#I think he's naturally curious and uh... I think he at least wants to try being better?
dxxtruction · 23 days
#I kind of wish they'd given Armand at least one or two clear positive traits but idk maybe they did he just can't actually be#owned to them because he's built up so much SHIT and doubt around himself and towards Louis and tries it also with Daniel it's like#Impossible to say anything positive isn't also negative by association of how it serves to uplift his negative motivations#But I mean just to throw some out there??#I think he's naturally curious and uh... I think he at least wants to try being better?#But its fails miserably because he's so narcissistic and withholds far too much of his intentions and actions#He views a lot of negative traits as positive ones and positive traits as negative when there in contention with himself#I feel he conflates a bunch of things on terms of whats good behavior and bad behavior because he'd been adapted to it that way#He wants to be better but doesn't actually commit to it.#Thats sort of the unfixed sense of self coming in#Armands opinions on things have clearly changed to be diametrically different to what they were 70 years ago#But he also severely avoids owning up to all negative things about himself.#I think one positive trait is that he can regret his actions? He can self reflect.#but I don't think he self reflects enough to see the truth behind his actions or what future actions could have in consequence#Guilts good because then it's not a total lack of empathy there. But he displays it in such a guilt trippy way it becomes negative.#A lot of things about Armand are just like that actually.#His most natural impulse is to simply destroy everything but he loses that impulse if he can love care or wield control over that#I feel he recognizes he cant let such impulses run rampant but then he's just sitting on a mountain of repression to make his self image#appear better than the very very dark shit that's him underneath#These two things can't... integrate properly.#Partly because he's always in the wrong envoirment for it because he can't obtain this through gaining it out of other people actually#I think its disingenuous to say he's in total awareness of his actions as bad and that he's doing all of this to be intentionally harmful.#Even if he is at fault and consequence for them#and like unless there's an outright lie I think a lot of the things he says are things he genuinely believes but they just come into#so much contention with others and their safety and values etc.#But he could just as easily be orchestrating all of this with full awareness and intention. So it's really an interpretational thing.#Most of this is like ... not talking about his positive traits lol. They're there he's just too much of an asshole to get to have them.#Like if I were to place a disorder on him it'd be histrionic narcissist.
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artemis32 · 7 months
Yandere Class 1A x reader
yeah, uh, i hate this, but you get what you get
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Izuku was at a loss.
He'd tried everything - absolutely everything - to get you to open up. To talk. To partake in group activities outside of class
But no matter what he did, no matter how he tried to sell the idea, no matter how manipulative he was, you declined.
Every. Single. Time.
What made it worse was that he knew several other people in your class were trying to achieve the same thing.
Mina had invited you out more times than he could keep count of, and each time she was met with a short, harsh rejection.
Sero and Kaminari had joked with you, trying to get you to at least crack a hint of a smile.
No success.
Momo constantly offered to help you study, and when you inevitably said no, she would insist on tea parties and lunch dates and shopping trips with the rest of the girls in the class. You had stared at her with a blank gaze until she felt uncomfortable enough to leave.
Even Uraraka, as sweet as she was, was unable to crack your tough exterior.
Izuku realised that they were quickly running out of options. They'd run through the list of class members they could turn to for a solution, and sooner or later they'd have to accept the worst-case scenario.
They'd have to ask Bakugo for help.
You hated your classmates.
They were annoying. They were insistent.
When they were around, you never got so much as two minutes of peace and quiet.
It was bearable during the first few months of your first year, when you could go home and have a break from their never-ending questions.
But then the school had decided that it was in the best interest of the students to have you all move into dorms.
You hadn't known a single moment of peace since.
There always seemed to be someone attached to your hip, or trailing a few steps behind you, or eyeing you from across the room.
It was annoying, and you thought you’d made that clear.
In the beginning, you thought they had all been so insistent because they were curious about your quirk. 
That in itself was understandable - no one knew one another, so it was natural for everyone to want to get to know their classmates quirks.
You knew of everyone else’s quirks - of course you did, you knew everything about them - and for the most part, they knew about yours, or as much as you’d told them. 
You thought that would be enough to satiate them, but evidently, you were wrong.
At first, your classmates, Izuku specifically, wanted to know about all the intricacies of your quirk - the parameters, drawbacks, limits, range, all of it. That had been the first warning sign. You were taught growing up to never tell anyone more about your quirk than they needed to know. That was enough for you to avoid Izuku.
All of your classmates seemed to be in awe of your power, which was strange.  You weren’t particularly fond of your quirk. It was just so boring.
Teleportation, especially at your current level, wasn’t very useful to a hero. You weren’t much good when you were only able to teleport yourself.
Regardless, you were working on improving your quirk as best you could.
A small part of your mind whispered to you that they knew about things they shouldn’t, but that was just the usual bout of paranoia getting to you. You’d know whatever they knew straight away.
You teleportation quirk had developed at four years old, which was slightly younger than your father had been banking on. He’d gone to great lengths to teach you how to control your ability - at four years old, you had a tendency to just disappear. Not because you wanted to, or because you were actively thinking about leaving. No, it was more because you had absolutely zero control over yourself or your quirk.
By the time you turned six, you’d mastered the control your father so desperately wanted you to learn. You found that keeping your emotions in check helped more than consciously thinking about not using your quirk.
That degree of control couldn’t have developed at a better time, because eight months later, right before your seventh birthday, you developed your second quirk.
That’s what became the real bane of your existence. 
Sure, you were blessed to have two quirks. In fact, you loved it as a child. But controlling this quirk proved to be significantly more difficult than your first. 
You managed to get it under control, for the most part. You made sure that you weren’t blaring your thoughts out loud constantly, and you learnt how to talk to people one on one pretty quickly.
What you couldn’t control, even close to ten years after discovering your second quirk, was how to shut other people’s thoughts out. 
It was a never-ending battle, trying not to up and leave whenever you got too overwhelmed. 
You’re sure someone could have helped you. The adults in your life - middle school teachers, your friends, their parents, maybe even Mr Aizawa and your classmates could have helped you, but you would never breathe so much as a word to them about your quirk - not when you saw how people reacted to the idea of someone being able to read their every thought.
So you kept it to yourself, occasionally making use of your teleportation quirk to get a moment of silence, leaping far, far away from civilisation, from people’s thoughts.
In those moments alone, it wasn’t so bad. You thought about how incredible your quirks actually were, about how fortunate you were to have a quirk at all, never mind two.
Then you’d return back to your dorm, and the cycle would repeat.
You would admit, it was pretty funny.
Hearing how strangely obsessed your classmates were with you was actually hilarious, especially considering they thought you had no idea. Not to mention, constantly ruining their supposedly brilliant plans. 
Some of their ideas truly were brilliant, and they may have worked, had you not known about them in advance.
There were times that you almost felt bad for them. Almost. But playing along with them, seeing just how far you could push them without raising suspicion - it was fun.
Like right now, for example.
“-but I’m sure the weather will be clear enough for a picnic next weekend, since you don’t seem to like the idea of a tea party. What do you think?”
Yaoyorozu and Mina, who stood in front of your desk as you stared out the window, were still talking. Of course, what they were saying sounded nice enough, but their thoughts betrayed their true intentions.
Come oooonnnnnn, say yes, say yes! Just one bit of personal information, that’s all I need. I absolutely have to win this bet with Kaminari, so just give me something to work with!
Mina was someone who remained loud and talkative both within her mind, and when talking to people aloud.
The bet she was thinking about had been a running gag for a while now, something you had almost grown bored of.
Mina, Denki and Sero had made a bet; whoever was first to learn a tidbit of personal information about you, from you, got free reign of the communal gaming system in the dorm lounge for a month.
At least, that's what it started out as in the beginning.
It quickly reached the ears of the other students in your class, and everyone wanted in on the bet.
The promise of dibs on the game system long forgotten, their focus quickly moved on to bragging rights - after all, getting you to reveal any amount of personal information was seen as a great feat, one worthy of praise.
It had been funny at first, seeing how they scrambled to talk to you first, or the awkward ways they interacted with you to get even the slightest sliver of information.
Now, their thoughts gave you a headache whenever they were near.
You could probably have gone to Mr Aizawa if you had to - you were sure you could fabricate some evidence of their weird behaviour and have him intervene.
But the problem was, he was just as bad.
He had this weird, protective mindset.
It had creeped you out at first, but with time, you'd almost grown fond of his concern. It was... endearing. Kind of. Like a father. Or a puppy.
Regardless, he knew about their antics, and he hadn't bothered with them so far, so you decided it would be best if you kept your knowledge of the situation to yourself.
“No. Thank you though,” you reply smoothly, turning away from them to signal the end of the conversation.
But of course, they never really took no as an answer.
“Why? If it’s because you don’t want to be around a ton of people, then don’t worry about it - it’ll be like, eight of us. Please,” they ask, eyes wide and hopeful.
You’re saved, literally, by All Might entering the classroom with a silent shuffle.
“To your seats everyone, get to your seats please.”
Even without the use of your quirk, you can feel your class glowering from across the room.
You aren’t sure how your purple haired companion doesn’t realise that they’re glaring daggers at him - he really doesn’t even register that they’re looking at him at all.
But he doesn’t mention it, and no thoughts of them cross his mind, so you pay them no mind.
You liked Shinso. He was good company - quiet, polite, and his thoughts were the kind that barely skirted the edge of your consciousness. Being around him was like a breath of fresh air, so you clung to him.
It wasn’t often that you found someone who didn’t induce a migraine as soon as they entered the room. In fact, you could count on one hand the number of people you’d met that you could tolerate for longer than ten minutes.
Shinso was one, and Aizawa, surprisingly, was another. 
Even more surprising than that though, had to be that Bakugo of all people had a quiet mind.
If anyone had known about your quirk and you told them, you were sure they’d call you a liar.
But it was the truth. The angry blond had such a tranquil mind that, if he allowed it, you’d befriend him. But you’d grown an aversion to being near him, as wherever Bakugo was, a crowd of classmates was sure to follow.
You’re brought back to the present moment as Shinso shakes his hand in front of your face, throwing you a quizzical look.
“Ah, sorry, I zoned out.”
He nods in understanding, before glancing behind you.
“Just thought I’d let you know; your classmates look like they want my head on a stick,” he says in a bored tone, eyes sliding back to you a moment later.
You make a noise at the back of your throat.
“Yeah,” you wince, “I noticed that. I didn’t want to mention it.”
He shrugs, standing up and offering you his hand.
“Well, then let’s find somewhere else to sit, huh?”
You smile. Your classmates are outraged, seething as you accept his hand and sweep out of the cafeteria.
Thank goodness, you think, there were so many voices.
