“I can see your brain working overtime. Breathe, I wouldn’t offer the place to someone I know doesn’t fit your vibe,” Yoongi reassures. I guess there’s not much else to do but wait and see how compatible your living situations are.
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Thankfully their own music equipment had been bought separately because they’ve been bickering all day when Yoongi tries to put something in a box from their shared spaces only to have Namjoon object.
“What are you going to do with a wok, Joon? YOU DON’T COOK!”
“Jin has a plethora of different ones in his kitchen and we both know it! Maybe your friend likes to cook, huh? Maybe she’ll want the wok to make meals.”
“Make you meals, you mean?” Okay so maybe he was hoping the new roommate situation came with food because losing both Yoongi and Jin’s cooking overnight was going to hit him hard. He’ll wither away into a string bean at this rate seeing as he’s not allowed near the knives nor the stove.
Yoongi must take pity in the pleading look in his eyes because he puts down the wok with a sigh and passes to the next cupboard. Namjoon is distracted by Jin’s entrance, always loud and boisterous.
“Hey! How is packing going? I just parked the moving van downstairs but I don’t know how long I’m allowed to be there.”
“It’s fine,” Yoongi shouts from across the apartment. “I’d be done already if Joon didn’t try to steal all my shit and force me to leave them here.” He’s zooming past him, bony shoulder purposefully digging into Joon’s bicep.
“I’m monitoring the fair share of roommate assets,” he huffs. “Jin’s apartment has more shit in it than he already needs. You’re leaving me alone with only memories that you once cared for me. The least you could do is not leave with half of what’s in this measly dwelling when your sugar daddy’s got you up in a penthouse.”
They both know the jabs are jokes. Jin has more money than anyone needs, but he’s also a hard worker and spent his youth learning how to take over the business from his father when the time comes. He’d swept Yoongi off his feet with expensive dinners and outrageous gifts when they were first dating, only knowing how to flaunt his money for attention before Yoongi set him straight and taught him that he’d have to put more thought into his courting if he expected him to stick around. Clearly, he did.
Reminiscing about his, nearly ex, roommate almost distracts him enough to miss Yoongi trying to sneak a thin square package into his last remaining box.
“You’re going to take that vinyl out of here over my dead body, Yoongi!” The apartment echoes the lament in surround sound.
They do eventually make it to the van parked downstairs after Yoongi finishes taping up his boxes with only a limited amount of protest from Namjoon.. The air is humid, clothes sticking to Namjoon’s skin as he chases after the wind from Yoongi’s open window like a dog on his first car ride. Jin’s apartment building is a stark opposite from their, his, own. Whereas the outside of his building is all grey concrete walls, Jin’s is all sleek glass of floor-to-ceiling windows causing the brightness of the sun to reflect off and into Namjoon’s eyes as he looks up to the top where his friend will now be living.
The air conditioning of the lobby hits full force, the trio letting out a pleasant hum which quickly turns into a deep groan when they see the elevator boasting an out of order sign. Two pairs of sharp eyes round on Jin, malice dripping from furrowed brows.
“I swear it was working when I left this morning. They must be using all the power to keep each unit’s AC going through the heat wave. The stairs are this way.” He points to a corner of the lobby, tight corridor leading to a single door.
“The stairs? You live in the penthouse, that’s FIFTEEN flights, babe.” Yoongi is quick to point out.
“Are you trusting enough to keep all your music equipment in the van for who knows how long this heat is going to last? I know you’re going to complain about all the moisture in the air messing with your delicate settings.” Namjoon knows he’s got him there. Yoongi would suffer through a natural disaster if it meant keeping his equipment safe and at peak performance.
“You’re right,” Yoongi sighs dejectedly, head thrown backwards. “But I won’t be any help bringing the gear up. You see these legs? They’ll snap like toothpicks if I try to bring them up. Guess Biceps and Shoulders need to do all the heavy lifting.” There’s an airy lilt to his voice when he figures he’s saved himself from the worst bit.
“Doubt they’ll stay that small seeing how many times you’ll be going up and down those stairs to bring up all the light boxes while we deal with the heavy stuff. You’ll have lungs of steel with all that cardio, buddy. I’m sure Jin will appreciate how long he can hold his dick in your throat without you needing to breathe after that.” Namjoon sends him a salacious wink.
Yoongi’s face, which had been a flushed shade of pink from the heat, drains immediately when he realizes the position he’s put himself in but Namjoon doesn’t let him change his mind. He just claps a hand on his shoulder and turns around to get to the van and pick up the first console they’ll need to bring up to Yoongi’s new designated studio space.
Namjoon regrets showing Friends to Jin after today. If he has to hear ‘PIVOT’ one more forsaken time he might choke that windshield wiper laugh right out his friend’s throat. His whole body is aching when he sets his ass down on Jin’s plush couch, finally tasting a bite of heaven after all those steps but it can’t be savored long.
“Get up.” Yoongi’s voice breaks through his needed rest. “The elevator mishap made us take way longer than planned and we’re already late to pick up Y/N.” If anyone sees him fighting back tears that’s none of their business.
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The drive out to the suburbs of Seoul is peaceful, the population seems to have holed up inside and away from the sun’s rays. They pull up to a nice two-story home. Namjoon can’t see much into the property since it’s surrounded by tall brick walls, but it’s unnecessary as he can see the silhouette of a young woman waiting outside the gate, piles of boxes at her feet.
They all pour out of the truck, Yoongi darts out first to meet her halfway where she throws herself in his arms. There’s a lot of squealing and Namjoon isn’t sure from who it’s coming out of in the mess of limbs. They separate and approach where he and Jin had waited by the vehicle.
“I’m Y/N, you must be Jin!” There’s a hand out ready to be shaken but it’s presented in front of the wrong man.
“Actually, Jin is this one,” Yoongi corrects, taking your wrist and moving it to the correct person.
“Oh my God, that’s embarrassing. I just figured it was the big one. I’ve heard about your muscle kink enough once you figured out you were into men that I just-- You know what? I’m going to shut up now. Hi, sorry about that. Nice to meet you.” There’s a nervous giggle in between words that’s instantly endearing.
Jin doesn’t seem offended, laughing alongside her. “No worries, he’s plenty satisfied without the beefiness of his teenage crushes.” He wiggles his eyebrows comically which has her chuckling and Yoongi whining.
“This is Namjoon, your new roommate. Joon, this is Y/N.” It’s his turn to shake hands, your fingers so thin and delicate around his much bigger grasp. He takes the time to really take you in, looking down at you; wide grin and smooth skin that spans from your neck down into your… Nope, face!
“You have a nice face.” For a lyricist he sure did have a way with words.
“Thank you?” Your eyes trail to the side where Yoongi stands, eyes deadpan and mouth shut tight.
“He grows on you, I swear. Get in the car, we’ll grab your boxes.” Yoongi says as he passes in front of you with an icy stare towards Namjoon. Okay, so he could have made a better first impression.
You don’t have many boxes which makes sense. The apartment is furnished and Yoongi had left his bedroom set for you since he wouldn’t need it at Jin’s. He remembers leaving his parent’s house with barely anything. It had taken a while for Yoongi and him to make the apartment seem like people actually lived in it. They’d spent far too long eating cup noodles while sitting on the floor in the corner of the kitchen.
Jin takes his place behind the wheel, Yoongi slipping in beside him in the passenger seat. The earlier ride in the backseat wasn’t so bad for Namjoon since he could sit crookedly to fit his long legs behind the couple’s seats in front of him but your presence beside him forces his knees to hit the back of Yoongi’s seat.
“Can you push your seat up a bit? Your little legs don’t need that much space,” Namjoon shoots ahead of him.
“And just for that comment your giant ass and long limbs can suck it up. Respect your elders, brat,” Yoongi snaps back. Maybe he deserved that one.
He sends you a sheepish look and an awkward smile as he spreads open his thighs lewdly. His knee hits yours despite you sticking your legs together demurely, hands politely sitting in your lap. The touch attracts your gaze and Namjoon can track your eyes as they drag up the bare skin of his quad, past the hem where the material of his shorts dig into his thighs, and settles just a little too long where both his legs meet. He can practically feel your stare burning a hole into his groin, a heat expanding through his body.
He doesn’t even realize when he lets out an uneasy cough and you’re quick to look away with a start when you hear it; clearly having been caught in your little perversion. The flush that builds on your cheeks is shameful enough that he doesn’t mention anything more, only locking away the memory of you blushing and embarrassed for later.
Namjoon is thankful that with four pairs of arms there won’t be a need to do multiple trips for your boxes. Jin sends you and Yoongi off with a box each but loads Namjoon’s arms with three; enough to block his view so he has to peek around them to see where he’s going. There might not be many boxes but the ones he’s been given are heavy enough to make his arms shake underneath their weight. He’s absolutely going to blame that on having had to haul all of Yoongi’s belongings during the day and definitely not on the fact he’s weak. He goes to the gym regularly!
“Thanks for helping! Just leave them by the door, I’ll take care of unloading everything,” you call from across the apartment. Yoongi must be giving you a tour of the place.
Namjoon kicks off his shoes and crashes head first into the couch, his big body halfway dropping off of it. All his muscles ache and he’s sticky with sweat. His lids close, reaching for some rest. His stomach rumbles, the memory of breakfast fading. There’s soft footsteps sneaking up on him. He’s trained himself enough to catch Yoongi coming. He’s broken enough things when his roommate suddenly appeared by his side and gave him a spook.
“Don’t think I’m an idiot, Joon. I could see the way you looked at her. I’m only going to say this once, don’t fuck my friend.” His voice is almost sinister as it whispers in his ear. Namjoon’s eyes quickly open wide. He wasn’t looking at you in any sort of way and he was about to defend himself, mouth open with a denial on his tongue. He doesn’t have the chance since you pop around the corner, seeing them both with their heads too close to each other, Yoongi’s glare facing Namjoon’s incredulous look.
