#I think he's one of the most likely candidate to be Gaster
forgettable-au · 10 hours
Seeing the skelebros as kids reminds me of something- WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS??
also incredible lore and art, seein em as kids made me cry just a little. They were just kidss :( now sans can hardly remember anything and papyrus cant remember NOTHING
Honestly, about their parents, they're not really important to the story? So you can imagine them however you like :D
If you want to know, my personal headcanon is that the skelebros lived with their grandpa Semi in Snowdin :] !! In my mind they lived their childhood with Grandpa Semi and he died soon after they reached adulthood, but they were always independent so it didn't affect them much
I don't really know about their parents
I have some ideas, but I don't think I'll explore them that much...
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copwef · 6 months
Undertale Alphys theory
Everyone always points to the code in undertale for evidence about gaster.
(ex: the placeholder quote that directly describes the mystery man sprite)
But to my knowledge NO ONE and I mean
No one
To my knowledge ever references one well known main undertale character who also has a message in the code of undertale.
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At the bottom of this screenshot there is a message that you see if you attempt to look in undertales files to find out who alphys crush is...
Not a lot of people mention this quote and when they do they write it off as a joke.
The text says "WHO I HAVE A CRUSH ON" meaning it is confirmed that Alphys is the one writing this message.
To my knowledge their is no other MAIN characters leaving messages in undertales code besides Alphys and gaster.
(and possible Chara but I may be thinking about something found in deltarunes code and I don't think toby fox's message about spoilers has any lore implications)
However entry 17 is only a part of a conversation that Gaster was having while talking to Two other people. It is not gaster directly acknowledging the player like he does in deltarune.
The only other person to directly talk to the player is Chara in the genocide route. Which implies Alphys knows quite a lot more than we thought she did.
It also strengthens the theory that she may have something to do with Gaster. And it is commonly assumed that Gaster has a connection with sans in some way.
Sans has a quantum physics book and both he and papyrus have weird abilities/knowledge....
Alphys is a science and is capable of somehow leaving messages in undertales code
"what do you two think"
"You two"...
Alphys and sans...
With this new information to consider alphys and sans are truly the most qualified candidates.
Maybe this means alphys will have a Massive role in a future chapter of deltarune.
Time will tell....
If you have any information to bring to the table to support or debunk this theory, please do leave a comment or reblog. If I find something else I'll make an update post.
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copy pasting my knight papyrus take from my main
ok so im bored and i know no one will probably read this so im gonna lay out my papyrus knight theory/au timeline
for simplicity ill break it into three segments: what happened before to set up this chain of events, how and why papyrus does it, and bare bones evidence
1 before deltarune
generally this is working off my "gaster is bad at math theory" which, to summarize, basically says gaster started as a scientist in deltarune with 2 kids (sans and paps) accidentily fucks up the math and teleports to undertale, uses deltarunes superior tech to create the core, fucks up the math and falls in, frisk/player pulls up, after a bit sans and paps dip but gaster fucks up the math postmortem and they get stuck in deltarune resulting in papyrus becoming a hermit who accidentally opens a darkworld in his closet and then does the fucking grinch smile and causes a ruckus
2 why tho
how papyrus does it: something something prophecy, destiny, gaster fuckery, what have you. effectively via the same plot convenient saving grace that allows us to close the darkworlds and control kris
why does he do it: same reason he spares frisk in geno. he sees that characters like kris, berdly, susie and noelle and knows that they can do better, they just need to try. and what better reason to try than life threatening adventure? (sidenote: i fucking despise when people make the excuse of "Oh HeS bEiNg ~MaNiPuLaTeD~ bY ______" like no shut up let papyrus be morally ambiguous dammit) he is also likely aware of the titan situation and is just deadass like "NO I CAN TAKE THEM IN A 1V1 I THINK" also it makes sense narratively due to his incomplete character arc
the closet the chapter 2 darkworld was likely started from can fit and i quote "a large person" (especially combined with the skeletons in my closet line in undertale), he has been set up by sans to have a late game appearance, no alibis in chapter 1 or 2, in chapter 2 the "trousling bones" mentioned when interacting with the door of sans' house grows distant as another darkworld closes, as mentioned in section 2 his arc is still incomplete and as mentioned in my papyrus backstory post we dont even have a clue as to half the shit he's hiding, as a more meta reason bonetrousle was originally the main theme of deltarune, the "secret name" line from papyrus qna 2, the jevil reference dialogue in papyrus qna 2, and probably the most solid motive out of the candidates. that being the fact he believes so much in that people can do good if they try, to exercise that from a more cynical perspective of these beliefs (i.e people wont try unless they have to) could look like forcing them by way of obscure supernatural prophecy and lifechanging perilous adventure
bonus: why other candidates are dumb
gerson is fucking dead
gaster, while likely behind the secret bosses, seems a bit occupied with fucking with reality and would rather cast someone else (like his son????)
dess is currently entangled in the code and likely cant have much effect on the actual world
mrs. holiday seems like a better candidate for character development by darkworld than creator of darkworld
asriel is at college
kris has been controlled by us for most of the game and i aint see them open a darkworld beyond the one post chapter 2
player, i dont know about you guys, but i have not opened a darkworld
new character sounds REALLY boring tbh
ralsei, rouxls, and any darkner candidate are ruled out due to queens speech
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lover-of-skellies · 1 year
cant believe no ones asked about cross's smoochability yet
Well guys, it looks like we’ve got our first perfect score! Cross got a rating of 12 out 12, so he’s the perfect candidate to be smooched
1) Is Cross’s mouth dangerous at all? From what I know, he has these tiny little fangs, as opposed to the standard flat teeth that most Sanses seem to have. His fangs could poke your lips, but not enough to do seriously injure you or draw blood, so that being said, his mouth is safe. 2 points for mouth safety
2) Would he bite? Not intentionally. I could see him maybe nipping a little on accident if the kiss is done in more of a clumsy sort of way, but he doesn’t seem like someone who’d purposely bite super hard with the intention of causing pain. Is he aggressive? He can be if the situation calls for it, since he’s not afraid to put his foot down. Most of the time and in casual settings though, no, I don’t see him as being an aggressive person. That being said, he gets 2 points for being nice and exercising self control
3) Are there any health hazards to the smoocher? That we know of, no there’s not. He’s clean and he keeps up with his hygiene, he’s not leaking gross fluids everywhere, and while he does carry weapons, he’s a former guard, so I’d assume he knows how to be safe about how he carries and handles them, to avoid accidentally hurting anyone. X!Gaster manipulating him in Underverse aside, I don’t see any health hazards about him, so there’s 2 more
4) Does he have a sympathetic backstory? From what I know about him and his whole story, he has a very fragmented relationship with his brother, because he wanted his own identity outside of being a Sans, and Paps didn’t really seem to fully grasp that. I could be missing details about their relationship, but I just know they don’t get along. Then there’s the issue with X!Gaster being a horrible father who was never there for either of his sons. He was emotionally absent, and he seemed entirely unconcerned about them (just from what I’ve seen and what I know). So right there, Cross has this horrible family structure; he’s got both sibling issues and daddy issues. Then from the little information I can recall right now, he got into it with Error and nearly died somehow, and then he was manipulated into working for Nightmare. Which… as much as I like Nightmare, he’s not a nice person. Cross went from a very shaky home environment, to a very shaky work environment, where he couldn’t really count on anyone. His only friend for a while was Ink, but we see how well that went over in Underverse. Things started to turn around for him when he left Nightmare and started working with Dream instead, but there’s no doubt that he probably still has a lot of residual trauma from everything. So for points, I think he deserves 2. His upbringing and backstory in general was super rough and there were areas that were very tragic for him, no doubt
5) Does he deserve a smooch? In short,, yes, absolutely. He had a very rough upbringing and it probably took a bit for him to actually open up to anyone, but rather than letting that consume him and turning completely bad and evil because of it, he made the choice to be better than that. He still had anxiety and probably some other issues too, but he chose to walk away from the toxic environment that was working for Nightmare. He walked away, and he went with Dream, who made him feel like more of an equal, and less of a subordinate. Cross walked away and made the choice to be better than his former boss and teammates, which paved the way for a somewhat brighter future. He made the right choices and he has my respect for that, so he gets 2 points
6) Is Cross cute or cool? He can be a cutie from time to time, and I do like his design, since the monochrome look is unique to him, I think. There are probably other Sanses that are monochrome too, but of them all, I think he’s the most well known. His strength and skills in combat, his laidback personality, and his look (despite being a bit rough around the edges) earn him a full 2 points for coolness
In total, Cross gets a rating of 12. He gets a perfect score! He’s awkward and may not have a lot of kissing experience, but he’s very careful about pretty much everything he does. I feel like if he was smooched, he’d get embarrassed, start blushing, and probably trip over his words for a moment before simply asking why you suddenly smooched him. If you already knew him really well when you chose to plant a kiss on him, he might even awkwardly thank you for it while trying to avoid eye contact, because he’s a bit of a tsundere from time to time like that
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eksvee15 · 1 year
I have been working on a theory regarding all of our repetitive smiles. All the weird smiles we don't know the meaning of in Undertale and Deltarune? That theory attempts to solve this mystery.
