#I think it should be something like First Preisdent
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 month ago
Should I write a fanfic of Olympus Has Fallen in protest of what the actual government is doing?
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popculturebuffet · 5 years ago
Jake Reviews Stuff: Amphibia: Marcy at the Gates
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Marcy arrives! The Plantars make it to Newtopia but first have to deal with a slight ant problem and a new addition to the family, as we finally meet the adorkable Marcy. Legs in two months under the cut. 
So as you could probably tell by the tone the last few weeks, doing this has weighed on me a bit. While I do love talking about this show week after week, as well as having a recurring series here to bring in readers, the split quality of the Season thus far has been a challenge. Now when I say split I don’t mean like star vs season 3 where it was either really damn good and some of the show’s best writing or “oh god what have they done to marco’s character this time”, it’s more either really good standout episodes ore more forgetable average ones. See a good episode I can gush about, dive into big charcter stuff, motviations, that sort of thing. I defintley will with owl house at some point and have with other shows. A bad episode can be taken apart and taken to the cleaners, which I haven’t done much of but probably should and if you want any taken to task yourself, I do comissions. But self promotion aside, the point is a meh episode just dosen’t leave me with a lot tot alk about and hte recaps became really dry as a result as I just couldn’t find a lot of jokes, and having a busy few weeks on top of that didn’t really help, nor did the antipciation for this week and the intersting setting of newtopia. 
Thankfully a combination of a really good few days, a better sleep schedule, and a really good episode this week, and a pile of scary go round collections for a dollar have reinvgorated me, so hopefully I can get back to doing what I love: Overanalizing children’s cartoons. So with that we can dive right into the episode. The keithdavidpocalypse is upon us! Pitter Patter! We open with Spring and Anne in the cart. Their close to newtopia, but Anne is worried they never found Marcy, while Sprig isn’t because her last friend turned out to be “Evil”... which Anne harshly rebuffs. And both sides are understandable: To Anne, Sasha was her friend.. a manipualtive and bossy friend sure but one who genuinely cared for her, she just may not know how to deal with people. To Sprig, Sasha is some asshole who abused his friend, tried to murder his Pop Pop, and works for a guy who tried to murder his whole town. It’s really understandable he woudln’t have the same warm fuzzy feelings Anne has.. insert your own Sashanne joke here.  We also get our first actual look at Marcy who to my suprise, rather than be another form of manipulative.. is simply an awkward nerd, constnatly playing video games, reading books , cataloging shit, and trying to get her friends to play d and d. So me if I knew what d and d was in high school. 
Anyways, the family finally DOES make it to Newtopia, impressive as you’d expect when the guard won’t let them see the wizard no way no how. Antique references aside, the guard at the gate actually has good reason for not letting them in as they have a tiny barbari-ant problem. A species Hop Pop is, in a nice touch, unfamiliar with due to the Valley not having them. We quickly see them in action as one approaches the plantars, basically a giant ant with ant-lers. Yes I used a pun there sue me. Anyway, our heroes ward off the ant they do find with some really cool team manuvering, and Polly showing she has spiked teeth. It’s a cool sequence. However they quickly find themselves outgunned, outplanned, outnumbered and outmanned. They gotta make an all out stand. Their gonna need a right hand man. Also I finally saw the film version of hamilton, as you can tell. Utterly magic. 
