#I think he laughs when thor burns the pancakes
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At least now Loki can see Thor again, even if Thor can’t see him.
#IM TRYING TO COPE OKAY GUYS#I think he watches Thor and the kid and smiles#I think he laughs when thor burns the pancakes#I think he rolls his eyes when he sees his brother’s tattoo and then remembers that there’s no one to hide his tears from#I think he searches for timelines that show him and Thor still together#ones were he didn’t let his mother down#loki season 2#marvel#thor odinson#loki series
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A Soul For a Soul
a/n: i think at this point im just writing too much lol but anyways: ANGST. this is angst, that's it. that's the plot. ~angst~. so people liked my best friend reader x yelena fics so i decided to uhhh do the opposite? if thats what this is lol
warnings: as said above, this is angst. long. also terribly written lmao. gif not mine
tw: mentions of suicide and self hate.
word count: 3.3k
taglist: @coolbeans32
prompt: the world needed natasha, yelena needed her favorite sister back, and you - you knew how to make that happen. but at what cost? (reminder: hawkeye takes place a year and two months after endgame- at least that's what i heard so thats what im using)
pairing(s): yelena x sister!reader; natasha x sister!reader; kate x reader; thor x platonic!reader; guardians of the galaxy x platonic!reader
You stood on the ledge, hands in your pockets as you gazed down below. So this is where she died. Where Natasha decided to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Resentment stirred in your stomach. Normally, being at this height would make your head light and vision blurry but today- today your mind was clear. You knew what you had to do. Closing your eyes, you took a step back away from the cliff, letting the memoires wash over you one last time.
It was like being hit by a truck when everyone but Natasha came back from the Time Heist. You couldn't move from you spot, curled up against the wall - knees to your chest, for what seemed like hours. Clint explained what had happened. How he tried to stop her but she wouldn't let him. But all you could think of was how you were alone. Both of your sisters - gone, in only the span of five years. You didn't let yourself cry in front of the Avengers. You wouldn't let them think you weaker than they already did. But that night, your body was wracked with sobs, air desperately trying to fill your lungs. She was gone. Really, truly gone. The walls felt like they were caving in, trapping you alone in your sadness. What were you going to do now?
Bruce brought everyone back. Later, you were told that Yelena's first thought after reappearing was Natasha. She never mentioned you.
The battle happened. Everything went by in a blur. Thanos was defeated, Tony sacrificed himself. Now you had lost your sister and one of your only friends. You left immediately for NYC, finding an affordable apartment, trying to get some sense of normalcy. And for a while, you found her. Kate Bishop. One day, while you were sitting in a cafe, she walked in - wearing a sweatshirt covered in what looked like ash. The lady behind the register laughed.
"Kate Bishop, did you burn your breakfast again?" Kate nodded her head sheepishly before sitting in the booth you were in, obviously exhausted. She banged her head on the table before looking up and practically jumping out of her skin when she saw you. You waved awkwardly. Kate smiled nervously.
"Uh...hi? OH! I'm so sorry, I'll move-" You shook your head, for some reason, you didn't want her to leave.
"No! Uh, I mean, no it's- it's fine." You smiled softly at Kate, who grinned back at you, "I'm [name]. You're Kate Bishop?" She laughed and nodded.
"I'm kind of a regular here. Everytime I convince myself, 'maybe the cereal won't catch fire this time' and try to make my own breakfast, my smoke alarm is going off and I end up here. I'm not complaining though- their pancakes are kick ass." After that, you and Kate formed a quick friendship, which quickly led to more. You had been dating for a year before you heard the rumors. A Black Widow had been hired to kill Hawkeye. And she was coming to New York. Using every means necessary, you tried to get Yelena to notice you. To get her to visit. But she never came. Eventually, you stopped, not wanting your sister to control your new life. But when Kate met Clint Barton, started working with him, your life shattered. Kate told you of Natasha's sister, Yelena, who had broken into Kate's apartment. They had mac n' cheese together. Yelena warned Kate to stay out of her way. She threatened your girlfriend.
In the end, you made it to the party, desperately looking through the crowds of people evacuating for Kate and or your sister. What you found broke your heart. Yelena beating the crap out of Clint, calling him pathetic, until he did the whistle. The sound that acted as a barrier between you and your two sisters. You heard Yelena sob before proclaiming how much she loved Natasha and how she was all Yelena had. All at once, every thought of you not being enough resurfaced. You weren't the one Yelena wanted. It was Natasha. Natasha would always be Yelena's favorite sister, while you stood on the sidelines doing anything to get your big sister's attentions. A thought sparked through your mind, a phrase Clint had said. A soul for a soul. Turning around before your sister or Clint could see you, you pulled out your transponder, sending a message to Thor, who had been hanging with the self proclaimed Guardians of the Galaxy for the past year. They had all regularly checked up on you, constantly offering you a place on the team. But after meeting Kate, you rejected the offer each time.
"[Name]!" You heard your girlfriend's voice echo through the streets, her footsteps running up to you, "I was so worried about you! You weren't returning my calls and everything was going to shit and I didn't know if you were okay-" You cut her off with a tight hug before bringing her head down for a kiss. Slow and deep, you savored the taste of your girlfriend. You knew it would be one of the last times you would ever kiss.
"I love you." You murmured, Kate's face blushing before she pecked your cheek and tightened the hug. You pulled away, taking a deep breath.
"I- I have to go on a trip for a while." You forced out, watching as Kate's face twisted into an expression of confusion.
"Wha-why? Now?" Her voice held an edge of panic to it so you cupped her face with your palms, looking into her eyes.
"Kate, I-" you sighed, before telling Kate everything. Well, not everything. Just that you were the forgotten sibling of Natasha and Yelena, that you had no idea that any of this would happen, and that you needed to see the spot your sister died. For closure. Surprisingly, Kate wasn't angry. She understood why you hadn't told her. Which made your heart hurt worse.
In the evening, you heard the sounds of a space ship hovering above your apartment building. You grabbed your bag, packed so Kate wouldn't worry, and turned to go to the roof. Arms wrapped around your waist and you felt a kiss on the neck.
"Come back safe okay?" You turned towards your girlfriend, who had a look on her face you couldn't describe.
"Don't worry, I'll be back for Christmas at Clint's farm." That seemed to satisfy Kate, who let you go. You pecked her lips one last time before turning and walking out the door. Thor was waiting for you when you walked out, the giant of a man scooping you into a giant hug.
"It is so good to see you again [Name]! How are you?" You lied, saying you were fine, and boarded. In a flash of light, you were approaching Vormir.
And that's how you ended up here. Standing on the very spot where Natasha leaped off the edge - all for a glowing orange stone. You had decided it was time when a voice sounded from behind you.
"In all my years, I've never seen anyone jump without asking for the stone," The Red Skull floated beside you, his cloak flaring around in the wind, "But you do request something in return." You set your shoulders back, chin up.
"A soul for a soul? Isn't that the deal you have here? I'll give you mine if you bring her back." The Red Skull nodded, understanding what you were asking.
"Natalia Romanova. The one who sacrificed herself in love for Clint Barton. You wish to bring her back. You must know child, I do not make the rules. If the One Who Sees All approves, they will take your offer. If not, then you will have left everyone who you love and who loves you, alone." You hung your head, shrugging.
"I wouldn't be missed that much anyways."
"You can't possibly believe that." Rocket's voice startled you, making you turn around. The Guardians all stood behind you, their faces ones of shock and sadness. Thor stepped forward.
"[Name], I understand it's been hard-"
"No you don't!" You yelled, every emotion bubbling to the surface, causing tears to fill your eyes, "You don't know what it's like to always be the third choice. Not even the second! I was never seen growing up, it was always 'Natasha this' or 'Yelena that'! In the Red Room, Natasha was the prodigy who escaped, Yelena was the greatest assassin after our sister and me? Me?! I'm the one Dreykov had killed, the only reason I survived wasn't because of my skill but because the Widow assigned to me hesitated. I survived because of a fault in the programming. None of them looked for me! They knew I was alive and they. didn't. look. for. me! Natasha, figured out I was alive when she walked into SHIELD for the first time and saw me there. I was at SHIELD first but she," You sobbed, "She was everyone's favorite. Fury's favorite, Coulson's favorite, Hill's favorite. She was the first choice for the Avengers Initiative. She didn't even talk to me unless she had to! We only grew close after Thanos beCAUSE I WAS THE ONLY ONE THERE! I WAS THERE FOR HER AND SHE STILL JUMPED. SHE TOLD CLINT HE HAD A FAMILY BUT WHAT ABOUT ME? DID I NOT MATTER? I WASN'T ENOUGH, I WON'T BE ENOUGH UNTIL I BRING HER BACK. Yelena didn't even care about me when she came back. Her only thought was Natasha, she never thought to think how I was doing - her younger sister who had lost both of her older sisters. She didn't visit me. I had thought we had grew close after the fall of the Red Room but apparently not. Guys, I'm-I'm tired. I'm tired of my family casting me away. The world needs Natasha, Yelena needs Natasha. She doesn't want me - she never has. I won't be anyone's third choice anymore." When you finished your rant, tears were streaming down your face, and everyone - including the Red Skull- looked shocked. Rocket took a step forward.
"What about Kate? Are you her third choice? How will this affect her?" You swallowed back a sob at Rocket's question, shaking your head and looking away.
"Kate- Kate is strong...She'll get over me quickly and find someone better." Peter scoffed.
"Okay fine, you want your family to stop casting you away? Let us become your new family. [Name], you wouldn't be our third choice - ever. And Kate? She could never find anyone as amazing as you are. So come with us okay?" He held out a hand, "Kate can come with us - I'm sure she'll love to see space." You chuckled, imagining Kate's face pressed against the windows of the Milano, watching in amazement as stars blurred by. You nodded, stepping towards Peter, taking his hand. The entire group seemed to let out a breath. You let yourself walk with them for a few feet, with each step you could practically feel the stress leaving their bodies.
You almost changed your mind.
But then the flashes happened. The flashes of Yelena's disappointed face when you came back, after the Guardians eventually tell her what you were going to do. You imagined her asking you why? Why didn't you do it. So, you took a deep breath and looked around you, at the people, the only ones, who would probably miss you. Warmth blossomed in your chest, thankful for these last moments with the ones who cared. But all good things must end.
Just as you were about to cross the threshold of Vormir's entry, you pushed Thor's hand away from yours, twisting his arm back with all your strength. The God of Thunder let out a surprised grunt, the Guardians taking a step back as the tall man tumbled forward. You took a step back before turning around and running full speed towards the edge.
It was like time stopped turning. You could hear the Guardians behind you, each one rushing to grab you. You heard Quill power on his rockets, propelling him forward. You slid to the ground, quickly spinning around and using Peter's body, you kicked him back while flipping off the edge. You let your body relax, feeling the wind rushing behind your back, curling around you like one last hug. You saw Nebula reaching her arm off the cliff, a failed attempt to grab you. Rocket sat on the edge, his eyes full of regret as he watched you fall to your death. There was nothing you could do. You were already dead.
Before you hit the ground, you swore you saw Natasha beside you. You could feel her shaking your body - screaming no over and over. But you blinked and she was gone. The last thing you saw was the brightest light you've ever seen rising into the sky, exploding into a multitude of colors - illuminating the horizon with your soul.
Kate stood outside Clint's farm, watching the sky for any trace of your return. She had been at the Barton family residence for hours, patiently - okay fine - anxiously awaiting your return.
"Kate Bishop, staring at the sky isn't going to make her arrive any faster." Yelena's voice startled Kate.
"Oh come on, you can't blame me for being excited! It's Christmas! Plus, she's your sister Yelena. You should be waiting with me! Aren't you one bit excited to see her again?" Yelena acted indifferent for a moment before smiling.
"I am, Kate Bishop, it has been a while since I've seen my little sister. But I will wait where there is food and warmth." Kate laughed before nodding.
"Okay, okay. I'll come inside." Looking one last time into the sky, Kate walked into the house, where Clint, Laura, and their kids sat at the table, laughing at a story Clint was telling. Kate and Yelena sat down, leaving a seat in between them. Conversation flowed easily but each second felt like an hour to Kate, who's leg wouldn't stop bouncing from excitement. Suddenly, a large gust of wind burst into the room, rattling dishes and creaking the home's foundations. There was a bright burst of light and a figure stepped out. The room went quiet. Yelena felt tears and joy building up in her chest.
"Nat-Natasha?" The Black Widow looked confused but welcomed her sister as the blonde barreled into her, grasping her tightly into a hug.
"A miracle." Clint whispered in awe. The next few minutes were full of joy stained tears and lengthy but quick explanations. Kate stood apart from the group, waiting for her widow to show up. Soon, the group heard the Milano land next to the house. Kate sprinted out, Yelena and Natasha right behind her. Nat was the only one who felt dread building inside of her when you didn't walk off the ship. Kate looked behind the Guardians, oblivious to their somber and angry expressions.
"Where's [name]? Is she using the bathroom or something?" At the Guardians silence, Kate laughed nervously, no humor in her tone.
"Come-come on guys where is she? This isn't funny." Kate's voice was full of panic, her chest felt tight and her breaths labored. Clint placed his hand on Kate's shoulder, worry filling face. Yelena stepped towards the Guardians, annoyance flaring in her eyes.
"Where is our sister?" She asked, her voice hard as Natasha placed a hand on her arm.
"Oh, so now you care about her!" Rockets incredulous exclamation shocked the two Widows. No Guardian made a move to stop Rocket's rant.
"What about when Dreykov tried to kill her? Did you care about her then? Or when everyone was dusted? Did you even try to be there for her? Or when Natasha died!" Yelena's eyes grew wide and she started to shake her head rapidly, fearful of what Rocket was about to say, "You were never there for her! You weren't her family!"
"How dare you-" Yelena started but Natasha brought her hand up to silence the angry blonde.
"Rocket." Her voice was chilly, like she was encasing all her emotions in ice and packing them far inside her mind - protecting her from what she was about to hear, "Where. Is. [Name]." Rocket let out a sob, his normally tough exterior cracking, showing his vulnerable heart to the world.
"Where do you think?" Came Nebula's rough voice, her fists clenched and body stiff as Gamora held her sister back from pouncing, "We went to Vormir. She- she said she wanted to see where you died." Kate was rapidly shaking her head, shoving her hands in her coat pocket. It's just a bad dream, you'll wake up any second now. She kept telling herself. Tears were building up in her eyes, flowing over and streaming down her face. Yelena was practically rocking back and forth on her heels, arms wrapped around herself as if to protect her. Gamora stepped forward, in front of Nebula, her eyes hard yet also full of pity.
"Vormir requires a soul sacrifice for the Soul Stone but-" She swallowed, shaking her head and making direct eye contact with Natasha, "for every person sacrificed, their soul can be retrieved, by another giving up their life- permanently. That's what [name] did for you Natasha. She thought," Gamora's voice broke, her own cool exterior falling apart, "She thought this would make everyone happier. You were always the favorite, she said. She thought she didn't matter enough to anyone, that she wasn't worth anything except bringing you back. Why would you push her to this?" Towards the end, Gamora had started to yell. Her voice broke on every word, like her heart was projecting it's sadness. At the silence of Natasha and Yelena, Gamora yelled.
"Don't you understand? She's gone! [Name] is dead and it's all your fault! Your sister is dead!" Gamora leaned her head on Peter's shoulder, "She's dead."
Kate fell to the ground, her body shaking from the sobs wracking her form. With trembling hands, she reached inside her pocket, pulling out a small velvet box.
"Kid..." Clint tried to place a comforting hand on Kate's shoulder but she slapped it away. She glared at the two Widows before standing up and walking away. Yelena stared at the ground, her mouth trembling as sobs threatened to break out. Natasha clawed at her chest, angry at the universe, angry at herself, angry at her soul. She moved her hands up to her head as memories flashed by. Your first birthday, your first mission, the day you saw her at SHIELD - eyes full of hope that was crushed when she walked away indifferent. Collapsing to the ground, Natasha clasped the area where her heart was and raising her head to the sky, released a scream so loud, it shook both Heaven and Hell, making even the most powerful beings look away in sorrow. Yelena just whispered, "My fault, my fault, not again, I can't do this again," over and over.
As Kate walked to her car, she heard Natasha's scream. Shaking her head, she collapsed in the drivers seat, sobbing into her hands. A light gust of wind blew through the vehicle. I'm sorry, my love. Through her tears, Kate opened the box, revealing a sparkling silver ring, simple yet elegant. As the light breeze circled around her, Kate felt as if you were sitting next to her. She swallowed.
"I had a whole speech planned, [name], a whole plan," she laughed through her tears, "I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, why- why would you?" She broke down into tears, not able to finish her sentence. I would've said yes, a voice whispered in her ear, sounding like yours. Thinking her grieving mind was playing a trick on her, Kate wiped away her tears and put her seatbelt on. But when she looked out the window, she saw a figure in the horizon - glowing the colors of a sunset. You raised your hand and waved one last time before dissolving into light, once again painting the horizon with your soul.
#yelena belova#yelena belova x reader#yelena belova x sister!reader#fem!reader#natasha romanoff#natasha romanov#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff x sister!reader#kate bishop x reader#thor x platonic!reader#guardian of the galaxy x reader#kate bishop#my writing#guardians of the galaxy
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The Proposal
Pairing: Sugardaddy Loki x f! Reader
Warnings: mentions if sub drop (anxiety, panic), renegotiating the arrangement, fluffy fluff stuff, soft smut at the end, soft Dom loki...
Summary: Loki sits down with you to discuss what happened and how things will be......
**sorry this is a bit of a filler chapter before....well I can't tell you....buy enjoy all the fluffy goodness....while you can......😈😈💚💚😬😬🥰🥰
Part Fifteen-
You woke to the sun streaming onto your face making you groan. Rolling to your back you slowly opened your eyes seeing you were alone "oh, he did leave." You said to yourself sighing as you sat up. You sat up, your body feeling heavy as you shuffled to the bathroom. "I need coffee." You mumbled to yourself. Making your way to the bedroom door you heard noise on the other side, someone was in your kitchen. You opened it slowly, peeking out seeing Loki set a glass of water next to a coffee mug on the table before going back to the kitchen.
You slowly walked out fidgeting with your fingers when Loki came out again holding a plate of food "ah, good your awake. Come sit down." He said setting the plate on the table pointing to it before going back into the kitchen. You quietly say down seeing pancakes, eggs and bacon on the plate making your stomach grumble. Loki came back sitting across from you with his cup adding a tea bag. "D...did you make this?" You asked seeing him smile "well yes of course, did you not think I could?" He asked smirking "oh, no! It's just.." you started hearing him laugh "I know, what would a prince know about cooking yes?" He asked smiling sipping his tea.
"Honestly when I came here I couldn't even work a toaster let alone cook a meal, Thor and I weren't allowed in the kitchens in Asgard." He said watching you "so I took it upon myself to learn, and I think I am quite well at it." He smiled "now eat up, you need your strength." He said sitting back. You cleared your throat picking up your fork "s..sir.." you said quietly "Loki...please." He said sitting up "Loki, about last night..." you started when he put his hand up "Darling, I was going to wait until after you ate, unless you wish to speak now?" He asked watching you "Yes please." You said "very well, you can eat while we talk. Do you have any questions first?" He asked leaning forward "a..are you going to end the arrangement?" You asked looking at your food "no, I am not. Unless you wish to." He said softly "no, I don't." You said looking up at him "Good, that's one thing settled." He said smiling "so, I want you to explain to me how you were feeling last night when I left the room." He said watching you.
You sat up straight clearing your throat "w..well, near the end my head got all light and fluffy, like what's been happening." You said seeing him nod "but I kept repeating what you had said to me when you were..." you trailed off waving your hand "Oh, the names I called you?" He asked "y...yes, and I kept thinking maybe that's all I am, maybe that's what you really thought of me.." you said looking down feeling your eyes burn when you felt Loki grab your hand "go on." He said squeezing your hand "and umm...I got really dizzy and I felt like I couldn't breath, like the room was closing in on me so i...I ran outside." You continued shifting in your chair "and I remembered the flowers in the park, and how they make me feel better so, I ran to the park." You finished poking your eggs with your fork.
Loki kept ahold of your hand clearing his throat "Darling, remember when I spoke to you about subdrop?" He asked squeezing yout hand "yes, I do." You said grabbing your coffee "Well I believe you dropped last night, which is what caused you to panic and run." He explained "now, the names I called you, I did not mean them in any way, I do not think of you that way at all. You are a very remarkable and capable woman and don't ever forget it." He said sternly "I said those things in the heat of the moment, some people like to be called them and some don't, now I know you don't so I shall not use them again ok." He said watching you "o..ok." you said "now, when did you start feeling panicked?" He asked squeezing your hand again "umm, a bit before my climax." You said feeling your face heat up. "So, you were uncomfortable before you came?" He asked seeing you nod.
He looked down at the table before looking back up "y/n, why didn't you use your safeword? I would have stopped immediately." He asked sternly "i..I thought I could handle it, I really did." You said looking at him. Running a hand through his hair "y/n, that's what the safeword is for, to make sure you feel safe and comfortable, the last thing I want is for you to feel like you can't trust me." He said looking down "but I do, I do trust you Loki." You said squeezing his hand back "it was my fault, I should have used it I just...I didn't want you to think I was weak or..." you trailed off looking down. "Y/n, for this to work we have to communicate, we have to be honest with one another yes?" He asked "yes, im sorry Loki, It won't happen again." You said "I want you to be comfortable in everything we do, so you must talk to me ok?" He said "ok, I will." You said nodding "and I am sorry I left you alone, I should have made sure you were ok before I left the room, I will make sure that that does not happen again." He said squeezing your hand.
"Now, with subdrop you can still feel off for awhile after, so I will need you to check in with me if you are not feeling yourself." He said sipping his tea. "Like how?" You asked "if you feel sad, depressed, anxious, anything out of the ordinary I want you to call me immediately understood?" He asked sternly "yes, I understand." You said "Good girl, I also want you drinking plenty of water and getting enough rest." He said "ok, I will." You smiled. "And we will be scaling back what we do in the bedroom, im afraid you just aren't quite ready yet, but we will get there, there's no need to rush ok, I want you to enjoy it." He smiled squeezing your hand "ok, that sounds good.
"Ok, do you feel better now?" He asked smiling. "Yes, alot better." You smiled back. "Wondeful, finish eating and maybe we can take a walk yes?" He asked standing up "I would like that very much." You smiled "and Loki.." you said making him stop in the doorway "Thank you...for staying with me." You said quietly. He walked back to the table leaning on it "look at me y/n." He said, your eyes meeting his "I will always take care of you, I meant what I said, I care about you a great deal. If you ever need me, I will be here." He smiled "ok, thank you. You mean alot to me too." You smiled back seeing him nod. "Now eat you stubborn woman." He laughed heading into the kitchen.
You finished eating heading to the bedroom throwing on jeans and a tshirt feeling like a weight had been lifted off you. You came out seeing Loki in a dark green button up and black dress pants. "So, can you make clothes from nothing?" You asked looking him up and down. "No, I have them stored away for when I need them." He said smiling. "But ..where?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows "it's a small pocket dimension where I store various items I may need at any moment, here ill show you." He said grabbing your purse he held it up waving his hand over it your eyes widened as it disappeared in a flash of green before reappearing a few seconds later. "Holy shit that's cool!" You said grabbing your purse hearing him laugh. "Ma' lady, are you ready?" He asked holding out his arm "yes sir, I am." You smiled wrapping your arm around his he guided you outside.
You walked towards the park looking up at him "did you want to see the flowers?" You asked seeing him smile "yes, I would like that." He smiled you slid your hand down grabbing his guiding him into the park. You walked through the flower garden with him taking in the purples, blues and yellows before pulling him to sit on the bench next to you. "Which is your favorite?" He asked smiling at you. "I love the purple ones, it's my favorite color." You said smiling at him seeing him walk over to them gently plucking one. Returning to the bench he said something in another language as a green light flashed over it "that should keep it alive for awhile." He smiled placing it behind your ear, his knuckles gently sliding down your cheek "so beautiful." He whispered. "Thank you Loki." You said smiling. You sat there awhile talking about the different flowers, listening to him tell you about his mother's gardens in Asgard, how he would often go there to clear his mind "I guess we have that in common." You said laying your head on his shoulder.
The late afternoon chill set in making you shiver "we should head back, i dont want you to become sick." He said standing holding his hand out. You walked back to your apartment setting your purse down you looked up at him "I must return to the tower tonight, I text my brother last night telling him I would be gone but I have to check in tonight." He said wrapping his arms around you. You placed your hands on his chest. "I understand, but.." you said looking down "what is it darling?" He asked leaning down "i was wondering, since it's our last night this weekend if..." you trailed off looking up at him "I'm not sure that's a good idea after last night." He said holding your tighter. "I'm ok, I promise." You said watching him stare into your eyes. "Please...Loki." You whispered.