I call this theory, the Cheshire Smiles Theory, or the Consequences Theory. Bear with me on this one because it'll be a wild [Ride Around Town].
Disclaimer, this theory bases itself off the "Chara is the consequence, not the villain" theory, the "Kris hates us" theory, the overpopular "MysteryMan is Gaster's sprite" theory and the whole shtick of the secret bosses seeking out freedom. This theory also bases itself around the concept of Consequences a LOT. If you don't believe/like any of those theories, read at your own risks and don't get angry at me. I warned.
What is a cheshire cat's smile?
Smiling like a cheshire cat, as defined by google, goes as follows : "The Chesire Cat grin is an expression made by The Trickster who's up to something, and 'something' never bodes well for the person they are smiling at. Usually, it involves their total humiliation - occasionally it involves mortal danger."
Alternatively, a cheshire cat smile can be compared to the very literal meaning of it : The smile found on the enigmatic Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. The peculiar traits we'll focus on here will be the enigmatic smiles behind which he hides, as well as its ability to disappear and appear at any time.
In Undertale and Deltarune, however, smiles are relatively common. Happy smiles like Papyrus and Undyne's, embarassed smiles like Alphys', fake smiles like Rouxls Kaard's, hopeful smiles like Asgore's and Asriel's, evil smiles like KING's and somewhat Queen's? But most notably Flowey (the absolute king of evil and fake smiles here). This leaves a type of smile : The type of smile found on Chara, Spamton, Jevil, Sans to an extent, MysteryMan/Gaster, Spamton NEO, Kris in the Ch1 ending, and the TV's smile in the Ch2 ending. Those, are which I'll refer to as cheshire smiles, and I believe they come from a specific cause : Consequences. Those smiles that seem to appear and disappear when we least expect it? They're all thanks to the consequences of actions. Ours, theirs, actions overall. And I'm going to explain why.
Undertale's Cheshire smiles
The most obvious cheshire smile I think about here is Chara's. Chara, the demon that comes when you call its name. You only see their smile upon completing either a No Mercy run, or a Post NoMercy Pacifist run. Chara is the literal embodiment of the consequences of our actions, here to delete our world regardless of our choice after a No Mercy run, here to remind us of our actions if we try a Pacifist afterwards. Chara is there. Chara remembers. Chara reminds. Chara is the consequence we deserve. And their smile is engraved in our game, as a consequence of making the underground go empty. And it will be there every single time.
Chara here is the whole basis of why this theory exists. A smile that we don't expect, a smile that randomly appears, and a smile motivated by the consequences of our actions. The perfect place to start. Chara is going to be our standart for what a Cheshire smile means in Undertale and Deltarune alike.
Our next candidate in Undertale will be Sans. Although Sans doesn't constantly seem to fit the description of cheshire smile, he is actually one of those that fits the BEST, both based on Cheshire Cat standarts and Chara standarts. He appears and disappears at will, has an unforgettable smile, is a literal judge, is silly and lazy (like a cat) but also, the Sans fight is the most memorable consequence of doing the No Mercy run. Sans' true smile, different from his smile in the textbox, only appears in the ending of a run most of the time, be it in the True Pacifist ending, or the No Mercy ending, we will be faced with that smile, possibly for dozens of times over. I don't count Papyrus, because Papyrus' smile is always innocent, happy, cheerful, confident. Sans' smile never shows emotion, he's a pokerface. Yes, I know, he appears shocked when we hit him but come on. This doesn't disprove it. Sans is peculiar also in the sense that he is very much depressed. Be it through the HP is Hope theory, or just by Undertale lore standarts, it's obvious Sans is depressed and his smile isn't there for himself. Which WOULD qualify him as a fake smiler if the whole rest of the explanation didn't matter, and if the Sans lore wasn't as complicated as it is. It's obvious something happened to make Sans stay like this, he's not just keeping it up for the image. We've yet to discover why, though.
The last member of this list will be MysteryMan/Gaster. I know he's relevant in both games, but his first real appearance is in Undertale plus his lore is in Undertale, so I'll put him there. Gaster is similar to Sans in his cheshire traits, in the sense that he is incredibly mysterious, basically can disappear at will, and his smile seems frozen on his face. A trait also similar to Cheshire Cat is that he doesn't seem real despite being in front of us. However, Gaster has no relevant appearance in the game for us, why would his smile be cheshire if there's none of our consequences? Well that's it, the consequences aren't OURS. They're HIS. His smile is frozen like this, frozen through time and space, because his ambition caused him to fall into his own creation. He was his own downfall, and as a consequence, he is stuck like this. Once again, a smile caused in consequences.
One could argue OMEGA Flowey's smile is a cheshire one, given the entire embodiment of consequence that he is. However, that's the only trait he has, a consequence that's not even caused. It's a decision he takes, the only consequence is that he looks like that after taking the souls, nothing more. OMEGA Flowey, much like Flowey, has a smile stuck in the Evil Smiles cathegory.
Mad Dummy and Mad MewMew don't count here, as their smiles are either malicious or, in No Mercy, genuine happiness. While the latter comes from a consequence, it isn't nearly relevant enough to be cheshire, and has no implication aside from "I finally became myself".
Deltarune's Cheshire smiles
With the Undertale part out of the way, time for the big bit of this theory : Deltarune. And oh boy do I have a lot to talk to. Bear in mind, Chara's smile is the standart Cheshire smile portrayed by Toby Fox.
Our first contestant here will be Kris. Kris? But they never smile!. . . They do, once to our knowledge. In the Chapter 1 ending, Kris flashes a menacing, yet.. Familiar smile to us. I believe this smile is the consequence of us, the soul, possessing them and making them do all of this, and their smile here as well as their actions is their way to fight back. It's to send a message to us, that consequences are coming. This smile is VERY reminiscent of Chara's own smile, which shows up at the end of the run and reminds us that our actions WILL have consequences. This is exactly Kris' message here, I believe. Small note here, this will be the one smile that barely doesn't fall out of cheshire. It's WAY on the fronteer, but given how relevant Kris' smile is in this scene, it barely makes it in.
Next up is Jevil, our good ole' jester of the deck himself. Jevil is probably the character that smiles the most in Deltarune, as he never gives it up. Even the Devilsknife is smiling, to quote him, and he IS the Devilsknife. Jevil has the silliness, and the ability to disappear to reappear, while also having the dangerousness and most of all - being optional. The consequences here, again and much like with Gaster, don't come from us. Seam (a smiling cat..how peculiar and conveinient.), Jevil's friend, gives us insight and story on Jevil. Evidently, Jevil found himself behind bars due to his false belief of being free to do anything, and going rogue because of it. Jevil broke, and his insanity lead him to where he is today as a consequence. Jevil is stuck smiling in his little freedom in the end.
We've been to one end of the freedom scale, let's go to the other end : Spamton G. Spamton. This guy has probably the biggest amount of consequence events in the entire Deltarune yet. He was a salesman, got a phonecall and as consequence his smile was everywhere, the phonecalls left so he fell to the dumpster and now he's just a smiler puppet craving ..something. The biggest reason I bring him to the table is because HE IS LITERALLY A COPY PASTE OF CHARA IN THE SNOWGRAVE RUN. He gives us the weapon of the kill, tells us how many left, and he is the overpowering force you meet at the very end of Chapter 2's dark world if you do Snowgrave. In parallel he calls out every single action you've taken. He literally does Chara's job in Deltarune Chapter 2's weird route, in which he becomes the embodiment of the consequences of our actions. In the normal route, as himself, he's a broken man trying to escape the situation his own consequences put him in. Spamton NEO is his own worst invention, an award losing smile to lose it all. Another thing that shows the cheshire in Spamton would be the way he seems to be everywhere. Check any dumpster, it'll have a pillow inside. Spamton lives everywhere. Even the LoadedDisk item smiles in your hand, like Devilsknife with Jevil.
Finally, the TV at the end of Chapter 2. I think it's going to be a prelude to a cheshire smile, it has the design for it already and with all the smiles we've encountered so far, this feels very much like Kris' smile. A prelude to danger, a message. We know one thing for sure : it's here because of a bad consequence. Kris opened a dark fountain, despite Ralsei's warnings. As a result, this smile comes into play to tell us things are about to go south. I think this preludes a Cheshire smile for the character this is supposed to foreshadow, especially considering their entire smile will be a reminder of Kris' actions in opening that fountain to begin with. If it's Mike's smile? We'll probably see it everywhere.