“Everything good here?” you ask.
Yoongi’s expression shifts, gummy smile on full display but Namjoon still sees the daggers in his eyes. “Yep, I was just saying bye to Joon. Jin’s already back at the van and we need to get it back to the vendor. Text me if you need anything Y/N. And Joon? Remember what I said.” He and Jin take their leave, surely to start desecrating their new shared space.
“Okay? Is it just me or was he being weird?” You look back at Namjoon but there’s only a shrug of his shoulders as your reply. “Alright, well I’m going to start unpacking then.” You’re just about to turn tail when you can hear the growl coming from Namjoon again. “Ah, you must be hungry, you’ve been going around the city all day. Is there anything already in the kitchen?”
“No, we went through all of it when Yoongi and Jin decided to have a goodbye dinner this week. You get started on unpacking and I’ll run down to the store for some stuff. I think we’re both too tired to do much effort but I can grab ingredients for some decent ramen.” Namjoon slips his shoes back on and running out the door as soon as he finishes speaking.
Luckily, there’s a small family owned market just down the street from the apartment. Mrs. Park is going to be sad to hear that her ‘little dumpling’, as she called Yoongi, won’t be visiting her anymore. She’s mostly used to seeing Namjoon anyway. Yoongi may have been the one cooking but Joon was always the one sent off on errands for any ingredients that were missing midway through the meal preparation.
The bell chimes above him when he walks into the little shop. Mrs. Park doesn’t even look up from her newspaper, head staring firmly into her lap. There’s a low buzz emitting from the artificial lights mixing with the music that’s playing in the shop, something Namjoon doesn’t know, a beat that hasn’t been popular in half a century.
The aisles are familiar and he grabs the ingredients absentmindedly, throwing things in the handheld basket hooked onto the crook of his arm. Green onions from the produce section, a carton of eggs and a hunk of cheese from the dairy section, and spam from the canned goods area.
Mrs. Park finally lifts her eyes from whatever news story that had her attention and gives him a warm smile that reaches her eyes. He should give his grandma a call. A smooth wrinkled hand grabs his groceries one by one, slowly bringing them closer for inspection. Her frail finger punches into the keys of the register.
His eyes wander while his items disappear from the counter and into a bag beneath the surface. The sky has turned a slate grey from an overbearing cloud covering the sun, bringing the vibrance of outside down to a dull.
Against the window is a shelf filled with flowers. Namjoon has often seen people grabbing a bouquet as they wait for their total. He remembers a man with a tie midway undone, suit jacket flapping behind him as he rushed out frantically. A forgotten anniversary he suspected. Just last week, there was a small child tugging at his father’s sleeve, pointing at a particularly bright blossom and requesting to bring it home to his mother. The memory brings a small smile to his lips.
He doesn’t contemplate long before reaching for a lonely white rose in a near empty bucket. He remembers certain symbolism from the time he read The Language of Flowers. Purity, innocence, a new beginning, and reverence. He thinks he catches a mischievous glint in Mrs. Park’s eye as she hands him the bag of groceries in one hand while the rose remains in his other.
The universe allows him only long enough to step out of the shop before the skies open up with a loud clap and water erupts in a downpour. Shock overtakes him and he freezes on the spot as he lets the fat water droplets sink into the fabric of his clothes. The cold immediately seepsinto his skin and settles in his bones, eyes shut tight and mouth open.
The loud rumble of distant thunder urges him to start moving. The plastic of the bag is slippery in his grasp and there’s a stinging pain in his palm from where the rose’s thorns dig in. There’s an uncomfortable squeak from the leather of his sandals with every heavy step he takes. As he sprints the few blocks back to the apartment, the loud slap slap slap of his foot hitting the pavement.
The door of the apartment slams into the wall as Namjoon rushes to get inside, the doorknob undoubtedly leaving a mark from the force at which Namjoon has opened it to throw himself inside.
“Namjoon? Is everything okay?” you call from the living room. “I’m sorry for the mess, I’m trying to fit in my own books across your collection. I don’t want to mess up the system you’ve got going on.”
“Yeah, all good, just wasn’t paying attention,” he reassures.
Your head pops out from the hallway to take inventory of the situation yourself, not quite trusting the waver in his voice. “Oh god, it started raining? I was so in my bubble that I didn’t even notice. You’re soaked! Let me grab you a towel.” You’re off to the bathroom before he can even thank you, already back to exchange the flower still in his grasp for the towel you hand him.
“I hope it didn’t take a beating on my way back over here,” he says, worry tainting the edge of his voice.
“No, it’s perfect. Thank you. Do you know if you have any vases?”
“I’m sure Yoongi’s left some in the kitchen. Jin had a habit of getting him a new bouquet every month. Don’t tell Yoongi I said this but he’d blush every time despite all the grumbling he did about it. Happened every month for two years, like clockwork,” he teases.
“That sounds about right. Yoongi will never admit it but I know how much praise and appreciation means to him. I’m glad Jin gives him that. I’ll go find it.” You’re turning tail and heading into the kitchen in search of the vase.
He pats himself dry enough so that he’s no longer dripping on the floor before he follows you in. You’re in front of an open cabinet, head tilted back to look at the top shelf of it. Your hand is stretched to its capacity, boosted by the tip of your toes, one knee nearly hiking onto the countertop to give yourself enough reach.
He truly only means to help when he sneaks in behind you to grab at the vase. He doesn’t expect to catch you off guard, sending you backwards and off balance with a squeak. His grasp abandons its path towards the top shelf and instead redirects to land on your hips, pinning you against his chest.
You’re taken by surprise at the strong hands grabbing onto your side, a hard wall of muscle at your back, heat radiating from his skin, his wet clothes dampening yours.
“Are you okay?” he asks, breath just a little too close to your ear.
There’s a hitch in your voice when you reply hastily, “Mhm! All good. I’ll let you get that actually. I’m going to change. My clothes are gross from today. You should too, you’re going to catch a chill if you stay in those wet clothes. Your shirt’s so soaked I can see right through it. Not that I was looking! I’ll just- right.”
You’re running off before he can articulate a thought, the door of your room slamming shut behind you. He’s nearly certain he can hear an embarrassed groan through the wall despite that. He does get the vase down and fills it with water, dropping the rose into it before he slips into his room as well.
The rain will be good for the heat in the long run but as it stands it just permeates the apartment with heavy humidity. He grabs a pair of comfortable shorts and a tank top to change into. He passes next to your room on his way to the bathroom. He takes the time to stop and knock at your door.
“Y/N? Do you need to use the bathroom? I’m going to jump in the shower really quick.”
“Go ahead! I’ll take one after dinner.”
His clumsy fingers struggle with the lock behind him, clothes falling onto the floor. The bluetooth speaker that has a permanent residence in the bathroom is turned on, a playlist going at random. He makes sure to adjust the temperature of the water, slightly colder than he usually would. It’s absolutely to combat the heat and definitely not the memory of your body pressed against his in the kitchen; soft under his hands and plump against where his crotch pushed in under the curve of your ass.
Oh god, focus on something else. Listen to the music. The beat is uplifting and he finds himself singing along to the lyrics. A popular song from a girl group member. He recalls Yoongi mentioning he’s worked on something similar.
He lets the tepid water run down his body, hands quick and rough where he scrubs the soap into his skin, not letting them stay in one spot too long to melt into the feeling. Yep, he definitely needs to have it colder. It’s near shivering levels of frigid when he ducks his head under the stream to rinse the shampoo out of his hair.
He’s nearly forgotten about the shape of your body against him, mind preoccupied with the soprano of the singer in his ears. Pop pop, pop, you want it. His body responds as if with muscle memory from seeing this song trend with its choreo everywhere online. His hands take turns pointing at an open hand and back again, fists then popping as if miming fireworks going down a zig zag pattern.
The haunting thoughts of the kitchen eventually disperse enough for him to exit the stream of water and change into the clean, dry clothes. You’re already in the kitchen humming to yourself once he leaves the room followed by a puff of steam.
“Do you need me to help with anything?” he proposes.
“Yeah, that’d be great. Can you slice up the spam and drop the eggs into the water? There’s a pot already boiling.” Put eggs in water and cut up some meat. Sure, he can do that.
The eggs may have cracked a little when he quite literally dropped them into the pot but that’s fine. A little hard boiled never hurt anyone. He swears he’s extra careful when you hand him a knife and let him stand in front of the cutting board. Just going to very daintily hold down the spam and slowly bring the knife down-
“You’re holding it upside down. Sharp edge towards the bottom and make sure you curl your knuckles in so you don’t nick yourself.” Right, of course, he knew the knife was upside down. Just making sure you did, hah.
He manages to make some slightly uneven slices until about halfway through the block but eventually there’s just not enough space for his big sausage fingers to hold on and the knife just slips…right into his palm.
“Ah, shit!” He jumps back, letting the knife clatter to the floor. His uninjured hand keeps the pressure onto the wound as small river of red runs between his fingers. He’s taken by surprise and lets himself be manhandled to the sink before his wounded hand is pushed under the cold, running water.
“I should have figured why Yoongi was so ominously telling me where the first aid kit was in the kitchen. And why he asked how often I cooked at home.” There’s shuffling behind him and a small hand sneaking its way between his body and the sink.
“Take it out, I’ll pat it dry and put a bandage on.” He’s careful to keep his hand stable as your delicate fingers patch him up. A soft pressure with a gauze and a more instant one for the wrap that goes around his palm.
“My friend JK is going to think I took up boxing and ask me to go to the gym with him if he sees this.” He tries to laugh it off, bringing humor into his near amputation.