You only went to the cafeteria because Shinso liked the soba they served.
Honestly, braving the bustling centre felt like someone was hitting between your eyes with an ice-pick - pure torture.
The flood of thoughts fades as the two of you walk further from the main building, and your shoulders slump with relief.
If he notices, Shinso doesn’t comment. You’d thought originally that he was just extremely unobservant, but he really just didn’t think about or mention anything unless it raised any actual concern.
You’d realised that when you had accompanied him to a private training session with Aizawa, and you’d had a migraine from a long day of dealing with your classmates.
He only brought it up, openly thought about it when he saw how you grabbed at your head out of the corner of his eye.
Being with him was peaceful, you’d realised in that moment, because he had incredible control over his thoughts. That must have been because of his own predominantly mental quirk.
The thought made you happy, for some reason.
You liked when Mr Aizawa used his quirk on you.
The rest of your classmates hated it, and it really seemed to throw them off, but to you, it felt like sweet relief. It made everything quiet. Peaceful.
There were times where it threw you off, suddenly hearing nothing but radio silence, but after some adjustment, it was as if someone had released the pressure on your skull. Not that he, or anyone else knew.
Though, on some occasions, when he looked at you before you had time to mask the relief on your face, you saw the slight glimmer of something akin to realisation in his eyes. If he knew, he never brought it up.
It should’ve had you on edge - the fact that he might’ve known, but never said anything. But it didn’t. You didn’t know why.
If anyone were to discover your second quirk, you’d be in a world of trouble. Having an unregistered quirk, especially at your age, in UA of all places - it was unheard of. 
It was criminal.
So you should’ve been terrified at the thought of someone finding out, knowing about your quirk.
But surely if he knew, he’d have brought it up by now?
“Quiet down class,” Aizawa demands flatly.
They don’t listen. Of course they don’t. 
Their incessant chatter matches their constant barrage of thoughts, and it seems particularly noisy today. All their thoughts are focused on you, and it leaves a sharp throb in your temples.
Aizawa glares at them, eyes flashing crimson for a moment, and you feel all the tension melt away. You prepare yourself for the inevitable rush of returning voices, but it doesn’t come. Aizawa, for some reason, keeps his quirk activated, gaze roaming the class, lingering on you for a second too long before he looks away, brows furrowing as he blinks.
You mask your wince with an awkward cough, shifting in your seat. Now, most thoughts were centred around Aizawa and how scary he was.
The thought makes you laugh. They were so far off the mark, it was comical. Aizawa was like an overly concerned parent, thoughts constantly circling his students, how he could push them to be better. Honestly, it was quite heart warming, and the fact that his actions were so glaringly different to his thoughts made it ten times funnier.
Aizawa calls your name, drawing you out of your thoughts.
“See me after class.”
Before you have a chance to delve into his mind to see what he was thinking, a barrage of thoughts hit you from all angles, your classmates wondering, like you, what this was all about.
You don’t give much thought to his request, too overwhelmed to try and sift through the turbulent sea of thoughts.
Aizawa schools his expression, staring down at you blankly.
You looked so young like this – wide eyed, trembling hands, pale, blanched face. You were panicked. He knew you were, but he made no move to ease your worries, waiting instead for confirmation.
“I– Sensei…”
He feels his brow twitch.
Not in annoyance. Not with you. Never you. You tended to tug at his heart strings, for reasons he didn’t fully understand.
Maybe because you were so young? You appeared younger still with that gleam of innocence in your eyes. Hero society was no place for someone like you - you were someone heroes should be protecting, rather than welcoming into their ranks.
“Answer the question.”
Your throat bobs as you swallow and turn your head to look out the window.
Were you thinking of a way to talk yourself out the situation? Were you trying to find a way to play off his discovery as nothing more than a funny happenstance? He didn’t doubt it.
The word weighs heavily on you, shoulders sagging as you stand before him, curling in on yourself. His heart aches at the sight.
How overwhelming was it, to keep something like this to yourself? To live in fear of someone discovering your secret and hating you for it?
“And you’ve kept this to yourself for the past ten years? You’ve had no training or help whatsoever?”
You seem surprised at the shock colouring his tone, as if you’d expected him to be angry or fearful, rather than sympathetic. Again, he wondered how you’d dealt with this all alone for so long.
He sighs.
“You’re not in trouble. I’m not mad.”
He sees the tension melt from your posture in real time, as if someone had lifted an anvil off your shoulders.
“If you’d like, I can help you. We could do some training after classes; help you learn control? I can’t promise anything, but it might help.”
Of all the things Aizawa had expected to happen, you bursting into tears wasn’t one of them. Some long buried protective instinct rears it’s head at the sight of your red rimmed eyes as you try desperately to mop away the tears on your cheeks.
He awkwardly shifts from one foot to another, patting your shoulder in a pathetic attempt to comfort you.
“I’m really not in trouble? Y-You don’t hate me for listening in on your thoughts without permission?”
Again, that same painful clench in his heart.
“No, I don’t. Why would I hate you for something you can’t control? None of your classmates would either, I can promise you that.”
Aizawa spends the next twenty minutes clumsily comforting you, dismissing you as soon as your tears have stopped and he makes his way to the principal’s office a few minutes later. When he arrives, he’s immediately greeted by a very tense looking All Might and an oblivious, chattering Nezu.
He seats himself in the armchair next to Toshinori, posture sagging.
“You were right.”
Nezu cackles at that, hardly able to get a word in through his triumphant laughter. His reaction is in stark contrast to the other two men and their responses. The two share a tense, understanding look, glancing back at Nezu as he calms his laughter.
“Oh, this is most wonderful! I can’t wait to see what happens!”
Guilt eats away at Aizawa. He could only hope you wouldn’t hate him and Toshinori, or even your classmates for what they planned on doing.
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captainfern · 5 months
soooo i'm curious, in the cuck!price verse, do you think he and his wife have a love for reader beyond their physical activities? or is it, for now at least, just sex??? (waittt, imagine this: the prices who haven't quite realized they have deeper feelings for you yet. and you, whose been in love and open about it for a while, getting fed up and going on a date with someone else to make them jealous. you succeeding and getting the jealous prices to admit their feelings <333333)
the cuck universe expands lmao but at this point he’s not even cucking he’s just sharing
check out the lovely @bleuu-moon since she started this whole thing 😭
i like to think that they really do like reader and end up becoming quite… territorial
18+ (piv, f!oral (reader giving), fem!reader
you went on a date with someone else. it had been a couple of days since you last saw the price’s, and even then, they seemed to be reclused when it came to their feelings about you. you could feel there was something they wanted to say, but they just didn’t say it. so you ignored their calls, and found romantic attention elsewhere.
they were really nice— the person you went on a date with, that is. kind and charming and funny. they paid for the date, kept steady and comfortable conversation, and the whole thing felt calming and natural. they even offered to pay for your ride home.
so you invited them back to your place. maybe you often did this on first dates, maybe not, but today you felt almost obligated to do so. they were such a good date, and you itched to know whether you could thank them within the privacy of your bedroom.
and your date, rather bashful by this stage, agreed, and the two of you went home together. but when you arrived home, tumbling out of the uber together with their lips on your neck and arms around your waist, you stopped short when you clocked mr. and mrs. price loitering outside your door.
you have them a sceptical look when they turned in your direction, your date’s hands roaming down your sides, their lips blazing a warm trail down the curve of your neck, sucking and biting gently. you would have probably whimpered if it wasn’t for john and his wife watching you with something fiery blazing in their eyes.
“had a nice time, sweetheart?” mrs. price asked, her head cocked to the side, her arms crossed over her chest.
your date pulled their head away from you, their arms still wrapped around your body, head resting on your shoulder now. they felt you stiffen up, hands squeezing your hips soothingly.
“uh…?” your date was confused by this point. two attractive people waiting for you on your doorstep, looking a little more than just annoyed.
you didn’t really have the words to explain who or what they were to you. but you didn’t have too. john grabbed hold of your front door handle and opened it (you mentally asked yourself where he got a key from?) and gestured towards it with his head.
“inside,” he ordered. “now.”
apologetically, you wiggled your way out of your date’s arms and offered them your sincerest apologies. they took it well, and waved goodbye before hopping back into the still-waiting uber and driving off.
nervously, you walked into your home with both prices trailing after you. and you didn’t get far— being bent over your kitchen counter as you deposited your purse and phone there.
“had a nice time, did you?” john muttered, hips pinning you to the counter. his hand came down to the back of your neck, where he could see the subtle outlines of harsh kisses along your skin. teeth indents in the low light of the kitchen.
“what’s all these then?” he asked, but it was rhetorical. he traced his fingers along the marks, hips grinding into the curve of your arse. you whined, feeling trapped beneath him as his wife walked up to your side, placing a hand on the top of your head, petting gently.
“trying to make us jealous, pet?” she all but purred in your ear, stroking your hair. she bent down slightly to place a light kiss against your temple, and you felt your brows furrow when she pulled away. she tutted. “well, it worked.”
“worked a little too well,” john hissed, still grinding his clothed cock into the swell of your arse, his hand still on the back of your neck, big and warm and heavy.
you whined. “s’just all so confusing. sometimes i don’t even know if you like me anymore. you both get so distant when i tell you i care about you.”
“oh, sweetheart. of course we care about you,” mrs. price whispered, still petting the top of your head like you were some kind of puppy. “we care about you so much, don’t we, john?”
“mhm,” he hummed, hips bucking and pushing your further into the kitchen counter. you steadied yourself with your arms along the cool surface, his hand still pinning your head to the side to look at his wife. he exhaled deeply, pained. “our pretty girl.”
you whined out again and mrs. price shushed you, cooing gently and sliding her soft hand along the curve of your face, petting you soothingly. she kissed your temple again, her lips ghosting along your hairline before she pulled back. “see? we do care about you, sweetheart. you’re ours. got it?”
you nodded, feeling your eyes growing glossy. her tone was so soft and sultry yet you didn’t miss the possession in her words, the territorial nature of it all.
“m’yours,” you reaffirmed with a trembling voice. “and m’sorry.”
