#I think honestly though Ten couldn't say or do anything to hurt him more than anyone else has done so
muu-kun · 2 years
im more worried ten is just going to purposefully attack muus mental illnesses and such as a way to dodge how muu is trying to treat him
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He's been loved enough to grow into a man with a good head on his shoulders, but he's also really damn dense in regards to people aiming his trauma at him like that. Inspiration was also most definitely pulled from experiences he witnessed in the film 8-Mile, which pushed him to publish his entire log of experiences and impacts of such to significantly null the power someone else could manufacture by targeting him with his own personal information. Ten might be a menace but he doesn't rank him as high of a threat. But I also reiterate with that how really fucking stupid Muu is in that aspect, because he also doesn't hold any fear towards this muse named Sergio who tried a similar tactic with him, yet he ignored it completely in favor of just wanting to beat his ass for being mean to his darling Pchan.
There are definitely things though that any manipulative bastard would figure out to do that would get under his skin, but Muu has all the hopes and dreams in the world he can prevent on his own.
I think even hitting him would be sufficient. Considering the fact that he hasn't been struck since he came back after the covid pandemic, he would have such hard feelings over it that he'd probably tell Ten to swallow rocks. Or hit back like the Ice Age baby.
Persistent sexual advances that go beyond just verbal flirtation. Muu can ignore words like nothing, but any hands try going under his layers and the man will pee. Though he's pretty set in his defenses as he got too many clothes on and he has a shrill voice by nature. Not really what anyone would consider a worthwhile opportunity.
Harming the wubby. He'd absolutely lose his shit, because that was given to him by Sully. Any harm to it and he SCREAMING due to the fact he's sworn to take very good care of it besides the fact that he knew if it got taken from him, he'd never get another one to make up for it. Which is why he has thought ahead to give Ten his own knitted blanket, so that he leaves his alone. If not, he's headbutting them and keeping whatever teeth he knocks out in the process.
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yumikitten · 1 year
Things were going from good to bad in the blink of an eye. You'd been given a job offer you couldn't possibly refuse—one that paid better than the job you were currently at—but you'd need to relocate for it. And Noah was going to absolutely rage at knowing you'd be moving away from him. The two of you had been inseparable for the past ten years now, one always moving with the other.
You felt a slight panic as soon as you'd gotten off the phone with the hiring manager. Even though you knew you should take it, there was still one thing holding you back: Noah. The feelings you had for him had only grown with each passing day over the last decade, but how long were you supposed to follow him? At some point, you rationalized, you'd need to grow up and start thinking for yourself. If nothing had happened with you two in the last ten years, nothing was bound to at this point.
Still, there was that niggling feeling in the back of your mind that remained hoping something would eventually spark. Which is was part of the reason why your anxiety was slowly reaching its limit. That, and because Noah was always close by for anything. It would be like losing part of yourself with the move.
You needed a ride to work? He was there within ten minutes to take you.
Your garbage disposal stopped working? He fixed it for you the same day.
You were having an off day? Noah was sure to bring over your favorite snacks and watch your favorite movies to help perk you up.
No matter what the circumstance was, Noah was always there by your side. And it wasn't like the relationship was one-sided. You'd had your fair share of helping him, too.
He lost his voice from tour? You were there with home remedies to help him.
He had writer's block? You'd tell him crazy stories to help spark his inspiration again.
He wanted to walk around the neighborhood at 2am to think? You'd drive over to walk with him so he wasn't alone.
So your panic wasn't all for nothing. Whatever Noah did, you did too and vice versa. Just like him and Nick, you and znoah were your own package deal. At least until you moved.
If you moved, because you hadn't given an official answer yet. You knew that as soon as you told Noah, you'd gauge his reaction and let that make your decision for you. It was stupid to leave it up to someone else like that, let alone just with their reaction, but leaving him was just a huge as taking this job. Your breathing started to become shallow just thinking about it.
Looking to the time, you noticed you were five minutes late in leaving for dinner. Jolly wanted everyone to get dinner together at least once a month when they were home, and here you were trying to slow your breathing down. Honestly, you didn't know how you were going to school most of your expressions tonight, but you'd die trying if it meant you wouldn't cause a scene.
"No, I have to pull the Band-Aid off," you reasoned, knowing if you kept it to yourself any longer, it would only cause chaos. Besides, you told the hiring manager you'd call them with your answer by the end of the week and it was already Tuesday.
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The boys were already prepping the grill by the time you showed up, earning an astonished glance from Folio.
"You're normally here before us, and we live here," he said with a chuckle, but your stomach was in knots. The drummer wasn't wrong in saying that, which only hurt you more. Even he knew how close you and Noah were; everyone knew.
"Y/N, are you feeling okay?" Nick asked gently, eyes searching yours to see if you were sick or anything.
"Mhm, yea. It's just been a weird day." You offered up a lame excuse, breathing in slowly to reign in your emotions.
"Do you need to talk about it?" Noah appeared from behind you, offering up a shooter glass that likely had whiskey in it to sip. Looking from the glass now in your hand to Noah, you had to make a quick decision. He was giving you a reason to tell him about this afternoon and all you had to do was take it. He was your best friend, he would understand, right? His eyes were filled with controlled concern, but you knew he wouldn't pester you if you weren't ready.
"Actually, yea. Can we really quick?" The words tumbled out of your mouth like vomit, Noah nodding and telling the guys you'd be back before the food was done. He led you to his room, shutting the door before sitting down at his desk. You had his full attention, and all you had to do was speak. Your nerves were starting to shoot through you painfully, the glass coming up to your mouth to drink the couple fingers of whiskey down completely.
"Woah, Y/N. What's going on?" This was a bad idea, you thought. You couldn't do this. What made you think you could do this? The whiskey burned through to your stomach, only making you feel more ill. "Hey, talk to me." Your eyes landed on Noah's again, the warmth of his tone bringing you back to reality.
"I um—have something to tell you. It's good, so there's no reason to freak out or anything." You finally said, but you know it was only half the truth.
"Okay, so why does it look like you're freaking out?" He laughed uneasily, clearly questioning why you seemed so rigid. Leave it to him to try and keep the atmosphere light.
"I got a job offer today and I'm thinking about taking it." You set the empty glass down on the nightstand so you could clasp your hands together. The nervousness was radiating off you in waves which was only sending weird signals to him.
"That's great news! Was it the one you were telling me about the other week? The one—"
"Yea, that one." You cut him off, even though he was genuinely so happy for you. Your heart was starting to crack little by little watching his pearly smile light up the room you were about to dampen. "They called me this afternoon, and I told them I'd give them an answer by the end of the week."
Now he seemed confused, his brows downturning and head cocking to the side. "You didn't tell them yes? Y/N, you've been waiting for something like that! Jump on it!"
Swallowing, you looked around his room. You remembered helping him move in when they got the place. Over time, he'd only added more and more to the white walls that used to be so blank. There was even a picture of the two of you celebrating your twenty-first birthday back home in Virginia. Just a couple years later, he was moving to Los Angeles and you followed him without a second thought.
"It is what I've been waiting for, but there's a couple things I need to think about first before accepting it." The alcohol was starting to make things a bit easier to talk about, Noah seemingly not understanding your vague choice of words.
"So, what. They won't match the pay? You have to wait a while for the start date? Whatever it is, you shouldn't sit on it. Take it; you've worked so hard and deserve it." Heat was building in your eyes from the unshed tears. Noah was being so supportive just like always, and all you could feel was guilt. His words were true. You had worked hard, you did deserve this chance. Yet there was still the one thing holding you back. Your one reason.
Shaking your head, eyes glistening by now, you finally told him, "The job is in Portland. I'd need to be there no later than the first of the month to start." That was only a couple weeks away, and you knew if you did accept the offer, you'd need to leave sooner to look for apartments in the area.
There was a wide range of emotions crossing Noah's face, all of them as clear as the last before he closed his eyes and smiled. He looked up from where he sat, blinking his eyes a few times. "And that's keeping you from answering? Y/N, this is an amazing opportunity for you."
Your heart was falling, but for a different reason now. This wasn't one of the mental scenarios you had come up with when you were running through them earlier. "It is, but Noah—I'd need to move."
He nodded, "Yea, but Portland isn't so bad, right? It isn't the cleanest anymore, but neither is LA. And it isn't like that's far, right? Just a quick plane ride." He was trying to reason with himself through trying to reason with you. His tone was calm, collected, and that only made you feel worse. Was he sad at all that you'd be leaving? That you wouldn't just be a car ride away anymore?
Did he care?
That question surfaced, and try as you might to shake it away, it still sat there demanding attention. You had been so worried to tell him, and for what? What did you expect was going to happen? That he would retaliate and beg you not to go? Your eyes sat on his still calm demeanor wondering if your friendship meant as much to him as it did to you. Well, at least you got your other answer; he didn't seem to have any hidden feelings for you like you did for him, which probably hurt a bit more.
"Was this why you were acting so damn squirrely?" He shook his head with humor, "let's get you another drink."
Instead of moving to follow him, you stood there mortified. Your stomach was churning, your nerves past their limits and all you wanted to do was curl up and hide from the world. Of course, Noah wasn't going to stop you from doing something you wanted. Of course, he'd support you. Of course, he'd want what he feels is best for you. The sir around you felt thick and heavy, as if it was beginning to weigh in you.
"I think—I think I'm gonna head home. I'm actually not feeling very well." It was hard to speak when you trying to hold back your tears.
"Can I get you anything?" His concern was back tenfold, his body standing in his doorframe. You hadn't even realized he'd opened the door.
Beg me to stay, you wanted to yell. But you shook your head, "No, my stomach is just kind of hurting. Guess I shouldn't have downed the whiskey." You laughed, but it was clearly fake. There was a panic attack rising and you just needed to go home to sort it all out. You moved past Noah, who was clearly still processing your answer, and made your way down the stairs to the front door.
"You're leaving already?" Jolly asked from the kitchen. It looked like they were done grilling, both Folio and Nick peering from around the corner to get a better look.
"I told you she didn't look well," Nick commented as Noah was walking down the last few steps toward you.
"Are you okay?" Jolly finally asked through the tension.
Smiling through the unshed tears, you nodded, "Yea, apparently I'm moving," you started to say, "I got offered a job and I'm moving to Portland."
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Noah's hands griped your arms gently, but his question felt like it was too loaded to answer. If you didn't leave now, you'd regret anything you'd have to say in an anxious rage. By now, the other three had stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening. You and Noah arguing let alone fighting in general wasn't something that happened often.
"I'm not feeling well, Noah. I'm heading home." Turning, you walked out the front door with your footfalls feeling heavier with each step you took.
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As soon as you'd gotten home, you finally allowed your tears to fall. Looking around your apartment, you couldn't imagine trying to pack it up to move states. Least of all without your best friend. Your best friend who apparently didn't care if you left at all, the one who was only being supportive. He knew this job meant a lot to you, but what he wasn't aware of was how much more he meant to you. And you couldn't fault him for that. It wasn't like he could move with you like you did for him anyway. His job was here with the band. At some point, you knew you'd need to go your separate ways.
Your throat was burning as you groaned with anguish. How pitiful you felt by this turn of events. Honestly, you shouldn't have overthought this so damn hard. You ran out on dinner and away from Noah.
It had been a couple hours by the time you heard knocking on your door. The time was only nine at night, your phone long since been silenced so you could ease your mind and merely be. Maybe if you stayed in bed long enough, the person would assume you were either not home or asleep and just leave.
Another series of knocking had you getting out of bed. Throwing the door open, you saw Noah standing there in the clothes he had on earlier. His hair was in disarray and his eyes seemed red-rimmed like he'd been crying.
"You can't leave," he blurted out, his expression pleading with you.
"Why?" You moved so he could come in, closing the door behind him. "You said it yourself, I've been waiting for something like this. I'd be dumb not to." Your response was angrier than intended, but you weren't in the mental state to care right now.
"And that's true, and I know it's so fucking selfish of me, but you can't leave." His voice was rising, his eyes wild. This is what you wanted, so why were you fighting it so hard? He was telling you not to go, but somehow in your mind it was too late.
"You were so supportive of me earlier, so what changed?" You threw your hands up in anger.
"It doesn't matter as to why. What matters is none of us wants you to go!" He shouted back with the rising tension.
"It does matter!" You yelled back. "It fucking does, Noah! You can't just tell me to go and make it sound like it would be easy and then come over to tell me not to! So what the hell changed in the last two hours—"
"—because I fucking love you and can't stand the thought of you leaving me!" He screamed, veins popping out of his neck. You were speechless, utterly so as his eyes started to shine brighter in the dim lighting of your living room. "I can't stand the thought of you living so far away. And if it makes me the worst human on this planet to tell you to not take this job for my sake, then I guess I'm the fucking worst." You could hear the pain in his voice as his tone was starting to drop with emotion.
