#I think about them so much I’ve had to restraint myself over and over from bringing them up in so many posts you have no idea 😭
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bistaxx · 1 year ago
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annoyinglilbro · 2 months ago
Prince brothers??? Hello???
Older brother who is poised and put together, level headed and excelling in his lessons, good with words and can talk himself out of almost any bind. Ofcourse hes good in combat too if it should come to that, but he rarely has to resort to that. He’s so smart and knows so much and is the kings favorite son.
Younger brother who is messy and always late, who would rather be outside and playing than doing this lessons, which he’s falling behind in. He’s rowdy and loud and short tempered and often finds himself running his mouth and getting into scuffs with low lifes in the kingdom. Messy hair and scrapes all over his body.
Big brother who constantly has to pull him from fights where’s Hes definitely outnumbered and going to lose. Big brother who adores his little brother and wants to keep him safe but he’s such a brat and always rolling his eyes or making faces while his big brother talks.
“I don’t need you taking care of me all the time! I can handle myself, golden boy. Fuck off.”
“Would you stop acting like a brat for five minutes? You were not winning that fight, they outsized and outnumbered you.”
“Oh my gods! I would’ve been fine! I train with the knights, i can handle a few jerks with no real training. Why are you here anyway? Don’t you have some fucking meeting or something to be at? Shouldn’t you be by daddy’s side as his shiny little prince?”
Little brother scoffs, shoving past his big brother only to be pulled back the collar of his shirt and pinned to the grimey, alley wall. His wrists are wrapped easily in one hand and pinned above his head.
“Let go! You big jerk!”
“Stop it! I’m just trying to look out for you!” Big brother who pressed his forehead to his little brothers, forcing eye contact. “Why are you always so difficult? Just listen!”
“Go away!! Just leave me alone!”
“I can’t! I’ve tried, and I can’t. You don’t even…you have no idea…how hard it is..”
The younger pauses his squirming, looking up at the other with confused eyes.
“What are you talking about?”
The older Prince sighs, closing his eyes and keeping his forehead pressed to the other, his free hand finding its way under his brothers button up and squeezing at this hip.
“There’s something wrong with me, I know it. But you’re all I think of. My pretty little brother, with all your quirks and bad habits, you consume me. The restraint it takes to not take you…and everyday it gets harder.”
Little prince who is frozen in confusion, the fingers squeezing his hip new and foreign. This is different. This isn’t like when they train in the corridor together, or even like any of their scuffles they’ve had in the past. It feels…different. Realization starts to dawn over him.
“Are you infatuated with your fucking brother? Are you serious? That’s…oh my gods hilarious! The perfect son, the smart one, the one everyone fucking adores!” He laughs when his brother moves back and stares at the floor, face red.
“Do you touch yourself to thoughts of me?”
“Every night.” Older brother leans down, and buries his face into the younger’s neck. “Will you indulge me, little brother? Let me know what you sound like, what you taste like? Atleast once, just for my fantasies.”
His brother always was good with words, and now he was using them to make his head spin.
“I…we probably…shouldn’t…”
“Nobody will know. It can be between us, like when we were kids and you snuck extra cookies into bed. Or that time I covered for you with that stray cat. I miss that, when you would come to your big brother for everything? When you clung to me so desperately? You used to follow me like a puppy, surely you wouldn’t start to bite now, would you? Would you deny me the one thing I’ve ever asked of you?”
“I…that’s not fair it’s not the same I-“ his words are caught in his throat when his brother bites into the flesh on his neck. He couldn’t stop the little whimper that fell from his lips, his wrists were starting to go sore in his brothers grip.
“Stop running from me. I want to get along again, don’t you want us to get along?”
The hand on his hip has dipped down and past the waistband of his trousers. His brothers fingers, his mouth, touching and tasting him in ways he never imagined. He sounds so desperate, truely pleading for his little brothers affections again.
“Big brother…please.”
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p1nkshield · 11 days ago
Danny tried to inject a little more mirth into his laugh as he appeared in front of the group of young heroes, hoping to shock them a bit.
Superboy launched himself at their assumed enemy. Or he thought he did. Instead he was grabbed out of the air, spun about like a dance partner and thrown into the running path of his speedster teammate.
“Hold on! Return to sender please! Honestly, I didn’t even get to finish my monologue! You could’ve gotten some good information from that!”
Danny feigned a pout as he floated to the ground, purposefully letting aquaman’s little protege get the jump on him.
Water rushed over his legs and froze him in place.
“Very good! But didn’t you notice the chill in the air? I’m something of an ice mage myself.”
Danny began to manipulate the ice to break out rather than faze through it, taking note of Artemis aiming an arrow at his chest.
She had a clear shot but Danny couldn’t wait for her to take it without being obvious. So he turned his attention to the heavy hitters. Star and Supes.
Robin felt like he was a puppy being shown the pair of shoes he just chewed up. If he could have face palmed at Superboy’s hotheaded decision to jump right into battle he would have. He cringed as poor Wally was taken out by the kryptonian turned projectile. Star looked as if she didn’t know what to do or when to jump in. It seemed she wouldn’t have to wonder much longer.
Robin watched as the villain launched towards her hurling orbs of energy at her as he complained.
“Ugh green. You’re all green.” He said as he turned to grab a hurtling superboy by the face this time and throwing him into the path of the freshly recovered kid flash again.
“Have a nice trip.”
He looked so very bored as he quipped, dodging Star’s attempts to return fire.
Okay Danny was actually getting tired. He heard an arrow fire. Finally. He caught it and looked smugly at the archer. It exploded with containment foam. Clever.
“Oh this is embarrassing. Being caught by baby heroes who look like they’ve got midterms tomorrow!” He said as the foam solidified. He continued to prattle on about this, that and the other, taking note of the distinct looks of annoyance on each teen’s face. He was about to hint at the whereabouts of their missing teammate but once again Superboy told him to shut up as he tried to punch his lights out. Oh! That was a bad idea. Danny decided to play along, rolling his face with the punch so the kid wouldn’t hurt his hand.
Robin looked hopeful as he watched his teammates render their attacker unconscious. Until his face fell. Ice was creeping up the mass of foam and he couldn’t warn his team. He desperately promised the universe that was never gonna take coms for granted again if his team made it out of this.
The foam exploded into shards that turned into restraints that stuck his teammates to the walls.
“Gosh I was kidding. You really thought you won? Cute.” He checked his phone, and gasped nearly dropping it. “Oh my cookies are almost done baking! I’ve gotta jet! Your restraints will melt in two hours and your little bird is upstairs enjoying the show. Buh bye!” He blew some green powder into Superboy’s face knocking him out before he could break out and disappeared.
Great. He has kryptonite. Fantastic.
After such a thorough embarrassment the group of teens skulked their way back to the nearest zeta station, beaming back to their base.
“I think this is the worst mission we’ve done man!” Wally complained as he limped off the zeta beam platform.
Kon and Aqualad just squinted, obviously wanting him to shut up.
“What? I can’t say we were ass today? We were! I twisted my ankle on your face Superboy. That’s pretty bad.”
That shut Wally up real quick.
“Report.” Batman said as the team shuffled into base in various states of disarray.
Robin’s team was lined up behind him just as embarrassed as he was. Robin was beet red as began.
“Our mission did not go as planned.”
Part one
Next part
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starlightsreigns · 3 months ago
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hold up | a lemonade story
summary ⇢ mellie's hanging on by a thread. how much longer can she hang on when one question coils deep in her? is roman... cheating on her? word count ⇢ 1.4k tags ⇢ minors, do not interact. implied cheating | two ; denial “What a wicked way to treat the girl that loves you”
i don’t wanna lose my pride, but imma fuck me up a bitch.
“Melody, you’re going to drive yourself insane,” My friend Alyssa sighs. “Don’t you trust him?” 
That’s a great question. However, I’m past the point of giving a damn.  I’m literally driving myself to insanity with all of this and I’m not sure how to bring it up. How do you confront the love of your life about something like this without him immediately going on the defense?
“I don’t trust him, that’s the problem, and I don’t know how to get back to that point anymore.” 
Alyssa is my moral compass, she tries to keep me levelheaded when I feel myself slipping. She’s my best friend, but she’s a big fan of Roman and I’s relationship — Alyssa refuses to believe that he’s this person, that he can be a cheater when he’s been so caring. She sees the best in him. 
“Mellie, what has he done to make you feel this way?”
My eyes meet hers, “Don’t make me feel crazy, Aly, I’m already losin’ it here.”
“I’m not sayin’ that, I promise, I’m just tryna understand how you go to this point.” Alyssa sits up. “Just help me understand and I promise we can fuck his shit up tonight.” She offers a smile. 
While she’s the more levelheaded one of us, the thing I love the most about her is her willingness to support any and every decision I make — even if it’s the craziest shit she’s ever heard.
That’ll be helpful later. 
Somethin’ don’t feel right because it ain’t right.. Comin’ up after midnight
The house is the coldest it’s ever been in a long time. I’m pretty sure the only source of heat is coming from the anger seeping out of my pores when I hear his keys in the lock as I sit on the couch. A book sits in my lap untouched as he comes in through the door. 
“Hey, Mellie,” Roman throws my way lazily. He comes over to kiss my cheek and I can’t help but smell the perfume that radiates off his body. Chanel. At least the bitch has taste. “You up late.” 
My brain wants to cuss him out, but thankfully restraint still exists when I finally reply. “I’d say the same for you, baby, where you been at?”  
Roman glances in my direction while heading to the kitchen, “I went to the PC then had dinner with the twins.” 
“Oh, the twins are in town?” My eyes train on his back. 
There’s no way they can be in town. During a call with Trinity earlier in the day, she told me that her husband and his brother were doing house shows during the week, so, it’s impossible for them to be at dinner. Yet, he seems to think I’m the biggest idiot on planet earth. 
“Yeah, we went to that steakhouse on 85th.” Roman shuts the fridge and turns to look at me. “Then we got drinks at Tini’s and watched the game.” 
Of course, he has an answer for everything. A tinge of rage strikes me in my chest while watching how calm he is. 
“What game did you watch?” 
That stops him for a moment. 
But I continue, “I watched a couple on split screen.” 
Roman runs his hand over his beard then takes a long swig of beer. 