“I don’t think you need any incentive to go to the gym.” Your eyes are trailing up his arm, stopping at his bicep and following all the way to the middle of his chest. The flex he pushes is completely accidental and was absolutely not to show off the progress he’s been building.
“I take care of myself, I guess.”
“Right.” There’s a small laugh in your voice. “Go take care of yourself, away from the kitchen. I’ll handle the rest.”
He lets himself be shooed out of the hot space, out into the living room where he sees your earlier comment about a mess. There’s books all over the floor in little towers looking for a home on his already overly compacted bookshelf. He picks a few of his bigger tomes to rehouse to his room which allows space for yours to make themselves at home.
He doesn’t notice how long he’s been calculating which books need to be relocated until he hears the clatter of bowls hitting the coffee table behind him.
“I figured we could eat in here today, more casual and all. Thank you for helping me make sense of where to put my stuff. I didn’t want to impose.”
“This is your home too now, you deserve to have space for your things. Yoongi wasn’t much of a reader. Thank you for dinner. I’m afraid you’re going to be in charge of feeding me a lot. I can always just order in but Yoongi was always on my ass for spending money on takeout.” He has the humility to look ashamed at his incapacity to nurture himself.
“No worries, it was kind of implied when he told me to take his spot. I like cooking, so I don’t mind, really. Tell me more about yourself though, I only know what Yoongi’s told me which is pretty much only that you produce music like he does. You’ve got an eye for art from what I can see of the prints on the walls.”
“Ah, actually those are all mine,” he blushes and points to a camera that takes a place on one of the higher shelves. “I like biking around and I figured it was a shame to see all the pretty landscapes without getting to commemorate them properly so I got into photography. I’m not a professional or anything but I enjoy it. I’m actually going to Comic Con this weekend with a group of my friends. They’re cosplaying and they wanted someone around to take pictures of them in costume. JK's actually got a pretty great Spiderman thing going on and it works for him with all the, you know, muscles and spandex.” He’s gesturing a little wildly over his body, as if you’re familiar with Jungkook’s physique.
“I don’t but I can imagine.” Your eyes are following where his hands had gestured over him, gaze roaming over the muscles he’s boasting himself. “You don’t happen to have any spandex hiding in your closet yourself?”
“Nothing like him, riding shorts for when I take particularly long bike rides. I don’t tend to favor it, they really ride up.” His sentence ends in an uncomfortable chuckle and he avoids your view, completely missing how your eyes have started to glaze over.
The small talk fades after that, replaced with the sound of chopsticks hitting the edge of bowls and the occasional slurps. You hold your chopsticks loosely between bites, your phone in your spare hand just mindlessly scrolling.
There’s a familiar tune coming softly from your direction, a low hum of a melody that triggers Namjoon’s receptors. He can place it pretty quickly, pop pop pop uh uh.
His hands take on a mind of their own. He doesn’t stop chewing as his fists go through the movement. Open palm, point, switch, zigzag.
He wouldn’t have even not realized what he was doing if a little giggle hadn’t interrupted the flow of the song. He freezes, eyes widening. It’s a slow pan of his eyes to look into his peripheral, as if not moving his head would somehow render him invisible and able to melt away from the embarrassing situation he’s caught himself in.
You’re doing your best to hold it in, lips nearly completely sucked into your mouth, teeth forcing them closed. He appreciates the effort but he can admit the jig is up. He picks his chopsticks back up with a little cough, gathering his bearings.
“It’s a catchy song,” he defends.
“Oh absolutely, it gets stuck in your head so easily. Even when hearing it off key and through the rush of running water,” you tease.
He pretends to be offended by that. “I’m a producer! I’ll have you know I have great pitch.”
“Of course, someone should tell Nayeon that she’s in the wrong key then. How embarrassing for her to be performing it that way.”
You both dissolve into laughter after that. The silence that follows feels a lot lighter than it previously had been and he breathes a little easier.
“Leave your dishes in the sink, I’ll take care of it in exchange for the cooking labour. I rarely break things anymore. Even if Yoongi won’t let me forget about his favorite mug. I still insist that the shape wasn’t ergonomic and that’s why it slipped out of my hand. He was so mad he refused to drink any coffee that day and knowing Yoongi you know how that was more a punishment for me than it was for himself,” he shares the memory of how grumpy Yoongi had been that day. They must have restarted the same beat half a dozen times. Suffice to say it wasn’t a very productive day and Namjoon owed him a new mug of his choosing.
Your first night together was fruitful. You’ve managed to unpack and meld your belongings with his, have dinner - where he didn’t kill himself in the kitchen - and bond over some banter. You’ve practically ingrained yourself in his life already and Namjoon isn’t sure if that’s good or a little terrifying. He’s not the type to usually feel comfortable with a stranger so quickly. He’s glad Yoongi had you take his place, he doubts it would have been this pleasurable if he had had to place an ad online.
There’s a ghost of a smile stuck on his face when he closes the door to his bedroom. Being alone in his room brings forth the thoughts he’d pushed aside back to the forefront. His computer monitor lights up the space, calling him back. The mixing board on his desk blares a signal he can’t ignore. He has a project to finish and the deadline is knocking at his door incessantly. He sits in his chair with a sigh and slips his headphones over his ears, blocking out the loud patter of raindrops on his window.
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He awakes with a start. His back is sore and his skin is damp with sweat. He’s too old to be falling asleep on his desk like this, he’s going to feel it in the morning. The room is pitch black around him. A quick jiggle of the mouse tells him the computer is dead and there’s a hint of panic at the thought of having lost his work. Rationale takes over to remind him that it automatically gets stored on the cloud at consistent intervals. They’ve learned their lesson too many times before implementing that.
There’s an odd irritation at the back of his mind and he realizes the thrum of the AC is missing. Ah, no power. The storm must have knocked it out. His muscles scream from the stretch and there’s more than a few uncomfortable cracks when he gets up and extends his arms above his head. He slips out of his clothes in hopes that more skin in contact with any air might help him cool down. Besides, he always sleeps in his boxers anyway. The air has dried up his throat and he can feel his body begging for water. He grabs the latest water bottle to litter his desk, tips it all the way upside down but not a drop comes.
He hopes he can traverse the apartment to the kitchen silently. Between his heavy footsteps and the stubborn squeaky floorboard outside his bedroom he’s worried about waking you. He sends a silent prayer into the universe that you’re a deep sleeper.
He does hit the floorboard, sending a creek into the night and he freezes for a second but no angry outbursts come from your room to scold him. He’s slowly taking a step in front of the other, carefully moving his weight from one foot to the next, the little smack of his sole hitting the wooden floor melding into the sounds of the rain still pouring outside.
The pressure from the faucet sends the water stream beating onto the metal of the sink and he hopes the curse he lets out fades into the night. He downs two whole glasses before he feels sated and prepares for the slow trek back to his room.
He’s just outside your door when the apartment flashes as lightning touches down in the distance. Namjoon stops moving as the roll of thunder comes quickly behind, nearly covering the strangled gasp from the other side of the door.
“Y/N? Are you okay in there?" The door to Yoongi’s room always had trouble latching since Namjoon drunkenly threw himself into the frame thinking he was heading into his own bed one night.
There’s a small crack where he can press his ear to. He holds his breath, straining to hear above the rattle of the heavy rain against the windows. For a second he believes he must’ve imagined it, or perhaps you’d shifted in your sleep.
He has one foot in the air, prepared to shuffle back to his own room when he hears it again. A choked sob hidden between the pitter patter of drops slamming against the glass.
He’s more insistent this time when he calls your name and pairs it with a soft knock against the wood of your door.
The noise seems to give you a spook because he swears you let out a high pitched ‘EEK’ in your surprise. There’s no additional verbal answer so he takes his chances on turning the knob and poking his head inside.
“Y/N? It’s okay, it’s just me. It’s Namjoon,” he reassures.
He can’t see a thing, the room is pure darkness. The streetlights outside have gone down with the rest of the power grid so he can’t tell if you’re hurt or might need help.
“Joonie?” There’s a soft voice coming from where he knows the bed is, muffled and timid.
“Yeah, can I come in?” he asks.
“Yeah,” comes an answer, meek and nearly whispered.
He hadn’t come into this room since you unpacked so he’s careful to take small, careful steps towards the bed, nearly bent in half with his arms out to feel for any furniture you might have moved into the path. He taps the bed tentatively when he finally reaches it, feeling long limbs under his palm.
He shyly takes his hands off you and makes his way towards the headboard, knees hitting the edge of the mattress as guidance. He reaches out again, expecting to find you but he only feels more blanket covered lumps.
“Are you hiding under the blanket?”
No words come but the hard shape under his palm moves in a nodding motion. He sinks down, kneeling onto the floor a little harder than he expected. Difficult to judge distance in the darkness.
“Can I pull the comforter down? Can you tell me what’s wrong?”
The fabric moves under his touch until the feeling of goose down turns into silky hair. He moves his fingers down, grazing your ears until they reach your cheeks, damp and hot against his skin.
“Are you crying? What’s going on? Is moving away from home for the first time getting to you?” It definitely had for him at first. He’d go back to his parents’ house every night to have his mother’s cooking for dinner and only started spending the evenings at the apartment after his younger sister had mocked him about not being able to stay too far from his mother’s comfort.
You let out a shamed whine below him. “No…” He stays silent, waiting to see if you’ll share more. “The thunder woke me up and then I tried to turn on the light but it wouldn’t work. And-”
Lightning interrupts you and as the room flashes in sudden light Namjoon sees your face for an instant. Your eyes are wide, laced with red from the tears but one thing he can tell for sure is that in that second- you’re absolutely terrified.