Your heart was pounding so hard you could hear the pulse in your ears. The tension was so thick around the two of you, it was amazing how you were still breathing. Noah said he loved you. It was something you'd only ever dreamed about saying to him but were so afraid of the outcome. Yet here he was laying it all out in front of you.
"You can't fucking go, Y/N. I know I've been so selfish—what with you moving here with me and always supporting me—but I can't just let you leave. Not without me pouring my heart out, anyway. If you don't feel the same, then forget it. It'll be like it never happened and we'll make it all work out. I'll help you move and get you settled—"
"Noah, shut up." You cut him off again, tears falling for a new reason now. How could you leave with hearing all of that? He remained quiet, watching you like he would truly let you leave if it was what you really wanted. But what you really wanted was right in front of you. "Why did it take us so long?" You began laughing, Noah's eyes widening at the change of tone.
"What?" He questioned seriously, unsure of what you were talking about.
"I told myself there was only one reason I'd stay, and it was if you asked me not to leave. When you didn't earlier, I gave up all hopes and that was that. I didn't think you'd ever tell me you loved me."
There was a blush running up the side of his neck as he grasped at what to say. "Listen, you don't need to make this decision purely because I told you not to go. This should be something you want."
"Noah, you don't get it." Now you were smiling, still sobbing here and there. "The one thing I've wanted for a while now is to hear you tell me you love me." Without a second thought you pulled him to you, your lips crashing against his like he was your lifeline. The astonishment seemed to pass quickly from Noah as he began kissing you back eagerly. His lips tasted of salt and rum; it was mildly addicting.
"Fuck, why did this take us so long?" He asked when he pulled away from you, forehead leaning against yours. "If you still want to go, I won't stop you. However, I'm not letting you leave without establishing whatever this is."
"Noah darling, I'm not leaving. Not just because you asked me not to, but because I can't stand the thought of leaving you behind."
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hum-suffer · 3 months
Of course, you'll hurt me 4 (Rajneeti)
When Amrita wakes up three hours later, it's dawn. She gets ready for the day as quickly as she can and for the first time in months, makes an Americano for herself.
She has a feeling she'll need it.
And she's not wrong, because ten minutes later, her phone rings and it's Prithvi bhaiya calling. Amrita looks down at the empty mug of coffee, the taste of it turning bitter on her tongue and braces herself.
"Amrita, I need you to pick up some books from the district library." He says, not bothering to greet her as he yawns. "And pick up my clothes from the laundry, please."
Amrita frowns as he rattles off a list of self help books. "Finally understanding that you need help, are you?"
Prithvi scoffs. "It's for Virendra. He'll need it, he's going to be panicking."
"I'm not going to let you ruin your career by being petty to Virendra," she says tiredly. "I'll bring the records that are necessary and your clothes. And what about the lawyers?"
"What lawyers?"
Amrita grits her teeth but instantly relaxes as Dev comes into the living room, yawning dramatically as he walks. She flashes him a smile and gestures for him to sit down as she goes to make him tea and pack some lunch for him.
"Lawyers who will make the documentation of the power shift, bhaiya. Chandra uncle is the acting president and you are the secretary." Amrita says, putting the call on the speaker she began boiling milk. "You saw Virendra bhaiya yesterday. He may as well try to prove something wrong."
She can hear the downturn of his mood as he speaks,"Don't give him so much respect, Amrita. And yes, I'll talk to Mamaji about the lawyers. I do think he's already contacted his lawyers, but it doesn't hurt to ask."
"Alright. And the rally we planned? Are we going through?"
"Of course," he says indignantly. "Bade papa would have wanted the party strong."
Amrita wants to groan. She doesn't have the energy for this bullshit, not today, not with so less sleep. She serves the tea in Dev's mug— he has more than three and this one is his favourite, with a print of Ninja Hattori on it. He'll refuse it with his life if asked, but he has a soft spot for the cartoon.
She sighs instead,"I'll be at your house in an hour and half. And, I'll take my lunch break later, I'll spend my lunch with Dev."
Prithvi hums. Amrita absolutely dreads whatever he will want to ask her and she hopes it's nothing about Sharma. If it is, she'll have to cross her boundaries and pull out all the stops. This situation is even more precarious than the last. A singular mistake like Sharma could cost them everything.
He ends up murmuring a quick goodbye and hanging up. It's unusual for him, but not unusual enough that she might investigate. Let him be. Amrita needs to focus more on herself and Dev, rather than the messy affairs of the Prataps. That's another job to deal with.
When she goes to Dev, he's pushing some books into his bag. "Thanks, Didi," he mutters, sitting down instantly. Amrita sits down beside him, serving both of them some snacks for breakfast. When they were younger, their mother had tried to instill the habit having fresh warm breakfast in them but Amrita's stomach couldn't agree with such heavy breakfast and Dev refused to eat alone— if his sister wasn't eating with him, he wasn't eating anything. Amrita had to restort to a compromise of dry snacks in order to get some food in the boy and also make sure she doesn't throw up her breakfast everyday.
"What's going to happen now, didi?" He asks, sneaking a chocolate cookie from her plate. "Bhanu Pratap is a huge leader. If he dies, who'll handle the party?"
Amrita shrugs. "I honestly don't care much about that and neither should you. As long as we get the money, I don't care who handles the party. Though, I am hoping Prithvi bhaiya becomes the Chief Minister from the elections. There needs to be some progress in my life. It's getting boring."
Dev shakes his head and smiles like he doesn't know what to say. "True enough. But I don't like the way Virendra bhaiya seems so distressed about Prithvi bhaiya. It feels off."
Amrita hums quietly. "That's true. Whatever happens, if push comes to shove and we need to choose, know that we'll choose Prithvi. He's reckless but he's been kind to us."
"And Samar bhaiya?"
Amrita gives Dev a side eyed look. "What about him?"
"You've never said anything to him after he's come back. I don't know what happened, but he broke contact with you and left you hanging. Are you sure you want to side with him?" Dev asks, frowning at her as he finishes the last of his tea. "Is he the person you can support, even indirectly?"
Amrita purses her lips and shrugs. She carefully sidesteps the dangers that Dev has planted in his words. "Eh. I don't know him all that deeply anymore, I don't think so. And who cares about him? He'll go back to America, I think. He's kept out of politics for a reason. Let's pray the reasons persists."
He doesn't look convinced but gets up and quickly washes his hands while Amrita grabs both of their bags and gets out, starting her Jupiter. Dev grudgingly sits behind her, muttering about how she never lets him drive. She pointedly doesn't start driving until he wears the helmet she's offering.
Amrita grins and elbows him and starts driving,"Be glad I'm babying you so much. Once you graduate, it's a cutthroat world. Let me treat you like my baby for a while. You've just started your college."
Dev— still a teenage boy, no matter how much she teaches him to show affection— keeps his hands on his thighs as he answers back to her snarkily. Amrita thinks this is the most powerful feeling that she has. She owns no power more important than the power to spend time with her brother, who loves her. Whom she taught how to love and be loved.
As soon as they're at the gates of his university premises, Dev gets off and removes the helmet, bending down and shoving his face between her and the side mirror to tame his hair. "This helmet always ruins my hair," he whines as she pushes him away with her fingertips on his forehead.
"Try mine next time, then." She rolls her eyes at his dramatics. "Come here, you idiot." She pushes his hair out of his eyes and helps him set it in the way she knows he likes. "I'll take you for ice cream after college, deal?"
"I desperately need blueberry ice cream. That's the stall I was talking about." He points at a stall across the street and Amrita shakes her head at his choice but doesn't comment on it regardless.
His watch beeps and he smacks his own forehead in a punishment that Amrita knows won't last anyways. "I'm about to be so late because you drive so slow! Bye, see you!" He pushes his helmet in her hands and turns around, starting to sprint.
She chuckles at him and calls back. "See you!" She knows she's embarrassed him, the poor fresher, but she can't help but enjoy it.
Everyone in the university knows Amrita Arya is an alumnus. And her name is engraved in the lore of the college. Their shared last name and Dev's sheer charm will protect him from any ragtag bullies, if there exist any.
When she reaches his house with his clothes, Prithvi is talking to one of his bootlickers. Amrita gives Bharti aunty a smile and puts the clothes on an armchair for their house help to later pick up.
"Eat something, now that you're here. You were rushing a lot yesterday, you must be tired," Bharti aunty says, gesturing her to sit down.
Amrita shakes her head. "No, thank you, aunty. I'll feel nauseous if I eat anything this early. How are you? How is Chandra uncle?"
"Arre what will ever happen to me?" She waves off nonchalantly. "Your uncle left for the office headquarters today very early for some emergency meetings. The inner politics in the party needs immediate attention, apparently."
"Stop worrying, Maa," Prithvi says, finally off the call. "Papa knows how to handle everyone. They trust him to make the right decisions."
It's easy to manipulate old men in greed of power.
"Everything ready for the rally?"
Amrita nods. She brings out a file, to show him the route that she's prepared. Ideally, she'd be showing this to him 24 hours prior but Prithvi likes to stall too much. When she turns back to him, Samar is walking into the room. His eyes catch her for a moment and Amrita looks away instantly.
"We'll have to go Ramnagar first and continue down to Azadnagar. Strong seats but we do need to reinforce their belief in us, especially after last night." Amrita says, showing him the city plans. "These are the stats of the last time's election, from these areas."
Prithvi waves her off. "I don't have time for stats. You read through them?"
Amrita rolls her eyes but nods, keeping her eyes trained on Prithvi even as she feels Samar's eyes practically boring into her. "Yes. I've also talked to some people I know and it seems like Azadnagar has a change of views in politics but otherwise, the other areas are still under our influence. Especially, considering the employment drive we did a couple of years ago."
Samar yawns. "And this Azadnagar? Didn't people get employment there?"
"The elderly people of the area got medical benefits but no, we had some disagreements with the company who got the tender for road building and they didn't give us the same ratio of employment reservation for the people of Azadnagar." Amrita says, sighing. She remembers the shit show that particular spat was. Bhanu uncle handled it, but honestly, it was a shit show.
Samar hums, quietly picking up a mug of tea.
(Amrita remembers he prefers tea with mint and Tulsi.)
Samar takes one sit from the mug and his lips purse but he doesn't say a word. The kitchen has no smell of mint or Tulsi and Amrita can guess that Bharti aunty made ginger tea. She's always insistent on how good it is for health. She always griped about how using tulsi for tea is just an unfair way of using the pious plant.
(Amrita feels an unpleasant ache between her ribs when she realises she's right about his preferences still. That she remembered it correctly. Samar Pratap has always sunk into her veins with ease like he's always belonged. Vindictively, passionately and absolutely. Like he belongs.)
Samar decides not to come to the rally, even as a background face. Amrita envies his autonomy that he can say no to this circus. Amrita wishes she could.
The rally, predictably, goes like shit.
Amrita literally has to take a pill for a brewing headache and plug her earphones in both ears. The overly loud and bright crowd does her no favours and the beginning of a migraine isn't something she wishes to welcome. Both Harsh and Prithvi see her rubbing her forehead every five minutes, closing and opening her eyes to keep the brightness at bay as long as she can.
"You okay there, assistant?" Prithvi asks ten minutes before they're about to enter Azadnagar. His voice is cajoling but she can see the worry in his frown. (Where was this concern yesterday, when someone was staring at her inappropriately?)
Amrita swallows the words and blows out a breath to relax herself. "Just, everything is too bright and loud. I'm okay, bhaiya, don't worry."
Harsh passes a water bottle to her and she grins at him, silly,"Aw, you do care!"
"There's poison in it," he deadpans. "Drink and die."
"Careful there, your wife will get jealous of me if you show so much love!" She teases back and even the mention of his wife brings a smile to his face. "Lovesick." She mutters under her breath with a smile, taking a sip from the bottle.
Prithvi passes her a pair of Ray-Ban aviators. Amrita raises her eyebrows at him in concern and question. He's never been one for sunglasses, says they make him look cheap. And she's not going to use some random bootlicker's sunglasses. Ew.
"They're Samar's," he explains, seeing her disgusted face,"he forgot them in the car when we went out for a drive early in the morning."
Oh, that makes sense. Samar has always liked to watch the sunrise and sunset.
Hesitantly, Amrita puts the aviators on. On an average day, she'd swear up and down and never wear them, but today isn't her day and she'd rather be seen in too big sunglasses than have a migraine.
Prithvi outright laughs at how big the sunglasses look on her face. Before she can realise anything, he clicks a picture of her, scowling.
"I literally hate you." She says without any heat in her words.
Prithvi blows her a mocking kiss and starts to stand up in the jeep. "Keep hating, assistant."
Tagging: @akshinayak (sorry for being so late!!)
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twistmusings · 2 years
Happy holidays Mod Azul!! :) May I request Octavinelle and what they do after a fight with their s/o? Thank you and I hope ur having a wonderful break!
How does Octavinelle handle a fight with their s/o?
Note: I kind of also get into how they fight in general. Darker and less chipper than my normal writing so please proceed carefully!