“aw, poor baby,” mrs. price cooed, this time trailing a hand along the curve of your back until she reached the hem of your trousers, near where john was still rutting his hardening cock. “you want to make it up to us?”
you were nodding before she had even finished her sentence, which made her smile as she wrapped her fingers around the waistband and tugged your bottoms down, revealing your underwear and the curve of your arse. john groaned, stepping back to help his wife, pulling your trousers down your legs with one hand until they pooled at your ankles.
mrs. price then pulled down your underwear, causing john to groan again as he slotted himself back against you, holding you still. your arse was soft and warm against him, his hard, leaking cock nestled between your cheeks as he continued to slowly grind himself against you.
you moaned loudly, eyes still blurry with emotion when mrs. price leaned down to kiss you— shoving her tongue into your mouth and parting your trembling lips. you kissed her back (tried too) as she grew more and more dominant, her tongue probing and teeth nipping. you whimpered, and she swallowed the sound with one hand holding your jaw.
now, john had shifted his hard cock to rest the ruddy head against your cunt, smearing your arousal around your puffy clit. he moaned beneath his breath, the wet warmth of it forcing him to screw his eyes shut. when he finally notched the head at your entrance, he moaned your name, and you moaned his, breaking out of the kiss and whimpering against his wife’s lips.
“m’sorry for ignoring you,” you babbled as john’s cockhead nestled itself inside you, then stopped. desperation (and the stretch) making you delirious. “and m’so sorry for going on a date. i just wanted your attention.”
“poor girl,” john grunted, pulling his cock out and circling the wet hole with his tip. you moaned loudly and mrs. price continued to pet the side of your head. john looked over at his wife. “darling?”
his wife looked up. “yeah?”
“hop up on the counter,” he told her. “let her say sorry with her mouth on your pussy.”
she did as she was told as you whimpered at his words. still holding the back of your neck, john pulled you away from the counter so his wife could settle herself on top after wriggling her skirt and underwear down. she spread her legs, smiling warmly, and the sight of her soaked core made a whimper bubble out of your throat.
but before you were allowed to press forward, price tightened his hold and straightened your body, pressing your back flat to his chest. his cock, hot and wet between your legs, finally pushed into you. you moaned as he bottomed out, pelvis snug to your bare arse.
“see how wet she is for you?” price whispered in your ear, not moving his cock inside you. dormant and throbbing. “now, you’re gonna make my wife come on your tongue, an’ i’m gonna make you come ‘round my cock. got it?”
you nodded quickly, watching as mrs. price gently spread her folds open with her fingers, revealing her dripping hole. you whimpered again when she whispered your name as a finger encircled her clit.
then, price was bending you over once more, removing the hand on your neck and instead placing two on your hips so he could anchor you to him. he then pulled all the way out, slapped the head of his cock against your clit a couple of times, before thrusting in deeply and setting an even pace of fucking you.
you moaned as the movement pushed you into mrs. price’s awaiting cunt, your mouth sealing over her clit and your hands wrapping around her thighs to hold yourself steady. she moaned, arching against you, a hand shooting down to hold your head against her.
“oh, fuck, that’s it, baby. just like that,” she moaned, bucking her hips against your face as you moved your mouth from her clit down to her hole. you licked through her folds until you were able to curl your tongue into her hole. she moaned your name loudly and price grunted behind you.
his pace was brutal, hips slapping, hands a vice against your pliable flesh. he grunted with each thrust, a subtle “uh, uh, uh” beneath his breath as the tip of his cock hit that perfect spot inside you. he could feel the way your pussy tightened around him, fluttering wet and hot around the girth of his cock.
“that’s a good girl,” he praised, eyes sweeping from where his cock entered you, to where you were eating his wife out. “our good girl. n’ such a perfect fuckin’ pussy…”
you whined into mrs. price’s cunt, tongue swiping in and out, up and down, nose nudging her swollen clit. her thighs tightened around your head as she let out a string of pretty sounds, including high-pitched keens of your name and john’s.
john looked up at his wife, her eyes hooded with pleasure as she watched you, her hips writhing and grinding against your face, thighs flexing around your head.
“how’re you feeling, darling?” john asked his wife as he reached a hand around to roll a couple of fingers over your clit.
his wife moaned, locking eyes with him. “so fuckin’ good, john. she’s so good— making me feel so good.”
below, you keened at the praise, redoubling your efforts and really wanting her to come in your mouth. you shut your eyes and focused on fucking her hole with your tongue as they talked about you, praising you.
“she’s such a good girl for us,” john said. “such a good girl with a pretty little pussy. she’s perfect for us, isn’t she?”
“yessss,” his wife moaned. “perfect.”
“fuckin’ perfect,” john increased the weight of his thrusts, bullying his cock into the tight heat of your cunt faster and harder, drawing more pleasured sounds from you. he grunted with each movement. “fuckin’ perfect and all ours. isn’t that right, darling? she’s all ours.”
“yeah, all ours— oh, fuck, baby, m’gonna come,” she whined down at you, then to her husband, “john, john m’gonna come.”
“yeah? you’re gonna come in her mouth?”
“please,” she replied through a mewl. “want to come in her mouth, john. she’s— ohhh— making me feel so good.”
john chuckled. “go on then, come for her.”
mrs. price moaned your name loudly and, with your tongue fucking her through it, she came into your mouth. you moaned, the vibrations heightening her orgasm, her hand tightening on your head and holding your face hard between her legs.
by now, you weren’t far behind. the combination of john’s heavy thrusts hitting that perfect spot inside you, the taste of his wife, and the way they talked about you, made you tighten up and come around price’s cock.
you moaned, still muffled between mrs. price’s legs, as you came, your entire body trembling, a thin layer of sweat coating your exposed skin. john moaned along with you, feeling your cunt squeeze around his cock, making his pace stutter.
“fuck,” he cursed, balls drawing tight as his thrusts grew sloppy. “oh, fuck, baby.”
“come inside her, john,” his wife pleaded.
happy wife, happy life.
john released inside of you, coming right up against the base of your cervix with a guttural groan and his hands still clamped around your hips. his wife watched her husband fill you, and whimpered softly, pulling your head out from between her thighs and resting it in her lap, stroking you lovingly.
“good girl, baby,” she praised. “did so well for us.”
“she always does,” price affirmed, cock still inside you, but leaning up to place a kiss to the back of your head. he gave his wife a kiss too.
you muttered out something, a sated thank you as your high slowly began to fizzle away. but you closed your eyes, revelling in the way they touched you, kissed you, held you.
“what about i run you a bath and we can sit together for a little while, while john makes us something to eat, hm?” mrs. price asked you, holding your head in both hands now, rubbing your temples gently.
john huffed. “why can’t i go in the bath with her?”
“because i want too, darling. now be a good boy and fetch us something to eat.”
price grumbled, but listened to his wife, pulling out of you reluctantly to begin rifling through your cupboards. mrs. price then shimmied off the counter and wrapped you in her arms, holding your head to her chest.
she kissed the crown of your head. “let us take care of you.”
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sephifrog · 4 months
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so we're property huh?
sephiroth x reader
Cleaning the training room after the firsts destroyed it wasn’t how you wanted to spend your afternoon but after the stunt you pulled on your last mission you were surprised Lazard didn’t give you a harsher punishment. You knew you shouldn’t have left your post. Wiping away the sweat from your brow you almost smacked yourself when you heard someone clear their throat, you spun and saw Sephiroth in the doorway, a man who seemed so untouchable why was he here? Were you cleaning the wrong ruined training room? “O-oh? uh hey?” your stutter, something a lot of the soldiers joked about, caused you to narrow your eyebrows and clear your throat missing the small chuckle that left the man.
The silver-haired general was the whole reason you (and a lot of others) joined Shinra power company, you wanted to meet the legend but after years of only catching glimpses of him, you gave up on that dream and transferred from soldier candidate to inventory grunt, still a decent pay but less work at least that's what you told yourself.
So seeing him here was a shock. “I lost something when I was training you don’t mind if I look for it?” His voice was smoother than you thought it would be, hearing it through speakers didn’t do it justice and you could feel your face warm up as it rang through your ears. You almost couldn’t answer but willed yourself to choke out a noise that you hoped sounded like a “sure”
Tearing your eyes away from him you start to tidy again wondering what he lost, unsure if you should offer your help or if that would seem like you're trying to pry. In the end, you decide on just finishing the task the director gave you. While your back is turned Sephiroth peaks at you, he feels like he’s seen you before but can't place where, he hasn’t spent much time with inventory but he’s sure you weren't employed last time he worked with them. As he opens his mouth to ask an almost silent laugh is ripped out of him as you slip and start to grumble. Moving towards you he offers his hand and when your eyes meet he can't help but be taken by the colour, so beautiful, only snapping out of it when he spots the mako. “You had treatments?”
It was a whisper curious in nature almost childlike, his thin pupils seemed to have locked onto the remnants of mako swirling in your eyes. Interest is clear on his face as he observes yours closely.
You almost couldn’t respond to him, too lost in his eyes and feeling your heart race from him being so close but you cleared your throat.
“A while ago, before I transferred”
His lips press together as he pulls you up, eyes trailing over your body in interest.
“The mako didn’t take? I don't think I've heard of many transfers”
Again you noted curiosity in him as he asked, it put you a bit more at ease seeing him so human. He let go of your hand and started to continue his search but you could see he was still listening to you.
“Eh, they took but I didn’t want to stay so I transferred, I would have left but the contract says we can’t until the mako leaves our system, something that I don’t think will ever happen” you grumble the last sentence but snap your mouth shut realising who you're talking to.
He laughs nodding in agreement. “You would be correct, Shinra likes keeping their property close” His voice wasn’t harsh but his words seemed to be angry, you could tell it wasn't directed at you when he cleared his throat and looked away. the air seemed tense as you turned to continue cleaning the tinkering of metal rang out as you swept it up.
“We could continue to talk smack about Shinra over coffee?”
You froze as the words slipped out of your mouth, nervous laughter bubbling up but before it spilled out-
he responded.
“I would like that”
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archivesofthevoid · 1 year
how the hp boys would react to trans reader suggesting pegging ? xx
Trans FtM!Reader x HP boys + their reaction to pegging
Shaking over this request /pos because ABSOLUTELY
Also I only did the main ones!! If you'd like me to do a part 2 with Seamus, Dean, Oliver, and Cedric just lmk!!
NSFW warning!! Well slightly. Nothing too explicit but it's implied. Also for ALL intents and purposes, ALL HP CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR ARE 18+! Though I would assume that's obvious by now. Just wanted to place a reminder.
Harry: We all know this man is so obviously bisexual. So really if you ask him, he might seem a bit shocked at first but ultimately he like "well,,,," and then he proceeds to think about it for like the next week. Dear Lord please save this man because his classes will be SUFFERING. No one knows what he's thinking about but his brain is obviously not in the room with him. Once he actually TRIES it though? He's into it. Maybe more than he realized-
When you ask: You're both sitting in the Gryffindor common room, probably just doing some assignments to catch up in the week when you just casually pop out the question. This causes him to mess up what he was writing and also spill his bottle of ink on his paper as he looks up at you in shock. "Uh- I'm sorry what did you say?" Oh he heard you. He just didn't think you'd ask such a thing. Que him flushing and trying to come up with the words as you just grin at him fumbling.
