#I think ghost types (and dark types) are commonly misunderstood
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cheezyharu · 1 year ago
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(TW// mild blood, like really mild but I’m leaving it here just to be sure) Pokeddexy 2024 | Day 9 - Ghost (Polteageist)
Polteageist's tea must not be drank! Legend has it that one guy once drank too much tea from Poltergeist that he passes out for an entire week! Not to mention the questionable ingredients in its tea…
That's just... Wrong. Besides, Polly has been with me since I was young, I trust that she won't do anything bad to me!
...Oh I've been drawing a lot of these hats, I should probably start trying to branch out at some point...
-> Day 1 | -> Day 8 | -> Day 10
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toonstarterz · 5 years ago
Humans Actually Have “Types” Like Pokémon Do
If you look at the game NPCs or the anime, there’s actually a fair share of humans with “special abilities” aren’t there? I mean, it's pretty much confirmed that there are humans in the pokémon world with psychic powers or can understand the hearts of dragons, so I think the idea that humans have evolved to a point where a portion of them have a “type” isn’t totally off-base.
I’d probably put the actual percentage of “typed” humans to be around 20% of the whole population. Naturally, you aren’t going to see kids flying through the air or your neighbors breathing fire or anything like that. Rather, the genes that manifest these expressions of the elements are watered-down versions of what makes a pokémon’s own typing. For example, a “water-type” woman can’t breathe underwater, but they can hold their breath for a considerably longer time than other humans. A lot of these type-users do commonly end up as members of the Pokémon League (gym leaders, elite four, etc.) as a result of this affinity. 
So here’s how these typed humans can be identified:
By far, the hardest to distinguish from regular humans. They have no notable enhanced physical abilities like strength or endurance. Instead, the key identifier for Normal humans is their astounding health. Most documented Normal humans have great immune systems, hardly ever coming down with illness and can fight them off almost instantly when they do. Their bodies are highly adaptable, generating a new homeostasis to account for sudden changes in the environment. The most common of the typed humans.
Notable examples: Norman, Mina   
No, they're not pyromaniacs. Fire humans are generally hot-blooded, both physically and often times in personality. This manifests in a sort of “sixth sense” that allows them to very broadly perceive heat levels beyond the scope of regular humans. The common example is being able to tell a hot frying pan from a cool one just by looking. In some cases, fire-typed humans can even emit a small level of heat when emotionally “fired up”.
Notable examples: Malva, Kiawe
Somewhere in-between a professional swimmer and a merperson. While by no means aquatic, they have an incredible tolerance for moving in the water. Water humans are naturally adept swimmers, and can breathe underwater for extended time periods. Additionally, Water humans are gifted with a natural hydration system within their bodies, almost like an internal reservoir. A few cases have seen Water humans being able to filter out impurities in the water of which they drink.   
Notable examples: Lana, “People of the Water” (M09)
Basically, the expression "having a green-thumb" made manifest. Grass Humans have an innate ability to “feel” the wellbeing of plants and grass-type pokémon. It’s strong enough that some Grass humans claim they can physically accelerate the growth of plants by touching them. Fittingly enough, grass-typed humans also have a slight affinity for associated types such as ground, water, and even poison. While not especially durable, Grass humans have surprisingly high stamina, with many taking up aromatherapy as a hobby. 
Notable examples: Ramos, Milo 
Electric humans are most notable for being almost always reactionary. Their bodies have a natural insulation that helps to protect them should they be hit by electricity from a pokémon or other means. It should be noted that this is not a full immunity; they are resistant to permanent internal damage, but it will still hurt like a bitch. There some very rare cases of humans being able to slightly redirect the flow of electricity.
Notable examples: Ash Ketchum, Wattson
6) ICE
You've probably seen them wearing shorts in Snowpoint City. The main trait of Ice humans is their astoundingly high tolerance for cold weather. In fact, some even revel in it, preferring it to a more “optimal” climate. One can compare this characteristic to that of a beartic, which thrives in snowy environments. The trade-off, however, is an aversion to hot weather, which makes more them uncomfortable than the average human.
Notable examples: Candice, Melony
Somewhat easier to identify than Normal humans, you can tell Fighting-types from their above-average physicality. In addition to great strength, they’re also noted for their great balance and quick reflexes. A large portion of the grow up to be bodybuilders, martial artists, and even dancers. Incidentally, Fighting humans have a strong mental fortitude, which is believed to have derived from being in touch with one’s “chi” energy. They also tend to have very healthy and hearty appetites.