“Cowboys versus the Texans was good.” I bait with a small smile. 
“Yeah, that’s the one, we ain’t seen the results though.” 
Well, of course, he didn’t, maybe because those two teams didn’t have a game tonight. 
To not lose my cool, I let the conversation go. I can see him watching me from the corner of my eyes as I pretend to read my book. There’s nothing else I can say. I’ve caught him in more lies than I can count — and there’s a feeling in my gut that tells me he knows. 
Can’t you see there’s no other man above you?
Most people would judge me and I don’t blame them. Even with my suspicion, I can’t deny the love and affection I have. So, here I am under him. I can’t help it. 
“Look at me, baby,” Roman’s rough voice sharpens my attention. “you look so beautiful.” He runs his hand down my cheek. 
His eyes on me, for the first in a while, feels like how it used to be. It makes me forget all the pain that I’ve felt for so long. This is what I want back. 
My hand grips his wrist, pulling him down onto the bed, maneuvering so I’m on top. 
The gems on my acrylic nails catch some of the light from the moon. My hands are pressed against his chest, holding me steady, keeping the rhythm of our skin slapping together. I throw my head back with a moan, feeling the way he raises his hips to reach deeper into me. 
“Do you know how much I love you?” I breathe out, leaning down to kiss his neck. “I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.” 
It was the truest thing I’ve ever said. It is the truest thing I’ll ever say. 
How did it come down to this?  scrolling through your call list
His phone is empty. She’s not on here, but I know she exists. How can I keep living in the paranoia where I know the ghost exists but there’s no proof of it? I toss his phone back onto his side of the bed with a huff just as he walks out of the bathroom. 
“what’s wrong?” He takes a look at my exasperated expression.
“You know how much I love you, right?” My voice is harsher than I wanted, but it catches his attention. “And we made our vows to be loyal to one another, i’m keeping my end.” 
Roman knits his eyebrows together, “I love you, too, Mellie.” He sits at the edge of the bed. “I’ll always be here.” 
The reassurance I was hoping to feel never comes. Instead, I’m slowly feeling rage. But, I don’t respond but nod. I can’t look jealous or crazy, that’ll only drive him away or make him sneakier. If anything, I need him to slip up. That’s the only way I can make sense of this — Lord, give me a sign. 
What’s worse? Lookin’ jealous or crazy?... I’d rather be crazy. 
Sleep was the last thing on my mind. Instead, my eyes fixated on the TV screen that flickered in the darkness. Roman was sound asleep beside me and my nerves had finally calmed enough for me to wonder if I was going insane. 
I’ve found no tangible proof. Maybe, just maybe, I’m convincing myself of something that isn’t true –possibly self-sabotaging and self-destructing. If I don’t stop now, all my hair will fall out from the stress. Three months of thinking these thoughts are slowly killing me. Not that he’s noticed, but I’ve lost 25 pounds in my mission to find out the nonexistent truth. 
My eyes are slowly closing when his screen catches my attention. It’s three in the morning, who could possibly be texting him? I’ve just come to an agreement with myself and now I’m plunged back into the uncertainty. I should just turn over and fall asleep, but I just need to look at the message and I’ll be over it. 
J: are you really not coming over tonight, baby? i miss you. mellie sees you more than enough. just come over and be back before she wakes up.
My eyes scan the message over and over again. I’m not sure what else I’m looking for, but I’m hoping that at some point the message would read something different — something that doesn’t confirm all my suspicions. I cover my mouth when the tears start to fall, not wanting to wake him up and find me in this position. My chest feels heavy and my feet are a ton of bricks when I make it out of bed. 
Out in the hallway, I slide down the wall with my hands still firmly covering my mouth to swallow the sobs. This isn’t what I wanted nor was it what I needed. My brain feels scrambled with incoherent thoughts. What do I do now? Should I leave? Should I take a baseball bat to his head? Yet, the only thing I’m sure of right now is that I might throw up.
It’s difficult for me to get back up to my feet. My body shakes uncontrollably in the darkness and my breathing is shallow until I’m taking deep breaths. I turn to glance into the room, feeling my skin heat up. This feeling isn’t sadness, it isn’t hurt, or disappointment. I’m past denial – what I’m feeling is scorn and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 
“But still inside me coiled deep was the need to know. Are you cheating? Are you cheating on me?”
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please excuse the errors, classes are kicking my ass. hope you’ve enjoyed it 🫶🏽 very excited to post “don’t hurt yourself” x
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otomehoneyybearr · 5 months ago
Kagari Amagase
XXX With The Spoiled Demon
Ch1 | Ch2 | Sweet | Premium | Epilogue | Bonus
Oh my-- .... NSFW MDNI Please
One quiet night, under the softly twinkling stars—
I was at Prince Kagari's hideout, feeling so nervous that it seemed like my heart was about to jump out of my chest.
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Kagari: "Princess, what's wrong? You seem restless tonight."
Kagari: "Are you worried about something? Who do I need to get rid of?"
Emma: "Please stop saying such things! There's nothing for you to worry about, so don’t worry."
Emma: "I was just a bit anxious about whether or not the drink I brought would suit your tastes."
Kagari: "That’s unusual. You don’t normally bring alcohol."
Emma: "I happened to win it at a raffle event they were holding in town."
Kagari: "A raffle, huh?"
I poured the drink into a glass and handed it to Prince Kagari, who downed it all at once.
(He’s not exactly a heavy drinker, but he always drinks so boldly.)
Prince Kagari placed the empty glass on the tray, narrowed his eyes with satisfaction, and licked his lips.
Kagari: "It’s good. The alcohol isn’t too strong, so it’s easy to drink."
Emma: "Really? Then I’ll go ahead and—"
Suddenly, my arm was pulled, and before I could react, my lips were sealed by his.
The bitter taste of the alcohol mixed with the heat of Kagari's kiss, causing my heartbeat to quicken.
Kagari: "Tastes good, doesn’t it?"
Emma: "U-uh… I think… I was more focused on the kiss than the alcohol."
Kagari: "Then how about we try again?"
Emma: "No matter how many times you try, it’s not going to work!"
(Prince Kagari just wants to kiss... Honestly, I want to kiss him too, but—)
(For now, I have to hold back… There’s something I need to accomplish first.)
Emma: "I feel like drinking a lot tonight, so please join me."
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Kagari: "So I get to see a drunk princess tonight, huh? That should be fun."
(I don’t plan on getting completely wasted, but I do want to get a little tipsy.)
(There’s no way I can seduce him while sober...!)
This all started a few hours ago when I got some intel from Prince Kagari’s close aide, Shigure.
Emma: "…Kagari was seen in the entertainment district?"
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Shigure: "I didn’t see him myself, but my subordinates were all worked up, saying they saw Kagari entering one of the establishments several times."
Shigure: "But I’m pretty sure it’s all work-related, so when those idiots start asking me stupid questions, I just ignore them."
Emma: "Hehe, I understand. Thank you for letting me know."
Shigure: "Huh, you’re not fazed at all."
Shigure: "Well, you know better than anyone just how much Kagari is into you, so it makes sense."
Shigure: "I might be worrying for nothing, but really, don’t let it get to you. See ya!"
Emma: "..."
(Kagari’s been spotted multiple times in the entertainment district... The entertainment… district...)
...Was I being too passive in situations like this? It's true that I rely on Kagari a lot.
(No, no, there’s no way Kagari would be playing around in the entertainment district.)
(I can say that with certainty, but… I HAVE been worried about how passive I’ve been…)
(… Right, this is just a way to ensure that he continues to love me in the future.)
(I'll show him a more assertive side of me and make him fall even more in love with me...!)
—At least, that's what I had resolved to do. I thought I’d let alcohol loosen my restraint a little, but I wasn’t getting drunk at all.
Kagari: “Princess, did you finish your drink already? Want another?”
Emma: “Yes, please.”
I had Kagari pour me another drink, and, just like him, I downed it all in one go.
While I could feel the pleasant warmth of the alcohol spreading inside me, my mind was still crystal clear.
(This is bad… I’m too tense and nervous… No matter how many drinks I have, I doubt I’ll get drunk.)
Kagari: “Princess, look over here.”
Emma: “Hm…”
I obediently turned my face toward him, and he licked his lips like a cat before giving me a soft, fleeting kiss.
His fingers intertwined with mine, and even though the atmosphere was sweet, my chest felt tight…
(But if things continue like this, nothing will change.)
There’s no time to hesitate over whether I can seduce him while sober.
(I've drunk enough now that whatever I do will probably be seen as ‘drunken behavior.’)
(If that’s the case…)
Emma: "K-Kagari... I wanna kiss you more. Is that... okay?"
I desperately suppressed my embarrassment and tried to sound a bit tipsy as I clung to Kagari and buried my face in his neck.
Kagari: "...Go ahead. Kiss me as much as you want."
He lifted my chin to encourage me, and I immediately pressed my lips to his, trying not to let him notice that I was faking it.
Recalling our previous kisses, I tentatively slid my tongue into his mouth, tangling and sucking, trying to please him.
(Why... isn't he responding at all.)
Emma: “D-Does it not feel good?”
Kagari: “Who knows?”
(Is he not in the mood tonight? Or is my kissing just terrible…?)
Anxiety and frustration swelled inside me, and in my mind, I began to imagine Kagari standing next to a beautiful woman…
Before I realized it, I had pushed him down.
But he wasn’t fazed at all—he just lay there, looking up at me.
Kagari: "That was pretty good effort from you, Princess."
Kagari: "...But you're not drunk at all, are you?"
Emma: "H-How did you figure that out?"
Kagari: "You’re blinking less than usual, and your eyes are too focused."
Kagari: "Did someone put strange ideas in your head?"
Emma: "No... Nothing strange..."
Kagari: "So, you're worried about something?"
Kagari: “It’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it, but continuing this won’t feel good for either of us.”
(That’s… true. It would just leave me feeling empty.)
Kagari: “Princess, what’s wrong?”
He gently stroked my cheek with the back of his fingers, and my resolve started to waver.
Emma: "...You won’t laugh or get upset?"
Kagari: “No. It’ll just make me want to spoil the sad princess even more.”
So I confessed to him about the information I got from Shigure and my plan to seduce him.