Ron: Viktor Krum gave him some kind of awakening, let's be real. SO with that being said, he's definitely thought about it once or twice. Once you suggest it? He's protesting left and right as if he doesn't want to do it but once again, he finds himself thinking about it a bit too much. If he tries it, he'll like it but it's not his favorite in the world per say. He'd rather give than receive yk
When you ask: You're eating breakfast of course. What a classic thing right? Let's say you have a dream about it and just,,, decide to quietly bring it up to Ron who's shoving eggs into his mouth and once you ask there's suddenly VERY loud coughing in the Great Hall. Even Harry and Hermione next to you guys are just like "Bloody hell Ron what is the matter with you??" And the KNOWING SMILE YOU HAVE ON YOUR FACE??? IT'S NOT HELPING HIS CASE HERE-
Fred: oh he's so down. Do you even have to ask? He's definitely thought about it a LOT. Come on this is Fred we're talking about here. Plus I mean he's most likely dated a few guys himself so it wouldn't exactly be foreign to him. So he's naturally nonchalant about it and agrees with it. Though after you ask him he thinks about it to the point he's just like "so are we going to or…" because come on you can't just ask him that and not expect to give him something out of it!! Don't leave our boy hanging here :((
When you ask: He's working on his latest prank in his dorm room while you and him are just chilling together. You're actually behind him, running your hands through his hair and massaging his back but your thoughts were wandering while you were behind him. So you ask if he'd be into pegging. Glancing behind you he watches your face before just going "yeah of course I've thought about it. Why? You offering, love?" And just laughs when you playfully shove him
George: This man goes awfully silent when you ask. But yes he would probably do it in a heartbeat. Whether it's because he wants to please you or because he's curious? That's up for debate. To be fair though he's probably has kissed Lee like once or twice out of curiosity, or at least dated a guy but never really like went anywhere with it. Just be gentle with this man please or else he might explode lmao
When you ask: You're at the library with George, honestly just goofing off and you're supposed to be studying but since when did you guys ever actually do that? So instead you guys decide to just chat around. Though you however get the idea to ask George this whenever you guys start talking about your dating lives and how George says he's been with a guy but not BEEN with a guy. He goes oddly silent. BUT it's kinda clear by the way his face heats up that he's into the idea. You just of course smile sweetly and reassure him that it's okay and you'd be more than happy to help him in to which he gets even FURTHER FLUSTERED but y'know it's a win win
Draco: never in his life has ever even thought about it. Probably doesn't ever consider it. You'd honestly have to beg him for it?? But after enough persuasion and such, he'd give in. He just doesn't want to bottom like that y'know? After living in a toxic masculinity household for his whole life he finds it weird to bottom. HOWEVER if he does, it's a sight to see fr. He's just gotta ease into it but luckily he trusts his lovely boyfriend aka you <33
When you ask: You're sitting on one of the couches in the Slytherin common room and it's oddly quiet because it's the weekend so there's not really anyone there (thankfully bc Draco would kill you if anyone heard you ask him this) when you're looking out the window to the Black Lake and just straight up ask. He full on STOPS reading his book and snaps his head up to you like "w h a t" before you repeat your question but louder. "No no I heard you but why the hell-" and insert you guys kind of arguing over it? But not really. It's just him being in denial and you begging him playfully.
Neville: sighhhh. You're going to have to revive him first because good job man you killed him. Gave him a heart attack right then and there. But to say the least he probably would hesitate to agree as well just because he'd be so self conscious and shy?? But after TONS of reassurance and kisses then yeah he'd agree. Just promise you will keep it between you guys because he does NOT want his friends finding out. He knows the others would tease him for it and he'd actually want to crawl away for a thousand years.
When you ask: You asked when you guys were in your dorm!! You were just cuddling after classes right before dinner, enjoying the time with each other before you had to go be with everyone else (ew gross /j) and you popped the question. When I told you this man almost let out a scream just at your question alone because IT WAS SO SUDDEN?? He then proceeded to hide away in your chest as his whole face and ears turned bright red. He looked like he had the worst sunburn oh my god. You meanwhile were just CACKLING as he was trying to stumble over his words! What even could he say though? Yes?? Maybe?? He didn't even KNOW- eventually he just gave up and waited until he calmed down to try to speak. Though you reassured him over and over the whole time <33 good luck explaining why he's going to be a nervous wreck at dinner though :))
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I keep seeing so many people here getting angry that this season is "vilifying Ed", and it's depressingly fascinating to see how others can watch the same show and somehow see something completely different. Is it simply the lack of media literacy? Is it the inability to appreciate and enjoy complex, nuanced, morally grey characters without willfully blocking out anything even slightly unpalatable about them to the point where the character they think they love isn't really that character anymore?
Because, uh... Season 1 already "vilified" Ed plenty. Except "vilify" is the wrong word, of course. It wasn't in any way malicious or mean-spirited, quite the contrary, it was often played as comedic (until the end of episode 10 when it was anything but) - Ed was always meant to be a sympathetic character, he's a protagonist after all, and the show's portrayal of him is very compassionate. It merely refused to sugarcoat or shy away from his darker side. He's literally history's most famous pirate, you don't become one by being nice and treating everyone gently. He ambushed and strangled his own father to death when he was like 9 years old (100% deserved and justifiable ofc, but it still bears saying it out loud like this just to comprehend how unhinged this actually was). He loves torturing and maiming people for fun, and sometimes even animals (that scene with forcing a turtle to fight a crab). He didn't give a fuck about his crew members dying to satisfy his whim to meet Stede. He entirely failed in his role as a captain in ep 4. He effectively played a double agent with Izzy and Stede for a while before changing his mind. He attempted to murder Lucius. And while you could try to argue his punishment of Izzy was at least to some degree deserved, not only cutting Izzy's toe off but forcing him to eat went beyond punishment, it was sadistic torture.
So, yeah, please just read all that and take it in. And then remember once again that Ed is also a traumatised, lonely, depressed, sensitive, creative, curious, deeply passionate person yearning for true love and for something different in life... just like Stede. He loves music and can play the piano. He wrote a very vulnerable song and sand his heart out. He likes his tea with seven sugars. He enjoys fashion and dressing up. He has such a limitless sense of wonder for the world. He went on a trek with Stede just to make him happy, even though he hated nature and was in a shit mood that day. He wants to host a talent show. He wants to become free. He's clever and funny and fascinating. I love Ed.
Yes, it's possible to reconcile those two sides of him and accept both sides as the "real" Ed. You have to reconcile the two sides if you want to enjoy him as a character, because if you don't, you're going to either detest him to the core (which would make enjoying the show practically impossible since he's sort of a main character...), or you'll only be able to enjoy a diminished, crippled, cardboard cutout version of his character, which would be such a pity and a massive disservice to the creators of this show who worked hard to create interesting, multidimensional characters.
Not to mention you'd be missing one of the core messages of the show - the idea that people still deserve love and can be loved even if they're imperfect, or not necessarily good people. Because love is a human condition. It's not a sole dominion of "good" people. "Bad" people can fall in love too - even if, just like them, that love isn't exactly "nice" or "pure", and neither are the relationships that stem from it. They can be messy and exasperating. But "bad" people can also grow and change because of it. That's what OFMD is ultimately about - growth and change, learning to accept yourself but also become better. That can't happen if the character is already 100% perfect the way they are.Ed is far from that. So is Izzy. They can both become better, and they both still deserve compassion and understanding, because that's the environment people need to become better.
So, if you're mad that at the start of S2 the crew are sympathetic to Izzy's suffering and want to help him instead of kicking him when he's down, and what Ed did to him is being acknowledged as cruel and wrong... congratulations, you have completely missed what OFMD is all about.
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d6volution · 11 months
caine wants to learn more about humans, so why not become one himself? surely, these new waves of emotions and new desires won't become an issue.
tags: mutual pining, eventual smut, fluff, human!caine, lingerie, reader is down bad for caine but won't admit it, implied masturbation.
Chapter Two.
(previous chapter.)
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As an AI Caine didn't feel love, or even fear death. If anything the notion of both seemed more like entertainment to him.
This human trial was proving to be more complex than he initially thought, but what fun that would be? It was in his nature to be curious and seek out answers so that's exactly what he intended to do.
The following day Caine waited til what he thought to be a reasonable time to show up at your door, but he just stood there. Hand hesitating to knock. A new feeling,  he thought.
"Oh! Need some help there Caine?" Kinger said, shufing over to him, lifting Caine's hand and helping him knock at the door. Kinger chuckled, "Always gets me too." And just like that he walked away. Perhaps everyone is right, he really is losing his marbles.
But Caine didn't have long to think about his strange and brief interaction with Kinger because you swung open the door. "Oh, Caine.. uh. what are you doing here?" You felt a little disheveled, trying to hide your form behind the door unconsciously. You usually had time to properly groom yourself before speaking with him.
He had to compose himself, clear his throat and remember why he was at your door in the first place, his persona switched on. "Gooood morning, y/n! I hope you're right ripe and ready for today, me and you will be going on a.. mini adventure of sorts!"
"Huh? Just us? Wait— why?" You almost didn't want to ask, afraid he'd suggest others to join.
"Now, now not too many questions, you'll spoil the fun my dear!" He said and patted your head gently.
You blinked and nodded, "Right.. well can I.. freshen up?"
"Of course, I'll be right here!" And he wasn't kidding, he'd stand at your door idly waiting as you shut it. You stared at your room with wide eyes, back to the door, "What the hell." You mutteted, was this some kind of prank? Did someone tip Caine off that you liked him? Why else would he be singling you out??
Maybe you're overthinking it. Definitely over thinking it.
You exited your room soon after, rushing out of the door you didn't realize that Caine was literally still standing in the same spot causing you to bump into him. He caught you mid way, large hands clutching your waist as he helped you up.
Soft, he thought.
"S-Sorry, Caine you really shouldn't stand that close to the door.." You said, a little flushed from embarrassment.
"Duly noted!" He held out his hand without speaking and the moment you grabbed it you were both teleported outside of the tent.
You still hadn't got used to that, your stomach was churning by you managed to hold it back. ".. What are we doing here again..?" You finally asked.
"Well, to put it simply you're going to be my little test bunny, y/n! Bubble isn't really any help at the moment.... and you! Well you're making my body react in all sorts of wacky ways!" He admitted.
"What.. exactly do you mean, wacky?" You said, trying to understand, knowing this all must be just as confusing for him.
"Well, I couldn't stop thinking about you last night. It was quite strange, I usually don't care too much about you all after hours but you were eating away at my mind, y/n!" He stopped and grabbed your shoulders dramatically and you flushed.