One thing I didn't mention is something I said at the very beggining. The cheshire cat's smile is prelude to danger and a bad message, which Jevil, Spamton NEO and the TV's smile all represent.
Similar to previous examples, Ralsei, Susie and Lancer are no cheshire. They're not a consequence, and Ralsei's smiles are of utter kindness, Susie's are usually positively mischievous or just genuine, and Lancer. . .is Lancer.
Important to note here that Mike essentially humiliated Spamton, which feeds even more in my theory of Mike's smile being cheshire-esque.
There you have it. My entire theory on the hidden types of smile through both games. I believe this will probably amount to something in the end of Deltarune if my theory prooves true, and if it does, then the ending of Deltarune might really change as a consequence of finding all of those secret bosses. But that's a theory for later.
Thanks for reading, I'd love your input in this and PLEASE take care of yourself, 'cause someone really cares about you :)
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clobertina · 7 months
Whose is going to need the most therapy at the end of Talltale?
Prepare this is a lengthy one lol
Chara/CC. 1000%. it's not even close lol
If I explained it all, this post would probably be twice as long LOL. And that's saying a lot.
But besides them, I might say Gaster? (although it's completely deserved on his part unlike the rest of the cast...)
He is constantly haunted by horrific hallucinations of Chara/CC all the time after The Incident. Hallucinations that are filled to the brim with body horror and stuff.
(Whether or not his hallucinations where caused by his guilt, the substance, or even a mix of both is completely up for interpretation btw)
But as for characters who are undeserving of what they got besides Chara, I'd say Frisk.
Frisk is probably the most obvious and more likely candidate. Canonically, they are supposed to have many similarities and mental issues to Chara/CC in order to make Frisk's eventual WANT of saving Chara more impactful and plausible due to them both having a sense of relatability to eachother, especially as Frisk is pretty much the only one to be able to understand them to a degree.
You see, the player is actually a part of the lore. To parallel Chara once again, the player acts like a voice in Frisk's head much like Crimson is to CC; except the player is not malevolent like Crimson or benevolent like Hope, but rather neutral and ignorant. After completing Neutral, Frisk grows a lot of distain towards the player, whether the player guided them in the right direction or not. Which is a factor on why in Pacifist, the more you go through the route, the more Frisk starts acting on their own and making their own decisions, even choosing to save Chara without any want or need of the players help or control at the very end.
I mention that because having the Player as a voice in your head would guarantee to strain their mental health. Especially in Genocide. Where Frisk is basically like UT Chara, where the Player influences Frisk into thinking what they are doing is right etc. They even question the player out right at times "are you sure?" When you choose to do something terrible in the early stages of the route. There's also even a point in Pacifist Route where Frisk breaks down from the stress of having the Player constantly influencing them, even if the player had good intentions or not.
There's also the fact they grew up in foster care for most of their life. Being treated terribly the whole time. To the point when they finally get adopted they run away and they fall into the underground despite their new family loving them. (Frisk missing their adoptive parents are a part of their character arc btw)
And the cherry on top, Frisk is constantly attacked and always in danger. They have to constantly deal with Vengeful Spirits after them, wildlife constantly trying to kill them, and I don't think I have to explain how traumatic CC can be towards them lol. In CC's battle in Pacifist when CC becomes a god, they canonically end up killing Frisk over and over and over... So yeah... I think Frisk might need the most therapy besides Chara lol
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entryn17 · 9 months
hello afonya entryn17 i would like to know more about gaster in this au of yours (so i could be very normal about it of course) :^)
i'm so sorry for answering this late i just forgor but yesss i'd love to tell you. i had thought of gaster being a prime soul (or at least a candidate) early on because no matter how the game's reality rejects him, he still shows up! there's trace of him, and one of the keys to developing into a prime soul is your determination/willpower which i like to think he possesses because of this. i can't imagine it being easy to manifest yourself in a world that doesn't want you there. the other is being a well-known individual in your lifetime but it becomes a little weird with him because i imagine he WAS well-known, at a point. (which also makes undyne a prime soul candidate btw! especially in no mercy :3c)
anyways! from here on @/devicecontact (hi) and i talked about it and they mentioned his terminal entry being fucked up which i really like as an idea and they also made me adopt the thought of gaster knowing and researching into hell and hell essentially toying with him until he got scattered across time and space. so hell presenting you with a terminal entry acknowledging his existence in some fucked up way could be a nice nudge in frisk's/the player's direction regarding exactly why he's gone.
i don't think what gaster and hell have towards each other is hatred, but rather extreme curiosity! which fits nicely because it's the underground's most determined that seem the possess this quality the most!
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I acknowledge that Knight Alvin and Knight Papyrus are the two most popular candidates, and with good reason. But. May I also propose. Knight Alphys.
Association with Determination. (Carried out experiments with DT in UT,) Association with NEO as a concept. (Created Mettaton's NEO body. Asriel Dreemurr, whose God of Hyperdeath form shares similarities with Mettaton NEO's design, was revived by her. Undyne the Undying, who shares design traits with MTT Neo and God of Hyperdeath, who creates more of her own DT than any other monster, NEEDS to confess to Alphys in order for the True Lab to be opened, the secrets of DT and Flowey revealed, and the path to the True Ending revealed. Alphys has many crushes, but it NEEDS to be Undyne who reciprocates.) Shows strong tendencies of escapism, to the point of self-destruction, in normal Undertale. Holds strong connections with both Gaster(in UT) and Gerson(in DR).
Consider with me! We're led to believe Alvin is the Knight. But! It is a red herring. At one point when Kris and Susie go after Alvin, he explains to them about his Father's relationship with Dark Worlds, and how he's recently re-opened the Castle Town Dark Fountain because he felt it was necessary. But the Castle Town Dark Fountain and the other Dark Fountains are different--each Fountain reflects the will of its opener. Those other Fountains are impure, and are made by someone with a more anxious, self-deprecating, wavering heart.
They were made by Gerson Boom's other pupil, and his true successor. Ms. Alphys. Kris' own teacher. Because Kris' classmates have gotten a lot of emphasis...and the teacher is a member of Kris' class too.
Alphys. Who, in Undertale, had issues with escapism. Forcibly cast a human and her best friend into a role so she could feel better about herself. Because she hated herself to the point of wanting to vanish into an endless abyss. Alphys, who spends time putting milk out in an alley which has graffiti of a tree found in the Dark World, and of Everyman, who appears in the attacks of the Amalgamates, and of certain Dark World enemies. (Queen, most notably.)
Who would be able to pause class to go check up on Kris and Susie, and then shut the doors on them? Alphys. Who is known to frequent the Library often? Alphys, who left her opinion on Mew Mew Kissie Cutie in Library. Who's complaining about how the previous MMKC was too light, and likes how much darker and more complex the sequel is, in contrast to her more heroic and well-intentioned otherworld self? Alphys. Who in Undertale believes in the existence of alternate universes?
Fucking. Alphys.
Is this incoherent? Maybe! But I think of all the Dark World candidates, or of UT characters who may have significant roles later on, Alphys is comparatively overlooked.
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deltaruminations · 6 hours
what do you think of Knight kris?
i have mixed feelings on kright… i find it kind of hard to parse because kris themself is just really mysterious lol. that said they’re one of very, VERY few knight candidates that i think have anything going for them at this point, so.
some quick thoughts:
there are a variety of little nitpicky logical things that people like to bring up about kright. personally, i’m willing to set most of those things aside if the meat of the story is compelling enough.
in a vacuum i think it’s interesting to consider a player character who isn’t just unhappy with player control, but actively working against the player’s goals. that could be neat. i guess part of the issue there for me is that the concept feels a bit… confused? the kris-player conflict is already front and center and has enough tension without kris having to also be their own antagonist. i’m not totally sure what the value add is of piling the knight thing on top of it. there *could* be a value-add — i’m just not sure what it is yet.
i don’t know… there’s obviously something up with kris beyond even just the player control thing. i do think it’s undeniable that kris schemed their way into opening the chapter 3 fountain — if nothing else, they thought to plug in the TV the night before. that’s weird! they shouldn’t have known then that they could open a fountain themself! i just don’t know if i think it means they’re actually the Roaring Knight, or if they have some separate motivation that involved opening their own, one-off fountain.