You heard him sigh, tucking your hair behind your ear "how can I deny you when you look at me like that?" He asked cupping your cheek. "I promise if it gets too much I'll tell you." You said "good girl." He said seeing you blush. "Mm, you are my good girl aren't you?" He asked leaning down placing a gentle kiss on your neck "y...yes.." you breathed "so beautiful..." he breathed kissing the spot under your ear "s..sir.." you sighed gripping the front of his shirt "Loki..darling." He whispered in your ear making you shiver "L..loki.." you sighed fumbling with the buttons of his shirt "tell me what you need, what you desire." He purred nibbling on your ear "you..Loki...only you." You breathed feeling his teeth graze your neck "you have me..all of me.." he purred in your ear pulling back looking into your eyes "you are sure?" He asked "yes..I'm sure." You said grabbing his hand guiding him to the bedroom.
You kneeled on the bed pulling him to you unbuttoning his shirt. "You are in charge darling, tell me what you want." He breathed running his fingers up your arms, you eyes shooting to his "t..touch me...please." You said feeling his fingers glide down your sides to the hem of your shirt. You lifted your arms as he pulled it over your head, tossing it aside his lips pressed to yours, gently nibbling your bottom lip he kneeled on the bed in front of you "lay back darling." He mumbled against your lips. You laid back looking up at him feeling his hands slide up your thighs, unbuttoning your jeans he slowly slid them and your panties down your legs, pulling them off setting them aside his eyes met yours "loki..please." You panted reaching out for him.
He gently spread your knees apart settling between them his lips found yours, his tongue slowly sliding across your bottom lip. You parted your lips allowing him in, your tongue meeting his feeling him slowly swirl his tongue around yours making you moan. You reached down unbuttoning his pants sliding your hand down wrapping your fingers around his hardened length, moving your hand back and forth making him moan into your mouth. He pulled back pressing his forehead to yours gently thrusting his hips forward with your hand. "Gods y/n...what are you doing to me." He panted gripping the duvet. "I need to feel you please..." you panted spreading your legs further around him. "As you wish." He panted. Flicking his wrist his clothes slowly dissolved in a flash of green as you continued pumping him.
You pulled him forward lining him up when he gently grabbed your wrist "You are certain?" He asked looking into your eyes "yes Loki, im ok." You said feeling him begin to push inside you, you both moaning when he bottomed out. He stays still a moment panting "Norns your so tight darling." He breathed pressing his forehead to yours. "Loki...please move." You panted wrapping your arms around his back. He slowly pulled his hips back, thrusting back in as yours hands slid down, your nails digging into his cheeks pulling him into you. He leaned down pressing kisses to your neck, wrapping his arm under your shoulder pulling himself into you. Mm...Loki..." you panted feeling him slowly quicken his thrusts "You feel like heaven darling." He moaned nipping your ear "I could live inside you." He panted, keeping his pace slow and deep.
You felt you entire body heat up at his words, the way he was holding you, taking care of you. "So perfect, like you were...aahh...made for me..." he moaned snapping his hips into you making you moan "your doing so....mmm...so well my beautiful girl." He breathed. Spreading your legs further taking hiim deeper you felt the coil in your stomach begin to tighten digging your nails into him "mm...yes...come for me my beautiful girl...let me feel you..." he moaned thrusting his hips into you hitting that soft spot inside you "Loki..i...I'm gonna..." you moaned "let go darling....I've got you..." he panted rocking into you. You pulled him into you feeling your orgasm wash over you making your toes curl "God...Loki..." you cried out arching your back "that's it my...aahh gods...my beautiful girl..." he purred continuing his pace riding you through your high.
"I..I want you to come inside me Loki...i...I want to feel you..." you moaned rocking your hips with his. You heard him growl as he sped up his thrusts, feeling him twitch inside you "let go Loki..." you moaned feeling his fingers dig into your shoulder as he thrust hard into you spilling inside you "gods y/n!..." he cried out, his arm tightening around you. He slowly thrust in a few more times riding through his high before stilling, looking into your eyes. "How are you feeling?" He asked brushing your hair off your forehead "good...reeeally good." You said smiling hearing him laugh. He leaned down gently kissing you as he slowly pulled out. "Are you ok if I grab a towel?" He asked watching you. "Yes, I'm ok." You said cupping his cheek pecking his lips. "I'll be right back." He smiled cupping your cheek.
You watched him walk to the bathroom door looking back at you before going inside. Leaving the door open you heard him turn the water on before peeking his head out making you laugh "I'm ok, I promise." You said seeing him smile. A few minutes later he came back with a damp cloth kneeling between your legs cleaning you up. "There, and one last thing." He smiled flicking his wrist you looked down watching your fluffy pajamas pants and tank top appear on you. "I will never get used to that." You laughed running your hands over your pants hearing him laugh. He sat down on the edge of the bed conjuring his own clothes back on. "Thank you Loki, for everything." You said wrapping your arms around his neck. "Anything for you darling." He said rubbing your arm.
He got up holding out his hand pulling you up "I must go. But remember what I said." He said pulling you to him "get plenty of rest, lots of water and call you if I feel off." You said wrapping your arms around his middle hugging him. "Good girl, I will call you later to check on you." He said walking to the door opening it "loki i..." you started seeing him turn around "t..thank you again." You said fidgeting with your fingers. He walked back to you grabbing the back of your head kissing you slowly, passionately as you gripped his shirt. "You are very welcome darling, I will talk to you soon." He said pecking your lips, turning to leave "Goodnight Loki." You said holding the door "Goodnight y/n." He smiled heading towards the elevator. You stood in the doorway watching him leave before closing the door sighing.
You loved him, you know you did. Thinking about the way he took care of you, maybe, just maybe he loved you too....
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @bbmommy0902 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @mcufan72 @glitterylokislut @tjellisworld @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @huntress-artemiss @yuu-chan-is-still-a-student12
#loki#loki fanfiction#loki fanfic#loki imagine#loki x y/n#loki x you#loki x female reader smut#loki x female reader#dom loki#sugardaddy#loki fluff#loki smut#loki odinson imagine#loki odinson x you#loki odinson fanfiction#loki odinson fluff#loki odinson smut#loki odinson x reader#loki odinson x y/n#loki odinson#loki odinson x female reader#loki laufeyson imagine#loki laufeyson fanfic#loki laufeyson fluff#loki laufeyson smut#loki laufeyson x y/n#loki laufeyson x reader#loki laufeyson#loki laufeyson x female reader#loki laufeyson x you
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dad- l. laufeyson
pairings: loki laufeyson x doctor!mom!reader, mentions of tony stark, natasha romanoff, steve rogers, oc, and thor odinson warnings: a child, y/n is a mom, dad!loki who is probably a little ooc but i hope that’s okay, y/n is a doctor but there’s no real detail, it’s just alluded to, mentions of an absent father, mentions of adoption about: requested! They’re dating and she has a toddler from a previous relationship that ended badly. Loki treats the baby like she’s his own and brings her to the compound once in a while to show off ‘his’ baby. The little one adores Loki and started calling him dada, making the soft side of him comes out. And also the very protective side. He eventually asks reader if he can officially adopt her to be the father figure. Since reader never put down the fathers name on the birth certificate, they put Loki’s down. a/n: thank you so much for requesting! i hope you liked this!!
tiny fingers splayed your cheeks wake you up, wet lips pressing continuously on your nose as familiar laughter rings in your ear. your nose scrunches, prying your eyes open to meet the mirror image of them in front of you. at the grin that splits daisy’s face, a smile sneaks up on your lips, too, “hey honey,” you say quietly, brushing away a strand of hair that falls in her eyes as your daughter’s warm hands hold your face.
“hi mama,” daisy replies, snuggling into your side, “pancake day,” she informs happily, a chubby finger reaching to trace the slope of your nose.
you tilt your head at her, raising an eyebrow, “really? who says?”
daisy doesn’t get a chance to reply, the crack to your door widening when loki steps through it, balancing a large plate stacked with pancakes and fruits in one hand. “loki!” daisy cheers, sitting up to reach for the food. you sit up, too, cocking your head at your boyfriend as you observe the platter.
“you made food?” you ask, eyes scanning the little cubes of cut-up strawberries and bananas before looking back up at him in pleasant surprise.
loki ducks his chin, “you were asleep. and today is pancake day. i simply could not disappoint daisy,” he explains, letting daisy take a piece of banana to shove in her mouth.
you gently run your fingers through her hair, a soft smile tugging at your lips, “hey, dais, let’s go eat at the table and watch some cartoons, hm?” at the sound of cartoons, she nods quickly, bouncing off of the bed to tug at loki to follow her, the god not making a peep when her grubby hands leave a smear of banana on his wrist. you watch as they head to the kitchen, listening when loki turns on the television and flips it to her favorite show without her needing to tell him. you take a second to remind yourself that the god in your house, sneaking homemade whipped cream--because store-bought whipped cream is not fit for her--to your daughter, is the same god who, not too long ago, physically recoiled at the mere mention of midgardians. you stand when you hear daisy’s voice calling you over when you take too long to follow, peeking around the corner to see loki cutting her chocolate chip pancakes into little squares. “any left for me?” you ask, your body burning hot when loki turns to look at you, a twinkle in his clear sea glass eyes.
“good morning, darling,” he greets, his lips kissing your cheek when you come closer to him, an arm wrapping around your waist. “pancake?” he offers, showing you a plate with two perfectly shaped pancakes, whipped cream piled high just the way you liked it and berries surrounding it in the way you always tried to do but were never able to. you pecked his lips, smiling against him when you heard your daughter protest loudly.
“what are we watching today?” you ask her, fingers taming the mess of bedhead that sits atop her head. she turns to the television after shoving pancake into her mouth, pointing at the image, “clifford,” she says simply. you sit next to her, exhaling, “that’s a good one.” daisy nods, “i want a dog,” she states after a second, “like clifford.”
you glance at loki, “finding a big red dog is going to be a little hard, sweetie--”
“i’m sure there’s one in asgard, if not, there must be one somewhere else,” loki shrugs, squinting at the show, “i’ll find one. worry not.”
you shake your head, chuckling, “maybe a normal-sized dog, daisy.” daisy pouts but nods.
the sounds from the television are the only ones for a few moments until you speak up, “oh, i completely forgot, i have to go meet with some big shot hospital reps for almost the whole day today, do you mind taking care of daisy?” you ask loki, an apologetic look on your face.
“of course not, she can accompany me to the compound today,” loki reasons, not missing the excited look that crosses daisy’s face.
you brighten, “that’s a great idea!” you turn to your daughter, who has smeared red on her cheek and a strawberry in her fingers, you huff a laugh, wiping it away with one of your fingers, “what do you think, dais? wanna go visit the other avengers with loki?”
she nods immediately, hurrying to swallow the fruit in her mouth before turning to loki, “can i wear your cape again?” she asks enthusiastically, patting wildly at your arm, “loki lets me use his cape!”
your eyebrow raises as you look at loki, “does he, now? i thought no one could even touch it?” you tease, appreciating the pale blush that takes over the snow of his cheeks as he shrugs, clearing his throat.
“there are always exceptions to rules,” he states.
“i love you,” you say, pressing a kiss into daisy’s hair, she parrots the phrase back to you, leaning further into loki’s arms when you pull away. “i love you,” you continue, kissing loki’s lips, “thank you again,” you whisper, feeling him chuckle against you.
“it is my pleasure,” loki assures before kissing you again. you pull away after a second, smacking your lips on daisy’s forehead as another goodbye.
“i’ll be back later, have fun, okay?” you request before finally walking out the door to head to work. you don’t see daisy’s pout as she lays her head on loki’s shoulder, balling her hand in his shirt. a soft smile tugs at loki’s lips, looking down at her to ask her if she’d like to go to the compound now.
a little while after she nods at his, he finds himself clicking her seatbelt in, making sure she’s safe in her booster seat before he begins to drive. he knows he could easily go there with a flick of his hand, but the travel makes daisy nervous, and, besides, she prefers to ride in the car with him, singing along to the playlist of the songs loki found himself liking in midgard.
daisy squeals when loki pulls into the driveway of the compound, jumping out of the car when he unbuckles her to hurry loki up. she pulls at his pant leg, growing more excited by the minute when she sees the red white and blue of steve’s shield flying behind the compound. “i do not understand why you like that thing so much. so boring,” loki grumbles, grabbing her hand and opening the door.
“ah, there she is!” thor’s voice booms nearly the minute loki and daisy step in, daisy’s grin grows wide, looking back at loki before running to thor. “uncle!” she squeals, oblivious to the way loki freezes when she says the simple word. thor carries her in his arms, holding her up like simba.
“my favorite niece! i brought the hammer for you today!” thor exclaims, sitting her down on one of his arms before holding his other hand out. loki looks to the side, realizing his brother is calling for the hammer with his daughter in his arms, quickly stepping over to him to take her away just as said hammer flies into his open hand. he twirls it, before handing it to daisy in loki’s arms, still keeping a hold on it as she wraps her small fingers around the hammer.
“brother…” loki hisses quietly, refusing to upset the little girl in his arms but wanting nothing more than to knock some common sense into his brother. “i would like to remind you to not do that while daisy is near you.”
daisy barely looks up at her name, too entranced with the intricate carvings in the hammer, “oh, she’ll be fine,” thor shrugs, clapping loki hard on the back, “i am very careful, brother.”
loki purses his lips, “yes, i remember how careful you are.”
“hey! reindeer games and little grey!” tony cheers from around the corner, natasha catching his words from the kitchen and heading for loki. loki can spot the captain in the hallway. “haven’t seen you in a while, kid,” tony tells daisy, ruffling up her hair, “thought you ditched us.”
loki rolls his eyes, concentrating on daisy, who reaches for the electric blue in tony’s chest, murmuring “pretty.”
“isn’t it?” tony brags, tapping a nail on his arc reactor, “built it myself. you want one?” daisy agrees enthusiastically, but loki makes sure to send tony a glare that tells him if he even dares. loki will finish the job in new york.
“how’s the doc?” natasha asks, coming cilently from the kitchen with a bag in her hand.
“y/n is good, she’s at the hospital right now.”
“hey, dais,” natasha starts, her green eyes sparkling, “you remember the toys you wanted from the mall last time we went?” daisy nods. natasha holds up the bag in her arms, “you wanna go see what’s in the bag?”
daisy’s eyes go wide, and she turns to loki, “can i dad? please?”
loki chokes down the uncharactersitic lump in his throat so he can nod, putting daisy down so she can grab natasha’s hand. when they’re out of hearing range, steve raises an eyebrow at loki, “‘dad’? that’s a big one.”
“yes,” loki clear his throat, “she had never called me that before.”
the other men exchange looks, before thor claps loki on the back with a beamng grin, “congratulations.” loki has never felt luckier.
it’s a few hours later, when you’re back at home, exhausted and sprawled on the couch next to loki with daisy sleeping on your and loki’s lap. “how was your day?” you ask quietly so you don’t disturb daisy.
“as excellent as a day with the avengers can be. i took daisy to the compound, everyone adored her, natasha spoiled her…” loki trails off, the clear cut reminder of the events of that day bright and new in his mind, “she called me dad,” loki finishes, allowing himself to look into the deep nooks and crannie of his brain that urges him to tell you what he’s been thinking about for far too long. there’s a second of silence.
“she’s never said to you that before,” you finally say softly. loki shakes his head, “she’s slipped up before, though. sometimes she calls you papa when she talks about you.” loki turns to you, searching your features for a lie he won’t find. “you are her father, loki. you’re way more of a father than her biological dad ever has been. you’re her dad, she loves you.” there’s more silence, the question you’re implying hanging in the air, waiting to be grasped and asked.
“would you adopt her?--” you grasp.
“i would like to adopt daisy--” he grasps.
you stare at each other before quiet laughter bubbles from your mouth, a nod tilting your chin, “you know, i never put her biological father’s name in her birth certificate.”
“we could go tomorrow,” loki offers, admiring the beaming smile that brightens your tired face.
“we should,” you agree, staring at loki for a few more moments before connecting your lips, looking down at daisy and brushing away some strands from her face when you pull away. you nod, meeting loki’s eyes again, “tomorrow.”
#loki laufeyson x reader#loki friggason#loki fanfiction#loki fic#loki fanfic#loki friggason x reader#loki x reader#loki laufeyson#loki odinson#loki imagine#loki laufeyson x y/n#loki laufeyson fic#loki laufeyson x you#loki layfeyson imagine#loki laufeyson imagine#loki laufeyson fanfiction#loki laufeyson fanfic#loki layfeyson x reader#mcu loki x you#cute loki x reader#loki x y/n fluff#loki x you fluff#mcu loki x reader#loki x y/n#loki x you#loki x doctor!reader#doctor!reader#loki layfeyson x you#loki friggason x y/n#loki friggason x you
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Small Gods: Lazy Mornings - 5
Lazy Mornings: A Captain America Fanfic
Lazy Mornings Masterlist | More Small Gods PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing: Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Rating: E
Word Count: 1696
Warnings: smut (MF, vaginal sex)
Synopsis: Steve Rogers has trouble taking time for himself. When his friends set him up with a person with a very unusual skill, perhaps he can learn that the quiet moments are just as important as everything else.
Chapter 5
There was something a little magical about the way the sun crept through the curtains as Steve slowly woke. It fell in a clear beam over the bed, and dust motes floated in it, glowing brightly like they were alive and filled with their own kind of magic. From the beam the light diffused through the room, blanketing in a soft white haze that made everything seem like it was wrapped in cloud.
Steve had slept well. Better than he could ever remember sleeping before. It was the good, deep, restful sleep that most people just long for. There was no urgency to waking either, so he did it gradually, appreciating the scent of coffee, linen, and fresh-cut grass, along with the warmth of your body pressed against him.
You slept so close to him - practically buried into his side. Sleeping with another person usually brought with it some minor discomforts that were a trade-off to the intimacy of sharing such a space with another person. Hair that got in your mouth. Awkward arm placements. Overheating from the shared body temperature. Accidentally getting kicked in rather tender areas.
There was none of that with you. The bed which would normally be too soft for him to be truly comfortable was somehow perfect. The air temperature was cool, but the bed was perfectly warm in that way that made it hard to leave. The way you tucked in against him felt like the two of you were made for each other. Like two pieces of a puzzle, or Lego bricks.
You made a soft sound and your arms tightened around him. “Good morning,” you mumbled, in a sleep-heavy voice. “Will you stay?”
Steve hummed and pressed his cheek against the top of your head. “Mm-hmm.”
He wasn’t even quite sure what he was agreeing to. Now? Forever? He didn’t know, but either way that answer felt right.
You hummed and nuzzled at his neck, kissing his throat and gently grazing your teeth over his skin. “Good,” you whispered. “I have plans.”
He pulled back and looked down at you, smiling a lazy smile. You looked ethereal in the soft morning light. You returned his gaze and reached up and ran your finger along his jaw so that his morning stubble scratched over your fingertips. For a moment that’s all either of you did - just lay there gazing at each other - and then he broke. He leaned in and kissed you deeply. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you pulled yourself tightly against him. There was a slowness to your movements that seemed to translate to a deeper intimacy. There was no rush. No desperate need. The two of you took your time to just kiss and caress each other’s skin. He ran his hands over you as you raked your fingers through his hair. Your hips moved slowly against him so your cunt rubbed against his morning erection.
The pressure of your body against his, the warmth that radiated from your skin, and the way his body buzzed under your fingers, made that lazy, cozy feeling start to blend into his desire and need.
He kissed your throat and massaged your ass as he slowly rutted against you. Your fluids dripped from your cunt and coated his cock. He hummed and when the head of his cock caught on your entrance, he pushed, slowly sinking into the warm passage. The movement was met, not with a moan, but a soft contented sigh.
He rolled so he was on top of you and the two of you began to move together. He rolled his hips penetrating you deeply, taking his time to feel every ridge and contour of your internal walls. You counter, arching your back and rocking under him and clenching around him. The kissing was a constant tender caress. Lips against lips and necks, collarbones, and chest. It added to that soft buzz inside him, and the world became fuzzy and far off as the two of you made love.
“You feel so good, Steve,” you hummed against his throat.
He moaned in response and brought his lips to yours. You nudged him and he rolled over so you were straddling him. You broke the kiss and sat up, closing your eyes and letting your head loll back as you twisted and circled your hips while staying seated on his cock. He watched you, mesmerized by the way your body moved as you rode him. He ran his hands over your breasts and down your sides, letting one settle on your hip and the other over your pussy, working your clit with his thumb. You moaned and moved a little faster, your lips parted in silent pleasure. Your cunt began to clench and flutter and with a deep moan, you came, your body seizing up. Steve grabbed your hips and began to thrust up into you, chasing his own release. When it came, it was like his orgasm washed through him like a wave, he closed his eyes and groaned as his muscles clenched and he spilled inside you.
You stayed sitting on top of him for a moment, just letting yourself relax and come down from your orgasm high. As your breathing returned to normal, you climbed off him. “I’m going to make breakfast,” you said, grabbing your robe and sliding it on.
Steve stretched and watched you leave the room as he debated what to do. He hadn’t ever had breakfast in bed, and he couldn’t pretend that it wasn’t comfortable right where it was.
His need to be up and participating in the world ended up winning out, and he dragged himself out of bed. He tried to keep in the spirit of the lazy morning though. He used the bathroom and pulled on his boxers and t-shirt before coming out to find you. The kitchen smelled of coffee, bacon, and maple syrup, and you stood at the stove singing to yourself. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist as he nuzzled into your neck.
“Really giving yourself to it, huh?” You asked. “I can feel it. Makes me feel a little more real.”
“If that’s all it takes for you to feel that way, I’ll have to do this more often,” Steve said.
You laughed and turned, kissing his cheek. “If you really want to spoil yourself, the paper should be on the doorstep.”
Steve let you go and went to the door. Sitting on your welcome mat in the hall was a copy of the New York Times. He picked it up feeling a little bewildered. Since waking up from the ice he’d seen newspapers being sold, but he’d never known anyone who bought them. He’d been dropped into a world of leading-edge technology where the new was delivered digitally in an instant. It was all tablets and holographic screens in his world now. Having an actual honest-to-god newspaper felt a little like he was stepping back in time.
He took it to the reading nook you had by the window and reclined back on the window bench, pulling the plush blanket you had sitting there over his legs and unfolding the paper.
It was strange how strong the scent of fresh-cut grass was, even though he wasn’t sure he could smell it as much as he formed the idea of it in his head just from being around you. If he looked down through the window, it was just another busy New York street below him. You lived across from Central Park though, and looking right ahead he had views of trees and grass he could sink into the illusion of a Sunday in the suburbs with neighbors mowing their lawn while he took his time to read the paper.
“Don’t you look comfortable here,” you said, bringing over a tray. Sitting on it was a plate filled with pancakes, eggs, and bacon, a mug of hot coffee, and a glass of orange juice. He shifted a little and took the tray, placing it over his lap, and you took a seat in the wingback chair beside him.
“You’re spoiling me,” Steve said, picking up his coffee and breathing in the aroma. “You’re not eating?”
“When I have someone who’s really giving themselves over to what I have to offer, I don’t actually need to eat,” you replied.
Steve surveyed you, raising his eyebrow. “Thor always needs to eat.”
You laughed. “Thor and I are slightly different entities. And I don’t pretend to understand it. I am feeling it very strongly from you right now though because this is not something you let yourself do very often. It’s nourishing.”
“For us both,” Steve said and started to eat. He took his time to savor it all. It wasn’t the best food he’d ever had, but it seemed to hit the spot exactly. The coffee was hot and brewed just how he liked it, bitter but not burned. The eggs were sunny side up but the white had cooked through while the yolk was still runny. The bacon was salty and crispy and mixed with the maple syrup on the pancakes perfectly.
“Do you think we can actually work long term?” Steve asked as he ate. “We seem to need such different things. And what would happen if I stopped fighting and just retried? Would that affect how this worked for you?”
You shrugged. “To answer your second question first; no it wouldn’t. Eventually, you’d stop appreciating the lie-ins and it’s really in the desire and appreciation of them that gives me my power,” you said. “As for the first, I couldn’t say. No one knows what the future brings or how long people can stay compatible. It’s working now, isn’t it?”
“It is,” Steve agreed, and sipped on his coffee thoughtfully. Maybe he needed this. A reason to balance his life so he took something for himself once in a while. Maybe appreciating the quiet moments more would help him get through the chaos of his everyday life. Maybe his friends had been right, it was time for him to get a life too.
#steve rogers#steve rogers x reader#captain america#captain america fanfic#fanfic#fanfiction#reader insert#smut#small gods#lazy mornings
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The Dark Team (part 10)
<<Previous part Masterlist Next part>>
(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @idontknow296 , @beksib, @spythoschei, @geekwritersworld , @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7)
Warnings: adorable jerks.
As the sun finally came up (for what it felt like an eternity, a night with seven nights inside of it), you rubbed your eyes and greeted your teammates, who somehow were both already up and having breakfast.
“I was wondering when would you join us”, said Loki, covering his mouth with the manners of a Prince while eating a piece of something. “Barnes made dessert for breakfast”, pointed out more amazed than reproachful.
“Desert?”, you laughed. “A cake?”.