"And since that happens to be the case, I plan on keeping you by my side. For research purposes of course!"
This was.. a little messed up, in a sense. You felt torn between flattered and like he was playing with your emotions. But it could it really be helped..? You were stuck here. What else did you have to do with your time? Caine was the only one here you seemed to be the least bit attracted to so why not go along with it.
You cleared your throat, "Well, I see personal space still isn't a thing for you," You jested and he slowly let go of your shoulders, your mind briefly missed the contact.
"Personal space.. got it! Now, my dearest y/n, do tell me. I'm aware you're memories from before now are quite hazy but did you have any hobbies?"
What an odd question. Was he trying to .. get to know you? You had to think, "You're right.. it is hard to remember, but I know I loved being out doors. Walks, picnics... simple things like that were always nice. Though I'm not really sure that really counts as a hobby." You chuckled.
You laughed and he felt that pang in his chest again, he was silent for a moment.
"Yes, yes! All those things sound wonderful, hobbie or not you spend your time well! Come, let's go to the digital lake." He takes your hand without thinking, dragging you along towards the lake. You stumbled behind him, but kept up with his pace. You glanced down at your hands, and how his larger one dwarfed yours.
It made you think about other parts of his body, the way his fitted suit hugged his waist. Buttons struggling to keep his firm chest hidden away—
What were you thinking?? He's an AI. You scolded yourself before your thoughts could even lift off the ground.
"Here we are, I know it isn't quite the same but I think this should do just fine!" He snapped his fingers and a plaid throw blanket was laid out as well as a picnic basket. "Well don't just stand there , take a seat!" He said with a grin.
"I .. I wasn't expecting a picnic now." You said amused by his eagerness and plopped down next to him. You leaned over and opened up the picnic basket and there was nothing inside. "Caine?"
His eyes were busy, when you leaned over his gaze caught a glimpse of your cleavage, luckily before you made eye contact he was already looking away and tugging at his collar a little, "Oh , yes! What.. did you usually pack in your little basket?" His cheeks were dusted with the lightest tint of red.
"Hm.. sandwiches, water.. maybe other fruit on the side?" In the blink of the eye, pixelated versions of everything you named was now in the basket.
"Wow. That must be extremely convenient," You laughed a little, only now noticing the blush on his cheeks that seemed to be fading. "You're blushing.. does sitting out in front of a nice scenery do that to you?" You joked and he almost agreed, because you were the nice scenery at the moment.
"Oh, no no! It must be..sitting this close to you! I told you y/n this janky human body has a mind of its own!" Caine tapped at his baton at the ground a little, becoming fidgety. "Anyways, what a grand time this was! How about we head back? Our best bubble chef must be hard at work preparing dinner we wouldn't want to spoil our appetite too much now would we?" The words spilled from his mouth unceremoniously.
"A.. Already are you sure we just got here—" You tried to protest but he was dead set on ending the picnic so abruptly.
"Don't worry your pretty little head, we always have tomorrow after all!" He grinned and instead of taking your hands he made the bold decision to grab your waist instead. Teleporting you right back in front of your door.
"Well, until tomorrow y/n!" He tried to hurry off but you yanked him by the collar and brushed your lips against his cheek, and before he could respond you hurried into your room like a flustered school girl.
Gosh, what were you doing?
Caine was flustered, confused and utterly enamored. He didn't have a wacky comment to make, he simply relished in these emotions, though.. his thoughts flashed back to your chest and those feelings were amplified but now the feeling wasn't in his chest.. but somewhere lower. This human program was eating away at his base coding.
These desires were bubbling to the surface, and he'd have to... take care of it somewhere more private.
Unbeknownst to him you were having a similar issue. It didn't help that you were not only crushing on the ringmaster but you were touch starved as well..  in the emptiness of your room, away from judgement you thought about how it would feel if Caine was on top of you, touching you and praising you in that charming voice of his.
It wasn't fair.. it wasn't fair, you repeated. But he remained in your mind as you climaxed on your fingers to the thought of him..
You could only dread to think about what he'd think of you doing such a inappropriate thing with him in mind.
Little did you know he was doing the exact same thing while thinking of you.
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(chapter three.)
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Can you do the “forgot their underwear” ask but with the mafias and the other horrors
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The first part of the ask is here. I did all the other pairs of skeletons because we don't see them that often here.
Horrorswap Sans - He actually feels a little sad. He knows his brother is not trusting him anymore. Pumpkin used to tell him all this stuff before what happened Underground. He's happy for his brother, but a bit bittersweet.
Horrorswap Papyrus - He doesn't really care. His brother can do what he wants in his free time, it's not of his business. He's still a bit curious though and might not so discreetly spy on them to see what his S/O's look like.
Horrorfell Sans - He thought you were talking to him and naturally started to flirt saying he's flattered but that doesn't belong to him before he sees you're staring at his brother. He's confused for a long moment before realizing he's holding in his hands the underwear his brother wore before... He screams and throws it at his brother in panic, then screams he needs to wash his hands. He's going to get sick. Chief and his S/O are dying of laughter in the living-room.
Horrorfell Papyrus - He stares with a big smile as his brother slowly loses his words and turns tomato red in front of his eyes, so embarrassed, then asks out loud if he was going to tell him before the wedding or what. Copper hisses at him and not so silently asks him to shut the hell up. Chief just smirks back.
Outertale Sans - He couldn't see what his brother's S/O gave Sun so, curious, he floats above them, before brutally coughing when he realizes, then losing his focus to fly and then suddenly crash between the two of them. When he realizes the underwear fell on his head, he high-pitched screams and teleports out of here as fast as he can, blushing hard.
Outertale Papyrus - He jokingly asks his S/O if they saw he has two magic... Moon screams in horror and jumps on his face to make him shut up, closing his mouth with his two hands. Now S/O is curious. What is this thing Moon has doubled? Moon begs S/O to forget about it. Sun just wiggles his eyebrows to his S/O with a big smile.
Dancetale Sans - Rambo starts to chuckle as his brother suddenly blushes, speechless and embarrassed, frantically trying to hide the underwear in a drawer. When he finally manages too, Rambo opens the drawer, picks the underwear back, and starts to laugh like a hyena. Salsa slams the drawer close on his fingers to make him pay.
Dancetale Papyrus - He gasps loudly before jumping out of the window. He doesn't want to know. Act like he's not here and he will definitely act like none of this ever happened.
Dancefell Sans - He rolls his eyes. Tango is dramatic, he's sure he forgot his underwear on purpose just so his S/O would come to take them back. Tango is thanking them very loudly. It sounds so exaggerated that Rumba wants to die. Rumba leaves and goes to his room. Yuck.
Dancefell Papyrus - Tango starts to smile wildly. At least until his brother grabs him by the collar and threatens to break his camera to pieces if he talks about this on his Tik Tok account. Aw :( But it's funny! You're missing out!
Farmtale Sans - He stares in disbelief as his brother starts to panic. Then he thinks for a second, then he gasps, outraged. "so that's where you went when you said you were going to fetch the sheep and then you didn't show up for four hours?" Scandalous! He can't believe it! You let him do all the work to go yoo-hoo with your human D: He's shocked.
Farmtale Papyrus - Ben is shocked that his brother is actually interested in that activity. He looks more obsessed with his fields than by this. You learn something new every day, he guesses. Now he can't unsee it and he's going to have nightmares about it for days, yeah. Not fun.
Mafiatale Sans - Uh???? But his brother doesn't like sex??? How the hell did that even happen? Creeper explains calmly he lost his underwear while he was infiltrating a building because he needed to go to the toilet and had to leave in a hurry. Demon nods. Makes sense. ... Wait, no, it doesn't make sense at all, skeleton doesn't need to go to the toilets??? Creeper smiles at him and leaves. What? Wait! He needs to know? What did you do in the toilets? Explain it, he needs to know!
Mafiatale Papyrus - He looks at his brother then at his S/O with a look of pure disgust and silently leaves the room, letting them wonder what just happened. S/O isn't sure if they should feel offended or not. I mean, it's Creeper, who knows what's going on inside his head.
Mafiafell Sans - Oh shit. When Torpedo's neck cracks towards him to gauge his reaction, Fang realizes that if he laughs, he'll be so dead. He quickly escapes the room and then flees the house lol. He doesn't want to be there to listen to his brother's threats once he's done with his human.
Mafiafell Papyrus - He frowns, then screams "BUT I THOUGHT YOU ONLY LIKED DOGS?". Fang is devastated and panics, trying to explain to his S/O that he means it as a lobby and not... You know. Torpedo only did this for chaos and is now staring at the tension growing with a huge smile on his face. He's a bastard and he has no shame about it.
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nervoussystemss · 6 months
Alastor x Falling for a Vegetarian/Vegan Reader
• Alastor doesn't understand how you can go without eating meat, seeing as he eats it every single day for every meal.
• Not to mention you've been doing it for six years? He wouldn't be able to, personally.
• "I refuse to believe that you simply stopped eating meat one day and quit all of a sudden. What do they call quitting suddenly again? Ah, yes. Quitting cold turkey."
• What do you mean it wasn't sudden?
• "My parents were originally against it since they said meat had important proteins, but after a while, I managed to convince them that I could eat other things for protein. Eggs, tofu, things like that."
• "Why would you do such a thing, though? Meat does tend to have a good amount of protein, after all. I can't imagine going a day without it."
• "I felt bad for the animals."
• "You felt bad for the animals," he repeated slowly, unblinking. "Well, understandable, but also, that's a bit silly!" His smile never fades as he talks. It's clear that he's not trying to patronize you, at least not on purpose, but that he genuinely thinks so. "Animals die all the time by natural causes, be it a car crash or disease or whatnot! There's nothing wrong with eating them before their time. Everything dies eventually!"
• "That's, uh, kind of morbid."
• "But true!"
• He had a point there. Nevertheless, he accepts it, but that doesn't stop him from being a bit of an ass asking if you want a bite of his meal before he eats, to which you always politely decline.
• "Suit yourself," he hums as he goes into privacy and begins his meal.
• You really try not to think about what (or who) he eats and his eating habits unless he reminds you.
• He only does that sometimes. Not too often, thankfully.
• But still, you can't help but be a bit curious.
• "So, like, the teeth."
• He raises a brow.
• "What sharp teeth you have." You pause. "Like... do you use them to like... rip into things, or...?"
• "Curiosity killed the cat." He keeps smiling. "But I suppose I'll humor you. I usually prefer to tear those I feast on bit by bit before indulging. It is quite messy, however, when their organs and limbs are, well, flying everywhere and getting all over the walls, not to mention the sheer amount of blood that's spilled when I—"
• "Okay! I get it! You painted a very good picture, thank you!" You didn't that he'd get that specific. Why would he get that specific? You felt queasy.