Your breath gets shaky and there’s a twitch in your hands where he can tell you struggle not to throw the blanket back over your head to escape.
“Shhh, it’s okay. You’re afraid of the storm, I get it.” His grip on you tightens when he feels you tremble as the thunder rolls behind.
“You can say it. It’s stupid to be scared of storms. I’m just a big weenie.”
“I’d never call you a weenie, Y/N. You know, my friend JK is afraid of microwaves. Runs out of the kitchen and hides across his apartment every time he needs to heat something up. He’s convinced they’re going to blow up and take him with them in the blast.”
You snort, which is followed by a loud slap of skin on skin that he can only assume is you covering your mouth in response to the noise that just escaped. He’s huffing out his own chuckle in response. Adorable.
“Okay, so what are you afraid of then Mr. Tough Guy?” You’re more combative now. He’ll take that over the fearful demeanor you had a minute ago.
“Me? Hmm, I don’t think there’s anything too unusual. I’m not super fond of spiders, I suppose?”
“Spiders? But Yoongi told me you’re obsessed with crabs. They’re basically water spiders. They walk similarly and they’ve even got more legs!” Oh, you’re heated now but you’ve hit him where it hurts.
“How dare you!” The offended gasp he lets out overtakes the drone of rain coming from outside. “Crabs are cute little friends. I have half a mind to walk out and leave you alone in this storm after that.” He fakes getting up but a small hand digs into the flesh of his bicep.
“Don’t! Please. I’m sorry, crabs are adorable, you’re right. I was just kidding. Don’t leave.” He can hear the fear engulfing your voice in your plea.
“No, no, it’s okay. I was just joking. I’ll stay as long as you need.” He didn’t mean to trigger your panic again, especially since he had just gotten you to calm down a bit.
“You might be here a while then, it doesn’t seem to want to let up anytime soon.”
“No worries. Let me just get off my knees. I won’t be able to walk tomorrow if I spend all night bent like this.” He makes to switch to sitting on the floor but you stop him.
“Do you… uhm, want to lay on the bed? There’s more than enough room for two. I’m not like Rose, that bitch.”
“Are you sure? I can sit here, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” You’d known each other barely 12 hours. He didn’t want to appear pushy in your vulnerable state. He’s enough of a gentleman to know to make space for the women in his life to ease themselves into his presence in a manner where they feel safe.
“Don’t worry. Yoongi told me enough about you for me to know you’re the least scary man on this planet. Only way you’d hurt me is if you fell on top of me, which I’ve been warned may happen more than I expect so be careful climbing in.” He feels you scooch over to the other side of the bed, leaving a wide open space for him to settle into.
There’s still some hesitation that weighs heavily in his limbs but when he sees how your body jumps when another bolt touches down and illuminates the room his resistance melts away. His movements are slow as he eases himself onto the mattress.
“Do you have enough space?” you ask.
If he’s being honest he’s certain half his body is teetering off the edge but he’s more concerned about overcrowding you. “I’m fine, don’t worry. You should try to sleep, you had a long day.”
You’re answering with a half hearted mumble and the room is overtaken with the battering of rain on the windows. Namjoon stays alert, hoping to feel your breathing even out to indicate that sleep has claimed you but it never comes.
“Are you still awake?” Your voice is barely a whisper and if he wasn’t specifically keeping an ear out, he would’ve missed it completely.
He turns onto his side, body now settled fully onto the bed with no risk of suddenly tumbling out with a wrong move. “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Can we just talk for a bit? I think that’ll help me calm down.”
“Of course, as long as you don’t insult my little crustacean friends again.”
“Were you one of those kids that would do that shark chant? ‘Fish are friends, not food.’”
“Nah, Pixar and Bruce are wrong for that. Fish are food, crabs are friends.”
“You’ll have to give me a history lesson as to why kiddie Joonie came to that conclusion if Nemo wasn’t the inspiration.” There it is again, Joonie. Namjoon huffs out a little chuckle at hearing it, letting the nickname slip under it.
“Oh,” you gasp. “I’m so sorry, I should have asked before calling you that. Do you not like it? I’ll stick to your name. Or should I be using honorifics, oppa?”
Oh, he’ll have to unpack how his stomach flips with that last part but now isn’t the time for sudden self discoveries.
“No, no! Don’t worry, it’s cute. I just wasn’t expecting it. My friends usually stick to just Joon but you can get special roomie privileges.”
“I fear you’ll one day regret that. I’m going to be so annoying from now on.” He can hear how your words are blanketed in a mischievous teasing, and he believes you but won’t admit defeat that easily.
“You’ll have to give Tae a run for his money. If he pairs up with Jimin then they’re insufferable. Hobi is a saint for having them both under the same roof with him. You don’t know the guys yet but you’ll figure it out soon enough.”
It’s easy to imagine you already melding into his little group of misfits. He thinks back to dinner when you’d teased him about listening to that ‘girly’ song, and he knows he’ll soon be babysitting four wiley dongsaengs instead of three. Sometimes five when Jungkook manages to set Seokjin off. He doesn’t realize the smile that sets itself on his lips and it’s too dark for you to comment on it.
The bed shifts and your voice is suddenly closer, indicating you’d mirrored his movements and were now facing him.
“You talk about them a lot, your friends. Yoongi does too. You must all be really close.”
“We are, like brothers honestly. I have a younger sister but meeting Yoongi was the first time I felt like I had a hyung. He’s not much for declarations of affection but I love that dude.”
“He knows. You guys are all he talks about besides his music. He loves you, too. I can tell.” Namjoon never doubted that but it’s always nice to hear.
“What about you? Do you have any siblings?” It should be an innocent question but the silence that follows feels heavy and loaded.
“I did. My little brother. He was five. He spiked a bad fever one night and had to be rushed to the hospital. My father packed him up in the middle of the night while I slept. My mother woke me up at 4 am in hysterics. We drove to the emergency room and I watched my parents fall to the floor from across the room as the doctor told them he didn’t make it. I couldn’t hear what they said from that far away but it was obvious. I’m haunted by the sounds of the storm that was raging outside as the windows shaked around me. Acute bacterial meningitis.”
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m-”
“Don’t,” you interrupt. “Don’t say you’re sorry. You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that. It doesn’t bring him back, nothing will. I’m just left with distant memories of what his laugh sounded like, and this stupid fear of storms that just reminds me of the day my family broke apart.” Your words are being spit vehemently, your throat clearly closing up as it tries to choke back sobs.
Namjoon’s arms reach out to scoop you into his chest where you lose it in earnest. You hide into the crook of his neck as he can feel your resolve break. Tears hit his skin but he says nothing. There is nothing to say, he knows. You need something to hold onto as you let the emotions run their course and that’s something he can be for you.
It’s not too long before you catch your breath, great big gasps helping your body to settle back into rhythm.
“God, I’m so sorry. Having a breakdown because of some rain, trauma dumping, having a full breakdown. I must be making a great first impression as a new roommate.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad you’re able to let it out. Bottling all that up would cause more damage.”
“Who knew I was shacking up with a therapist. It’s the same thing my counselor told me.” You’re back to teasing and Namjoon lets out the tension in his muscles that he didn’t realize he was holding. Your giggles fade off into a comfortable silence. The rain is still loud against the glass but the trembling that shook yo uhas subsided.
“‘Joonie? Can you hold me until I fall asleep?” Your voice is shy, the request bold for someone you barely know but he agrees without apprehension.
He expects you to burrow back into his chest as you’re already nestled in from your impromptu need for comfort but you surprise him by turning around and slotting yourself against him, back pushing into his front.
“Need to sleep on my left side. You don’t mind, do you?” After your revelation, he’d give you the moon if you asked, some spooning was an easy favor to fulfill.
He simply hums in agreement not entirely trusting himself not to put his foot in his mouth at that moment. He allows you to push back until you’re comfortable and slings his arm over your waist, letting his hand hang limp over your abdomen, careful not to push any unspoken boundaries.
You take it upon yourself to scoop his arm up and hold it close to you. Namjoon closes his fingers into a fist to avoid any accidental groping since his hand now rests on your chest, just above your breasts. He can feel the curve of them against his wrist, the mounds pressing into his forearm.
No! He needs to send his mind elsewhere. He tries to focus on the patter of the drops on the window. Pit pat. Would a roll of thunder fit into any of the songs he’s currently working on? What about the clap where the beat could drop? Anything to distract him from how warm you are beside him. The humidity of the storm only aggravates the heat that seeps through his skin, making it clammy and nearly wet. You, wet against him… NO! The heat is pooling at his crotch, the pressure rising when his blood is sent southward to fill a chub in his boxers. No, stop!
He’s trying desperately to inch his pelvis away from where your ass was resting against him. The universe is truly out for his demise because another round of lightning and thunder sends you jumping, forcefully seeking the hardness of his body against you. The grip on his arm turns vicious, your nails digging into his skin and your rear flies backwards in search of a seat and finds an unexpected obstacle.
Namjoon isn’t sure which sound rings louder. The gasp you let out at your discovery or his moan as his hips involuntarily thrust up against your ass. He doesn’t dare even breathe. What were you thinking? That your new roommate was a giant pervert? That he was taking advantage of the situation when all you asked for was some comfort in a time of need? Would you tell Yoongi? His hyung might be smaller than him but he has no doubt the older man could and would beat his ass into next week for this.
He seems to be the only one spiraling into a panic because instead of screaming and shoving him out of bed you only push back again. Your movements are tentative, slowly adding pressure and grinding your ass in circles against him as if trying to memorize the shape of him against your cheeks.
He slips his arm out of your grasp to bring his hand against your hip, pushing it down to pin you into the mattress and stop the maddening teasing.
“Y/N...” His voice comes out rough in between his teeth, a clear warning.