“Yes”, said Loki, very sure of himself, and Bucky rolled his eyes and chuckled, correcting him.
“It’s a pancake, Loki. It’s a normal breakfast in Midgard”.
“Actually, probably just in this country”, you added. “What do you normally have in Asgard?”. As you chattered, you started getting ready and fixing your hair, stealing a piece of pancake from Bucky’s plate. “Wow, I didn’t know you could cook. It’s actually great”, you said, tasting a mouthful.
“Well, as in Midgard’s nordic areas, back home it’s often fruit and bread, or porridge with dried fruits” he recalled distracted, and immediately interrupted himself with “are we not supposed to alert the rest of this?”.
“About Buck knowing how to cook? Yeah, I’m impressed, we should tell everyone”.
“I guess we should’ve told them yesterday, instead of going to sleep”, said Bucky, ignoring you. “Only God knows where that supersoldier is now”.
“I don’t, actually”.
“I didn’t mean... nevermind”, he sighed. “I'm calling Stark and let’s hope we don’t get too yelled at”.
You recalled yesterday’s events. You had so many dreams, you could barely remember being awake at all. First, the bearded man’s nightmare. Then, something about… the compound? Then, you remembered distinctly, Loki speaking Old Norse begging Thor about something. You remembered the phonetic of the words, but they were all gibberish now. Then, a last dream, something about buying rotten apples and being forced to eat them by Thanos. Your imagination surely was active on the nights.
Loki seemed paler than usual as he stared at you, without even blinking.
“What?”, you snapped him out of your head.
“You dreamt with me?”, he muttered, getting up and cleaning his plate with a snap.
"I also dreamt with Thanos".
“Don’t get too attached, I’ll be back to Asgard soon”, he promised, or alerted. Intentions unclear.
“I’m not attached”, you protested. You thought he’d smirk or be the smug idiot he usually was. He didn’t. Instead, he looked unsettled; disturbed even. “I didn’t dream with you on purpose, it was probably because of yesterday’s thing”.
“What thing?”, peeped in Bucky. “Oh no, did you two fuck?”.
“I didn’t let them die, big deal. I was just saving myself the amount of annoyance it would be to have Stank on my neck all week long if your blood was sort of in my hands”.
“Sounds like a lot of deflecting emotions to me, buddy”, said Bucky, and you chuckled.
“He’s just embarrassed he saw himself cry in one of my dreams from last night”, you mocked. He got up and you didn’t get to see his face, but presumed it would hold something near a death threat.
“You two have an intense bonding experience and decide to concentrate on it with more insults? You know, this is why you’re single”, added Bucky.
“It wasn’t a bonding experience”, you said, cutting-glass sharpness in your gaze.
“I’m not single”, corrected Loki at the same time, with an equally whetted voice.
Both Bucky and you looked at him with plate-wide eyes, waiting for him to elaborate. He didn’t. Neither of you asked, but surely shared a fair amount of desire to gossip about it. Oh, how much you wished to be able to tell Bucky about Loki re-reading Hamlet to reminisce about his beloved. But there was a line you wouldn’t cross in there; you knew where to stop.
“Mr. Stark”, you called through the earbud, “you there, sir?”.
“Painfully”, he answered. You connected the earbud to your phone and held it on speaker, so the rest of the team could join. “Tell me more about what I’m gonna yell at you three about”.
As you walked him through (almost) every event in the past twenty four hours, you could feel how his hands traveled all the way up to his face, and had to hold in a few sighs of disgust and utter hate towards… Well, you weren’t sure towards what, exactly.
“Are we grounded, dad?”, spat Loki with sarcasm.
“Listen, Rock Of Ages, if I could, I’d have you in a prison cell still to this day. Don’t push any buttons”.
“Come on, it’s been, what, nine years since he last fucked up something in here?” you defended him, not quite sure why. Loki grew nervous as Tony laughed obnoxiously at him.
“Sure. He didn’t keep fucking things up in here after that”.
“I can assure you I didn’t. How Odin manages his deals with Midgard does not concern me”, explained Loki, and you frowned at the mention of that name. Of course, Loki Odinson. That was where that name resonated from. Besides the Mythology. Though you weren't sure until where those stories were true or not; in there, Loki wasn't even Thor's brother.
“Going back to your current screw up, what happened to the civilians you frightened in the process? I imagine they didn’t realize about the new supersoldiers”.
“They should be extremely blind or idiotic to not have noticed, since the soldier jumped out of nine floors and survived”, answered Loki, looked at you up and down, and kept going “so, no. They have probably slept on it”.
“Wait, what?”.
“Nine floors? Pretty sure Capsicle and Barnes wouldn’t survive that either”.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”, you asked, concerned.
“I’m afraid so. Loki and Bucks won’t cut it, especially when we don’t know the number of new super-supersoldiers out there. And you’re coming back to the compound, directing the mission from the distance”.
“Are you kidding? I’m fine here. I’m all levels of mean, you said it yourself”.
“You’re too young and inexperienced in combat for these kinds of things, and they have special genetic advantages in their bodies, you know, the serum”, explained Tony as you rolled your eyes. But you understood exactly what he meant, and in fact, you agreed. “Do you understand?”.
“Yes; supersoldiers and Gods only”.
“Good kid. Now, Teleporting Popsicle, would you mind taking there with you the rest?”.
With an overly dramatic sigh, Loki vanished behind a party of green lights and reappeared in a matter of seconds in the same spot, holding carelessly Thor and Steve’s arms. Thor, for obvious reasons, was unfazed by the trip. Rogers, on the other hand, seemed about to throw up. There wasn’t anything balance would help with when your cells are reconfigurated inside and out in a fraction of a second. How the hell did he do all of that? You knew it was magic, but it still wouldn’t stop you from being absolutely astonished by it.
Loki arranged his hair behind his ears and locked eyes with you, followed by his typical smugly smile and a “thank you”, as if you were praising him in your thoughts. Oh, wait.
“I didn’t say anything”, you retorted, hoping to maintain at least a drop of pride left.
“You thought I was impressive”. You were going to correct him but realized that absolutely astonished was even worse.
“And since when do you offer gratitude?”.
“In case you wonder, yes, they’ve been like this the whole mission. You’ll get used to it”, said Bucky to Steve and Thor.
They started arranging their things and got updated as thoroughly as they could. Meanwhile, you stood exactly where you were the following ten minutes, absorbed in your own thoughts. Once you snapped out of them, Loki was still staring at you, standing in the same place too.
“I hate to break it to you, but…”.
“I’m your best option”.
“You’re my what?”.
“Your best option”.
“You’re not giving much context”.
“You’re going back to the compound. I figured you’d think about the mission or something about it for the past ten minutes you were zoned out, but apparently you only have room to think about how terrified you’re of that quinjet”.
Your palms got sweaty and a shiver ran through your spine by the only thought of remembering how heights felt under your feet, and how a simple machine wouldn’t stop you from landing on water and drowning, or crushing against a building and being burned to the bones until all you become is dust and…
“Hello? You’re spiraling again”, he snapped you back. “It’ll be just a blink. You won’t even notice”.
“Uh-uh. No, I’m not doing that. I’m waiting for whatever Tony sends to come and get me”.
“You’ll feel terrible”, he said, and he was right. For a moment, you considered accepting his offer. “And I’m the best”. His humble offer.
“I’m sure you are, but it’s not my best option”.
He sighed.
“Will you allow me to teleport you or not?”.
“Heavens, no”.
“Alright, you little stubborn human mortal”.
“Long nickname, you better come up with a shorter one”.
“Like what?”.
“I don’t know, something that bothers you. I’m not the one supposed to make your insults towards me”.
“Let me think”, he said, looking around the room. His gaze landed on the still unwashed plate of Bucky’s breakfast. “Pancake”.
“Not... that’s not an insult”.
“Why? They’re too sugary. They rot your teeth”.
“Yeah, but it’s not derogatory”.
“Fucking pancake”.
“It doesn’t cut it”.
“But what’s wrong with my pancake?”.
“It’s actually a pet name. You know, like the ones we said when we were in...”, but apparently that was all a distraction (of course, he was the God of Lies, after all), and when you were already thinking about how to explain to him why he shouldn’t call you pancake, he stood in front of you and held you by both sides of the arms, surrounding you almost completely, holding you still.
And just as he said, a blink later you were in the compound, perfectly fine. Peter and Tony greeted you as he pulled out and you stood there in shock. So, you really just needed some stabilization to not die in the intricate process of teleportation. Just before stepping away from you, he leaned over your shoulder and his whisper made your ear ticklish, saying “you’re welcome” with a grin. You didn’t look at him.
You started to gather all your stuff; papers, maps, laptops, and getting ready for the planning of the following steps of the mission as fast as you could, until you realized Loki was still there, and Tony and Peter were waiting for you. For what, you weren’t sure.
“Aren’t you going?”, you asked Loki.
“No, I’m staying, apparently”.
“That’s what Stark was thinking, I don’t know”.
“Hey, Elsa, don’t read my mind, would you?”, snapped Tony. He was about to explain himself, but you kept talking to Loki, cutting his words.
“What’s wrong with you that you read everyone’s thoughts all the time? You know how unethical that is? It’s invasive”.
“You say that because you think slow”.
“Untrue, I’m actually a very fast thinker”.
“How would you know? You’ve never read anyone’s minds so, how could you possibly…?”.
You stopped dead on your tracks, and didn’t listen to what he was saying. That phrase. That exact phrase you dreamt with. The darkness. It was the exact same voice of the darkness, you remembered. It wasn’t darkness, it was his voice. Were you just imagining things? Too suggestionated? Definitely. How could you dream with something you’ve never heard before?
“Sorry to interrupt, you two seem to be having a long, unnecessary and avoidant conversation that could be resumed in three tiny words, as you did all mission long” interfered Tony, sick of listening to you two. Loki was observing you as heedful as he could; your thoughts had caught his attention. You couldn’t read his face. “So, I’m gonna cut it shortly”.
“What?”, you went back to reality. You needed to actively ignore Loki’s gaze on you to actually pay any mind to Tony’s words.
“The rest of the team has another mission, and both Peter and you are technically still kids…” and as soon as you opened your mouth to argue, he shut it “no, don’t interrupt me. You know I’m right. So, I can’t leave you two alone for the entire week”.
“Oh”, you understood. Peter’s innocent eyes shone at the idea. Yours, not so much. “So, Loki is our babysitter”.
“Yes”, said Loki, while Tony answered “No” at the same time.
"What about Happy?", asked Peter.
“I think we can manage perfectly on our own. Besides, what makes you think he’s more responsible than me?”.
“He’s an adult”.
“He’s seventeen in human years, and fucked a horse”.
“Wow, someone has been stalking my mythology”.
“If you two quarrel too much, Peter will tell me and I’ll be back with Clint Barton in charge of you three. So you better behave. Alright, I’m leaving”.
“Wait! What are the rules?”, asked Peter. You grabbed your face and Loki muttered what a damn nerd.
“Eh, don’t burn down the compound, I don’t know, kid”, said Tony getting inside his bright red suit.
“The bar is on the floor. Let’s play macarena”, you whispered.
#loki#loki x reader#loki laufeyson#loki odinson#loki fanfic#loki headcanon#loki fic#fanfic mcu#loki masterlist#laufeyson#loki friggason#loki x gender neutral reader#loki x avenger!reader#loki x y/n#mcu loki#marvel#marvel loki#avengers#tom hiddleston
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Postscript. Part 3 of 3.
Loki x Sylvie "Our divorce never went through" Modern AU. Angst, Rated T.
Masterlist of my Sylki fanfics here.
Exactly three weeks later, Sylvie walks into his bar. Her eyes drift immediately to the counter, where she spots him bartending, and she gives him a little wave.
He waves back, dumbfounded, having no idea how to react when a scene from his dreams becomes reality. She makes her way through the crowd, and takes a seat on a stool in front of him. "One whiskey please."
"With water or something else?" He asks, trying his best to recollect himself and act professional.
She shrugs. "You already know how I like it."
He returns a moment later with her whiskey on the rocks, and she takes a long sip. The bar is busy, and he has to quickly turn his attention to the other customers.
She sits there quietly for the next two hours, watching him work, sipping her drinks, before the crowd thins and he can return his attention to her. "Hello again", she says with a grin.
"Hi." He answers with a low, nervous laugh. "How did you find this place?"
She shrugs. "You know I was always a good stalker."
"That, you were." He says with a grin, remembering the days in the college when she used to grab his phone and go through people's profiles to figure out little things about them. Blackmail Fodder, she used to call it. "So what brings you to my little corner?"
Sylvie knows that if it wasn't for the alcohol in her system from the three neat drinks she has downed, she wouldn't have the courage to say what she's about to say. "I wanted to see you again."
He feels his heart skip a beat. That treacherous thing never listens to logic when it comes to her. "Why?"
"Do I need a reason?" She asks, and orders another drink. He cuts her off, deciding she's drunk enough. He announces last call, intending to lock up early- he has already messed up at least a dozen drinks, and really, how can he focus when she's here?- and she clings to the stool, watching him close up.
He tugs on an ear nervously when it's just the two of them left inside. He has not been alone with her in an extremely long time, and he can feel his body starting to betray him, as he starts noticing how incredible she looks in her skin tight jeans and top, the outfit clearly a deliberate decision on her part. "Let me call you a cab."
"No." She protests immediately, struggling to stand up. He rushes to her side and offers her support, and she steadies herself with a hand on his shoulder. "I'm okay, I'm okay."
"Yes, clearly." He says sarcastically. He reaches for the phone in his pocket, then wonders if it's safe to leave her alone in a cab in her current state.
A very bad idea occurs to him then, one that every single one of his friends and family would scold him for if they knew. "Come with me." He urges her gently, and she follows without a question.
He takes her to his apartment upstairs, and leads her to his room, the one place where nobody except him is allowed- not his family, or friends, or the rare dates he brings over.
She stumbles inside, and the first thing she notices is the photo on his nightstand.
"Shit." He realises his mistake too late.
Sylvie stills for a moment, before walking over unsteadily and taking the photo in her hands. It's one from their honeymoon. They couldn't afford a fancy place, and had decided to take a staycation instead. It's a picture of them in their old apartment, on their old couch, sipping on coffee in their old mugs. She runs her fingers over the glass and the wooden frame, searching for the warmth that resonated in her heart during those days. "Do you still have the mugs?"
"I did, for a while... But they eventually broke." He tells her guiltily.
She can picture him smashing them into pieces out of rage, and she can picture him accidentally dropping them on the floor and being anguished over it. She's not sure which one actually happened.
"You didn't ask for anything in the divorce." He points out. Then a dark thought occurs to him. "Do you want something now?"
She blinks. "I-" she sits down on the bed, placing the photo frame back, but upside down in her inebriated state, and she lets out a bitter laugh. "I don't even want a divorce.'
His heart skips another beat, now on the verge of feeling an emotion that is dangerously close to hope. Seeing her on his bed is not helping things either. "You should get some rest."
He proceeds to leave, but she tugs at his hand and stops him. "Stay with me."
"Sylvie." He scolds. His heart beats ridiculously, and he can't get his hand free from her.
"Please?" She pouts, and his eyes automatically drift to her lips. They are soft and inviting, and he really should leave swiftly.
He steps closer to her, and places a small kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well."
He turns out the light and closes the door shut on his way out, and spends the rest of the night tossing and turning on the couch, images of Sylvie on his bed burning brightly in his head.
Sleep does come, around dawn, and when he wakes up it's already past eleven.
Sylvie is in the kitchen in last night's clothes, and she's making pancakes for lunch, like she always did. This is how it was, when she was his.
She gives him a small smile. "Morning."
"Mmm", he hums, picking up the newspaper from the counter, reading the headlines but registering nothing. Words seem to lose all their meaning when he's with her. He watches her go about, her movements very familiar but a distant memory at the same time. Finally, he asks. "You still haven't told me why you're here."
Sylvie tries her best to appear confident and unfazed, when inside, she feels herself shaking. "I... I felt that we left some things unsaid."
Loki winces. "Please don't tell me you want us to scream at each other some more."
She laughs, trying to ease some of the tension. "No, that's not what I mean, at all." She turns the stove off, and finally gives him her full attention. "I know I have no right to say this, and I know I have no right to ask this, or anything of you, and I know you will probably say no, and I understand, but..." She finishes her rambling, and takes in a deep breathe. "I've been kicking myself for the last three weeks for not saying this. I need to say it."
"Okay." He says quietly, ready to hear her out.
"How do you think Thor feels when he meets Sif now?"
"That's an unusual question to keep you occupied for three whole weeks." Loki notes. When he notices her waiting for an answer, he shrugs. They work together, they meet every day. It's not a big deal. "Indifferent, I suppose. That's how people feel when they move on."
"Precisely." She toys with a stray strand of fibre in her jeans. "Do you feel that way when you look at me?"
He really shouldn't answer that. He really shouldn't open himself up to a world of hurt again.
But foolishness is in his blood, and his blood has been rushing to unexpected places when she stands so close that he can smell her intoxicating perfume. He can't help himself. "No."
Her face brightens visibly, and a smile spreads across her lips, a shadow of the woman she was when they first met. "Neither do I. When I look at you, I realise how much I've missed you. How much I... I still..." She can't finish the sentence, but she doesn't need to.
His hands are clenched into a fist next to him, and he's breathing heavily. "You could have called."
"How could I?" She asks, her voice sad once again. "I walked out on you. How could I ever expect you to take me back?"
He closes his eyes, trying to push the bitterness down. "I kept calling you. For months. You never returned my calls. Not once."
"I couldn't." She places a hand on his arm, willing him to look at her. Her eyes mirror his- fearful, hopeful, and tear-stained all at once. "I couldn't go back. I wasn't ready, back then. I needed time... And I... I'm ready now."
He shakes his head. "Wow. This is unexpected."
She takes in a shaky breathe. "Loki, I know you don't owe me anything. But all these years, something has been missing from my life. I always knew, but I didn't know at the same time, if that makes any sense. When you called, and when I saw you, it finally clicked. I... I know what I've been missing. I know what I want. I really do want to try again."
"And what happens if you decide to give up again?" He wonders aloud. "Where does that leave me?"
She closes her eyes, letting the tears fall. "I've spent countless nights awake, picturing you sleeping next to some nameless woman, kicking myself for giving up. I was young, and stupid. But I'm not any of those things anymore. I will fight for us this time, I promise you." She reaches for his hand, and his grip is tight, almost painful, but he doesn't speak. "Say something, please." She begs after a while.
"I don't want to get hurt again." He says, but he tugs her closer, until his arms are wrapped tightly around her and his face is buried in her chest. His voice comes out muffled. "And for the record, I've missed you too."
Her hand finds its way into his hair, and she inhales his scent, the familiarity of it bringing her comfort. When you have love, you only need one other thing- timing. This this time around, she has a feeling they have got that right.
She doesn't know what else to say, isn't sure where to start. But she'll figure it out.
They will figure it out. Together.
"When you're young, you just run, but you come back to what you need."
(The end.)
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To Topple A Giant || Finale
Summary: You had made it your mission to destroy even the smallest evils. When the opportunity arises to finally take down your own family after years of gaining their trust, you reach for it. And so does Steve, the man who represents a symbol of everything you hate.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader || Avengers x Reader
Part 10 of 10 ~ Mini-Series
Warnings in this Chapter: strong language; slight reference to past sexual abuse; fluff
Word Count: 6,700+
Author’s Note: Guys... the finale! I’m crying actual tears lmao. Thank you for reading my words. It means the world.
The New Compound, July 2025, 7:09pm
The extra hour of sunlight this time of year was the easiest excuse to use for lounging on the roof to watch the sun set slowly. The compound no longer touches the clouds, but it still provides a rich view of the landscape across. There is no blowing of horns or shouts of the road hecklers; it’s a simple hour of solace to rest your chin against your arms, eat your snacks, and watch the sky change colors until nothing remains but the possibility of counting the stars.
“Hey… can I sit here?”
Your heart does a little jump at the sound of his voice. Traitor, you want to say to the pesky organ, but remain quiet as Steve wanders over to stand by you. He’s close enough that you can feel the warmth radiating from his body.
“Do what you will, Captain.” It’s simple enough of a response, you figure. You look down at the granola bar in your hand, turning it over a few times before rolling your eyes at the silly gesture. “Granola bar?”
He nods, watching as you snap it in half, and grabs the piece. “Thanks.”
You eat in cooperative silence. You take small bites, saving the granola bar so you have something to focus on during the length of time Steve decides to stay up here. He seems to be doing the same. “So what brings you out here? Another depressive episode?”
“I happen to have the perfect amount of depressive episodes, thank you very much.”
You snort, “Ditto.”
He takes a small bite and rolls the granola over his tongue. “No, I uh… I actually came out here to watch the sunset.”
“That’s sweet.” You shrug and admit your reason to him without a second thought. “I came out here to be sad, so.”
“Thor’s visit isn’t doing you any good?”
Thor is genuinely looking better. He’s started braiding his hair again, exercising with the help of Quill and Bruce, and participating in conversation without being addressed first. Seeing him makes you happy, but there’s still a glint in his eyes that reminds you of the lowest point of his life. And his lowest point was also yours. Sometimes you just want to forget. “He looks better. Healthier, got some light back in his eyes. It’s just whenever we look at each other we think of the same thing, I guess.”
Steve hums low and his shoulder brushes yours. “Loki.”
“It’s good to reminisce and all but I’ve got my limits,” you say.
“What was the special connection between you and Loki anyway?”
You grin at such an innocent question. Steve had never been close to Loki, didn’t really like him much, but he tolerated the God wandering about. You figure he genuinely wants to know. “I met him a little bit before I was assaulted. Everyone in the compound had their suspicions but no one asked. It was like they were avoiding me but also trying to help, I don’t really know. It was a weird time. And Loki, after we caught that dragon thing and really, really properly met, just straight up asked me why I was so distant all of a sudden.” Your chest warms at the memory. “I told him. And you know what the first thing he said to me was?”
Steve shakes his head a little and his eyes follow the tilt of your mouth. “‘What a cunt’.”
He startles himself into a laugh, the rough word not expected. You continue, “It was the first time I laughed in four months.”
Steve follows your gaze out to the sunset. He suddenly feels guilty, out of the loop, sad. You had only mentioned your assault to him once when you discovered Tony’s afterlife gifts, and he never brought it up again. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice you were-”
“Bucky had just moved into the tower and all of your attention was on him. I don’t blame you for not seeing me.”
It’s true, but Steve doesn’t forgive himself. He’s had two years to check up on you and because of his own selfish choice, he’s let you slip from his fingers. A question bubbles from the back of his mind — one that he doesn’t think twice about finally asking. If he does, he won’t ask. “Do you miss… me?”
“That’s a stupid question.”
“Sam put the idea in my head and—”
You sigh, “Steve, it’s the fact that he had to put the idea in your head. I can lie and say I’ve been all fine and dandy, or I can tell the truth and say I’ve been all fine and dandy. Take your pick.”
Steve stares at you for a long moment, mouth parting around invisible words. You’re staring at the sunset, avoiding his gaze but aware of his eyes on you, and he misses you. He truly, terribly, misses you. He decides he’s got nothing more to lose — he’s already lost you. “Well, I miss you. Do with that what you will.”
The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes: wind in your ears, legs shifting when too much weight has been applied, tiny sniffs of the nose. You don’t really know what to do with that information. Steve misses you. And you miss him. But he doesn’t deserve to know that. There’s been no apology from him, just things he’ll do to appease Sam.
At the three minute mark, you groan quietly and turn to him. “Are you seriously still going to watch the sunset up here?”
Steve smirks and watches you from his peripheral. He really has missed being on the receiving end of your various tones of voices. “I have been told that I’m impossible to get rid of, so yeah.”
His company isn’t all that bad.
Present Day, 2025, 9:07am
Perhaps there were good things that came from being locked up for over two weeks, alone. Last time you were locked up with the team and there was absolutely no special treatment after that. Now you’re resisting the urge to burst out laughing as Steve piles on the seventh massive pancake on your plate; or rolling your eyes as Sam keeps asking if you want more maple syrup — ‘What flavor? We’ve got six!’ — and Peter’s drowning Bucky with questions about who he encountered at the wedding.
“Is it the same as Netflix Narcos?”
“No,” you say bluntly.
“Is the Amazon series legit? Like, did Omar really kill the DEA agent?”
“Is Omar as evil as they say?”
“Damn,” Peter groans, piling a forkful of pancakes into his mouth. “Nothing’s as exciting as it seems, huh?”
Everyone looks to him, then to each other.
Steve clears his throat, “I was literally shot.”
Mouth full, you follow. “And I was abused for years.”
“And I had to deal with them while with HYDRA,” Bucky says with his mouth full too.
“Man, they shot at me. That counts,” Sam adds.
“And I finally got to use the shield. While being shot at,” Scott says.
You interject, “Technically I was being shot at.”
Even with such a cloud of violence, with gruesome memories — memories that would just be shoveled into the pile of things that no one is ever going to talk about again — you all begin laughing. Poor Peter missed out on a lot, but he can put two and two together. He knows this is his only chance to ask before you all lock it away and call it just another mission. It doesn’t hurt to humor him.