• "Oh, did I go into too much detail? Forgive me, I can get a bit excited at the thought of meals."
• "It's fine." That doesn't help the fact that you still find it disturbing, and it shows.
• He holds out an arm. "Come along. I know a great place that serves the best vegetarian and vegan meals."
• You latch your arm with his and let him lead you, slightly confused. "But you're not either of those."
• "Yes, but you are. I figured it was time for a change."
• "You're going vegetarian? Or vegan?"
• That gets a tiny laugh out of him. "No, no. Never. I'm simply going to watch you eat and order something for myself. Not eating meat for one meal won't kill me, after all."
• And that's how you two ended up at a restuarant.
• If anyone asks, it wasn't a date. At all. Just a friendly gesture of goodwill.
• He's a gentleman. He obviously paid for both your meals and expected nothing in return.
• You two make it a biweekly thing.
• (You claim it means nothing to you.)
• (You're lying.)
• He says he's just being polite and trying to have new experiences.
• (He's lying too.)
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
uh, hi i’m pretty new to this but can you do a tadc headcannons for a reader who constantly wears a box and/or paper bag on their head because they don’t like how they look?
i’m not expecting you to see this! i’m just curious
TADC cast x reader who wears a box on their head due to their looks!
sorry it took me so long to get to this! my feelings have been in a bit of whirlwind lately and my motivation has taken a nose dive and i may or may not have stopped answering requests chronologically in favor of answering the ones that are easier on my brain </3
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assuming he knows you wear it because you feel insecure, i think he would do his best to try to uplift you; especially if you guys are friends and/or partners! he cant stand the idea of you not liking yourself as much as he likes you, you know? makes it a point to tell you that he thinks youre attractive, as well as giving you extra affection... kind of goes overkill, will likely do way too much to try to cheer you up. like im talking he probably dedicates a firework show to you or puts your name in lights, stuff like that to let you know that he cares a lot... but hes got good intentions, i promise!
i think she would find out about the reason behind the box after you open up to her about it. she always just assumed that it was a part of your digital body... and it very well could be, just detachable, like how zooble can take parts of themselves off... not the best at comforting you and telling you youre pretty, but i think her awkwardness and stammering makes her words more sincere. they dont sound rehearsed and scripted, you know? it sounds more natural and earnest. you cant help but believe her when she says she thinks youre pretty, if you decide to show her what you look like under the box
also very sweet about it. does not ask for you to take off the box, but she does express that you can unwind around her... very reassuring whenever its brought up, in fact i dont think she wound bring it up unless you did, fearing that she would make you feel pressured to take it off. little scenario but i do think that if you took the box off around her for the first time she kind of just. doesnt notice for a moment before actually paying attention and she kind of just stands there and stares, before simply saying youre beautiful. doesnt make a big stink of it, you know?
has probably drawn on your box at least once or put something on it (gum, stickers, slime, ect) but i dont think he would keep doing it when he finds out why you do it... though.... he does purposefully break gangles mask/steps on it so im not... actually sure about that. hmm... i think he would try to play it casual when you bring up your thoughts of yourself to him, though it may come off as him minimizing your feelings. to put it simply jax doesnt think there should be a huge fuss about it. i mean its not like its your real face... might lead to some conflict due to him not having much empathy, for you.. apologies to the jax enjoyers but i do think he would steal the box to try to prove that its not that deep
also thinks that the box is just a part of you before you fill him in on the reasoning around it. displays some brief curiosity before apologizing for prying. i think he would have a similar scenario to ragatha where he wouldnt realize that you took the box off around him for a minute... though unlike ragatha, he doesnt just say youre pretty. i think he would pick apart every part of your face and complement it.. though, i think he generally complements every aspect of you, face or not... you know? not quite as bold as caine, but just as much of a sap, you know?
kind of understands, since theyre a little... complicated and they like switching out their parts to fit whatever feel that want to have that day. but im not sure how deep their feelings would go, because i can kind of see them being similar to jax in this scenario, but less of an asshole. they wont take your box, nor will they write off your insecurities because they actually hold some understanding to them. i think they would offer to help you find a look that you feel comfortable with, sometimes a little something can change a lot of things, you know? but if its something more deep rooted, they would let you talk about it... doesnt speak much on the box since ultimately thats youre business. though, you cant help but notice them complimenting your skills and talents more now that youve opened up to them
i think she would relate to it. i recall seeing someone say that gangle isnt actually more confident and happy with her comedy mask, rather its a false thing to pretend theyre happy. and honestly, i can see it. id tag the person but i saw this a while ago and i failed to save it </3
moving on, i think she would find some kind of relatability in you. like sure, its not the exact same thing, but you guys are both hiding aspects of yourself behind an object. she wouldnt ever dare make you feel pressured to take it off around her. i think out of all the characters, asides ragatha, shes the best with making you feel comfortable. you can take it off around her when youre ready. i dont think she would flood you with compliments, but i do think she would do her damndest to make you feel good about yourself. leaves you lots of notes reminding you how much she values you + little doodles
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toons-and-doom · 2 months
Dandy’s DreamWorld
I came up with this like last night when I was very tired so everything is subject to change or not make sense
So when you sleep, you enter this dream realm where all your woes and worries can disappear for awhile! The whole realm is maintained by the postive emotions of the residents, so the general goal is to stamp out nightmares and negative emotions for the time being until they wake up!
It’s controlled by four (5?) main entities who sorta spawned into existence at the same time(sprout MAY be added later when he comes out-).
Dandy, the leader, some sort of sun themeing; the leader of the gang! He’s sorta nightmare control. He either tries to make nightmares less scary by reminding folks of things or wakes them up and ejects them from the dream realm.
Astro is the most powerful, considering he has influence of the dream worlds the vistors inhabit for their brief stays. He shapes the realms to make them as comfortable as they can be.
Shelly manages memories! She kinda happens in the background organizes your memories for the next day! She can suppress a memory if it’s bothering you in the dream world. She also extracts the happiness of the memories to feed the dream world (don’t worry, you don’t lose the memories or the joy they bring you)
Vee is sorta the watcher. Observes the realm and notifies the others of any problems! I’d imagine she literally has eyes everywhere.
Pebbles makes sure dreamers don’t accidentally interact in dreams, as this often causes confusion- not what they’re looking for!
Things were good for awhile! But uh, dandy got curious about the nature of nightmares, and uh, he learned nightmares are produced by this substance called nightmares fuel.
He decides to collect it from realms which means letting nightmares fester, brining negative emotions to the realm. Dandy keeps all the nightmare fuel in a giant glass reserve, he experiments with it sometimes. This causes a overal decrease in stability of the dream world, and eventually the others find out and confront dandy.
This leads to a massive argument! And uh oh! The reserve accidentally gets broken and nightmare fuel floods the entire dream realm!
In the process, dandy, Vee, Shelly, and pebble kiiiiinnnddddaaaa get fucked up and corrupted by the substance. Astro fortunately is able to resist his corruption, and in a panic, seals them off into the deepest part of the dream realm, far under everything else.
Then it occurs him now his job is now a lot harder as the sole guardian of the dream realm now.He isn’t sure how to deal with the nightmare fuel which has spread across the realm, infecting the realms and HEAVILY tipping the overal happiness in the realm.
Not wanting the realm to fall apart + concerned with how such an influx of nightmare fuel will affect someone when they wake up. Astro does the VERY logical thing (sarcastic. But In his defense tho he just lost his friend and stressed out) and puts the dream realm on lockdown. Nothing can get in, but nobody can get out. This means the folks who were dreaming at the time cannot wake up (aka, our dear toons)
Astro proceeds to surpress the nightmare fuel inside the realms. To prevent homesickness and prevent further negative emotions he surpresses the memories the toons have of the real world. The toons just sorta think this is how life has always been. Their days are blissful at least.
Boom some time passes, Astro is trying and failing to get everything together, and the toons are blissfully unaware of their situation. The condition of the dream realm slowly crumbles. So does Astro as the stress and nightmare fuel he was exposed to begin to get to him.
Things begin to slip through, memories, horrors. . . The seals are beginning to break.
Suddenly the toons are remembering things and realizing their realms aren’t real. Plus, these nightmarish versions of themselves are beginning to hunt them.
Basically the toons main goals are
- get out of their respective realms
- Avoid these nightmare (‘twisted’ versions of themselves)
- Find fellow dreamers
- Find out WHY they can’t wake you up
- (Later they decide to try and restore the dream realm)
Other notes I wasn’t sure how to explain
- The twisted are those corrupted/created by nightmare fuel. Its defeat able but it requires one to face their fears. The nightmares feast on fear.
- ^ the twisted versions of the toons are built of their forgotten memories and fears. They want to trap their ‘copies’ and feed of their fear forever! (I’d imagine each is based on a phobia or a fear.)
- The ‘realms’ toons inhabit are separate from one another. Their only exists are these doors which appear in random locations.
- ^ each realm is inspired by liminal space!
- All the toons sorta have a pastel pj theme going on- but I’d imagine their colors become more saturated once they realize they’re dreaming.
- Astro is barely holding it together man his ass is tweaking 💔
If you have questions I love to yap so feel free
Sorry if it doesn’t make sense-
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asirensrage · 6 months
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Title: Limerence
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Rating: T?
Pairing: Haitani Rindou x Unnamed!Undescribed!FemaleOC
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Swearing. Slight obsession. A little stalking. Voyerism? Unbeta'd
Summary: It feels like forever since he’s seen her like this. Maybe that’s because of juvie but…he’s missed it. He doesn’t even know her name. 
Notes: This is the cutest thing I've written in a long time. I hope you enjoy it. I did. It's from his pov. Please let me know what you think.
TR masterlist
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“You staring at her again?”
“Fuck off,” he says, not looking back towards his brother. He’s leaning against the window slightly, gaze soft as he watches her in her apartment. They’ve lived across from each other for years. He can hear the soft thump of the bass of the music she’s blasting. It’s not loud enough for him to make out what song it is, but she’s jumping around and dancing, singing along as she cooks. It feels like forever since he’s seen her like this. Maybe that’s because of juvie but…he’s missed it. He doesn’t even know her name. 
His brother leans in, face next to his, looking to where his gaze is lingering. “She’s still cute. You think she knows she has a stalker?”
Rindou shoves Ran away. “Fuck off,” he snarls. “I’m not a stalker.”
“No? You’ve been obsessed with her since you first noticed her.” 