Said Right Hand Man, er woman, er tween comes in the nick of time as a cloaked Marcy sprays some black goo and sets it ablaze, scaring the ants off, snatching a stalemate from the jaws of defeat,  then rappeling down on a rope shot from a crossbow, also making polly want one because of course. She then.. Faceplants. Still a solid 8/10 entrance Marcy.  Marcy is played by Haley Tju who you may remember from such shows as The Loud House. And that’s all I know her from but given Stella’s one of my faviorites and Haley’s performance is part of that, so it’s unsuprising she’s great here. Also fun fact I learned by looking at her trope page: She actually played a younger version of London, brenda song’s character, on the Suite Life I Pray for Death but Death Won’t Come.. or On Deck for those who’ve never watched it. But I like the fact two londons are now on the same show together.. and an actually good noe at that! Horay. But yeah Haley is a great VA and what little i’ve seen her in and a welcome addition.  Marcy and Anne happily reunite once htey both realize who the other is, and hug and etc, before Marcy decends on the plantars, talking on and on and on about geeky stuff and how she likes the found family trope. ... I may really relate to this  mediums sized child, as I too am a huge nerd with no filter and was probably a lot like her at that age. It’s also clear she very transparently sees this as a combinaton of a video game and a d and d session, but said skills have actually benifited her as rping a rogue allowed her to easily bluff her way into the kingdom’s good graces and now she’s a sworn agent of the king as we’ll find out.  She quickly wins over the Plantars, measuring hop pop’s head, gushing over him being a farmer (which he almost instantly adopts her over and asks to point blank later), and then noticing Polly’s legs are about to come in and giving her the note seen in the review image, my faviorite gag. Sprig however is more out and out hostile and has his reasons we’ll get to in a second.  Marcy escorts her new family and sorta girlfriend to the makeshift war room set up by three scholoary newts who quickly resolve their planning disagreements by beating the piss out of each other. Just like real politics.. and that’s not a cheeky jab between the actual caning in the sentate that happened once and the various duels in the revolutionary and early america eras.. yeah the only reason the preisdent hasn’t been shot for challening one of hte many people he hates for a duel without realizing he really can’t see through that squint too good is that it’s now illegal and not the kind of illegal he can hide like usual.  Anyways after the Newts scoff at our heroes, but Marcy vouches for them and reveals that the ants are getting closer because i’ts gotten warmer....
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Marcy has a plan though: Spread scentshrroms around that will release a pheremone which will drive them off, having throughly studied Amphibia’s various flora and fauna and thus knowing how to deal with them. I’ts something I like about the character and how she adds to the other huamns group dynamics. Alll three deal with issues diffrent ways; Anne has plans, but rarely thinks them through, Sasha does think hers through and is a master manipulator while Marcy is a ballance between the two: She does throughly think things out and have well thought out clever plans.. she just also tens to rush into things or go forward with a nose in a book or without a thought to how dangerous soemthing is. She’s prepared, she’s just not very aware of her surrondings, which is amood. 
But Anne is nervous about her coming along as is sprig which sets up both’s conflicts with her for the episode: Anne wants to protect Marcy, since she just got her back and her only other remaning friend now clearly wants to stab her and she has a better option now love interest wise. However Marcy convinces Anne, 2nd capefire this episode nonwithstanding, she can handle herself. She also calsl her annabannna which is fucking adorable.  The other conflict is that Sprig dosen’t trust her.. he has no rational reason not to give she’s a sweetie, but is a bit gunshy about another human girl working for a dictator popping up in their life. And while he’s probably wrong, while I think Marcy isn’t working for the best people probably she’s likely too oblivious to genuinely relaize she’s doing crimes if they have her doing them or was given a fake justification. I could be wrong, and will gladly eat crow. Metphorically i’m not going to bake a real crow. I don’t have the right seasoning. And i’d also be cursed but eh I doubt I can get poorer. But it’s understandable he has reservations, especially since while he dosen’t say it he’s likely worried Anne will get hurt again. He’s a good boy, he’s just being paranoid over probably nothing.  Anyways onoto the plan: The plantars and new girl marcy are gonna:
Okay phermone them whatever, the point is they head into the Ant Hole, witht he conflicts continuing as the plantars progress; Sprig is naturally suspcious and Anne is worried about her precious gurl. The group fight some more ants, and Marcy seemingly wonders off.. only to instead BLOW THEM A FUCKING TUNNEL with some chemicals from some flowers she found, then instant sprout a plant cage.. and accidently trap polly. NOOOOO.> Thankfully she frees her and tosses some plants on the ants, which is fun to say.  We then get to our climax. OUr group find the queen who ihs horrifying.. a good mom as sprig points out but horrfing. Nice design though i’m just.. not an insect guy and sometimes this show leaves me in abject terror. this is one of those times. Our heroes plant the mushrooms, phrasing I know but this review is late as is and i’ve already used up my archer refrence for the day.  Anne dives to Save a seemingly oblovious Marcy.. whose mad at Anne over it.. while Anne is udnerstandable Marcy wants her , NEEDS her to understand...