And even though you won’t mention it to any one else unless they ask — this wasn’t just another mission for you or Steve. Things have changed and the both of you know it. The aches within your chest are no longer negative or a bother, but instead are blooming flowers that have laid dormant for years. You’ve been plucking petals for as long as the two of you can remember, and it’s about damn time you both end up on the same page.
Everything has been quiet. Sure, there are bounties on everyone’s head but when is there not? You’ve pissed off more cartel leaders and gang leaders and political enemies than you can count on two hands, so this enemy territory is not all that foreign. You recognize the high trees, the gray skies, the mud beneath your boots. But you’ve got friends on your team that know how to climb those trees; friends on your team that know how to move the clouds and make the sky the talk; friends on your team that would hump through mud and snow watching your six.
You can’t believe you even thought about leaving after the mission in the first place. This is where you belong, where all of you belong, because you’re the only ones with good hearts who qualify for the job.
As breakfast winds down, Steve takes the opportunity to sprinkle in moments of long-awaited public displays of affection. When you go to refill your orange juice, he sneaks a kiss on your cheek. When you go to wash your plate, he makes sure Peter is looking the other way before patting your ass. And when you’re the one to envelope his slim waist from behind, he melts in your combined warmth.
“So, about our date,” Steve inquires, cheeks turning pink but voice unwavering. He looks brand new, refreshed, and there’s a shine in his eyes that you haven’t seen since forever. You can’t remember the last time you have, but you figure it must have been back when the world hadn’t yet swallowed him whole. Now, he’s burning bright with the youth his soul has missed.
You jump up and down, “Ooo, exciting!”
Steve takes you by the waist, swinging you in every direction. It’s uncoordinated, messy, and not exactly dancing but it’s pure. “Chinese? Pizza? Just fries?”
“¿Por qué no los tres?” Pursing your lips, you wait for his answer.
“That can be arranged.”
You gasp dramatically, “You’re spoiling me.”
“Well I have two years to make up for it.”
That startles a laugh from deep inside your chest. “That’s gonna be our inside joke now, huh? Two of the worst years of our lives and we’re joking about it.”
He blushes along with you. “I think that describes our relationship perfectly.”
“Our relationship…” Your voice comes out like a melodic whisper and Steve feels it in his bones.
He grins down at you but before he can respond, someone enters the common room rather cautiously.
“Oh, now what the hell are you doing here?” Steve demands, pushing you to stand behind him. The gesture is nice, but completely unnecessary. Friday would have alerted the team if someone entered the grounds armed.
Agent Kavert raises his hands, “Relax. I’m not here to arrest you or anything.”
Steve tries to move his shoulders in a way where Agent Kavert can’t see your head. But you maneuver around him, somehow ending up peeking your head through Steve’s underarm. “If I know the law, and I think I do, you can’t really arrest someone in their own house anyway, right?” You pat Steve repeatedly on his side. “Right?”
Before Steve can respond, Agent Kavert speaks. With Steve guarding you, it seems the only thing Agent Kavert wants to do is get in and get out as fast as he can. “I just came to apologize. Ballistics came back and the evidence does show that you didn’t kill Ernesto Vega. It was Ramirez’s issued gun.”
Yeah, you think. The gun Seda stole.
“Oh, what a breath of relief! I almost forgot I was there.”
He sighs and his lips pull into a small smile. “You’re not gonna tell me where Ramirez is, huh?”
Steve takes this as his cue to leave you two alone, but not before squeezing your hand on his way out. He nods over to Peter, who’s still crouching in the kitchen, unseen by Kavert. Peter gives him an enthusiastic thumbs up, happy to spy for his Captain. But you know he’s really asking Peter to take care of you while he’s gone.
You let out a heavy sigh. Omar has been wanted for years for another murder he didn’t even commit. And now, he’s wanted for another. He may be a giant with morals, but even he can’t escape the gruesome reality that plagues the wicked.
“I don’t even know where he is. If you came looking for answers—”
“No, I just… Everything’s been so fucked up since half the universe came back. And the possibility of an Avenger being bad, having played us for years — I think it just scared a lot of people.” Agent Kavert actually looks sincere. He adjusts his footing and chuckles a little under his breath. There’s a fine line creasing his forehead, but it isn’t formed from stress. He’s smiling, an honest look, and his eyebrows pull inward. “And Shakespeare? Really?”
Rolling your eyes, you shrug and lean back against the counter. “When half the world disappears and takes your family and friends with it, there’s really not much else to do.”
And besides, Loki was really into Shakespeare.
You continue, deciding at the last second to throw Agent Kavert a bone about your past. “Shield didn’t know but Nick Fury did. So did Pierce. And when Shield fell, Fury just hid it even more.” You give him a half smile. “We weren’t helping the cartel. We were slowly taking it apart.”
Agent Kavert nods, thinking it over. “The deal Jackeline made with us was pretty simple. She’d tell us all the inside secrets that she knew and in exchange, no charges against her and none so serious for you.”
Your shoulders slump and you shoot him a blank stare. “Was it really that simple? Like, I could have just used her as my one free call?”
“Joke all you want. You should have called us when Shield fell. The double agent thing was risky and everyone needs help taking down a giant like that.”
“I did have help. Involving more people was never planned.”
“He was just as much our mission as he was yours.”
Agent Kavert, as sorry as he looks, still doesn’t seem to get it. But that’s fine, you think. Not everyone can. And you’re not in the mood to argue anymore. “No… he wasn’t.”
He seems to read your mind because he simply accepts your answer. “I really am sorry for accusing you. And for the government arresting you alone and letting the white man go free.”
A tiny snort tickles your nostrils. Agent Kavert is white, and it’s even more amusing considering he’s being serious. “Thanks… I guess.”
He turns to leave, seemingly normal, until he spins on his heel and claps his hands. “Oh! And by the way — don’t leave the country. The charges of conspiracy and murder have all been dropped. But there’s evidence of drug smuggling. So, you’re on house arrest.”
Your eyes widen and you reply with a sarcastic yell. “Thanks!” He turns to leave again. “You’re fucking with me, right?”
He glances over his shoulder, “Could not have let you just get away with it. Some of that smuggling was under no order from Shield at all.”
“You know I can easily disable that ugly ass ankle bracelet you’re about to give me?”
He chuckles low, and finally waves goodbye. “Goodbye, Agent Y/LN.”
You stand dumbfounded, slightly annoyed, but you figure it’s better than actual jail time. Peter rises from his hiding spot and walks over to you, blowing air from his mouth. “Friend of yours?”
You whip around to point a finger, scream and laugh mixing into one. “No friend!”
Peter finally hears that accent Steve can’t stop talking about.
It’s a tiny portrait, sealed in a tiny frame and hidden in a tiny room. The frame is black with professional wooden carvings that make the sides look like perfectly detailed tree trunks. It’s in between the portrait of Tony and Natasha’s bracelet. Tony wears the same AC/DC shirt Steve has somehow stolen and claimed as his own. He’s got this sarcastic grin, some type of wrench in one hand while his other rests on his hip. He stands in his lab, glasses pushed up onto his head and black soot smudged on his cheek. You think Peter snapped the photo back in 2017.
But the middle portrait is your favorite. It’s the only photo he ever allowed to be taken of him. Brushing your index finger against the glass, you trace the small outlines of Loki’s jawline, to his thin pink lips, to the bulb of his nose, to the waves of his hair. He sits caught off guard, book in his hand and in regular human clothing. He shoots a rather annoyed but joyful look over his shoulder as the camera was shoved in his face. You know for sure Wanda took that photo.
“You’re not dead,” you say as you study the blue of his frozen eyes. A God doesn’t die, you remember him saying. Loki was wrong about a lot of things, but you pray he wasn’t wrong about this. There’s a small part of you that wants to speak the same words to Tony and Natasha, but there’s only so many times the world’s axis can shift for a miracle. You tap the glass, sighing a breath of acceptance, and finally let go. “Whenever you’re ready.”
Smiling up at the ceiling, you think you’re right about this one.
It’s quiet. The only sounds are the mild ripping of wrapping paper and small ‘thank you’s’ from the team. Everyone got each other something — granted, everyone got something small for everyone. No matter how much Tony joked about still splurging on Christmas shopping, his promises weren’t exactly kept. He’s gotten everyone things they actually need or wanted. Steve, a new drawing pad; Natasha, a bright pink knit sweater; Rhodey, a new watch; Bruce, a pair of sunglasses; Nebula, a dark blue knitted sweater that she immediately presses against her cheek, eyes focused on the ground as she savors the soft brush; you, the full collection of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets. And he finally presents the baby’s crib to Pepper, constructed three weeks after she originally asked him to.
“I know how much you like to reenact A Midsummer Night’s Dream in your room,” Tony grins at you. Biting your bottom lip, you throw yourself at him and hug him tight. He returns the hug with just as much strength, if not more.
As the night goes on and midnight rings, your small group exchanges tight-lipped merry Christmas’s and happy holidays. Natasha retires to her room, a distant look in her eyes as she says goodnight. No one knows where Clint is.
Steve nudges your elbow with his once the room empties. He holds out a box with festive wrapping — snowmen with carrots for noses and a variety of pebbled smiles. “From me and Okoye.”
“You got me a gift?”
Steve’s brow furrows as he nods like it’s obvious. “Of course. You’re my friend.”
“Well, now I feel inadequate,” you laugh. It comes out wet and it’s then that you realize you’re tearing up. “I promise to reenact Midsummer for you, okay?”
Steve chuckles, “You got it.”
You unwrap it slowly, half wondering why Steve and Okoye teamed up to get you a present. You. Your stomach churns an innocent whirl.
It’s a long sleeved vest… or sweater. You can’t really tell until you pull it from the box. It’s intricately designed and it takes a moment for you to finally see it, to finally understand, and the moment you do you exhale a wracked breath.
It’s not Wakandan fashion. It’s threaded with the colors and swirls of a place you haven’t called home in years. It has red flowers down the vest portion and multicolored rows down the sleeves and back. It’s made from a thick fabric that’s rarely used this century. Vintage — home.
Steve clears his throat, “Now, I only did the flower parts. Okoye found it unfinished in… um…”
And there, where tags from brands would usually be, is a small threaded engraving.
‘From Bucky, To our muñeca.’
“He didn’t get to finish it so I thought I would — you know, help? — so it’s really from Buck. Probably an apology for not letting you visit him in Wakanda.”
Steve tries to push out a laugh at his poor joke, but you can see how he’s faltering. You reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, dragging him down so his knees bend, and pour as much nonverbal thank you’s into the hug. He hesitates at first, arms floating awkwardly, until he swallows his fear and wraps his arms around your waist. He holds you to him tightly and breathes in the sweet scent of your vanilla shampoo.
“Thank you.” Your voice is small, but Steve regards the delivery as powerful.
You wear it once, that Christmas night, enveloped in its warmth as you slept. In the morning, you hang it in the back of your closet.
A knock on your bedroom door sounds through your headphones. Bucky peeks his head in, “Is now a bad time?”
Sitting up, you pull the headphones from your ears. “Nope. Just thinking about how I’ve lived several years in the span of one week.”
Bucky lugs in a sports bag in one hand and a manila file in the other. He places them at the edge of your bed and proceeds to bounce in the available space near you. “Yeah, that can be annoying.”
You attempt to shove him away as he tries to steal your blanket. “Did you need anything?”
“Yeah.” He lets you take it, and simply turns on his side to face you. “What’s gonna happen between you and Steve?”
It’s an innocent question, but you know Bucky well enough to notice when he’s stressed. Steve probably told him to mind his business. “We’re good.”
He inspects your face with squinted eyes, “I know what you’re thinking so cut that shit out. This isn’t one of those missions where the feelings will just go away.”
“Funny thing is, I believe you,” you admit, watching as his face does something unexpected. His smile drops suddenly, like he didn’t expect you to agree with him, and then it’s immediately back full force.
“Peggy and Steve - right person, wrong time. You and Loki - right person, wrong time. You and Steve, all those years ago — right person, wrong time.” A weird thing happens: you agree with him again. “But now, after everything — right person, right time.”
“It’s just weird feeling like it’ll actually work.”
“That makes us seem like we’re all broken, doll. We’re not.”
You turn so you’re facing him; two mismatched parentheses. “We’re just tired.”
“We’re just tired,” Bucky agrees, smiling. “I’m not saying don’t look over your shoulder whenever you feel like it. Hell, I still look over mine.”
Snorting, you roll closer to hug him. He pulls you into his chest. “You give amazing pep talks.”
“Yeah, I don’t know why they gave that trophy to Steve.” Bucky shares the intimate moment for as long as it takes before the blanket starts overheating. He groans as he sits up to retrieve the things he brought with him. “By the way, our mutual friend sends one last warm regards.”
Bucky throws the sports bag onto your lap. “What’s this?”
“Your shit.”
You don’t even want to ask him how he packed your things without your knowledge. “Kicking me out, Barnes?”
“Clothes, toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner, pads, the quilt I just finished knitting thank you very much,” Bucky lists and hands you the file. “Maribel found him.”
“Your dad.”
You snap your head up to look at him. Bucky expects to see anger, hurt, maybe even betrayal. He was prepared for it. But you just look confused, lost for words, maybe even scared. “Goes by Richard these days. Lives with his wife in Wisconsin, no kids, keeps to himself.”
You flip through the files, holding your breath. The file is small, Richard’s information only covering the first page, the rest just drabble. He seems relatively normal, looks normal even; normal job, normal credit score, normal upbringing. It doesn’t even seem real. You close the file and set it aside. “So you are sending me away?”
Bucky smirks, “It’s a suggestion. But I took the liberty of doing the hard part for you.”
“Yeah, because packing my lady products is the climax of this story.”
It didn’t go unnoticed that Bucky called Richard your ‘dad’. Everyone either referred to Ernesto as ‘your father’ or by his name. Steve had said ‘dad’ a few times before he met him, then he never said it again. Hell, even you did sometimes.
It’s a sweet distinction and you’re certain Bucky said it on purpose. Bucky takes your hands in his, “It’s been a long time coming. But at least we can both say that the people who hurt us can’t hurt us any longer.”
You can. You really can.
Bucky’s already packed Steve’s shit as well. Steve’s just shoving extra socks into his bag when someone knocks on the door. He expects Bucky or Sam, final words of encouragement, but it’s Scott. And he’s standing there grinning like a mad man.
“So, what’s the verdict, Rogers? You going after her or not?”
Steve huffs a laugh, “Think you already know the answer to that, Lang.”
Scott closes the door behind him and leans back against it. He shoves his hands in his sweater pockets, “Not that it should matter, shut me up if I cross any line, but everyone supports this.”
“Weirdly, I think it does matter. We’ve had you guys picking sides for two years. Selfishly. Like we were having a fucking civil war after everything.”
“Yeah, well.”
Steve huffs a laugh. It’s always going to surprise him just how comfortable Scott is around him now. Not afraid to tease him or call him out on something he doesn’t agree with. It’s refreshing.
“I’m not giving up on her, Scott. Not again.”
Scott nods. Perhaps breaking the mission ethic code wasn’t a bad thing after all, Scott thinks. He gives Steve a proud smile, genuine. “Then I hereby declare our hanging conversation officially closed.”
Steve wanders from his bedroom, to the conference room, to the main living room without an end destination in mind, seeming to just follow his quick feet as they lead him around the halls of the compound. He’s proud of himself, really, because he truly believes he’s learned to swallow his pride, has opened himself up to the possibility of being happy, and accepted that the world has changed and will continue to alter whether he likes it or not. He was, is, and will always be a man out of time — he’ll never fit but goddamn does he feel settled. He hasn’t felt this sane since before the war — which one? — so he relishes in the feeling for a few calm seconds.
He feels tears well-up on his water line and feels the pressure in his temples. He’s at a crossroads — both proud of himself for finally choosing the path he wants and relieved that this week, this mission he has dreaded for almost ten years, is over. He doesn’t know if he should sleep for a month or occupy his time with other things awaiting repair. A build up of five years, grief and loss and happiness all weirdly mixed into one pot, and Steve simply hasn’t noticed the improper portions of each ingredient.
It’s too much.
He thinks about his mental health. Shot to Hell, he jokes with himself. He’s already got the virtual therapy appointments scheduled. He figures he’ll get better with time and if Steve knows one thing for sure, it’s that he’s got a whole lot of that.
He thinks about Sam and Bucky and Scott — his three best friends that have gone to the ends of the Earth and back for him, and who would proudly do it all over again. He thinks about their kind words, their gentle touch, their devotion that Steve still sometimes feels he doesn’t deserve.
And he thinks about you. To anyone else, this was written in the damn stars. No, there wasn’t anything extremely obvious in the first few years. You were friends. Friends that grew to consider each other teammates. Teammates that drew a drop of blood while fighting on opposite sides. Teammates that recognized the true endgame, teammates that helped each other escape, teammates that went silent for two years. Two years of no contact, no signal of survival. Then again, teammates who stood by as their world crumbled around them. Teammates who grew to be friends again, leaning on free shoulders and seeking help through happy conversations and long nights. Friends that brought the world together again, only to rip each other from their own. Friends into the most bizarre of enemies. And enemies back to teammates.
Steve wipes a hand down his face as he fixes the strap over his shoulder. The common room is empty — he likes it this way. That means everyone is either napping, getting food, visiting friends or family, simply living life. The silence is therapeutic.
His eyes fall on a crooked picture frame near the television. He tries to ignore it, almost to the door and ready for another road trip, but he steps back. Then forward, then back again. He groans in frustration of himself and moves to turn the frame back in place, holding it for a few seconds until it stays. But as he lets go, it tilts once more. He tries again — it tilts back.
He pulls the frame from the hook and turns it over. He rightly freezes, the presence of a small pink paper airplane taped near the edge knocking the wind from his constricting lungs. He pulls it off, careful to not tear the delicate post-it.
He never found it. Natasha probably placed it behind this very picture frame in the other compound for him to find. Surely the explosion should have destroyed it — but it didn’t. It’s right here, perfectly intact, just a smudge of dirt on one of its wings. The frame hadn’t been damaged either. It’s real.
He holds the thin piece of paper like it’s the most precious thing in the world.
Steve turns it over between his fingers a few more times, before he carefully folds it back in half and puts it in his wallet. “You’ve got some nerve, Nat. But I hear ya.”
Steve decides to write you back. He hides the letter in that sweater he knows you don’t wear anymore, in the far back of your closet, and marvels at the intricate stitching while he can. He poured his heart out, even if it’s not guaranteed you’ll ever see it.
‘Yes, I found your letter. I found it when I was looking for perfume in your suitcase. The tape was loose and I violated your privacy. I’m truly sorry for that.
But I felt compelled to write you back, in case the reverse happened and I died instead of you. I didn’t write it then, when you were drying your hair in front of that impossibly small mirror you so weirdly called ‘a stupid little bitch’. And you looked so beautiful. But I’m writing it now and maybe I’ll share it with you in person when we’re both ready.
When the world turned to dust, I held on to you. I know exactly why. Natasha bugged me about it also, teasing me whenever I would glance at you too long, or give you the last remaining Oreos I was planning on eating, or whenever I would leave your room in the mornings after a nightmare. She knew nothing was happening between us, but she had this smile whenever she caught me. Like she was happy I was comforting you, and in turn seeking comfort for myself.
You remember how her smile would tilt up more on the left side?
There isn’t a proper way to truly apologize for hurting you. But I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it. You at least deserve that.
I returned a different man. And I think that was for the better.
Yes, I wanted the quiet life. I still think I do. And I think you know this — you have always seen right through me.
I now know what Natasha saw. You irritate me, you damn near make me want to choke myself out, but I care for you. We hold each other up, and I’m always rooting for you, and I’m always by your side. No matter how annoying and smart-mouthed you may be.
You’re my best friend — I hope I’m one of yours.
There’s no one currently in the compound who really knows how to change the battery in your car. Bucky tries, does a rather good job too, but he claims he’s winging it and that you should call a mechanic just in case. He leaves you there with two random batteries on the ground, hood of your car open, and without any idea of what to do next. So you chill and wait for the mechanic you hope isn’t going to jack up the price just because he knows who you are.
But he doesn’t seem fazed by you at all — or at the fact he just had to drive through countless checkpoints and security checks just to get on Avengers property. He changes the battery and changes the oil, hooking you up with as many upgrades he can. He even offers to wash it until you thank him repeatedly and that Really, really, you don’t have to do that. Thank you so much!
“Quite a garage you got here.”
There are unfinished projects and random wires falling from the ceiling and enough tools to supply five garages. It’s messy, but it was Tony’s. You accept the compliment and see him out.
“Eh, make sure those windshield wipers work. I hear it’s gonna rain tomorrow.”
You thank him again. The clouds to the west are gray, getting darker as the expanse stretches, but from where you’re standing everything’s blue. You figure the mechanic was right: it’s gonna rain, and it’s gonna rain hard.
The mechanic did good, all things considered. You never thought your old, beat-up Honda could look a few years younger. You flick one of the wipers lightly, testing its strength. It holds, as does the other, but when you go to lift it up it stops halfway. Without wanting to break it, you don’t force it. There’s something blocking the switch.
You grab it before it can accidentally fall into a deep slot; the figurehead of a man, curly hair and beard that matches Steve’s, who also has a prominent and strong nose. You turn the coin over a few times before looking around the garage, down the street, at the remote area where the mechanic has just left. Standing there, mouth agape, you wonder just how in the world you missed the mechanic placing it there.
You were lacking in the spy department nowadays. Oops.
You know you’re not going to find Ramirez. But him giving this back to you? It was his way of saying he’s alright and that he owes you many thanks.
You pocket the coin and accept the fact you just got bested.
It should take a few hours before you hit the first motel. Wisconsin isn’t that far, but you do have to pass through about hundred “middle of nowhere’s”. You pull out of the garage and check your mirrors — completely unaware of the super soldier running full speed to the passenger door. Steve carefully throws it open, somewhat aware of his strength, and lands into the seat beside you.
You hit the brakes hard. “Oh my! Rogers!”
Steve sucks in a few heavy breaths, like he literally ran across the compound to make it. “What? I startle you?”
“What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing? Aren’t you on house arrest?”
You squint at him, “Touche.” Putting the car in park, you turn your whole body to face him. “Answer my question.”
“Thought you were just gonna leave without saying goodbye?” Steve asks, expression much more teasing than serious.
“I’ll be gone for three days tops,” you say, waving your hand in the air. Steve smiles at you, seemingly waiting for you to speak again. You roll your eyes, “You’re coming with me, aren’t you?”
Steve lifts up the small duffel bag you hadn’t seen when he first got into the car. He throws it into the backseat and smiles lovingly at you. “I’ve been told that I’m impossible to get rid of, so yeah.”
“Rhodey said that the ankle bracelet they gave me wasn’t a trusted model. Easy to break off, like they did it on purpose.” You lean toward him, holding your chin up with the palm of your hand. “Should be able to drive free for a few weeks before they suspect anything.”
“Already booked us a cabin for Thanksgiving.”
“What makes you think that I even want you to accompany me on this road trip? Did you like the first one?”
Steve clears his throat and mimes like he’s writing on paper. The next words out of his mouth make your legs turn cold. “No matter how annoying and smart-mouthed you may be, there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be than here, there, and everywhere with you.”
You blink multiple times, as if that would fix your ears. “...You. Fucking. Didn’t.” Steve reaches over to try and hug you. “No, don’t.” He squeezes harder, smooshing your face in his chest. “Steeeeve!”
“It fell out of your suitcase during the mission and I just… looked,” Steve reasons. He allows you to escape his grip.
“You just looked?”
Steve sighs. He really does look guilty. He pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear, letting his fingers tickle your skin. “I’m sorry I read it. I’ll get out of this car for real if you want me to.”
You arch an eyebrow, “You’re a little shit, but I’m not mad. No one understands privacy these days.”
Steve smiles wide enough for his dimples to pop and his eyes to crinkle. “I’d follow you anywhere, doll.”
“Just name it.”
Humming low, you lean forward. He follows your direction like you’re a lighthouse beaming with light, capturing your lips with his in a sweet kiss. He hooks a large hand behind your head to press you to him harder. You smell like that vanilla scented shampoo he loves so much and feels his heart constrict with a pleasant pulse.
You pull back for air and smile against Steve’s soft lips.
“Well, I’m headed for the middle of buttfuck Wisconsin—”
“Just drive!”
Bursts of laughter fill the car until you’re past the checkpoints and well onto the long roads. The clouds continue to turn darker but they’re inviting, alluring, and it’s not insane that both of you desire thunderstorms because they remind you of family.
Steve watches you from the passenger seat, memorizing the contours and edges of your profile. The roots in his heart begin spreading again; the meat of his heart filling with a soothing promise that his time on earth is no longer rootless. He’s dug his feet in, he’s watered all he’s needed to water, and he feels it spreading within him like newly blossomed flowers in the spring. He has a sudden urge to take out his drawing pad to immortalize the way your mouth tilts higher up on the right side when you smile, to record it forever.