And as a result——
Emma: “Why am I the one being pinned down…!?”
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Kagari: “I told you, I’m spoiling you.”
He nipped at my neck and chest like a beast, sending small waves of pleasure through me repeatedly.
(Tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll be shocked by how many marks there are when I look in the mirror.)
Emma: "Nngh... This isn’t any different from usual."
Kagari: "So what?"
Kagari: “I never once though that you were too passive, Princess”
Kagari: “If anything, I love how I can pamper and spoil you every day—it’s like paradise.”
Kagari: "Now your worries are gone, right?"
(They are... but this doesn’t really explain why I’m in this situation right now...!)
With a dreamy expression, Kagari removed his gloves using his mouth, and without a word, began to dishevel my clothes.
He kneaded my exposed chest, rolling the tips with his tongue before gently biting them.
The constant stimulation made my thoughts start to melt away.
Kagari: “Princess, you look like you're enjoying yourself. You’re already so wet here, it looks like I could slip right in.”
Emma: "That’s because you’re touching me so much... Ah, no, I... nngh...!"
(He’s doing this while I’m in the middle of talking...!)
He spread my legs wide and relentlessly teased my wet area with both his tongue and fingers. Even though his touch was gentle, it was merciless, and all I could do was moan in response.
I tried to unconsciously pull away, but he grabbed my hips and pulled me back.
The lewd, wet sounds filled my ears, and the overwhelming pleasure made me grab Kagari’s hand, my body trembling violently.
(My head... feels fuzzy...)
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Kagari: “How cute, Princess. Look, you’ve forgotten to breathe again.”
He wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes with his thumb and then sat me on his lap. As his broad chest rose and fell, I slowly tried to match my breathing with his.
Kagari: “The reason I was in the pleasure district was because there’s been a series of thefts recently, and I was patrolling to help a friend who was in trouble.”
(So that’s what it was... And yet, here I was, overthinking things, getting anxious, and acting weird...)
(I want to crawl into a hole and disappear.)
Kagari: “Sorry. I should’ve told you first.”
Kagari: "But I'm happy to know that you love me enough to go through with this whole seduction plan."
Emma: "...Thank you. I feel... relieved."
Kagari casually took my hand and guided it to his chest.
Kagari: "The only person I want touching me like this is you, Princess."
Kagari: "You're the only one I want to make feel good, and the only one I want to make me feel good."
He guided my hand to his neck and cheek, letting it linger there before kissing my palm.
Kagari: “My body, my life--everything. It’s all yours, so you don’t need to worry.”
His deep green eyes were filled with a thick, honey-like sweetness, conveying far more emotion than his words alone.
Any remaining anxiety vanished, leaving me feeling completely at peace.
●●●●●● Flashback ●●●●●●
Kagari: “I’ve never once thought you were too passive, Princess”
Kagari: "If anything, I love how I can pamper and spoil you every day—it’s like paradise."
●●●●●● Flashback End ●●●●●●
(He says that, but honestly, I’m the one who’s being spoiled here.)
(I want to spoil him even more, and I want to show my feelings for him just as much as he shows his for me.)
Just as I made up my mind—
Emma: "Eek!? W-wait, Kagari...!"
I felt the heat of his arousal press against me through our clothes, causing a undeniable heat build deep within me.
Kagari: “I’ve hit my limit. Don’t you think I’ve been holding back long enough, Princess?”
Before I knew it, his eyes gleamed like a beast, and his thin grasp on his rationality was clearly slipping.
Emma: “Um... I’d appreciate it if you could be a little... gentle with me.”
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Kagari: “Can’t. I don’t know how to hold back.”
(That’s exactly what I thought he’d say. But if he’s this relentless every time, my body won’t be able to handle it...)
(Wait a minute...)
(Maybe the reason I’ve been so passive is because Kagari is always so relentless in his demands...?)
Kagari: “Is that a problem, Princess?”
Like a playful cat, he buried his face in my chest and looked up at me.
Though his gaze was pleading, he subtly pinned both my wrists behind me, making it clear he wasn’t planning on letting me go.
(Kagari is, in a way, a hundred times better at seduction than I am.)
In the end, I was overwhelmed by his insatiable love that night, to the point where my voice and tears were completely spent.
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numinously-yours · 1 year ago
Pick a card: From your Soulmate
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Happy Friday! Today's reading is a soulmate reading. Your reading includes: Characteristics of your soulmate & a note from them <3
Pile 1: Ace of Pentacles
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I’ve been kicked down in life, but each time I get back up the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter. I have been trying hard to trust in the universe because I know it’s bringing me everything I could want – and that’s you. You are such a compassionate, beautiful, smart, and wonderful person pile 1. You know how they say to never stop dating the person you’re with? That is my plan with you – to woo you forever. You deserve to be wined and dined. I hope to show you each day how much you mean to me. I’ll bring you flowers. I’ll give you shoulder rubs. I’ll tell you silly jokes just to make you laugh. I will spend our time together making sure you never feel unloved. You are my manifestation and I can’t wait to be with you.
Pile 2: The Lovers
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Your love is a breath of fresh air. Being with you brings me mental clarity. It makes me understand that the way I’ve been treated in relationships up until now were not an accurate representation of a healthy relationship. Gosh, it is so refreshing! You may find when we begin our relationship that I am hesitant to make big decisions. Because you are showing me something I’ve never known before, it is going to take a little time for me to be convinced that you’re not going away. But let me tell you, once I am shown time and time again that you show up, it is game over (in the best way). The way that we align will take away all the doubts I’ve ever had about love. And I won’t be able to thank you enough.
Pile 3: The Hanged Man
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A lot of my life has been about competition; mainly, competition with myself. I have a need to prove myself. I want to be the best at what I do. And I know that that mindset isn’t always the most productive. With you in my life, soulmate, I am reminded to pause. I am reminded that there are more perspectives out there from my own and that I’m allowed to let go of what I think SHOULD be to open room for what IS. You’re really going to allow me to look at my shadow self and understand why I have this need to be better than the previous version of me. You’re going to help me see the restraints that I’m binding myself with. My competitive nature will always be a part of me but I’m looking forward to the time in my life where I can experience joy just being who I am, where I don’t feel like I need to be constantly winning. My life with you is the ultimate prize.
Pile 4: Two of Cups
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I’ve held myself back for much of my life with the fear that I don’t have the tools to succeed. I always think that if I just had that one thing – more money, more confidence, more time – that then I can take the plunge. At times, I also find myself wanting to do everything for everyone. If I put effort into one thing, I feel like I am neglecting the other, and then I stop doing either. I want to be the best RIGHT NOW, no matter how unrealistic. And then you came into the picture. My inspiration, my muse, my reminder that each day is a clean slate. Not only do I know we will grow together, but I know that I will grow personally because of you. You never fail to encourage me to follow my dreams. You have a way of reminding me that, even if I “fail”, I can always get something out of a situation which means I didn’t fail at all. I really hope I can do the same thing for you because you deserve the same, if not more, of the energy you give to me.
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years ago
Skz thot incoming bc I saw u asked oops - seven minutes in heaven with Han who’s secret bf so it goes from kissing to him fingering you with a hand over your mouth in like thirty seconds flat
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“thank god the bottle landed on me or i would’ve killed myself.”
you roll your eyes and shove your boyfriend, sending him tumbling into the hamper behind him. he’d been on his knees, unsteady already, but you didn’t mean to push him that hard.
“oi, what was that for?” he grumbles, righting the hamper and himself.
“for being so dramatic.”
“i’m not being dramatic! the bottle was this close to landing on minho and then you’d be in this closet with him for seven minutes.”
“yeah, but we wouldn’t be doing anything, ji. the ‘heaven’ part of seven minutes in heaven isn’t guaranteed.”
“yeah but he’d definitely try something,” jisung mutters.
“oh my god.”
“knowing him! c’mon you know i’m right. have you seen yourself?”
you purse your lips. “do you really want to spend all seven minutes arguing over this or do you want to actually put them to good use?”
jisung sighs and pulls you onto his lap.
“for the record, if everyone knew we were dating, i wouldn’t have to worry so much about one of the other boys trying to get in your pants.”
“first of all, weird way to put it. second of all, you know why they can’t know. and third of all, i thought we agreed not to talk about this anymore.”
“i know, i know. i just-”
“so kiss me.”
he does, cradling the back of your head with his hand. he slips his tongue into your mouth the moment you part your lips in a moan. you want to grind down onto him but it’s hard to through the tight pants you’re both wearing.
jisung had chosen leather out of all things.
sensing your frustration, he snakes his free hand down between your bodies to unbutton your pants. it’s still difficult for him to get his hand down them, considering how big it is, but he manages to wiggle it in so that he’s cupping you over your underwear.
“fuck, you’re wet. what’s all this for?”
“you, duh.”
“well i’d hope so,” he scoffs, “but why?”
“you know i get horny when i drink,” you whine. “and this hair color looks so good on you, and your pants are tight in all the right places-”
“shit, you just got even wetter, i can feel it running down my fingers.”
“touch me, ji,” you plead, trying to grind into his hand.
“i got you, baby. let’s just get these pants down a little… there we go.”
your body slumps against his when he slides two of his fingers inside of you. you feel him chuckle and kiss the top of your head before repositioning you so that your back is against his chest.
“i’m surprised you haven’t already jumped me tonight,” jisung admits. “just knowing how turned on you are right now.”
“i have self-control,” you mumble.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“nothing, but if you think it means something then what does that say about your restraint?” the end of your sentence gets cut off because jisung started to move his fingers to shut you up but you know he gets the gist.
“what was that?” he asks.
“fuck you.”
“you already are.”
“i wish i wasn’t.”
“you know that’s not true. just feel how wet you are for me, baby.”
your head lolls back against his shoulder. “fuck, go faster please.”
“that’s what i thought.”
he speeds up and adds a third finger, making you whimper involuntarily.
“shhh, gotta be quiet, baby,” he whispers. “can’t let them know what we’re really doing in here.”
“can’t help it…” you choke out.
jisung’s solution is to hold his other hand over your mouth to muffle the noises you’re making. it’s effective, but it only turns you on even more, and you know jisung can feel you tightening around his fingers.
“how many minutes do you think we have left?” he asks, “maybe three?” you nod against his hand. your guess is about the same. “i’ve made you cum in less time. this should be easy.”