…here’s an idea — and this could work regardless of whether kris is the Knight. what if kris asked to be the protagonist of deltarune? what if they made a deal with something — not necessarily Gaster — to be the “main character”… you know… a Big Shot. their end of the deal is that they have to fulfill certain expectations; they have to make sure certain events occur. if they don’t… well, who knows. maybe they’ll end up something like spamton.
i say “not necessarily gaster” because as far as we can tell, gaster seemed to be sincere about the vessel. he was proud of it and excited for it, and if it had gone through, then we would have had a vessel we could fully control. kris wouldn’t have been the “main character.” it seems like something else put us into kris. we can reasonably guess that gaster opposes the knight; so does this other force want to see the knight succeed? if kris is supposed to be the roaring knight regardless, then having them be our vessel means we’re powerless to stop them from opening their fountains — they can just take us out, and we have no recourse until they put us back in, just as they did at the end of chapter 2. if they aren’t the roaring knight, then they’re still a far less docile “vessel” for us — again, they can shut us down anytime something “needs” to happen and stop us from intervening. i dunno… it’s an interesting idea at least
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chompsloudly · 1 year
So some character placements for my au plus explainations.I accidentally went on a rant at one point
fresh-burger pants
Horrortale sans-cannibal/butcher grillby
Dust sans-dustbelief papyrus
Geno-either muffet or undyne
King multiverse-asgore?
Blue-underscramble mettaton
Killer sans-killer sans
Sci sans- alphys
core frisk-core frisk
fell-idk. Possibly fell mk? Mad mew mew
epic- maybe undyne
Cross-I have no idea
Time kid- monster kid
Error explanation
Strings, threatening, muffets already kinda out of it if you read her genocide dialogue. Add an eternity in a white void and you get destroyer muffet
Ink explaination
It makes since for flowey to be ink since they both have no soul. I would've made asgore the protector but he doesn't do much protecting. Plus flowey seems to be capable of some range of emotion, which is better than nothing
Fresh explaination
Fresh is canonically a parasite and I randomly thought it would be funny to have him possess burger pants and it stuck
Dream explaination
Asriel is perfectly suited for the role. Just look at the fluffy boi. Kind, sweet, sunshine, helpful. I honestly don't know why there isn't any dream-asriel, well, anything.
Nightmare explaination
Chara is asriels sibling, and they're the more malevolent of the two. Also it only makes sense.
Horror explaination
Made a new au for this grillby since I couldn't think of a good one for the in-code cannibal role. Grillby was the best fit since he already owns a bar.
Dust explaination
I was lazy
I'm not sure whether to use muffet again or undyne. It would make sense to use muffet due to errors backstory, but undyne literally dies due to being too determined, which makes her the better candidate. But then that might result in an error undyne, so I'm not sure which one to do
King multiverse explaination
I didn't know where to put king asgore so I made him king multiverse. Admittedly I don't know anything about king multiverse at all, so I'm not completely sure
Swap explaination
Underscramble mettaton is my favorite when it comes to the 'excitable human catcher' role. It was the only character I considered and I can't think of any better anyways
Killer explaination
Unfortunately I can't leave sans out comepletely so I let my favorite of the sans au's stay. He's got a good reason to be a sans that isn't just sans reskin
Sci explaination
I'm going to be very honest when I say that I hate the fact that sci's a sans and not an alphys. Y'know, the literal royal scientist. So I decided to fix that by doing what should have been done in the first place. On a less rant-ish note, I'm kinda tempted to make her a fell alphys
Core explaination
The goal is to reduce the amount of sans aus, so changing core would be pointless. Plus core's a good character
Lust explaination
I have no idea who to use for this role.
Fell explaination
I originally didn't know who to use, but then I remembered mad mew mew existed. I actually want to use a mad mew mew fell instead of a sad mew mew fell though. Anywho I gave mad mew the fell role since she's knows for being angry in the first place.
Epic explanation
Im not completely sure, but undyne seems like a good fit. From what I've seen of epic while he seems laid back he is also a protector. Naturally undyne seems like the best fit. But now the geno problem shows itself again.
cross explaination
I have absolutely no idea who to use
Time kid explaination
A last minute thought, I only gave them this position due to time kid being a kid. Like king multiverse, I don't know anything about timekid. This position is most likely temporary at best
I still don't know where to put all of the characters on this list as I'm not completely sure of the sanses they'll be replacing. Or I can't decide between two characters. Still don't know where to put napstablook. Or gaster. And I want to give toriel a better role cause nim dies immediately.
overall I need help and any criticism is appriciated. Let me know any characters I forgot or would be better suited for another role.
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yukidragon · 2 years
Oh, right, the ask also wanted my thoughts on Gaster, Dess, Chara, Papyrus, and Father Alvin as potential knight candidates too. I guess I’ll give them here real quick, even though I kind of gave my opinion on who I think the knight is. Let’s start from least likely to most.
Papyrus has way too little information about him in either chapter to make him any sort of strong suspect. If he’s the knight, then he hasn’t really had hints dropped that direction.
Father Alvin is an unexpected choice for a knight, but I guess I can see why some people suspect him. I don’t think he’s been given a big enough role in the story to point us in that direction, but rather stuff related to him are more hinting at the knight in general.
Dess could be related to the knight, but I don’t personally think it’s her. Given the hints we’re given, Dess seems to be gone, likely dead. Did that have something to do with the knight? That’s possible. Noelle had a lot of importance in chapter 2, especially in the snowgrave route, so there’s something going on there. I suspect it more has to do with tragedy that has yet to be revealed that is going to add more context to the knight.
Chara most likely has something to do with the knight. Chara has an obvious connection to Kris. I’m pretty convinced by this point. If Kris is Chara, then Chara is, ergo, the knight given my theory. As I said in my previous post, Chara is definitely being alluded to by Kris. If Chara and Kris are separate entities though, then that changes things, but I still think there’d be a connection. I can’t rule out that in that scenario Chara could be the knight, but I think Kris is the much stronger candidate.
Gaster... I think he intended to be the knight, or something similar. I think that he intended to set up this big experiment in Deltarune that got hijacked, likely by the knight, AKA Kris. It’s entirely possible that if Kris didn’t take control, Gaster would be the one pulling the strings and making fountains... or something similar. We don’t have enough information about what Gaster wanted to do or what the knight really wants in the end after all...
Kris’ actions definitely remind me that we don’t have a choice in the final ending, and of Chara’s unforgettable quote, “Since when were you the one in control?
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krispdreemurr · 3 years
if neither kris or gaster turned out to be THE KNIGHT, who do you think would be the most likely character to fill in that role?
alternatively, what would be the funniest (yet still realistic) character to fill the role of THE KNIGHT?
lsdkgjklsdjg this is hard for me to answer bc im really sold on knight kris now so i havent really. considered alternatives. i'd say one of the other kids; ralsei and noelle are the strongest two candidates, and yes i know ralsei's a darkner but he's weird
funniest is the original starwalker. they've been there all along.
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bythebonefire · 2 years
🤍 + slaps some grillster in here
Send me a ship and I'll tell you... || Accepting!
Who cooks meals for the other?: I mean this is generally Grillby's role in most ships LMAO. He settles into that housewife role happily, and always makes sure Gaster actually eats proper meals. He probably packs him a cute lil lunch too. Maybe there’s even a note inside telling him he hopes he has a nice day!!! It’s all very domestic. 
Who spams the other with memes?: Neither of them really seem like big memelords lmao. I feel like if memes end up in their text chain it’s “do you know what this means??” “No, I have no idea???” “It’s so strange isn’t???” “It really is!!” 
Who likes to tidy around the house?: Both of them keep a pretty tidy house, but this again probably ends up in Grillby’s domain, especially because he’s very particular about how he likes things. 
Who likes to play pranks on the other?: They don’t really strike me as pranksters either tbh, Sans was prankster enough for the both of them. 
Who asked the other to move in with them?: Oh that’s a tough one. I feel like Grillby would be really hesitant to leave the apartment he and Sans shared. For all the painful memories the place carries--it was home. But I do think, especially since we’d talked about how the apartment was only intended to be a temporary place for him and Sans before they got their place outside the city, it might make it a bit easier. It was never meant to be a permanent home. I can kind of see Gaster tentatively bringing it up, and Grillby struggling over it for a long time--long enough that Gaster might assume the answer is no. But in the end, he finally agrees to it, and it’s another shaky step towards moving on with his life. 
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?: Oh always Grillby. You’ve said before that Gaster isn’t quite as much of a music lover as Sans was, so it seems like an area where he might kind of just let Grillbz take the reigns. Funny thing about that though, is that because Grillby is In Love With The Idea Of Music As A Theoretical Concept, he could really be putting anything on. 80s Indonesian punk rock is just as likely as showtunes which is just as likely as spa/meditation music which is just as likely as reggae.  
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?: Are either of them... ticklish? I mean, Grillby might try with his ecto, but idk how successful he’d be...