But he’ll remember it. He’ll remember well into this timeline, several years down the road, and even when he’s resting in his grave. So he leans his head back against the seat and chooses to watch the curves of every expression you grace him with. He immortalizes the sound of your voice, the taps of your fingers against the steering wheel, and the accented way you say his name.
There’s a long drive ahead, but he’s excited for it. He’s excited for you. Steve promises himself that he’ll ask you a million questions, and give you a million answers, and share a million more stories.
Right now, he just needs to sleep.
Taglist: @dumb-ass-3 @justab-eautifulmess @supraveng @mycosmicparadise @missnighttigress
#captainsimagines#Steve Rogers#steve rogers fanfic#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers x reader#reader x steve rogers#avengers fanfic#avengers x reader#marvel fanfiction#chapter ten#to topple a giant#to topple a giant finale#avengers mob fanfic#by Moni
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Rating: Explicit. 18+
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it’s own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV.
Summary: You’re Peter’s classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don’t know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you’re lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Bad girls are sad girls! Always wondered what goes through the mind of a spoiled, rich but intelligent and perceptive teenager? Have you found yourself craving that adrenaline rush, the danger of a forbidden fruit? Okay. That was cheesy as hell. Gross.
Let’s try again. Sarcasm? Check. Vine references? Hell yes! Crude humour? Check. Blunt honesty? Double check. We’re living in a Lana del Rey song, ladies.
The author doesn’t actually condone codependent relationships in real life. This is a filthy little fantasy. Enjoy, deviants.
THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @vozit @another-stark-sub @mostly-marvel-musings
Beta read by the lovely and patient @miscmarvelwritings ! She deserves all the love 💙
Peter woke me up at eight AM the next morning like the little shit that he was, demanding I make him pancakes. It wasn’t the first time I’ve had the joy to experience him in the morning and he knew exactly how to antagonise me enough to make him the special pancakes he liked so much. They had become kind of a ritual whenever he stayed over at my house, which was quite often - teachers liked me enough to pair me up with one of the most sensible kids for any projects that couldn’t be done alone by yours truly on her own.
I put on my yesterday’s dress, applied moisturizer and obediently trotted behind an excitedly mumbling Peter. The kitchen was large, beautiful and delightfully empty of any resident superheroes. I’ve indirectly crossed paths with all of the tower’s residents hanging around Tony, but I’ve yet had to speak more than polite niceties to any of them.
Spying a bowl of boiled eggs and some sort of weird salad alongside half burned toast on the counter, I suddenly understood why Peter demanded his pancakes. I strictly instructed the disaster child to stay away from my cooking process and set to work with one ear listening to his ramblings and a headphone in the other.
A set of thumping footsteps appeared behind me as I was pouring the batter for the first pancake. Their owner loudly sat down next to Peter, sighing, groaning, generally making “I’m not a morning person” sounds.
“Good morning, Mr. Barnes,” Peter’s tone was way, way too chipper.
“‘mrng,” The Sergeant grumbled. “Who’s this and why is she making pancakes?”
I turned around, spatula at the ready. “It’s me,” We’ve actually met before, but Barnes had left before I could even come over from my side of the work bench to say hello.
He nodded in acknowledgement after giving me a suspicious once-over. “One of Stark’s science children. I’m James but you can call me Bucky,” His voice sounded rough and gravely, and he clutched a coffee cup half the size of my head.
I snorted. “Science child, sure,” It wasn’t half-bad actually. I wisely choose to ignore the part of being Tony’s. No matter how hot the man was, I wasn’t anybody’s but my own, thank you very much. “Go get the bananas, Nutella and maple syrup, fellow science child.”
Peter scrambled to follow instructions as I plated the pancakes and cut the bananas into neat little rings to fill the sweet circles with. A tablespoon of Nutella, half a sliced banana, wrap, garnish with powdered sugar and pour maple syrup generously on top. I really didn’t see how this could be difficult but any and all attempts to teach Peter how to recreate my masterpiece always ended up in an absolute mess. I turned around to ask Bucky if he wanted any. The look of a man starved answered all my questions.
“You’re a goddess,” Peter moaned around his mouthful, nose smudged white with the powdered sugar.
“Gross, chew first then talk, you neanderthal,” I scoffed, prepping more batter for the second batch of pancakes. I wasn’t sure if everybody would show up but figured it would be rude to exclude them from the sheer magnificence that were my pancakes. I was just that good.
The music in my ear drowned most of Peter’s disgusting chewing noises, thankfully. My second batch vanished into thin air, inhaled by the two males like the garbage disposals that they were. Peter, in particular, ate an alarming quantity of food and I was surprised how he managed to stay so skinny. His daily eating schedule resembled the Hobbits.
More people appeared, this time acting less surprised regarding me standing at the stove. Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and her brother, all of them wandered in wearing sleep attire with various amusing prints. Thankfully, they mostly kept quiet or chatted with Peter - I would have definitely grumbled if someone tried to talk to me. As far as my body was concerned it was still the middle of the night.
“PANCAKES,” A booming voice announced and I shuddered at the sheer intensity and devotion contained in that one word. Thor.
“Please use your indoor voice,” I snapped reflectively. My brain caught up with what I just did so I hastily backtracked. “Sorry, I’m a bitch in the mornings.”
The blonde man chuckled, coming over to poke his nose into my flurry of pour-flip-fill sequence. Then, with all the grace and manners of a prince, he dipped one (1) large finger into the jar of Nutella and wandered off with it stuck in his mouth. With this turn of events the Nutella was bound to run out sooner than expected.
I turned around, annoyed confusion in plain sight. “The fuck?.. That’s gross, don’t do that,” Finding his brother (adopted!) sitting next to Thor, wearing a haughty smirk, finger still in his mouth. So Loki turned into his brother to steal Nutella from a jar. I sighed. Nobody even batted an eye. “Your alien germs are in there now, double ew.”
“Alien germs? Where?” Bruce entered the kitchen with a tablet under his arm, wearing Hulk themed pajamas, Captain America in tow. I was honestly on the verge of breaking down into hysterical laughter. Domestic Avengers wasn’t something I’d expected to see or experience, ever, much less be a part of. It took a moment for me to remind myself that they were people, too, and each of them was entitled to their own quirks.
“America, egg-splain,” Peter muttered under his breath, giggling. “Loki stuck his hand in the Nutella jar,” He pointed at said jar. “She got grumpy,” Peter pointed at me. “Don’t make her grumpy, please, I want more pancakes,” And turned his pleading puppy eyes in my direction again.
“This is indentured servitude,” I pointed my spatula at the little shit. “You just had, like, ten.” But I made more batter nonetheless. I must admit it was kind of cool, seeing the earth’s mightiest defenders so relaxed. And Pete being happy, that was just… The best. I don’t know how to explain it. His eternal cheerfulness was highly contagious.
Chuckles filled up the room, the adults chatting and bickering amongst themselves while they patiently waited for their own breakfast.
“Do you need some help?” Bruce approached me after stopping to fetch himself a cup of tea. It smelled strongly of tangy herbs and honey.
“I need more Nutella and bananas,” I admitted, surveying the sheer amount of people I had to feed. I didn’t doubt the Captain and two Asgardians had an appetite to match Peter’s which meant a literal extra set of condiments was required. Thankfully, Bruce fetched them for me, coming to a stop next to me. “Anything else?”
“You know, I tried making these with Peter and he just ended up with powdered sugar and chocolate all over himself,” I mused, noting the way Banner was carefully observing the assembly of a pancake. “You think Doctor seven-phds can manage to add a few toppings to a pancake without causing a disaster?“
Bruce rolled his eyes fondly, bumping me with his hip. "I’m no Clint Barton when it comes to cooking but at least I don’t burn my toast like Steve,” True to his word, his hands made swift motions of filling, wrapping and plating each individual pancake. They were almost as good as mine albeit more messy. I had lots of practice though. We finished off a batch in companionable silence, sounds of the team and my music playing in the background.
I didn’t notice when I started swaying to the rhythm, catching a confused look from Bruce. I brushed back my hair, revealing a wireless headphone in my ear and he chuckled in understanding. “What are you listening to?”
“Right now? Kings of Leon,” I said, leaning towards him so he could hear the chorus “Use Somebody” currently occupying my right ear.
“I like them, too,” He said, his cheek gently touching mine. His hands slowed on the pancake, a soft hum vaguely reminding me of the song’s melody emanating from his throat. “What else do you usually listen to?”
“Mostly heavier stuff, but I have a whole separate playlist dedicated to mid-2000s bops,” I answered. “I’ve heard I’m quite old school when it comes to music.”
“Well, I am an old man, so…” Bruce grinned mischievously. “But my guilty pleasure is Lady Gaga,” He admitted with a laugh.
I laughed, too. The image of his dancing in his lab to Born This Way was too much for my brain and I hung my head, fighting giggles. Bruce bumped me with his hip again, faking a pout. “Okay, okay, that was a fucking hilarious image, you go dude,” I finally powered through my struggle to contain laughter. “My own guilty pleasure would be… Umm… Lana Del Rey, I guess.”
Bruce made a vague noise of confusion. I took a brief break from mixing the batter to dig out my second headphone, presenting it to him and switching to a song. “This is what makes us girls”. Despite the fact I have never stolen a car or had a close female friend, the nostalgia was real. “Carmen” followed after the first song and I silently thanked whatever deity that “You can be the boss” was taken out of Spotify - I don’t think I was prepared to share that kind of information with a lab partner. An older, handsome lab partner. Wait… Where did that come from?
“I like it,” He said after the song ended and my more usual stuff began playing. “It suits you, I think.”
I groaned. “Really? I think it’s edgy,” Hiding away the embarrassment, I passed him a tray of freshly baked pancakes, occupying his immediate attention.
“You’re an old soul,” He gave me a lopsided smile. I saw a very faint blush tinting his cheeks, the kind of blush that had me wondering about the meaning behind his words.
I gave an attempt at a smile in response, the left corner of my mouth barely tilting up. We talked some more about the rock music we shared in our earphones. I had a lot of 80s hair metal and 90s grunge in my playlist. Bruce was not a Curt Cobain man but enjoyed the works of his legacy, Marcy Playground.
A tan hand wormed its way between me and Bruce, snatching a handful of banana slices and disappeared just as swiftly. “Tonyyy,” Bruce groaned, picking up another banana to replace the stolen pieces.
The spatula in my hand became a weapon as I blindly aimed at the target behind my back. A loud “ow” indicated I hit it. When I turned around, Tony was clutching the side of his face, a hurt look in his eyes and cheeks stuffed full of stolen goods. I stared him square in the face, absolutely refusing to acknowledge the fact that he was shirtless - the arc reactor glowed brightly in the middle of his toned chest. Fuck.
His chest was honestly what I was aiming for. I constantly kept forgetting how short he actually was. There was this one time when Tony had to put his arms around me to steady a piece of tech - he felt huge, hard and enormous around me.
“What’s that for, Princess?” He finally chewed through his food and found his voice.
“For being a Tony,” I retorted. “Stay away from my workspace and wait for your breakfast like everybody else.”
“Hey! This is my kitchen,” He whined immediately, like the adult man that he was. I nearly cried from how adorable his face became, eyebrows scrunched up. “I don’t want to wait! And why does he,” Tony’s finger accusingly pointed at Bruce, “Get the bananas?!”
“Because he’s Brucie-bear,” I stuck my nose up in the air when Bruce’s arm wrapped around my waist. “He’s my science father,” I stuck my tongue out at Tony, seeing Bruce’s triumphant smile. Banner used every opportunity to get back at Tony’s incessant sass.
The gleaming in Tony’s eyes should have alarmed me. “But he’s not your science daddy,” Tony’s flirting was accompanied by a salacious eyebrow wiggle and Peter’s screech of “OH MY GOD!"
It took me every ounce of willpower to not flush. It was one of those rare times that I was at a complete loss of words. Thinking on the spot, I gave a very meaningful look to Bruce - thankfully, he got the gist and returned an equally filthy smirk back. Tony gaped.
"Is this how they are in the lab?” The Captain’s quiet voice leaked horrified amusement.
“All.The.Time.” Peter’s resonating groan was followed by Romanoff’s laughter.
We went up to the lab after breakfast. Thankfully Tony stopped his dramatic bitching when I served him my pancakes, scarfing them down much like everybody else. So me and Pete were accompanied by one (1) happy engineer, all three of us tinkering away on a robot that we were supposed to present in our science class in a month. The focus that was required to solder was immense and our usual banter was missing, replaced by an occasional request for a specific tool or a water bottle.
It took a few hours to get the dirty job done even with Tony’s help (technically he wasn’t supposed to but neither me nor Pete had the heart to forbid him from it when the man looked so content and happy soldering away). By the time I uncurled from my spot on the bench, my back was in knots and my dress had oil stains and holes all over it. I immediately went to the nearest water bottle, finishing half of it in seconds, picking up my phone to see if I had any important messages from my mother.
Just a message from Bruce.

I tapped on my phone, idly scrolling through the Instagram app, liking some pictures of people I barely knew and keeping up a general appearance of being very busy. When the ringtone started playing, it took me a whole five seconds to understand it was, in fact, coming from my phone - I certainly wouldn’t put something so… Outrageous as my main tone.
Banner had discovered the power of the internet. You Can Be The Boss played loudly, and it played from my phone and Bruce was calling me. I picked it up, turning around, fighting the incoming laughter. “Yes, Brucie?"
To say that Tony’s and Peter’s faces were scandalised was nothing. The boy’s face was such a deep shade of red, I started worrying about his blood pressure and Tony’s mouth hung open limply, like he was witnessing the second coming of Christ.
"Is Tony sufficiently traumatized?” Judging by the breathless tone of his voice, Banner was resisting a mighty laughing fit of his own.
“Oh, absolutely,” I happily chirped.
“Good, keep it up. Come to my lab before you leave,” Banner snorted and then, realising what he’d done, promptly hung up, the tell-tale beginning of a giggle fit abruptly interrupted by a dial tone.
I put the phone in my bag, gathering the rest of my things with a look somewhere between innocence and indifference. At least, I hoped it was - my mind kept jumping between the engineer’s ridiculously scandalised face and the way his mouth went slack, lips moist and soft and plush. That’s a very dangerous trail.
A very dangerous trail I couldn’t resist exploring in the solitude and privacy of my own bedroom, at home.
#bun writes#party favours#tony stark x reader#tony stark x y/n#bruce banner x reader#bruce banner x y/n#stephen strange x reader#Stephen Strange x y/n
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Square Filled: Riding
A/N: See now, I have zero experience writing about ‘horse riding’ if that was expected here, but the other riding however…I know a thing or two ;))
Thor Bingo Masterlist
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Reader
Tags: @swaggysposts @bitchycherryblossomlove @another-stark-sub
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ only, SMUT, teasing, little angst but a happy ending.
Word count: 2100ish
Written for @thorbingo
“Well maybe if you weren’t so damn controlling I wouldn’t have to lie about going out Thor!” you fumed, marching towards your shared bedroom.
“I don’t like it when you hang out with Barnes. He flirts with you all the time.” Thor bellowed from behind, following you.
“You know he’s like that with every girl. How many times do I have to repeat myself? And don’t you trust me?”
You turned to face him, tired of having to explain yourself yet again.
“Of course I trust you love, it is not about that.” Thor’s voice softened as he cautiously approached you, extending his arms to perhaps pull you closer but you pushed them away.
“We wouldn’t be having this argument for the tenth time if you did Thor.” You shook your head and turned, closing the bathroom door behind you.
The whole thing had started when Sam, Bucky, Wanda and you had found yourselves hanging out with each other more and more. The four of you just clicked, it was instant.
Tonight was no different, it was one of those parties Stark wanted to have just because, and your gang had drifted away from the crowd to have a good time, drink and laugh over the stupidest things.
Your boyfriend however, thought there was something cooking with you and Bucky. According to him, Bucky was always ‘around’ and made flirty comments whenever the team hung out. You tried your best to pacify his worries, even tried telling him that no person in this universe would think about laying eyes on the girlfriend of a literal God. But you would always end up fighting, followed by make-up sex after reconciliation.
You had plans to make this man let go of his ego…
You took your time showering and getting into your sleepwear, when you finally walked out Thor was leaning against the wall next to the bathroom, head hung and by the looks of it ready to make an apology.
Take no notice of him, you wandered out into the kitchen to grab some water before turning in for the night. Thor followed you out and back in wordlessly, trying to gauge your mood, unsure of what to say.
Pulling the sheets back, you got in sighing dramatically as your head touched the pillow.
“I trust you (Y/N) without a shadow of doubt, but I—I just don’t—” his voice had gotten significantly quieter, eyes searching yours as he walked closer to the bed still in his formal clothes.
“Just don’t want me having fun with my friends? Good night Thor.” Emphasizing the word friends, you gave him one final glance before turning off the bedside lamp.
Replying to Wanda’s concerned text, you placed your phone on the side table, facing the bedroom wall as you shut your eyes. You sensed the bed dip beside you, however you remained still.
“Good night love.” Thor whispered and placed a soft kiss to your shoulder, which almost made you feel bad for not kissing him before you slept, but you resisted the urge to turn around, pretended to be asleep.
After all a lesson was to be taught.
Next morning, waking up earlier than usual, you put on one of Thor’s large white T-shirts purposely removing all other pieces of clothing including your panties, and headed in the kitchen to make breakfast.
“What are you doing?”
Thor’s sleep-ridden voice reached your ears. You were standing on your toes to reach for the box of pancake premix, his shirt had effectively ridden up, revealing your bare ass for him to see. Smiling to yourself, you turned and blinked at him innocuously.
“Oh I need that box up there, could you help me please?”
He walked closer gradually, still studying you as you did him, shirtless, sweats hung low over his hips, morning tent clearly visible through them. Coming up next to you, he could see your pebbled nipples through his shirt, which he found himself staring at before you cleared your throat to get his attention.
Placing the box on the counter, Thor walked over to the breakfast stool and took a seat, watching you like a hawk. Every move you made, the deliberate twirls, dramatic stretching, and the way your hips swayed while you mixed the batter made his cock twitch. You weren’t one to tease, he knew that.
What game were you playing?
Perhaps you were still mad about last night. He wasn’t exactly forgiven. He wanted to confront you, but he was intrigued by this on-going show immensely.
“Thank you love.” He murmured, as you placed a plate loaded with pancakes, syrup and fruit in front of him. Thor went to grab your hand but you swiftly pulled away, placing pancakes and whipped cream on your own plate.
You ate in silence as you sat opposite him. When Thor pointed out you had cream on the corner of your mouth, you deliberately took your time, wiping it off with your tongue, making him squirm in his seat.
“I will take care of the dishes.” He insisted standing up with you, as you cleared the plates. Thor grabbed you by your waist, this time you couldn’t escape, and made you face him.
“Why are you teasing me, my love?” whispering, he pulled you closer to press his hard-on against your core, a gasp left your mouth without your permission. You still avoided his scrutiny, keeping your eyes on the firm plains of his broad chest instead.
Will power wavering, you pushed him away with all you had and turned to stroll towards the bedroom once more.
You could feel his burning gaze on your back as you pulled the tee over your head and threw it on the floor, heading to take a shower mumbling,
“I would never tease.”
As evening rolled by, Thor was miserable. All day, your torment made him more and more frustrated and turned on as the day progressed, and the fact that you refused to speak to him made him contemplate of things he could do to get you to talk.
He saw you stirring a pot of soup for dinner and all Thor could think about was the lacy lingerie you wore underneath your robe. He walked up behind you, waited silently till you turned the stove off and turned to find him staring at you, dejected.
Thor took hold of your hand and wordlessly walked you into the bedroom. He kneeled on the bed, facing you and dropped his head to his chest in a submissive stance.
You were stunned. The goal had been aimed towards a confrontation but this took you by surprise.
“What’re you doing Thor?” unlike your strong, unyielding façade all day, your voice came out quiet and reserved.
“Whatever you want me to do.”
His eyes never lifted their gaze from the mattress below him as he said those words. They sounded like something you’d never have imagined coming from a literal God, who at this moment was completely at your mercy.
This was dangerously powerful and all arousing at the same time. You had to take charge.
“Look at me.”
When he did, you saw silent pleads and desire in those forlorn beautiful blue eyes that you loved so much.
“Do you trust me?” you tested.
Thor’s voice barely over a whisper. That was another first.
“Lie back.”
He did as he was told, like an obedient puppy eager to please. You undid the belts of your robe and let it fall over your shoulders, revealing your black lace bra that left little to the imagination and matching panties.
Strolling over to Thor’s side of the bed as if you had all the time in the world, you watched him. Chest rising and falling in anticipation, cock tenting against the restrictive sweats, eyes trained towards the ceiling.
“Look at me. Pull that shirt over your head, keep your arms up and hold onto it, you understand?”
He gulped, nodding his head as he did as told yet again. You didn’t think compliant, submissive Thor would be so exciting, you could already feel the wetness dampening your panties.
Thor felt the bed dip on his left, his body eager to be touched. You took your time grazing your fingers lightly over his happy trail, cock twitching in attention.
Hooking your fingers over the sweats and boxers, you gently peeled them down freeing his erection, chuckling when he readily lifted his hips to aid your actions.
A needy groan escaped his lips when you wrapped your hand over his throbbing cock, you could tell he was struggling to keep his hands above his head.
“You want me to take care of you baby?” you couldn’t recognize your own voice at this point. Thor nodded willingly.
“I need to hear you.”
“Yes please.” His deep voice thick with want and desperation spurred you on as your thumb swiped over the tip, collecting precum.
Licking agonizingly slowly along the length of his shaft, you felt him move his hips involuntarily. Taking him in your mouth, your tongue swirled around the tip, relishing the explicit noises coming from him.
You released him with a pop, his neck craning to see why you halted your actions, shirt visibly crumpled in his hands. Thor practically sighed in relief when you straddled his hips, your clothed core hanging just inches above his ready, aching cock.
“Do you trust me?” you whispered yet again.
“Yes.” Came a prompt reply as Thor watched your every move with lust-blown eyes.
“Do you really?” tilting your head to one side, you let your hands caress your breasts over the soft fabric of the bra, hips still hovering over his, not touching yet close enough.
“Yes I do, my love. I’m sorry for the way I behaved, I trust you. I trust you completely.”
Rough but truthful, his words tugged at your heartstrings making you lean forward to kiss him for the first time that day.
Tentative at first, Thor sighed into the kiss, tense shoulders relaxing under your touch as your fingers slid up to grab his face. Your tongue danced with his in a push and pull of ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I forgive you’. Somewhere around it, you unclasped your bra and threw it behind without bothering.
You parted from his lips long enough to murmur, “Touch me Thor.” When he seemed unsure of moving his arms from their place. Needy for his hands on your body, you gripped his wrists and placed them on your back.
He touched you everywhere leaving your skin burning for more, it was as if he were touching you for the very first time. When he reached the waistband of your panties, he ripped them in two, the sound of a fabric tearing had never sounded sexier.
Jerking his hips upwards, you moaned when his cock made contact with your dripping core. Sitting back, you wrapped a hand around him once again, this time positioning it over yourself and sinking down on it, toes curling as you did.
Breathing hitched, mind concentrating on nothing but the fullness you felt as your walls clenched around him possessively. After what seemed like an eternity staying still, you rolled your hips, eyes closed in pleasure as rode him, and his hands went to knead your breasts, pinching your nipples drawing series of profanities from your mouth.
You knew you wouldn’t last long as rolling turned to bouncing on his cock, chasing your release. Thor’s large hands gripped your back securely, as he sat up and replaced his hands with his mouth over your nipple. He thrust into you hard and fast, sending you closer and closer to the edge, as the room filled with grunts and moans.
Pulling the ends of his hair, you shuddered as your orgasm crashed over you with one final scream. Your climax pushed Thor towards his, as he came emptying himself into you, holding you as your bodies quivered and trembled. You felt him soften inside you, but you had no intentions of being away neither did he.
When the dizziness disappeared, you wrapped your arms around his neck, hiding your flushed face in it. Gently rocking on the bed, you sat there embracing one another close, not uttering a word for what felt like hours.
“I love you.”
Thor’s deep voice resonated from his chest, making warmth bloom in your belly, as he traced random patterns on your naked back.
“I love you too Thor.” You whispered, connected your lips yet again.
#thor odinson x reader#thor bingo#thor odinson smut#thor odinson imagine#thor odinson fluff#thor angst#thor feels#mcu thor#thor odinson fanfiction#marvel fanfiction#mostly marvel musings
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I have a request and it's perfectly fine it makes you uncomfortable to write and you don't want to. But a teen!reader x the Avengers maybe she is from an abusive family and Tony snaps at her about something while the Avengers are around and she says "please don't hit me" and then the Avengers comfort her it can turn into a Peter Parker X reader if you want it to but it could be platonic and that'd be fine. Again if you don't want to write this I understand.❤👍🏾💜
wow, a heavy topic, but i can give this a go and try to do it justice.
obviously, trigger warning, mentions of abuse, panic attack description
It wasn’t Tony’s fault. He was just having a bad day, he probably didn’t sleep much. He didn’t mean it, I know he didn’t. It was probably me.