CW: Angst, this operates on the assumption that it was a pretty serious fight, mentions of bad mental health and poor coping (Floyd), mentions of physical abuse (no abuse actually occurs, Floyd just scares himself with the thought in Floyd and Jade's parts), Jade Leech is toxic and manipulative (he ends up in every one of these warnings, no one is surprised), mentions of a breakup (but unconfirmed if it happens or not), they ALL suck at communicating.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is incredibly shaken up, but unlike when he was a child, he manages to hold himself together much better than he used to.
Azul is definitely the first one to walk away from the argument-- not everything he used to do is gone. He still has the tendency to go and hide even if it's in a less literal sense. He needs the time to lick his wounds and the the distance to think clearly.
The moment he is alone and he's fully confident that he won't be bothered, he absolutely breaks down. He ugly cries and wallows for at least ten to fifteen minutes, and then once that's out of his system he can actually start thinking about things clearly.
Azul, being the kind of person he is, always chooses his words exceedingly carefully. He has trained himself not to say things that someone can leverage against him. Regardless of the fact that it was an argument, he's doesn't say things he regrets. That means, unfortunately, any painful things that come out during said argument are his whole, honest thoughts.
He needs to be away from the situation to plan. Azul never approaches a situation with anything but utmost caution and consideration. He has probably thought through thousands of scenarios about how to approach them about the argument before he actually does it.
It can make him seem a little cold, honestly, because from their perspective, it must seem like he's very unaffected. That couldn't be further from the case, though, when he steps back he's trying to find a solution or compromise that will be considerate for both of them. That being said, it's not something he discusses with them before he proposes it, so it all depends on the partner whether that escalates their fight or not.
Floyd Leech
Floyd's emotions escalate quickly. The moment they start arguing, his filter drops entirely. He definitely falls a bit into the trap of tossing barbs he knows are low blows, and will regret it later.
Floyd would never do anything to hurt them, but at the same time, he's incredibly afraid that somewhere in him there's the capacity for it. He creates physical distance from them and does not want to be in touching-distance because he scares himself. If his emotions are a mystery to everyone else, they're about a thousand times more confusing to him and the thought that he can't predict himself is something that he worries about. Truthfully, Floyd doesn't give himself enough credit in this regard: he wouldn't ever hurt them intentionally, he doesn't have the capacity to hurt someone he cares about that much.
Floyd himself would admit to being a coward-- the moment he sees an opening to escape the conversation he's leaping at it, even if it ends up making things worse.
He spends the next several hours to several days sulking, just depending on the severity of the fight. He tends to just... avoid, rather than to confront his partner, so the chances of him coming to seek a resolution on his own are nearly zero. If anyone is going to intervene, it's either going to be his partner, his brother, or Azul on his behalf.
Self loathing. A lot of self loathing. He has a certain baseline for kinda hating himself normally, and it sometimes fluctuates one way or the other. After an argument, though? It's off the charts. He upsets himself with some of the things he knows he said to them which makes his mood worse which makes him continue to beat himself up. It's a self-sustaining cycle.
Jade Leech
Jade is probably the worst of the three. Arguing with Jade is pretty rare because he's usually pretty amicable and agreeable so long as things are going in a way that he can see being entertaining and beneficial to him. The moment that switch is flipped, though, Jade is outright brutal.
Where to begin, honestly. He's a nightmare. The moment the tension with his partner snaps and they start arguing with him, they've just secured a ticket to one hell of a guilt trip. Jade loves them, but with the way he knows how precisely which buttons to press to escalate the argument you wouldn't guess it.
Jade knows they aren't stupid, so while he says a lot, he leaves plenty unsaid that they can fill in the gaps of, and when they do it will more than likely make them feel terrible.
Where Azul and Floyd know when to back down, Jade does not. He will stick out the argument until one of two things happen: his partner walks out or he is asked/told to leave. And if they ask him to leave, he's going to make them feel terrible for it. He won't tell them where he's going or even text them after the fact-- it will be entirely up to them to find him first.
Jade really doesn't suffer with sitting in uncomfortable feelings the way that Azul and Floyd do. Sure, he loves them and it sucks to argue, but he's not nearly as uncomfortable in that tense environment as they are. It happened, what's done is done, and now he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. It is what it is, and if that means that his partner breaks things off with him, he understands that's perfectly within their right. He truly wouldn't blame them.
An area where Jade and Floyd are sort of similar and sort of different in one area: they both avoid fights with their partners because they are afraid of hurting them. The big difference is, though, that while Floyd is afraid of hurting them physically, he would never actually be capable of doing it. Jade isn't afraid of hurting them physically, but is deeply aware he can and has hurt them emotionally because it was (at least partially) intentional. It's not a trait he's proud of and he will try to work on it in time, but that's not going to make the actions he does before any more excusable.
Jade kind of traps himself. After the dust has settled and he realizes what he's done, by that point he's pretty certain that he should give them the space they need to parse their emotions and figure out their feelings toward him. However, since he doesn't know how long that will take and he doesn't want to backslide and escalate the argument further accidentally by stepping in too soon, he ends up just waiting for them to come to him first. He also would need his partner, his brother, or Azul to intervene before he would address the situation.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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Saving Grace
✨ All Previous Parts Here ✨
(sorry I got too overwhelmed going chapter by chapter)
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: SPN inspired, ABO dynamics (knots, slick, mpreg), demon Kells, hunter Dom, Big Warning! Fear of miscarriage! (It's only a few minutes but keep yourself safe!), bleeding while pregnant, fear, scared boys, boys realizing how they feel, teasing, cuddles, careful Kells, surprising interruption, magic, secrets almost revealed, Tom being shady, Dom questioning everything, Rowena getting fresh, improper baby checking, mentions of hell, boys in love ⚰️ rating: mature
Keliphos was tired of nervously pacing in front of their bedroom already and it had only been half an hour. He couldn't make himself stop moving though. He hated not being part of the conversation but Dom had asked him to wait outside so he was. He'd do a lot for his mate- anything really. He just wasn't prepared for the rampant anxiety rushing through him. Especially because he knew his lover needed the space so he didn't have to mask his own worry. It was sweet because he knew the human was trying to protect him but at the same time it meant he thought he needed to. Fuck, love was confusing.
They'd gone so hard with each other the day before, Kells had fucked him rough and dirty from the shower to the bed and it didn't completely stop until later that night when he passed out from exhaustion. The devil had thought everything was okay because Dom said he wasn't in any kind of extra pain. It was the normal 'just took almost a foot of dick for hours' deep belly ache. Or so they had thought. Col had let himself drift as Dom slept and when they woke up the human was hurting and the nephalem could scent blood. Kells had felt different kinds of fear in his long life but nothing had ever knocked him so out of breath as when he saw red on his boyfriend's finger tips.
The day before he'd meant to show the omega a sliver of what he thought was his true self- they'd talked about his penchant for pain and torture and the kid had sworn he loved all of him. Perhaps even loved him more because of his darkness instead of in spite of it. He remembered Dom saying he trusted him with their child because of it, that his demonic side would be more protective or at least more willing to do whatever it took. They may never even get to that point because he let too much of it show and he may have hurt them… Shit, how could he love something so much he'd only known about for a few days? Why had he gone so hard?
He kept trying to tell himself it hadn't been too much blood, it definitely wasn't as much as Dom drank from him daily or anything. It shouldn't be enough to be a problem and yet he was scared. It was quite possibly the first time he didn't like seeing the Hunter covered in red. He was trying to think of anything else, trying to focus on the fact that Rowena had never shown up the day before and that wasn't fucking good. She always kept to her word. He couldn't stay on anything though, not when there was some magical shit going on with his mate and child behind him but he had to be good. He could prove to Dom he could be good.
After another ten minutes and another mile of pacing he was sure, the door finally opened and he turned so fast he smacked into Tom. They were both a bit startled but only because they were already so nervous. He tried to push past the witch but he grabbed him gently around both arms and kept him there. "What the fuck dude, let me-"
"If you don't settle you'll make him think he has to protect your emotions. Chill the hell out Col." The hidden goddess snapped softly and he took a breath. He didn't want Dom more worried for him. After a moment he met those silver eyes as relaxed as he could and the other ancient smiled. "They're okay. Strong honestly, and bigger than we thought. I didn't wish to add more stress so I didn't mention it but they're nearing a trimester of growth already."
That stopped the demon cold, he didn't think he was upset but it did mean he wasn't imagining things. His kid was growing at a rapid pace and his baby mama had no idea. Shit. He raised a hand to his face and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He wasn't sure why he'd been having headaches for the first time in his life but it was getting on his nerves. "But they're okay?" He whimpered softly and his Mitéra nodded.
"They seem as stubborn as both their parents. Or perhaps you're just egotistical about your prowess." Tom tried to tease to lighten the mood. He couldn't imagine what his family was going through, it was stressful enough for him watching who he thought of as his children be so scared. "I think you simply stretched him too much, or perhaps pulled free too soon. You already healed him, that was simply left over. Perhaps less… acrobatic relations from now on?"
Keliphos was surprised to see the witch blush but it made him chuckle. Tom didn't have to worry about that, after all that fear he wasn't sure he could touch Dom again until the kid was out. Fuck that. "Is he okay?" He asked after a moment. He didn't want his lover terrified or upset, but he could understand if he was pissed at him.
Tom looked away for a moment and sighed, offering the devil a small shrug of one shoulder. "I believe he's surprised at how scared he was. Like I said before, he wasn't prepared to accept so much into his life. He's already been through the fear of almost losing you twice, I think he's overwhelmed. Just be honest about how you feel, I think he was a bit embarrassed."
"Embarrassed?" The demon just didn't understand. Because he needed Tom to check him? He could have done that but he didn't have the same type of magic. He wasn't sure he could feel out a child, even with it being his own.
"Not that, he cried a bit. I think he finds it shameful to love or be worried over that love. Help him Col, don't make it worse." It was blunt and matter of fact and exactly what he would expect from him. Neither of them were great at dealing with other people but at least Kells could fake it a little better.
"Swear, I'll try." He sighed back, kissing the man's cheek as he passed. That was the thing, Tom had once been his parent but he was also Dom's and they both knew the demon would rather have his mate supported. It made him trust the witch even more. He took a step around him and pushed open their bedroom door to find Dom curled on the bed. He was under some thick blankets but his pale face was just visible and as Kells closed the door behind him the boy looked over. The second their eyes met the devil realized how pink his were and they started to well again as he neared the bed. "Shit Domie, I'm so sorry." He soothed, crawling up next to him. He laid on his side in a similar position so they could keep eye contact and hold hands between them. He focused his grace and tried to send another wave of healing through his omega but he was still learning.
"Don't apologize. I'm fine." The kid sniffled and tried to smile but it felt weak around the edges even to the human. "Sorry I freaked out like tha'. Jus' a little blood and I panic- great show."
Keliphos scoffed and moved closer, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's hand. "You were calm as fuck compared to me. I think there's a hole in Tom's floor." He cringed, trying to make his mate smile.
"I could 'ear yas. Dunno 'ow I got so scared Kells. We jus' found out." His voice went soft and small as if he was trying to keep their conversation a secret.
"I know. Me too." The devil sighed. "I guess we have to face it."
"Face wha'?"
"We're like… parents." Col joked, sticking his tongue out and scrunching his nose. He was thousands of years old but he'd never once thought of himself as an adult. Yet there they were, responsible for a very small life. "You loooove them." He still couldn't claim he was an adult though and he didn't plan to any time soon.
"Piss off! You do! Pussy." Dom scoffed, playing right back. His voice was wet and thick with emotion. His face was still pink and his sinuses stuffed. Keliphos could heal a lot but not if the boy just kept crying. He would wait and try to help his asthmatic bitch breathe when he was calm.
"Isn't that how we got into this? You calling me a pussy?"
"Oi, blaming me? 'Ow bloody dare yas. I weren't begging you to try and break me." He huffed back before blushing somehow pinker. He certainly had begged something exactly like that. "You is a pussy. Look at you. Wha' ya gonna do when our baby falls?"
"It'll be fine cause we'll live in a padded room."
Dom rolled his eyes but smiled something a lot more real. He tried pulling his mate closer by his hand, before he thought better of it and raised the mountain of blankets. The air chilled his naked skin and Kells stared a moment before finally wiggling against him. The nephalem had only dressed in shorts when he left the room, something he could grab and stumble into as he ran to find Tom so when they rolled together they were flesh to flesh almost everywhere. Kells would swear he could feel the omega even plusher but he wouldn't say anything.
"So a trimester aye?" Dom sighed as he pressed his forehead to his alpha's shoulder. He wasn't hiding but it was certainly easier to talk that way. Kells froze, his eyes blinking fast as he tried to process how he knew. "Tom talks louder 'an he finks. I told yas to stop 'iding shite but I get it. Tha's… fuck."