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No not that erik. That, much like Anne herself, Marcy’s grown and changed over these past three months. She can handle herself now and she needs her ot see that. Also sprig gets attacked by an ant baby, which not only wakes up the queen, who can hear but can’t see but now knows something’s arry, but causes said queen to unleash a hoarde of ants.  Marcy however naturally has a plan: She’ll dive into the queen’s belly and get sprig, the plantars will hold them off and Anne finally trusts her lady enough to fiht off. I don’t have a lot to say I just really like this character arc and Marcy’s character: She’s a bit oblivious, ab it obessed with nerdy things which again relate.. but when push comes to shove she’s also clever, a master planner and has clearly studied her ass off about this world and knows it well. She’s throughly likeable.  And that likeablity finally gets through to sprig when she gets him out and swings him. Trust earned, anne’s faith in her gained and the mushrooms go off and send the ants running. Misson Complete.  With the mission complete our heroes finally enter Newtopia and meet the mysterious Lady Olivia, whose been sending Marcy on her missions, and is likely her spymaster. Not that i think Marcy realizes that but Marcy’s love of midevil fantasy means she blends in well with thier courty apperance and introduces anne and co to her.. Olvia isn’t impressed but is cordial about it at least.. even with Sprig breaking shit. And yeah , Amphibia has a king over all of it, as Hop Pop puts it “We aren’t savages”. It does make sense it woudln’t come up every day though, it’s not as if the king really cares about the valley... but more on speculation about him in a minute. Hop Pop wisely gives the two “Friends’ some alone time, and the two talk things over: Anne explains how she found sasha.. and it didn’t go great, and Marcy vows that the two of them can go their own way now. Maybe iwth tounge. we dunno. The two then look over anne’s phone while anne recounts her anne-tics.. and we get to the king. And it’s KEITH DAVID BITCHES AS WAS PROHPISED A FEW WEEKS AGO. And he has myserious plans and wood carven figures of both our heroines and possible gaybies. “The game can finally begin. “
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Final Thoughts: This was a really damn good episode. Whiel I summarized more than usual , both conflicts were great, all the plantars got to shine, there were gags a plenty, an intriguing new member of the main cast and a mysterious new antagonist. I mean given it was revealed the Newts were behind Toad tower a few episodes back, I figured Andidas wouldn’t be a good guy, even if he’s played by upstanding gentleman and god among men keith david, , but it’s a question of what his end goal is, how the girls got here, and what his plan ofr them is that i’m curious to see play out as the season goes on, as well as see if Marcy is a pawn or not. Newtopia also looks intresting and i’ts nice to have a new solid setting to build on now we’re here, as well as new mysteries to unlock> Ther’es also the honest possibliity marcy, who claims to have found bubkuss, might simply want to stay in a world where she gets to live out her dreams and isn’t picked on or bullied. Again we’ll see all speculation but this episode was damn good. For now this is the clear highlight of the season and i’tll be intresting to see where it goes from here. Until next time courage. 
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notesbynoah · 6 years ago
scenes from a hat- killer7′s “russian roulette” scene
every now and then, i think it’s worthwhile to take a closer, more critical look at the construction of a scene to try to understand the director’s intention with using the specific angles and shots as a vehicle with which the narrative flows. i also think it’s worthwhile to share these thoughts, and i intend to do so more often now with shots i find fascinating from different visual mediums- games, movies, or otherwise. so, i’ma do it. and i’ma call it “scenes from a hat.” do you get it? like the “whose line” game but they’re actual cinematic scenes and i kinda choose them on a whim much like how you would pick a slip of paper from a hat? it’s clever. everyone loves it cause it’s clever.
let’s talk about killer7.
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note: though i highly recommend you watch the scene prior to reading this (link here), i will be offering visual aids in the post. it may work best for you to use these not as your introduction to the scene, but rather as a guide to further understand the points i’m attempting to make. i hope this helps improve your reading experience. i will also be discussing HEAVY spoilers here. continue at your own discretion.
killer7 is a game that has no qualms with being as outlandish and capricious as possible. one moment, one of the seven personalities you play as is being treated to a somber song written by a busker on the streets of a city in the dominican republic, the next moment you’re in a 7-on-7 boss fight against an expy of the power rangers. even if you’ve played a suda51 title in the past and come into killer7 expecting the usual erratic display of expression from the mind of goichi suda, you’ll still walk away surprised. possibly even disturbed! 
while killer7 contains many scenes that exemplify the odd nature of the game, there is a particular scene that i feel stands out among the rest. a scene that could fit right into any sort of horror arthouse film and not feel out of place due to its climactic and high-stakes nature. the “russian roulette” scene.
in the very first cut of the scene, the player is immediately introduced to a new character and note the existence of a gun on top of his desk. the next few cuts pace themselves accordingly, as the line of action is set and the character is introduced to the player. the player can also take note of garcian’s slight chuckle as he enters the office. almost as if he’s responding to our thoughts. “what is that gun for?” it seems garcian has an idea of what he’s in for here.