Notable examples: Bruno, Maylene
Neither poisonous nor venomous, Poison humans are some of the most misunderstood. In fact, they are some of the healthiest individuals in the world. This comes from a near-perfect immunity to foreign toxins, and a sixth “sense” for identifying toxicity levels in pokémon and the environment. Poison humans can withstand many gases and even smoke before needing any treatment. While many find their calling in the sanitation industry, some Poison humans enter the medical field as nurses and doctors.
Notable examples: James (Team Rocket), Nurse Joys (some)
Commonly referred to as “The Children of the Earth”. Ground humans are among the most attuned to sensations underneath the surface. A notable portion of them can sense tremors or even earthquakes before they strike. When asked, many Ground humans state that they are one with the Earth as a single organism, which allows them to see the “feelings” within the land. As such, they are often noted for having grounded personalities, pun intended.
Notable examples: Courtney, Hapu
Like I said, you ain’t going to see them flying through the air. Instead, you can identify Flying humans for their fantastic spatial awareness. This translates to being able to detect movement in their vicinity with amazing accuracy. They are often regarded for their peripheral vision and a lack of discomfort at high altitudes. Vertigo and acrophobia are almost alien to them. Flying humans are very attuned to the air in general, perceiving the direction of air currents and impurities with ease. Many are professional Sky trainers.
Notable examples: Falkner, Yvonne (Pokéspe)      
By far, the most obvious and “flashy” of typed humans. Effectively espers, Psychic humans have arguably the most dangerous abilities of any human, being able to execute psychic powers at will. These techniques span a wide range from clairvoyance, reading minds, telepathy, and full-on psychokinesis. While not to the degree of psychic-type pokémon, all Psychic-humans must be registered as such on account of being “dangerous individuals”, which has led to some controversy.
Notable examples: Sabrina, Olympia  
12) BUG
Never underestimate a Bug human. Despite not having any physical or mental enhancements, they are well-documented for their heightened senses. The five senses (touch, sight, etc.) are incredibly developed, which arguably makes them superhuman. Impeccable hearing, a keen taste palette, and a sense of smell similar to a growlithe’s are just of few of their traits. Bug humans are the hardiest of the typed-humans, being able to live off of the flora and fauna should they feel the need to. 
Notable examples: Guzma, Tracey Sketchit
13) ROCK
Easily mistaken for ground-types, what makes Rock humans unique is their longevity. The age expectancy of rock-typed humans is quite high, due to their long history of adapting to the elements. Rock humans have a sixth “sense” that allows them to recognize the history, composition, and durability for all aggregate matter, namely rocks and minerals. As a result, it’s quite common to find them living their lives as archeologists, paleontologists, and even meteorologists. 
Notable examples: Steven Stone, Olivia  
Second to psychic-typed humans in terms of obvious powers, Ghost humans are highly attuned to the spirit realm. Their most prominent ability is being able to communicate with those that have passed away, particularly with restless spirits. They are often thought to be necromancers and exorcists, though most Ghost humans don’t appreciate this connotation to black magic. There are some who believe that Ghost humans are the reincarnation of spirits who have not atoned for their sins.
Notable examples: Morty, Allister    
Amongst the rarest of the typed humans, Dragon-type humans have an amazing assortment of physical enhancements. Great strength, highly intelligent, and incredibly charismatic to name a few. They are also the only humans who can communicate with dragon-type pokémon almost verbatim due to understanding the “hearts of dragons”. There is a great deal of controversy regarding the supposed elitism of Dragon humans.
Notable examples: Lance, Iris
16) DARK
In most cases, Dark humans are more known for their personalities and than any fantastical powers. As a whole, Dark humans are known for their high intelligence, cunning nature and craftiness much like the pokémon type. They tend to struggle with empathy, which manifests in unique ways. At its worst, Dark humans are prone to narcissistic and near-sociopathic behavior. The best, however, have healthy outlets and generally have the best of intentions. There is much debate for the labeling of Dark humans as “evil” in the pokemon world. 
Notable examples: Grimsley, Giovanni
The differences between a Steel human and a Rock human are minimal. What makes a Steel human unique though is their high influx of bodily metals (iron, calcium, etc.) that would otherwise be disruptive in regular humans. They live generally healthy lifestyles as a result of their natural endurance, and similarly to Rock humans, can ascertain metals with relative ease. A few Steel humans claim some metal textures are comforting to sleep on. 