The devil pet soothingly down his spine but he wasn't sure what to say. It scared him too, he wasn't anymore ready for their babe than Dom was. "Don't worry, it will slow down." That… wasn't his voice and it wasn't Tom's. The demon had a knife in his hand before he even moved and he sat up enough to look around. He knew the voice though, he was just surprised she would appear in their fucking bedroom. "Hello boys, weren't you expecting me?" Rowena grinned, acting as if she owned the place when she took a seat on the bed behind Dom. She was beautiful as always but a little worse for wear. He just hoped Astaroth didn't know what they were after. "Oh you poor love, the wee one gave you a fright?" Her Scottish accent always felt thicker than her bright red hair when she was trying to ease someone's worries. For the Queen of Hell she was sweeter to those she loved than anyone expected but she learned the hard way to savor what she had. Poor thing. He tucked the knife back under the pillow and relaxed but he couldn't completely. If she was here that meant something was going on.
"I'm alright. It was jus' a bit of blood. Are you okay?" Dom asked as he looked up at her. He knew she was a friend to his family and even though he was a little shocked she felt it okay to pop in their room he didn't want to be rude to her. She was helping. Her dark eye makeup was still perfect but her hair looked tousled, her skin a little messy.
"Oh, did our boy go a mite too hard? He never has understood his own power." The way her 'r's rolled almost made it easier to handle knowing she was talking from experience. He didn't blame either of them but he couldn't help wondering… she had to be good. She winked down at him as his mate scoffed, he knew the demon wanted to reassure him but he didn't want to insult his queen. "Love makes all the difference. Now, shall we talk?"
"Did you find him? Are you okay? Did Astaroth find you?" Kells didn't mean to go overboard but he was worried. He wanted to save Ramiel without fighting. He genuinely wanted to save their revenge until Dom could join him.
Rowena's perfectly manicured hand disappeared under the blanket and Dom jumped. "Um… tha's not me belly luv."
"Oops! I overreached. There we are. Aren't you a lucky one Keliphos." She purred and Dom flushed hot. "Your father doesn't know, I found Ramiel locked away and managed to get him free but I'm not able to bring him to Earth myself. Astaroth used the cage Kells. I don't know how but… You're lucky you asked me. Before now I thought I was the only one who knew how to open it. I believe he has the Horsemen's rings, it's the easiest way to come and go. However, that means we have far more trouble than we thought." She huffed.
Dom was more confused than he could explain, of course he'd heard of some of these things- he read the books like any Hunter history buff but he assumed all those items would be protected. It didn't help that she was softly rubbing his belly and probably touching his boyfriend in the process. But it felt oddly calming and comforting so he didn't want to cause a fuss. He'd never had a mother's touch besides Tom and he wasn't sure if she was being sexual or truly just checking on the baby or possibly both.
"Thank you Row, seriously. Wait… you couldn't get him to Earth?" Kells asked, a pit forming in his stomach.
Suddenly the door flew open and Tom was standing there frazzled and holding a cast iron frying pan like a weapon. He looked ready to kick ass until he realized it was her and he relaxed. "Well your reaction time is getting slow with your age Tom dear." She teased him and he flipped her off.
"Are you alright?" He asked, moving closer to the bed. He knew better than most that she wouldn't normally be late unless something went wrong and with everything that was at stake he was anxious already.
"I'm perfectly fine, it took me a bit longer to spell the poor boy with protection and I… I was trying to free him." She sighed.
"But you just said-" Kells started to interject.
"I freed him from the cage but Astaroth trapped him in hell. Somehow he was able to lock his grace inside his vessel and chain that vessel to hell. I even tried taking Ramiel through Purgatory but it was no use. He starts to die the moment he attempts to leave. It's magic I barely understand." They all knew how hard that was for her to admit, she was the strongest witch besides Tom that anyone knew of and even then there were some things Tom bowed to her for. "I hoped perhaps you could help."
Dom looked up to Keliphos then to Tom, he thought she must be talking to one of them until Kells started to talk back to her. "He just fucking- no. Fuck that shit Row, respectfully. I'm not allowing my damn baby mama in hell!"
"Wait, fuck you Kells. Shut up! Ain't tha' me choice? I'm jus' confused! 'Ow could I 'elp? I barely know magic." He grumbled back but he kept his voice soft. He understood Col's fear. They'd just spent the morning thinking their child was hurt. He wasn't sure he even wanted to go himself and risk anything but if it was for Ramiel… if he could truly help he had to.
"I like the fire in this one, you did well with him Tom. And you, Kells… How did it feel having your wings back?" She asked and they all went silent. The demon knew his fellow ancient was surprised but he didn't know how to explain. He didn't even know how to talk back to her over something like that. "Dominic here is a dark magic null. Have you not noticed yet?"
Dom blinked slowly, his jade eyes looking up to meet hers. "Wha' you mean? Null? I been cursed Row, dark magic works on me." He couldn't understand what she meant. What the fuck was she on about?
"No love, Astaroth only revealed the truth of what you already were. It was simply a light magic glamor that hid your true nature. Think about it, you carry his babe inside you even though he's been cursed not to create life. The longer you two are together the more his angelic side is able to shine. You reverse dark magic just being near. I believe you are the only one who can save the angel my dear." The room fell silent. Everyone sat confused and staring except Tom who just looked scared.
"Wha' um… wha' you mean Row? I weren't born an omega. I'm 'uman. I'm 'uman." His voice broke, tears burning his eyes again. "Aren't I? Tom?… tell 'er?"
"I… I'll have to look into it. Don't worry though, we'll figure it out. I'm sorry Dom, I never want you frightened." The hidden goddess was terrified and everyone could tell. For once both Dom and Kells knew he was hiding something but they didn't push. There was too much happening for them to be at odds at the moment.
"I know." The boy whispered back but he was scared to say too much. He was just surprised his mate wasn't lunging.
"At least be content in the knowledge your babe is a strong one. About the size of a kiwi fruit. Lovely." The Queen purred, trying to lighten the mood.
"Oh." Dom hummed, he was still too shocked to say much else. He wished he could be more normal and just get to focus on that but one thing at a time. "Fank you Row, I'd love to 'elp wiv Ramiel. Shall we?"
Keliphos arched a brow and wanted to stop time from moving. He couldn't stand the thought of his mate in hell but… it was his choice and he wouldn't piss the kid off. "Can we have a minute? Please?" He asked, nodding thankfully when the witches left the room. "Can you just give me a fucking minute? Just… please?"
He didn't have to ask, Dom was thankful for it too. He knew they probably needed to talk but instead his alpha pulled him flush against his chest and held him tight. He wasn't sure how they needed the exact same thing but it felt perfect, all he could do was breathe him in and let himself melt against his boyfriend. How could so much go mad so quickly? He couldn't even face most of it. For just a moment he tried to ignore everything else and focus on what good they had going for them. Their baby was healthy and big. "A kiwi… I wonder if it's fuzzy too." He tried to tease and Kells chuckled against his hair. For just a moment maybe time could stand still, if only so they could breathe and bond together.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
To anyone who saw this post before I fixed it? You didn't 🫣 it was an accidental click. I hope you enjoyed this! I know it's a little stressful but I hope still good. Sorry no kinktober post. How is Dom a null? What is he really? What is Tom STILL hiding? Can they save Ramiel? Keep reading to find out! Thank you 🖤⚰️
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mad-hunts · 6 months
“It’s hard for me to believe anything you say.”
there's something one of his eyes want to give the other upon hearing that — quite possibly a twitch, or some kind of momentary spasm born out of annoyance, barton thought — but he managed to rein himself in at the very last second. and thank god for that, honestly. the only thing that that would achieve would make himself look even more suspicious to the other's eyes; as 'normal people' didn't have such adverse reactions to things like being questioned. but hey, barton was already having kind of a rough day before he was confronted by this rando on the street who seemed to have it in her head that he had taken part in the crime not too far away from them. and well, technically, he did. but what she didn't know couldn't hurt her. and that just meant he needed to buckle down twice as hard whenever it came to convincing her that he was innocent.
barton did like to think that he'd gotten quite good at pretending he was something he wasn't, but it seemed like she wasn't buying it. he had to do more than just act nervous. barton had to tell himself that he was until he believed it, so she'd get off his back as soon as possible. there was no way he was letting her take a peek into the bag that he was carrying with him; because then there'd be no denying that he'd done something wrong. though, there was something on top of all the unsavory things he'd taken from that man reported dead in his home across from them only a mere five minutes ago... the smell of iron, of blood, that was probably radiating off of its contents right now was unmistakable. he really should've gone to kill him when there were less people around. but alas, even at ten o'clock at night, gotham never seemed to sleep.
barton didn't realize that he was staring dead into her eyes this whole time until he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. it was probably matilda, wondering where the hell he was, since he said he'd be back home about an hour ago. it was true what they said about the devil lying in the details however. killing a person might be viewed as a simple thing to those who weren't very educated about it, barton thought, but a hell of a lot of work went into it in reality. you couldn't leave a scrap of evidence behind or the police would be onto you like a dog with a bone. barton then deliberately made himself nervous but an amicable kind of nervous by thinking about something completely unrelated to the task at hand. with an awkward laugh, he said, ❝ uhh... yeah. look, i know how it looks when you're the only person heading a different direction from everybody else in a crowd, but i'm not exactly from around here. i've gotten lost at least ten times today and this probably won't be the last. so, i promise that i had nothing to do with that very — egregious crime you were just talking about. ❞
add a little bit of a smile in to signify that you meant well, and you would be golden. or that was barton's way of thinking anyhow. he flashed the slightest smile to her before he started to feel his phone start vibrating intensely in his pocket. never before had he been so thankful to get a phone call. barton held up a finger while he fished the device out of his pocket and talked to the other one last time, ❝ oh, shit. my bad. that's probably my daughter, so i've got to take this. i'll be over here if you need me, ❞ and just like that, barton walked away from wanda, to a nearby tree to take the call.
he kept his voice super low, ❝ matilda, thank freaking god you called me. i need you to do something for me. i'm going to send you my location, and if i don't send you a text in ten minutes, i'm going to need you to head over here. there's this weirdo here asking me all of these questions about that guy named sawyer that i told you about... you know, the one that tried to blackmail me? anyways, if i don't send you a text by then, just assume i'm in trouble. okay? now, what'd you need from me? ❞ barton glared at the tree next to him in place of wanda.
why did he always have to attract these self-righteous savior types, hmm?
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mistwraiths · 7 months
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4 stars
People had to wait a WHOLE YEAR for the next one. Wild.
So, overall, I did enjoy this book for the most part.
I both love Evangeline and want to bonk her on her empty head because girl is literally SO DUMB and gullible. She loves love. She wants a happy ever after. Like girl be serious please but maybe I'm just a cynical, jaded person. She is ENTIRELY too trusting and too forgiving, and it feels unfortunately that she's a little TOO passive in her story. Things are happening mostly TO her and she's reacting. She's really not doing a whole lot. Sorry, she's in a library for ten days I guess reading books.
The main things in this book are Apollo and her getting cursed, the stones, learning some information, and opening the Valory Arch. That's it. Stephanie, you say, that sounds like a lot! It's not though! Home girl literally finds the arch BY HAPPENSTANCE LOL. She's like oh I'm not going to open the arch!!! And then starts smearing her blood on the first fucking thing she finds and SURPRISE it's the arch. But it doesn't open without the stones. That's however the way the story kind of works though. She writes a whole damn letter telling herself not to trust Jacks and promptly forgets about it. She randomly comes across the stones by going "oh surely they will be at this party!" or shocker, the place they stay at has it.
For a girl getting HUNTED, there's surprisingly little of it. In fact, she spends the majority getting wounded. Apollo harms her. She gets harmed by Apollo getting harmed too. And then within less than 10-20 pages, Jacks is hurt too. I love a hurt/comfort moment but there's a lot in a short time. Also, I kind of got tired of Evangeline constantly being in pretty dresses. Like you're being HUNTED, maybe actual shoes? Some pants for better movement?
I was surprised by LaLa cursing Evangeline. But Jacks identity and Chaos' identity, and what was in Valor Arch, and the monster, I was able to guess. It all seemed kind of obvious.
Look, I love Jacks and I'm rooting for him and Evangeline. I love the idea of maybe growing into a true love or you can have multiple true loves, or a second chance, or other different possibilities of maybe you don't get your true love but you find a love that is true to you at a certain time and place. I'm much more eloquent on this subject when I'm not sick. But I don't think Stephanie Garber really delves anywhere into this deep enough or maybe she just doesn't have anything to say really about it. But I find it so fucking annoying about the Donatella part being his true love. Again, I could get behind true love rejecting him. But the fact that she DID get affected and then just didn't die just doesn't sit right with me. I don't think it was done well and it leaves me annoyed about it when it's brought up.
This book brings up a lot of things over and over that we already know about. Jacks and his true love, his fatal kiss, his being a Fate and not human is constantly stuffed down our throat. Other things constantly being repeated. Trust your readers in that we remember shit. Also Luc was so annoying in this book why is he even here still in this story?