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“and who might you be?” is a question we should be asking here, really.
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note the scene’s adherence to sticking garcian on the right and benjamin on the left. this is important to understanding the construction of the scene.
it’s here that benjamin’s intentions with the gun are quickly made evident. “would you like to join me for a game of russian roulette?” he loads a single bullet into the pistol as the camera gets a direct close-up of the pistol. 
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yep. single bullet. no bullshit here. this guy means business.
as benjamin discusses the reward garcian receives if he wins the game, we get an interesting shot that puts the camera at an angle which forces the player to look up at benjamin. a classic angle used to portray a character in a position of power, which establishes benjamin’s background slightly further. not only does this guy mean business, but he’s probably someone we don’t want to mess with.
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if garcian wins, benjamin will tell him how to “hit on women with 100% success.” sorry, what? not only is that totally irrelevant to the situation that’s been built up during the entire mission to the player, it just seems like total bullshit from benjamin. either benjamin has an insanely pigeonholed perspective on women that needs some addressing, or he’s just messing with garcian. he knows he’ll win this game. either way, garcian seems intrigued by this offer. he laughs it off, almost as if he knows benjamin is messing with him, and is even interested enough in his game to ask about the penalty for loss.
“if you lose, i want you to kill the president.”
so, according to the logic of this game, if garcian lives he learns how to hit on women with 100% success. if he dies, he has to kill the president. clearly this ultimatum is almost completely illogical and totally skewed, but maybe that’s intentional. is it a message from suda that politicians promise sweet nothings to the people of their country while refusing to deal with reality? maybe. at face-value, all the player needs to understand from this ruleset is that it’s chaotic enough to make no sense in our world, but be accepted perfectly fine in the realm of killer7.
garcian accepts, and benjamin takes a deep breath. the camera does a slow pan to benjamin before cutting to a close-up with him on the left side of the cut once more, looking intensely focused on not dying and seeming to hesitate to pull the trigger out of fear of losing his life right then and there. 
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the subtlety of expression on such a simple character model adds great detail to the scene and alerts the player to the gravity of the situation.
as the gun clicks and no bullet shoots out, benjamin slides the gun to garcian for his turn. without so much as a moment’s hesitation, garcian nonchalantly takes the gun to his temple and pulls the trigger. no bang. he slides the gun back to benjamin, and the construction of the scene begins to take an interesting turn.
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garcian is presented on the right side of the screen for the entire scene so far. this changes after he pulls the trigger. in order to reflect the chaotic nature of the scene and the tension running rampant through the air, suda intentionally breaks the continuity he has set prior in the scene with garcian and benjamin having specific locations where they belong. by breaking continuity immediately after garcian’s ballsy trigger pull, the pacing of the scene begins to feel inexplicably quicker and more tense than it was before. the stakes have been raised substantially, and in order to show the player how intense this game of russian roulette really is, suda’s going to mess around with continuity.
something else worthy of note is garcian’s unwavering confidence in this scene that political power benjamin, in contrast, does not showcase. using very distinct frame positioning right off the bat is a deliberate choice from suda to compare and contrast these two very different characters. garcian, meanwhile, shows no fear in the face of adversity and his confidence is enough to make benjamin lose himself for a moment. garcian’s stone-cold expression complements his actions and make this seem almost routine for him. this contrasts many other russian roulette scenes in classic cinema, which usually showcase a pair or group of characters displaying great emotion, similar to what benjamin is displaying in this scene. basically, benjamin is having a normal human reaction, and garcian’s reaction is almost...inhuman. i’ll get back to this and expound on it more near the end, but for now it’s important to understand that garcian is a brave son of a bitch and he and benjamin are essentially having a dick-measuring contest in the form of a suicide race.