Notable examples: Grant, Byron
Fairy-typed humans are exceptionally rare, but contrarily, are the easiest to spot from appearances alone (opaque sclera). Their quasi-magical traits manifest in different ways: youthfulness, gifted talents, and the rarest of all, healing properties. They have the most delicate features of the typed humans, which often hide their large sexual appetite. While incredibly social and play well with others, they have trouble with empathy much like Dark humans, occasionally leading to anti-social behavior.
Notable examples: Valerie, Ilima
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parnelbedlam · 4 years ago
Detective pokemon teams
Thought I’d do something fun and try and work out what kind of team each of my detectives would have if they were pokemon trainers (turns out it took a little more thought then I assumed). I ended up giving each a few types I think they would lean towards and suited their personalities.
If I get the time I might draw all of them, that would be nice.
Honest, Closed-off, Imaginative, Quiet, Nature-like, Stubborn
(Psychic, Ghost, Grass)
Mismagius (ghost), Meowstic (psychic), Decidueye (grass/ghost), Lycanroc (midday or dusk) (rock), Reuniclus (psycic), Zoroark (dark)
Given Gale has a very keen intellect I thought she would probably lean towards using psychic types; Meowstic as Gale likes cats and Reuniclus as it doesn’t use its psychic powers quite like others of its type and I think that would interest Gale. Plus the child-like temperament of it would be a balance to Gale’s quieter nature.
The use of ghost types is meant to reflect how Gale tries to hide her weakness’ and disappear from them. I ended up choosing Mismagius as it resembles a witch and Gale definitely has an interest in magic and Decidueye as it also shows Gale’s enjoyment of nature.
Lycanroc and Zoroark were chosen because I like the idea of Gale being partnered with a wolf (haha Mason has wolf-like features -_-) but also because of their temperaments. Both the midday form of Lycanroc and Zoroark are very protective of their pack or trainer. Midday Lycanroc is solitary but fiercely loyal to a trainer they acknowledge and Zoroark use illusions to protect their family. I think these match Gale’s personality pretty well and I think she’d find the illusions really fascinating.
Plus some of the first evolutions of these pokemon would definitely be cute to Gale (such as Zorua, Mespurr and Rowlet).
Gale probably wouldn’t go after badges but would still happily battle others if they wanted, she would probably be travelling for other reasons such as to explore regions or ruins. Her team would be her found family and it would definitely feel like one.
Fiery, Fighter, Open, Self-Improving, Independent, Loyal
(Fire, Fighting, Dark)
Arcanine (fire), Lucario (fighting/steel), Feraligatr (water), Mightyena (dark), Machamp (fighting), Krookodile (ground/dark)
Mark’s a fighter and always has been so his team would definitely have a few fighting types on it, I went with Lucario and Machamp and I could see Mark training alongside their first evolutions, sparing with them and teaching them how to punch/kick.
Mark also likes dogs (he’d have one if he could) so I ended up choosing a few that would fit that interest. Lucario, which is also a fighting type, Arcanine, who’s type matches Mark’s anger issues (he’s working on them) and Mightyena. All of their first stages in evolution being up Mark’s alley and he could have fun playing with them.
As with Gale, I chose a few pokemon that matched something about Mark’s personality, specifically his habit of intimidating others through his words and actions. Both Feraligatr and Krookodile look quite imposing (Arcanine can definitely look that way as well) but I could see them all having completely opposite personalities which match Mark.
Mark would probably go after badges, using it as a way to challenge himself and his team. He’s the kind of trainer who would spar with his fighting pokemon and train techniques with his team. There would be a kind of sibling feel to his team.
Professional, Elegant, Hard-working, Determined, Charming, Competitive
Rosarade (grass/poison), Ninetails (fire), Froslass (ice/ghost), Garchomp (dragon/ground), Gardevoir (psychic/fairy), Milotic (water)
Rather than leaning towards a certain type, Evelyn would definitely try to have a balanced team so she could challenge any situation. She’s the kind of person who would look to have a mix that was hard-working but also probably match her aesthetic. Evelyn is an elegant person, while she’s not against getting down and dirty if she needs to she does like dressing up and carries herself well. This is reflected in the choice of pokemon as well, pretty much all of her pokemon bar Garchomp have an elegance to them.