I was going to be SO ANNOYED if Jacks really did go back to Donatella. But the fact that Evangeline DIED was hysterical and a shock. And then it continued on. Jacks used the stones. Apollo becoming a sudden villain was honestly so fucking out of left field??? It felt BIZARRE. Also, the ending left me with some questions. If the helm was likely put on to control him and they couldn't control him, why after all this time does Honora just take it off?? Why didn't he eat his family if he's so out of control?? Also, where did the power of memories come from from Apollo? I know there was a Valor with memories but like... is Apollo Arcadian or a Valor?
I'm interested to read the next but like what even. This is like the most frightening, controlling, near domestic violence type of thing. I'm curious to see how long it'll last and how she acts/how she feels/what happens next.
0 notes
ashtoninbloom · 2 years
[text]: Family is not always blood, and I'm so glad you've found your little family. It's a great feeling, isn't it? Something tells me it won't. Ava and Luke will always be at the forefront of your mind, no matter what you do. We do, but their mom has been incredibly accommodating. For example, she let the girls stay over Christmas Eve and came over in the morning to watch them open presents when that was her time with them and she very easily could've said no when Aaron proposed the change. I wasn't sure how the whole splitting time thing would go but it's been very easy so far. Honestly, I'm dreading the day she's old enough to realize they're leaving her. Even if her heart doesn't break, mine will. That Luke sass is one-of-a-kind so I can't wait to see how she puts her little Ava spin on it. No prayers needed. A little sass is a good thing! She's alive and happy, so it's working. The same might not be able to be said about you, but I promise it gets easier.
[text]: Oh my gosh, yes please! Spam me with all the pictures at any point, okay? Especially when she gets to wear her little sherpa outfit. Well, I don't know if Luke's told you yet but I'm actually coming for a visit today! Sorry in advance if I'm a baby hog while I'm there, but I'm also not actually sorry. How is she the cutest 5SOS fan already? Thank you, that means a lot to hear. Both? I wouldn't necessarily say that we're trying but we also weren't at all trying with Collins. We're just living our life and whatever is meant to happen, will happen. Haha, well I always tease him and say I want ten kids. I loved carrying Collins and would happily do it over and over again. All I know is that I want as many babies as the universe will give us -- whether that's two or twelve is still to be determined. We should pitch the reality show now -- Babies In Bali. Follow along as ten parents introduce their little ones to one of the most stunning locations in the world and watch the drama unfold as they all collectively decide to never return home. Always on your team and always your biggest cheerleader!
[ text ]: i think i struggled as a kid with the idea of never having that intact nuclear family, something most of my friends had but the family you make for yourself is as important. my family with luke though, it's always going to be more important than anything else. our daughter takes priority over everything, work included. glad she's making it easy, that's really decent of her. maybe she realizes that her daughters should have a relationship with their half-sister and if she gets in the middle of that, it's only going to hurt the girls, who'll end up resenting her for it. you guys are all going to be connected for life, so fostering those relationships early on is so important. the girls are getting older and they'll soon start to have more say in their life, so Collins no doubt will be spoiled with love and attention by their big sisters. Ava looks so much like Luke and i can definitely see that in her personality too. i can't say no to Luke and definitely can't say no to Ava, so that's gonna make the rest of my life pretty damn interesting.
[ text ]: my phone is so full of pictures, so happy to send lots to you. you have to see her in her dungarees, it's the cutest thing ever. ahh you are?? i'm so excited to see you, are you bringing Collins? you can hold Ava and I'll get some sweet Collins cuddles. she'll forever be the cutest 5SOS fan. that's a good outlook to have, let nature do it's thing and roll with the punches. a house full of kids, huh? i feel like you two could definitely handle it, you're both cool customers. traveling with babies is horrible but for this reality show, i'm willing to do it !! you're the sweetest and i couldn't ask for a better friend. love youuuuuuuu.
0 notes
reilliane · 3 years
Little Brother ⊱⊰ Kazuha
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A/N: This isn't the sequel for Vigil, but a series of scenarios that I couldn't add to the ficlet since it was getting too long- ehe
➸ Vigil (Ficlet) Honor (Sequel)
✤ she/her
≿————- ★ ————-≾
The most adorable little brother ever! His cheeks are round and chubby—and they're always flushed pink!
Totally not because you keep pinching them until he cries- no, totally not, mm-mm.
His childhood days aren't complete until he says 'nee-san' at least once. The poor child is getting bullied by Tomo a lot too, so who does he come running to for help!?
"Onee-chan! Tomo- T-Tomo- waaAAAH! NEE-SANNN!"
Goodness, growing up flipped a switch in his personality but that's a talk for later
If you aren't holding his hand as you two walk around the Kaedehara Estate, he's in your arms like a literal bb
If he's not in your arms then he is sitting on your shoulders, giddily exclaiming that he is as tall as you are [even if he'll eventually grow to be taller-]
Kazuha clings to you. Nee-san must always be in his sight or else he'll either be (っ- ‸ – ς) or (ಠ╭╮ಠ)
Yeah, he's definitely more (ಠ╭╮ಠ)
"Nee-chan, stop hiding from me!"
Will lowkey get frustrated about it even if he's the one who wanted to play hide and seek lmao-
You understand why Tomo bullies him, he's cute. If your little brother hasn't found you in the course of ten minutes, he will cry for you
Even when you appear, his attempts to stop weeping 'because it makes him less of a man' will fail and he'll just look x2 cuter
Mm, everything's not sunshine and rainbows, though
The wealth of the clan has been diminishing as time passes, so naturally, its prestige follows
Since both your parents are occupied with thinking of ways to keep the clan's nobility, most —if not all— of Kazuha's attention is placed on you. His beloved nee-chan o(≧∇≦o)
You pamper him, but not to the point that he becomes spoiled. Disciplining him crumbles your heart [he looks so sad when he's reprimanded] but since it is for his betterment, you still do it. He's a quick learner, too.
Anything for his nee-san. Anything for nee-san!
One time when he sees you being scolded heavily for something that he did, he teared up, ran on his wobbly legs, and punched your father's legs asdfghjkl
"Don't hurt nee-chan!"
Ugh, why is he so adorable. You personally keep him away from other girls his age because they're already giving him the heart eyes- you know for a fact that all that baby fat is going away to be replaced by more defined features when he grows up
So oohlala, when adolescence kicks in and he's suddenly looking sharper? Heavens. The pink envelopes coming in endless. Unfortunately, however, your brother doesn't look interested. You know what caught his fancy?
Roaming. Wandering. Adventuring.
Since the clan is losing its power, no one honestly cares that he is shirking his 'responsibilities'. Sometimes, he goes away and doesn't return for days. Just your typical adolescent, but he's still your sibling. He still calls you nee-san :D
That is until both your parents have passed — until the Kaedehara name lost its status — and you were both alone.
You were eighteen then, but you proved yourself capable of being the heir by pragmatism alone. Earning money for you and your brother, taking over the chores, everything.
During this time, Kazuha had been teaching himself the ways of the blade with Tomo, who offered his help to you whenever he could.
And as you grow up — eventually, Kazuha does, as well.
"Welcome home, how was your walk?" Your sibling, now at the age when you took over the household, smiled.
"Ah, I had to come back for my katana. Do excuse me."
He passed by the dining table that was already set with plates and utensils, heading over to his room. His gentle yet straightforward response befuddled you without a doubt, but it hollowed your chest.
It feels like you're missing something.
"Don't wait up, I'll take longer than usual," he appears back in a rush, arranging the sheathed blade hanging by his waist.
"Oh, at least—"
"I'll see you soon, [Name]!"
His tuff of silver hair vanishes behind the panels — and you are alone.
Ah, this feeling was familiar..
It felt like the night you came upon your parents' unmoving figures.
The smile on your face was bittersweet.
You knew what was missing.
He wasn't calling you 'nee-san' anymore.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
a/n: well that's a way to end a fluffy scenario... ah, i think i'll be making a separate masterlist for scenarios so it doesn't clump. eeee~ thanks for reading!
≿————- taglist ————-≾
@lehra @melkxsh
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
Shy s/o doesn't think they deserve them
Bang Chan
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° He loved your shy personality, he just wanted to cuddle and praise you all day long. Even though you are a naturally soft person, that also comes with a lot of insecurities.
° Your boyfriend is a hot aussie leader with a heart of gold who fans call daddy, you can't but feel that you don't deserve such a God like boyfriend. And he can see it bothers you.
° Chan is a sweet heart who will check in on you as often as he can even with his busy schedule, he knows having an idol boyfriend can be stressful and he wants to comfort you.
° Felix was baking brownies, which you usually helped him out with even if it is just to cheer him on as he does his thing. But both of the aussies noticed your missing presence.
° Chan waltzed up to his studio, where you often hung around when you were at the dorms. Once he walked inside he noticed your figure curled up in a chair.
° You were scrolling through some messages that were sent to you via Instagram. None of the messages were pleasant, and Chan's heart broke as he read the truly gruesome ones.
"Maybe they are right. Maybe I don't deserve you." you sighed, slumping back.
"Don't say that, you are a beautiful person inside and out who I couldn't survive without." He reassured, taking your phone away as he cuddled into you.
Lee Know
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° Minho always liked you since you first met during the shoot of hellevator. He was pretty obvious with his fondness of you, but you never believed that he could like you.
° Later on once you began dating, he soon realized how low your self confidence truly was. So he made a promise to himself to try and increase it as much as he can.
° Many fans would threaten you for 'taking Minho away', but Minho would shred the letters before you could see how many there truly were. He knew it would hurt you.
° Minho is very affectionate towards you and likes to show you his love through touch. Whenever you seem down, he will cover your face in small pecks until you begin to smile.
° Has seen how come fans and staff treat you, pushing you around and telling you that you aren't worth his time. Minho took it into his own hands and protected you from them.
° He doesn't like seeing you upset or feel like a burden to him, especially since you are so special to him. Minho asked Chan and JYP if he could take at least a week off, they said yes.
"You didn't have to take a week off just for me, I am okay with your schedule." You explained, ruffling his hair.
"I know you're okay with it, but I needed to get away just for a while. And I miss you everytime you're not with me." He replied, gently placing a kiss to your head.
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�� Will do anything to make you see for at least a second how important you truly are to him, he usually sends you hearts and does an adorable aegyo voice when talking to you.
° When you first began to hang out, you were very distant and almost never said a word. Changbin wanted to get to know you, so he constantly made efforts to befriend you.
° Once you opened up you Changbin, he noticed how self conscious and self critical you were of yourself. His confusion as to why you hate yourself only grew stronger.
° Every morning when you both get out of the shower, he will stand you in front of the mirror and poke every feature on your body saying that it is gorgeous and perfect.
° Likes knowing that you feel comfortable around him and that you have him to go to when you are feeling down. He wants to always be there for you and support you.
° Won't admit it to you, but he once teared up while you were asleep because he picked up a hate letter that was directed at you and he was worried that you read it.
"Your eyes, stunning. Your tummy, adorable. Your ears, cute. Your lips, kiss able. Your butt, squishy. Your shoulders, gorgeous..."
"Binnie you have five minutes before dance practice, you should really get going now."
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° Hyunjin is known to be a visual God in all of kpop, even though he is also VERY talented. Many people have a crush on Hyunjin, and you happened to be one of the many.
° His personality was addictive to be around, his looks were God like, and his talent was insane. Thus making it harder and harder for you to see how much he truly adored you.
° You saw yourself on totally different levels, you alwere at a ten while he was in the thousands. Your thoughts always doubting a scenario where you two would date.
° Assuming Hyunjin was just being nice to you, it became very hard for Hyunjin to clue you into that fact that he liked you. Everyone knew this except for you it seemed.
° Jisung, being a close friend to both Hyunjin and yourself. Took it upon himself to try and arrange a way for you to not be so self critical and completely oblivious.
° The next afternoon, you walked into the dance practice room which was now turned into a full on romantic dining area. Shocked as you saw Hyunjin with a rose in his hand.
"Is this for me? It can't be... There must be some sort of mistake or-"
"No mistakes, I've liked you for a while and thought I was being obvious enough. But Jisung told me that I should simply confess."
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° You and Jisung have been dating for a while, and you watched proudly as Stray Kids gained more and more popularity as they deserved, since they are talented kings.
° The hate comments sent towards you, and the jealous fans or occasionally staff members and idols. Those never used to bother you, but they became more frequent.
° This slowly picked away at your already small amount of confidence, over thinking everything you do or ever did. And Jisung began to notice your distressed state.
° After a performance he went up to you back stage and leaned in for a kiss, when you barely responded to it and looked around the room nervously, his heart twisted sadly.
° Jisung took you to an unoccupied dressing room, and locked the door behind you. He cupped your cheeks gently as he rested his head against yours. A small sigh escaping him.
° You felt all of the built up sadness and anger rise out of you, as tears slowly sprinkled down your cheeks. Your hands clinging onto his back as he embraced you.
"Shh shh shh, it's okay. Just let it all out, it'll be okay. I'm here for you, you know that."