It’s just, I woke up nervous. No real reason, I was just anxious about how the day was gonna go, my hands shaking slightly as I got dressed. My favourite hoodie was in the wash, so I had to wear a purple one that drew slightly too much attention for comfort.
The post-it note I’d stuck on my mirror was still there, reminding me to breathe, that today was gonna be fine; but the words looked fake, just ink on paper with no real meaning. My reflection didn’t look like me, it looked like the person I... used to be, before I was taken in by the Avengers. Nonetheless, I took a couple deep breaths before I left my room, trying to steady my hands and calm my heart. JARVIS took me by surprise, making me jump about a foot in the air.
���Excuse me, are you quite alright?” His voice was calm and monotonous, and I relaxed slightly.
“Uh, yes, thank you JARVIS. Just a little... off, today,” I whispered, not quite managing normal volume today. He hummed, sounding like he didn’t quite believe me despite being an AI. “Really, I am. Just tired, I guess.” I was more trying to reassure myself than JARVIS, but it seemed enough for him to not say anything else, just open the door to my room to make it easier for me to leave. I smiled slightly, having a fondness for the AI.
The door looked somewhat like a mouth today, but I pushed that thought away as much as possible. Setting tiny goals was the method of coping today, and the first couple goals- get out of bed and get dressed- were complete. The next goal was to get breakfast.
The stairs were a bit of a challenge, with me being shaky this morning, but I got down them and was greeted with ‘good morning!’s and and smiles from Thor, who’d popped in last night, Natasha, who was only halfway through her coffee so her ‘good morning’ was slightly groggy, and Peter, who didn’t look like he’d slept at all. I gave them all a half-hearted smile, and made my way to the cupboard to get a bowl for cereal.
I was about to get the cereal from the line along the kitchen counter when Tony walked in. He looked awful, not even responding to the various hello’s we offered him. He took a mug from the cupboard and practically slammed it on the counter, and I flinched. I glanced around, no one seemed to have noticed except from Peter who gave me a questioning look. I ignored him and continued to pour cereal and then milk. I tried to focus on the sound of the cereal but when Tony brushed past me to get to the coffee, the hair on my body stood on end, and despite the hoodie it was if I could feel him without him touching me.
That was unnerving. Tony is usually very aware of my personal space, he acknowledges that sometimes I don’t wanna be touched. If he wasn’t paying attention then something must be wrong. I hardly realised that he’d tugged open the fridge until he slammed it shut. I let out a tiny squeak, panic rising in my chest. I saw a hand in the corner of my eye- it was Peter’s, trying to get my attention. I smiled weakly at his concerned expression, and picked up my bowl to move it to the centre island. In my anxiety, I must have not noticed Tony coming my way, and my bowl collided with his chest.
“Oh for FUCKS sake,” he yelled, looking at my breakfast all over his shirt. He was angry, he was angry at me, oh fuck I’ve made him mad, look at what you’ve done now you’re gonna have to leave he’s gonna throw you out you’ll have to go back to your parents you stupid fuckin-
Tony raised his hand, and I was overwhelmed with panic.
“Please don’t hit me...”
Everyone stopped.
They looked, wide eyed, at my cowering form. Tony was frozen, his hand still raised- to reach the tissues on the shelf by his head. My breathing was shallow and fast, and a ringing was starting in my ears. I only just registered being pulled out the room by someone and being sat down on the sofa. It was Natasha, having instantly sprung into action and taking me away from the distressing situation.
Her hands were holding mine as she tried to steady them. She spoke more softly than I’d ever heard- “Hey, it’s okay, take your time,” her voice was steady, calm, comforting. “No one’s upset at you, just focus on my voice, okay? Can you squeeze my hands if you understand?”
I lightly squeezed her hands and she smiled. “That’s good, well done. Now I need you to do something for me, alright? Can you name five things you can see?”
My breathing was still fast but my eyes scanned the room. I was barely audible as I said “You. Rug. Table. Hoodie... Peter.” Natasha turned slightly to see Peter lingering in the doorway, a worried expression gracing his face. She nodded for him to come in and turned her attention back to me.
“Now list four things you can feel.”
My lungs weren’t burning quite as much. “Your hands. My hoodie. The sofa. My hair.”
“Three things you can hear, you’re doing so well kroshka (little one).”
I could feel my heart slow down slightly. “Your voice. My voice. Peter’s feet scuffing the floor.” That last one made Nat laugh lightly and squeeze my hands again reassuringly.
“Peter, come sit on the other end of the sofa. Now, two things you can smell.”
My hands were steadier and my inhales and exhales were more regular. “Your perfume, and that weird candle thing that Thor lit last night.”
“One last thing, tell me one thing you can taste.”
“That after-sleep mouth taste, y’know, when you haven’t brushed your teeth yet?”
Nat grinned “I know what you mean. Feeling better?”
I took a shuddering breath, but smiled. “Yeah I do. Thanks Nat.” She nodded, getting up and looking pointedly at Peter, gesturing to me. He nodded and turned to me.
“Can I hug you? You look like you need a hug,” he opened his arms out to me, and I shuffled up the sofa, ending up lying on his chest with his arms wrapped around me. “There, isn’t that better?”
I giggled, nodding my head. Peter was silent for a while, before saying, “You know he didn’t mean to scare you, right?”
Sighing, I closed my eyes. “I know, it was probably my fault, I should have looked where I was going.”
“No,” Peter looked down at me. “It was not your fault. He may not have meant it but he did scare you and he should have been paying more attention. I’m sorry, but anyone with eyes could see you weren’t having a good day, despite the hoodie you hide under.” He playfully tugged at the sleeve of the hoodie and I swatted at his hand.
“Young one, how are you?” Thor’s voice was significantly quieter than usual as he walked over to the sofa. I smiled at him, and he seemed satisfied. Surveying the room, he spotted his weird candle thing and his eyes widened. “I have reason to believe that the gift I brought from Asgard has played some part in this situation. I should have realised that such a thing could affect mortals in a negative fashion. I shall remove it immediately.”
I was about to protest when Peter whispered in my ear. “Just leave it, let him help.” I giggled and buried myself deeper into his chest as Thor carefully picked up the candle thing and held it at arms length.
“Never fear, I shall vanquish the cause of this,” he paraded it out the room as Peter and I laughed at his performance.
There was a light cough at the door, and we sat up to see a guilty looking Tony standing at the door. “...can I come in?”
I took a deep breath and smiled at him. He carefully stepped into the room and sat down, balancing himself on the coffee table by the sofa. “I’m so sorry,” he started abruptly. “I know that doesn’t really make up for it. I shouldn’t have yelled, I know what... how you react to that kind of stuff. I’m not gonna make excuses, I take full responsibility for my actions.” His hands were in front of him, clasped tight, and I reached out and placed my hands on his.
“It’s okay Tony, I know you’re probably stressed, you look like you haven’t slept in a week.” He smiled weakly.
“I haven’t, really. But that’s still no excuse. I promise, I’ll work on going to sleep, I can’t bear the thought of me being the cause of a panic attack. I’m sorry, I didn’t think of what you would think with my hand, I just... I’m sorry.” He got up to leave. “There are pancakes in the kitchen, Nat thought you’d want them instead of the cereal.”
I smiled at him, and as he made his way to the door I stopped him.
“Hey, Tony?”
“Love you.”
“Love you too, kid.” Tony vanished from sight.
Peter stood up. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I need pancakes. You?” He held out his hand.
I grinned, took his hand, and stood up beside him. “Absolutely. Let’s go.”
not quite what you requested, but i tried to include some avengers? i really hope you liked it, i’m not sure angst is my strong point 😅thank you so much for requesting! <3
#iron man#avengers#black widow#thor#spiderman#spiderman x reader?#ish?#tw: abuse#tw: panic attack#tw: anxiety#tony stark imagine#natasha romanoff#peter parker#peter parker x reader#imagine
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The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 8, Ch. 9
Chapter 9 - The Invitation
1 year later...
“Easy there, boy!” I held up my hand at the Swedish Short-Snout, my wand ready in the other one. “We talked about this, Thor. One day without breathing fire at me and we'll call it progress.”
I started working with Thor again last month. I have to admit I needed quite some time to even go and see him. He was the one that burnt Nova and even though I knew it wasn't his fault and he was in pain, I made the mistake of blaming him.
After more than a year of her being gone, I think it's safe to say I am getting back on my feet. As much as I can, anyway. I am regularly corresponding with all my family as I promised Bill on his last visit. Nobody talks about my feelings or how am I feeling anymore and I am grateful for that. Things are back to normal.
That doesn't mean that I forgot about her. That I don't miss her. That I don't think about her because I do. Every. Single. Day. But it's easier than it was, I have to admit. It's bearable now. And between how busy we are in the Sanctuary, me working for the Order and recruiting new Wizards, and listening to the Wireless about people going missing every day, I think it's safe to say I am doing okay.
I got used to coming home to an empty house. Pip is in a better mood as well and he is keeping me company when he's not out delivering letters. I started talking to my co-workers again and I have to say that it has been one of the best decisions. They make me feel less lonely.
I am also sleeping better. There are still nights when I wake up to Nova screaming or from a nightmare, reliving what happened but it's getting rarer and I am so happy about that.
It might sound harsh but Bill was right when he said that the tragedy that happened here that night made so many Wizards wanting to join. We get new letters and recruits daily.
So many who I've known have died or been murdered that I have to say I am getting used to it, no matter how it sounds. Everything is getting more serious with every new day and we have to be prepared for the worst. I am just happy to hear my family and friends are okay. That's all I can ask for after what happened over a year ago.
I try to think of the whole thing from a positive note. Nova was such a loved person and when I try to get someone to fight for our cause they mostly join because of her. She had so many connections but nothing we did ever worked when we tried getting people on our side while she was alive.
Death does bring people closer together and if they needed a reason to see that this is everyone's fight, I have come to terms with it that the attack needed to happen.
I am not going to deny that I would leave everything behind if it meant she could come back but no matter how I beat myself about it or how guilty I feel, it won't bring her back. I can be as content with what happened as I possibly can be. I promised her I will continue doing what I love and I came so far, even with Thor.
I also promised her to be happy but as much as I am trying, I still feel the burden of her death on my shoulders. I still think it should have been me and I will never be as happy as I was with her no matter how much I laugh at my co-worker’s stupid jokes. It's simply not the same and I know it never will be but I don't mind.
I came to the conclusion that I was lucky to get to experience what I had with her. Not many people do and some search their entire life for it. I had it, even though it was cut short, I can't complain. Before I met her, I knew what I wanted to do with my life and if I can't be with her, I can at least do what I love and that counts for something.
It helps if I try to stay as positive as I can. So many things remind me of her that it's hard to keep my mind off her. But instead of being miserable about it, I try to look on the bright side.
Just yesterday, I was having dinner with Andrei and some of the others and we started debating whether Norbet is a he or a she.
He has been acting strange for years now and Nova was the first to bet that he is actually Norberta. We can't do a gender check-up on him because he is too vicious which only proves that she was right. When Andrei asked what we are going to name him I said that we should call him Norberta as Nova called him the first time she observed that he might be a female.
It used to pain me thinking of things she liked and did and I couldn't even imagine doing something like that a year ago but I am pushing myself to try harder. I promised her I will be happy and I am trying to do my best to make her proud.
“There you go!” I beamed as I levitated a steak in front of him and he didn't try to kill me before eating it. Thor has been hurt more than any other Dragon in the Sanctuary when the Death Eaters attacked us and he has been having trust issues ever since. Who could blame him really, I was just glad he was okay. It took the Healers months before they mended all his wounds and his left leg is still not completely healed and perhaps it never will be.
“You're a good boy, Thor!” He breathed smoke out of his nostrils and I knew he was proud of himself even though he probably wanted to eat me for dinner.
“Steaks taste good, Charlie tastes bad.” I laughed at my joke, knowing full well I was talking to a Dragon.
“Charlie, there you are!” I stepped backward, carefully, and turned around to see Andrei panting. “We have been looking all over for you! I thought you were with Arto today.” He tried his best to catch his breath.
“I decided to give Thor another chance at keeping me alive.” I smiled.
“At least you're wearing your protective gear this time.” I looked behind Andrei and saw my brother step cautiously from behind a boulder.
“Bill!” I walked to him and gave him a hug. “What a surprise! What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” I frowned, suddenly remembering that we are at war.
“Everything's fine.” He grinned, showing his white teeth. “I was just in the neighborhood and decided to visit you.”
“In the neighborhood, huh?” I crossed my arms on my chest and lifted my eyebrows in disbelief. He was a bad liar and even worst at making jokes.
“I'll tell you everything when you're done.” He beamed at me. He looked like he couldn't wait to talk to me about something and he looked so happy. Well, he looked like that most of the time since he met this girl Fleur at work.
Bill, Andrei, and I made our way down to the village and we said goodbye to my boss.
“Want to grab something to eat or want me to cook for you?” I winked at him.
“What put you in a good enough mood to cook?” He asked surprised. I rarely did. It's not the same if you have to cook only for one person. The only time I ever really put the effort in was when it was my day off and I made pancakes for myself.
Nova and I ate pancakes for breakfast every time we had a free day. It became our tradition and it was the one thing that I could keep going.
“Thor, the Dragon you just saw, didn't try to eat me today instead of his steak for the first time since we were attacked.” I said proudly.
“Wow, what an achievement.” Bill laughed, trying to understand my situation.
“And he didn't try to burn me alive, another first!” I continued. I knew he couldn't understand how big this was as I never understood what all the treasure he kept describing in his letters was worth.
“I'm glad you're alive, brother.” He tapped my back as we stopped in front of my cottage, me unlocking the door.
“So what delicious meal will I be served today?” He mocked.
“Steak or meat pie?” I scanned my fridge for ingredients.
“Steak!” I laughed at his enthusiasm.
“I was hoping you would say that. It's easier to make.” I grinned.
“How are you, Charlie?” I winced at his question. I was doing okay but I still didn't like it because I never knew what the question was going to lead to. Bill was the only one I talked and wrote about Nova. I was happy when he came to visit me last year when I completely shut myself away from everybody. I might be corresponding with all my family and friends again, but I only share my feelings and thoughts with Bill.
“I'm fine. Pretty busy this time of year.” I took a frying pan out of one of my counters and a pot to cook the vegetables. “We're getting another Welsh Green tomorrow and our Chinese Fireball's eggs are hatching any day now!” I heard Bill chuckle at my excitement. He was the only one I could talk to about this, besides Tonks. They were the ones who didn't look at me like I was mental when I talked about Dragons as if they were baby Crups.
“I wish I could stay.” Bill said while pouring some Firewhiskey in the glass I gave him. “I would love to see baby Dragons hatch.”
“If you're prepared to stay awake day and night and keep your eyes on 3 crimson eggs for 8 hours straight, be my guest.” I laughed and poured myself a glass as well while waiting for the pan to heat up. There was something about Muggle cooking that I found soothing and I burnt fewer things than if I were to use magic.
“On the second thought, just send me a picture, will you.” We both laughed.
“How are you, Bill? How is Fleur?” I teased him. Nothing made me happier than seeing him blush whenever I mentioned her name.
“I'm good. Great actually.” He cleared his throat. “She's the reason I'm here today.” He looked like he was going to explode from excitement any moment now.
“Oh, Bill. You didn't come here for love advice, did you?” I frowned. “Because I am the last person to give you advice on that.”
“No.” He grinned. “But I am here to ask you something.” His smile grew even larger.
“Well spit it out, will you!” I quickly put the steak in the saucepan and sat back next to him. My head leaning on my hands, staring at him. At this point, I reminded myself of Penny who used to stare at us whenever one of us was about to tell the others a secret.
“I asked Fleur to marry me.” He said, shyly.
“I think my heart just skipped a beat!” I said and stood up. “This is the best news I have heard in a while!” I pulled him into a hug. Nova was right, he was going to find someone just right for him.
“At least someone's excited.” He sighed. “Mum's reaction wasn't even close to yours.”
“She'll warm up to her.” I tapped his shoulder in reassurance and then went to check on the steak and turned off the boiling water with vegetables.
“Yeah. She thinks we are rushing it with everything that's going on.” He rolled his eyes.
“Bill, I think you're old enough to make your own decisions.” I turned the steak around.
“Tell that to her.” He laughed. “I know she's the right one for me, Charlie. I have never felt this way about anyone.” I glanced at him and seeing his cheeks match his hair was simply adorable. Nova would've loved teasing him.
“She will see how happy you two are and she'll come around.” I brought the plate with food to him. “And besides...” I put the second one into the pan. “When did mum ever stop you from doing something?” He laughed at my question.
“Whatever do you mean, Charlie?” He looked amused.
“Piercing your ear, letting your hair grow out, becoming a Curse Breaker, wearing nothing but leather...” I looked down at his boots.
“Don't give me that judgemental look, get over the fact that I have Dragonhide boots!” He rolled his eyes playfully at me.
“I don't judge your look.” I lifted my hands in my defense. “But those...” I shook my head, looking at his feet again. If I was close enough he would've punched me in my arm.
“So what did you come here to ask me?” I said when I finally sat down, placing my plate in front of me. I cut my steak, waiting for him to stop chewing so he could speak.
“I want you to be my best man.” He said so quickly that I needed a second to realize what he just asked me. I looked at him and he looked nervous. I hated the fact that he did, I knew exactly what was going through his mind.
“I don't know how you feel about this, giving the fact that you asked me first and then...you know...” He started blabbering. “But I can't imagine anyone else standing by my side on my wedding day and if it wouldn't be too much for...”
“Oh, shut it, Bill.” I stood up and hugged him so tightly that he couldn't continue speaking. “I would be honored.” I tapped him twice on the back and pulled away.
“Are you sure?” He asked, looking a bit less worried.
“Yes. Just because I didn't have a happy ending doesn't mean I am going to be bitter about someone else's. Especially yours!” I pointed my fork at him. “So stop blabbering like a baboon and eat your steak!”
“You sound just like mum.” He laughed and couldn't help but join him.
It was great having him here. I missed my family and now more than ever it wasn't safe for me to go home and visit. I was glad I will be able to see everyone at his wedding and I was nothing but excited for them to get married.
I already met Fleur. I visited Bill a few months after they started dating and when she came into his office, he introduced us. She was so polite and as nice as I remembered her from the first Triwizard Tournament task. I thought they looked fantastic together and seeing Bill happy and looking at her, being so in love, how could I not be excited for them.
I didn't care what mum thought about them getting married so soon. I just wanted him to be happy and in these uncertain times, who wouldn't want to celebrate love. Seeing him exchange vows with Fleur and seeing all my other siblings be happy and in love was my purpose now. I can be the fun uncle in the family, everyone knows I have the best sense of humor anyway.
Sometimes, I surprised myself how okay I was with everything after such a short amount of time. But I have made my peace with what happened to me and knowing I can't do anything about it, I can at least be supportive of others. I know how it feels to be loved unconditionally and I hope all my siblings get to experience that.
Just because I don't have it anymore, doesn't mean I have to be angry about it. I would never try to ruin that for anybody else. It's beautiful and I am grateful I have the memories of it and I am trying as hard as I can to keep them alive. It's all I have and all I will ever need. I have amazing family and friends and my dream job and that's enough for me now.
#harry potter hogwarts mystery#harry potter fanfiction#hphm charlie#charlie weasley#charlie weasley fanfiction#hphm#hogwarts mystery mc#the weasleys#hphm au#hphm characters#hphm fanfiction#weasley family#hp imagine#charlie weasley x oc#hogwarts mystery imagine#hphm imagine#charlie weasley imagine#the burrow#harry potter imagine#weasley fanfiction
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Scott Lang x reader
Chapter 2
I apologise this is a long chapter but domesticated Avengers makes me happy. If you’re reading this it’s meant to be a slow burnnn so enjoy the burning, the Tony x reader friendship and Thor being domesticated. If you like unsmashed lamps this chapter may be hard for you to read I’m sorry.
Warnings: none. unless you count archers breaking things.
You opened your weary eyes but everything was still black. Something warm was brushing against your face. You were warm... and in bed. ‘Please tell me I’m in my own bed.’ Without moving your splitting head you had no idea who could hear you until the unmistakable voice of Thor replied ‘It’s your own.’ He sounded amused. Somehow you felt well rested and more tired than you’d felt since Scott kept you up all night showing you card tricks, all at the same time. Although out of all the occupants in Stark Tower, Parker tired you out the most. The child. He was lucky you liked him.
Groaning you rolled over and face dived into your pillow clenching your eyes closed. Of course it was your bed. No one else’s smelt this good. Unless you’d gone nose blind as that weird advert went. ‘What day is it?’ You felt ridiculous asking but wasn’t this how you were supposed to behave? Youth? because Peter was in the minority being so morally well adjusted.
‘Sunday.’ That voice woke you up. ‘Y/N we can leave if you really want to sleep for another hundred years,’ you finally opened your eyes to see a much happier Scott smiling at you. Next to him was a smiling Thor glancing outside at the blue sky like a bird and a Peter looking apprehensive. You weren’t sure what as wrong with him he didn’t have the worst hangover of all time.
‘Come on get up,’ Scott spoke to you like you were five which just made you scowl... like a five year old. Looking mockingly scared Scott raised his hands up in ‘defeat’. ‘Okay don’t get up. I’ll just eat all the delicious pancakes Thor made myself.’
Thor snapped out of his bird watching trance to grunt before nodding ‘Yes. I’m afraid they are delicious.’ What did you do to deserve such generosity? And how could you resist pancakes? Oh but bed or pancakes?
‘These are amazing!’ You exclaimed (you had chosen pancakes). Thor grinned at your compliment as you ate like a rabid dog. Scott closed all the kitchen cupboards - he was such a dad sometimes - before leaning on the worktop facing you. ‘I’m glad you like them ,’ Thor remarked before finishing his breakfast and going to presumably get a shower leaving you with your favourite ant and third wheeling spider.
‘S- so I have an assignment due next month which is gonna take forever but Mr Stark-‘ as Peter launched himself into a long winded story about homework Scott caught your eye and smirked. You felt as if you were speaking in code. He watched you listen to your friends tangled tale with as much enthusiasm as you could muster despite your hangover. It seemed to amuse him.
‘And I was thinking who do I know that knows a lot about this sort of stuff? Y/N but I didn’t know how to ask y-‘
Scott gave you his best: can-you-believe-this-shit look and chuckled quietly keeping his eyes on yours. You smiled back but tried not to laugh - not wanting to upset Peter. Scott wasn’t as used to him as you were. He must have felt ancient beside someone as young and sprightly as the kid because even you felt middle aged in comparison. Luckily Peter had the attention span of a little child so before Scott could even try and think about asking him to leave he was off. Where? Chasing butterflies and doing something you did not need to know about.
You swallowed your words before they came out once Peter had left you and Scott alone. He was washing up and you weren’t even bothering to offer to do it instead. The hangover brain was strong and you didn’t even remember drinking never mind being pissed. Just as you watched him wash the final plate Scott turned to look at you. ‘You don’t even remember what you did last night do you?’
Oh fuck. Shit. What did you do? What could you have done? How could Scott tell you didn’t know? Was he turning into a psychic because of the quantum realm? It wouldn’t surprise you. Less and less shit did since moving to Stark Tower.
‘No. How can you tell? Have you absorbed Charles Xavier’s powers?’ Thank god the panic didn’t show in your voice for a change because otherwise all those oscar worthy performances you gave in the shower would have been a waste of time. Scott’s face pulled into a smug smile as he sat down at the breakfast table you hadn’t left.
‘Oh poor Y/N,’ he pulled a mocking sad face and used his creepy high pitched voice you hated. ‘Is someone confused?’ He was revelling in having the upper hand for a change.
‘Funny. You’re funny. Now tell me what I did or didn’t do last night before I throw this plate at you.’ You both knew you would never throw a plate at his cute face. It wouldn’t be worth the lecture of Steve on manners either. Steve. What could he possibly teach you about manners - they were fucking impeccable?
‘That’s not asking nicely.’
Your stomach contracted slightly as you could almost visualise the two pathways the conversation could lead to. His eyes were burning into yours with a new intensity you’d never seen in Scott before. It made your mouth dry and you cheeks burn up slightly. You felt like you’d been shoved into an oven without warning.
‘Fine,’ he refused to break eye contact with you and it was infuriating in a way. You willed him to stop as if he could in fact mind read. ‘Please just tell me what happened.’ Normally you only took this tone with Tony, you couldn’t help but wonder if in a weird way it meant you were getting closer to Scott. Atleast more comfortable. That would help you make less of a spectacle of yourself on a daily basis (not that that wasn’t fun but- ).
He told you that it wasn’t as bad as everyone was making out but you had decided to play beer pong with Thor and lost. Badly. You’d apparently cried when Clint said he didn’t want to play just dance and stormed off like a grumpy toddler who couldn’t get her own way.
‘I know. You’re classy.’
‘I can be classy!’