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tortillamastersblog · 8 months ago
𖣂 Not My Commander - Prologue | Lexa kom Trikru 𖣂
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Pairing: Lexa kom Trukru x reader
Warnings: Blood, violence, injuries, cursing and some steamy scenes
Summary: Sending a hundred underaged prisoners down to Earth to find out if it’s inhabitable again is undoubtedly immoral, so The Council decides to send you down first, rather than float you for your crimes.
If you survive for more than a couple of hours, they can —in good conscience— send down the 100. If you don’t, well, then good riddance.
Disclaimer: This story has been discontinued for the time being!
Next Part | Masterlist
How the hell did I get here? I think, as I’m being dragged through the woods half-conscious.
A moment ago I was still in my pod, hurtling through space and now I’m here with a giant gash on my temple from when my head slammed against the control panel upon impact on the ground.
I thought I could take a moment and gather my thoughts once the pod had turned off, but no. The door had been yanked open a couple hours later and I was pulled out by the people who are now dragging me to who knows where.
They’re covered in thick furs and menacing-looking war paint and apart from the short-lived surprise I felt at seeing humans somehow inhabiting Earth, I’m shaking like a leaf now, not knowing what they’re going to do to me.
For all I know they could eat me? I mean, have you seen them?
I scoff internally, watching the forest floor pass by beneath me.
I knew as soon as I was arrested on the Ark that I’d die for my crime of finding out something I shouldn’t have, but I never imagined it would happen like this.
Now that I think about it, this isn’t “mercy”, as Jaha put it. Not at all. . . It’s cruel and I honestly would have rather been floated than be grilled and eaten like a shish kebab.
I don’t know how much time has passed when we finally stop near a stream, but I’m tired beyond belief and my legs are covered in scratches and bruises from being dragged around all day. The sun is about to set, bathing the forest in orange light and if it weren’t for my current situation I would have marveled at the sight.
The Grounders, as I’ve decided to call them, tie up my hands and feet and shove me against the bottom of a tree before setting up a fire and some sleep furs.
I watch longingly as they begin passing around some bread and dry meat, but they don’t even think of sharing with me as they settle down, talking in a foreign language around the fire.
My lips are chapped and my mouth is dry and even though I know they won’t share their food, I’m hoping they’ll share some of their water.
“Excuse me?” I speak up, my voice cracking. “Hello!”
They don’t acknowledge me. They don’t even spare me a glance.
I let myself fall sideways and wiggle toward the stream as best as I can with my hands and feet bound.
My clothes get all dirty and a couple of branches scratch up my face, but I keep pushing until I finally reach the water.
I take a big gulp, shivering at how cold it is before taking another sip, and another, and another.
I drink until I almost feel sick, not having had anything all day. Then, out of nowhere I’m yanked backward.
I look over my shoulder at the Grounder who’s got ahold of my sweatshirt and glare at him. “Hey! What’s your problem? It’s not like I was going to escape! How could I. . .” I whisper that last part dejectedly, but the grounder only grunts and throws me back against the tree.
It makes my back sting and I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent a curse from slipping off my tongue as the grounder gets another rope, wrapping it around my middle and around the tree to keep me kn place.
“What do you even want from me?” I ask, tugging against on restraints.
No reply.
“Where are you taking me?”
Again, nothing.
The Grounder makes sure all my bindings are secure before rejoining the others around the fire.
As frustrating as it is not to get any answers, I’m starting to think that they might not understand what I’m saying. After all, they haven’t spoken anything other than their own language and whenever I ask them something, they just ignore me.
I lean my head back against the tree and close my eyes, trying my best to ignore my aching body.
It’s been a very long day and I feel myself falling asleep to the sound of the Grounders’ chatter and the crackling of the fire.
What is this place? I look around with wide eyes taking in my surroundings.
We’re in a bustling city which has a huge tower right in the middle of it.
The tower looks like a remnant of the old world, falling apart but still intact, while the buildings around it seem to be fairly new. They’re small and look primitive being made out of wood and metal scraps, but they’re sturdy nonetheless and function as a multitude of things. I’m pretty sure we’ve already passed a forgery, a food stand, a butcher shop and a couple of stalls that sell clothes.
Impressive. . .
After a restless night of sleep, the Grounder that tied me to the tree cut me loose at dawn and pulled me to my feet. Then, they wordlessly dragged me through the woods again until we got here.
We’re pushing through the crowd of people gathered in the streets who eye us curiously, and if the direction we’re going in is anything to go by, I’m guessing we’re headed for the tower.
Why? I don’t know, but it seems like they don’t want to kill me just yet. Otherwise they would have done it the moment they found me.
Unlike yesterday, the sky today is covered by low, dark clouds. The wind has also picked up, carrying a metallic smell with it which I’m thinking might be the smell I’ve read about in books that’s associated with rain.
I’ve always wanted to know what rain is like, what it looks and sounds like, and what it feels like on the skin, but now I’ll probably be dead before any of that happens.
What if they throw me off the tower in some sort of ritualistic sacrifice?
My heart drops at the thought, but I’m too hungry and weak to dig my heels into the ground to stop our advancing.
I haven’t had anything to eat since being hauled out of my cell on the Ark, and the only thing I’ve had to drink was the water I managed to sip from the stream last night before being so rudely interrupted.
We enter the tower, the Grounders holding me nodding at the guards stationed next to the doors, and my eyes widen at the sight of the seemingly working elevator we get on.
We descended, the elevator creaking as it moves slowly before the doors open once again, revealing a dimly lit hallway.
Metal cell doors line each side and before I can protest I’m shoved into one of the cells.
The dirt-covered ground is cold and unrelenting as my knees collide with it and I wince in pain, curling up in one of the corners as the door gets slammed shut.
Great, from one cell to the next.
The Grounders leave, chatting animatedly and I drop my eyes to the metal bracelet on my wrist.
It transmits my vital signs to the Ark and because I’ve been down here for more than a day now I’m sure it has already proven that the Earth is survivable which means the 100 will be prepared to be sent down here as well.
I don’t know how long it will take for them to get here though. A day maybe? Or a week? A month? Several months?
I just don’t know, all I know is that I’m on my own and no one is coming to help me.
There’s no window in the cell, the only light streaming in through the spaces between the metal bars of the door is from the flickering torch in the hallway.
I sigh, shivering slightly, and close my eyes. My legs are pulled up to my chest and I protectively wrap my arms around them, pulling them even closer to my body.
No one is coming to help. . . I’m going to die here.
I must have fallen asleep because I wake up an unknown amount of time later with a start when I’m roughly pulled to my feet by the same Grounder who dragged me through the forest.
“Get up,” he growls and the fact that he speaks English after all stuns me so much that he has to shove me to get us moving.
“Where are we going?” I ask weakly. I’m lightheaded from not eating in so long and my tongue feels like sandpaper.
The Grounder grunts and wraps his hand around my upper arm, his grip so harsh I’m sure it will leave a bruise.
“Hey! I asked you some—“
I cringe when the back of his monstrous hand harshly collides with my cheek, sending a sting through the entire right side of my face.
“The Commander is ready to see you now,” he snarls. He pulls me into the elevator with him and I raise my hand to my throbbing cheek, closing my eyes to will the tears that are threatening to spill away.
Who the hell is The Commander?! And why does he want to see me? Why didn’t they just kill me when they found me. . .
This is just the beginning of the story, people!!
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fatliterature · 1 month ago
The day the voice took over
Something’s up with me. I can’t get the idea of… getting fatter out of my head. When I’m doing other things it’s still there, when I’m living my normal office intern life, it’s humming beneath the surface. 
Have you noticed how thin people often think about getting fatter too? Especially when there’s food involved. Every lunchtime they get out their little meals and talk about their weight and their diet. It’s like they need to, to make themselves feel better. ‘Oh I can’t finish this sandwich it’s so big, plus I ate so much at my kids birthday party this weekend.’ Once you notice it- it’ll drive you crazy. 
It seems like we all think about getting fatter in one way or another. They all seem to have this voice inside them. It tells them when enough is enough. It tells them when to stop. I sort of understand… because I have a voice like that too, except mine has been telling me to eat more. In fact lately, it’s been getting worse. It’s been telling me to talk about it out loud, just like they do.
The first time it happened I couldn’t stop myself. Someone at the desk behind me had just taken out their lunch. They did what they always do, made their comments. ‘I can’t finish a can of soda like this, the fizzy sugary-ness sort of tingles after a while.’ 
‘Oh really? I drink a 2 liter of that a day, it’s incredible.’ Oop. Silence. 
What was I doing? To them I had broken some kind of taboo, the rule of restraint. I was openly and happily drinking a whole bottle of that sugary soda a day? And even worse, I was proud of it? The voice inside me was laughing, its like it had breached the surface for the first time. They stared at me. 
Over the next few weeks the voice got bolder. My thin coworkers cannot resist the habit of making their comments about themselves, and I couldn’t stop the voice inside me from responding. 
‘I’m thinking of cutting out dairy from my diet…’
‘Dairy is SO good though, have you ever drank an entire bottle of whole milk?’
‘How many calories are in this energy bar I’m eating? Woah 200? That seems high…’
‘No way I’ve got 2000 calories for my lunch.’
‘Rachel’s birthday cake is on the counter, I’m trying to be good though.’
‘I’ll have your slice, Is there any whole milk in the refrigerator? I’m still hungry.’
They were horrified by me. The funny thing is, the more I let myself say these things, the less I seemed to care. In fact, I was eating more than ever, just because I felt so liberated. This is crazy. I knew I was making them uncomfortable, but I couldn’t stop myself. My lunches got bigger. After half a year, I got bigger too. 
I came into the office one morning and my clothes were incredibly tight. I sat down with my breakfast and my shirt stretched over me. It was so uncomfortable. I noticed my coworker looking.
‘Have you been to the gym much recently?’
We had talked about the gym before. He knew I lifted weights sometimes. This was his way of trying to find out what was going on with me. But my brain was losing any sense of shame. I didn’t want to tip-toe around it anymore. The voice was becoming too strong.
‘No I’m trying to get fatter.’
Jesus Christ. The look on his face. ‘You want to get fatter?’ He looked down at my body. 