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note the camera angle coming from a position that greatly emphasize’s garcian standing over benjamin, almost as if he’s already beaten him before the game has ended. the emphasis on posture here is just as important- garcian stands tall, benjamin slumps over in the midst of a desperate struggle with himself.
benjamin notes that he refuses to die, “at least until the election is over,” and that it apparently takes a SHIT load of luck to run a country. he cares quite a bit about winning this game and possibly taking over control of the united states, whereas it seems garcian just wants to get on with his life. after struggling to find it in him to pull the trigger, benjamin pulls it right at his temple. no bullet. 
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the camera puts the focus into the center of the frame, giving the player a unique birds-eye view of the shot. using the top of garcian’s head for scale, benjamin’s body seems to pop out and appears larger from this angle, even though he’s clearly still seated in the same position. this visual seems to reflect his sudden ardent belief in his chances of winning, which is a far cry from his demeanor mere seconds ago, while reminding the player that garcian is in fact still participating, and he is much more in control of his behavior than benjamin. in any case, it’s garcian’s turn.
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no leadup, no fanfare, no nothing. just a flick of the finger. garcian, as aloof as ever, pulls the trigger and lives another day. from this angle, we are also able to see a slight jump from benjamin, denoting a clear surprised reaction. this camera shot of the trigger pull cleverly works in the full emotion of both characters in the scene while only displaying one character’s full body, and a consistent rhythm begins to form in the player’s mind as they watch the scene. benjamin is nervous, garcian is not, repeat. this seems to be the order of things. anyway, garcian slides the gun over to benjamin, we get a few more continuity breaks for anxiety’s sake, and benjamin starts to monologue.
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“look at that important gun, god damn it. it’s so important.”- goichi suda, circa 2005
we get an oddly earnest moment of self-reflection from benjamin here as he ruminates over the futility of american politics and observes his own motivations in the scope of a life-or-death game. if he can’t cheat death again, what reason would he ever have to call himself a preisdent? using this logic as motivation for his actions, benjamin reaches for the gun and prepares himself to pull the trigger once again. as he does pull the trigger, we get five very different shots of a few different actions from benjamin within just a few seconds. it’s also worth mentioning that each of these five shots in this instance of the scene work perfectly as a miniature display of freytag’s pyramind of dramatic structure.
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benjamin prepares to pull the gun as his monologue ends. the exposition comes to an abrupt ending as we’re forced back into the action. we get a shot of him preparing himself as he’s positioned directly in the middle of the frame, a solid introduction to the next four shots.
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benjamin places the gun to this temple as the rising action of the scene, preparing us for what could happen next while simultaneously leaving it ambiguous, creating a slightly anxious shot. the framing of the scene complements this feeling of anxiety, as the camera’s subtle zoom out and pan right creates a sudden empty space in the frame that could just as easily be filled with benjamin’s grey matter in a few seconds.
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the climax of the scene arrives. benjamin hyping himself up to pull the trigger and cheat death once again. the camera gives us a medium close-up of benjmain to show off the display of emotion on his face as he realizes this could be the end of it all, but that he’s in too deep to quit now.
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the trigger is pulled in the falling action and, in a final moment of suspense, we hear the empty click of the gun. benjamin wins this round and lives to see another day. we’re treated to an amazing close-up here as we see benjamin go from panicked to realizing he won in the span of a single second. benjamin’s realization in the shot provided looks almost awestruck. he didn’t expect to make it, and yet here he is.
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finally, the dénouement. benjamin’s inner conflict is resolved as he tells garcian that he “loses” and the confidence we saw from benjamin earlier in the scene returns. the camera zooms out slightly as if to bring focus back from benjamin to the interaction between he and garcian.
each shot here emphasizes a very different part of benjamin’s mentality as he pulls the trigger at his head. in order to emphasize the climactic nature of this instance, suda goes out of his way to display these five different shots of benjamin, all framed very differently in order to manipulate the player’s perspective into thinking this could very well be the end of benjamin’s life. after all, this is russian roulette. anything can happen. speaking of “anything can happen,” let’s talk about garcian’s turn here.
benjamin wins the round and slides the gun over to garcian as the music starts to pick up. this could be the end of our protagonist’s life. surely some display of emotion from garcian is warranted here, right?