Scott snorted at your outrage, downing the last of his orange juice while you sat in mock disbelief. ‘I’ll believe that when I see it.’ Okay noted. Scott didn’t think ripped fishnets were classy. Interesting. His ex wife was classy - ah let’s not open that door.
‘I didn’t throw up did I?’ You finally asked the burning question every hungover Gen Z member had to ask. He ran his hands through his dark hair but you refused to let your eyes linger for too long. ‘No you didn’t.’ This was followed by a cat like stretch he seemed to revel in performing. You heard the bones in his wrists crack and narrowed your eyes at him because you couldn’t think of what else to say. He didn’t seem interested in speaking either, he was blank. Fuck it. You knew when to let a conversation end.
‘I’m gonna shower.’ and as you left Scott alone in the kitchen to find the bathroom empty you smiled: if Scott had been 18 he would have said ‘without me?’ and thank god he wasn’t. You liked your older men immature in some ways (the fun ways) but pick me boys you could not abide. Scott was certainly not one.
After you’d sucked any joy out of showering dry by obsessing over how sad Scott may or may not be about his ex wife (or if he wanted advice) you dried yourself. You were 18 what advice could you have for the man? Middle aged men did seem to come to you for advice despite your own doubts and lack of experience. When Steve had been left out of a mission because of another fight with Bucky you practically became his mother consoling the drama queen. Tony called it ‘hilarious’ but you had a different word for the experience. That being said you wouldn’t mind listening to all of Scott’s problems on a loop on a fucking tape but bias is bias.
The walk to Tony’s obnoxiously large living room was short from the bathroom. The sound of the cold tile against your bare feet was all you could hear for a moment before the sound of-
‘Shit. Shit!’
You entered the crime scene cold and confused, your wet hair was dripping cold down your back making you shiver. Stood in front of the tv flaming at the nostrils was a pissed off yet guilt ridden Clint Barton looking down at his handiwork. Lay on the floor was the lamp you’d bought Tony for his birthday. Smashed.
Nat was scowling at the archer lecturing him on how to carry things like a cross teacher. Wanda, Vision, Bucky and Steve were less concerned. You weren’t concerned at all it was a fucking £10 lamp. ‘Nat it’s fine it was an accident it’s just a lamp.’ You interrupted her scolding which gained you a sympathetic smile from Clint. His eyes said thank you. Nat did not seem convinced but swallowed her pride and calmed down anyway.
You scanned the room until your eyes met Scott, which you knew you needed to stop doing so often. There they were. Pointing back at you : a mixture of humour and the sadness you couldn’t stop noticing even if no one else did. You caved first and smiled at him. It was impossible not to.
‘Are we forgetting he’s a millionaire?’ Scott laughed at his own comment.
‘Excuse me, billionaire.’ Tony revelled in correcting people on how much money he had. How many cars he owned was a fun one too or how many times he’d redesigned everything in the house because he was ‘bored.’ Nat rolled her eyes in your direction which you quickly returned.
‘Really? Billionaire?’ Scott couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His voice was so high and his eyes were so wide you just grinned at his adorable face. Bless him. He knew nothing about Tony’s empire. What no one wanted was Scott’s lack of knowledge to end in a long speech from the billionaire about his life story. No one would stay for that.
‘I bought you churros. You said I had to pay for everyone’s.’ Scott sounded as if he could cry, so naturally everyone laughed. Even Vision. You weren’t sure if you’d ever seen him laugh before, it was so sweet. ‘Well I’m sure you’ll survive.’ Tony’s signature eyebrow raise was code for I’m-better-than-you.
Once everyone got up to get drinks and choose a film Scott snaked his arm onto your shoulder startling you. Everyone was on the other side of the room and no one was looking. There was a chance Tony was to see if you made a fool of yourself but you could live with that. ‘You jump so easily,’ he was not wrong. Everything startled you. ‘Did you know how much money Tony made?’
His hand left your shoulder, making you fight the urge to sigh in disappointment from the lack of touch. He sounded genuinely curious. Why he was fixating on Tony’s money you did not know. He didn’t steal anymore.
‘Everyone does. Why are you so interested? Are you planning a heist?’
Scott’s face changed. He was stood so close to you if either one of you moved there’d be no space to breathe. You wondered if he would ever fucking notice your ‘little crush’ on him or if it would continue like this forever. Would that be so bad? No. It would make more sense.
‘If I was you could be my accomplice.’ He sounded so confident. Of course it was a joke but still .. you? A criminal?
‘Hmm ... I think Nat would be a better choice.’ He smiled down at you as his hand found its way back to your shoulder. His touch, even in a non sexual way, made you feel like putty.
‘Sure she can come too. You’d be better company though, she’s a bit scary.’ You both laughed and then he was back to the sofa with the others. It took you a moment of standing around like an idiot taking Scott’s words in before you could join them.
Better company. Better company. Better company that a Russian assassin? Did that really mean much?
Taglist: @supraveng
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My Heart’s On Fire For Your Love
Chapter 6: one word and it’s over
Summary: Only a lucky few happen to find their soulmates. It was so rare that it became a myth. So why did Tony find an L on his wrist a couple hours after Loki threw him out a window and why did he agree to Loki and Thor moving in the tower?
May 17th, 2012
Tony woke up with a jolt of pain shooting through his back and ending in his head and legs. He shot up in bed, heaving from the blinding pain leaving his legs slightly numb. He groans as he swings his legs over the bed, the tingling becoming like little needles as his feet hit the floor. He powers through it and pushes himself up, grabbing his phone off of the nightstand and managing to make it to the bathroom without his knees giving out.
It wasn’t bad, he’s experienced worse but it was more annoying, the tingling in his legs and back, the numbness was annoying. He leans back against the counter and pulls the back of his shirt over his head, he doesn’t look as he opens his camera on his phone and quickly takes a picture of his back in the mirror.
It was probably only a bruise from Loki and Thors fight, maybe really bad bruises. Maybe when Thor pushed Loki back into the floor he broke skin?
It could’ve been a lot of things, he expected maybe a broken bone but when he looked at the picture the only thing that stopped him from throwing up right there was his hand slapping over his mouth as he turned around and heaved into the sink.
He was completely numb as he puked and puked for what felt like hours. It was like a bad hangover, the hangovers that made him consider going to the hospital. The ones where he couldn’t sleep, eat or even drink anything, he would do nothing but throw up, shake and sweat to attempt to get the alcohol from his body. And just like the bad hangovers he was praying to every god he could think of to make this stop.
A couple minutes later it did.
He quickly washes down his mess, making sure not to look at it, afraid to make himself sick again and he notices his phone isn’t in his hand. He lets out a shaky sigh as he steps back from the counter, ignoring his shaking knees as he spots his phone by the counter and his knees almost give out as he picks it up. He swallows down the fear pulling at his organs as he turns the phone back on, not even caring about a new crack in the screen as he stares down at the picture.
It was bad, so fucking bad. Red, yellow, blue and purple on tan skin. It was like a fucking rainbow, Red scabs, pink irritated skin, yellow surrounding the gashes, blue and purple mixing together making his back look like the night sky. An ugly night sky.
He couldn’t do this, he could barely look at Loki’s scars everyday and pretend it was fine, this, this he can not fucking do. He needs to know, who did this and why Loki won’t fucking tell anyone about it. Sometimes Tony hates being so fucking nice, thus why he was an asshole all the time but shit like this, he can’t stand by and do nothing.
“Let’s hope god is on our side for once” is the first thing Loki hears as he enters the common floor and he can’t help but say “there is no god”. His face falls slack as he stares at the Avengers, expecting ridicule.
Unsurprisingly Tony says “you may be my new best friend” with a smirk “hey how do you feel about the government?”
Loki frowns as he grabs a cup from the thing called a dishwasher, Midgardians baffle him with their laziness. “The people that thought they could keep me in a prison made for mortals?” he asks as he turns around goes to the coffee pot
“Yeah them”
“Arrogant, annoying, think way too highly of themselves” Loki deadpans as he pours creamer in his coffee
“That’s called a god complex” Natasha states, making the brothers frown.
“Okay” Loki deadpans as he continues making his coffee “we need to go to Asgard today Thor”
Immediately Thor protests “no, we talked about this yesterday” he says sternly and Loki glares “Father would not hesitate-”
“You think I can’t protect myself from him?’
“Speaking of-” Tony interrupts as he gets and pulls Loki along with him to the balcony “-I need to talk to you”
Loki rips his arm from Tonys grip but follows him out anyways “Pardon me but what the fuck?” he asks harshly as they get outside “I told you to stop this”
“Don’t swear it doesn’t match you”
“Beiskaldir” Loki retorts and Tony ignores his breath hitch.
He quickly shakes it off “I woke up this morning from pain shooting through my back” Tony states and he sees Loki’s jaw tighten just slightly “who was it from?”
Loki glares before turning around “none of your business” he growls and despite that Tony still grabs his arm and spins him back around.
“I hate you, I really fucking do but that doesn’t mean I can just sit by and do nothing”
Loki’s glare fades into something unreadable, something that makes guilt tug ans twist Tonys organs “what did I tell you before Stark?”
“I know what you told me and I don’t care. I care about who did this to you and why?”
Loki sighs and turns back around saying "Let me heal it and I will tell you”
“Won’t it heal if you heal?”
Loki keeps walking, “you have my bruise” he states, giving Tony a shrug before going back inside and Tony can’t help but touch his cheek where Loki is sporting a reddish bruise before heading back in and he regrets not jumping off the damn balcony. “how long have you guys even been bonded?” Steve asks with a frown, Tony who stops in his tracks nearly yells as he snarls “eight fucking days now quit interrogating me”
Steve huffs before saying “this is soulmates, you guys are bonded-“
“yeah I know Steve you keep fucking reminding me” Tony interrupts harshly as heads to the bar, not acknowledging Loki as he stands beside him and makes a drink, he felt awkward, having Loki’s wounds on him but he ignores it and asks “this is why you wanted to go to Asgard?”
“yes” Loki deadpans as he pours sugar in his coffee, he quickly grew a liking to it and considered taking some home. If he ever could go home.
Thor butts in from his spot beside Steve “I can ask mother and father to-“
“no” Loki says sternly, “do not tell him, mother yes, father no. Got it?” Odin would surely kill them both if he knew, probably Thor as well for not telling him but Thor is his favourite and Loki doesn’t know Odin as well as he thought.
Thor cowers away with a quiet “okay” going back to shoving pancakes down his throat.
“How are you the older brother?” Clint asks with a laugh
Loki can’t help but spit “and how are you so useless?”
Clint glares at him, unknowingly satisfying Loki while he retorts “how are you so fucking annoying?”
“how are you so weak?”
“how are you so self-destructive?”
Loki scoffs “you have not seen self-destructive Barton”
“Loki” Thor says lowly, telling Loki not to go there. He couldn’t take it, not after getting Loki back.
Loki goes back to his coffee, dumping a bit too much creamer in as he says “told you Barton I’ll always win” Loki sees Tony from the corner of his eyes, hiding his smirk in his cup as he takes a sip and goes to sit back down.
“you did not win that” Barton says immediately and Loki has to resist laughing at the desperation in his tone.
“I got the last word” Loki informs him “I won so don’t even start again” Loki demands as he sees Barton open his mouth to say something but quickly snaps it shut but he quickly says “you’re an asshole” Clint hisses as Loki sits in an armchair near his brother and Steve. Loki sighs, taking a sip of his coffee while he thinks.
You do need their trust.
“I didn’t want to do anything that I did, that doesn’t justify it or make up for it I’m very aware of that but I’m also aware that you despise me and I don’t blame you Barton” Loki admits, swallowing down his pride before continuing “I’m saying this with complete sincerity, I am sorry for controlling you and for making you endure my pain and I respect you for staying sane through it all” Loki resists the urge to smirk at Bartons frozen form.
“You never apologize” Thor accuses.
Loki rolls his eyes as he looks over at his brother “then it should prove something, should it not?”
Thor hums before changing the subject “any requests?” he asks “any specific questions you want answers to? Belongings? I’ll get them, anything you want” Thor says quickly making Loki frown but he doesn’t question it as he conjures up paper and a quill, knowing Thor will forget everything he requests.
“a feather and ink” Natasha hums
“real space vikings” Tony finishes and Loki ignores them as he continues writing.
“what do you guys use to write? other than computers?” Thor asks, or more so challenges them.
“pens” Bruce says “like normal people”
“okay” Loki scoffs as the quill vanishes with a single thought and he folds up the paper into what Midgardians call a paper airplane and throws it at Thor, “read that and I will burn you” Loki threatens as the paper flies inches from Thor's head and he doesn’t even flinch.
“I will stab you” Thor replies immediately
“try it Thumb” Loki snarls with a smirk, seeing that glint in Thors eyes as he leans forward and spits back with just as much venom as Loki “no problem Lucky”
Natasha interrupts them “weren’t you guys just fighting the other day?”
Loki raises a brow and decides to take a trip down memory lane “he incapacitated me for weeks and hours after he came to see me asking if I wanted to go ride the horses and cried when I said I couldn-“
“I did not cry” Thor cries
“yes you did”
“Ah brotherly moments” Tony hums “beautiful” he finishes with a smile and a clap of his hands.
“you cried when I broke my leg” Thor deadpans.
Loki quickly complains “I wasn’t even 250 years yet” he says, knowing it’s completely normal for a child that age to cry for their older brother.
“how fucking long is that?” Tony asks loudly.
“here I would’ve been four” Loki says quickly, turning back to Thor only for Clint to ask “how old are you guys now?” Loki sighs loudly, hating questions and Thor thankfully, knows it and answers for him.
“twenty-six and twenty-two I think?” Thor looks to Loki for confirmation and he nods instantly “our birthdays are in October and December”
“how do you know?” Natasha asks “I thought Asgards time works differently?”
“years ago our father would gift us of going with him on his travels around the nine realms”
“as a birthday present?” Natasha asks and Thor nods “damn my birthday presents were weapons”
Loki blurts “we got those as well”
“I still have my first dagger” Thor says proudly “and my first hammer it’s tiny-“
“Thor” Loki interrupts, dead serious as he says “no one cares”
“Is it just-”
Tony fucking snaps “jesus fucking christ Rogers can you shut the fuck up?” Tony roars, his veins burning with anger and he doesn’t even care that Bruce is sitting right beside him “all you fucking do is talk about this soulmate bullshit and I’m fucking sick of it”
Steve gulps before saying “I’m worried about you”
“Well stop!” Tony yells again “stop caring about me, stop worrying about me. Just fucking stop”
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make things harder”
Tony scoffs, but it wasn’t bitter like usual “Oh I know you don’t” he says lowly “because you help people, you try to make things better -god my dad would not stop talking about you” Steve frowns at that but doesn’t say anything, making Tony let out a bitter scoff followed by a laugh “you may think you’re trying to help me but really you’re just fucking annoying me”
“I’m so-“
“stop” Tony yells again “stop apologizing, stop being so fucking nice to me” he says quickly before getting up and heading to the elevator “jesus fucking christ take me now”
“You’re intoxicated” Loki states with a raise of his brows as Tony stumbles in his room.
“Not as drunk as I should be” Tony slurs slightly as he leans against the dresser “you said you’d tell me if I let you try and heal it”
Loki nods, looking back down at his book “yes I remember”
Tony frowns, just by the tone of his voice Tony knew Loki was fucking around “tell me first and then I’ll let you heal it”
Loki looks at him, putting down his book and sitting up properly now “we don’t know if it will heal” Loki states “so I’m not telling you until after I try”
Tony presses his lips together and turning around, he pulls the back of his shirt up and flinches slightly when he feels that same warmth he felt when Loki was healing his cuts and he knows it’s working, he doesn’t have to ask because the uncomfortable pain is gone, the tight skin that felt like the scabs were ripping open with every move, gone.
Loki hums as he steps back “it worked”
Tony instantly drops his shirt “what about yours?” he asks as he turns around and in reply Loki reaches behind himself and a second later he nods.
“Gone” he says happily as he drops his hand.
Tony can’t help but smirk and Loki’s happiness instantly fades “Who did this to you? Or us-you?” Loki doesn’t say anything for a moment and it makes Tonys heartbeat pick up, he still says “you promised you’d tell me”
Loki sighs harshly, not taking his eyes off of Tony as he finally blurts.
#MHOFFYL#tony stark#tony stark fic#tony stank#tony x loki#loki x tony#loki#Loki Laufeyson#loki odinson#loki odinsdottir#loki of asgard#loki of jotunheim#loki fanfic#loki fic#frostiron#ironfrost#frostiron fanfic#frostiron fic#loki friggadottir#Loki Friggason#loki angst#Tony Stark fanfiction#tony stark x loki#Iron Man#soulmate au
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Christmas Magic
Hey all! I decided to take a break from my Magnus series and write this Loki Christmas one-shot. I apologise for the length.
Summary: It’s Christmas, ya’ll. Can the magic of the season bring two people together?
Warnings: body shaming, but mostly fluff, and a bit of protective Loki
*gif not mine
Beep, beep!
The sound of your alarm clock startled you from slumber. Groaning you reached to turn off the offending noise before flopping your head back on the pillow and snuggling under the blankets. Closing your eyes, you tried to fall back to sleep, but it seemed your body was done resting. You got out of bed with a sigh.
Since it was just a week before Christmas, the Avengers had been given some well deserved time off. Fury agreed to the holiday knowing just how much everyone needed to relax and recharge. The past year had been particularly hard. Yes, you were superheroes it was your job, but one can only go so long before they burn out. You were honored to be counted among the group. You couldn’t imagine your life without any of the men or women - they were your family.
Walking to your ensuite bathroom, you thought about how much your life has changed in the last decade. You hated your life - your family never loved you and you never had any friends. Everyone always teased you or pushed you around; mostly because of your size. You didn’t have the perfect body and being plus-sized was not easy. No matter how many diets you tried, nothing ever worked. When you turned sixteen your life changed forever. Your parents threw out of the house because they deemed you dangerous. Why you ask? Because you were a mutant. On the morning of your sixteenth birthday, you somehow acquired certain abilities that could be classified as magic. So because they were afraid of you and what you might be capable of, your family turned their back on you. You were on your own for two years, afraid of yourself and powers. One day though, you met Nick Fury and Tony Stark. They offered you a home and a chance to use your skills for good.
Skip forward to ten years later, you were a proud member of the Avengers. A knock brought you back to reality. Looking towards your door, you saw something slide underneath. Using your magic, the object flew through the air and into your hand. You sighed again, knowing exactly what it was. Every year Tony threw extravagant Christmas Eve parties. Not being a partier yourself, you had only attended one of these events. It had ended in tears and lots of chocolate. Many of the female agents were rude to you. Teasing you about your weight and even calling you a freak because of your magic. Needless to say I never went to another party.
Taking the invitation out of the envelope, I wondered if Loki would ever ask me. You laughed at your silly fantasies. First off, the god of Mischief was your best friend. The two of you understand each other better than anyone else could have. He was not the man everyone believed he was. Loki put on a show of being a tough, uncaring person, but behind the mask, he longed to be loved. He was gentle and caring when you got to know him, and it certainly didn’t hurt that he was gorgeous. Oh well. You would never do anything to ruin your friendship. And secondly, why would he ever return your affections? In the world’s eyes, you were not considered beautiful. No man, or god, would ever have romantic feelings towards you. You shouldn’t get your hopes up - if your own family never loved or accepted you, why would Loki?
Blinking back tears, you stood up and walked to your full-length mirror and examined yourself. Nope, definitely not worth it. You looked at the invitation one more time, quickly tearing it up and throwing it to the floor.
“What did that piece of paper ever do you, Dove?” a voice asked.
You whipped around to see Loki standing inside your room leaning against the door with a smirk on those beautiful lips of his.
“Ugh, Loki how many times have told you not to sneak up on me like that?” you huffed. “Don’t you ever knock?”
“I did, but when you didn’t answer, I was worried something had happened to you,” he explained.
You rolled your eyes. ‘Right, whatever you say. Sure you weren’t just trying to sneak a peek?”
Loki put his hand over his heart. “You wound me, Y/N. I was only worried for your safety - I am no peeping Tom.”
“When have I ever been in need of saving?” You laughed. “I can take care of myself.”
“Well, maybe someday. I hope you know that I will always be there to save you,” Loki said seriously. You noticed a look strange look pass over his face.
Suddenly you realized you were still in your nightgown. Cheeks flushing a pale pink, you used your magic to change.
“Breakfast m’ lady?” Loki asked offering you his elbow.
You nodded with a smile, threading your arm through his. You chuckle to yourself as you thought back to how you and he became friends. It was a rocky start. He was an arrogant, egotistical maniac who looked down on everyone. He hated everything and everybody. Slowly though, you chipped away at his walls. After a while, he began to open up to you and even offered to help improve your skills. He told you about his past. Your heart broke for him and was able to identify with him to a small degree. You became each other's confidants and spent most of your free time together. And somewhere along the way, you had fallen in love with this god. And little did you know, Loki had fallen for you too.
The next week was spent having snowball fights, building snowmen, making Christmas cookies, watching movies, and party prep. Your favorite times were spent with Loki, talking and drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire. The team was really enjoying their vacation and were able to relax. Everyone was feeling the season working its magic.
As the festivities drew nearer, Nat kept trying to convince to go.
“Come on, Y/N, you really should come. Tony says there will be lots of dancing, amazing food, and fireworks.” Nat pleaded. “I heard even Loki is coming this year, and that never happens. You should come and keep an eye on your boyfriend,” she smirked.
You rolled your eyes. “You know perfectly well that Loki is not my boyfriend. He would never think of me more than a friend,” you explained. “Now, as I have said before, I am not going. So please stop asking.”
Nat held up her hands in defeat. “Fine, have it your way.” She walked away. You shrugged turning back to the library.
It was now the day before the party, you passed Nat and Thor deep in conversation, on your way to the kitchen. Definitely up to something.
Your stomach growled so you hurried on to the kitchen. A wonderful smell invaded your senses the closer you got. A smile spread across your face when you saw Loki attending to something on the stove. You snuck up behind him and took another whiff.
“Hmm, something smells amazing! Whatcha cooking there, chef?” you asked playfully.
“I believe you Midgardians call them pancakes.” Loki chuckled.
“You went all out there, Lokes. Eggs, bacon, sausage…”
“I wasn’t sure what you’d be in the mood for - sit.” Loki nudged you towards the table. He came back with two full plates, laying yours in front of you and he sat next to you.
Taking a bite of the pancakes, you closed your eyes savoring the flavor. “Chocolate chips! Loki, you’re the best! You spoil me.” You smiled at your friend
Loki just returned your smile and tucked into his own food. His body tensed at the moan that bubbled out of you. The ancient god turned to watch you, your eyes closed and a smile on your lips. You were clearly enjoying your food. Each moan was music to his ears. He wondered if he could ever elicit such moans from you himself. Loki shifted in his seat and bit his lip as his mind continued to wander.
No, he thought. A lady such as yourself would never fall for the likes of him. He still considered himself a monster. He had changed over the years, yes, but he still never trusted himself. You were his friend and Loki wouldn’t ruin that unless he was absolutely sure how you felt.
“Loki? Did you hear anything I just said?” You asked.
Loki shook himself. Sorry darling, I didn’t.”
“You alright, you look a bit flushed. Maybe you should go see Banner?”
“Banner? No, I...need Thor...to speak with…” Loki began. He jumped out of his chair and quickly left.
Puzzled, you stood too grabbing the dishes and taking them to the sink.
“That’s definitely a first,” you said out loud.
“What is?” Nat asked entering the kitchen.
“Loki wanted to see Thor.” You laughed.
The redhead hummed in agreement. “How about some sparring?”
Later that night, after hours of tossing and turning, you decided to make some hot chocolate and read. Settling on the main living area couch you opened your book. A few minutes later you smiled.
“There you are,” you said quietly. Putting your book down you waited.
Loki rounded the corner, clad in a pair of forest green silk pajama pants and a black hoodie. You loved those pants - they were so smooth. Heaven knows where he got them. Maybe one day you’d ask him for a pair of your own. You smiled to yourself. Or just borrow his.
“You look comfy, love.” He smiled. You were wrapped in a fluffy blanket with a steaming mug in hand. “I am. Should still be some hot cocoa in the kitchen,” you told him.
He came over and sat next to you, his eyes gleaming mischievously. “I’d much rather have some of yours.
Before you had time to react, Loki snatched the mug from your hand and took a sip. He looked back at you, challenging you to stop him. You were surprised at his action and pouted. Loki chuckled softly before draining the rest of it.
“Hey” you whined. “You jerk. You owe me.”
The raven-haired god laughed. “Your wish is my command. What shall it be?”
You thought for a moment before a book appeared in your hands. Smiling you handed it to him.
“Shakespeare, eh?” You nodded. Loki rolled his eyes, though he really didn’t mind. “Alright, get comfortable.”
You scooted closer to him sliding down so your head was resting in his lap. Loki chose a sonnet and began reading. You loved his voice. It was dark, smooth, and positively sinful. You suddenly realized that Loki is playing with your hair. The combination of his voice and his fingers running through your hair had a calming effect. You close your eyes enjoying the moment. You must have fallen asleep, because when you open your eyes again, Loki has stopped reading and is watching you.