‘Yeah! Hahah’ 
Oh my god I really didn’t care anymore. I reached for my breakfast. He was still watching me. The way I stretched, something about the angle, I felt a tear. My shirt burst open. A button shot from my belly button. It hit him right in the forehead. 
‘Oh my god are you okay? That was crazy! Wow I’ve never burst a shirt like that before… what a milestone! I’m gonna have to go buy some bigger shirts…’ 
This was the final stage of my evolution, after this point there was no going back, I would get bigger yes, I would get huge, but there would be no bigger change than the one that happened inside my own head right here. I couldn't hide it anymore. The shameless, hungry voice had become my own voice, forever.  ‘…but first let me eat this breakfast’
I grabbed my food and started eating. He was still staring.
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elizabeth-chambers-author · 1 month ago
An excerpt from Little Samantha's Savior, available now on Kindle Unlimited!
When Miss Daisy finds poor Samantha in the pouring rain outside of her adult baby nursery, she knows that she can nurse this little girl back to health in the comfort of The Padded Princess Playroom. But will Samantha learn how to accept being cared for in such an intimate way?
You can read the entirety of Little Samantha's Savior right now on Kindle Unlimited to find out!
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“Let’s take that out for a bit, okay honey?” Miss Daisy said, plucking the pacifier from my lips. “You can have this back if you want it for your nap, but I’m sure you have plenty of questions right now.”
Big girl talk… how does she switch back and forth so easily?
“We’ve got a little privacy, so don’t be so shy now Samantha,” Miss Daisy said. “Talk as much or as little as you want while I handle this.”
“Handling this” meant first drawing a long, white strap over my chest, right underneath my breasts, to make sure that I couldn’t get up.
“Is… that necessary?” I asked.
“Yes, honey, it is,” Miss Daisy said. “Even a big girl like you might fall off the changing table if you’re not secured, and I wouldn’t want you to get any more injured than you might already be, it’s for your safety and mine.”
“And yours?” I asked.
Miss Daisy giggled a little before reaching under the changing table to find the wrist and ankle restraints she had said I’d be wearing.
“You think you’d be able to sit still for a diaper change, but I’ve done enough of these to know even the biggest girls in my nursery still manage to squirm and wiggle no matter how good they promise to be. I’m not in the business of getting kicked if this tickles, so just relax and let me handle it, okay?”
Just relax…
That was something I hadn’t really had the chance to do for several years now. Miller Metals was just the beginning, on top of a half a dozen unfulfilling side hustles, classes, and balancing on the knife edge of bankruptcy each and every month. To relax was to let myself be vulnerable to anything and everything.
Vulnerability was exactly what Miss Daisy expected, though. I was going to have to learn it, or she was going to ensure I’d cooperate.
I didn’t fight it while she attached the cuffs around my wrists, before attaching them to short ropes at the top of the changing table above my head.
“Now, that’s just so you don’t touch anything down there while I work, Samantha,” Miss Daisy said. “Leave these messes to the professionals, and I’ll leave you to make messes in your diapers.”
She smiled as she bound me to the changing table. This was more than work for her, it was passion that she put her whole spirit into.
“I… don’t really…” I started as she finished with my arms, and moved onto my legs.
“Yes, you do, Samantha,” Miss Daisy cut me off. “For everything – like I said I don’t have a bathroom for you to use, and it would be too much to ask of my staff, or myself, to carry you to the staff bathroom on the other side of the facility every time you need to go.”
She tightened the cuffs around my ankles, before connecting them together with a single link. Wherever one leg was, the other had to follow right now.
I pouted as she denied me the privilege of even asking to use the restroom. I didn’t know if she was serious about all the rules now that we were in private, but this one seemed more important than the rest.
“You’ll get used to it, everyone does,” Miss Daisy said. “Just think of it like a spa treatment every time you get your diaper changed – you won’t have to lift a finger!”
That’s a strange way to put it… but I’ll try I guess.
I took a deep breath, expecting to be sealed in a diaper once again, but Miss Daisy pulled out a thermometer instead from underneath the changing table.
“Alright, let’s see how your temperature is after a bath,” Miss Daisy said. “It was pretty low when we brought you in, but it probably rebounded to cause those cheeks to be so flush.”
I’m not sick! I’m just… embarrassed.
But I couldn’t tell for sure, I had felt so hot for the last few hours that maybe I was feverish. She just wanted to help, so I opened my mouth for her to check.
“Oh, do you want your pacifier again?” Miss Daisy asked, standing suspiciously close to my bottom, with her hand grasping one of my bound ankles. “It might help to have something to suckle for this.”
Miss Daisy picked up the pacifier, but I turned my head away.
“No!” I said. “I just thought you were going to take my temperature.”
Miss Daisy looked at me with a blank expression.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing sweetie,” she said. “Now, open up please.”
Thinking we were past the confusion, I opened my mouth, only for Miss Daisy to push the pacifier inside of my mouth instead.
“HHHMPH!” I said through the muffling nipple.
Miss Daisy kept her finger on the pacifier, holding it in place while I struggled against the changing table’s restraints.
“See, this is why you need to be in restraints, sweetheart,” Miss Daisy said. “The changing table isn’t for squirming.”
As soon as I stopped moving, she pulled her fingers away, and stepped toward my legs again. My large eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when she lifted my ankles and pushed my knees toward my chest to expose my now hairless backdoor.
“MMMPH!” I said, before realizing I could just spit the pacifier out. “Wait, that’s not!”
Too late…
Miss Daisy had pre-lubricated the thermometer, slipping it easily between my cheeks.
“AAAAAH EEE HEE HEE!” I whined as I felt it slip inside. “Hey!”
“Hush, Samantha,” Miss Daisy commanded. “I gave you the pacifier
“But, I’m…” I started. “I can do it the right way!”
Miss Daisy shook her head from side to side, twisting the thermometer in my bottom so that I could feel it pushing deeper inside of me.
“I’m sure you think so, but in my nursery, this is the right way to check a girl’s temperature,” Miss Daisy said. “Rectally is the most accurate way, Samantha, so before you speak again I want you to consider that I’m just doing what’s best for you.”
I slammed my head against the padded surface and relaxed my arms as I realized it was hopeless.
“Ugh, fine!” I said in frustration.
Miss Daisy held the thermometer in place while I pouted, waiting patiently while I wanted the moment to end as soon as possible. The diaper didn’t sound nearly as bad compared to having my temperature taken like an infant.
“Is it almost done?” I asked after a few minutes.
Miss Daisy twisted the thermometer again, causing me to sharply breath out. It tickled, but not like a funny ha-ha tickle – like a tingly tickle.
“Watch your tone, Samantha,” Miss Daisy said. “I wouldn’t be giving me an attitude if I were you, when your bottom is oh-so-spankable right now."
As she spoke, my eyes rolled back as she continued to wiggle the little invader in my bottom, tilting it up and down. I pulled my wrists against the restraints, and involuntarily, felt myself starting to glisten in what was soon going to become my diaper area.
Ready for more? Check out Little Samantha's Savior with your Kindle Unlimited subscription today.
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nctluhv · 2 years ago
Haechan x fem!reader (ft Nomin as Haechan’s best friends)
Warnings// stepcest, noncon, unprotected sex, reader is a BITCH, nomin are pervy, haechan fucks some sense into reader, humiliation of reader by being recorded, video shown to others
Don’t like it, don’t read. You are responsible for reading any further!!
Not proofread
Haechan knew what he wanted, and that was you. It frustrated him every time he would overhear you talking about another guy.
But something else that really frustrated him was the way you treated him. All of those times where you shot a dirty look his way, all of the shit talking you did to your friends, all of the insults that came out of your mouth. All it did was frustrate him.
Anytime his friends would come over they would only dwell in how hot you were and the slutty clothes you wore around them and specially them… short shorts and a tank top that showed so much cleavage it was surprising you’ve never had a nip slip before.
Haechan hates to think about how many times hes has his hand wrapped around his hard cock thinking of you. But he knew it was wrong. For fucks sake, you’re his stepsister. However, it was justified to an extent. I mean you guys have known each other for a while, but not as stepsiblings but as classmates. You have a history of strong hate for each other.
“You don’t realize how lucky you are to have a girl like that living in the same house as you Haechan”
The words slipped from his friends mouth. His friends name was Jaemin. Na Jaemin. The amount of times he’s checked out your boobs is uncountable. He’s also a huge perv and never fails to make comments on your appearance when talking about you.
Jeno nods his head in agreement.
The “He’s right Hae, the only thing she needs is an attitude change. She’s seriously the bitchiest girl I’ve ever met. Out of everyone who’s been inside of her.. none of them have had a good enough dick to shut her up??”
Jeno spews.
“You guys are fucking gross, shes my fucking stepsister.”
Haechan acts disgusted but it’s all he ever thinks about. His tongue lapping your clit while his hands cover your mouth so that you don’t disturb the neighbors.
Jeno and Jaemin are well gone and have been for a few hours. You sit in your room on your phone scrolling through tiktok. You soon get out of your bed to stroll down to the kitchen for a glass of water.
Of course when you get there you see Haechan sitting on the couch, doing the same thing you just were. He looks up at you and you sarcastically wave back at his blank stare.
“I don’t appreciate the way you act y/n. You walk around acting like you’re the shit when all you do is let yourself get used by the desperate man whores that walk around this small area.”
You look up at him with a look of complete and utter shock. How could he talk to you like that? Who does he think he is?
“Who the hell are you talking to like that?”
The words come out of your mouth as he rises from his spot on the couch. He walks fast towards you and you feel your heart start to sink. He never does anything about your attitude so what is this all of a suddenness??
Haechan soon makes his way into the kitchen. He wraps his hand around your throat and squeezes slightly.
“This attitude better fucking come to an end or ill end it myself”
You soon push him off of you and he gives a look of disbelief. How dare you put your hands on him??
“Thats it y/n”
Before you even get a chance to open your mouth, he pulls you by your arm into his room. He checks the time.
12:17 AM
Haechan pushes you onto his bed and starts to unbuckle his belt. You’re confused. What the hell is going on??
“You better stay the fuck quiet y/n. Better not hear a single word slip out of your mouth.”