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guess not. we get a close-up of garcian’s solemn face as he coolly places the gun to his temple and, without a single word or second spent on benjamin’s dramatic display just now, he pulls the trigger and slides the gun back. no dramatic structure, no monologue, no nothing. the mood of the scene begins to change as we realize just how god damn cool garcian is and he tells benjamin his logic in his emotionless visage and gives us what is possibly the most important line in the game, which also serves to dictate the shift in the game that occurs after this scene.
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“this gun holds seven bullets. i’m a professional. you can’t fool me, old man.”
i think it’s important to dissect this line and what it could mean for the plot of killer7 as a whole. in this entire scene, garcian’s demeanor is that of a no-nonsense professional. he knows what he’s doing here, and this is in direct contrast to a man from the government who is losing his mind. garcian is in control. later on after this scene, we learn some alarming news about garcian: he’s not garcian smith, but a serial killer by the name of emir parkreiner. in the scene where this information is learned, garcian is told that, as a child, evil had begun to “open its eyes” within him and that he was no longer like a “mortal being.” this adds gravity to garcian’s behavior in this scene. why would he fear death? he’s not mortal. he is the embodiment of death itself, and he is now in control of his own body. there is no switching between different personalities here. this is garcian’s shining moment.
consider now the metaphorical significance of this line. if garcian is to be the “embodiment of death” as i stated earlier, his demeanor could be likened to that of a gun. emotionless and murderous, but a potent tool in the right hands. however, garcian is no longer simply a tool for a higher power (in this case, consider harman smith a higher power). if he were, he would partake in the murder of benjamin keane himself. he doesn’t do this, though. using his own free will, he gets benjamin to kill himself. garcian kills another man without touching him and simply by being garcian. you can’t fool him into thinking he’s not his own man, and i can’t stress this enough, he is in control now. seven bullets are contained within that gun, just like seven personalities are contained within garcian- the six smiths and emir parkreiner. you didn’t count on the last bullet being the most important one, and you didn’t count on the last personality revealed, emir parkreiner, being the most important one either. 
when garcian says this pivotal line, he’s not just telling benjamin that he’s a professional killer, he’s telling the government that he’s his own man. he’s telling harman smith that he’s the main personality of the killer7 now. this is later cemented in stone as, in the last scene in the game, we see garcian now wearing black and harman wearing white, even though harman was wearing black for the entirety of the game up to that point and was considered the main personality of the killer7. of course, before this point, garcian was wearing white. that instance is what lets us know for a fact that garcian is now his own man, but this particular line in this scene sets us up for that. it lets us know that garcian is shifting into the main role, and that killer7 is his story now. it’s the story of garcian smith, and it’s the story of emir parkreiner. this line gives us everything we need to understand this.
back to the scene.
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“i just love that gun man, you know? it’s so important. so important.”- goichi suda, circa 2005
benjamin tells garcian that they’re both sick individuals, attempting to relate to garcian at the end of his life. however, when he tells him this, he’s also possibly attempting to convince him to do what he needs him to, as he follows up after this line with a specific request.
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we get some brilliant framing here that paints benjamin’s face in half-shadow, hinting at something more sinister as he tells garcian that the institution he’s in holds the “history of the united states,” and that there’s a tradition that has continued since the first presidential election he wants garcian to see through to the end. 
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benjamin holds the gun up to his temple one final time in a shot that mirrors the framing of an earlier shot, except this time with more significance. this will be the last time we see this character, as we know for a fact that the one bullet in the gun will be launched as soon as he pulls that trigger. what are benjamin’s last words before he kills himself?
“by the way... women are all the same!”
calling back to the promise he made at the beginning of the game of telling garcian how to hit on women with 100% success, he instead tells garcian an empty statement, backing out on the promise he made. he’s served his role in this story, and now suda writes him out of it as a politician refusing to follow up on a promise. a little on-the-nose, possibly, but an effective representation of the sinister government in the world of killer7 nonetheless.
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benjamin pulls the trigger, and we see the blood pool out from his head in a birds-eye-view, allowing us to see the full, slumped over, dead body of benjamin keane. garcian wins the game, and the scene ends.
there’s so much more to mention in this scene, such as the brilliant voice work from greg eagles and steve blum, or the masterful music composition of masafumi takada matching up with each individual moment in the scene perfectly, but this analysis was meant to look purely at the construction of the scene’s individual parts and how they signify something greater within the story.
i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i did writing this, and i look forward to writing similar analyses in the future if this one is well-received.
in the name of harman... 
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