He tries not to flush in embarrassment. Of course Ran knew that. His brother knew everything that went on in Rindou’s life and it was both amazing and awful. The two of them did everything together but this…this was something that was only Rindou’s. At least it was supposed to be.
Rindou gets up, moving away from the window, despite the fact that his mind is still on the way she moves so freely. Her blinds are always open during the day as if she has no care that people can see her. He wants to know what clubs she goes to, if he can find a way to meet her naturally on the street. He wants to feel her pressed up against him, smiling at him the way she does as her pet. He wants to know what she’s like in real life…if she’s as outgoing in real life as she looks. 
Ran laughs. “Why don’t you just go knock on her door? Tell her you’ve been watching her and think she’s cute!” Rindou ignores him and leaves, slamming the door shut behind him. 
He’ll never admit how much he thinks about her. Especially not to Ran. He does though. He daydreams sometimes about what it would be like to be in her apartment with her, to see her dancing in his kitchen as he plays music for her. He thinks about taking the headphones off from around his neck, placing them gently on her head and playing one of the songs he’s created. He wants to know what she thinks about it, if she likes it, if it would make her move…
So when he does finally, literally, run into her outside on the street, completely by accident, Rindou is struck silent when she grins at him and apologizes. She raises her eyebrows, her smile growing a little wider as she looks at him. 
“You alright?”
“What? Yeah!” he says, head shaking slightly as he tries to pull himself out of the shock. His cheeks heat as he realizes he’s making a fool out of himself in front of her. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” he tries to recover. He grins at her, “You good?”
She looks at him like she’s aware that he’s trying to play it off. “I’m good,” she agrees.
He clears his throat and looks away, wanting to run a hand through his hair. He stops himself though, shoving his hands in his pockets and grateful that Ran isn’t with him to see this train wreck. “You uh…live near?” he asks, lying through his teeth like he doesn’t know exactly where she lives. Fuck. Ran is right. He is a stalker. 
“Yeah,” she says but doesn’t elaborate. He can’t blame her. 
“Me too. My brother and I live in that building over there.” He points it out, partly to reassure her he’s not some random creep and partly because he wants her to know. He wants her to be as curious about him as he is about her. 
“Oh!” She blinks in surprise. “Really? How long have you lived there? Did you just move in?”
“Ah…” he’s pretty sure she breaks his heart with that question. “No, we…we’ve lived there for years.”
“Really? I’ve never seen you around before,” another strike to his heart. “-nd I usually see a lot, I would’ve noticed you-” She pauses before she covers her mouth like she didn’t intend to say it out loud.” Never mind. His heart might just be repaired.  “I mean, walking my dog,” she says quickly. “I usually see a lot of people when I take him out.” 
“I would’ve noticed you too,” he says, grinning a little wider. 
She bites her lip at that, looking away. Fuck, she’s cute. Cuter in person too. Especially when she’s clearly flustered by him. 
“I’m Rindou,” he introduces himself. He doesn’t know if she knows what he and his brother do, or why they’re famous in Roppongi, but he doesn’t want her scared off before he gets the chance to know her. 
“Hi Rindou,” she says, voice a little softer, a little sweeter. It’s enough to make his stomach clench. 
“Hi,” he repeats, not looking away. He just wants to lean down, to see if she tastes as good as he imagined considering how much fucking better she was in person already. 
She introduces herself, saying a name that he repeats twice just to make sure he memorizes it and to cherish the way it sounds and feels when he says it. If he thinks about how good their names sound together, or how good hers sounds with his last name…he’d rather die before he admits that to anyone. 
“You just coming home?” he asks, motioning to the cloth grocery bag she’s carrying. 
“Yeah, just did some shopping. You?”
“Nah, heading to the gym. You…can I take you out sometime?” He asks before he loses his nerve and before his brother can show up and whisk her away without even meaning to. Is she single? He never considered her not being so, but it’s fine. If she isn’t he can deal with that. One way or another. 
She blinks at him in surprise before she tries to stop herself from smiling. He grins at the tension in her cheeks and how she’s dragging her teeth over her bottom lip again. He really wants to taste it. 
“Um, yeah,” she says, finally giving into the smile. It’s like being faced with the sun. Bright and warm and renewing. She nods as if to reaffirm her choice. “Yeah,” she repeats. “Maybe we can exchange numbers first? Then plan something? I wouldn’t want to keep you from the gym.”
“It can wait,” he says, digging out his phone from his pocket. He unlocks it, opens his contacts and hands it over to her. 
She takes it and his fingers slide against hers as she does. They feel soft and warm, and he has to shove down the automatic thought of how soft her skin probably is in other areas….or how her hands would feel touching him. 
He watches as she types in her name and her number. She calls herself before she hands it back, refusing the call on her own phone as he takes it. 
“Now I have your number too,” she smiles softly. 
“Good,” he says, meaning it completely. “Good.” He stares at her for a moment, wishing he could say more but he knows he can’t. He doesn’t want to freak her out and he really, really, doesn’t want to ruin this. Not when he’s finally talking to her. 
“Okay, Rindou, I…I should go in. Put this in the fridge.”
He takes a deep breath and nods. “Yeah, right. I should…I’m meeting a friend,” he says. “A guy friend. We work out together,” he explains quickly, not wanting her to get the wrong idea. 
She giggles slightly at him and he tries to burn the memory of the sound into his brain. He wants to hear it again. He wants to hear every sound she makes. “Okay,” she says, grinning at him. “Text me when you have time.”
“I will,” he promises like he’s not going to have to quell the urge to message her immediately once they part ways. “Say hi to your dog for me.”
“I will,” she says, biting her lip again. She’s going to drive him crazy. He knows it. He’s going to fantasize about her lips and the way she might leave bite marks on him. Okay, he really needs to leave before he does something stupid. 
“Okay,” he says because he doesn’t actually want to say goodbye. 
She grins again. “Bye Rindou.”
“Bye,” he sighs before he realizes what he’s done. He clears his throat and looks away, cheeks heating in embarrassment again. He grins sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck. She laughs lightly before turning and leaving. Rindou watches her go before he has to shake the thoughts out of his head and he forces himself to head to the gym. He needs the distraction now…if only to keep himself from gloating that he has a date with his dream girl. He can’t wait. 
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everything taglist: @raith-way @zeleniafic @veetlegeuse  @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse @themaradwrites @kingsmakers @far-shores
also @sxrvivc who listens to me ramble about TR and all my writing for it lol
And the Network: @enchantedforest-network
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poisonedjoinery · 2 years
Sweet Little Thing
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Authors Notes: I currently have an unhealthy obsession with Sergeant Henry "Hank" Voight.
Summary: You and Hank have been dating for over a year without anyone finding out. Today, that all changes when Hank becomes a little jealous of Ruzeks advances... and needs to let everyone know who you belong to.
Trigger Warnings: None (if you feel there should be a warning, please do let me know.)
Gif by: @shootforthestars-28
Pouring yourself another coffee, you took a sip smiling to yourself as it warmed you up. The Chicago winter had hit hard this year, and the three shirts you had on certainly weren't enough to keep you warm. Sitting at one of the tables, you hugged the mug close to your body trying to savour the heat. Brett, Stella and Violet were sitting at your table chatting, whilst Mouch, Hermann and Cruize watched the TV. Hearing the doors swing open, you glanced up and found yourself watching Sergeant Voight talking with Chief Boden, Ruzek and Atwater standing close behind him. You watched for a moment longer, seeing the frown on your Chief's face, and the jaw clench from Voight. Before you could turn away however, Ruzek caught your eye and waved. Waving back you gave a small smile, then turned back to your coffee.
Next thing you knew, you had Ruzek standing beside you grinning down.
"Hey (Y/N), how you doin'?"
Nodding you smiled;
"Good thanks you?"
"Yeah... I'm good. So uh... when you gonna let me take you out for that drink hmm?" He leant in closer to you, smirk growing wide thinking he'd finally won you over. The girls all had their own grins of amusement on their faces, waiting to see how this would play out. Sighing, you looked down.
"Ruzek, I appreciate the offer but I um... I can't." Huffing out a breath he rolled his eyes,
"Come on... I've asked around, and no one knows of a guy or girl you're dating, so it can't be that." Raising an eyebrow at him, you leant back in your chair. Stella grimaced, knowing he had most likely signed his own death warrant.
"Ruzek, I've told you before I'm seeing someone... I just don't announce it to everyone around me is all." You heard Boden laugh, glancing round you saw him and Voight looking your way. Closing your eyes momentarily, you turned back to Ruzek.
"Okay alright... at least tell me who you're dating." Raising an eyebrow, he shrugged,
"What? I'm a detective... I'm curious by nature." Before you could even answer, you heard heavy footfalls sounding behind you.
"Ruzek... is there a reason you're bothering (Y/N), hmm?" Voights' rough voice sounded behind you. Glancing up, you could see the frustration on his face. Maybe a hint of... no, Hank couldn't be jealous, surely. Especially of Adam! Before Ruzek could even answer, Voight stopped at your side.
"Can't you see she isn't interested hmm?" Chuckling Ruzek stepped back hands raised,
"Okay, boss, I was just interested, is all." Nodding, Voight glanced at where you sat jaw clenching, then turned back to Ruzek.
"Well... maybe you can keep it in your pants from now on, hmm?" Ruzek flushed, Voight's tone was a bit harsh. Yep, definitely jealous. Averting his gaze to Atwater, Ruzek sneered at his partner, who had a smirk on his face.
"Sure thing, boss." He said in a sulky tone.
"Alright let's go then, we have a case to solve." Ruzek started to walk away, but not before noticing how Voight had turned to face you.
"He means well but... he can get ahead of himself sometimes." Chuckling, you shook your head.
"Don't worry about it, Hank. I can handle it." Before Adam could make a comment on you calling his Sergeant by his first name, Voight leant down and kissed you on the cheek. You saw Brett nearly fall out of her chair as Violet choked on her drink, and Stella just gawked at you both. You had a sneaking suspicion that the boys behind you had turned to look as well.
"I'll see you tonight, yeah? You still want to go to that Japanese place?" Feeling your face burn red, you nodded.
"Yeah I do, you enjoyed it last time right?" Hank smiled,
"I did. I'll pick you up at 8 okay?" Dropping your gaze to your coffee you smiled.
"Sure thing." Grinning Hank turned around, enjoying the shocked looks on everyone's face, giving Ruzek a smug look.
"Wear that green dress I got you last Summer. I like that on you." Looking up, you felt a thrill go through you. You and Hank had always said you'd want to stay private about your relationship, but he had clearly had enough of Ruzek not taking no for an answer. You decided to be a little more brave. You watched Hank slowly walking away, the eyes of everyone in the room either looking at him or you.