“Are you-?” You don’t need to finish your sentence with words, opting instead to push against his hold and roll your hips backwards again to feel the length behind you.
“I definitely am now since you can’t lie still. I’m trying to comfort you right now, so I am asking very politely to please have some mercy on me and go to sleep.”
For a second, Namjoon thinks he may have been too harsh.You’re quiet against him and he hopes he hasn’t triggered another round of distress with his tone.
The worries ebb when he feels your hand sneak behind to cup where his dick pushing against the fabric of his underwear. His eyes close when the pressure against the head sends little jolts of electricity flying through his body, a loud moan accompanying them.
“What if this is the comfort I need right now? Will you give it to me?” There’s a confidence in your voice now that had been missing when the sun went down. Namjoon is glad to hear it even if it beckons his doom.
He tries his best not to move, simply letting you tease along his length, your fingers wrapped around his cock through the thin fabric barrier. The drag is dry and nearly painful but he still twitches and wets a patch when your hand comes to squeeze at the head at every stroke.
You seem to take the lack of fighting back on his part as encouragement, and you push at the waistband to finally get under his boxers and meet the feverish skin hiding under them. He helps you reach your goal by shimmying the fabric down and under his balls, freeing his cock to let you handle it as you wish.
Your hand disappears for a second only to come back wet with spit and making the first tug of skin on skin both tortuous and heavenly. He can’t help but meet your fist with a thrust, precum dripping into your hand and easing the next strokes.
You’re showing your impatience when you grab his hand from your hip to aim it towards the waistband of your own underwear. You let him figure out the rest and go back to focus on jerking him off, a little harder this time as your hips roll against thin air.
He doesn’t keep you waiting too long, slipping his hand into your panties, realizing you’ve also opted out of sleeping with bottoms. His fingers plunge low and he’s surprised at how wet you are.
“All this just from rubbing against my dick a little bit?”
“No, I’ve been wet since you pulled me into your arms. Stupid thick biceps and big tits. Figured you’d notice it wasn’t just my eyes that were leaking.” Your words come staccato while your hips desperately try to chase his fingers.
He gives you what you seek and dips his middle finger into your heat. Your muscles contract around him, hot and so wet.
“Fuck, more,” you beg. You’re doing your best to clench around him but there’s not enough to bring relief.
“Impatient.” He wants this to last. He’s barely just gotten his hands on you after all the tension of the day finally snapping. He wants to savor it but you seem to have other plans.
“Namjoon, if you don’t start fingering me properly I’ll kick you out of this bed and do it myself.”
In any other situation he’d probably call that bluff, but he doesn’t want to risk you going through with it. He adds a second finger to your core and gets to work on a punishing rhythm. He uses the angle to his advantage and digs the heel of his palm against your clit to grind onto it with every thrust of his hand.
Your threats devolve into mewls. You’re trying to keep up your own pace against his dick but your grasp is loosening and losing rhythm. Hedoesn’t care. It allows him to focus on making you lose your mind, but you don’t seem to agree with the imbalance because you’re tugging him closer to you, tip bumping into the cotton of your panties. The need overtakes you and you’re ripping his fingers out of your pussy, letting it clench around nothing and mourning the loss. Your legs clamp shut to allow you to reach around and pull the fabric away from your entrance. You push back against his cock, trying to guide him through the darkness.
“In. Want you inside.” Your words aren’t quite begging but Namjoon can hear the plea clearlyin your voice.
“Fuck, Y/N. I should stretch you out more. I don’t think you should take it like this.” He knows he’s above average and he’s unsure that between the darkness and your horny haze you've realized quite what you’re up against in the short span of the mutual masturbation session that’s happened.
“I felt it. I know you’ve got a big dick. I don’t care. Fuck. Me.”
He hesitates to argue with you. He doesn’t want to hurt you but he can feel the warm wet heat enticing the head of his cock and it’s hard to ignore the call. He loses his battle and sinks himself into you. He brings his hand back to your hip and holds himself still as you shake through acclimating to his size.
“Oh god, fuck.” He can feel your pussy tightening around him, the pulses of your walls essentially jerking him off and it’s taking all his resistance not to start rocking his hips up to meet your ass.
“I-” He’s cut off as soon as he tries to start.
“You better not say ‘I told you so’ while you’re inside me or else you’ll never be again.” The possibility of this happening again shut him up pretty quickly.
He opts to try and ease you into the feeling, lets his hand trace along your skin, up to your torso. He peppers kisses down your neck and onto your shoulder. His hand seeks out a breast under your shirt and gently takes it into his palm, massaging the flesh as his fingers tweak at the nipple.
He tries to imagine what it must look like pebbled between his thumb and index; the color of them in contrast to your skin. He’s overwhelmed with the urge to slip it between his teeth and test how hard he could nibble at it before you broke, but the current position makes it impossible and he doesn’t dare switch it now.
Your breathing becomes heavier at every pinch and twist. He can feel your chest heaving under his hand and you’re melting against him. The chokehold your pussy has on his cock also lets up a little, allowing you to rock back and forth seeking more friction.
“I’m ready.” Your voice calls him back. “You can move. Fuck me.” He starts slow and careful, long languid strokes out until only the head stays inside you, and back in with a smooth confident thrust; letting as much of his length fit as he can from this angle.
He lets his hand wander once he feels you matching his strokes, backing up to meet him at each push in. Your skin is damp under his palm and the sticky feeling would usually bother him, but he’s too enthralled by the little noises that you make with each movement.
Your hand chases after his, following where he cups at your breast, pinches at your nipple, and he notes the hitch in your breath when his large palm settles loosely at the base of your throat. He’ll have to file that one away for another day.
You eventually seem to grow frustrated with his teasing touches because you drag his hand back south and into your underwear. He spreads his fingers around where the two of you are joined. He can feel your arousal coat his cock and your pussy stretch around him, sucking him in at every stroke.
He brings his fingers up to finally give your neglected clit the attention it’s been craving. You can feel how it’s throbbing with desire. You don’t bother trying to suppress the moan that comes out in nearly a scream when Namjoon presses against your bundle of nerves with skillful pressure and maddening circles.
It’s still slow. Everything is infuriatingly slow but you can’t find your voice through the groans and gasps to ask for more, so you let him set his torturous pace and drown in the electricity coursing through your body.
You take up the mantle that he’d been forced to leave behind. You feel too good to ask to change positions but you mourn the lack of his other hand which is forced under him, unable to wreck the same havoc on your body as its twin. Your right hand travels to your torso, attempting to mimic his earlier teasing while your left holds onto his wrist between your legs to keep yourself grounded.
You melt into his touch, head lolling into the pillow. Namjoon takes advantage of your neck opening up. He finally gets to use his right arm to push his upper body enough to dip his head down where your shoulder meets your neck to attach his lips to your skin. The added feeling of his teeth biting down, paired with a hard suck and lick of his tongue sends you reeling. You push back harder, urging him to thrust in rougher, as deep as the position allows.
“So big, Joonie. Can feel you so deep.” You’re pushing his buttons and it works. You’re riling him up and he lets it happen. You sacrifice the feeling of his fingers on your clit to bring them up just above your pubic bone and push down hard making the head of his dick hit against the front of your walls. You know he can feel it push against his hand every time he hits home.
You know when he registered what’s happening because he’s pistoning into you with renewed vigor, each thrust stronger than the one before. The new pressure from his hand makes everything feel euphoric.
“Shit, Y/N. So fucking tight around me. You feel so good, sweetheart.” The praise falls from his lips without thought and the endearment slips through with ease but there’s no time to focus on it. You’re clenching around him, being brought to the edge.
Your hand replaces where his had been, fingers wild and frantic on your clit, pushing you towards your orgasm. It doesn’t take long to hit and your body goes rigid in his arms. Your muscles scream as they twitch and the wave radiates out from your core and washes over you to the tips of your limbs.
The shaking in your body subsides but the throes of pleasure still buzz under your skin from where Namjoon hasn’t slowed. He continues to push and pull his way into your body, keeping the tension alive.
“You sound so fucking hot when you cum. Feel so perfect around my cock.” No words come in reply to his, only mindless moans answer the praise. You want to tell him how good he feels inside you too, how you still need him so desperately.
“More!” You manage to gulp through the overwhelming feeling surrounding you. “Want to feel you deeper.”
His hips stutter in response, your words hit him in the pit of his stomach. He wants to give you more, whatever you want but he can’t go any further from this angle.
“Gonna have to move us around for that, okay?” His voice is muffled from where his mouth is still dug into the crook of your neck, breath heavy near your ear.
You’re nodding without giving it much thought. Whatever he wants, he can do anything he wants. You’d agree to anything if it meant getting more of the addictive feeling coursing through your veins.
His cock slips out of you and you barely have the time to whine at the loss that a yelp escapes you instead as you’re hauled up and around to land firmly on his lap, underwear being ripped away in the switch, Namjoon now spread beneath you. Your hands fly forward to balance yourself, knees planted on either side of his hips.
“Holy hell, I was kidding earlier with the tits comment but…” You let your hands finish the implication as they grab at the flesh of his chest, nails digging into his skin. “Can you flex for a second?”
His muscles tense under your touch and you can’t help the groan that slips out in response. His chest is rock hard now and you feel your body rise with the strength imbued in it. You let your hands drift downwards, nails dragging behind. You wonder if the marks will still be there tomorrow for you to see the damage you're leaving in the light of day.
You can feel each bump on his abdomen where the muscles bulge out and dip back in. You’re surprised to feel the smooth velvet tip of his cock hit your hand so quickly. You’re barely halfway down his abs and the realization of how big Namjoon actually is sinks in.
The previous position wouldn’t have had him remotely close to fully sheathed inside you. The anticipation of really feeling his entire length has you grinding down and sliding along him, trapping him between his stomach and your sopping folds.