“Hi,” he smiles.
“Hi,” you whisper back.
“I have a present for you. I know it is a tradition to wait until Christmas day, but as it is officially Christmas Eve, I can’t wait any longer.” Loki says.
You sit up facing him, tucking your legs under you. Loki licks his lips expectantly waiting for an answer. He looked like a kid, well, at Christmas.
“Well, just this once,” you concede. “I have one for you too.”
Using your powers, you both summon your gifts.
“Mine first,” Loki says handing you a beautifully wrapped package.
You rip open the paper, tossing it aside. You gasped as you saw the contents of the box. Nestled inside was the most beautiful necklace and set of earrings you had ever seen. The necklace was a modest-sized emerald pendant encircled by tiny diamonds, held together by a very delicate silver chain. The earrings were smaller, simple emerald studs. You were speechless. You opened your mouth but nothing came out.
Loki took your quietness to mean that you didn’t like it. “You hate them, don’t you? I know you don’t like flashy things, but I saw them and thought they would look magnificent on you.” Disappointed was evident in his tone.
You tore your eyes from the gift. “What? No, Loki I love them! They are so beautiful, I just don’t know what to say. Thank you!” You gave him a quick hug and a chaste kiss on his cheek. You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
Loki’s face lit up and a huge smile replaced his frown. “Only the best for you, Dove.”
“Now open mine” you nudged, handing him a small square package.
He opened it with equal enthusiasm. “Oh my!” His face was emotionless as he stared at the contents. Inside the box was a set of cufflinks. They were snakes - intricately carved silver with one emerald eye each. Truly a masterpiece. He took one out to examine it closer. Loki squinted. Did it just...it did! The snake blinked. The god’s eyes widened and glanced at the young sorceress with shock and disbelief and then back at the cufflink.
You sighed. “I know it’s silly. If you don’t like them I can make something else. I thought they were elegant with a touch of mischief. A trick for the trickster,” you chuckled to yourself.
“You made these?” Loki asked.
“Yeah, with some help from my magic...okay a lot of help” you hesitated. “But I did design them and…”
Your friend stopped you. “They are beautiful, Y/N. I can’t believe you created these - not that you aren’t capable.” Loki suddenly looked flustered. They are amazing, love. Truly.” You blushed at his praise.
“I shall wear them tonight.” he says. Feeling nervous, the young prince looked down at the gift again. “Are you sure you won’t come to the party?”
“Um, parties aren’t really my thing,” you explain weakly, not wanting him to know the real reason.
“Not even if someone were to ask you to accompany them?” He quirked his brow, cheeks slightly pink.
“Well, I don’t think that would ever happen, so no.”
“You wouldn’t go with me, then?” Loki asked. Your eyes widened, staring at your friend like he had just sprouted another head. You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, so you stayed quiet. Sensing your hesitation, Loki started, “You don’t have to if it would make you uncomfortable, but it would be an honor to escort you.”
“Are you being serious?” you whisper. He nods, a tender smile on his lips.
“Then, I - I would love to go with you.” You looked up at him, returning his smile. You stay like that for a few minutes.
“I guess we should go to bed. I mean our own beds, not like sharing one...not that I wouldn’t en-wow.” You cover your face with your hands trying to hide the bright red color it had turned.
He chuckles and stands up. “You’re right, it is late. Come, let me walk you to your room.” You walk back in silence. Reaching your door, you both linger. “Good night, Little One.” Loki leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“Night, Lokes. See you tomorrow.” You shut the door behind you and lean again the wood for a moment. Shaking yourself, you crawl into bed with a grin plastered on your face slipping into a peaceful sleep.
“Nat, Nat!” You called your friend. Nothing. For an assassin she sure sleeps heavily, you think. Fine.
Agent Romanoff! Get your butt out of bed now!” you bellowed, backing up knowing what was coming.
Nat jumped out of bed ready to attack. Looking around for danger and only seeing you, she slumped her shoulders. “What do you want? Too early,” she yawned turning towards her bed again.
“Oh no you don’t,” you said grabbing her wrist. It is 10:30, so we have just enough time to do some shopping and then get ready for the party.” You smiled at Nat’s confusion.
Rolling your eyes you headed back to the door. “Elevator, thirty minutes.”
So, what made ‘miss-I-hate-parties change her mind’?” Nat sassed. “A certain prince ask you to go?”
You nodded, blushing slightly as you continued flipping through dresses on the rack. “As friends of course.”
“Oh please, girl! Did he actually say that?”
“No, but I am trying to not get my hopes up just to be stomped to death because Loki doesn’t think of me as more than a friend.” Nat sighed. “And don’t give me the ‘love is worth the risk’ speech, you have no room to talk lady.” You both laughed.
“Oh, we will definitely find you a dress that will knock his socks off,” Nat said as she handed you some dresses. “Now go.”
After countless stores and dresses, you had only one more to try on. You stood in front of the mirror taking in the view. The dress was black with a dark green, lace overlay covered in tiny flecks of gold. It had a modest neckline and came down right to the top of your knees. Perfect! Stepping out of the dressing room, you cleared your throat. “What do you think?”
Nat was shocked. “Wow, Y/N. You look stunning! I love it. And I think certain Norse god will too. Alright, missy. Go get dressed and we should have time to get something to eat before we head back to the tower.”
The two of you chatted happily all through lunch. You glanced at your watch and noticed the time. “Crap,” you muttered. “We’re going to be late. Let’s go!”
Nat helped you with your hair while you did your makeup. You wanted to use magic to finish getting ready, but Nat convinced you not to. Part of the experience she claimed. Halfway through you texted Loki that you would be late and would meet him there.
After hair and makeup, you put your dress on and stood in front of the mirror examining yourself. Your hair was half up with curls cascading over your shoulders, your makeup was light and natural-looking. Loki’s gifts completed the look.
“You look beautiful, Y/N. Let’s get this party started!” Nat exclaimed.
“I couldn’t have done it without you, Nat. Thanks for everything you’ve done,” you smiled at your friend. You two made your way to the party.
“I enjoyed spending the day with you too.”
“That’s not quite what I meant,” you replied. Nat quirked her brow. “I know what you and Thor did.”
The assassin just smiled at you. The doors of the elevator opened up, having arrived at its destination.
“Come on, your prince awaits,” Nat pushed you forward a little. You giggled.
Standing just inside the door, you surveyed the room. The party was definitely in full swing, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. You smiled briefly looking for your date. You found him on the other side of the room talking with a few people. Thor noticed you first, a huge smile spread across his face. He nudged Loki who was standing next to him. Loki followed the direction Thor was looking. Ever the subtle one, Thor pushed his brother forward and laughed. Loki met your gaze and froze. He was utterly shocked. He slowly walked towards and you suddenly felt nervous and queasy under his intense stare.
“Y/N, y - you look amazing.” Loki stuttered.
“You like it then?” you asked shyly.
“Love it, darling,” he replied, his voice an octave lower now. I want everyone to see how lucky I am. May I have this dance?” He offered you his hand and led you out onto the dance floor.
A slow dance started playing, and Loki pulled you close to his body. His hands rested on your hips forcing your arms to encircle his neck. The prince smiled down at you and you returned it. You let yourself relax against his lean, but slightly muscular frame; loving the feeling of being in his arms. You knew your relationship would not be the same after tonight, something had changed - but maybe for the better?
“My colors suit you, Dove” he whispered in your ear causing a shiver to run up your spine.
“I do, don’t I?” you teased. “Maybe I’ll wear them more often.” You pulled back just enough to look up at Loki seeing another tender smile gracing his lips. You quickly melted back into his embrace, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
After two more songs, you took a break. Loki went to get some drinks while you took another moment to admire the young prince. He wore his usual stunning black suit, but switched his matching black shirt for a forest green button-up, paired with a red tie. He truly looked like a god. Loki noticed you staring and winked. His expression became one of boredom as a guest stopped to talk to him. You giggled and turned your attention back to the party. You saw a group of female agents talking close by, and you decided to eavesdrop.
“Ha, she thinks that a new dress and hairdo can improve her looks...she is sadly mistaken,” one agent said. The rest laughed.
Another agent noticed that you were listening. “She looks like a stuffed cabbage in that color. You can’t honestly think that Loki is taken by you do you, Y/N?” she asked. The other ladies turned to look at you. Smirks and eye roles were exchanged.
You blinked back tears. Don’t let them win. “We’re just friends,” you explained.
“Please, we all see the way you look at him; like a lost puppy waiting for her master to notice her,” a third agent piped up. “Like a god would take notice of a cow like you. Loki is just leading you on. You are just his tool tonight.” The ladies all cackled.
You knew the dam was about to break, but you couldn’t let them see you cry. You hurried out of the room as quickly as possible.
“Y/N, you okay? What happened? Steve stopped you, taking in your appearance.
“I’m fine, Steve. ‘Scuse me” you mumbled pushing past him.
Loki was finally able to extricate himself from his conversation and made his way back to you. He noticed you talking to a small group of women and smiled. A frown soon replaced it after seeing you run out of the room. He called after you, but you didn’t hear him. The prince turned toward the women who looked quite satisfied with themselves.
“What did you do to Y/N?” he asked. Anger bubbling to the surface.
The female agents all feigned innocence. “Nothing, Loki. She’s just being a baby.” one said shrugging.
Loki glared at them all. “What. Did. You. Say?” he spat out. The group coward back. “Really, nothing? You said nothing - Y/N just ran away? Speak before I do something I might regret.” he bellowed.
“Um, w-we told her that someone like you would never fall for a girl like her.” another offered.
Loki raised his eyebrows, a deadly look on his face. A girl like her? She is ten times...no a hundred times better than any of you. How dare you speak to her like that. Y/N is the glue that holds this team together. You have the audacity to judge her by her size? You are nothing but a bunch of mewling quim - you need to be taught a lesson or better yet, fired!” he yelled.
By now the room was silent, everyone watching the scene unfold. The rest of the Avengers were up front closest to the commotion, ready to defend Loki. They were proud of him for standing up for Y/N.
“If any of you ever tease her again, I will personally make your lives hell” Loki continued. “She is an amazing woman and I - I lov…” his eyes widen. “Where did she go?”
“That way.” Steve points in the direction you ran.
You found yourself in a small hallway you never knew existed. Sitting on a bench tucked into an alcove, you were alone and sobbing your heart out. You knew you shouldn’t believe what the women said about Loki. He was your friend after all, but it still hurt. You were so tired of the teasing and awful treatment. Tonight had given you hope that Loki might feel something more for you, but you knew that no one would love you because of your size. So lost in your own self-pity you barely registered someone calling your name. You didn’t respond, you didn’t want to talk to anyone.
“Y/N! Love, can you hear me?”
Coming back to reality, you saw Loki standing right in front of you. You knew you were a mess, you covered your face. Your friend sits down beside you and pulls you flush against him. You grab onto him and start sobbing again. Loki squeezes you tighter and rubs your back soothingly.
“I’m sorry Loki” you sniff. He handed you a hanky. “I let them get to me, I shouldn’t have, but I did…” You drop gaze and fiddle with his tie.
“No, love. I’m sorry. They should never have said those things to you. They are just a bunch of catty women. They are jealous of you” Loki explains.
You snort in disbelief. Loki lifts your chin with one of his long fingers. “It’s true” he continues. “It has been my experience that when people feel threatened or jealous of someone, they lash out at them.” He smiles at you.
Wiping away stray tears his hand lingers to caress your cheek. You close your eyes and lean into his touch.
The young prince takes a deep breath, “Y/N...I..” he pauses.
You open your eyes and look at Loki. “What is it? You can tell me, love” you prod.
“Iloveyou” he gushes.
“I’m sorry what?”
‘I love you, Y/N. Loki falters trying to gauge your reaction.
“Awe, I love you too, Lokes.” you chuckle.
“No, I love love you. More than just as a friend. I have fallen in love with you, Y/N.”
“But you can’t, it’s impossible!” You exclaim. I mean look at me. I’m not the woman you deserve, Loki.”
“To me, you are perfect, Y/N. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. You are strong, brave, kind, loving, caring, and excuse my language, a bloody genius. You always think about other people and their needs before your own. You have taught me to not judge what people look like on the outside, that it is what’s on the inside that matters.
Tears were flowing down your cheeks again. “But…” you began.
Loki pressed a finger to your lips, “I wasn’t finished. You have curves, so what? I like a woman who is curvy. It just means that there is more of you for me to love” he winked.
“Oh Loki, no one has ever talked to me like that before. I want to believe that I am not completely ugly, but that’s all I’ve been told growing up.”
“Then let me show you how beautiful you are and how much I adore you.” Loki put his arms around you and pulled you close again.
You could feel his warm breath on your face. Your lips just inches apart, breathing heavy. Your gaze drifted up briefly before a laugh bubbled out. Loki followed your gaze and saw a ball of mistletoe appearing above.
“It seems someone is hoping for a Christmas kiss, eh?” You joked looking back at Loki.
He was staring at you - the love you saw reflected in his eyes made your heart skip a beat. He slowly leaned in and brushed his lips against yours, pulling away for a second only to reattach to your mouth again.
The kiss felt like heaven. It was sweet, gentle, and a tad salty. You snaked your hands up his neck to deepen the kiss. It became passionate - Loki wasn’t holding back anymore. Neither of you were. He nibbled your bottom lip causing you to gasp. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Loki snuck his tongue in your mouth to taste more of you. The feeling was intoxicating, neither of you wanted to stop. You finally broke the kiss, oxygen becoming necessary. He pressed his forehead to yours as you both tried to catch your breath.
“Th-that was all I wanted for Christmas,” Loki whispered. You two smiled at each other, basking in the warmth of the moment.
“I love you too, you finally confessed. “I have for a very long time.” Loki pecked your lips again.
“Happy Christmas, my dove.”
“Merry Christmas, my prince.”
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Steve x reader x Thor
One more supernatural themed story coming in the next few days!
You were the only one of your kind on Earth. You might even be the last of the fae on Earth, but that didn’t bother you. It made you feel unique rather than different. You could do things no-one else could.
You’d met Clint years ago and knowing what you were and what you could do, he’d introduced you to The Avengers. This is where you met Steve and Thor. They were the sweetest men alive and they loved you.
Your relationship was perfect, well, except for one thing.
Your boys were giants. That was what you swore every day, even if you knew the reality. While most people did see the men to be quite tall, 6’6 and 6’2 respectively, when it came to the three of your heights everyone knew you were just short.
Your kind weren’t exactly known for making people tall enough to ride a roller-coaster, but for your kind you were quite tall. Being fae wasn’t a bad thing, no quite the opposite. Sure, it came with some minor setbacks, standing at 4’11, iron and the fact many people associated you with a little blonde in a green dress.
But your boys didn’t care. Neither did the team. Because you were Y/N, you were just Y/N to them.
“What are you doing?” Steve asked, startling you at the sudden noise. Tightly gripping the shelf, you narrowed your eyes slightly as you turned to face the man.
“I was trying to make breakfast, but you two giants keep putting the things up too high.” You pouted as Steve came over and helped you off the counter. He pulled the cups and plates off the shelf and placed them on the bench as you raised a brow at him.
“You shouldn’t sit on the counter, you could fall.” Steve sighed. “Why didn’t you just fly to get them? Or use magic to get the things down.”
“I didn’t think to use any magic. And besides my wing is still ripped.” You said, wrapping the non-injured one around you and gently touching the still injured one.
“Are you sure you can’t heal this sweetheart?” Steve asked, reaching out to gently touch the torn wing. “I’ve seen you do some incredible things with your magic, why not this?”
“I wish I could fix it but if I do that it’ll become weaker, until one day it just tears right off.” You explained, folding the delicate wings back into your back. “Just some shitty rule my crappy parents explained before dumping me here.”
Steve didn’t say anything as he knew your parents were a subject you liked to be left well enough alone. He did pull you into his arms and kiss you gently causing you to smile.
“Why don’t you go and wake up our prince and I’ll make us breakfast?” You suggested, leaning your head back to gaze at the man. “I’ll make those pancakes you both like.” You added, getting a soft smile in response.
“Okay sweetheart.” He said, kissing you before leaving the room. Smiling to yourself you made about beginning breakfast. it was easy. It was a task you could lose yourself in. A task where you could forget the rest of the world and the rest of the world’s problems. And you did.
“Crap.” You cursed, realizing you forgot some of the ingredients on the top shelves. Not wanting to disturb Steve or Thor you turned the stove off and climbed the counter again. You’d almost grabbed the ingredient when a set of hands dragged you off the counter. “Shit!” You shrieked in surprise.
“My lady, I do believe that’s not safe.” Thor said, holding you tight against his chest. “A fall from that height could kill you.”
“It is not that far a jump and I am not that short.” You huffed, turning in his arms. Leaning back, you had to strain your neck to look up at him fully, but you it was worth the slight crick in your neck to see the disheveled Asgardian prince.
“I thought I told you to stay off the counters.” Steve scolded, standing next to Thor. “You could seriously injury yourself.”
“I just needed to reach some things. If you two giants didn’t place them on the very top shelve then I wouldn’t have to climb the counter.” You complained, pulling out of Thor’s arms. “It’s not my fault I’m a bit shorter than you both.”
“A bit shorter?” Steve snorted, you snapped your head to the man and glared at him.
“If you finish that sentence, I will end you.” You threatened. Steve raised his hands in surrender as Thor smiled at the two of you.
“I love you sweetheart.” Steve said sweetly, pulling you into his arms.
“Yeah, yeah.” You smiled as Thor wrapped his arms around the both of you.
“I love you both, Steven and lady Y/N.” Thor said loudly.
“Love you too, Thor.” You both replied.
“How about I make breakfast?” Steve suggested, pulling back slightly. “Just to ensure no-one falls off a counter or burns the kitchen.”
“Marvelous plan, Steven.” Thor cheered, kissing him quickly before taking a seat at the table. Quickly he pulled you onto his lap and rested his chin on your head. “Though you may not like the height you are, I love how small your frame is against mine.” He murmured into your ear as Steve bustled around the kitchen.
“That’s sweet honey.” You said, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. “But still you’re both too tall.” You added with a smile as he laughed.
“Are you sure you don’t want one of us to come?” Steve asked, walking beside you. “Because I’ll gladly come.”
“As would I.” Thor agreed from your other side. “I thought you said you hadn’t spoken to your brother in almost two centuries.
“I haven’t. The last time I saw him he was scaring townspeople and making them believe he was the devil.” You supplied. “But it’s been almost two centuries and he’s a thousand years old now, he’s probably matured since.” You added, moving in front of them and taking one of their hands. “I appreciate the offer, but I can go on my own.”
“It’s just we get worried and you said he wasn’t exactly the nicest growing up.” Steve sighed, kissing your knuckles.
“What sibling is ever the nicest?” You asked with a smirk.
“She has a point, Steven.” Thor pointed out, looking at the super soldier.
“I get your both protective, but it’s just lunch.” You repeated, hovering slightly to kiss them both. “I’m a big fae, I can handle myself.”
“Alright, I’m sorry sweetheart, you know I’m a worrier.” He said, shaking his head slightly. “Have a good lunch sweetheart.”
“Have fun my lady.” Thor said, kissing your cheek. “Do not worry, I shall keep Steven busy.”
“Sounds like you’ll be having more fun than I will.” You smirked before going to leave. “Love you, boys.” You called with a wave.
“Love you Y/N.”
It was only lunch, what could possibly go wrong?
Everything. Everything could go wrong.
You’d met your brother at a park near the Avengers Tower, a neutral place, and he’d greeted you’d friendly and suggested you go the restaurant for lunch. You hadn’t even got into the car before he’d injected you with iron and you were out.
When you woke up, he was trying to sell you to a bunch of fae hunters in his steed. You had to fight your way out of the situation and ended up with a couple iron bullets in your body. The pain was excruciating but you had to make your way back to the Tower.
Using what little strength, you had, you teleported to the outside of the Tower. Holding your stomach, you dragged yourself back into the building to hear ‘Y/N!’
Natasha ran over to you and helped you into the elevators. “What happened?” She demanded, placing her hand over one of your bleeding wounds.
“My brother’s a jackass.” You supplied with a small grin.
“We need to get you to Bruce.” She said going to press Bruce’s number.
“No, not Bruce.” You cut in, grabbing her hand. “Need Steve and Thor.”
“Y/N, you could bleed out. You need to see Bruce.” Natasha said firmly, narrowing her eyes at you.
“Then get him on our floor. Steve and Thor can help get the iron out of my system.” You told her, pressing your floor number. Natasha told JARVIS to send Bruce to your floor and to hurry as it was an emergency, just as the elevator opened.
“Steve! Thor!” Natasha yelled, sitting you down on the couch. “Get out here and bring towels!”
“Tasha, what’s going on?” Steve asked, coming out of the bedroom with Thor right behind him. The two stopped in their tracks at the sight of your bloody form. “Towels, now!” She repeated.
“And my potions kit.” You added, both boys snapping back to life at the sound of your voice.
Steve ran back into the bedroom to follow her command and Thor rushed over, kneeling in front of you.
“My lady, who did this to you? What happened?” He demanded, applying pressure to your thigh.
“I was right, my brother has changed. He tried to sell me to some fae hunters. I was shot with some iron bullets and injected with iron before I got out.” You answered as Steve ran in and Bruce arrived.
Bruce having heard the last of you explanation was in full doctor mode. “Where were you shot and did they make an exit wound?” He asked, taking Thor’s spot in front of you.
“Shoulder, thigh and stomach. I think the shoulder one got out.” You replied, groaning as Bruce began looking at them.
“We really need to get you into the infirmary.” Bruce started, applying pressure to your stomach.
“No infirmary, you just need to get the bullets out. I can heal them myself but you need to get them out. That’s the only way I can heal myself.” You said, reaching for the potions kit. Grabbing the knife out of the kit, you handed it to the doctor.
“Steve, move that table, Tash, lay some towels on the ground.” Bruce ordered. Both people quickly moved to follow his instructions. “Thor, I’m going to need you to hold down because this is going to hurt.” He added, helping you off the couch.
Thor gently took you from Bruce’s hold and sat on the floor, laying your head on his lap. Bruce set about getting bullet out of your stomach as Thor held you tightly.
“Steve, in my bag, there’s a bottle called dittany. Can you please find that?” You asked, turning your head to the blonde. Steve quickly dug through the bag and showed you the small bottle. “That’s the one. Steve, I need you to pour a couple drops on my shoulder.”
“How are doing there Y/N?” Natasha asked, taking one of your hands in hers.
“Oh you know, having my bloodstream be poisoned by iron.” You said sarcastically. “Just another day at the office.”
“Got it.” Bruce said, getting the bullet out of your stomach. “One more.” He promised.
“You are doing so well, my love.” Thor cooed, pushing the hair out of your face.
“Steve, dittany.” You gasped, attempting to jerk away in pain. He quickly poured a few drops on the wound and watched as it began to heal.
“And that’s it.” Bruce said, pulling the last bullet out. Steve moved over and poured another few drops onto the last wound. You didn’t move, only let out a long sigh at the relief you felt.
“Thank you Bruce, thank you Tash.” You murmured, suddenly feeling very weak. Thor lifted you from the ground and cradled you, gently, in his arms.
“I’ll take her to the bedroom.” He said, nodding to Steve. He laid you on the bed and moved over to grab you some new clothes. “My love, if I ever see that brother of yours he shall reap the day he was born.”
“You don’t have to do anything, Thor.” You said, watching him move around.
“He hurt you, my love, he deserves to be punished.” Thor said firmly, turning to watch as you pushed yourself up, on one arm.
“Thor, you don’t have to do anything because he’s already dead.” You stated, pushing yourself up further. “And I’m the reason he’s dead.” You added, taking a deep breath, before bursting into tears.
Thor sat on the bed next to you and wrapped his arms around you. He allowed you to cry into his shoulder and only whispered soothing words into your ear. At some point Steve came in, sat on your other side and wrapped his arms around you too.
“I’m sorry.” You laughed, tears still streaming down your face. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“You don’t need to be sorry, sweetheart.” Steve whispered, kissing you on the head. After several minutes the tears stopped and you just sat in their arms, enjoying the warmth they provided.
“I love you two.” You said, breaking the silence. “I love you my giants.” You continued, kissing them both on the shoulder, the highest you could reach without moving.
“I love you, my little pixie.” Steve said, leaning down to kiss you on the head.
“I love you as well, my nymph.” Thor declared, kissing you in the spot as Steve had. “I love you too, Steven.” Thor continued, leaning over to kiss Steve.
“I love you too, honey.” He said once they pulled apart. The three of you stayed in the position, quietly talking together, until you fell asleep. You were tucked into both their sides and they were cuddled around you.
And this is were you enjoyed being smaller than the two because it made you feel warm and it made you feel safe.
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Coming soon;
Natasha x reader x Wanda
Bucky x reader x Steve x Sam
Natasha x reader x Bucky
Steve x reader x Natasha
New Date Night series coming soon.
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