Given how determined of a person she is, aiming to improve her own weakness’, I wanted to show this with her pokemon. I ended up deciding on Milotic as it’s both a very elegant pokemon but also evolves from a pretty useless Feebas, because of this it would take a lot of dedication from the trainer to evolve it.
Garchomp was chosen because, while Evelyn does like things to look nice, what matters most to her is hard work and a drive to succeed and improve, something that I think Garchomp suits pretty well. 
Evelyn is competitive so would definitely be training to collect badges, challenging herself and her team to improve. She’d work with her team to help them and be immensely proud of them when they pulled something off they had been struggling with (she’s a team mum).
Honest, Confident, Hands-on, Observant, Innovative, Independent
(Steel, Electric, Poison)
Luxray (electric), Hydreigon (dark/dragon), Mawile (steel/fairy), Toxtricity (electric/poison), Golurk (ground/ghost), Absol (dark)
Viola likes messing with machines and contraptions so an emphasis on steel and electric feels very fitting for her. I ended up choosing Golurk for a similar reason as it resembles a golem which fits with that interest.
With all the pokemon chosen, I feel they fit with Viola’s aesthetic. They all have a bit of a bite to their looks and feel like they’d be fine with a fight which matches Viola’s own personality and resting bitch face. But at the same time, I could also see the first evolutions for Luxray, Hydreigon and Toxtricity all playing around or helping Viola while she’s sat on the floor fixing something. 
I wasn’t really sure what to choose for her last one but I ended up settling on Absol. Absol is commonly misunderstood as a pokemon that brings disaster and I think that kind of matches how Viola is often misunderstood negatively as well (not quite to the same extent).
Viola’s definitely the kind of trainer who has mutual respect with her pokemon, fighting alongside them by identifying weakness’ they can exploit to win fights. She’d probably look to collect badges while also enjoying the road trip.
Relaxed, Empathetic, Charming, Closed off, Joking, Caring
(Fairy, Water, Normal)
Primarina (water/fairy), Mimikyu (ghost/fairy), Beautifly (bug/flying), Lopunny (normal), Gallade (psychic/fighting), Ludicolo (water/grass)
Edgar is the kind of guy who wouldn’t really plan a team at all, he’s much more likely to just pick up pokemon he bonds with and bring them along. Primarina, Beautifly, Lopunny and Gallade all have first evolutions that he could bond with and bring along. 
I also ended up choosing quite a few pokemon that had elegant designs to them, Edgar likes to look nice and I think that would reflect in his pokemon. He’s definitely the kind of trainer who grooms their pokemon so that they can also look their best.
Mimikyu was chosen to reflect how Edgar hides his own fears and weaknesses behind a smiling face or jokes, I could definitely see him empathising with a Mimikyu and seeing a side of himself. Whereas Ludicolo reflects that humour he uses to calm down situations.
Edgar would be one of those trainers who aren’t really into competitions or battling, much more into having a fun journey and experience things with their friends. He and his team would definitely be pretty relaxed.
Quiet, Awkward, Focused, Empathetic, Non-confrontational, Comforting
(Bug, Grass, Ground)
Galvantula (bug/electricity), Leavanny (grass/bug), Chimecho (psychic), Torterra (grass/ground), Marowak (ground), Slyveon (fairy)
Robyn’s team reflects their interest in biology, so a strong lean towards bug, grass and ground types. I though Galvantula, Leavanny and Torterra would be good ones as they all start off small in their first evolutions (especially Joltik). Robyn would definitely be intimidated to catch larger pokemon so would look for ones that are small.
Given how empathetic Robyn is I wanted that to show with their pokemon, they may be quiet but Robyn is very attuned to others emotions. As such, I went with Marowak and Slyveon; I could definitely see Robyn finding a Cubone and being gentle with it, empathising with its sadness and in turn the Cubone evolving to be a stronger protector of Robyn. Slyveon is one of those pokemon that only evolves with friendship and I think Robyn’s Eevee would evolve from that before they decided to use a stone. 
Not much thought was given to Chimecho really, I just thought it suited Robyn’s personality well, I could see one trying to soothe Robyn if they were struggling emotionally. 
Robyn is definitely the kind of trainer who gives a lot of love to their pokemon and tries to keep them safe when their small and in turn, they have a strong urge to grow so they can protect Robyn. They wouldn’t have any interest in badges or battling but travel around to learn about pokemon and their habitats.
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