He bucks up to meet the pressure, hands holding firm on your waist, following the pace you’ve set. He lets you roll on him, his sensitive head catching on your clit and every loop which elicits moans from both of you.
He’s sure he could cum from this alone, but he’s aching to feel you sink down on him entirely. There’s a desperate plea on the tip of his tongue, an encouragement for you to lead him back inside but he keeps quiet. He wants you to make the decision and go at the pace you need. Despite the shift in situation, Namjoon still feels the vulnerability you’re under.
His hand drifts up, letting fire spread along your skin. The electricity in the air isn’t only from the storm anymore. He’s gentle as he cups your breast, content when he can feel your chest arching forward to chase after the pressure of his touch. Your nipple pebbles despite the hot and humid air.
“Perfect,” he murmurs under his breath. He’s sure it’s low enough to stay a private confession but the low moans mixed with your thighs tightening against his hips reveal otherwise.
The praise urges you on, reigniting your movements. Namjoon almost fears you’re moving away, off from your seat on top of him. His hands are quick to reach back for yours; a silent imploration to stay but they’re unnecessary. The pressure on his chest where you anchor yourself grounds him. There’s a shake where your balance falters so you can reach beneath you and grab at his cock, holding it straight towards your core.
The darkness hadn’t bothered Namjoon until this moment. He’ll rue this day for his entire life for stealing the vision of your expression as you slowly sink down on his entire length for the first time. The whimpers that escape, as you take each inch further, are only teases compared to the satisfied groan that comes once you’re fully settled back in his lap. The entire situation is torture. The heat of the stifling summer night is nothing compared to the scorching embrace of your walls around him. There’s aftershocks of your muscles spazzing around him that pair with more moans while you acclimate to the feeling of him inside you.
Namjoon’s mouth is dry and his brain is empty. There’s a strong instinct to move, a twitch in his arms to use his strength to lift you up enough to have you slam back down but he resists.
He can hear your breathing even out, big gulps of air diminishing to a more normal rhythm. You’re fidgeting, torso lowering to come parallel to his until your breath hits his throat. He doesn’t even realize your hand had snaked away until it lands in his hair and you pull on the strands to allow your lips to stroke at the cartilage of his ear, a warm tickle accompanying your words.
“You’re so big, Joonie. Feel so full.” He knows it’s the sign he was waiting for when you end the compliment with a strong squeeze that he can feel through his entire body. All the restraint he had exhibited snaps.
It all happens at once. He reaches for a fistful of your hair to keep you still as he clumsily seeks for your lips with his own. The kiss is aggressive and too full of teeth clanking together at first. It eventually melts into something more salacious. Your lips are hot and slippery but Namjoon is aiming for more.
You’re too distracted to notice that his stance has changed. He jostles you as he plants his feet into your mattress to give him the best angle to properly pound into you. The first hard thrust is paired with a well timed bite of your lip which has you opening your mouth with a shout of pleasure. He takes advantage of the position to delve his tongue into a battle with yours, turning the dirty kiss into an even wetter mess.
Neither of you can hear the storm over the slaps of skin, low groans, and high whines from inside the room. “You hear how wet this pussy is for me? Sound so fucking pretty, bet it looks even better. We’ll have to do this again, right? So I can see you leaking over my cock properly.”
If you’re answering him it’s unintelligible in the mumbles melted into the moans that continue to spill out of you. He’s taking it as an agreement from the tightening of your core around him.
His legs eventually lower behind you, pushing you to straighten back up and work to keep up the faltering rhythm. The heat and late hour seeps into your bones but the exhaustion that lies at the edge of your consciousness is no match for the fire in your veins that feeds the lust inside you. Your hands reach behind you and grab onto meaty thighs. God, you’ll need to talk about those in the morning because you don’t have the energy to trigger another round tonight. Your head falls, back arching towards the sky. It gives Namjoon the opportunity to roam your body, soft strokes and harsh grasps.
“Come on, Joonie. What good are those big biceps for if you can’t fuck me harder?” The taunt works like magic to reinvigorate him. Large hands come back to your waist, palms digging hard into your body above your hip bones. His thumbs aim towards your core, pushing into the softness above your pelvis. It’s not as obvious as the first position on your side but he can definitely feel the shift under your skin where the pressure of his thrusting cock pushes against his fingers.
“Shit, Y/N, never felt pussy this good. My perfect girl. Are you close? Can you cum for me, baby?”
“Y-yeah, so close- fuck. You feel so good.” It wasn’t a lie, you’ve teetered on the edge for a while but you just needed a little extra push. Namjoon’s hold on you is strong enough to allow you to sneak a hand to where the two of you are joined. There’s only a flash of pleasure before your fingers are slapped away.
“Nuh uh, my job. If you want to be touched a certain way just ask for it. You’re a big girl, use your words.”
If he kept talking to you like that maybe you wouldn’t need the extra help after all but that’s an experiment for another day. “Please, Joonie, want to cum. Touch me.”
He dares to slow the pace, still upkeep the long hard strokes that hit deep inside you. “Is that the best you can do? You’re about to cum all over my cock and I’m still just Joonie? You’re not being very clear, you know. I’ve got my hands on you, I’m already touching. Be more precise. What do you want, princess?”
He’ll be the death of you, you can already tell you’ve set yourself up. Your words are coming out in choked sobs, your climax on the brink. “Please!” you exclaim, “Namjoon, please play with my clit and make me cum all over your big cock.”
He didn’t expect you to take the bait so strongly, but you asked so politely, who would he be to deny your request.
“Good girl. I’ll give you anything you ask for if you do it like that. Look all innocent but you’re just a desperate little thing, aren’t you?” His words are paired with increased speed. He pistons into you with such force that you swear you’re floating above him. The world falls away when his thumb finally comes to rub tantalizing circles around your nub, the movement a little clumsy form how wet it is between your thighs.
It doesn’t take much to reach elation. White light explodes behind your eyes making you believe the power may have returned for a second. There’s electricity living in your nerves that travel down your limbs. There’s a rawness in your throat you assume was birthed from the scream that still echoes around the room.
You catch your breath on a pile of loose limbs draped over your new roommate’s huge frame. Your muscles are spasming from the outside in. You can tell that Namjoon definitely feel it from how tense his muscles feel under your fingers. You purposefully constrict around him and the answering grunt confirms your suspicions.
It takes a second to gather enough strength to sit back up while keeping him snuggly inside you. You wish you could look into his eyes as you roll your hips over him. You know it’s not as stimulating as the hard thrusts from earlier but the sweet sounds you hear from under you seem to have him perfectly content.
“Fuck, you never stop surprising me but you really need to get off because I can’t last anymore.” There’s a tension in his tone, one that you’d hear from someone holding onto a loosening grip that could result in falling to their doom.
You let the nail from your index dig into his skin and leave a burning sensation behind as your scratch down the valley of his pecs, from his clavicle to his abdominals. “Good. Then my plan is working. Your turn to cum for me.”
“Oh, I will. The second you get off me, it’s torture to keep it in, so please-” It’s his turn to beg but you’re not as ready to give in to his demand this time around. You only double your efforts, rolling hips and tight squeezes.
“Go on, then. You wanted me to ask for what I want? Cum. I’m safe and I want you to cum inside me, Namjoon.”
There’s black magic in the way you say his name, it’s hypnotizing. Or maybe it’s the imaginary visual of what you’d look like splayed out with his cum seeping out of you that does it.
He brings his fingers back to your sensitive clit and the pressure is almost too much. You nearly beg him to give you a break but he interrupts you before you can start. “One more time, with me. If you want me to fill up that sweet pussy, you’ll have to milk it out of me.”
You can’t tell whether it’s the pressure on your clit or the dirty words from his mouth, but the wave of pleasure comes back with a mighty force and crashes through you again. You can feel your core tightening around him in spasms which triggers his own release. You can feel his cock spurting inside you, an extra layer of warmth seeping into you. You can’t hold yourself anymore and flop onto Namjoon, both of your breaths heavy and labored.
His hand strokes comfort onto your back. You don’t even mind how sweaty you both are, sticking to each other. “We should get cleaned up,” he suggests.
You dig your face into the crook of his neck in protest. “No. Tomorrow. Don’t want to move. You still feel good, don’t want you to pull out.” You purposefully twitch to make your point. His cock may be softening but it’s still firmly plugging you up. You both know you’ll regret it in the morning but you couldn’t care right now.
The exhaustion you both feel settles into contentment as sleep pulls you in. You both fall asleep without even noticing that the storm has also fallen into slumber.
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Okay, so maybe Namjoon was a little dramatic about being abandoned because it’s only a week later when Yoongi is back in his old apartment from a weekend brunch date with his friends.
You and Jin are bonding in the kitchen. Yoongi can hear his boyfriend’s windshield wiper laugh mixed with your giggles that he’s always compared to a hyena. He expected the atmosphere to be a little awkward when he came in, both of the new roommates a little shy and fond of individual activities.
But when he let himself in earlier he found both his friends sharing the couch in the living room, each with a book in hand,which wasn’t surprising, but your feet perched on Namjoon’s lap, that was a little surprising.
He had let that slide easily enough. His suspicion returns simply from how much smiling Namjoon has been doing. Smiles wouldn’t be odd for most but Yoongi has heard that man’s music lately and he’s the definition of a Sad Boi™.
The pieces fall into place when you bring in the plates and there’s lingering. From your fingers on Namjoon’s when you exchange the dish to his eyes on your ass when you turn away. Yoongi stares Namjoon down, deadpan. His friend’s eyes widen in panic once he realizes he’s been caught. Yoongi’s always been able to read him like a book.
“You motherfucker,” Yoongi spats at him just as you reenter the room.