All confusion leaves your body as soon as he uses his belt to wrap your hands in. He’s using it as a restraint… and a good one at that.
He soon pulls out his phone and hits record in one hand as he’s ripping your spandex-like shorts off with the other. You whine and kick and cry out as he strips you naked. The phone makes it a million times worse.
“Say hi to jaemin and jeno !”
You hide your face as Haechan gets more frustrated. You feel a burn tingle in your cheek. He just slapped you. What has gotten into him??
Right as you’re thinking about how to stop him, he pulls his hard dick out of his pants and aligns it with your sopping pussy.
With no warning he pushes in and you scream out.
“Tears running down your pretty face makes me more horny baby”
You cry out more. How could he do this to you?
Haechan thrusts harder while still recording.
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virescent-v · 1 year ago
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Part One
Summary: Tragedy strikes Emily, leaving her with a life or death decision. Tempted by a stranger, enticed by a life she knows nothing about, Emily has twenty-four hours to decide. What fate beholds our beloved agent?
Word count: 1.3k
Warning: Nothing for this, I think? Light talk about restraints, maybe a little blood/gore if you squint?
A/N: I've been dreaming of a vampire!Emily fic for ages. I'm taking the stake to the heart and writing it myself lol. This is Emily x OC. I'm curious how everyone will feel about it, so leave me some comments! This first part is going to be kinda short, just a glimpse of what is happening in my head. Lmk what you think!
A quick, shadowed, blur brought a searing pain across Emily’s abdomen. With the adrenaline pumping through her veins, the pain took a few seconds to hit her. A draft in the darkened, damp, warehouse highlighted the fact that her sweater had been sliced across the middle. Putting her hand across her belly, however, made her aware that there was blood. 
A lot of blood. 
She tried to take a few more steps, push further into the warehouse to meet back up with her team, but the pain caused her to crumple to the floor. 
“Fuck,” she whispered, trying to put pressure on the bleeding. Emily could feel it ooze from around her fingers, dripping steadily onto the floor below. 
Trying to keep her voice down to not alert the unsubs they were chasing, Emily brought her wrist up to her mouth, trying to communicate through the mic that was hidden in her sleeve. “Officer down. I’ve been stabbed. I repeat, officer down.” 
She wasn’t sure how exactly the team had ended up separated, other than the warehouse being a maze full of shipping containers stacked almost to the ceiling. She could’ve sworn Derek was behind her, but when she turned around, she was alone. 
“Emily, where are you?!” Hotch’s voice came through on the ear piece. 
There were echoes of hurried footsteps all around her, becoming more and more indiscernible as seconds ticked by. She wasn’t sure if they were her team trying to find her or assailants trying to escape. 
Emily blinked rapidly, her vision becoming blurry around the edges. With a groan, she lifted her arm to speak into the mic. It took more effort than she cared to admit, each breath feeling like fire in her lungs. “Gah, I don’t know, Hotch!” She laid down on the floor, the coolness seeping into her overheated body. “I don’t think I’m gonna make it.” 
She was vaguely aware of Hotch’s panicked voice in her ear, her brain refusing to focus on the words. 
The echoes of footsteps were getting louder, but she had the sinking feeling it wasn’t her coworkers. She tried to drag her weakened body across the floor, push herself against the shipping container to hide as much as possible. Trying to give her team more time to find her. 
Another shadowed figure appeared, staring over her body with their head tilted. The body was slim, and couldn't be much bigger than her. 
The hairs on Emily’s body stood up, a warning. She didn’t know this person, but something about them felt almost familiar. Like she could trust them. Not that she had much choice, her muscles in her extremities falling limp, buzzing with the loss of electrical impulses as her body tried to save the major thoracic organs. 
“Grab her,” the figure said. “She won’t make it before the ambulance arrives. Leave the others.” 
From the darkness, a taller, broader, more defined body came into view. Emily tried to focus on their features, but the spots in her vision made it impossible. 
A rush of wind, the feeling of floating before a hard surface at her back. The slam of a door. A  car? Her breath coming more slowly, her pulse faintly drumming in her chest. 
The last thing Emily remembers before darkness is a pinching sensation at her lower neck. 
With a grimace, Emily shifted, her body heavy, like trudging through a thick layer of mud. Overwhelming sensations prickled across her skin, almost as if she could feel each fiber of her shirt against each single cell of her body. 
She tried to blink, but her eyelids felt glued shut. She went to rub at them, only to find her hands tied down. 
As the panic started to overtake her, a slam of a door thudded in whatever room she was in. 
Slow, steady footsteps – heels? –  echoed on what seemed to be marble flooring. She tried to slow her breathing, but realized she was already holding it. 
Where was she? What was happening?
The last thing she remembers is the warehouse, all-consuming pain, and then nothingness. 
“I know you’re awake,” the voice said. “I can almost hear your thoughts.” The voice chuckled, a melodic sound definitively belonging to a woman. “You need to open your eyes. We have much to discuss.” ‘
Emily swallowed dryly, utterly confused.  She tried again to open her eyes, to no avail. 
“Oh, sorry. They’re still taped. Gimme a second.” 
Emily flinched as extremely cold hands lightly touched her face, slowly peeling tape from her eyes. Cautiously, she opened them, her eyes focusing sharply. 
“Where am I?” She said, tilting her head around, trying to figure it out, but nothing looked familiar. Marble floors, expansive windows, decor that even she couldn’t afford. 
“Agent Prentiss, you need to listen to me. I will answer all of your questions, but we’re running on a tight time frame right now.” The woman moved closer, staring directly into Emily’s eyes. 
Emily’s brow furrowed at the color of the stranger’s eyes; a deep cognac color, hints of a golden honey. Unnatural. Contacts, maybe? 
The woman smiled. Somehow, this put Emily at ease, her tense muscles relaxing slightly. 
“My name is Adelaide Turner. You may call me Addie. Two nights ago, you were stabbed in a warehouse in Boston. You had gotten separated from your team trying to catch a prolific serial killer.” 
Memories flooded Emily’s mind, the vision of a darkened blur, the feeling of the cold, wet floor beneath her. A slight, hooded figure and a larger henchman. 
“The wound across your abdomen was extensive. Your organs barely kept inside by the fascia. You would not have survived if I hadn’t found you when I did. No living medical person would’ve been able to save you.” 
Emily’s eyes cut to Addie’s. “Living?” 
Addie smirked. “Caught that, did you?” She cleared her throat. “Stay with me, Agent. What I’m going to tell you is absolutely true, no matter how unbelievable it may seem.” 
Emily felt her walls go back up, distrust starting to overtake her. Who was this woman? 
Addie took a deep breath. “I bought you more time. I–,” she faltered for a second, eyes downcast. Emily watched her steady herself, before catching her eyes again. “I am a vampire. I bit you to buy you time.” 
Addie watched as Emily processed her words, stopping her before she could object. “You know it to be true. You remember the bite.” 
Another glimpse of a memory. A pinch at her neck. 
Addie nodded. “I know it sounds made-up. Trust me, I’ve been there,” she rolled her eyes. “The only thing keeping you alive right now is the virus  coursing through your veins.” 
At this point, Emily finally felt a slight burning sensation continuously running up and down her body, flowing with her blood. She winced, not enjoying the way it felt in her toes and fingers. 
“The virus takes time to take hold. If I leave you as is, you will turn into a vampire, just like me,” Addie said, smiling. She waited for Emily’s full attention, opening her mouth and letting her fangs descend, the sharp points overtaking her canines. They weren’t much longer than her other teeth, but definitely noticeable. 
Emily struggled to believe what was clearly in front of her. Vampires were supposed to be myths, legends, costume ideas for kids at Halloween, and fun, action-packed horror movie characters. Not real beings. 
Trying to wrap her head around the new information, Emily paused. “What do you mean if you leave me as is?” 
Addie shrugged. “I could give you the antidote to the virus and you could die.” 
Emily scoffed. “That’s it? I have two options?” Her brow furrowed deeper. “Dead or deader?” 
Addie darkly chuckled. Emily tried not to bristle at the noise. “I know, neither are great. It’s up to you.” Addie turned and started walking to the door. She paused, her hand on the handle. “You don’t have long to decide. The virus will completely take hold in two days time. After that, you will become one of us.” She turned and looked back at Emily, still strapped to a table in the middle of the room. “You have until tomorrow morning to decide, Emily. I’ll come back in a few hours and answer any questions you may have,” she said, closing the door quietly behind her. 
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pixie-in-a-moonlantern · 11 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Apparently, writers post their WIPs on this glorious day. Why not, I'll bite - I'm in the middle of something right now ;)
As some of you know, I have this fun little thrupple of f!Durge, Gort and Halsin. I've written 2 smutty Durgetash fics, so now it's time for a Halsin-only interlude fic before I mix them up more.
So I share with you this smutty and fluffy snippet 💛
Explicit NSFW 18+, f!Durge, loving smut (inexperienced blowjob), angst, fluff. (No aggressive abs and dehydrated muscles 😘)
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His breath catches when my teeth gently nip at his earlobe. The tips of my fingers run along the swirly lines of his tattoo, then down to his chest to tangle in the bushy body hair. I press my palms into his flesh, enjoying the perfect ratio of firmness and softness of his impressive muscles.
I toss all restraint aside and bite into his scrumptious breast. He chuckles, but I sense the tremble of his hand as it comes up to rake my hair. Encouraged by this, I gently bite into his skin lower and lower, over the mild hill of his plush tummy, right down to the hem of his trousers.
I hear him gulp above me and I grin to myself, my mouth already watering at the sight of the bulge of his cock straining against the fabric.
I look up and he knows what I’m asking. One corner of his mouth curls upwards and he nods, his hazel eyes wild.
I’ve only done this to him twice and I was bad at it—I couldn’t fit much of him in my mouth and I gagged way too soon—but I loved tasting him and he seemed to enjoy letting me. So I free the thick shaft from his trousers and lie on my stomach with my head in his lap, so I can use both my hands to play.
It’s long and thick and dreamy. A delicate pattern of veins stretches across the delicious purplish velvet. The head is like a bell hat on top, already softly glistening, sporting the clear bead of his excitement as a fancy accessory.
“Has anyone ever told you your cock is gorgeous?” I can't help but ask.