"I'll wear the dress if you wear that suit I like." Glancing behind him, he winked at you.
"Anything for you sweethear'." Feeling pleased with yourself, you sat back in your chair and sipped your coffee. Knowing full well, the rest of 51, was waiting until Voight and the guys were out of ear shot before grilling you.
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thefreakandthehair · 11 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 16th: Library | Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation | Curious a/n: little Eddie & Wayne, ADHD!Eddie, pre-canon Eddie & Jonathan friendship. un-betaed because I'm challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 | ao3 masterpost here
All his life, all seven years of it so far, Eddie has been told to be quiet, to sit still, and to not touch things. He can’t help it most of the time– there are so many things to explore, and learn, and find, so many different textures to feel. Eddie learns best when he’s able to physically hold something in hands to help him focus and it’s gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion. 
But living with Wayne, at least for the summer, he’s been given more opportunities than ever before to lean into his curious nature without being scolded. They’ve gone to museums, petting zoos, science centers, even the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Each new experience is a novelty and Eddie’s loved every single one of them. Today though, Eddie’s nervous. 
“You almost ready, kid?” Wayne pokes his head into Eddie’s bedroom, warm smile and a cocked eyebrow. Eddie’s been taking his time, untying and retying his shoelaces over and over to stall. 
“Uh, yeah! Yeah, I’m ready.” Eddie offers a tight smile, one that feels faux even to him. 
“Do you not wanna go? We can try something else if the library isn’t your thing.” 
Eddie shakes his head. “No, I wanna go! It’s just…”
Wayne enters the room fully, sitting down on the bed next to Eddie who fidgets with his fingers and looks down at the floor, his feet swaying back and forth over the edge of the bed.
“Just what?” He doesn’t touch him, but Wayne’s presence alone is comforting enough. 
“What if I get in trouble? Aren’t you supposed to be super quiet and stuff in libraries?” 
Eddie knows Wayne well enough by now to know that he’d never get in trouble that way that he has with his dad, but he doesn’t want to disappoint or embarrass Wayne, either. 
“Well, yeah, on the grown up floor for the cranky old guys like me,” Wayne bumps his shoulder against Eddie’s, and Eddie can’t help but smile– real this time. “But there’s a whole children’s room that has games, lots of books, fun stuff. And if it feels like too much, you just give me our little signal and we’re outta there.” 
When Eddie first started going places with Wayne, they’d developed their secret signal that probably wasn't too secret but worked just the same– Eddie would stand next to Wayne and step on his foot. Not hard, not enough to hurt, but enough that Wayne would notice, look down, and see Eddie’s overwhelm. And like promised, they’re outta there. No questions asked. 
“Okay, I think I’m ready then.” Eddie stands up and heads toward the front of the trailer. “Let’s go.” 
They’re at the library for all of a few minutes, Eddie hesitant to leave Wayne’s side as they scour the fantasy books, when he meets another kid around his age, maybe a little younger. Both boys go to reach for the same illustrated copy of a book about dragons. 
“Oh, sorry, you can take it,” Eddie offers, moving his hand instinctually. 
“No, no it’s okay, you were looking at it first. Go ahead.” The other boy responds, shrugging and looking back at the shelf. 
There’s a woman behind him, smiling down fondly as she speaks. “Sweetie, why don’t you share with your new friend?” 
“Yeah, if you wanna share, we could. Only if you want to though.” Eddie bounces on his heels, hopeful. He doesn’t get to make a lot of friends when he’s home with his parents. 
“Okay, yeah,” the little boy smiles carefully and pulls the book from the shelf. 
Eddie follows him to a small table at the end of the aisle and they pour over the pages, full of colorful illustrations and short stories. Eddie loses track of time, but he and his new friend, who he learns is named Jonathan, are just kids who don’t need to watch the clock. 
They finish the book and return for another, and then another. Eddie's disappointed when the day ends and they have to leave, but he sees Wayne trade contact information with Jonathan's mom, Joyce.
"We'll see you again next week, Eddie. It was so nice to meet you." Joyce smiles, sweet and comforting, and Eddie isn't so afraid of the library anymore.
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a taste for danger; astarion x mc
so I just got to the first scene with Astarion, you know, that one, and uh, I was a little blown away by it. so I wrote a ficlet with my oc wanting another go 👀 also this is my very first playthrough of the game, so I don't know anything lol! fic features my oc Gleam, a tiefling wild magic barbarian, he/they :> also on ao3
They cannot help but wonder if it is an affliction, but the thought of Astarion's fangs once again piercing their neck is… invigorating. 
Gleam is no stranger to the reckless and dangerous. They live by that creed, try it at least once, and if it doesn't work out - rage and break your way out of it. 
But having been once tempted, it is hard to think of other things. Their mind wanders, their fingertips brushing the two puncture wounds that rise in torn bumps on their neck. Their hands remember the silken softness of Astarion's hair, pulling him back when his thirst has grown with every swallow. 
They should be cautious. But even if Astarion prefers animals as his feed, this is a different kind of need. 
So, they invite Astarion to feed again. 
They settle a way away from the camp, where tree branches lower to shade them from the view, only soft moonlight falls through the leaves. Their companions seem to have long gone to sleep, and the camp is quiet. 
Astarion watches a stray leaf fall from the tree, then turning his gaze to Gleam. 
"Are you quite sure about this, then?" 
"Quite sure."
"Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but why such generosity? I'm a little unaccustomed to it." 
Gleam smiles hesitantly. 
"You said it helps you feel stronger, and we need you at your best." 
"I'm touched by your thinking of me," Astarion purrs. "But it can't be that. Not even you are as self-sacrificing as you think, my dear, despite your countless attempts to save every kitten that meowls from the trees." 
Gleam laughs at such a notion. They do like to help, it is almost in their nature. 
"Well, well, I shall not pry any longer." 
Astarion's fingers delicately turn Gleam's jaw, his lips touch against it, a strangely soothing sensation, but one that is only on the brink of what they both really want. Gleam feels the warmth breath on their neck, the sharp teeth, terribly sharp and painful if but for a moment, until a pleasant warm bliss spreads through them. Is that what a prey feels when a snake releases its toxin? 
They savour the sensation. Astarion's hunger makes itself known, and they hold onto a single string of dignity and sobriety to tug on, should Astarion lose himself again. 
And secretly Gleam wants Astarion to do just that. To go further, deeper, lull them into a false sense of safety, only to take more. A need to walk that fine edge between mortal danger and burning want. 
Foolish thoughts that don't come from the head, but quite the contrary. 
"Enough," Gleam gasps quietly, pulling Astarion away by the hair, forcing their grip to hold him only near enough. That shine in Astarion's eyes, lively, lovely, and the slick remains of blood on his lips that dries quickly into dull red. 
"Well, aren't you a curious one," Astarion mutters, not looking away. "You play a dangerous game, you know?" 
"Well aware." 
The vampire chuckles. 
"A taste for danger, then? Oh I like it. Until we meet again?" 
Cheeky bastard. Gleam pulls at his hair again, making Astarion gasp quietly. The blissful smile on his lips is worth repeating that. 
And the happy euphoric spark between them, only growing, is worth it too. 
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The story of how Mordred called Merlin mom and then proceeded to call Arthur dad and now he's adopted into the family – part 2
"Sire, the outer walls need repairs but I believe a new design for better structure and materials..."
Mordred had stopped listening an hour ago, he noticed he wasn't the only one as he saw Sir Gwaine wiggling his eyebrows at Sir Elyan who was trying not to snort at Sir Gwaine's ridiculous facial; Sir Lancelot seemed to be one of the few attentively listening when the conversation was interrupted by the King.
"Sir Mordred, what are your thoughts of bridging the gap between Camelot and the druids?"
'What...? When did the topic change?! I should've paid attention!'
King Arthur stared expectantly at him, they all did even Merlin which at this moment made him nervous and just a tiny bit giddy of receiving his Lord's attention that he was bound to say something stupid.
He did in fact, said something stupid.
And utterly embarrassing that he yearned for a hole to magically appear and swallow him up.
"I believe Momlin, I mean mum, er no, uh Merlin can help because we druids would follow Emrys...did I say I'm a druid?"
King Arthur's eyes widened in surprise and as Mordred took a quick peek at Merlin, he saw how much paler his lord looked.
'Oh Goddess this is my fault! I've ruined everything!'
"Mom I'm so sorry. I meant Merlin, I didn't mean to say mom but it's a habit now, an internal one." He nervously chuckled.
Mordred could hear Sir Gwaine laughing probably, maybe he could help Sir Leon tomorrow provided he doesn't die from embarrassment or thrown in the dungeons perhaps.
Of course he's digging his own grave.
Hands clenching he blurted out more treasonous words.
"Forgive me mum—Merlin—Emrys my lord! It's just your magic is beautiful—"
Percival the gentle giant whispered sincerely to Gwaine, "I never knew Mordred was Merlin's son, Merlin must've had him at a young age."
Gwaine loving the drama added his own to it.
"I knew Merlin had experience in being a mother. How else would he have survived years being Arthur's manservant? Aren't mothers great!"
Gwaine grinned and relaxed in his chair, this roundtable meeting has turned out to be unbelievably interesting and enjoyable.
Elyan pitched forward, voice soft and curious.
"Since when did Merlin have magic? Is that how he gave birth to Mordred?"
Mordred prayed for a miracle or for something to shut himself up from blurting out more ridiculous sentences; he would also appreciate it if someone could stop the knights from theorising whether Merlin was his mother or not.
Because that would be impossible. Maybe. Who knows? Magic is natural and weird.
"—which in turn brings out your ethereal beauty, not that I'm flirting with you because that would wrong when I see you as a mom and uh..."
'ABORT! ABORT! STOP!' His brain tries to tell him however his mouth is running on automatic.
"Sir Mordred—" Arthur began to speak when Mordred turned to look stiffly at his King before words rushed out of his unreliable lips.
"Sorry dad...Er I meant—"
Mordred felt sick.
Literally he wanted to vomit out his guts because first he called Emrys his mother than outed himself as a druid and pretty much told everyone at the roundtable about Merlin's magic! Then he called the King, Arthur Pendragon, his father...in what realm of unfortunate situations and unbelievable events made him call the King his dad!?
He has to do something to salvage the situation and hopefully in Emrys eyes he could be forgiven, maybe King Arthur would forgive both of them.
'Think Mordred, think! What can I do to change this around!?'
For obvious reasons, Mordred's brain refused to think, therefore it spewed out whatever thought was in his mind at that very moment and vocalised it to the world, or at least to just everyone sitting round the table.
♤To be continued♤
Part 1
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