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?: Gaster does seem like he’d be the more skittish one, but I also don’t know because like... homeboy’s been behind the fabric of the space-time continuum is he really gonna be spooked by Michael Myers? Either way, they probably holdin’ hands.
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?: Oh definitely Gaster, if our thread of him casually repairing Grillby’s jukebox is any indication lmao. Grillby is good about repairing some things, but when it comes to like... electronics, he’s a total luddite. 
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?: I mean this is obviously Grillby lmao. But I can see the first time Gaster decides to get a little playful with a spectral hand outside of their house, Grillby’s like. Super proud of him. My little baby kinkster, you’re so precious. <3
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?: I feel like this varies, but frequently it’s Gaster. Unless the other one needs to be up, they probably let the other sleep. 
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?: Grillby has a lot of cute candids of Gaster while reading or working or sleeping. :B
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?: Where you keep your wallet, Gaster??? You are made of goop!!! Do you have pockets in the goop??? Where are your pockets, Gaster??? But for real, they both probably remember it most of the time. 
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night? - If Gaster snores, I’m picturing it sounding like a jammed printer, and that makes me laugh. But idk, I feel like if there’s issues it may be because Grillby is very bright and that might take some getting used to if you’re sleeping in a room with him. 
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?: Gaster would be better probably--Grillby is pretty helpless at video games. He probably doesn’t try tbh, if Gaster were playing something I think he’d just like to watch. 
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?: They don’t have to use the bathroom, so that helps. But probably if Grillby gets up, he’s more likely to wake Gaster since 1) sudden absence of warmth and 2) sudden light source moving around the room. 
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undertalethingies · 4 years
The Angel
In Undertale, there exists a prophecy. This prophecy drives most of the plot and is responsible for the deaths of Chara and Asriel, which is one of the story’s driving conflicts and possibly the most important thing that ever takes place off-screen.
The prophecy is thus:
The Angel… The One Who Has Seen The Surface… They will return. And the underground will go empty.
We encounter mentions of this prophecy throughout the game, in notable locations such as the game over screen, the glyphs in Waterfall, and Gerson’s shop. (Gerson’s shop is where we’re told of the more violent interpretation)
There are two major ways the prophecy is interpreted in Undertale, and they correspond with the two major routes, True Pacifist and Genocide. One interpretation states that the Angel will free the monsters, breaking the barrier and emptying the underground that way. The other is that the Angel will empty the underground by killing all the monsters, “freeing” them from their mortality.
Betcha can’t guess which is which.
Before the events of the game, Chara was thought to be the Angel, as they were a human from the surface. Judging by some of the accounts of their death, it seems likely that this is what motivated them to attempt to break the barrier by any means necessary.
It’s plausible that consecutive humans were also treated as possible Angels, but it seems somewhat unlikely, since Asgore ordered their deaths.
(Though it is a possibility that the more violent interpretation of the prophecy gained ground after a violent human, since Gerson says that it’s only been on the rise recently)
Something notable is that the prophecy is only fulfilled on the True Pacifist and Genocide routes, and never on Neutral paths.
Now, all this is well and good, but there’s a burning question we’re left with after the game is finished.
The prophecy has been fulfilled, so who is the Angel?
At first glance, it seems obvious that it would be Frisk, since they’re the protagonist. Frisk is who we follow through the Underground, who we guide on a journey of magic and friendship and spaghetti, and it feels almost ridiculous to say that the Angel is anyone else.
This doesn’t hold up to closer inspection, however, due to how the prophecy is worded. Specifically, it says that the Angel will “return”, and Frisk has no way to have previously visited the underground. 
While it’s possible to justify this in various ways, I think it best to move on to other candidates for the Angel.
The next obvious choice is Asriel. While he spends most of the game merely being vaguely annoying, he takes on a much more major role before each ending, even going so far as to steal the human SOULs for himself on every route but Genocide. He’s also directly responsible for breaking the barrier for a True Pacifist ending, which is a solid commendation for “Angel” status. Not to mention, he actually has been to the surface previously, when he absorbed Chara’s SOUL after they committed suicide.
There are flaws with him too, however. For one, his “return” doesn’t really line up with the events of the plot. Rather, he returns seemingly between Frisk and the previous human, controls the timeline for an unknown amount of time (or well, “time”), and then eventually Frisk falls, which is the catalyst for the plot. On a related note, though he’s seemingly exhausted just about every possible ending for his own shenanigans, he insinuates that he was never able to break the barrier or acquire the six human SOULs without Frisk’s assistance. As a third reason why he’s probably not the Angel, he doesn’t actually live to see the ending of a genocide route, instead being killed before Chara appears and erases the world.
None of these explicitly disprove the idea of him being the Angel, but like Frisk, something about it just doesn’t gel right.
So who does this leave? Who’s seen the surface and returned?
I suppose you could argue for Toriel, Asgore, or Gerson, who are all implied to be older than the barrier, but this returns the question of how they would be “returning” when presumably they’d never entered the underground until being trapped there.
You might be able to make an argument for Sans or Papyrus, since not much is known about them, and their past is deliberately mysterious, but this ends up being little more than wild speculation, which I usually prefer not to touch. The same goes for Gaster.
But if it’s not any of these characters, who could it be?
Ladies, gentlemen, and esteemed personages of indeterminate gender, may I present to you…
Chara Dreemurr.
Chara is an enigma. Nothing on the level of Gaster and his followers, of course, but for such a major character, we know almost nothing about them. Even their name is subject to the whims of the player.
As I mentioned earlier, Chara was thought to be the Angel while they were alive.
They fit the criteria, after all. 
We know they lived with the Dreemurrs for some time underground before their death, and that they’ve seen the surface both when they lived there and when they gave their SOUL to Asriel in an attempt to free monster kind.
Their “return”, of course, would refer to one of the lines they say at the end of a Genocide run.
“Your power awakened me from death”
This lines up with the start of the game, too, rather than being an unknown amount of time before it, like Asriel.
Now, everyone knows you can’t have a Genocide run without Chara. It’s well known that they appear at the end and erase everything, whether or not the player agrees.
You can’t have a True Pacifist run without Chara though, either. You see, after you SAVE the monsters who have turned into lost SOULs during Asriel’s fight, you’re told that you have to SAVE him, as well. When you attempt to do so, though, instead of reminding him of the memories you’ve made together, (of which there aren’t any) a cutscene of Chara’s life with the Dreemurrs plays.
This cutscene didn’t come from nowhere. Technically, it’s possible for it to have come from Asriel, but it seems unlikely, since he’s fighting you. What makes more sense, (to me at least) is that these memories come from Chara.
In conclusion, Chara appears to be the most likely candidate for the Angel, on both major runs.
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justsomeartsthings · 4 years
Print Me A House And Home
Summary: Sans breaks the lab’s printers while Alphys is away. With a little applied quantum theory, this somehow leads to his boss becoming his flatmate. Pre-Sanster, Sans POV, Fluff (with a sprinkle of Angst).
“ya gotta be kiddin’ me.” 
You rap your knuckles on the side of the printer. There’s a click and a foreboding thump from inside. You take a cautious step back, hands raised. 
“uh. hey, doc, is al in today?”
No response. You glance into the empty office behind you.
No dice.
“…i’m stealing your snacks. speak now or forever hold your chisps.”
“your loss, dude.”
You snag the bag of popato chisps off of his desk and pop them open. The noise is like a firecracker set off inside your skull.
…Still ix-nay on the eleton-skay.
You toss a few chisps past your teeth and knock on the printer again. No one home. Not even a suspicious ticking noise. Lame.
You’re halfway through the chisps bag, tapping an absent rhythm on the printer, when there’s footsteps and the rustling of papers in the hallway. A few seconds later, Dr. W. D. Gaster strides through the doorway, head bowed. It’s a rare candid moment; he’s too engrossed in the notebook in his hands to notice you.
You watch him for a bit, debating whether to spook him.
To his credit, he doesn’t physically startle. He does snap his notebook shut, abruptly alert. “Sans. What are you…?”
“had to use your printer.” You extend the open pop bag. “chisp?”
He doesn’t even check to see if they’re his. He takes one. “The vending machine is two floors down.”
“eh. too far.”
“You could use the elevator.”
“why bother. it’s just gonna let me down.”
“Mm. And I suppose you’ve vetoed the stairs because they are ‘up to something’.”
“hey. don’t knock my jokes. they’re hy-stair-ical.” You crumple the empty chisp bag and toss it at Gaster, who catches it and drops it in the bin. “is alphys clocking in anytime soon?”
“She’s at a seminar in New Home. She won’t be back for another four hours.” He places the notebook on his desk. “Is there something wrong with your own printer?”