"I'm sorry, I just felt like I don't deserve you and I shouldn't have been so distant, their words just really hurt."
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° Felix knew it was going to be a bumpy ride seeing as he is under a huge company and his band is very popular, but he was willing to go through all of that with you.
° You and Felix were best friends before you started dating, he knew you were shy and quite distant when it came to people. He started to find it cute after a couple years.
° JYP himself has criticised you for interfering with his idols's lives. Even though you didn't interfere and honestly helped Felix calm down throughout the schedules.
° Felix was disappointed by some fo the fan's toxic behavior towards you, knowing that those types of comments will stick with you for quite sometime. You made him happy and he wished others would see that.
° The other members and artists under JYP saw you as part of the big jyp family, but even their support couldn't stop the sadness that brewed as more hate letters were sent.
° You didn't want to stress your already overworked boyfriend, so you tried to find a quiet spot to cry in. But Felix knew you too well, and knew where you would hide.
"I'm okay Lix, I don't want to stress you out since your already on a hectic schedule today. I'll be fine I swear."
"I won't leave until I know for a fact that you are okay, the practice can wait. You need me right now and I'm going to be here for you."
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(He looks so cute! I couldn't help myself lol)
° You were also a beloved idol, and many eoopel actually found your relationship with Seungmin quite adorable. You felt lucky that there wasn't so much hate directed at you.
° Even though you both seemed to have it easy compared to other idol couples, you couldn't help but feel insecure when Seungmin treated you like a queen/king.
° Many fans of yours knew that off stage you are an adorable shy bean, but no one except for Seungmin knew why you would become so shy and distant towards others.
° Your shyness came from extreme anxiety and self image issues. You never had much confidence, and Seungmin made many goals to try and bring your confidence up.
° One day after a hard performance, you sat in front of your dressing room mirror and let your tears slide down your cheeks silently. Letting your anxiety take over everything.
° Seungmin walked in with a box of celebration cupcakes, only to have hsi smile fade once he saw the tears rushing down your features. He felt his heart sink.
"I'm sorry Seungmin. It's stupid really, but I just don't feel like I deserve you."
"Y/n, we are perfect for each other. I spoil you with love and affection because you always make me feel special and loved."
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° You knew how beloved Jeongin was, by fans, members, idols, netizens, family... Everyone. This sent a large amount of pressure towards you once you began dating.
°Jeongin loved your quiet and calm personality, it was a nice break from the loud JYP building and Stray Kids dorms. Your shyness is what attracted him to you.
° He liked cuddling with you in your apartment, talking about nothing and everything as a random movie played in the background. It was his favorite place to be.
° You both were open with anything that was bothering you and never let something stir inside of you for too long. He wanted to be your safe haven for when you need one.
° One weekend when he was staying at your place, he noticed you seemed more quiet than usual and asked you what was bothering you. Since something clearly was.
° You snuggled into his chest as you clung onto him tighter, sighing in defeat knowing you will have to admit your feelings even though you think they seem silly.
" I feel like I don't deserve you. I mean, you are Yang Jeongin a literal angel."
"You deserve the universe and everything in it, I love you and only you. Don't put yourself down, remember how much I care about you."
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whumpsday · 2 years
"Good, you learn fast," I praise idly, watching for any signs of upset and finding none. "If you can hold it yourself for 10 minutes then that would be good enough. I won't take away the reward if you can't, but I will be stepping in, and it's going to hurt more than if you just do it yourself. You lose the reward if you try to stop me in any way. I know you've been trained well, so I'm expecting nothing but obedience out of you..."
And Kane does listen, taking in a deep breath and holding it compliantly. I'm willing to wait. I have enough patience for this, and it's good to see how eager it is to please with the promise of a reward rather than just more pain. Not that I was averse to inflicting more anyways...This form of conditioning was interesting though. It was almost impossible to train out such instinctive reactions- But I was certainly ready to try.
I waited, occasionally shifting a bit closer, to get a better look at the other hunters' work, all the while Kane just seemed to struggle more and more. I pet the vampire's hair a bit more, maybe a show of comfort through the distress now that the rules were set, but I was honestly expecting to have to use the gag. It was only a matter of time. (-RH)
Ten minutes. Ten minutes of being unable to breathe. There's absolutely no way Kane can do it, not on his own. His body will betray him in its desperation. He wonders if the ten minutes applies to after he's gagged, too. If it does, this is a merciful punishment. He has been denied the privilege of breathing for days before, unable to even move a muscle as his body shut down from lack of air.
But you didn't say that. You said if he can hold it by himself for ten minutes then that would be enough. You didn't say anything about how long it would be when he inevitably fails, and the thought scares him. You could leave him for ten minutes, or an hour, or you could leave and come back the next day all while he's stuck with the need tearing his lungs apart. You could use silver to block his breathing, leaving him denied air for days and days as his neck slowly healed enough for air to pass through again. If that was the price, he would give up the prize of a blanket in a heartbeat.
Kane tried to count out the seconds to keep himself sane. One minute was fine; he could do that as a child, lightheartedly competing with Be- don't think about that now. Two was getting to be significantly difficult. By three, he was struggling intensely against his body screaming at him to BREATHE, BREATHE, BREATHE! His lungs spasmed in his chest, desperate for the air he was denying them.
He probably could have done five, if he tried his absolute hardest. But what was the point? He couldn't make it to ten, and every cell in his body was weeping for air. If the goal had been five, maybe even six, he would have tried harder. But a few seconds after the four-minute mark, Kane's hopeless despair and the overwhelming need crushing his chest had him gasping in a huge, relieving breath.
Tears sprang from Kane's eyes as he gulped the sweet, sweet air down greedily. He wanted to be good for you, he really did, but it was impossible. The goal you'd set was impossible.
"I'm sorry. I c-couldn't." Kane choked out miserably between gasps. He just hoped that the way you chose to obstruct his breathing was something that didn't require him to heal in order to breathe again, dreading the possibility.
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tsunonotarou · 4 years
reaction when S/O gets jealous and protective
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notes: I notice us writers mostly write about—usually the canon male/female—being dominant and the other party is timid and shy, while I love that concept and idea since I’m a submissive bitch myself, I feel like we should get more S/O or reader who gets protective and goes grr
: gender-neutral reader!
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So there’s this crazy bitch who’s all over Leona ever since he was fucking born
They’re from a neighboring country and have been obsessed with Leona when they first saw him (honestly same) and as much as Leona didn’t want to admit it felt like heaven to attend Night Raven College because they’re AWAY from him
Magift is a nightmare because it’s open for everyone from everywhere to attend so he had already expected them
He planned to ignore them and steers clear of them as usual but they were extra persistent today
If they’re a guy Leona would have no problem scaring them away with a growl and possible threats
If they’re a girl though, it’s not going to be easy for Leona since he was raised to treat females with respect but then again, he knows that she does not deserve it
He also knows that you’re seething with anger
Your crossed arms while shifting your weight from side to side showed your frustration and impatience for them to get off
At this point he’d try harder and uses more of his energy to deal with them (he was a little lazy before) and tell them to go away but they just kept clinging and clinging
Leona’s eyes widened when you shoved them away, hard but not hard enough to make them fall on the ground and scrape their knee, just enough to keep them away
Your own arms wrapped around his and you stuck close, head resting on his shoulder, nuzzling your nose against his neck or trail your fingers a little lower on his waist than usual, anything to send the message across as you stare boredly at the ever persistent troublesome person
“Piss off.”
Normally people would get embarrassed/awkward after this and they’d leave but if they’re still on about it, pull Leona in for a kiss
A long, deep and passionate kiss from you sends him off the edge as he grabs you, smirking slightly at your behavior and also at the outsider staring at the both of you furiously
Will never let you forget this because he teases you almost everyday about this
If you're naturally a timid and shy person it's gonna be hell for you, because Leona is going to tease you ten times more
"Hey remember that time when you-" You smacked his head, hard.
"I don't regret it though, they were too close and I don't like it." Your adorable pout and red blush from his teasings only made his grin wider, and his heart racing faster
Proud of his herbivore, 100/10, would definitely want to see you getting protective again
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They shamelessly flirted with him in Mostro Lounge, right in front of you
Constantly asking for Jade's assistance, ordering more and more just to have Jade serve them and if he's not available, they'll throw a tantrum
Of course Jade know about boundaries, he'd never want to make his lover upset, but then again, he's also curious as to what you'll do
Will you sit there and watch? Pout and wait for them to finally go away when Mostro Lounge closes? Be extra clingy with him afterwards? Silently cursing them? Or will you choose the popular trope of getting back at him by being physically close to another person?
Whatever you chose, he sure did not expect you to have a smile on your face as you call out to him, you are sitting just two seats away from them on the stool, so it is fairly easy to catch his attention without you trying to desperately cut off the one-sided conversation
You did what they couldn't. Holding his hand loosely as you talked about something semi-private (?)
"Hey, Jade. Where did I put my clothes again? That cream colored one. I know it's in your room but is it on the bed or bathroom? Have you seen it? Gotta go check it later..." To indicate that you've been to his room, countless of times
"Ah! I think you left your jacket in my room. Be sure to take it back before you go back to your dorm, okay?"
While Jade watches you and reply with an amused expression
This got them clenching fists and gritting teeth, and Jade can't exactly ignore them when they call for him since they're a customer, even if he's enjoying this a lot
You'd also pull on your clothes, kind of like flapping them when you're hot—even though it's quite chilly in Mostro Lounge—just to show them the bite marks Jade left the day before
*Thought I'd put this out just in case anyone misunderstands, y'all didn't have sex lmao because Jade is under 18, but he does leave bite marks every now and then ;)
When he does get away from their conversation and goes to you, like with Leona, you'd linger your hands a little lower on his waist than usual, or brush the bite marks you left that escaped the covers of his shirt collar
Nevertheless, expect Jade shaking his head when Mostro Lounge finally closes and them finally gone, though he can't hide the smile on his face
"My, my, I never knew you'd get to this point to drive them away."
He will forever remember this moment and the act you've pulled, truly memorable
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The basketball team is having a friendly match with another school and the other school's team happen to have a manager
And man were they PERSISTENT
Offering to refill NRC's water bottles too when they went to refill for their own school's
Of course you're thankful for their help and thought it was out of pure kindness, but when their fingers brush over Floyd's for a little too long to hand him his water bottle and stays longer with Floyd than with other basketball players you knew something was wrong
Are they hitting on Floyd???
Ace and Jamil picked up on it and glances over you, with Ace shit talking about them and "If they're gonna do it, at least try to do it right." while criticizing their lame flirting skills and Jamil disapproving of their actions when Floyd clearly has a lover
Even if they're from another school, saying you didn't know is a lame excuse, not with how painfully different Floyd is with you than with others, it was obvious you two are together
Floyd, of course, is not dumb and oblivious and he is beyond annoyed at their constant touches and babblings he had no intention to listen to
Before Floyd could threaten to squeeze them to death, you're wrapping arms around his figure and called them out on their antics
"Don't you have your own team to attend to? Stop flirting with my boyfriend, he's not interested, take a sign."
Ace spit out his water and choked (yes he laughed)
Poor student scurried back to their own team's side and stayed there, as they should
Floyd would not care about attention as he picked you up in his arms, hugging you tightly and nuzzling close to you
"Shrimpyyy~! I love this side of you! Why haven't I seen it before?"
He probably already forgot about that student's existence as he only thinks of your jealous gazes and protective arms around him
Expect him to ask you to act like that again randomly, being all brave and calling people out, he loves this side of you!
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Rook is a social butterfly and will talk to anyone in anywhere
Much like Jade, he never intended to hurt his lover and upset them, but he's itching to know what you'll do. He has extremely good eyesight and knew you were close by, listening in to their conversation, possibly with a frown
Ah, a frown on your lips. That's not a sight he'd want to see! But the urge to reveal what kind of moves you'd make is stronger, so he refrained from walking away and chatted on
A smile played on his lips as he watches you stomp over, not sparing a glance to the other person as you locked your arms around his waist, tightly, then began to attempt to lift him up
...it didn't work
You didn't have enough strength so instead of lifting him over your shoulder (like what Rook usually do) you grabbed his gloves hand and dragged him away
Rook was certainly surprised, a big grin on his face as he laughed his heart out, bidding goodbye to the random student who had their mouth wide open
This only made you tug on his arm harder as an annoyed grunt and groan escaped you
When you looked back to them and sent a glare, that's when he lost it
He's sure he fell in love with you even more
When the two of you are alone he'd have your cheeks in his hands, staring at you lovingly, your squishy cheeks, furrowed brows and pouting lips are just too cute for him!
