#I think every person with hair should have a Lilla Rose product
So for the past... fifteen-ish years (I'm not precisely sure) the only hair restraint I have used, with very very rare exceptions, is the Flexi clip from Lilla Rose. In no small part because it's the only restraint that actually WORKS on my hair.
Anyway over the past... however long I've been using them, I've had two. (They're quite reasonably sturdy.)
Unfortunately my 'current' one broke last night. My own stupid fault, I shouldn't have worn it in the pool, the metal didn't like the chlorine and it stressed it and then I tried to destress it but only ended up stressing it the wrong way and... anyway. Snap.
Now this thing is not technically a necessity, in that I won't die without it, but it's also not a necessity the way diapers and toilet paper aren't exactly necessities. Theoretically they're not practically speaking they are.
I agonized for a stupidly long time last night and a friend was very patient and helpful in helping me make a decision but anyway...
Y'all look at the one I finally chose!! (I got size L)
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*vibrating with excitement*
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