“yup. i tried to print a report of some results for an experiment this morning. somethin’ went wrong, think i jammed it. figured i’d use yours.”
His eyelights snap to the printer. “And it’s jammed mine as well?”
You chuckle. Break into the man’s office under printing problem pretenses, and watch him squirm. Give him a printer to fix, he’ll hyperfixate on it so hard he almost seems sane.
“looks like it. same thing happened to al’s printer, too.”
“That would explain why I couldn’t print my notes a few hours ago.” He approaches the machine, huffing. “It’s only Tuesday, and you’ve already managed to break all three of our printers.”
“i call it a magic touch.”
“I find it highly unlikely you would ever employ percussive maintenance. Especially of the bullet pattern variety.”
“heh heh. point taken.” You shrug. “wrong on the first count, though. i gave ‘em a few love taps.”
“Mm. Bandages are on my desk.”
“cute. i can take a printer, old man, and i could take you.”
“That would put you at two counts of theft and one of kidnapping. Tread carefully.” He removes the back panel of the printer and peers inside. “That’s peculiar. This experiment report— was it for the causality trials?”
“just the test run.”
“And your printer has the same kind of jam?”
“same jelly, same jar.”
“It appears to be routine.”
“bread n’butter.”
“It looks fried.”
“that’s probably a doughboy, then.”
“It can’t be a coincidence.”
“i didn’t say coincidence, i said doughboy.”
He snaps out of his thoughts at that. “What? What’s ‘doughboy?’”
“uh, s’like pre-bread? don’t call me ‘boy’.”
“I didn’t—” He shakes his head, baffled. “What in Asgore’s name are you going on about?”
“the printer. you sure you know what you’re doin’?”
He shoots you a glare just before shoving his hands all up in the printer’s mechanical guts. “I’m a highly skilled engineer who just so happened to design and construct the self-sustaining generator which the entire Underground, including this lab, runs on. I can handle a jammed printer.”
“ok, jeez, doc. no point tryin’ to print receipts, the printer’s already doughboy-ed.”
Gaster doesn’t reply, but after a few moments of tinkering, he does squint in a concerning manner. “Hm.”
“i’m no printer engineer, but ‘hm’ doesn’t sound like a technical term.”
“It is when I say it.” And, well, he’s got you there. “It appears Alphys has been printing Mew Mew Kissy Cutie posters on her work printer.”
“uh,” you say. “what? how do you know?”
In response, Gaster pulls out an impossibly large poster from the back of the printer. It’s slightly crumpled, due to its dimensions being bigger than the printer could ever realistically print, and even laminated, which you’re pretty sure Gaster’s printer can’t do.
“Something tells me we will find your test results in Alphys’ printer, and my notes from this morning in yours.”
“woah. you’re kiddin’. scoot over,” you say, sidling up to him to peer inside the printer’s exposed mechanics. “you think alphys’ printer and my printer are superposed in yours?”
“that’s… uh,” you say. “impractical.”
“To say the least.”
“alphys is gonna have a field day with this when she gets back.”
“I’m sure the eventual clutter of dismantled printers will speak for itself.”
“heh. i gotta say, i’m kinda disappointed. i expected superposition to sound a lot more chaotic.”
He makes an assenting noise. You look over at him, and then nearly do a double-take. You didn’t notice before, but he’s as tense as a compressed spring, very intently inspecting the Mew Mew Kissy Cutie poster. Or, more likely, very deliberately not looking at you. 
Upon second glance, you are a lot closer to him than you reasonably need to be.
“heh. whoops. my bad,” you say, stepping to the side. “didn’t mean to crowd you.”
“…Not at all,” he says quietly, then clears his throat. He puts the back panel over the printer again and straightens up. “We should, er, go check the other printers. Just in case.”
“sure,” you say.
“Good,” he says.
“great,” you say.
And you go.
It’s kind of funny, this sort of dance the two of you have fallen into. Stepping on eggshells, tiptoeing around each other at work. Ignoring that you’ve got a crush on him. That he’s got a gigantic crush on you. It’s ridiculous, and hilarious, mainly because he’s centuries old and you’re, well, not.
For whatever reason, whether he’s worried about being deemed a cradle robber or a douchebag boss, or something else entirely, he hasn’t made a move on you yet. But hey, that’s fine by you. You’ve got all the time in the world.
Though you do hope it won’t actually take him that long.
“It will be faster if we split up,” he says, once you reach the intersecting hallway between your office and Alphys’. He starts to take off by himself, leaving you behind.
You reach out and grab his wrist.
“hang on a sec. if you’re right about superposition—”
“It’s very likely that I am.”
“then you realize checking the printers separately could affect the outcome. ‘that which is observed is changed’, n’all that?”
“Well, yes. But it may be an inevitability anyway,” he says. “And even so, the replication of this event is statistically extremely unlikely. This may be our only chance to see whether our theory of personal observation holds true.”
“but it’ll kill the control variable, won’t it? we already saw your printer—”
“Oh, it could, most certainly— but not if our current theories of quantum entanglement hold true.”
“quantum—? for a whole printer? boss, we’re years away from proving that particle entanglement exists on the subatomic scale, never mind above it.”
“Not once we check the printers, we won’t be,” he points out. “There’s a chance the only way to trigger binding entanglement at such a large scale is through unrelated proofs.”
And, oh. 
You’re physically incapable of gaping, but the sentiment must show in your eyelights, because he grins down at you, the smug bastard.
“All caught up?”
“we’ll know entanglement can occur if our personal observations affect the outcomes of a superimposed subject— and if it doesn’t, we’ll have potentially disproven three separate quantum theories at once, since each cannot exist without the other. it’s… extremely assumptive and unreliable science—”
“Unless it works.”
“uh, no, i’m pretty sure it’s still unorthodox and totally fallible,” you say. “but hey. personal confirmation’s gotta count for somethin’, right?”
He laughs, bright and clear. “Yes, yes, I suppose. In a sense.”
“well, then, in a sense, it’s genius.”
More than genius, really. And Gaster knows it is, going by the look on his face. For a moment, time slows, and you take in his eyelights, fuzzy and dilated. How his entire silhouette brims with restrained excitement. Riding on the high that comes just before a dramatic breakthrough.
And yeah, maybe there’s more important things at hand, but god, he’s beautiful when he gets like this.
“heh. how ‘bout we save the ego inflation until after we get results,” you say. The cusp of quantum discovery isn’t the time or place for mutual, unspoken workplace crushes.
“Right. Then we’ll meet back here as soon as possible,” Gaster says, and turns to go—
Only to be yanked back by your hand, clasped tightly in his.
You stare at your joined hands, soul fluttering. His fingers are intertwined with yours, slender phalanges and thick knuckles complementing each other like a welded whole.
At some point, you must’ve let go of his wrist and taken his hand instead. You hadn’t even noticed.
“uh. eheh. whoops.” You let go and try to pull away. But Gaster’s hand doesn’t budge. “doc?”
He’s as still as a statue, his eyelights focused somewhere over your shoulder. A flighty feeling grows in your bones the longer you have his hand in yours. 
And then he says, quietly: “Have you been sleeping here, Sans?”
Your soul wrenches itself in another direction.
Gaster gestures behind you with his other hand, but you don’t turn to look. In a rush, it comes to you, what he must be looking at. 
You’d had a long night, then a rough morning with Pap. This afternoon, you weren’t as careful as you usually are. You remember leaving your office door open, and, like the idiot you are, you remember leaving out your sleeping bag, your cheap diner food wrappers, your half-sharpied sneakers. And then you got so caught up in causality, your experiment, and printing those results— 
You forgot to hide your mess.
“You’ve been sleeping here overnight.”
“it’s not, uh,” you begin weakly, but it really is what it looks like. And judging by the way Gaster hasn’t torn his eyelights from your mess, he knows it. 
There’s no point making a fool out of yourself by lying. 
But that doesn’t mean you don’t hate the way your voice goes quiet without your consent. 
“…it’s not as bad as it looks.”
“What about your brother— Papyrus? Is he—?”
“no. god, no. trust me, you’d know if pap was loose in this place,” you chuckle a little desperately. “he stays with a couple of friends in new home while i work. temporarily, y’know. just while we’re between houses.”
“Between houses,” Gaster echoes, finally looking down at you again. It’s fine. You’re fine. “I locked down the lab last weekend— were you on the streets for that time?”
“nah, we, uh. heh.” You clear your throat. Look to the wall. Shove your free hand in your pocket. 
Anything to distract from the fact that you can’t keep your voice steady.
You’ve never talked about it to anyone before. Out loud. You didn’t expect it to be this difficult. And it doesn’t help that Gaster doesn’t give you an out. He just stares at you, expectant. You have no idea how to read the expression he’s wearing. 