He will assure you that he will never do this again not telling you he was doing it on purpose to see what you'll do because you'll probably hate him his sweet words would surely calm you down
If you ever see Rook suddenly having a smile on his lips, you know that he's thinking about this incident again, and it freaks Vil out
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY ANON: hi there💞 can i request where reader and antiono dawson are dating in secret and she's pregnant and now they getting it on with some smut in his office and her father hank catches them with some angst please
❚❙ WORDS: about 1.9k
❚❙ NOTES: There's no smut because I couldn't imagine the situation of being caught in the act, also keeping in mind that reader is Hank's daughter. There's no way Antonio would take that kind of risk.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @anotherfan07 @ocetevasgirl @sophie-writes @destynelseclipsa @jadakiss13. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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Since you knew this morning that you're pregnant, you haven't stopped thinking about how you are going to say it to Antonio. It's not a big deal, but it means that your father will know it too. And that's a real problem. But the happiness inside you doesn't let you worry now about that. It's been a long year hiding it from him and maybe it's a good way for him to discover it.
Honestly, you can't wait till coming to his house to tell him and, by the time it is, your father must be in your home already. So you decide to drive to the District. Antonio has to be there, since he hasn't text you yet. Leaving your car in the private parking, you walk in by the back door, going upstairs straight to the Intelligence Unit, passing away what they call the cage and the interview rooms. You can't contain the smile curving up your lips when you find your boyfriend very focused on something in his computer, writing down some kind of notes in a report. He doesn't even notice your presence, till you're in front of him.
“Voight left ten minutes ago”. He says, keeping up appearances just in case someone can hear you.
“We're alone”. You reply raising both eyebrows.
Leaning back on his chair to check both sides of his office, he drags his seat away from his desk enough for you to sit on his lap. Infected by your smile, Antonio can't help but draw the same gesture while placing an arm around your waist and his other hand on the back of your head. He's delighted to see you after a long day of paperwork and his ass stuck on his chair. Sometimes he doesn't know if it is worse to be there or to be in the street. But you're his reward, so he doesn't complain.
His lips find yours in a sigh, purring against them when he feels your warm wrapping him. The only thing he needs. His kisses are soft, slow, gentle. Just like his caresses. Just like him all the time. You found the most tender man you could ask for, and you thank God every day of your life. He takes care of you like no one else, with the most minimal details, without asking anything back. You two are made for each other, that's a fact.
“Antonio… baby, I have to tell you something”.
“Can't it wait?” He mumbles pecking your lips once and again, watching him bite his in the short meantime of meeting again.
“Yeah, actually for… like seven months, more or less”.
With his mouth on yours but not moving a single inch, he pulls himself away from you frowning confused. Your boyfriend doesn't last longer than two seconds to put his brain cells to work and connects the dots. His gesture changes from playful and joy to a big pout, as his eyes are filled up with tears.
“Dios mío”.
It's the first time you watch him crying since you know him, for more than eight years. You don't doubt cleaning the tears that fall down by his cheek, as his sobs become a little constant.
“Are you sure?” He asks with a broken tone of voice, tilting his head for a moment. You just nod in silence. “When did… you know?”
“This morning. I'm two months now… Are you… happy?”
“Of course I am, princesa”. Lively laughing, he urges you to stand up to do the same and push you into a tight hug between his arms.
Of course, it wasn't something you two planned. And of course, it wasn't something you two were expecting. But you have never felt this blissfulness in your life. You're in a rollercoaster of emotions right now, just like your boyfriend who doesn't know what to say, nor what to do more than to spread a bunch of kisses all around your face trying to transmit you every single thing he is feeling right now.
Since Laura left him, Antonio thought he would never be loved with so much intensity, and then, you clapped eyes on each other. You know him ever since practically, but that time was different. You had a rare day in the hospital and he had closed a two-months investigation satisfactory. But you were tired like never before, feeling vulnerable and with a mix of emotions roaming your bodies. You came to the District looking for your father, but he was gone to celebrate already, so he offered himself to drive you home. And it just simply happened.
One year after, you're expecting your first baby. And probably not the last.
“Making friends?”
The well known tone of voice of your father interrupts your moment. Your bodies are frozen against the other, putting distance between both slowly. Gulping and turning toward the sergeant, you watch him waving a hand waiting for an answer. The tip of his tongue licks his teeth, arching an eyebrow as his face hardens. You aren't able to say anything, looking at your boyfriend who seems more terrified than you, rubbing his forehead.
Your father grabs his gun from the holster on his belt, taking the safety off. You know he's just pressuring you to talk, but you block his possible target by putting ahead of Antonio. Just in case.
“Dad… Dad, list—listen”.
“I'm listening, baby girl”. He scoffs, placing his hands crossed under his abdomen.
“We… Uh…” Your heart is racing so fast that you're afraid to collapse, until you feel one of Antonio's hands hold yours, placing himself by your side. “We're together… like… a couple”.
“You're not anymore. Go home and wait for me there”.
“Don't make me say it twice, (Y/N)”.
“Go. We will talk later, I promise you”. Your boyfriend's whisper doesn't make you feel convinced, but you obey in silence not being another option.
With your arms around your abdomen and your hands trembling tangled on your own uniform, you leave the District looking back every two seconds. It's not like Hank controls your life, but this is a question of honor, and you trust in Antonio. You know they need to be alone to talk some sense into him. But you also know what is going to happen.
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Two long hours sitting on your sofa, desperate with your phone between both fingers waiting for a call, a text, anything. You knew it wasn't a good idea to hide it from your father, but to be honest, you didn't know that Antonio and you could go that far. The baby wasn't something planned, it just happened. You haven't even had time to react, but you still have some hope. Hank would never forbid you to continue this relationship now that you're pregnant. Though you know it's not going to be easy for him to assimilate it.
When the lights of a big SUV illuminates the street and the facade of your house, you don't lose time getting up from your seat to run to the entrance, opening the door and waiting for your father to say something as he steps out of his car. He doesn't look happy, not at all. You've lied to him all this time and you're aware of how hurt his ego is right now. It's going to cost you more than a sorry to bring back his trust in you. Licking your bottom lip in silence, you can't help but go downstairs to meet him on his path.
Hank has his hands kept in the pocket of his jeans with a rough and disappointed gesture in his face. You aren't sure what to say, being just a couple steps away from him.
“Maybe Antonio tripped and broke his nose”. He just says with feigned innocence, causing you to arch an eyebrow and cross your arms on your chest. “He's in the Chicago Med. You should go”.
Your father is about to pass you away to the inside when you stop him by a hand on his chest, pushing him back to face you.
“You're still my favorite man on earth”. You mumble bowing your head down for a second, till he holds your hand to place a kiss on the back of it.
“That's why he isn't dead, princess”.
“Isn't it because I am pregnant, and he is the father?” Not trying to contain a soft grin, you grab his other hand to lace your fingers with his and place them on your belly, knowing it's going to work.
“His grandfather is more than enough”. Hank replies squinting at you, before tilting his head to press a kiss on your forehead.
Leaving the front of your house straight to your car, he waits for you outside till you abandon your neighborhood to take the highway and reach the hospital faster. You're ashamed, you can't lie, but if your father didn't have a single scratch means that Antonio didn't hit him back, which is good. He still knows who the alpha is. You can go against the world, but not against Hank Voight. That's a fact. Everybody in Chicago knows it.
Not caring too much about how you park your car, your legs move quicker to the Emergencies being received by Will, who is trying to not laugh pressing both lips against the other. Making you a sign with a silent congratulations, your eyes travel around the open doors till finding Antonio sitting on a stretcher with his head bowed down, swinging his feet.
Knocking on the white metallic frame, you stick your head out of it with a sweet smile on the corner of your lips. “Need a ride back home, inspector?”
“May I need a nurse too”.
His brown eyes have a shine that only appears in them when he sees you after a long, long day; when he's about to be hugged by you, kissed, touched, loved. Putting down from the stretcher, you help your boyfriend to wear his jacket and zip it up over his torso.
“You okay?” Feeling your cheeks burning because of the shame, you put both hands on his neck to take a look of his nose covered with a gauze.
“He just threatened me and punched me. Honestly, I thought he would bring me to a remote place to make me dig my own grave. I think it did quite well, don't you?”
Antonio's positivism makes you laugh, nodding with your chin. Holding your arms and taking them to his mouth, he kisses both with so much care and tenderness, before tilting his head to catch your lips between his. At first, it's weird and awkward for you to be kissen for him in public, after a year hiding it. But it only lasts a short second. You can't wait to stop containing your impulses for hugging him and holding his hand and calling him amor in front of all; not in front of your dad, obviously. You're too young to die.
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shadyteacup · 4 years
Ice-cream 🍦
Kunikida x GN! Reader
This is so tooth-rotting fluffy I need to visit the dentist. Also please suggest a good title for this.. I literally ran out of brain cells..
Warnings: You might fall in love with a certain blonde man. Tread carefully!
Why was he doing this again?
Kunikida tried his best to look through the piles of shopping bags and boxes he was carrying. His foremost concern was walking into someone due to his obstructed vision, and huring them. It would be even worse if that someone ended up being you.
The mall near the ada office had a sale today , and you had felt it to be your moral duty to ensure the sale of all products of the place. So you had dragged poor kunikida with you. You could have taken atsushi along instead, but you wanted to spend some time with a certain coworker.
"Y/N, are you hungry?", kunikida gingerly asked. He wasn't hungry at all. He just wanted a reason to rest and sit down for a while. Holding all these bags was tiring, but it is in his ideals to help his colleague, and he is a strong man, so he would never admit it out loud.
Besides, he would do anything for you. Not that he'd ever admit it.
"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am. Want an icecream?", you said, turning to face him, finally looking away from the many mannequins and display pieces.
"It would be ideal to have an icecream as it is said to energize the human body." ,he claimed while placing the bags on a nearby bench.
"So, you want an icecream." You stated, while trying your best to not smile.
"You must be tired.. No wonder you want to be energized!"
Kunikida stuttered as he realized that he had dug his own hole.
"I am not tired! I just felt like having some icecream.."
You chuckled a ,"Sure, if you say so." And walked up to the store. It took a lot of convincing, but you manged to let kunikida allow you to treat him.
"It's not proper for a colleague to pay for me, Y/N. One must be independent, and must pay their own expenses! I am not like that bandage wasting idiot! It is not ideal to owe someone monetarily!"
You looked him in the eye, making your best sad, teary face.
"I see how it is. You don't consider me to be anything other than your colleague. I honestly thought we were friends, Kunikida kun but I guess you don't consider me to be one."
Upon hearing this, kunikida flushed red with embarrassment. He hadn't meant to hurt you! He hadn't even meant to say that! What a useless person is he if he can't even convey his point?!
"That's not what I meant Y/N! I'm so sorry! Ofcourse you mean more to me! You are a dear friend!" He said.
Even though he knew you meant more to him than just a friend, he couldn't admit it out loud. He was meant to find a partner and get married in a few years. Now was not the time. Besides, he wasn't sure if you felt the same way. You were chirpy, full of mirth, mischievous and smart. And you were like that with all the members of the ada. So he figured you must consider him to be just a friend.
"Oh." ,you frown, looking away.
Had he managed to hurt you even more?
"Did I say something wrong?! Y/N, please tell me!"
You shake your head and lick your icecream.
"No, it's nothing."
You knew he liked you. You liked him too. He was so bad at hiding it, that you made it a mission to make him confess. You purposely teased him, casually flirted with him, (not that he ever realized that you were flirting) , and even coaxed him to talk about the relationship you both shared. But he always said that you two were 'friends'. He never slipped and said something like 'I like you' or 'I have a crush on you'. He was almost always composed and in control of what came out of his mouth. And it irritated you to no end.
'Well,' you thought, 'I always was the brave and daring one in this little game. I suppose I will have to initiate this journey.'
You took another lick of your icecream and hummed in content.
"This is so good. It's my favourite flavor!"
You shoved the cone in his face.
"Try it!"
Kunikida hesitantly agreed, taking a small bite from the part where you hadn't reached yet. A small bit got smeared on the corner of his mouth. He looked so adorable.
"It is good." He agrees mid bite.
You suddenly lunge forward and lick the corner of his lips, successfully licking the icecream off.
Kunikida.exe stopped working. He sat there, frozen for ten seconds. His face flushed a bright red. If you hadn't known better, you would have taken him to a doctor.
He stared at you, and after realising what had happened, he caught your lips in a kiss.
He had managed to wipe that smug smirk off your face.
You deepened the kiss.
Pulling back, you whispered,"I think I have found a new favorite flavor;)"
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suganovakawa · 4 years
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PAIRINGS : tooru oikawa x fem! reader , slight hajime iwaizumi x fem! reader
GENRE : angst , romance
WARNINGS : cursing , car accident , recovery from amnesia
SYNOPSIS : tooru doesn’t understand how special you are to him until he comes close to losing you forever . as he struggles to comes to grips with his feelings and balance it with his future , you still have to recover from your own injuries , but without your memories to assist you .
with no other option left, you’ve got to find oikawa and get answers from him.
word count : 1.4k
saudade masterlist .
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( 𝐧 . ) a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant , or that has been loved and then lost ; “ the love that remains ”
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⠀if you weren't going to be able to get answers from makki or mattsun, there was only one more option for you to go with. hajime was unwilling to tell you anything, and from what you witnessed the other day, he wasn't willing to let other people tell you, either. if you didn't know any better, you probably killed someone before the car accident.