He’s watching me with hooded eyes and seems taken by surprise by my question. So I wait for nothing and wrap my lips around him. I hum in approval, tasting the musky goodness. Then begin unhurriedly licking and sucking, taking in as much as I safely can.
The sounds I’m drawing from him are music to my ears. The vulnerability of a man with his manhood at the mercy of a lover’s mouth… there’s something divine about it. I’m almost positive a chunk of my enjoyment lies in the desire to have power over people in an entirely different situation: torture and murder. But the majority of me loves it for these sounds.
And for the chaotic, unfocused way his hand is softly grasping for my hair; not to control, but to caress.
“Nara,” he manages to grunt as I’m mindlessly swirling my tongue around the head, tasting his musk. “I need to be inside you.”
My eyes widen in a silent question. Oh well, I shrug to myself. I can give it a good try. I angle him into my mouth, try to relax my throat as much as I can, and slowly slide more and more of him in.
I feel his fingers touch my chin as he chuckles. I let go of his cock and look up.
“I had something else in mind,” he smiles and gently guides me up to his mouth. “Your turn,” he whispers and kisses me, his hands already pulling my clothes off.
“Oh,” I snicker. “Not getting better at it, am I?”
“You still need practice,” he rumbles, amusement in his tone. “But it’s not that I didn’t enjoy it. I just want to repay you.”
“You’ve kept me alive through the worst case of my murderous urges, I think there’s nothing to repay,” I shake my head.
“I would have done that regardless of the shape of our bond, Nara,” he looks me in the eyes, mien serious. “I want to repay your love. You could have been with your old flame right now, getting treated like the deity you are. Instead, you’re here with me, worried about my feelings. I fail to put into words what that means to me.”
“Halsin,” I breathe out, hugging him. “That just makes me want to shower you with love even harder. I want you to feel loved. Do you feel loved when you’re with me?”
He gulps and softly sighs, “Yes.”
I can tell he’s scared. Perhaps expecting me to disappear. I can’t even imagine what would make me do that if I was free—but Bhaal can still make the choice for me. There’s really nothing I can promise as long as I’m puppeteered by his hand.
So I hug Halsin tighter, running my fingers through his hair, inhaling their scent. He slowly finishes undressing me, his fingers electrifying every inch of my skin they touch. The air is getting cool as the sun is slowly setting, but his enormous form is like a furnace, keeping me warm against the breeze.
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whump-me · 2 years ago
Martyr, Chapter 28: Not Over Yet
Chapter 28 of Martyr, a novel-length sci-fi whump story about a captured Martian rebel with a secret and the renowned interrogator who has waited a decade for the chance to break him. This series is best read in order. Masterpost here.
Contains: whumper POV, restraints, interrogation, aftermath of severe injury, verbal sparring, emotional whump
“Then your rebellion meant nothing to you?” Isadora asked, testing him, even though he had given her the answer she had expected. “You would abandon it so easily?”
“You’re the one who just got done telling me how stupid it would be for me to go back.”
“Well, yes, but you rebels tend to have more conviction than brains. I’ve talked to a lot of you over the years, and the way you tend to talk, you’d think you were all champing at the bit for the chance to martyr yourselves.”
“The way you did, you mean?”
Why did this man, even now, have the power to ignite a flame of hot anger in her cold center? “Even if I were foolish enough to chase death based on an ephemeral emotion, I have enough brains to know staying alive to fight another day would be far more effective.”
“Oh, really.” Half his lips twisted on one side in a faint, bitter echo of his old grin. “You mean to tell me you haven’t given up anything of yourself for what you believe in? So you were born this way, huh?” He shook his head. “You must’ve been a strange child to raise, if that’s the case.”
The flame of fury grew. She ruthlessly tamped it down. She took a deep breath—in for four, out for four.
She knew why his words got to her the way they did. At this point in the game, it was pointless to deny it. He wouldn’t have been able to get under her skin this way if he weren’t right.
She loosened her hands around the arms of her chair. She hadn’t realized she had tightened them. “We were talking about you,” she reminded him. “If anything you said in our first real conversation was true, you’ve been with the rebellion from the beginning. Even if you’re not as eager to sacrifice yourself as your compatriots, could you really walk away from something you’ve devoted your life to for so long? Was it really only ever about the pull he had over you?”
“That’s a complicated question,” said Wraith. There was no artifice in his voice. Strange as it seemed, she had the impression he was giving her question the consideration it deserved.
At last, he continued. “It wasn’t just about him,” he finally said. “I watched people die, the same as a lot of us did. I was angry. But not everyone who was angry took the route I took. Even before I knew I loved him, I was trying to be what he wanted. If I had, maybe I would have taken some brief futile revenge and flamed out quickly. Or maybe my anger would have burned bright and hot for a while, and then faded away as I let myself forget about those early days. Would that have been better? I don’t know. I’m proud of the work I’ve done, no matter why I did it.”
“You’re proud of the people you killed?” Isadora couldn’t resist cutting in.
At that, he graced her with a cold smile. “I may not be a true believer, but I still take satisfaction in justice. Not to mention revenge. So yes, I am.” Then the smile faded from his face as he continued. “The rebellion would be better off with me, I know that for certain. But let’s be honest—that’s not an option for me anymore, no matter what I want. Even if I were to walk out of here today—and we both know how likely that is—you people would track me right back to them. Back to him. I can’t let that happen.”
“Only if you let them,” Isadora pointed out. “You haven’t kept yourself alive this long by being easy to track.”
He acknowledged her words with a half-shrug. His face showed how much that simple movement cost him. “I could go back. It’s what a true believer would do; it’s what he would do. What you would do, I’m sure. But me? I’ve spent half of the last ten years trying to be everything he wants me to be, and the other half keeping him and everyone he cares about alive by being everything he can’t be. I wouldn’t mind being selfish for once. I’d like to figure out if there’s something else I can love the way he loves the cause. Something—someone, maybe—that would love me back.” He lowered his head. His hair fell across his eyes. “Or at least not break my heart.”
His lips curved in a wry smile. “Not that it matters, because you and I both know I’m going to die here. I’m going to die for him, just like he planned—just like I planned. It’s a shame we only figure these things out after it’s too late, isn’t it?”
An unexpected burst of laughter, sharp and jagged as the shards of ice she could feel snapping loose in her chest, left her lips at that. Wraith’s head jerked up. His eyes went wide. For a second, before he covered it up, pure panic shone in his gaze.
He smoothed out his expression a second later, but a dark glimmer of fear remained. His ragged breathing filled the room, breaking the silence left in the wake of her outburst.
Of course he had reacted that way—he probably thought she was losing control again. And who could blame him? After all, it wasn’t as if he was wrong. The only thing that had been holding her together—the image of the noble crusader she had clung to for so long—was gone. Even she didn’t know what was left.
Wraith stared deeply into her eyes. Whatever he saw there, it intensified the fear on his face, creating lines of tension where none had been a moment ago. But his voice, when he spoke, was weary and resigned. “Get on with it,” he said. “But do me a favor and finish the job this time, will you?”
“Don’t worry,” she said, “I’d rather not damage you all over again. It was hard enough healing you up the first time.”
Wraith didn’t answer for a moment, but the look on his face broadcast his skepticism clearly enough. He watched her without blinking, as if looking away for the slightest fraction of a second would bring her fists raining down on him all over again. Her gut tightened with shame.
Then she took a deep breath, and released the tension with her exhale. The time for shame was done, along with the time for self-deceit. Today, she was trying something new.
A sharp pain shot through her chest as another crack erupted in the ice that had held her together for so long. The pain was all in her head, she knew, but the felt real enough. Under the ice, dark water surged, rippling with emotion she didn’t understand. Was it a good feeling or a bad one? Was this joy she felt in her heart, or dread, or blind panic? Maybe some mix of the three. Maybe it didn’t matter.
“If we’re done talking about the future I’ll never have,” said Wraith, “how about you tell me who won your little game? You did beat me nearly to death. And you’re probably going to do it again. That’s a pretty clear victory for you, I’d say. On the other hand, I made Isadora Pope lose control, which has to count for something.” Unexpectedly, a flicker of his old grin played across the corners of his mouth. “Besides, you didn’t get what you wanted from me. And you won’t.”
“You’re still capable of your old bravado,” said Isadora. “I didn’t expect that.”
“Are you kidding? I don’t have the energy for that. I’m just telling you the truth.”
And she had to acknowledge to herself that it was true. She had never failed to make a prisoner talk— and yet, looking into Wraith’s tired eyes, she knew she would never get the information she wanted from him. Even if she destroyed him utterly, the way she had once planned to. He would take his secrets to his grave.
She wondered how it would feel to love someone like that. Did he feel about this leader of his the way she felt about her duty to Mars? Or did it feel more like the alien surge of emotion that ran through her body when she thought about the thing she had really wanted when she had demanded to come back to this place?
Because it had never really been about saving this benighted rock. It hadn’t been about about preserving Mars’s exports for Earth—who in the world had ever chosen to sacrifice their life for exports? No, she had sacrificed herself for the chance to be more than just one more grunt guarding a factory door. To fight for something greater than herself, like she had dreamed of when she had put on the uniform for the first time—even though back then she hadn’t had words to put to her desire, aside from some impassioned declarations about freedom and justice that made her cringe now. But the underlying desire had never faded.
Huh. Even as empty as she was, it seemed she could still feel something after all.
And yes, she decided as she looked into Wraith’s eyes—what he felt for his leader had to be something like that.
Despite what he had said, despite what she had thought, it looked like the two of them weren’t so different after all.
She didn’t share that thought with him.
He was still watching her, waiting for an answer. “I can’t answer that question,” she said, “because the game isn’t over yet.”