So you gather yourself and let your mouth run like a loose motor.
“we house-hopped for a while, ‘til we could make it to snowdin. there’s a place out there i’ve been savin’ up for. real spacious, real cheap. y’know. somethin’ decent we can handle the mortgage for with my salary. and the guy who owns it wanted to meet up anyway. so th’ timing worked out.”
“it’s fine, doc. really. trust me. been doin’ this since i could remember,” And it is fine. The more you talk, the less he’ll hear. You’ll be fine, as long as you don’t let him speak. “listen, i’ll pack it all up when i clock out, i’ve got friends we can bunk with—”
“Absolutely not.”
“—i can make it work, but, uh, y’know, i’m sorry i—”
“Sans.” He squeezes your hand, tight. Your soul scales your throat and smothers your protests. “You’re staying in my apartment until the house is yours.”
You blink up at him, uncomprehending.
“Asgore rents the place out to me, as per our contract. I can assure you, you would not be imposing.”
Slowly, the words start to trickle in. Imposing. In his apartment.
He wants you to stay. With him. In his apartment.
“oh,” you say. Like an idiot.
“It’s fully stocked, and more than big enough to house you, your brother, and I.”
The mention of Papyrus is enough to get your thoughts moving again.
“wh— uh. hang on. slow down, doc. i can’t do that.” He doesn’t reply. You shake your head, even as some part of you starts to settle into the idea. A house, regular meals. Gaster sleeping in the neighboring room. “no, no, c’mon. i’m serious.”
“As am I.”
He is. And you hate that. You hate that he’s serious. 
You hate that you want him to be serious.
Now you can’t stop yourself from considering it. Your thoughts run ahead of you, wondering what you’d be able to do if you weren’t constantly worrying about food on the table or the roof overhead. What a relief it would be to have a stable home life, not in a few years, not in a few months, but now.
No more bed hopping, or borrowing clothes. No more stretches of time spent starving in dank alleyways.
No need to worry about transportation to the lab or to wherever Pap ends up staying during the work day.
And not just that, but someone to secure it for you. Someone you know for a fact won’t toss you out at the drop of a pin, who won’t hold it over your head, or pander ulterior motives. 
Someone who doesn’t think you’re a disgusting excuse for a monster.
It sounds too good to be true.
And to top it all off, here Gaster is, looking at you like he knows he’s offering you dinners and bedtimes and breakfasts and domestic things and stability and a normal life that you could never get on your own merit.
And the only objection you can think of is:
“doesn’t that break some sort of— i dunno, fraternization rule, or something?”
Gaster blinks down at you. You’re slightly relieved to see his expression change into something more familiar.
“We are a collective twenty steps away from an immense scientific discovery that could redefine the way we conceptualize reality itself,” he says, “and you’re worried about fraternization.”
Which, okay, that’s a little unfair.
“doc, we’re twenty steps away from an immense scientific discovery, and you wanna argue about where i sleep at night.”
He takes a breath to argue, then cants his head. “You have a point.”
“don’t i.”
“This can wait.”
“can’t it.”
“I suppose we should… get on with it.”
“uh-huh.” You swallow around the lump in your throat. “as soon as you let go of my hand.”
“Oh. Right. Yes.” He releases your hand a little sheepishly. Centuries, you have to remind yourself. “Apologies.”
“don’t sweat it.”
As soon as he starts moving, you turn heel and make a beeline for your office. 
You shut the door behind you and slide down the back of it until your knees hit your chest. Then you tuck your head between your legs and you breathe.
You’re fine. It’s fine. You just— you need a minute. Just a minute. In a few seconds, you’ll open your eyesockets, and you’ll be fine.
Alone. Safe.
You open your eyes.
Your mess awaits you, splayed at your ankles. It spirals far into the room like an extension of yourself. You stare at it with the appropriate amount of disgust.
Strewn wrappers, unwashed laundry. Empty bottles and cans you planned to sell for a couple G apiece. You never left any of it out during the daytime before. Not where the stark laboratory overhead lights strip it of nighttime’s leniency. Right now, it’s all there, laid bare for the world to see.
It’s just things. Fabric and plastic and glass and other meaningless things. 
It is what it is, but it’s not. It’s more than that.
And you know, if it would’ve been Alphys, it would’ve been easier. Because you’re not ashamed of your situation. Really. It sucks, but it happens. You get that. She would get that. It’s just. You just didn’t want anyone to know. You didn’t want Gaster to know. 
You didn’t want Gaster to look at your things and see more than just quirks or weird habits. But he did. Almost too quickly. He saw right through you. 
You wouldn’t have pegged him for a monster who has fallen on hard times. Not like you have.
But it happens. You get that.
So maybe you have less to worry about than you thought.
You swipe at your eyesockets and take to your feet. Either way, you shouldn’t dwell on it, not now. Not when you have work to do. 
...Not when you have three quantum theories to potentially disprove, what in Asgore’s name are you doing?
Your printer is just as you left it on your desk. You loop around the back of it, kicking a stray ketchup bottle out of your way, and take off the panel without a hitch.
No Mew Mew Kissy Cutie poster in sight. Small mercies. You plunge your hand into the printer’s depths.
“yahtzee,” you mutter under your breath, once you’re elbow-deep. 
Anticipation sneaks past your defenses, as you pull out the piece of paper touching your fingertips. Your shambles of a home life aside, this is a big moment. You should be enjoying it.
You shake out the page, flatten it against your desk, and quickly scour its contents.
...It’s Gaster’s notes. In his handwriting, scanned and copied and printed.
Unwittingly, you start to re-crumple the paper between your fingers. The mess in your office melts away, suddenly distant and small in comparison to the realization cresting your thoughts— the mantra ringing through your head over and over like the chiming of the Judgement Hall’s bells— 
He did it.
He was right.
Superposition, entanglement, personal observation— everything. He was right.
You don’t get the chance to bolt out of your office— he meets you at your door. You swing it open, blustered by the draft, and hold up Gaster’s notes. He starts laughing before you even see your experiment report in his hands.
“holy shit,” you breathe.
“holy shit.”
“I am treating both you and your brother to dinner tonight,” Gaster pants, slapping the report into your hands. “Until then, we can discuss a more suitable salary for your expenses. Come evening, we’ll pick up Papyrus…”
He keeps talking, but you can’t process a word of what he’s saying. It doesn’t occur to you that you probably just got a raise, or that you won’t be dumpster diving tonight, or even that you’ve somehow completely accepted the fact that you’ll be roommates with your boss for the foreseeable future.
None of it matters, because Gaster is grinning, eyesockets wide, breath stolen from wonder, his hands planted firmly on your shoulders. He looks barely in control of himself.
You can’t believe you thought he was beautiful before. You’ve never seen him look at you like this.
You don’t want him to stop.
Eventually, however, he realizes you aren’t listening to a word he’s saying. So he stops talking, rolls his eyelights, and abruptly turns around to lead the way back to his office.
You blink after his receding outline, still blinded by the afterimage of his expression. Something brushes your side, and you look down.
One of his conjured hands is clutching yours. The asymmetry of the grip is just as perfectly aligned as it was with his real hand. 
You give the mimic a squeeze. It squeezes back.
With one last look at the chaos of your office, you shut your door behind you and drift along in Gaster’s wake, smiling.
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argentdandelion · 5 years
Handplates: Easy Ways to Stop a Mad Scientist
Warning: Mentions alcohol and tobacco use. Also has vague mentions of child abuse.
Assume a devoted reader of Handplates spontaneously becomes a monster and is now in Handplates canon. Using knowledge of Handplates, the reader-monster could easily and safely stop Gaster’s mad-scientist cruelties.
The following methods all rely on five principles:
- Remove motives. - Let him suffer just a teeny bit more, discouraging further cruelty. - Make the starting cost just a little higher, preventing cruelty (because he’ll chicken out). - Lower starting cost, preventing post-hoc rationalization. - Make it impractical but still technically possible for him to do the experiments. (He’ll have to justify to himself why he still doesn’t do it even though it’s technically possible.) - Explain how cruelty is unnecessary and, in fact, counterproductive, in an objective and scientific context.
Methods’ ease and safety are ranked by stars; more stars means less safe and easy. Some methods can be used at multiple points; they are sorted by the most effective time to use them.