⠀your last resort was to search out the infamous tooru oikawa and get answers from him yourself.
⠀you knew iwaizumi would be absolutely pissed if he found out you've made up your mind with such a risky idea. then again, who was he to keep your life a secret? you had every right to know what you wanted to know, and you were so damn close to finding out the truth, only for disappointment and defeat to wash over the moment you saw hajime walking side by side with takahiro, as if holding the latter at gunpoint.
⠀it wasn't impossible to get hajime off of you, but with each passing day, he clung to you more and more. it was getting harder to get him off of you - and while you enjoyed his company, enough is enough. you needed to get away from him, at least for the day.
⠀you decided to get your chance at lunch. it was either now or never.
⠀you were surprised to see iwaizumi's tired expression as he made his way over to you, his eyes depleted and his posture completely slumped over. it was unlike anything you had witnessed in the time you spent with him post-accident. seeing him so dejected, tired... you almost felt bad for coming at him with your next wish.
⠀at least, almost. ridding yourself of any doubt by shaking your head hastily, you sucked in a deep breath and pursed your lips together tightly.
⠀"hajime." your voice was firm, causing him to turn his head towards you quickly, his face unreadable as you clenched your jaw at his peculiarity. "today, please, i just want to be alone. just me. i need my distance for today, to see things for myself. i don't dislike your company or anything, i just want to explore some things on my own for a little bit, even if only for today." as to why you had to explain yourself to him, you honestly thought was a bit ridiculous.
⠀"alright." you didn't even register his response at first, it was so quick. when it did hit, your eyes widened slightly, almost in disbelief, as your fellow third year simply shrugged, the scowl on his face still very evident. "yeah, okay. that's fine."
⠀was he planning something else? you didn't want to question it, but he had already walked off, away from the table the two of you usually sat at. you stared at his back as it became farther from your reach, a suspicious feeling growing in your gut as you folded your fingers together loosely, turning the other way and walking opposite direction of where he was going.
⠀it wasn't like hajime to just... let you do that. the hajime iwaizumi you knew, would at least fight to stay by your side. to be fair, his efforts would've been futile if he had tried to persuade you otherwise, your mind was fully set on being alone for the day. did he know you were going to find oikawa and get answers from him? did he finally gain some common sense and actually let you do your thing?
⠀you had resumed your daily life at seijoh for quite some time now, your injuries from the car accident had almost fully subsided, but occasionally there was the extreme migraine that would come out of nowhere. the doctors had told you to stay away from any athletic activity for the rest of the year, just to be careful that your bones aren't glass fragile.
⠀the one thing that upset you the most, was that none of your memories had come back. not a single one of them. you continued to make more with every passing day, but you wanted to remember the ones before everything happened. since you couldn't, wishing for something that seemed like would never happen, was useless.
⠀it was playing detective, in a case about yourself. the only witnesses you had to get your answers, were silenced by the one you could confide in the most. you didn't know what he could be hiding from you, and the thought of it was quite scary; there were no clues that you could pick up to put together like puzzle pieces - whatever you were living out, this seemed to be the reality before the accident, but something felt off. your conscience had become less and less blurry, but it wasn't all there. your brain refused to unlock that part yet, leaving you in the dark.
⠀where the hell is oikawa?
⠀after school hours were the best time to look for him, with no one around and classes done for the day. you had heard through rumors that the brunet frequently spends his time alone after school, roaming through the halls without anyone to whisper or look at him. it had come to a point where oikawa wasn't noticed by his classmates anymore - every time you saw him in the halls, he was simply pushed aside and cast out by fellow classmates, their faces not so friendly as he passes by them with his head hung low.
⠀what did he do to be so looked down upon? he was way too attractive to be pushed to the side like that. the way he carried himself, walked, and even spoke during class - his confidence was there, you could tell he was the charismatic type. it boggled your brain whenever you saw how the others treated him when you were around to witness it. he couldn't have done anything that bad to make people think so poorly of him, right?
⠀would it be stupid to randomly call out his name? you had walked through the halls for about ten minutes now, with no one in sight. you were beginning to think today was just unlucky; he probably went home for the day. maybe it was time for you to go home too; the universe seemingly didn't want you to know anything, it was inevitable in fighting it.
⠀the noises in the gym were saying otherwise, though.
⠀sprinting instinctively towards the sound, you appeared in front of the gym doors, a large sigh of relief coming out of your mouth as you looked at the singular person with the gymnasium all to himself.
⠀you couldn't help but smile. he's here. maybe the universe would give you your answers after all.
⠀from the looks of it, oikawa was jump serving a volleyball to the other side of the net; with the number of volleyballs dormant on the ground, you could tell he had been here for a while. you almost felt guilty for wanting to ruin his concentration for your sake - his eyes were narrowed as he stared straight forward towards the other side, bending down to grab a volleyball right in front of him. you crossed your arms and waited quietly. watching him serve just once wouldn't hurt anyone.
⠀what you weren't expecting, was the awed gasp that escaped your mouth the moment oikawa's palm touched that volleyball.
⠀nor were you expecting him to stop midair and fall to the ground, any focus he held long gone. he screamed as he clutched his right knee, tumbling to the ground instead of landing on his feet. your heart rose in a panic - he had hurt himself on the way down. you sprinted to him reflexively, the shock on both of your faces clear to see as you crouched down beside him, placing a hand on the knee he had injured.
⠀"y/n - "
⠀"does it hurt? are you okay? i'm so sorry for breaking your concentration, i shouldn't have been peeking in on you like that." in a anxious state, you swallowed a nervous lump in your throat as oikawa clenched his jaw to suppress any pain he was feeling, but you could see the tears welling up in his eyes. looking around, you had to find something that would help him out.
⠀screw looking for answers right now. oikawa's wellbeing is more important than that.
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a/n : huehuehue here it is, i’ll be sure to have part eleven up in a jiffy! to those also reading rumor has it, i’ll have act two started soon!
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roanniee · 3 years
🐈Yaku Morisuke x Hinata!GN! Reader
Warnings: swearing, simping, the use of Daddy Iwa Past relationship talk?
Chapter 5
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You just wanted to be a good sibling and friend. You just wanted to drop off some surprise food for Shouyou, Hoshiumi and Iwaizumi. Possibly the rest of the team as well, based on the rather large amount of food that you brought with you. But the elderly female guard in front of the training center really would not let you pass through just to drop the food off. You understand of course, why the guard was so wary. You were wearing a black mask and a baseball hat that covered your hair. You look suspicious, and you know it, but it didn't mean that you didn't feel frustrated.
"Please," You said with a sigh. "I just want to drop food for my friends."
"I'm sorry, dearie, but I am not allowed to let anyone in unless they are escorted in by one of the players, or the staff members." the guard said with a regretful smile. You sighed again and stepped to the side, pulling your phone out from your pocket. You sent them both a message, hoping that one of them sees it, when a voice behind you said a nickname that you had not heard in nearly ten years.
You froze before looking behind you, eyes wide as you took in the hulking form of a person that you had not heard from since you graduated.
Ushijima Wakatoshi never changed much in the nearly ten years that you have not seen him. He still had a large build and the ever so stoic face.
"It has been a while. How are you?" He asked, a small smile on his face that you couldn't help but reciprocate.
"Normal so far. What about you?"
"I have nothing to complain about aside from being late to training. What are you doing here?" He asked, raising a brow at you. While the action would've intimidated others, it warmed your heart instead. Ushijima was stoic, but around you, he showed more emotions than others would see in a week. The gesture of him raising his brow at you isn't a gesture made with intimidation, but rather, of curiosity.
Just like it had been all those years ago.
"I wanted to drop some food off for Shouyou, Hajime and Hoshiumi-kun. Could you give it to them for me?" You asked, eyeing the white and red jacket he was wearing. Neither Shouyou nor Iwaizumi had told you who the members of the National team were, but you should've known that Ushijima would be a member of it. The man had nothing but volleyball and personal success in his mind.
"Why don't you just come in? I'm sure they would be happy to see you." He suggested, making you blink. Before you could protest, Ushijima grabbed the bag of food with one hand and your wrist on another before gently dragging you inside, nodding at the guard who was watching your interaction with interest. Your whines of protest fell on deaf ears as he continued to tug you along with him through the training centre's long hallways, before opening a door and shoved you inside gently.
You yelped as you stumbled in, bumping into the broad body of one Iwaizumi Hajime. Iwaizumi took one look at you and chuckled, immediately knowing who you are. After all, the cap you were wearing was from him, and the mask you wore was one that Oikawa physically sewed in Brazil with Shouyou.
"Wakatoshi, what the hell was that for!? You did not have to drag me like that!" You whined loudly as Iwaizumi stabilised you, effectively catching the attention of everyone in the gym. From the corner of your eyes, you can see them double back when they realise who Ushijima was talking to and who was leaning on Iwaizumi. Of course you would catch their attention. You weren't wearing your mask anymore, having ripped it off while Ushijima was dragging you.
"Forgive me, but you would've convinced me to not bring you inside if I had done so." The tall male said in amusement, making you huff. It was the truth. If he had let you talk, you would've convinced him to just take the food and bring it to the gym while you went on your merry way.
You glared at Ushijima before moving to look at Iwaizumi who was chuckling beside you.
"This isn't funny, Daddy Iwa. Quit laughing." You said, rolling your eyes. Whatever Iwaizumi was going to say in response died before he could voice it out because someone barrelled into you, making you both fall into the ground. You didn't even have to see to know who it was. Your brother has hugged you more times than you could count with all your fingers and toes in the past month since you got back to Japan.
"Shou, was you tackling me to the floor necessary?" You asked as your brother got off you and helped you up. You winced when your shoulder and back began to throb in slight pain. "Now I'm in pain. Thanks kid."
"I'm so sorry! It's just that you're here! At practice! You need to meet my team." Hinata said excitedly, and you can only sigh when you caught sight of all the dropped jaws. This was exactly why you didn't want to be in here. You knew that Shouyou would get excited and parade you around proudly.
"Hoshiumi-kun, come get your gremlin!" You said loudly to the white haired male at the far end of the court, watching his boyfriend cling to you with amusement.
"Sorry, Y/n-san! He was your gremlin before I even met him! You know how to deal with him better than I can!" Hoshiumi responded with a teasing tone.
"Said gremlin is right here, listening to you both." Shouyou grumbled out before dragging you over to where the team stood to introduce you to them.
Honestly, what is with people dragging you everywhere?
Yaku stood back, jaw dropped to the floor. However, not for the same reason that others in the team did.
It was You. You were the cutie he saw at the airport.
He knows that sideview anywhere, having engraved it in his mind after seeing it once, despite the mask that covered the lower half of your face the first time he saw you.
Yaku blinked when he suddenly found himself in front of you, being introduced by Shouyou.
"Y/n, this is Yaku Morisuke-san. I'm sure you've heard me talk about him?" Shouyou stated, smiling at the dumb look on Yaku's face.
"Ah, yes. Nekoma's former libero, no?" You said with a soft smile, directed at the blond male in front of you.
"Y-yes. H-hi. I'm Yaku- I mean... you already knew that." Yaku stuttered out, rubbing his nape with a sheepish smile. You laughed, finding yourself charmed by the stuttering and the small blush that lit up the libero's cheeks.
"It's nice to meet you finally, Yaku. Shouyou has talked a lot about you and your skills. I hope to see it in action." You said before Shouyou moved you along and introduced you to Bokuto, who was physically vibrating in excitement.
His eyes never left your figure until it was time for practice, and you bet that Shouyou noticed it.
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Yaku never approached you after the initial introduction.
He was too shy and he knows that he will stutter even more.
The last thing he needed was for him to look more of a fool in front of you than he already is.
Kuroo is crying because he didn't get the chance to meet you.
Calling you as his friend hurts Shouyou more than he would admit, but he knows that there's a good reason for it so he ignores the pain.
You and Ushijima dated. That's it. That's the tweet.
Okay but for real, You and Ushijima dated starting the latter half of your first year until 6 months before graduation.
It was a mutual break up. You know you'd be busy with your work and he'd be busy with volleyball, so to avoid anything from getting toxic, you just let each other go.
You did truly love each other though.
The love is gone now, and when you both look back, all you can see is fondness and good memories.
Sakusa is actually very thankful for Ushijima's ex, which is you. He knew that he wasn't easy to deal with, and he knew that Ushijima learned the patience to deal with him from you.
You definitely think that Yaku is cute.
past relationship problems, and no, it's not Ushi.
Shouyou had been talking about Yaku for years. Especially to you.
If you didn't know it, you'd think that the ginger was in love with Yaku.
But no.
he's just trying to entice you to get to know Yaku better lmao.
Kenma and Akaashi are in awe of Yaku's luck beause??
What are the odds that the cute person he found at an airport was You??
PS. More drama is coming soon.
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