“Now now, Yoongles. Do we need to call Dr. Lee to go through your mommy issues again? We’ve already established I’m not your mother.” You take a seat on Namjoon’s lap as if to make a point. “Besides, there’s only one person that gets to call me mommy now.” The look you and Namjoon share might be the final drop that makes him go dig for his old psych’s number that night.
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temilyrights · 4 months
Summary:  Emily Prentiss x GN!Reader. Spencer helps you come to the realisation that maybe you've been looking in the wrong place for happy ever after all this time, and the person of your dreams is right in front of your eyes.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: References to drinking alcohol, slight sexuality panic.
A/N: hi it's been a year and a half since i posted anything but i read a half finished fic and suddenly got inspiration?! anyway i've missed you all and i hope you enjoy <3 (my one emily gif because i've lost all my gifs :D i want to cry!!)
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How were you meant to know? Sure, you’d watched the movies and heard the songs just like everyone else, but no one had explained to you what it felt like. 
Plus, it wasn’t as if the movies were great demonstrations. They were always so dramatic, with tears and rain and running through airports. 
Spencer was the one, out of everyone, to point it out in the end. 
The whole team was gathered in JJ’s garden, a family event to mark the beginning of summer. Will and Hotch were grilling food on the BBQ, while JJ handed out alcohol that Rossi consumed generously, the kids were playing on Henry’s swing set, and Penelope, Derek, and Emily all spoke boisterously, their voices and laughter filling the garden. 
You stood to the side with Spencer, watching in bemusement. You had no idea what they were saying as they shouted excitedly at each other, but Emily was grinning, her cheeks flushed, and looking more carefree than you had seen her in a long time.  She was wearing a gorgeous blue vest top and jeans. You loved the top on her, it made her glow, complementing her skin and hair in a way that you couldn’t put accurately into words.  
Your heart stuttered, something that had been happening with increasing frequency recently, but you hadn’t given it much thought.
“Can I ask you something?” Spencer said abruptly as his fingers drummed against the side of the cider bottle in his hand. 
You turned slightly to look at him, your brows furrowed at his thoughtful expression. You nodded, “Of course.” 
“Why—" He hesitates. You smile reassuringly at him and he takes a breath before continuing, “It’s not really my business, but I’ve watched the two of you and I guess I'm just confused as to why you’re not dating.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise but he continues. 
“I thought maybe you two were just keeping it a secret from the team, but it’s been years and neither of you have said anything, plus Emily gets this sad look in her eyes sometimes and I think if you were together she wouldn’t, and—”
“Me and Emily?” You stammer, “Why would you think…Emily and I-” 
Spencer’s brows shoot up. 
“She’s one of my closest friends. I don’t…I’m not…”
Your heart beat speeds up and you tug on the collar of your shirt to cool yourself down. 
You didn’t understand, Emily was your best friend. You knew she was a lesbian but you weren’t. You liked men. 
“But you don’t look at the rest of us the way you look at Emily.” Spencer says softly. “You look at her like she’s the sun. Like the world turns because of her.” 
You shake your head. 
“You love her.” 
No. No. No.
You didn’t. You’d know if you were in love, and okay, so maybe you’d never been in love before but loving a woman had never once crossed your mind. It’s not like you were against it, you'd just never thought about it. Why would you? You dated men. 
…you dated men and felt very little. Your relationships have always been short, and when the men would finally leave you’d feel nothing but relief as if the relationships were draining the happiness out of you. 
But you’d know if you’d like women, surely? Sure, Emily made your heart clench and your stomach swirl. Sure, every time you saw her you’d smile wider and maybe you thought about her often but that’s what friendship was, right? 
You gulp.
Spencer and Penelope were also your close friends, and you did think of them often and enjoy their company but it was different. 
You’d set Penelope up on a date with your friend just like week, but last month there’d been a detective flirting with Emily and you’d been in a terrible mood the entire time. The team had smirked and you hadn’t understood, only thought how unprofessional the detective was being and oh, oh. 
You loved her.
You didn’t know. 
You really didn’t know. 
No one had told you that this is what it felt like. You hadn’t known. 
A hand on your arm jolts you, and brings Emily’s concerned face into focus. “Hey, are you okay?” She asks, brows drawn together.
A couple of tears had made their way down your cheeks without your permission. Embarrassment burns through you and all that comes out of your mouth is an urgent, “I didn’t know.”
Her frown only depends, rightfully confused, and you don’t know what to say. Too many thoughts rushing through your brain all at once. 
Spencer and Derek stand together a few steps away, whispering hurriedly to each other. You catch your name and Spencer’s worried, “I didn’t think this would be the reaction.” Emily is only focused on you, and doesn’t seem to notice their conversation. 
“What do you need?” She asks, hand still touching your arm and it’s all too much. 
You shake your head, stepping away from the hand that burns your skin. “I just need a minute.” You say, already walking away and into the house where the world is a little bit quieter and there are no watchful eyes. 
You wipe away the tears and take deep steadying breaths as your heart beat slows down. 
You find a glass and fill it with water with shaky hands. You had no idea what happened to your cider. 
You lift the glass to your lips and take a couple of sips, feeling yourself steady even more as you focus on simple actions. You sense when Emily enters the room, able to pinpoint the tread of her boots against the others with ease, and really how had this ever come as a surprise to you?
How had you failed to notice something so glaringly obvious? Emily Prentiss. How many years have you wasted failing to notice her? Going on dates with meaningless men, running yourself in circles and feeling guilty for not feeling enough when that woman makes you feel everything. 
And you weren’t going to waste another minute. 
Your shoulders set as you come to your decision and you place the empty glass of water down on the counter. Emily, equally as tuned to you, notices the change in your stance and from the other side of the room asks, “Ready to talk about what happened outside?” 
You turn around to face her, and your breath catches in your throat slightly. Wow. 
The sun shining in through the window is lighting up half her face, making her dark eyes sparkle more than normal, and bringing out the silver tones in her raven hair. 
“Y/N?” She prompts, brows drawing back together in concern as she approaches you. 
You shake your head, dispelling the thoughts. “We can talk about what happened outside another time. I actually have something else I need to ask you.” 
Emily’s head tilts slightly, confusion masking her expression. “Okay?” 
You blow out a breath, and gathering all your confidence, ask, “How would you like to go out to dinner with me Friday night?” 
“Oh,” Emily smiles, shrugging, clearly still confused. “Yeah, of course, did you want to finally try that new sushi place?” 
You sigh, “No Emily. For a date.”
Her eyes widen, “Oh, oh, uh.” There’s silence for a moment and then “Yes,” As a massive smile spreads across her face and a laugh ripples from her mouth. “What? Are you serious?” 
You can’t help but laugh too, your cheeks warming. “Yes. I’d love to take you out for dinner, if you’re agreeable.”
Her eyes turn soft as her hand reaches out and squeezes your arm, causing butterflies in your stomach. “I would love that more than anything.” 
“It’s a date then.” You smile, eyes dropping down briefly to her lips. 
“It’s a date.” She agrees. 
It may be only five days away but god you would do anything to bend time and move it closer. You’ve waited years, what’s another five days…
taglist: @ry-kills-jemily @sapphic-stress @xrainydazeteax @mckennamayfairgoode @dalexandriag16 @enduringalexblake @augustvandyne @themoontaxi @prentissology @alexbllake @alexblakeswife @quinnharkness @ssa-sapphic @storiesofsvu @strongsassysexysloane (i have you all listed as being on my taglist but i know its been over a year so if you wanna be removed pls just message me/fill out the form linked on my masterlist and i can take you off <3)
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absolutebl · 4 months
This Week in BL - It's the Dog Days of BL Again
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
May 2024 Final Week
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Wandee Godday (Sat YT) ep 5 of 12 - The side couple is so damn pouty and adorable. So far as Yak and Dee are concerned, I love that they kept up with the cosplay stuff and didn’t just drop it as a one off. I'm just genuinely enjoying seeing how much fun they have together and watching them accidentally falling in love with each other and trying not to.
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Linguistic corner!
I don’t normally watch any BTS stuff, but for reasons known only to my serotonin-seeking brain, I’ve been watching a few for this show. And I MUST talk about the way Great speaks Thai. It’s so different from all of the other Good GMMTV Boys. He’s way more casual. Not rude, but definitely not as formal or as polite as any of the actors around him. It’s difficult to describe but just LISTEN to the way he hops registers and pronouns pretty consistently. Sometimes in the same sentence. He even softens his polite particles. I've never heard an actor do that out of character. It’s fascinating. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that he is older (then most of his costars) and comes outta the Bangkok club scene, and was older when he joined GMMTV. Frankly, it’s the closest I’ve ever seen on TV to the way people actually talked in Bangkok. 
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My Stand-In (Thai Fri iQIYI) ep 6 of 12 eps - honestly these two shows are neck and neck for my favorites running right now and Wandee got the edge because it left me smiling, but yesterday, Stand-In would have come out on top. Such a great show. It’s so sinister. So not romantic. Which makes me feel like... it's not really a BL. And, yet, I DO NOT CARE. Because I’m enjoying its little evil soul so much. “Poor Joe” is pretty much all that goes through my head the whole time I'm watching, and I'm enjoying poking at that pain.
We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 9 of 16 - I love all of the 3rd wheels. Kluen is kinda great. And I’m not just saying that 'cause I have a crush on Title, it’s because Kluen is so open and genuine. (Unless they fuck up his character.) I even enjoyed the backstory for Fang and Tan. Honestly, the friendship group is the reason to watch this show, they’re great and funny, and make everything enjoyable. It’s a soap opera, like Only Friends, but gentle with its characters and us watchers. Which is what I really want from my BL. I don’t want all of this Friend Zone backstabbing bullpuckie. 