1. Pre-Project 2. Pre-Hole Punching 3. Pre-Plates 4. Post-Plates
Boulder Plan (★)
Remove motives by putting a really heavy boulder in front of the door to the Ruins. Humans therefore can't leave Toriel, so Asgore doesn’t have to kill them, and Gaster doesn’t feel he has to relieve Asgore’s suffering. (Note: This would be more useful before the Yellow SOUL, or before the SOUL before that.) Cons: Monsters will remove the boulder, because they know that's where the humans are coming from. (Hire a really strong monster that doesn’t know that’s where the humans come from)
Communication with Toriel (★★)
Toriel is one of the very few people to which Gaster has an emotional connection. When Toriel disappeared after Asgore’s declaration of war, Gaster assumed she died. Spider monsters can send a telegram between the Ruins and Hotland; giving Toriel Gaster’s telegram address might make her send messages to him. Alternatively, talking to Toriel through the door, writing down something only Gaster would know on a piece of paper, and then delivering that letter to Gaster would have Gaster read the letter and realize Toriel is alive. Gaster would then go to Toriel and talk about why she left Asgore. Regardless of the outcome, Gaster would likely be far too distracted/conflicted between who to serve to start his project. Cons: If telegrams are exclusively a spider-monster service, reader-monster would likely have to pay quite a price to have them carry a message. (assuming reader-monster isn’t also a spider-monster) The spiders might spy on the message, or the message must be necessarily coded so the spiders can’t understand it. The coding would, in turn, make it more difficult for Toriel and Gaster to interpret it. It’s also possible the spider monsters might attack reader-monster if the telegram service is a secret or if one is too rude.
Steal His Idea (★★)
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(From this page) A later comic reveals Gaster was inspired by the idea of homunculi: artificial humans. If one takes the idea of homunculi to try to create “teraculi” (a monster equivalent) before he can start his project, Gaster wouldn’t feel so purposeful and brilliant to start the project himself. If he’s smart about it, he might get himself involved in the other “teraculi” project and offer his own body materials for it. In that case, a bunch of scientists would know about the project. They’d either quit it once it’s clear the test subjects are sentient, or continue without causing them excessive pain or discomfort. If Gaster can spread the labor of the project, it wouldn’t stress him out, and therefore he wouldn’t do foolish and painful things (e.g., breaking Papyrus' arm to illustrate a point) just because he’s tired. Cons: This would require reader-monster either be a scientist, or obtain several scientist-friend candidates and subtly encourage them to the same ideas.
Pre-Hole Punching
Science Inspection Laws (★★)
Talk to Asgore/other parts of the monster government, if they exist, on a new lab inspection law. This could be about lab safety, accountability for potentially dangerous experiments, ensuring the Underground’s taxes are being used productively for subsidized experiments, or other things. If implemented, people would check out Gaster’s true lab (potentially on an unpredictable schedule), making it more difficult to do ethically questionable/outright immoral experiments. For example, he’d have to explain why he has tables and chairs with leather straps fitted to a common monster size and body plan. If he goes long enough without doing especially painful experiments, he might rationalize it by saying it wasn’t that valuable anyway. Or, he might have to adjust the procedures so they’re less painful and uncomfortable, so the leather straps are unnecessary. Cons: King Fluffybuns is a pushover apparently fine with people visiting him unannounced. On the other hand, he respects Gaster and rarely checks up on his projects. If Gaster tries to make a royal scientist exception to the law, he might persuade Asgore. Thus, the best method is talking to other parts of the monster government, if it exists.
Steal Hole-Punching Machine Parts (★★)
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From this post. One assumes Gaster got the parts by browsing the dump. Reader-monster would have to know not only exactly where the parts were on the day he assembled them, but also know locations of any other spare parts. If some of the parts are so general-use no monster could figure out what he was going to do with them, Gaster might simply purchase the parts from other scavengers/scientists, so the reader-monster would have to deal with that, too.
Fake Damage to Hole-Punching Machine Parts (★★)
Reader-monster would have to find the parts he’s going to use in the dump (as well as backup parts), if he indeed found them in the dump, and then damage them to the point of uselessness or spray them with a solution mimicking Waterfall-appropriate damage. (e.g., dirt that’s hard to remove, slight acid damage, water damage) If all the parts he finds look too damaged, he might presume it’s unlikely any scavengers or scientists have working parts. If he knows other scientists have suitable machine parts, he’d have to negotiate with other scientists he doesn’t have authority over, or redesign the plate-drilling machine to not require the parts. If he has to negotiate, he might chicken out because he doesn’t like to (or is afraid of) actually applying high-level social skills, or be discouraged about the time and effort needed to make a new plate-drilling machine design.
Complimentary Bottle of Whiskey (★)
Give him painkillers for the hole-punching. The least suspicious painkiller to give him is a bottle of whiskey, delivered as a gift from another scientist/a fan of his work. (A note implying alcohol’s pain-killing properties would make this extra persuasive.) Since he won’t go through so much pain, he won’t need to justify the pain to himself and therefore commit less.
Steal Components for Death Beams (★★)
Steal all components for death beams. He might install locked doors instead, but then Sans and Papyrus wouldn’t be hesitant to pile up behind the locked doors, take him by surprise and escape. They also wouldn’t be afraid to get close to the doors and attack the doors using magic. Cons: Components used to make death beams might be common, multi-purpose components. Thus, there might be too many to steal at once, and it might badly affect the Underground’s technology over time.
Animal Training Manual (★)
Give Gaster a progressive animal training manual; mention certain animals (e.g., parrots) are very smart for animals and able to imitate speech. Thus, he’ll liken his test subjects to animals, and treat them accordingly. (that is, nicely) There’s an entire post on this, but, in brief: he’ll train his subjects to trust him, keep that trust, and gradually build up their pain tolerance so the handplates-drilling isn’t so traumatic. (if he still goes through with that, instead of tying it around their hands or using another less-painful method) Cons: Since animals/animal training do not fall within his interests or expertise, Gaster would wonder why it’s even relevant for him. Loudly talking about a made-up story with lab mice paralleling his test subjects at a scientist party is more likely to get his attention, but it’s unlikely he’d attend a scientist party.
Get Asgore to Say Nice Things (★★)
Between Gaster realizing his clone-children are alive and choosing to go through with drilling the hand plates, talk to Asgore and suggest Gaster is like his child. (“I’d love to be like Gaster, but, alas, I didn’t have the king himself raise me as his own child...”) This might get Asgore to talk about that to Gaster, and perhaps talk about how much he loved his children. This would be extra persuasive if he talks about how promising Asriel was and how sad he was he didn’t have more time to teach him the ways of kingship and see his ruling accomplishments. In a Mercyplates scenario, Gaster heaps praise on Sans because he thinks Sans is going to be a brilliant scientist like him, so appealing to Gaster’s selfish desire for a mini-me might work here.
Talk About Skeleton Greatness (★)
Get Gaster’s book on skeleton culture (Asgore might have the only copy; he’ll probably give it to people who ask), read it, and then send fan mail talking about how great skeletons are and how sad it is Gaster is the only skeleton left. (or, get Asgore to talk about that) Then, Gaster will realize he can produce more of his kind. (If the grey-background comics are broadly canon, he does seem to think highly of the fact he’s a skeleton monster)
Non-Painful Name Tags (★★)
Create metal “name tags” for porcelain lab equipment/skeletons of taxidermied animals. Attach name tags with tiny clamps or a special superglue suited for bone/plausibly bone-like substances. If Gaster knows he can get these name tags custom-made to certain proportions with test subject designations, he would consider making hand plates himself an impractical waste of time. To be even more persuasive, say one can easily install tracking devices, to keep track of porcelain equipment containing volatile and/or extremely valuable chemicals/ensure the equipment isn’t stolen. Cons: Would require reader-monster to actually make or acquire effective metal name tags suitable for this purpose; it might take a few months to perfect the technology.
Prevent Tobacco Use (★★★)
Monster-reader would need to figure out when he started smoking, and then prevent him from either acquiring a packet of cigarettes or hide it somewhere in the lab once he got it. It is possible he took up smoking shortly after drilling in the plates, since he’s not seen doing so at any time before. It’s likely he did this to try to reduce his stress. (Though nicotine dependency exacerbates stress, it’s unclear how nicotine chemically affects monsters, given their bodies are so very different) If Gaster can’t reduce the stress he feels here, he’d have less ability to do cruel things again for fear of how it will affect him. (For example, if a woman gives birth in a way that’s especially agonizing, the next time she’s likely to use local anesthesia, not bear any more kids, or use C-section.) Cons: This would require sneaking into his lab, or knowing exactly when and where he found cigarettes in the dump and then removing it. (this is especially difficult because cigarettes are common trash items) He might also simply find cigarettes on another day. Of all the things to steal from him, this is the least likely to cause trouble. Others could infer he smoked based on the smell on his clothes, without knowing anything about his projects. It's also possible the motives are nothing more than wanting to do what’s best for his health; one could spin this into wanting to see the irreplaceable brilliant Royal Scientist have a long and productive life and thus appeal to his arrogance.
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