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beatsboy · 8 months ago
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7.28.24 / day 35 of romanticizing my life until i love myself again
it’s almost 2am, i woke up about an hour ago from a 5 hour “nap” after going to a queer day market to support my friend selling their art, and it was really cute and i was honestly super social as i have not had that much social interaction lately (getting used to living alone and having to actively go out and seek social interaction has changed my capacity when i do have it so much, like crazy not feeling drained every time i leave the house because i’ve already been like 5 people’s father/therapist/cleaner/etc before getting to the place i’m going to be supportive/present for someone else) but god damn it was so f u c k i n g hot and tbh i’m very proud of myself for making it as long as i did i only made it thanks to the ice cream vender who put my ice pack necklace (shoutout to my mom who has these for menopause and told me about them) in her cooler so it could get cold again and the lemonade vender who gave me a giant cup of ice to hold against various parts of my body to stay cool af and i got to talk about the music video, and future music videos, the more we talk about this stuff, the more motivated i feel to work on music i want to get to the part where i get to be the thing i’ve been building mostly in my brain for so long
originally, we were going for summer release, and then everything got all fucked up with my roommate situation and moving but i think it was meant to happen this way; this project is better suited for the fall, regardless, and clearly brat has taken over this summer in terms of music, on all levels, especially in the hyperpop scene there are still brat parties going on in la, smaller artists are still reaping the benefits of this album (though not getting much credit, as per usual) love seeing the dare dj a petal supply remix of a brat song and getting all the credit, it’s fine we can continue letting cis white dudes get the credit for queer artists, it’s fine i was literally at a brat market today, where everyone had brat merchandise it’s hard for any other music to break through the brat noise in pop/hyperpop right now, not to mention, boypop is kind of fucking freaky, so i do think sept/oct release would be good for the theme
i rewatch the assembly of the first minute or so of footage and literally cannot believe that that is me these are the movements i practice in the shower, in the corner, in my room, when no one’s looking, movements, expressions, i rarely actually see and the thing is, when i do see, i often shrink from them when i tried to practice performing like this in front of a mirror, i always lost it, the authenticity of it, the commitment, giving fully into the performance, the character, the self that’s the only way, in my opinion, to perform, because any level of restraint pulls you back to reality, that i am just a human, an insecure boy, going through puberty for the second time in his life of 27 years, afraid that he hasn’t done enough in his short time on this earth and wishes he’d taken a life-altering journey to a faraway planet where pop music was the harbinger of liberation instead of a stint in rehab and a coke addiction
anyway, market was fun, although so so hot, and after not going out all weekend, especially after thinking i was going to go to the rave on friday night and not, i really needed some socialization, with friends, and new people, and really needed some real time spent out of my apartment i got a really cute trucker hat that says “gay son” that i’m obsessed with and a really beautiful zine made by a trans guy about his gender journey (originally to raise money for his top surgery, which he had evidently already had, as he was standing there, fearlessly, with his shirt off) i honestly didn’t want to spend another $10 (i literally still have to make my rent in the next 3 days but telling myself i got this) but i think i just feel this intense awe when i see other trans guys post op shirtless, so free in a way i cannot imagine being so, naturally, i was blinded and overcome with this feeling, so i paid the $10 for the zine, and of course i do not regret it at all another vender had a kitten cafe with two 2 week old kittens inside (pictured) because they were too young to be left alone and while i was worried about them and the heat, they were quite cute
after being at the market for over 4 hours, af and i came back to my place, where i made us greek wraps with ground turkey and homemade tzatziki and cucumbers after we walked to h mart to get fresh tortillas i showed them the latest version of “boypop” which is so close i can taste the final mix (and am a bit mad i didn’t work on it today, but it’s fine, i was exhausted) they noticed the automation, the changes i’ve been making, i feel like i’ve actually been moving forward in my work this past week instead of just hyperfixating and going in circles, which is a danger i face in the finishing phase it’s hard to let go of a project, to let it be done i still listen to “king” and think of different harmonies i could record now with my current voice and i can sing whatever i want live, but the recording is done, the mix is done, there are no more changes to be made
i think, in the same way that i love people for their potential, and not always for who they are right now, i see a song as it’s potential, which is why i can imagine so much more than what is actually in front of me, and translate that symphony in my head into the daw, and i also why it’s so hard to let go, to stop, to step away from the infinity of changes and evolutions each project could still face sometimes it feels like i could just work on something forever and as i learn new things it will keep getting better and better, but at some point, i just have to let go
when i was a kid, my dad told me that an artist’s first album is always the best because it’s the cumulation of only their best works at the time, but then they just have to keep creating and they slowly get worse and worse i don’t know why i let this stick with me, more insidious influence from my father on a career i hadn’t even chosen when i knew him, it was just some dumb musing from a middle-aged man making himself feel smart by making a comment about maroon fucking 5
his birthday was 2 weeks ago i wonder if it makes him sad, on his birthday, at the age of 66, knowing he’s grown to be the kind of man who would offer back his relationship to his child, who has grown to hate him more than he hates himself, at a price, who has grown to be a man who can put a price tag on anything, even his love and support knowing he is one of the only people left in this planet, soon including even TSA agents and the DMV, to call me that name to wonder if i will ever come back, if i will ever call, if i will ever reach out, if i will ever show up and say i’m sorry dad you were right all along i got off the path and i sold my body and i want to go back to my normal life with a check for $5000, crying, and return to his control (i won’t) he tells my brother that it’s on me, ball’s in my court, if i want to come back that’s all i have to do, say sorry and pay the fine my terms have always been more simple, which i have communicated let’s talk, with a therapist present you two (parents) schedule (since they have crazy schedules) and i will be flexible (even though i too have crazy schedule) “he said he’s willing” my mother claimed, but it never came to fruition, of course not i blocked his number at first, i had to he wouldn’t stop calling, threatening me, telling me i’d made my mother sick with my behavior (becoming financially independent after realizing i was being financially/emotionally abused) i responded to his emails for a while, but they got worse, so i stopped then, his dad died, and i unblocked him just to call and give my condolences i left him unblocked after that. he could have called any time he wanted, but he didn’t i would know if he’d even tried
i wonder if my dad, too, ever sat alone in his first solo apartment journaling about his thoughts and reflecting on the ways his actions impacted other people mostly i hope not, because i don’t want to know if he did good things before he went bad, i want his fate to feel impossible for me to come to i already know that he read the tao te ching and the four agreements, things i’ve read as a young adult, that have brought me peace, that have taught me ways to move through the world, that don’t make sense when i think of him, and it makes me uneasy i don’t want to envision him being a morally good person and suddenly turning it makes me fear that i could still face the turn, when i want to believe that i have avoided it, that i am not capable of becoming a man like That
but, in truth, we are all capable of becoming like that, of selling out to some idea worse than what we believe in because it’s easy, because what we’re doing now is hard, because the rat race is tiring on the ground because our bodies are tired because maybe our fathers were right and the world’s a hard place and maybe i won’t because i know he wasn’t right, he never was, he was a professional bully who practiced on his wife and children but it is in every decision we make, daily, hourly, minute by minute, that determines who we are, and in ever decision, we can make the turn, we can cave and be cruel, we can give in and take the easy route, knowing that each of those decisions pulls us closer to That which we fear becoming the evil you fear lies as much in buying all your furniture on amazon as it does saying something cruel to someone who doesn’t deserve it just because you’ve had a stressful morning as much as the goodness you chase lives in being friendly to the coffee employee who’s taking forever on your drink when you’re late because it’s not their fault and their morning is just as important as yours as much as it lives in buying from local artists every decision determines how you move through the world, connecting each step and choice like a river, that is where you find where you’ll end up, which ocean you end up submerged in, which fish you will find yourself swimming into the dark night with and i crave free, calm waters for when i my end
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slightlyaboveaverageiq · 1 year ago
Connor and the Brat {Part 1}
A/N: After having random ideas for blurbs I have decided that I will turn Connor and the Brat into a full series so the blurbs aren’t fully out of context anymore. Trigger warnings: Brat will have NSSI (non suicidal self injury), eating disorders will be mentioned, childhood sexual abuse will be mentioned. Slight daddy/brat undertones but not a daddy kink I don’t think. Brat just calls him daddy jokingly when he tries to get her to do stuff. I haven’t decided if I will be talking about them in length or just a general overview so please read at own risk and remember to love yourselves ❤️
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This is Brat ❤️ ^^^
“I said I’m fine! It just needs a few more gauze wraps!” Connors attention was taking away from the charting in front of him to the screaming woman currently being wheeled in by Sylvie and Chelsea.
“Connor you’re in trauma 4” Maggie had called out to him without looking from her brick, which conincidently happened to be the room currently hold the woman who was still screeching like a banshee at Sylvie.
“What do we got?” The woman was struggling from the two paramedics as the tried to get her into the soft bed restraints Connor went to reach over but we met with a quick kick to the jaw and lower chin.
“26 year old female, superficial NSSI, roommate called when she couldn’t get the bleeding stopped herself. Good luck.” The last part was whispered as they walked out the door and Connor turned back to the woman green eyes staring into his and he pulled a stool up next to her but far enough away as to not startle her again.
“Those are some nasty looking cuts.” No response, he reached behind him and started digging around for a suture kit and antiseptic wipes. “What happened?” Still no answer but she didn’t flinch as he reached for her wrist to clean it and give her a shot of lidocaine, numbing the areas before starting her sutures. “ Have you ever had-“
“NO! I mean…no…I’m sorry. I’ve just been really overwhelmed with work and life and this…this is the only thing that makes me feel bette. I wasn’t trying to kill myself, I just wanted to feel something other than chaos.” He watched as she took her lower lip between her teeth and tugged on it a little, a clear sign her anxiety was getting the best of her and he nodded.
“Alright well you’re all cleaned up and since you’re showing no signs of suicidal or homicidal ideation there’s no reason to keep you here. I’ll get your vitals and then your discharge paperwork started. Do you know how tall you are?”
“About 5’2”
“Okay and how much do you weigh?” She mumbled something unintelligible and Connor could tell she was starting to get uncomfortable again. “I can do things the hard way but I’d rather not get another kick to the chin.” She laughed a little but it didn’t do much to help calm her nerves. “Can you please tell me how much you weigh?” His blue eyes searched hers and he watched as her pretty green ones filled with tears and she looked away.
“You’re gonna make me stay here if I tell you.” She whispered so softly he wasn’t quite sure he had heard it. He nodded and sat his tablet down before walking to the door and turning the lights off.
“Why don’t you rest for a little bit? Dr. Charles will be by later to evaluate you and get you admitted.” She didn’t say anything just nodded. “What’s your name for the paperwork?” A small smirk made its way to her face and he suddenly wished he hadn’t asked.
“You can just put Brat, I’m sure all the nurses and doctors will be calling me that when they come to complain.”
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