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Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) eps 1-2 of 12 - I like it, frankly more than I expected to. It’s a bit slow moving, but the characters are interesting and the dynamic of everybody living in the same house together is fun. I haven’t seen this style of housemates centered Thai BL in years. I identify FAR too closely with the crass-talking bug-killing pansexual. On a completely different note, I really hope Best and Seng have an NC scene together. Last week I would never have said that, but now I think they have good chemistry. Am I crazy?
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 8 of 12 - They are sickeningly sweet boyfriends, and Moo is such a brat and so demanding. It’s charming. There was even a little bit of dancing together which I’m sure made @heretherebedork happy. Dancing okay but NO SINGING. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - Asami's past was cool to see. I enjoyed that his character finally got fleshed out and given some solidity. However, it felt like it came a little too late. Even though I know this is the way Japan tends to roll with BL timing. I wanted to like him sooner then this. Now I'm not really that invested.
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 8 fin - It was an extremely good and very satisfying ending for a JBL, which we cannot expect, so I'm disposed to dole out top marks for that. Also we definitely have a new contender for Namgoong award for best wingman. (Japan's favorite: the bespectacled variant.)
Kindly Ryota goes to uni and ends up rooming with his former childhood bestie, Kazuhito. Kazuhito doesn’t have a girlfriend for, as it turns out, cute roommate reasons. Same director as Old Fashion Cupcake, the framing is gorgeous and it is a stylish piece. As a friends to lovers cohabitation narrative this was a classic 2000s sweet yaoi. I enjoy that kind of tradition out of Japan even if it (and the characters) come off as a little slow as a result. Still, it's nice to get a traditional BL out of Japan that is satisfying, not slapstick, AND did not hurt us. 8/10 recommended
Blossom Campus (Korea Thurs Gaga & iQIYI) ep 5-6fin - gonna have to wait until next week, for mysterious hotel wifi reasons.
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It's airing but...
You Made My Day (Thai YT) ep 1 of 5 - mini series staring the I Will Knock You couple Tar & Bom, started but I couldn't find it. I also didn't try very hard.
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. I NEED TO SEE THIS. How?
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ????) ep 2 of 10 - yeah I can't find it. Comments from last week suggest this is not my thing anyway, but Lee Long Shi very much IS my thing, so... maybe I'll put it on hold for a bit and y'all can let me know.
In case you missed
VBL (Taiwan) is released 'Special Episode' epilogues to their 4 2023 series on Gagaoolala, Viki & Viu - watch each on the respective shows' page: You Are Mine, VIP Only, Stay By My Side, Anti Reset.
My Biker 2 (Thai movie trailer) suposedly released somewhere, search me.
The Time of Huannan (Taiwan movie) went to theaters, not sure if we will get this, and it may not be BL.
And here's a 2023 that I missed and finally watched:
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After Sundown AKA Saengrawi
ZeeNunew vehicle from 2023, recut into a movie on YouTube. It's from Mandee and horror, yet I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
Pronoun use is ter/chan or rao (no nai or pom) because of the historical setting + softness of the relationship.
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It's oddly sweet and wholesome, for a ghost story. Phloeng and Rawee enter into an arranged marriage for confusing prophetic reasons and a twisted fate, solving a mystery of the past that is haunting Phloeng's family and harming Rawee. Honestly, it makes no actual sense, but it's kinda historical, and very pretty, so I enjoyed it more than I should. 8/10
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Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
June Releases
6/7 My Love Mix-Up (Fridays Thai Adaptation not sure where this will air) - I do love G4 and I did like the original and maybe this time these characters will actually kiss? I'm actually fine with this pick-up. I kind of enjoy seeing different countries remake the same IP. Especially if it's IP I'm mostly unfazed by.
6/7 The Last Time (Thailand Fridays YouTube?) - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something?
6/9 Love Sea (Thailand Sundays MAME warning iQIYI - New characters to the Mameverse. While travelling, a writer has a one night stand with a very irritating man. YES I WILL TRASH WATCH THIS. Drinking will happen on Sundays I guess. (Look, I do usually travel on weekends, so it may end up being Monday Mame Trash - which jives.)
6/14 Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru 2 AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai 2 Haime! (Japan movie Gaga?) - Continues the (frankly) lackadaisical story from part 1.
6/15 Sunset Vibes AKA SunsetXVibes (Thailand Saturdays) Star Hunter and MosBank on iQIYI so if nothing else it's gonna be a wild and sexy ride. A one night stand but "uh-oh he’s my boss," adapted from a web series. I’m game. Maybe it’ll have a better story than Big Dragon? Maybe it will have a plot? We can but hope.
6/26 The Rebound (Thai Weds VIU?) - MeenPing are back in their 3rd BL together, a basketball based romance (Meen was a national basketball player, so yay for that). I like this pair better than most (I still do miss Meen with Est but Est has a fantastic looking new BL coming from GMMTV so yeah...) Anyway I'm up for a sports romance starring a man who, yah know, actually played that sport so... I'm game (pun intended).
(Speaking of, why can't Est be a merman? This... I ask you?.)
Why You? (Khmer movie - Billed as a horror romance BL this is supposed to release this month.
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In my world we call this smug. (Only Boo!)
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LOOK AT HIS ARM?! This has been your Goodness Gracious Great Guns Of Huge 2024 moment.
(All Wandee Goodday)
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity
@rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
hi hi! for your follower event, can i request hunter with peridot or topaz? either one, you can pick! maybe something fluffy on pabu or the marauder?
This Love
Summary: There’s not a lot of space on the Marauder and most of the time Hunter bemoans that fact. Sometimes, however, he loves how little space there is.
Pairing: TBB Hunter x F!Reader
Word Count: 785
Prompt: Topaz - Affectionate Love
Warnings: Uh...suggestive at the end.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @clonethirstingisreal (tagging you because Hunter took over this story and I think you'll like it)
A/N: So this was supposed to be soft and sweet, and it still is. But someone added some chili powder to the sugar giving it a little kick at the end. Sorry.
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The Marauder is a small ship.
Originally designed to carry four men, it now carries five men, one woman, one child, and a dog.
And while Hunter would be the first person to say that he’s thrilled to have his family around him, sometimes the lack of privacy is…annoying. It means that he doesn’t actually ever get any alone time with her, his cyare.
Well, sort of. The lack of space means that he gets to share a bed with his cyare every night. Simply because there’s nowhere else for her to sleep. And while she probably could have shared Omega’s bunk, Hunter is more than happy to be able to sleep with her pressed against his side. 
Even better, she put her foot down and made little curtains to give all of the bunks some privacy.
Originally it was just for Omega, but then Crosshair wanted one. And then Echo. 
And in the end, she plopped herself on a crate in the cargo bay and sewed enough curtains for everyone to have one. And then she bullied Tech into adding curtain rods to everyone’s bunk.
It’s the closest thing to ‘“privacy” that they’ve ever had.
Taking her with them on the Marauder was probably the smartest thing they’ve ever done. Even if she does have more enemies than a woman her age should.
Hunter’s gaze drifts from the ceiling of his bunk, to the woman nestled against his side. They’ve long since worked out that Hunter sleeps better when her back is against the wall and he’s able to act as her shield, even while in the safety of the Marauder.
She stirs, as though she can feel his eyes on her, and blinks sleepy eyes at him. It’s really too early to be awake, for either of them, but Hunter just smiles at her and reaches over to brush some hair out of her face.
“Morning,” He murmurs as he allows the pads of his fingers to drag lightly down her cheek.
“Mmmorning,” She shifts so that her head is resting on his shoulder and she rubs her nose against his neck, “What time is it?”
“Early.” He replies as he lightly shifts so that he’s laying on his side and facing her, smiling apologetically as her head falls back to their shared pillow, “You can go back to sleep.” He lightly trails his fingers down her bare arm, a small smile pulling his lips up as she shivers under his touch.
“With you looking at me like that?” She asks, her voice hushed.
Hunter chuckles and shifts one more time, until he’s half laying over her, “I’m not looking at you in any specific way.” He murmurs as he presses his forehead against hers.
“Are you sure?” She teases, the exhaustion slowly leaving her gaze as Hunter allows his fingers to trail over her body.
“This is how I always look at you.” He confirms. 
Her arms come up to circle his neck, and a light tug encourages him to press his chest against hers, pinning her to bed beneath him, a pretty smile crosses her lips, “Good morning, Hunter.” She whispers.
Hunter chuckles and lightly presses his lips against her jaw, before dragging them, slowly, to rest under her ear, “It is a good morning,” He agrees, “You know, I’ve been toying with letting you get enough money to buy a bigger ship. But I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t share a bed with you.”
“Who says that we’d have to stop sharing,” She murmurs, her head tilting slightly to allow him more access to her neck, “Between me an’ Tech, we could get enough money to get a ship with private rooms-”
“Tempting,” Hunter lavishes the spot under her ear with lingering kisses and nibbles for long enough that she releases a heavy breath, and then he moves to press his lips against hers, “I’ll talk to him about it.” He nips her lower lip, “Last thing you need, cyar’ika, is another cartel after your head.”
“I’m not worried, you’ll protect me.” Her fingers tangle in his hair and she tugs lightly, though even that light tug was enough to knock the breath from his lugs.
“Kriff, you can’t do that cyar’ika,” Hunter rasps, “My vod’e are on the other side of the curtain.”
Her lips curl up into a teasing smile, “Well then, you’d better be quiet. Hm?”
He groans quietly. “Ka’ra, I love you.”
Her smile widens, and she lightly kisses his jaw, “I love you too. And, when I’m done this morning, you’re not going to remember any basic.”
And Hunter grins as excitement heats his blood.
Stars, he really is a lucky asshole.
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